OBE Trainining Program Visayas
OBE Trainining Program Visayas
OBE Trainining Program Visayas
Philippine Nursing Education Academy (PNEA)
137 Matahimik St., Barangay Central, UP Village, Diliman, Quezon City
Telefax No. (02) 921-74-66
E-mail address: [email protected]
1. Justify the OBE process as applied to the implementation of the BSN curriculum.
2. State the program, level and course outcomes aligned with the institutions VMG.
3. Design a course syllabus for a given professional nursing subject applying the OBE principles and
4. Demonstrate effective strategies in teaching professional nursing courses in the new BSN OBE curriculum.
5. Appreciate the BSN- Outcomes Based Education
Day 1
Time Training Outcomes Topic/Activity Speaker
7:30-8:00 Registration ADPCN Secretariat
12:00-1:00 LUNCH
Day 2
12:00-1:00 LUNCH
1:00-3:00 Develop an instructional Workshop 2:
design for a given Develop Instructional Designs Level 1
professional nursing (ID) in the classroom and Level 11
RLE settings: Level 1- 1V Level 111
course applying the
OBE principles and Level 1V
Learning Outcomes
guidelines (MFO 3). Content/Topic
(Major Final Outcome strategies
MFO 3 Instructional Outcomes Assessment
Submission of MFO3
Day 3