IRS - Concrete Bridge Code PDF
IRS - Concrete Bridge Code PDF
IRS - Concrete Bridge Code PDF
(Railway Board)
LUCKNOW - 226011
IRS Concrete Bridge Code..1997
1. SCOPE 1
4.1 Cement 8
4.2 Aggregates 9
4.3 Water 10
4.4 Admixtures 11
4.5 Reinforcement 11
4.6 Prestressing steel 11
4.7 Handling and storage of materials 12
5.1 Grades 12
5.2 Properties of concrete 12
5.3 Workability of concrete 14
5.4 Durability 14
5.5 Concrete mix proportioning 16
5.6 Production and control of concrete 18
5.7 Ready Mixed Concrete 19
IRS Concrete Bridge Code..1997
IRS Concrete Bridge Code..1997
16.1 General 81
16.2 Limit state design of prestressed concrete 81
16.3 Structures and structural frames 82
16.4 Beams 83
16.5 Slabs 90
16.6 Columns 90
16.7 Tension members 90
16.8 Prestressing requirements 90
16.9 Considerations affecting design details 96
APPENDIX-A Specification for construction joints 110
APPENDIX-B Tests on sheathing ducts 112
APPENDIX-B 1 Additional test for corrugated HDPE sheathing 117
APPENDIX-C Specification for sheathing duct joints 119
APPENDIX-D Recommended practice for grouting of cables in 120
prestressed concrete bridges
APPENDIX-E Cover and spacing of curved ducts for prestressed concrete 124
APPENDIX-F Non-destructive testing of concrete 127
APPENDIX-G Test procedure for measuring permeability of concrete 128
APPENDIX-H Fatigue assessment of details of welded reinforcement bars 129
TABLE-1 Permissible limit for solids 10
TABLE-2 Grades of concrete 12
TABLE-3 Shrinkage of post-tensioned prestressed concrete 13
TABLE-4a Maximum water cement ratio 15
TABLE-4b Minimum grade of concrete 16
TABLE-4c Minimum cementitious material content 16
TABLE-5 Proportions for nominal mix concrete 17
TABLE-6 Surface water carried by aggregate 19
TABLE-7 Optional tests requirements of concrete 35
TABLE-8 Assumed standard deviation 36
TABLE-9 Characteristic compressive strength compliance requirements 37
IRS Concrete Bridge Code..1997
IRS Concrete Bridge Code..1997
IRS Concrete Bridge Code..1997
IRS Concrete Bridge Code..1997
Cracking Load - The total load causing the Final Prestress The residual prestress in
first visible crack. the concrete after deduction of all losses,
such as those due to shrinkage, creep, slip,
Creep in Concrete Progressive increase
friction and elastic compression, from the
in the plastic deformation of concrete under
initial prestress.
sustained loading.
Final Tension The tension in the steel
Creep in Steel Progressive decrease of
corresponding to the state of the final
stress in steel at constant strain.
Cube Strength The load per unit area at
Formwork (Shuttering) Complete system
which a standard cube fails when tested in a
of temporary structure built to contain fresh
specified manner.
concrete so as to form it to the required
Curing of Concrete Maintenance of shape and dimensions and to support it until
moisture conditions to promote continued it hardens sufficiently to become self-
hydration of cement in the concrete. supporting. Formwork includes the surface
Cyclopean Concrete Mass concrete in in contact with the concrete and all
which large stones, each of 50 kg or more, necessary supporting structure.
are placed and embedded in the concrete Free Fall Descent of freshly mixed
as it is deposited; the stones are called concrete into forms without drop chutes or
pudding stones or plums, preferably not other means of confinement; also the
less than 15cm apart and not closer than distance through which such descent
20cm to any exposed surface. occurs: also uncontrolled fall of aggregate.
Dead Load The dead load is the weight of Live Load The temporary forces applied
structure itself together with permanent load to formwork by the weights of men and
carried thereon. construction equipment or the service load
Effective Area of Reinforcement The due to railway loading or roadway loading.
area obtained by multiplying the normal Loss of Prestress The reduction of the
cross-sectional area of the reinforcement by prestressing force which results from the
the cosine of the angle between the combined effects of creep in the steel and
direction of the reinforcement and the creep and shrinkage of the concrete,
direction in which the effectiveness is including friction losses and losses due to
required. elastic deformation of the concrete.
Effective Depth of a Beam -- The distance Membrane Curing A process that
between the centroid of the area of tensile involves either liquid sealing compound (for
reinforcement and the maximum example, bituminous and paraffinic
compression fibre. emulsions, coal tar cut backs, pigmented
Falsework (a) Falsework is the temporary and non-pigmented resin suspensions, or
structure erected to support work in the suspensions of wax and drying oil) or non-
process of construction. It is composed of liquid protective coating (for example, sheet
shores, formwork for beams or slabs (or plastics or water proof paper), both of which
both), and lateral bracing. types function as films to restrict
evaporation of mixing water from the fresh
(b) That part of formwork, which supports concrete surface.
the forms usually for a large structure, such
as a bridge. Mixing Time The period during which the
constituents of a batch of concrete as mixed
Fatigue Strength The greatest stress, by a mixer, for a stationary mixture, time is
which can be sustained for a given number given in minutes from the completion of
of stress cycles without failure. mixer charging until the beginning of
IRS Concrete Bridge Code..1997
discharge; for a truck mixer, time is given in Strand A prestressing tendon composed
total minutes at a specified mixing speed or of a number of wires most of which are
expressed in terms of total revolutions at a twisted about a center wire of core.
specified mixing speed or expressed in
Stress Corrosion Corrosion of a metal
terms of total revolutions at a specified
accelerated by stress.
mixing speed.
Sulphate Attack Harmful or deleterious
Plain Concrete Concrete without
chemical or physical reaction or both
reinforcement; or concrete that does not
between sulphates in soil or groundwater
conform to the definition of reinforced
and concrete or mortar, primarily the
cement paste matrix.
Plum A large random shaped stone
Sulphate Resistance Ability of concrete
dropped into freshly placed mass concrete.
or mortar to withstand sulphate attack.
Pumped Concrete Concrete which is
Tamper A timber or metal beam
transported through hose or pipe by means
spanning between edge forms or screed
of a pump.
rails and used for compacting concrete.
Ready Mixed Concrete (RMC) Concrete
Tensile Strength The maximum load
produced by completely mixing cement,
reached in a tensile test divided by the
aggregates, admixtures, if any, and water at
original cross-sectional area of the gauge
a Central Batching and Mixing Plant and
length portion of the test piece. Also termed
delivered in fresh condition at site of
as maximum stress, or ultimate tensile
Reinforcement Metal bars, wires or other
Tremie A pipe or tube through which
slender members, which are embedded in
concrete is deposited under water, having at
concrete in such a manner that the metal
its upper end a hopper for filling and a bail
and the concrete act together in resisting
by means of which the assembly can be
handled by a derrick.
Rubble Rough stone of irregular shape
Vibrator An oscillating machine used to
and size broken from larger masses by
agitate fresh concrete so as to eliminate
geological process or by quarrying.
gross voids including entrapped air but not
Segregation The differential entrained air and produce intimate contact
concentration of the components of mixed with form surfaces and embedded
concrete, resulting in non-uniform materials.
proportions in the mass.
Water Cement Ratio The ratio of amount
Sheath An enclosure in which post- of water, exclusive only of that absorbed by
tensioned tendons are encased to prevent the aggregates, to the amount of cement in
bonding during concrete placement. a concrete or mortar mixture; preferably
stated as a decimal by weight.
Slump A measure of consistency of
freshly mixed concrete mortar, or stucco Wobble Coefficient A coefficient used in
equal to the subsidence measured to the determining the friction loss occurring in
nearest 6mm of the moulded truncated cone post-tensioning, which is assumed to
immediately after removal of the slump accounts for the secondary curvature of the
cone. tendons.
Splice Connection of one reinforcing bar Yield Strength The stress, less than the
to another by overlapping, welding, maximum attainable stress, at which the
mechanical end connectors, or other ratio of stress to strain has dropped well
means. below its value at low stress, or at which a
IRS Concrete Bridge Code..1997
IRS Concrete Bridge Code..1997
stirrups pass or the centroid of the fs2 stress in reinforcement in other face
tendons, whichever is the greater
fi maximum principal tensile stress
d2 depth from the surface to the
fy characteristic strength of
reinforcement in the other face
Ec static secant modulus of elasticity of
fyc design strength of longitudinal steel
in compression
Ecf modulus of elasticity of flange
fyl characteristic strength of longitudinal
Es modulus of elasticity of steel
fyv characteristic strength of link
(EI)c flexural rigidity of the column cross- reinforcement
h overall depth (thickness) of section (in
E28 secant modulus of elasticity of the plane of bending)
concrete at the age of 28 days
hagg maximum size of aggregate
e eccentricity
he effective thickness
ex resultant eccentricity of load at right-
hf thickness of flange
angels to plane of wall
hmax larger dimension of section
Fbst tensile bursting force
hmin smaller dimension of section
Fbt tensile force due to ultimate loads in
bar or group of bars hwo wall thickness where the stress is
Fh maximum horizontal ultimate load
hx overall depth of the cross-section in
Fv maximum vertical ultimate load
the plane of bending Miy
f stress
hy overall depth of the cross-section in
fbs local bond stress the plane of bending Mix
fcav average compressive stress in the I second moment of area
flexural compressive zone
K a factor depending on the type of
fci concrete strength at(initial) transfer duct or sheath used
fcj stress in concrete at application of kr depends on grade of reinforcement
an increment of stress at time j
kl depends on the concrete bond
fck characteristic compressive strength across the shear plane
of concrete
Ls length of shear plane
fcp compressive stress at the centroidal
l distance from face of support at the
axis due to prestress
end of a cantilever, or effective span
fcr flexural strength of concrete of a member
fpb tensile stress in tendons at (beam) l length of the specimen
le effective height of a column or wall
fpe effective prestress (in tendon)
lex effective height for bending about
fpt stress due to prestress the major axis
fpu characteristic strength of ley effective height for bending about
prestressing tendons the minor axis
IRS Concrete Bridge Code..1997
lo clear height of column between end M1 smaller initial end moment due to
restraints ultimate loads (assumed negative if
the column is bent in double
lsb length of straight reinforcement
beyond the intersection with the link
M2 larger initial end moment due
lt transmission length
ultimate loads (assumed positive)
M bending moment due to ultimate
n number of sample test results
nw ultimate axial load per unit length of
Ma increased moment in column
Mcr cracking moment at the section
P ultimate axial load on the section
Mcs hogging restraint moment at an
Ph horizontal component of the
internal support of a continuous
prestressing force after all losses
composite beam and slab section
due to differential shrinkage Pk basic load in tendon
Mg moment due to permanent load Po initial prestressing force in the
tendon at jacking end on at tangent
Mi maximum initial moment in a column
point near jacking end
due to ultimate loads
Pu ultimate axial load resistance
Mix initial moment about the major axis
of a slender column due to ultimate Px Prestressing force at distance x from
loads jack
Miy initial moment about the minor axis Puz axial loading capacity of column
of a slender column due to ultimate ignoring all bending
Q* design load
Mq moment due to live loads
Qk nominal load
Mtx total moment about the major axis of
r internal radius of bend
a slender column due to ultimate
loads. rps radius of curvature of a tendon
Mty total moment about the minor axis of S* design load effects
a slender column due to ultimate s depth factor
Sd estimated standard deviation
Mu ultimate moment of resistance
SL spacing of longitudinal reinforcement
Mux ultimate moment capacity in a short
column assuming ultimate axial Sv spacing of links along the member
loads and bending about the major T torsional moment due to ultimate
axis only loads.
Muy ultimate moment capacity in a short u perimeter
column assuming ultimate axial
loads and bending about the minor us effective perimeter of tension
axis only reinforcement
Mx,My moment about the major and minor V shear force due to ultimate loads
axis of a short column due to Va premeasured quantity of water in a
ultimate loads measuring cylinder
IRS Concrete Bridge Code..1997
Vb balance quantity of water left in the 1 Angle between the axis of the design
cylinder after completely filling of the moment and the direction of the
test sample tensile reinforcement
Vc ultimate shear resistance of concrete 2 Angle of friction at the joint
Vp actual volume cc Ration of total creep to elastic
Vco ultimate shear resistance of a deformation
section un-cracked in flexure Yf1 Yf2 Yf3 partial load factors
Vcr ultimate shear resistance of a YfL product of Yf1 Yf2
section cracked in flexure
Ym partial safety factor for strength
Vl longitudinal shear force due to
ultimate load deviation of individual test strength
from the average strength of n
Vux ultimate shear capacity of a section samples
for the x-x axis
Vuy ultimate shear capacity of a section
for the y-y axis diff differential shrinkage strain
Vx applied shear due to ultimate loads m average strain
for the x-x axis
s strain in tension reinforcement
Vy applied shear due to ultimate loads
l strain at level considered
for the y-y axis
v shear stress S angle between the compression face
and the tension reinforcement
vc ultimate shear stress in concrete
Yw coefficient for wall dependent upon
vt torsional shear stress
concrete used
vtmin minimum ultimate torsional shear
coefficient of friction
stress for which reinforcement is
required Asv area of shear reinforcement
vtu ultimate torsional shear stress us sum of the effective perimeters of
x neutral axis depth the tension reinforcement
n Coefficient as a function of column 4.1.1 The cement used shall be any of the
axial load following, with the prior approval of the
IRS Concrete Bridge Code..1997
IRS Concrete Bridge Code..1997
4.2.2 In general, marine aggregate shall TABLE 1: PERMISSIBLE LIMIT FOR SOLIDS
not be used for reinforced concrete and (Clause 4.3)
prestressed concrete bridges. However, in ___________________________________
special cases, use of marine aggregates Maximum permissible Limit
may be permitted by the engineer subject to
the following: - Organic 200mg/I
Inorganic 3000mg/I
a) The marine aggregates shall be
thoroughly washed. Sulphate (as SO4) 500mg/I
Chlorides (as Cl) 2000 mg/I for plain
b) Generally, the limits for chloride content concrete works, 1000
and sulphate content in aggregates after mg/I for reinforced
washing will be as under: concrete works and
Fine Coarse 500 mg/I for
Aggregate Aggregate prestressed concrete
i) Chloride 0.04% by wt. 0.02% by
contents (Cl) acid soluble wt. acid Suspended matter 2000mg/I
max. soluble
4.3.1 In case of doubt regarding
ii) Sulphates 0.4% by wt. 0.4% by wt. development of strength, the suitability of
(SO3) max acid soluble acid soluble water for making concrete shall be
ascertained by the compressive strength
c) After washing and drying, the and initial setting time tests specified in
aggregates should conform to IS: 383. The and
designer should take into account grading of
aggregates after washing. The sample of water taken for
testing shall represent the water proposed
4.3 Water Water for washing of to be used for concreting, due account
aggregates and for mixing and curing being paid to seasonal variation. The
concrete shall be clean and free from sample shall not receive any treatment
injurious amounts of oils, acids, alkalis, before testing other than that envisaged in
salts, sugar, organic materials or other the regular supply of water proposed for use
substances that may be deleterious to in concrete. The sample shall be stored in a
concrete or steel. As a guide the following clean container previously rinsed out with
concentrations represent the maximum similar water.
permissible values: - Average 28 days compressive
a) To neutralize 200ml sample of water, strength of at least three 15cm concrete
using phenolphthalein as an indicator, it cubes prepared with water proposed to be
should not require more than 2ml of 0.1 used shall not be less than 90 percent of the
normal NaOH. The details of test shall average of strength of three similar concrete
be as given in IS: 3025. cubes prepared with distilled water. The
b) To neutralize 200ml sample of water cubes shall be prepared, cured and tested
using methyl orange as and indicator, it in accordance with the requirements of
should not require more than 10ml of IS:516.
0.1 normal HCl. The details of test shall The initial setting time of test block
be as given in IS: 3025. made with the appropriate cement and the
c) Permissible limits for solids when tested water proposed to be used shall not be less
in accordance with IS: 3025 shall be than 30 minutes and shall not differ by 30
minutes from the initial setting time of
as given in Table 1. control test block prepared and tested in
IRS Concrete Bridge Code..1997
IRS Concrete Bridge Code..1997
fcr = 0.7 f ck
IRS Concrete Bridge Code..1997
IRS Concrete Bridge Code..1997
IRS Concrete Bridge Code..1997
IRS Concrete Bridge Code..1997
IRS Concrete Bridge Code..1997
suitable for the conditions of handling and required workability, durability and a
placing, so that after compaction its characteristic strength not less than
surrounds all reinforcements are completely appropriate values given in Table 2. The
fills the formwork. When concrete gets procedure given in IS:10262 may be
hardened, it shall have the required followed for mix design.
strength, durability and surface finish.
5.5.3 Nominal Mix Concrete Nominal mix The determination of the proportions
concrete may be used for concrete of grade
of cement, aggregates and water to attain
M 20. The proportions of materials for
the required strengths shall be made as
nominal mix concrete shall be in
accordance with Table 5.
a) By designing the concrete mix; such
concrete shall be called Design mix
Concrete ; or
(Clause 5.5.3)
Grade Total quantity Proportion of Qty of
b) By adopting nominal concrete mix; of of dry fine water per
such concrete shall be called conc. aggregates by aggregate to 50 kg of
Nominal mix concrete. mass per 50 coarse cement
kg of cement, aggregates Max.
Design mix concrete is preferred to to be taken as
nominal mix. Nominal mixes, when used, the sum of the
are likely to involve higher cement content. individual
Concretes of grades richer than M 20 shall masses of fine
only be design mix concretes. & coarse
aggregates Information Required In (kg) (By Mass) (liters)
specifying a particular grade of concrete,
(1) (2) (3) (4)
the following information shall be included: -
a) Type of mix, i.e. design mix concrete
or nominal mix concrete; Fine aggregates grading
b) Grade designation;
Zone Zone Zone Zone
c) Type of cement; I II III IV
d) Maximum nominal size of
M20 250 1:1.5 1:2 1:2.25 1:2.5 25
e) Workability
f) Mix proportion (for nominal mix Note: It is recommended that fine
concrete); aggregate conforming to grading zone IV
g) Type of aggregate; should not be used in reinforced concrete
h) Whether an admixture shall or shall unless tests have been made to ascertain
not be used and the type of the suitability of proposed mixed
admixture and the conditions of use; proportions.
and The cement content of the mix
i) Exposure condition. specified in table 5 for any nominal mix shall
be proportionately increased if the quantity
5.5.2 Design Mix Concrete of water in a mix has to be increased to
overcome the difficulties of placement and The mix shall be designed to compaction, so that water-cement ratio as
produce the grade of concrete having the specified is not exceeded.
IRS Concrete Bridge Code..1997
IRS Concrete Bridge Code..1997
adopted, allowance shall be made for 5.6.3 Mixing - Concrete shall be mixed in
bulking in accordance with IS:2386 (part III). a mechanical mixer. The mixer should
comply with IS:1791. The mixing shall be It is important to maintain the water-
continued until there is a uniform distribution
cement ratio constant at its correct value.
of the materials in the mass is uniform in
To this end, determination of moisture
colour and consistency. If, there is
contents in both fine and coarse aggregates
segregation after unloading from the mixer,
shall be made as frequently as possible, the
the concrete should be remixed.
frequency for a given job being determined
by the engineer according to weather Note 1: For guidance, the mixing time may
condition. The amount of the added water be taken as 1.5 to 2 minutes for
shall be adjusted to compensate for any normal mixer and 45 to 60 seconds
observed variations in the moisture for high rated batching plant.
contents. For the determination of moisture Workability of the concrete
content in the aggregates, IS:2386 (Part-III)
Should be controlled by direct-measurement
may be referred to. To allow for the variation
of water content with/without admixtures.
in mass of aggregate due to variation in
Workability should be checked at frequent
their moisture content, suitable adjustments
intervals (refer to IS:1199).
in the masses of aggregate shall also be
made. In the absence of exact data, only in 5.7 Ready Mixed Concrete
the case of nominal mixes, the amount of 5.7.1 Use of Ready Mixed Concrete
surface water may be estimated from the Ready mixed concrete may be used,
values given in Table-6. wherever required. It shall conform to the
Table-6 SURFACE WATER CARRIED specifications of concrete, as laid down in
BY AGGREGATE this Code. For other aspects, which are not
( Clause covered in this Code, IS:4926 (Specifications
for Ready Mixed Concrete) may be referred
SURFACE WATER 5.7.2. Effect of transit (transportation)
PERCENT BY MASS time on Ready Mixed Concrete: As ready
l/m3 mixed concrete is available for placement
after lapse of transit time, reduction in
1 2 3 workability occurs, which may lead to
Very wet sand 7.5 120 difficulty in placement of concrete. In
Moderately wet 5.0 80 addition, in case of longer transit time, initial
sand setting of concrete may also takes place,
Moist sand 2.5 40 which may render it unusable. Thus, while
planning for using of Ready Mixed
Moist coarse 1.25-2.5 20-40 Concrete, these aspects should be kept in
aggregate view.
5.7.3 Checking suitability of Admixtures:-
* coarser the aggregate, less that water it Generally admixtures like water reducing
will carry. agent, retarder etc. are used in Ready No substitutions in materials used Mixed Concrete for retention of desired
on the work or alterations in the established workability and to avoid setting of concrete.
proportions, except as permitted in In such cases, admixtures should be tested
and shall be made without additional for their suitability as per IS:9103 at the time
tests to show that the quality and strength of of finalizing the mix design. Regarding
concrete are satisfactory. specification of admixtures, clause 4.4 of
this Code may be referred to.
IRS Concrete Bridge Code..1997
IRS Concrete Bridge Code..1997
l) Special provisions such as protection repairs should be carried out with prior
from water, ice and debris at stream approval of the engineer.
6.2.5 Moulds for pretension works shall be
m) Form coatings and release agents. sufficiently strong and rigid to withstand,
n) Means of obtaining specified concrete. without distortion, the effects of placing and
o) Location of box outs, pipes, ducts, compacting concrete as well as those
conduits and miscellaneous inserts in prestressing in case of manufacture by the
the concrete attached to or penetrating individual mould process where the
the forms. prestressing tendon is supported by the
mould before transfer.
p) Location and spacing of rubber pads
where shutter vibrators are used. 6.3 Cleaning and Treatment of Forms-
All rubbish particularly chippings, shavings
6.2 Formwork and sawdust shall be removed from the
interior of the forms before the concrete is
6.2.1 General The formwork shall placed and the formwork in contact with the
conform to the shapes, lines and concrete shall be cleaned and thoroughly
dimensions shown on the drawings such wetted or treated with an approved release
that the relevant tolerances of finished agent. Care shall be taken that such
concrete as specified in 6.5 are achieved. approved release agent is kept out of
6.2.2 Formwork shall be so constructed and contact with the reinforcement.
supported as to remain sufficiently rigid 6.4 Stripping Time - Forms shall not be
during the placement and compaction of the struck until the concrete has reached a
concrete and shall be sufficiently watertight strength at least twice the stress to which
to prevent loss of water or mortar from the concrete may be subjected at the time
concrete. The formwork and false work of removal of formwork. The strength
must be designed keeping in view all loads referred to shall be that of concrete using
and forces. the same cement and aggregates, with the
6.2.3 Forms for finished surfaces should be same propositions and cured under
smooth and mortar tight. If wood forms are conditions of temperature and moisture
used, the boards must be uniform in the similar to those existing on the work. Where
thickness, tongued and grooved, smoothly possible, the formwork shall be left longer
finished on the surface next to the concrete, as it would assist the curing.
evenly matched and tightly placed, except 6.4.1 In normal circumstances and where
where the desired surface or appearance ordinary Portland cement is used, forms
requires special treatment. The use of forms may generally be removed after the expiry
of ply-wood/similar product, which can of the following periods:
absorb water, is not recommended.
6.2.4 Finishing: No surface finishing will a) Walls, columns & 24 to 48 hrs. as
normally be provided. If minor defects are vertical faces of may be decided
noticed, the surface should be rendered. all structural by the Engineer.
The required finish shall be obtained by use members.
of properly designed formwork of closely
jointed boards. The surface may be b) Slabs (props left 3 days
improved by carefully removing all fins and under)
other projections, thoroughly washing down
and then filling the most noticeable surface c) Beam soffits 7 days
blemished with a cement and fine aggregate (props left under)
paste. For major defects, if noticed any
IRS Concrete Bridge Code..1997
IRS Concrete Bridge Code..1997
IRS Concrete Bridge Code..1997 Welding of mild steel bars percent of the moment of resistance and
conforming to IS:432(Part I) may be such joints should be so disposed that at
permitted with the approval of the engineer. any section not more than 50% of the bars
Welding of mild steel reinforcement shall be are connected by mechanical devices,
done in accordance with the bottlenuts or couplings (see
recommendations of IS:2751. All welders Reinforcement temporarily left
and welding operators to be employed shall
projecting from the concrete at construction
have to be qualified by tests prescribed in
joints or other joints shall not be bent during
IS: 2751. Inspection of welds shall conform
the period in which concreting is suspended
to IS:822 and destructive and non-
except with the approval of the engineer.
destructive testing may be undertaken when
Where reinforcement bars are bent aside at
deemed necessary. Joints with weld defects
construction joints and afterwards bent back
detected by visual inspection or dimensional
to the original positions, care should be
inspection shall not be accepted.
taken to ensure that at no time is the radius Welded joints may be permitted in of the bend less than 4 bar diameters for
cold worked bars conforming to IS:1786 plain mild steel or 6 bar diameters for the
provided that the carbon equivalent deformed bars. Care shall also be taken
calculated from the chemical composition of when bending back bar to ensure that the
the bar is 0.4% or less. Welding of the cold- concrete around the bar is not damaged.
worked bars may be done in accordance No concreting shall be done until the
with the recommendations of IS:9417. When
reinforcement has been inspected and
cold-worked bars are welded, the stress at
approved by the Engineer.
the weld should be limited to the strength of
mild steel bars without cold-working. 7.1.5 Protective Coatings: - In order to
offer adequate resistance against corrosion Butt welding between the ends of a
reinforcement bars shall be provided with
bar in line, whereby the stress is transferred
suitable protective coatings depending upon
across the section, is to be allowed for mild
the environmental conditions. The
steel bars only.
recommended coatings are as under: - Welded joints should not be located
Aggressive Environment Non
near the bends in the reinforcement.
(Severe, Very severe and aggressive
Wherever possible, joints in the parallel bars
Extreme) environment
of principal tensile reinforcement should be
(Mild and
staggered. The welded joints may
preferably, be placed in regions of low
stresses. Important Minor All structures
and major bridges Bars may be joined with mechanical
bridges and
devices e.g. by special grade steel swaged
on to bars in end to end contact or by
screwed couplers or using bottle nuts, if Cement Cement Truncated
permitted by the engineer. Patented Polymer Polymer Inhibited
systems with approved use shall only be Composite Composite Cement Slurry
permitted to be used on production of test Coating Coating
results showing the adequacy of the device
Or Or
to the satisfaction of the Engineer- In
charge. The effectiveness for such joints Fusion Inhibited
shall invariably be proved by static and Bonded Cement
fatigue strength tests. Such joints should Epoxy Slurry
preferably be located at sections where the Coating. Coating.
bending moment is not more than 50
IRS Concrete Bridge Code..1997
IRS Concrete Bridge Code..1997
should be shown on the working drawings. The tensioning equipment shall be
Similarly, where there are a large number of calibrated before the tensioning operation
separate tendons, the order in which the and at intervals to the approval of the
tendons are to be stressed should be engineer.
decided by the engineer and shown on the Temporary Gripping Device
working drawings. The tensioning of each
Prestressing tendons may be gripped by
tendon should be such as to cause as little
wedges, yokes, double cones or any other
eccentric stress as possible and to ensure
approved type of gripping devices. The
this, symmetrical tendons should be
prestressing wires may be gripped singly or
successively stressed.
in groups. Gripping devices shall be such Tensioning Apparatus. that in a tensile test, the wire or wires fixed
by them would break before failure of the The requirements of
grip itself.
shall apply to both the pre-tensioned and
the post-tensioned methods of prestressed Releasing Device - The
concrete except where specifically releasing device shall be so designed that
mentioned otherwise. during the period between the tensioning
and release, the tension in the prestressing Prestressing steel may be
elements is fully maintained by positive
tensioned by means of hydraulic jacks of
means, such as external anchorages. The
similar mechanical apparatus. The method
device shall enable the transfer or prestress
of tensioning steel covered by this code is
to be carried out gradually so as to avoid
generally by means of hydraulic or similar
large difference of tension between wires in
mechanical jacks.
a tendon, severe eccentricities of prestress
The type of tensioning apparatus shall be or the sudden application of stress to the
such that a controlled force can be applied. concrete.
It shall not induce dangerous secondary Pretensioning.
stresses or torsional effects on steel,
concrete or on the anchorages. Straight Tendons- In the long-
line method of pre-tensioning sufficient The means of attachment of the
locator plates shall be distributed throughout
tendon to the jack or tensioning device shall
the length of the bed to ensure that the
be safe and secure and such as not to
wires or strands are maintained in their
damage the wire or bar.
proper position during concreting. Where a The force in the tendons during number of units are made in line, they shall
the tensioning shall be measured by direct- be free to slide in the direction of their
reading load cells or obtained indirectly from length and thus permit transfer of the
gauges fitted in the hydraulic system to prestressing force to the concrete along the
determine the pressure in the jacks. whole line.
Facilities shall be provided for the
In the individual mould system, the moulds
measurement of the extension of the tendon
shall be sufficiently rigid to provide the
and of any movement of the tendon in the
reaction to the prestressing force without
gripping devices. The load-measuring
device shall be calibrated to an accuracy
with +2% and checked at intervals to the Deflected Tendons Where
approval of the engineer. Elongation of the possible the mechanisms for holding down
tendon shall be measured to an accuracy or holding up tendons shall ensure that the
within 2% or 2mm, whichever is more part in contact with the tendon is free to
accurate. move in the line of the tendon so that
frictional losses are nullified. If, however, a
system is used that develops a frictional
IRS Concrete Bridge Code..1997
IRS Concrete Bridge Code..1997 The thickness of the wall Jointing with thick walled HDPE
shall be 2.30.3 mm as manufactured shrink couplers with glue.
and 1.5mm after loss in the
compression test as per clause B1-2 at Welding with electrofusion
Appendix B1, for sheathing upto 160 couplers.
mm Outer Diameter. The joints shall be able to withstand an The sheathing shall be internal pressure of 0.5 bar (0.05Mpa)
corrugated on both the sides. The for 5 minutes as per water loss test
sheathings shall transmit full tendon procedure given in clause B-7 at
strength from the tendon to the Appendix B.
surrounding concrete over a length not Anchorages The anchorage
greater than 40 times the sheathing system in general comprises the
diameter. anchorage itself and the arrangement of Sheathings shall be joined tendons and reinforcement designed to
by adopting any one of the following act with the anchorage.
methods, as convenient to suit the The anchorage may consist
individual requirements of the location, of any device patented or otherwise,
subject to the satisfactory pressure which complies with the requirements
tests, before adoption. laid down in to
Proprietary anchorages shall be handled
Screwed together with male and
and used strictly in accordance with the
female threads.
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concrete, for example, by reinforcement in hot weather and heat loss in cold
left projecting from the latter. If a weather may also be adopted.
cement-sand mix is used, the cover
8.2 Placing The concrete shall be
provided and its density should be
placed before setting has commenced
adequate to prevent corrosion.
and shall not be subsequently disturbed.
Alternatively, the steel may be encased
Concrete shall be so placed as to avoid
in bitumen or where the steel is
segregation of the materials and
accessible for inspection and
displacement of reinforcement. To
maintenance, paint protection may be
achieve this, concrete should be
lowered vertically in the forms and The anchorage shall be horizontal movement of concrete inside
adequately protected against damage or the forms should as far as practicable
corrosion soon after the completion of be brought to a minimum. In wall forms
the final stressing and grouting drop chutes attached to hoppers at the
operations. top should preferably be used to lower
concrete to the bottom of the form.
Under no circumstances concrete shall
be dropped freely from a height of more
than 1.5 metre.
8.1 Transportation Mixed concrete
8.2.1 A record shall be kept of the time
shall be transported from the place of
and date of placing the concrete in each
mixing to the place of final deposit as
portion of the structure.
rapidly as practicable by methods which
will prevent the segregation or loss of 8.2.2 Concrete cover blocks of the
the ingredients. Concrete shall be same strength and density as parent
deposited as near as practicable to its concrete shall be used.
final position to avoid rehandling.
8.3 Compaction No concrete shall
8.1.1 When concrete is conveyed by be allowed without vibration except
chute, the plant shall be of such size under water concreting or tremie
and design as to ensure practically concreting, or in specific cases with prior
continuous flow in the chute. The slope approval where access is not available.
of the chute shall be such as to allow
Concrete shall be thoroughly compacted
the concrete to flow without the use of
and fully worked around the
excessive quantity of water and without
reinforcement, around embedded
segregation of the ingredients. The
fixtures and into corners of the
delivery end of the chute shall be as
formwork. To achieve proper
close as possible to the point of deposit.
compaction mechanical vibrators shall
When the operation is intermittent, the
be used. However, in case of vibrated
spout shall discharge into a hopper. The
concrete, quantity of water in a nominal
chute shall be thoroughly flushed with
mix concrete may have to be reduced
water before and after each working
as brought out in Note 1 under
period; the water used for this purpose
The vibrator can be internal or external
shall be discharged outside the
type and depending on the shape and
size of the member both the types may
8.1.2 During hot or cold weather, be used in combination. When internal
concrete shall be transported in deep vibrators are used they shall be used
containers. Other suitable methods to vertically to the full depth of the layer
reduce the loss of water by evaporation being placed and shall penetrate into
the layer below while it is still plastic to
IRS Concrete Bridge Code..1997
the extent of 100mm. The vibrator shall concrete temperature at surface does
be kept in place until air bubbles cease not fall below 100C.
to escape from the surface and then
8.4.2 Curing Compound- Approved
withdrawn slowly to ensure that no hole
curing compounds may be used in lieu
is left in the concrete, care being taken
of moist curing with the permission of
to see that it remains in continued
the engineer. Such compounds shall be
operation while being withdrawn.
applied to all exposed surfaces of the
Vibrator should not be used to move the
concrete along with stripping of form
concrete as it can cause honey-
work. Tests shall be done to ascertain :
(i) Loss of moisture in concrete with
8.3.1 The internal vibrators shall be
and without curing compound.
inserted in an orderly manner and the
distance between insertions should be (ii) Cube strength of concrete with
about 1.5 times the radius of the area moist curing and curing compound.
visibly affected by vibration. (iii) Permeability of concrete.
8.3.2 Form vibrators shall be used in 8.4.3 Steam-Curing- Steam curing can
addition to internal vibrators in case of be advantageously used to save time of
prestressed concrete girders/slabs etc. curing of concrete for transfer of
Whenever vibration has to be applied prestress. The optimum steam curing
externally, the design of formwork and cycle for a particular situation can only
the disposition of vibrators should be determined by trial and error.
receive special consideration to ensure However, it has been found satisfactory
efficient compaction and to avoid to use a presteaming period of 4 to 5
surface blemishes. hour or rate of temperature rise between
8.3.3 The use of vibrators complying 22-330 C per hour and a maximum
with IS: 2505, IS:2506, IS:2514 and curing temperature of 66-820 C for a
IS:4656 for compacting concrete is period such that entire curing cycle does
recommended. Over- vibration and not exceed 18 hour. Rapid temperature
under vibration of concrete are harmful changes during the cooling period
and should be avoided. should be avoided and drop in ambient
temperature in the enclosure is not
8.4 Curing of Concrete
sharper than 200 C per hour. The reuse
8.4.1 Moist Curing The concrete of casting beds and forms alongwith 18
should be kept constantly wet for a hour steam curing makes it a total 24
minimum period of 14(fourteen) days. hour cycle. Prestress to members in
Water should be applied on unformed pretension beds should be transferred
surfaces as soon as it can be done immediately after the termination of
without marring the surface and on steam curing while the concrete and
formed surfaces immediately after the forms are still warm, otherwise the
forms are stripped. The concrete shall temperature within the enclosure shall
be kept constantly wet by ponding or be maintained at over 150 C until the
covered with a layer of sacking, canvas, prestress is transferred to the concrete.
hessian or a similar absorbant material.
The steam curing will be considered
When air temperature is expected to
complete when the concrete has
drop below 50C during the curing period,
reached the minimum strength at
additional covering of cotton/gunny
Strength at Stress transfer or handling
bags, straw or other suitable blanketting
material shall be provided so that
IRS Concrete Bridge Code..1997
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IRS Concrete Bridge Code..1997 In order to get a relatively quick should be spread over the entire period
idea of the quality of concrete, optional of concreting and cover all mixing units.
tests on beams for modulus of rupture at Frequency - The minimum
722 hours or at 7 days, or compressive frequency of sampling of concrete of
strength tests at 7 days may be carried each grade shall be in accordance with
out in addition to 28 days compressive the following :-
strength tests. For this purpose, the
values given in table 7 may be taken for Quantity of Number of samples
general guidance in case of concrete concrete in the
made with ordinary Portland cement. In work, m3
all cases, the 28 days compressive 1-5 1
strength specified in Table 2 shall alone
be the criterion for acceptance or 6-15 2
rejection of the concrete.
16-30 3
31-50 4
(Clause 51 & above 4 plus one
CONCrete STRENGTH ON RUPTURE BY for each addl. 50
15 cm CUBES BEAM TEST m3 or part thereof.
IRS Concrete Bridge Code..1997
Sd =
2 8.7.6 Acceptance Criteria
n 1 Compressive strength.
Where, is the deviation of the When both the following conditions are
individual test strength from the average met, the concrete complies with the
strength of n samples ; and specified compressive strength:
IRS Concrete Bridge Code..1997
concrete complies with the specified If the concrete is deemed not to
flexural strength: comply pursuant to, the
structural adequacy of the parts affected
(a) The mean strength determined from
shall be investigated and any
any group of four consecutive test
consequential action as needed shall be
results exceeds the specified
characteristic strength by at least 0.3
N/mm2. Concrete of each grade shall be
assessed separately.
(b) The strength determine from any test
result is not less than the specified Concrete shall be assessed daily
characteristic strength less 0.3 N/mm2. for compliance.
TABLE-9: CHARACTERISTIC Concrete is liable to be rejected
COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH if it is porous or honey combed; its
COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS placing has been interrupted without
providing a proper construction joint.
The reinforcement has been displaced
Specified Group A B beyond the tolerances specified; or
grade of test construction tolerances have not been
The mean of Any
results met. However, the hardened concrete
the group of individual test
test result result is not may be accepted after carrying out
exceeds the less than the suitable remedial measures to the
specified characteristic satisfaction of the engineer.
characteristic compressive
compressive strength less: 8.8 Supervision- It is exceedingly
strength by at difficult and costly to alter concrete once
least: placed. Hence, constant and strict
supervision by a competent person of all
N/mm2 N/mm2 the items of the construction is
M 20 & Any con- 3 3 necessary during the progress of the
above secutive work, including the proportioning and
4 mixing of the concrete. Supervision by
a competent person is also of extreme Quantity of Concrete importance to check the reinforcement
Represented by Strength Test and its placing before being covered.
Results- The quantity of concrete
represented by a group of 4 consecutive 8.8.1 Before any important operation,
test results shall include the batches such as concreting or stripping of the
from which the first and last samples formwork is started, adequate notice
where taken together with all intervening shall be given to the engineer.
batches. 8.9 Pumpable Concrete:
For the individual test result 8.9.1 General- Pumpable concrete is
requirements given in column B of table- the concrete which is conveyed by
9 or in item (b) of only the pressure through either rigid pipe or
particular batch from which the sample flexible hose and discharged directly
was taken shall be at risk. into the desired area, it is especially
Where the mean rate of sampling is not used where space for construction
specified the maximum quantity of equipment is very limited.
concrete that four consecutive test 8.9.2 Pumping Rate and Range-
results represent shall be limited to Depending on the equipment, pumping
60m3. rate should be 10 to 70m3 per hour.
IRS Concrete Bridge Code..1997
Effective pumping range is upto 300m and serviceability. The acceptable limit
horizontally and 90m vertically. for each of the safety and serviceability
8.9.3 Proportioning Pumpable requirements is called a Limit State.
Concrete For this purpose the limit states of 10.2
and 10.3 shall be considered. The Basic Consideration- More
usual approach will be to design on the
emphasis on quality control is essential
basis of the limit state expected to be
to the proportioning and use of a
most critical and then to check that the
dependable pump mix. Concrete mixes
remaining limit states will not be
for pumping must be plastic. Particular
reached and that all other requirements
attention must be given to the mortar
will be met.
and to the amounts and sizes of coarse
aggregates. Consideration of other factors, such as,
deflection, fatigue and durability, will The maximum size of angular
need to be made as referred to in 10.4.
coarse aggregate is limited to one-third
of smallest inside diameter of the hose 10.2 Serviceability Limit States
or pipe. Provisions should be made for The design shall be such that the
elimination of oversized particles in the structure will not suffer local damage
concrete by finish screening or by which would shorten its intended life or
careful selection of aggregates. incur expensive maintenance costs. In
particular, calculated crack widths shall
8.9.4 Pumping Concrete Proper
not exceed those permitted in 10.2.1.
planning of concrete supply, pump
locations, line layout, placing sequences 10.2.1 Cracking- Cracking of concrete
and the entire pumping operation will shall not adversely affect the
result in saving of cost and time. The appearance of durability of the structure.
pump should be placed as near the The engineer should satisfy himself that
placing area as practicable and the any cracking will not be excessive,
entire surrounding area must have having regard to the requirements of the
adequate bearing strength. Lines from particular structure and the conditions of
the pump to the placing area should be exposure. In the absence of special
laid out with a minimum of bends. The investigations, the following limit shall be
pipe line shall be rigidly supported. adopted. While pumping downward 15m 10.2.1(a) Reinforced concrete
or more, it is desirable to provide an air Design crack widths, as calculated in
release valve at the middle of the top accordance with, shall not
bend to prevent vacuum or air build-up. exceed the values given in Table 10
When pumping upward, it is desirable to under the loading given in 11.3.2 :
have a valve near the pump to prevent TABLE 10: DESIGN CRACK WIDTHS
reverse flow. [Cl. 10.2.1 (a) ]
9 GROUTING OF PRE-STRESSING Environment Design crack width
CABLES. in mm
9.1 A recommended practice for Mild 0.20
grouting of cables is given at Moderate 0.20
Appendix D. Severe 0.10*
10. LIMIT STATE REQUIREMENTS Very severe 0.10*
10.1 General In the method of design 0.20**
based on limit state concept, the Extreme 0.10*
structure shall be designed so as to 0.20**
ensure an adequate degree of safety *Surfaces exposed to weather.
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(Clauses 11.2 and 11.3)
1 2 3 4 5
Dead weight of concrete ULS 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 -
SLS 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Superimposed dead load ULS 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 -
SLS* 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.00
Wind During erection ULS - 1.25 - - -
SLS - 1.00 - - -
with dead and superimposed
dead loads only and for ULS - 1.60 - - -
members primarily resisting SLS - 1.00 - - -
wind loads.
With dead plus superimposed ULS - 1.25 - - -
dead plus other appropriate SLS - 1.00 - - -
combination 2 loads.
Relieving effect of wind ULS - 1.00 - - -
SLS - 1.00 - - -
Earth With dead and superimposed ULS - 1.60 - - -
quake dead loads only SLS - 1.00 - - -
With dead plus superimposed ULS - 1.25 - - -
dead plus other appropriate SLS - 1.00 - - -
combination 2 loads.
Tempe Restraint against movement ULS - - 1.50 - -
rature except frictional SLS - - 1.00 - -
Frictional restraint ULS - - - 1.50 -
SLS - - - 1.00 -
Differential temperature effect ULS - - 1.15 - -
SLS - - 0.80 - -
Differential settlement ULS As specified by engineer
Fill retained and or live ULS 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 -
Earth load surcharge SLS 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 -
Pressure relieving effect ULS 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 -
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applied loads. They shall be capable of structure governing its response to loads
predicting all loading effects including, and imposed deformations.
where appropriate, those that cannot be
13.1.3 Analysis for Ultimate Limit
predicted by simple bending theory. The
requirements of methods of analysis
appropriate to the distribution of forces General Elastic methods may
and deformations, which are to be used be used to determine the distribution of
in ascertaining that the limit state criteria forces and deformations throughout the
are satisfied, are given in 13.1.2 and structure. Stiffness constants shall be
13.1.3. based on the section properties as used
for the analysis of the structure at the
13.1.2 Analysis for Serviceability
serviceability limit state (See
Limit State Method of Analysis and their General- Load effects
Requirements The application of
under each of the prescribed design
elastic methods of analysis in association
loadings appropriate to the serviceability
with the design loads for the ultimate limit
limit state shall where relevant, be
state in general leads to safe lower
calculated by elastic methods, The
bound solutions.
flexural stiffness constants
(second When treating local effects, elastic
moment of area) for sections of discrete methods may be applied to derive the in
members or unit widths of slab elements plane forces and moments due to out of
may be based on any of the following: plane loading.
(a) Concrete section-The entire member Other methods of analysis (e.g.
cross section, ignoring the presence of plastic hinge methods for beams or yield
reinforcement. line method for slabs) are beyond the
scope of this code. Use of such methods
(b) Gross transformed section-The entire
requires the prior approval of the
member cross section including the
engineer and reference to specialist
reinforcement transformed on the basis
of modular ratio.
13.2 Analysis of Section.
(c) Net transformed section-The area of
the cross section, which is in 13.2.1 Serviceability Limit State At
compression together with the tensile any section, an elastic analysis shall be
reinforcement transformed on the basis carried out to satisfy the
of modular ratio. recommendations of 10.2 In-plane shear
flexibility in concrete flanges (shear lag
Consistent approach shall be used which
effects) may be allowed for. This may be
reflects the different behaviour of various
done by taking an effective width of
parts of the structure.
flange as given in
Axial torsional and shearing stiffness
13.2.2 Ultimate Limit State The
constants, when required by the method
strength of critical sections shall be
of analysis, shall be based on the
assessed in accordance with clauses 15
concrete section and used with (a) or (b).
or 16 to satisfy the recommendations of
Moduli of elasticity and shear moduli 10.3. In- plane shear flexibility in concrete
values shall be appropriate to the flanges (shear lag effects) may be
characteristic strength of the concrete. ignored. Method of Analysis and their 13.3 Deflection Deflection shall be
Requirements The method of analysis calculated for the most unfavourable
shall ideally take account of all the distributions of loading for the member
significant aspects of behaviors of a (or strip of slab) and may be derived from
IRS Concrete Bridge Code..1997
an elastic analysis of the structure. The the element from local and global effects
material properties, stiffness constants shall be combined as appropriate.
and calculation of deflection may be
13.5.3 Analysis of section Section
based on 12.3.1.
analysis for the combined global and
13.4 Fatigue - The effect of repeated local effects shall be carried out in
live loading on the fatigue strength of a accordance with 13.2 to satisfy the
bridge shall be considered in respect of recommendations of 10.
reinforcing bars that have been subject to
a) Serviceability Limit State
1) For reinforced concrete elements, the
Welding may be used to connect bars
total crack width due to combined global
subjected to fatigue loading provided that
and local effects shall be determined in
accordance with
a) the connection is made to
2) For prestressed concrete elements,
standard workmanship levels as given in
co-existent stresses, acting in the
7.1.3 ;
direction of prestress, may be added
b) the welded bar is not part of a algebraically in checking stress
deck slab spanning between longitudinal limitations:
and/or transverse members and
subjected to the effect of concentrated
b) Ultimate Limit State The
loads ; resistance of the section to direct and
flexural effects shall be derived from the
c) the detail has an acceptable direct strain due to global effects
fatigue life determined as described in combined with the flexure strain due to
local effects. However, in the case of a
d) lap welding is not used. deck slab the resistance to combined
13.4.1 For unwelded reinforcing bars, the global and local effects is deemed to be
stress range under various load satisfactory if each of these effects is
combinations for the serviceability limit considered separately.
state shall be limited to 300 N/mm2 for Fe
415 grade bars and to 265 N/mm2 for Fe
250 grade bars. 14.1 General A plain concrete wall is a
vertical load bearing concrete member
13.5 Combined Global and Local whose greatest lateral dimension is more
Effects- than four times its least lateral dimension
13.5.1 General In addition to the and which is assumed to be without
design of individual primary and reinforcement when considering its
secondary elements to resist loading strength.
applied directly to them, it is also
The recommendations given in 14.2 to
necessary to consider the loading
14.11 refer to the design of a plain
combination that produces the most concrete wall that has a height not
adverse effects due to global and local exceeding five times its average
loading where these co-exist in an
14.2 Moments and Forces in Walls
13.5.2 Analysis of Structure Analysis
of the structure may be accompanied Moments, shear forces and axial forces
either by one overall analysis (e.g. using in a wall shall be determined in
finite elements) or by separate analysis accordance with 13.1.
for local and global effects. In the latter The axial force may be calculated on the
case the forces and moments acting on assumption that the beams and slabs
IRS Concrete Bridge Code..1997
transmitting forces into it are simply moments produced by any lateral forces
supported. above the level.
The resultant axial force in a member The resultant eccentricity of the
may act eccentrically due to vertical total load on a member restrained in
loads not being applied at the centre of position at any level may be calculated
the member or due to the action of on the assumption that immediately
horizontal forces. Such eccentricities above a lateral support the resultant
shall be treated as indicated in 14.3 and eccentricity of all the vertical loads above
14.4. that level is zero.
The minimum moment in a direction at 14.5 Analysis of Section Loads of a
right angles to the wall shall be taken as purely local (as a beam bearings or
not less than that produced by column bases) may be assumed to be
considering the ultimate axial load per immediately dispersed provided the local
unit length acting at an eccentricity of stress under the load does not exceed
0.05 times the thickness of the wall. that given in 14.7. Where the resultant of
all the axial loads acts eccentrically in the
14.3 Eccentricity in the Plane of the
plane of the member, the ultimate axial
load per unit length of wall nw shall be
In the case of a single member this assessed on the basis of an elastic
eccentricity can be calculated from analysis assuming a linear distribution of
statics alone. Where a horizontal force is load along the length of the member
resisted by several members, the amount assuming no tensile resistance.
allocated to each member shall be in Consideration shall first be given to the
proportion to its relative stiffness axial force and bending in the plane of
provided the wall to determine the distribution of
the resultant eccentricity in any individual tension and compression along the wall.
member is not greater than one-third of The bending moment at right angles to
the length of the member. Where a shear the
connection is assumed between vertical wall shall then be considered and the
edges of adjacent members an section checked for this moment and the
appropriate elastic analysis may be used, compression or tension per unit length at
provided the shear connection is various positions along the wall. Where
designed to withstand the calculated the eccentricity of load in the plane of the
forces. member is zero, a uniform distribution of
nw may be assumed.
14.4 Eccentricity at Right Angles to For members restrained in position, the
Walls or Abutments axial load per unit length of member, nw
due to ultimate loads shall be such that
The load transmitted to a wall by a
concrete deck may be assumed to act at nw (h 2e x )Yw f ck
the one-third the depth of the bearing
area from the loaded face. Where there
is an in situ concrete deck on either side nw is the maximum axial load per unit
of the member the common bearing area length of member due to ultimate loads.
may be assumed to be shared equally by h is the overall thickness of the section;
each deck.
ex is the resultant eccentricity of load at
The resultant eccentricity of the right angles to the plane of the member
total load on a member unrestrained in (see 14.2) (minimum value 0.05h).
position at any level shall be calculated
making full allowance for the eccentricity fck is the characteristic cube strength of
of all vertical loads and the overturning the concrete.
IRS Concrete Bridge Code..1997
Yw is a coefficient, taken as 0.35 for more than 250mm from all concrete
concretes of grade M 20 and 0.4 for surfaces.
concrete of grades M 25 and above.
14.9.1 Shrinkage and Temperature
14.6 Shear The resistance to shear Reinforcement- shall be distributed
forces in the plane of the member may uniformly around the perimeter of the
be assumed to be adequate provided the concrete sections and spaced at not
horizontal shear force due to ultimate more than 150mm.
loads is less than either one-quarter of
14.10 Stress Limitations for
the vertical load, or the force to produce
Serviceability Limit State The wall
an average shear stress of 0.45 N/mm2
shall be designed so that the concrete
over the whole cross section of the
compressive stresses comply with Table
member in the case of concretes of
11 and concrete tensile stresses do not
Grade M 25 or above; where Grade M 20
increase 0.034 fck.
concrete is used, a figure of 0.3 N/mm2 is
14.7 Bearing Bearing stresses due to 15. DESIGN AND DETAILING;
ultimate loads of a purely local nature, as REINFORCED CONCRETE
at girder bearing, shall be limited in
accordance with 15.1 General;
14.8 Deflection of Plain Concrete 15.1.1 This clause gives methods of
Walls The deflection in a plain concrete analysis and design, which in general
member will be within acceptable limits if ensure that, for reinforced concrete
the preceding recommendations have structures, the recommendations set out
been followed. in 10.2 & 10.3, are met. In certain cases
the assumptions made in this clause may
14.9 Shrinkage and Temperature be inappropriate and the engineer shall
Reinforcement For plain concrete adopt a more suitable method having
members exceeding 2m in length and regard to the nature of the structure in
cast question.
in situ it is necessary to control cracking
arising from shrinkage and temperature 15.1.2 All RCC structures shall be
effects, including temperature rises designed for safety, serviceability and
caused by the heat of hydration released durability requirements (structural and
by the cement. Reinforcement shall be non-structural loads caused by
provided in the direction of any restraint environment).
to such movement. 15.1.3 The bridges shall be designed for
The area of reinforcement As parallel to the service life as given below :-
the direction of each restraint shall be
such that. Type of Structure Design life in Yrs
As Kr (Ac-0.5 Acor) Bridges in sea 50
Where Bridges in coastal areas 80
Kr is 0.005 for Grade Fe 415 Bridges in rest of India 100
reinforcement and 0.006 for Grade Fe 15.2 Limit State Design of Reinforced
250 reinforcement; Concrete-
Ac is the area of the gross concrete 15.2.1 Basis of Design- Clause 15
section at right-angles to the direction of follows the limit state philosophy set out
the restraint; in clause 10 but as it is not possible to
Acor is the area of the core of the concrete assume that a particular limit will always
section, Ac i.e. that portion of the section be the critical one, design methods are
IRS Concrete Bridge Code..1997
given for both the ultimate and expressed in all the tables and equations
serviceability limit states. in terms of the characteristic strength of
the material. Unless specifically stated
In general, the design of reinforced
otherwise, all equations, figures and
concrete members is governed by the
tables include allowances for Ym, the
ultimate limit state, but the limitations on
partial safety factor for material strength
crack width and, where applicable,
(see 12.4.5.)
stresses at the serviceability limit state
given in 10.2.3 shall also be met. Characteristic Strength of
Concrete- The characteristic cube Where a plastic method or
strengths of concrete for various grades
redistribution of moments is used for the
are given in Table 2. These values do not
analysis of the structure at the ultimate
include any allowance for Ym.
limit state, or where critical parts of the
structure are subjected to the severe Characteristic Strengths of
category of exposure, the design is likely Reinforcement- Until the relevant Indian
to be controlled by the serviceability limit Standard Specifications for reinforcing
state of cracking. steel are modified to include the concept
of characteristic strength, the
15.2.2 Durability- A proper drainage
characteristic value for various grades of
system shall be provided on the deck as
steel shall be assumed as the minimum
indicated in In 15.9.2 guidance
yield/0.2 percent proof stress specified in
is given on the nominal cover to
the relevant Indian Standard
reinforcement that shall be provided to
Specifications (see 4.5). These values do
ensure durability. For other durability
not include any allowance for Ym. The
requirements of concrete like maximum
characteristic strength of Thermo
water cement ratio, minimum grade of
Mechanically Treated bars shall be
concrete, minimum cement contents,
assumed at par with reinforcement bars
maximum crack width etc., Clause 5.4
conforming to IS: 1786.
and 10.2.1 shall be referred.
15.3 Structures and Structural Drainage for the Deck A
complete drainage system for the entire
deck shall be provided to ensure that the 15.3.1 Analysis of Structures-
drainage water is disposed off quickly Structures shall be analysed in
from the deck to a safe location. For accordance with the recommendations of
bridges level in longitudinal profile, 13.1
minimum cross slopes in the deck shall
15.3.2 Redistribution of Moments
be kept at 2.5%.
Redistribution of moments obtained by
15.2.3 Loads In clause 15, the design rigorous elastic analysis under the limit
load (see 11.3) for the ultimate and state may be carried out provided the
serviceability limit states are referred to following conditions are met;
as ultimate loads and service loads
a) Checks are made to ensure that
adequate rotation capacity exists at
In clause 15, when analysing sections, sections where moments are
the terms strength, resistance and reduced, making reference to
capacity are used to describe the design appropriate test data.
strength of the section.
In the absence of a special
15.2.4 Strength of Materials investigations, the plastic rotation
capacity may be taken as the lesser Definition of Strengths- In
clause 15, the design strengths of
materials for the ultimate limit state are
IRS Concrete Bridge Code..1997
IRS Concrete Bridge Code..1997 Design Formulae Provided When d'/d is greater than 0.2, equation 3
that the amount of redistribution of the should not be used and the resistance
elastic ultimate moments has been less moment shall be calculated with the aid
than 10%, the following formulae may be of
used to calculate the ultimate moment of The lever arm, z, in equation 1 may be
resistance of a solid slab or rectangular calculated from the equation:
beam, or of a flanged beam, ribbed slab
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Effectiv >2000 15001000 500 400 400 300 200 100 <100
Where both top and bottom
reinforcement is provided the area of As
used shall be that which is in tension d (mm)
under the loading which produces the
Depth 0.70 0.75 0.85 1.00 1.05 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.35 1.50
shear force being considered. Factors The area of longitudinal
reinforcement in the tensile zone shall be
such that : NOTE Table 16 is derived from the
following relationship:
As s = (500/d)1/4 or 0.70, whichever is the
2(0.87f y )
where, Bottom Loaded Beams
Where load is applied near the bottom of
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reduced by 20% provided that the In voided slabs, the stresses in the
product. transverse flexural reinforcement due to
transverse shear effects shall be
Asv Asl calculated by an appropriate analysis
Sv SL (e.g. an analysis based on the
remains unchanged. assumption that the transverse sections
acts as a Vierendeel frame).
15.4.5 Longitudinal Shear- For 15.5.3 Resistance to In-plane Forces
flanged beams where shear If reinforcement is to be provided to
reinforcement is required to resist vertical resist a combination of in-plane direct
shear the longitudinal shear resistance of and shear forces at a point in a slab,
the flange and of the flange web junction allowance shall be made for the fact that
shall be checked in accordance with the principal stress and reinforcement directions do not generally coincide.
15.4.6 Deflection in Beams- Such allowance can be made by
Deflection may be calculated in calculating required forces in the
accordance with clause 10. reinforcement directions, such that
adequate strength is provided in all
15.4.7 Crack Control in Beams- directions.
Flexural cracking beams shall be
controlled by checking crack widths in 15.5.4 Shear Resistance of Slabs
accordance with Shear Stress in Solid
15.5 Slabs: Slabs The shear stress v, at any cross
section in a solid slab, shall be calculated
15.5.1 Moments and Shear Forces in from :
Slabs- Moments and shear forces in
slab bridges and in the top slabs of beam v = V (equation 12)
and slab, voided slab and box beam bd
bridges may be obtained from a general where
elastic analysis or such particular elastic V is the shear force due to ultimate loads;
analysis as those due to Westergard or
Pucher; alternatively, Johansens yield b is the width of slab under consideration;
line method may be used to obtain d is the effective depth in tension
required ultimate moments of resistance reinforcement.
subject to The effective spans
shall be in accordance with No shear reinforcement is
required when the stress, v, is less than
15.5.2 Resistance Moments of svc where s has the value shown in Table
Slabs- The ultimate resistance moment 16 and vc is obtained from Table 15.
in a reinforcement direction may be
determined by the methods given in The shear stress, v, in a solid
15.4.2. If reinforcement is being provided slab less than 200 mm thick shall not
to resist a combination of two bending exceed svc.
moments and a twisting moment at a In solid slabs at least
point in a slab, allowance shall be made 200mm thick, when v is greater than svc
for the fact that the principal moment and shear reinforcement shall be provided as
reinforcement directions do not generally for a beam (see except that the
coincide. Allowance can be made by space between stirrups may be
calculating moments of resistance in the increased to d.
reinforcement directions, such that
adequate strength is provided in all The maximum shear stress
directions. due to ultimate loads shall not exceed the
appropriate value given in for a
IRS Concrete Bridge Code..1997 The overall ultimate shear When openings in slabs and
resistance at the critical section shall be footings (see Fig.7) are located at a
taken as the sum of the shear resistance distance less than 6d from the edge of
of each portion of the critical section. The
value of 100 As/(bd) to be used in Table-
15 for each portion shall be derived by
considering the effectively anchored
flexural tensile reinforcement associated
with each portion as shown in Fig.6. In solid slabs at least
200mm thick, where V lies between Vc
and the maximum shear resistance FIG 7: OPENINGS IN SLAB
based on that allowed for a beam in, an area of shear reinforcement concentrated load or reaction, then that
shall be provided on the critical perimeter part of the periphery of the critical
and a similar amount on a parallel section, which is enclosed by radial
perimeter at a distance of 0.75d inside it, projections of the openings to the
such that ; centroid of the loaded area, shall be
considered ineffective. Where one hole is
adjacent to the column and its greatest
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The moment/unit length in the direction the section checked for this moment and
at right angles to a wall shall be taken the resulting compression or tension per
as not less than 0.05nwh, where nw is unit length at various points along the
the ultimate axial load per unit length wall length, using the assumptions of
and h is the thickness of the wall. 15.4.2.
Moments in the plane of a wall can be
calculated from statics for the most 15.7.4 Slender Reinforced Walls-
severe positioning of the relevant loads. The distribution of axial load along a
slender reinforced wall shall be
Where the axial load is non-uniform, determined as for a short wall. The
consideration shall be given to deep critical portion of wall shall then be
beam effects and the distribution of axial considered as a slender column of unit
loads per unit length of wall. width and designed as such as in
accordance with 15.6.5.
It will generally be necessary to consider
15.7.5 Shear Resistance of
the maximum and minimum ratios of
Reinforced Walls A wall subject to
moment to axial load in designing
uniaxial shear due to ultimate loads
reinforcement areas and concrete
shall be designed in accordance with
sections. except that the ultimate shear
stress, Svc, obtained from Table 15 and
15.7.3 Short Reinforced Walls
Table 16 may be multiplied by
Resisting Moments and Axial Forces
The cross section of various portions 0.05P
of the wall shall be designed to resist 1+
the appropriate ultimate axial load and
the transverse moment per unit length where
calculated in accordance with 15.7.2.
The assumption made when analysing P is the ultimate axial load (in Newtons)
beam sections (see 15.4.2) apply and Ac is the area of entire concrete section
also when the wall is subject to ( in mm2)
significant bending only in the plane of A wall subject to biaxial shear due to
the wall. ultimate loads shall be designed such
that- Vx Vy
+ 1. 0
When the wall is subjected to significant V ux V uy
bending both in the plane of the wall and
at right angles to it consideration shall where
be given first to bending in the plane of
Vx and Vy are the applied shears due to
the wall in order to establish a
ultimate loads for the x-x axis and y-y
distribution of tension and compression
axis respectively.
along the length of the wall. The
resulting tension and compression Vux and Vuy are the corresponding
shall then be combined with the ultimate shear capacities of the concrete
compression due to the ultimate axial and stirrup/link reinforcement for the x-x
load to determine the combined axial axis and y-y axis respectively, derived in
load per unit length of wall. This may be accordance with this clause.
done by an elastic analysis assuming a
15.7.6 Deflection of Reinforced
linear distribution along the wall.
Walls The deflection of a reinforced
concrete wall will be within acceptable
The bending moment at right angles to
limits if the recommendations given in
the wall shall then be considered and
15.7.1 to 15.7.5 have been followed.
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permanent forms such as blinding or drawings. The clear cover shall not be
brickwork) ; less than the size of the bar or
d) the size of the structural part and the maximum aggregate size plus 5mm ; in
relative size of bars of reinforcement the case of a bundle of bars
cage. (see., it shall be equal to or
greater than the size of a single bar of In certain cases where bars equivalent area plus 5mm.
or reinforcement cages are positioned
accurately on one face of a structural From durability consideration, minimum
member, this may affect the position of clear cover shall be as under :
highly stressed reinforcement at the
opposite face of the member. The Type of Extreme Very Severe Mild &
consequent possible reduction in structure Environ- severe environ- Moderate
effective depth to this reinforcement ment environ- ment Environ-
may exceed the percentage allowed for ment ment
in the values of the partial safety factors. Slab 50 50 25 25
In the design of a particularly critical Beam/ 60 50 40 35
member, therefore, appropriate Girder
adjustment to the effective depth Column 75 75 75 50
assumed may be necessary. Well, 75 75 75 50
pile & Construction joints - The footing
exact location and details of
construction joints, if any, shall be Clear cover should not be
indicated in drawing. Construction joints more than 2.5 times diameter of
shall be at right angles to the direction of reinforcing bar. If clear cover is more,
the member and shall take due account chicken mesh shall be provided in cover
of the shear and other stresses. If concrete to keep the concrete in its
special preparation of the joint faces is position.
required it shall be specified (also see
8.5). Diameter of reinforcing bar and
maximum size of aggregate shall be Movement joints - The decided based on and
location of all movement joints shall be
clearly indicated on the drawings both The clear cover shall not
for the individual members and for the exceed 75mm in any type of structure.
structures as a whole. In general,
movement joints in the structure shall 15.9.3 Reinforcement: General
pass through the whole structure in one Considerations.
plane. Requirements for the design of General Reinforcing bars of
joints shall be ascertained from the same type and grade shall be used as
engineer. main reinforcement in a structural
15.9.2 Clear Cover to Reinforcement member. However, simultaneous use of
two different types or grades of steel for Clear cover is the least main and secondary reinforcement
distance from outer most surface of respectively is permissible.
steel or binding wire or its end to the
face of the concrete. The recommendations for
detailing for earthquake-resistant Clear cover is the dimension construction given in IS: 4326 shall be
used in design and indicated on the
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face with a spacing not exceeding least 6 mm or one quarter of the size of
300 mm. the largest compression bar, whichever
is the greater, shall be provided through
where the thickness of the member. The
spacing of these links shall not exceed
bt is the breadth of the section ; twice the member thickness in either of
the two principal direction of the
d is the effective depth to tension
member and be not greater than 16
times the bar size in the direction of the
In a voided slab the amount of compression force.
transverse reinforcement shall exceed
In all beams shear reinforcement shall
the lesser of the following: -
be provided throughout the span to
a) In the bottom, or predominantly meet the recommendations given in
tensile, flange either 1500 15.4.3.
mm2/m or 1% of the minimum
The spacing of stirrups shall not exceed
flange section;
0.75 times the effective depth of the
b) In the top, or predominantly beam, nor shall the lateral spacing of
compressive flange either 1000 the individual legs of the stirrups exceed
mm2/m or 0.7% of the minimum this figure.
flange section.
Additional reinforcement may be Stirrups shall enclose all tension
required in beams slabs and walls to reinforcement. Also, the spacing of
control early shrinkage and thermal stirrups shall be restricted to 450 mm.
cracking (see also 15.9.9).
15.9.5 Maximum areas of Minimum area of links reinforcement in Members.
When, in a beam or column, part or all
of the main reinforcement is required to In a beam or slab , neither
resist compression, links or ties at least the area of tension reinforcement nor
one quarter the size of the largest the area of compression reinforcement
compression bar shall be provided at a shall exceed 4% of the gross cross-
maximum spacing of 12 times the size sectional area of the concrete.
of the smallest compression bar. Links
shall be so arranged that every corner In a column, the percentage
and alternate bar or group in an outer of longitudinal reinforcement shall not
layer of reinforcement is supported by a exceed 6 in vertically cast columns or 8
link passing round the bar and having in horizontally cast columns, except that
an included angle of not more than 135o. at laps percentage may be 8 & 10
All other bars or groups within a respectively.
compression zone shall be within 150
mm of a restrained bar. For circular In a wall, the area of vertical
columns, where the longitudinal reinforcement shall not exceed 4% of
reinforcement is located round the the gross cross-sectional area of the
periphery of a circle, adequate lateral concrete.
support is provided by a circular tie
passing round the bars or groups. 15.9.6 Bond Anchorage and
When the designed percentage of Bearing.
reinforcement in the compression face
of a wall or slab exceeds 1%, links at Local Bond - To prevent local
bond failure caused by large changes in
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The effective anchorage length The stress shall not exceed 1.5fck /
of a hook or bend shall be measured (1+20/a) where a for a particular bar or
from the start of the bend to a point four group of bars in contact shall be taken
times the bar size beyond the end of the as the centre to centre distance
bend, and may be taken as the lesser of between bars or groups of bars
24 times the bar size or perpendicular to the plane of the bend ;
for a bar or group of bars adjacent to the
a) for a hook, eight times the face of the member, a shall be taken as
internal radius of the hook ; the cover plus .
b) for a 90o bend, four times the If a change in direction of
internal radius of the bend. tension or compression reinforcement
induces a resultant force acting outward
tending to split the concrete, such force
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shall be taken up by additional links or or hook shall begin before the centre
stirrups. Bent tension bar at a re-entrant of the support;
angle shall be avoided.
2) an effective anchorage equivalent to
15.9.7 Curtailment and anchorage of 12 times the bar size plus d/2 from
reinforcement. the face of the support ;where d is
the effective depth to tension In any member subject to reinforcement of the member; no
bending every bar shall extend, except bend shall begin before d/2 from the
at end supports, beyond the point at face of the support.
which it is no longer needed for a
distance equal to the effective depth of Curtailment of bundled bars
the member or 12 times the size of the Bars in a bundle shall terminate at
bar, whichever is greater. A point at different points spaced apart by not less
which reinforcement is no longer than 40 times the bar diameter except
required is where the resistance for bundled bars stopping at a support.
moment of the section considering only
the continuing bars, is equal to the 15.9.8 Spacing of Reinforcement
required moment. Minimum distance between
In addition, reinforcement shall not be bars These recommendations are not
terminated in a tension zone unless one related to bar sizes but when a bar
of the following conditions is satisfied: exceeds the maximum size of coarse
aggregate by more than 5 mm, a
a) the bars extend an anchorage spacing smaller than the bar size shall
length appropriate to their design generally be avoided; if the distance
strength (0.87 fy) from the point under consideration is between bars of
at which they are no longer unequal diameters, the size of the larger
required to resist bending ; or bar shall be considered for this purpose.
A pair of bars in contact or a bundle of
b) the shear capacity at the section
three or four bars in contact shall be
where the reinforcement stops is
considered as a single bar of equivalent
greater than twice the shear
area when assessing size.
force actually present ; or
c) the continuing bars at the section The spacing of bars shall be
where the reinforcement stops suitable for the proper compaction of
provide double the area required concrete and when an internal vibrator
to resist the moment at that is likely to be used sufficient space shall
section. be left between reinforcement to enable
the vibrator to be inserted.
One or other of these conditions
shall be satisfied for all arrangements of Minimum reinforcement spacing
ultimate load considered. is best determined by experience or
proper works test, but in the absence of
At simply supported end of a better information, the following may be
member each tension bar shall be used as a guide:
anchored by one of the following: -
a) Individual bars - Except where
1) an effective anchorage equivalent to bars form part of a pair or bundle (see
12 times the bar size beyond the (b) and (c) the clear distance between
centre line of the support ; no bend
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Acor is the area of the core of the Voided slabs The
concrete section, Ac i.e. that longitudinal steel will generally be
portion of the section more than placed parallel to the voids and it is
250 mm away from all concrete recommended that the transverse steel
surfaces. be placed orthogonal to this steel.
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f pu
0.005 +
PRETENSIONED TENDONS, OR WITH fpu is characteristic strength of
POST-TENSIONED TENDONS prestressing tendon, and
Es is the modulus of elasticity of the
(Clause 16.4.3) steel.
fpu Aps STRESS IN RATIO OF Where the outermost tendon, or layer of
fck bd tendons, provides less than 25% of the
OF THE DESIGN TO THAT OF total tendon area, this condition shall
STRENGTH, THE CENTROID also be met at the centroid of the
OF THE outermost 25% of tendon area.
TENDONS IN As an alternative, the strains
in the concrete and the bonded
prestressing tendons and any additional
Pre- Post-ten- Pre- Post- reinforcement, due to the application of
Ten- sioning Ten- tension-
sioning with sioning ing with
ultimate loads, may be calculated using
effective effective the following assumptions:
bond bond
(a) The strain distribution in the
0.025 1.0 1.0 0.054 0.054 concrete in compression and the strains
in bonded prestressing tendons and any
0.05 1.0 1.0 0.109 0.109 additional reinforcement, whether in
0.10 1.0 1.0 0.217 0.217 tension or compression, are derived
from the assumption that plane sections
0.15 1.0 1.0 0.326 0.326
remain plane. In addition, the tendons
0.20 1.0 0.95 0.435 0.414* will have an initial strain due to prestress
0.25 1.0 0.90 0.542 0.480* after all losses.
0.30 1.0 0.85 0.655 0.558* (b) The stresses in the concrete in
compression are derived from the
0.40 0.9 0.75 0.783* 0.653* stress-strain curve given in Fig. 5, with
Ym = 1.5.
NOTE-* The neutral axis depth in these (c) The tensile strength of the
cases is too low to provide the concrete is ignored.
elongation given in It is
(d) The stresses in bonded
essential therefore that the strength
prestressing tendons, whether initially
provided shall exceed that strictly
tensioned or untensioned, and in
required by 15%.
additional reinforcement are derived
In addition, if the ultimate moment of from the appropriate stress-strain curves
resistance calculated as in (a) to (e) is with Ym=1.15; the stress strain curve for
less than 1.15 times the required value, prestressing tendons is given in Fig. 2A
the section shall be proportioned such & 2B and the stress strain curves for
that the strain in the outermost tendon is reinforcement are given in Fig.4. In
not less than: using the alternative method of analysis,
the calculated strain due to the
application of ultimate loads at the
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prestress over the transmission the flange and web; in this calculation,
length. the algebraic sum of the stress due to
the bending moment under ultimate Sections Uncracked in
loads and the stress due to prestress at
Flexure It may be assumed that the
this intersection shall be used in
ultimate shear resistance of a section
calculating Vco.
uncracked in flexure, Vco corresponds to
the occurrence of a maximum principal For a section with inclined
tensile stress at the centroidal axis, of tendons, the component of prestressing
force (multiplied by the appropriate
ft = 0.24 fck value of Yfl) normal to the longitudinal
axis of the member shall be
In the calculation of Vco, the algebraically added to Vco. This
value of fcp shall be derived from the component shall be taken as positive
prestressing force after all losses have where the shear resistance of the
occurred multiplied by the appropriate section is increased.
value of YfL (see 11.3.3) Sections Cracked in Flexure-
The value of Vco is given by: The ultimate shear resistance of a
Vco = 0.67bh f 2 t + f cp f t ) ) section cracked in flexure Vcr may be
calculated using equation 29:
(equation 28 ) M cr
Vcr= 0.037bd f ck + V
where M
...(equation 29 )
ft is 0.24 fck taken as positive; Where
fcp is the compressive stress at the d is the distance from the extreme
compression fibre to the centroid
centroidal axis due to prestress, of the tendons at the section
taken as positive considered.
*b is the breadth of the member which Mcr is the cracking moment at the
section considered.
for T, I and L beams shall be
replaced by the breadth of the rib. M cr = (0.37 fck + fpt )I/y
h is the overall depth of the member.
in which fpt is the stress due to
prestress only at the tensile fibre y from
NOTE: * Where the position of a duct the centroid of the concrete section
coincides with the position of maximum which has a second moment of area I:
principal tensile stress, e.g. at or near the value of fpt shall be derived from the
the junction of flange and web near a prestressing force after all losses have
support, the value of b shall be reduced occurred multiplied by the appropriate
by the full diameter of the duct if value of YfL (see 11.3.3):
ungrouted and by two-thirds of the V and M are the shear force and
diameter if grouted. bending moment (both taken as In flanged members where positive) at the section considered due
the centroidal axis occurs in the flange, to ultimate loads;
the principal tensile stress shall be Vcr shall be taken as not less
limited to 0.24fck at the intersection of than 0.1 bd fck
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bending, shear and torsion may be used ultimate shear resistance of a section
with the approval of the engineer, uncracked in flexure. Vco may be taken
provided that it can be shown that they as corresponding to the occurrence of
satisfy both the ultimate and a maximum principal tensile stress of
serviceability limit state requirements. ft = 0.24fck at the centroidal axis around
16.4.6 Longitudinal Shear For the critical section which is assumed as
flanged beams where shear a perimeter h/2 from the loaded area.
reinforcement is required to resist The values of Vco given in Table 26 may
vertical shear, the longitudinal shear be used with b being taken as the length
resistance of the flange and of the of the critical perimeter. Reinforcement if
flange web junction shall be checked in necessary, shall be provided in
accordance with accordance with
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16.8.3 Loss of Prestress due to and where Kx 0.2, e-Kx may be taken
Friction as (1-Kx) General In post-tensioning where
systems there will be movement of the
Po is the prestressing force in the
greater part of the tendon relative to the
tendon at the jacking end:
surrounding duct during the tensioning
operation, and if the tendon is in contact e is the base of Napierian
with either the duct or any spacers logarithms(2.718):
provided, friction will cause a reduction
K is the constant depending on the
in the prestressing force as the distance
type of duct or sheath employed,
from the jack increases, in addition, a
the nature of its inside surface,
certain amount of friction will be
the method of forming it and the
developed in the jack itself and in the
degree of vibration employed in
anchorage through which the tendon
placing the concrete.
The value of K per meter length in In the absence of evidence
equation 31 shall generally be taken as
established to the satisfaction of the
not less than 33x10-4, but where strong
engineer, the stress variation likely to be
rigid sheaths or duct formers are used
expected along the design profile shall
closely supported so that they are not
be assessed in accordance with
displaced during the concreting to in order to obtain
operation, the value of K may be taken
the prestressing force at the critical
as 17x10-4. Other values may be used
sections considered in design.
provided they have been established by The extension of the tendon tests to the satisfaction of the engineer.
shall be calculated allowing for the Friction in the Duct due to
variation in tension along its length.
Curvature of the Tendon- When a Friction in the Jack and tendon is curved, the loss of tension due
Anchorage This is directly to friction is dependent on the angle
proportional to the jack pressure, but it turned through and the coefficient of
will vary considerably between systems friction , between the tendon and its
and shall be ascertained for the type of supports.
jack and the anchorage system to be
used. The prestressing force Px, at any
distance, x along the curve from the Friction in the Duct due to tangent point may be calculated from:
Unintentional variation form the
Specified Profile - Whether the
desired duct profile is straight or curved Px = Po e .(equation 32)
or a combination of both, there will be
slight variations in the actual line of the where
duct, which may cause additional points Po is the prestressing force in the
of contact between the tendon and the tendons at the tangent point near
sides of the duct, and so produce the jacking end.
friction. The prestressing force, Px at
any distance x from the jack may be rps is the radius of curvature
calculated from : x/r ps
-Kx Where x/rps < 0.2, e may be
Px = Poe (equation 31) taken as (1-x/rps)
IRS Concrete Bridge Code..1997
IRS Concrete Bridge Code..1997 If the tendons are prevented (6) forces due to curved or divergent
from bonding to the concrete near the tendons.]
ends of the units by the use of sleeves The following
or tape, the transmission lengths shall
recommendations are appropriate to a
be taken from the ends of the de-
circular, square or rectangular anchor
bonded portions.
plate, symmetrically positioned on the
16.8.5 End Blocks - The end block end face of a square or rectangular post
(also known as the anchor block or end tensioned member, the
zone) is defined as the highly stressed recommendations are followed by some
zone of concrete around the termination guidance on other aspects.
points of a pre or post tensioned The bursting tensile forces
prestressing tendon. It extends from the
in the end blocks, or end regions of
points of application of prestress (i.e. the
bonded post-tensioned members, shall
end of the bonded part of the tendon in
be assessed on the basis of the tendon
pre tensioned construction or the
jacking load. For temporarily unbonded
anchorage in post-tensioned
members, the bursting tensile forces
construction) to that section of the
shall be assessed on the basis of the
member at which linear distribution of
tendon jacking load or the load in the
stress is assumed to occur over the
tendon at the ultimate limit state,
whole cross-section.
calculated using whichever is The following aspects of the greater.
design shall be considered in assessing The bursting tensile force ,
the strength of end blocks:
Fbst existing in an individual square end
(a) bursting forces around individual block loaded by a symmetrically placed
anchorages; square anchorage or bearing plate, may
be derived from Table 27,
(b) overall equilibrium of the end
block; Where
(c) spalling of the concrete form the Yo is half the side of end block;
loaded face around anchorages.
Ypo is half the side of loaded area; In considering each of these
Pk is the load in the tendon
aspects, particular attention shall be
assessed in accordance with the
given to factor such as the following:
preceding paragraph.
(1) shape, dimensions and position
Fbst is the bursting tensile force.
of anchor plates relative to the
cross-section of the end block: This force, Fbst, will be distributed in
a region extending from 0.2Yo to 2Yo
(2) the magnitude of the
from the loaded face of the end block.
prestressing forces and the
Reinforcement provided to sustain the
sequence of prestressing;
bursting tensile force may be assumed
(3) shape of the end block relative to to be acting at its design strength
the general shape of the (0.87fy) except that the stress shall be
member; limited to a value corresponding to a
strain of 0.001 when the concrete cover
(4) layout of anchorages including
to the reinforcement is less than 50mm.
asymmetry group effects and
edge distances; In the rectangular end block,
the bursting tensile forces in the two
(5) influence of the support reaction;
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move under vibration, to all parts of the prestressed concrete members either to
mould. Use of high capacity tendons comply with the recommendations of
shall be preferred to avoid grouping and or
reduced the number of cables. Reinforcement may be Pre-tensioned Tendons- necessary, particularly where post-
The recommendations of tensioning systems are used to control
concerning spacing of reinforcement any cracking resulting from restraint to
may be taken to be applicable. In pre- longitudinal shrinkage of members
tensioned members, where anchorage provided by the formwork during the
is achieved by bond, the spacing of the time before the prestress is applied.
wires or strands in the ends of the
16.9.5 Stirrups/Links in Prestressed
members shall be such as to allow the
Concrete Beams- The amount and
transmission lengths given in 16.8.4 to
disposition of stirrups/links in
be developed. In addition, if the
rectangular beams and in the webs of
tendons are positioned in two or more
flanged beams will normally be
widely spaced groups, the possibility of
governed by considerations of shear
longitudinal splitting of the member shall
(see 16.4.4).
be considered.
Stirrups/links to resist the bursting Tendons in Ducts- The
tensile forces in the end zones of post-
clear distance between ducts and other
tensioned members shall be provided in
tendons shall be not less than the
accordance with 16.8.5.
following, whichever is the greatest:
Stirrups/links shall be provided in
(a) hagg+5mm, where hagg is the
the transmission lengths of pre-
maximum size of the coarse
tensioned members in accordance with
16.4.4. and using the information given
(b) in the vertical direction; the in 16.8.4.
vertical internal dimension of the
duct; 16.9.6 Minimum Dimensions-
(c) in the horizontal direction; the Deck Slab- The
horizontal internal dimension of minimum thickness of the deck slab
the duct; where internal vibrators shall be 200mm for normal exposure
are used minimum clear distance conditions and 220mm for severe and
shall be 10mm more than dia of very severe exposure conditions. The
needle vibrator. thickness at the tip of the cantilever shall Where two or more rows of not be less than 150mm.
ducts are used the horizontal gaps Web Thickness- In the
between the ducts shall be vertically in case of post-tensioned girders, the
line wherever possible, for ease of minimum web thickness shall be as
construction. under: Recommendations for the (i) for webs having single duct: The
spacing of curved tendons in ducts are minimum thickness of web in mm should
given in Appendix E. be: No cable shall be anchored in d+120+2(c+d1+d2)
the deck slab.
(ii) for webs having two ducts at the
16.9.4 Longitudinal Reinforcement same level, minimum thickness of web
in Prestressed Concrete Beams- should be greater of:
Reinforcement may be used in
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allowed for in designing and detailing Where a space is left between two or
the connection by providing either: more precast units, to be filled later with
in situ concrete or mortar the space
a) sliding bearings: or
shall be large enough for the filling
b) suitable lateral reinforcement in material to be placed easily and
the top of supporting member compacted sufficiently to fill the gap
and completely, without abnormally high
c) continuity reinforcement to tie standards of workmanship or
together the ends of the supervision. The erection instructions
supported members shall contain definite information as to
the stage during construction when the
Where owing to large spans or other gap should be filled.
reasons, large rotations are likely to
occur at the end supports of flexural The majority of joints will incorporate a
members, suitable bearings capable of structural connection (see 17.3) and
accommodating these rotations shall be consideration to this aspect should be
used. given in the design of joint.
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(b) one set of bars may be welded concrete surfaces to be joined shall be
to a steel plate that is drilled to checked at serviceability limit state and
receive the threaded ends of the shall lie between 0.2 N/mm2 and 0.3
second set of bars; the second N/mm2 measured over the total
set of bars are fixed to the plate projection of the joint surface (locally not
by means of nuts. less than 0.15.N/mm2) and the
difference between flexural stresses
(c) threaded anchors may be cast
across the section shall be not more
into a pre-cast unit to receive the
than 0.5 N/mm2 .
threaded ends of reinforcement.
For cement mortar joints, the
Where there is a risk of the threaded
flexural stresses in the joint shall be
connection working loose, e.g. during
compressive throughout and not less
vibration of in situ concrete, a locking
than 1.5 N/mm2 under service loads.
device shall be used.
17.4 Composite Concrete
The structural design of special
threaded connections shall be based on
tests, including behavior under fatigue 17.4.1 General - The recommendations
conditions. where tests have shown the of 17.4 apply to flexural members
strength of the threaded connection to consisting of pre-cast concrete units
be as per, the strength of the acting in conjunction with added
joint may be based on 80% of the concrete where provision has been
specified characteristic strength of the made for the transfer of horizontal shear
joined bars in tension and on 100% for at the contact surface. The precast units
bars in compression divided in each may be of either reinforced or
case by the appropriate Ym factor. prestressed concrete. Welding of Bars - The design In general, the analysis and
of welded connection shall be in design of composite concrete structures
accordance with 7.1.3. and members shall be in accordance
with clause 15 or 16, modified where
17.3.3 Other Types of Connection
appropriate by 17.4.2 and 17.4.3.
Any other type of connection which can
Particular attention shall be given in the
be capable of carrying the ultimate loads
design of both the components parts
acting on it may be used with the
and the composite section to the effect,
approval of the engineer subject to
on stress and deflections, of the method
verification by test evidence.
of construction and whether or not props
Amongst those suitable for are used. A check for adequacy shall be
resisting shear and flexure are those made for each stage of construction.
made by prestressing across the joint. The relative stiffnesses of members
Resin adhesives, where tests should be based on the concrete, gross
have shown their acceptability, may be transformed or net, transformed section
used to form joints subjected to properties as described in; if
compression but not to resist tension or the concrete strengths in the two
shear. components of the composite members
differ by more than 10 N/mm2,
For resin mortar joints, the allowance for this shall be made in
flexural stress in the joints shall be assessing stiffnesses and stresses.
compressive throughout under service
loads, During the jointing operation at Differential shrinkage of the added
the construction stage the average concrete and precast concrete members
compressive stress between the requires consideration in analysis
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and imposed loads. When the ultimate measure immediately after application of
limit state is being considered, the test the test load for deflections should not
load should be equal to the sum of the be more than 1/500 of the effective
characteristic dead load plus 1.25 times span. Limits should be agreed before
the characteristic imposed load and testing cantilever portions of structures.
should be maintained for a period of 24h. If the maximum deflection (in
If any of the final dead load is not in
millimeters) shown during the 24h under
position on the structure, compensating
load is less than 40 L2 /h where L is the
loads should be added as necessary.
effective span (in metres) and h is the
During the tests, struts and overall depth of construction in
bracing strong enough to support the (millimeters), it is not necessary for the
whole load should be placed in position recovery to be measured and
leaving a gap under the members to be and do not apply.
tested and adequate precautions should If within 24h of the removal of
be taken to safeguard persons in the
the test load for the ultimate limit state
vicinity of the structure.
as calculated in 18.2.3 a reinforced
18.2.4 Measurements during the Tests concrete structure does not show a
Measurements of deflection and crack recovery of at least 75% of the
width should be taken immediately after maximum deflection shown during the
the application of load and in the case of 24h under load. The loading should be
the 24h sustained load test at the end of repeated the structure should be
the 24h-loaded period after removal of considered to have failed to pass the
the load and after the 24h recovery test if the recovery after the second
period. Sufficient measurements should loading is not at least 75% of the
be taken to enable side effects to be maximum deflection shown during the
taken into account. Temperature and second loading;
weather conditions should be recorded If within 24 h of the removal of
during the test.
the test load for the ultimate limit state
18.2.5 Assessment of Results In as calculated in 18.2.3 a prestressed
assessing the serviceability of a structure concrete structures does not a recovery
or part of a structure following a loading of at least 85% of the maximum
test, the possible effects of variation in deflection shown during the 24h under
temperature and humidity during the load. The loading should be repeated.
period of the test should be considered. The structure should be considered to
have failed to pass the test if the
The following recommendations
recovery after the second loading is not
should be met.
at least 85% of the maximum deflection For reinforced concrete shown during the second loading.
structures, the maximum width of any
18.3 Non-destructive Tests (NDT)
crack measured immediately on
application of the test load for local Additional non destructive tests on the
damage should not be more than two- hardened concrete in the structure as a
thirds of the value for the limit state whole or any finished part of the
requirement given in 10.2.1. For structure where necessary may be
prestressed concrete structures, no carried out to as certain its integrity of
visible cracks should occur under the test strength. Details of few non-destructive
load for local damage. techniques are given in Appendix-F For members spanning
between two supports, the deflection