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Chandrakar et al. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Volume 2, Issue 5, 4139-4149. Review Article ISSN 2278 4357



Chandrakar Anju*, Karbhal Kamleshwar Singh

Post Graduate Dept. of Rasashastra & Bhaisajya Kalpana, Govt. Ayurveda College, Raipur,
Chhattisgarh, India.

Article Received on
03 August 2013, Mukta Shukti is the choice of drug for many indications in Ayurvedic
Revised on 26 August 2013, practice. Mukta Shukti (pearl-oyster) is the source of pearl which is the
Accepted on 30 September best among type of Shukti comes under Sudha varga. It is used in
Hridyaroganashara (Heart disease), Shoolhara (Pain), Kasahara
*Correspondence for (Cough), Snayurogahara (Ligament disease), Jwarahara (Fever),
Author: Raktarogahara (Disease of blood), Agnimandhya (Digestive

* Dr. Anju Chandrakar impairment), Aruchi (Tastelessness). Mukta Shukti Bhasma is used as
M.D. Scholar, Post Graduate an antacid, anti-pyretic, and as a source of calcium. It is also used in
Dept. of Rasashastra & tuberculosis, cough, asthma, dysmenorrheal, arthritis, rheumatism,
Bhaisajya Kalpana, Govt.
conjunctivitis. It contains Calcium carbonate 85-95%, Phosphate and
Ayurveda College, Raipur,
Sulphate of Calcium and Magnesium. It have brilliant luster which is
Chhattisgarh, INDIA
[email protected] unrivalled by any other shell and raises their commercial value. Its
property is similar to Pearl. Literatures of ancient and current science
are reviewed to highlight the importance of it.
Keywords: Ayurveda, Mukta Shukti, Pearl oyster Shell.

Ayurveda is an ancient traditional system of medicine of India evolved and practiced over
thousands of years.1 Ancient Acharyas of Rasa Shastra had included Shukti in different
vargas like Shukla Varga2, Shodhaniya Gana3, Shweta Varga4, Uparasa5, Uparatna6,
Shankhadi Vigyaniyam7 etc. But later on in the 20th century A.D., it was included under
Sudha Varga due to the predominance of calcium or Sudha, in Ayurveda Prakasha8. Mukta
Shukti is procured from sea water9. Mukta Shukti Bhasma is a Calcium containing bhasma.
This biomedicine is synthesized through special calcinations of the mother of pearl. It is used 4139
Chandrakar et al. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

in Hridyaroganashara (Heart disease), Shoolhara (Pain), Kasahara (Cough), Snayurogahara

(Ligament disease), Jwarahara (Fever), Raktarogahara (Disease of blood), Agnimandhya
(Digestive impairment), Aruchi (Tastelessness)11. Mukta Shukti Bhasma is used as an antacid,
anti-pyretic, and as a source of calcium. It is also used in tuberculosis, cough, asthma,
dysmenorrheal, arthritis, rheumatism, conjunctivitis12-15. In the present scenario the use of
Mukta Shukti preparations are single drug or as ingredient in many Ayurvedic medicines has
evoked concerns and debate in the scientific formula in the recent times. The present study
was undertaken to review the Ayurvedic as well as Modern concept of Mukta Shukti.

Muktashukti, Shukti, Shuktika, Muktamata, Muktagruha, Mahashukti, Mouktikaprasava,
Mouktika mandira, Muktaprasu, Mahashukti, Shuktija , Muktasphota, Abdhimandooki,
Muktaprasu, Mouktika, Tautika5,7,8,10,16,17,18.(Table -1)

Historical Review
Acharya Charaka has described Shukti under Varishaya Varga19 & it also mentioned external
application of Shukti in the Visarpa Treatment20. Acharya Sushruta21 and Kasyapa Samhita22
have described both external & internal use of Shukti. In Ashtanga Hridaya23 only external
use of Shukti is found. In Rasa Hridya Tantra24 Shukti used as drug in Jarana samskara of
Parada. In Rasarnava2 it included in Shukla verga. The use of Shukti is confined to different
samskara of Parada. In Rasa Ratnakar4 it used in the preparation of vida for Hema jaranaa.
Therefore , in Rasa Kala almost all author have described about the different aspect of Shukti
types, synonyms, Shodhana, Marana, guna-karma & therapeutic utility in various disease.

Vernacular Name of Mukta Shukti 6,10,18

Arabi Shadak
Bangali Jhinuka
English Pearl oyster shell
Farasi Ghosmahi
Gujrati Motini chip
Hindi Shipa, sipa, Moti ki sipa
Kannada Muktini shipu
Malwadi Khipadhi
Marathi Motayanchi shipa, Moti shipa
Panjabi Shipa 4140
Chandrakar et al. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Sanskrita Shukti, Muktashukti, Muktagriha

Shukti is included in different group in different literature like
Varishaya prani in Charaka Samhita19,
Anoopa varga in Shusruta Samhita21,
Matasya Varga in Ashtang Samhita25 & Ashtang Hridya23,
Sweta varga in Rasa Ratnakar24,
Shukla varga in Rasarnava2 & Dhanvantari Nighantu26,
Suvarnadi Varga in Raja Nighantu10 & Madanpala Nighantu17,
Dhadhwadi varga in Bhavprakash Nighantu6 & Kaiydeva Nighantu16,
Uparasa varga in Ayurveda Prakash8, Ananda Kanda5 & Rasendra Bhaskara27,
Shodhaniya varga in Rasa Ratana Samucchaya3.

Pearl oysters are the source of pearls. Oyster shell has small, hollow ovate excavation in
which the animal with a soft, fleshy suborbicular body is enclosed. The fleshy layer of the
skin, the mantle , lines the inside of shell and surrounded the body organs. It produces liquid
substances that harden and form the shell. It also makes the colour and designs that appear in
the shell. The shell has a sort of hinge at one end and opens into two valves, one shallow and
the other deep which is found adhering to the rock.28,29,30

Oysters in the United States come from under sea farms that are located along the Atlantic,
Pacific and Gulf coasts. The range of distribution of pearl oysters extends from the Indian
ocean to the central pacific.28,29

Oysters are often called bivalves, which mean two valves. The lower valve is deeper, larger
and thicker than upper valve and the oysters body rest on it. The second valve acts as a lid.
The surface of shell is coarse and irregular and ruffled.28

Physical Property
In Rasa literature grahya Muktashukti is white like silver and heavy weight.31 The shell is
hard, externally gray or dark brown and rough, marked with lateral undulated streaks and 4141
Chandrakar et al. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

internally white, smooth and shining. It is white and inside much bright, no perforated.30,32

Modern view
Oyster is belongs to mollusca phylum and Pelecypoda class. Latin name of the Pearl oyster is
Pinctada vulgaris.33 An oysters mature shape often depends on the type of bottom to which it
is originally attached. Oyster usually reaches maturity in 1 year. An Oyster shell consist of
two parts called valves so also called Bivalvia. When the body of mussel is removed from the
two valves are seen to be united along a straight hinge line by a tough elastic substance, the
hinge ligament.

The valves are marked externally by a series of concentric lines parallel with the free edges
and starting from a swollen knob or elevation the umbo, situated towards the anterior edge of
the hinge line. These lines are line of growth. The shell is thickest at the umbo which
represents the part first formed in the young animal, and new layers are deposited under this
original portion, as secretion from the mantle.32

Purification (Shodhana)
Shodhana is processes which remove the impurities of drug and increase therapeutic
qualities of drugs. Purification of Muktashukti mention in different Rasa literatures is given
in table-2

Incineration (Marana)
Marana means process of killing. The drug subjected to various experiments so as to
convert them in such a form, not be converted back to original form and which will be easily
absorbed and assimilated into body. Bhasma (Ash) is often used to final product after process
of marana. The inner surface is chiefly used in preparing the Ash. Incineration of
Muktashukti mentioned in different Rasa literature is given in table-3

Mukta Shukti Bhasma

Muktashukti Bhasma is a compound consisting of pearl oyster shell (Moti ka sipa), Aloe
Vera Linn (Guar-patha) and vinegar(Kanji). The compound is prepared from the outer
covering of the shell, ground and triturated with Aloe Vera and vinegar in sufficient quantity
to make a homogenous paste. Recommended proportions of pearl oyster and Aloe Vera are in
the ratio of 1:4. Medicinal properties have been attributed to this preparation in ancient
Ayurveda and Unani systems of medicine. Muktashukti bhasma been used in treatment of 4142
Chandrakar et al. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

tuberculosis, cough, chronic fever, conjunctivitis, abdominal discomfort, biliary disturbance,

asthama, heart disease, vomiting and acidity, dyspepsia, dysmenorrheal, general weakness
and arthritis, rheumatism and musculoskeleton disorders.35-39

Table No. 1 Synonyms of Muktashukti

No. Sanskrita Rasa Ayurveda Ananda Raaj Kaiydeva Madanpala Shalikagram

Name taragini7 Prakash8 kanda5 Nighantu10 Nighantu16 Nighantu17 Nighantu18
1. Muktashukti + + + + + + +
2. Shukti + + + + + + +
3. Shuktika + + + + - - +
4. Muktamata + + + + - - -
5. Mukta gruha + - - - - - +
6. Mahashukti + + + + - - +
7. Mouktika + - + + - - -
8. Mouktika + + - + + + -
9. Shuktija - - + + - - +
10. Muktaspota - + + + + + +
11. Abdimanduki - + - - + + +
12. Muktaprasu - + + + - - -
13. Mouktika - + + - - - -
14. Toutika - - + + - - -

Table No. 2 Shodhana of Muktashukti

No. Media Procedure References

1. Amala Dravya Swedana in Dola Yantra for 3 hours 7,8,
2. Kanji Swedana in Dola Yantra for 3 hours 8,11,14
3. Jayanti swarasa Swedana in Dola Yantra for 3 hours 7
4. Nimbu swarasa Swedana in Dola Yantra for 3 hours 4,32,47,53,54
5. Takra or Amal dravy Placed for 48 hours 7
6. Gomutra, Nimbu swarasa, Pachana in kharagni for 3 hours 48
7. Mattha Placed for 3 days 36 4143
Chandrakar et al. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

8. Amala & Khara Boiling 27,49,50

9. Soda mix with water Boiling in 45 minutes 51

Table No. 3 Marana of Muktashukti

No. Media Procedure References

1. Putapaka Gajaputa with cow dung cackes 7,8,11,35,50,54,55
2. Putapaka Gajaputa with cow dung cakes after 7,46,47,55
Nimbu swarasa bhavna
3. Putapaka 4 puta with 50 cow dung cackes after 28,35,42,56,57,58
kumara swarasa bhavna
4. Putapaka Gajaputa with sandwitching between 31,48,55
kumara pulp

Pharmacological & Therapeutic Properties

Rasa Madhura40, Katu10
Guna Laghu, Ruksha40, Snigadha10
Virya Sheeta40
Vipaka Madhura40
Karma Deepan, Pachana, Ruchaya, Balya10
Doshkarma Pittahara 10 Tridoshhara40
Karma Hridyaroganashan, Shoolahara10, Kasahara, Snayurogahara, Jwarhara,
Varnabhedhan, Raktarogahara, Agnimandhya, Aruchi .

2 ratti7, 2-4 ratti11

Madhu, Ghrita, Cowmilk35, Honey, Lemon juice11.

Chemical composition
Oysters shell is composed mainly of Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) 85-95%,phosphate and
sulphate of Calcium and Magnesium, Oxide of iron, Aluminum and Silica28,29,30,41,42. 4144
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Uses & Indication

Mukta Shukti Bhasma mainly used in Soft nature person like children in Calcium deficiency
disorder Rickets & in pregnant lady for osteomalacia. The best Muktashukti Bhasma is
decrease the Pain in abdomen & pain in chest due to cardiac disorder. It also increase appetite
so used in Abdomen & Spleen disorder. It use in treatment of Asthma. In TB disease it is
beneficial because it stimulates calcification and stops the cell damage. It used in Renal stone
and removes urates in form of small pieces through urine & work as pain reliever. It used
with supplement drug in Heart disease, Splenomegaly, Sweta pradara36,43,44,45.

Mukta Shukti Bhasma not used in Vatavyadhi, Costipation and amenorrhoea condition.45

Ayurvedic Formulation
Grahani Shardoola Rasa, Prawal Panchamrita Rasa, Badvanal Rasa, Visamajawarantaka
Lauha, Mukta Panchamrita Rasa, Bahumutraghana Rasa, Navratanrajmrighank Rasa.42

The Pearl oysters shell is animal source of calcium which included in Shukla varga &
Shudha varga in Rasa literature. Its pharmacological & therapeutic properties make it able to
work in many disorders. It is the review study of the Mukta shukti which is substitute drug of
Pearl, according to different Rasa litreture.

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