ISSN: 1978-3019
Department Biochemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Bogor Agricultural University, Darmaga Campus,
Bogor 16680, Indonesia; Phone/Fax: +62-251-8423267, E-mail: [email protected]
Angkak pigments and lovastatin had been reported very useful as natural coloring agents, as an agent to increase
thrombocyte level in Dengue hemorrhagic fever, and also as a compound that was able to control blood cholesterol level.
Three strains of fungus Monascus purpureus AKI, AKII, and 915 were selected to produce angkak pigments and lovastatin
in potato dextrose agar (PDA) medium. The best fungus strain, which is AKII, was then applied in three kinds of rice
media (white rice IR-42, red rice BP-1804-IF-9, and a combination of 1:1 (w/w) white IR-42 and red rice BP-1804-IF-9 for
solid fermentation. The best medium and fermentation times were determined for the production of angkak pigments and
lovastatin separately. Results showed that strains, media, and duration of fermentations gave significant effect on the
amount of pigment produced. Strain AKII produced highest concentration of angkak pigments. The combination of rice
(White IR-42 and red rice BP-1804-IF-9) produced the highest pigment than the individual white and red rie it self. The
optimum duration of fermentation was 16 days for strains AKI and AKII, but only 15 days for strain 915. Therefore the
strain AKII with media combination of rice and a fermentation time of 16 days were used to investigate the additional
effect of various minerals. Addition of the mineral individually gave significant increased on angkak pigment production
by AKII, where as the addition of minerals mixture in the forth tube did not.
respectively, when this mineral mixture is added. Statistical significantly different to the control distilled water treatment
analysis showed these values are significantly difference to (P > 0.05).
the control (P < 0.05). Minerals Addition Effects to Lovastatin Production by
Tween 80 is able to increase pigment production by M. M. purpureus AKII Grown in White Rice Medium. Next,
purpureus (Figure 5, 6, and 7) Using white rice medium, tween we investigated the lovastatin content that has been
80 increases the production of red and yellow pigments by produced by angkak using white rice medium supplemented
15.05 and 9.39% respectively, while on combination rice the with mineral mixture and Tween 80 during fermentation by
increase is 18.09 and 7.61% respectively. However, it is not M. purpureus AKII. The results show that the content
a b
Figure 4. a: Red pigment production by M. Purpureus AKI in rice medium (measured in 500 nm); b: Yellow pigemnt production by M. Purpureus AKI
in rice medium (measured in 390 nm).
Table 2. Correlation test result between red pigment, yellow pigment, lovastatin level, and fermentation length
Correlation (r) Sig probabilities (1-tailed)
Fixed variables Red Yellow Lovastatin Fermentation Red Yellow Lovastatin Fermentation
pigment pigment length pigment pigment length
Red pigment 1.000 0.964 0.520 0.633 - 0.000 0.403 0.000
Yellow pigment 0.964 1.000 0.088 0.665 0.000 - 0.338 0.000
Lovastatin 0.520 0.088 1.000 0.135 0.403 0.338 - 0.261
Fermentation Length 0.633 0.665 0.135 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.261
R 0.971
Determination Coefficient 0.944
R2 0.933
Red pigment absorbance give positive correlation with yellow pigment absorbance (r = 0.964) and red pigment absorbance give no correlation
with lovastatin production (r = 0.052), neither with the yellow pigment absorbance. Fermentation length also make a positive correlation with
red and yellow pigment absorbance (r = 0.633), but lack of correlation with lovastatin production (r = 0.135).
Figure 5. The effect of adding minerals to production of a: Red pigment in white rice medium by M. Purpureus AKII (measured in 500 nm); b:
Yellow pigment in white rice medium by M. Purpureus AKII (measured in 390 nm).
of lovastatin is varying, depends on the treatment highest concentration of lovastatin is obtained from angkak
(Figure 7). when Tween 80 is added in its production. The average value
Variance analysis indicates that treatments gave for 5 replicates is 254.934 + 9.656 ppm or an increase of 40.78%
significantly effect on lovastatin produced (Figure 7). The compared to the control. This result was supported by t-Test
which shows a significant difference from the control. In
a contrast, the average lovastatin content from angkak
produced with added mineral mixture was increased by 8.81%
but this is not significantly different to control using the
ZnSO47H 2O Duncan multiple range tests. The addition of ZnSO47H2O
MgSO47H2O increased lovastatin content to 22.53% respectively (not
significant compared to control group), whereas adding
MgSO47H2O will decrease the pigment content by 4.11%
(significant compared to control group). ANOVA test indicated
that red pigment production correlated positively to the yellow
pigment production (r = 0.96) and that there is no positive
correlation between red pigment and lovastatin (r = 0.052) or
yellow pigment and lovastatin (r = 0.088).
The results show that AKII and AKI strains produce
maximum pigment on day 16 of fermentation, while 915 strain
produced maximum pigment on the 15th day of fermentation.
According to Jenie and Facda (1991), fermentation to produce
pigment needs 16 days. The decrease of pigment during
fermentation is caused by decomposition of pigment and
change in pigment structure. The chromophor group of
pigment is degraded, which results in decreased pigment
Wong and Koehler (1981) indicated that the growth of
M. purpureus and pigment production are influenced by the
amount of carbon and nitrogen in the media, and that the
amount of carbon and nitrogen will determine the amount and
the type of pigments.
Figure 6. The effect of adding minerals on production of a: Red
pigment in combination rice (red:white 1:1) by M. Purpureus Steinkraus (1983) said that pigment can be produced from
AKII (measured in 500 nm); b: Yellow pigment in several rice strains with high amylose (25-33%), more pigment
combination rice (red:white 1:1) by M. Purpureus AKII production will be obtained using rice with low amylopectin
(measured in 390 nm). (Santoso & Satiawiharja 1985). The use of sticky rice will inhibit
the growth of M. purpureus.
M. purpureus produces protease and amylase enzymes
which break down proteins and amylose respectively. Every
strain of M. purpureus has the capability to produce enzyme
amylase. The more amylase which the strain produces, the
more amylose can be hydrolyzed into glucose that will produce
more pigment. Glucose is needed for source of energy during
the development of secondary metabolic. Amylose in white
rice is higher than in red rice; therefore, white rice will produce
more red and yellow pigment (Santoso & Satiawihardja 1985).
Rice consists of carbohydrate, protein, vitamin B1,
phosphate, potassium, and zinc. Vitamin B1 in red rice is higher
than in white rice (Santoso & Satiawihardja 1985). Vitamin B1
(Lin 1973), amino acids, and zinc (Lin & Demain 1991) can
influence pigment production. Vitamin B1 (Thiamin
ab a ab c bc Pyrophosphate) is as coenzyme or prosthetic group in
Treatments, n = 5 for each group complex of a pyruphate dehydrogenase enzyme that catalyses
Figure 7. The effect of adding minerals on lovastatin levels (ppm) the conversion of pyruvate into acetyl-CoA in glucose
in angkak production by M. Purpureus AKII. Key: Same metabolism. According to Chen and Johns (1994), M.
letter under each treatment indicates that the treatments
give no significant results.
purpureus pigment is produced through a polyketide pathway