Sample Data - Canada Set 1 Form Field Name API Name

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The document outlines the mapping between form fields and API names for creating different entities like corporate profiles, contacts, directors etc. It also provides validation rules for different address fields.

A wide range of information is captured for each entity like legal name, trading name, addresses, phone numbers, dates of incorporation etc. as outlined on pages 1-2.

Addresses are validated to not allow PO boxes. Province/State is selected from a dropdown for some countries but populated from the city for New Zealand. Postal codes have defined formats based on country.

Sample Data - Canada Set 1 Form Field Name API Name

CORPORATE CLIENT Not captured on form CreateEntity

INACTIVE Not captured on form CreateEntity
BLANK Not captured on form CreateEntity

EncoreFX Inc. Not captured on form CreateEntity

ABC Ltd Applicant Legal Name CreateEntity

ABC Store Registered Trading Name (if applicable) CreateCorporateProfile

123 Easy St Applicant Street Address (no P.O.Boxes) CreateEntity
Victoria City/Town CreateEntity

British Columbia Not captured on form CreateEntity

V8R 3P7 Postcode CreateEntity

Canada Country CreateEntity

250-555-5555 Telephone CreateEntity
123 Mailingaddress Rd Mailing Address (if different than above) CreateEntity
Victoria City/Town CreateEntity

British Columbia Not captured on form CreateEntity

V8R 3P6 Postcode CreateEntity

Canada Country CreateEntity

250-555-5556 Facsimile CreateEntity

123 Registeredaddress Rd Registered Address CreateEntity

Victoria City/Town CreateEntity

British Columbia Not captured on form CreateEntity

V8R 3P5 Postcode CreateEntity

Canada Country CreateEntity

[email protected] Email CreateEntity Website CreateEntity
British Columbia Jurisdiction of Incorporation/Organization CreateCorporateProfile
September 6, 2010 Date of Incorporation/Organization CreateCorporateProfile
Corporation (Private) Entity Type CreateCorporateProfile
Returned from CreateEntity API Call Not captured on form CreateContact
0 Not captured on form CreateContact
1 Not captured on form CreateContact
0 Not captured on form CreateContact
0 Not captured on form CreateContact
0 Not captured on form CreateContact
Smith Last Name CreateContact
John First Name CreateContact
Chris Middle Name CreateContact
Director Occupation / Title CreateContact
[email protected] Email Address CreateContact
123 Residential Rd Residential Address (no P.O.Boxes) CreateContact
Victoria City/Town CreateContact

British Columbia Not captured on form CreateContact

V8R 3P4 Postcode CreateContact
Canada Country CreateContact
250-555-5557 Telephone CreateContact
Anderson Last Name CreateSignatureCard
Mike First Name CreateSignatureCard
Ryan Middle Name CreateSignatureCard
Controller Occupation / Title CreateSignatureCard
123 Residentialsignature Rd Residential Address (no P.O.Boxes) CreateSignatureCard
Victoria City/Town CreateSignatureCard
British Columbia CreateSignatureCard
V8R 3P3 Postcode CreateSignatureCard
Canada Country CreateSignatureCard

Driver's License Identification Type CreateSignatureCard

British Columbia Place of Issue CreateSignatureCard
7964585 Identification Number CreateSignatureCard
9/27/2019 Expiry Date CreateSignatureCard
9/27/1984 Date of Birth CreateSignatureCard
Peterson Last Name CreateCorporateDirector
Paul First Name CreateCorporateDirector
Tim Middle Name CreateCorporateDirector
Secretary Occupation CreateCorporateDirector
9/30/1956 Date of Birth (MM-DD-YYYY) CreateCorporateDirector
123 Residentialdirector Rd Residential Address (no P.O.Boxes) CreateCorporateDirector

Victoria City/Town CreateCorporateDirector

V8R 3P2 Postcode CreateCorporateDirector
Canada Country CreateCorporateDirector
Johnson Last Name CreateCorporateOwnership
Rick First Name CreateCorporateOwnership
Peter Middle Name/Initial CreateCorporateOwnership
100 % Ownership CreateCorporateOwnership
6/15/1974 Date of Birth (MM-DD-YYYY) CreateCorporateOwnership
Owner Not Captured on form CreateCorporateOwnership
123 Owner St Residential Address CreateCorporateOwnership
Victoria City/Town CreateCorporateOwnership

British Columbia CreateCorporateOwnership

VRR 3P1 Postcode CreateCorporateOwnership

Canada Country CreateCorporateOwnership
Bank of Montreal Financial Institution Name CreateBank
1225 Douglas St Financial Institution Address CreateBank
Victoria City/Town CreateBank

British Columbia CreateBank

V8W 2E6 Postcode CreateBank
Canada Country CreateBank
1234567 (1) Acount Number - Primary CreateBank

CAD Currency CreateBank

7654321 (2) Acount Number - Secondary UpdateBank

USD Currency UpdateBank

Furniture, Fixtures & Office Equipment Applicant Nature of Business (Industry) UpdateCorporateProfile
Vancouver Branch EncoreFX Office Location CreateCustomerService
Spot FX + CB Pymts + Fwds + Options Anticipated Products UpdateCorporateProfile
10031 Pipedrive ID Number CreateCustomerService
What will be the applicants primary source
Revenue/Cashflow from Operations of funds? UpdateCorporateProfile
Customer Referral Lead Source CreateCustomerService
50 Approx% of business attributed to FX NA

Buy Currency Direction CreateEstimatedTradingActivity

USD Currency CreateEstimatedTradingActivity
10000000 Annual Volume CreateEstimatedTradingActivity
Quarterly Trading Cycle CreateEstimatedTradingActivity
4 No of Transactions/Trading CreateEstimatedTradingActivity
Details of Site Visit to the Applicant's
9/1/2017 Primary Place of business- Date UpdateCorporateProfile
FXOffice Field Label FXO Formatting Notes

If Corporate application then: CORPORATE CLIENT

Entity Type If Individual application then: INDIVIDUAL CLIENT
Status Default = INACTIVE
Client Type Default = BLANK

If CANADA, then: EncoreFX Inc.

If USA, then: EncoreFX Ltd.
If AUSTRALIA then: EncoreFX (Australia) Pty Ltd
Public To If NEW ZEALAND, then: EncoreFX (NZ) Limited
Account Name No Punctuation allowed
Legal Name No Punctuation allowed

No Punctuation. If client does NOT have Registered Trading Name

completed, then populate with same value populating the
Trade Name Corporate Client > Legal Name field
Address (Office address)
City (Office address)

If Country = New Zealand, then populate with same value

populated in Application form > City/Town field
If Country = Australia, United States or Canada, then select from
Province/State (Office address) dropdown list of States/Provinces

If Country = CANADA, then should be alpha-numeric 6 character

If Country = US, then should be 5 numeric character value
Postal Code (Office address) If Country = AUSTRALIA, then should be 4 numeric character value

If CANADA, then can ONLY be CANADA

Country (Office address) If NEW ZEALAND, then can ONLY be NEW ZEALAND
Business Phone number in any format
Address (Ship to address)
City (Ship to address)

If Country = New Zealand, then populate with same value

populated in Application form > City/Town field
If Country = Australia, United States or Canada, then select from
Province/State (Ship to address) dropdown list of States/Provinces

If Country = CANADA, then should be alpha-numeric 6 character

If Country = US, then should be 5 numeric character value
Postal Code (Ship to address) If Country = AUSTRALIA, then should be 4 numeric character value

If CANADA, then can ONLY be CANADA

Country (Ship to address) If NEW ZEALAND, then can ONLY be NEW ZEALAND
Business Fax Fax number in any format
Address (Registered Office

City (Registered Office address)

If Country = New Zealand, then populate with same value
populated in Application form > City/Town field
Province/State (Registered If Country = Australia, United States or Canada, then select from
Office address) dropdown list of States/Provinces

If Country = CANADA, then should be alpha-numeric 6 character

Postal Code (Registered Office If Country = US, then should be 5 numeric character value
address) If Country = AUSTRALIA, then should be 4 numeric character value

If CANADA, then can ONLY be CANADA

Country (Registered Office If AUSTRALIA then can ONLY be AUSTRALIA
address) If NEW ZEALAND, then can ONLY be NEW ZEALAND
Web Site
Organizational Jurisdiction Only values from list can be submitted
Date of Incorporation/Org this should be the date format MM/DD/YYYY
Organizational Structure Only values from list can be submitted
Entity ID Returned from CreateEntity API Call
Primary Contact Default to FALSE
Is Active Default to TRUE
Authorized Signatory Default to FALSE
Authorized to transact Default to FALSE
Met in person Default to FALSE
Last Name
First Name
Address (office address) No PO Boxes allowed
City (office address)

If Country = New Zealand, then populate with same value

populated in Application form > City/Town field
If Country = Australia, United States or Canada, then select from
Provnce/State (office address) dropdown list of States/Provinces
Postal Code (office address)
Country (office address)
Last Name
First Name
Address No PO Boxes allowed
Postal Code
Drop down list of types of identification types (see below)
Identification Type Mandatory if Identification # is sent over
Place of Issue Drop down list of provinces (see tab for Section 1))
Identification Number Can only be sent over if there is an associated Identification Type
Expiry Date FXO Date Format: MM/DD/YYYY
Date of Birth FXO Date Format: MM/DD/YYYY
Last Name
First Name
Date of Birth FXO Date Format: MM/DD/YYYY
Address No PO Boxes allowed
City Mandatory IF Address is populated
If Country = New Zealand, then populate with same value
populated in Application form > City/Town field
If Country = Australia, United States or Canada, then select from
dropdown list of States/Provinces
Postal Code
Country Mandatory IF Address is populated
Last Name
First Name
Ownership % Any number from 1 to 100
Date of Birth Date format: MM/DD/YYYY
Occupation Default value = Owner
Address Cannot be a PO Box
If Country = New Zealand, then populate with same value
Province/State (Office address) populated in Application form > City/Town field
If Country = Australia, United States or Canada, then select from
dropdown list of States/Provinces
Postal Code
Country Can only be from defined list
Bank Name

If Country = New Zealand, then populate with same value

populated in Application form > City/Town field
If Country = Australia, United States or Canada, then select from
Provnce/State (office address) dropdown list of States/Provinces
Postal Code
Country Select from defined list of options
Account Number
Drop Down Field: Standard 3 character currency code (CAD,
Account Currency USD etc)

If this field completed on application, then second API Call

Account Number to be created,with Currency and Account Number field.
Drop Down Field: Standard 3 character currency code (CAD,
Account Currency USD etc)
Nature of Business
Classification Select from defined list of options
Customer Service Group Select from defined list of options
Purpose of Relationship Select from defined list of options
PipeDrive Deal ID Default to NA if Pipedrive ID Number field not populated

Primary Source of Funds Select from defined list of options

Lead Source Dropdown Field
NA Not mapped into FXO

Can only be one of the following:

Buy / Sell Sell
Currency Select option from defined list
Annual Volume Numeric value. 2 decimal places
Trading Cycle Free Text field
No of Transactions Numeric value. No decimal places

Onsite Visit Date Date Format - MM/DD/YYYY

Additional Notes

will be updated by Branch Ops in FXO

will be updated by Compliance in FXO

Source from Province Drop Down List

Source from Province Drop Down List

Source from Province Drop Down List

Source from Jurisdiction of Incorporate/Organization Drop Down List

Source from Entity Type Drop Down List

Source from Province Drop Down List

Source from Province Drop Down List

Value will be updated in FXO if required at a later date. (per KH 24/7/2017)

Source from Province Drop Down List

Source from Country Drop Down List

Source from Province Drop Down List

Source from Country Drop Down List

Source from Currency Dropdown List

Source from Currency Dropdown List

Source from Nature of Business Dropdown List

Source from Group Master Dropdown List
Source from Purpose of Relationship dropdown List

Source from Primary Source of Funds Dropdown List

Source from Reason Code Dropdown List

Source from Currency Drop Down List

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