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Water Pump Catalog

L00112 Rev. -15

Detroit Diesel
General Motors

Innovative Vehicle Solutions

Important Notice
The products described within this literature, including without limitation, product
features, specifications, designs, availability and pricing are subject to change by Haldex
and its subsidiaries at any time without notice.

This document and other information from Haldex, its subsidiaries and authorized
distributors provide product and/or system options for further investigation by users
having technical expertise. It is important that you analyze all aspects of your application
and review the information concerning the product or system, in the current literature or
catalog. Due to the variety of operating conditions and applications for these products
or systems, the user, through their own analysis and testing, is solely responsible for
making the final selection of the products and systems and assuring that all performance,
safety and warning requirements are met.
Table of Contents 20WATER PUMPS

20 Water Pumps
Table of Contents 201
Part Number Index 203
General Information
Foreword 204
Installation 205
1160 and 3176 Engine 206
3116/3126 Engine 207
3208 Engine 208
3306 Engine 209
3406, C15, C18 Engine 2010
C13 Acert 2012
Installation Kits 2013
B & CSeries Engine 2014
ISC & ISL Models 2015
ISX Engine 2016
Big Cam Engine 2017
Small Cam Engine 2019
L10 and M11 Engine 2020
NSeries Engine 2021
VT903 Engine 2023
Cummins: D Series Engine 2024
ISB 2025
Idlers 2026
Installation and Repair Kits 2027
Detroit Diesel
8.2 Liter Engine 2028
53 Series Engine 2029
60 Series Engine 2030
71 Series Engine 2032
71 Series InLine Engine 2033
92 Series Engine 2034
Installation and Repair Kits 2035
Ford: 7.3L Engines 2036
6.6 and 7.8 Liter Engine 2037
Installation Kits 2038

20 1
20WATER PUMPS Table of Contents
Ford Powerstroke 2039
General Motors
6 to 7 Liter Engine 2040
Duramax 6.6 Liter Engine 2041
END 673, 675, 676 & E6 Engine 2042
ENDT 675, 676 & EMS6 Engine 2043
E7 Engine 2044
ACET Engines 2045
Installation Kits 2046
Mercedes 2047
DT360, 414, 415, 466 & DTA360 Engine 2048
6.9, 7.3, 9.0 Liters & DT444E Engine 2050
Installation Kits 2051
MaxxForce Diesel 9L, 10L 2052
Isuzu 2.2 Liter and C201 Engine 2053
Installation Kit 2054
Isuzu: Yanmar 482, 486 Engines 2055
Volvo 2056
Carrier/Kubota/Bobcat 2057
Isuzu: 4BD2 Engines 2058
Light/Medium Duty Engines
Dodge: Light/Medium Duty Engines 2059
General Motors: Light/Medium 2060
Ford: Light/Medium Duty 2061
Water Pump 2062

20 2
Part Number Index 20WATER PUMPS

Part Number Type Page # Part Number Type Page # Part Number Type Page # Part Number Type Page #
1073KIT S 2027 RW1187X S 2032 RW2052 S 2052 RW6078 S 2026
1119KIT S 2035 RW1188X S 2034 RW2060 S 2025 RW6078X S 2026
1160KIT S 2035 RW1189RX S 2034 RW3000 S 2017 RW6079 S 2015
1162KIT S 2013 RW1189X S 2034 RW4001X S 208 RW6079RX S 2015
1172KIT S 2027 RW1190 S 2048 RW4005X S 206 RW6079X S 2015
1174KIT S 2027 RW1190RX S 2048 RW4007X S 209 RW6114 S 2050
1176KIT S 2027 RW1190X S 2048 RW4008X S 209 RW6119 S 2028
1178KIT S 2027 RW1191 S 2048 RW4009RX S 206 RW6126 S 2030
1179KIT S 2027 RW1191X S 2048 RW4009X S 206 RW6127 S 2030
1180KIT S 2035 RW1192X S 2033 RW4011RX S 206 RW6215 S 2042
1181KIT S 2035 RW1193X S 2033 RW4011X S 206 RW6306 S 2050
1184KIT S 2035 RW1194 S 2010 RW4015X S 207 RW6306X S 2050
1189KIT S 2035 RW1194BPK S 2013 RW4016X S 207 RW6307 S 2048
1190KIT S 2051 RW1194PRX S 2010 RW4017X S 207 RW6310 S 2039
1194KIT S 2013 RW1194PX S 2010 RW4018X S 207 RW6311 S 2048
1351KIT S 2054 RW1195X S 2021 RW4019X S 2012 RW6313 S 2048
1747KIT S 2051 RW1196X S 2032 RW4054X S 2021 RW6314 S 2037
1760KIT S 2038 RW1197X S 2033 RW4055X S 2021 RW6352 S 2053
2001KIT S 2046 RW1198RX S 2021 RW4068X S 2016 RW6355 S 2047
2005KIT S 2046 RW1198X S 2021 RW4069X S 2016 RW852 S 2040
4009KIT S 2013 RW1199 S 2053 RW4070RX S 2026 RW885 S 2037
4076KIT S 2027 RW1199X S 2053 RW4070X S 2026
4122KIT S 2035 RW1303X S 2048 RW4071RX S 2026
6075KIT S 2027 RW1304RX S 2048 RW4071X S 2026
RW1017 S 2010 RW1304X S 2048 RW4076RX S 2020
RW1017X S 2010 RW1310X S 2048 RW4076X S 2020
RW1018X S 2010 RW1351 S 2053 RW4077X S 2020
RW1061 S 2017 RW1351X S 2053 RW4114X S 2050
RW1061RX S 2017 RW1352X S 2053 RW4122PLK S 2035
RW1061X S 2017 RW1381 S 2040 RW4122PRX S 2030
RW1067RX S 2019 RW1406 S 2040 RW4122PX S 2030
RW1067X S 2019 RW1406X S 2040 RW4122RX S 2030
RW1073RX S 2021 RW1407 S 208 RW4122STK S 2035
RW1073VX S 2021 RW1407RX S 208 RW4122X S 2030
RW1073X S 2021 RW1407X S 208 RW4123PRX S 2030
RW1074X S 2026 RW1408X S 2040 RW4123PX S 2030
RW1119RX S 2028 RW1409X S 2040 RW4123RX S 2030
RW1119X S 2028 RW1438 S 2059 RW4123X S 2030
RW1120RX S 2028 RW1463 S 2041 RW4124X S 2030
RW1120X S 2028 RW1559 S 2040 RW4125PRX S 2030
RW1160RX S 2030 RW1652 S 2060 RW4125PX S 2030
RW1160X S 2030 RW1694 S 2061 RW4126X S 2030
RW1162 S 208 RW1747 S 2050 RW4209X S 2043
RW1162RX S 208 RW1747X S 2050 RW4210X S 2043
RW1162X S 208 RW1757 S 2050 RW4215X S 2042
RW1170 S 2017 RW1757RX S 2050 RW4217X S 2044
RW1170RX S 2017 RW1757X S 2050 RW4218X S 2044
RW1170X S 2017 RW1760RX S 2037 RW4219X S 2042
RW1171 S 2019 RW1760X S 2037 RW4220X S 2044
RW1171RX S 2019 RW1761RX S 2037 RW4221X S 2044
RW1171X S 2019 RW1761X S 2037 RW4222X S 2044
RW1172 S 2017 RW1762 S 2037 RW4223X S 2044
RW1172RX S 2017 RW1762X S 2037 RW4224X S 2044
RW1172X S 2017 RW1767 S 2039 RW4226X S 2044
RW1173 S 2026 RW1767X S 2039 RW4227X S 2044
RW1173RX S 2026 RW1768 S 2039 RW4229X S 2044
RW1173X S 2026 RW1769 S 2039 RW4786X S 2056
RW1174 S 2021 RW1786 S 2039 RW5072K S 2027
RW1174RX S 2021 RW1799 S 2057 RW5079K S 2027
RW1174X S 2021 RW181747 S 2059 RW5922K S 2013
RW1175 S 2026 RW1903X S 2023 RW6012RX S 2010
RW1175RX S 2026 RW1907 S 2058 RW6012X S 2010
RW1175X S 2026 RW1908 S 2058 RW6014X S 2010
RW1176 S 2017 RW1910 S 2055 RW6015 S 207
RW1176RX S 2017 RW1912 S 2047 RW6016 S 207
RW1176X S 2017 RW1917 S 2039 RW6063 S 2021
RW1177RX S 2017 RW1923 S 2036 RW6066 S 2016
RW1177X S 2017 RW1935 S 2041 RW6067 S 2017
RW1178RX S 2020 RW1939 S 2060 RW6068 S 2020
RW1178X S 2020 RW1994 S 2024 RW6069 S 2016
RW1179X S 2021 RW2000X S 2042 RW6070 S 2026
RW1180X S 2029 RW2001 S 2043 RW6071 S 2026
RW1181 S 2033 RW2001X S 2043 RW6073 S 2021
RW1181RX S 2033 RW2002 S 2043 RW6074 S 2026
RW1181X S 2033 RW2002X S 2043 RW6075 S 2014
RW1182RX S 2033 RW2005 S 2043 RW6075RX S 2014
RW1182X S 2033 RW2005X S 2043 RW6075X S 2014
RW1183X S 2029 RW2006X S 2043 RW6076 S 2020
RW1184X S 2032 RW2008X S 2045 RW6077 S 2014
RW1185X S 2032 RW2009X S 2045 RW6077RX S 2014
RW1186X S 2032 RW2044 S 2047 RW6077X S 2014

Type "O" = OEM P/N, Type "S" = Service P/N

If OEM part # is not found on page listed, refer to the MCR for applicable cross reference.

20 3
20WATER PUMPS Foreword


This section is designed as a reference for Haldex new and remanufactured air brake system components and
accessories, sold under the Haldex and Midland product names. Products described include all pertinent information
needed to replace an OEM installed component or to help design an original installation. If there is a service number for a
given part, it is noted in the product number table.

The products presented in this section are described by function and usage. Technical data and mounting configurations
are also provided. Throughout this section, reference is made to numerous specific OEM applications. This section is not,
however, intended to be a mutually exclusive listing of all part numbers and designs available. Should the need for a design
not presented occur, contact your Haldex sales representative for additional information.

Proper service and repair are important to the safe, reliable operation of any motor vehicle. To prevent personal injury
and/or vehicle damage, careful and cautious service procedures recommended by the vehicle manufacturer should be
followed by anyone servicing a motor vehicle. For details on warranty of Haldex air brake system components and
accessories, refer to L20221 Aftermarket Warranty Policy. For warranty returns, use L90005 Warranty Adjustment Form.
To obtain further information, visit the www.haldex.com website, select North America/English in drop down box then
search for Warranty.

Most customers can place electronic orders on the www.haldex.com website by obtaining a username and password or by
using EDI. For additional information about electronic orders or to place an order by phone or fax, contact Customer
Service in U.S. or Canada at numbers listed below:

U.S. Customer Service: Canada Customer Service:

Phone: 8006432374 Phone: 8002679247
Fax: 8005331941 Fax: 5196213924
Mail: Haldex Brake Products Corporation Mail: Haldex Limited
Attn: Customer Service Department Canadian Distribution Centre
10930 N. Pomona Ave. Attn: Customer Service Department
Kansas City, MO 64153 500 Pinebush Road, Unit 1
Cambridge, Ontario N1T 0A5
The data listed herein is correct to the best of Haldexs knowledge and belief, having been compiled from reliable and
official sources of information. However, HALDEX CANNOT ASSUME ANY RESPONSIBILITY for possible error or
misapplication of the product. Final determination of the suitability of the products for the use contemplated by the Buyer is
the sole responsibility of the Buyer. Haldex shall have no responsibility in connection with this suitability. It is not our
intention to imply that any of the components in this catalog in connection with an engine make or model are made by any
engine manufacturer.

Copyright 2015
Haldex Brake Products Corporation
10930 N. Pomona Ave.
Kansas City, MO 64153

All rights reserved.

Materials may only be reproduced with written permission of Haldex.

20 4
Installation 20WATER PUMPS


To avoid problems when installing your water pump, follow the simple, stepbystep instructions below. Handle your
replacement water pump with care. If the unit is dropped, the internal ceramic seal may crack. NEVER STRIKE THE
SHAFT, as this can damage the shaft or bearings. Always check the fan, pulleys, belts, and fan clutch. CAUTION: FOR


Leaks, loose fan belts or defective fan clutches cause

1. Always drain and flush cooling system if it shows cooling system problems more often than defective water
signs of corrosion. Dirt particles in the coolant can pumps. Water pump failure can be caused by defective,
cause seal failure. Clean the water pump impeller crooked, or unbalanced fans; defective or unbalanced fan
cavity and gasket surface. Also, check the radiator clutches; excessive (tootight) fan belt tension; dirty
cap, thermostat, and the fan belt for wear or cooling systems; insufficient clearance between the fan
improper function. Replace if necessary. and the shroud or radiator; loose or broken motor mounts.
2. Carefully install the replacement water pump. EVERYTHING IS CHECKED OUT WHEN THE WATER
a staggered sequence.

3. Turn pump shaft by hand to check for free ITEMS TO REMEMBER

rotation. If the shaft does not turn freely then
recheck your installation.
Handle the replacement water pump with care.
4. Check fan belt tension. Belt should deflect 1/2" to Always use a new gasket.
3/4". If the belt is too tight the pump will be All pumps are greased at the factory do not add
damaged. grease.
Always drain and flush the cooling system.
5. Reconnect hoses and refill cooling system. Be Check hoses, clamps, thermostat, and radiator
sure there are no leaks. cap. Replace if necessary.
Check the fan belt. A glazed belt will slip at high
6. Check the fan blade for bent blades, loose rivets, RPM. Overtightening will cause damage to the
or any other damage. NEVER STRAIGHTEN A water pump (stress on bearing, broken shaft,
BENT BLADE. Replace the entire fan when broken housing).
defects are found. The fan clutch should be free running and in
proper balance.
7. Check the fan clutch (if installed) for loss of oil, Check the fan for loose rivets, bent blades,
looseness or wobble. If there is more than 1/4" of cracked blades, wobble and shroud clearance.
play at the blade edges the bearing is bad and the
fan clutch needs to be replaced. A bad or
misaligned clutch will damage a water pump.
8. Check fan clearances at blade tip between fan
and shroud, and between fan and radiator.
When replacing the water pump on a Detroit 60 Series
engine, always check for excessive Bull Gear Runout
9. Check motor mounts for wear or splitting. Check
(wear). Excessive runout will lead to premature water
bolt tightness.
pump failure. *Refer to Mfg. Specifications for acceptable
Runout and Bull Gear Replacement Guidelines.
10. Start the engine and run until normal operating
temperature is reached. Check for leaks and
Failure to Replace Worn Bull Gear may result in:
unusual vibration. NEVER STAND IN LINE WITH
Excessive gear wear and chipped/broken teeth
Broken casting near bearing journal
Failed Bearings

20 5
20WATER PUMPS Caterpillar

1160 and 3176 Engine


1) Installation Kits listed later in this section.

SKU# Product Description MFG. # Casting # Notes Approx. Pic. # Core

Weight Group
RW4005X Remanufactured Water Pump for 9L7660 9N138 Pressed on Pulley 14 lbs. 1 WP1001
Caterpillar 1160 Engine
RW4009RX Remanufactured Water Pump for 1025844 1030745 Aluminum Housing 15 lbs. 2
Caterpillar 3176 Engine (9Y4361) & Cover
RW4009X Remanufactured Water Pump for 1025844 1030745 Aluminum Housing 15 lbs. 2 WP1054
Caterpillar 3176 Engine (9Y4361) & Cover
RW4011RX Remanufactured Water Pump for 1006944 1054213 Cast Iron Housing 20 lbs. 3
Caterpillar 3176B, C10, C12 OR0705 1054214 & Aluminum Cover
Engines CoreFree OR3709
RW4011X Remanufactured Water Pump for 1006944 1054213 Cast Iron Housing 20 lbs. 3 WP1063
Caterpillar 3176B, C10, C12 OR0705 1054214 & Aluminum Cover
Engines OR3709

20 6
Caterpillar 20WATER PUMPS

3116/3126 Engine

SKU# Product Description MFG. # Casting # Notes Approx. Core Pic. #

Weight Group
RW4015X Remanufactured Water Pump 4P3682 4P3681 (Body) 3.75" Pulley 15.8 lbs. WP1066 1
for Caterpillar 3116/3126 OR1011 7W3780 (Pulley) Threaded Ports
RW4016X Remanufactured Water Pump OR1015 4P3681 (Body) 4.37" Pulley 14.5 lbs. WP1066 1
for Caterpillar 3116/3126 4P3683 7C7890 (Pulley) Threaded Ports
RW4017X Remanufactured Water Pump 2274299 2036093 MultiGroove 15 lbs. WP1067 2
for Caterpillar 3116/3126 2274301 Housing Pulley
10R5407 2266051 Pressed on Gear
Backing Plate
1979581 Pulley
RW4018X Remanufactured Water Pump 1285121 3.75" Pulley 14.5 lbs. WP1066 3
for Caterpillar 3116/3126 Threaded Ports
RW6015 New Water Pump for Caterpillar 4P3682 4P3681 3.75" Pulley 19.6 lbs. 1
3116/3126 187895700 Threaded Ports
RW6016 New Water Pump for Caterpillar OR3007 4P3681 4.37" Pulley 14.5 lbs. 1
3116/3126 4W0253 187895700 Threaded Ports
9V4879 7C7890 Pulley

20 7
20WATER PUMPS Caterpillar

3208 Engine

1) Installation Kits listed later in this section.

SKU# Product Description MFG. # Casting # Notes Approx. Pic. # Core

Weight Group
RW1162 New Water Pump for Caterpillar 2W1225 9N3076 Bolt on Pulley 16.0 lbs. 2
3208 Engine (3 belt)
RW1162RX Remanufactured Water Pump for 2W1225 9N3076 Bolt on Pulley 16.0 lbs. 2
Caterpiller 3208 Engine (3 belt)
RW1162X Remanufactured Water Pump for 2W1225 9N3076 Bolt on Pulley 16.0 lbs. 2 WP1001
Caterpiller 3208 Engine (3 belt)
RW1407 New Caterpillar 3208 Water Pump 2W1227 9N3076 Threaded Pulley 17.5 lbs. 3
(for fan clutch)
RW1407RX Remanufactured Water Pump for 2W1227 9N3076 Threaded Pulley 17.5 lbs. 3
Caterpillar 3208 Engine (for fan clutch)
RW1407X Remanufactured Water Pump for 2W1227 9N3076 Threaded Pulley 17.5 lbs. 3 WP1001
Caterpillar 3208 Engine (for fan clutch)
RW4001X Remanufactured Water Pump for 2W1225 9N3076 No Pulley 10.0 lbs. 1 WP1042
Caterpillar 3208 Engine (9N6147)

20 8
Caterpillar 20WATER PUMPS

3306 Engine

SKU# Product Description MFG. # Casting # Notes Approx. Pic. # Core

Weight Group
RW4007X Remanufactured Water Pump for 6N8413 7N196 Angled 30.0 lbs. 1 WP1028
Caterpillar 3306 Engine 1W9619 Teeth
RW4008X Remanufactured Water Pump for OR9493 7N196 Straight 29.0 lbs. 2 WP1028
Caterpillar 3306 Engine OR8532 1W9619 Teeth
4P9862 1727829

20 9
20WATER PUMPS Caterpillar

C13 Acert

SKU# Product Description MFG# Casting # Core Group

RW4019X Remanufactured Water Pump for Caterpillar C13 Acert Engine 10R2129 2239145 WP1083

20 12
Caterpillar 20WATER PUMPS

Installation Kits

SKU# Product Description Application Notes Pic.

1162KIT Installation Kit for Caterpillar 3208 Engine RW1162, RW1162X, RW1407X, 4
Water Pump RW4001X
1194KIT Installation Kit for Caterpillar 3406 B/C RW1194, RW1194PX, 3
Engines Water Pump RW6012X, RW6014X
4009KIT Installation Kit for Caterpillar 3176 Engine RW6009, RW4009X 5
Water Pump
RW1194BPK Back Plate Kit for Caterpillar 3406 Water RW1194X, RW1194PX 2
RW5922K Premium Installation Kit for 3406 B/C RW1194, RW1194PX, Contains additional gaskets for 1
Engines Water Pump RW6012X, RW6014X water line plumbing.

20 13

B & CSeries Engine

Approximate Weight 7.0 lbs.


1) Installation Kits listed later in this section.

SKU# Product Description MFG. # Casting # Application Pic. # Core New Part
Group #
RW6075 New Water Pump for Cummins 3802358 3913132 BSeries Engine 1
BSeries Engine (3802004) 4 & 6 Cylinder
RW6075RX Remanufactured Water Pump for 3802358 3913132 BSeries Engine 1 RW6075
Cummins BSeries Engine (3802004) 4 & 6 Cylinder
RW6075X Remanufactured Water Pump for 3802358 3913132 BSeries Engine 1 WP1047 RW6075
Cummins BSeries Engine (3802004) 4 & 6 Cylinder
RW6077 New Water Pump for Cummins 3802081 3903357 CSeries 2
CSeries Engine Diesel Engine
RW6077RX Remanufactured Water Pump for 3802081 3903357 CSeries 2 RW6077
Cummins CSeries Engine Diesel Engine
RW6077X Remanufactured Water Pump for 3802081 3903357 CSeries 2 WP1043 RW6077
Cummins CSeries Engine Diesel Engine

20 14

ISC & ISL Models

SKU# Product MFG. # Casting Application Approx. Core New Application

Description # Weight Group Part #
RW6079 New Water Pump for 3804927 237010C Models ISC & 7.2 lbs. 8.9L
Cummins Models ISC & 3940052 ISL
ISL 4089647 8.3 Liters
RW6079RX Remanufactured Water 3804927 237010C Models ISC & 7.2 lbs. RW6079 8.9L
Pump for Cummins 3940052 ISL
Models ISC & ISL 4089647 8.3 Liters
CoreFree (NX)
RW6079X Remanufactured Water 3804927 237010C Models ISC & 7.2 lbs. WP1050 RW6079 8.9L
Pump for Cummins 3940052 ISL
Models ISC & ISL 4089647 8.3 Liters

20 15

ISX Engine

RW6069 Shown

SKU# Product Description MFG. # Casting # Approx. Core

Weight Group
RW4068X Remanufactured Water Pump for Cummins ISX Engine with 4089910 220110C 40.0 lbs. WP1007
a 12 Groove Pulley
RW4069X Remanufactured Water Pump for Cummins ISX Engine with 4026702 220110C 38.9 lbs. WP1007
a 10 Groove Pulley
RW6066 New Water Pump for Cummins ISX Engine with a 12 4089910 220110C 36.0 lbs.
Groove Pulley
RW6069 New Water Pump for Cummins ISX Engine with a 10 4026702 220110C 35.0 lbs.
Groove Pulley

20 16

Big Cam Engine


1) Installation Kits listed later in this section.

SKU# Product MFG. # Casting Description Application Wt. Pic. Core New
Description # # Group Part #
RW1061 New Water Pump 3004923 218274 MultiGroove NTC300, 350, 400; 26.0 1
for Cummins Big Pulley Formula 300, 350, lbs.
Cam III Engine 4" Impeller 400, 475
RW1061RX Reman. Water 3004923 218274 MultiGroove NTC300, 350, 400; 26.0 1 RW1061
Pump for Cummins Pulley Formula 300, 350, lbs.
Big Cam III Engine 4" Impeller 400, 475
CoreFree Vented
RW1061X Reman. Water 3004923 218274 MultiGroove NTC300, 350, 400; 26.0 1 WP1003 RW1061
Pump for Cummins Pulley Formula 300, 350, lbs.
Big Cam III Engine 4" Impeller 400, 475
RW1170 New Water Pump 3022474 218274 4.675 Diameter NTC290, 350, 400; 26.0 1
for Cummins Big (3801788) MultiGroove Formula 290, 350 lbs.
Cam III, IV Engine Pulley
41/2" Impeller
RW1170RX Reman. Water 3022474 218274 4.675 Diameter NTC290, 350, 400, 26.0 1 RW1170
Pump for Cummins (3801788) MultiGroove Formula 290, 350 lbs.
Big Cam III, IV Pulley
Engine 41/2" Impeller
CoreFree Vented
RW1170X Reman. Water 3022474 218274 4.675 Diameter NTC290, 350, 400; 26.0 1 WP1003 RW1170
Pump for Cummins (3801788) MultiGroove Formula 290, 350 lbs.
Big Cam III, IV Pulley
Engine 41/2" Impeller
RW1172 New Water Pump 3801708 3045163 4.275 Diameter 300, 350, 400, 27.0 1
for Cummins Big MultiGroove Fleet 300, lbs.
Cam IV Engine Pulley NTCFormula
41/2" Impeller 300, 350, 400,
Vented NTC475
RW1172RX Reman. Water 3801708 3045163 4.275 Diameter 300, 350, 400, 27.0 1 RW1172
Pump for Cummins MultiGroove Fleet 300, lbs.
Big Cam IV Engine Pulley NTCFormula
CoreFree 41/2" Impeller 300, 350, 400,
Vented NTC475
RW1172X Reman. Water 3801708 3045163 4.275 Diameter 300, 350, 400, 27.0 1 WP1003 RW1172
Pump for Cummins MultiGroove Fleet 300, lbs.
Big Cam IV Engine Pulley NTCFormula
41/2" Impeller 300, 350, 400,
Vented NTC475

20 17
RW1176 New Water Pump 3803138 3062899 MultiGroove NTC300, 315, 23.5 3
for Cummins 88 Big (3803030) Pulley 350, 365, 400 lbs.
Cam IV Engine
RW1176RX Reman. Water 3803138 3062899 MultiGroove NTC300, 315, 23.5 3 RW1176
Pump for Cummins (3803030) Pulley 350, 365, 400 lbs.
88 Big Cam IV
RW1176X Reman. Water 3803138 3062899 MultiGroove NTC300, 315, 23.5 3 WP1031 RW1176
Pump for Cummins (3803030) Pulley 350, 365, 400 lbs.
88 Big Cam IV
RW1177RX Reman. Water 3027174 3045163 4" Impeller NTC 290, 350, 400 28.0 1 RW6067
Pump for Cummins MultiGroove lbs.
Big Cam III (GMC) Pulley
RW1177X Reman. Water 3027174 3045163 4" Impeller NTC 290, 350, 400 28.0 1 WP1003 RW6067
Pump for Cummins MultiGroove lbs.
Big Cam III (GMC) Pulley
RW3000 New Water Pump 3045943 3045163 MultiGroove 30.0 2
for Cummins Big Pulley & Idler lbs.
Cam Engine
RW6067 New Water Pump 3027174 3045163 4" Impeller NTC 290, 350, 400 28.0 1
for Cummins Big MultiGroove lbs.
Cam III (GMC) Pulley

20 18

Small Cam Engine

Installation Kits listed later in this section

SKU# Product MFG. # Casting Description Application Approx. Core New Pic.
Description # Weight Group Part # #
RW1067RX Remanufactured 3024671 MultiGroove NTC230 26.4 lbs. 1
Water Pump for Pulley
Cummins Small 4" Impeller
Cam FFC Engine NonVented
RW1067X Remanufactured 3024671 MultiGroove NTC230 26.4 lbs. WP1003 1
Water Pump for Pulley
Cummins Small 4" Impeller
Cam FFC Engine NonVented
RW1171 New Water Pump 3000886 219040 7 Hole Mount NTC270CT, 28.0 lbs. 2
for Cummins 3801784 210238 2 Groove 290, 290R, 350,
Small Cam FFC (AR45090) Pulley 355;
Engine 51/4" Impeller NT855C280,
NonVented C310, C360,
RW1171RX Remanufactured 3000886 219040 7 Hole Mount NTC270CT, 28.0 lbs. RW1171 2
Water Pump for 3801784 210238 2 Groove 290, 290R, 350,
Cummins Small (AR45090) Pulley 355;
Cam FFC Engine 51/4" Impeller NT855C280,
CoreFree NonVented C310, C360,
RW1171X Remanufactured 3000886 219040 7 Hole Mount NTC270CT, 28.0 lbs. WP1003 RW1171 2
Water Pump for 3801784 210238 2 Groove 290, 290R, 350,
Cummins Small (AR45090) Pulley 355;
Cam FFC Engine 51/4" Impeller NT855C280,
NonVented C310, C360,

20 19

L10 and M11 Engine


1) Needle Bearing Kit not supplied with

RW4076X and RW4076RX.
2) Installation Kits listed later in this

SKU# Product MFG. # Casting Description Application Approx. Pic. Core New
Description # Weight # Group Part #
RW1178RX Reman. Water 3803402 3039182 4Hole Mount LTA10240, 21 lbs. 2 RW6068
Pump for (3801840) 270, 300
Cummins LTA10 Engines
Series and M11
Engine; Before
RW1178X Reman. Water 3803402 3039182 4Hole Mount LTA10240, 21 lbs. 2 WP1034 RW6068
Pump for (3801840) 270, 300
Cummins LTA10 Engines
Series and M11
Engine; Before
RW4076RX Reman. Water 3803403 3882615 3Hole Mount L10310E 18 lbs. 1 RW6076
Pump for L10330E
Cummins L10 Engines
Series and M11
Engine; 1991 and
RW4076X Reman. Water 3803403 3882615 3Hole Mount L10310E 18 lbs. 1 WP1034 RW6076
Pump for L10330E
Cummins L10 Engines
Series and M11
Engine; 1991 and
RW4077X Reman. Water 3800745 3Hole Mount 18 lbs. 3 WP1065
Pump for Short Shaft
Cummins M11
ISM Application
Short Shaft
RW6068 New Water Pump 3803402 3039182 4Hole Mount LTA10240, 21 lbs. 2
for Cummins (3801840) 270, 300
LTA10 Series and Engines
M11 Engine;
Before 1991
RW6076 New Water Pump 3803403 3882615 3Hole Mount L10310E 18 lbs. 1
for Cummins L10 L10330E
Series Engine; Engines
1991 and After

20 20

NSeries Engine

Installation Kits listed later in this section

SKU# Product MFG. # Casting Description Application Approx. Pic. Core New
Description # Weight # Group Part #
RW1073RX Reman. Water 3803605 3069644 MultiGroove N14310, 330, 26.0 lbs. 4 RW6073
Pump for (3803361) 3076523 Pulley 350, 370, 410
Cummins N14 Engines
Series Engine
RW1073VX Reman. Water 3804826RX 3084024 MultiGroove N14 Volvo 27.8 lbs. 6 WP1045
Pump for Pulley
Cummins N14
Volvo Application
RW1073X Reman. Water 3803605 3069644 MultiGroove N14310, 330, 26.0 lbs. 4 WP1045 RW6073
Pump for (3803361) 3076523 Pulley 350, 370, 410
Cummins N14 Engines
Series Engine
RW1174 New Water Pump AR4284 196845 With Pulley NH230, NH250, 13.0 lbs. 5
for Cummins NH, Pancake 51/2" NHC270,
NT, & NTC Bore NHE225 Diesel,
NonFFC Short Shaft NT280, NT300,
Engines NT310, NT335,
NTC350 Diesel
RW1174RX Reman. Water AR4284 196845 With Pulley NH230, NH250, 13.0 lbs. 5 RW1174
Pump for Pancake 51/2" NHC270,
Cummins NH, NT Bore NHE225 Diesel,
& NTC NonFFC Short Shaft NT280, NT300,
Engines NT310, NT335,
CoreFree NT380,
NTC350 Diesel
RW1174X Reman. Water AR4284 196845 With Pulley NH230, NH250, 13.0 lbs. 5 WP1004 RW1174
Pump for Pancake 51/2" NHC270,
Cummins NH, NT Bore NHE225 Diesel,
& NTC NonFFC Short Shaft NT280, NT300,
Engines NT310, NT335,
NTC350 Diesel

20 21
RW1179X Reman. Water AR45073 3002520 2Groove NTC Formula 23.0 lbs. 3 WP1005
Pump for (3022471) Pulley 230 Engine
Cummins 4" Impeller
NTC230 Engine
(Short Suitcase
RW1195X Reman. Water 3027882 3002520 MultiGroove NTC Formula 24.3 lbs. 2 WP1005
Pump for Pulley 230 Engine
Cummins 4" Impeller
NTC230 Engine
(Short Suitcase
RW1198RX Reman. Water AR4283 196845 Without Pulley NH230, NH250, 14.0 lbs. 5
Pump for Pancake 51/2" NHC270,
Cummins NH, NT Bore NHE225 Diesel,
& NTC NonFFC Short Shaft NT280, NT300,
Engines NT310, NT335,
CoreFree NT380,
NTC350 Diesel
RW1198X Remanufactured AR4283 196845 Without Pulley NH230, NH250, 14.0 lbs. 5 WP1004
Water Pump for Pancake 51/2" NHC270,
Cummins NH, NT Bore NHE225 Diesel,
& NTC Engines Short Shaft NT280, NT300,
NT310, NT335,
NTC350 Diesel
RW4054X Reman. Water AR4547 196830 51/2" Bore NT & NTC 18.0 lbs. 1 WP1044
Pump for 13/4" Shaft Engines
Cummins NT & (from bearing
NTC Engine surface to step
on shaft just
below threads)
RW4055X Reman. Water AR4548 196830 51/2" Bore NT & NTC 18.0 lbs. 1 WP1044
Pump for 21/4" Shaft Engines
Cummins NT & (from bearing
NTC Engine surface to step
on shaft just
below threads)
RW6063 New Water Pump AR51360 N Series 18.0 lbs.
for Cummins N Engines
Series Engine
RW6073 New Water Pump 3803605 3069644 MultiGroove N14310, 330, 26.0 lbs. 4
for Cummins N14 (3803361) Pulley 350, 370, 410
Series Engine Engines

20 22

VT903 Engine

SKU# Product Description Manufacturer's Casting Description Approximate Core

Number Number Weight Group
RW1903X Remanufactured Water Pump AR5664 196960 3Belt Pulley 28 lbs. WP1041
for Cummins VT903 Engine

20 23

Cummins: D Series Engine

SKU# Product Manufacturer's Part Application Casting Approximate Core

Description Number Number Weight Group
RW1994 New Water Pump for 3800984 D Series Engine 7 lbs.
Cummins D Series 5.9, 6.7L

20 24


SKU# Product Description Manufacturer's Number Casting # Application

RW2060 New Water Pump for Cummins ISB 4955394NX

20 25


SKU# Product Description MFG. # Casting Description Approx. Pic. Core New
# Weight # Group Part #
RW1074X Reman. Idler for Cummins 3066330 MultiGroove 4.0 lbs. 3 WP1052 RW6074
N14 Engine Pulley
RW1173 New Idler for Cummins Big AR45189 215397 MultiGroove 4.0 lbs. 6
Cam Engine Pulley
RW1173RX Reman. Idler for Cummins 3064919 215397 MultiGroove 4.0 lbs. 6 RW1173
Big Cam Engine (AR45189) Pulley
RW1173X Reman. Idler for Cummins 3064919 215397 MultiGroove 4.0 lbs. 6 WP1006 RW1173
Big Cam Engine (AR45189) Pulley
RW1175 New Idler for Cummins 3064920 208118 2 Belt Pulley 4.0 lbs. 4
Small Cam Engine (AR8851)
RW1175RX Reman. Idler for Cummins 3064920 208118 2 Belt Pulley 4.0 lbs. 4 RW1175
Small Cam Engine (AR8851)
RW1175X Reman. Idler for Cummins 3064920 208118 2 Belt Pulley 4.0 lbs. 4 WP1006 RW1175
Small Cam Engine (AR8851)
RW4070RX Reman. Idler for Cummins 3065000 Stamped Pulley 2.7 lbs. 5 RW6070
88 Big Cam IV Engine
RW4070X Reman. Idler for Cummins 3065000 Stamped Pulley 2.7 lbs. 5 WP1038 RW6070
88 Big Cam IV Engine
RW4071RX Reman. Idler for Cummins 3062931 3064201 MultiGroove 3.3 lbs. 2 RW6071
88 Big Cam IV Engine (3053537) Pulley
RW4071X Reman. Idler for Cummins 3062931 3064201 MultiGroove 3.3 lbs. 2 WP1038 RW6071
88 Big Cam IV Engine (3053537) Pulley
RW6070 New Idler for Cummins 88 3065000 Stamped Pulley 2.7 lbs. 5
Big Cam IV Engine
RW6071 New Idler for Cummins 88 3062931 3064201 MultiGroove 3.3 lbs. 2
Big Cam IV Engine (AR8851) Pulley
RW6074 New Idler for Cummins 3066330 MultiGroove 4.0 lbs. 3
N14 Engine Pulley
RW6078 New Idler for Cummins 3062602 3060884 5.9 lbs. 1
L10 Engine
RW6078X Reman. Idler for Cummins 3062602 3060884 5.9 lbs. 1 WP1032 RW6078
L10 Engine

20 26

Installation and Repair Kits

SKU# Product Description Application Pic. #

1073KIT Gasket Kit for Cummins N14 Engine Water RW6073, RW1073X 10
1172KIT Gasket Kit for Cummins Small Cam & Big Cam RW1170, RW1170X, RW1171, RW1171X, RW1172, RW1172X, 9
III, IV Engines Water Pump RW1176, RW1176X, RW1177, RW3000, RW6061
1174KIT Gasket Kit for Cummins NH, NT, & NTC RW1174, RW1174X, RW1198X, RW4054X, RW4055X 2
Engines Water Pump
1176KIT Installation Kit for Cummins 88 Big Cam IV RW1176X 8
Engine Water Pump
1178KIT Gasket Kit for Cummins L10 Engine Water RW6068, RW1178X 3
1179KIT Gasket Kit for Cummins NTC230 Engine Water RW1179, RW1179X, RW1195, RW1195X 7
4076KIT Gasket Kit for Cummins L10 Engine Water RW6076, RW4076X , RW4077X 6
6075KIT Installation Kit for Cummins B Series Engine RW6075X 4
Water Pump
RW5072K Front Gear Cover Seal Kit for Cummins LTA10 RW1178X, RW6068, RW6076 1
Series before 1991
RW5079K Front Gear Cover Kit for Cummins L10 RW4076X , RW4077X 5

20 27
20WATER PUMPS Detroit Diesel

8.2 Liter Engine


1) Installation Kit listed later in this section.

SKU# Product Description MFG. # Casting Description Approx. Pic. Core New
# Weight # Group Part #
RW1119RX Reman. Water Pump for 8928672 8828804 No Pulley 31.0 lbs. 1 RW6119
Detroit Diesel 8.2 Liter 8926904 With Heater
Engine CoreFree Outlet
RW1119X Reman. Water Pump for 8928672 8828804 No Pulley 31.0 lbs. 1 WP1030 RW6119
Detroit Diesel 8.2 Liter 8926904 With Heater
Engine Outlet
RW1120RX Reman. Water Pump for 8922302 8820383 No Pulley 28.6 lbs. 2
Detroit Diesel 8.2 Liter 8924657 Without Heater
Engine CoreFree Outlet
RW1120X Reman. Water Pump for 8922302 8820383 No Pulley 28.6 lbs. 2 WP1053
Detroit Diesel 8.2 Liter 8924657 Without Heater
Engine Outlet
RW6119 New Water Pump for Detroit 8928672 8828804 New 31.0 lbs. 1
Diesel 8.2 Liter Engine 8926904 No Pulley
With Heater

20 28
Detroit Diesel 20WATER PUMPS

53 Series Engine
Approximate Weight 13.3 lbs.


1) Installation Kit listed later in this section.

SKU# Product Description Manufacturer's Casting Description Core

Number Number Group
RW1180X Remanufactured Water Pump for Detroit 5144685 5144688 Left Hand WP1008
Diesel 53 Series Engine 2Belt Pulley
RW1183X Remanufactured Water Pump for Detroit 5144686 5144689 Right Hand WP1008
Diesel 53 Series Engine 2Belt Pulley

20 29
20WATER PUMPS Detroit Diesel

60 Series Engine

1) Installation Kits listed later in this section.

2) RW4123X (High Capacity) includes a 6 vane impeller and is

recommended by the OE manufacturer.
3) SPECIAL NOTE: When replacing the water pump on a
Detroit 60 Series engine, always check for excessive Bull
Gear Runout (wear). Excessive runout will lead to premature
water pump failure. *Refer to Mfg. Specifications for
acceptable Runout and Bull Gear Replacement Guidelines.

Failure to Replace Worn Bull Gear may result in:

Excessive gear wear and chipped/broken teeth
Broken casting near bearing journal
Failed Bearings

SKU# Product Description MFG. # Casting Description Approx. Pic. Core New
# Weight # Group Part #
RW1160RX Reman. Water Pump for 23509067 23505018 Premium Seal 22.8 lbs. 1
Detroit Diesel 60 Series (23505019) Gear Driven
Engine prior to 12/90
RW1160X Reman. Water Pump for 23509067 23505018 Premium Seal 22.8 lbs. 1 WP1039
Detroit Diesel 60 Series (23505019) Gear Driven
Engine prior to 12/90
RW4122PRX Premium Reman. Water 23505895 23505894 Premium Seal 31.3 lbs. 2
Pump for Detroit Diesel 60 23520136 Metal Back
Series Engine after 12/90 R3518216 Plate/Seal
CoreFree Gear Driven
Std. Flow
7 Vane Impeller
RW4122PX Premium Reman. Water 23505895 23505894 Premium Seal 31.3 lbs. 2 WP1048
Pump for Detroit Diesel 60 23520136 Metal Back
Series Engine after 12/90 R3518216 Plate/Seal
Gear Driven
Std. Flow
7 Vane Impeller
RW4122RX Reman. Water Pump for 23505895 23505894 Premium Seal 30.7 lbs. 2
Detroit Diesel 60 Series 23520136 Gear Driven
Engine after 12/90 R3518216 Std. Flow
CoreFree Capacity
7 Vane Impeller
RW4122X Reman. Water Pump for 23505895 23505894 Premium Seal 30.7 lbs. 2 WP1048
Detroit Diesel 60 Series 23520136 Gear Driven
Engine after 12/90 R3518216 Std. Flow
7 Vane Impeller
RW4123PRX Premium Reman. Water 23522707 23512027 Premium Seal 30.8 lbs. 2
Pump for Detroit Diesel 60 Metal Back
Series Engine Plate/Seal
CoreFree High Flow
6 Vane Impeller

20 30
Detroit Diesel 20WATER PUMPS
RW4123PX Premium Reman. Water 23522707 23512027 Premium Seal 30.8 lbs. 2 WP1048
Pump for Detroit Diesel 60 Metal Back
Series Engine Plate/Seal
High Flow
6 Vane Impeller
RW4123RX Reman. Water Pump for 23522707 23512027 Premium Seal 30.8 lbs. 2
Detroit Diesel 60 Series Plastic Back
Engine CoreFree Plate
High Flow
6 Vane Impeller
RW4123X Reman. Water Pump for 23522707 23512027 Premium Seal 30.8 lbs. 2 WP1048
Detroit Diesel 60 Series Plastic Back
Engine Plate
High Flow
6 Vane Impeller
RW4124X Reman. Water Pump for 23531257 23530427 Stamped Steel 34 lbs. 3 WP1021 RW6124
Detroit Diesel 60 Series Impeller
Engine with EGR (Exhaust 61 Tooth Drive
Gas Recirculation) Gear
RW4125PRX Reman. Water Pump for 23522721 High Flow 31 lbs. 2 and RW6127
Detroit Diesel 60 Series Capacity 4
Engine "Pocket Style" 6 Vane Impeller
CoreFree "Pocket Style"
RW4125PX Reman. Water Pump for 23522721 High Flow 31 lbs. 2 and WP1048 RW6127
Detroit Diesel 60 Series Capacity 4
Engine "Pocket Style" 6 Vane Impeller
"Pocket Style"
RW4126X Reman. Water Pump for 23531258 With EGR Port 36.0 lbs. 5 WP1082 RW6126
Detroit Diesel 60 Series 23532543
Engine with EGR
RW6126 New Water Pump for Detroit 23531258 With EGR Port 36.0 lbs. 5
Diesel 60 Series Engine 23532543
with EGR
RW6127 New Water Pump for Detroit 23522721 High Flow 31 lbs. 2 and
Diesel 60 Series Engine Capacity 4
"Pocket Style" 6 Vane Impeller
"Pocket Style"

20 31
20WATER PUMPS Detroit Diesel

71 Series Engine

1) Installation Kit listed later in this section.

SKU# Product Description MFG. # Casting Description Approx. Pic. Core

# Weight # Group
RW1184X Reman. Water Pump for Detroit 5149328 5117921 17/8" & 21/4" I.D. 26.8 lbs. 1 WP1011
Diesel 6V & 8V 71 Series Engine Outlets
Standard Capacity
2 Straight Outlet Pipes
RW1185X Reman. Water Pump for Detroit 5149329 5142273 Standard Capacity 25.0 lbs. 2 WP1012
Diesel 71 Series Engine Running
2 Outlet Pipes at 45
RW1186X Reman. Water Pump for Detroit 5149326 5135455 17/8" & 21/4" I.D. 26.9 lbs. 1 WP1011
Diesel 8V 71 Series Engine Outlets
High Capacity
2 Straight Outlet Pipes
RW1187X Reman. Water Pump for Detroit 5149327 5142273 High Capacity 27.0 lbs. 2 WP1012
Diesel 71 Series Engine Running
2 Outlet Pipes at 45
RW1196X Reman. Water Pump for Detroit 5149382 5135455 17/8" & 21/4" I.D. 25.8 lbs. 1 WP1011
Diesel 8V 71 Series Engine Outlets
High Capacity
2 Straight Outlet Pipes
with Reverse Gear

20 32
Detroit Diesel 20WATER PUMPS

71 Series InLine Engine

Installation Kit listed later in this section

SKU# Product Description MFG. # Casting Description Approx. Pic. Core

# Weight # Group
RW1181 New Water Pump for Detroit 5149707 5186574 Right Side 6.9 lbs. 2
Diesel 71 Series InLine Engine Standard Capacity
RW1181RX Reman. Water Pump for Detroit 5149707 5186574 Right Side 6.7 lbs. 2
Diesel 71 Series InLine Engine Standard Capacity
RW1181X Reman. Water Pump for Detroit 5149707 5186574 Right Side 6.7 lbs. 2 WP1009
Diesel 71 Series InLine Engine Standard Capacity
RW1182RX Reman. Water Pump for Detroit 5149706 5186573 Left Side 6.8 lbs. 1
Diesel 71 Series InLine Engine Standard Capacity
RW1182X Reman. Water Pump for Detroit 5149706 5186573 Left Side 6.8 lbs. 1 WP1009
Diesel 71 Series InLine Engine Standard Capacity
RW1192X Reman. Water Pump for Detroit 5149708 5182070 Right Hand 6.9 lbs. 4 WP1010
Diesel 71 Series InLine Engine 3/8" Thread
High Capacity
Applications normally
used with Turbo
RW1193X Reman. Water Pump for Detroit 5149710 5182069 Left Hand 6.8 lbs. 3 WP1010
Diesel 71 Series InLine Engine 3/8" Thread
High Capacity
Applications normally
used with Turbo
RW1197X Reman. Water Pump for Detroit 5149708 5182070 Right Hand 7.0 lbs. 4 WP1036
Diesel 71 Series InLine Engine 1/4" Thread
High Capacity
Applications normally
used with Turbo

20 33
20WATER PUMPS Detroit Diesel

92 Series Engine

1) Installation Kit listed later in this section.

SKU# Product Description MFG. # Casting # Description Approx. Pic. Core

Weight # Group
RW1188X Reman. Water Pump for Detroit 8921104 8921099 Gear Driven 31 lbs. 2 WP1014
Diesel 92 Series Engine Running
2 Outlet Pipes at 45
Snap Ring Cover
RW1189RX Reman. Water Pump for Detroit 8921105 8921100, 21/4" & 21/2" I.D. 28 lbs. 1
Diesel 6V & 8V 92 Series Engine 5101261 Outlets
CoreFree Walking
1 Straight & 1@ 45
Outlet Pipe
Snap Ring Cover
RW1189X Reman. Water Pump for Detroit 8921105 8921100, 21/4" & 21/2" I.D. 28 lbs. 1 WP1013
Diesel 6V & 8V 92 Series Engine 5101261 Outlets
1 Straight & 1@ 45
Outlet Pipe
Snap Ring Cover

20 34
Detroit Diesel 20WATER PUMPS

Installation and Repair Kits

SKU# Product Description Application Pic.

1119KIT Bracket Kit for Detroit Diesel 8.2 Liter Engine Water Pump RW6119, RW1119X, RW1120X 4
1160KIT Gasket Kit for Detroit Diesel 60 Series Engine Water Pump RW6121, RW1160X 1
1180KIT Gasket Kit for Detroit Diesel 53 Series Engine Water Pump RW1180X, RW1183X 5
1181KIT Gasket Kit for Detroit Diesel 71 Series Engine Water Pump RW1181, RW1181X, RW1182, RW1182X 6
1184KIT Gasket Kit for Detroit Diesel 71 Series Engines Water Pump RW1184X, RW1185X, RW1186X, RW1187X, 7
1189KIT Gasket Kit for Detroit Diesel Engine 92 Series Water Pump RW1188, RW1189 3
4122KIT Gasket Kit for Detroit Diesel 60 Series Engine Water Pump RW6122, RW4122X 2
RW4122PLK Plastic Backing Plate Kit for Detroit Diesel 60 Series Engine RW6122, RW4122X 8
Water Pump
RW4122STK Steel Backing Plate Kit for Detroit Diesel 60 Series Engine RW6122, RW4122X 9
Water Pump

20 35

Ford: 7.3L Engines

SKU# Product Application Casting Manufacturer's Approximate Core Picture

Description Number Number Weight Group Number
RW1923 New Water Pump for 1996 2007 YC3Z8501CA
Ford 7.3L Engine 7.3L

20 36

6.6 and 7.8 Liter Engine

Installation Kit listed later in this section.

SKU# Product Manufacturer's Casting Description Approx. Core Pic.

Description Number Number Weight Group #
RW1760RX Reman. Water Pump for E9TZ8501B E7HN8508AA Auxiliary Mount 18.4 lbs. 1
Ford 6.6 & 7.8 Liter 3/4" Outlet
Engines CoreFree Cab Over
RW1760X Reman. Water Pump for E9TZ8501B E7HN8508AA Auxiliary Mount 18.4 lbs. WP1046 1
Ford 6.6 & 7.8 Liter 3/4" Outlet
Engines Cab Over
RW1761RX Reman. Water Pump for E7TZ8501A E5HN8508AB NonAuxiliary 16.8 lbs. 1
Ford 6.6 & 7.8 Liter Mount
Engines CoreFree 1" Outlet
Conventional Cab
RW1761X Reman. Water Pump for E7TZ8501A E5HN8508AB NonAuxiliary 16.8 lbs. WP1058 1
Ford 6.6 & 7.8 Liter Mount
Engines 1" Outlet
Conventional Cab
RW1762 New Water Pump for F1HZ8501CRM F0HN8505AA 9193 Ford Truck 16.2 lbs. 3
Ford 7.8 Liter Engine (94 F600 only)
w/o Pump
Mounted Fan
RW1762X Reman. Water Pump for F1HZ8501CRM F0HN8505AA 9193 Ford Truck 16.2 lbs. WP1061 3
Ford 7.8 Liter Engine (94 F600 only)
w/o Pump
Mounted Fan
RW6314 New Water Pump for E7HN8A513AB 16 lbs. 2
Ford 6.6 & 7.8 Liter E8HZ8501B
RW885 New Water Pump for E1HZ8501DRM 19911995 6.6L 21 lbs.
Ford 7.8L Engine FTL600900
exc 210HP) /

20 37

Installation Kits

SKU# Product Description Application

1760KIT Gasket Kit for Ford 6.6 & 7.8 Engine Water Pump RW1760X, RW1761X, RW1762X

20 38

Ford Powerstroke

SKU# Product Description Application Casting OEM Part Approx. Core Pic.
Number Numbers Weight Group #
RW1767 New Water Pump for Ford 20002002 1831005C2 F6TZ8501AA 11 lbs. 1
Powerstroke 7.3L (466) E150/E350 F7TZ8501BRM
DI Turbo Diesel Engine 20002002 F81Z8501A
Excursion F81Z8501B
19962002 F250, F81Z8501CRM
F350, F450, F550 F81Z8501FA
Super Duty F7TZ8501B
19961997 F53/59 F7TZ8501C
Stripped Chassis
RW1767X Reman. Water Pump for 20002002 1831005C2 F6TZ8501AA 11 lbs. WP1064 1
Ford Powerstroke 7.3L E150/E350 F7TZ8501BRM
(466) DI Turbo Diesel 20002002 F81Z8501A
Engine Excursion F81Z8501B
19962002 F250, F81Z8501CRM
F350, F450, F550 F81Z8501FA
Super Duty F7TZ8501B
19961997 F53/59 F7TZ8501C
Stripped Chassis
RW1768 New Water Pump for Ford 2003June 2004 3C3Z8501A 7 lbs. 2
Powerstroke 6.0L Turbo Super Duty
Diesel Engine
RW1769 New Water Pump for Ford July 2004Present 4C3Z8501AB 7 lbs. 3
Powerstroke 6.0L Turbo Super Duty
Diesel Engine
RW1786 New Water Pump for Ford 2003 2010 6.0L 4C4Z8501AARM 7 lbs.
Powestroke 6.0L Turbo Super Duty
Diesel Engine
RW1917 New Water Pump for Ford 20082010 Super 8C3Z8501C 7lbs.
Powerstroke 6.4L Duty
RW6310 New Water Pump for Ford 9496 Super Duty F5TZ8501B 10 lbs. 4
Powerstroke 7.3L (466) F5TZ8501C
DI Turbo Diesel Engine

20 39
20WATER PUMPS General Motors

6 to 7 Liter Engine

SKU# Product Manufacturer Casting # Description Application Approx. Pic. Core

Description Number Weight # Group
RW1381 New Water Pump 12530176 Second 6.5L Medium 14 lbs
for GM6.5L Engine Design,br.Double Duty/School Bus
RW1406 New Water Pump 14082745 14024206 Belt Driven 198690 Chev & 15 lbs. 1
for General Motors (23500133) Conventional Cab GMC
6.2 Liter Engine Pulley Not
RW1406X Remanufactured 14082745 14024206 Belt Driven 198690 Chev & 15 lbs. 1 WP1015
Water Pump for (23500133) Conventional Cab GMC
General Motors 6.2 Pulley Not
Liter Engine Supplied
RW1408X Remanufactured 14002440 14001939 Standard Hub 6.0 & 7.0 Liter 24 lbs. 2 WP1059
Water Pump for Engines
General Motors 197984 All
366 & 427 Engines 197678
CEME65 with
Front End Drive
RW1409X Remanufactured 6258548 3856286 ScrewOn Hub 6.0 & 7.0 Liter 24 lbs. 2 WP1059
Water Pump for Engines
General Motors 196978 All
366 & 427 Engines CEME65 with
Front End Drive
RW1559 New Water Pump 12456231 19992003 6.5L 19 lbs
for GM 6.5L DSL Light/Medium
Engine Duty
RW852 New Water Pump 23500138 First Design 6.2L, 6.5L, 14.6 lbs
for GM 6.2L, 6.5L single light/medium duty
DSL Engines thermostat

20 40
General Motors 20WATER PUMPS

Duramax 6.6 Liter Engine

SKU# Product Description MFG. # Casting # Application Approx. Core

Weight Group
RW1463 New Water Pump for General Motors 97216136 20012005 GM Duramax 6 lbs.
6.6 Liter Duramax Diesel Engines 6.6L Diesel
RW1935 New Water Pump for General Motors 98031233 20062010 GM Duramas 4.4 lbs
6.6L Duramax Diesel Engines 6.6L Diesel

20 41

END 673, 675, 676 & E6 Engine

Installation Kit listed later in this section.

SKU# Product Description MFG. # Casting # Description Approx. Pic. Core New
Weight # Group Part #
RW2000X Reman. Thermodyne 316GC184 360GB334 Short Shaft 12.2 lbs. 1 WP1020
Water Pump for Mack Without Pulley
END 673, 675, 676
RW4215X Reman. Econodyne 316GC1219AX 360GB443 Flush Impeller 13.0 lbs. 2 WP1023 RW6215
Water Pump for Mack Without Pulley
E6 Engines
RW4219X Reman. Water Pump for 316GC549MX 360GB443A Stamped 24.5 lbs. 3 WP1071
Mack E6 Engines Impeller
3 Groove
71/4" Pulley
RW6215 New Econodyne Water 316GC1219AX 360GB443 Flush Impeller 13.0 lbs. 2
Pump for Mack E6 Without Pulley

20 42

ENDT 675, 676 & EMS6 Engine

Installation Kit listed later in this section.

SKU# Product MFG. # Casting # Description Approx. Pic. Core New

Description Weight # Group Part #
RW2001 New Maxidyne Water 316GC1184 316GB443 1.57" Long Shaft 13.0 lbs. 1
Pump for Mack ENDT 316GC1211A No Pulley
675, 676 Engines 316GC1211B
RW2001X Reman. Maxidyne Water 316GC1184 360GB443 1.57" Long Shaft 13.0 lbs. 1 WP1023 RW2001
Pump for Mack ENDT 316GC1211A No Pulley
675, 676 Engines 316GC1211B
RW2002 New Econodyne Water 316GC1210A 316GB443 Charged Air 13.0 lbs. 2
Pump for Mack E6, EM6 No Pulley
& EMS6 Engine .94" Long Shaft
RW2002X Reman. Econodyne 316GC1210A 360GB443 Charged Air 13.0 lbs. 2 WP1023 RW2002
Water Pump for Mack No Pulley
E6, EM6 & EMS6 .94" Long Shaft
RW2005 New Water Pump for 316GC1184BX 360GB443 Long Shaft 16.0 lbs. 3
Mack ENDT 675 & 676 With Pullet
Engines Stamped
RW2005X Reman. Water Pump for 316GC1184BX 360GB443 Long Shaft 16.0 lbs. 3 WP1022
Mack ENDT 675 & 676 With Pulley
Engines Stamped
RW2006X Reman. Water Pump for 316GC1211AX 360GB443 Long Shaft 17.6 lbs. 4 WP1022
Mack ENDT 675 & 676 with Notched
Engines Hub Pulley
Fan Clutch
RW4209X Reman. Econodyne 316GC1210AX 360GB443 Charged Air 23.0 lbs. 5 WP1022
Water Pump for Mack 3Groove
E6, EM6 & EMS6 65/8" Diameter
Engines Pulley
RW4210X Reman. Econodyne 316GC528CX 360GB443 Charged Air 20.0 lbs. 6 WP1022
Water Pump for Mack 3Groove
E6, EM6 & EMS6 51/2" Diameter
Engines Pulley

20 43

E7 Engine

SKU# Product MFG. # Casting # Description Approx. Pic. Core

Description Weight # Group
RW4217X Reman. Water Pump for 316GC548M2X 360GB251AM Metric Housing 24.5 lbs. 1 WP1071
Mack E7 Engines Stamped Impeller
3 Groove
71/4" Diameter Pulley
RW4218X Reman. Water Pump for 316GC548MX 360GB251AM Metric Housing 20.0 lbs. 2 WP1071
Mack E7 Engines Stamped Impeller
3 Groove
51/2" Diameter Pulley
RW4220X Reman. Water Pump for Base 316GC284 360GB251AM Metric Housing 13.0 lbs. 3 WP1070
Mack E7 Engines Stamped Impeller
Base Pump with
619/64" shaft length
No Pulley
RW4221X Reman. Water Pump for Base 316GC285 360GB251AM Base Pump with 13.0 lbs. 3 WP1080
Mack E7 Engines 71/4" shaft length
No Pulley
RW4222X Reman. Water Pump for 316GC551M3X 360GB251AM MultiGroove 4 WP1071
Mack E7 Engines 5" Diameter Pulley
RW4223X Reman. Water Pump for 316GC548M4X 360GB251AM 3 Groove 1 WP1071
Mack E7 Engines 65/8" Diameter Pulley
RW4224X Reman. Water Pump for 316GC4108MX 360GB251AM With Pulley 6 WP1081
Mack E7 Engines
RW4226X Reman. Water Pump for 316GC551M2X 360GB251AM Metric Housing 24.0 lbs. 7 WP1071
Mack E7 Engines MultiGroove
51/2" Diameter Pulley
RW4227X Reman. Water Pump for 316GC551MX 360GB251AM MultiGroove 8 WP1071
Mack E7 Engines 6" Diameter Pulley
RW4229X Reman. Water Pump for 316GC552M2X Cast MultiGroove 24.0 lbs. 5 WP1081
Mack E7 Engines Pulley

20 44

ACET Engines

SKU# Product Description MFG. # Casting # Description Approx. Core

Weight Group
RW2008X Reman. Water Pump for Mack 315GC3193 273917 Pulley 5.3" Diameter 14 lbs. WP1037
ACET Engines Smooth
RW2009X Reman. Water Pump for Mack 316GC3196 273817 Pulley 5.9" Diameter 14 lbs. WP1037
ACET Engines Smooth

20 45

Installation Kits

SKU# Product Description Application

2001KIT Gasket Kit for Mack ENDT 675, 676 & EMS6 Engines RW2000, RW2000X, RW2001, RW2001X, RW2002, RW2002X,
Water Pump RW4215X, RW6215
2005KIT Gasket Kit for Mack ENDT675, 676 & EMS6 Engines RW2005X, RW2006X, RW4209X, RW4210X, RW6214, RW6216,
Water Pump RW6217

20 46
Mercedes 20WATER PUMPS


SKU# Product Description Manufacturer's Application Approximate Picture

Number Weight Number
RW1912 New Water Pump for Mercedes 5138057AA 20042006 Dodge 3.9 lbs.
2.7L Sprinter 2500, 3500
RW2044 New Water Pump for Mercedes 5138057AA MBE924 4.8L 26 lbs.
MBE904/924 MBE904 4.3L
RW6355 New Water Pump for Mercedes A366 200 5901 OM366, OM366A, 16 lbs.
OM366, OM366A, OM366LA 355 200 5901 OM633LA

20 47
20WATER PUMPS Navistar

DT360, 414, 415, 466 & DTA360 Engine

Installation Kit listed later in this section

SKU# Product Description MFG. # Casting # Description Approx. Pic. Core New
Weight # Group Part #
RW1190 New Water Pump for 685155C92 677856C1 Belt Driven 19.2 lbs. 1
Navistar DT466 Engine Conventional
Pulley Not
RW1190RX Reman. Water Pump for 685155C92 677856C1 Belt Driven 19.2 lbs. 1 RW1190
Navistar DT466 Engine Conventional
CoreFree Cab
Pulley Not
RW1190X Reman. Water Pump for 685155C92 677856C1 Belt Driven 19.2 lbs. 1 WP1016 RW1190
Navistar DT466 Engine Conventional
Pulley Not
RW1191 New Water Pump for 680899C92 677137C1 Belt Driven 17.1 lbs. 2
Navistar DT466 Engines Cab Over
Pulley Not
RW1191X Reman. Water Pump for 680899C92 677137C1 Belt Driven 17.1 lbs. 2 WP1017 RW1191
Navistar DT466 Engines Cab Over
Pulley Not
RW1303X Reman. Water Pump for 673162C94 675806C2 Belt Driven 18.0 lbs. 3 WP1017
Navistar DT466, DT414, & PressOn Hub
DT456 Engines
RW1304RX Reman. Water Pump for 1815538C91 677856C3 Belt Driven 22.0 lbs. 1 RW6307
Navistar DTA360 & Bolt On Hub
DT466 Engines Left Hand Thread
CoreFree Pulley Not

20 48
Navistar 20WATER PUMPS
RW1304X Reman. Water Pump for 1815538C91 677856C3 Belt Driven 22.0 lbs. 1 WP1016 RW6307
Navistar DTA360 & Bolt On Hub
DT466 Engines Left Hand Thread
Pulley Not
RW1310X Reman. Water Pump for 1817687C92 1821935C1 Stamped Steel 10.0 lbs. 4 WP1060 RW6313
Navistar DT360 & DT466 1821935C3 Impeller
New Generation Engines
RW6307 New Water Pump for 1815538C91 677856C3 Belt Driven 22.0 lbs. 1
Navistar DTA360 & Bolt On Hub
DT466 Engines Left Hand Thread
Pulley Not
RW6311 New Water Pump for 1842664C92 1841765C1 Bolt on Pulley 3.5 lbs. 5
International DT466 & 5 Bolt Pump
DT466E Engines
RW6313 New Water Pump for 1817687C92 1821935C1 Stamped Steel 10.0 lbs. 4
Navistar DT360 & DT466 1821935C3 Impeller
New Generation Engines

20 49
20WATER PUMPS Navistar

6.9, 7.3, 9.0 Liters & DT444E Engine


1) Installation Kit listed later in this section.

SKU# Product Description MFG. # Casting # Description Approx. Pic. Core New
Weight # Group Part #
RW1747 New Water Pump for 1809374C91 446430C1 Belt Driven 17.0 lbs. 1
Navistar 6.9 & 7.3 Liter 25/8" Hub O.D.
Engines Pulley Not
RW1747X Reman. Water Pump for 1809374C91 446430C1 Belt Driven 17.0 lbs. 1 WP1019 RW1747
Navistar 6.9 & 7.3 Liter 25/8" Hub O.D.
Engines Pulley Not
RW1757 New Water Pump for E4TZ8501C 446430C1 Belt Driven 18.8 lbs. 2
Navistar 6.9 & 7.3 Liter (E9TZ8501B) 41/2" Hub O.D.
(Ford Truck) Engines Pulley Not
RW1757RX Reman. Water Pump for E4TZ8501C 446430C1 Belt Driven 18.8 lbs. 2 RW1757
Navistar 6.9 & 7.3 Liter (E9TZ8501B) 41/2" Hub O.D.
(Ford Truck) Engines Pulley Not
CoreFree Supplied
RW1757X Reman. Water Pump for E4TZ8501C 446430C1 Belt Driven 18.8 lbs. 2 WP1018 RW1757
Navistar 6.9 & 7.3 Liter (E9TZ8501B) 41/2" Hub O.D.
(Ford Truck) Engines Pulley Not
RW4114X Reman. Water Pump for 1831676C91 1822851C1 Direct Injection 26.8 lbs. 3 WP1062 RW6114
Navistar 7.3 Liter DT444E 1823669C92
Engine 1831676C92
RW6114 New Water Pump for 1831676C91 1822851C1 Direct Injection 26.8 lbs. 3
Navistar 7.3 Liter DT444E 1823669C92
Engine 1831676C92
RW6306 New Water Pump for 1700594C91 489173C1 Belt Driven 10.3 lbs. 4
Navistar 9.0 Liter Engines 1700594C92
RW6306X Reman. Water Pump for 1700594C91 489173C1 Belt Driven 10.3 lbs. 4 WP1049 RW6306
Navistar 9.0 Liter Engines 1700594C92

20 50
Navistar 20WATER PUMPS

Installation Kits

SKU# Product Description Application

1190KIT Gasket Kit for Navistar Engines Water Pump RW1190, RW1190X, RW1303X, RW1304X
1747KIT Gasket Kit for Navistar 6.9 & 7.3 Liter Engines Water Pump RW1747, RW1747X, RW1757, RW1757X

20 51
20WATER PUMPS Navistar

MaxxForce Diesel 9L, 10L

SKU# Product Description Manufacturer's Casting Description Picture

Number Number Number
RW2052 New Water Pump for International 1889116C92 MassForce Diesel
MassForce 9L, 10L 9L

20 52
ThermoKing/Isuzu 20WATER PUMPS

Isuzu 2.2 Liter and C201 Engine


1) Installation Kit listed later in this section.

SKU# Product Description MFG. # Casting # Description Approx. Pic. # Core

Weight Group
RW1199 New Water Pump for ThermoKing 114576 PH374 9.6 lbs. 1
Isuzu C201 Engine
RW1199X Reman. Water Pump for 114576 PH374 9.6 lbs. 1 WP1024
ThermoKing Isuzu C201 Engine
RW1351 New Water Pump for ThermoKing 115858 M1/M2 with Threaded 6.8 lbs. 2
Isuzu 2.2 Liter Engine Auxiliary Port
RW1351X Reman. Water Pump for 115858 M1/M2 with Threaded 6.8 lbs. 2 WP1024
ThermoKing Isuzu 2.2 Liter Auxiliary Port
RW1352X Reman. Water Pump for 115858 M1/M2 without Auxiliary Port 6.7 lbs. 2 WP1024
ThermoKing Isuzu 2.2 Liter
RW6352 New Water Pump for ThermoKing 115858 M1/M2 without Auxiliary Port 6.7 lbs. 2
Isuzu 2.2 Liter Engine

20 53
20WATER PUMPS ThermoKing/Isuzu

Installation Kit

SKU# Product Description Application

1351KIT Gasket Kit for ThermoKing Isuzu 2.2 Liter Engine Water Pump RW1351X

20 54
ThermoKing/Isuzu 20WATER PUMPS

Isuzu: Yanmar 482, 486 Engines

SKU# Product Manufacturer's Casting Description Approximate Picture

Description Number Number Weight Number
RW1910 New Water Pump for 119499 Thermo King, Yanmar
ThermoKing Yanmar 482, 486 Engines
482, 486

20 55


SKU# Product Description MFG# Casting # Notes Approx. Core

Weight Group
RW4786X Reman. Water Pump for Volvo 20431135, 20713787, 20713184 Pressed on Gear 12 lbs. WP1086
D12C Engine 20734268 and Impeller
Volvo Reman.

20 56
Carrier/Kubota/Bobcat 20WATER PUMPS


SKU# Product Description Manuracturer's Casting Description Approximate Picture

Number Number Weight Number
RW1799 New Water Pump for 155217303 Carrier
Carrier/Kubota/Bobcat Refrigeration/Kubota
Tractor/Bobcat Loader

20 57
20WATER PUMPS Isuzu: 4BD2 Engines

Isuzu: 4BD2 Engines


RW1907 without bypass tube

RW1908 with bypass tube

SKU# Product Description Manufacturer Casting # Application Approximate

Number Weight
RW1907 New Water Pump for Isuzu 2911463250 1992 1998 NPR 3.9L
RW1908 New Water Pump for Isuzu 2911463250 19921998 NPR 4BD2

20 58
Light/Medium Duty Engines 20WATER PUMPS

Dodge: Light/Medium Duty Engines

SKU# Product Description Manufacturer's Number

RW1438 New Water Pump for 19942003 Dodge 5.2, 5.9L engines
RW181747 New Water Pump for 20042008 Dodge 5.2, 5.9L engines

20 59
20WATER PUMPS Light/Medium Duty Engines

General Motors: Light/Medium

SKU# Product Description Manufacturer's Number

RW1652 New Water Pump for Chevy/GMC 19992006 5.3, 6.0, 6.2L
RW1939 New Water PUmp for Chevy/GMC 20072013 5.3, 6.0, 6.2L Light/Medium Duty 12600767

20 60
Light/Medium Duty Engines 20WATER PUMPS

Ford: Light/Medium Duty

SKU# Product Description Manufacturer's Number

RW1694 New Water Pump for Ford 19972013 4.6L, 5.4L Light/Medium Duty Engine 3L3Z8501CA

20 61
20WATER PUMPS Water Pump

CONDITIONS: Examination of a failed water pump shaft will reveal the
probable cause of failure. Discoloration around the
EXCESSIVE ENGINE ACCELERATION. Rapid engine fracture indicates unusually high temperatures caused by
accelerations, particularly in low gear during quick centrifugal forces due to imbalance. A small amount of
getaways, place heavy overloads on the bearing. Any imbalance can result in tremendous pressure on the shaft
minor imbalance can be amplified during rapid at operating RPM. The overload is concentrated at one
acceleration and high speeds, which can result in severe point of the shaft and eventually the shaft snaps.
whipping action and sudden fractures.
Lack of discoloration at the break indicates no heat
DEFECTIVE FAN. Relatively minor fan defects can buildup occured before a sudden vibratory overload of the
impose substantial strain on the water pump shaft at 3000 shaft caused a clean, instantaneous fracture. Rapid
to 5000 RPM. A small piece of fan blade missing can acceleration of the engine coupled with imbalance in the
result in tremendous adverse centrifugal force. Fatigue shaft is the cause. Small vibrations can be amplified
cracks near the rivets can cause blade shift or vibration. during rapid acceleration and when combined with other
Bent fan blades can also cause serious load problems. engine vibrations can result in an instantaneous shaft
important that the fan is mounted square to the center line PREVENT WATER PUMP FAILURE WITH THESE
of the shaft. If it is not square, the fan will wobble, causing COMMON SENSE RULES
vibrations to develop. This is particularly important where
shaft spacers are used to move the fan closer to the ALWAYS TIGHTEN FAN BELTS PROPERLY. Drive belt
radiator. The mounting bolts, if not properly torqued, will tension should be 1/2" to 3/4" deflection with light pressure
cause the fan to be tilted and may result in permanent applied midway between pulleys.
deformation of the spacer.
BENT OR CRACKED PULLEYS. Damaging vibration can necessary to tap the pump to get it properly aligned during
result from bent or cracked pulleys. This usually happens installation. It is very important not to tap on the shaft, as
when a pulley is improperly handled or installed. this results in ball race and ball damage. This can cause
anything from a noisy pump to an early failure and even a
FAN BELT TOO TIGHT. An overtightened fan belt can fracture of the shaft.
overload the bearing, resulting in shorter than ordinary
fatigue life. It also causes bending of the shaft. Sudden BE SURE FAN IS SEATED SQUARE WITH THE PUMP
accelerations cause large unbalanced loads, excessive SHAFT AND FAN CLUTCH IS NOT DEFECTIVE. Fan
shaft bending and early shaft failure. wobble during rotation will cause the shaft to vibrate,
contributing to bearing or shaft failure.


bent blades; replace the complete fan. Stress cracks and
loose rivets in the blades can go undetected and cause a
catastrophic failure. If a fan breaks, it can cause serious
personal injuries and vehicle damage.

20 62
Water Pump Cross-Reference
L00129 Revised 3/15
Water Pump Cross-Reference
L00129 Revised 3/15
Water Pump Cross-Reference
L00129 Revised 3/15
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