The Personal Bargaining Inventory Questionnaire PDF
The Personal Bargaining Inventory Questionnaire PDF
The Personal Bargaining Inventory Questionnaire PDF
The questions in this inventory are designed to measure your responses to your perceptions of human
behavior in situations of bargaining and negotiation. Statements in the first group ask you about your own
behavior in bargaining.
For each statement, pleas indicate how much the statement is characteristic of you on the following scale:
1 Strongly uncharacteristic
2 Moderately uncharacteristic
3 Mildly uncharacteristic
4 Neutral, no opinion
5 Mildly characteristic
6 Moderately characteristic
7 Strongly characteristic
Rate each statement on the seven-point scale by writing in one number closest to your personal judgment
of yourself.
_____ 1. I am sincere and trustworthy at all times. I will not lie, for whatever ends.
_____ 3. I dont particularly care what people think of me. Getting what I want is more important than
. making friends.
_____ 4. I am uncomfortable in situation where the rules are ambiguous and there are few precedents.
_____ 5. I prefer to deal with others on a one-to-one basis rather than as a group.
_____ 6. I can lie effectively. I can maintain a poker face when I am not telling the truth.
_____ 7. I pride myself on being highly principled. I am willing to stand by those principles no matter
. what the cost.
_____ 8. I am a patient person. As long as an agreement is finally reached, I dont mind slow-moving
. arguments.
_____ 9. I am a good judge of character. When I am being deceived, I can spot it quickly.
Negotiations Reading, Exercises and Cases McGraw Hill, 6th edition Page 1
____ 11. I have above-average empathy for the views and feelings of others.
____ 12. I can look at emotional issues in a dispassionate way. I can argue strenuously for my point of
. view, but I put the dispute aside when the argument is over.
____ 14. Criticism doesnt usually bother me. Any time you take a stand, people are bound to disagree,
and its all right for them to let you know they dont like your stand.
____ 15. I like power. I want it for myself, to do with what I want. In situations where I must share power
I strive to increase my power base, and lessen that of my co-power holder.
____ 16. I like to share power. It is better for two or more to have power than it is for power to be in just
one persons hands. The balance of shared power is important to effective functioning of any
organization because if forces participation in decision making.
____ 18. I am not effective at persuading others to my point of view when my heart isnt really in what
I am trying to represent.
____ 20. I hate conflict and will do anything to avoid it-including giving up power over a situation.
____ 21. In any competitive situation, I like to win. Not just win, but win by the biggest margin possible.
____ 22. In any competitive situation, I like to win. I dont want to clobber my opponent, just come out a
a little ahead.
____ 23. The only way I could engage conscientiously in bargaining would be by dealing honestly
and openly with my opponents.
Negotiations Reading, Exercises and Cases McGraw Hill, 6th edition Page 2