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Journal of Economic Perspectives-Volume 20, Number 4-Fall 2006-Pages 157-176
Jonathan Leape
By the 1990s, the average speed of trips across London was below that at the
By beginning of the twentieth century-before the car was introduced (New-
bery, 1990, p. 35). Traffic speeds in central London had fallen more than
20 percent since the 1960s, from an average 12.7 mph for the morning peak period
in 1968 (and a high of 14.2 mph in 1975) to 10 mph in 1998. Even in the larger area
of inner London, drivers in 1998 spent almost 30 percent of their time stationary
during peak periods and more than half their time traveling at speeds of less than
10 mph (Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions, 1998). By
2002, the all-day average travel speed in central London was just 8.6 mph (14.3
km/hour), compared to an uncongested (night-time or "free flow") average speed
of around 20 mph (32 km/hour). Congestion, measured in terms of minutes of
delay per mile compared to uncongested conditions, averaged 3.7 minutes/mile
(2.3 min/km) (Transport for London, 2003a, p. 11). With more than one million
people entering central London between 7:00 and 10:00 a.m. on an average
workday, and more than one-quarter of those by road, the cost of congestion was
clearly considerable.
Public concern over levels of traffic congestion was high. An independent
survey in 1999 identified public transport and congestion as the two most "impor-
tant problems requiring action"-selected by 46 and 33 percent of London resi-
dents, respectively, compared to 20 percent for crime or law and order. Ninety
percent of London residents said "there is too much traffic in London" (ROCOL,
2000, chap. 2, p. 5).
Proposals for congestion charging in London have been made since the early
1960s. New car registrations in the United Kingdom doubled from 500,000 in 1958
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158 Journal of Economic Perspectives
to over one million in 1963, and concerns over congestion led the Ministry of
Transport to commission what became known as the Smeed Report in 1964
(Ministry of Transport, 1964). The report concluded that existing vehicle taxes had
little impact on congestion and recommended the introduction of direct road user
charges that would take into account the very different congestion costs of different
journeys. At about this time, Vickrey (1959, 1963) and Walters (1961) formalized
Pigou's (1912, 1920) ideas on the application of marginal social cost pricing to the
case of congested roads.
However, urban congestion pricing schemes were generally thought to be
unworkable (for example, Ministry of Transport, 1967, Better Towns with Less Traf-
fic). In theoretical terms, the difficulty was that while identifying optimal congestion
charges for a single road or bridge is relatively straightforward, calculating optimal
charges for a network of roads is hard. Congestion at intersections is a critical
feature of network congestion, and optimal charges therefore vary by road and by
intersection as well as by the time of day (Newbery, 2005; Santos and Newbery,
2001; Newbery, 1990). Moreover, simulation exercises show that the benefits of
congestion charging schemes depend critically on the location of the cordon that
defines the charging area, but the theory of optimal cordon design has proved
largely intractable (Santos and Newbery, 2001; Verhoef, 2002; Shepherd and
Sumalee, 2004; Sumalee, 2004). In practical terms, the cost of collecting tolls in an
urban area was expected to be high. Moreover, the complicated nature of any
system of variable charges, by time of day and even perhaps by road, would make
enforcement difficult and undermine the desired effects on driver behavior. The
Concerns about London's traffic congestion in the 1990s led the national
Department of Transport to create the London Congestion Charging Research
Program. Its 1995 report (MVA Consultancy, 1995) concluded that a congestion
charge would reduce congestion, offer rapid payback of the initial setup costs, and
generate net revenues as well as broader net economic benefits. The report
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Jonathan Leape 159
proposed a o4.00 toll (one British pound currently equals approximately $1.85 in
U.S. dollars) on vehicles entering a central London area that is effectively identical
to the charging zone ultimately chosen.
This proposal led to a working group for a Review of Charging Options for
London (ROCOL), which issued a 2000 report, Road Charging Options for London.
The 1995 report had suggested a charge for each trip entering the zone (equivalent
to a "fare"). In contrast, the ROCOL report focused on an "area license" that would
allow the payee to travel into, around, and out of the charging zone as frequently
as desired. The report concluded that, to have a noticeable impact on congestion
in London and to produce significant revenues, the initial focus of any scheme
should be central London, rather than the larger "inner London" area. A paper
license scheme was rejected on the grounds that effective enforcement would be
prohibitively expensive. The report recommended two alternatives: an area licens-
ing scheme for central London based on video camera enforcement and a work-
place parking levy.
The final impetus to the London congestion charge came with the election of
Ken Livingstone as the first Mayor of London in May 2000, following a decision by
the new Labour government to grant limited autonomy to new municipal govern-
ments. Livingstone is a high-profile London political figure who, as leader of the
Greater London Council until its abolition in 1986, was the focal point of London
protests against the policies of Margaret Thatcher. After narrowly losing the Labour
nomination, Livingstone had run for Mayor as an independent, with overwhelming
popular support. Prominent in his platform was a commitment to introduce
congestion charging.
After an 18-month period of extensive public consultation-which some ob-
servers have argued was a critical factor in making the scheme publicly acceptable-
Livingstone decided to propose an area licensing scheme applied to central Lon-
don. Livingstone's decision to choose area licenses, rather than parking levies, was
supported by evidence that it would be more effective in reducing congestion and
was consistent with his campaign promise to introduce congestion charging.
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160 Journal of Economic Perspectives
1 It is nevertheless interesting that a recent attempt to estimate the marginal cost of congestion in
London (ignoring the network complications discussed earlier) concluded that the o5.00 charge would
correspond to the optimal congestion charge if, on average, charge payers undertake journeys of about
two miles, or just over half the width of the charging zone (Santos and Shaffer, 2004).
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The London Congestion Charge 161
A much discussed feature of the London scheme is the flat-rate nature of the
The decision to opt for a single rate charge is supported by London travel
speed statistics, published by the Department of Transport. Although off-peak
daytime travel speeds in outer London are, as one might expect, markedly higher
than those during the morning and afternoon peaks (Transport for London,
2003b, p. 63), the same is not true in central London. Over the period 1968 to 1998,
off-peak daytime travel speeds in central London averaged 11.6 mph, compared to
11.9 mph in the morning peak and 11.6 mph in the evening peak period. Average
speeds may even have converged over time; the off-peak daytime travel speed
recorded in the 1998 survey was 10.0 mph, compared to 10.0 mph and 10.2 mph in
the morning and evening peak periods, respectively (Department of the Environ-
ment, Transport and the Regions, 1998). A similar flat pattern was evident in
central London traffic levels, as measured in vehicle-miles driven within the charg-
ing zone in 2002 (Transport for London, 2003b, p. 77). If congestion is similar
throughout the day, then a flat charge throughout the day makes sense.
2 In September 2005, the Mayor announced that the charging zone would be extended westward in early
2007 to include the boroughs of Kensington and Chelsea.
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162 Journal of Economic Perspectives
Figure 1
The Congestion Charging Zone
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Central London
congestion charging zone
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Logistics of Payment
The charge may be paid in advance, on a daily, week
the day of travel. To discourage people from paying a
made between 10 p.m. and midnight are subject to a s
charge to o10.00 (unchanged after July 2005). There a
charging zone. Instead, a variety of payment mechani
retail outlets, kiosks, by telephone, over the Internet, an
phones. While use of the text message and call cen
remained relatively stable since the scheme was introd
22 and 14 percent of all payments, respectively), the
changed over time. Payment through retail outlets has de
percent in the first year to less than 30 percent in 20
of payment by Internet, which has increased from aro
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Jonathan Leape 163
total number of charge payments has remained relatively stable at around 110,000
per day (Transport for London, 2005b, p. 142).
Individuals submit their vehicle registration number when paying the conges-
tion charge, and this number is then entered into a database for trips within the
charging zone (during the hours of operation) for a particular day or period.
Video cameras at every entry point and in mobile units within the zone capture
images of vehicles entering, leaving, or driving within the zone.3 Automatic number
plate recognition technology is then used to identify the vehicle registration
number. The current automatic number plate recognition system has a 70-80
percent success rate for a single pass; the average detection rate is estimated to be
85-90 percent, as almost all vehicles in the charging zone pass multiple camera
sites. A recent report on detection technologies concluded that while the current
level of accuracy would not support an account-based charging system (for which a
vehicle would have to be detected in order to be charged), it is sufficient for the
enforcement of the current pre-pay system; individuals must pay the charge without
knowing whether they have been detected, and even the reduced penalty charge (if
paid within 14 days) is more than six times the daily charge (Transport for London,
2005c, pp. 19, 52).
At the end of each day, the numbers captured are compared to the database
of paid or exempt vehicle registrations. If a match is made, the images and vehicle
details are removed from the database. If no match is made, the numbers are sent
to the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (the national agency responsible for
issuing all drivers licenses and collecting the annual car tax), which supplies the
name and address of the vehicle's registered owner as well as the vehicle make and
model. The final step of the process is a manual check of the image to confirm that
the registration number captured by the plate recognition system is correct and
that the vehicle type corresponds with the information supplied by the Driver and
Vehicle Licensing Agency.
The registered owners of vehicles that have not paid the charge as required are
then sent penalty notices for o100 (o80 before July 2004). As with parking tickets in
London, the penalty is reduced to o50 if paid within two weeks and increases to
o150 if not paid after a month.
Problems of compliance and enforcement affected the scheme at the outset.
One source of confusion was that both the automatic number plate recognition
system and the individual payers of the charge when submitting their number plate
details, had trouble distinguishing the digit zero from the letter O, and the digit 1
from the letter I. In the early weeks of the scheme, Transport for London received
appeals or complaints on almost two-thirds of the penalty notices issued, most of
which were due to errors in compliance or enforcement.
The potential infringement of civil liberties has not been a major issue, perhaps because of the
increasingly widespread use of closed-circuit television in public areas of London for crime prevention.
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164 Journal of Economic Perspectives
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The London Congestion Charge 165
Table 1
2002 2003 change
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166 Journal of Economic Perspectives
Evidence on average travel speeds on roads inside the charging zone indicates
that the impact of the congestion charge has been considerable. All-day average
network travel speeds increased from a precharging average of 8.9 mph (14.3
km/h) to 10.4 mph (16.7 km/h) in May/June 2003, a rise of almost 17 percent
(Transport for London, 2003a).
The congestion charge has had an even more significant impact on congestion
levels. One way to measure congestion is in terms of the minutes of delay experi-
enced compared to an uncongested (night-time) travel rate. On this measure,
congestion has dropped an average 30 percent from the start of the charge in
February 2003 to mid-2005, at the top end of expectations (Transport for London,
2005b, p. 14).
The drop in congestion levels, and increase in average speeds, reflects mainly
a decrease in queuing time at junctions. Figure 2 shows time spent traveling at
different speeds in the charging zone during charging hours. For each speed
category, the first six shaded bars show each of the two-month periods from
March/April 2002 through January/February 2003. The second six bars show the
same two-month periods one year later (March/April 2003 through January/
February 2004). While the figure shows small increases in the amount of time spent
traveling at higher speeds, between 30 and 40 km/h (19 and 25 mph), the principal
change is the drop in the time spent in traffic jams. The time spent traveling at
speeds below 10km/h (6 mph) has been reduced by one-third compared to
precharging levels (Transport for London, 2004b, p. 17).
Decreased congestion within the zone has also, as expected, contributed to
reduced congestion and travel times on routes into the central zone. One source of
data comes from what are called "moving car observer" (or "floating car") surveys,
in which cars are fitted with instruments to measure the speed and travel times and
the drivers are instructed to match average traffic speeds while driving a predefined
schedule of routes around the network. This survey data indicates that conges-
tion on the main radial approach roads dropped from a precharging level of
1.5 min/km to 1.2 min/km, a drop of 20 percent (Transport for London, 2004b,
p. 16); for comparison, the night-time "uncongested" travel rate is about
1.5 min/km. These findings were corroborated by evidence from surveys of regular
drivers between November 2002 and April 2003, which showed that journey times
during the morning peak decreased an average of 14 percent following the intro-
percent between 1986 and 2002, with sharper declines in the years since 1994. An even more pro-
nounced drop is evident in car traffic, which decreased by somewhere between a quarter and a third
since 1986, again more sharply since the mid-1990s. On the other hand, the significant drop in inbound
and central London traffic between 2001 and 2002 was due, at least in part, to an unusually high level
of road works in preparation for the congestion charge, and might have been reversed in 2003 had the
charge not been introduced (Transport for London, 2003b). For this reason, comparisons between 2002
and 2003 seem unlikely to overstate the impact of the charge. Note that the first caveat, based on
historical data, does not apply to estimates of the impact of the congestion charge on travel speeds and
congestion, both of which had steadily worsened over time, as discussed in the introduction and shown
in Transport for London (2003a, p. 12).
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Jonathan Leape 167
Figure 2
Impact of the Congestion Charge on Time Spent Traveling at Different Speeds in
the Charging Zone during Charging Hours
1st U Mar 1st
AprU Mar 2002
Apr 2003
160,000 2nd U May2ndJune
O May June 2003
3rd U July3rdAug
O July Aug
140,000 4th U Sep 4th
O Sep 2002
Oct 2003
5th U Nov Dec 2002 5th O Nov Dec 2003
120,000 6th O Jan Feb 2004
6th U Jan Feb 2003
0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 60+
Source: Transport for London. Data provided to the author, May 2006.
duction of charging. For an average round trip of 80 minutes, this implies a time
savings of 10 minutes (Transport for London, 2004b, pp. 19-20).
There were concerns that the diverting impact of the congestion charge could
lead to higher levels of congestion on the inner ring road that borders the zone, but
is not included in it, as well as in areas just outside the zone. These higher traffic
levels did not materialize, at least partly as a result of improved traffic management
systems that adjust traffic lights to manage the flow of traffic on and approaching
the ring road (Transport for London, 2003b, 2004b). Traffic changes in the
bordering areas have been variable, with some experiencing small net increases in
traffic (between 2 and 6 percent) in the first year of the scheme and others
registering net reductions. In the second year of the scheme, traffic levels fell in
almost all areas.
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168 Journal of Economic Perspectives
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The London Congestion Charge 169
year, with an additional reduction of 18 percent in and around the charging zone
in the period from March to December 2004, compared to the same period in 2003
(Transport for London, 2005b, p. 50). The resulting reduction in user costs will
have further reinforced the virtuous circle.
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170 Journal of Economic Perspectives
percent used to project revenues. Revenues have also been affected by higher-than-
expected numbers of exempt or discounted vehicles, the former reflecting, in part,
the success of the scheme's incentives for using low-emission vehicles.
Another contributing factor has been the level of noncompliance, which
exceeded expectations. As a result of steps taken to improve compliance and
enforcement (discussed above), income from penalty notices reached o70 million
in 2004-2005 (Transport for London, 2005b, p. 138), twice the level expected in
the ROCOL (2000) report, somewhat narrowing the shortfall in scheme revenues.
The shortfall in net revenues from the scheme has also been driven by
higher-than-expected costs: implementation costs averaged o95 million in the first
two years-more than twice the level expected. The higher costs are, in part,
attributable to the increased enforcement expenditures resulting from measures
taken to address noncompliance and to raise income from penalty notices. Never-
theless, the high resource costs of running the scheme are an important feature of
the London congestion charge.
This revenue shortfall has political implications, since one selling point of the
scheme was that the revenues from the congestion charging scheme would be
earmarked for spending on public transport in London. Earmarking served various
purposes. Mayor Livingston had promised "radical improvements" in bus services,
and the revenues from congestion charge revenues were seen as part of achieving
that objective. It was hoped that earmarking would reinforce the effect of conges-
tion charging by encouraging further shifts to public transport through service
enhancements. The earmarking of revenues to public transport was also intended
to ensure that the scheme facilitated access to central London for all households,
rather than simply increasing mobility for drivers. Earmarking was seen as impor-
tant in offsetting the potentially regressive effects of the congestion charge which,
as a flat-rate charge, imposes a heavier burden on low-income drivers. Thus, for a
variety of reasons, earmarking played a crucial role in securing political support for
the congestion charge-as predicted in the congestion pricing literature (for
example, Small, 1992, 1993).
As expected, some 80 percent of scheme revenues have been spent on bus
network improvements, amounting to approximately o80 million in 2003-2004. A
further 11 percent was spent on road safety and the remainder on other initiatives
like supporting walking and cycling). The central government announced in 2005
that the earmarking, originally scheduled for the first 10 years, would be extended
for a further ten years.
Estimating the social benefits and costs of congestion charging in London was
a key focus of the London Congestion Charge Research Program and the subse-
quent ROCOL report. This work continued following the implementation of the
scheme and, as noted above, was used by Mayor Livingstone in making the case for
the July 2005 increase in the charge from o5.00 to o8.00.
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Jonathan Leape 171
For the purposes of social cost-benefit analysis, the costs of the scheme fall
under five headings: the initial set-up costs associated with the installation of the
necessary infrastructure and services; the scheme operation costs, which is the
largest single cost (and consists primarily in the payments made to Capita, the
private company contracted to collect the charge); the supervisory costs incurred by
Transport for London, which are associated with management of the scheme and
administration of contracts; the traffic management costs directly associated with
the scheme (primarily associated with changes to the network of bus services); and
charge-payer compliance costs. The charge payments made by drivers are not
included, as they represent a transfer rather than a resource cost.
The measurable benefits of the scheme can be grouped in six categories. The
first and most important of these is the time savings to drivers and passengers of
vehicles that continue to use the road system after charging is introduced-
including cars, taxis, buses, and commercial vehicles within and outside the charg-
ing zone. All of the London analyses have followed the standard approach of using
separate values for time savings in business and nonworking time (including
commuting). The inconvenience of those who switch to public transport ("deterred
drivers") as a result of the charge enters negatively, valued at half the level of the
avoided charge. Improved journey time reliability is another source of benefits, in
addition to direct time savings, as are reduced accidents and lower carbon dioxide
emissions. The net proceeds from the scheme (charge and penalty payments) are
not included since they, like the charge payments, are transfers. However, it is
worth noting that, given the UK government requirement that all charge revenues
be spent on transport improvements, the charge payments are likely to be gener-
ating significant additional benefits in reduced travel times and accidents and in
other savings that contribute to popular perceptions of the scheme's impact.
Table 2 shows the most recent detailed estimates of the social benefits and
costs, which are drawn from Transport for London (2006, pp. 171-72). The table
also includes the author's estimates of the opportunity and depreciation costs
associated with investment in the precharge period (2000-2003), which, as
Prud'homme and Bocarejo (2005) and Mackie (2005) note, are omitted from the
Transport for London estimates. The total estimated annual costs of the congestion
charging scheme are o163 million (o140 million if implementation costs are
excluded), while the total annual benefits are o230 million.
The cost-benefit estimates produced by Transport for London have been the
subject of some controversy. The robustness of their initial estimates (Transport for
London, 2003a) was questioned by Prud'homme and Bocarejo (2005), who provide
alternative estimates suggesting that the economic benefits represent less than 60
percent of the scheme's resource costs. Mackie (2005) argues, however, that
Prud'homme and Bocarejo significantly underestimate the benefits of the scheme,
by omitting the benefits to road users in Greater London outside the city center
(which may account for as much as two-thirds of total benefits as a result of the
large numbers involved); by using an inappropriately low value of time; and by
underestimating the benefits to bus users. In addition, as Mackie (2005) notes, the
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172 Journal of Economic Perspectives
Table 2
Annual costs
Annual benefits
commuting, other 45
Vans, trucks
business 35
business 30
commuting, other 10
business 2
commuting, other 40
Deterred drivers
business -5
authors' approach
London fails to ta
heterogeneous val
road pricing sch
All of the above estimates focus on direct costs and benefits and make no
attempt to incorporate second-best considerations, which may be significant. Parry
and Bento (2002), for example, show that congestion charges on commuting traffic
can stimulate or discourage labor force participation at the margin, depending on
how the revenues are used.
While the net benefits of the congestion charge scheme do appear to be clearly
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The London Congestion Charge 173
positive, it is evident that the total resource costs of the scheme are a substantial fraction
of the benefits. These high costs have raised questions about the operational efficiency
of the London scheme; for example, Mackie (2005) asks whether the scheme contains
inessential elements that are not cost effective and whether the high costs reflect an
element of rent-seeking on the part of the private contractor operating the scheme.
The high costs also suggest the need for careful analysis before extrapolating the
benefits of the scheme to other cities in the United Kingdom and elsewhere.
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174 Journal of Economic Perspectives
reduction in congestion that would result from a national road pricing scheme
applied to all urban and interurban roads. In fact, Newbery (2005) argues that a
national distance-based road pricing scheme for interurban roads in the United
Kingdom would be uneconomic, as existing fuel taxes generate much of the
benefits at a small fraction of the cost; not surprisingly, the principal efficiency
gains from congestion-based charging arise in urban areas. Moreover, Edinburgh
voters rejected in February 2005 plans for a citywide congestion charge, which
suggests that popular support for congestion charging derives from the perception
of concrete benefits, not abstract principle.
London has some particular characteristics that helped to make its congestion
charge a success. Traffic congestion in London was severe, even by the standards of
other large cities in high-income countries. London has a comprehensive and
well-functioning public transport system-including rail, subway, and bus systems-
which offers good alternatives to road users. The geography and roads of London
suggested the possibility of using the "ring road" around inner London as a suitable
boundary for the congestion charge. In cities with a milder traffic congestion
problem that face obstacles to developing their public transport system or have a
geography that makes drawing a boundary difficult, congestion charges might not
function as well. Moreover, any city considering congestion charges must face the
practical problems of how to set and enforce charges and collect payments and
then assess the net benefits of any scheme given their particular circumstances.
But the London experience also illustrates that the practical problems of
congestion charges are not insurmountable. Cities around the world display high
levels of traffic congestion, which impose large costs; the annual costs of congestion
(including wasted time and fuel) in the 85 largest U.S. cities, for example, are
estimated at $63 billion or $794 per traveler (Schrank and Lomax, 2005). More-
over, numerous studies demonstrate that the values placed by individuals on travel
time and reliability are high and heterogeneous (for example, Small, Winston, and
Yan, 2005). These factors suggest that congestion charging can yield significant
economic benefits by inducing a more efficient use of scarce road space. A
simulation exercise in Small (2005) suggests that the benefits of the London
scheme should be replicable in U.S. cities. The benefits of carefully designed
congestion charges in large urban areas appear, on the basis of the successful
London scheme, to be both significant and within reach.
* The author is grateful to Transport for London, and to Charles Buckingham in particular,
for providing the data used in this paper; to Yen Mooi and Prakarsh Singh for excellent
research assistance; and to Elisabetta Bertero, Margaret Bray, James Hines, Timothy Taylor,
and Michael Waldman for their helpful comments.
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Jonathan Leape 175
the Retail Sector." Report submitted to JohnMay, Anthony D., R. Liu, Simon P. Shepherd,
Lewis Partnership, UK. and Agachai Sumalee. 2002. "The Impact of Cor-
Blow, Laura, Andrew Leicester, and Zoc Smith.
don Design on the Performance of Road Pricing
Schemes." Transport Policy. July, 9:3, pp. 209-
2003. "London's Congestion Charge." Briefing Note
No. 31. London: The Institute for Fiscal Studies. 220.
port Strategy, Draft for Public Consultation." See Prud'homme, Remy andJuan Pablo Bocarejo.
esp. Annex 4: "The Congestion Charging2005. "The London Congestion Charge: A Ten-
Scheme for London." London: Greater London tative Economic Appraisal." Transport Policy.
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