OM High Purity DO en 52201072F Sep13

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Part No.


High Performance
Dissolved Oxygen Sensors
Instruction Manual
58 037 204 - 58 037 207
58 037 404 - 58 037 407
58 037 010 (357-210)
58 037 202 (367-210)

This manual includes safety and critical information with the following designations and formats:


CAUTION: possible product damage or malfunction.

NOTE: important operating information.

Part 34 100 2016, a 25mL bottle of O2-Electrolyte included with the 52 201 067 dissolved oxygen
probe has an associated Material Safety Data Sheet included with this sensor. Maintain a copy
of the MSDS in your material safety file.

This document contains proprietary information, which is protected by copyright. All rights are
reserved. No part of this document may be photocopied (other than where specifically noted),
reproduced or translated, into another language without the prior written consent of Mettler-
Toledo Thornton, Inc.
INTRODUCTION polarized with a voltage to enable the
electrochemical reaction of oxygen. Oxygen is
This manual covers installation, operation and reduced at the cathode while the anode is
maintenance of the Mettler-Toledo Thornton oxidized, producing a small current in direct
High Performance Dissolved Oxygen (DO) proportion to the amount of oxygen reacting.
Sensors. For information on the measuring The very small current developed by these
instruments, consult their respective manuals. sensors allows them to have a long life with low
The dissolved oxygen sensor consists of:
A guard ring electrode around the cathode
52 201 067 analog DO Probe or 52 003 821 prevents extraneous oxygen either from within
ISM DO Probe, and electrolyte bottle the probe or from the sides of the membrane
58084012 (17490) Flow housing with 1/4 from causing a response. This enables
NPTF ports especially rapid response to low ppb samples
after air calibration or other exposure to high
DO Preamplifier with 770MAX or 2000 oxygen concentrations.
sensors, or VP cable with M300 sensors, or
AK9 cable with M300 ISM sensors. Temperature compensation adjusts for the
changing permeability of the membrane with
For a complete measurement system with model temperature. In addition, the instrument uses the
2000 or 770MAX Instruments, a patch cord is temperature value to convert the oxygen partial
also required. The sensors for M300 instruments pressure signal to a dissolved oxygen
include a cable identified below. concentration value by compensating for the
Complete changing solubility of oxygen with temperature.
Preamp or cable Instrument
Sensor For calibration, the probe is normally removed
58037010 58037011 (357-201) from the flow housing for exposure to air which
(357-210) preamp provides a standard oxygen partial pressure. An
58037201 52300107 1 m cable instrument setting (with M300 or 2000
58037202 52300108 3 m cable instrument) or automatic atmospheric pressure
58037203 52300109 5 m cable measurement (with 770MAX instrument)
58037204 52300110 10 m cable accounts for differences in barometric pressure
58037404 100000102 1 m cable during calibration.
58037405 100000302 3 m cable
M300 ISM
58037406 100000502 5 m cable ISM Models
58037407 100001002 10 m cable
58037202 580370203 (367-201) 5803740X model sensors include Intelligent
(367-210) preamp Sensor Management with the measurement
circuit, analog to digital conversion and
extensive memory contained within the sensor.
These sensors are designed for monitoring low The integrated ISM functionality allows
concentrations of dissolved oxygen in power extensive monitoring of the sensor. Stored in the
plant, semiconductor, and pharmaceutical pure sensor are the serial number, type of sensor,
water samples and similar applications. They order number, calibration data and temperature
provide long-term operation with minimal exposure data.
When starting up, the following processes are
initiated automatically: digital communication,
OVERVIEW OF OPERATION plug & measure, pre-calibration, predictive
These DO sensors use a gas permeable
membrane to separate the sample from the
electrochemical cell inside. Oxygen diffuses
through the membrane in direct proportion to the
partial pressure of oxygen outside the sensor.
The cathode and anode inside the probe are

corrosion products before connecting the
INSTALLATION flow housing.
4. Install appropriate fittings to the 1/4 NPT
The sensor location should be in a protected ports of the flow housing using PTFE tape
indoor area with reasonably stable and uniform
or pipe sealant.
temperature with no radiant sources of heat
such as steam pipes nearby. CAUTION: Tighten fittings only one turn past
hand tight. Do not over-tighten or the flow
Sample line design and installation must
housing tapered pipe threads may be
preserve the integrity of the very low DO
concentrations to be measured. Fittings,
flowmeters and all connections must be gas tight 5. Connect the sample line and drain to the
to prevent aspirating traces of air which would fittings. The bottom port is the inlet.
cause erroneous readings.
CAUTION: Use a second wrench when
Stainless steel sample lines are recommended connecting the sample line to a compression
to prevent permeation of oxygen into the fitting to prevent over-tightening the pipe
sample. If a length of flexible line must be used, thread into the flow housing and possibly
make it as short as possible (< 3 ft, 1 m), thick stripping the threads.
walled and of a material with low permeability
6. IMPORTANT: Be sure the electrolyte
such as PVDF, polypropylene or Nylon. Silicone
solution has been replaced in the probe
and PVC (Tygon) are NOT recommended for
before proceeding. Connect the cable to the
low ppb samples.
connector of the probe by rotating until the
IMPORTANT: Before installation, the probe they are aligned and the parts slide together.
electrolyte solution must be replaced to Tighten the connector by hand only.
correct for any drying in storage and to
7. Remove the protective cap and Install the
achieve full response and stability. Follow
probe in the flow housing. Set the sample
the Service Procedure.
flowrate at 50 1000 mL/min. Save the cap
The sample system should be able to provide for protection when the probe is removed
between 50 and 1000 mL/min flowrate. from the flow housing.
1. Mount the flow housing, allowing room 8. After at least 6 hours of powered operation
above the probe for convenient removal for including at least an hour of acclimation to
calibration as shown in Figure 1. the process sample, perform an air
calibration as described below.
2. For models with preamp, mount the preamp
box using the mounting holes and hardware 9. For 58 037 202 (367-210) models only, find
appropriate for the panel. Orient the preamp the Adder (A) value from the label on the
box with the probe cable coming out of the preamp VP cable. Enter that value as the
top. See Figure 1. The preamp box must be Adder (A) in the Model 2000 transmitter via
earth grounded, either by mounting screws MENUS / Edit Sensor Cal to compensate for
fastened to a grounded panel or by a user- any offset in the preamp circuit.
supplied earth ground cable. Locate the
preamp above or to the side of the housing
to keep any dripping water away from the
preamp. The distance between the probe
and preamp must be less than the 3 ft (1 m)
cable length between them. Connect the
patch cord from the instrument (not included
with sensor) to the bottom connector of the
preamp box.
3. Flush the upstream sample line at high
flowrate to remove any debris and/or

Air Calibration Procedure
1. For highest accuracy with a Mettler-Toledo
Calibration of the probe calculates new Thornton M300 or 2000 instrument,
calibration constants for the sensoran Adder determine the atmospheric pressure existing
(zero or offset) and a Multiplier (span or slope). on site based on an accurate barometer.
The Cell Adder is normally near zero, (For a 770MAX system, a built-in electronic
accounting primarily for zero offset in the barometer automatically measures and
electronics. The Multiplier is nominally 1.0 and is compensates for atmospheric pressure.)
recomputed whenever an air calibration is
performed. 2. Activate the HOLD function in the
instrument, if required, to prevent activation
Calibration data for the 58 037 204 - 58 037 207 of alarm relays and to hold analog outputs at
sensors used with the M300 is accessed via the their current value.
CAL / Edit mode.
3. Shut off the sample flow to the flow housing.
Calibration data for the 58 037 010 (357-210)
sensor used with the 770MAX is stored in non- 4. Remove the probe from the housing by
volatile memory and can be viewed under the loosening the red threaded sleeve and blot
Measurements / Page Down menu for the the tip of the probe dry with a soft lint-free
appropriate channel. tissue.

Calibration data for the 58 037 202 (367-210) 5. Hang the probe in open air, away from heat
sensor used with the Mettler-Toledo Thornton sources and wait for stable DO and
2000 instrument can be viewed at any time temperature readingstypically about 10
under the MENUS / Edit Sensor Cal menu as minutes.
described in the 2000 instruction manual. 6. Step through the instrument CALIBRATION
For most applications, air provides the most menu to set the barometric pressure (M300
reliable standard for calibration. Its composition and 2000 instruments only). Perform a one-
is consistent and requires compensation only for point air calibration.
barometric pressure. Because the electrical zero 7. When complete, reinstall the probe in the
of the probe coincides very closely with zero DO flow housing and tighten the threaded
concentration, a one-point air calibration is sleeve.
normally sufficient.
8. Cycle the sample flow on and off to remove
The probe is exposed to air which provides a any retained bubbles. Restore flow to 50
standard oxygen partial pressure. An instrument 1000 mL/min.
setting or measurement accounts for differences
in barometric pressure during calibration. 9. When the measurement has returned to its
normal value and is stable, deactivate the
NOTE: For rated stability, the probe must be HOLD function in the instrument or allow it
connected to a powered instrument for at least 6 to time out.
hours before calibrating or measuring to assure
full polarization of the internal electrodes. If this Electrical Zero Calibration Procedure
is not possible, calibrate at startup and again
after 6 hours. With sensors using a preamp, an electrical zero
When the equipment will be used as portable can be performed to eliminate offset in the
instrumentation and power is frequently preamplifier. Electrical Zero Calibration can
disconnected, use an accessory Polarization usually be done more reliably than the System
Module to maintain probe polarization while Zero Calibration Procedure below. Refer to the
power is off. 770MAX or 2000 Instrument instruction manual
for details.

A stock solution of 500 mg/L of cobalt chloride
System Zero Calibration Procedure (CoCl2) in deionized or distilled water may be
made and stored up to 2 years.
System zero calibration is rarely required with
this sensor which has its electrical zero very The final zero DO solution consists of adding 10
close to zero concentration. If system zero grams of sodium sulfite (Na2SO3) to 200 mL of
calibration is attempted, a true zero calibration the above stock solution. This must be made up
standard is required. fresh within 60 minutes of use since air will
oxidize and deactivate it.
NOTE: Improper zero calibration is a frequent
source of measurement error. The best standard
Calibration Diagnostics
is nitrogen of 99.995% purity which can be
slowly fed through the flow housing in place of
The Adder is recalculated whenever a zero
the sample. Sulfite solutions may not reach a
calibration is performed. The displayed value is
true zerosee the Zero Verification section in nanoAmps and is typically within 0.2 for a
following. functioning probe and preamp. The Multiplier is
1. Be sure the instrument and probe have been recalculated whenever an air calibration is
powered for at least 6 hours previous to performed and is typically within 0.5 to 2.0 for a
calibration. Activate the HOLD function to functioning sensor.
disable the relays and to hold analog The instrument manual describes how to display
outputs at their current value. the raw probe current in normal operation, which
2. Shut off the sample flow to the flow housing. is nominally -350 nA in air.

3. Connect pure nitrogen to the inlet of the flow

4. Wait for a completely stable reading
Store the probe at room temperature with the
typically an hour. Verify that the reading is
protective cap in place. For long term storage,
acceptably close to zero.
more than 3 months, remove the electrolyte and
5. Step through the instrument CALIBRATION rinse internal parts with deionized water. Allow
menu to perform a zero calibration. to dry and re-assemble. The electrolyte must
then be replaced before reinstalling.
6. When complete, disconnect the nitrogen and
perform an air calibration if needed.
7. Reinstall the probe in the flow housing and SERVICE
restore sample flow.
8. When the measurement has returned to its
normal value, deactivate the HOLD function Any accumulation of solids on the membrane
in the instrument or allow it to time out. surface or in the flow housing should be washed
off or cleaned briefly with an agent suitable for
Zero Verification removing it. If physical cleaning is needed, use a
lint-free cloth or tissue that will not clog the
A zero verification may be performed with a protective membrane screen. The frequency of
sulfite solution. It is not recommended to cleaning will vary widely, depending on the
calibrate in this solution since it sometimes content of the sample and must be established
produces a concentration of 1-3 ppb rather than by experience.
a true zero. Use the same procedure as for
nitrogen zero calibration except use the WARNING: USE STANDARD PRE-
following zero solution in a narrow-mouth flask CAUTIONARY MEASURES IN HANDLING
or bottle in which the DO probe has been ANY ACIDS USED FOR CLEANING.

4. Examine the O-rings visually for mechanical
Service Indications defects, and replace if necessary.
The electrolyte should be replaced at startup or 5. Half-fill the membrane body with electrolyte.
later if response to a near-zero solution or gas is
NOTE: The electrolyte bottle is equipped with a
not low enough or fast enough. After 2 minutes
special pouring system. To ensure proper
in a very low oxygen sample, the reading should
functioning, hold the bottle vertically, upside-
drop below 10% of the air reading. After 10
minutes, the reading should drop below 1%.
(e.g. readings in air are near 8000 ppb so in 10 6. Make sure that all air bubbles are removed
minutes, response should be below 80 ppb.) from the membrane body. Air bubbles can
be removed by carefully tapping on the
The membrane body and electrolyte should be
membrane body.
replaced if a visual inspection shows signs
of mechanical damage. They should also be 7. Slip the membrane body over the interior
replaced if the sensor has a slow response, body while holding the sensor in a vertical
shows instability or if the sensor cannot be position. The excess electrolyte will be
calibrated. displaced and must be absorbed with a
paper tissue.
The complete probe should be replaced if a
visual inspection shows a crack in the glass of NOTE: No electrolyte, sample media or
the interior body or if the sensor shows leakage contamination may be present between the
current. (With electrolyte and membrane body membrane body and the cap sleeve. Be sure
removed and the internal body carefully dried both parts are clean and dry.
there should be a zero reading.)
8. Carefully slip the cap sleeve over the fitted
membrane body, holding the sensor in a
Service Procedure vertical position and screw it tight.

WARNING: THE DO PROBE CONTAINS A 9. After changing electrolyte or membrane

FEW DROPS OF ALKALINE ELECTROYTE. body, the sensor must be repolarized for 6
CONTACT OF ELECTROLYTE WITH hours and recalibrated.
MUCOUS MEMBRANE OR EYES IS TO BE 10. Place the system in operation. Because of
AVOIDED. THEREFORE WEAR SAFETY the major disturbance of this service, stable
GLASSES FOR DISASSEMBLY. IF SUCH measurement in the low ppb (g/L) range
CONTACT OCCURS, THE AFFECTED AREA may require several hours to achieve.
THE CASE OF ACCIDENT, OR SHOULD After a day, re-calibrate to restore full accuracy.
MEDICAL ATTENTION. Troubleshooting
Perform probe disassembly only in a clean work One of the most common problems with DO
area. measurement is air leaks into the sample. This
1. Unscrew the cap sleeve from the probe results in higher than actual, flow-sensitive
shaft and carefully pull it off the sensor. readings. A simple test for this is to raise the
flowrate about 50%. If the DO reading
2. Eject the membrane body from the cap decreases significantly, this is evidence of a leak
sleeve by pushing it from the end with the since the higher flowrate dilutes the leak. If this
flat finger tip. (Before electrolyte is refilled, is observed, check and tighten all fittings,
the membrane body must be removed from flowmeters, valves, etc upstream of the sensor.
the cap sleeve.)
Decreasing DO reading with increasing flowrate
3. Rinse the interior body with demineralized may also occur if an excessively gas-permeable
water and carefully dab it dry with a paper sample line is used. Shorten the gas-permeable
tissue. length or change materials of the sample line.

An increase in DO reading at higher flowrate Refer to the Calibration Diagnostics section for
may indicate the original flowrate was information on acceptable probe signal range.
inadequate or the membrane was coated. Clean
the membrane as described in the
Service/Cleaning section.






Figure 1 Mounting and Dimensions of Mettler-Toledo Thornton Dissolved Oxygen Sensors.

Model 58 037 20X and 58 037 40X Sensors do not use the preamp shown and instead include a
longer VP or AK9 cable that connects directly to the M300 or M300 ISM Instrument, respectively.

VP Connector (AK9 Connector for ISM sensor)

Pg 13.5 Threaded Sleeve




Cathode and Guard Ring

Membrane Body

Cap Sleeve

Protective Cap

Figure 2 - Probe Component Identification for Maintenance Purposes

Sample Flowrate 50 1000 mL/min
Sample Temperature: 0 60 C (32 140 F) for compensation; can tolerate 100 C (212 F)
Sample Pressure: 0 5 bar (0 72 psig)
Sample Connections: 1/4 NPTF

Wetted Materials: polyacetal flow housing, polyphenylene sulfide probe, PTFE

membrane (reinforced with stainless steel mesh and silicone rubber),
Viton and silicone rubber o-rings
Cable length:
M300 & M300ISM up to 33 ft (10 m)
770MAX up to 300 ft (91 m)
2000 up to 200 ft (61 m)
Weight: 0.5 lb (1 kg)
System Accuracy: 1% of reading or 1 ppb, whichever is greater
Response Time: 98% response in 90 seconds
Measurement Range: 0 10,000 ppb (g/L) with auto-ranging

Replacement probe (analog) 52 201 067
Replacement ISM probe 52 201 209
Electrolyte (25 mL bottle) 34 100 2016
Membrane kit including electrolyte, 4 membranes and o-ring sets 52 200 024
Single membrane body 52 200 071
Replacement preamp for 2000 Instrument 58 037 203 (367-201)
Replacement preamp for 770MAX Instrument 58 037 011 (357-201)
Replacement flow housing 58 084 009 (17490)
Replacement VP cables for M300 Instrument
1m 52 300 107
3m 52 300 108
5m 52 300 109
10 m 52 300 110
Replacement AK9 cables for M300 ISM Instrument
1m 100000102
3m 100000302
5m 100000502
10 m 100001002
Accessory Polarization Module (analog sensor) 52 200 893

OXYGEN SOLUBILITY If calibration is performed at high elevations and
a barometer is not available, this table provides
Air-saturated water at 1 atmosphere, 760 mmHg
an approximate atmospheric pressure setting.
Temperature Oxygen Concentration
(C) (mg/L) Atmospheric
Altitude Pressure
0 14.57
1 14.17 (ft) (m) (mmHg)
2 13.79 -500 -152 773
3 13.43 0 0 760
4 13.08 500 152 747
5 12.74
6 12.42 1000 305 734
7 12.11 2000 610 708
8 11.82 3000 914 682
9 11.53 4000 1219 666
10 11.26
11 11.00 5000 1524 642
12 10.75 6000 1829 619
13 10.50
14 10.27
15 10.05
16 9.84
17 9.63
18 9.43
19 9.24
20 9.06
21 8.89
22 8.72
23 8.55
24 8.39
25 8.24
26 8.10
27 7.95
28 7.82
29 7.68
30 7.55
31 7.43
32 7.31
33 7.19
34 7.07
35 6.96
36 6.85
37 6.74
38 6.63
39 6.53
40 6.43
41 6.33
42 6.23
43 6.13
44 6.04
45 5.94
46 5.85
47 5.76
48 5.66
49 5.57
50 5.48

This Warranty is given expressly and in lieu of all other warranties, express or implied. The Buyer agrees
that there is no warranty of merchantability and that there are no other warranties, express or implied,
which extend beyond the description on the face of this agreement.

Mettler-Toledo Thornton, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as The Company) warrants to the original Buyer
each electrode, component, or instrument manufactured and/or sold by The Company to be free from
defects in material and workmanship in normal use and service for a period of one (1) year from
shipment, unless expressly stated otherwise by the product packaging or expressly agreed to in advance
by the Company. The obligation of The Company under this warranty is limited to repair or replacement of
the defective product at The Companys discretion. All warranty claims shall be returned to The Company
pursuant to The Companys Returned Goods Authorization program. Shipping costs (including return
shipping) are the responsibility of The Buyer. The Company assumes no responsibility for any direct or
indirect costs associated with removal of defective products, or re-installation of replacement products.
The Company shall not be responsible for damage to any electrode, component, or instrument resulting
from misuse, negligence, accident or resulting from repairs, alterations, or installations made by any
person or firm not duly authorized by The Company. No agent is authorized to assume for The Company
any liability except as above set forth. The Company warrants that services will be performed in a
workmanlike manner in conformity with standard industry practice. Should any nonconformity be
detected within 30 days after the work is completed and prompt notification is made by Buyer in writing to
the Company, Company will supply the necessary service, direction, or consultation to correct the

Returned Goods Policy: A Returned Material Authorization (RMA) number must accompany all returned
goods. This authorization is obtained by calling our Technical Service (800) 510-7873 or (781) 301-8600.
All transportation costs on authorized returns must be prepaid. Authorized replacement parts sent prior to
receipt and evaluation of merchandise being returned will be invoiced in full. Credit will be issued only
after the returned part is received and evaluated by factory personnel. The Company is not responsible
for products returned without proper authorization.

Factory Restocking Charge: Items returned to The Company more than 30 days after shipment will be
subject to a 25 % restocking charge, plus any additional charges for refurbishment to salable condition.
The Company will not accept returns more than 90 days after shipment, unless returned under warranty
or for non-warranty repair.

Special Products: Cancellation or return of special products will not be accepted.

Disclaimer of Damages:
In no event shall The Company be liable for any type of special consequential, incidental or penal
damages, whether such damages arise out of or are a result of breach of contract, warranty, tort
(including negligence), strict liability or otherwise. Such damages shall include, but not be limited to loss
of profits or revenues, loss of use of the equipment or associated equipment, cost of substitute
equipment, facilities, down time costs, increased construction costs or claims of The Buyers customers or
contractors for such damages. The Buyer agrees that in the event of a transfer, assignment, or lease of
the equipment sold hereunder The Buyer shall secure for The Company the protection afforded to it in
this paragraph.

Mettler-Toledo Thornton, Inc.
36 Middlesex Turnpike
Bedford, MA 01730 USA
Tel. +1-781-301-8600
Fax +1-781-301-8701
Toll Free +1-800-510-PURE ( US and Canada only)
[email protected]

Mettler-Toledo Thornton, Inc. 2012

OM52201072 Rev.F 09/12

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