2B Conditional Statement Quiz
2B Conditional Statement Quiz
2B Conditional Statement Quiz
Date: ____________________________________
Conditional Statement Quiz
1. Write a structured algorithm to prompt the user to input the mark a student received in a test. If the mark
is less than 60, output the word Fail, otherwise output the word Pass.
2. Write a structured algorithm that prompts the user to input the pass mark and the mark a student
received in a test. Output the word Fail or Pass accordingly.
3. Write a structured algorithm that prompts the user to input two unequal values that are stored in
variables A and B. It should print the higher value.
4. Write a structured algorithm that prompts the user to input two unequal values that are stored in
variables A and B. It should print the lower value.
5. Write a structured algorithm that prompts the user to input the weight of a person. If the weight is
greater than 75 kg, it should prompt the user to input the name and age, and it should also print the
persons name and age.
6. Write a structured algorithm that instructs the user to input the price and quantity of an item. Calculate
the discount amount at 10% of the total if the total is greater than or equal to $1000.00. Otherwise
calculate the discount amount at 5% of the total. Output the total and the discount amount.
7. Write a structured algorithm to input the ages of three students. The algorithm should compare the ages
and print the age of the oldest student.
8. A credit union pays 4% interest on shares that are greater than $25 000.00 and 3% on all other shares.
No interest is paid on deposits. Write a structured algorithm that prompts the user to input a share and a
deposit. The algorithm should calculate and output the interest amount and the total savings (Total
savings = shares + deposit + interest amount).