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Who Gets Tattoos?

Demographic and Behavioral Correlates of Ever Being

Tattooed in a Representative Sample of Men and Women

PURPOSE: Despite recent increases in the popularity of tattooing, little is known about the prevalence
and characteristics of adults who have ever been tattooed. We investigated demographic and behavioral
correlates of ever getting tattooed in an adult population.
METHODS: Computer-assisted telephone interviews were completed by a representative sample of
8656 men and women ages 1664 years in Australia.
RESULTS: A total of 14.5% of respondents had ever been tattooed, and 2.4% of respondents had been
tattooed in the year before the interview. Men were more likely than women to report a tattoo, but the high-
est rates of tattooing were found among women in their 20s (29.4%). Men and women ages 2039 were most
likely to have been tattooed, as were men with lower levels of education, tradesmen, and women with live-
out partners. Tattooing was also associated with risk-taking behaviours, including smoking, greater numbers
of lifetime sexual partners, cannabis use (women only) and ever having depression (men only).
CONCLUSIONS: Tattooing has increased in popularity during the past decade. Yet tattoos still appear to
be a marker for risk-taking behavior in adults.
Ann Epidemiol 2012;22:5156. 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

KEY WORDS: Epidemiology, Prevalence, Risk-Taking, Tattooing.

adolescents, tattooing has been associated with drug (4, 12,

1517) and alcohol use (4, 17, 18), increased levels of sexual
In recent years, tattooing has dramatically increased in activity (12, 15, 17), suicide ideation (15), and illegal/violent
popularity among both men and women. Once the domain behaviour (12, 16). It has even been suggested that clinicians
of gangs, prisoners, and specific subcultures, tattoos are now should use tattooing as an indicator for further investigation
regularly seen on celebrities, athletes, and middle-class into risk-taking behavior in adolescents (12, 1518).
young people. Given this growth in popularity, it is likely Surprisingly, little research in the recent past has focused
the prevalence and characteristics of those who have been on tattooing in adults. A study using random digit dialling in
tattooed have changed in the past decade. the United States in 2004 surveyed 500 men and women
Most empirical research on tattooing to date has focused ages 1850 years (response rate 33%). Overall, 24% of
on either adolescents or prisoners. Studies in these popula- respondents had tattoos, with those who were younger,
tions have mainly reported the prevalence of tattoos lower paid, had spent time in prison, used alcohol or drugs,
(113) and motivations for getting them (14). In a number and had achieved lower levels of education reporting the
of studies authors have also reported tattooing and body highest levels of tattooing (19).
piercing to be associated with risk-taking behavior. Among Two large national studies have previously reported on
the prevalence of tattooing in Australian adults. In 1998
From the Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health & Society a random survey of more than 10,000 Australian subjects
(ARCSHS), La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia (W.H., K.P., aged 14 years and older found that 10.1% had ever been tat-
A.M.A.S., M.K.P., J.M.S.); Sydney School of Public Health, University
of Sydney, Sydney, Australia (J.M.S.); School of Public Health and tooed and 2.2% had been tattooed in the past 12 months
Community Medicine, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia (response rate 34%55%). The authors also reported greater
(J.R.); and School of Health and Social Development, Deakin University, rates of tattooing among younger men and women and
Melbourne, Australia (J.M.S.).
Address correspondence to: Wendy Heywood, BA(HONS), Australian among injecting drug users (20). The Australian Study of
Research Centre in Sex, Health & Society, La Trobe University, 215 Health and Relationships surveyed more than 19,000 men
Franklin Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 3000. Tel.: 61 3 9285 and women ages 1659 years in 20012002 and found
5282; Fax: 61 3 9285 5220. E-mail: [email protected].
The study was funded by the NHMRC (grants 234409 and 487304). 12.6% of respondents had ever been tattooed, with 2.5%
Received June 14, 2011. Accepted October 3, 2011. of the sample being tattooed in the year before the survey

2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 1047-2797/$ - see front matter
360 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10010 doi:10.1016/j.annepidem.2011.10.005
52 Heywood et al. AEP Vol. 22, No. 1
WHO GETS TATTOOS? January 2012: 5156

Possible responses included at a parlor/professional in

Selected Abbreviations and Acronyms Australia, chemist/beauty salon/hairdresser in Australia, at
AOR Z adjusted odds ratio home/friends, in prison, overseas, and overseas in prison.
CI Z confidence interval
The survey was conducted during 2004 and 2005 by the use
(response rate 73%) (21). Both Australian studies reported
of computer-assisted telephone interviewing. Stratified by
greater rates of tattooing among men.
sex, a sample of households was drawn by the use of random
Despite recent increases in the profile and popularity of
digit dialling, as described previously (24). After having the
tattooing, little is known about characteristics of individuals
study explained to them, participants either gave their
who get tattoos. Furthermore, it is not known whether tat-
verbal consent to be interviewed or refused. Of those con-
tooing is still a marker for risk-taking behavior in adults.
tacted, 56.0% agreed to participate. Age was the only selec-
The current study used a representative sample of Australian
tion criterion used in this study, with participants
men and women ages 1664 years to report demographic and
interviewed only if aged between 16 and 64 years. Where
behavioral differences between those who have and have not
two or more eligible respondents lived in a household,
been tattooed, with particular interest in risk-taking behav-
a computer-generated algorithm randomly chose one to be
iors. In Australia, restrictions and regulations for tattooing
interviewed by birthday. All interviews were conducted in
and other forms of skin penetration are the responsibility
English. Approval for this study was granted by the human
of each State and Territory. Age of consent for tattooing
research ethics committees of La Trobe University, the
varies from 16 years in New South Wales to 18 years in
University of New South Wales, and Deakin University.
most other States; the Northern Territory has no specific
legislation regarding age of consent. States also differ on Data Analysis
whether tattoo premises need to be registered, standards of
care and infection control and training requirements (22). All frequencies were weighted by household size and rounded
to the nearest integer. Because a test for interaction between
age and sex with the use of logistic regression showed that the
METHODS effect of age differed significantly by sex, correlates of tattoo-
ing were examined separately for men and women by the use
Recruitment of logistic regression. Chi-squared tests were first used to
The present study was a component of the Australian Longi- assess bivariate associations between ever been tattooed
tudinal Study of Health and Relationships (23). This study and variables of interest for each sex. Variables were only
surveyed 4290 men and 4366 women in all states and terri- included in the initial multivariate logistic regression models
tories of Australia in 20042005. if bivariate analysis produced a p value less than .25. The least
significant variables were sequentially removed from the
Survey models until all remaining variables were statistically signif-
Respondents were asked a range of sociodemographic ques- icant at p ! .05. Removed variables were then checked one
tions, including age, education, occupation, partner status, at a time to ensure they were not significant in the final
residential location, country of birth, and sexual identity. model. All analyses were weighted by household size.
Participants were next asked a series of behavioral questions, P-values reported are for design-based F statistics from the
including use of tobacco, alcohol, and cannabis; ever been weight-adjusted c2 tests (unadjusted) and Wald tests
(adjusted) of the overall effect of each factor. Effect estimates
told by a doctor you have depression; and ever had a sexually
are reported as adjusted odds ratios (AOR) with 95% confi-
transmitted infection (self-reported diagnosis of chlamydia,
dence intervals (CI). Analyses were conducted using Stata,
genital herpes, genital warts, syphilis, gonorrhoea, pelvic
version 10.1 (StataCorp, College Station, TX).
inflammatory disease, bacterial vaginosis, trichomoniasis.
or pubic lice). Questions about lifetime numbers of sexual
partners (any form of sexual experience) were also asked
about opposite and same-sex partners. These responses RESULTS
were combined to calculate total lifetime sexual partners. A total of 8656 men and women completed the interview; of
Finally, participants were asked have you ever been tat- these respondents 14.5% had ever been tattooed. Overall,
tooed? Those who said yes were then asked, were any of men were significantly more likely than women to report
your tattoos done in the last 12 months? Respondents they had been tattooed (15.4% vs. 13.6%, p Z .03), but
who indicated they had a tattoo done in the last 12 months the effect of sex differed by age (p ! .001). A greater prev-
were asked where did you go to have the last tattoo done? alence of tattooing was found in 20- to 29-year-old women
AEP Vol. 22, No. 1 Heywood et al. 53
January 2012: 5156 WHO GETS TATTOOS?

to have been tattooed. Women with postsecondary educa-

tion were also less likely to have been tattooed, whereas
women who reported having a regular partner they did not
live with were more likely to have been tattooed. Similar
to men, sexual identity was not associated with having
been tattooed after adjusting for the other variables.
After adjusting for all other variables, women who
currently used tobacco and those who had used cannabis
in the last 12 months were more likely to have been tattooed
than women who did not use tobacco or cannabis.
Increasing number of lifetime sex partners was also associ-
ated with a greater likelihood of being tattooed: 3% of
women who reported one sex partner or none reported being
FIGURE 1. Prevalence of ever getting a tattoo by age and sex.
tattooed compared to 30% of women with 11 or more life-
time sex partners (AOR, 6.41; 95% CI 4.139.96).
than in 20- to 29-year-old men (p Z .008), whereas among
men, tattooing was more common in the older age groups
(4049 years, p ! .001; 50 years, p ! .001; Fig. 1).
Overall, 2.4% of respondents had been tattooed in the
year before the interview. Of these, 90.7% reported being Tattoos have become increasingly prominent in Australia as
tattooed by a professional, 3.6% reported being tattooed at evidenced by three large national studies. Studies in 1998
home or at a friends house and 3.2% had been tattooed (20), 20012002 (21), and the current study in 20042005
overseas. The rest were tattooed at a chemist or clinic. have reported prevalences of 10%, 13%, and 15%, respec-
tively. Furthermore, tattooing does not appear to be
Characteristics of Men Who Have Tattoos confined to certain subpopulations, with men and women
in every demographic reporting having tattoos.
Demographic correlates of ever having been tattooed for men Certain groups were, however, more likely to have been
are displayed in Table 1. Age, education, and occupation tattooed. The overall finding that men were more likely
were associated with having been tattooed after adjusting than women to have been tattooed is consistent with the
for other demographics and behaviors. Almost one in four two previous Australian studies (20, 21) but contradicts a small
men ages 3039 years reported having a tattoo. Compared study among adults in the United States (19) and a number of
with these men, those younger than the age of 20 and those adolescent studies (10, 12, 13) in which the authors found no
aged 40 or more were significantly less likely to have been differences between males and female subjects.
tattooed. Increasing levels of education reduced the likeli- Despite these overall findings, gender differences were
hood of men reporting tattoos, while tradesmen were more found in certain age groups. A greater proportion of women
likely to have a tattoo than professionals. Sexual identity in their 20s reported getting a tattoo, whereas in the older
was not associated with having been tattooed. age groups tattoos were more common among men. Further-
A number of behaviors were associated with having more, tattooing was most popular among 20- to 39year-old
a tattoo for men. Men who smoked had twice the odds of respondents. Although we do not have data on the age at
having been tattooed. Men with more lifetime sexual partners which subjects got a tattoo, these findings show changing
were more likely to have a tattoo, eg, 1 in 25 men who reported patterns and motivations for getting tattoos in the commu-
one sex partner or none reported a tattoo compared to 1 in 4 nity. In the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s and early 1990s when the
men who reported 11 or more lifetime sexual partners (AOR, oldest respondents were most likely tattooed and tattooing
5.06; 95% CI, 3.158.13). Men who reported ever being told was a male-dominated practice, motivated by group affilia-
by a doctor they have depression had 1.3 times the odds of tions such as gangs and prisoners and confined to certain
having a tattoo after adjusting for all other variables. subcultures (14, 25, 26). More recently however, in a 2007
review authors found the most common reasons mentioned
Characteristics of Women Who Have Tattoos in the literature related to embellishments of the body, art,
Demographic and behavioral correlates of ever been tat- fashion, and individuality (14).
tooed for women are displayed in Table 2. Age, education, Tattooing was popular among men who had not finished
and partner status were all associated with being tattooed. secondary school, tradesmen, and women who did not live
Compared with women aged 3039 years, women younger with their partners, whereas men and women who had
than the age of 20 and those aged 40 or older were less likely completed postsecondary education were less likely to
54 Heywood et al. AEP Vol. 22, No. 1
WHO GETS TATTOOS? January 2012: 5156

TABLE 1. Demographic and behavioral correlates of ever getting a tattoo for 4290 men
% tattoo Unadjusted OR Adjusted OR*
Age (4290) p ! .001 p ! .001
1619 (367) 5.4 0.19 (0.100.35) 0.27 (0.140.55)
2029 (737) 22.3 0.95 (0.731.23) 1.03 (0.771.39)
3039 (810) 23.2
4049 (1054) 16.3 0.64 (0.510.81) 0.60 (0.460.77)
50 (1322) 8.7 0.32 (0.240.41) 0.33 (0.250.44)
Education (4289) p ! .001 p ! .001
Less than secondary (1056) 21.7 1.37 (1.121.67) 1.58 (1.251.99)
Secondary/college (2205) 16.8
Postsecondary (1028) 5.6 0.29 (0.220.39) 0.38 (0.280.52)
Occupation (4202) p ! .001 p ! .001
Professional (1594) 9.4
Associate professional (823) 15.0 1.69 (1.292.21) 1.08 (0.811.45)
Tradesperson (1151) 23.1 2.89 (2.323.59) 1.70 (1.332.17)
Unskilled (634) 18.1 2.13 (1.602.82) 1.22 (0.871.70)
Residential location (4228) p Z .004 p Z .26
Cities/metro (2196) 13.7
Regional/remote (2032) 17.1 1.30 (1.081.55) 1.13 (0.921.39)
Country of birth (4288) p Z .53 p Z .11
Australia (3313) 15.6
Overseas (975) 14.7 0.93 (0.751.16) 1.23 (0.951.58)
Partner status (4290) p Z .50 p Z .07
No partner (989) 15.0 0.99 (0.791.24) 0.73 (0.550.95)
Live-out partner (465) 17.5 1.19 (0.871.62) 0.88 (0.631.25)
Live-in partner (2836) 15.1
Sexual identity (4290) p Z .54 p Z .77
Heterosexual (4187) 15.3
Other (103) 17.6 1.18 (0.692.02) 0.91 (0.501.68)
Current smoker (4284) p ! .001 p ! .001
Nonsmoker (3221) 10.7
Smoker (1063) 29.6 3.53 (2.934.24) 2.04 (1.652.51)
Alcohol use (4289) p Z .008 p Z .04
None (629) 12.1
Less than weekly (1149) 17.9 1.58 (1.172.14) 1.24 (0.881.75)
Weekly to daily (2511) 15.0 1.28 (0.961.69) 0.93 (0.671.29)
Cannabis 12m (4281) p ! .001 p Z .18
No (3795) 13.5
Yes (486) 29.9 2.74 (2.173.45) 1.21 (0.921.59)
Depression (4270) p ! .001 p Z .04
No (3668) 14.3
Yes (602) 22.0 1.70 (1.362.11) 1.30 (1.011.67)
Lifetime sex partners (4177) p ! .001 p ! .001
01 (707) 4.2
25 (1191) 10.7 2.74 (1.704.40) 2.07 (1.263.38)
610 (907) 16.4 4.49 (2.817.17) 3.18 (1.955.18)
11 (1372) 24.4 7.38 (4.7011.57) 5.06 (3.158.13)
History of STI (4290) p ! .001 p Z .07
No (3601) 14.2
Yes (689) 21.6 1.67 (1.352.06) 1.25 (0.981.60)
AOR Z adjusted odds ratio; CI Z confidence interval; STI Z sexually transmitted infection.
*AORs and 95% CIs for having a tattoo vs not having a tattoo. Adjusted for age, education, occupation, use of tobacco, alcohol, depression, and lifetime number of sex partners.

have a tattoo. Similar findings relating to education attain- greater numbers of lifetime sexual partners. Associations
ment were also reported in the U.S. national study (19). between tattooing and risk-taking behavior have also been
Having been tattooed also correlated with certain risk- reported in studies among adults (19) and adolescents
taking behaviors, most notably smoking, cannabis use, and (4, 12, 1518). Although the direction of the relationship
AEP Vol. 22, No. 1 Heywood et al. 55
January 2012: 5156 WHO GETS TATTOOS?

TABLE 2. Demographic and behavioral correlates of ever getting a tattoo for 4366 women
% tattoo Unadjusted OR Adjusted OR*
Age (4366) p ! .001 p ! .001
1619 (318) 6.9 0.26 (0.140.47) 0.30 (0.150.57)
2029 (697) 29.4 1.45 (1.141.84) 1.41 (1.081.86)
3039 (975) 22.3
4049 (1091) 9.8 0.38 (0.290.49) 0.37 (0.280.50)
50 (1285) 3.3 0.12 (0.080.17) 0.14 (0.090.20)
Education (4365) p ! .001 p ! .001
Less than secondary (1212) 13.5 0.86 (0.691.06) 1.15 (0.891.50)
Secondary/college (2083) 15.5
Post-secondary (1070) 10.0 0.60 (0.470.78) 0.52 (0.390.69)
Occupation (4252) p ! .001 p Z .83
Professional (1454) 9.8
Associate Professional (1654) 15.2 1.64 (1.312.06) 1.09 (0.831.42)
Tradesperson (182) 14.9 1.60 (1.012.55) 1.04 (0.601.82)
Unskilled (962) 17.3 1.91 (1.492.46) 1.16 (0.841.61)
Residential location (4309) p Z .51 p Z .10
Cities/metro (2200) 13.2
Regional/remote (2109) 13.9 1.06 (0.881.28) 1.20 (0.971.49)
Country of birth (4365) p Z .002 p Z .63
Australia (3427) 14.5
Overseas (938) 10.3 0.68 (0.530.86) 0.93 (0.711.23)
Partner status (4366) p ! .001 p Z .03
No partner (981) 14.3 1.30 (1.031.63) 1.24 (0.941.63)
Live-out partner (463) 25.6 2.66 (2.033.49) 1.49 (1.082.05)
Live-in partner (2922) 11.4
Sexual identity (4366) p Z .01 p Z .70
Heterosexual (4257) 13.3
Other (109) 24.0 2.06 (1.193.57) 1.14 (0.582.23)
Current smoker (4361) p ! .001 p ! .001
Non-smoker (3381) 9.1
Smoker (980) 29.2 4.12 (3.405.00) 2.57 (2.033.25)
Alcohol use (4366) p ! .001 p Z .08
None (1136) 10.1
Less than weekly (1510) 16.3 1.74 (1.352.23) 1.31 (0.991.75)
Weekly to daily (1720) 13.6 1.41 (1.091.80) 1.05 (0.771.42)
Cannabis 12m (4359) p ! .001 p Z .003
No (4089) 11.8
Yes (270) 40.4 5.07 (3.826.71) 1.70 (1.202.39)
Depression (4361) p Z .005 p Z .81
No (3336) 12.7
Yes (1025) 16.4 1.35 (1.101.66) 0.97 (0.761.24)
Lifetime sex partners (4202) p ! .001 p ! .001
01 (1197) 3.3
25 (1628) 11.4 3.76 (2.535.59) 2.66 (1.764.02)
610 (788) 20.3 7.41 (4.9311.13) 4.40 (2.856.78)
11 (589) 30.0 12.48 (8.3218.74) 6.41 (4.139.96)
History of STI (4366) p ! .001 p Z .61
No (3639) 12.5
Yes (727) 19.1 1.65 (1.332.06) 0.93 (0.711.22)
AOR Z adjusted odds ratio; CI Z confidence interval; STI Z sexually transmitted infection.
*AOR and 95% CIs for having a tattoo versus not having a tattoo. Adjusted for age, education, partner status, use of tobacco and cannabis, and lifetime number of sex partners.

between tattooing and risk-taking behavior in adults is not Strengths of this study are the large sample size and the
currently known, it may be that in some groups tattooing representative nature of the sample. Limitations include
still represents and is associated with resistance and rebel- reliance on self-report and social desirability bias. The
lion towards more conservative parts of society. current study says nothing about motivations for being
56 Heywood et al. AEP Vol. 22, No. 1
WHO GETS TATTOOS? January 2012: 5156

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