Gas Welding: Oxy-Acetylene Air-Acetylene Oxy-Hydrogen

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Gas Welding
A number of welding processes use a flame
produced by burning a mixture of fuel gas and
Gas Welding oxygen.

The fuel gas usually used is Acetylene but

other gases are also used

Gas Welding
Gas Welding
Oxy-acetylene Separate cylinders and a hose pipe from each
Air-acetylene cylinder transports the gases to a torch.

Oxy-hydrogen Gas and fuel mix in the torch burns @ 3100C.

Oxy-acetylene Oxy-acetylene
Gas Welding Gas Welding
Preparing The Cylinders For Welding
Slowly open the main valve of the acetylene
tank and adjust the acetylene pressure
regulator to 5 PSI (pounds to square inch).
Open the needle valve on the torch and adjust
the pressure on the acetylene regulators to
show 5 PSI. Close the needle valve.
Go through the same procedure for the
oxygen cylinder.


Oxy-acetylene Oxy-acetylene
Gas Welding Gas Welding

Oxy-acetylene Oxy-acetylene
Gas Welding Gas Welding
Igniting the Acetylene / Oxygen Mixture Acetylene increased and oxygen turned on
Acetylene slowly turned on and ignited, slowly.
producing a small flame.
At this stage, a small amount of soot/smoke is
given off the end of the flame

Oxy-acetylene Oxy-acetylene
Gas Welding Gas Welding
Acetylene increased slowly and oxygen more Turning Off:
rapidly, to produce an intense, localized flame, Turn off the oxygen first, followed by the
capable of precise welding. acetylene


Oxy-acetylene Oxy-acetylene
Gas Welding Gas Welding
Additional Filler Metal is fed in by hand into
the weld pool, at regular intervals where it
becomes molten and joins with the parent

The Oxy-acetylene welding Flame
Gas Welding
During the welding, heat from the flame is The oxy-acetylene flame has two distinct
concentrated on the joint edges until the zones.
metal melts and starts to flow. The inner zone (Primary combustion Zone) is
When the molten metal from both sides melts the hottest part of the flame.
it starts to fuse, when the metal cools down the The welding should be performed so as the
two parts become Permanently joined point of the inner zone should be just above
the joint edges.

The Oxy-acetylene welding Flame The Oxy-acetylene welding Flame

The outer zone the secondary combustion
envelope performs two functions
C2H2 + O2 2CO + H2 Preheats the joint edges
Primary Combustion zone Prevents oxidation by using some of the
surrounding oxygen from weld pool for
combustion and gives off carbon dioxide and
water vapour


The Oxy-acetylene welding Flame Type of Oxy-acetylene Welding Flames

Neutral Welding Flame
CO + H2 + O2 CO2 + H2O Carburizing Flame
Oxidizing Flame
Secondary Combustion zone

Type of Oxy-acetylene Welding Type of Oxy-acetylene Welding

Flames Flames
Neutral Welding Flame The neutral flame has a clear, well-defined, or
The neutral flame has a one-to-one ratio of luminous cone indicating that combustion is
acetylene and oxygen. complete.
It obtains additional oxygen from the air and
provides complete combustion.
It is generally preferred for welding.

Neutral Welding Flame Neutral Welding Flame

In the neutral flame, the temperature at the Neutral welding flames are commonly used to
inner cone tip is approximately 3232C, while weld:
at the end of the outer sheath or envelope the Mild steel
temperature drops to approximately 1260C. Stainless steel
Cast Iron


Reducing or Carburizing Flame Reducing or Carburizing Flame

Reducing or carburizing welding flames are The carburizing flame has excess acetylene,
obtained when slightly less than one volume the inner cone has a feathery edge extending
of oxygen is mixed with one volume of beyond it.
acetylene. (0.9:1) This white feather is called the acetylene

Reducing or Carburizing Flame Reducing or Carburizing Flame

This flame is obtained by first adjusting to Applications
neutral and then slowly opening the acetylene Alloy steels and aluminium alloys.
valve until an acetylene streamer or "feather" Metals that tend to absorb carbon should not
is at the end of the inner cone. be welded with reducing flame.
The carburizing flame may add carbon to the
weld metal.

Oxidizing Flame Oxidizing Flame

Oxidizing welding flames are produced when To obtain this type of flame, the torch should
slightly more than one volume of oxygen is first be adjusted to a neutral flame.
mixed with one volume of acetylene. (1.5:1) The flow of oxygen is then increased until the
inner cone is shortened to about one-tenth of
its original length.
The temperature of this flame is
approximately 3482C at the inner cone tip.


Oxidizing Flame Types of Oxy- acetalene Flames

The Oxidizing Flame is commonly used for
the welding of:
Copper base metals
Zinc base metals
A few types of ferrous metals, such as
manganese steel and cast iron

Oxyfuel Welding Fluxes Oxyfuel Welding Fluxes

Oxides of all ordinary commercial metals have There is no one flux that is satisfactory for all
higher melting points than the metals and alloys metals, and there is no national standard for
(except steel) have themselves.
gas welding fluxes.
An efficient flux will combine with oxides to form
a fusible slag. They are categorized according to the basic
The slag will have a melting point lower than the ingredient in the flux or base metal for which
metal so it will flow away from the immediate they are to be used.
field of action.
It combines with base metal oxides and removes

Oxyfuel Welding Fluxes Common Fluxes

Fluxes are usually in powder form .These fluxes Cast iron - Equal parts of a carbonate of soda
are often applied by sticking the hot filler metal and bicarbonate of soda
rod in the flux.. Copper Borax (Sodium tetraborate decahydrate)
Other types of fluxes are of a paste consistency A mixture of borax and ammonium chloride is
which are usually painted on the filler rod or on used as a flux when welding iron and steel
the work to be welded.
Welding rods with a covering of flux are also


Thermit Welding (TW) Thermit Welding (TW)

also known as, The thermit welding process is the result of
Exothermic welding, fusion created by a chemical reaction that
exothermic bonding, occurs due to the difference of free energy
between aluminum and metal oxide.
thermite welding (TW),

Thermit Welding (TW) Thermit Welding (TW)

This difference produces enough heat to In exothermic welding, aluminium dust
produce liquid steel or any other metal and reduces the oxide of another metal, most
allow without applying outside energy. commonly iron oxide, because aluminium is
It occurs without or with the application of highly reactive.
pressure. Iron(III) oxide is commonly used
The use of a filler metal is optional.

Thermit Welding (TW) Thermit Welding (TW)

Thermit material is a mechanical mixture of A strongly exothermic reaction produces a
metallic aluminum and processed iron oxide. white hot mass of molten iron and a slag of
The products are aluminium oxide, free refractory aluminium oxide.
elemental iron, and a large amount of heat. The molten iron is the actual welding material;
the aluminium oxide is much less dense than
the liquid iron and so floats to the top of the


Thermit Welding (TW) Thermit Welding (TW)

Exothermic welding is usually used for welding
copper conductors but is suitable for welding
a wide range of metals, including stainless
steel, cast iron, common steel, brass, bronze,
and Monel.
It is especially useful for joining dissimilar

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