Unix Comp
Unix Comp
Unix Comp
Version 4.1
IBM FileNet Image Services
Version 4.1
Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in Notices on page 133.
This edition applies to version 4.1 of IBM FileNet Image Services (product number 5724-R95) and to all
subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.
Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1984, 2008. All rights reserved.
US Government Users Restricted Rights Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract
with IBM Corp.
Related Documentation 14
1 Operating System 18
About This Chapter 18
Supported Platforms 19
AIX 19
HP-UX 19
Solaris 19
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 5
Startup Indicators 21
AIX Startup Indicators 21
HP-UX Startup Indicators 21
Solaris Startup Indicators 23
Groups 27
The fnadmin Group 27
The fnop Group 27
The dba Group 27
The fnusr Group 27
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 6
Exiting X Windows 34
Exiting Motif 35
Logging Out from the Console 35
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 7
Shells 63
Starting a Shell 64
Exiting a Shell 64
Environment Variables 65
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 8
File Operations 88
Creating and Editing Files 88
Copying Files 89
Moving and Renaming Files 90
Archiving Event Log Files 90
Displaying Text Files 92
cat 92
more 92
less 93
tail 93
Combining Files 94
Deleting Files 94
Processes 95
Background Processes 95
Viewing Processes 95
Aborting a Process 96
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 9
4 Problem Solving 97
System Profile 97
Network-related Log File Issues 98
File System Check Utility (fsck) 100
Lost and Found Directories 100
Automatic Corrections 100
Operating Environment Problems 101
AIX System Dumps 101
HP-UX System Core Files 106
Reporting a Problem 108
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 10
tar 120
6 Backup 122
Cache Import/Export Methods 122
Cache Objects 122
Using the Cache Import/Export Program 123
Select the Cache Objects 126
Verify the Cache Objects 127
Start Cache Export/Import 129
Using CSM_exim 130
Notices 133
Trademarks 136
Index 138
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 11
About This Manual
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 12
About This Manual
Note Refer to the manuals shipped with your system for information on
backing up the operating system.
Note Backup for the FIleNET system is handled by the Enterprise Backup
and Restore utility or a third party tool. For more information see the
Enterprise Backup/Restore Users Guide or the Third-party
Backup/Restore Guidelines. To download IBM FileNet documentation
from the IBM support page, see Accessing IBM FileNet Documen-
tation on page 14.
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 13
About This Manual
Accessing IBM FileNet Documentation
2 Select the appropriate IBM FileNet product from the Select a cate-
gory list.
b Click the icon in the appropriate release column to access the doc-
ument you need.
Related Documentation
We assume that you are familiar with system commands and proce-
dures for your operating environment. Refer to the documentation and
online help included with your operating system for information.
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 14
About This Manual
Document revision history
man tar
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 15
About This Manual
Conventions Used in this Manual
Typing Instructions
To indicate commands, values, or other information you enter at your
keyboard, we use the following indentation and typeface:
help [CSM_exim]
Console Displays
This document shows information displayed at your console in the fol-
lowing manner:
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 16
About This Manual
IBM FileNet Education
Command Syntax
Command syntax definitions are indented:
Optional Parameters
Optional parameters and keywords are within square brackets:
Required Parameters
Parameters that require you to provide information are shown within
angle brackets (< >). For example, for the following command:
you must substitute the name of a command for the parameter in angle
brackets, such as:
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 17
1Operating System
About This Chapter
This chapter presents information on the UNIX operating system and
performing Image Services system administration duties, including:
Console operations
We assume that you are familiar with basic computer terminology. See
the System Administrators Handbook for additional information about
Image Services software. To download IBM FileNet documentation
from the IBM support page, see Accessing IBM FileNet Documen-
tation on page 14.
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 18
1 Operating System
Supported Platforms
Supported Platforms
Image Services software is compatible with the AIX, HP-UX and
Solaris UNIX server operating environments.
AIX For information on AIX, refer to the manuals included with your AIX
HPUX For information on HP-UX, refer to the manuals included with your HP-
UX system and the HP-UX online documentation on CD-ROM.
SOL For information on Solaris, refer to the manuals included with your
Solaris system.
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 19
1 Operating System
Powering On Your System
3 Power on, in any order, the main storage library server (the Document
Locator server), and all other storage library servers.
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 20
1 Operating System
Startup Indicators
Startup Indicators
While booting an Image Services server, the operating system checks
for hardware configurations that can cause the system to operate
improperly. Refer to the notes for your operating environment.
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 21
1 Operating System
Startup Indicators
set incorrectly. Use the vl tool to find the cfg_verify assertion errors.
Enter vl from any directory.
Note Even though SAM displays the kernel parameters in decimal, you can
enter modified values in hexadecimal, (for example, 0x10000000) and
SAM automatically translates the hex value to decimal for you.
Fix all invalid kernel parameters before rebooting and trying to start
Image Services again.
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 22
1 Operating System
Rebooting Your System
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 23
1 Operating System
Powering Off Your System
1 Notify all users that the system is going down and ask them to log off.
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 24
1 Operating System
Powering Off Your System
4 Shut down the operating system at each server with one of the fol-
lowing commands:
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 25
1 Operating System
Powering Off Your System
5 Turn off power to the Image Services server after the appropriate mes-
sage displays for your operating environment:
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 26
1 Operating System
This section describes the following Image Services administration
groups: fnadmin, fnop, dba, fnusr.
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 27
1 Operating System
Logging on to the Operating System
After logging on, you can enter operating system commands and read
online documentation. You can also start the appropriate system man-
agement tool for your operating environment: SMIT (AIX), SAM (HP-
UX), Administration Tool (Solaris).
Enter your operating system login name. For example, if you enter the
login name fnsw, the following prompt displays:
fnsws Password:
Enter your password. If the system accepts your login and password,
the appropriate notice displays for your operating environment. Refer
to the appropriate description for your operating environment.
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 28
1 Operating System
Logging on to the Operating System
HPUX Please wait, checking for disk quotas...
SOL If the system accepts your login and password, the contents of your
/etc/motd (message of the day) file displays. After successfully logging
on to the operating system, the following prompt may display:
Start Motif?
If you type y, Motif starts (see Motif Interface (Solaris) on
page 37).
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 29
1 Operating System
Logging on to the Operating System
This section describes user accounts (logins). As the system adminis-
trator, you can log on to the operating system as any of the following:
Note Operating system logins are independent of the Image Services logins
such as SysAdmin. See the Security Administration chapter of the
System Administrators Handbook for more information on Image Ser-
vices user logins. To download IBM FileNet documentation from the
IBM support page, see Accessing IBM FileNet Documentation on
page 14.
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 30
1 Operating System
Logging on to the Operating System
groups. You can use the fnsw login to recycle (stop and restart) the
Image Services software and to run tools that require Image Services
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 31
1 Operating System
Logging on to the Operating System
su <login>
If you are logged on as root and changing to another login, you do not
have to enter the password for that login. If you are changing to root,
you must enter the root password.
To exit the temporary login and return to your original login, refer to the
instruction for your operating environment:
The fnlogon tool is not necessary if you login using any of the following:
root, fnsw, fnadmin.
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 32
1 Operating System
Logging on to the Operating System
Remote Logins
MultSv While logged on to one server, you can remotely log on to another
server to run applications on the other server. You can start and run,
from your own console, applications that reside on a different server on
your network.
To log on remotely from an Image Services server, use the rlogin com-
mand followed by the name of the remote server. For example, if you
are at the root/index server console and the storage library server
name is lib, you can enter the following to log on to the storage library
rlogin lib
To switch to another login name at the same time, use the l option.
For example, you are logged on as a member of the fnadmin group. To
log on to the remote server as root, enter:
Respond to the prompt for the root password then proceed as you nor-
mally would on that server.
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 33
1 Operating System
Logging Out from the Operating System
Exiting X Windows
You can exit from X Windows using the following procedure:
Use the Exit option for any application running in a window. If this does
not close the window, then use the Close command.
Note In AIX, you can exit X Windows by holding down the Control and ALT
keys and pressing the backspace key simultaneously. All windows
close and the command prompt displays.
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 34
1 Operating System
Logging Out from the Operating System
Exiting Motif
To exit from Motif on the console:
Use the Exit option for any application running in a window. If this does
not close the window, then use the Close command. Point to the upper
left corner and drag the mouse pointer to the Close option.
Press the left or right mouse button while the cursor is in the gray area
of the screen. This activates the pop-up dialog from which you select
MWM Quit to exit.
2 Exit from any shells you started by entering Control+d as many times
as necessary until you return to the login shell.
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 35
1 Operating System
Operating System Interfaces
ASCII Interface
Startup Xwindows?
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 36
1 Operating System
Operating System Interfaces
The display of the prompt depends upon your use of the template files
we supply for .login, .cshrc, .profile, .env, .xinitrc, .xdefaults, and
.mwmrc located in the directory /fnsw/etc/<name>.template (the
inst_template program sets up templates).
If you do not start X Windows at login time, you can start it later and
open the same windows, including the clock, by entering the xinit
You can close any window you are not using by pointing the mouse
cursor at the upper left corner of the window, holding down the left
mouse button, and dragging down to the Close option. However, rather
than closing a window, exit any program running in that window. Most
programs have an Exit option on the left-most menu.
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 37
1 Operating System
Operating System Interfaces
Start Motif?
This prompt depends upon your use of the template files we supply for
.login, .cshrc, .profile, .env, .xinitrc, .xdefaults, and .mwmrc located in
/fnsw/etc/<name>.template (the inst_template program sets up tem-
To open other windows, click anywhere within the gray area of the
screen to activate the pop-up dialog and make your selection from the
pull-down menu. Each new window contains an operating system
prompt. Starting a program opens a new window as well.
If you type anything but y, Solaris starts the ASCII interface (see
ASCII Interface on page 39).
If you do not start Motif at login time, you can start it later and open the
same windows by typing this command:
Click in a user window to open the window. You can close any window
by pointing the mouse cursor at the upper left corner of the window,
holding down the left mouse button, and dragging down to the Close
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 38
1 Operating System
Operating System Interfaces
option. First exit (using the Exit option on the File pull-down menu) any
program running in a window before closing the window. See the
Solaris user manuals for help in using the Motif desktop.
Note To disable CDE and use X Windows or Motif, refer to your operating
environment documentation. To re-enable CDE in the future, you can
run the following script as root user: /fnsw/etc/DTwindows.
ASCII Interface
If you do not enter y at the start X Windows or Motif prompt, the entire
display functions as an ASCII terminal with a command prompt (>).
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 39
2System Management Tools
Each operating environment provides a graphical user interface for
system administration. Refer to the description for your operating
AIX The System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) is the primary inter-
face to the AIX operating system. You can use SMIT to:
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 40
2 System Management Tools
Many of the items in the FileNet Image Services option have com-
mand-line equivalents. Some items require the root login.
CAUTION Because SMIT updates all appropriate configuration files and keeps a
record of your actions, we recommend that you use SMIT to make
changes only as directed in this manual. Consult your operating
system administrator if you have additional questions on SMIT.
Starting SMIT
You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to create a
new AIX user account (login) for an Image Services user. You can use
either of two SMIT versionswindows-based or character-based.
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 41
2 System Management Tools
Use the help key for information about any field. For information on
security and login recommendations, refer to the AIX documentation.
Any other AIX users you create must have fnusr or fnadmin or fnop
group privileges to stop and start the Image Services software. After
creating such users, log on as each user and run the
/fnsw/etc/inst_template program to install the correct user environment
for the Application Executive (.logon, .profile, and other files).
A faster way to the Create User window is to use the fastpath name.
The fastpath for creating a new user is:
smit mkuser
When you use a fastpath, canceling that window takes you back to the
command line. To perform other functions, such as assigning pass-
words to the new logins, you can enter SMIT at the beginning instead
of using the fastpath. Alternatively, you can use the fastpath for the
next task.
smit passwd
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 42
2 System Management Tools
smit chuser
% passwd
Changing password for root
roots Old password:
roots New password:
Re-enter root's new password:
Use SMIT to assign and change passwords if you dont know the cur-
rent password.
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 43
2 System Management Tools
3 Select Managing.
4 Select Security.
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 44
2 System Management Tools
Shell Value
Korn /bin/ksh
C /bin/csh
Bourne /bin/bsh
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 45
2 System Management Tools
HPUX You run the HP System Administration Manager (SAM) to perform the
following system administration tasks:
SAM records the actions you take during a session in a log. You can
use these log files as an audit trail.
CAUTION Be careful when using SAM to alter the system configuration. Some of
these alterations (such as reconfiguring disk volumes and changing
security files) can result in a loss of data or undesirable system opera-
tion. To use SAM, you must be logged in as root. Do not experiment
with options when you are not certain of their functions. Consult your
documentation, the SAM help facility, or your operating system admin-
istrator if you have questions about the effect of a SAM option or any
HP-UX command on your Image Services system.
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 46
2 System Management Tools
Accessing SAM
To access SAM, log on to your system as root and enter the following:
Refer to your HP manuals for information about how to use SAM and
its options.
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 47
2 System Management Tools
Change Password
Note SAM does not validate your new password. You can use the passwd
command to verify whether the new password is at least six characters
and contains one non-numeric character.
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 48
2 System Management Tools
Here is a sample dialog to change the root password (for security rea-
sons, the new password you type does not appear on the display).
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 49
2 System Management Tools
Change the default login shell by using SAM to perform the following
1 Select the following sequence of menus from the SAM main menu:
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 50
2 System Management Tools
Add, modify, view, copy, or delete a user in the User Account Man-
Many of the items in the FileNet Image Services option have com-
mand-line equivalents. Some items require the root login.
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 51
2 System Management Tools
admintool &
The & (ampersand) symbol forces the tool to run in the background.
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 52
2 System Management Tools
Users who start and stop the Image Services software must have
fnusr, dba, and fnadmin group privileges. Use the Administration Tool
to add these users to the appropriate groups.
After you create the FileNet user account, log on as the user and run
the /fnsw/etc/inst_template program. The program installs the correct
environment (.login, .profile, and other files) to allow the user to run
Image Services system administration applications through the Appli-
cation Executive.
To effect the install template changes, you must log the new user out
and then in again.
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 53
2 System Management Tools
If you know the current password, log on as the user and run the
passwd command to change the password. A sample dialog to change
the password of the root login follows. (The password you type does
not appear on the display.)
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 54
2 System Management Tools
You can change the default shell at any time by selecting a new login
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 55
2 System Management Tools
Setting Date and Time
As the system administrator, you are responsible for setting all server
clocks to the same date and time. The PC coordinator is responsible
for setting workstation clocks.
Refer to your operating system manuals for details on how to set the
system date and time.
CAUTION Do not set the date and/or time backwards while the system is running.
Set the date and time in single-user mode.
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 56
2 System Management Tools
Working at the Console
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 57
2 System Management Tools
Working at the Console
1/ 2/ 3/... a/ b/ c/...x/...z/
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 58
2 System Management Tools
Working at the Console
1/ 2/ 3/ ... a/ b/ c/...x/...z/
x term file
TERM variable
For example, if you set your system console to xterm (a common type),
TERM points to the xterm terminal information file located in the
/usr/share/lib/terminfo/x directory. You direct the operating system to
locate the terminal type subdirectory (/x in our example) from the first
letter of the terminal type you designate in the TERM environment vari-
able. The operating system searches the system default path for the
designated terminal information file.
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 59
2 System Management Tools
Working at the Console
System TERMINFO default TERM Description
AIX /usr/share/lib/terminfo xterm or Common setting.
aixterm IBM AIX terminal.
HP-UX /usr/lib/terminfo hp Standard environment
for HP 700/96 or HP
700/98 terminal.
Solaris /usr/share/lib/terminfo xterm Common setting.
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 60
2 System Management Tools
Working at the Console
Press Return to accept this terminal type. To change the terminal type,
enter your terminal type at the prompt. For example, if you are using an
X-station, enter:
You can change your terminal type at any time by resetting the TERM
environment variable. For example, you can set the TERM variable to
Shell Commands
C shell setenv TERM xterm
Korn or Bourne TERM=xterm
export TERM
Screen Contrast
Use the buttons on the front of your server console to adjust screen
contrast so you can easily read the foreground text and the options on
the pull-down menus.
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 61
2 System Management Tools
Working at the Console
Screen Savers
You can change the parameters of the X Windows screen saver using
the xset command. For information on the xset command, search the
online documentation for screen saver.
The ASCII interface has a different screen saver. When you close X
Windows and log out, the console is in the ASCII interface and uses
the FileNet screen saver program, scrsvfnsw. The screen saver pro-
gram starts automatically at boot time.
You can modify the text displayed, the time to wait before activating the
screen saver, the refresh rate, and the priority with the scrsvfnsw com-
Parameter Description
t Tim e, in m inutes, to w aitbefo re starting the sc reen saver.The defaultis 15 m inutes.
d Display ed tex t.The defaultis F ileNet.This tex tc anno tc o ntain any spac es.
r Refresh rate.The defaultis to c hang e the plac em ento f the display tex tevery sec o nd.
Y o u c an enter a hig hernum bero f sec o nds fo r the tex tto rem ain display ed befo re c hang -
ing po sitio n.
p Run atlo w er prio rity.
scrsvfnsw t 10 d Back_at_10:15 r 3
To redisplay the screen, press any data key, such as the space bar.
The key you press only turns off the screen saver. It does not display or
have any effect on the system. Keys such as Shift, Control, and Alt do
not send data, so they do not turn off the screen saver.
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 62
2 System Management Tools
The login shell is the user interface to the operating system. The oper-
ating system provides several shells, including:
Korn shell
C shell
Bourne shell
If you are a new user, we recommend that you learn to use the Korn
shell. If you are familiar with the C shell or the Bourne shell, you may
be more comfortable working in that shell than in the default Korn shell.
Using the Korn shell, you can retrieve and edit a previous command.
See your operating system documentation for information on shells.
To change the default login shell, see the appropriate procedure for
your operating system:
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 63
2 System Management Tools
Starting a Shell
You can start a new shell at any time by entering the following at the
command line of your current login session:
Action Command
Start a Korn shell. ksh
Start a C shell. csh
Start a Bourne shell. bsh (or sh)
When you start a new shell, the previous shell keeps running in the
background. If you start several shells, think of them as layered. To
return to a previous shell, you must exit from the most current shells.
Exiting a Shell
Enter Control+d to exit from a shell.
To log out, you must exit from all shells until you return to the login
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 64
2 System Management Tools
Environment Variables
Environment Variables
Some of the system administrators tools require setting environment
variables. For example, before you use the spacerpt tool, you must set
the F_MAINT_PW environment variable. The commands to set envi-
ronment variables depend on the shell you are using, refer to the fol-
lowing table.
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 65
2 System Management Tools
Disabling NCH broadcasts
You can enable or disable broadcasts any time, without restarting the
Image Services software. NCH checks whether broadcasts are
enabled on each lookup. If broadcasting is disabled, NCH converts the
domain name to an IP host name and attempts to obtain an IP address
for the host name using the server name resolution mechanism. For
information on the NCH conversion mechanism, see Converting to
IP Host Name on page 67.
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 66
2 System Management Tools
Disabling NCH broadcasts
2 Create an alias entry for the NCH domain IP host name using the
appropriate server name resolution method, for example:
Edit the master /etc/hosts file and use the Network Information Ser-
vice (NIS) to distribute this information to each server.
You can use the nch_tool, findserver, to locate a server, for example:
findserver domain:organization
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 67
2 System Management Tools
Disabling NCH broadcasts
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 68
3Directories and Files
This section describes file organization, file naming, and navigation
through the file systems.
Root Directory
The root directory encompasses all of the files in the system. A single
slash (/) designates the root directory.
A directory is a path to a collection of files in a subdivision of your mag-
netic disk.
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 69
3 Directories and Files
The following diagram shows the subdirectories of /fnsw and the posi-
tion within the overall file organization.
ro o tdirec to ry
etc lib
bin lib lo c al
lo c al
bin dev etc lib
tm p
spo o l w fl
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 70
3 Directories and Files
You can use letters, numbers, periods, and underscores in file and
directory names. The following are valid names:
Do not use the following characters, which have special meaning to the
operating system:
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 71
3 Directories and Files
You can also use the file command to determine a files type. The
syntax of the file command is:
file <filename>
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 72
3 Directories and Files
Using Wildcards
To find a file in a large directory or to operate on many files with similar
names without having to type each name, you can use one or more
wildcard characters in your search criteria. An asterisk (*) or question
mark (?) acts as a wildcard character.
> ls do*
docchk* doccnt* doccopy* docimport*
> ls ?s
es* gs* is* us* xs*
CAUTION Be very careful when using wildcards in any command that erases or
alters a group of files. As a precaution, test wildcards with the ls com-
mand to make sure you are specifying the correct files. The operating
system has no undo command.
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 73
3 Directories and Files
Working Directory
When you log on at the console, you start at the top of the directory
structure, in the / (root) directory. As you work, you can move from one
directory to another. If you lose your place, you can find out where you
are with the pwd (print working directory) command.
The pwd command prints the path from the root directory to your cur-
rent working directory. The path shows the name of the directory at
each level with a slash between each level. For example, the pwd com-
mand might show this:
cd .. (cd, space, period, period) takes you one level closer to root.
cd dam
Move to any directory by specifying the full path. For example, move
from anywhere to /fnsw/local/dam with the following command:
cd /fnsw/local/dam
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 74
3 Directories and Files
Directory Permissions
When you create a directory under /fnsw/ the permissions on your files
may change. This is because the Image Services fn_setup utility uses
the /fnsw/etc/permission_table to set directory and file permissions for
the IS software. There are some directories specified within this
permission_table that request that fn_setup change the permissions of
all directories and files below the directory specified (i.e. recursively).
This may cause the permissions of non-IS files and directories stored
within the /fnsw subtree to be changed. This can result in errors when
you try to use or execute those files and can cause many hours of frus-
tration as you attempt to figure out why a certain program that used to
run, doesnt run anymore.
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 75
3 Directories and Files
2 Add the directory and file permissions for your files. See the examples
below. For information on permissions, see Viewing and Changing
Permissions on page 78.
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 76
3 Directories and Files
File File
Create- Recursive Dir Dir Dir File File File Create-
type Name Owner Group Perm. Owner Group Perm. able Recursive
d /fnsw fnsw fnusr 0770 fnsw fnusr 0000 no no
d /fnsw/bin fnsw fnusr 0750 fnsw fnusr 06750 no yes
Note To save your changes, you may have to change the permissions on the
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 77
3 Directories and Files
Removing a Directory
You can only delete a directory which is empty. Use the rmdir com-
mand to delete an empty directory. For example:
rmdir /fnsw/local/newdir
The operating system also provides security for files and directories. To
display permissions for files and directories, use the ls l (long list)
command in any directory. Since these lists are often longer than one
screen, you can pipe the output to the more command as shown in the
following example. The more command allows you to page through the
display using the space bar.
> ls -l | more
total 1104
-rwxrwxr-x 1 root system 461 Nov 04 12:04 .Xdefaults*
-rwxrwxr-x 1 root system 682 Nov 04 12:04 .cshrc*
-rwxrwxr-x 1 root system 455 Nov 04 12:04 .dbxinit*
-rwxrwxr-x 1 root system 326 Nov 04 12:04 .env*
-rwxrwxr-x 1 root system 5 Nov 06 13:44 .history*
drwxrwxr-x 8 root system 512 Aug 12 14:26 export/
drwxrwxr-x 13 fnsw fnusr 512 Oct 21 15:22 fnsw/
drwxrwxr-x 3 root system 512 Aug 26 09:14 info/
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 78
3 Directories and Files
The following figure shows the information provided for each file and
directory, using a sample entry from the .cshrc file:
file description
creation time
creation date
owners group
number of files
users permissions
group permissions
owner permissions
file type
File type
Reading from the left, the first character identifies the file type:
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 79
3 Directories and Files
The permission scheme is in positions two through ten, in three sets of
three characters each with the following definitions:
Permission Description
r read
w write
x execute
Owner permissions
The first set (positions two through four) describes the permissions of
the owner (root in the example). The .cshrc file gives the owner read,
write, and execute (rwx) permission.
Group permissions
The second set (positions five through seven) describes the permis-
sions of the group that owns the file (by default, the group to which the
owner belongs). The .cshrc file gives members of the group read,
write, and execute (rwx) permission.
User permissions
The third set (positions eight through ten) describes the permissions
for all other users. In the case of .cshrc, other users can read and exe-
cute the file but cannot write to the file (rx).
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 80
3 Directories and Files
Number of files
For a directory, this is the number of files. For a file, this value is always
1. If the file is linked, this is the number of links.
This is the name of the file or directory owner, that is, the ID of the
logged in user that created the file or directory.
Owners group
This is the group to which the owner belongs.
This is the size of the file or directory in bytes.
Creation date
This is the creation date.
Creation time
This is the creation time.
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 81
3 Directories and Files
Device Files
You access physical devices such as tape drives, disk drives, and
printers as files. The interface between devices is transparent to users.
The system opens a device, reads or writes information, and finally
closes it as if the device were a file. Most device files are stored in a
subdirectory of /dev. For instance, /dev/console is the file name for the
File Systems
The Image Services file system is an integrated set of file systems that
appears as one large file system.
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 82
3 Directories and Files
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 83
3 Directories and Files
> df
Filesystem Total KB free %used iused %iused Mounted on
/dev/hd4 8192 3940 5% 810 39% /
/dev/hd2 430080 112716 73% 14411 13% /usr
/dev/hd9var 4096 1912 53% 117 11% /var
/dev/hd3 8192 6292 23% 57 2% /tmp
/dev/lv01 163840 63740 61% 769 1% /fnsw
/dev/lv02 81920 63212 22% 398 1% /fnsw/local
/dev/lv00 36864 17360 52% 274 2% /db2
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 84
3 Directories and Files
/> bdf
Filesystem Kbytes used avail %used Mounted on
/dev/vg00/lvol1 103481 46262 46870 50% /
/dev/vg00/fnsw 378489 215038 125602 63% /fnsw
/dev/vg00/local 99385 4035 85411 5% /fnsw/local
/dev/vg00/lvol5 127241 206 114310 0% /tmp
/dev/vg00/lvol4 179449 40 71464 0% /users
/dev/vg00/lvol3 199065 97475 81683 54% /usr
/dev/vg00/db2 11932 59796 47592 56% /db2
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 85
3 Directories and Files
In the following example, the df k command lists the mounted file sys-
tems on a VERITAS system:
> df k
Filesystem kbytes used avail capacity Mounted on
/dev/vx/dsk/rootvol 336871 33269 269922 11% /
/dev/vx/dsk/usr 249991 165220 59781 73% /usr
/proc 0 0 0 0% /proc
fd 0 0 0 0% /dev/fd
swap 125324 20 125304 0% /tmp
/dev/vx/dsk/opt 190407 68340 103027 40% /opt
/dev/vx/dsk/fnvg/fnsw 335852 96832 205440 32% /fnsw
/dev/vx/dsk/fnvg/db2 287982 250855 8337 97% /db2
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 86
3 Directories and Files
Image Services uses MKF (Multi-Keyed File) databases and RDBMS
(index) databases. You copy these two databases to magnetic tape
when you back up the system.
MKF databases
MKF databases include the following:
Cache is a large area that holds data in transit between optical disk
and the station that acquired or requested the data. Cache also serves
as the permanent location for systems without an optical disk. Cache is
divided into different logical areas used for specific purposes. Your ser-
vice representative sets a minimum and maximum size for each logical
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 87
3 Directories and Files
File Operations
File Operations
This section describes how to create, edit, copy, move, rename, read,
combine, and delete files.
Editor Description
ed line edito r
vi full-sc reen edito r (visualedito r)
For information about these editors, see your operating system and
user documentation. You can also display a manual (man) page for
each editor (for example, man vi).
Note AIX also supports INed (full-sc reen edito r) and em ac s (full-sc reen
UNIX edito r).For information about these editors, see the AIX system
documentation. You can also display a man page for each editor.
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 88
3 Directories and Files
File Operations
Copying Files
The cp command copies a file using two arguments. The first argu-
ment identifies the original file; the second argument identifies the
cp /dir1/orig_file /dir2/dup_file
If you omit the path from either argument, the operating system
assumes that you want to copy to or from your current working direc-
tory. You can omit the file name if you copy to another directory and
you want to use the same name.
cp /dir1/filename /dir2
Two files with the same name can reside in different directories, but not
in the same directory.
CAUTION If you copy (or move) a file to a directory that already has a file by that
name, the operation overwrites the file in the destination directory. A
confirmation prompt does not appear.
Since the operating system has no undo command, you should make
a copy of the original file if you are uncertain about the results of a
command. Then experiment on the copy.
To copy a file to a new name in the same directory, omit the path from
both arguments:
cp orig_file test_file
You can use wildcards to specify a set of files with one command. For
example, you could copy all files that end with .dump to a /dumps sub-
directory with the following command:
cp *.dump /tmp/dumps
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 89
3 Directories and Files
File Operations
mv calls_Jan98 /tmp
You can also use the mv command to rename a file without changing
its location. To rename calls_Jan98 to Jan_98_PhoneLog within the
same subdirectory, use the following:
mv calls_Jan98 Jan_98_PhoneLog
You can rename a file and move it to another directory at the same
mv calls_Jan98 /tmp/Jan_98_PhoneLog
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 90
3 Directories and Files
File Operations
The daily event log files occupy significant magnetic disk space as they
accumulate. Periodically copy these files to tape and then delete the
files from the disk. Most sites copy the daily event log files on a
monthly basis. To copy a month of event log files to tape, enter the fol-
lowing commands:
cd /fnsw/local/tmp/logs
tar cvf /dev/rmt0 */elogYYYYMM*
where YYMM equals the year and month to be copied. For example, to
copy all of the January 1998 station event logs to tape, enter the fol-
lowing command:
CAUTION Use the tar command only if your files can be copied on a single tape.
Tar does not issue end of tape warnings.
After you archive the event log files to tape, remove the files for the
year and month (YYYYMM) from magnetic disk using the following
cd /fnsw/local/tmp/logs/1
rm elogYYYYMM*
CAUTION Always use care when including wildcard characters in the file name
you are deleting.
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 91
3 Directories and Files
File Operations
The cat command displays the contents of the specified file on your
screen (for example, the file named msgs, as shown below). If the text
is longer than one screen, it scrolls to the end of the file, usually too
quickly to read.
cat msgs
The more command displays files from beginning to end, one screen
at a time.
more report
If you know the approximate location of the text you want to read, you
can use the +linenumber option to start reading at a particular line
number. For example, to start reading on page 3 of a report that has
approximately 60 lines per page, you can skip the first 100 lines.
You can specify a search string with the +/pattern option to start
reading two lines before the first occurrence of that string. The fol-
lowing command skips over all of the file until it finds the string summit,
then it displays the file starting two lines above summit.
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 92
3 Directories and Files
File Operations
The less command is similar to the more command, but less allows
you to scroll up and down in the file at will. While viewing a file, press
the following keys on your keyboard to control the display:
The less command is a FileNet command and not part of the UNIX
operating system. Refer to the online man pages for more information
for this command.
The tail command displays the last 10 lines of a file. To view a larger or
smaller number of lines, add the <lines> option to your command.
The following example displays the last 25 lines of the specified file:
tail 25 <filename>
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 93
3 Directories and Files
File Operations
Combining Files
The cat command concatenates two files and places the result in a
third file.
If the target file does not exist, the command creates it.
CAUTION Do not use a file as both the source and the target because cat may
destroy the source before creating the target file.
Deleting Files
Use the rm command to delete a file. Supply the file name as the argu-
rm junkmail
You can delete a group of files using a wildcard, but be sure you know
exactly which files you are deleting. The following command deletes
any file in the current working directory that begins with 91:
rm 91*
CAUTION Be careful when using wildcards in any command that erases or alters
a group of files. A small error can lead to disaster. For example, if you
accidentally type a space between 91 and the asterisk in the command
above, you would erase the file named 91 and the files specified by the
*, namely all of the files in your current working directory. Before run-
ning the rm command, test wildcards with the ls command to make
sure you are specifying the correct files. The operating system has no
undo command.
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 94
3 Directories and Files
Processes are local to each server. The system assigns a process ID
number (pid) to each process when the process starts running. A pro-
cess can be started by initialization programs, by another program, or
by a user. This section describes how you can manage and monitor
Background Processes
You can start up a program and direct it to run in the background.
While the program runs, you can continue to enter commands to the
For example, to compare two text files with the diff command. Type a
space followed by an ampersand (&) at the end of your command to
run it in the background. The system starts the job and shows you the
process ID.
Viewing Processes
Use the ps command to view operating environment processes. Addi-
tional processes display as a result of your commands.
Use the whatsup command to view FileNet processes.
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 95
3 Directories and Files
Aborting a Process
If your terminal hangs while you are working on a file, you can abort an
independent process that you were running.
CAUTION You can safely abort an independent process you start, such as the vi
editor, that is unrelated to FileNet application software. Do not abort
any FileNet process unless instructed by your service representative.
For example, assume that the vi editor does not respond to the key-
kill 31 <pid>
Occasionally the kill command, as shown above, fails. In that case, use
the 9 option to request an unconditional kill. Be careful you have the
correct <pid> when using the 9 option. Enter:
kill 9 <pid>
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 96
4Problem Solving
This section discusses the following types of problem solving tools:
ps ef command
fsck utility
System Profile
Every system develops a pattern of activities and processes, called a
system profile. You can sometimes prevent or minimize problems by
watching for a deviation from the usual profile.
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 97
4 Problem Solving
In the following messages, ### represents any number and XXX repre-
sents any string of alphabetical characters.
You can configure a special Image Services trigger file that throttles
the various Courier event log messages. This feature allows you to
limit the number of times the various Courier messages are logged.
If you find that any of these messages repeat continuously, perform the
following steps to limit their output.
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 98
4 Problem Solving
The following example allows only one out of every 500 of the mes-
sages to be logged. The number 500 is only a suggestion; you can use
other values.
initfnsw stop
killfnsw -ADy
initfnsw start
Note Creating the trigger file does not fix the underlying problem that is
causing the repeated messages. You must still troubleshoot the
system to determine the cause of the network problem.
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 99
4 Problem Solving
Other programs can also put files in the /lost+found directory. If you are
unsure about the files in /lost+found, notify your service representative.
Automatic Corrections
The fsck utility with the y option automatically corrects several types
of non-critical inconsistencies.
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 100
4 Problem Solving
CAUTION When a dump occurs, follow the instructions below instead of the
instructions in the Problem Solving Guide to verify the system dump
and save it to a tape.
CAUTION Do not initiate a dump if the LED displays 888! This means the system
has automatically dumped. Initiating another dump would overwrite
that system dump with one of a running system.
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 101
4 Problem Solving
The three-digit number appearing just before the 888 reappears indi-
cates whether the dump was successful. The following LED numbers
indicate the status of a dump:
2 Write down all of the three-digit numbers that follow the flashing 888.
Your your service representative will request these numbers.
Proceed if the dump status number indicates that you may have a
usable dump.
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 102
4 Problem Solving
5 Verify the dump and the dump device with the following command:
sysdumpdev L
crash /dev/hd#
If the dump is not usable, the output of the crash command is:
If the time of the crash approximately matches the time the system
crashed, then the dump is sufficient for analysis.
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 103
4 Problem Solving
.i_enable ()
.rdevread ()
.vno_rw ()
.rdwr ()
.kreadv ()
Your service representative will ask you for stack trace information. If
the problem has not occurred at a previous site, your service represen-
tative may ask you to send a tape copy of the system dump. See
Copying a Dump to Tape (AIX) on page 105.
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 104
4 Problem Solving
Note In the following instructions, replace /dev/rmt# with the device name of
your tape drive, usually /dev/rmt0.
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 105
4 Problem Solving
CAUTION If your system panics, follow the instructions below instead of the
instructions in your HP problem-solving manual to verify the core file
and save it to a tape.
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 106
4 Problem Solving
An entry is made in the error log file correlating the core file name with
the process which aborted. To obtain the name of the aborted process
from the core file, type the following command:
cstat <corefile>
If your system is unable to automatically restart after the panic, use the
following instructions to capture a core file and reboot your system.
The TC command saves memory and writes the core file to the
/tmp/syscore directory.
3 Complete the boot sequence to restart your system.
Alternatively, you may wish to copy the core file to tape as described in
the next topic.
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 107
4 Problem Solving
Replace /dev/rmt/# with the device name of your tape drive, usually
Reporting a Problem
W hen nec essary , c allyour service representative to repo rta pro blem
w ith y o ur sy stem .Pro vide any info rm atio n y o ur servic e representative
asks y o u fo r.
You might be asked to send a tape copy of the core file (and possibly
other information) for analysis.
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 108
5Tape Support
This chapter describes the FileNet-supported tape drives on your
server for backup, restore, COLD, and conversion operations for the
following operating environments:
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 109
5 Tape Support
Tape Media
Tape Media
This section lists tape media specifications for each operating environ-
ment. Actual tape capacity depends on tape length, tape density, and
compression. Refer to the appropriate section for your operating envi-
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 110
5 Tape Support
Tape Media
The values in the above table are for high density tape and uncom-
pressed data (unless otherwise indicated). Cache data is already
compressed when written to disk.
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 111
5 Tape Support
Tape Media
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 112
5 Tape Support
Tape Drives
Tape Drives
This section describes the FileNet-supported tape drives for use with
FileNet applications. Refer to the appropriate description for your oper-
ating environment.
See your server hardware manuals for information on your tape drive.
For additional information, refer to the following topics/guides:
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 113
5 Tape Support
Tape Drives
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 114
5 Tape Support
Setting the TAP_MB Variable
Resetting the tape capacity variable only applies when you are writing
data to tape. To reset the TAP_MB environment variable, enter the
appropriate command for the shell you are using, where <nnnn> is the
tape capacity in megabytes.
Shell Command
Korn export TAP_MB=<nnnn>
C setenv TAP_MB <nnnn>
Bourne TAP_MB=<nnnn>
export TAP_MB
Tape Quality
Purchase only data-quality tapes. Do not use lower quality tapes
intended for video recording.
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 115
5 Tape Support
Tape-Related Commands
Tape-Related Commands
Use the commands in this section to perform system administration
tasks related to preparing and using tapes. Detailed information about
each command is available in your operating system documentation.
Labeling Tapes
Labeling Tapes
To label new tapes, use the tapeser command to assign a serial
number to a tape. See the Enterprise Backup/Restore Users Guide for
additional information.To download IBM FileNet documentation from
the IBM support page, see Accessing IBM FileNet Documentation
on page 14.
The following table lists the default tape device name for your operating
You can label a tape with a serial number consisting of six spaces for
use during unattended online backups. For more information and
examples, see the Enterprise Backup/Restore Users Guide. To down-
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 116
5 Tape Support
Tape-Related Commands
load IBM FileNet documentation from the IBM support page, see
Accessing IBM FileNet Documentation on page 14.
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 117
5 Tape Support
Tape-Related Commands
The format of the output depends on the command you use. For
detailed information on each command, refer to your operating system
documentation and the online man pages.
The cpio (copy file archives in and out) command copies one or more
files. The cpio command reads from standard input, which can be
piped from a find or ls command, and writes to standard output, which
is typically a tape device. You use cpio to archive your redo logs to tape
(see the Enterprise Backup/Restore Users Guide. To download IBM
FileNet documentation from the IBM support page, see Accessing
IBM FileNet Documentation on page 14).
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 118
5 Tape Support
Tape-Related Commands
Below is a commonly used syntax for copying log files, but this
example does not reflect all parameters and options of the cpio com-
cpio o | i [options]
Parameter Description
o Copies the specified files with path name and status informa-
tion to standard output.
i Copies files from the standard input (the output from a previ-
ous cpio o command) to standard output.
[options] Refer to the man pages for cpio options.
The following example command copies archived redo log files to tape,
using piped input from the ls command and the verbose (v) option to
display file names as they are copied. Type the following command on
a single line:
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 119
5 Tape Support
Tape-Related Commands
The tar (tape archive) command copies one or more files to a specified
tape device. The most common reason for copying a file to tape is to
archive your error log files or redo logs. You can copy your error log
files to tape and delete the files from magnetic disk to free significant
space on the disk.
For added security, you can use tar to back up certain site-specific files
to tape. For example, you can back up word processing files until the
files migrate to storage media. Using tar to make copies of these files
should be in addition to, not a replacement for, your normal backup
The syntax below reflects a commonly used syntax for copying files,
but does not reflect all parameters and options of the tar command:
Parameter Description
c Creates a new archive on tape. Writing starts at the begin-
ning of the tape instead of after the last file.
r Appends a file to the tape. Use this option instead of the c
option to begin writing at the end of existing data on tape.
v Displays each file name as it is copied to tape.
f Writes to the device or file specified in the next argument en-
countered (/dev/rmt0 in the examples given below).
<devname> Specifies the full path name of the destination tape device.
<file names> Specifies the full path name of the files to be copied to tape.
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 120
5 Tape Support
Tape-Related Commands
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 121
Cache Import/Export Methods
There may be events which call for the export of cache from one server
for subsequent import to another server. This section describes cache
objects and programs and utilities that provide time-saving cache
transfer alternatives.
Cache Objects
The cache can contain several types of objects. The information below
describes these objects and information about the caches associated
transient database. If you have any of these objects in cache, you
should back them up:
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 122
6 Backup
Cache Import/Export Methods
You can perform full backups or interval backups with the Cache Ex-
port/Import Program. A full cache backup copies all the cache objects
to tape or disk. An interval cache backup copies only the cache objects
that have been modified since the date you specify in the Backup
Only Objects Newer Than field of the Select Caches and Objects list
box. The specified date is the date the cache object was created or last
updated. You must perform one full cache backup before you can per-
form the first interval cache backup. Interval cache backups should be
done cumulatively so that a restore consists of restoring the last full
cache backup followed by the most recent interval cache backup. If you
have an extremely large cache, you may want to perform daily interval
cache backups along with weekly full cache backups.
After you select caches and cache objects to back up, the program
locates each cache and the objects within the cache. Cache
Export/Import Program creates the following files in the
/fnsw/local/logs/csmei directory:
One directory file per backup. A directory file lists all caches and all
cache objects contained in the backup. The format of the file name
is CBmmddyyyy_nn.DIR, where mmddyyyy is the date of the
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 123
6 Backup
Cache Import/Export Methods
backup and nn is the number of times the cache backup has been
run in a particular day.
One data file per backed-up cache. The format of the file name is
CBmmddyyyy_nn.<cache_id>, where mmddyyyy is the date of the
backup, nn is the number of times the cache backup has been run
in a particular day, and <cache_id> is the cache identifier.
One log file containing entries for the cache backup activity. The
format of the log file name is CBmmddyyyy_nn.log, where
mmddyyyy is the date of the backup and nn is the number of times
the cache backup has been attempted in a particular day. The log
file is always written to disk.
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 124
6 Backup
Cache Import/Export Methods
Note Cache Backup does not allow you to back up fast batch objects in
page_cache. Cache Backup can see fast batch objects, but does not
select them for export. If you are scheduling a back up of COLD
objects only, the Objects scheduled so far value will read 0 because
COLD always uses fast batch committal. All other locked objects in the
cache are selectable and can be backed up. Cache Backup also
exports all items in BES cache and imports them, but it skips all fast
batch objects in the page_cache.
For more information on the fast batch feature, see Committal in the
Image Services System Administrators Handbook. To download IBM
FileNet documentation from the IBM support page, see Accessing
IBM FileNet Documentation on page 14.
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 125
6 Backup
Cache Import/Export Methods
Note You must always keep cache and the transient database synchronized
(updated to the same point in time). Back up the transient database im-
mediately before or after you perform the cache export/import.
Xapex &
4 Select the caches and cache objects to back up from the Select
Caches and Objects list box.
The list box displays cache IDs, descriptions, space use information,
the number of objects in use, and the number of cache objects in use
and locked.
To select a range of list items, click and hold the mouse button on
the first item in the range and click on the last item in the range.
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 126
6 Backup
Cache Import/Export Methods
If you select File, use the displayed default name or enter a new file
name in the File edit box.
If you select Tape, select the tape device from the drop-down list box.
Then insert a tape into your tape drive. Make sure the tape is not write-
Note If tape drive problems occur during the backup, Cache Export/Import
Program displays a dialog box identifying the problem and requests
that you resolve the problem or abort the backup. If the tape format is
wrong, Cache Export/Import Program asks you to confirm that you
want to reformat and overwrite the tape.
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 127
6 Backup
Cache Import/Export Methods
Note You can display only one Cache Export/Import - Selected Objects Re-
port window at a time.
For each cache, the Selected Objects Report describes the total sec-
tors used, selected sectors, total objects in the cache, and selected
objects. To display objects in a cache, select the cache. The selected
cache name appears in the Selected Objects for Cache box, under
which displays the system serial number (SSN), document ID, page
number, size (in bytes), creation date and time, and locked status of
each object in the cache.
4 Select Exit from the File pulldown to return to the Selected Objects
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 128
6 Backup
Cache Import/Export Methods
Note Large caches require more time to build the catalogs. You can cancel
the process at any point and return to the Cache Export/Import screen
by clicking Cancel.
2 Click OK to access the Backup Status screen and choose one of the
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 129
6 Backup
Cache Import/Export Methods
The Begin and Abort buttons change to inactive and the Close button
changes to active. When you have viewed the completion results, click
A dialog advises you of the location of the log. Record the location then
select OK.
4 Exit the Cache Export/Import Program by selecting Exit from the File
pulldown list.
Using CSM_exim
The CSM_exim utility backs up (exports) one or more specified logical
caches. It includes options to back up only locked objects and to back
up only objects with a time stamp later than the date you specify.
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 130
6 Backup
Cache Import/Export Methods
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 131
Appendix A Backup Support
In the past, the FileNet software provided two methods for backup and
restore - the brm_backup utility and the Enterprise Backup/Restore
(EBR) program. EBR provides many improved features over
brm_backup, including incremental backup, online backup and backup
to a file. All new software development will involve EBR only.
NOTE The brm_backup utility is not supported in the current release of Image
Services. Customers upgrading to the current Image Services release
will need to make sure their archived backups are in EBR format.
If you plan to use a third party backup product, please refer to the
Third-Party Backup/Restore Guidelines manual.
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 132
IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this
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information on the products and services currently available in your
area. Any reference to an IBM product, program, or service is not
intended to state or imply that only that IBM product, program, or ser-
vice may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program, or
service that does not infringe any IBM intellectual property right may
be used instead. However, it is the users responsibility to evaluate and
verify the operation of any non-IBM product, program, or service.
June 2008 Image Services System Administrators Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 133
IBM may use or distribute any of the information you supply in any way
it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you.
Licensees of this program who wish to have information about it for the
purpose of enabling: (i) the exchange of information between indepen-
dently created programs and other programs (including this one) and
June 2008 Image Services System Administrators Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 134
(ii) the mutual use of the information which has been exchanged,
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June 2008 Image Services System Administrators Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 137
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 138
cd 74 creating directories 75
cp 89 creating user account 52
df 84 csm_exim 130
kill 96 current working directory 74
less 93
ls 72, 78 D
man 15 dat tape 113
mkdir 75 dat tape drive 114
more 92 databases 87
mv 90 ddts tape 112
nohup 95 deleting
ps 95 directory 78
pwd 74 files 94
rlogin 33 device files 82
rm 94 df command 84
rmdir 78 directory
scrsvfnsw 62 description 69
tail 93 listing contents of 72
whatsup 95 names 71
common desktop environment 39 disabling nch broadcasts 66
console displaying
screen saver 62 last part of file 93
window 37, 38 text files 9293
copying dos file names 71
aix system dump to tape 105 dumps, aix 101105
files 89, 118 E
copying core file 108 editors 88
core file environment variables 65
copying 108 executable program 72
saving 107 exiting
core files 106 from shell 64
cp command 89 from window manager 34, 35
cpio command 90, 118
crash command 103
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 139
F korn shell 63
file names 71
file systems 6987 L
FileNet 82 less command 93
mounted 83 listing
operating environment 82 mounted file systems 84, 85
RDBMS 82 processes 95
files local permissions table 75
archiving 90 logging in, remotely 33
concatenating 94 logging on 28
deleting 94 logging out 34
fnadmin group 27, 30 login
fnop group 27, 30 creating solaris user account 52
fnsw login 31 shell, changing 55
fnusr group privileges 42, 48, 53 logins
fsck 100 aix 3031
creating aix user account 41
H creating HP-UX user account 47
host name switching 32
converting 67 ls command 72, 78
system failure 106 M
user account 47 man pages 15
media 110
I mkdir command 75
infoexplorer program 19 more command 92
install template 53 motif 29, 37
interfaces 36 mounted file systems 83
interval cache backup 123 moving files 90
ip host name mv command 90
converting 67
K nch broadcasts
key mapping 57 disabling 66
kill command 96 network service directory 20
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 140
June 2008 Image Services System Administrator's Companion for UNIX, Release 4.1 141
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