Revere 5440 & 601 Ultra-Lite Series Bulletin 1966
Revere 5440 & 601 Ultra-Lite Series Bulletin 1966
Revere 5440 & 601 Ultra-Lite Series Bulletin 1966
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lrolu: curve showins horizonrol foolcondles lsolux .urve rhowins horizontol lookond es lsour c!rve showing horizonrol foor.on-
lor one Revere No. 601 A1013 Ultro Lile for one Revere No. 5442 U rro tiie tumi dls for one Rovere No. 5l!0 Ultra Lite
tuminoire mounted 30 leer srode noire mounred 30 feel obove q.ode. with tuminairc noonred 30 fet abov6 srod6
wnh lour 1000 w H-36.15Gw/C mer.ury lour 400.W H.33-lGt/C mercury lomps wirh lour n00W IGt/C h.rcurt Lohps
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5440 A 1
o Removable lifting eye.
@ Oval aluminum reflector, polished interior.
@ Heavy aluminum holding ring and hinge.
@ 400-W mercury lanp. Four required (not furnishcd).
@ Pri'ma iic presred crrrtal glarrware.
@ Spun aluminum parabolic housing (72" dia.). Finish:
natural alurninum.
0 Removable lifting eye.
Note: Delete those bracketed phrases ing eyebolt assembly shall be secured to structure designed to slip 3" pipe, 3-1/2"
which do dot apply. the center hub. Four 4O0-S0 optical sys- O.D., *ith a steel center hub extending
rems positioned at 90' to each other shall through the dome. A lifting eyebolt as-
Furnish afrd install Revete Cataloa No. be provided. Each optical system shall con- sembly shall be secured to the centet hub.
which conforms to drawing\
- specifications attached.
and sisr of an oval aluminum reflector. pris- Iour l0O0"1V optical systems positioned at
matic pressed crystal rcfractor glass, and a 90' to each other shall be provided. Each
5442 ot 5440 glazed porcelain mogul screw socket rated optical system shall consist of an oval alu-
at 600 \.olts. A bottom cover of aluminum, minum retlecror nirh a polished interior.
a (72" dia.
Th lumioaire shall consist oI sealed against the dome with a continuous flat cleat, heat and impact resistant lens,
spun aluminum dome) (52" porcelain rubber gasket shall be provided. and a glazed porcelain mogul screw socket
enameled steel dome, colored .
The centet stiucture shall consist of an 601-aIoI3 rated at 600 volts. A bottom cover of alu-
aluminum casting designed .o slip 3-1/2" minum shall be sealed against the dome
pipe, 4" O.D., with a steel center hub The lurninaire shall consist ot a 62" dia, by a reverse flaoge providing a compres-
-) A lift-
which extends throush the dome. spurl aluminum dome with a steel center sion fit.