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intelligibility. reduccs noise. static. hum. Te-ch I h lp: ((62) 323-0549
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Nllmtwr , on your FfHIdbllclr "ard
start in business that gave
them all the edge,
The lesson to be learned
from this is that college is for
suckers, My own wasted four
years in the institution taught
NEUER SRY 0 I E me one thing: that almost
none of the courses I sweated
through have been of the
Wayne Green W2NSDIl slightest benefit to me in the
[email protected] many businesses I've been in
- radio, television, publish-
ing, manufacturing, and retail-
The Latin Exam more manufacturers. The at- With an estimated 80% of ing in the communications,
tcndance at Dayton was way licensees inactive, there's little electronics, computer, and
Well, by golly, amateur ra- down, with empty eXhi.bitor incentive to bother renewing music fields .
dio hit the front page of The booths everywhere. Ads In 73 their license when it comes
Wall Street Journal! That's Indeed, a college degree is
are way down, and they're also up for renewal in ten years, If almost invariably a guarantee
the good news, The bad news down in QST, all the industry we make it throug h Y2K and
is that the article made us slowly shrivels away. that a youngster is never go-
the other potential disasters ing to make a lot of money,
look like idiots and is un- The Journal reporter was
predicted for the next few Yet, despite all experiences to
likely to do anything but tum way otT base on one point. He
years, unless the ARRL di- the contrary, you'll be hard
away even more prospects. said that learning to copy 20
wpm can take years to learn. rectors wake up we could put to find anyone who hasn't
The article compared the value
of ou r code exam, for which Well , that's probably right if well be down to 250,000 lic- been convinced of the enor-
the League seems willing to you usc the ARRL system. If ensees within ten years. And mous value of a college de-
kill the hobby in order to pre- you use mine, which takes dropping fast. gree. An d I'll be surprised if
serve, to a Latin exam. It's sneaky advantage of how the Hello, Newington! You're anything I can write will
about as relevant. brain is wired, you can start up against the Internet now! change your deeply embed-
Sure, I agree, there are still from scratch and copy 20 wpm And, after many years of al- ded belief in college. "There
dozens of old-timers who en - in a few days. Some people do most total. obscurity and lack goes Wayne again."
joy the arcane art of CWoWe it in a weekend. of promotion, few kids today Education is important. but
have lots of antique car buffs, This is supposed to be a have even heard of amateur it's self-education that counts,
too, but that's no reason to technical hobby, not a skill radio, Is anybody awake there? not the number of exams
make the test for a driver's li- hobby, so let's kill the code test you've crammed for in order
cense include being able to requirement before it kills us, An Education to get a degree (and then for-
crank a car to start it. Progress gotten), When I final ly wised
When I first got on the air I see where Bill Gates is up and started my first busi-
now worth $ 100 billion . Not ness, one of the first things I
60 years ago, around 95% of I'll bet some readers are old bad for a kid who read my
all ham contacts were via enough to remember when the did was take a course in ad-
editorials in Byte and Micro- vertising put on by the Adver-
CWoToday it's more like 5%, US amateurs were the innova- compuring magazines and
and definitely time to get out tors, The UK, which used to be tising Club of New York, I'm
dropped out of college to start quite sure that no college
of the 19th century and rec- known as Great Britain, has
a little software entrepreneur- teaches the invaluable things
ognize that the calendar is announced that they're going
ial business back in 1976. I learned there. And that got
turning over to the 21st. to lower the code speed re-
We've been so thoroughly me to reading books on ad-
If your ARRL director dares quiremenr for operation on all
to show his face at a club the HF bands to 5 wpm. Fur- taught to equa te an "educa- vertising because I wanted to
meeting, please do your best ther, they say they expect the tion" with a college degree learn all I could,
to give him a brain enema next ITU meeting in 2002 or that almost everyone believes Our child labor and mini-
about this damned code crap 2003 to do away with the it. Well, it 's a crock. mum wage laws, which the
and stop the ARRL from Morse Code requirement en- Richard Sears didn't go to labor unions have bribed
making us all look like jerks, tirely, which they will then also college, and neither did Aaron Congress to pass to prevent
Again, I have nothing do. Montgomery Ward, Nor James competition from kids, have
against CW, which is just one Meanwhile the ARRL di- Cash Penney Jr., and their done incalculable harm to
of the many modes avai lable rectors you've elected, and stores have done fairly well. youngsters,
to us. I just don't like seeing then continued to re-elect, John Jacob Astor, who became Yes, of course colleges
amateur radio bei ng blown want to continue to maintain the richest man in America, left could be made relevant to the
away because the ARRL di- the Morse Code barrier for home and started working as a 2Ist century, but that's going
rectors want to force us to do HF operating _ thus keeping teenager, So did Wall Street to be over the dead bodies of
what they are convinced is over half of our licensees financier Jay Gould and steel the college faculties. In my
good for us. from being able to use the HF magnate Andrew Carnegie, oil editorials, which I reprinted
In case you haven't no- bands (and perhaps thus guar- tycoon John D, Rockefeller, in my Declare War book, and
ticed, our hobby is dying, and anteeing that they'll quickly Henry Ford, and David Sarn- cited again in my Improving
not slowly, either, The monthly lose interest in the hobby and off. A recent Inc, magazine State Government book ($5,
FCC figures on new licenses go away). Talki ng about very survey showed that virtually book #30), I explained a
and upgrades are dropping little or less over the local re- ev ery successful entrepreneur simple way college educa-
fast. peater doesn't hold much in- either skipped college or tions could be made relevant.
Ham dealers arc going out terest for any but those with dropped out.
o f business, as are more and low-double-digit IQs. I suspect it was their early Continued on page 18
4 73 Amateur Radio Today December 1999
RAMSEY Cool Wireless Goodies
World's Smallest TV Transmitters Doppler Direction
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froflI a 1Ja'lstMI8I' you can hide lXder a quarter and criI Track dcMn jamlnefS and hidden lranSi'I'lItlef ....
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flClI pleased, _
.*'<d. ~ b " O " " ,
plished on many levels, ranging from simple sales
ads to propagation and OX information to a chat
area where anything can be discussed .
Butthars not all. E ham dot net includes news
items from Newslineand other sources, a cal/sign
serv er, free ads 10 swap on-nne with listings au-
I know what I saw. And that night it read my tomatically exported and reposted to the rec dot
The Xlmaslc.. :.-F-=.:.i=s
1e '-----_ _ mind. It brought me a Mr. Potato Head, Scully. It radio dot swap newsgroup, and much, much
knew that I wanted a Mr. Potato Head' more. Access to e ham dol net is free. To take a
57 GREEN ST. look go to (www.eHAM.net].
BETHLEHEM PA I'm sorry, Mulder. but you're asking me rc oe-
regard the Jaws of physics. You want me to ce- Thanks to W4AN, viaNewsnne. Bill Pasternak
11 :51 PM DEC 24 WA 6ITF, editor.
lieve in some supernatural being whO soars
We 're too late! It's already been here, Mulder, across the skies and bn'ngs gifts to good little
I hope you know what you're doing. girls and boys. Listen to what you're saying. Do
look, Scully. just like the other homes: Dou- you understand the repercussions' If this gets The Shorter, the Better
glas fir, truncated. mounted, transformed into a
out, they'll close the X-Files .
If you are planning on putting on a hamfest or
shrine; halls decked with boughs 01holly; stock- Scully, listen to me: It knows when you're
convention, think small. At least if you live any-
ings hung by the chimney. with care. sleeping. It knows when you're awake.
where in the southeastern United States. that is.
You really think someone 's been here ? But we have no proof.
where smaller seems 10 equate with better.
Someone, or something. Last year, on this exact date, SETI radio tete-
The realization that small hamfests dedicated
Mulder, over here - it's a fruitcake. scopes detected bogeys in the airspace over 27
primarily to flea marketing and ham radio testing
Don't louch it! Those things can be lethal. states. The White House ordered a Condition
are the most popular comes as a result of a sur-
ffs OK. There 's a note attached: "Goona find Red. But that was a meteor shower. Officially. Two
vey conducted by the South Eastem Repeater
out who's naughty and nice. days ago. eighl prized Scandinavian reindeer
Association. The results. which are available in
Irs judging them, Scully. II's making a list. vanished from the Nalional Zoo in Washington
Ihe fall issue of its Repeater Journal, shows thai
Who ? What are you talking about? DC. Nobody - not even the zookeeper - was
60% of ltlose surveyed are more likely to attend
Ancient mythology tells 01 an obese human- toldabout it. Thegovemmenl cIoesn' wanl people a one-day hamfest than any other kind 01 show.
oid entity who could travel et great speed in a to know about Project Kringle. They lear that if 60% also said that all ooe-oay shows should be
cratt powered by antlered servants. Once each this thing is proved to exist, the public will stop held only on Saturday with 72% saying thai the
year, near thewinter solstice, this creature is said spending half its annual income in a Chrislmas starting lime should be an early 8 a.m. local time.
10 descend from the heavens to reward its fol- shopping frenzy. Relail markets Will collapse. Least popular are furl-fledged conventions with
lowers and punish disbelievers with jagged Scully. they cannot let the worid believe this crea- manufacturers' representatives and mega dis-
chunks of anthracite. ture lives. There's too much at stake . They'll do plays. Only 39% said that they cared for these
But thaI's legend, Mulder - a story told by whatever it takes to ensure another silent night types of shows. Also, an overwh elming 64% said
parents to fn'ghten children. Surely you don't Mulder, 1- that no mailer what kind 01show it is, they usu-
believe it? Shhh. Do you hear what I hear? ally head home between 1 and 2 p.m . in the
Something was here tonight. Scully. Check On the roof. It sounds like ... a clatter. afternoon .
out the bile marks on this gingerbread man . The Iruth is up there. Let's see what's the In Ihe area of forums, radio clinics, and other
Whatever tore through this plate of cookies was matter ... such activities, 54% of those responding said that
massive - and in a hurry. Found at The Laffatorium {www.laffnow.com] these are not important to them . Only 33% at-
It left crumbs everywhere. And look, Mulder. by the PlanoAmateuf Radio Klub, and published tend these activilies on a regular basis, with an-
this milk glass has been completely drained. in their December 1998 Parking TIcket. other 36% dropping by once in a while. On the
It gorged itself, Scully. It fed without remorse. other hand, 79% say that having ham radio ex-
But why would th ey leave it milk and cookies? aminations available at a hamfest or convention
Appeasement. Tonight is the Eve, and nothing Bonds is one of the most important services that a show
can stop its Wilding. can render. 62% say that exams should be held
The US Treasury has just announced that it in the morning.
But if this thing does exist, how did it get in?
will sell three new types of bonds: The SERA survey covers just about every as-
The doors and windows were locked. There's no
The AI Gore bond, which has no interest pect of namtest activity and contains many re v-
sign of forced entry.
The Monica Lewinsky bond, which has no elations that even industry leaders were probably
Unless I miss my guess, it came through the
maturity; and unaware of. Irs reasonable to assume that ham
The Bin Cfinton bond. which has no principal. radio manufacturers and publishers will be tak-
Wait a minute, Mulder. If you're saying some
It is not true that they will be issuing an ARRL ing a very close look at the facts that the SERA
huge creature landed on the roofand came down
bond, which has no recempto n dale. survey delivers as they begin planning their at-
this chimney, you're crazy. The flue is barely six
tendance at shows for the year2000 and bayonet
inches wide. Nothing could get down there.
Thanks to the Repeater Journal, as reported
But what if it could alter its shape, move in all
directions at once? eHAM.net is Here in Newsline, Bill Pasternak WA6ITF, editor.
You mean. like a bowl full of jelly? They call it e ham dol net. and it could be the
Exactly, Scully. I've never told anyone this, but beginning of a new way for hams to interact with
when I was a child my home was visited. I saw one anomer and the worid around them .
Changes at Day~to~n.!..-__
the creature. It had long white shanks of fur sur- E ham dot net made ils debut in cyberspace Some major changes are coming to the way
rounding its ruddy. misshapen head . Its bloated on September 2nd. Its creator, Bill Fisher W4AN. forum speakers are reimbursed at the Dayton
torso was red and Yotlrte. 11 never forget the horror. says that the site can best be described as a Hamvention. Until now, forum leaders and speak
I turned away. and when I looked back. it had s0me- communily of hams from around the wortd inter- ers were given sixty dollars a day for up to two
how taken on the facial features of my father. acting as a community.
Impossible. Fisher says that e ham dot net amed at giving Continued on page 38
6 73 Amateur Radio tcasv December 1999
MFJ 24/12 Hour Cloc
M ODE l .... FJ.IOCI B
ShO""1 actual size
'>Xer 's Wall Clocks Hi-Contrast LCD Clocks Bright LED Clocks
.\lfJ.125, S29.95. 12 inch .\IFJ- 119B.549.95. Giant
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gives 24 hour time plus more. Has giant see-across-the-shack
Has three smaller independ- 2'/. inch lime digits. Digital cal-
o ,
ently sellable dials for 12
hour lime , day of week and
date. No more da y/date con-
endar or clock modes. Displays
inside temperature (F/C) , rela-
rive humidi ty, mo nth. dale and
fusion when logging D X ~ day of week. Ilandsomc hunter
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dials! li as Seconds hand.
.\IFJ-1 18. SZ4,95
.\1FJ-II S. S24.9 5. Sci this 2411 2 hour cloc k has
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and you can determine the digits. Displays 24 o r 12
time in any time zone of the hou r time, yea r. month,
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~rem ll~ r world cmcs encircle Hang on wall or de sk mo unt. 5'/.\\'x2'I,Hx 'I,D in.
Its colorful world map face
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face is easy to see across 1135 Clock has large 5/8 inch LCD numcr-
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hour Quartz movement . Huge World Map LCD Clock displays
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while numerals give excel-
lent visibi lity across room.
time in ewr)' time zone ill Ihe
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on LCD world map, Displays 24
Attractive gold colored hour. or 12 hou rs, minu tes. seconds,
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1\1FJ- 126. S2t 95. 12 hour button accesses pre-set second time zone. Alanns for
s B
Q uartz movement gives 12
hour time on inner dial (for
two time zo nes. Adjust s for daylight savings time.
MFJ -152. $24.95. Read Indoor und
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Attractive clean. white fact' digits! Choose F or C. Stores minimum ~l rJ -J~~ MlJ CyberARTM
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7 Band WeatherAlert 14-1no1 HamTool'" HamGear "l Waistpak hearin g range. helps you hear every word at
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More halll<\' lise iWF J SWR Analyzers'" th{/f/ any others ill the JIIorld!
by-giJin. 17M
nyo ne who works with the lat- The preregulated power supply de- Circuit description
~ m
;~. ,
~ '"
~..--: n A
'::,"j ..."'" ., ....,,
~I ~ ~l:+ ~
l,!, j..o / DI2~
120 V/!oC
o~ 5CII7
'" I - ...
.. -";'f --
a j
'- - . ...-
'" ~ ...,
,, ~
0111 :;
,j" . ~
Fig. I. Circuit schematic. Notes: J. Moun t SCRI and Q I on -t .r 2-1/2 .r l -inch heat sink. 2. R5 current limit: 3A -5\V/0. 2l1: 2A - 3 W/
O.3Q: 1.5A - 2W/oAl1: IA - I W/O.6l1: 0.75A - I \VAJ.8l1: 0.5A - 0.5WI J.2l1: 0.25A - 0.5 WI2. 2l1. 3. A 120 VA C neon panel lamp
with built-in resistor can be mounted across the 01"0 poles of51. such that it is on when the switch is thrown. 4 . Along the connection
between pill 12 of V I and pin 12 of U2, voltage must not exceed 39 V.
10 73 Amateur Radio tcaev December 1999
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he title of thi s an-ide sounds seemed. well, j ust a bit se nsational. In so mething most wri ters about the
". \;
Photo B. Close-up view of the antenna field. Note the ground Photo C. Detail of the phas ing elements on the antenna towers;
counterpoise f or the Qntennas to "steer against." the antennas and theirfeed are phased fo r directional control.
the electronically stccrable antennas in electronics and a B. Sci . degree. and "waterfull't-ty pe spectrum anal yzer.
- the same view. bv the way,
th at vou have spent a lot of years workin g on both of which will allow you to keep
can find o n the HA ARP We b site . very high-end m ilitary electronics. track uf the ionosphere from the
My wife Mary has an abundance o f What I saw here was a site devoted to Internet. It al so has a running "snap-
commo n sense . While not technically science. fund ed in part by the Navy. shot" of the received sig na l levels for
orie nted. she can sme ll a rat a mi le The site d ocs contain severa l instru- WWV o n 15 MHz and 20 MHz, as
away. She gave these g uy s a cl ean bill me nts o f value to hams. These arc th e we ll as the 49 meter SW broadcast
of health. I have a 30-year background current record ing riomete r a nd a band. All very useful. Find these at
[ n rl. n a v y . m i I/pr o j e ct s / haa r p l
index .htmlhnp:/Iw3] and . spec ifi ca lly.
you can find more inform ation o n th e
iono sphere at [hnp:/Iw3.nrl.navy.mi U
projcctvhaarp/ionindcx .html]. For fun.
the y have a Webcam on site. You can
see th e cu rre nt dayti me weather in
interior Alaska.
The site ha s a variety of othe r so-
phisticated RF lest eq uipmen t - all of
wh ich c an be accessed via the World
Wide Web. The settings of the eq uip-
ment are co ntro lled via a com p uter
bus. but the readings are available for
your use . ln add ition to th e RF test
equipment . a recording magn etometer
is on-site to track geomagnetic di stur-
banc es that may impact the iono-
sphe re . wh ich has a d irect affect on
propagation . While not a complete to ol
PIWIo F; Off-the-shelf PC.f are used to cont rol the system and test equipmen t. for hams in the COr-:US , it is a solid
16 73 Amateur Radio Today . December 1999
FM Dual Bander APR5 an d
9600 Baud TNC Built-in
Full Featured HF Base
(5) Model Inc ludes 6 meters
Pnoto G. Some of the HP test equipment
used on site to monitor the signal p roduced Pholo 1. Another antenna used in the science
Super Compact
by HAARP. package fou nd on -site. Transceiver
place to gathe r data to compare to Once and if the site gets the fun ding 5011441430 MHz
Heavy Duty FM
other information so urces focused on to increase their power. I may have to Handheld
'he CONUS. revise this observation. The HAARP
What impact docs the site have on folks publish their transmission sched-
propagation? 1be site has sponsored ule in advance. so you can check with FT-847
All Mode HFISOII44/430 MHz
several listening tests for hams - with their Web page to discover their trans- Unequaled satellite Rig
spotty results. Hams in Alaska have been mit times and monitor on your own -
able to hear the site, and hams outside of
Alaska seem to have had limited luck in
before. during and after the test. An
HF beacon station or WWV wo uld be o
bagging it. Even when the site is in op-
eration - for a campaign - I have no-
best to listen to - I can' t tell any dif-
ference, but perhaps yo u can.
1e-706 MKJIG
ticed no effect to rece ived signa ls here The bottom line, after visiting the site. HF/5011441440 MHz
at my station. Th ere is a greater impact pcrfonning near- field RF level measure- Plus New Features
to my station operations from auro ral ments, and talking to the operators and & More Power
flutter than anything the HAARP site
has produced to dale. Continued on page 37 i::;~~'
== 1e-748
100 Watt HFI6W2M
Tran sceiver
Dual band. SOw135w,
Large, Color
LCD Screen
A meritron A DJ Bencher Buttern ut MFJ
Cushcraft Diamond MAHA Astron
Kan tronics Larsen Mirage Lakeview
1233 N. Reading Road
Stevens , PA 17578
-... .- .
. -
- - ......-:J.-- Z Lancaster County
-- ---
~- ~
located 2 miles south ettte PA TUlTlIlike em 21 on Rt 272
M. T,F 9-6 W; TH 9-8 sa, 9-3
Photo H . AnteTlrUl field used to support riometer: Th is instrument will give a very good
feel fo r the sta te ofthe ionosphe re.
73 Amateur Radio Today . December 1999 17
NEUER SRY DIE cancer, as well as testicular ca ncer. Lost & Fou nd
con rmuedjtom page 4 where officers rest the radar gun in their
lap. Yes, kids arc getting leuke mia from A tod dler who got lost in the wilds o f
The head of the Rensselaer School o f power lines and transforme rs. Kid s are nonhero New Ham pshire was found by
Management loved the idea and wanted particularly vulnerable because thei r cells a woman who dowsed a topographical
to implement it. The next thing I knew, arc replica ting faster than in adults, so map. He r help was ignored b)' the searc h
he ' d ine xplic ably Icft. the influence of magnetic fie lds on their official s, but the state Fish and Game of-
ficers were persuaded to take her scri -
cells is more evident.
Tumors Yes, microwave and U HF ene rgy will ously a nd the c hild was found within the
small circle she had drawn on the map.
No matter how m uch the mo bile affect your ce lls, and not for the good .
A ret ired j udge w ho has been dowsi ng
phone industr y hates it and is in public It' s nor so mu ch the mi crowave energy
for 35 years has found over 4 ,000 wells ,
de nial. two new studies have shown a itself that's doi ng the damage, but the
seven mi ssing pe rson s and 150 missing
clear connection be tween mobile phone modulat ion.
pe ts. A nother dowser has had 90% suc-
use and brain tumors . Dr. Ha rde ll, in Sure, your car will run fi ne if you
cess in fi nd ing long-forgo tte n grave
Sweden. has show n that there is a 250% o nly put a little sugar in the gas tank .
sites for desce ndants looki ng for their
inc reased risk o f a brain tumor for mo-- At least fo r a whi le. but if yo u keep
bil e phon e users. The situation is e ve n d oing it. eventually the engine is goi ng
But then. if you arc a skeptic, it' s be-
worse for c hildre n and young adults, to stop. II' S the same when we a re poi -
cause you haven 't read the books by
where their cells are growing faster than soning o ur bodies, whether it's with
Owen Lehto, Chri s Bird. and Be vy Jae-
in older people and arc thu s more suscep- s uga r or magneti c fields .
ge rs that I' ve reviewed in my Secret
tible to radio wave energy interferen ce Send me $3 for the reprint o f Ross'
Guide to Wisdom . A good dowser can
in their reproduction. Co ngressional testimo ny so yo u'll have
fin d any thi ng , whether you believe in it
Dr. Preece, of Bristol University. found the facts (see page 63, ite m #34). It's
or not. Furt her, this is a skill that j ust
that a 20-minute usc of a mobi le ph one powerfu l stuff, but it 's being lost in the
about a nyone can develop .
c hanged people 's a bility to make blizzard of power and cell phone industry
c hoices that involve the visual cortex , PR dollars. Frust ration
the part of the brain which processes
sight. Cap italism While it's fu n be ing a guest on the Art
Dr. George Carlo, w ho worked for six Bell (W60 BB) radio talk show, I feel
years on a $25 mill ion cell phone indus- T he capital ist system seems to work some thing like Ponce de Leon would
try study. we nt o n an ABC Xews report pretty well. Well. it does as lon g as there probably have felt if he 'd actually found
recently saying that there were two types is competition. But when some outfit the Fountain of Youth he was looking for
o f risk from using cell phones near the manages to put its competitors out of all over Florida. "Hey, I've found the
head . O ne is genetic cell damage and the business so it has a monopoly, the pres- Fountain of Youth !.. To which his audi -
other is tumor formation. To industry sure to keep prices low and service hig h ence would say, "Sure you have:' as the)"
cl aims that scienti sts have fou nd no di- tend to disappear. In egregious cases, the went back to w huppi ng slaw s and
rect e vide nce o f risk, Dr. C arlo said that government steps in and we have an picki n' cotton, or w hatever.
that was "actually quite shocking a nti-monopo ly court battle, such as we've Abo ut o ne out of every thousand Bell
knowing what has heen conveyed to seen ag ainst Microsoft , and we've see n liste ners gets in touch w ith me . Of those,
them ." with AT & T and IBM. abo ut one in te n actually se nds for m y
If you are still using a cell pho ne , keep If Congress ended the post offic e's Secret Guide to Health. Co nsidering that
it short. Better yet, use the bag type wit h monopoly the)' legislated o n ha nd ling most catalogs p ull about a I % response,
a n a nte nna o n top of the car. the mail, we' d see prices dropping and
If you ha ve been convinced that your w ith 2% bei ng considered outstanding, I
se rvice escalati ng. Look a t the computer should rejoice at 10% . But I' m greedy
HT or a cell phon e held up next to your fie ld, where prices have been steadi ly
head can't do a n)' harm. you're another - not for sales of my book, which, for
dropping, while the product has been 55, is pretty much an at-cost ite m, but
victim of a con job. Ditto if you believe improving by leaps and hounds.
thc powe r com pa ny propaganda that greedy in that I want to help more people
T he n there's the school mon opoly, to live longer. healthier happier lives .
magnet ic field s from their power lines where the teacher' s unions are fig hting
and distribution transformers are safe. Yes, l real ly have disco vered the Foun-
hard, spending millions on lobbyists and tain of Youth. It took several years of rc-
We arc fortunat e that the leadi ng re-
deceptive adverti sing to pre vent compe - sea rc h, mainly because our so-called
searc her in the world in this fie ld is W.
tition from charter schools or vouchers, health care industry has don e such a
Ross Adey K6UI. Ross has been fighting
the power and cell phone industries, try- and doing their be st to make home magnifice nt job o f hiding the brill iant
ing to let people know the facts . But the sc hooling as diffic ult as they can . work o f a few doctors. Plus, there's the
money. and therefore the media attcn- How about the medical monopol y, political might of rhc pharmaceutical in-
tion. lies with the affected industries . w ith the A MA and the pharmaceutical dustry, the insurance ind ustry, Big To-
There is no constituenc y for safety. So compa nies in bed with the insurance bacco, Big Food, B ig Suga r. Big C hemi-
money. as usual, rules, in the media and com pa nies a nd the FDA, providing us cal, and other Biggies to keep the truth
with governme nt agencies. with the most expensive medical care in from being known .
If you're inte rested in reading Ross' the world (by a wide margin). and one of The nice thing about reading books is
testimony be fore Congress on the sub- the least effective . And all of thi s is with that they make it po ssible to learn from
ject. I' ve reprinted it for you. His testi- the connivance of Congress. the world's top experts, instead o f from
mony is bac ked up by his yea rs of re- Our government is a typical example some pontificating pro fessor who is far
searc h, plus that of dozens of other almost of a monopoly. with the price of its ser- more interested in research grams than
unknown researchers. vices going ba llistic, a nd the quality of those blank faces in his lecture hall . O r
Yes. cell phone s arc causing brain can- service into the pits- with the IRS pit from so me grad student "teacher" who
cer. Yes, po lice radar is causing brain bulls . doesn ' t know squat. As I' ve mentioned,
18 73 Amateur Radio Today December 1999
in my four years o f college I had exactly responded with a large pulse. Feeling PROJECTS F ROM
one interesting teacher. The rest were -. SESC:OM S iPs
sorry for the fig, he put down the kni fe,
busy repeating what they'd been tau ght which resulted in a shorter galvanic pulse --~-
- -
tC ,_ ....
_ _ _ TOGO-
a generation earlier. For instance, the sub. from the fig . _ . . . C* .... CBfIUIS
ject of quantum mechanics was never When the fig was asked if it could be
o nce even mentioned in any physics
class! And this was in the 1940s in an
eaten there was only a very tin y response . ""' EeIB
It didn 't seem to mind. GIn' YOlJR . ..... 1 .t.UOOO MODUI.e TOOAY
_TU_ _ S1 A ,a _ M ' _ _
engineering university ! Apparently distance doesn't make any ~ , "JIl va.otSRI' TO Sfl1l 1!I6ti<fS~ !>a ()(w::S
Tl6lE /lIlE III CIFffiENl CE.WB tllIIi . - . 0 lH.
Oh, I can unders tand why 99.99% o f difference, as re ported by Backster, This 0I'RJIl GOOO 0'I.... 1I<E S"Am; ~ BCIS~20. ' . .
lM'T Cf llfQSI OR QlS1lMR WSI!l! _ .... CIlm'I' CARll
the people hearing me would be skepti- was confirmed by Marcel Vogel , a senior OOlonx _ '$1~NJ.OW'-'~fOIl~
cal. What I've learned goes counter to research chemist for ffiM 's Advanced
what they' ve been taught to believe Systems Development Laboratories, who
from earliest childhood, We believe in sent strongly foc used thoughts to a plant
doctors. In hospitals. In chemotherapy in California from Czechoslovakia.
and radiation for cancer. We believe that Thi s would seem to be a won derful
the sta ndard medical approac h to deal- area for exploration by kids looking for
ing with arthriti s, diabetes, and so o n interesting science fair projects. LOW PROALE HF ANrENNAS
m UST be right. So who is this Wayne THAT REALI.)' WORK!
Work the Wood Witbout Worling Up the NrighborlJood"
Green guy who is trying to say that this Good News!
is all horse pucky? Who 's this guy who
is trying to tell us that merely by chang- O ne of the more valuable books re-
viewed in my Secret Guide TO Wisdom is BI LAL COM PANY
ing our lifestyle we can get over virtu- Call for a FREE Catalog:
ally any illness and add 3G-60 years of
healthy living to our lives? What a crock!
I'm open to any ideas you may have as
C hris Bini's Secrets of the Soil, which is
a barn-burner, Un fortunately it 's been
out of pri nt, so when I got word fro m the
137 Manchester Dr.
Florissant , CO 80816
to how I can get the attention of the ASD Bookstore, 430 Railroad St it. St. l'I'ww. rm fi eld ./let/i ,wl r on
99 .99% of the people who need help, but Johnsbury VT 05819. (800) 711 -9497 Go to lG word Search & T e in: !sotron
(Wayne sent you ), that they have the hook CIRCLE 42 ON REAOER SERVICE CARO
are blind and deaf to my me ssage.
I fccl a terrible sadness when I sec in stock, that was great news! It's $20.
some bloated elephant of a woman head- The 442 pages are packed with fascinat-
ing for an all-yo u-can-cat buffet for her ing information. much of it stuff you won't
fifth plate. I feci it when I see hams at find anywhere el se. If you' re looking for
Dayton with grotesque bellies hanging interesting fields to experiment in or for a
o ver their be lts . Or people hobbling new product to sell, you'll fin d this a
along with walkers. When I visit nursing
As a matter of probably no interest
homes and see rows o f Alzheimer's 1l.....' II2Wol-lO
veggies. whatever, the old name for 51. Johnsbury c IC.706MKIIG
It wasn't un til I did the research that I was Sanger' s Mills. My middle name, ~ RI>C~
. l MdOu
.",._I OUrSprtiolkl \'l e'R
..... _ .. _ ., ... lJa..,._
_ c.. IH Web.
fo und out what 's gone wrong . Like ev- which my dad used, so I didn't, is Sanger. ROSS DlSTltIBlITJNG, Tn s.... SIfM. ~ ID SJ2liJ
4 _ T...];;.... ..., _ ' " - _ , _ .
eryone else I was busy poisoning my My great-great grandfather came over
body with caffeine , mercury, root canals, from Vermont to New Hampshire around
NutraSweet, tons of s ugar, and so on, I 1820 and settled in Littleton. My great
had no way of knowing what a sucker I grandfather Sanger was a homeopathic
was. I ate coffee and doughnuts at ham physician - the town doctor.
club meetings. I loved the free dough- But don' t let that stop you from reading
nuts the Dayton HamVention provided this amazing book, okay?" The Pouch
in the exhibitors' lounge. Now I'm busy
doing everything I can to repair the 70.. More Bad News
Protective carrying case for your HT.
some years of damage I've unknowingly
A fa x from WA0KKC says that the lo- Tough, washable neoprene and nylon.
done to my body, It 's quite a reconstruc-
cal hamfest attendance as well as the ex- Neoprene is tough stuff that absorbs
tion project.
hibitors, both commercial and indi- shock like no leather case ever could !
Have you some s uggestions o n how I
vidual, were off at least 40% from last
might go about increasing the percent-
year and that 95 % of those attending Choose from neon red, lime, or royal.
age of people I'm reaching with my
were old men. It looked more like a So-
message from 0.01 % to maybe I %?
cial Security meeting than a hamfest. State make and model of your HT.
O h, Fig! And w ho was everyone blaming? The
ARRL! You can bet that many of the at- All pouches $ 18.50.
The Cleve Backster experiments with tendees and exhibitors won't be back if With sho ulder stra p add $5.00.
his philodendron that were reported in they try to run another hamfest ne xt Shipping & handling $3 .50.
The Secret life ofPlants al most 25 years year. Send check or m.o. to :
ago were recently replicated using a fig, Unless you arc able to get your direc-
as reported in the Spring issue of The tor to stop trying to discourage young- Omega Sales
American Dowser. A freshly picked fig sters from getting involved with the P.O. Box 376
was placed between two electrodes that hobby, we're goners. Demand that your
J affrey, NH 03452 ~
were connected to a galvanic response director come to a cl ub meeting and
80Q-467-7237 ~
recorder. When someone decided to cut
the fig, as he reached for a knife the fig Continued on page 20
73 Amateur Radio Today December 1999 19
NEUER SHY 0 I E insects to leave their crops alonc j ust by
rontinuedfrom page 19 communicating with them.
I told yo u how I called Chris to fin d
SAY YOU SAW IT IN 73 / explain why he bas done nothing to get o ut what C leve had been doing since the
the ARRL to promote the hobby. 1976 plants book. Chris put me in touch
When 1 gal involved with amateur ra- with C leve, and he , in tum, steered me 10
dio the average harn age was 28 and Brian O 'Leary, who had been working
thousands of schools had radio clubs with him on human cells . Brian sent me
that were busy recruiting new blood and The Secret ilfe of Your Cells. Wow ! This
Wh.n you ordM. you will getti ng them licensed. The League, un- book confirms that every cell in o ur
~tItI CD-ROM th. t I. ~ der the secret leadershi p of Man Kahn body is in instant communication in some
than f week Did! Clearly, the W2KR, almost totally des troyed the way with every other cell. And that's
mo.t comprehens ive snd
c urren t CD-ROM 8 vs llsbfe. school club infrastructure in 1964. and even w hen they're se parated by thou-
Lates t features it's been downhill for us ever since. sands o f milcs! Well, this sure hel ps to
ChooM lent IIf'Id coklr oIliaUlllisplay. How bad is it? I gave a talk to a ham explain the many weird reports from
DispIII~ IIIog and map bNttl ~ .
Sholot; CO. I:ru zone. andeontinenl club near Boston, and I was the youngest people with organ transplants, and even
H'stOf)'1;11Ih_1 each ca llsigl'l &l'\Ie' 9<I. guy in the place. with blood transfusions and all those
View & lIla rl;h inla,aslS of 1 .000 ha ml . twins-reared-apart weird ness.
Seardl tordub. m~~ary. RAC ES. vanily. siltl'll ke~. Criminals I've reported j ust recently on Neil
........ addr-.andln(lf .
0..1 .533.000 U.S.1If'Id Inlema..... isls'9.88.800 S lade's book, M ental Ma gic , but I
e-maIJddoesSH. .000 photos IndOSLClrOa.26.ooo A recent Danish report (no, nOI the haven't yet incl uded it in my Secret
van~y calls and 9. 00 r&l&,ences lo QSL ma nall"'s.
pastry) of a survey of 4 ,169 34-year-old Guide to Wisdom. In it Neil exp lains
Shows sh<lr1 & long pa.lh dislance & bellfing. males fo und a close correlation between how you can get clouds to change their
Pnoei.. lalitoo.llongil"""IofOWlfllO%of addrflMeS.
HamCaMis $50.00. R;IudoId os 6 monIt\$ If. . aeeess to
lheir mother's smoking during preg- shape, just by willing it. No, it doesn't
our Inlff'f\Ell Seardl ~ . r~w'henon'&mg nancy and their later persistent criminal work every time, but it docs often
HamClJ' USA US lis1..-.gsonty. $2$.00 behavior. The more the mother smoked. enough to convince anyone who doesn' t
HamCa11Mou,~d,with morsEl code r<Jf,,,llI'\C8' $5.00 the more later criminal behavior. have a totall y closed mind. It's a piece of
the puzzle.
Using Your Hea d In Secrets of the Soil C hris discusses
the power of thought (prayer) to influ-
ence the growth of seeds as well . as
CIRCLE 50 ON REA DER SERVI CE CARD plants . Prayer also is well known to help
sick people to get better.
Then there's thc work of Coue (1857-
1926), who had m illions of people tell-
ing themselves that "every day in every
way I am ge tting better and better." The
troubl e with that was that it worked,
much to the consternation of scientists,
who in general don't want to have any-
thing to do with the po wer of thought.
Scientists in ge neral also don't want to
Complete Inventory for servtclng know about the wo rk of J.B . Rhine at
Amateur, Marine, and Commercial Duke University, where he proved that
Communications Equipment.
thought can infl uence matter. This was
, Transmitting Tubes & Sockets recently proven again by thc PEAR Lab
, RF Power Transistors
at Princeton, and further confirmed math-
, VHFIUHF RF Power Modules
l ow Noise RF FITs ematically beyond question by Dean
Bird Electronics Wattmeters Radin in his Th e Conscious Universe.
, Doorknob Capacitors After Art Bell had Ncil Slade on his
, Chokes ' Broadband Transformers show, A rt decided to test the power of
Se Habla Espa t\ol We Export
his a ud ie nce ' s tho ughts. At the time
Texas was dry as a bone, with wi ldfires
Visit our Web Site for latest raging . He asked his listeners to pray for
Catalog pricing and Specials: rain for Texas. Almost immediately
http ://www.rfparts.com Texas had a record downpour, which not
o nly put o ut the fires, bu t flooded wide
1-800-RF-PARTS 1-800-737-2787
At1 tried the experiment agai n w hen
ORDERLINE. TECH HElP . DELIVERY INfO. Florida was sufferi ng from hundreds of
fires. burn ing tens of thousands of acres.
fAX TOllFREEf AX The resulting rain damned near floated
760-744-1943 888-744-1943
Florida out into the Gulf. Art has wisely
E-MAIL: rfparts.com
stopped the e xperiments.
You see how the pieces of the puzzle
are starting to fit?
Next came a let ter with a tape from a
listener who enjoyed hearing me on
20 73 Amateur Radio Today December 1999
Art 's show. The tape explained how you find it and dec ondition it, the illness
can make major changes in your body would go away. No pill s. No surgery. No Reprints
just by positively communicating with shots . No return office visits. No further of
it. You start o ut by standing naked in mcome . 73 Magazine articles
front of a full length mirror. The most When personal computers came along Only $3.00 Each !
difficult part is telling each part of your 25 years ago I explained in my computer Call 800-274-7373
body that you love it. Tell your arms that magazine editorials that doctors needed
you love them. Tell your tummy the a program which would help them iso-
same thing . Your head. Your feet, and so late the contributing mental component
on. Tell every part of your body that you of illnesses. Using a sensitive ohmmeter Repeaters
love it. Then, every day, devote about circuit, it would be simple for a com-
five minutes to gently massaging each of puter to isolate the triggering mental On your freq tuned, plug & play
your body parts, reaffirmin g your love. component so the doctor could decondi- 6m, 2m & 440 $399.95 & $499.95
Well, before you dismi ss the idea, tion it. As a mental repair technician 50
consider how cooperative someone you years ago I had no problem iso lating Rmeater Controllers
know would be if you let them know ev- these mental triggers and eliminating RC-IOOOV ......$259.95
ery day how much you hated them. You them, just by asking a few questions -
may hate having a big fat gut, but tell it an d people wou ld immediately get Micro Computer Concepts
you love it anyway. Tell it that every day. better!
8&49 Gum T ree Ave
Then you' ll see a miracle start to hap- Even Walt Disney has tried to get us to N..", Pert Rkh..y, 1'1 , J46SJ
pen. You'll start losing interest in eating understand the power of the mind to im-
that bowl of ice cream. Or that slice of prove our lives. One of my favo rite 727-376-6575 10 AM 10 PM
coconut custard pie. You' ll be looking songs is When You Wish Upon A Star, ..-mail: n9....@akos.. d
for a salad bar instead of the usual from Finocchio, "When you wish upon a bttp:/l1lom.. t.gtt.ntIlUlkfmtt
McDonald's trough. star, makes no d ifference who you are, CIRCLE 160 ON READER SERVCE CARD
After the trauma of my first di vorce I anything your heart desires will come to
started losing my hair. I've never really you." The song has a powerful mes sage
thought much about it. I haven ' t hated - if you take it serio usly. I did a short
how I look, but then I sure haven 't been segment on a recent [www.rainreport.
proud of it either. One part of my body com] where I sang the song. I'll bet that
affinnation will be my love for my head surprised the heck out of anyone who
of hair. Hey, and while you' re about it, listened to it.
head , how about dar kening some of that
This also explains how and why pla- CALL TOLL FREE: UOOJAN-XTM
growing gray ? My father and o ne gra nd- cebos work so well. If we believe some-
father had plenty of hair at my age. Dark thing is going to work, our cells arc go- Quality Crystals
hair. My mother's father's hair turned ing to take care of things from there on. and Oscillators for:
white and thinned out when he was young, If you arc still in denial over yo ur abil-
so maybe I can trigger my father's genes? ity to communicate with plants, insects,
I've nothing to lose. animals, and your body, I hope I can
One thing I guarantee: If you follow convince you to go the $5 for my Secret
through every day (not three times a
week), you will see some amazing
Continued on page 48
chan ges. Make notes and let me know,
One more piece in the puzzle dropped
into place when I heard the July 8th Art
Bell show. He was intervi ewing Dr. ' DIP swrtc h proqrammable
' Mlnlalure in see Fully enclosed Cl eSS
Laura, who looks less than half his age. ' 37 EIA 10n<:'5. 27 non s"mdard encoder
He just isn't aging. He explained that ev- teres from 33.0 10 2!;4 1 Hz included All 32 EIA tones from
R<lV,se BurSI buillin 67,0 10203 5 Hz inclulled
ery cell in your body is in constant com- Easy 3 wire hoo kup Perfect for mooile I
munication with your mind, so what you ease eppncanoes
5S&4 CleSS Encoder
,66' x 1,M" x .21' lE32
think of yourself comes across as orders 5,25' x 3,3' x 1.7
from the boss. So, if you think you are $$64 DIP $wilch Programmab le ClCSS Encoder $28.95 TE32 Mpl!lTone CTeSS Encoder $49,95
ugly, you are going to be ugly. If you 51 CTeSS Tones E;ghl programrnablB.
11)6 DeS Codes serecta tne messages
hate your fat body, you're on your way Supports 157 Repeater Subscribe,s fu lly tild programma ble
to bein g mistaken for a Good year blimp. On-Line Computer Help via included keypad
e5=~!:~ ..r:....iii Repeater 'M eets all f-CC
If you have been co nvinced you are CW 10
Air TimeLoading &. Analys is Graphs idenl it i~l io n requirements
stupid, guess what? Signa lling ~rmats : CTess
Doctors and scientists like to think of Tp3200 Snared Repeater Tone Parlel DeS & DTMF
the mind and body as separate. T hey TP-32nDO Table TIp Version $269.95 each - . ---=:sJ
aren 't. Every cell in your body is part of TP3200RMA Singl! Ract Mount version $279.95 each ~
"Tp3200RMB Trip le Rack MDunt vers ion $279.95 each 1 - -9 10-8Automatic Morse code I de ~tlfief
your mind. Every cell is in communica- ' Holds up to mree TP3200s , VISA 1,85" x 1 12' x.3S' ,,
tion with every other cell . Backster and Call or write to receive our . 10-8 Automatic Morse Station Idenlll1el $SU S
O'Leary proved that.
Back when I first started writing edi-
torials, almost 50 years ago, I explained
full Product Catalog or visit
our Web site for complete
intcrmeucn at :
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that every physical illness had a mental
component, and that if doctors would CIRCLE 10 ON RE ADER SE RVIC E CARD
TV Tutor
How to get started in SSTV.
t's the u ~ u.al story. You I ~)o k ~t copies of EZ SSTV, which is a good Most of these are shareware. They will
p~ . . . . . .
I 00 I . 1"" nization pulses. To Orc\efs: 800 431-3939
l d'Z d' :J get around this, Info: 614866-4267
SSTV programs
+ FAX: 614866-2339
Photo C. The EZ SS1V screen with a simple video card.
73 Amateur Radio Today 0 December 1999 23
Numtr 24 on your F~k Cllrd
f it's getting dose to the time for it. the whole idea behind the Internet is Internet. Print th is out fi rs t and have a
may be required .." and that you THE HAM CONTACT, P.O. BOX 4025, DEPT. 73 15
should "... please co ntinue to the fee Westminster, CA 92684 ~1
can be ignored if you 're j ust renewing INFO LIN E: (714) 901-0573 FAX: (714) 901-0583, ORDERS ONLY (800) 933-HAM4.
nyonc who has ever QSO'd G The Aussies ha ve a few tech terms of than 0.3 J.1H . Still, you sho uld ne ver
crowded telegraph office. Another is Still, the e lectrical engineering com-
that it is simply a co ntraction of m unity stuck with the conventional
'F Express LifteD, a slang term applied to an op-
erator who had been taken out of a
(positive-to- negative) flow that had
served them so well in the past. Pa-
A DMI;o.r. orMiledoll.1 T"",haolo,_ In~.
main office and sen t to a backwater tience paid off. because when the tran-
Keys, Bugs and Paddles from station where he could cause less sistor appeared on the scene it had to
a round the worldl trouble. be exp lained partly in tenus of " hole"
USIC Nye Speed-X For a closer, how about so me CW flow from positive to negative .. . j ust
Japan, HIMound, GHD information you can use? If you' ve like conventional cu rrent. (fa visualize
"=la, Key8 wondered how fast you 're sending and hole flow, think of a bubble floating up
"""'" lJ<M>s 7}\
want a quic k way to check it out, send in a glass of beer. Gravity pulls the
'''<lad' G4ZPf THE QUICK BROWN FO X JUMPS beer down, which makes the bubble go
Cern 0 "': scnst OVER THE LAZY DOG <no peri od). up.)
M_ Exp~
Also KIts, BooI<s. Tools CTJd Sottwae!
FAX: (303) 745-6792
... There are 35 letters, equivalent to 7
five-letter words. If you send it in 60
Today, we have such powerful
groups as the US Navy teaching elec-
31 40 S. PeoriI Sl K-156 Orders: (800) 752-3382 seconds , that's 7 wpm - good enough tron flow, a nd the lEe (I nternational
Aurora, CO 80014 E-mail: hq@Morse:X.com to pass the Novice test with room to Electrotechnical Commission) teach-
(303) 7523382 Web:_ _ .MoneX.co.
spare. If yo u send it (and receive it) in ing conventional flow. Some of the
30 seconds, that's 14 wpm, and you're most popular Community College
ready for the General. Do it in 20 sec- electronics books are actually avail-
EV ERY ISSUE OF onds, and you 're at 2 1 wpm - time to able in two versions, so they can scll to
upgrade to Extra! instructors with ei ther prejudice. So,
Radio Today whic h way do I teach? I always answer
on Microfiche ! Which way did it go?
that question with a little story:
The entire run of 73 from The surest way to start a fight among Three applicants were waiting or a
October 1960 through last year is electronics types is to ask which way job interview. O ne was a business
now available. Over 800 fiche!
current flows. It all started when Ben graduate, and when he went in. the
You can have access to rne Franklin was corresponding with ex- boss asked, " How much is 2 + 2?" 1be
treasures of 73 without several
perimenters in Europe about electric business grad said, "You ha ve to con-
hundred pounds of bulky back
issues. Our 24x fiche have 98 phenomena. Everyone realized that side r the increased marginal tax rate
pages each and will fit in a card file there were positive and negative "elec- when co mbining assets, so it is likely
on your desk. tric fluids." whi ch they called vitreous that . . ." Th e boss interrupted and said.
We offer a battery operated hand and resin ous. Th ey knew that these 'That's very astute. We'll call you."
held viewe r for $150, and a desk "fluids" flowed from one to the other The second applicant was a math
model for $260. Libraries have - although no one co uld say which major, and on being as ked the same
these readers. way. Franklin proposed the "conven- question, he reli ed, "If you mean 2.000
The collection of microfiche, is tion" that they would speak of the fluids plus 2.000. then the true sum lies be-
available as an entire set, (no partial as flowing from positive to negative, and tween 1.999 and 2.00) , but if you
sets ) for $325, plus $ 10 shipping everyone agreed. mean . . ;" But the boss cut him off and
(USA). Annual updates available The telegraph was invented; Maxwell said, " Very intelligent. We'll caU you."
for $10, plus $3 shipping/handling.
developed the electromagnetic theory: The third applicant was a technician.
Satisfaction gua ranteed or money
back! telephones, light bulbs, and electric rail- and when he went in the boss asked.
ways came into use - all explained by " How much is 2 + 21" The technician
I 61lJ6 Jcttcrson Il ighway ' -' the ideas of electric fluid and Franklin's replied. " How much do YO U want il to
Mineral. Virginia 23 117 US A convention. Then, in 1898, Thompson be, Boss?" Of course, he got the job.
54{ I:KlJ4-5777KOO: 2K2-562loi (not Lord Kelvin ; another Thompson) Now, which way does current flow ?
Fax 5-l-0:KY-l--t) 1-l- 1
e-mail: infu(n 1hIK\.... n I1ll discovered the electron, and it soon be- Better learn both ways. and then be
, -, , . came clear that the "fluid" consisted of ready to do it the boss's way!
28 73 Amateur Radio Today December 1999
"That's unreal! " infinity and acceleration unde r any
force goes to zero. They come back
In the last section, I noted that the Cover Photos
with, "But if you could go faster than
world of electronics is divided into two For information
light . . ... Whereupon I am forced to
armed camps - electron fl ow adhcr- call Joyce at
answer, "Well, you can't, so let's stop
ents versus conventio nal flow (posi- talking nonsense." 1-800-274-7373
tive-to-ncgative) partisans - and I Additional absurdities crop up in
attempted to steer a neutral course be- discussing what an atom "looks" like
tween the two. Such fence-sitting - the color, shape, and surface texture
seems to anger some folks, who feel of an electron, for example. To look at
l'lIy TV and SateUile Descrambling 2000 has lalcst
that electron flow is "the truth" and a single electron, you have to throw a cable and satellite fixes, schematics, bullet blocke~,
that common sense should move all photon of light at it, which will knock cubes, etc. Pay TV Series VoL 1-10 (300 pages)
$59.95. Hacking Satellite TV Video $29.95.
but the perversely stubborn to discard it silly. A single electron doesn't Montbly Newsletter Subscription with web access,
conventional flow as a manifest error. "look" like anything, nor doe s it have a $34.95. Everytblng listed a bove $99.95 (choose hard
copy or CD-ROM). Find Anyone Anywhen: Using
Ah, if only subatomic phenomena surface texture or a color, both of the I nternet, Search public and private databases to
were simple ma tters of black and which imply an arrangement of many get information on anyo ne. $59 .95 . Calaio $ 1.00.
white. As a common-sense example, atoms together. Sl'ra m hli ng \"l'\\ "
-1798 S. Horhta Au'. j'.\1B # IHS
do you see the letters on the page in We usc mathematical models to La"dand. FL -,-'SU US )
front of you? It is conventional and describe how electrons behave in re- 9-11 -6-16-256-1. l:(W '., a n ' 01': . ,\ d d S6.
convenien t to say that we see them but, sponse to various forces, but human CIRCLE 36 ON READER SERV ICE CARD
of course, the letters are black and re- experiences of time, size, and weight
flect no light. We see the white paper, have nothing in common with an
and don't sec the black areas that com- electron. When we attempt to apply
prise the letters. Shall we condemn all "common se nse" to phenomena that
AB 12441G RC
those who refuse to ackn owledge their are completel y outside the rea,lm of MAST KIT.
error and continue to spe ak of seeing the common expe riences of our five Iwelve al u
minu m allo y
the letters "black on white"? se nses, the result is likely to be non- on s leel~
lions fo,m
Another example of mistakenly ap- sense. mi s lu'dy. yelllghl_ig hl 30 fool 1.1" dia mast.
Kil in-clud. . five e ac h lowe , end upp'" sec
plying common sense to subatomic tio ns. 0"" ea lower a nd u pper ada pier sse-
lions, gin pole swivel ban . fo ur ea 36 end 42
phenomena is the assertion that AC f1 guy ropes , f<H.I r guy slak. .. Iwo guy r ings
pl us 2.5 pound s ledge hammer, Pa rt or QE.
doesn 't "really" flow through a capaci- 254/ GRC a ntenna sel; 30 Ib sh. NEW. $139 ,50
tor, because the insulating dielectric Electron Tubes, JAN BOXED unused ;
prevents the electrons on one plate
WANTED 4CX300A Eima c. $4 5 811 A Cs lr<Hl. $25.00
4CXSOOOJ Eimac. $650 1625 Nat. Uniorl. $4.50
from passing throu gh to the other Fun , easy to build projects 4D32 Raytheon, $28 5998A S ylva nia. 59.95
684GA S ylvania. $17 63368 Celmn. 530
plate. A zillion electrons may flow into for publication in 73. 83 Sylva nia, $9.00 7360 ECG. $15.00
Allow money for st>ippin9 on merct>andiu.
the negative plate, but it is different For more info, write to:
zillion electrons that flow out of the
Joyce Sawtelle,
positive plate. If we could paint the
73 Amateur Radio Today,
electrons on one side blue, we would
70 Hancock Road
see no blue electrons coming out the Peterborough NH 03458.
other side.
The error in this argument is that
you can 't paint an electron blue, or
carve your initials on it , or di stinguish
it in any way. Every electron is exactly
identical with every other electron, so LINEAR AMPLIFIERS,_ _"'fh"'iii'-;;;;-;;;;;"""";;;;~
Hf AmpUll. ... 2 Mete' Ampllll.... S
arguments based on suppose distinc- f'C boaod ar<! rompl"'" parto 1101101
,,' ,"
(144 ,148 MHz) RF ""'*e, T' anolalo",
O'''''dband HF T,anllorm.,.
Hf ampl~''''
01 A 00W""'" '" ,,0
Ueat10n Nole nd (Kilor Wifed an" f ",swI . Chip COl'S - K""'.~'/lTC "tY DoWn Convertt
tions are nonsense - and AC "really" MolOl pp .
EnglMM,lng Oull (l1,nl' 35W " Moae
i 335A MotaIOI.., M"", Capo Unelc""'--
- . ARCO 'SPRAGU E T - -~''''' (K J! Of Wi,ed . <I<l Te SI<KI)
does now through a capacitor. AN779H (2111'1) AN 758 (3OO\~) $79 95/$109 95 Wecon~, you.irt""~:~~~~, ~ ATV_3 (420-450)
AN77"L (ZQW) A1I.313 (30011>,) 75W_ MoOeI675A, C""usror "S"'''''9f'Mm'C~i>dp,,,ts.1 IGa AS - Fer) 549,951$5995
I often hear a similar argument from AN 76Z (H OW) HZ7A (30011 $119_951$159,95 DIGITAL fREQUE~Y READOltT Model ATV 4 190 2-926)
EII63 (1401'1) EB104 (6001'1) F", OlOar analog Ira nsoei.... (GoA>; Fer) 559 951$79 95
beginning physics students when they AIl.l'i (>.IIOW) AR34? (l I)(iOW ) TK_l iW"oo a"" Testedi $T49 95
learn that time slows down at relative
velocities approaching the speed of
light. They ask, "If we could go fas ter
~ r.:'P:!'IIBommunication
~ oncepts Inc.
Heal SiIl~ M.lon. 1
I>Io<le< 99 Heat S"", is 5" , 12' , 1.61, $24
CHS-8 COppIr Spro_r i8 ", S, 318") $24
l o.. Pass Flherl (~ p 10 JOOW)
lor ~ a, mon "," $12,115
than light, would time run back- (937) 426-8600 S06 M ill stone n , ive' Buve,cc""I<,Ohin 4543f-5MO Sooc<Jy TOM, 15M 20M ~ 130M Or 160M
FAX e-mail: [email protected] !iF Spl'".... .".,Co...blno,.'up ro 2KW
wards?" I reply that you can't go faster (937) 429-3811 www.communication-concepts.com
than light, because mass approaches
73 Amateur Radio Today. December 1999 29
A Cold Meal and a Hot Radio
That's what this XYL 's OM flOW comes home to.
veryone becomes involved in Novice . I had no ambition to ever up- Abo ut tha t time, o ur are a got a two
n the last part, we dealt w ith tran- will be at th at po int. Resta ting in an- Reflections on the line
all over everything and will measure would like to have a detector that will .. .
"l1\i, prOf(fom f,.~" a.y ond , pe"dy ..If i", roll.hon. rondom
be sensitive to the voltage d ifference , h",ool..- dJill. with U,. <1",.or... yOIl ","",I: .nd yu" ""',or".,,,
nothing . yow 0"''' dnll. Of imporl l<l<I !il,,-,. You ron rype """"1yUll he", 0.-
between th e cond uctors, and inse nsi - copy by hand and ICC ,h. , ult> on. hr" 0' lim, PJ,;~ U'"
The balun shown in Fig. 2 consists F.m.worth '" th1<lIl<LIId morbod, ide<:! U..101'" freqo""" y .......1
of a half wavelength of coax bent into ti ve to the voltage to ground that the rom(oe1.bIt f.. yOll '" ide<:! yOUf<ode'~m1<f'U" o( , wordper
minut" fOl 011 OOS rompul"" You "'. oIw'~'1fl lmnl>nd
conductors have in common . The com-
a " U" and attached to a coax line o f es-
sentially any length with a fitting to mon mode voltage o r common voltage
('("11 lflt"d
' I...... Tu'....G.. ~ IIO<S )'0IIr ""emal opeoL:o-
-.nd boanl .Af ld,lfYOU_'~ bowd
connect to the transmitter. At 146 M HT.
with RG-5 8 cable having polyethylene
to ground wi ll arise o nly because of an
imperfect action of the balun . It docs 00
~( '
'S . .." ",,
i $' I I
M_ T...... GeI~ SlfJ'P'J'lo ....."" """".,.
Solfnd 1lWI.. anclth< Sound 8bU<r C<JmpobbWry
1.DKo ~ uade",.rL. ore,,,,,,,,,, T lid
insulation, a ha lf wave is approxi- not participate in the transmission li ne \ ,i;lhIf Ih", dnIe.... lbr -UtR I~ Dr .....1 '2'I'1~
'4 ,& H ,C\~,;>dd ~l~ h'l t o:
mately 26 inches. If you have Teflon- action and serves on ly 10 confuse the (,(;YL 1'.0 . 80" .4ll5. o.pI. \ '-.;" , port lit. .,
insulated cable, the length is approx- measurement. l \ .~. Spt<if~ 5 ./..... J /: i ~ d...~.
S Watt $1 05' 11 Watt, $179"
22 Watl: $219"
32 Walt $269' " 42 Wall: $329. -
"""Wall: 9
tional co up ler, the assembly should 12 vee to 110VAC Fledlle 5. 11 & 32 Wall Panels
S Watt Flex: SI1S' 11 Wall Flex:
show a low VSWR measuring on the INVERTERS $189'" 32 Wall Flex: $399- '
feed cable with a 200 ohm carbon re- R~ Ellocmg & ByPass Diodes
Mocified Sine w_ SoIioon Alloy 0ep0sIt8d on Stainless Steal. No Glass
G;ealw /ThePOWfR
sistor between points "A" and " B". STATION Of MEGA STATlON
to Break
T~ ple JunctlOll Silicon Cells
O.-el'load. The rmal. & UndervO/lage
The resistor must be carbon or film PrOlBdlon
S10.5OI&n ' S1 2.5Os&h " SI 6.5Os&h ..S18,OO5&n
Model Con t. Pwr Peak Pwr Price
and definitely not wirewound. If your
transmitter power is more than a watt
140 Watts
300 Watts
250 Watts
500 Watts
PP600 600 w at ts 800 Watts $99.95' 50nIing
P.O. Box 4025
or so , it may be necessary to parallel PP1000 1000 Watts 2000 Wans $219.9S"
Westminster, CA 92684, Dept. 73
PP1500 1500 Watts 3000 WM s $324,95' LORD
several resistors as described in part I to PP2500 2500 watts 4000 Wall s $549,95'" INFO 714901.()S73
-sro.soesn " $12,50s&h ' 'S1 4.5Os& h si nce
FAX 714-901 0583
obtain the 200 ohms with an appropriate
ORDERS 800"933-4264 l, j981
power rating .
Flexcharge 12V x 7 Amp COnlroller, S!'V.V5. $8 5Os& ~
Next, cut a length o f TV twin lead
FleltCharge 12V x 25 Amp Cl'Iarge S Il 9.9~46.5Oa&~ H u'''d f
about 10 fee t long and strip about a Charge Controllers for MU~1p1e Battary Banks Also! appy ~ ays rom THE HAM CONTACT
quarter inch of wire o n both ends. If For Literature on Antennas. HT & Gel BaNeries. Inverters Power Supplies, Etc. Send a large SASE w/3 stamps
73 Amateur Radio Today December 1999 33
Now the
FEED ex periments
CABLE \{N HALF-WAVE V T V twi nlead is
-: no m ina lly
ohms in ~; there-
fo re . let us s tart
by terminating the
B far end (away
JOIN CENTER from the balun ) "
~ with a 300 ohm
CONDUCTORS carbon or film re-
sistor. Keep the
leads as short as
Fig. 1. Half-wo ve balun.
possib le. Wi th the
t ran sm itter ru n-
1/2 b y one inch . W ith a sha rp knife, ning so me w here around 146 MHl . fOAM
you shou ld ha ve a re aso nab ly n at re- / GU'DE
c ut a s lit down the center and c heck
wit h an ohmmeter to mak e sure tha t spo nse fro m th e detector. The meter
the two ha lves arc elec trica ll y iso- read ing s hou ld he more or less con-
lated. T he four diodes re presen t a s ta nt no matter w here on the line you TVNJlNlAD
bridge rectifier. s lide the detector. Bec au se of th e rela-
You can not use a made up po we r tive cru de ness of the construc tion . do Fig. 4. The detector.
bridge or power rectifi ers like not be too s u rprised if you find a
1N400x at two meter frequencies. T he vari ation of 4% or 5% in the reading s.
dose" as oppo sed to "exactly ' shortly.
bridge works best with UH F ge rma - Remo ve the resistor and leave the
nium diodes; howe ver. it will function li ne open-circuit ed . Thi s time you
Next, let us replace the short with a
with high speed switching diodes like sho uld find a very pro nou nced stand- 100 ohm carbon or film resistor. In this
11"'9 14 or I N4 J46. A zcro- to- l-ma ing wave on the line. The voltage will case, the VSWR will not be nearly so
meier movement will function satis- be hi gh at the open e nd a nd will fall high and. a" a matter of fact. should mea-
factori ly for the detector. and the re- s harply to near zero a q uarter wave to- sure 3:I; that is, the peak voltage should
sisto rs should be se lec ted to give ward the se nd ing end and a half wave be th ree times as great as the minimum
ab o ut a half sca le readin g on a beyond that. Take some masking tape an d the m inima should lie a lmost exactly
ma tc hed li ne . and mark the p laces where the voltage on the marks for the short c irc ui t
The foa m gu ide on the prone is in- minima were , and identify that th ese Finall y, rep lace the resist or wi th a
te nded to hold the pro be in a constant are for the open c irc uit. 600 oh m re si s tor. I n thi s case , the
relationship to the line as we slide the Next. so lder a s hort circu it across VSW R s ho u ld m ea su re 2: I and the
probe along th e line . Yo u probab ly the end of the line. Don 't j ust tw ist the min ima s ho u ld lie cl o se to th o se fo r
wi ll ha ve bette r res u lts if yo u fi rml y wires - so lde r a j umper in p lace. This th e ope n c irc u it casc o
m o unt t he comp o ne nts on a c irc uit time the vo ltage a t the s hort wi ll be
bo ard and p ro vide a wooden handl e Co nclusio n s
near zero and the next mi nimum will
to keep your ha nd six o r m ore inches be a half wave to ward the send ing end . These experi ments were intended to
aw ay fr om th e line as you slide t he M ark and identi fy these as before. The prove that:
de tector a long. distance between minima shou ld be
( I) The point of minimum voltage
the same for the on th e line is a lways resis tive.
s hort c irc uit case (2 ) The impedance on the line at the
as it was for the voltage mi nim um is ~fVS W R .
o pe n c irc uit case . (3 ) A line terminated in its ~ has no
B a nd the mi nim um stand ing waves.
for th e shorted Ifinstead of measuring vo ltage we had
200 case sho uld lie measured curre nt. we could also have
ve ry d ose to he- shown that the points o f mi nimum cur-
A ing ce ntere d he- rent arc resistive and equal to Zo
tween the minima *VS W R. O ur mea surements paid little
for the ope n c ir- atte ntio n to fi ndi ng the vo ltage peaks
c uit casc oWe wi ll
Fig. J . TIl e circuit. ex plain the " very Continued on page 38
34 73 Amateur Radio Today December 1999
Number 35 on your FfHldtnclr c.ra
arts I and 2 o f thi s series pro- that controlled by the top lo ad ing. I I (2) Increasi ng the top loadi ng o n the
using and he suggested I sho uld O R,II . b . Pu NlIlfow li SCl~ (i' g;SQ9A@ = t,i~.~.{1 044, O I
AFC ~..l l GU O:=J
visit his Web site and dow nload :MI<9O ~ ~ Fe OlHIII N., l heod III DX-.o M$O, HIM 0 lecelVer Th& eee r!'Iaf\el lS reefy huge , II you corne upd e I'I$ind :;]
the version 10 of Logger. Gene ), you ..... Med 1Mm, I lkI'! U\& OSP /Irl trQ I(~, auT, wah use S'e1ed1'!d t C8tl nd' SI!Ilr8d Ihol ON (I M , 01 -.y "'I~
ner DSP Mel. I Wbh tn. ~' ~ give SOIhll fteod*1 , ~ be relll 10 let me ~k!ct rrilf own fller , n stol -.:l 01
explained, with no bas hfulnes s, 11g!he .~ piclr tle Ih L Theflll " IIl lechAq;.oe CIt ~ON 101 t ec>elYe ,.lll tid use for tr~ , boA '- ,"tilt II hIIltd 10 vt
that the latest versio n of Logger , end diffiCUI to ct'1Mge fre~ iC;~s sn:e yw ne-ed 10 me bottI VFOs
was absolute ly the cal's meow , Ihe ~ Force has be~ pretlv rsee to !n(l" , n 2lS '(elliS I howe tvoo n 13 pbs. ~ 10 fly III lot 01 oo-o"an (I am III Test ~),
901 to ee ae III lot 01 ee wor1d.1ved n fo.,ope IlIld A :l*ll (KQlea) lor III fe w y ears DIllylon is rICe, my we!InCI l rlI:1W hlll'l'e
and I think he im plied I wou ld son,a ocI lllI'lCCtJet on tte WIllY n f'ebNarY, 0."'00 1:$ ll lJre p1d1C11l lo hove kr.ts \10W' l.4l , 1Ii-,.ed n Montgorrrery lor III
he sorry if I d idn 't get a copy. year' ( went to Mexwel AtB lor eeee
Experience: Laptop
- - -- - - - - -- - - - -
useful , but ...
Michigan T ~~gjp
FR1 11-a
SAT 10-3
-"-- _ ... 000 _ _
Now on the World Wide Web http://mi chiganradio . com E-ma il mirad@mich .com
FT-2600 M n . 1l1O
nl V7A Hot -261
phase noise, microwave rover blend of systems for everyone TV a p p li cation , tms ........ m o u nt. Ha s
sold er l ug l or
sub a s sombly ta kes
operations, 1296 VLNA com- from the beginner to the experi- Cha nn el 3 , 4 or 5 sig - co a x ca b le . R o d is
ap p ro x. 8cm lon g , A
nal an d d em odul ates
puter design, laser communica- e nced microwave amateur. For n ew r od o f d ifterent
the audio. Comes with
those that cou ld not be there . a d o cume n tati o n and le ng th may ea si ly be
tions, amplifi ers , feedh orn schematics, plus a dd i- fa sh i o n ed fo r fre -
q ue ncy of choice
bo nal sche ma tic s to
build add -on video de- 97AOO5 $5.95
modulator board. HAM HAN DY
92A028 $9.95 TALKIE KIT
Connect Bo om M ike
public service agency. This is their quest a check-in. TIle first time I (92A 00 1) t o you r
job - they do it every day -and did, I was shocked to find over 50 IC O M , Ke n woo d , or
ACDC METER Similar handy talkie In-
such decisions definitely be long sta tions available and on fre - Scale calibrate d 101 2/ clude s diag rams, ear-
to them. quency. There was very little un- MIKE HANGER 18/ 24 VDC and 1201 ph one, pu sh- to -ta u
S t u rd y m etal wit h 240 VAC . 0 to 10 mA sw itch , belt clip and
Okay, those are the suggestions necessary comm unication; these mcuntlnq hardw are . movem ent. A p prOK i c onne cto rs . (Boom
M ade by Shure Pack - ma t e ly 1 ,5 inch e s M ike , 92AOO1, not in-
to improve our operating habits. folks j ust stood by until needed age of three, square cl uded .)
1be good news? At least 99% of and then helped where lhcy cook1 97A015 9ge/Pack 98AOO2 $2.95 92A005 $7.95
the practices I encountered dur-
ing the hwricane were outstand-
I' ve always been just a little
biased, and fe lt hams were spe-
........ Xl
_goodlO..,. _s..T..,
c!IIIo"O" _
ALLTRONICS Open 9-6 M-f and 1()'3 Sal
ing. Many hams monitored and cial people with special skills. MSaiioo r... V,U, we and Amb ao;epled.
stood by ready to assist or pass After last weekend. I' m sure Dcwnload Our Catalog: hIlp:11www alltfOfli!;s,com
2300-0 b nker Road - San J Ol t, CA 951311114
traffic. Periodically, when things there is no bias - it's just fact. Voice (408-943-9713 Fax (408) 943-9716
had quieted down, we would re- Thanks to one and all. fa
73 Amateur Radio Today. December 1999 43
eval uat ed for phase no ise an d measured at 10368 ~fHz 26 .4 After this great sc he d ule o f antenna measure ment and dis h
the preamp for gain and noise dB gain. and a noise figure of eve nts, an after-s upper Ilea mar- fe ed test range . Need less to say.
Figure. I kne w ahead o f time that 2. 13 dB . Not bad for an untested ket and ge ne ral bu ll session this req ui red a large area in
the synthes izers were reaso n- commercial 12 G H z Q ualcomm were conducted in the main con- which to co nd uct ante nna mea-
ably go od. betng some 50 dB preamp obtained in surplus and ference room. I have to ad m it I sure ments te sts. It was held in a
down in phase noise products. operated on an amateur fre - have never seen so much micro- back parking lot o f the Harvey
hut the preamp was a lark. quency. T he phase noise of the wa ve material assem bled in an y Hotel. Systems tested covered all
T he preamp submincd was a synthes izers measured to j us t o ne place at any one time . The a...pects o f o peration. from I G Hz
su r p l us Qua!c omm 3-s ta ge over 70 d B down. some 20 dB m aterial offered for sale was so to a syste m that funct ioned at
com me rci al uni t normally se t to better than my simple test equip- varied and covered man)' ama- 47 G Hz .
operate at 12 GHz. I bandsawed ment could determine. teur bands up to about 40 (0 50 Our San Diego Microwave
t he me ta l housi ng w it h th e I don 't have th e figu res o n G Hz . Someth ing for e veryone. Group te sted a sim p le system
pream p attached and had to con- other devices subm itted at this I have asse mbled material over ca lled the "Synplcxer;'' a play on
vert it wi th two S ~A counce- lime . b ut there were 30 to 40 many years of scrounging. hut words o f Polaplex cr and G unn-
ton, and two I p F c h ip ca ps device s subm itted for e valu a- what I observed in this one mom pl excr combined w ith a Synthe -
be tween the c ircuit board traces tio n. maki ng this event and ser- made my stutflook pale in com- sizer fo r local osci llato r injec-
and the coax connec tors. DC vice graciously cond ucted by pari son to the materia l o ffe red ti on . In its sim plest fo rm . it
power and -5 volt bias testtends the North Texas Mi crowave So- for sa le. requ ire s a co ffe e call ante nna
were attached. an d th e unit was clcty quite pop ular, Not only di d Saturd ay was a sim ilar day with 1/4 wave receive and trans -
sc a le d in al um in um ta pe for they put on a great day of speak- that started off with the San Di- m it pro bes offset by 90 degrees,
shie ld ing ; this was all that was e rs on microw ave. but they also ego Microwave G roup 's presen- Coupled 10 this system was a
done , NO TEST O F O PERA - conducted a very helpfu l wo rk- ta tions on synthesize rs. a simp le modi fied synthesizer o peration
TION WAS P ERFO R ~f ED - sho p using some of the most 2 G Hz "Synplexcr" presented at 2302 MHz and rccci vin g at a
I wanted an e va luatio n of the pre so p h is tica ted te st e va lua tio n by Ed St urm W60 YJ , and a 10 146 MH z IF frequ ency. That
amp " O UT OF T HE C HUTE: ' equipment fo r microwave ever G Hz transverter presented by means that the o the r system in
Somewhat dangerous should the assembled at any o ne point fo r Kerry Banke N6IZW. Later. th e use had to o perate at 2448 MHz
amp not fun ction : however. it amateur use. same workshop forum was held tra ns m it and receive at its IF
again for amplifiers. preamps. "146 MHz"" for 23 03 MH z. The
and such as was held on Friday. 10 M Hz osc ill ato r providing
The e ve n ing program wa s a clock to the synthesizer was
BBQ banquet for all. The m ain modified to accept a small a u-
A perfect travelling companion. The Mapbook
s pe a ke r w a s Jo el H arr iso n d io am p driving a varactor in-
contains locations o f hu ndreds upon hu ndreds of
W5ZN . Vice Pre sident of the side the 10 M H z tcxo osci llato r
open repeaters throughout the U.S .. Canada and
AR RL. who put on a very hu- for ~ modulation o n eac h e nd.
ei~ M exico , These derailed m aps show all highways m oro us presen ta tio n spoofing T he receive system at eac h end
and m aj or cities in each stale. If you trave l
protection and saving of a pro - was a modifie d TVRO LNA fo r
anywhere in the U nited Stales. this M apbook tected species. the " A R M A - RF pream p usc d riving a si ng le
w ill he the be st inve stm ent yo u e ver m ade ! D I LLO , " w h ich s u ffe red a diode detector and connec tion at
$9 .95 s udden ro ad -re la ted tragedy. each end to a 2 mete r HT for
Joe l broug ht the hou se 10 it s recei ve at 146 M Hl. the IF fre-
New in th is thi rd edit ion hook are world fre - knees. q uency fo r fu ll d up lex vo ice
quency m aps to help you tu nc in to a s peci fic A fter supper. a Texas two- comrnunicanons.
country. anywhere in the world . The new quick meat BBQ of beef and chicken. T his syste m wa s put together
co untry guide w ill hel p you tune in almost any there w as an auctio n followed fro m flea market LNA s and
time of the day or night. $19.95 by a prize drawing for those in o ther surplus materi als to sho w
attendance at the banquet. This th at a sim p le sys te m that has
A true co rn ucop ia o f technical information was a mo st unusu al afte r-ban- good com m unications range can
for ham radio , N ot o nly will you find th e quet drawing in th at th ere were be con structed for very little
theoretical aspects. yo u will find real practical it ems fo r all. Not o nly were co st. In tests. the coffee c an an-
information presented in a no non sen se fonn . th ere prizes drawn at rando m ten nas co u ld feed di she s but
Equi p ment & Log Shee ts . Charts. Tables pulled from a hal. there were were used as the main antenna
showi ng: wo rldwide callslgns. world time s. enoug h prizes to offer a chance by t hem s elve s a nd s ho wed
shortwave listening fr eque ncie s. co ax lo sse s. fo r e very o ne in the banq uet about 6 dB gain. For co m m uni-
C TCS S details. co nve rs ions . cons truc tion roo m to rece iv e h is cho ice of catio ns in the 1/2 mile range, the
pl a ns. e merge ncy in format io n. etc. items on a table of pr izes. A great an ten nas di d no t nee d to be
133 pages . $ 14 .95 idea. somethi ng for everyone. Not poi nt ed at anything in pa rtic u-
Send check or money orde r plus $3,50 shipping & handling to; one person we nt away e m pty- lar for good comm unications.
handed - what a conference ! Ed Mun n W 60YJ and Kerry
Omega Sa les
As t he co nfe re nce wo und N 61ZW demonsIra ted the sys-
P.O. Box 376 down. the re were still eve nts tern d uring th e parkin g lot an-
J affrey, :SH 03452 sc heduled fo r those that could te nna m easurem ents worksho p.
stay for the Su nd ay mo rni ng Thai's where Ed was ahle to ma ke
44 73 Amateur Radio Today . Decembe r 1999
Amateur Radio Via Satellites
Andy MacAllister W5ACM
14714 Knights Way Drive
Houston TX 770835640
Photo G. Rob Bnminga WB4APR (A PRS inventor) demonstrated
portable 9600-balld digisat reception in the parking lot outside
Laurel MD 20723
Phone: 540-286-0176
Web: http://www.ezhang.coOl
the symposium meeting room.
73 Amateur Radio tcaev December 1999 47
Numb 411 on your FHd"'f;. Qlrd
produ c tion ve r sio n o f t he
NEW PRODUCTS No rcal KSFF key, As they say,
for the "fi st" ti me in the ir his-
tory. vplcx is o fferi ng QRP
keys, and thi s o ne is destined
ICOM's IC-T8IA to become a co llectib le.
Handheld Each Junior is uniquely sc-
ria l numbered and dated, with
I c o~r s newest handhe ld , black po wd er-c oa ted ba se s,
t he IC -T 8 I A . boa sts fo ur clea r padd les, magnetic action.
bands. exce llen t audio. 124 and :\'0 spri ngs . For price and
memory c hanne ls, and water- o t he r info . co nt ac t T he
Code Warrior Jr.
resistant construction . At 2.3W Vih roplex Co .. Inc.: II Mid-
x 4.2H x UD inches, this rig Now that the Co ld War is to wn Pa rk, E .: Mo b ile A L
weighs in at o nly 9.9 o unces ove r, Vibrople x has bro ug ht 36606--414 1. Ca ll (334 ) 4 78-
a nd covers 6m, 2m . and 440 O UI the Code Warrior Jr.. the 8873 o r fax (334) 4 76-~65 ,
MH L a t 5 W. along with 1.1
GHI at I W.
Sun Visor Mike
T he IC T 8I A use s a fi ve-
These day s ha m rad io is a hobby on the go . The advent of
position joystick-type control for
sma ll, affordable mobilc radios has a llowed e ve ry amateur rad io
mo de, to ne , duplex. vo lume.
operator to take his hobby " o n the road" with him . S till. o ne
band, scanning, and more.There
th ing a lways gets in the way: the microphone.
arc no func tion key s. so you
It seems like the micropho ne is always e ither in the wa y or
can forget about memori zin g
ju st o ut of reach. When yo u arc dri ving dow n the road, it' s no t
those .
o nly annoying to have to dig around o n the floor, mid-QSO, fo r
Fo r furt he r info , conta c t
the mike yo u just dropped , but it's also d angerous.
ICOM A me rica . Inc . 2380
T he PRY ~I E MMC- IOO 'Sun Viso r" microphone brings an
116th Ave, :\E. Bellevue WA
end to all that. The ~t),t C-1 00 is a unid irectional clear-sound ing
98004: tel, (425)454-8155; site
e lec tret microphone mo unted on a flexible gooseneck . It sec ures
fwww.icomamerica. com].
to the sun visor of yo ur car, so it's always in place for a ll your
ham radio mobiling. T he Push-To -Talk sw itch for the micro-
phone is loc ated on an in-line box tha t can he mounted to the
gear shift or arm rest, making mobi le operation more co nvenie nt
a nd safe than ever,
NEUER SRY DIE people th in k. I' ll tell you
ccm muedjrcm page 2 1 wha t - ma ybe yo u ' ll take a T he )'[\IC- IOO is sol d wi thout a microphone cable. Ho we ver,
half minute o ut o f y o u r d a y six d ifferent o ptional m icroph on e cables arc avail able to sup-
Guide to Wisdom, which re - to he lp m e '? I would appreci- po rt a ll of roday's popu lar HF and VHFIU HF base station a nd
v iews most of the above ale your prayer for me to help mobile rad io s. Just purc hase whichever cable you need for your
Until you honestly try the
make my body healthier a nd radio or radios. The cables are strictly plug and play: no soldering is I
younge r. so I' ll h a ve more req uired.
procedure I' ve o ut lined, yo u ti m e to get the word to an y- For more informa tio n ahout the PRYME M\1C IOO, contact
wo n't know if or how much it one w h o wi ll li ste n , If co f- Premier Communications Corp., 4XO Apo llo St.. # E. Area CA
could c ha ng e your li fe . T he fcc ice crea m starts looking 9 28 2 1: te l. (7 1-l) 257 -0300; Fax (714 ) 257-0 60 0; Em ail
body. give n the rig ht n utri- less auractivc to me I' ll know
en ts, an d a positive atti tude . (premier@adi-rad io.com]; site [w ww.adi-radic.com ].
your prayers have helped.
is capable of incred ible heal- Every thi ng fi ts to gether so
ing powe rs. Or would you neatly that I' m very excited Free Software
rather kee p sufferi ng w ith a a bout th is - h ut I' m de pe nd -
bac kac he , arthr itis, or what- ing o n you to p ro ve I'm rig ht. HAMC ALC ve rsion 4() has no w been released by Geo rge
ever'! M y Secret Guide 10 M urphy VE3ERP, With many new upgrad es. it includes o ver
Health explai ns ho w y o u can Bio p rog res s 200 painless math and desi gn programs for radio amateurs and
best care for your body. thus professionals alike, HAMC ALC has be en used worldwide as a
givi ng it a n o pport u nity to re- I re ally ap p reciated get- reference a nd learning (001 since its int roductio n in 199 3. All
pair itself. Now all you need ting a lc ucr th e o th e r d ay
programs ha ve the o ption of working in eithe r metric o r impe -
to add is a po sitive attit ude fro m a 75-ye a r-old re a de r
rial units o f me asure , and you' ll fi nd much informatio n no t
(known a lso as praye r) . who credited the bioelectri tlcr
P lease try th is simple expcri- with co mplete ly curing he r readily a vailable in c urrent handbooks and literature .
rne nt for 60 days and let me cancer. Her d octo r cou ldn't HA M C A LC i s w ritten in GWBAS IC a nd re q uire s a
knew what happens . If the re- believe the x-rays! But this G' '''BASIC.EXE me in you r root directory. For a free HAM CALC
sulrs are as spectac ular as I was fo llowed up by a call 40 3-1/2" MSDOSl\vi ndows diskette, send USS5.00 for airrnail
expe ct. I' ll ne ed y our hel p to front anothe r reader who o wns shippinglhand ling anywhere in the world (US$6.00 for GWBASIC
ge t on the To nigh t show. fo ur hospita ls and who has also) to George Mu rphy VE3 ERP, 77 Mc k enzie St., Orillia ON
Pra yer rea lly d ocs work L3V 6A6, Canada . E-mail Gcorge ar Ive.Ierpeecncodc.cc ml.
- J USl not the way most Conll'nued on page 5 9
48 73 Amateur Radio Today . December 1999
R.S.' ..g. R.S.' . .go A.S.' . .go A.S.' . .go
All ElectroniCS Corp 13 Denver Ama teur Rad iO ..... 17 B6 MFJ Entelpfises ................. 9 Radio Book Shop .............. 28
A1llronics 43 13 Doppler Systems 49 B6 MFJ EnteiPrise s ................ 57 Rad io Book Shop .............. 29
16 Aslron Corporation 1 E-Z Hang 47 86 MFJ EnleiPrlses ................ 64 RadiO BoolI: Shop .............. 53
42 Bilat Company 19 75 Fair Radio Sales 29 Michigan Radio ................. 4 1 Radio Book Shop .............. 60
56 Buckmaster Publishing 20 193 GGTE ............................. 33 160 MiCro Compuler Concepts 21 Radio Book Shop .............. 63
168 Bldmasle r PlbIiShing .... 28 Hamlronics. Inc:. ............ CV2 136 Milestone Technologies .... 28 34 Ramsey EJeclronlcs ............ 5
99 CommuniCa tion Concepts 29 42 lsotron 19 136 Morse Express 28 AF Parts .___..... 20
Communica tions 242 Jan Crystals .................. 21 193 Morse Tutor Gold ........._... 33 25' Ross DistltMing ............... 19
Electronics, Inc 11 1sa Japan RadiO Co CV3 Omega Sales .................... 19 36 Scrambling News 29
10 Commlrlications Kachina Omega Sale s .................... 44 Sescom. Inc . ..................... 19
Specialists, Inc 21 Communications , Inc. CV4 ONV Sa fety Belt ................ 27 The Ham Contact .............. 25
Computer Aided 86 MFJ Enlerpnses 2 a a occmm RadIo ............... 25 The Ham Contact .............. 33
Technology ................. 45 86 MFJ Enterprtses 7 Radio Book Shop .............. 21 141 The M ead lady ................ 49
Cutting Edge Enterprises 15 86 MFJ EnteiPrlse s . . 8 Radio Book Shop .............. 27 Universal Radio ..._............ 23
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3 Ls42m Three-element stub fed coaxia l vert. WD4KMP JAN 18
long Beach l ongwire Beach kite antenna WB6M EU JUl39
Easy Antenna Reference Quick ba sics for a quick decision VK2AT FEB 52
Easy Ant enna Reference Part 2: More options VK2AT JUN 26
EZ-BZ Deck Antenna zo-rneter dipole with linear loading AB2BZ MAY 16
FYI : FQ V Another look at the Fractal Quad Vagi KF7BS OCT 18
How to Tum a Deaf Ear ... witll your an tenna . VK2AT AUG 13
rsotron Notes Simp le tips AD 1B NOV 24
My Old Kentucky (Satellite) Home Satellite ant ennas KA9S0F JUN 33
No Bum Steer Maximize your loop's pe rforman ce W6US NOV 34
Screwy Mobil e Antenna Mods Fine-tune that screwdri ver-type " . WB4 RNO JUN 28
Secrets of Tra nsmission Lines Part 1: tntro and dummy load project KE20J AUG 16
Telescoping PVC Ma st Getting it up in awkward place s KB7WOS JUN 35
The Ultra-Simple 20 2O-meter band transm ilting antenna G2BZQ FEB 2 1
The VK Winged Flapper Mobile antenna design VK2AT JUl 20
Three-El ement Circular Quad For 10m K81 HQ JUN 17
Transmittin g Ferrite Loop For 80/160 G2 BZQ MAR 14
Triband Vertical Array... for Big 120 G Bandwidth Signal WZ8A MAV 33
V2K Portable .f-Pole FUll-size roll -Up antenna WA8TXT SEP 16
All Abo ut Op Amps And then some. W2G OMf7 AUG 24
Big-Time Bench Supply Highly regul ated SC R design Sellen DEC 10
Euthanasia Keyer Project Qu ick and painless Iambic KC3 ZQ JUN 37
Everyman's Guide to Active Filter De sign Now you know KC3 ZQ MAR 26
FMCWl Repeater cod e-practice sessions WB9YBM OCT 16
Here Comes tile Sun Part 2; Geomagnetic monitoring WA8VKN FEB 34
Mods for the OHR 100A Make a popular QR P rig even better W4LJD FE8 30
Operating Crystals on the Fifth Overtone Feedback type oscillat or circuit N2DCH JUNJO
PIC-based DTMF Proj ect Build thi s decoder and learn. KC3XM AUG 10
The Franklin VFO A project lor the serious home -brewer W4LJC FEB 24
Building a Better Collins Add this $1 solid slate reotacement.. W2C QM NOV 19
Card-File 40 A direct conversion QRP transceiver KC3ZQ MAV 10
Ham Slation Control and Monitor Can you do without this? W4LJD AUG 39
Home-Brew a Customized HF Amplifier Boost your outpu t WISW JAN 10
Home-Brewing a 3 kW.. Dummy Load Check out your big gun amplifier W2CQM MAY 22
It's Senior Spider vs . Y2K ! Build this QRP rig now-just in ca se, WABTXT J UL 34
PIC Key. PIC Key A simple CW keyer UYSDJ SEP 10
Regens for the Millennium Part 2 : Winding Co ils KA9GDL JUL 22
Radio Fun in the Sun Complete solar-powered QRP station. W7DE AUG 30
The Amazing wrebeuerner CW filt er KaMKB JUL 31
We Must Be Dreaming Home-brew receiver project Duncan FEB 10
C W - Code
Enjoy CW Rag-Chewing Pointers for fun communicating W6BN B MAR SS
Euthanasia Keyer PrOject Quick and painless Iambic KC3ZQ JUN 37
Keys 10 Good Code Secrets of sending precise Morse code W6 BNB MAR 3 1
PIC Key, PIC Key A sim ple CW keyer UVSDJ SE P 10
Why Not b-Morse? Preserve your Morse cod e VE2MHZ NOV 18
Digital Modes
Ham to Ham Microprocessor Chips NZ9E JAN 43
The Digilal Port SSTV, APRS, and packet K8 7NO JAN 54
The Digital Port Budget portable/mobile digital K87NO FEB 47
The Digital Port SSTV KB7NO MAR 46
Th e Digital Port RIITV (a program by K6S T I) KB7ND MAY 50
Th e Digital Port PSK3 1 KB7NO JUN 52
The Digital Port PSK3 1 KB7NO JUL 52
54 73 Amateur Radio Today . Decem ber 1999
The Digital Port Software KBmO AUG 46
The Digital Port ChromaSound program KBmo SEP45
The Digital Port PSK31 gets even better KB7NO OCT 43
The Digital Port PSKGNR software KB7NO NOV 52
The Digital Port l ogger KB7NO DEC 39
The Missing Link: A PSK Interface Put this new mode into action! WA8TXT AUG 27
73's OX Dynasty Awa rd Awards l ist Staff JAN 34
Planning a DXpedition Here' s what 10 do W4DC NOV 14
Editoria ls
Never Say Die Peonat , license Drop , Bad News W2 NSD/1 JAN 4
Never Say Die Cancer!, The Odds, Karlson W2NSD/1 FEB 4
Never Say Die Med . research, Advertising basics W2NSD /1 MAR 4
Never Say Die May Fool Issue, Trust Your Doctor W2NSD /1 MAY 4
Never Say Die Kids Killing Kids , Suga r, Schools Suck W2NSDf1 JUN 4
Never Say Die Why You Get Sick ; More Mooning W2NSDf1 JUl 4
Never Say Die Y2K , etc . W2NSD/l AUG4
Never Say Die Art Bell W60BB, licenses plummeting W2NSD /1 SEP4
Never Say Die Writing for 73, Dayton 1999 W2NSD /1 OCT 4
Never Say Die 6O-year AARl membership W2NSD/ 1 NOV4
Never Say Die The latin Exam; Progress W2NS D/1 DEC 4
Educat io n
Hams With Class Famo us folks WB2MG P FEB 51
Emergency Preparations
On the Go Y2K thoughts KE8YN/4 JU N 47
On Ihe Go More on Y2K KE8YN/4 J Ul5 1
On the Go What should we be doing to prepare? KE8YN/4 AUG 44
On the Go Y2K continued KE8YN/4 SEP52
On the Go Even more Y2K KE8YN/4 OCT 53
On ltle Go Floyd interrupts the routine KE8YN/4 NOV SO
On me Go Hurricane encore KE8YN/4 DEC 42
Equ ip ment
lM- and BC-221 Frequency Multiplier Generate signals up to 1000 MHz W6WTU FEB 17
High Frequenc y
Home-Brew a Customized HF Amplifier Boost your outp ut WI5W JAN 10
On the Go A value statement KE8YN/4 FE B 46
Mod ificatio ns
Mods for the OHR l (H)A Make a popular QRP rig even better W4LJD FEB 30
Regens for the Millennium Part 1: A new look at an old friend . KA9GDl JUN 10
Screwy Mobile Antenna Mods Fine-Iune that screwdriver-type... WB4RNO JUN 28
Power Supplies
Emergency Powe r lor Hams Gas. Wind, Solar WA8Y KN JU l 10
HT Porta-Power Project Portable extended power pkg . for HTs WB3CEH OCT 15
The Evolution of Power Supplies Part 2 : Switching techniques W6WTU JAN 21
Tracking DualVoltage Power Supply Build something ha ndy W6WTU FEB 55
Your Balleries Ready for Y2 K? Electrifying tidbits ... N7MGT NOV 28
It's Senior Spi der vs. Y2Kl Build this ORP rig now-j ust in case . WA 8TXT JUl 34
Mods for the OHR 100A Make a popular QR P rig even better W4LJD FEB 30
aRP Hybrid ICs WB8VGE FEB 45
aRP Design your ow n PC board WB8VGE MAR 44
aRP Dem ise of the packet modem kit WB8VGE MAY 52
aRP PC boa rd using photo resi st method WB8VG E JUN 50
a RP SST CW transceivers WB8VGE SEP 53
a RP Heathkit HW8 WB8VGE OCT 41
56 73 Amateur Radio Today December 1999
MFJ Switching Power Supplies
Power your HE transceiver, 2 meter/440 MHz mobile/base and accessories
with these new 25 or 45 Amp MEJ Mightyl.ite' Switching Power Supplies!
No RF hash . . . Super lightweight . . . Super small . . . Volt/Amp Meters . . .
J\.WJ 's new adjustable voltage switch- N(1 RF Ha.~ h! ~ MFJ-4225MV iV O RF lIa.\1I1
ing power supplies do it atl! Power your
IIF or 2M!440 MHz radio and accessories.
i\IF J 's Mightyl.ites'" are so light and
$14995 25 Amp
$1499 5 conventional
J IFJ's heavy duty
power sup -
plus s&h ply is exce llent for pow-
All are p rotected by MFJ 'sfamous N o Maller What'" one year limited warranty;
Rad io Fun in the Sun Co mpl ete solar-power ed QRP station. W7DE AUG 30
Simple Direct-Conversion Rece iver For QRPars and receiver afic ionados Sellen SEP 38
We Must Be Dreaming Home-brew rece iver proj ect Duncan FEB 10
Instruction Instructions Discover hidden savings ... N6HYK AUG 35
Read All Abo ut It! Part 1 of Techno -Trivia K8JWR D EC 26
The His tory of Ham Radio Parts 1 and 2: 10 1920 Shalkhausser OCT 3 1
The History of Ham Radio Part 3: 1920-21 Shalkhausser NOV 41
You, Too, Can Be an SOB Hams should be h ea rd but not see n K9AZG JU L 27
Test Equipment
Basic Transceiver Tesler A good beginner's project WB9Y BM NOV 26
Home-Brewing a 3 kW+ Dummy Load Check out your big gun am plifier W2CQM MAY 22
58 73 Amateur Radio toasv December 1999
Need a UHF Dipper? Pa n 1: Old TV tuners to the rescu e! W6WTU OCT 10
Need a UHF Dipper? Part 2 : External coupling W6WTU NOV 10
Need a UHF Dipper? Part 3: Mods for uSing the tuner W6 WTU DEC 35
Simple AF Signal Generator Add this test gear to your benc h W4LJD SEP32
Defogging Microstrips An intro to microstripline filters WA9PYH SEP19
Easy Antenna Reference Quick basics for a quick decision VK2AT FEB 52
Easy Antenna Reference Part 2: Mo re options VK2AT JUN 26
The Evolution of Power Supplies Part 2: Swi tching techniq ues W6WTU JAN 21
Networking with Thevenin and Klrchhoft Network analysis W2GOM17 MAY 30
Regens for me Millennium Part 2 Winding Coil s KA9GDL JUL22
Secrets of Transmission Lines Part 1; Intrc and dummy load protect KE20J AUG 16
Secrets of Transmission Lines Part 2: Review of AC fundamentals KE20J SEP 26
Secrets of Transmission Lines Part 3: More AC review KE2QJ OCT 22
Secrets of Transmission Lines Part 4: Traveling waves KE2QJ NOV 37
Secrets of Transmission Lines Part 5: Impedance and reflections KE1QJ DEC 31
The Long-Lost Art of Conversational CW Know what to say WF6P DEC 18
TV Tutor How to get started in SSTV ZL1AAN DEC 22
All About Op Amps AUG 1999 issue , page 24 W2GOMn NOV6
Moos for me OHR 100 FEB 1999 issue , page 32 W4WD MAR 54
Never Say Die JAN 1999 issue (VERV E = FF RF) W2N SD/1 MAR 54
Regens for the Millen nium , Part 1 JUN 1999 issue, page 10 KA9GDL JUl 56
Above & Be yond Ramsey FR -10 FM receiver WB6rG P FEB 39
Above & Beyond Part 2; The Gunn diode modulator PS WB61GP MAR SO
Above & Beyond Extend test equip. to 24 GHz WB61G P MAY 40
Above & Beyond Microwa ve power meters WB61GP JUN 40
Above & Beyond l ooking for Project Gigantic WB61GP JU l 43
Above & Beyond Restoring older multimode radios WB61GP AUG 42
Above & Beyond The IC-202 SSB transceiver WB6IGP SEP43
Above & Beyond The Internet, a new fron tier WB61GP OCT 45
Above & Beyon d Consi derations lor portable operation WB6 1GP NOV46
Above & Beyond Microwave update 1999 WB 61GP DEC43
NEUER SAY DIE HT-220 from the New Hamp- tri fler ye t? Wha t' s sto pping cl inic in Costa R ica and sa ve
centlnuedfram pag e 48 shire ski slopes via my rc- you '? The parts cost under $20, yo urself the tro uble of building
pca rcr. Then I was abl e to do Maybe you' re waiting until a bioclectrifier.
been mercilessly harassed by the sa me when skiing in A s- your lifestyle knocks you on A better a pproach. I reel. is
FDA teams a nd the A MAjus t pen . I was so e xci ted that I your ass before I' m able to get to change your lifestyle so you
for e xperi me nting with the published hun dreds o f ar- your attention. I' ve published won 't need emergency repairs.
bioclcct rifl e r. H is results, ticles a nd hook after hook on two articles o n how to buil d Why wait until ca ncer, a heart
with ca ncer, HI V, a nd so on, re pea ters. The result or the the de vice, but they' re all so ld attack. stro ke, diabetes. ar-
have been so spectac ular tha t ha m development o r re pea ter OUI. The Mille r circuit plus a thritis, m ulliple scl erosis, and
he 's opening a cl inic in Costa technol ogy wax the world- sim pler one by Bo b Bec k, arc so on have hit?
Rica to get a way from the wide cell phone syste m of to- in the Bioetectrifier Hand- A nd one o r ' e m surely will
FDA threats a nd to make this day. Crazy Wayne. book, w hic h is $ 10, See my unless yo u make some big
marvelous wa y of sav ing Then the fir st m ic rocom - ad on page 63 . T his book in- c hang es .
lives a vailable In more puter came al ong a fe w years cludes in structions o n how 10
people. late r. The computer industry use it. In All Fai rness
Yes. I kno w, when I started bigwigs said the y were toys The electronically chal-
wr iting about the bioelec- a nd that I was crazy whe n I lenged ca n buy a Pla nt G rowth A n Irish tele visio n pro-
trifl e r (blood purifie r) bac k in said they'd e ve ntually be in Sti mulator unit fo r $ 155 ppd. duce r called. He was doing a
1994. you thought Wayne was m ill io ns or homes and he o n from Butter fl y Products. Box program com mem oratin g the
nuts agai n. I'm used to that. j ust about e very desk in busi- 1729. Hill sborough NH 03244. Moon la nd ings o r thirty years
We ll. it saves m any readers nesses , Those bigwigs are all It has essentially the same cir- ago, and one of his crew was
from bothe ring 10 th ink or do o ut of bus iness now, cuit a nd will, if yo u use it as a ham who had a co py or my
any homework. I was crazy The music a nd hi- fi maga- inte nded , stim ulate the hell Moondoggle hoolr . Wo uld I
whe n I pre dic ted that the zines a ll sneered at CDs , o ut o f yo ur plants. Th is unit he available for an intervie w
whole world would want to Crazy Wayne sta rted CD Re- also includes pure silve r wire 10 prese nt the contraria n side?
share o ur repeater technol- I'i elt', which soon became the and will ma ke s ilve r colloid The progra m would run Iro m
ogy. Bac k in 1969 I was ma k- biggest m usic magazine in fo r yo u . about II p.m. my time to 5
ing phone calls anyw here I the world . O r you ca n gel in touch
wa nled w ith my Motorola Have you hu ilt a bioelec - with me for the address or the Cont inued on page 6 2
73 Amateur Radio Today December 1999 59
Numb 60 on your F_ bKIt r:llrrJ
December 1999
J im Gray W1 XUfl
21 0 E Chatea u Circle
I 1 GF 2 F-P 3 pvp 4 VP
Payson AZ. 85541 5 VPP P 7 P-F 8 F-G 9 G l OG ll G
12 G 13 G 14 G 15 G is G 17 G 18 G-F
" "
. " re
'" ~
., ., ., '"" " "
layers in the iono sphere is less. erything from Good (0) 10 Very ''''RG ~'''TIN'''
ec ~ ~ ~ so to
the solar fl ux inde x is expected so eo eo " ""
...USTR..... '"
Poor (V Pl radio pro paga tio n CENTRA, AM. eo au zo so eo zo rc rc ts
to he up a ro und the 200 leve l co nd itions on the HF bands. 'E'lGLUm ~
.,- '"eo "-o ao ec "
at this part o ft he suns po t cyc le eo " eo "
eo to to is
and DX propagation o ug h t to
Briefl y. yo u may e xpect sea-
sonalty good (G) propag ati on
"""-' " eo
'" '" ,
be much bette r than it wa s last
" '"'" '"
eo ec sc ec '"ec '"" " to ., "
from January 1-10, hu t condi-
tions are expec ted 10 deteriorate
,PKlu p p,t< e s so zc "
PUERTO RCO eo so eo eo eo ec so rs rc tu rs rs
Plea se pay particular attention fo r the nex t thre e weeks. rang- R..JSS'''' (C-, S)
eo .,. "tc so eo eo
to ec
to wea ther condi tions Dec ember
3rd through the 6th. and ag ai n
ing from o nly Fair (F) to Very
'SOUl... Al'PIC'"
J ... P......
"ts ~
"eo "
three or four days. so be prepared. c o mm unica tio ns "bl ackou ts" MEXICO
" " ., .,-
J>H ILIPp' lIIes
so eo- ' 0'
" " " '" " ""
Fore ca st e rs a rc un d ec ide d o ve r polar p ropagation palh s ,PUERTO RICO "
" .," w '"
'" " " " " ""
about the anticipated ol'currcnce may be expected on H F bands ~ss.A CCJ -S.l
ofCyde 23's sunspot maximum. above 40 meters . Prepare for " " " " ""
AAGE'lTINA "" "" '" ., " "
'" ""
w w
" " '" '" "., '" "
"'" .,'" '"'" ., ., .,
" ., ., ~ ~
~ '" '"
clear photos, please _Call Joyce Sawtelle at 800-274- IJlUSSlA lC',S) '"
5OJn'I "'F~ '" '"
7373 to get a copy of "How to Write for 73 Magazine _"
'-'" ""'"
'" """
'" ,~
0:1031 ; ~_ , .~
ruary we ' ll see some improve- pop up he fore any o ne else hears ' It>:.l'
~l ,/<MOl ' '/IAlINll SI<J.!l'III( ImDJ
:<lOll' ,Qol.Tt : SE'1 ~l
I! . 1991
menr. and March ou ght to ge l us him. and yo u can snag a good _ , ~ I "' IlII' "I~'WU ::lIll'" U l "" Af ""
10 ~ -.rr J'l C'> . n str. 'M 1'5.11
hack on the road 10 good world -
- ......
catch. u n ..._
_ _0
w id e DX conditio ns on , II Plea se note that on the Band- _' -If .,..,' I ( a.oJl l'lO\1A"'tJII
........ ...... .......................
: ..... .....
... --
bands. Let's wait and see. Time -Country c harts. ( *) indi- 0IlI1' : ow IO.AIU
00011 l':II:"A ~
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73 Amateur Radio Today December 1999 61
Numo.r 64 on your F.-d~clt. card ASTRON power supply, brandnew wI ClanngtOfl OH 43915. Web site tor
book, NASA ," oo/led America, I read a 9O-minule tape of [he tall I'd have
of other interesting places. How about everything I cuuld find on our .\loon given at the Dayton, if invjted . 55 ISO)
I' d Ii:": 10 sec- ~ """ my dreory life .. """" ..... )'OIlf Ho1Ii.To-o.n.:e ,r. .. ~
Drum. $5 (10) solar flare , a comet or aSleroid , a
n-a'el Diaries: You l:all lravel amaz - bi.olenurisl atlal:k, or es'en Y2K? I'm I
I lleed oome lllduolri.at ~lIJl h 11=. rNucwo .. "',., . . yow Adm:Ilutn tft Masic CD ewlof: I
ingl}' inexpomsh'cly - once )'ou know geoing ready, how aboul you? 55 (31 ) L A~ ~"".:!:::o!or~lveJY (~ ~i~lbou ~ ~~~~_ o.lIIpJ!N ~<Lo~~ .J
73 Amateur Radio Today De ce mbe r 199 9 63
MFJ-989C Legal Limit Antenna Tuner
.l fFJ uses super heavy dill)' components to make th e world's finest legal limit tuner
.H FJ uses super hea)')' dUly
compom'nt." - roller inductor,
variable capacitors; antenna
switch and balun - to fmild th e
world 's most popular high ,U FJ A irCtlre '" R oller Inductor
power antenna Illn er. gives high -Q , low loss, high effi-
T he rugged world famous ciency and high power handling .
~1fJ -989C handles 3 KW PEP .\ . ,,J 's cxclusive Self
SSB amplifier input power (1500 Resonance KilIer l " keeps dam-
warts PEP SSR output power).
Covers 1.8 to 30 MHz, including I .:~':::::=~ aging self-resonances away from
! . iI'" your operating frequency,
MARS and WA RC bands.
l\I FJ's AirCorel'lot roller induct-
or, new gear-driven turns count-
shortwave -- nearly
any ant enna. Use
9 5
massive transnaumg
Large, self-cleaning wiping
NeeJ~e S\\'Rf\V~ltl,neter, con tact gives good low-resistance
connection. Solid 1/4 inch brass
er and weighted spinne r knob coax , random wire or variable capacitors, shafi. se If- 3 I'19t1 '-..
oean' ngs gt..-e
gives you exa ct inductance con- ba lanced lines. ceramic antenna switch. built-in smooth non-bi nding rotation.
trol for absolute minimum SWR. You get everything you'vc dummy load, TrueCurrenl'" .\ IFJ ,\ tl.Haner Hhul~ Warrant)
You can match dipoles. verti- ever wanted in a high power. full Balun, scraTch-proof Lexan fro nt .\I FJ will repair or replace
cals, inverted vecs. random featured antenna tuner -- widest panel .- all in a sleek compact your MFJ -9W.JC (at our option)
wires. beams, mobile whips , matching range, lighted Cross- cabinet (I OJ/.Wx4 ' /,lIx 150 in). 110 marter what for one year.
More hams use MFJ tuners than all other tuners in the world!
MFJ-986lwo knob Differerrfial-T"" MfJ-949E delu1Ce 300 Watt tuner MF....I6010 random wire Tuner
.\fort' hams O perate all band... anywhere ~
use .\fFJ -949s with \IFrs reversible Lnctwork. ~
than any other Turn s random wire into powerful \f FJ-I60 1O
antenna runer in transmitting antenna. I.X-30 MH/. '4995
The world! Handles MI'J-949E 200 Watts PEP. Tiny 2x 3x4 in.
300 Watts. Full .I: X to 30 .~ Ib: $14995 MFJ-906/903 6 Meier Tunen
~I FJ-986 coverage, 48 posruon PreClJUJl/48''' ~I FJ-906 has light- [ '~e.
Two knob tuni ng (d iffe rential '32 i ~ductor, 1000 Vol~ tuning capacitors. full, cd Cross-Needl e S\\:RI 0 0
capacitor and AirCore'" roller 9 ' see peak/average lighted Cross-Needle S\\ R! Wattmeter. b\-TUSS SW Itch. _ - -
inductor) makes tuning foolproof and easier wattmeter, 8 position ant enna switch. dum my Handles 100 W F\L 2UO\\ ' SSB. '7
\l FJ9
than ever. Gives minimum SWR at on ly one load. QR.\f-Free p,.e Tune'~. scratch proof ~""J.903 . S-I9.95. Like MFJ-906.
setti ng. Ha ndles 3 K W PEP $SB amplifier Lexan front panel. 3'hHx lO'I.W x7D inches. less SWR/Wattmetcr, bypass swi tch.
input power ( 1.5 KW output). Gear-driven ~lfJ-94H, SI29.95. Economy version ofMFJ- MFJ-921 /924 VHF/UHF Tuners
turn s counter, lighted peak/average Cross- 949[ , less dummy load. Lexa n front pa nel. t\IFJ-921 covers 2
Needle S\VR/Wallmcter, antenn a sw itch, MFJ-9411 .uper value Tuner ~1ctersl220 Mllz.
balun. 1.8 to 30 MHz. IO'I. Wx4 ' I:Hx I5 in. The most for M "J 924 cov ers 440
MfJ-962D compact tuner for Amps your money! . ~ IH z . S \~RIWatlmcter, X~ 2 ' /,x3 \~}-J~~ ~'.rr
Handles 300 wens inches. Simple 2-kn ob tunmg '6995
PEP. covers 1.8-30 _ for mobile or base.
MHz, lighted Cross-Needle S WR/ " 1"9419Es
Wattmete r. &po sition antenna
switch, 4: I balun. 1000 volt capacitors.
MFJ-922 144/440 MHz Tuner
Ult ra tiny 4x2'I,x I '1. inch
tuner covers VHF 136-1 75 r-.11Iz
Lexan front panel. Slee k lO'hWx2'/Jlx7D in. and UHF 4 20-46 0 ,'..1 117.. SW RI
MFJ 9620 MF....9451 HF+6Meter mobile Tuner Wattmeter read~ 60: '1 50 Watts. ~7IFJ9 - 9ii
A few more dollars steps you '269+. E xtends your mobile MFJ-931 a~IGI~ Ground
up to a KW tuner for an amp later. antenna bandwidth so C reates artifi cial Rf ground.
Handles 1.5 KW PEP SSB amplifier input you don't have to stop. c Also elCClri.cally plac,cs a ; : ; ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
power (gOOW output). TW
Ideal for Arncritron's go ou~side and adjust your amen- .'1 "0
1"9415 far away R~ ground direct-
AL-8 1IH ! Ail'Core rolle r inductor. gear- na. Tiny 8x2x6 in. Lighted Cross- Iy at your fig by nm mg
driven, tu~s cO:'lllter, p~av~ ligh.l e,~ ~r~s- Needle SWR/Waltmeler. Lamp and bypass ~)ut rc?ctanc.c ~f connect-
Needle S\\ Rl\\ attmeter. anrcnna switch, balun, -i tchc _ C I 0.3 0 Mil- /6 \ 1 tcrs mg wrrc. Eliminates RF hot spots MFJ-93I
6 10
I.cxan rent. . 0 - 30MI' - 10'/ 4'/ 10'/ ' sv. .. cs. uvcrs te 7. am . e crs. . ' 95
MF....969 300W aoller IndvctorTuner-x i x s m. 3'XI " ' . PI'P 'IFI-lO
ans rr. . . . $49- obi!
3 AUTOMATIC AN TE NNA TUNER Auto tuner included as 11 DUAL VFOs' Two separate VFOs for split-frequency operation .
standard equipment. Tun er settings a re automatically stored Memory registers store most recent VFO freque ncy, mode, band
in memory for fast QSY. wid th and other important para meters for each band .
4 MULTIPLE ANTENNA SELECTION Three antenna connec- 12 200 MEMORIES ' Memory capaci ty of 200 channels, each of
tions are user selectable from front panel. Antenna selection ca n wh ich store frequency , mode, AGC and bandwidth .
be ste reo in memory,
5 GENERAL COVERAGE RECEIVER 100 kHz-3D MHz , plus 48- 13 COMPU TER INT ERFACE Built-in RS-232C interface for
54 M Hz receiver. Electronically tuned front-end fitterinq, quad- advanced computer applications.
FET mixer and quadruple convers ion system (Iriple conversion
for FM) results in excellent dynamic range (> 1OOdB) and aro order 14 ERGONOMIC LAYOUT Front panel features easy to read color
LCD display and thoughtful placement of controls for ease of oper-
lep of +20dBm .
ation .
6 IF BANDWIDTH FLEXIBILITY ' Standard 2.4 kHz filte r can be
narrowed continuousl y to 800 Hz with variable Bandwidth Control 15 HEAVYDUTY POWER SUPPLY Built-in switching po wer
(BWC). Narrow SSB and CW fillers for 2nd and aro IF optional. supply with "suent" cooling system designed for continuous
7 QRM SUPPRESSION ' Other interference rejection featu res transmission at maximim output
include Passband Shift (PBS), dual noise blanker, a-step RF atten -
uation, IF notch filter, selectable AGC and all-mode squelch .