Practice Exam - CXC CSEC English A Exam Paper 1 - CaribExams

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Practice 1 CXC CSEC English A exam

Practice exam - CXC CSEC English A exam paper 1 |

Paper 1
Section 1. Directions: Read the following sentences carefully and select the word which best defines the word in
inverted commas.

1. His neighbors 'superficial' remarks trivialized their 1 point

argument over the line separating their properties and

infuriated Winston.
A. Enraged

B. Petty

C. Insulting

D. Shallow

2. When Kanisha refused to lie to her parents about where 1 point

she was spending the night, she was 'ostracized' by her

usually loyal friends, who had never ignored her before.
A. Helped

B. Cheered

C. Rejected

D. Hurt 1/8
9/10/2017 Practice exam - CXC CSEC English A exam paper 1 |

3. Meena's fashion sense was usually described as 1 point

flamboyant, but on the night of the party, her outfit was

uncharacteristically 'demure'.
A. Impeccable

B. Showy

C. Sloppy

D. modest

4. Mr. Rincon was so 'gullible' he believed every outlandish 1 point

claim the salesman made about his product.

A. Intelligent

B. credulous

C. Dishonest

D. Sophisticated

5. You cannot become a certified mechanic without 1 point

completing the 'prerequisite' vocational training.

A. required

B. optional

C. preferred

D. advisable 2/8
9/10/2017 Practice exam - CXC CSEC English A exam paper 1 |

6. The cricket players malice toward the referee was seen 1 point

in his 'spiteful' remarks to the sports reporters.

A. vindictive

B. crazy

C. rude

D. unpleasant

7. Carlos was aware of his susceptibility to gum disease 1 point

and is 'diligent' about flossing his teeth.

A. uncomfortable

B. excited

C. conscientious

D. energetic

8. As soon as the results of the election were released to 1 point

the media, the television station was 'inundated' with angry

A. provided

B. flooded

C. bothered

D. rewarded 3/8
9/10/2017 Practice exam - CXC CSEC English A exam paper 1 |

9. The IT department enthusiastically hired Ms. Archibald 1 point

because she was 'proficient' in the development of Android

A. skilled

B. sincere

C. adequate

D. incompetent

10. Detective Basheer based his conclusion on what he 1 point

'inferred' from the evidence, not on what he actually

observed himself.
A. implied

B. imagined

C. predicted

D. surmised

11. Since the villagers were so dissatisfied with the poor 1 point

water quality, various methods to 'alleviate' the situation

were debated.
A. expose

B. ease

C. clarify

D. intensify 4/8
9/10/2017 Practice exam - CXC CSEC English A exam paper 1 |

12. The community group presented its 'ultimatum' at the 1 point

city council meeting: Repave the main roads or prepare for

daily protests.
A. non-negotiable demand

B. earnest plea

C. formal petition

D. solemn promise

13. Although the teachers lectures were described as so 1 point

'monotonous' that they regularly put students to sleep, he

refused to change them.
A. unpleasant

B. objectionable

C. modest

D. boring

14. The paisley curtains Mrs. Khan put up in her house 20 1 point

years ago were 'outmoded'.

A. untidy

B. pointless

C. out-dated

D. washed out 5/8
9/10/2017 Practice exam - CXC CSEC English A exam paper 1 |

15. Although Omowale is too inexperienced for the lead 1 point

engineer position, he is a willful young man and 'obdurately'

refuses to change his application.
A. stubbornly

B. foolishly

C. reluctantly

D. constantly

16. After several small wildfires near the village, the council 1 point

decided to 'augment' the bye-laws for agricultural land

A. retract

B. criticize

C. consider

D. expand

17. When people heard that timid Jameel had decided to go 1 point

up for elections, they were 'incredulous'.

A. fearful

B. convinced

C. disbelieving

D. outraged 6/8
9/10/2017 Practice exam - CXC CSEC English A exam paper 1 |

18. Even though the tutor read his student's essay three or 1 point

four times, he still found the rambling passages

A. unclear

B. profound

C. inspiring

D. ridiculous

19. The Demerara Police Departments policy of 1 point

aggressively recruiting women officers is unique in the

whole country.
A. rigorous

B. unparalleled

C. admirable

D. remarkable

20. Excited about winning the award, Ayodele walked up to 1 point

the podium and delivered an 'animated' acceptance

A. abbreviated

B. reserved

C. courteous

D. lively

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