462115-01 AD - 1000 Line Series WSI Communications Protocol

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Videojet 1000 Line Series

WSI Communications Protocol

P/N 462115 - 01
Revision: AD, July, 2013
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Table of Contents

1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 1-1

2. Supported Packet Types ....................................................................................................... 2-1

3. General Protocol Packet Specification ................................................................................ 3-1

3.1. Message Select Packet Format.................................................................................... 3-2
3.2. Delete Message Text Packet Format ........................................................................... 3-2
3.3. Update Message Text Packet Format .......................................................................... 3-2
3.3.1. MESSAGE DATA Field Format .............................................................................................. 3-3
3.3.2. An Example of Update Message Text ...................................................................................... 3-6
3.4. Modify Message Parameters Packet Format ............................................................... 3-6
3.4.1. An Example of Modify Message Parameters Command ..................................................... 3-9
3.4.2. An Example of Modify Message Parameters Command ..................................................... 3-9
3.5. Clear User Field Data Packet Format......................................................................... 3-10
3.6. Update User Field Data Packet Format...................................................................... 3-10
3.7. Update Logo Data Packet Format .............................................................................. 3-11
3.8. Set Module Widths Packet Format ............................................................................. 3-14
3.9. Stop Jet Packet Format .............................................................................................. 3-15
3.10. Request Part Number Packet Format ........................................................................ 3-15
3.11. Error Status Request Packet Format.......................................................................... 3-15
3.12. Set Date and Time Packet Format ............................................................................. 3-16
3.13. Request Current Selected Message Packet Format .................................................. 3-17
3.14. Print On/Off Packet Format ........................................................................................ 3-17
3.15. Print/Product Counter Request Packet Format. ......................................................... 3-18
3.16. Print/Product Counter Reset packet format ................................................................ 3-19
4. Differences between 1000 series WSI protocol and Videojet/Willett 40/400 series WSI
protocol ........................................................................................................................................... 4-1
4.1. Update Message Text ..................................................................................................... 4-1
4.2. Message Parameters ...................................................................................................... 4-1
4.3. Error Status Request....................................................................................................... 4-1
4.4. Stop Jet ........................................................................................................................... 4-1
4.5. Request Part Number ..................................................................................................... 4-1
4.6. Network Settings ............................................................................................................. 4-2
4.7. Connectors and Cables................................................................................................... 4-3
4.7.1. Videojet 1210/1220/1510/1520 ............................................................................................... 4-3
4.7.2. Videojet 1610/1620 ................................................................................................................. 4-4
4.7.3. Videojet 1610 DH (S-Mode).................................................................................................... 4-5
4.7.4. Videojet 1610 DH (I-Mode) .................................................................................................... 4-6
4.7.5. Videojet 1710 (IP 55) .............................................................................................................. 4-7
4.7.6. Videojet 1710 (IP 65) .............................................................................................................. 4-8
5. Appendix................................................................................................................................. 5-1

Rev AD Table of Contents 1-1

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1-2 Table of Contents Rev AD

1. Introduction
This software provides a simple protocol to implement for 1000 Series. It achieves
the following specific goals:

To provide an upgrade path for existing Willett customers with applications

utilizing the simpler protocols which existed in earlier Willett products

To allow communication with PLCs which are not flexible enough to

operate more complex protocols

To provide a quick and simple protocol which the Willett customers may
use to provide their own integrated solution to a coding or marking

To provide a fast, light-weight protocol for use in higher speed printing


To stop the jet remotely

However, this protocol does not support the following highly involved functions
which are features of the existing Willett protocol:

Operation over a modem link in an RS485 multi-drop environment

Creation or deletion of messages, user fields and logos

Execution of Jet Start control function

The protocol operates on ports COM1 and COM2 and on a TCPIP stream on ports
3100 (and 3102 for head 2 on a dual head printer), selected via the REMOTE
option on the CONFIGURE menu.

Note: To set the baud rate, number of stop bits, data bits etc. use the SERIAL
PORT BAUD RATES option on the CONFIGURE menu.

Rev AD Introduction 1-1

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1-2 Introduction Rev AD

2. Supported Packet Types
The following packet types are supported for inclusion in the simple protocol:

Command Name Command Function

Message Select M Select a message to print from
the list of existing messages
Delete Message C Clear all existing text from the
Text message that is currently
Update Message T Update the message content
Text of the message that is currently
Set Message P Set the print parameters
Parameters associated with the message
that is currently printing
Delete User Field D Clear data from an existing
Data named user field
Update User U Update the data within an
Field Data existing named user field
Update Logo L Update the bit pattern of an
Data existing named logo
Set Module B Set the module widths (bars
Widths and gaps) for printing barcodes
Stop Jet K Performs a jet stop sequence
Request Part H Return the Software Part
Number Number from the machine
Request Error E Return the errors currently
Status operative within the software
Set Date and Z Sets the specified Date and
Time Time for printer
Request Current Q Returns the current selected
Selected message name for printing
Print On/Off O Turns On or Off printing
Request G Returns the Print or Product
Print/Product counter value depending on
Counter the data sent with the
Reset R Resets the Print or Product
Print/Product counter depending on the data
Counter sent with the command

Rev AD Supported Packet Types 2-1

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2-2 Supported Packet Types Rev AD

3. General Protocol Packet Specification
For information on protocol commands for different variants, refer
Chapter 5: Appendix

Each protocol packet sent to the machine must adhere to the following general


[STX] Is a fixed single ASCII character 02h which is used to indicate the start
of the protocol packet.
[TYPE] Is a single ASCII character in the range A to Z used to describe the
type of protocol packet which is being sent.
[DATA] Is a multiple ASCII character variable length field, where all character
codes are within the range ASCII 20h to 7Fh plus 0AH (i.e. no control codes,
apart from 0Ah is used as a field separator).
[ETX] Is a fixed single ASCII character 03h which is used to indicate the end of
a protocol packet.

In response, the machine will reply with a three character check sequence as

$XX $ indicates the command was executed successfully. XX is a pair of

ASCII characters within the range ASCII 0' to 9' or A to F. The character pair
XX describes the modulo 256 sum of all characters between the [STX] and
[ETX] fields, (not including those fields). The first character represents the high
four bits of the CheckSum, and the second character the low four bits of the

!XX ! indicates response for unknown command or on failure of a command.

XX is a pair of ASCII characters within the range ASCII 0' to 9' or A to F. The
character pair XX describes the modulo 256 sum of all characters between the
[STX] and [ETX] fields, (not including those fields). The first character represents
the high four bits of the checksum, and the second character, the low four bits of
the checksum.

Rev AD General Protocol Packet Specification 3-1

3.1. Message Select Packet Format
Select a message to print from the list of existing messages stored within the
machine. If the message does not exist, the currently printing message will remain

The TYPE field contains the single ASCII character M.

The MESSAGE NAME field is a string of between 1 and 30 ASCII
characters specifying a message name stored within the machine.
3.2. Delete Message Text Packet Format
Clear all existing text from the currently printing message, leaving the message
content blank, but the message parameters unchanged. This command does not
delete the message.

The TYPE field contains the single ASCII character C.

3.3. Update Message Text Packet Format
Updates the message content of the currently printing message in line with the new
data supplied within the data field of the packet. This command deletes the current
message content before the new text is inserted. The command is processed in
synchronous mode this means that the packet will not be acknowledged until
processed completely. In case the new message text includes prompted user fields
the packet will not be acknowledged until the operator inputs the prompted text.


The TYPE field contains the single ASCII character T.

The MESSAGE DATA fields contain several sub fields as described below.
There may be several MESSAGE DATA fields within a single message,
each separated by a SEP field.

The SEP field may only contain the single ASCII characters LF (0Ah), and is
used to separate data fields within a message data packet.

3-2 General Protocol Packet Specification Rev AD

3.3.1. MESSAGE DATA Field Format

Each message data field is of the following format:


The FONT NUM field consists of exactly 2 characters (ASCII 0' to 9') which
represent a decimal value between 1 and 99. It describes the font number
to be used for the following text. The font number follows the order in which
the fonts appear when using the editor, i.e. font 0 is always 7hi, but the rest
will be dynamically allocated according to the fonts fitted. (00 = 7hi, 01 =
9hi, 02 = 12hi, 03 = 16hi, 04 = 24hi, 05 = 34hi, 06 = 5hi).

The HORC field consists of exactly 4 characters (ASCII 0' to 9') which
represent a decimal value between 0 and 9999, it describes the relative
horizontal position at which the text fragment should be placed within the
message. Note: This position is relative, and subject to left
justification. It should considered as a fragment ordering control rather
than a means of placing the text fragment in an exact location; i.e., the text
fragment with a HORC of 1 will always be to the left of another text fragment
with a HORC of greater than 1 and more. The numeric data within the
packet field is right justified and zero-padded.

The VERC field consists of exactly 3 characters (ASCII 0' to 9') which
represent a decimal value between 0 and 999. It describes the vertical
position at which the text field should be placed within the message.
Note: The whole message is subject to upward justification. If blank
lines are required at the top of a message, a dummy fragment containing a
single space character in an appropriate font must be sent. The numeric
data within the packet field is right justified and zero-padded. The algorithm
of field positioning on the basis of HORC and VERC is as follows:
1. Select all fields with minimal value of HORC.
2. Place them to the message image in a left aligned column from top to bottom
in the order of VERC values with 1 pixel gap.
3. Select all fields with second minimal value of HORC and place them in same
column to the right of the fields with minimal HORC.
4. Shift each fields of the second column horizontally to the left until there is a
minimal gap of 1 pixel with any of the fields of the first column or it comes to
the left boundary of the message image.
5. Continue selecting fields with next value of HORC, piling them in a column
and shifting left where possible, until all the fields take their place.

Rev AD General Protocol Packet Specification 3-3

The ATTRIB field consists of exactly 6 characters (ASCII 0' to 9' or A to
F). The first four characters represent a hexadecimal value between 0 and
FFFF, it describes a bit mask which is used to apply various attributes to the
message text field. The sixth character represents a hexadecimal value
between 0 and F, it describes the code page number to be used. To clarify,
this field should be into 3 sub-fields, in the order of their appearance:
o 3 attribute characters. Each attribute is a bit mask, in which the 4 least
significant bits are considered to yield an integer valued between 0-15,
the base 16 (hexadecimal) interpretation of this integer (0-F), is then
encoded into an ASCII character from the range 0-9,A-F.

The bits in each attribute are set according to whether the corresponding
properties are set, as follows:


Bit No Attribute
Bit 4 Double Dots On


Bit No Attribute
Bit 1 Triple Dots On


Bit No Attribute
Bit 1 Use Custom Font
Bit 2 Inverse Video
Bit 4 Not Used

o Barcode type: This is a value between 025 (see table below for
definition). This is encoded as 2 ASCII characters in the range 0-9,A-
F as follows: The first character is formed by dividing the required
barcode type by 16 and converting the base 16 interpretation of the
dividend into an ASCII character (of range0-9,A-F). The second
character is created in a similar fashion, except that it is the remainder of
the division by 16 process whose base 16 interpretation is then converted
to an ASCII character (of range0-9,A-F).

3-4 General Protocol Packet Specification Rev AD

o The barcode is elected from the following range:


Value Attribute
00 Barcode None
01 ITF
02 EAN 8
03 EAN 13
04 UPC-A
05 UPC-E
06 Code-128
07 EAN 128
08 Code 39
09 Data Matrix 10 x 10
10 Data Matrix 12 x 12
11 Data Matrix 14 x 14
12 Data Matrix 16 x 16
13 Data Matrix 18 x 18
14 Data Matrix 20 x 20
15 Data Matrix 22 x 22
16 Data Matrix 24 x 24
17 Data Matrix 26 x 26
18 Data Matrix 32 x 32
19 Data Matrix 8 x 18
20 Data Matrix 8 x 32
21 Data Matrix 12 x 26
22 Data Matrix 12 x 36
23 Data Matrix 16 x 36
24 Data Matrix 16 x 48
25 GS1 Databar

o The code page number, whose value in base 16 ranges from 0 to F. This
is encoded as a single ASCII character (of range'0'-'9','A'-'F').
Note: 1510/1520 and 1610/1620 printers will ignore this code page
number input.
The MESSAGE TEXT field consists of up to 200 ASCII characters which
describe the text to be entered within the message, or (if it starts with the
character @) the name of a single user field. This arrangement allows
plain text, barcodes, counters, or other real-time data to be inserted within
the message. The print orientation and presentation is controlled via the
attribute field.

Rev AD General Protocol Packet Specification 3-5

3.3.2. An Example of Update Message Text

Print a twin line Top line (7high font) with data 12345
Bottom line (9high font) with data ABCDE
Reverse characters on
Data: (spaces provided to separate fields, do not actually include spaces in

[02]T 00 0001 034 200000 12345[0A] 01 0001 025 200000

ABCDE [03]
T = Command [0A] = separator
00 = 7 high font 01 = 9 high font
0001 = HORC 0001 = HORC
034 = VERC 025 = VERC (34 7high font 2 drops of
200000 = ATTRIB 200000 = ATTRIB (reverse print on)
(reverse print on)

3.4. Modify Message Parameters Packet Format

Update the print parameters associated with the currently printing message, in line with
the new parameter list supplied within the data field of the packet.


The TYPE field contains the single ASCII character P.

The REV field consists of a single ASCII character where 0' represents
OFF and 1' represents ON. It describes the message parameter message

The INV field consists of a single ASCII character where 0' represents OFF
and 1' represents ON. It describes the message parameter message

The WID field consists of exactly 4 characters (ASCII 0' to 9') which
represent a decimal value ranged as indicated in table. It describes the
message parameter width. The value is right-justified and zero-padded
within the field. Unit of this field is depending on the Display Unit of

3-6 General Protocol Packet Specification Rev AD

measure & Message Configuration parameters in printer. In Case
measuring unit is selected as Inches, unit of this field will be 1/100th of inch.
For example, 1.25 should be sent as 125. In case of Metric units, it will be
in mm. Please refer following table for value range:

Metric (mm) 1/100 Inches

Divider / Strokes Linear Units Divider / Strokes Linear Units
1-255 1-999 1-255 1-3936 (1=0.01)

When Shaft Encoder source is selected as Auto Encoder

Metric (mm) 1/100 Inches

Strokes per mm Linear Units Strokes per Inches Linear Units
1-10 1-999 1-254 1-3936 (1=0.01)

The EHT field consists of exactly 2 characters (ASCII 0' to 9') which
represent a decimal value between 1 and 10. It describes the message
parameter message height. The value is right-justified and zero-padded
within the field.

The GAP field consists of a single character (ASCII 0' to 9') which
represents a decimal value between 0 and 9. It describes the message
parameter inter-character gap.

The EXP field consists of exactly 5 characters (ASCII 0' to 9') which
represent a decimal value between 0 and 32767, it describes the message
parameter expiry date - days ahead counter which is used in
1210/1220/1510/1520 only. The value is right-justified and zero-padded
within the field. In 1610/1620/1710/1610DH this parameter is ignored (left
for compatibility) and replaced with Expiry offset in Update User Field
packet for date user field.

The HEJRA field consists of exactly 5 characters (ASCII 0' to 9') which
represent a decimal value between 0 and 32767. It describes the message
parameter Hejra expiry days ahead which is used in 1210/1220/1510/1520
only. The value is right-justified and zero-padded within the field.

The DLY field consists of exactly 5 characters (ASCII 0' to 9') which
represent a decimal value ranged as indicated in table. It describes the
message parameter product delay. The value is right-justified and zero-
padded within the field. Unit of this field depends on the Display Unit of
measure & Message Configuration parameters in printer. In Case
measuring unit is selected as Inches, unit of this field will be 1/100th of inch.
For example, 1.25 should be sent as 125. In case of Metric unit, it will be in

Rev AD General Protocol Packet Specification 3-7

Metric (mm) 1/100 Inches
Divider / Strokes Linear Units Divider / Strokes Linear Units
0-9999 0-999 0-9999 0-3936 (1 = 0.01")
The BLD field consists of exactly 2 characters (ASCII 0' to 9') which
represent a decimal value between 1 and 10. It describes the message
parameter raster repeat. The value is right-justified and zero-padded within
the field.

The DRP field consists of exactly 2 characters (ASCII 0' to 9') which
represent a decimal value between 1 and 34. It describes the message
parameter printed dots. The value is right-justified and zero-padded within
the field. The field is available for 1510/1520 only.

The RASSUB field consists of a single ASCII character where 0' represents
OFF and 1' represents ON. It describes the message parameter Raster

The RLEN field consists of exactly 3 characters (ASCII 0' to 9') which
represent a decimal value between 1 and 255. It describes the length of the
raster filename that is to follow. The value is right-justified and zero-padded
within the field.

The RAS field consists of ASCII characters as per the previous RLEN field.
It describes the message parameter Raster.

The RDLYLEN field consists exactly 1 (ASCII 0' to 9') character which
represents the Length of the Reverse Print Delay Value. It sets the Reverse
Product Delay length to support a variable length Reverse Product Delay in
1510/1520 and 1610/1620 only. The field is not required if the reverse delay
length is fixed.

The RDLY field consists of exactly 5 characters (ASCII 0' to 9') which
represent a decimal value ranged as indicated in table. It describes the
message parameter reverse product delay. Unit of this field is depending
on the Display Unit of measure and Message Configuration parameters
in printer. In Case measuring unit is selected as Inches, unit of this field will
be 1/100th of inch. For example 1.25 should be sent as 125. In case of
Metric unit, it will be in mm.

Metric (mm) 1/100 Inches

Divider / Strokes Linear Units Divider / Strokes Linear Units
0-9999 0-999 0-9999 0-3936 (1 = 0.01")

3-8 General Protocol Packet Specification Rev AD

3.4.1. An Example of Modify Message Parameters Command

Data: (spaces provided to separate fields, do not actually include spaces in data)
This example is for 15xx/16xx.
Note: Expiration Days and Hejra Days is disabled in 16xx but still needs to be sent
along with CMD.

[02] P 0 0 0350 06 2 00031 00001 00100 01 16 1 007 16-high 5

00350 [03]
P = command 00100 = Delay (1 inch or
0 = Reverse message 01 = Raster Repeat
0 = Invert message off 16 = Printed drops
0350 = Width (3.5 inches 1 = Raster substitution ON
or 350mm)
06 = Character Height 007 = RLEN is 7 Characters
2 = Character gap 16-high = Raster name (enter
name as it appears on the
00031 = Expiration days 5 = RDLYLEN is 5 character of
ahead reverse product delay
00001 = Hejra Expiration 00350= RDLY Reverse Product

3.4.2. An Example of Modify Message Parameters Command

Data: (spaces provided to separate fields, do not actually include spaces in data)

[02]P 0 0 0350 07 1 00060 00000 00100 01 16 1 007 16-high

P = command 00000 = Hejra Expiration
0 = Reverse 00100 = Delay (1 inch or 100mm)
message off
0 = Invert 01 = Raster Repeat
message off
0350 = Width (3.5 16 = Printed drops
inches or 350mm)
07 = Character 1 = Raster substitution ON
1 = Character gap 007 = RLEN is 7 Characters
00060 = Expiration 16-high = Raster name (enter name
days ahead as it appears on the screen)

Rev AD General Protocol Packet Specification 3-9

3.5. Clear User Field Data Packet Format
Clear data from an existing named user field, leaving the user field blank. This
command does not delete the user field.


The TYPE field contains the single ASCII character D.

The USER FIELD NAME field is a string of between 1 and 30 ASCII

characters describing an existing user field stored within the machine.

3.6. Update User Field Data Packet Format

Update the data within an existing named user field in line with the new data
supplied within the data field of the packet. This command deletes the current user
field content before the new text is inserted. User fields of type: text, serializer and
date/time can be configured using this message.


The TYPE field contains the single ASCII character U.

The USER FIELD NAME field is a string of between 1 and 30 ASCII

characters describing an existing user field stored within the machine.

The SEP field may only contain the single ASCII characters LF (0Ah), and is
used to separate data fields within a user field data packet.

The USER FIELD DATA field is a string of between 1 and 50 ASCII

characters describing the new value to be placed within the named user
field. The table below describes the presentation used for the fields.

Field Values Minimum/Maximum

Start ASCII [0-9,A-Z] Field may vary between 1
and 9 characters width
Separator 0Ah
End ASCII [0-9,A-Z] Field may vary between 1
and 9 characters width
Separator 0Ah
Step ASCII [0-9] Value between 1 and 100
Separator 0Ah
Direction ASCII [0- decrement, 1
Separator 0Ah

3-10 General Protocol Packet Specification Rev AD

Field Values Minimum/Maximum
Repeat ASCII [0-9] Value between 1 and 250
Separator 0Ah
Padding ASCII [0] or SPACE or EMPTY Field may vary between 0
and 1 characters width
Separator 0Ah

Since a separator delimits each field, no justification or padding rules

are applied to the serializer format.

o Text
Text field information is sent verbatim, without markup or padding.

o Date/time
Date/time information is formatted in the following way:

Field name Values

OFFSET_TYPE Single ASCII character as
Note: The field is not valid follows:
for 1210/1220/1510/1520 'N' - DT_OFFSET_NONE
printers. The offset is 'D' - DT_OFFSET_DAY
determined by message 'W' - DT_OFFSET_WEEK
parameters. 'M' - DT_OFFSET_MONTH
OFFSET_VAL A decimal value between 0-
Note: The field is not valid 999, represented as ASCII
for 1510/1520 printers. characters (0-9), right justified
with zero padding.
CLOCK_FORMAT ASCII text field, with a
maximum of 46 characters.

3.7. Update Logo Data Packet Format

Update the bit pattern of an existing named logo in line with the new data supplied
within the data field of the packet. This command deletes the current logo content
before the new bit pattern is inserted. The image sent must have the same
dimensions as the image on the printer.

Rev AD General Protocol Packet Specification 3-11

The TYPE field contains the single ASCII character L.

The LOGO NAME field is a string of ASCII characters describing an existing

user field stored within the machine. The maximum size of the field is 30

The SEP field contains a single linefeed (0Ah) character used to terminate
the logo name field.

The NUM DROPS field specifies the number of drops per vertical stroke in
the logo data which follows. It is a decimal value between 5-34 encoded as
2 ASCII characters in the range 0-9. The data is right-justified and zero-

The NUM RASTERS field specifies the width of the logo as a number of
rasters. It is a decimal value between 1 and 255 encoded as 3 ASCII
characters in the range 0' -9', the data is right-justified and zero-padded.

LOGO DATA is encoded as a list of pairs of ASCII characters, whereupon

each pair represents 8-bits of image data. The process in which the graphic
is converted into ASCII characters is not trivial and is as follows:
o The image is broken down into rasters NUM DROPS high. There are
NUM RASTERS quantity of rasters.
o A raster is depicted as a row of ink-drop data, in which each drop position
may or may not be inked, and each drop is assigned a zero-based drop
number. The drop number ascends from the top of the image drop
number 0 being at the top.
o To encode each raster, a bit array is created whose size is either equal to
NUM DROPS if NUM DROPS is multiple of 8, or the next highest multiple
of 8 if not.
o The state of each drop, whether it is inked or not, in the raster results in
the corresponding bit in the array being set or cleared, respectively.
o Each bit is set/cleared from the lowest bit, corresponding to the topmost
drop. Where the array size is not equal to NUM DROPS, the bit position
in the array populated is equal to the drop number offset by the addition
of the constant array size NUM DROPS. Any unused bits should be left
o As each raster is coded into a bit array, starting at the least significant bit,
each group of 4-bits is interpreted as a base-16 number (0-F), and this
number is converted into the corresponding ASCII character (in range 0'-
o Each ASCII character as it is produced is appended onto the LOGO
DATA buffer.

3-12 General Protocol Packet Specification Rev AD

o The process is repeated for each raster from left to right, until there are
no more rasters.

Example logo and encoding

Byte Offset

00 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24

Bit 7

Bit 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Byte n

Bit 4 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 3 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 2 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Byte n+1

Bit 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 3 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 2 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

The above logo would be represented by the following data:

0x1F, 0xFC, 0x3F, 0xFE, 0x70, 01F, 0x60, 0x3B, 0x60, 0x73, 0x60, 0xE3, 0x61,
0xC3, 0x63, 0x83, 0x67, 0x03, 0x7E, 0x07, 0x3F, 0xFE, 0x1F, 0xFC, 0x00, 0x00
It would be transmitted to the machine using the following packet:
<STX>L16 High Zero Logo<LF>160131FFC3FFE701F603B607360E

Rev AD General Protocol Packet Specification 3-13

3.8. Set Module Widths Packet Format
Set the module widths (bars and gaps) for printing barcodes, to ensure that
barcodes are readable regardless of the ink spread on the substrate.

[STX] [TYPE] [BW1] [BW2] [BW3] [BW4] [GW1] [GW2] [GW3] [GW4][ETX]

The TYPE field contains the single ASCII character B.

The BW1 field consists of exactly 2 characters (ASCII 0' to 9') which
represent a decimal value between 1 and 12. It describes the number of
rasters in the narrowest bar of the printed raster.

The BW2 field consists of exactly 2 characters (ASCII 0' to 9') which
represent a decimal value between 1 and 12. It describes the number of
rasters in the next narrowest bar of the printed raster.

The BW3 field consists of exactly 2 characters (ASCII 0' to 9') which
represent a decimal value between 1 and 12. It describes the number of
rasters in the next to widest bar of the printed raster.

The BW4 field consists of exactly 2 characters (ASCII 0' to 9') which
represent a decimal value between 1 and 12. It describes the number of
rasters in the widest bar of the printed raster.

The BG1 field consists of exactly 2 characters (ASCII 0' to 9') which
represent a decimal value between 1 and 12. It describes the number of
rasters in the narrowest gap of the printed raster.

The BG2 field consists of exactly 2 characters (ASCII 0' to 9') which
represent a decimal value between 1 and 12. It describes the number of
rasters in the next narrowest gap of the printed raster.

The BG3 field consists of exactly 2 characters (ASCII 0' to 9') which
represent a decimal value between 1 and 12. It describes the number of
rasters in the next to widest gap of the printed raster.

The BG4 field consists of exactly 2 characters (ASCII 0' to 9') which
represent a decimal value between 1 and 12. It describes the number of
rasters in the widest gap of the printed raster.

3-14 General Protocol Packet Specification Rev AD

3.9. Stop Jet Packet Format
Invoke a clean jet stop sequence on the printer. If unable to perform clean stop,
quick stop will be performed.


The TYPE field contains the single ASCII character K.

3.10. Request Part Number Packet Format

Return the Software Part Number string stored within the machine.


The TYPE field contains the single ASCII character H.

The machine responds with the following packet:


Example: Response will be 31 2E 30 2E 33 38 35 57 20 20 20 20 20 20 20

20 which is "1.0.385W(8 Spaces)".

3.11. Error Status Request Packet Format

Return the error and alarm conditions currently asserted in the printer.


The TYPE field contains the single ASCII character E.

The machine responds with the following packet:


The EEEEEE field contains the 6 byte hexadecimal error status as follows:

Bit Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4 Byte 5 Byte 6
Charge Pump fault BAD NOZZLE Phasing threshold Rasters memory Date/Time not
error at maximum - no overflow set
good phasing.\n detected!\nOne or
0 Flush nozzle and more rasters must
check phase and be removed to fix
charge voltages. the problem.

Rev AD General Protocol Packet Specification 3-15

EHT Cabinet too Mod driver chip Auto mod failed to Valve error - contact New Ink Core
Trip hot over obtain good service dept. has a different
temperature.\n phasing.\n Flush ink reference.
1 Check mod nozzle and check
circuit and/or phase and charge
replace nozzle. voltages.
Gutter Ink core Fatal error: no Initial phasing trim Core not filling. EHT
fault service phase response failed.\n Flush Check for leaks, calibration
overdue from firmware. nozzle and check stuck valves etc. required
2 Contact phase and charge
customer voltages.
Ink Unable to Phasing Modulation Insufficient ink to fill N/A
core control threshold at readback failed.\n core.\nInstall
empty viscosity minimum - no Check mod circuit another cartridge
3 good phasing.\n and/or replace and repeat.
Flush nozzle and nozzle.
check phase and
charge voltages.

The A field contains the 7 bit hexadecimal alarm status word as follows:

Bit Number Alarm Status Condition Represented

3 Alarm Activated NOT USED

2 Red Trafficator On

1 Amber Trafficator On

0 Green Trafficator On

3.12. Set Date and Time Packet Format

Sets the specified Date and Time for the printer.

[STX] [TYPE] [YY] [MM] [DD] [hh] [mm] [ss] [ETX]

The TYPE field contains the single ASCII character Z.

The YY field consists of exactly 2 characters (ASCII 0' to 9') which

represent a decimal value between 06 and 99(2000 and 2099). It describes
the last two digits of the year.

The MM field consists of exactly 2 characters each (ASCII 0' to 9') which
represent a decimal value between 1 and 12. It describes month in digits.

3-16 General Protocol Packet Specification Rev AD

The DD field consists of exactly 2 characters each (ASCII 0' to 9') which
represent a decimal value between 1 and 31. It describes days in digits.

The hh field consists of exactly 2 characters each (ASCII 0' to 9') which
represent a decimal value between 0 and 23. It describes hours in digits.

The mm field consists of exactly 2 characters each (ASCII 0' to 9') which
represent a decimal value between 0 and 59. It describes minutes in digits.

The ss field consists of exactly 2 characters each (ASCII 0' to 9') which
represent a decimal value between 0 and 59. It describes seconds in digits.

3.13. Request Current Selected Message Packet Format

Return the Current selected message name" for printing


The TYPE field contains the single ASCII character Q'.

The machine responds with the following packet:


The MESSAGE NAME field contains the name of the message selected in
ASCII format.

3.14. Print On/Off Packet Format

Turns On or Off printing. That is

O0 = print off

O1 = print on
Note: Printhead Jet needs to be On for this command to operate correctly.


The type field contains the single ASCII character O'.

Rev AD General Protocol Packet Specification 3-17

3.15. Print/Product Counter Request Packet Format.

Returns the Print or Product counter value depending on the Data sent with the command.
To request for the Print counter value Data A/a is used, and to get the product counter
data B/b is used.

Each command to request the counters is of the following format.


Where the TYPE is command G- for requesting of counters.

And DATA can be A/a or B/b depending on the Print and Product

The machine responds with the following Packet:

[STX] [X X X X X X X X X X] [ETX]

Where X represents ASCII characters within the range ASCII 0' to 9'.The
X is the Value of the Requested Counter represented in ten individual digits.

Example1: Get Print Count

Send: [STX]GA[ETX]

Receive: [STX]00000678[ETX]

Example2: Get Product Count

Send: [STX]GB[ETX]

Receive: [STX]00000679[ETX]

3-18 General Protocol Packet Specification Rev AD

3.16. Print/Product Counter Reset packet format
This command resets the Print or Product counter depending on the data sent with the
command. To reset the Print counter value Data A/a is used, and to reset the Product
counter data B/b is used.

Each command to reset the counter is of the following format:


Where the TYPE is command R- for resetting of the counters.

And DATA can be A/a or B/b, depending on the counter requested.

Example1: Set Print Count

Send: [STX]RA[ETX]

Receive: $93

Example2: Set Product Count

Send: [STX]RB[ETX]

Receive: $94

Rev AD General Protocol Packet Specification 3-19

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3-20 General Protocol Packet Specification Rev AD

4. Differences between 1000 series WSI protocol and
Videojet/Willett 40/400 series WSI protocol

4.1. Update Message Text

The VERC field is justified to the top of the screen. The value for the upper
most line is 034. If you have a message using a 7 high single line, you need
to put 034 in the VERC field to get it in the top position. If you need to add a
line beneath that is 7 high line, the next VERC value would need to be 026
or lower (34 -7 high font 1 space between lines).

The ATTRIB field is now 6 characters as opposed to 5 on the 40 series.

Codes being sent from an external source to create the message will need
the extra nibble of information to be accepted as new data. This is because
of the addition of 2D codes to the ATTRIB field.

4.2. Message Parameters

Since the 1000 series has different message parameters than the 40 series,
this command is different. Fields like RASSUB, RLEN, RDLY, clock attribute
offsets and RAS are not included in the 40 series printers, but are
necessary for the 1000 series printers.
4.3. Error Status Request
The list of possible errors on the 1000 series is different than the 40 series
printers. This results in different bit masks that correspond to the different
types of faults and warnings. If an external controller is monitoring the faults
and warnings, the code will need to be changed to properly identify the
faults. The traffic light status character is the same as the 40 series, so if
you are monitoring only the traffic light status, the code need not be

4.4. Stop Jet

The 1000 series has a Stop Jet command that will perform a jet stop when
sent. This is not available on the 40 series printers.
4.5. Request Part Number
The response from the machine will be different because the printer part
numbers are different. It is important to note that the number of characters
sent back should be 16. If the printers part number is less than 16, the
response will be padded with spaces.

Rev AD Differences between 1000 series WSI protocol and

Videojet/Willett 40/400 series WSI protocol 4-1
The command response !XX was not available in simple WSI protocol. Only
$XX response was available. $ indicates that the command was executed
successfully and ! indicates the response for unknown command or on
failure of a command.

4.6. Network Settings

Setting 1510/20 1610/20 1710 1610DH

Maximum 6000 strokes or 10000 strokes or 10000 strokes or 10000 strokes or
Message 500 characters 500 characters 500 characters 500 characters
Length (Whichever (Whichever (Whichever (Whichever
comes first) comes first) comes first) comes first)
Ethernet 3100 3100 3100 3100
Port No.

Do the following tasks to change the Network settings:

1. Log into the user interface (UI) at level 3 password.
2. Navigate to Configure > Network settings
3. Select the required setting to change.
4. Delete the existing information and enter the new data.
Note: When DHCP is selected, the network assigns the IP address automatically.

4-2 Differences between 1000 series WSI protocol and

Videojet/Willett 40/400 series WSI protocol Rev AD
4.7. Connectors and Cables
4.7.1. Videojet 1210/1220/1510/1520

Rev AD Differences between 1000 series WSI protocol and

Videojet/Willett 40/400 series WSI protocol 4-3
4.7.2. Videojet 1610/1620

4-4 Differences between 1000 series WSI protocol and

Videojet/Willett 40/400 series WSI protocol Rev AD
4.7.3. Videojet 1610 DH (S-Mode)

Rev AD Differences between 1000 series WSI protocol and

Videojet/Willett 40/400 series WSI protocol 4-5
4.7.4. Videojet 1610 DH (I-Mode)

4-6 Differences between 1000 series WSI protocol and

Videojet/Willett 40/400 series WSI protocol Rev AD
4.7.5. Videojet 1710 (IP 55)

Rev AD Differences between 1000 series WSI protocol and

Videojet/Willett 40/400 series WSI protocol 4-7
4.7.6. Videojet 1710 (IP 65)

Ethernet Connector

The Ethernet connector is used to connect the printer to a remote computer or

network to import data or control the printer remotely.

4-8 Differences between 1000 series WSI protocol and

Videojet/Willett 40/400 series WSI protocol Rev AD
Part Number

External Ethernet connector cable 5 meter: VJ P/N: SP223213

Ethernet connector kit spares VJ P/N: SP399083

RS-485 Connector

The RS-485 connector is a 5 way DIN connector. Use this to connect the
printer to an RS-485 network to import data or control the printer remotely.

Note: This view is of the connector at the side of the printer front view.

Pin Function
DIN Pin 1 Line A
DIN Pin 2 Line B
DIN Pin 3 0 VDC Common
DIN Pin 4 -
DIN Pin 5 -

Part Number

Connector for (RS485) male DIN 5 pin connector 180 degree stereo VJ P/N:

Rev AD Differences between 1000 series WSI protocol and

Videojet/Willett 40/400 series WSI protocol 4-9
RS-232 Connector

The printer has an RS-232 communication port linked to the COMM1

connector. The RS-232 connector is a 5 way DIN connector. The pin allocation
is shown in table.

Note: This view is of the connector at the side of the printer front view.

Pin Function
DIN Pin 1 0 VDC Common
DIN Pin 2 Transmit data out from the printer.
DIN Pin 3 Receive data into the printer.
DIN Pin 4 RTS output from the printer.
DIN Pin 5 CTS input to the printer.

Part Number

Connector, for (RS232) male DIN 5 pin connector VJ P/N: 500-0036-582

Extension cable, 6 meter with DB9 on host / PC side: VJ P/N: 399062*
Serial cable, 3 meter with DB9 on host / PC side: VJ P/N: 80200258
* To be used with 3 meter serial cable to provide a 9 meter serial cable.

4-10 Differences between 1000 series WSI protocol and

Videojet/Willett 40/400 series WSI protocol Rev AD
RS-232 Connector for Videojet 1610 DH

When the communication port is configured to RS-232, the software

handshaking and hardware handshaking is available for both communication
port 1 and port 2. Three cables are available for communication channels - I/O
cable (RS 232 - 3 m), I/O cable (RS-232 -6 m) and I/O cable (RS 232 / RS 485
- 6 m).

RS 232 Connector (3 m)

RS 232 Connector (6 m)

Rev AD Differences between 1000 series WSI protocol and

Videojet/Willett 40/400 series WSI protocol 4-11
The table below shows the pin connection information for RS-232 software

4-12 Differences between 1000 series WSI protocol and

Videojet/Willett 40/400 series WSI protocol Rev AD
The table below shows the pin connection information for RS-232 hardware

Part Number
The mating cable (male, 8 pin DIN connector - P/N: 500-0036-584).
The mating cable (male, 8 pin DIN connector - P/N: 500-0036-584).

Rev AD Differences between 1000 series WSI protocol and

Videojet/Willett 40/400 series WSI protocol 4-13
RS-232 Cable Pin Out (All 1000 series except Videojet 1610DH)


2 Transmit Receive 2
3 Receive Transmit 3
1 Ground Ground 5


2 Transmit Receive 2
3 Receive Transmit 2
1 Ground Ground 7

4-14 Differences between 1000 series WSI protocol and

Videojet/Willett 40/400 series WSI protocol Rev AD
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Rev AD Differences between 1000 series WSI protocol and

Videojet/Willett 40/400 series WSI protocol 4-15
5. Appendix
See table below showing CMD's for different variants.

1510 1510CMD 1610 1610CMD 1710 1710CMD 1610 DH 1610DHCMD

Name Number Name Number Name Number Name Number

Set Module
B Set Module Widths B Set Module Widths B Set Module Widths B
Delete Message C Delete Message C Delete Message C Delete Message C
Clear User Field Clear User Field Clear User Field Clear User Field
Data Data Data Data
Request Error Request Error
E E Request Error Status E Request Error Status E
Status Status
Get Print/Product Get Print/Product Currently not Currently not
Counters Counters supported supported
Request Part Request Part Request Part Request Part
Number Number Number Number
Start Jet (Disabled) J Start Jet (Disabled) J Start Jet (Disabled) J Start Jet (Disabled) J
Stop Jet K Stop Jet K Stop Jet K Stop Jet K
Update Logo Data L Update Logo Data L Update Logo Data L Update Logo Data L
Message Select M Message Select M Message Select M Message Select M
Currently not Currently not
Print On/Off O Print On/Off O O O
supported supported
Modify Message Modify Message Modify Message Modify Message
parameters parameters parameters parameters
Request Current Request Current Currently not Currently not
Message Name Message Name supported supported
Reset Reset Currently not Currently not
Print/Product Print/Product supported supported

Rev AD Appendix 5-1

Counters Counters
Update Message Update Message Update Message Update Message
Text Text Text Text
Update User Field Update User Field Update User Field Update User Field
Data Data Data Data
Currently not Currently not
Set Date/Time Z Set Date/Time Z Z Z
supported supported
Command Command
Successful $ Successful $ Command Response $ Command Response $
Response Response
Command Error Command Error Currently not Currently not
! ! ! !
Response Response supported supported

5-2 Appendix Rev AD

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