Action Plan Rodrigues Island

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ACTION PLAN: Towards a Bio Certification
of the Agricultural sector in Rodrigues

It is an empirical Fact that the Agriculture sector is one fundamental pillar of Rodrigues Island economy.
The geographic isolation of Rodrigues provides many advantages such as pest and disease free
production, hence guaranteeing quality products which can be exported.

The Overarching objective of the action is primarily to strengthen, green and standardized with strict
green norms the agricultural sector of Rodrigues Island and meets an increasingly growing demand for
certified products by local consumers.

As demonstrated in table 1 below, Rodrigues main export is mainly to Mauritius where it comprises
mainly of agricultural and farming products. Rodrigues Island, despite it possess quality agriculture
products, severely lacks product standardization, certification, a marketing mechanism and increasing
added value that will enable it to emerge in other International markets. The main agriculture products
that needed prime attention are namely:

Rodriguan Unique Red Beans

Rodriguan Chillies
Rodriguan Limon
Rodrigiuan Onions
Recently , Coffee

These mentioned products are highly demanded by tourists, local and national market. However,
another problem of Rodriguan agriculture is that, there is a limited agricultural land due to invasive
devastating plant, mainly the Pikan loulou which had invaded many of Rodriguan cultivated lands.

Another empirical fact is that Agriculture is amongst one fundamental employing sector in
Rodrigues(See Table 2). Thus, in a vision to work towards an integrated Green Economy development,
the action plan will thrive to address all the mentioned problems and bring a consolidate impetus to a
green sustainable agriculture in Rodrigues.
Table 1

Source: Digest Rodrigues( 2013)

Source: Digest Rodrigues( 2013)

Table 2
Rodrigues Island for sure offers exceptional quality product namely, its eucalyptus honey. Despite
Rodriguan Honey is mainly from bio Eucalyptus plants from its natural forest, there is no regulated
certification that prove the origin and quality of the latter. If it was so, this shall add a tremendous
added value to this exceptional product. The same problem arises for the other crop plants of
Rodrigues .Assuredly, Rodrigues need to value more its quality product and build a bio or organic
certification scheme which will target its whole agriculture sector.

Expected Baseline Table

INDICATORS Baseline Target Collection of Data/source of

Greening and Number of Bio Certified 0 6000 Food and Agriculture Research
bio/organic agricultures Extension institution
Certification of (FAREI)
Rodrigues Island
Target 20 000 kg FAREI
Bio Certified Honey
production Number of Bio Certified 0
Bio Certified Honey Number of Bio Certified 0 12 000 KG Statistics Office
Exports products Honey EXPORTS
Organic certified Number of agriculture 0 6000 FAREI
crops productions farms certified organic
or sustainable
Organic Certified Number of of Trainers 0 50 Tonnes Statistics Office
Exports on Biologic agriculture
Bio Certified Number of bio certified 0 1 Commission for Forestry
Ecalyptus Forest Eucalyptus Forest

Green Employment Number of Green Jobs 0 3000 Statistics Rodrigues

created from the created by the action

The action expected baseline is shown in the above table. Obviously and empirically, there is not yet a
bio/organic certified agricultural enterprise in Rodrigues. If a bio certification scheme is concretised then,
this will considerably improve and increase the yields and profitability of this sector achieving thus, a
long term Integrated Green Economy.

The consequential impact of the action will without any doubt have broader positive cross sect impacts
on other sectors, mainly;
Agro processed sector

The primary raw materials from the agriculture sector will gain considerable value if Bio Certified. This
will consequently impact on the agro processed sector which output will similarly gain increased added

Tourism Sector

There has been an obvious increase in demand for certified bio products from local citizens, but mainly
from tourists. There is an increase concern for health care in Rodrigues since a dreadful increase in
cancer rate. However, though, the main cause has not been identified yet, it is assumed that the use of
fertilizers and pesticides could be one cause factor. A certified agricultural product will without any doubt
reassure the tourists and portray the Island as an ecological green destination Island.

The overall objective of the action is to implement a bio and organic certified scheme that target the
whole agriculture sector of Rodrigues. As such, its target is to primarily increase the capacity building of
local planters of the Island in required standards and requirements of an agriculture product
certification. A continuous follow up and support will guide the targeted groups by expertise
institutions, like FAREI.

The solemn objective is to completely re structure the agriculture in Rodrigues into a more sustainable
one that will contribute to its transition to an Integrated Green Economy.

One very sad fact is that Rodriguan farmers are still unaware about sustainable /organic agriculture
certification and that the baseline for producers that practice a certified agriculture is still zero.

Rodrigues products are also undervalued and its export is of low value. Moreover, it does not have
access to international market and only trade with Mauritius. To be able to go for an integrated Economy
and green trade, the developing island must for sure develop one of its core sectors, which is agriculture.

The specific objectives listed below will for sure help to address the island trade problems and help it in
achieving its long term green trade objectives.

A Bio certification of Rodriguan Agricultural sector
Specific Objective Concerned Stakeholders Expected Results
Shift of current non Planters, farmers, Commission A shift to a more
environmentally friendly for agriculture, Commission for sustainable agriculture
agriculture techniques to Environment, Certifying A standardized
a more standardized Institution. techniques for
green one cultivation that prone
quality and
environmentally friendly
A 75 % transition of
planters to a greener
certified agriculture

Complete eradication of Planters, farmers, Commission Raising awareness of

harmful chemical for agriculture, Commission for the population of the
fertilizers and pesticides Environment, Certifying devastating environment
Institution, Organic compost and health effect of
producers chemicals fertilizers
Drive the Rodriguan
population to a more
sustainable and
Encourage and increase
compost making
Implementation of a bio Commission for Forestry, Wildlife Increase Honey
Eucalyptus forest as part Rodrigues, Certifying institution, production
of the action plan. Rodrigues Beekeepers. Add tremendous value
to Rodriguan Honey if
produced in a bio
certified eucalyptus
Increase Rodriguan
Honey export value
Bio certification of Rodriguan Farmers, Commission A Target baseline
Rodriguan farmers for agriculture, certifying increase of 75 % success
institutions and consultants. of farmers with a
certified sustainable
Quality standardization
of farmers output
A healthier agricultural
products on local,
national market
Increase capacity Rodriguan planters, certifying Increase baseline of zero
Building of Rodriguan institution, Commission for to 5785 farmers aware
agriculture sector agriculture, Small and Medium of sustainable
stakeholders in Enterprise Developing Authority agriculture topics
sustainable bio/organic Increase awareness of
agriculture Rodriguan farmers of the
significance of a
sustainable agriculture
Increase demand for
Rodriguan agri products
Effective marketing Rodrigues Trade Marketing Increase in Rodriguan
mechanism for the cooperation, Rodriguan planters. exports visibility
Rodriguan agriculture
Higher Value Exports Rodriguan Farmers, Commission Increase in Rodriguan
for agriculture, certifying exports
institutions and consultants.
Access to new foreign Rodriguan Farmers, Commission Rodriguan trade
markets for agriculture, certifying liberalization and access
institutions and consultants. to new international
Establish support Small and Medium Enterprises Increase Organic
Scheme for organic Developing authority compost making
compost making enterprises
3. Planned Measures/Activities
To achieve all the above mentioned objectives, specific activities and framework must be implemented.

Scoping of the agriculture sector of Rodrigues

A scoping of the actual situation of Rodrigues agriculture is fundamental to design the proper pathway of
the action plan implementation. The actual situation can be characterized by a non existence of certified
agricultural products in Rodrigues.

An analysis and evaluation is needed to identify whether the cultivated lands had been treated with
chemicals and for how long as per certification procedures.

Adopting a Bio/Organic Certification Scheme

After the scoping activity, a bio certification scheme will be launch targeting every planter of Rodrigues,
with the norms and standards being implemented by a maximum number of potential planters.
Technically, it is impossible to bio certified every planters depending of the financial resource and
condition of cultivation of each specific farmers. However, the scheme will thrive to target a maximum
number of highly potential farmers.

Setting up of an Eco label for Rodriguan Honey

One core objective of the action plan is to add increasing value to the Rodriguan Honey by certifying
it eco label. There will be again a scoping by qualified experienced consultants on the Honey industry
of the Island. Afterwards a capacity building of all the professional beekeepers on production and
origin standards will be implemented.

Capacity building of Farmers

Potential farmers from different region of Rodrigues will be trained on the different norms and
standards to follow to become bio/organic certified.

Recruitment of Bio agriculture experts

Bio agriculture experts will be recruited to guide and ensure follow up of the action plan

Encourage organic compost enterprise through facilitating loans , small grants and subsidies
There are increasing numbers of animals farmers who are indirectly diversifying their enterprise into
compost making. Financial measures and policies will be design to encourage these farmers to produce
and emerge themselves in organic compost making from animals manure and plants vegetal waste.
These shall include: Subsides allocated to farmers already producing compost and those who intend to
produce. Loan and grant facilities from Invest Rodrigues and Maubank to encourage more farmers to
invest in this domain will also consolidate the bio certification scheme plan.

Subsidies on Bio materials and seedlings production

Subsidies on bio materials and seedlings will be useful to facilitate the start ups and sustainability of the
action plan.
Cover costs of certification through international aids.
Grant from international organizations should be sought to cover certification costs of farmers and help
them to sustain the strict standards, norms and techniques of certification.

The estimated time frame for the implementation of the action plan will be on a total duration of 36
4. Resources

The main resources that will be elemental for the successful implementation of the action plan are

Financial Resource
Financial resource is one imperative asset for the action plan implementation. For sure, a considerable
finance and investment will be needed mainly from international funds and local authorities to cover
certification costs.

Additionally, before implementation, there should be a capacity building of all the potential targeted
farmers on the certification norms and standards.

Also, to encourage incentives in the production of organic compost, subsidies and grant facilities will be
allocated to potential farmers.

Human Resource

Human resource is another important aspect of the action plan. Rodrigues lack severely expertise in bio
sustainable agriculture. There is empirically no expert in this increasingly emerging field in Rodrigues. For
instance, for implementation consultants and other experts from international should be recruited.

The action plan will after implementation increase the demand of local planters from national and
international market. Also, the creation of local green enterprise, for example, compost making will
generate additional revenue for existing farmers and new green jobs for new enterprise.

5. Implementation and Sustainability

Who would lead and coordinate the Action Plan?
The Commission for Agriculture in collaboration with the Commission for environment and fisheries will
lead and coordinate the action plan. The Commission for agriculture is as such the public entity who is
responsible for the agricultural industry of Rodrigues. They shall be responsible for the project
implementation, thus, the coordination of all the activities of the action plan.
Also, they will be the key stakeholder who will collaborate with key resource persons from international
institutions to implement major activities like: consultancy, scoping and capacity building.
The Commission for environment, forestry and tourism will also collaborate in the implementation,
namely in the forestry industry. As such, its technical staff can work in close collaboration with outsource
person in implementing the bio certification of a eucalyptus forest as they are in charge of all Rodriguan

Who will be engaged in implementing the Action Plan?

The Invest Rodrigues and the Small and Medium Enterprise Development Authority can help in the design
of grant facility scheme for Emerging compost making enterprises. The main stakeholders of the action
will still remain the Rodriguan planters whose commitment and involvement in the action plan will heavily
determine its success.
Collaboration and an agreement made with the food and agriculture research extension institute from
Mauritius can be of tremendous help in the implementation. For instance, the FAREI is a fundamental
entity in Mauritius which is responsible for bio certification of agricultural farms and food processing. It
will thus be more cost effective to make an agreement with a national institution.

How will other stakeholders be involved?

Other stakeholders might include collaboration with national development banks like the Development
Bank of Mauritius and the MAUBANK, who might include and design special incenting loans for organic
compost enterprise.
Also, to encourage the continuous profitability of local Rodriguan certified product, a legal framework
should be imposed on all touristic operators of Rodrigues, stipulating that hotels and other touristic
operators should buy their daily commodities like, honey, fruits, and vegetables from local source.
What measures can be taken to ensure that the Action Plan creates sustainable results?
To ensure sustainability of the action plan, a continuous follow should be made with all targeted
beneficiaries to ensure that there are continuous adherence to imposed norms and standards. Also, the
collaboration with Expertise institutions like FAREI should be maintained in the longterm.
6: Annex: References and Bibliography


1. Rodrigues export and employment sectorDigest Rodrigues 2013 statistical



3. An appraisal of the small scale agro processing sector in Rodrigues

4. Agro Industry Minister launches National campaign onMauriGAP -
5. UNEP, Green Economy and Trade. Trends, Challenges and Opportunities

6. UNEP, Export of Certified Organic Agriculture from South Africa. Challenges

and Opportunities (2016)

7. Bio Farming Promotion Scheme MINISTRY OF AGRO-INDUSTRY & FOOD


8. Strategic Plan(2016-2020)For The Food Crop, Livestock and Forestry

Sectors- January 2019 Ministry for agro industry and Food security ,

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