The Star Wars Hero Journey
The Star Wars Hero Journey
The Star Wars Hero Journey
Star Wars Episode IV was actually very consciously written as a Heros JourneyGeorge
Lucas consulted Joseph Campbell often, and Campbell, in later talks, referenced Star
Wars as a good example of a contemporary Heros Journey. Since all 6 films are now
complete, one can see many manifestations of the Heros Journey throughout.
But then, is the complete story really about Luke? (If you havent seen all 6 films,
NOTE: Anakin Skywalker is the classic Savior figure: the virgin birth, half-divine
influence. He is also a Tragic Hero: his demise is his pride (hubris), though ultimately he
redeems himself with self-sacrifice. Luke Skywalker is the classical Hero drawn with a
spaceship: Arthurian, he has a half-divine/unknown father, becomes a Knight after trials,
resists temptation, saves the known world