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4 Equipment Modelling Using Templates

The previous chapter described how equipment items can be created using primitives arranged in 3D space
but with no relationship between them. AVEVA E3D enables equipment templates to be created and
instances of the template placed in the model.

4.1 Equipment Template Overview

An equipment template is a collection of primitives that make up the equipment shape grouped together
under a Template (TMPL) element. The template definitions are held in a Design database which is
referenced when an instance of the template is created. Templates can be of two types:

Non-parameterised templates - create elements of fixed design and dimensions.

Parameterised templates contain rules that allow the primitives of the equipment to be re-sized and
re-positioned or supports, if any, to be added or modified.

The creation of equipment templates id outside the scope of this training guide.

4.2 Creating Standard Equipment Items

On the EQUIPMENT tab, in the Create group, selecting Standard from the Create Equipment button
options list displays the Create Equipment form. The form enables an equipment item to be created by
making a series of selections based on the styles of various equipment templates.

There are two methods are used to select the appropriate template, a Selection Table or a Specification.

4.2.1 Selecting a Template - Selection Tables

Clicking the Selection Table radio button on the Create

Equipment form enables the Selection Table options list
that contains the available selection tables.

Depending on the selected table, the Type options list

enables different types of equipment to be selected,
depending on the contents of the table.

Selecting a different Type from the options list changes the

contents of the grid.

Selecting a grid entry displays a model of the selected

template in the 3D View at the bottom of the form.

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Equipment Modelling TM-1811

4.2.2 Selecting a Template Specifications

Clicking the Specification radio button on the Create

Equipment form enables the Specification options list that
contains the available specifications.

The middle part of the form contains two lists. The upper
one is the Current Selection which is empty at the start of
the process, and the lower one is the Selection list from
which selections are made. The options in the Selection
list depend on the Specification selected.

Clicking a line in the Selection list places the line in the

Current Selection list and displays new options in the
Selection list.

Clicking a line in the Current Selection reverses the


The process continues until all choices have been made and a template has been selected. A model of the
selected template is displayed in the 3D View at the bottom of the form.

4.2.3 Properties and Plotfiles

If the selected template is parametrised, the

Properties button is active.

Clicking the button displays a Modify Properties

form that enables the specific dimensions to be
modified by changing the default values.

All primitives related to the property are modified,

thus maintaining the integrity of the equipment

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Equipment Modelling TM-1811

If a Plotfile has been created for the equipment item it can be displayed by
clicking the Plotfile button.

The Plotfile usually contains information relating to key dimensions and the
equipment origin.

4.2.4 Creating an Instance of the Template

Clicking the Apply button displays the Positioning Control form and the prompt Position Equipment Origin
Snap (Snap):

The equipment may be positioned in the model using appropriate settings on the Positioning Control form.

4.3 User Defined Elements Types for Equipment

Equipment items can be created with more meaningful element types, other than EQUI, that better describe
their function. For example, model elements may be called :PUMP, :REBOILER, :TANK, or :FILTER. This
is achieved through the use of User Defined Element Types (UDETs).

UDETs are created based on a standard AVEVA E3D element type, in this case equipment (EQUI) items.
UDETs are defined in AVEVA Administration Lexicon module and generally have the same attributes
as the base type, although some of the attributes may be hidden at the time of creating the UDET.

UDETs are distinguished from standard element types by the prefix of a colon, similar to User Defined
Attributes (UDAs). They also have an ActType (active type) attribute which is set to the UDET type, e.g.
:PUMP. The standard Type attribute is set to the base type, e.g. EQUI.

In most respects UDETs may be used in exactly the same way as EQUI elements. However, in the current
User Interface there are no forms to create the UDET elements, other than where an equipment template is
used. UDETs can be created using the Command Window by entering the syntax NEW <UDET>, e.g. NEW

On the Create Equipment form, the User Defined Type

options list displays any available UDETs.

Selecting, say, PUMP will create the equipment as an active

type of :PUMP.

Once a UDET has been created its ActType attribute may be changed by using the Command line syntax
CHANGETYPE TO <UDET>, where <UDET> is another valid UDET for the Type defined in Lexicon. An
EQUI may also be changed to a UDET using the same syntax.

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Equipment Modelling TM-1811

4.4 Creating Equipment using Templates A Worked Example

This worked example creates two stacked Heat Exchangers, tagged E1302A and E1302B, using pre-
defined equipment templates. The equipment will be created using a User Defined Element Type (UDET)

4.4.1 Information

The Equipment Arrangement drawing for the two heat exchangers, together with Nozzle Schedules and
stacking arrangement, is shown below.


E1302B - all dimensions are the same as E1302A.

Nozzle Schedule

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Equipment Modelling TM-1811

Stacking Arrangement

4.4.2 Creating E1302B

E1302B will be created first as it is the top exchanger and only has one set of supports. Selecting the Template

On the EQUIPMENT tab, in the Create group, select Standard

from the Create Equipment button options list to display the
Create Equipment form.

Enter the name E1302B in the Name textbox.

From the User Defined Type options list select HEATEX. This
will create the equipment as a UDET :HEATEX

Select the Selection Table radio button and from the Selection
Table options list select /AVEVA_STD_EQUIP.

Select HEAT Exchangers from the Type options list to display

the options in grid.

Select AVEVA_STD_EQUIP/EQUIP-/004 from the grid to display

the template in the lower part of the form.

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Equipment Modelling TM-1811 Setting the Properties

Click the Properties button on the Create Equipment form to display the Modify Properties form for the
heat exchanger.

Each property of the template has an assigned letter, a description and a default value. The drawing in the
graphics view may be zoomed, using the mouse scroll wheel, or zoomed in using a window by clicking and
holding down the left mouse button whilst dragging a rectangle on the view. When zoomed in, clicking the
middle mouse button will progressively zoom out.

The drawing shows the location of the

dimensional properties and the origin of the
template which, in this case, is on the
centreline of the heat exchanger (in the
centre of the body cylinder) and in line with
nozzles N1 and N2.

Using the Equipment Arrangement drawing for E1302B, enter the following values for the dimensional
properties on the form:

Property Description Value

A Flange Diameter 570
B Exchanger Diam 460
C Flange Thickness 25
D Head Height 305
E Exchanger Length 5655
F Dish Height 100
G Dish Radius 40
H Nozzle Height 460
J Distance Between N2 and N3 4625
K Distance Between N1 and N4 550

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Equipment Modelling TM-1811

The drawing on the form shows the exchanger with no supports and the
Exchange Support property is set to a default of No Supports.

Click the small down arrow adjacent to the textbox to display the
Exchanger Support form.

Select the Horizontal Exchanger Feet option.

Click the Modify properties for Exchanger

Support button adjacent to the down arrow to
display the Modify Properties form for the
exchanger supports, which contains a number of
properties and a drawing of the supports.

This form will create the exchanger supports as a

sub-equipment of the UDET.

Referring to the Equipment Arrangement

drawing, enter the following values against the

A = Origin to Foot 1070.

B = Feet to Feet 2870.

C = Foot Thickness 150.

D = Foot Width 380.

E = Distance to CL 450.

Click the OK button to enter the values and close

the form.

On the Modify Properties form for the Exchanger click the OK button to enter the values and close the
form. Specifying the Position

On the Create Equipment form, click the Apply button. The prompt Position Equipment Origin Snap
(Snap): is displayed in the prompt area and the Positioning Control form activated. The exchanger origin
may be positioned using a graphical pick, however, it is more likely that an explicit position will be given.

Click the Explicit Position button on the Positioning Control form to display the Explicit Position form.

From the Equipment Location drawing, the following values can be derived
for the origin of E1302B:

E -312370 (this is a Westing, therefore ve East)

N 294460

Up 109757

Enter the values in the Explicit Position form and click the Apply button and close the form.

The heat exchanger E1302B is created and displayed.

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Equipment Modelling TM-1811 Finishing E1302B

During the equipment creation process certain data could not be specified, for example:

The orientation of the heat exchanger.

Nozzle names and specifications

This data must be corrected after the creation of the equipment.

The origin of the Heat Exchanger is in the correct position, however, from the Equipment Location drawing
it can be seen that the flanged end must be at the southern end of the equipment, i.e. the equipment needs
to be rotated 180 about the Z axis of the origin.

Double click E1302B to enter Editor mode and display the equipment grips at the origin of E1302B. Rotate
the equipment around the Z axis by 180. Press <Escape> to exit Editor mode.

Right click on NOZZ 1 in Model Explorer to make it the current

element. From the Equipment Arrangement drawing this nozzle
should be named NS1.

Select Rename from the pop-up menu to display the Name form.
Enter E1302B/NS1 in the Name textbox and click the Apply
button. Close the form.

On the EQUIPMENT tab, in the Modify group, click the Nozzle

button to display the Modify Nozzle form.

From the E1302B Nozzle Schedule, NS1 should be a 100 NB

150lb Ansi Flange nozzle.

Select ANSI-NOZZLES from the Specification options list,

150lb Ansi Flanges from the Generic Type options list and
100 from the Nominal Bore options list.

Click the Apply button to change the nozzle specification.

Repeat the operation for the remaining three nozzles, entering the following data:

NOZZ2 Name: E1302B/NS2, Specification: 150lb Ansi Flange, Nominal Bore: 100mm

NOZZ3 Name: E1302B/N2, Specification: 150lb Ansi Flange, Nominal Bore: 150mm

NOZZ3 Name: E1302B/N1, Specification: 150lb Ansi Flange, Nominal Bore: 150mm

Close the Modify Nozzle form.

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Equipment Modelling TM-1811

4.4.3 Creating E1302A using Copy Mirror

From the Equipment Arrangement drawing it can be seen that E1302A is a mirror of E1302B with some
nozzle specification differences and additional feet to support E1302B.

Rather than go through the creation process again, it is easier to copy and mirror E1302B and make the
required changes and additions afterwards.

With E1302B as the CE, select HOME > Create > Copy
Mirror display the Mirror form.

Select Rel. from the To options list to place the copy in the
same place in the hierarchy as the original.

Select Cursor > Element from the form menu and

graphically pick the main body cylinder of E1302B. This sets
the mirror plane origin at the origin of the cylinder. The co-
ordinates of the origin are displayed on the form.

Enter U in the Plane direction text box to make the plane

an Up plane.

From the Stacking Arrangement on the Equipment GA, it

can be seen that the centreline of E1302A is 922 mm below
the centreline of E1302B.

The plane must, therefore, be moved to an elevation of 109757 (922 / 2) = 109296, i.e. in the middle of the
two centreline elevations.

Enter the value in the Up textbox and click the Apply button to create the new heat exchanger. Click the
Yes button on the confirmation message to retain the copy and close the Mirror form. Finishing E1302A

During the copy mirror process there was no opportunity to rename the equipment or the nozzles, therefore,
the renaming must be done after the heat exchanger has been created.

Right click on E1302A in Model Explorer and select Rename from the pop-up menu to display the Name
form. Enter E1302A in the Name textbox and click the Apply button. Do not close the form.

The nozzles also need to be renamed in accordance with the Equipment Arrangement drawing for

Navigate to NOZZ 1 of E1302A in Model Explorer. Click the CE button on the name form and enter
E1302A/NS2 in the Name textbox, press the Return key and click the Apply button to rename the nozzle.

Repeat the process, entering the following values for the remaining three nozzles:

NOZZ 2 enter E1302A/NS1

NOZZ 3 enter E1302A/N1

NOZZ 4 enter E1302A/N2

The nozzle specification for Nozzle N2 on E1302A is different from that of Nozzle N1 on E1302B and must
be re-specified as an 80 NB 300lb Ansi Flange nozzle.

Navigate to the nozzle in Model Explorer and On the EQUIPMENT tab, in the Modify group, click the
Nozzle button to display the Modify Nozzle form. Verify that the Specification is already set at ANSI-
NOZZLES. For the Generic Type select 300lb Ansi Flanges and select 80mm from the Nominal Bore
options list, click the Next button and close the form.

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Equipment Modelling TM-1811

E1302A requires two additional feet to support E1302B. The new feet will be created by copying and
rotating the existing feet.

Before beginning make sure working plane is set to the UW plane. This may be set by selecting the green
plane from the PowerCompassTM.

Double click E1302A to enter Editor mode for the equipment, then double click one of the Box supports of
E1302A to enter the editor for the SUBE. The SUBE should now be the current selection.

Type RO into the 3D View then press <Enter>. Press the down arrow key and choose the Copy option.
Pick a point on the centreline of E1302A for the base point, here P0 of Cylinder 6 has been used.

Then enter 180 in the angle input box, a preview may be seen. Pressing <Enter> will complete the
command and create the rotated copy of the supports.

E1302A and E1302B are now complete.

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Equipment Modelling TM-1811

Exercise 3 Create Pumps P1501A & B and P1502A & B

This exercise creates the four pumps found on the Equipment Location drawing:

The duty and standby Reflux Pumps, tagged P1501A and P1501B.

The duty and standby Overhead Product Pumps, tagged P1502A and P1502B.

The Equipment GA for each set of pumps, together with the Nozzle Schedules, are shown below.

P1501A & B

Nozzle Schedule

Nozzle Size Type

N1 - Suction 100 NB 300lb Ansi Flange

N2 - Discharge 50 NB 300lb Ansi Flange

Additional Information for P1501A & B

The pumps are Centrifugal, Centreline Mounted, Tangential Outlet Pumps (AVEVA Standard,
template PUMP005).

Use the Selection Table option for specifying the pump.

To use the template, the origin position of the pump must be derived from the positional information
given on the Equipment Location drawing.

Create the first pump as a UDET :PUMP and Move with copy this pump to create the second pump.

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Equipment Modelling TM-1811

P1502A & B

Nozzle Schedule

Nozzle Size Type

N1 - Suction 100 NB 300lb Ansi Flange

N2 - Discharge 50 NB 300lb Ansi Flange

Additional Information for P1502A & B

The pumps are Centrifugal, Centreline Mounted, Vertical Offset Nozzle Pumps (AVEVA Standard,
template PUMP006).

Use the Selection Table option for specifying the pump.

To use the template, the origin position of the pump must be derived from the positional information
given on the Equipment Location drawing.

Create the first pump as a UDET :PUMP and move with copy this pump to create the second pump.

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Equipment Modelling TM-1811

4.5 Creating Electrical Components

An Electrical Component (ELCONN) in equipment terms is a connection point between equipment and
cables and can represent anything from an individual cable gland to a piece of electrical equipment, such as
a generator. Electrical components are catalogue items and are selected from the catalogue via a selection
table and are positioned and orientated within equipment in the same way as nozzles and primitives.

On the EQUIPMENT tab, in the Create group,

clicking the Electrical button displays the Create
Electrical Component form.

The form enables an electrical component to be

made from the range of catalogue items

The overall category of electrical component is

selected by choosing one of the Table options.

This table may be divided into sub-categories

selected using the Type options and can be
sorted and filtered to restrict the number of
components displayed for selection.

A component in the table can be selected by

clicking on a row in the table.

Clicking the Properties button displays the

Modify Properties form on which to set any
parameterised data relevant to the selected
electrical component. If there are no
parameterised properties an error message is

The Plotfile button is active if a plot file of the

component is available.

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When the electrical component has been fully

specified, clicking the Create button creates the
component at the equipment origin.

The bottom part of the Create Electrical

Component form is changed to display a
Component Position frame.

The position of the electrical component may be

specified by entering appropriate values in the
co-ordinate textboxes or by graphically picking a
position in the 3D View using the positioning
control toolbar.

When the electrical component has been

positioned, clicking the Next button changes the
form to its original state, enabling another
electrical component to be created.

ELCONN elements appear in the Model explorer

as shown below.

Electrical components may be orientated by

selecting the Rotate in 3D View command.

If the project has been configured with User Defined Element Types based on electrical component
(ELCONN) element type, they will appear in the User Defined Type list. When the electrical
component element is created, it will be created as the User Defined Type selected from this list.
Selecting a User Defined Element Type may change the content of the Selection Table if the table has
been configured to filter on element type.

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4.6 Creating an Electrical Component A Worked Example

Clear the Drawlist and add back pump P1501B. Use the PowerWheelTM to Limit Extents and set the view
direction to Iso .

With P1501B as the CE, on the EQUIPMENT

tab, in the Create group, click the Electrical
button to display the Create Electrical
Component form.

Select ELCONN-EQUI.TABGRO from the

Table options list, ELCONN is the only option
in the Type options list and select
/ELCONN_T3 from the displayed grid.

An image of the component is displayed in the

3D View at the bottom of the form.

Click the Create button to create the ELCONN

and display the Component Position area at
the bottom of the form.

Enter East 140 and South 800 in the

appropriate textboxes and click the Next

Note, in Model Explorer, that the ELCONN has

been created.

To correctly orientate the ELCONN, double click

the connection to enter Editor mode and display
the grips.

Click the horizontal rotation grip, highlighted in

green here, then enter -90 into the input box and
press the Return key. Press the Escape key to
exit Editor mode.

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