L-2294 May 25, 1951 that should be returned by the petitioner for the
unexpired term of the policy in question,
FILIPINAS COMPAIA DE SEGUROS, petitioner, beginning December 11, 1941. Without costs.
vs. So ordered.
CHRISTERN, HUENEFELD and CO., INC., respondent
G.R. No. L-4197 March 20, 1952 The case, therefore, is one in which time is
material and of the essence of the contract.
Non-payment at the day involves absolute
FIDELA SALES DE GONZAGA, plaintiff-appellant, forfeiture is such be the terms of the contract,
vs. as is the case here. Courts cannot with safety
THE CROWN LIFE INSURANCE vary the stipulation of the parties by introducing
COMPANY, defendant-appellee. equities for the relief of the insured against their
own negligence.
The aforecited decisions are decisive of the
1. On September 26, 1939 the Crown Life proposition that non-payment of premiums by
Insurance Co., whose home office is in Toronto, reason of war puts an end to the contract.
Canada, issued to Ramon Gonzaga through its
branch office in Manila a 20-year endowment 2. Gonzaga could have taken advantage if he was
policy for P15, 000 really intent on preserving his policy.
2. The insured paid in due time the agreed yearly Uncontroverted or admitted is the fact that the
premium, which was P591.00, for three defendant's agent, through whom he had been
consecutive years, the last payment having insured, lived in Malabon, Rizal, and was his
been effected on September 6, 1941. close acquaintance; and so were some of the
3. On account of the outbreak of war, no defendant's Filipino employees who handled
premiums were paid after that date, although the insurance business of Hanson, Orth and
the policy was continued in force up to June 12, Stevenson during the occupation. And Gonzaga
1943, under its automatic premium loan clause. admittedly come to Manila on a visit every now
4. Ramon Gonzaga died on June 27, 1945 from and then, and could have, without difficulty,
an accident. contacted any of those people.
5. The beneficiary was unable to collect the 3.
amount of the said policy, which began this suit 4. In addition, the policy carried a clause providing
on December 1947. for its reinstatement under certain conditions
6. The defendant set up the defense that the within three years from the date of lapse on
policy had lapsed by non-payment of the application of the insured. The present policy
stipulated premiums of the stipulated dates. lapsed on June 12, 1943, the Company's
And the trial court in a carefully written decision Manila branch was reopened on May 1, 1945
ruled against the plaintiff. and resumed regular business through the
7. Hence this appeal. same general agents at the Wilson Building on
Juan Luna Street, Manila and Ramon Gonzaga 11. Property was destroyed by fire. SMB filed an
died on June 27, 1945. It is undoubted that action in court to recover on the policies.
Gonzaga knew all that. It is not denied that he Harding was made a defendant because by
was an employee in the United States Navy, virtue of the sale, he became the owner of the
that the united States Navy had an office in the property, although the policies were issued in
same Wilson Building, and that he came at SMBs name.
least twice a month to that office for his salary. 12. SMB sought to recover the proceeds to the
5. Both in law and in reason, the action was extent of its mortgage credit with the balance to
properly dismissed and the appealed decision is go to Harding.
hereby affirmed, with costs 13. Insurance Companies contended that they were
not liable to Harding because their liability under
G.R. No. L-7667 November 28, 1955 the policies was limited to the insurable
interests of SMB only.
CHERIE PALILEO, plaintiff-appellee, 14. SMB eventually reached a settlement with the
vs. insurance companies and was paid the balance
BEATRIZ COSIO, defendant-appellant. of its mortgage credit.
15. Harding was left to fend for himself. Trial court
Fact: ruled against Harding.
16. Hence the appeal.
G.R. No. L-14300 January 19, 1920
SAN MIGUEL BREWERY, ETC., plaintiff-appellee, Whether or not the insurance companies are
vs. liable to Harding for the balance of the proceeds of the
AL., defendants-appellees.
HENRY HARDING, defendant-appellant. Ruling: