Building and Machineries
Building and Machineries
Building and Machineries
in its favor ... only limited the sale to the land, hence, by
selling the building which never became the property of
ANTONIO PUNSALAN, JR., petitioner, defendant, they have violated the principle against 'pactum
vs. commisorium'.
JUDGE RODOLFO A. ORTIZ, respondents. Petitioner prayed that the Deed of Sale of the building in favor
of respondent Lacsamana be declared null and void and that
The sole issue presented by petitioner for resolution is damages in the total sum of P230,000.00, more or less, be
whether or not respondent Court erred in denying the Motion awarded to him.2
to Set Case for Pre-trial with respect to respondent Remedios
Vda. de Lacsamana as the case had been dismissed on the In her Answer filed on March 4, 1980,-respondent Lacsamana
ground of improper venue upon motion of co-respondent averred the affirmative defense of lack of cause of action in
Philippine National Bank (PNB). that she was a purchaser for value and invoked the principle
in Civil Law that the "accessory follows the principal".3
It appears that petitioner, Antonio Punsalan, Jr., was the
former registered owner of a parcel of land consisting of 340 On March 14, 1980, respondent PNB filed a Motion to Dismiss
square meters situated in Bamban, Tarlac. In 1963, petitioner on the ground that venue was improperly laid considering
mortgaged said land to respondent PNB (Tarlac Branch) in the that the building was real property under article 415 (1) of the
amount of P10,000.00, but for failure to pay said amount, the New Civil Code and therefore section 2(a) of Rule 4 should
property was foreclosed on December 16, 1970. Respondent apply. 4
PNB (Tarlac Branch) was the highest bidder in said foreclosure
proceedings. However, the bank secured title thereto only on Opposing said Motion to Dismiss, petitioner contended that
December 14, 1977. the action for annulment of deed of sale with damages is in
the nature of a personal action, which seeks to recover not
In the meantime, in 1974, while the properly was still in the the title nor possession of the property but to compel
alleged possession of petitioner and with the alleged payment of damages, which is not an action affecting title to
acquiescence of respondent PNB (Tarlac Branch), and upon real property.
securing a permit from the Municipal Mayor, petitioner
constructed a warehouse on said property. Petitioner On April 25, 1980, respondent Court granted respondent
declared said warehouse for tax purposes for which he was PNB's Motion to Dismiss as follows:
issued Tax Declaration No. 5619. Petitioner then leased the
warehouse to one Hermogenes Sibal for a period of 10 years Acting upon the 'Motion to Dismiss' of the defendant
starting January 1975. Philippine National Bank dated March 13, 1980, considered
against the plaintiff's opposition thereto dated April 1, 1980,
On July 26, 1978, a Deed of Sale was executed between including the reply therewith of said defendant, this Court
respondent PNB (Tarlac Branch) and respondent Lacsamana resolves to DISMISS the plaintiff's complaint for improper
over the property. This contract was amended on July 31, venue considering that the plaintiff's complaint which seeks
1978, particularly to include in the sale, the building and for the declaration as null and void, the amendment to Deed
improvement thereon. By virtue of said instruments, of Absolute Sale executed by the defendant Philippine
respondent - Lacsamana secured title over the property in her National Bank in favor of the defendant Remedios T. Vda. de
name (TCT No. 173744) as well as separate tax declarations Lacsamana, on July 31, 1978, involves a warehouse allegedly
for the land and building. 1 owned and constructed by the plaintiff on the land of the
defendant Philippine National Bank situated in the
On November 22, 1979, petitioner commenced suit for Municipality of Bamban, Province of Tarlac, which warehouse
"Annulment of Deed of Sale with Damages" against herein is an immovable property pursuant to Article 415, No. 1 of the
respondents PNB and Lacsamana before respondent Court of New Civil Code; and, as such the action of the plaintiff is a real
First Instance of Rizal, Branch XXXI, Quezon City, essentially action affecting title to real property which, under Section 2,
impugning the validity of the sale of the building as embodied Rule 4 of the New Rules of Court, must be tried in the
in the Amended Deed of Sale. In this connection, petitioner province where the property or any part thereof lies.5
In his Motion for Reconsideration of the aforestated Order,
xxx xxx xxx petitioner reiterated the argument that the action to annul
does not involve ownership or title to property but is limited
22. That defendant, Philippine National Bank, through its to the validity of the deed of sale and emphasized that the
Branch Manager ... by virtue of the request of defendant ... case should proceed with or without respondent PNB as
executed a document dated July 31, 1978, entitled respondent Lacsamana had already filed her Answer to the
Amendment to Deed of Absolute Sale ... wherein said Complaint and no issue on venue had been raised by the
defendant bank as Vendor sold to defendant Lacsamana the latter.
building owned by the plaintiff under Tax Declaration No.
5619, notwithstanding the fact that said building is not owned On September 1, 1980,.respondent Court denied
by the bank either by virtue of the public auction sale reconsideration for lack of merit.
conducted by the Sheriff and sold to the Philippine National
Bank or by virtue of the Deed of Sale executed by the bank Petitioner then filed a Motion to Set Case for Pre-trial, in so
itself in its favor on September 21, 1977 ...; far as respondent Lacsamana was concerned, as the issues
had already been joined with the filing of respondent
23. That said defendant bank fraudulently mentioned ... that Lacsamana's Answer.
the sale in its favor should likewise have included the building,
notwithstanding no legal basis for the same and despite full In the Order of November 10, 1980 respondent Court denied
knowledge that the Certificate of Sale executed by the sheriff said Motion to Set Case for Pre-trial as the case was already
dismissed in the previous Orders of April 25, 1980 and
September 1, 1980.
G.R. No. L-50008 August 31, 1987 hereby authorize the Register of Deeds to hold the
Registration of same until this Mortgage is cancelled, or to
PRUDENTIAL BANK, petitioner, annotate this encumbrance on the Title upon authority from
vs. the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources, which
HONORABLE DOMINGO D. PANIS, Presiding Judge of Branch title with annotation, shall be released in favor of the herein
III, Court of First Instance of Zambales and Olongapo City; Mortgage.
MAGCALE, respondents. From the aforequoted stipulation, it is obvious that the
mortgagee (defendant Prudential Bank) was at the outset
PARAS, J.: aware of the fact that the mortgagors (plaintiffs) have already
filed a Miscellaneous Sales Application over the lot,
This is a petition for review on certiorari of the November 13, possessory rights over which, were mortgaged to it.
1978 Decision * of the then Court of First Instance of
Zambales and Olongapo City in Civil Case No. 2443-0 entitled Exhibit "A" (Real Estate Mortgage) was registered under the
"Spouses Fernando A. Magcale and Teodula Baluyut-Magcale Provisions of Act 3344 with the Registry of Deeds of Zambales
vs. Hon. Ramon Y. Pardo and Prudential Bank" declaring that on November 23, 1971.
the deeds of real estate mortgage executed by respondent
spouses in favor of petitioner bank are null and void. On May 2, 1973, plaintiffs secured an additional loan from
defendant Prudential Bank in the sum of P20,000.00. To
The undisputed facts of this case by stipulation of the parties secure payment of this additional loan, plaintiffs executed in
are as follows: favor of the said defendant another deed of Real Estate
Mortgage over the same properties previously mortgaged in
... on November 19, 1971, plaintiffs-spouses Fernando A. Exhibit "A." (Exhibit "B;" also Exhibit "2" for defendant). This
Magcale and Teodula Baluyut Magcale secured a loan in the second deed of Real Estate Mortgage was likewise registered
sum of P70,000.00 from the defendant Prudential Bank. To with the Registry of Deeds, this time in Olongapo City, on May
secure payment of this loan, plaintiffs executed in favor of 2,1973.
defendant on the aforesaid date a deed of Real Estate
Mortgage over the following described properties: On April 24, 1973, the Secretary of Agriculture issued
Miscellaneous Sales Patent No. 4776 over the parcel of land,
l. A 2-STOREY, SEMI-CONCRETE, residential building with possessory rights over which were mortgaged to defendant
warehouse spaces containing a total floor area of 263 sq. Prudential Bank, in favor of plaintiffs. On the basis of the
meters, more or less, generally constructed of mixed hard aforesaid Patent, and upon its transcription in the Registration
wood and concrete materials, under a roofing of cor. g. i. Book of the Province of Zambales, Original Certificate of Title
sheets; declared and assessed in the name of FERNANDO No. P-2554 was issued in the name of Plaintiff Fernando
MAGCALE under Tax Declaration No. 21109, issued by the Magcale, by the Ex-Oficio Register of Deeds of Zambales, on
Assessor of Olongapo City with an assessed value of May 15, 1972.
P35,290.00. This building is the only improvement of the lot.
For failure of plaintiffs to pay their obligation to defendant
2. THE PROPERTY hereby conveyed by way of MORTGAGE Bank after it became due, and upon application of said
includes the right of occupancy on the lot where the above defendant, the deeds of Real Estate Mortgage (Exhibits "A"
property is erected, and more particularly described and and "B") were extrajudicially foreclosed. Consequent to the
bounded, as follows: foreclosure was the sale of the properties therein mortgaged
to defendant as the highest bidder in a public auction sale
conducted by the defendant City Sheriff on April 12, 1978
A first class residential land Identffied as Lot No. 720, (Ts-308,
(Exhibit "E"). The auction sale aforesaid was held despite
Olongapo Townsite Subdivision) Ardoin Street, East Bajac-
written request from plaintiffs through counsel dated March
Bajac, Olongapo City, containing an area of 465 sq. m. more or
29, 1978, for the defendant City Sheriff to desist from going
less, declared and assessed in the name of FERNANDO
with the scheduled public auction sale (Exhibit "D")."
MAGCALE under Tax Duration No. 19595 issued by the
(Decision, Civil Case No. 2443-0, Rollo, pp. 29-31).
Assessor of Olongapo City with an assessed value of
P1,860.00; bounded on the
Respondent Court, in a Decision dated November 3, 1978
declared the deeds of Real Estate Mortgage as null and void
NORTH: By No. 6, Ardoin Street SOUTH: By No. 2, Ardoin
(Ibid., p. 35).
Street EAST: By 37 Canda Street, and WEST: By Ardoin Street.
The answer is in the affirmative. Petitioner points out that private respondents, after physically
possessing the title for five years, voluntarily surrendered the
In the enumeration of properties under Article 415 of the Civil same to the bank in 1977 in order that the mortgaged may be
Code of the Philippines, this Court ruled that, "it is obvious annotated, without requiring the bank to get the prior
that the inclusion of "building" separate and distinct from the approval of the Ministry of Natural Resources beforehand,
land, in said provision of law can only mean that a building is thereby implicitly authorizing Prudential Bank to cause the
by itself an immovable property." (Lopez vs. Orosa, Jr., et al., annotation of said mortgage on their title.
L-10817-18, Feb. 28, 1958; Associated Inc. and Surety Co., Inc.
vs. Iya, et al., L-10837-38, May 30,1958). However, the Court, in recently ruling on violations of Section
124 which refers to Sections 118, 120, 122 and 123 of
Thus, while it is true that a mortgage of land necessarily Commonwealth Act 141, has held:
includes, in the absence of stipulation of the improvements
thereon, buildings, still a building by itself may be mortgaged ... Nonetheless, we apply our earlier rulings because we
apart from the land on which it has been built. Such a believe that as in pari delicto may not be invoked to defeat
mortgage would be still a real estate mortgage for the the policy of the State neither may the doctrine of estoppel
building would still be considered immovable property even if give a validating effect to a void contract. Indeed, it is
dealt with separately and apart from the land (Leung Yee vs. generally considered that as between parties to a contract,
Strong Machinery Co., 37 Phil. 644). In the same manner, this validity cannot be given to it by estoppel if it is prohibited by
Court has also established that possessory rights over said law or is against public policy (19 Am. Jur. 802). It is not within
properties before title is vested on the grantee, may be validly the competence of any citizen to barter away what public
transferred or conveyed as in a deed of mortgage (Vda. de policy by law was to preserve (Gonzalo Puyat & Sons, Inc. vs.
Bautista vs. Marcos, 3 SCRA 438 [1961]). De los Amas and Alino supra). ... (Arsenal vs. IAC, 143 SCRA 54
Coming back to the case at bar, the records show, as
aforestated that the original mortgage deed on the 2-storey This pronouncement covers only the previous transaction
semi-concrete residential building with warehouse and on the already alluded to and does not pass upon any new contract
right of occupancy on the lot where the building was erected, between the parties (Ibid), as in the case at bar. It should not
was executed on November 19, 1971 and registered under preclude new contracts that may be entered into between
the provisions of Act 3344 with the Register of Deeds of petitioner bank and private respondents that are in
Zambales on November 23, 1971. Miscellaneous Sales Patent accordance with the requirements of the law. After all, private
No. 4776 on the land was issued on April 24, 1972, on the respondents themselves declare that they are not denying the
basis of which OCT No. 2554 was issued in the name of legitimacy of their debts and appear to be open to new
private respondent Fernando Magcale on May 15, 1972. It is negotiations under the law (Comment; Rollo, pp. 95-96). Any
therefore without question that the original mortgage was new transaction, however, would be subject to whatever
executed before the issuance of the final patent and before steps the Government may take for the reversion of the land
the government was divested of its title to the land, an event in its favor.
which takes effect only on the issuance of the sales patent
and its subsequent registration in the Office of the Register of
Deeds (Visayan Realty Inc. vs. Meer, 96 Phil. 515; Director of
PREMISES CONSIDERED, the decision of the Court of First
Instance of Zambales & Olongapo City is hereby MODIFIED,
declaring that the Deed of Real Estate Mortgage for
P70,000.00 is valid but ruling that the Deed of Real Estate
Mortgage for an additional loan of P20,000.00 is null and
void, without prejudice to any appropriate action the
Government may take against private respondents.
G.R. No. 189061 August 6, 2014 respondents prayed that they be declared as the owners of
the residential building, and that the petitioner be ordered
MIDWAY MARITIME AND TECHNOLOGICAL FOUNDATION, to vacate the same and pay rent arrearages and damages. 3
represented by its Chairman/President PhD in Education DR.
SABINO M. MANGLICMOT, Petitioner, The petitioner, however, denied respondents ownership of
vs. the residential building and claimed that Adoracion owns the
MARISSA E. CASTRO, ET AL., Respondents. building, having bought the same together with the land on
which it stands.4
The petitioner Midway Maritime and Technological
Foundation (petitioner) is the lessee of two parcels of land in In a Decision5 dated July 2, 2001, the Regional Trial Court
Cabanatuan City. Its president, Dr. Sabino Manglicmot (RTC) of Cabanatuan City, Branch 28, rendered judgment in
(Manglicmot), is married to Adoracion Cloma (Adoracion), favor of the respondents, declared them as the absolute
who is the registered owner of the property under Transfer owners of the residential building and ordered petitioner to
Certificate of Title (TCT) Nos. T-71321 and T-71322. Inside said pay the respondents unpaidrentals from August 1995 until
property stands a residential building, which is now the fully paid. The dispositive portion of the RTC decision reads:
subject matter of the dispute, owned by the respondents.
WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered:
The two parcels of land, on a portion of which the residential
building stand, were originally owned by the respondents 1. Declaring the [respondents] asthe absolute owners of the
father Louis Castro, Sr. The elder Castro was also the president building in question described as follows:
of Cabanatuan City Colleges (CCC). On August 15, 1974,
Castro mortgaged the property to Bancom Development 2. Ordering the [petitioner] topay the [respondents] the sum
Corporation (Bancom) to secure a loan. During the of [P]672,000.00 by way of unpaid rentals from August 1995
subsistence of the mortgage, CCCs board of directors agreed at [P]6,000.00 and from October 1995 at [P]10,000.00 until
to a 15-year lease of a portion of the property to the fully paid.
Castrochildren, herein respondents, who subsequently built
the residential house nowin dispute. The lease was to expire
3. The claim for moral damages,other litigation expenses and
in 1992.
attorneys fees are dismissed for lack of merit.
x x x x.
[P]etitioners are in error when they say that because they are
the buyers of the lot involved herein, they ipso facto have the
right to terminate an existing lease. They can do so but only if
the lease itself is not recorded, and they, as buyers, are not
aware of the lease's existence and duration, thus Art. 1676 of
the Civil Code says:
(REAL AND CHATTEL) In the meantime, upon EVERTEX's failure to meet its
obligation to PBCom, the latter commenced extrajudicial
The MORTGAGOR(S) hereby transfer(s) and convey(s), by way foreclosure proceedings against EVERTEX under Act 3135,
of First Mortgage, to the MORTGAGEE, . . . certain parcel(s) of otherwise known as "An Act to Regulate the Sale of Property
land, together with all the buildings and improvements now under Special Powers Inserted in or Annexed to Real Estate
existing or which may hereafter exist thereon, situated in . . . Mortgages" and Act 1506 or "The Chattel Mortgage Law". A
Notice of Sheriff's Sale was issued on December 1, 1982.
"Annex A"
On December 15, 1982, the first public auction was held
(Real and Chattel Mortgage executed by Ever Textile Mills in where petitioner PBCom emerged as the highest bidder and a
favor of PBCommunications continued) Certificate of Sale was issued in its favor on the same date. On
December 23, 1982, another public auction was held and
again, PBCom was the highest bidder. The sheriff issued a
Certificate of Sale on the same day.
A. Forty Eight (48) units of Vayrow Knitting Machines-
On March 7, 1984, PBCom consolidated its ownership over
Tompkins made in Hongkong:
the lot and all the properties in it. In November 1986, it
leased the entire factory premises to petitioner Ruby L. Tsai
Serial Numbers Size of Machines for P50,000.00 a month. On May 3, 1988, PBCom sold the
factory, lock, stock and barrel to Tsai for P9,000,000.00,
B. Sixteen (16) sets of Vayrow Knitting Machines including the contested machineries.
made in Taiwan.
On March 16, 1989, EVERTEX filed a complaint for annulment
C. Two (2) Circular Knitting Machines made in West Germany. of sale, reconveyance, and damages with the Regional Trial
Court against PBCom, alleging inter alia that the extrajudicial
D. Four (4) Winding Machines. foreclosure of subject mortgage was in violation of the
Insolvency Law. EVERTEX claimed that no rights having been
SCHEDULE "A" transmitted to PBCom over the assets of insolvent EVERTEX,
therefore Tsai acquired no rights over such assets sold to her,
I. TCT # 372097 - RIZAL and should reconvey the assets.
Further, EVERTEX averred that PBCom, without any legal or In G.R No. 120098, petitioner Tsai ascribed the following
factual basis, appropriated the contested properties, which errors to the respondent court:
were not included in the Real and Chattel Mortgage of
November 26, 1975 nor in the Chattel Mortgage of April 23, I THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS (SECOND DIVISION)
1979, and neither were those properties included in the ERRED IN EFFECT MAKING A CONTRACT FOR THE PARTIES BY
Notice of Sheriff's Sale dated December 1, 1982 and TREATING THE 1981 ACQUIRED MACHINERIES AS CHATTELS
Certificate of Sale . . . dated December 15, 1982. INSTEAD OF REAL PROPERTIES WITHIN THEIR EARLIER 1975
The disputed properties, which were valued at P4,000,000.00, CHATTEL MORTGAGE.
are: 14 Interlock Circular Knitting Machines, 1 Jet Drying
Equipment, 1 Dryer Equipment, 1 Raisin Equipment and 1 II THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS (SECOND DIVISION)
The RTC found that the lease and sale of said personal MORTGAGE DESPITE THE CLEAR IMPORT OF THE
properties were irregular and illegal because they were not EVIDENCE AND APPLICABLE RULINGS OF THE SUPREME
duly foreclosed nor sold at the December 15, 1982 auction COURT.
sale since these were not included in the schedules attached
to the mortgage contracts. The trial court decreed: III THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS (SECOND DIVISION)
WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered in favor of plaintiff
corporation and against the defendants: IV THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS (SECOND DIVISION)
1. Ordering the annulment of the sale executed by defendant ATTORNEY'S FEES AND EXPENSES OF LITIGATION FOR
Philippine Bank of Communications in favor of defendant WANT OF VALID FACTUAL AND LEGAL BASIS.
Ruby L. Tsai on May 3, 1988 insofar as it affects the personal
properties listed in par. 9 of the complaint, and their return to V THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS (SECOND DIVISION)
the plaintiff corporation through its assignee, plaintiff ERRED IN HOLDING AGAINST PETITIONER'S ARGUMENTS ON
Mamerto R. Villaluz, for disposition by the Insolvency Court, PRESCRIPTION AND LACHES.6
to be done within ten (10) days from finality of this decision;
In G.R. No. 120098, PBCom raised the following issues:
2. Ordering the defendants to pay jointly and severally the
plaintiff corporation the sum of P5,200,000.00 as I. DID THE COURT OF APPEALS VALIDLY DECREE THE
compensation for the use and possession of the properties in MACHINERIES LISTED UNDER PARAGRAPH 9 OF THE
question from November 1986 to February 1991 and COMPLAINT BELOW AS PERSONAL PROPERTY OUTSIDE OF
P100,000.00 every month thereafter, with interest thereon at THE 1975 DEED OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE AND EXCLUDED
the legal rate per annum until full payment; THEM FROM THE REAL PROPERTY EXTRAJUDICIALLY
3. Ordering the defendants to pay jointly and severally the DEED THAT ALL AFTER-ACQUIRED PROPERTIES DURING THE
plaintiff corporation the sum of P50,000.00 as and for LIFETIME OF THE MORTGAGE SHALL FORM PART THEREOF,
attorney's fees and expenses of litigation; AND DESPITE THE UNDISPUTED FACT THAT SAID
4. Ordering the defendants to pay jointly and severally the ON THE REAL PROPERTY MORTGAGED BY EVER TEXTILE MILLS
plaintiff corporation the sum of P200,000.00 by way of TO PBCOM, AND WERE ASSESSED FOR REAL ESTATE TAX
exemplary damages; PURPOSES?
5. Ordering the dismissal of the counterclaim of the II CAN PBCOM, WHO TOOK POSSESSION OF THE
6. Ordering the defendants to proportionately pay the costs of TOTALLED P9,547,095.28, WHO HAD SPENT FOR
Dissatisfied, both PBCom and Tsai appealed to the Court of
Appeals, which issued its decision dated August 31, 1994, the
dispositive portion of which reads:
The principal issue, in our view, is whether or not the
inclusion of the questioned properties in the foreclosed
WHEREFORE, except for the deletion therefrom of the award;
properties is proper. The secondary issue is whether or not
for exemplary damages, and reduction of the actual damages,
the sale of these properties to petitioner Ruby Tsai is valid.
from P100,000.00 to P20,000.00 per month, from November
1986 until subject personal properties are restored to
appellees, the judgment appealed from is hereby AFFIRMED, For her part, Tsai avers that the Court of Appeals in effect
in all other respects. No pronouncement as to costs. 5 made a contract for the parties by treating the 1981 acquired
units of machinery as chattels instead of real properties
within their earlier 1975 deed of Real and Chattel Mortgage
Motion for reconsideration of the above decision having been
or 1979 deed of Chattel Mortgage.8 Additionally, Tsai argues
denied in the resolution of April 28, 1995, PBCom and Tsai
that respondent court erred in holding that the disputed 1981
filed their separate petitions for review with this Court.
machineries are not real properties. 9 Finally, she contends
that the Court of Appeals erred in holding against petitioner's
arguments on prescription and laches 10 and in assessing the "machineries and equipment" in the printed form of the
petitioner actual damages, attorney's fees and expenses of bank had to be inserted in the blank space of the printed
litigation, for want of valid factual and legal basis. 11 contract and connected with the word "building" by
typewritten slash marks. Now, then, if the machineries in
Essentially, PBCom contends that respondent court erred in question were contemplated to be included in the real estate
affirming the lower court's judgment decreeing that the mortgage, there would have been no necessity to ink a chattel
pieces of machinery in dispute were not duly foreclosed and mortgage specifically mentioning as part III of Schedule A a
could not be legally leased nor sold to Ruby Tsai. It further listing of the machineries covered thereby. It would have
argued that the Court of Appeals' pronouncement that the sufficed to list them as immovables in the Deed of Real Estate
pieces of machinery in question were personal properties Mortgage of the land and building involved.
have no factual and legal basis. Finally, it asserts that the
Court of Appeals erred in assessing damages and attorney's As regards the 1979 contract, the intention of the parties is
fees against PBCom. clear and beyond question. It refers solely to chattels. The
inventory list of the mortgaged properties is an itemization of
In opposition, private respondents argue that the sixty-three (63) individually described machineries while the
controverted units of machinery are not "real properties" schedule listed only machines and 2,996,880.50 worth of
but chattels, and, therefore, they were not part of the finished cotton fabrics and natural cotton fabrics. 16
foreclosed real properties, rendering the lease and the
subsequent sale thereof to Tsai a nullity.12 In the absence of any showing that this conclusion is baseless,
erroneous or uncorroborated by the evidence on record, we
Considering the assigned errors and the arguments of the find no compelling reason to depart therefrom.
parties, we find the petitions devoid of merit and ought to
be denied. Too, assuming arguendo that the properties in question are
immovable by nature, nothing detracts the parties from
Well settled is the rule that the jurisdiction of the Supreme treating it as chattels to secure an obligation under the
Court in a petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45 of principle of estoppel. As far back as Navarro v. Pineda, 9
the Revised Rules of Court is limited to reviewing only errors SCRA 631 (1963), an immovable may be considered a
of law, not of fact, unless the factual findings complained of personal property if there is a stipulation as when it is used
are devoid of support by the evidence on record or the as security in the payment of an obligation where a chattel
assailed judgment is based on misapprehension of mortgage is executed over it, as in the case at bar.
facts.13 This rule is applied more stringently when the findings
of fact of the RTC is affirmed by the Court of Appeals.14 In the instant case, the parties herein: (1) executed a contract
styled as "Real Estate Mortgage and Chattel Mortgage,"
The following are the facts as found by the RTC and affirmed instead of just "Real Estate Mortgage" if indeed their
by the Court of Appeals that are decisive of the issues: (1) the intention is to treat all properties included therein as
"controverted machineries" are not covered by, or included immovable, and (2) attached to the said contract a separate
in, either of the two mortgages, the Real Estate and Chattel "LIST OF MACHINERIES & EQUIPMENT". These facts, taken
Mortgage, and the pure Chattel Mortgage; (2) the said together, evince the conclusion that the parties' intention is
machineries were not included in the list of properties to treat these units of machinery as chattels. A fortiori, the
appended to the Notice of Sale, and neither were they contested after-acquired properties, which are of the same
included in the Sheriff's Notice of Sale of the foreclosed description as the units enumerated under the title "LIST OF
properties.15 MACHINERIES & EQUIPMENT," must also be treated as
Petitioners contend that the nature of the disputed
machineries, i.e., that they were heavy, bolted or cemented Accordingly, we find no reversible error in the respondent
on the real property mortgaged by EVERTEX to PBCom, make appellate court's ruling that inasmuch as the subject
them ipso facto immovable under Article 415 (3) and (5) of mortgages were intended by the parties to involve chattels,
the New Civil Code. This assertion, however, does not settle insofar as equipment and machinery were concerned, the
the issue. Mere nuts and bolts do not foreclose the Chattel Mortgage Law applies, which provides in Section 7
controversy. We have to look at the parties' intent. thereof that: "a chattel mortgage shall be deemed to
cover only the property described therein and not like or
While it is true that the controverted properties appear to substituted property thereafter acquired by the mortgagor
be immobile, a perusal of the contract of Real and Chattel and placed in the same depository as the property originally
Mortgage executed by the parties herein gives us a contrary mortgaged, anything in the mortgage to the contrary
indication. In the case at bar, both the trial and the notwithstanding."
appellate courts reached the same finding that the true
intention of PBCOM and the owner, EVERTEX, is to treat And, since the disputed machineries were acquired in 1981
machinery and equipment as chattels. The pertinent portion and could not have been involved in the 1975 or 1979 chattel
of respondent appellate court's ruling is quoted below: mortgages, it was consequently an error on the part of the
Sheriff to include subject machineries with the properties
As stressed upon by appellees, appellant bank treated the enumerated in said chattel mortgages.
machineries as chattels; never as real properties. Indeed, the
1975 mortgage contract, which was actually real and chattel As the auction sale of the subject properties to PBCom is void,
mortgage, militates against appellants' posture. It should be no valid title passed in its favor. Consequently, the sale
noted that the printed form used by appellant bank was thereof to Tsai is also a nullity under the elementary principle
mainly for real estate mortgages. But reflective of the true of nemo dat quod non habet, one cannot give what one does
intention of appellant PBCOM and appellee EVERTEX was the not have.17
typing in capital letters, immediately following the printed
caption of mortgage, of the phrase "real and chattel." So also,
Petitioner Tsai also argued that assuming that PBCom's title Basic is the rule that to recover actual damages, the amount
over the contested properties is a nullity, she is nevertheless a of loss must not only be capable of proof but must actually be
purchaser in good faith and for value who now has a better proven with reasonable degree of certainty, premised upon
right than EVERTEX. competent proof or best evidence obtainable of the actual
amount thereof.23 However, the allegations of respondent
To the contrary, however, are the factual findings and company as to the amount of unrealized rentals due them as
conclusions of the trial court that she is not a purchaser in actual damages remain mere assertions unsupported by
good faith. Well-settled is the rule that the person who documents and other competent evidence. In determining
asserts the status of a purchaser in good faith and for value actual damages, the court cannot rely on mere assertions,
has the burden of proving such assertion. 18 Petitioner Tsai speculations, conjectures or guesswork but must depend on
failed to discharge this burden persuasively. competent proof and on the best evidence obtainable
regarding the actual amount of loss. 24 However, we are not
Moreover, a purchaser in good faith and for value is one who prepared to disregard the following dispositions of the
buys the property of another without notice that some other respondent appellate court:
person has a right to or interest in such property and pays a
full and fair price for the same, at the time of purchase, or . . . In the award of actual damages under scrutiny, there is
before he has notice of the claims or interest of some other nothing on record warranting the said award of
person in the property.19 Records reveal, however, that when P5,200,000.00, representing monthly rental income of
Tsai purchased the controverted properties, she knew of P100,000.00 from November 1986 to February 1991, and the
respondent's claim thereon. As borne out by the records, additional award of P100,000.00 per month thereafter.
she received the letter of respondent's counsel, apprising
her of respondent's claim, dated February 27, 1987. 20 She As pointed out by appellants, the testimonial evidence,
replied thereto on March 9, 1987. 21 Despite her knowledge consisting of the testimonies of Jonh (sic) Chua and Mamerto
of respondent's claim, she proceeded to buy the contested Villaluz, is shy of what is necessary to substantiate the actual
units of machinery on May 3, 1988. Thus, the RTC did not err damages allegedly sustained by appellees, by way of
in finding that she was not a purchaser in good faith. unrealized rental income of subject machineries and
Petitioner Tsai's defense of indefeasibility of Torrens Title of
the lot where the disputed properties are located is equally The testimony of John Cua (sic) is nothing but an opinion or
unavailing. This defense refers to sale of lands and not to sale projection based on what is claimed to be a practice in
of properties situated therein. Likewise, the mere fact that business and industry. But such a testimony cannot serve as
the lot where the factory and the disputed properties stand is the sole basis for assessing the actual damages complained
in PBCom's name does not automatically make PBCom the of. What is more, there is no showing that had appellant Tsai
owner of everything found therein, especially in view of not taken possession of the machineries and equipments in
EVERTEX's letter to Tsai enunciating its claim. question, somebody was willing and ready to rent the same
for P100,000.00 a month.
Finally, petitioners' defense of prescription and laches is less
than convincing. We find no cogent reason to disturb the Then, too, even assuming arguendo that the said machineries
consistent findings of both courts below that the case for the and equipments could have generated a rental income of
reconveyance of the disputed properties was filed within the P30,000.00 a month, as projected by witness Mamerto
reglementary period. Here, in our view, the doctrine of laches Villaluz, the same would have been a gross income.
does not apply. Note that upon petitioners' adamant refusal Therefrom should be deducted or removed, expenses for
to heed EVERTEX's claim, respondent company immediately maintenance and repairs . . . Therefore, in the determination
filed an action to recover possession and ownership of the of the actual damages or unrealized rental income sued upon,
disputed properties. There is no evidence showing any failure there is a good basis to calculate that at least four months in a
or neglect on its part, for an unreasonable and unexplained year, the machineries in dispute would have been idle due to
length of time, to do that which, by exercising due diligence, absence of a lessee or while being repaired. In the light of the
could or should have been done earlier. The doctrine of stale foregoing rationalization and computation, We believe that a
demands would apply only where by reason of the lapse of net unrealized rental income of P20,000.00 a month, since
time, it would be inequitable to allow a party to enforce his November 1986, is more realistic and fair. 25
legal rights. Moreover, except for very strong reasons, this
Court is not disposed to apply the doctrine of laches to As to exemplary damages, the RTC awarded P200,000.00 to
prejudice or defeat the rights of an owner. 22 EVERTEX which the Court of Appeals deleted. But according
to the CA, there was no clear showing that petitioners acted
As to the award of damages, the contested damages are the malevolently, wantonly and oppressively. The evidence,
actual compensation, representing rentals for the contested however, shows otherwise.It is a requisite to award exemplary
units of machinery, the exemplary damages, and attorney's damages that the wrongful act must be accompanied by bad
fees. faith,26 and the guilty acted in a wanton, fraudulent,
oppressive, reckless or malevolent manner. 27 As previously
As regards said actual compensation, the RTC awarded stressed, petitioner Tsai's act of purchasing the controverted
P100,000.00 corresponding to the unpaid rentals of the properties despite her knowledge of EVERTEX's claim was
contested properties based on the testimony of John Chua, oppressive and subjected the already insolvent respondent to
who testified that the P100,000.00 was based on the gross disadvantage. Petitioner PBCom also received the same
accepted practice in banking and finance, business and letters of Atty. Villaluz, responding thereto on March 24,
investments that the rental price must take into account the 1987.28 Thus, PBCom's act of taking all the properties found in
cost of money used to buy them. The Court of Appeals did not the factory of the financially handicapped respondent,
give full credence to Chua's projection and reduced the award including those properties not covered by or included in the
to P20,000.00. mortgages, is equally oppressive and tainted with bad faith.
Thus, we are in agreement with the RTC that an award of
exemplary damages is proper.
The amount of P200,000.00 for exemplary damages is,
however, excessive. Article 2216 of the Civil Code provides
that no proof of pecuniary loss is necessary for the
adjudication of exemplary damages, their assessment being
left to the discretion of the court in accordance with the
circumstances of each case.29 While the imposition of
exemplary damages is justified in this case, equity calls for its
reduction. In Inhelder Corporation v. Court of Appeals, G.R.
No. L-52358, 122 SCRA 576, 585, (May 30, 1983), we laid
down the rule that judicial discretion granted to the courts
in the assessment of damages must always be exercised
with balanced restraint and measured objectivity. Thus, here
the award of exemplary damages by way of example for the
public good should be reduced to P100,000.00.
upon the register of deeds any authority whatever in respect
to the "qualification," as the term is used in Spanish law, of
G.R. No. L-20329 March 16, 1923 chattel mortgage. His duties in respect to such instruments
are ministerial only. The efficacy of the act of recording a
chattel mortgage consists in the fact that it operates as
constructive notice of the existence of the contract, and the
legal effects of the contract must be discovered in the
JOAQUIN JARAMILLO, as register of deeds of the City of
instrument itself in relation with the fact of notice.
Manila, respondent.
Registration adds nothing to the instrument, considered as a
source of title, and affects nobody's rights except as a
.This cause is before us upon demurrer interposed by the specifies of notice.
respondent, Joaquin Jaramillo, register of deeds of the City of
Manila, to an original petition of the Standard Oil Company of
Articles 334 and 335 of the Civil Code supply no absolute
New York, seeking a peremptory mandamus to compel the
criterion for discriminating between real property and
respondent to record in the proper register a document
personal property for purpose of the application of the
purporting to be a chattel mortgage executed in the City of
Chattel Mortgage Law. Those articles state rules which,
Manila by Gervasia de la Rosa, Vda. de Vera, in favor of the
considered as a general doctrine, are law in this jurisdiction;
Standard Oil Company of New York.
but it must not be forgotten that under given conditions
property may have character different from that imputed to it
It appears from the petition that on November 27, 1922, in said articles. It is undeniable that the parties to a contract
Gervasia de la Rosa, Vda. de Vera, was the lessee of a parcel may by agreement treat as personal property that which by
of land situated in the City of Manila and owner of the house nature would be real property; and it is a familiar
of strong materials built thereon, upon which date she phenomenon to see things classed as real property for
executed a document in the form of a chattel mortgage, purposes of taxation which on general principle might be
purporting to convey to the petitioner by way of mortgage considered personal property. Other situations are constantly
both the leasehold interest in said lot and the building which arising, and from time to time are presented to this court, in
stands thereon. which the proper classification of one thing or another as real
or personal property may be said to be doubtful.
The clauses in said document describing the property
intended to be thus mortgage are expressed in the following The point submitted to us in this case was determined on
words: September 8, 1914, in an administrative ruling promulgated
by the Honorable James A. Ostrand, now a Justice of this
Now, therefore, the mortgagor hereby conveys and transfer to Court, but acting at that time in the capacity of Judge of the
the mortgage, by way of mortgage, the following described fourth branch of the Court of First Instance of the Ninth
personal property, situated in the City of Manila, and now in Judicial District, in the City of Manila; and little of value can be
possession of the mortgagor, to wit: here added to the observations contained in said ruling. We
accordingly quote therefrom as follows:
(1) All of the right, title, and interest of the mortgagor in and
to the contract of lease hereinabove referred to, and in and to It is unnecessary here to determine whether or not the
the premises the subject of the said lease; property described in the document in question is real or
personal; the discussion may be confined to the point as to
(2) The building, property of the mortgagor, situated on the whether a register of deeds has authority to deny the
aforesaid leased premises. registration of a document purporting to be a chattel
mortgage and executed in the manner and form prescribed by
After said document had been duly acknowledge and the Chattel Mortgage Law.
delivered, the petitioner caused the same to be presented to
the respondent, Joaquin Jaramillo, as register of deeds of the Then, after quoting section 5 of the Chattel Mortgage Law
City of Manila, for the purpose of having the same recorded in (Act No. 1508), his Honor continued:
the book of record of chattel mortgages. Upon examination of
the instrument, the respondent was of the opinion that it was Based principally upon the provisions of section quoted the
not a chattel mortgage, for the reason that the interest Attorney-General of the Philippine Islands, in an opinion
therein mortgaged did not appear to be personal property, dated August 11, 1909, held that a register of deeds has no
within the meaning of the Chattel Mortgage Law, and authority to pass upon the capacity of the parties to a chattel
registration was refused on this ground only. mortgage which is presented to him for record. A fortiori a
register of deeds can have no authority to pass upon the
We are of the opinion that the position taken by the character of the property sought to be encumbered by a
respondent is untenable; and it is his duty to accept the chattel mortgage. Of course, if the mortgaged property is real
proper fee and place the instrument on record. The duties of instead of personal the chattel mortgage would no doubt be
a register of deeds in respect to the registration of chattel held ineffective as against third parties, but this is a question
mortgage are of a purely ministerial character; and no to be determined by the courts of justice and not by the
provision of law can be cited which confers upon him any register of deeds.
judicial or quasi-judicial power to determine the nature of any
document of which registration is sought as a chattel In Leung Yee vs. Frank L. Strong Machinery Co. and
mortgage. Williamson (37 Phil., 644), this court held that where the
interest conveyed is of the nature of real, property, the
The original provisions touching this matter are contained in placing of the document on record in the chattel mortgage
section 15 of the Chattel Mortgage Law (Act No. 1508), as register is a futile act; but that decision is not decisive of the
amended by Act No. 2496; but these have been transferred to question now before us, which has reference to the function
section 198 of the Administrative Code, where they are now of the register of deeds in placing the document on record.
found. There is nothing in any of these provisions conferring
In the light of what has been said it becomes unnecessary for
us to pass upon the point whether the interests conveyed in
the instrument now in question are real or personal; and we
declare it to be the duty of the register of deeds to accept the
estimate placed upon the document by the petitioner and to
register it, upon payment of the proper fee.
The foregoing considerations apply, with equal force, to the In other words, there was no issue on whether copy of the
conditions for the levy of attachment, for it similarly affects writ and notice of attachment had been served on Rivera. No
the public and third persons. evidence whatsoever, to the effect that Rivera had not been
served with copies of said writ and notice, was introduced in
the Court of First Instance. In its brief in the Court of
It is argued, however, that, even if the house in question were
Appeals, respondent did not aver, or even, intimate, that no
immovable property, its attachment by Evangelista was void
such copies were served by the sheriff upon Rivera. Service
or ineffective, because, in the language of the Court of
thereof on Rivera had been impliedly admitted by the
Appeals, "after presenting a Copy of the order of attachment
defendants, in their respective answers, and by their
in the Office of the Register of Deeds, the person who might
behaviour throughout the proceedings in the Court of First
then be in possession of the house, the sheriff took no pains to
Instance, and, as regards respondent, in the Court of Appeals.
serve Ricardo Rivera, or other copies thereof." This finding of
In fact, petitioner asserts in his brief herein (p. 26) that copies
the Court of Appeals is neither conclusive upon us, nor
of said writ and notice were delivered to Rivera,
simultaneously with copies of the complaint, upon service of
summons, prior to the filing of copies of said writ and notice
with the register deeds, and the truth of this assertion has not
been directly and positively challenged or denied in the brief
filed before us by respondent herein. The latter did not dare
therein to go beyond making a statement for the first time
in the course of these proceedings, begun almost five (5)
years ago (June 18, 1953) reproducing substantially the
aforementioned finding of the Court of Appeals and then
quoting the same.