Potential Gross Incomegim - Gross Income Multiplie: Provided, The Authorization Shall

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You're more at risk of damage when you foolishly decide to drive your car through flooded streets.

Not to mention, of course, that foam applicators like the one

used in the photo also operate at much lower pressures than a pressure washer.
On a newer car with "hardened" electricals, things like that won't hurt much, but you're not doing the engine bay any favors either given that there are other
ways to keep an engine bay clean--clean, not shiny. Personally, I'd forgo the engine wash and instead use a clean rag, a duster or some compressed air to blow off
the dust in the engine bay. Or go to a waterless engine detailer, which happens to conserve water, too.
These skills were proven in episode five of season six, where Bran saw the history of Hodor
We know, it seems farfetched that the youngest boy from the certifiably-good House Stark is actually Westeros biggest villain, but bear with usbecause when
you look back through GoT history, there are five very big reasons why this could be true.
Baelish also told Catelyn that the catspaw Valyrian steel dagger used in the attempted assassination of Bran belonged to Tyrion, when in fact Baelish sent both the
dagger and the assassin to do his dirty bidding.
To stir things up a little more, as if murder wasn't enough, Littlefinger had Lysa tell Ned and Catelyn Stark that the Lannisters poisoned Jon, leading to further animosity
between the houses that later erupted into war.
The eyes and ears of King's Landing, also known to his very, very few friends as Petyr Baelish, has been a power player since season one of GoT, scheming in the shadows
and manipulating the moves for the Iron Throne
The absolute bastard had been using Sansa Stark as a pawn in his dastardly plan, and the newly Winter-hardened badass, with her sister Aria alongside, finally revealed
Littlefinger's fatal flaws for all to see in an epic double-cross scene
The Man with Tiny Digits received his just deserts at the hands of the Queens in the North, all because he underestimated sisterhood.
term refers to an official in the local government unit who performs appraisal and assessment of real properties including plants equipment
and machineries essentially for taxation purposes

Potential Gross IncomeGIM -

Gross Income Multiplie
analyze the contract for sale for the subject purchase transaction. Explain the results of the analysis of
the contract for sale or why the analysis was

the civil liability arising from the crime extinguished (but this does not preclude the offended party from filing a
separate civil action based on other sources of obligation may be continued)

where the penaltyprescribed by law does not e$ceedprision correccional orimprisonment or si$ 3B years
The information confers jurisdiction on the court, thus if there is infirmity invalid

Sworn written statement

Exception on the involvement of the private prosecutor:

If he is authorized to do so in writing
He may prosecute up to the end of the trial
Provided, the authorization shall
We would like to seek the indulgence of the reader for some Bar Questions which are improperly classified under a topic and for some topics which are improperly or ignorantly phrased, for the
authors are just Bar Reviewees who have prepared this work while reviewing for the Bar Exams under time constraints and within their


Capital punishment: Death.

Afflictive penalties: Reclusion perpetua,

Reclusion temporal,

Perpetual or temporary absolute


Perpetual or temporary special disqualification,

Prision mayor.

Correctional penalties: Prision correccional,

Arresto mayor,



Light penalties: Arresto meno

Allow each question very carefully and write your answers in your Bar
includes some digests, the

ExaminationNotebook in the same order the questions are posed. us to develop and use
our human qualities, intelligence, talents and conscience, and to satisfy our spiritual and
other needs.
Supreme, inherent, and inalienable rights to life, dignity, and self-development.
The essence of these rights makes man human.
1. Association of small Landowners in the Philippines, Inc. v. Secretary of Agrarian Reform, (SCRA
343 (1989) pency o, tey 1st case+ PHMA issue proclamation No.106 classifying Boracay Island
2. Criminal procedure is concerned with
the procedural steps through which
the criminal case passes,
commencing with the
initialinvestigation of a crime and
concluding with the unconditional
release of the offender. It is a generic
term used to describe thenetwork of
laws and rules which govern
3. A Torrens title is the certificate of ownership issued under the Torrens system of
registration by the government, thru the Register of Deeds
4. Petitioner Luz Farms is a corporation engaged in livestock and poultry
business. It seeks to nullify Sec. 3 (b) and Sec. 11 of RA 6657 in so far as
they apply to livestock and poultry business.
5. This is the horrifying story of a man who's life was changed by an unprovoked
6. Gabriel v. Pangilinan, 58 SCRA 590 (1974)
7. Carag vs CA, 151 SCRA 44 (1987)

administrative bodies must be in harmony with the provisions of theConstitution. They cannot amend or
extend the Constitution. To be valid, they must conform toand be consistent with the Constitution. In
case of conflict between an administrative order andthe provisions of the The assailed A.O. of petitioner
DAR wasproperly stricken down as unconstitutional as it enlarges the coverage of agrarian reform
beyondthe scope intended by the 1987 Constitution.
Remedial Law

A quick brown fox is jumping

Trial Courts have concurrent jurisdiction to issue original writs of certiorari, prohibition
1. Jurisdiction over the person
2. Jurisdiction over the territory
3. Jurisdiction over the subject matter
333 ghart bedac molinhart chibquintery

8. Constitution, the latter prevails.

9. Luz Farms v. Secretary of Agrarian Reforms, 192 SCRA 51 (1990)
10. Natalia Realty, Inc. v. DAR, 225 SCRA 278 (1993)

When the program was terminated, a case was filed by the participants of the
"KilusangSarilingSikap" for declaration of status as tenants under the CARP. In
its resolution, DARAB
Central Mindanao
it is safe to presume that the employer terminated the seafarers. In addition, the telex message relied
upon by the Labor Arbiter and NLRC bore conflicting dates of 22 January 1998 and 22 January 1999,
giving doubt to the veracity and authenticity
Challenged in the Petition for Certiorari 1 before us is the June 20, 1995 Decision 2 of the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC), 3 which affirmed the August, 22 1994 ruling of Labor Arbiter
Cornelio L. Linsangan. The labor arbiters Decision disposed as follows: 4

The subject is agricultural land;

The CA however reversed the LAs and the NLRCs decision. The Court deemed the telex message as a
self-serving document that does not satisfy the requirement of substantial evidence, or that amount of
relevant evidence which a reasonable mind might accept as adequate to justify the conclusion that
petitioners indeed voluntarily demanded their immediate repatriation.
the university in carrying out its present educational program with its present
student population and academic faculty" overlooked the very significant factor
of growth of the university
Subject matter of the case consists of two (2) parcels of land acquired by
respondents' predecessors-in-interest through homestead patent under the
provisions of CA 141. Respondents wanted to personally cultivate these lands,
but the petitioners refused to vacate, relying on the provisions of PD 27 and PD
316 and
contravenes the Constitution. The A.O. sought to regulatelivestock farms by including them in the
coverage of agrarian
4) the purpose is agricultural production; (5) there is personal cultivation; and (6) there is sharing of
the harvest. The absence of one element does not make an occupant of a parcel of land, its cultivator
or planter, a
de jure
tenant. From our own assessment of the evidence at hand, we find that petitioner failed to establish
theexistence of a tena

A c a s e i n v o l v i n g a n agricultural land does notautomatic

ally make such case anagrarian dispute upon which
theDARAB has
Skippers appeals the case with the Supreme Court.

In April 1980, Mr. Illustrisimo, and others filed a complaint against the Tiangcos
for (1) nonpayment of legal holiday pay, (2) service incentive leave pay, as well as
(3) underpayment of emergency cost-of-living allowances, [ECOLA] which used to
be paid in full irrespective of their work days.

arrival at the fishing port, petitioners were told by )orge deG !man, president of private respondent, to
proceed to the police station at $amaligan,$amarines S r, for investigation on the report that they sold
some of their fish-catch at midseato the pre? dice of private respondent% Petitioners denied the
charge claiming

<elieving that private respondent did not s fficientl% Identif% the land in " estion b% reason of itsfail re to s bmit
the original tracing cloth plan thereof and that private respondent wasdis" alified from holding, e+cept b% lease,
alienable lands of the p blic domain nder *ection11
PEA may reclaim these submerged areas. Thereafter, the government can classify the reclaimed lands as
alienable or disposable, and further declare them no longer needed for public service. Still, the transfer
of such reclaimed alienable lands of the public

their own customers whom they charge a fee and divide the proceeds equally with the owner.

Articles 1-40 of the Labor Code

- Article 13, Section 3 of the 1987 Constitution
- Article 1700 of the New Civil Code
- Executive Order 247
- Republic Act 8042
- Rules and Regulations of the POEA
- Department Order 75-06

The elements of jurisdiction of a trial court over the subject matter in a criminal case are:

a. The nature of the offense and/or penalty attached thereto; and

b. The fact that the offense has been committed within the territorial jurisdiction of the court

. Accusatorial. The accusation is exercised by every citizen or by a member of the group to which the
injured party belongs.

As the action is a combat between the parties, the supposed offender has the right to be confronted by his
The battle in the form of a public trial is judged by a magistrate who renders the verdict.

A be able charter

Hornbooks are collected to support the law school curriculum. Additionally, .... materials. Collections
strengths in international law include International Human Rights

Human Rights by Petralba - Chapter 5

The Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure were annotated with pertinent provisions of the 1987
Philippine Constitution, legislations, jurisprudence and issuances by the Supreme Court, administrative
issuances of the Department of Justice, and opinions of legal luminaries.

The lay-out of this edition was slightly modified and its contents were updated, though the updates of
this Smashwords edition print documents for offline reading.

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