Advanced - StudentsBook - Unit 1 PDF
Advanced - StudentsBook - Unit 1 PDF
Advanced - StudentsBook - Unit 1 PDF
1 You are going to watch a TED Talk by Graham Hill called
Less stuff, more happiness. Read the text about the
speaker and the talk, then answer the questions.
1 1.1 Watch the TED Talk. Number the five topics (ae) 3 1.1 How much of the talk can you remember?
in the order Graham Hill discusses them. Answer the questions. Then watch the first part
(0.002.55) of the talk again and check your answers.
a examples of situations where we live comfortably withless
b three ways to live little 1 How much has the typical living space in the USA
c the personal storage industry increased in the past 50 years?
d the contents of the box discussed 2 In addition to having more space, what other two things
e Hills 420 square foot (39 m2) apartment and how he got it have increased for the average North American?
3 What, significantly, hasnt increased for North Americans
2 Work in pairs. Check your answers to Exercise 1. in the past 50 years?
4 What three benefits of having less stuff and living in a
smaller space does Graham Hill name?
5 Hill talks about having an edited set of possessions.
What does he mean by that?
3 Use multifunctional spaces and housewares. money and a smaller environmental footprint. I think < = >
(less equals more) is a really useful equation.
5 1.1 Watch the third part (4.43 to the end) of the talk
Erica Great talk, and completely true. And I love his
again. Answer the questions. E
apartment. I want one!
1 How much does Graham Hill suggest we could reduce
our living space by? *The comments were created for this activity.
2 What does he point out about the people who are
attending the TED Talk? PRESENTATION SKILLS Using props
3 What does he say life editing will give us more of?
4 What does the symbol < = > mean?
Props can be an extremely useful tool for presenters.
6 Hill uses a lot of examples from the USA in his TED Talk. A well-chosen prop:
stimulates the audiences curiosity or builds
How do you think issues of living space / amount of
material possessions compare in your own country? anticipation.
provides a visual focus.
7 1.2 Watch the clips from the TED Talk. Choose the can help the audience visualize a complex idea or
8 Complete the sentences in your own words. Then discuss isnt distracting.
percentage of people who say each item is a necessity
60 59
e air c 45
hom e
u ter
m ec
GRAMMAR The perfect aspect 3 Look at the graph showing changing ideas about
necessities and luxuries in the USA. Then answer
1 Whats a luxury? Whats a necessity? Think of two or
the questions.
three examples of each in your own life.
1 When the lines on the graph go up from left to right,
2 Write N (necessity) or L (luxury) for each the following. does it show that more people considered the item a
Explain why. necessity or more people considered it a luxury?
1 car 4 microwave oven 2 Do the lines between 1980 and 2005, show a generally
2 clothes dryer 5 home computer healthy economy or a weak economy?
3 home air conditioning 6 Internet access 3 Sometime after 2005, people suddenly change their
minds about what is a luxury and what is a necessity.
Why do you think this happened?
21st century OUTCOMES SOCIAL AND CROSS-CULTURAL SKILLS Respond open-mindedly to different ideas and values 13
He hadnt slept a wink caffeine, a naturally-occurring chemical found in the leaves, seeds, nuts and/or
berries of various plants. It stimulates the brain, makes us feel more alert and even
The 2001 TV game show Touch the
helps us think more quickly. Other techniques include getting up and moving around
Truck featured twenty contestants
regularly, listening to lively music, splashing cold water on your face, and pulling
competing to win a brand new pick-
on the bottom part of your ears. Soldiers have been kept awake and focused by 35
up truck. The set-up was simple. wearing special goggles that shine a light the colour of sunrise into
Each person put one hand on the their eyes, keeping their brains in wake-up mode. But don't overdo it! Eventually,
truck. They werent allowed to lean mind and body need a rest.
on it or to sit down at all, but were
allowed a ten-minute break every Can sleep deprivation cause any problems? The dangers of being too
two hours and a fifteen-minute tired are often underestimated. Tiredness has been a factor in big disasters, such as 40
break every six hours. The winner the Chernobyl nuclear accident in 1986, and in countless road accidents all over the
world every day. Being overworked and exhausted slows brain function, negatively
was the person who could keep a
affects judgement, contributes to depression and makes you forgetful. And there
hand on the truck for the longest
are physical problems, too. Chronic sleep deprivation can increase the risk of heart
period of time. That was Jerry
disease and other serious health problems. 45
Middleton, who stayed awake for 81
hours, 43 minutes and 31 seconds Why do we sleep? The best answer may be Because were tired.
without letting go of the truck.
21st century OUTCOMES CRITICAL THINKING Effectively analyse and evaluate claims and beliefs 15
2 3 Listen to four friends planning a canoeing trip. dont know just suggest know
What do they decide to bring? What do they decide not might not be might possibly want no expert
to bring? personally wonder
3 4 Listen to the statements from the conversation. 1 Im , but I dont think that we can
Circle P for the more polite ones and D for the more expect to have a phone signal.
direct ones. 2 , I feel that we dont want to be
1PD weighed down with too much stuff.
2PD 3 I about you, but I dont think well
3PD want a lot of devices on this trip.
4PD 4 Can I we leave our other
5PD electronics at home?
6PD 5 All I is that Im going to want at
7PD least three pairs of socks.
8PD 6 I if we should consider leaving the
9PD camping stove behind?
10PD 7 We it if we have rainy weather.
8 It a bad idea for all of us to look at
it together.
1 know
2 wonder
3 personally
1 All I know is
2 I wonder if
3 Personally I feel
1 Im no expert
2 It might not be a bad idea to
3 I dont think theres a law against fires.
Arguably the most useful professional on a desert island would be a doctor. In all likelihood, life in the
tropics would be hard and dangerous. The biggest problem would almost certainly be remaining healthy
with very little food to eat, or access to clean water as well as potentially facing dangerous fish, insects
and animals. Its not unreasonable to imagine that the presence of a doctor could mean the difference
between life and death. If you stay healthy, you can survive. This suggests that there is no profession
more useful than a doctor on a desert island.
While a doctor may seem the obvious choice, its worth considering the benefits of having an engineer
on a desert island. Its widely accepted that in a survival situation, the most important needs to address
are food, water and shelter. It could be said that if you take care of these, health will follow. An engineer
would be very likely to be able to design and build somewhere to sleep, create tools for getting food and
water, and develop ways to trap and kill animals for food. We can probably conclude that an engineer is
the most useful professional to have with you on a desert island adventure.
21st century OUTCOMES CRITICAL THINKING AND PROBLEM SOLVING Interpret information and draw conclusions 17