OBE Trainining Program Visayas

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Association of Deans of Philippine Colleges of Nursing, Inc. (ADPCN, Inc.

Philippine Nursing Education Academy (PNEA)
137 Matahimik St., Barangay Central, UP Village, Diliman, Quezon City
Telefax No. (02) 921-74-66
E-mail address: [email protected]

Training Program on Teaching Professional

Nursing Courses of the New BSN OBE Curriculum

September 6-8, 2017


Tandang Sora Hall, CNU


1. Justify the OBE process as applied to the implementation of the BSN curriculum.
2. State the program, level and course outcomes aligned with the institutions VMG.
3. Design a course syllabus for a given professional nursing subject applying the OBE principles and
4. Demonstrate effective strategies in teaching professional nursing courses in the new BSN OBE curriculum.
5. Appreciate the BSN- Outcomes Based Education

Day 1
Time Training Outcomes Topic/Activity Speaker
7:30-8:00 Registration ADPCN Secretariat

8:00-9:00 Opening Activities

Opening Prayer
Philippine National Anthem
Meet and Greet
Orientation to the Training Program

Justify the OBE

9:00 10:30 process as applied to Overview of the approved BSN OBE
the implementation of Curriculum (CMO 15 s. 2017)
the BSN curriculum

Prepare the required Compliance of HEIs

documents to be (Article VIII of the CMO 15, s 2017)
recognized as an
institution to offer the
BSN OBE curriculum
The OBE Process
10:30-12:00 State the ILO, PO, CO,
and LO aligned with Institutional Learning
the institutions VMG. Outcome (ILO) and Graduate
Program Outcomes (PO)
Course Outcomes (CO)
Learning Outcomes (LO)
Alignment matrix

12:00-1:00 LUNCH

1:00 2:00 Design a course

syllabus for a given The Instructional Design
professional nursing
subject applying the A. Developing Instructional Design
OBE principles and (ID)
B. Elements of Instructional Design

Workshop 1: Alignment Matrix

Align the program Outcomes Level I Team
outcomes, course Level I Alignment Matrix (NCM100,
2:00 4:00 outcomes and course NCM 101, NCM102 NCM 103)
learning outcomes for Level II Alignment Matrix ( NCM
a specific professional 104, NCM105, NCM106, NCM107, Level II Team
nursing subject guided NCM 108, NCM 109, NCM 110)
by the curriculum/ Level III Alignment Matrix ( NCM
competency mapping 111, NCM 112, NCM 113, NCM 114, Level III Team
NCM 115, NCM 116, NCM 117)
(Major Final Level IV Alignment Matrix ( NCM
Outcome MFO 2 118, NCM 119, NCM 121, NCM 122) Level IV Team
Alignment Matrix)


4:00- 5:00 Submission of MFO2 Presentation of MFO2 ADPCN-PNEA Team

Day 2

Time Outcomes Topic/Activity Resource Lecturer

7:30 8:15 Registration ADPCN Secretariat

Morning Praise

8:15 10:15 Determine appropriate Teaching-Learning Strategies

activities to achieve a
specific course learning
10:15-12:00 Select assessment tools
to authentically measure Outcomes Assessment
the course learning

12:00-1:00 LUNCH
1:00-3:00 Develop an instructional Workshop 2:
design for a given Develop Instructional Designs Level 1
professional nursing (ID) in the classroom and Level 11
RLE settings: Level 1- 1V Level 111
course applying the
OBE principles and Level 1V
Learning Outcomes
guidelines (MFO 3). Content/Topic
(Major Final Outcome strategies
MFO 3 Instructional Outcomes Assessment

Submission of MFO3

3:00-5:00 Feedback Report

Day 3

Time Outcomes Topic/Activity Resource Lecturer

7:30 8:00 Registration ADPCN Secretariat
Morning Praise
8:00 8:30 Guidelines to Micro-teaching
8:30-12:00 Demonstrate teaching Workshop 3:
learning strategies Micro-teaching of a unit in a Participants:
appropriate to achieve a selected professional course Level 1
specific unit learning utilizing the accomplished ID Level 11
outcome. for Levels 1-1V. Level 111
(MFO 4) Level 1V
12:00-1:00 LUNCH

1:00 3:00 Continuation of the Micro-

teaching Presentations Participants:
Level 1
Level 11
Level 111
Level 1V
3:00-4:00 Submit completed Closing Activities ADPCN-PNEA Team
Instructional Designs for Closing Remarks
a selected unit/topic in a Awarding of certificates
course. Photo Session

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