78 Preservedguidelines130071e
78 Preservedguidelines130071e
78 Preservedguidelines130071e
Online files should be managed for persistent access through the use of a persistent
identifier and resolver service, or re-direct messages if files are moved. A number of
PI schemes are in use internationally in different sectors, although none are in
universal use. The DOI (Digital Object Identifier) scheme used by commercial
publishers to manage rights has the widest acceptance
Creators should create good quality metadata for the resources they create, using a
widely accepted schema such as MARC, the Dublin Core metadata elements or one of
its many sector-based enhancements. The metadata will help users find and use their
resources. Metadata should also be recorded that describes the technical nature of the
digital objects, what is required to access them, and any changes in these details over
their life cycle: this information will be needed in managing them. The metadata can
be either embedded in the resources or stored in a linked metadata file
File management. Preservation master files should be stored and managed separately
from dissemination copies. Database management procedures should ensure that data
is not overwritten before it is captured
System security. Files and systems should be fully protected from damage or loss by
adopting best practice security measures and by appropriate backup arrangements even
for short-term storage
Authenticity. All files should be identified and their provenance and history
documented to provide continuous evidence of authenticity
Training. Staff, contractors and others coming into contact with the digital materials
should be guided by appropriate procedures and manuals, and be adequately trained,
motivated and equipped to use them
If access or copying barriers are considered necessary to protect intellectual property,
they may well make preservation impossible. Arrangements will be needed to allow
preservation processes such as copying to take place
Initial steps in maintaining access may include keeping all the software required for
access, as well as any specialised hardware. This will not be an effective long-term
strategy but may well be necessary in the short term
There may be a need to evaluate digital materials, decide how long they should be
kept and by whom, in accordance with an approved policy such as an archival disposal