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Diagnosis: Chinese W

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The International

chinese Dermal Institute

Postgraduate Education in Skin and Body Therapy

adrenal glands are commonly linked
with stress. Thick eyebrows are Yang.
Cheeks: Link to lung area. Broken
capillaries across the upper cheeks
a complete skin analysis
w estern medicine dictates that
each organ of the human body
stands alone, with medical
therefore, holistic, based on the idea
that no single part can be under-
stood except in relationship to the
the bodys landscape is taken into
account, and assessed through the
Four Examinations.
Thin eyebrows are Yin. Lines indicate a tendency to allergies and
stemming from the start of the eye- sinus congestion. Comedones and 1. Review the consultation card and specialists practicing in each of the whole.
brow are linked with long term adrenal congestion beneath the surface discuss with the clientdetermine
different fields. It is the Chinese who The essential ideas of Chinese yin and yang
stress, and may correlate with tight- indicates a Yin condition. Red, see the body as a whole, where medicine are simple, they form a Before looking at the four
general skin type/personality. each organ is related to another basis of a discussion of whats examination process, you need to
ness in the shoulder area, which is a inflamed and pustular breakouts
referred pain area. indicate a more Yang condition. 2. Look at the skin while client is for example, the lungs and skin, liver going on in the body. They define define Yin and Yang energy.
Pustular breakouts in line with the sittingview face-to-face and eyes, kidneys and ears, the basic landscape of the body as: All things have two aspects, a Yin
Between the eyes: Linked with the teeth may indicate sinus or gum paleness, eye/nose shape, stomach and muscles are all sister Qi: Our basic life force and aspect and a Yang aspect. Yin and
liver. Eyes and liver are sister organs inflammation and infection. mouth shape. organs, and it is the whole being energy. Formed from maternal Yang balance each other, and in a
in Chinese medicine. Check history of that is treated and not just the energy in the prenatal state, then normal healthy state, there is a
hepatitis/jaundice/liver stress. Mouth: Cracking and dry lips are 3. Look at skin through magnifier, symptoms. A health problem may replenished by food and breath. It balance and harmony between Yin
Yang, and link with stomach/gastric scan the surface thoroughly. not just be a physical problem, as directs and determines the bodys and Yang, their proportions moving
Eyes: Linked with the liver. Eyes set stress. The upper lip links with the the Chinese believe that a mental or energy state, and is predominantly smoothly in and out of each other.
4. Feel the skin as you check it spiritual imbalance could be the either Yin (passive) or Yang (active) in When we expand and fill our
wide apart are Yin. Large eyes are Yin. stomach, and a turned upper lip section by sectionskin cause. nature. It flows throughout the entire chests with air, we are in the Yang
Eyes close together are Yang. Smaller indicates stomach acid, indigestion or temperature, under the surface Presenting a subject such as body via the meridian network of the phase of breathing. When we exhale
eyes are Yang. Long eye-lashes are a nervous stomach (Yang-type texture. Chinese Diagnosis offers an body. and deflate our chests, we are in the
Yin. White showing underneath the iris energy).
of the eye is Yin. Eyelid allergies are The lower lip links with the large alternative and does not mean that Blood: A liquid, Yin in nature, Yin phase of breathingYang
5. Check congestion/areas one method is wrong or right, but it which nourishes and maintains the expands and Yin contracts. We
linked with allergies and lung stress. intestine, and a pouty, full lower lip comedones vs. pustules, which
links with constipation and poor gives skin care therapists a different body parts. constantly fill and empty our
area of face? way of looking at skin analysis and Jing: Translated as essence of stomachs, lungs, hearts and minds.
Under the eyes: Links with the elimination (Yin-type energy).
kidneys. May be puffy (Yin) or darker 6. Check dryness/areas/type of consultations. the body. Supportive and nutritive, it We are active (Yang), and lie quiet
(Yang). There is a need to improve Chin: Links with the reproductive dehydration vs. oil/dryness. The earliest book on Chinese is the basis of reproduction, growth, and rest (Yin).
water intake and/or lymph drainage if organs. Breakouts in this area are medical theory dates back to around ripening and withering. Ongoing
they suffer puffiness and fluid often associated with the menstrual 7. Check redness/couperose, 2500 B.C., the Inner Classic of the development through life
retention. Grittiness under the eyes cycle in women. Micro-comedones are rashes, eczema, broken Yellow Emperor by Kwang-Ti. The corresponds to changes in the
links with an excess of uric acid, often present at the sides of the chin, capillaries vs. pale. book is called the Nei Jing, with the bodys Jing.
common in Yin energy types. A pale and may erupt into papules or Chinese view seeing symptoms in Shen: Best translated as Spirit.
8. Check skin tone and elasticity relation to the whole body, not as An elusive concept in the medical
white appearance of the inner lid pustules at the onset of menstruation. puffiness under eyes, lymph
indicates a Yin energy, while red inner isolated problems to be dealt with tradition, human personality and
retention, muscle tone. on an individual basis. Western consciousness indicates the
lid area indicates Yang energy.
medicine starts with a symptom, presence of Shen. It is the capacity
9. Check hair growtheyebrows,
Nose: A long nose is more Yin, and a then searches for a cause, then to form ideas and the desire to live
below chin, adrenal stress,
small nose, pointing upwards is more determines a specific disease. life. Yang in nature.
pregnancy etc.
Yang. Naturally large and open nostrils Chinese medicine focuses Fluids: These are body liquids
indicate strong lungs. Smaller or flaring attention on the complete physio- other than blood and includes
10. Check pigmentationwhere?
nostrils indicate lung stress, allergies logical and psychological individual sweat, urine, gastric juices and
check adrenal stress, pregnancy
and asthma types. Numerous come- with all general characteristics woven saliva. Their function is to moisten The Yin-Yang symbol is completely
dones and oiliness over the nose indi- together to establish a pattern of and lubricate the hair, skin, interconnected, with elements of
cates a Yin energy, prone to colds and balance. Chinese medicine looks for membranes, orifices, muscle, organs each within each other, dark defining
11. Determine Yin vs. Yang energy
bronchitis. Redness, broken capillaries disharmony of natural body energy, and flesh. light and vice versa. As the circle
type and ensure treatment
and puffiness over the nose, indicates and does not seek a specific During a Chinese medical moves around, each symbol is
compatibilitydesign treatment
a Yang energy, prone to allergies, disease. The Chinese method is, diagnosis, each of these elements of defined by the presence of the other.
for skin condition and energy type.
respiratory stress and sinus problems
(hayfever, sensitivity to smoke, etc.). is a
The International

Dermal Institute

Postgraduate Education in Skin and Body Therapy

Reprinted from Health and Beauty Salon, Published in the United Kingdom
(888) 29-CLASS (25277)
of Yang energy, so is thirst without Listening: Soft voice. Few words. flows through meridians in the body
EXAGGERATED YIN BALANCED YIN BALANCED YANG EXAGGERATED YANG the desire to drink water. The to keep the organ/system
(Yang Deficient) ENERGY Breathing may be shallow and weak.
ENERGY (Yin Deficient) Chinese call insomnia Yang energy functioning. The system of meridians
Right brain. Future orientated.
unable to enter Yin, alternatively, an Extreme Yang deficiency leads to feed the organs and keep them
silent listening communicative monopolizing excessive desire to sleep indicates an energized and, if a problem occurs
withdrawn receptive demotivation and depression.
outgoing intrusive overly strong Yin energy. on a meridian, it will affect the
reclusive introvert extrovert manic
unmoved involved passionate hysterical
Asking: Feels cold. Desires warmth related system.
Touching: Called Setsu-Shin. Is the and touch. Enjoys massage. Likes There are 12 meridians in the
fantasies imaginative logical obsessive skin cold, hot, dry or moist? Is pain body and there are approximately
desinterested interested hot drinks.
curious suspicious diminished or aggravated by 365 acupressure (tsubo) points lying
neurotic sensitive bold bullying massage? To balance the other
detached calm excited abusive
Touching: Skin is cool to the touch. on the meridians. These can be
persons energy with massage or May be dry and withered or, if oily, identified as they have measurably
exhausted relaxed active insomnia touch, we must first determine what lower electrical resistance thus
depressed peaceful will tend to a sluggish, comedone
busy hyperactive opposite energy-type they require to enabling the therapist to pinpoint
lonely shy prone type of condition.
friendly needy balance their own. In a medical them. We can treat by applying
rejecting selective enjoying addictive diagnosis, the patients pulse would Key Approach: (heat up) motivate energy to the tsubo point. We can
be felt. This pulse taking is not only of and excite. Warm beverage; blankets; stimulate with acupuncture (placing a
The internal organs of the body, YIN YANG aggressive and irritable is usually the blood, as in western medicine, infrared heat; steam; heated needle into the tsubo point) which is
hidden and protected, are Yin in dark light manifesting a Yang tendency. A but is a pulse taking of both the mittens/booties; electrical brushing a fast way to gain relief, acupressure
relation to the exposed skin and cold hot passive, inward, quiet manner is blood, and the Qi, or life force. for cleansing; stimulating essential (finger and pressure) which takes
muscle which are Yang. The lower wet dry usually Yin. Quick movement is oils. European massage or lymph longer to gain results and
part of the body is in contact with the night day usually part of a Yang pattern, and yang-type body energy drainage (if puffy); paraffin wax treat- moxibustiona heat treatment
ground and is, therefore, rooted and hidden exposed slow, deliberate movement is usually diagnosis (yin deficient) ments. process. All three methods can be
more Yin. The upper body is able to moon sun part of a Yin pattern. If the person, Responds to orderly and used, and it is also possible to
move freely in the air, and is more calm quick when on the couch, stretches their
Looking: Agitated, restless, active manipulate the point and block
manner, forceful movement, likes to systematic approach to skin care.
Yang. The front of the body is contraction expansion feet, removes the covers, or moves Seeks harmony. Able to grasp kinetic energy on the meridian, thereby
stretch when they lie down. High
protected by folding the arms and passive active away from heat, they may well be treatments like aromatherapy. achieving a numbing effect as no
complexion (tendency to redness).
legs to enclose the chest and female male suffering from excess Yang. If they energy reaches a specific part of the
abdomen, whereas the back of the curl up in the couch, like to be
Listening: Loud voice, talkative, genetic body.
body is more exposed, hence the longed stress and to desire regular, covered or want to be near heat, this A Chinese analysis looks at the
exaggerates, loves drama. Many
front is more Yin and the back is adequate periods of rest and indicates a deficiency of Yang, and
use mood-altering substances person as an entire being, and not oriental facial skin
more Yang. relaxation. Yin types become sick the person is excessively Yin.
(tobacco, alcohol, caffeine). Left separated as in western medicine analysis
slowly and symptoms linger for The ideal facial appearance is where the symptoms of a disease/ In traditional Chinese medicine,
brain. Past orientated. Extreme Yin
harmony longer. Yin types are more conserva- moist and shining. A pale facial color,
deficiency leads to aggression and illness are treated, and also looks at the face is an indicator of health or
People can be characterized as tive and efficient, more like the tor- when compared to the rest of the the cause of the problem.Two disease.
being more Yin or Yang, depending toise than the hare. Yin types tend to body indicates deficient Yang, or elements are incorporated into the By studying skin conditions and
on their character, attitudes and body become Yang deficient, and in such excess Yin. Red coloring and heat Chinese diagnosis, the constitution of changes, we can determine inner
structure, but these energies exist in cases become demotivated, intro- indicates excess Yang, and needs
Asking: Feels warm. Dry thirst.
the personthis being the genetic imbalances and stressed areas of the
Dislikes heat and touch. Prefers
harmony, so a person is never totally spective and tend to depression. calming. aspect, either passive or active and body. Because each area of the face
one or the other at all times, but may the condition of the personthis is said to relate to an internal body
be predominantly one type at certain the four examinations Listening: Called Bun-Shin. Coarse, Touching: Skin feels warm. May be being the current condition which area, disharmony in that internal area
times. The key is to achieve balance, The Chinese examine the body strong breathing or loud excessive varies each day, month, year. will, in turn, lead to a change in the
prone to inflamed breakouts, prone
which means becoming diverse, through the four aspects of the talking indicates excess Yang energy Everything is about balance. The complexion, texture or moisture of
to rashes and dermatitis.
moderate, flexible and in harmony person. The major qualities are Yin which needs cooling. Weak, short body wants to be a balance of the corresponding facial area. In
with our bodys natural rhythms and and Yang. Disharmonies always breathing or low voice with little health; we do not want to be general, red, pustular breakouts are
needs. A Yang body is stronger, more involve imbalances of Yin and Yang. talking indicates excess Yin, which
Key Approach: (cool down) relax
ecstatically happy or depressed. indicative of a Yang-type energy, and
and de-stress. Cool beverage/relax-
tense, springy and muscular with a The four examinations are: needs heating. There is a balance between work and oily, comedone-prone breakouts are
ing herbal tea; sedating essential oils;
greater capacity for food and activity rest, waking and sleeping, and if we indicative of a Yin-type energy. Lines
gel masques, cooling contour
and a minimal requirement for rest. Looking: Called Bo-Shin. General Asking: Called Mon-Shin. Essential masques; aromatherapy massage; are in perfect balance, then we are in indicate a long-term imbalance or
Yang people prefer and feel comfort- appearance, including the physical to establishing information. Covers perfect health. stress, breakouts indicate a more
reflexology. Begin facial with a back
able in a stimulating environment, shape, the persons manner, the way topics such as sensations to heat The role of the skin care therapist short-term imbalance or stress. This
massage, for stress reduction. Needs
and act quickly and impulsively. It is they behave during the diagnosis and and cold, skin secretions, thirst and fits within the stress stage. It is information is not intended for
a sanctuary to escape to.
the characteristic of Yang to over- their general attitude, or Shen. We appetite, sleep and waking patterns, becoming realised how important a medical diagnosis, but merely to
Responds to a simple and fast
indulge without severe consequences look at facial color, and how fluid and pain threshold and medical back- role therapists have, not only for skin illustrate the Chinese approach to
skin care regimen. Quickly loses
and, when sick, suffer intensely and abundant the secretions of the skin ground. Yang dominant people tend and body care, but for relaxation and facial diagnosis.
interest and needs continual
recover quickly. Yang types tend to are. In addition, the face can be to feel cool and dislike cold and destress purposes, therefore,
assessment and stimulation.
become Yin deficient and in such divided into areas, which correspond damp climates and environments. delaying our journey in the disease Forehead: Linked to digestion.
cases have difficulty relaxing and with various areas in the body. Excess skin secretions indicate a and death stages. Upper forehead linked to bladder,
calming down, verging on hysteria. Eruptions or lines in each area may more Yin energy type. yin-type body energy We do not treat distress or lower forehead to the intestines.
A Yin body is more slender and indicate an imbalance in that area of People whose aches and pains diagnosis (yang deficient) disease, and if we do not get the Check elimination/constipation.
sinewy, soft and dense rather than the body. are diminished by heat and relieved Looking: Quiet, withdrawn, tired. opportunity to restore balance where
tense and wiry. To be Yin is to enjoy The Nei Jing states, Yang is by massage are Yin energy types. Likes to lie down and curl up. Low and when we can help, it will become Eyebrows: Coarse hair of the eye-
quiet, calm, simple environments and movement, Yin is quietness. This is People whose aches and pains are energy. Pale complexion. Lymph the job of the hospital. The Chinese brows indicated adrenal stress. The
possess a more limited capacity for the key to examining the persons diminished by cold packs and retentive. Sluggish skin, prone to be physician will be treating the cause adrenal glands are our fight or flight
food, work and social interaction. It is manner and emotions. A person who aggravated by massage are Yang sallow. and looking for the origin of response and secrete over 40
a preference of Yin to avoid pro- is agitated outward, talkative, energy types. Excess thirst is a sign imbalance, believing that energy hormones and steroids. Overactive
of Yang energy, so is thirst without Listening: Soft voice. Few words. flows through meridians in the body
EXAGGERATED YIN BALANCED YIN BALANCED YANG EXAGGERATED YANG the desire to drink water. The to keep the organ/system
(Yang Deficient) ENERGY Breathing may be shallow and weak.
ENERGY (Yin Deficient) Chinese call insomnia Yang energy functioning. The system of meridians
Right brain. Future orientated.
unable to enter Yin, alternatively, an Extreme Yang deficiency leads to feed the organs and keep them
silent listening communicative monopolizing excessive desire to sleep indicates an energized and, if a problem occurs
withdrawn receptive demotivation and depression.
outgoing intrusive overly strong Yin energy. on a meridian, it will affect the
reclusive introvert extrovert manic
unmoved involved passionate hysterical
Asking: Feels cold. Desires warmth related system.
Touching: Called Setsu-Shin. Is the and touch. Enjoys massage. Likes There are 12 meridians in the
fantasies imaginative logical obsessive skin cold, hot, dry or moist? Is pain body and there are approximately
desinterested interested hot drinks.
curious suspicious diminished or aggravated by 365 acupressure (tsubo) points lying
neurotic sensitive bold bullying massage? To balance the other
detached calm excited abusive
Touching: Skin is cool to the touch. on the meridians. These can be
persons energy with massage or May be dry and withered or, if oily, identified as they have measurably
exhausted relaxed active insomnia touch, we must first determine what lower electrical resistance thus
depressed peaceful will tend to a sluggish, comedone
busy hyperactive opposite energy-type they require to enabling the therapist to pinpoint
lonely shy prone type of condition.
friendly needy balance their own. In a medical them. We can treat by applying
rejecting selective enjoying addictive diagnosis, the patients pulse would Key Approach: (heat up) motivate energy to the tsubo point. We can
be felt. This pulse taking is not only of and excite. Warm beverage; blankets; stimulate with acupuncture (placing a
The internal organs of the body, YIN YANG aggressive and irritable is usually the blood, as in western medicine, infrared heat; steam; heated needle into the tsubo point) which is
hidden and protected, are Yin in dark light manifesting a Yang tendency. A but is a pulse taking of both the mittens/booties; electrical brushing a fast way to gain relief, acupressure
relation to the exposed skin and cold hot passive, inward, quiet manner is blood, and the Qi, or life force. for cleansing; stimulating essential (finger and pressure) which takes
muscle which are Yang. The lower wet dry usually Yin. Quick movement is oils. European massage or lymph longer to gain results and
part of the body is in contact with the night day usually part of a Yang pattern, and yang-type body energy drainage (if puffy); paraffin wax treat- moxibustiona heat treatment
ground and is, therefore, rooted and hidden exposed slow, deliberate movement is usually diagnosis (yin deficient) ments. process. All three methods can be
more Yin. The upper body is able to moon sun part of a Yin pattern. If the person, Responds to orderly and used, and it is also possible to
move freely in the air, and is more calm quick when on the couch, stretches their
Looking: Agitated, restless, active manipulate the point and block
manner, forceful movement, likes to systematic approach to skin care.
Yang. The front of the body is contraction expansion feet, removes the covers, or moves Seeks harmony. Able to grasp kinetic energy on the meridian, thereby
stretch when they lie down. High
protected by folding the arms and passive active away from heat, they may well be treatments like aromatherapy. achieving a numbing effect as no
complexion (tendency to redness).
legs to enclose the chest and female male suffering from excess Yang. If they energy reaches a specific part of the
abdomen, whereas the back of the curl up in the couch, like to be
Listening: Loud voice, talkative, genetic body.
body is more exposed, hence the longed stress and to desire regular, covered or want to be near heat, this A Chinese analysis looks at the
exaggerates, loves drama. Many
front is more Yin and the back is adequate periods of rest and indicates a deficiency of Yang, and
use mood-altering substances person as an entire being, and not oriental facial skin
more Yang. relaxation. Yin types become sick the person is excessively Yin.
(tobacco, alcohol, caffeine). Left separated as in western medicine analysis
slowly and symptoms linger for The ideal facial appearance is where the symptoms of a disease/ In traditional Chinese medicine,
brain. Past orientated. Extreme Yin
harmony longer. Yin types are more conserva- moist and shining. A pale facial color,
deficiency leads to aggression and illness are treated, and also looks at the face is an indicator of health or
People can be characterized as tive and efficient, more like the tor- when compared to the rest of the the cause of the problem.Two disease.
being more Yin or Yang, depending toise than the hare. Yin types tend to body indicates deficient Yang, or elements are incorporated into the By studying skin conditions and
on their character, attitudes and body become Yang deficient, and in such excess Yin. Red coloring and heat Chinese diagnosis, the constitution of changes, we can determine inner
structure, but these energies exist in cases become demotivated, intro- indicates excess Yang, and needs
Asking: Feels warm. Dry thirst.
the personthis being the genetic imbalances and stressed areas of the
Dislikes heat and touch. Prefers
harmony, so a person is never totally spective and tend to depression. calming. aspect, either passive or active and body. Because each area of the face
one or the other at all times, but may the condition of the personthis is said to relate to an internal body
be predominantly one type at certain the four examinations Listening: Called Bun-Shin. Coarse, Touching: Skin feels warm. May be being the current condition which area, disharmony in that internal area
times. The key is to achieve balance, The Chinese examine the body strong breathing or loud excessive varies each day, month, year. will, in turn, lead to a change in the
prone to inflamed breakouts, prone
which means becoming diverse, through the four aspects of the talking indicates excess Yang energy Everything is about balance. The complexion, texture or moisture of
to rashes and dermatitis.
moderate, flexible and in harmony person. The major qualities are Yin which needs cooling. Weak, short body wants to be a balance of the corresponding facial area. In
with our bodys natural rhythms and and Yang. Disharmonies always breathing or low voice with little health; we do not want to be general, red, pustular breakouts are
needs. A Yang body is stronger, more involve imbalances of Yin and Yang. talking indicates excess Yin, which
Key Approach: (cool down) relax
ecstatically happy or depressed. indicative of a Yang-type energy, and
and de-stress. Cool beverage/relax-
tense, springy and muscular with a The four examinations are: needs heating. There is a balance between work and oily, comedone-prone breakouts are
ing herbal tea; sedating essential oils;
greater capacity for food and activity rest, waking and sleeping, and if we indicative of a Yin-type energy. Lines
gel masques, cooling contour
and a minimal requirement for rest. Looking: Called Bo-Shin. General Asking: Called Mon-Shin. Essential masques; aromatherapy massage; are in perfect balance, then we are in indicate a long-term imbalance or
Yang people prefer and feel comfort- appearance, including the physical to establishing information. Covers perfect health. stress, breakouts indicate a more
reflexology. Begin facial with a back
able in a stimulating environment, shape, the persons manner, the way topics such as sensations to heat The role of the skin care therapist short-term imbalance or stress. This
massage, for stress reduction. Needs
and act quickly and impulsively. It is they behave during the diagnosis and and cold, skin secretions, thirst and fits within the stress stage. It is information is not intended for
a sanctuary to escape to.
the characteristic of Yang to over- their general attitude, or Shen. We appetite, sleep and waking patterns, becoming realised how important a medical diagnosis, but merely to
Responds to a simple and fast
indulge without severe consequences look at facial color, and how fluid and pain threshold and medical back- role therapists have, not only for skin illustrate the Chinese approach to
skin care regimen. Quickly loses
and, when sick, suffer intensely and abundant the secretions of the skin ground. Yang dominant people tend and body care, but for relaxation and facial diagnosis.
interest and needs continual
recover quickly. Yang types tend to are. In addition, the face can be to feel cool and dislike cold and destress purposes, therefore,
assessment and stimulation.
become Yin deficient and in such divided into areas, which correspond damp climates and environments. delaying our journey in the disease Forehead: Linked to digestion.
cases have difficulty relaxing and with various areas in the body. Excess skin secretions indicate a and death stages. Upper forehead linked to bladder,
calming down, verging on hysteria. Eruptions or lines in each area may more Yin energy type. yin-type body energy We do not treat distress or lower forehead to the intestines.
A Yin body is more slender and indicate an imbalance in that area of People whose aches and pains diagnosis (yang deficient) disease, and if we do not get the Check elimination/constipation.
sinewy, soft and dense rather than the body. are diminished by heat and relieved Looking: Quiet, withdrawn, tired. opportunity to restore balance where
tense and wiry. To be Yin is to enjoy The Nei Jing states, Yang is by massage are Yin energy types. Likes to lie down and curl up. Low and when we can help, it will become Eyebrows: Coarse hair of the eye-
quiet, calm, simple environments and movement, Yin is quietness. This is People whose aches and pains are energy. Pale complexion. Lymph the job of the hospital. The Chinese brows indicated adrenal stress. The
possess a more limited capacity for the key to examining the persons diminished by cold packs and retentive. Sluggish skin, prone to be physician will be treating the cause adrenal glands are our fight or flight
food, work and social interaction. It is manner and emotions. A person who aggravated by massage are Yang sallow. and looking for the origin of response and secrete over 40
a preference of Yin to avoid pro- is agitated outward, talkative, energy types. Excess thirst is a sign imbalance, believing that energy hormones and steroids. Overactive
The International

chinese Dermal Institute

Postgraduate Education in Skin and Body Therapy

adrenal glands are commonly linked
with stress. Thick eyebrows are Yang.
Cheeks: Link to lung area. Broken
capillaries across the upper cheeks
a complete skin analysis
w estern medicine dictates that
each organ of the human body
stands alone, with medical
therefore, holistic, based on the idea
that no single part can be under-
stood except in relationship to the
the bodys landscape is taken into
account, and assessed through the
Four Examinations.
Thin eyebrows are Yin. Lines indicate a tendency to allergies and
stemming from the start of the eye- sinus congestion. Comedones and 1. Review the consultation card and specialists practicing in each of the whole.
brow are linked with long term adrenal congestion beneath the surface discuss with the clientdetermine
different fields. It is the Chinese who The essential ideas of Chinese yin and yang
stress, and may correlate with tight- indicates a Yin condition. Red, see the body as a whole, where medicine are simple, they form a Before looking at the four
general skin type/personality. each organ is related to another basis of a discussion of whats examination process, you need to
ness in the shoulder area, which is a inflamed and pustular breakouts
referred pain area. indicate a more Yang condition. 2. Look at the skin while client is for example, the lungs and skin, liver going on in the body. They define define Yin and Yang energy.
Pustular breakouts in line with the sittingview face-to-face and eyes, kidneys and ears, the basic landscape of the body as: All things have two aspects, a Yin
Between the eyes: Linked with the teeth may indicate sinus or gum paleness, eye/nose shape, stomach and muscles are all sister Qi: Our basic life force and aspect and a Yang aspect. Yin and
liver. Eyes and liver are sister organs inflammation and infection. mouth shape. organs, and it is the whole being energy. Formed from maternal Yang balance each other, and in a
in Chinese medicine. Check history of that is treated and not just the energy in the prenatal state, then normal healthy state, there is a
hepatitis/jaundice/liver stress. Mouth: Cracking and dry lips are 3. Look at skin through magnifier, symptoms. A health problem may replenished by food and breath. It balance and harmony between Yin
Yang, and link with stomach/gastric scan the surface thoroughly. not just be a physical problem, as directs and determines the bodys and Yang, their proportions moving
Eyes: Linked with the liver. Eyes set stress. The upper lip links with the the Chinese believe that a mental or energy state, and is predominantly smoothly in and out of each other.
4. Feel the skin as you check it spiritual imbalance could be the either Yin (passive) or Yang (active) in When we expand and fill our
wide apart are Yin. Large eyes are Yin. stomach, and a turned upper lip section by sectionskin cause. nature. It flows throughout the entire chests with air, we are in the Yang
Eyes close together are Yang. Smaller indicates stomach acid, indigestion or temperature, under the surface Presenting a subject such as body via the meridian network of the phase of breathing. When we exhale
eyes are Yang. Long eye-lashes are a nervous stomach (Yang-type texture. Chinese Diagnosis offers an body. and deflate our chests, we are in the
Yin. White showing underneath the iris energy).
of the eye is Yin. Eyelid allergies are The lower lip links with the large alternative and does not mean that Blood: A liquid, Yin in nature, Yin phase of breathingYang
5. Check congestion/areas one method is wrong or right, but it which nourishes and maintains the expands and Yin contracts. We
linked with allergies and lung stress. intestine, and a pouty, full lower lip comedones vs. pustules, which
links with constipation and poor gives skin care therapists a different body parts. constantly fill and empty our
area of face? way of looking at skin analysis and Jing: Translated as essence of stomachs, lungs, hearts and minds.
Under the eyes: Links with the elimination (Yin-type energy).
kidneys. May be puffy (Yin) or darker 6. Check dryness/areas/type of consultations. the body. Supportive and nutritive, it We are active (Yang), and lie quiet
(Yang). There is a need to improve Chin: Links with the reproductive dehydration vs. oil/dryness. The earliest book on Chinese is the basis of reproduction, growth, and rest (Yin).
water intake and/or lymph drainage if organs. Breakouts in this area are medical theory dates back to around ripening and withering. Ongoing
they suffer puffiness and fluid often associated with the menstrual 7. Check redness/couperose, 2500 B.C., the Inner Classic of the development through life
retention. Grittiness under the eyes cycle in women. Micro-comedones are rashes, eczema, broken Yellow Emperor by Kwang-Ti. The corresponds to changes in the
links with an excess of uric acid, often present at the sides of the chin, capillaries vs. pale. book is called the Nei Jing, with the bodys Jing.
common in Yin energy types. A pale and may erupt into papules or Chinese view seeing symptoms in Shen: Best translated as Spirit.
8. Check skin tone and elasticity relation to the whole body, not as An elusive concept in the medical
white appearance of the inner lid pustules at the onset of menstruation. puffiness under eyes, lymph
indicates a Yin energy, while red inner isolated problems to be dealt with tradition, human personality and
retention, muscle tone. on an individual basis. Western consciousness indicates the
lid area indicates Yang energy.
medicine starts with a symptom, presence of Shen. It is the capacity
9. Check hair growtheyebrows,
Nose: A long nose is more Yin, and a then searches for a cause, then to form ideas and the desire to live
below chin, adrenal stress,
small nose, pointing upwards is more determines a specific disease. life. Yang in nature.
pregnancy etc.
Yang. Naturally large and open nostrils Chinese medicine focuses Fluids: These are body liquids
indicate strong lungs. Smaller or flaring attention on the complete physio- other than blood and includes
10. Check pigmentationwhere?
nostrils indicate lung stress, allergies logical and psychological individual sweat, urine, gastric juices and
check adrenal stress, pregnancy
and asthma types. Numerous come- with all general characteristics woven saliva. Their function is to moisten The Yin-Yang symbol is completely
dones and oiliness over the nose indi- together to establish a pattern of and lubricate the hair, skin, interconnected, with elements of
cates a Yin energy, prone to colds and balance. Chinese medicine looks for membranes, orifices, muscle, organs each within each other, dark defining
11. Determine Yin vs. Yang energy
bronchitis. Redness, broken capillaries disharmony of natural body energy, and flesh. light and vice versa. As the circle
type and ensure treatment
and puffiness over the nose, indicates and does not seek a specific During a Chinese medical moves around, each symbol is
compatibilitydesign treatment
a Yang energy, prone to allergies, disease. The Chinese method is, diagnosis, each of these elements of defined by the presence of the other.
for skin condition and energy type.
respiratory stress and sinus problems
(hayfever, sensitivity to smoke, etc.). is a
The International

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Postgraduate Education in Skin and Body Therapy

Reprinted from Health and Beauty Salon, Published in the United Kingdom
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