AP Profile Options
AP Profile Options
AP Profile Options
Profile Options
In addition to profile options, Payables provides you with Financials and Payables
options that you use to enable the invoice, payment, currency, and accounting controls
in Payables.
Generally, your System Administrator sets and updates profile values. However, you can
use the Personal Profile Options window to view or set your profile options at the user
level. You can consult your Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrator's Guide for a
list of profile options common to all Oracle Applications.
The key for this table for user and system administrator access is as follows:
View Only - The profile option value can be viewed but cannot be changed
A Required profile option requires a value. An Optional profile option provides a default
value that you can change.
Related Topics
Financials Options
Payables Options
Enable this option to enable use of the Invoice Batches window, which you can use to
specify batch defaults that help speed and control invoice entry in the Invoice
Enabling this option also allows you to specify an invoice batch name to a group of
invoice records when you submit Payables Open Interface Import.
When this option is enabled, you cannot enter invoices directly in the Invoices window.
Yes: When you are matching, you can view the purchase order numbers of
finally closed purchase orders in fields and lists of values in the following
windows: Invoice Workbench, Match to Purchase Orders windows, Match to
Receipts windows, and the Recurring Invoices window.
No: Finally closed purchase orders are not displayed during matching and are
invalid entries in the windows listed above.
Note that regardless of the setting of this profile option, further actions cannot be
performed against finally closed purchase orders, and if you attempt to match to a
finally closed purchase order shipment then you will receive an error message.
This profile option applies only to showing purchase order numbers of purchase orders
that are finally closed at the purchase order header level. For example, if a purchase
order has some open shipments and some finally closed shipments, then the purchase
order number is displayed and valid during matching.
This profile option does not apply to Quick Invoices or Open Interface Invoices
windows. If an invoice record references a finally closed purchase order then Payables
Open Interface Import rejects it during import.
This profile option does not apply to reports or queries on existing transactions.
For more information on finally closed purchase orders, see: Matching and Final Closing
Purchase Orders, Oracle Purchasing User's Guide.
For detailed information about Internet Expenses profile options, see Specifying Values
for Internet Expenses Profile Options (Oracle Internet Expenses Implementation and
Administration Guide).
This profile option controls whether a user can update the account that the Account
Generator generates for project-related distributions.
For additional information, see: Profile Options, Oracle Projects Implementation Guide.
This profile option enables you to specify the source for the expenditure item date.
Oracle Projects uses this profile option when you run the process PRC: Interface
Supplier Costs to determine the expenditure item date for Oracle Purchasing receipts,
invoice payments, and discounts. In addition, Oracle Payables uses this profile option
during the invoice match process, and when you enter unmatched invoices, to
determine the default expenditure item date for supplier invoice distribution lines. The
possible values for this profile option are:
Transaction Date
Transaction GL Date
For additional information, see: Profile Options, Oracle Projects Implementation Guide.
The exchange rate between an NCU (National Currency Unit) and a non-EMU
currency contains two parts:
o a fixed component: the rate between the NCU and the euro
o a variable component: the rate between the euro and the non-EMU
Choose whether you will enter the direct rate (fixed plus variable rate) or
just the variable rate:
Yes. You enter the direct exchange rate between an NCU and a non-EMU
currency. The system calculates and enters the exchange rate between the euro
and the non-EMU currency. Note that if this option is enabled you cannot use the
Payables option Calculate User Exchange Rate to calculate effective exchange
No. You enter the exchange rate between the euro and Non-EMU currency. The
system uses the fixed rate between the euro and NCU to calculate the direct rate
between the NCU and Non-EMU currency. For more details, see: Entering Invoice
Exchange Rates for EMU Currencies, Oracle Payables User Guide.
The following Application Object Library profile options have a particularly significant
impact on the operation of Payables. For detailed information on all profile options, see:
Profile Options in Oracle Application Object Library, Oracle Applications System
Administrator's Guide.
AuditTrail: Activate
Default Country
Folders: Allow Customization
Sequential Numbering
Printer. Payables uses this printer as the default unless in the Concurrent
Programs window you have assigned a printer to the payment program you are
using. See also: Overview of Printers and Printing, Oracle Applications System
Administrator's Guide.
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