SSC CGL Previous Years Chemistry Questions
SSC CGL Previous Years Chemistry Questions
SSC CGL Previous Years Chemistry Questions
Correct Answer: Ionosphere
1. At low temperature, Lead behaves as a :
(1) Semi conductor (2) Super conductor 10. The most serious air pollutant causing health
(3) Insulator (4) Conductor hazard is
(1) Sulphur dioxide (2) Carbon monoxide
Correct Answer: Super conductor (3) Ozone (4) Nitrogen oxide
Correct Answer: Superphospohate 13. The atomic bomb is based on the principle of
(1) Uncontrolled nuclear fusion
5. The absolute zero is a temperature at which (2) Uncontrolled nuclear fission
_______ (3) Controlled nuclear fission
(1) molecular motion in a gas would cease (4) Controlled nuclear fusion
(2) water freezes
(3) all gases become liquid Correct Answer: Uncontrolled nuclear fission
(4) all gases become solid
14. Butter is colloid formed when
Correct Answer: molecular motion in a gas (1) Proteins are dispersed in water
would cease (2) Water is dispersed in fat
(3) Fat globules are dispersed in water
6. Zeolite is (4) Carbohydrates are dissolved in water
(1) hydrated ferric oxide
Correct Answer: Fat globules are dispersed in
(2) hydrated sodium aluminium silicate
(3) sodium hexameta phosphate
(4) sodium tetra borate
15. Charcoal can be made at home by burning
Correct Answer: hydrated sodium aluminium (1) wood in absence of air
silicate (2) coal in absence of air
(3) coal in an insufficient supply of air
7. The boiling point of liquids vary as (4) wood in an insufficient supply of
(1) pressure varies
Correct Answer: wood in absence of air
(2) temperature varies
(3) volume varies
16. SMOG is a combination of
(4) density varies
(1) Air and water vapour
Correct Answer: pressure varies (2) Water and smoke
(3) Fire and water
8. The most extensive use of molasses after (4) Smoke and fog
fermentation is for producing
(1) Methanol (2) Sugar Correct Answer: Smoke and fog
(3) Ethanol (4) Sugarcane 17. The human faeces is yellow in colour due to the
presence of a pigment called
Correct Answer: Ethanol (1) Pepsin (2) Renin
(3) Amylase (4) Urobilin
9. A level of atmosphere which is composed partly
of electrons and positive ions is called Correct Answer: Urobilin
(1) Troposphere (2) Ionosphere
SSC CGL2016 TIER I- Exam held in August2016/GK/1
18. The biogas used for cooking is a mixture of which 28. Warming Ammonium chloride with sodium
of the following ? hydrochloride in a test tube is an example of
(1) Carbon dioxide & oxygen (1) Open system (2) Closed system
(2) Isobutane & propane (3) Isobaric system (4) Isothermal system
(3) Methane & carbon monoxide
(4) Methane & carbon dioxide Correct Answer: Open system
Correct Answer: Methane & carbon dioxide 29. Silver gets corroded due to ________in air.
(1) Oxygen (2) Hydrogen Sulphide
19. What is the product formed when sodium (3) Carbon dioxide (4) Nitrogen
bicarbonate is heated strongly?
Correct Answer: Hydrogen Sulphide
(1) Sodium Carbonate (2) Sodium Hydroxide
(3) Sodium Peroxide (4) Sodium Monoxide
30. Which of the following is a radioactive element?
(1) Cobalt (2) Uranium
Correct Answer: Sodium Carbonate
(3) Argon (4) Chromium
20. The most pure form of carbon among the options is Correct Answer: Uranium
(1) Anthracite (2) Lampblack
(3) Graphite (4) Wood Charcoal 31. Silica gel is a
(1) moisturizer (2) flavouring agent
Correct Answer: Anthracite (3) drying agent (4) delicious food
21. ________ gives hardness to stainless steel. Correct Answer: drying agent
(1) Zinc (2) Lead
(3) Carbon (4) Tin 32. Biofertilizers convert nitrogen to _________ .
(1) nitrates (2) ammonia
Correct Answer: Carbon (3) nitrogenase (4) amino acids
22. Which of the following is not soluble in water? Correct Answer: ammonia
(1) Lead sulphate (2) Zinc sulphate
(3) Potassium sulphate (4) Sodium sulphate 33. All isotopes of the same element have ________
(1) different atomic numbers and different atomic
Correct Answer: Lead sulphate mass
(2) different atomic numbers and the same
23. Activated Charcoal is used to remove colouring atomic mass
matter from pure substances by_______ (3) the same atomic number but different atomic
(1) Bleaching (2) Oxidation masses
(3) Adsorption (4) Reduction (4) the same atomic number and the atomic
Correct Answer: Adsorption
Correct Answer: the same atomic number but
24. For extinguishing fire, we use______ different atomic masses
(1) Hydrogen (2) Carbon Monoxide
(3) Carbon Dioxide (4) Marsh gas 34. Nitric acid does not react with
(1) Gold (2) Copper (3) Zinc (4) Iron
Correct Answer: Carbon Dioxide
Correct Answer: Gold
25. The chemical name of quartz is ______
(1) Calcium oxide (2) Calcium phosphate 35. Calcium salts used as fertilizers is:
(3) Sodium phosphate (4) Sodium silicate (1) Calcium Carbide (2) Calcium Carbonate
(3) Calcium Cyanide (4) Calcium Sulphate
Correct Answer: Sodium silicate
Correct Answer: Calcium Sulphate
26. Which of the metals has the maximum thermal
conductivity? 36. Formic acid is produced by _______.
(1) Iron (2) Aluminium (1) White ants (2) Cockroaches
(3) Silver (4) Copper (3) Red ants (4) Mosquitoes
39. Name the gas used in preparation of bleaching Correct Answer: High levels of fluorides in the
powder water
(1) Oxygen (2) Hydrogen
(3) Nitrogen (4) Chlorine 47. Which is the heaviest metal among the following?
(1) Gold (2) Silver
Correct Answer: Chlorine (3) Iron (4) Copper
40. The depletion in Ozone layer is caused by _____. Correct Answer: Gold
(1) Nitrous oxide
(2) Carbon dioxide 48. Which of the following is used as anaesthetics?
(3) Chlorofluorocarbons (1) N2 (2) N2O
(4) Methane (3) CH4 (4) CO2
Correct Answer: its ignition temperature is very Correct Answer: Volume of gases
50. Trinitrotoluene is
42. Sea water is saltier than rain water because (1) used to melt metals
(1) Sea animals are salt producing (2) used to fuse two metals
(2) The air around the sea is saltish (3) used as an abrasive
(3) Rivers wash away salts from earth and pour (4) used as an explosive
them into the sea
(4) Sea beds have salt producing mines Correct Answer: used as an explosive
Correct Answer: Rivers wash away salts from 51. Which of the following is the most important raw
earth and pour them into the sea material for generation of power in India?
(1) Mineral Oil (2) Natural Gas
43. In arc welding, Argon is used because of its (3) Uranium (4) Coal
(1) Low reactivity with metal
(2) Ability to lower the melting point of the metal Correct Answer: Coal
(3) High flammability
(4) High calorific value 52. Which of the following
(1) Bag house filter
Correct Answer: Low reactivity with metal (2) Windrow composting
(3) Venturi scrubber
44. Inert gases are (4) Reverse Osmosis
(1) Miscible with water
(2) Not stable Correct Answer: Reverse Osmosis
(3) Chemically unreactive
(4) Chemically very active 53. Potassium Permanganate is used for purifying
drinking water, because_________
Correct Answer: Chemically (1) It is a reducing agent
(2) It is an oxidising agent
45. Chemical name of vinegar is (3) It is a sterilising agent
(1) Acetone (4) It dissolves the impurities of water
(2) Acetic acid
(3) Formaldehyde Correct Answer: It is an oxidising
(4) Ethanol
54. Spraying of DDT on crops
Correct Answer: Acetic acid (1) Air & Soil (2) Crops & Air
(3) Soil & Water (4) Air & Water
83. Which of the following acts as best adsorbent? Correct Answer: two light nuclei
(1) Charcoal
(2) Activated Charcoal 92. Which of the following is not an Igneous Rock?
(3) Activated Coconut Charcoal (1) Dolomite (2) Granite
(4) Carbon black (3) Basalt (4) Gabbro