MLP Registration Form
MLP Registration Form
MLP Registration Form
Todays Date:___________________________
Date of Admission:__________________________ Date of Withdrawal:__________________
Hours and Days child will be in care:________________________________________________
The following meals will be served to my child when in care:
_____Breakfast _____A.M. Snack _____Lunch _____P.M. Snack
Childs Name Date of Birth Age
Lives with:
I hereby authorize the childcare operation to allow my child to leave the childcare
operation with the following persons. Please list names/address/phone number and
relationship to child for each. Children will only be released to a parent or a person
designated by the parent/guardian after verification of Identification.
Name Telephone# Relationship to child
EMERGENCY INFORMATION ________________________
Parent/Legal Guardian Signature Date
Person to be contacted for emergencies in the event that both parents cannot be reached.
Name Telephone# Relationship to child
In the event that I cannot be reached to make arrangements for emergency medical attention, I
authorize the facilitys director or person in charge to take my child to:
Hospital Address
I give my consent for necessary emergency treatment when my child is in the care with this physician
at this clinic and/or hospital.
________________________________________________ ________________________
Parent/Legal Guardian Signature Date
List any special problems that your child may have, such as allergies, existing illnesses, previous
serious illnesses, injuries during the past twelve (12) months, any medication prescribed for long term
Continuous use, and any other information that staff should be aware of:
Explain: ______________________________________________________________________________
One of the following must be presented when your pre-school age child is admitted to the
preschool facility. Check to indicate the option you select.
DOCTORS STATEMENT: I have examined the above-named child within the past year
and find that he/she is physically able to take part in the preschool program.
A copy of the MEDICAL SCREENING from the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis
and Treatment (EPSDT) Program if not a referral for further diagnosis and treatment is indicated.
________________________________________________ ________________________
Parent/Legal Guardian Signature Date
TRANSPORTATION: I hereby GIVE DO NOT GIVE my consent for my child to be
transported and supervised by facilitys staff:
On Field Trips To & From Home To & From School For Emergency Care
FIELD TRIPS: I hereby GIVE DO NOT GIVE my consent for my child to
participate in field trips.
MOVIES: I hereby GIVE DO NOT GIVE my consent for my child to watch videos
that are age and content appropriate.
My childs immunization record is on file at the school and all immunizations and tuberculosis
test results are current. Vision and Hearing screening records are also on file. YES NO
________________________________________________ ________________________
Parent/Legal Guardian Signature Date
I acknowledge receipt of the facilitys operational policies including those for
discipline and guidance.
I agree to pay the total weekly tuition on Monday for the upcoming week.
________________________________________________ ______________________
Childs Name Age
________________________________________________ ______________________
Parent/Legal Guardian Signature Date
________________________________________________ _____________________
MLP Director Date