DL400 Doosan PDF
DL400 Doosan PDF
DL400 Doosan PDF
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Engine Power : SAE J1995, gross 209 kW( 280 HP)@ 2,000 rpm
Operational Weight : 22,500 kg ( 49,603 lb) - STD.
Bucket capacity(SAE) : 3.7 ~ 4.7 m3( 4.8 ~ 6.1 cu.yd)
Seoul Office :
Doosan Tower 26TH FL. 18-12, Euljiro-6Ga,
Jung-Gu, Seoul, Korea 100-730
Tel : +82-2-3398-8114
Fax : +82-2-3398-8117
The new DL400 wheel loader has all the advantages of the Increased production due to the use of a new generation "Common Rail"engine and the excellent synchronisation
previous loaders. This logical new step provides real added of the drive train with the hydraulics system.
value to the operator.
Improved ergonomics, increased comfort and excellent all round visibility ensuring safe and pleasant working conditions.
The key phrase used during the development of the DL400 was
"giving optimal value to the end user". This translates, in Improved reliability through the use of higher performance new materials, the development of new computer-assisted structural
concrete terms, into: design techniques and by intensive and systematic test programs. All of these combine to increase the life of vital components and
reduce operating costs.
Reduced maintenance increases the availability of the loader and reduces operating costs.
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DL400 features an intelligent, load-sensing hydraulic system. Two variable piston pumps provide the exact
flow and pressure required and delivers a powerful, highly effective force, offering superior penetration of
the hardest materials. The exceptional drawbar pull at the wheels, is reinforced further by providing
limited-slip differentials as standard equipment. The engine offers high power and torque characteristics.
As a result, the hydraulic system is able to multi-function with power and speed.
Improved internal oil flow greatly
reduced the temperature difference
between the hub and the differential, as
well as prevents premature disc wear
due to overheating of the internal hub
The brake piping has been redesigned into the axle housing and is
protected from damage from external shock as the machine drives
over rough terrain.
This result may change according to test condition.
From the beginning, Doosan has had great concern for machine operators. People need to work in a well-
designed and comfortable environment. The work area is spacious, with several places for storage. The
checking and monitoring devices are comprehensive. There is an open view of the work area. For night
work, operators are provided with powerful front and rear lighting.
3 Safety belt
- Retractable seat belt
Noise Level
- LwA Surface Sound Power Level : 104dB(A) (ISO 6396)
- LpA Operators Cabin noise level : 73dB(A) (ISO 6396)
A liquid crystal display conveys information to the operator relative to the ZF transmission. At the same
time, it reports the nature of a problem (of one exists). When servicing the loader, a specialised apparatus
can be used to adjust the clutch disks to compensate for their wear. Additionally, by connecting a lap top
computer, a complete transmission diagnostic can be performed.
Propeller Shaft
A protective cover has
been installed to protect
the oil seal from dust, Remote Greasing Lubrication Convenient Transmission Oil
foreign objects and Ports Filling
premature wear. The front pins can be lubricated from the The oil filler pipe is located near the
outside of the machine without crawling articulation joint for easy access.
under the machine or in awkward
positions through the lubrication ports.
Sight Gauges
Well-located, yet easily visible sight
gauges for the hydraulic oil and radiator
coolant allow easy daily checks while
reducing the risk of contaminants
entering the systems.
Reinforced Bucket
The lower and side panels of the bucket have been reinforced with additional plates
(Std). Transmission Filter Air-Cleaner Filter Brake & Pilot Filter
- Reinforcement : At both sides - 1 point each The transmission filters are within easy The high capacity air cleaner eliminates The pilot filter is easy to replace and a
At lower panel - 3 point reach and like the rest of the machines harmful particles from the air and clogged filter warning system has been
A good accessibility at the articulation joint is essential service components, can be checked extends the life of the engine and added for extra protection.
for an easy maintenance. from ground level. replacement intervals.
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The high performance Cummins QSL 9 combined The front and rear axles with planetary hub Full Power Shift transmission. It can be used in Two load-sensing axial piston pumps with The modular cab allows excellent visibility in all The lifting system with two cylinders and Z
a 6 cylinder in-line, high-pressure common-rail reductions are built on the base of very reputed manual or automatic modes. variable displacement. directions. The optimal ventilation is obtained configuration is designed for the toughest jobs.
(HPCR) fuel injection system with electronically components. by numerous ventilation outlets. Touch buttons The breakout force (22 ton with a 3.9m3 bucket)
controlled direct injection and turbo charged air This transmission is based on components Main control valve of double acting 2-spool is control the air re-circulation air conditioning and is very important and the bucket movements are
to air intercooler offers low fuel consumption Fitted as standard, the front and rear limited slip having excellent worldwide reputations. It is controlled by standard single lever. heating systems. The air of the cab is filtered. fast.
and emission. differentials, ensure the traction is optimal in all equipped with a modulation system allowing
(Phase I Area: Doosan QSL 9 Engine) circumstances. soft gear shifting and inversion of travel Automatic boom kick out and bucket return to All necessary information for the operator are The bucket angles are well kept in good
direction. Safety devices also protect the dig. Is standard. centralized in front of him. positions on all the range of bucket movement.
-GROSS SAE J1995 Maker and model : transmission of bad operations.
Rated Power : ZF MT-L3000 Series All of hydraulic lines are equipped with special The main functions are actuated via switches Lifting cylinders (2)
209 kW @ 2,000rpm The gear and direction shifting is operated by a seals (ORFS) located on a console at the right of the operator. bore x stroke : 160 x 928 mm (6.2 x 31)
280 HP @ 2,000rpm LSD Differential single lever to the left of the steering wheel. A
284 ps @ 2,000rpm Front (30%) / Rear (45%) travel direction control is also mounted on the Max flow main: Generous storage places are well located. The Bucket cylinders (1)
hydraulic joystick. (With steering) cab, mounted on viscous element and equiped bore x stroke : 180 x 600 mm (0.7 x 2)
Max. Power : Oscillation angle : ?
190 / min (50.2 / min) with an air suspended seat, offers a better