AdvancedEnergyPsych Chakras PDF

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Nancy Gnecco, LPC, DCEP


This manual has been prepared for your reference during the Advanced Energy
Psychotherapy and the Chakra System workshop. There are a number of
Internet resources that have been selected to support and enrich your workshop
experience. Hyperlinks have been embedded in the web version of this manual,
making it easy to click on those of interest to you and be immediately connected
to the web sites. To access the web version, use this URL:
Survival, Physical Identity, Family, Prosperity


Work slowly to establish trust

Decrease stress and anxiety
Affirm the physical: being in, and accepting the body
Address issues of security, safety, and right livelihood


Psychotherapy: Red colored foods (apples

o Look at earliest childhood development and beets)
o Was there any birth trauma? Hot spices (Red cayenne
o Explore relationship with mother peppers and Tabasco
o Evaluate issues with food sauce)
o Financial and prosperity issues Root vegetables: carrots,
o Forgive, release and resolve (if possible) potatoes, parsnips,
any unresolved family issues radishes, beets, onions,
Reflexology: work on the feet garlic, etc.
Re-birthing Protein-rich foods: eggs,
Matrix Re-imprinting meats, beans, tofu, soy
Network Chiropractic
EFT Palace of Possibilities



o Grounding/roots meditation
o John Bradshaw: Homecoming Meditation (on YouTube)
o Clearing the 1st Chakra - The Root Chakra Guided Meditation by
Lisa Beachy
o Tree of Life Meditation: page 73 in The Sevenfold Journey by
Anodea Judith


o Three poses for the Base Chakra

o Warrior 1
o Childs Pose

o Get a physical examination and address any physical issues

Women be up to date with your mammogram and bone
Men be up to date with prostate health
o Pamper your body and nourish yourself
o Get a massage
o Get a pedicure or a manicure
o Treat yourself to a special dinner out, or a favorite recipe


o Visit family elders and listen to their stories

o Do a genealogy chart
o Make peace with your mother (if you havent already)
o Ask your mother about her experience of your birth
o Forgive, release and resolve (if possible) any unresolved family
o Take a class in Tai-Chi


o Evaluate your connection with your work. Make some changes to

improve your work situation.
o Do you need to change careers?
o Make your work-space more beautiful
o Evaluate your financial situation
o Analyze your spending find out how and where you have actually
been spending money and modify wherever necessary
o Create a budget
o Balance your checkbook
o Invest money
o Start trust funds for your children or grandchildren
o Think of something you want to manifest and make a collage of it.
Then take one step toward obtaining it.

JOURNALING: Meditate on and write about any of the following words:

o Birth Mother
o Safety Nurture
o Work Play
o Money Abundance/scarcity
o Examine Inherited Beliefs: Make a list of any negative beliefs you
have about yourself or the world. Who taught you to believe that?
Once you have made your list, decide which items on it no longer
support your highest evolution and discard them in water. Bury
them in the ground with the intention of sending them to the giant
recycling plant in the center of Mother Earth. Find a way to
demonstrate gratitude for the items you have kept on your list.


o Go barefoot, stomping your bare feet on the ground. Remember,

the Base Chakra is all about feeling "grounded."
o Walk in the woods slowly observing the natural environment. Bring
home a rock or a leaf something that speaks to you, and keep it
on your desk.
o Create an EARTH altar
o Plant a seed and watch it grow. Avocado seeds make great indoor
o Do something to help the environment.

*Judith, Anodea. The Sevenfold Journey: Reclaiming Mind, Body & Spirit Through the Chakras. The
Crossing Press, 2625 Alcatraz Ave. #505, Berkeley CA 94705 (ISBN 0-8959-574-6 paperback).

Pleasure, Emotional Identity, Creativity


Increase identification with feeling states

Support release of blocked emotions
Address any issues of loss or grief
Support efforts to increase pleasure capacity
Emotional release or containment
Sweet fruits such as bananas, watermelon,
pears, apricots, oranges)
Psychotherapy Orange colored foods (oranges, pumpkin,
Inner child work squash, carrots, sweet potatoes)
Grief work Milk and Dairy Products
Boundary work Comfort foods:
Dialectical Behavior Therapy

Emotional Freedom Techniques

Polarity therapy
Movement/Dance therapy
12 Step Programs for addictions



o Clearing the 2nd Chakra - The Splenic Chakra Guided Meditation

by Lisa Beachy
o Cutting the Ties That Bind
o Sacral Chakra Meditation with Yoga Pose by Monique Danielle


o Goddess Pose
o Reclining Goddess Pose
o Pelvic Tilts

CHANGE: Do something different (anything)

o Choose a new route to drive to work

o Get a new hairstyle
o Read a book or see a move of a different variety than your usual.

o Make a list of things that gave you pleasure as a child and do some.
o Become aware of what gives you pleasure in your day-to-day life and
find a way to express your gratitude to the Universe for life's daily
o Buy a children's lullaby tape and play it when you go to bed.
o Read childrens books


o If you are in a sexual relationship:

Be creative - try something new.
Discuss your feelings about sex with your partner
Give each other a massage
Work with erotic self-help books with your partner

o If you are not in a sexual relationship:

Create a fantasy about who you would like your next partner to
be. What kind of intimacy would nurture you?
Make love to yourself.
Get a massage
Allow yourself to move sensuously, paying attention to the
feeling of textures, smells, taste


o Experiment with color: draw, paint try finger painting

o Work with clay get your hands dirty
o Do some creative movement - allow yourself the pleasure of
movement. Put some music on and give your body permission to
express itself.


o Lists: Make a list or lists of your second chakra issues (a guilt list, a
grief list, a habit list, an attachment list, a favorite exercises list, a belief
list, a pleasure list, etc.). Once you have made your list, decide which
items on it no longer support your highest evolution and discard them
in water. Go to the beach and send them out to sea, flush them, etc.
Find a way to demonstrate gratitude for the items you have kept on
your list.

o Visit the beach, a lake, a river, a waterfall

o Take hot bubble baths, or long showers, or enjoy a hot tub
o Pay attention to your need for liquid and how it feels going into your
o Pay attention to your water rituals like bathing, making coffee,
watering your plants.
o Swim or take an aqua-aerobics class

*Judith, Anodea. The Sevenfold Journey: Reclaiming Mind, Body & Spirit Through the Chakras. The
Crossing Press, 2625 Alcatraz Ave. #505, Berkeley CA 94705 (ISBN 0-8959-574-6 paperback).
Power, Energy, Right use of Will


Goal and action oriented

Use of will power
Address any victim consciousness
Address issues of power and control
Work with resistance


o Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
o Motivational Interviewing
Encourage touch: massage, Polarity Therapy
Emotional Freedom Techniques
Matrix Re-imprinting
Life Coaching


o Clearing the 3rd Chakra: Solar Plexus Chakra Guided Meditation by Lisa Beachy.
o Solar Plexus Meditation
o Candle Meditation: p. 151, The Sevenfold Journey: Reclaiming Mind, Body & Spirit
Through the Chakras by Anodea Judith

o Boat Pose
o Woodchopper
o Sun Salutation
o Warrior Pose
o Laughter Yoga

o Experiment with safe physical risks in which you push the edges of what you believe your
physical limitations to be: Hiking, parasailing, ride a roller coaster.
o Apply for a new job if you want one and go on an interview if invited.
o Make a new friend.
o Try a new social experience: go to a conference, join a group, have a party
o Do something--anything
o Aerobic exercise
o Take a Spin Class, Jazzercise, or Zumba
o Play outdoors with a child
o Take a dance class ("Dancing From the Inside Out" with Deborah Tracy is one that's held
locally on a "drop-in" basis)
o Take steps to break attachments that are not supporting your life force (relationships,
jobs, addictions)
o Set a goal and stick to it (i.e., food/exercise plan; balance checkbook)
o Clean out closets, attic, garage, basement
o Martial arts training

o Journal about any of the following words:

Power Authority Aggression Will power

Energy Transformation Ease Warmth

Humor Manifestation Control Violence

o Make a list of any of your third chakra issues. Put one item on each slip of paper.
o People I am angry at...
o I feel powerful when I...
o Being successful means...
o Make daily lists of things you intent to accomplish
o Make a 5 or 10-year plan. Describe your ideal life 5 or 10 years in the future, but write in
present tense. (I am whatever age, and this is how my life is different than it was 5 or 10
years ago.)
o Make a Bucket List of things you want to do, see, or experience in your life. Include travel,
education and skills.

o After you've made your journal list, burn any of the slips of paper that contain items that
prevent you from moving forward. Burn any that do not support your life force. Of the
remaining, turn them into affirmations and use in your daily meditations.
o Build a FIRE altar: a candle, pictures of things you want to accomplish, awards you have
achieved (since childhood), degrees you have obtained, things that energize you.

*Judith, Anodea. The Sevenfold Journey: Reclaiming Mind, Body & Spirit Through the Chakras. The
Crossing Press, 2625 Alcatraz Ave. #505, Berkeley CA 94705 (ISBN 0-8959-574-6 paperback).
Love, Compassion, Relationships


Avoid discussions, problem solving, plans & programs

Move from
Gentle approach
Limit struggle HEALING FOODS:
Teach self-love and unconditional self-
acceptance Green Food: All greens
Psychotherapy: whole brown rice
o Examine assumptions about couscous and other grains
relationships foods to share with others
o Grief work
o Forgiveness work when appropriate
o Take back projections
o Inner Child work
o Co-dependency work
Breathing exercises
Deep relaxation
Heart Math
Meditation. Inhale Yes. Exhale Thank you!
o Examine assumptions about relationships
o Grief work
o Forgiveness work when appropriate
o Take back projections
o Inner Child work
o Co-dependency work
Harville Hendrixs book - Getting The Love You Want
Transformational Breathwork (Free Download)



o Inhale Yes. Exhale Thank you!

o Clearing the 4th Chakra - The Heart Chakra Guided Meditation by Lisa
o Column of Light. Rosalie Deer Heart (Part 2)


o Yoga poses for the heart chakra Bridge Pose, Standing Back Bend,
o Yoga Corpse Pose with Diaphragmatic Breathing


o Give money, or food to a beggar in the street or to your favorite charity

o Donate to Good Will or other charity
o Volunteer at a soup kitchen or do volunteer work at a senior citizen home, homeless
shelter, child-care center
o Send Thank You notes to people: postal workers, military, custodians,
bank tellers, neighbors
o Visit someone who is house-bound or in the hospital
o Send flowers to your spouse or mother for no reason


Examine the relationships in your life in terms of balance of give and

Make a special effort to improve your positive relationships
o Hire a babysitter and go away for a weekend with your spouse
o Re-connect with old friends, try Facebook
o Complement your children. Do something special with them
o Do something special with someone you enjoy
o Make amends with someone you have hurt
o Call or visit parents or relatives
o Pay attention to characteristics in someone else that you dont like
and ask yourself, How is this a reflection of my own shadow self?
o Examine your relationships to food, substances, work, nature
Love yourself!


Who do you love? What makes them loveable to you? Notice if these are
characteristics you, yourself have. Notice if these characteristics are
something you missed and longed for as a child.
Make a list of all the things you judge in yourself. Explore their origins.
Turn each into an affirmation that is more self-loving
Write a love story, or the story of your first love
A Multidimensional Perspective on Grief, Rosalie Deer Heart. Watch the
video and write your own story


Notice your breath several times a day

Pay attention to smells--fill your home with a favorite smell from childhood
Practice surrender Let go. Let God.
Notice air quality - write to your legislator to support clean air
Climb a mountain in the clean air
Fly in an airplane
Go parasailing
Fly a kite
Create more space for yourself
Create an altar in your home or workplace recognizing that something
becomes sacred because we say that it is. Place a candle and items of
meaning to you on the altar and use it as a focal point for your

*Judith, Anodea. The Sevenfold Journey: Reclaiming Mind, Body & Spirit Through the Chakras. The
Crossing Press, 2625 Alcatraz Ave. #505, Berkeley CA 94705 (ISBN 0-8959-574-6 paperback).
Communication and Self-Expression


Practice communication skills

Teach a feeling language HEALING FOODS:
Encourage client to make noise; release the voice
Encourage creativity ginseng
Practice Active Listening fruit
reishi mushrooms
Psychotherapy echinacea
o Talk therapy - traditional psychotherapy kelp
o Inner child communication
o Voice dialogue
12-Step Programs
Singing, chanting, toning
Story telling
Practice silence



Clearing the 5th Chakra - The Throat Chakra Guided Meditation By Lisa
Chakra Clearing Mantras (Carole Tuttle)


Neck and shoulder rolls

Open throat breathing
Fish Pose

List the people in your life with whom you have unfinished communication.
Imagine what you would say to each of them. Be aware of patterns. Finish
communication when possible.
Risk a confrontation with your boss, co-worker, or family member.
Call a friend
Social Networking: Stay in touch with friends for example Face Book
Practice saying "No!"
Write a letter to your congressmen regarding an issue about which you feel
Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper
Create a website or blog on-line


Whatever you are doing, invite yourself to be more creative with it

Make a business plan or a 5 year life plan
Write a story of your life as a fairy tale
Take up a new hobby: scrapbooking, knitting, crafts, sports


Write a letter to yourself uncensored, stream of consciousness

Write letters by hand and mail them
Write thank you notes to random people
Write a letter to your inner child what advice would you give knowing what
you do now
Move to music


Attend a concert
Listen to music
Attend a webinar


What were the communication patterns in your family of origin? Write an

imagined conversation with one of your parents one that you couldnt have had
in person.
Keep a daily journal. Write about anything
Join or start a writing group
Automatic writing (Google for specific techniques)

*Judith, Anodea. The Sevenfold Journey: Reclaiming Mind, Body & Spirit Through the Chakras. The
Crossing Press, 2625 Alcatraz Ave. #505, Berkeley CA 94705 (ISBN 0-8959-574-6 paperback).
Perception, Intuition, Imagination


Encourage development of the intuitive self.

Set goals. (Requires envisioning the future.)
Encourage dream recall and keep a dream
Connect image with feeling
Wheat germ
Psychotherapy: Vitamin E
o Jungian dream analysis Alfalfa
o Work with memories Chamomile tea
o Hypnosis Water
o Art Therapy
Past life regression therapy
EFT Palace of Possibilities
Download free manual



o Clearing the 6th Chakra - The Third Eye Chakra Guided Meditation By
Lisa Beachy:
o Color Meditation
o Meditate using a mandala.
o Goal setting meditation: Olga Tomas and James Wild


o Yoga: Fish Pose


o Play memory games

o Create beauty in your home or workplace
o Have your photograph taken
o Look through old photograph albums and see what emotions come up
o Buy and install a full length mirror in your home
o See a beautiful movie
o Go to an art museum
o Color a mandala for your meditation. Google: Free Mandala Coloring
o Notice the patterns in your life: behaviors that you repeat over and over,
and set an intention to change those that do not support the fullest
expression of yourself


o Visit a psychic
o Have a Tarot Card reading, or play with cards yourself
o Take a class on developing your intuition


o Dialogue with the characters in your dreams

o Draw pictures of your dreams
o Plan an imaginary vacation
o Play with a child. Have a tea party, play with puppets
o Create visual art: painting, sculpting, scrap booking, photography, collage


o I am a wo/man of vision, and I intend to

o Record dreams. Keep a dream journal.
o Goal setting meditation: Olga Tomas and James Wild
o If you imagined yourself to be 50% more joyful what would you do
o What are the patterns you keep repeating that no longer serve your
highest good? Who in your family demonstrated these patterns?
o What image do you have of yourself? How does this compare with the
feedback you get from others?
o What sacrifices have you made to project a certain image of yourself?

*Judith, Anodea. The Sevenfold Journey: Reclaiming Mind, Body & Spirit Through the Chakras. The
Crossing Press, 2625 Alcatraz Ave. #505, Berkeley CA 94705 (ISBN 0-8959-574-6 paperback).
Thought, Understanding, Spiritual Connection

Examine early programming: values, family patterns
Examine core beliefs and learned limitations
Re-establish physical, emotional and spiritual connection
Become aware of any prejudice you may be carrying


Psychotherapy HEALING FOODS: There are no special foods

o Pastoral counseling for the seventh chakra.
o Engage with a Spiritual Advisor o Communion.
o Goal setting o Fasting
Polarity Therapy
Reiki Therapy
Prayer & Meditation
Go on a spiritual retreat
Experience a Native American Vision Quest
Practice deep relaxation
Inner Wisdom Coaching (for the last 3 of life).


o Clearing the 7th Chakra - The Crown Chakra Guided Meditation by Lisa Beachy:
o Silent meditation
o Transcendental Meditation
o Column of Light Meditation: Rosie Deer Heart


o Hatha Yoga
o Full Lotus Posture
o Discover your Souls Purpose:
o Get a soul reading: (Rosalie Deer
o Shamanic Astrology: FMI contact Bonnie Salamon at [email protected]
o Study a new religion or metaphysical system
o Play with Angel Cards, Tarot or any of Doreen Virtues Decks
o Expand your education: take a class in something intellectually or spiritually
o Do NOTHING for a day and spend it in SILENCE
o Practice a spiritual discipline
o Practice forgiveness: Radical Forgiveness by Colin Tipping (click on Free Stuff)
o Keep a gratitude journal
o Write an invocation or prayer that will be irresistible to Spirit
o Automatic Writing
o How would your life be different if you(Rosalie Deer Heart)
believed and acted as if surrender meant letting go of all that dims
your inner light?
paid attention to and appreciated that intuition is the silent voice of
lived each day as if you were already in a state of deep grace
were aware that you and everyone else is a reflection of multi-
dimensional consciousness and you agreed to bless all you meet with
love, curiosity, joy and compassion

*Judith, Anodea. The Sevenfold Journey: Reclaiming Mind, Body & Spirit Through the Chakras. The
Crossing Press, 2625 Alcatraz Ave. #505, Berkeley CA 94705 (ISBN 0-8959-574-6 paperback).

A Chakra Clearing Guide to Healing

Thanks to: Rosie Heart, Column of Light
Laurie Grant, Unlimited Reiki
Anodea Judith, The Sevenfold Journey

Get comfortable and let yourself feel really relaxed . . . Close your eyes . . .and release your
next breath slowly and completely. Now take another deep breath . . . hold it . . . exhale slowly. . .
We are going on a journey through the energy centers of your body - sometimes called chakras - to
release anything that may be blocking the fullest expression of your Essence -- anything that is locked
in your energy that no longer serves you. It doesnt matter whether you see it, feel it, or hear it, or
simply know that it is happening. The most important thing you can do for yourself is to simply
allow yourself to have this experience and for it to come in the form that is the most perfect for you.
Breathing in love, give your cells the message that they can release any beliefs . . . any rules . . . any
feelings . . . that are no longer compatible with your Life Force Energy, with your fullness .

Take your awareness to your base chakra at your perineum (between the anus and the
vagina), coming out of your body in the shape of a red funnel, connecting you to the earth. . .the safety
and security of your physical being, and, as you inhale, remind yourself that you have the right to be
here on this planet, at this time. You have the right to have what you need in order to thrive on the
physical plane, to bring your fullness into manifestation

Let yourself release now any trauma you may have experienced at your birth. . . Perhaps you
werent wanted, or your mother didnt take good care of herself while she was pregnant, or of you
when you were newborn. Perhaps there was physical trauma or illness at your birth or right after.
Perhaps you were adopted. Release, now any issues of abandonment. Release the hurt you
experienced every time you cried and cried because you were hungry, or cold or wet, or you just
wanted to be held, and no one came. Any time your needs werent met on a survival level.

Fill the survival center back up with new energy. . . See that energy as red, fire engine red -
healing, harmonizing and balancing . . . knowing that you are unlimited in your ability to draw
prosperity to you . . . knowing that you are unlimited in your ability to have a strong, healthy body
that you love and that works perfectly for you . . . knowing that you are unlimited in your ability to
create your fullness in a healthy, harmonious, positive, prosperous way.

Take another breath and go a little deeper focusing on your second chakra located just above
your pubic bone. Using your breath and your intention remove any blockages, barriers, fears,
limitations, old outdated patterns surrounding your emotions and your sexuality. They don't support
your fullness. You have the right to experience the pleasure of your physical being. . . give your cells
permission to bubble up and to bubble off all the blockages, fears, and old outdated patterns that
limit your fullness.

Use your intention to fill second chakra with orange energy the color of a tangerine or a
pumpkin . . . healing it, harmonizing and balancing it - spinning out from your body from the front
and from the back, letting yourself know that you are unlimited in your ability to experience peace,
love, joy, bliss, and true intimacy . . that you are unlimited in your ability to honor yourself as a
sensual being and to draw loving, nurturing, supportive sensual experiences to yourself in the way
that is perfect for you. You are unlimited in your ability to embrace your fullness.

With your next inhalation move your awareness up to your solar plexus, your will and power
center. Remove now any blockages, fears, learned limitations, old outdated patterns surrounding
your right use of will and your power. Any time that you felt like a victim . . . anytime that you felt
you had no choice . . . any time you gave away your power to somebody else because it was easier, or
because you thought you had to . . Release any victim consciousness or abuse of power you have ever

Use your imagination to fill your third chakra with yellow energy the color of a lemon . . .
healing it, harmonizing and balancing it - spinning out from your body and removing any stuck
energy. Let yourself know that you are unlimited in your ability to utilize your energy and your
power to bring the hopes of your heart into full manifestation.

Now move your awareness up to your heart center and remove all the blockages, barriers,
fears, learned limitations, old outdated patterns surrounding your ability to have full, unconditional
love for yourself and others . . . Releasing the hurt from all the times you got the message that you
werent good enough . . . let it go now.

Release any grief now that you have been carrying . . . any loved ones you have lost through
death or divorce. . . any time your love was unreturned or you felt that people would only love you if
you did what they wanted you to do . . . any time you judged yourself, for any reason . . . let it all go
now. Release the hurt from every time youve felt lost or betrayed or rejected. . Release all the
blockages, barriers, fears, learned limitations, old outdated patterns surrounding your love for
yourself and others, past or present - let it go . . .

And now let yourself be reminded that you have the right to love and to be loved
unconditionally. Fill your heart center with green energy - the color of the grass on a glorious spring
day. . . spinning outward, healing, harmonizing and balancing . . . knowing that you are unlimited in
your ability to love yourself and to support yourself in fullness . . . knowing that you are unlimited in
your ability to draw healthy, nurturing, supportive, fully loving relationships to you, and to know that
you deserve them.

Move your awareness up to the communication center at your throat . . . and make it your
intention to release all blockages, barriers, fears, learned limitations, old outdated patterns
surrounding your communication. Release the pain from all the times you tried to get somebodys
attention and to tell them something really important, and nobody seemed to care . . . any time you
had to give an oral report when you were in elementary school and it was totally embarrassing . . .
any time you felt misunderstood . . .any time you didnt speak you own truth because it didn't feel
safe to do so . . . any the time you were criticized, or you received mixed messages. . . or there were
family secrets. . . just let it go now. Let it all go.

Fill this area with a spinning funnel of turquoise light and watch as all the negativity bubbles
off. Affirm your right to hear and to speak the truth. So let go now of. . . all the blockages, fears,
learned limitations, old outdated patterns surrounding your communication from this lifetime.
Breathe in the fullness and confidence of your ability to speak your truth

Move your awareness up to your third eye, your psychic perception and creativity center at
the center of your forehead. Ask your Guardian Angel to assist you in removing any blockages, fears,
learned limitations, old outdated patterns surrounding your perception of things. Release the pain
from times when somebody invalidated of your perception of things, or the world . . .judged you for
not seeing something . . . said, I cant believe you didnt see that coming. . . . I cant believe you
didnt see right through them. . . . Any time you judged yourself for not seeing the truth. . . or
somebody tried to hide the truth from you, and you let them . . . . any time somebody judged your
intuition or psychic abilities or you didnt trust your own intuition. . . whatever it is - let it go. . Take
another gentle breath and go even deeper into your energy. . . This time searching for any patterns. . .
Any ideas. . . Any beliefs. . that you may have picked up from others . . . From your family. . . From
your culture. . . From your religious upbringing . . . That no longer serve the fullest expression of your
fullness. . . Give them permission to bubble up and to spin of - out of your energy. . . Know that you
have the right to have your perceptions validated. Know that you are unlimited in your ability to
utilize your creativity in any form that you choose . . . knowing that you are unlimited in you ability to
use your healing abilities . . . allow yourself to have it . . . allow yourself to honor it.

And now move your awareness up to your crown, your spiritual center at the top of your
head - where the soft spot was when you were a baby. See this chakra as a purple, funnel starting
inside your head and spinning infinitely outward. If you are willing, make it your intention to remove
any blockages, fears, limitations, old outdated patterns surrounding your spirituality or your
religious beliefs or the fullness of your connection with the Divine . . . any time that you were told you
were a sinner, just because you were born . . . or you were taught that the Heavenly Father was a
punitive, punishing God, and that you were going to go to Hell . . . any time you felt abandoned by
your God or your higher power, any time that you saw the hypocrisy between what the Church did
and what it said . . . any time you went through the motions of a religious or spiritual practice that
you knew wasnt your path . . . any time somebody judged your spiritual or religious beliefs . . . . . .
release it now . . . If information was withheld or if anything was done to thwart your curiosity. . . if
you were not encouraged to think for yourself, but were expected to blindly obey. . . let it go. Release
it now. . . Fill this spinning funnel of energy with the color purple and let go of all the blockages, fears,
learned limitations, old outdated patterns surrounding your spiritual or religious beliefs . . . know
that you are unlimited in your ability to be fully supported by, and to be one with your Source, your
God, your Goddess, your Buddha - whatever your truth is . . . knowing that you are unlimited in living
your spiritual truth . . . knowing that the Universe will support you in bringing your fullness into
manifestation. The divine Source, in whatever form you perceive it is always supporting you,
nurturing you, and loving you unconditionally.

Breathing deeply experience yourself as being filled with unconditional love, and . give your
cells the message: My body. . .my mind. . .and my spirit. . .are balanced. . .in fullness (X3). . . . . . . And
as you delightfully receive this loving energy. . .give your cells the message: I am a loving channel of
Life Force Energy (X3) . . Inviting the loving light into your body. . . . . With each breath. . . experience
yourself as radiant. . .peaceful. . healed. . . and whole.

As you inhale. . . . .overflowing with loving wisdom. . . . . remind yourself that it is time to
bring your experience back into your physical body. . SA you inhale. . .gently, like a leaf fluttering
gently to the ground on a glorious autumn day. . .begin returning to your body. . Drifting gently back.
. .guided by the music and the sound of my voice. . . . . drifting. . Honoring your own rhythm. . Slowly
and gently feeling the pull of your physical body. . . . Very gently reentering your body. Take another
deep, full breath. . . . .breathing in Cosmic energy through your crown chakra. . Reminding yourself. .
.that you are a physical being. . .who draws energy from the Earth. . .and a Light Being. . .who draws
energy from the Source. . . Let yourself know this fullness in every cell all the way down to the DNA,
and when you feel ready gently open your eyes.

These charts have been constructed from many sources, specifically to aid
counselors, energy workers, and other mental health practitioners in integrating
knowledge of the chakra system into daily practice. These are reference guides
only. Many reference sources have been used, some in the form of web sites,
easily accessed by clicking on the URL. However, I would be remiss without
mentioning that a great deal of the information as well as the format for the charts
came from the work of Anodea Judith, PhD. in the two books pictured below.
Anodea was the person who introduced me to chakra therapy, and although we
have both grown and developed our own methods, the foundation for my work is
largely based on what I learned from her during the three years that she was my
mentor, teacher and friend. I highly recommend The Sevenfold Journey as a
self-help book full of activities to strengthen all of the chakras. Eastern Body,
Western Mind is more of a thorough, academic reference book one that I feel
should be in the library of all mental health professionals. It is the bridge
between the esoteric world of energy, and the mainstream world of counseling
and psychotherapy.

Baker, Matt. Piagets Stages of Cognitive Development. 2013

Bruyere, Rosalyn. Wheels of Light: Chakras, Auras, and the Energy Healing of the Body.
Fireside, New York, NY. 1994
Clinton, Asha. Seemorg Matrix: The Basic Manual, 4 Edition. 2003
Cohen, Ross, LPC. Using the Chakra System in Psychotherapy. 820 NW 21 Ave., Suite B
Portland, OR 97209 (503) 887-3309 [email protected]

Desy, Phylameana Illa. Foods that Fuel Your Chakras: Dietary Guidelines for Nourishing Your
Energy Centers,

Eden, Donna ((1998). Energy Medicine. New York: Tarcher/Putnam Hover-Kramer, Dorothea
(2002). Creative Energies. New York: W.W. Norton & Norton

Gallow, Fred, editor. Energy Psychology in Psychotherapy: A Comprehensive Source Book.

W.W. Norton & Company. New York, NY. 2004

Judith, Anodea. Chakra Balancing Workbook and CD. Sounds True. Louisville, CO. 2004

Judith, Anodea, Chart of Common Physical Ailments and Their Possible Chakra Orientation. 1998

Judith, Anodea. Eastern Body, Western Mind: Psychology and the Chakra System. Celestial
Arts Publishing. 1966

Judith, Anodea, The Sevenfold Journey: Reclaiming Mind, Body & Spirit Through the Chakras.
The Crossing Press. 1993

Myss, Caroline, Ph.D. Anatomy of the Spirit. New York: Three Rivers Press. 1966
Maslow, Abraham. Motivation and Personality, 3 Edition. Harper & Row. 1997

Tipping, Colin. Radical Forgiveness. Sounds True, Inc. 2009

Tomasulo, Ph.D. Daniel. Maslow Revisited: The Hierarchy of Chakras. PsychoCentralBlog.


ZEN Master Biscuit. Chakra Stages of Development. Free Internet Magazine Seeds Of Light:
Energy Enhancement Meditation.

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