Intevju Robert Aliber PDF
Intevju Robert Aliber PDF
Intevju Robert Aliber PDF
Financial crises are widely believed to be caused by greed, Whats the main storyline of your research?
corruption, or lack of regulation. But what if the cause is Weve seen four waves of banking crises in
the past 30 years, all very similar. The first
simply the variability of cross-border investment inflows? wave was in Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, and 10
Thats the model developed by Robert Aliber, professor other developing countries in the early 1980s.
emeritus of international economics and finance at the Japan and several of the Nordic countries were
University of Chicago Booth School of Business. Aliber, involved in the second wave in the early 1990s.
The third wave was the Asian financial crisis
editor and co-author with Charles P. Kindleberger of the in July 1997, and the fourth is what I call the
1978 classic Manias, Panics, and Crashes: A History of Anglo-Saxon real estate crisis, which became
Financial Crises, predicted the Icelandic banking crisis apparent in September 2008.
18 months before it happened. In an interview with CFA Each country that experienced a banking
crisis previously had an economic boom and
Institute Magazine, Aliber offers a different view on the an increase in cross-border investment inflows,
cause of financial crises, discusses why banking crises which led to increases in the prices of its secu-
almost always coincide with currency crises, and explains rities and to an increase in the price of its cur-
why cross-border investment flows should be moderated. rencyunless the increase was forestalled by
central bank intervention.
These cross-border investment inflows are
too rapid to be sustained. Eventually, one or
several of the lenders recognize that borrow-
ers indebtedness is increasing too rapidly or
that the borrowers indebtedness is too large
relative to their incomes. When that happens,
lenders become more cautious. Borrowers will
not have enough cash to pay the interest. They
become distress sellers of real estate and secu-
rities. The prices of real estate and securities
decline, loan losses surge, and the country expe-
riences a banking crisis. Its also a currency crisis
in that many of the borrowers default on their
liabilities denominated in the foreign currency.
How does your model differ from the dominant What factors determine supply of credit?
interpretation of the 2008 crisis? Often, the increase in the cross-border investment inflows
The dominant interpretation (the Washington-policy-estab- is stimulated by a boom in the economy of the country
lishment consensus, including nearly everyone connected that experiences the investment inflow. At other times, the
with the Federal Reserve) is that the US banking crisis was increase is a response to a relaxation of regulations that pre-
the fault of lenders, such as Countrywide Financial, Lehman viously had limited cross-border investment flows, which
Brothers, Bear Stearns, Washington Mutual, and several was the Nordic experience.
hundred others, because they acquired too many risky In the 1990s, Mexico was being prepared for adherence
loans. The public officials have been successful in creat- to the North American Free Trade Agreement, and the lib-
ing the impression that the crisis would not have occurred eralization of economic regulations in Mexico was exten-
if the private lenders had behaved responsibly. sive. Moreover, macroeconomic initiatives to reduce infla-
But these crises are not caused by the misbehavior of tion (after several years when inflation was higher than
the private sector lenders. If the credit is there, it has to 100%) led to extraordinarily high real interest rates on
go someplace. Why does subprime become important? peso-denominated securities, which attracted money market
Because there arent enough prime borrowers. The only mutual funds. American, Japanese, and European firms
reason Countrywide and Washington Mutual went scroung- were investing in Mexico as a low-cost source of supply for
ing for borrowers was because the credit was there. They the American market.
Is there a tipping point when a banking crisis What are the implications of your research?
is inevitable? One set of implications is for investors: when to buy for-
I fly small airplanes, and in one of my Walter Mitty moments, eign stocks and bonds and when to sell domestic stocks and
I imagine that Im at Roosevelt Field in 1927 advising Charles bonds. Investment practitioners should follow the money
Lindbergh. I say, Charlie, when you cross the 19th merid- and momentum strategies; increases in prices of securities
ian, you cant turn back. The winds will be against you, are correlated with increases in the prices of currencies.
and you wont have enough fuel. Thats the concept of the And they should always ask, How long can the borrowers
point of no return, which can be modified to the date of no continue to have a primary deficit?
return. What is the date after which a crisis is inevitable? The second set of implications is for domestic financial
In the Icelandic case, Iceland had a massive capital account regulations: whether bank capital requirements should be
surplus after 2005. It had a very high level of debt relative high or low, whether banks need living wills, and whether