Project Parameters Control Panel: Pre-Define Input Parameters

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Project Parameters Control Panel

Project Name New Project Pre-Define Input Parameters:

Project Manager Manager's Name Project Phases:

Project Start Date 1-Jan-2011 Manage Project Task List

Status Report Date 7-Dec-2021 Create Scheduling Chart
Project Deadline 1-Jan-2012 Run Project Status Report
Create Workbooks & Email
Scheduling Frequency Days
Update from External Files

Human Resources Financial Resources

Working Hours per day 8.0 Start Hour 9:00 Input Denomination $0 Capital Expenditure -
Include: Saturday Sunday
Project Participants: Budgeted Operating Costs:
Name Cost/Hr Email Address Factor Unit Type Units Avg Cost Budget Contingency
Hours 0 - - -
Total Available Productivity 0%
Total Budgeted Costs - -
Task Description Dependencies & Deliverables Operating Costs Capital Staffing
ID0 Phase Description DepID Deliverables Type Cost Units Total Costs Person Hours

Totals - - -
Task Description Staffing Timing (Dates) Progress Completion
ID0 Phase Description Productivity Start End Units Capex Date

Totals 0%
Day Beginning:





COSTS (as at Task end)

Operating Costs

Capital Costs

Total Costs
New Project project status report as at
(Start date: , Earned Value analysis denomination: $0)
Earned Value Analysis Performance Measurements Variances Indices
Unit Type BCWS BCWP ACWP Cost Schedule CPI SPI

Total Operating Costs - - - - - 0.0% 0.0%

Capital Expenditure - - - - - 0.0% 0.0%
Total Project Costs - - - - - 0.0% 0.0%

Cost Risk Analysis Operating Capex Total Project Timing

Budgeted Project Costs - - - Projected Duration
(with Contingency) - - - Project Deadline
Projected Project Costs - - - Predicted End Date
Recovery Costs - - - Overrun/(Under run)

Completion Analysis Number of Units Remaining Units Percent Complete

Unit Type Budgeted Scheduled Completed Budget Schedule Budget Schedule

Totals - - - - -

100% Historical Project Performance

Snapshot History Performance Indicies
Status Report Date CPI SPI CPI
1-Jan-11 0.0% 0.0% 80%





Perform feasibility study Define Project
Perform risk & impact assessment Document project definition report
Document business case Document project plan
Document umbrella contract Document quality plan
Obtain interim funding Document resource terms of reference
Project definition approved
Agree Contract
Document vendor/client contract
Document high-level business requirements Document current state design
Document high-level technology requirements Define process model
Document detailed business requirements Define organisational chart
Document detailed technology requirements Define location chart
Define data architecture
Define application architecture
Define technical architecture
Current state design approved
Document future state design
Define process model
Define organisational chart
Define location chart
Define data architecture
Define application architecture
Define technical architecture
Future state design approved
Perform detailed planning
Define organisational change strategy
Define development strategy
Define testing strategy
Define implementation strategy
Define acceptance strategy
Define operational support strategy
Build IT Infrastructure Build test packs and scripts
Build prototype Perform system testing
Design physical prototype Perform integration testing
Build physical prototype Perform user acceptance testing
Test physical prototype Perform regression testing
Implement prototype Review implementation readiness
Market and approve prototype
Prototype authorised
Build database
Develop database
Produce database design
Build database
Build database testing routines
Perform database unit testing
Develop data migration
Produce data migration design
Build data migration components
Build data migration testing routines
Perform data migration unit testing
Database development complete
Build application software
Design software configuration
Install and configure software components
Build software testing routines
Unit test software components
Software development complete
Build technology hardware
Design hardware configuration
Install and configure hardware components
Build hardware testing routines
Unit test hardware components
Hardware development complete
Build Business Infrastructure
Build business processes
Document detailed process model
Document detailed procedures
Unit test processes and procedures
Process development complete
Undertake communications
Document communications plan
Communicate organisational changes
Communicate system changes
Measure communications effectiveness
Communications plan implemented
Undertake training
Document training procedures & handbook
Perform organisational training / re-skilling
Measure training effectiveness
Traininng complete
Build physical locations
Produce physical location design
Purchase / build locations
Unit test locations
Location development complete
Schedule implementation Perform final user acceptance
Implement IT Infrastructure Perform final operational acceptance
Implement data migration Signoff implementation completion
Perform data extraction routines
Perform data scrubbing & migration routines
Perform data loading routines
Check data validity
Implement application software
Distribute and install application software
Test installed application software
Implement technology hardware
Distribute and install technology hardware
Test installed technology hardware
Implement Business Infrastructure
Implement processes
Distribute process & procedural documentation
Check distribution complete
Implement organisational changes
Undertake actual org. changes
Document post implementation review Document project closedown report
Release resources
Perform contract close-out / change-over
Manage operational schedule (facilities) * PREPARATION
Manage availability * PROJECT DEFINITION
Manage capacity * ANALYSIS
Manage performance * DESIGN
Manage backup and recovery * DEVELOPMENT
Manage disaster recovery * TESTING
Manage against SLAs * IMPLEMENTATION
Manage security * ACCEPTANCE
Manage data * REVIEW
Manage on-going training * CLOSE-DOWN
Support solution (1st/2nd/3rd level) * OPERATIONAL SUPPORT
* Sending Task List to participants:
Please find below a list of project
tasks for which you have been
identified as responsible for. The
* timing and deliverables for each
* task reflect those defined in the
* project plan. Please advise of any
* issues that you may have regarding
* this list. Furthermore, regular
* updates on reporting the progress
* of these tasks would be greatly
* appreciated.
* Requesting Progress reports:
* Please find below a list of your
* outstanding project tasks. In order
* to monitor the status of the overall
* project, your co-operation is
* required to report on the progress
* of each task. Where possible,
please provide the exact number of
units completed to date. If the the
task has been fully completed,
* please provide the completion date.

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