Simulation of Smoke To Improve Unity 3D Game Engine Particle System Based On FDS

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Simulation of Smoke to Improve Unity 3D Game

Engine Particle System based on FDS

XU YONGZHE1 , Kyunjoo Lee2 , Eunju Kim1 , Jaesug Ki1,* , Byungsoo Lee 1,*
Department of Computer Engineering, Universty of Incheon, Korea
MaxOn Soft, Co., Ltd, Korea
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
{skyblueki, bsl}

Abstract. In this paper, our proposed method based on FDS (Fire Dynamic
Simulation) outputs the data the Excel file, which improves a game engine for
effective smoke and the fire model. The Excel file coordinates in the Unity 3D
game engines particle system, coordinates in the original particle system. After
computing the coordinates of Unity 3D simple particle moving location
boundary, make them flow like simulations real world smoke fluid. Recent
game engine computer graphic developers usually control resources focused on
visualization smoke and the fire model. But in the fire simulation, the smoke
simulation game or firefighter simulation game part requires a different
approach. In this paper, we focus on smoking location boundary. The proposed
method can change particles more accurately than other real time fluid
dynamics graphics method.
Keywords: Computer Graphics, Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS), Smoke, Particle
System, Fluid Dynamics, Unity 3D, Fire Simulation.

1 Introduction

The first particle systems in computer graphics used the generation of the explosion of
a planet for special film trick effects. In 2001 Stanford University researcher Ronald
Fedkiw, Jose Stam, Henrik Wann Jesen simulated smoke, by using 300,000 particles
[8]. That was the first computational particle system simulation smoke used fluid
dynamics. Now researchers use 2~3 million particles simulation smoke. From this
simulation or game engine, FDS needs a long time to simulate real-world fire and
smoke. Real time simulation and debugging 3D fluid solver are very hard tasks. In
this paper, proposed smoke coordination which is based on FDS results in smoke data,
by getting the smoke boundary from FDS output Excel file. After computing smoke
boundary coordinates, graphic card does not need computing coordinates. Therefore,
computer performance was improved.

SoftTech 2013, ASTL Vol. 19, pp. 183 - 186, 2013 183
SERSC 2013
Proceedings, The 2nd International Conference on Software Technology

2 Related works

From the Opacity Mapping demo, Particle system is the point of 3D space that is
determined by position x, y, z and orientation given by three vectors x, y, z. NVIDIA
smoke is based on fluid physics mechanism [1][2]. The approach from the 2d fluid
simulation and implementation of 3D fluid simulation by Harris (2004) [13] was very
challenging, and difficult for real time simulation. The form (1) is a Partial differential
equations (PDEs) function.
= (, ).

The x is changed by wavelet f, which may be depended on x and t. [14]

n+1 = n + ( n, tn). (2)
Harris 2D fluid simulation doesnt have an unique coordinate z [7]. Improved
NIVIDIA Box of smoke demo is added to function z from the form (3) [3].
2 2 2 (3)
f = x2 + 2
+ 2
= 0.

Set the world space coordination. Using the Function is the problem to cause more
graphics card resources in running time.

Fig. 1 NVIDIA Opacity Mapping demo, Harris 2004 2D fluid simulation,

NVIDIA Box of smoke demo

3 FDS coordinate and Unity 3D particle system

From this section, we discuss about FDS, Unity 3D particle system, designed
program codes. Firstly, we propose a method constructed in games environment
boundary, Secondly, FDS simulation environment about fire and wind [4], Thirdly,
we use FDS output excel file to find smoke and fire fluid boundary coordinates,
finally Unity 3D game engine particle system loads these particle coordinates. In
figure 2, simulation x, y, z = 27m mesh, small rooms x, y, z = 9m, the left picture
shows simulation start, and the right picture displays fire burning. From right picture,
white points are smoke detector device for detection smoke density. Users can set
smoke detector device (white points) of coordinates in a simulation scene. The smoke
detector device coordinate can be written into smoke density data in every second
(user can change the time). Unity 3D game engines particle system is a specialized in
a method of 3D object [10]. From the FDS output file, we can know smoke density
and also know smoke boundary coordinates. From program design part,

Simulation of Smoke to Improve Unity 3D Game Engine Particle System based on FDS

Encapsulation is indispensable in program codes. The setting of the particle properties

of program codes is cited from reference [6][9]. The particles life time (particle
moving time) follows location and boundary. The Source codes we used are required
in changing c# in which Unity 3D game engine interface is made. Unity 3D Program
code uses Particle System interface method position.x to change position of particles
[13]. If we know the timing of moving particles, Particle System life time can be
implemented through location and boundary. It is possible to get the particle
coordinate, by knowing life-cycle and current-time.

Fig. 2 FDS Simulation fire model

4 Simulation result

Figure 3 shows our method applied in Unity 3D. The particle follows program code
coordinates and boundaries. Particle coordinates in life time follow program code
coordinates. The left of picture 3 shows smoke in 3D space mesh. The center picture
shows that created particles follow boundaries. The right picture shows the change of
texture in life time of particles [12]. Figure 4 shows moving particle and computing
coordinates in next time [11]. Figure 4 illustrates Life time of the particles which
move from Start to End and the particles disappear when arrive at End-position.
Each space send particles to next Random Function space coordinate.

Fig.3 Unity 3D simulation result

Fig.4 Particle in life-cycle compute coordinate

Proceedings, The 2nd International Conference on Software Technology

5 Conclusions and Future Work

The excel file based on FDS smoke detector device coordinates compute smoke
boundary coordinates. The result of our research improves the performance better
than other visualization smoke particle system, because the graphic card can skip the
computing the particle coordinates. This method is possible to be used in steam effect
not only smoke particle system but also fire model system. This approach is different
from common simple particle system visualization. Future work we plan is to change
particle boundaries in more detail from CFD(computational fluid dynamics).


This paper was Researched (2012) The Next Generation Fire protection & Safety
Core Technology Development program of National Emergency Management
Agency (NEMA) of Republic Korea.


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