General Surgery Question Papers
General Surgery Question Papers
General Surgery Question Papers
1. T R I S M U S.
2. Development of Tongue.
3. Mixed Parotid Tumor.
4. Tuberculous Lymphadenitis.
5. Cancrum Oris.
6. Facial Nerve Injury.
7. Viruses causing Cancer.
8. Pressure Sore.
9. Discuss Fractures of maxilla.
10. Universal pre-cautions in the Operational Theatre.
[LK 660] FEBRUARY 2017 Sub. Code:4212
1. Anaestheisa in Dentistry.
2. Dentigerous cyst.
3. Biopsy.
4. Universal Precautions to be taken while treating HIV patients.
5. Flaps.
6. Cystic Hygroma.
7. Tetanus.
8. Parotid Abscess.
9. Fractures of maxilla.
10. Etiopathogenesis of oral cancer.