Kenexis: Functional Safety Assessment and Certification To IEC 61511
Kenexis: Functional Safety Assessment and Certification To IEC 61511
Kenexis: Functional Safety Assessment and Certification To IEC 61511
White Paper
bulk of all certifications of equipment items against the IEC 61508
In the process industries, the functional safety standard that should form
the basis for safety instrumented system design is IEC 61511 Functional
Safety: Safety Instrumented Systems for the Process Industries Sector.
This sector specific standard was developed under the umbrella of IEC
61508, but is specifically designed to meet the requirements of the process
industries. It is generally not acceptable to design an application to the
umbrella standard, as the sector specific application standards have a lot
more information that is specific to the industry in question, and may have
stricter requirements and more relevant rules that are based on the
applications that are seen in that specific industry.
applications of SIS are often a core competency of the purchasers. Much
of the work that is performed in the development of an application is either
performed directly by the operating company or an engineering contractor.
Historically, there is only rarely a desire by an operating company to certify
its own work was done in conformance to the functional safety standards.
Furthermore, there is no certification organization that is promoting the
use of third party certifications of applications.
In order to determine the competency of an organization to perform
functional safety assessment against IEC 61511, it makes sense actually
refer to the IEC 61511 standard in order to identify the criteria that should
be considered when determining competency.
- The skills, responsibilities, and authorities of the functional
safety assessment team;
First off, all of our Principal Assessors are degreed chemical engineers, as
are the preponderance of the Kenexis Staff. While SIS design for chemical
process facilities requires knowledge of a variety of engineering disciplines,
ultimately, the process under control is a chemical one, and thus a detailed
understanding of the process is of the highest criticality and complexity,
thus our strong preference for chemical engineering degrees as the
foundation for professional skill. Furthermore, all of the Principal Assessors
at Kenexis have many years of experience in the design of chemical
process plants and control systems for chemical process plants prior to
embarking in a specialization in safety instrumented systems.
work. This level of expertise is not readily available in firms who have few
if any chemical engineers on staff, and even fewer (if any) staff that
understand refining processes and oil and gas production processes at the
level of a process engineer.
This is another area that shows the relative Kenexis strength among the
potential options. Many problems in SIS design stem from a lack of
experience with field instrumentation as applied in very specific process
applications. It is unfortunately quite common for instrument engineers
with insufficient experience to install sensor and final element types in
situations where they are not suitable due to the process service
environment in which the equipment is installed. This kind of knowledge
can only be gained from many years of instrument specification and start-
up and ongoing monitoring of actual process operations.
At Kenexis, process safety analysis is a core competency that is part of all
engineers day-to-day tasks. Furthermore, Kenexis has a core competency
in executing SIS safety lifecycle tasks. In the past five years that Kenexis
has been an independent company, Kenexis has analyzed over 15,000
safety instrumented functions analyzing, documenting, and specifying
systems through ALL of the phases of the lifecycle.
All of the Principal Assessors at Kenexis are active members of the ISA 84
committee which is the US contributor to the IEC 61508 and IEC 61511
standards. The work of Kenexis went into the release of the ISA 84
standard (1996 version) which is the precursor to the IEC 61508 standard
(1998) and the IEC 61508 standard (2002). All Principal Assessors
participate in every committee meeting and provide detailed review
including comments on every standard and technical report that is released
by the subcommittee. In addition to standards work, Kenexis performs a
great deal of the technical report development for ISA. It should be known
that much of the detailed engineering that goes on during the SIS safety
lifecycle is based on technical reports and reference literates as opposed to
information in the documents themselves. For instance, SIL verification
calculations are typically performed in accordance with the equations
shown in the ISA TR84.00.01 technical report, as the equations are not
provided in the IEC 61511 standard. All of the Kenexis Principal Assessors
provide a great deal of service and input to all technical report committees.
In fact, two of the recent technical reports (TR 84.00.07 on fire and gas
detection and suppression systems and TR 84.00.06 on SIS in fired
heaters) were predominantly (more than 50%) written be Kenexis staff.
analysis of the consequences that can occur as the result of loss of
containment of chemical hazards.
These last two items on the list of considerations for competency are not
requirements such much as that they are reminders that as the SIL level
increases and the novelty and complexity of the process under
consideration increases, the skill level and experience of any personnel
performing safety lifecycle tasks (including functional safety auditing) will
also need to increase commensurately.
Marszal, Edward and Scharpf, Eric, Safety Integrity Level Selection with
Layer of Protection Analysis, Instrumentation Systems and
Automation Society, Research Triangle Park, NC, 2002.
This document was prepared using best effort. The authors make no warranty of any kind and shall not be liable in any event for
incidental or consequential damages in connection with the application of the document.
This report is copyright 2011, Kenexis Consulting Corporation, all rights reserved. No part of this document may be
circulated, quoted, or reproduced for distribution other than the above named client without prior written approval from
Kenexis Consulting Corporation.