Preparation of Ice Cream Type Frozen Yogurt
Preparation of Ice Cream Type Frozen Yogurt
Preparation of Ice Cream Type Frozen Yogurt
N o 2 Mnj, 1998
Changes in sensory ratings and chemical properties of ice cream t-vpeJi-ozeir jvgurt (fkt content
XI.O(% with varying p H values) were investigated during storuge f o r 6 rnoiiths (it -35C. N o
appreciable change was observed in the structure, uciditj. cind p H vulues of the products during
storage. In addition, there was no increase in tliioburbituric acid values of the products during
storage. Viable lactic acid bacteria decreased in number It-ith increasing storage period. Dijfkrent
sensorq, ratings tvere obtained f o r assessors n'ho were f h i l i a r u-ith yogurt rind for asses so^'.^ ~ ' h o
were not. The product having a p H value of 5.5 as the most preferred ice cream type ,fiozeti
yogurt in the products examined.
Vol. 51. No 2 May 1998
warmed up to 25C in a water bath. Acidity were asked about their personal consumption
was examined by the AOAC method and of yogurt in advance. They fell within three
was expressed as a percentage of lactic acid in groups: ( a ) 4 people, almost every day, (b) 8
the samples. people, several times a month and (c) 3 peo-
ple, almost never have yogurt. Evaluation
Survival of lactic acid bacteria was made on sourness, sweetness, flavour,
Over a 6 month storage period an aliquot of after-taste, melting property and creaminess
sample (1.0 g) was taken up from fresh and with a five-point scale. Three samples of pH
stored ice cream type frozen yogurt at one 4.5, 5.0, 5.5, and of control were examined.
month intervals and was serially diluted. Samples were presented clockwise after the
Diluted sample (1.0 ml) was inoculated into samples were placed on a desk in a round
15 ml of 5.5% MRS broth containing 1.5% shape in a random order in every trial. The
agar in a petri dish. Then 10 ml of 1.50/0 agar temperature of the room for sensory evalua-
was layered on the MRS agar. After incuba- tion was 20C and the temperature of the
tion at 38C for 48 hours colonies on the agar samples was approximately -8C. The results
plate were counted. were expressed as the following scores: most
preferable = 5, neutral = 3, most dislikable
Oxidation of fat = 1 . Statistical analyses of the data in the
Oxidation of milk fat over a 6 month storage panel tests were made by Students ANOVA.
period was examined by a thiobarbituric acid
(TBA) test6 as follows: trichloroacetic acid RESULTSAND DISCUSSION
(3.0 ml of 35%) and TBA reagent (6.0 ml) Technical aspects in the preparation of ice
were mixed with sample (0.3 g) in stoppered cream type frozen yogurt
test tubes. Then the mixtures were boiled in a There was. no difficulty in preparing ice cream
water bath for 15 minutes. After cooling, type frozen yogurt. Also, there were almost
chloroform (6.0 ml) and glacial acetic acid no technical problems in adjusting the pH
(3.0 ml) were added and the resulting mix- values of .the products.
tures were centrifuged. The absorbance of the
upper coloured aqueous layer was measured pH and acidity
at 532 nm. Changes in acidity of ice cream type frozen
yogurt during storage at -35C for 6 months
Effect of lactic acid bacteria on the oxidation are shown in Fig. 1. The lactic acid content of
of fat ice cream type frozen yogurt fell into three
In order to evaluate the effect of the fermen- groups: samples (pH 6.5) whose lactic acid
tation of lactic acid bacteria, ice cream type content was low, samples (pH 5.0 and 5.5)
frozen yogurt with pH adjusted to expected whose lactic acid levels were intermediate and
values (4.5-5.5) with lactic acid was prepared samples (pH 4.5) whose average lactic acid
under aseptic conditions. A control sample content w,xs high (about 0.54%). This result
having a pH value of 6.5 was prepared by indicates that the samples of the third group
adding skim milk instead of fermented milk. (pH 4.5) were well fermented during the
The resulting frozen yogurt was stored at 4C preparation of ice cream type frozen yogurt,
for 8 weeks and the oxidation of fat of the while no fermentation occurred in the
yogurt during storage was examined by the
TBA test6 at one week intervals.
Electron microscopy
The surface structure of ice cream type frozen
yogurt was observed with Cry0 SEM (JEOL
JSM-T220A scanning microscope). A frozen
yogurt sample was put in a small hollow of
the sample stand of the Cryo-SEM, previ-
ously cooled with liquid nitrogen, and was
then frozen extensively. The sample was cut
with a knife in vacuo and the resulting surface
was observed with Cryo-SEM directly. Three
samples were observed for fresh, frozen.
stored (1-5 months) yogurt.
Sensory evaluation
Sensory ratings of four different samples with 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
various pH values (4.5, 5.0, 5.5 and 6.5) were Storage period(month)
evaluated by 15 assessors who had previously
Fig. I . Changes in acidity of ice cream type frozen
been trained. Frozen yogurt sold in the mar- yogurt during storage. Each plot represents
ket (1% milk fat, 8.5% solids-not-fat; product an average of three determinations. pH 4.5.
of Meito) was used as a control. The assessors pH 5.0, A pH 5.5, + pH 6.5.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Storage period(montb)
8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Fig. 2 Changes in pH value of ice cream type frozen r/) Storage period(month)
yogurt during storage. Each plot represents an
average of three determinations. Symbols are Fig. 3. Changes in the numbers of lactlc acid bacteria
the same as in Fig. I . during storage. Each plot represents an average
of three determinations. Symbols are the same
as in Fig. 1.
samples with a pH of 6.5. A slight decrease in
acidity was observed for all samples tested remained constant during the following 6
after the first months storage, and then the month storage. The numbers of lactic acid
acidity recovered to original levels and bacteria in the poorly fermented sample (con-
remained constant during the next 2-5 trol, pH 6.5) should theoretically be zero.
months storage. Kneifel and Erhard report- even before freezing. However, there were
ed increases in acidity of 22.3 and 14.9% in small numbers (less than lo4 colony forming
yogurt and related products, respectively, units (cfu)ig) of bacteria in the products.
during storage at 6C for two weeks. During frozen storage of the yogurt the num-
However, the present results showed that the ber of lactic acid bacteria in the samples hav-
acidity of ice cream type frozen yogurt was ing a pH of 6.5 decreased to zero. These
essentially constant during storage at deep results indicate that the process of freezing
freeze temperature (-35C). effectively reduced the numbers of viable
The changing patterns in pH of ice cream bacteria in the final products. In addition, the
type frozen yogurt during 6 months storage results indicate that the presence of large
at -35C are shown in Fig. 2. As in the case numbers of lactic acid bacteria at the outset
of lactic acid content (Fig. I), the pH of ice of freezing may be an important factor con-
cream type frozen yogurt fell into three tributing to protection of the bacteria from
groups: a well-fermented group (pH 4.5), an cold shock. Furthermore, the presence of lac-
intermediate group (pH 5.0 and 5.5) and a tic acid may also contribute to the survival of
poorly fermented group (pH 6.5). The lactic acid bacteria. Sheu er a1 have reported
changes in pH of the samples during storage that 80-90%, of lactic acid bacteria survived
were small, as in the case of the lactic acid in ice cream mix after the mix had been
content. Therefore, the pH of the products stored at -20C for 2 weeks without harden-
was inversely related to the lactic acid content ing. However, the numbers of viable bacteria
of the products shown in Fig. 1. decreased to 50Y1of the original level of the
bacteria upon freezing and then the numbers
Lactic acid bacteria further decreased to 40% of the original
The numbers of the viable lactic acid bacteria level during 2 weeks storage. Hekmat and
in the three pH groups of ice cream type McMahon have also reported that one
frozen yogurt are shown in Fig. 3. The num- weeks storage at -29C reduced the numbers
bers of bacteria in well fermented samples of lactic acid bacteria in experimentally pre-
(pH 4.5) decreased to about one half of the pared yogurt from 5 X lo8 cfuiml to 2.5 X
original level during the first weeks storage, 10 cfuiml and the numbers of the bacteria
and then the numbers gradually decreased were further reduced to 1 X lo7 cfuiml dur-
during the following 4 months, followed by a ing the following 17 weeks of storage. Similar
further significant decrease in the numbers of observations have also been reported.I0-l4
bacteria during the next 2 months. On the These results together with the results in Fig.
other hand, the numbers of lactic acid bacte- 3 indicate that the temperature during freez-
ria in the intermediate fermented samples ing and storage is closely related to the num-
(pH 5.0 or pH 5.5) initially decreased to bers of viable bacteria in frozen yo urt
about 13% of the original level and then Kneifel and Erhard7 have counted 10 -10 89
Vol. 51, No 2 Muy 1998 Ititerntrrioncrl Journal of Dairy Technology
w the concentration of malonaldehyde
4h decreased slightly during storage in some of
the samples (pH 4.5 and 5.5). The reason why
4 there was no increase in malonaldehyde con-
m centration in ice cream type frozen yogurt is
a not known. It has been found that lactic acid
Sensory evaluation
The sensory character of ice cream type
frozen yogurt was much richer than that of
normal frozen yogurt. The average sensory
ratings of ice cream type frozen yogurt are
shown in Fig. 7 . In this figure. assessors are
divided into three groups as described in
Materials and methods. In comparing the
ratings of these three groups, it is clear that
assessors in group A were able to give differ-
ent ratings to different samples, while the
differences in the ratings of four different
samples given by assessors in group B were
much smaller than those given by assessors in
group A. In addition, almost no differences
were observed in the sensory ratings given by
assessors in group C. This result is in accor-
dance with that of Hekmat and McMahoc9
who have reported that sensory acuity of
assessors is influenced by whether the assessor
was familiar with the product, ie, assessors
who consume yogurt frequently are more sen-
sitive to the difference in sensory properties of
frozen yogurt than assessors who do not eat
yogurt. In the sensory ratings given by asses-
sors in group A, samples having a pH of 5.5
showed the most favourable ratings for
flavour, after-taste, creaminess, sourness and
sweetness, although there was no statistically
significant difference between samples with
different pH values. The rating of sourness
given by the panels in group A is related to
the pH values of the samples. However,
almost no pH dependency was observed in
the ratings given by assessors in groups B
and C.
With regard to the sourness of ice cream
type frozen yogurt in the present study, sam-
(ci &s contain~n;ngapproximately0.33% df lactic
acid (pH 5.5) were the most favoured sam-
F I ~6.
. Surface blructui-e of ice cream type frozen yogurt. (a) Magnification x150, ples. This result is in accordance with earlier
( b ) X350. ( c ) XIOOO. on the sensory properties of frozen
VOI. 51, N o 2 Mu?. 1998
Ice cream type frozen yogurt with a combina-
tion of richness and sourness was prepared.
Changes in the quality of the yogurt during 6
months' storage were not significant. The
TBA value of the yogurt did not increase dur-
ing storage, indicating the antioxidative effect
of viable lactic acid bacteria which survived in
the yogurt during storage. In the sensory eval-
uation, the pH value was significantly associ-
ated with creaminess. Sensory ratings of the
Fig. 7. Average sensory scores of ice cream type frozen yogurt by three panels
having different eating experiences. For each evaluation, from left to right: ice cream type frozen yogurt were dependent
pH 4.5. pH 5.0. pH 5.5. pH 6.5. on the previous eating experience of assessors.
lrrternciriorrtr/ Juurnrrl of L)criry Technology
We conclude that this ice cream type frozen 8 Sheu T Y, Marshall R T and Heymann H (1993)
yogurt has potential for commercialization. Improving survival of culture bacteria in frozen
desserts by microentrapment. Journrrl of Doirj,
Science 76 1902-1907.
We are grateful to Dr Takashi Nakamura, 9 Hekmat S and McMahon D J (1992) Survival
of Lactobtrcillirs trciclopliihrs and BiJidobactrriuni
Dr Kuniko Yamaguchi and Mr Ryusuke hifiduni in ice cream for use as a probiotic food.
Tanaka, Department of Fisheries, Kyushu Jourriol of Dairy Science 75 1415-1422.
University for their help in the TBA test. We 10 Bielecka M, Przewozna A and Kowalczuk J (1988)
Survival rate of yoghurt cultures during production
thank Dr Makoto Oikawa, Department and storage of yoghurt ice-cream. Acro Alinienrcrrirr
of Fisheries, Kyushu University and D r Puluniccr 14 163- 168.
Sadayuki Kokubo, Food Research and 1 1 Holcomb J E. Frank J F and McGregor J U
(199 I ) Viability of Lactobocillus ocidopliilus and
Development Laboratory, Morinaga Milk Bificlobtrcteriuni bijiduni in soft-serve frozen yoghurt.
Industry Co Ltd, for their instruction in oper- Cultured Doiry Products Jouriiol 26 4 5 .
ating Cryo-SEM. We also thank Mr 12 Kumazawa R and Kokubo S (1990) Recent develop-
ment in dairy technology: ice cream. Bullrriii of
Tarushige Sat0 and Naoki Yoshida, Kyoto rile Japan Doiry Tecliriicoi Associrrrion 40 98-1 16
factory of Meiji Milk Products Co Ltd, for (in Japanese).
their helpful guidance in preparing ice cream. 13 Modler H W, McKeller R C, Goff H D and Mackie
D A ( 1990) Using ice cream as a mechanism to incor-
porate bifidobacteria and fructooligosaccharides into
the human diet. Crr11~1r~~d Doiry Products Jorrrrirrl
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Book review
A Practical Approach to HACCP Training Summary Booklet and a set of assorted mas-
Programme. By Sara Mortimore and Carol ters for copying in support of the course. In
Wallace. London: Blackie Academic and addition to the course materials, the pro-
Professional. E525. ISBN 0 751 4030 5 gramme contains a copy of the book
HACCP: A practicul approach (pp. 296, 10
This training programme is an important chapters, 5 appendices; ISBN 0 412 57020 3:
contribution to the source materials available &49if bought separately).
for the training and development of employ- The authors of the programme are well
ees in methods of food safety management known and well respected in the field of
and particularly HACCP (Hazard Analysis HACCP and food safety management. Sara
Critical Control Point). On receipt of the Mortimore is Quality Assurance Manager for
programme materials one cannot fail to be Pillsbury Europe and Carol Wallace is Food
impressed by the quality of presentation of Safety and Quality Consultant with Reading
the package. A great deal of effort has clearly Scientific Services Ltd. Their book, published
gone into its development and the authors in 1994, has become a standard work on
and publishers have created a very profes- HACCP and sets out in a clear and coherent
sional product. The programme is a course manner an approach to the development,
on HACCP and is comprised of a Trainer's implementation and maintenance of HACCP
Manual, a set of overhead projector acetates, systems. The topics covered in the book are:
a set of Course Notes for Trainees. a