ENE Adopted 02-2009 PDF

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Reference Document on Best Available Techniques for

Energy Efficiency
February 2009

Losses in Losses in
transformation final use

Process heat

Direct heat
Primary energy
Useful energy


Motive force
Final energy


This document is one from the series of documents listed below:

Reference Document on Best Available Techniques . . . Code

Large Combustion Plants LCP

Mineral Oil and Gas Refineries REF

Production of Iron and Steel I&S

Ferrous Metals Processing Industry FMP

Non Ferrous Metals Industries NFM

Smitheries and Foundries Industry SF

Surface Treatment of Metals and Plastics STM

Cement, Lime and Magnesium Oxide Manufacturing Industries CLM

Glass Manufacturing Industry GLS

Ceramic Manufacturing Industry CER

Large Volume Organic Chemical Industry LVOC

Manufacture of Organic Fine Chemicals OFC

Production of Polymers POL

Chlor-Alkali Manufacturing Industry CAK

Large Volume Inorganic Chemicals Ammonia, Acids and Fertilisers Industries LVIC-AAF

Large Volume Inorganic Chemicals Solid and Others industry LVIC-S

Production of Speciality Inorganic Chemicals SIC

Common Waste Water and Waste Gas Treatment/Management Systems in the Chemical Sector CWW

Waste Treatments Industries WT

Waste Incineration WI

Management of Tailings and Waste-Rock in Mining Activities MTWR

Pulp and Paper Industry PP

Textiles Industry TXT

Tanning of Hides and Skins TAN

Slaughterhouses and Animals By-products Industries SA

Food, Drink and Milk Industries FDM

Intensive Rearing of Poultry and Pigs IRPP

Surface Treatment Using Organic Solvents STS

Industrial Cooling Systems ICS

Emissions from Storage EFS

Energy Efficiency ENE

Reference Documents on

General Principles of Monitoring MON

Economics and Cross-Media Effects ECM

Electronic versions of d raft a nd finalised do cuments a re publ icly available a nd c an be

downloaded from http://eippcb.jrc.ec.europa.eu/.
Executive Summary

This B AT (B est A vailable T echniques) R eference D ocument (BREF) re flects an i nformation
exchange on best available techniques, associated monitoring and developments in them, carried
out unde r A rticle 17 (2) of D irective 2008/ 1/EC (IPPC Directive). This executive s ummary
describes the main f indings, and pr ovides a summary of t he p rincipal B AT conclusions. It
should be read in conjunction with the preface, which explains this documents objectives; how
it is intended to be used and legal terms. It can be read and understood as a standalone document
but, as a summary, it does not present all the complexities of this full document. It is therefore
not intended as a substitute for this full document as a tool in BAT decision making.

Energy efficiency (ENE)

Energy is a priority issue within the European Union (EU), for three related reasons:

climate change: the burning of fossil fuels to release energy is the major anthropogenic
source of greenhouse gases
the c ontinuing l arge s cale us e o f i rreplaceable f ossil fuels, a nd t he ne ed to achieve
security o f s upply: t he EU imports o ver 5 0 % of its energy f uel supplies, and t his is
expected to rise to more than 70 % in the next 20 to 30 years.

There a re therefore many important high level policy statements addressing t hese issues, such

'We intend jointly to lead the way in energy policy and climate protection and make our
contribution to averting the global threat of climate change.' Berlin D eclaration ( Council o f
Ministers, 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome, Berlin, 25 March 2007).

Increased efficiency in the use of energy is the quickest, most effective and most cost-effective
way to tackle these issues. There are legal instruments and other tools for implementing energy
efficiency and this document has been prepared taking account of these other initiatives.

Mandate of the work

This document w as s pecifically m andated by a special r equest from t he C ommission
Communication on the i mplementation of the E uropean C limate C hange P rogramme ( COM
(2001)580 f inal) E CCP c oncerning e nergy e fficiency i n industrial installations. The E CCP
asked that effective i mplementation of the energy efficiency provisions of t he IPPC Directive
are promoted and that a special horizontal BREF (BAT reference document) addressing generic
energy efficiency techniques should be prepared.

Scope of this document

The IPPC Directive requires that all installations are operated in such a way that energy is used
efficiently, and one of the issues to be taken into account in determining BAT for a process is its
energy efficiency. For activities prescribed in the Emissions Trading Scheme Directive (Council
Directive 2 003/87/EC), Member States m ay c hoose not to impose requirements relating to
energy efficiency in respect of combustion units or other units emitting carbon dioxide on t he
site. However, in such cases, energy efficiency r equirements still apply to all other associated
activities on the site.

Energy Efficiency i
Executive Summary

This document therefore contains guidance and conclusions on techniques for energy efficiency
that are considered to be compatible with BAT in a generic sense for all installations covered by
the IPPC Directive. This document also gives references to BREFs where particular techniques
for energy efficiency have already been discussed in detail, and can be applied to other sectors.
In particular:

the L CP B REF d iscusses energy e fficiency relating t o c ombustion a nd po ints out that
these techniques may be applied to combustion plants with a capacity below 50 MW
the ICS BREF discusses industrial cooling systems.

This document does not:

include information specific to pr ocesses a nd activities in s ectors covered b y ot her

derive sector-specific BAT.

However, a s ummary of s ector-specific BAT for energy efficiency f rom other BREFs can b e
found for information in the EIPPCB workspace [283, EIPPCB].

This document w as prepared in r esponse t o t he r equest to p romote t he e nergy e fficiency

provisions o f the IPPC D irective. It takes the efficient u se o f energy as t he f irst priority, an d
therefore d oes n ot d iscuss r enewable o r s ustainable en ergy r esources, w hich are a ddressed
elsewhere. H owever, it is important to no te t hat the use o f sustainable energy sources and/or
'wasted' or surplus he at may be more s ustainable than using pr imary f uels, even i f t he energy
efficiency in use is lower.

Structure and contents of this document

Energy efficiency is a horizontal issue in IPPC permitting, and as noted in the BREF outline and
guide, this document does not completely follow the normal structure. In particular, because of
the wide di versity of i ndustries a nd a ctivities addressed, there is no section dealing w ith
consumptions an d emissions. There are so me guideline v alues f or potential energy sav ings
given for some techniques to consider for BAT, and a large number of examples are included in
the annexes, to help users identify the most effective techniques to achieve energy efficiency in
a specific situation.

Chapter 1 g ives s ome ba ckground i nformation on industrial e nergy c onsumption and e nergy
efficiency i ssues i n IPPC. I t t hen g ives a non- expert introduction to k ey issues such as:
economics and cross-media issues, terms used in energy efficiency (such as energy, heat, work,
power) and the important laws of thermodynamics: in particular, the first law states that energy
can neither be c reated nor destroyed (it is transformed from one form t o another): t his means
that e nergy c an be a ccounted f or in a process o r installation, e nabling e fficiencies to be
calculated. T he s econd l aw s hows t hat no e nergy transformation c an result in 100 % u seful
work, and t here are always some l osses a s l ow grade heat or energy; t herefore, no pr ocess or
machine can be 1 00 % efficient. The c hapter t hen d iscusses energy efficiency i ndicators, the
importance and problems of defining the e nergy e fficiency a nd the boundaries of the s ystems
and units t hey relate t o. The chapter also demonstrates the need to optimise energy efficiency
for systems and installations, and not at a component level.

Chapter 2 considers t echniques to a chieve E NE that can be applied a t a n i nstallation l evel. It

starts w ith d iscussing en ergy ef ficiency m anagement systems ( ENEMS), then d iscusses
techniques which support the implementation of an ENEMS. These include: the importance of
planning a ctions and investments i n a n integrated w ay t o c ontinuously minimise the
environmental impact of an installation, the consideration of the installation and its systems as a
whole, u sing energy efficiency de sign a nd selecting energy efficient p rocess technologies for
new a nd upg raded i nstallations, i ncreasing E NE by i ncreasing pr ocess integration, a nd
refreshing t he ENEMS periodically. Other techniques supporting t he ENEMS are maintaining
sufficient s taff ex pertise, co mmunication of E NE i ssues, e ffective p rocess co ntrol and

ii Energy Efficiency
Executive Summary

maintenance, monitoring and measuring energy usage, energy auditing, analytical tools such as
pinch, exergy and enthalpy analyses and thermoeconomics, and monitoring and benchmarking
ENE levels for installations and processes.

Chapter 3 considers techniques for energy efficiency in systems, processes and equipment using
energy s uch as: c ombustion, s team, he at recovery, c ogeneration, electrical p ower s upplies,
electric motor-driven s ubsystems, pu mping s ystems, heating, a ir c onditioning a nd v entilation,
lighting, and drying and separation. When combustion is an important part of an IPPC process
(such as melting furnaces), the techniques used are discussed in the appropriate vertical BREFs.

Best available techniques

The BAT chapter (Chapter 4) identifies those techniques considered to be BAT at a European
level, based on the i nformation i n C hapters 2 a nd 3. T he f ollowing text i s a s ummary of t his
BAT chapter, and the full chapter remains the definitive text for BAT conclusions.

No associated energy savings or e fficiency values c ould b e de rived a nd/or a greed for t his
horizontal document. P rocess-specific BAT for en ergy ef ficiency an d as sociated en ergy
consumption l evels are g iven i n the a ppropriate s ector-specific (vertical) B REFs. B AT f or a
specific i nstallation i s therefore a co mbination o f t he specific BAT i n t he relevant sector
BREFs, specific BAT for associated activities that may be found in other vertical BREFs (such
as the LCP BREF for combustion and steam), and the generic BAT presented in this document.

The purpose of the IPPC Directive is to achieve integrated prevention and control of pollution,
leading t o a hi gh l evel of protection of the environment as a w hole, i ncluding the e nergy
efficiency a nd the p rudent us e o f na tural resources. The I PPC D irective pr ovides for a
permitting s ystem f or specified industrial installations, r equiring bot h operators and regulators
to take an integrated, overall view of the potential of an installation to consume and pollute. The
overall a im of s uch an integrated approach m ust b e to i mprove t he design a nd c onstruction,
management and control of industrial processes so as to ensure a high level of protection for the
environment as a whole. Central to this approach is the general principle given in Article 3 that
operators s hould t ake all a ppropriate preventative m easures a gainst pollution, in particular
through t he a pplication of 'best available techniques', enabling t hem to i mprove t heir
environmental performance including energy efficiency.

Annex I V of the IPPC D irective c ontains a list of ' considerations to b e t aken i nto account
generally or i n specific cases when determining best available techniques bearing i n mind the
likely costs a nd be nefits of a measure and the pr inciples of precaution and prevention'. T hese
considerations include t he information publ ished by t he C ommission t o c omply w ith A rticle
17(2) (BAT reference documents, or BREFs).

Competent authorities responsible for issuing permits are required to take account of the general
principles set out in Article 3 w hen determining the conditions of the permit. These conditions
must include emission limit values, supplemented or replaced, where appropriate, by equivalent
parameters or technical measures. According to Article 9(4) of the Directive:

(without prejudice to Article 10 on best available techniques and environmental quality

standards, compliance with environmental quality standards), the emission limit values,
equivalent parameters and technical measures shall be based on the best available techniques,
without prescribing the use of any technique or specific technology, but taking into account the
technical characteristics of the installation concerned, its geographical location and the local
environmental conditions. In all circumstances, the conditions of the permit shall include
provisions on the minimisation of long-distance or transboundary pollution and must ensure a
high level of protection for the environment as a whole.

Member S tates have t he o bligation, according t o Article 11 of t he D irective, to e nsure t hat

competent authorities follow or are informed of developments in best available techniques.

Energy Efficiency iii

Executive Summary

The information provided i n t his document i s i ntended to be u sed as an i nput t o the

determination o f B AT for e nergy e fficiency in s pecific cases. W hen d etermining BAT a nd
setting B AT-based permit conditions, account s hould a lways be t aken o f the overall g oal t o
achieve a high level of protection for the environment as a whole including energy efficiency.

The BAT chapter (Chapter 4) presents the techniques that are considered to be compatible with
BAT in a general sense. The purpose is to provide general indications about energy efficiency
techniques that can be considered as an appropriate reference point to assist in the determination
of BAT-based permit conditions or for the establishment of general binding rules under Article
9(8). I t s hould be stressed, how ever, t hat this doc ument doe s not pr opose energy e fficiency
values for permits. It is f oreseen that new i nstallations c an be designed to perform at or e ven
better than the general BAT levels presented here. It is also considered that existing installations
could move towards the general BAT levels or do better, subject to the technical and economic
applicability of the techniques in each case. In the case of existing installations, the economic
and technical viability of upgrading them also needs to be taken into account.

The techniques p resented i n this B AT chapter w ill no t necessarily be appropriate for all
installations. O n t he ot her ha nd, t he ob ligation t o e nsure a hi gh level of environmental
protection including t he minimisation of l ong-distance or transboundary pollution i mplies that
permit conditions cannot be set on the basis of purely local considerations. It is therefore of the
utmost importance that the information contained in this document is fully taken into account by
permitting authorities.

It is important to bear in mind the importance of energy efficiency. However, 'even the single
objective of ensuring a high level of protection for the environment as a whole will often involve
making trade-off judgements between different types of environmental impact, and these
judgements will often be influenced by local considerations'. As a consequence:

it may not be possible to maximise the energy efficiencies of all activities and/or systems
in the installation at the same time
it may not be possible to both maximise the total energy efficiency and minimise ot her
consumptions a nd emissions ( e.g. it m ay not be pos sible t o r educe emissions such as
those to air without using energy)
the energy efficiency of one or more systems may be de-optimised to achieve the overall
maximum efficiency for an installation
it is ne cessary to k eep the ba lance between m aximising e nergy efficiency a nd ot her
factors, such as product quality, the stability of the process, etc.
the us e o f s ustainable e nergy s ources a nd/or ' wasted' or surplus heat may be m ore
sustainable than using primary fuels, even if the energy efficiency in use is lower.

Energy efficiency techniques are therefore proposed as 'optimising energy efficiency'

The hor izontal approach to e nergy e fficiency i n all I PPC sectors is based on the pr emise that
energy is used in all installations, and that common systems and equipment occur in many IPPC
sectors. G eneric o ptions f or e nergy e fficiency c an therefore b e i dentified independently o f a
specific activity. On this basis, BAT can be derived that embrace the most effective measures to
achieve a high level of energy efficiency as a whole. Because this is a horizontal BREF, BAT
need to be determined m ore br oadly t han for a v ertical B REF, s uch a s considering t he
interaction of processes, units and systems within a site.

Process-specific BAT for energy efficiency and associated energy consumption levels are given
in the appropriate vertical sector BREFs. As the first series of the BREFs has been completed,
these have been broadly summarised in [283, EIPPCB].

Neither the BAT Chapter (Chapter 4), nor Chapters 2 and 3 give exhaustive lists of techniques
which may be considered, and therefore other techniques may exist or may be developed which
may be equally valid within the framework of IPPC and BAT.

iv Energy Efficiency
Executive Summary

The implementation of BAT in new or significantly upgraded plants or processes is not usually
a problem. In most c ases, it makes e conomic sense t o opt imise e nergy efficiency. W ithin a n
existing i nstallation, the implementation o f B AT is not g enerally s o e asy, b ecause of the
existing i nfrastructure a nd l ocal c ircumstances: the e conomic a nd technical v iability of
upgrading t hese i nstallations n eeds to be t aken i nto account. In C hapters 2 a nd 3, t he
applicability of the techniques is considered, and this is summarised for each BAT in Chapter 4.

Nevertheless, t his doc ument doe s not g enerally di stinguish be tween ne w and e xisting
installations. S uch a di stinction w ould not encourage t he operators of industrial s ites t o move
towards a dopting B AT. There i s generally a pa yback a ssociated w ith energy e fficiency
measures a nd due to the hi gh i mportance attached to energy e fficiency, m any pol icy
implementation measures, i ncluding f inancial i ncentives, a re a vailable. Some o f these are
referred to in the annexes.

Some techniques are very desirable, and often implemented, but may require the availability and
cooperation of a third party (e.g. cogeneration), which is not considered in the IPPC Directive. It
should be not ed that t he cooperation and agreement of third parties may not be w ithin the
control of an operator, and therefore may not be within the scope of an IPPC permit.

General BAT for achieving energy efficiency at an installation level

A key e lement to d eliver energy e fficiency a t a n installation l evel is a f ormal m anagement
approach. The other BAT applied at a site level support the management of energy efficiency,
and give more detail of techniques needed to achieve this. These techniques are applicable to all
installations. The scope (e.g. level of detail, frequency of optimisation, systems to be considered
at any one time) and techniques used depend on the scale and complexity of the installation, and
the energy requirements of the component systems.

Energy efficiency management

BAT is to implement and adhere to an energy efficiency management system (ENEMS)
that incorporates, as appropriate to the local circumstances, the following features:
commitment of top management
definition of an energy efficiency policy for the installation by top management
planning and establishing objectives and targets
implementation and operation of procedures paying particular attention to:
staff s tructure a nd responsibilities; t raining, aw areness an d competence;
communication; employee involvement; documentation; efficient control of
processes; maintenance programmes; emergency preparedness and response;
safeguarding c ompliance with energy ef ficiency r elated legislation and
agreements (where such agreements exist)
checking performance and taking corrective action paying particular attention to:
monitoring and measurement; corrective and preventive action; maintenance
of r ecords; i ndependent (where p racticable) internal a uditing to d etermine
whether or not the ENEMS conforms to planned arrangements and has been
properly implemented and maintained
review of the ENEMS and its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness by
top management
when designing a new unit, taking into account the environmental impact from the
eventual decommissioning
development of energy efficient technologies and to follow developments in energy
efficiency techniques.

Energy Efficiency v
Executive Summary

An ENEMS may optionally include the following steps:

preparation a nd publication ( with o r without e xternal v alidation) of a r egular energy

efficiency statement, allowing for year-by-year comparison against objectives and targets
having the management system and audit procedure examined and validated externally
implementation a nd a dherence to a na tionally or i nternationally a ccepted v oluntary
management system for energy efficiency.

Continuous environmental improvement

BAT is to continuously minimise the environmental impact of an installation by planning
actions and investments on an integrated basis and for the short, medium and long term,
considering the cost benefits and cross-media effects.

This is applicable t o all i nstallations. 'Continuously' means t he actions are repeated over time,
i.e. all planning and investment decisions should consider the overall long term aim to reduce
the environmental impacts of the operation. Improvement may be step-wise, and not linear, and
needs to take account of the cross-media effects, such as increased energy usage to reduce air
pollutants. Environmental impacts can never be reduced to zero, and there will be times when
there i s little or no c ost-benefit t o further actions. H owever, over t ime, t he viability may a lso

Identification of energy efficiency aspects of an installation and opportunities for energy

BAT i s to i dentify the a spects of a n i nstallation t hat influence e nergy e fficiency by
carrying out an audit. It is important that an audit is coherent with a systems approach.

This i s a pplicable t o all existing i nstallations and prior to planning upg rades o r rebuilds. A n
audit may be external or internal.

When carrying out a n audit, B AT is to e nsure t hat an audit i dentifies t he f ollowing

energy use and type in the installation and its component systems and processes
energy-using e quipment, and t he t ype a nd qua ntity of e nergy us ed i n t he
possibilities to minimise energy use, such as:
controlling/reducing operating times, e.g. switching off when not in use
ensuring insulation is optimised
optimising utilities, associated systems and processes (see BAT for energy-
using systems)
possibilities to us e a lternative s ources or us e of e nergy t hat is m ore e fficient, in
particular energy surplus from other processes and/or systems
possibilities to apply energy surplus to other processes and/or systems
possibilities to upgrade heat quality.

BAT i s t o use a ppropriate t ools or m ethodologies t o assist w ith i dentifying and

quantifying energy optimisation, such as:
energy models, databases and balances
a technique such a s p inch m ethodology, e xergy or e nthalpy a nalysis or
estimates and calculations.

The choice of t he appropriate tools d epends on t he sector a nd c omplexity of t he s ite, and is

discussed in the relevant sections.

BAT i s t o i dentify opportunities to opt imise e nergy r ecovery within t he installation,

between systems within the installation and/or with a third party (or parties).

vi Energy Efficiency
Executive Summary

This BAT de pends on t he e xistence o f a suitable u se for t he s urplus h eat of the type a nd
quantity that may be recovered.

A systems approach to energy management

BAT is to optimise e nergy efficiency by t aking a sy stems a pproach t o en ergy
management in the installation. Systems to be considered for optimising as a whole are,
for example:
process units (see sector BREFs)
heating systems such as:
hot water
cooling and vacuum (see the ICS BREF)
motor driven systems such as:
compressed air
drying, separation and concentration.

Establishing and reviewing energy efficiency objectives and indicators

BAT is to establish energy efficiency indicators by carrying out all of the following:
identifying s uitable e nergy e fficiency i ndicators f or t he installation, and where
necessary, individual pr ocesses, s ystems a nd/or un its, a nd m easure t heir c hange
over time or after the implementation of energy efficiency measures
identifying and recording appropriate boundaries associated with the indicators
identifying and recording factors that can cause variation in the energy efficiency
of the relevant processes, systems and/or units.

Secondary or final energies are usually used for monitoring ongoing situations. In some cases,
more than one secondary or final energy indicator may be used for each process (e.g. both steam
and e lectricity). When de ciding on t he use ( or c hange) i n e nergy v ectors and utilities, t he
indicator may also be the secondary or final energy. However, other indicators such as primary
energy or c arbon ba lance may be us ed to t ake a ccount of the efficiency of production of a ny
secondary energy vector and its cross-media effects, depending on local circumstances.

BAT is to carry out systematic and regular comparisons with sector, national or regional
benchmarks, where validated data are available.

The period between benchmarking is sector-specific and is usually several years, as benchmark
data rarely change rapidly or significantly in a short time period.

Energy efficient design (EED)

BAT is to optimise energy efficiency when planning a new installation, unit or system or
a significant upgrade by considering all of the following:
energy e fficient de sign ( EED) s hould be initiated a t the e arly s tages o f the
conceptual design/basic de sign pha se, e ven t hough t he planned investments m ay
not be well-defined, and should be taken into account in the tendering process
the development and/or selection of energy efficient technologies
additional data collection may need to be carried out as part of the design project or
separately to supplement the existing data or fill gaps in knowledge
the EED work should be carried out by an energy expert
the initial mapping of energy consumption should also address which parties in the
project o rganisations influence t he f uture e nergy consumption a nd optimise the
EED of the future plant with t hem. F or e xample, t he s taff in the existing
installation who may be responsible for specifying operational parameters.

Energy Efficiency vii

Executive Summary

Where r elevant i n-house expertise on e nergy e fficiency is not a vailable ( e.g. non -energy
intensive industries), external ENE expertise should be sought.

Increased process integration

BAT is to seek to optimise the use of energy between more than one process or system
within the installation or with a third party.

Maintaining the impetus of energy efficiency initiatives

BAT is to maintain the impetus of the energy efficiency programme by using a variety of
techniques, such as:
implementing a specific energy management system
accounting for energy based on real (metered) values, which places the obligation
and credit for energy efficiency on the user/bill payer
the creation of financial profit centres for energy efficiency
a fresh look at existing management systems
using techniques to manage organisational change.

Techniques such a s t he first t hree are applied according t o the da ta in t he relevant s ections.
Techniques such as the last three should be applied far enough apart for the progress of the ENE
programme to be assessed, i.e. several years.

Maintaining expertise
BAT i s t o m aintain e xpertise i n e nergy e fficiency a nd e nergy-using s ystems b y us ing
techniques such as:
recruitment of skilled staff and/or training of staff. Training can be delivered by in-
house staff, by external experts, by formal courses or by self-study/development
taking s taff off-line p eriodically t o p erform fi xed term/specific investigations (in
their original installation or in others)
sharing in-house resources between sites
use of appropriately skilled consultants for fixed term investigations
outsourcing specialist systems and/or functions.

Effective control of processes

BAT i s to ensure that the effective c ontrol o f processes i s implemented by techniques
such as:
having s ystems i n pl ace to ensure that procedures are k nown, un derstood and
complied with
ensuring that the key performance parameters are identified, optimised for energy
efficiency and monitored
documenting or recording these parameters.

BAT is to carry out maintenance at installations to optimise energy efficiency by applying
all of the following:
clearly allocating responsibility for the planning and execution of maintenance
establishing a st ructured p rogramme f or maintenance b ased o n technical
descriptions of the equipment, norms, e tc. a s w ell a s a ny e quipment f ailures a nd
consequences. S ome m aintenance a ctivities m ay be be st scheduled for plant
shutdown periods
supporting the maintenance programme by appropriate record keeping systems and
diagnostic testing
identifying f rom r outine maintenance, breakdowns a nd/or abnormalities, possible
losses in energy efficiency, or where energy efficiency could be improved
identifying l eaks, br oken equipment, w orn be arings, e tc. that a ffect or control
energy usage, and rectifying them at the earliest opportunity.

viii Energy Efficiency

Executive Summary

Carrying out r epairs promptly ha s to be balanced with m aintaining the product qua lity a nd
process stability, as well as with health and safety issues.

Monitoring and measurement

BAT is to establish and maintain documented procedures t o monitor and measure, on a
regular basis, the k ey c haracteristics of o perations a nd activities t hat c an have a
significant impact o n energy e fficiency. Some s uitable techniques a re g iven in this

Best available techniques for achieving energy efficiency in energy-using systems,

processes, activities or equipment
The g eneral B AT, a bove, i dentify t he i mportance o f seeing t he i nstallation a s a w hole, a nd
assessing the ne eds and purposes of the v arious systems, t heir a ssociated e nergies a nd t heir
interactions. They also include:

analysing and benchmarking the system and its performance

planning a ctions and investments to optimise e nergy e fficiency considering t he c ost-
benefits and cross-media effects
for n ew systems, opt imising e nergy e fficiency in the de sign of the installation, unit o r
system and in the selection of processes
for existing systems, optimising the energy efficiency of the system through its operation
and management, including regular monitoring and maintenance.

The following B AT t herefore a ssume that these g eneral B AT a re a lso a pplied to t he systems
listed below, as part of their optimisation. BAT for ENE for the commonly found associated
activities, systems and processes in IPPC installations can be summarised as:

BAT is to optimise:
steam systems

by using relevant techniques such as:

those specific to sectors given in vertical BREFs
those given in the LCP BREF and this (ENE) document.

BAT i s to opt imise t he f ollowing, us ing t echniques s uch a s those de scribed i n t his
compressed air systems
pumping systems
heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems
drying, concentration and separation processes. For these processes, it is also BAT
to seek oppor tunities to use m echanical s eparation in c onjunction w ith t hermal

Other BAT for systems, processes or activities are:

Heat recovery
BAT is to maintain the efficiency of heat exchangers by both:
monitoring the efficiency periodically
preventing or removing fouling.

Techniques for cooling and associated BAT can be found in the ICS BREF, where the primary
BAT i s to s eek to use surplus heat, rather than dissipate it t hrough c ooling. Where cooling i s
required, the advantages of free cooling (using ambient air) should be considered.

Energy Efficiency ix
Executive Summary

BAT is to seek possibilities for cogeneration, inside and/or outside the installation (with a
third party).

In many c ases, pub lic authorities (at local, regional or na tional l evel) ha ve f acilitated s uch
arrangements or are the third party.

Electrical power supply

BAT is to increase the power factor according to the requirements of the local electricity
distributor by using t echniques s uch as those de scribed i n this doc ument, according t o
BAT is to check the power supply for harmonics and apply filters if required
BAT i s t o op timise t he power s upply e fficiency by using t echniques de scribed i n t his
document, according to applicability.

Electric motor driven sub-systems

Replacement by electrically efficient motors (EEMs) and variable speed drives (VSDs) is one of
the easiest measures when considering energy efficiency. However, this should be done in the
context of considering the whole system the motor sits in, otherwise there are risks of:

losing t he po tential benefits o f optimising t he us e and size of t he s ystems, and

subsequently optimising the motor drive requirements
losing energy if a VSD is applied in the wrong context.

BAT is to optimise electric motors in the following order:

optimise the entire system the motor(s) is part of (e.g. cooling system)
then optimise t he motor(s) in t he s ystem according t o t he newly-determined l oad
requirements, by applying one or m ore of the techniques d escribed, a ccording to
when the energy-using systems have been optimised, then optimise the remaining
(non-optimised) motors according the techniques described and criteria such as:

i) prioritising t he remaining m otors r unning more than 2000 hrs per y ear f or
replacement with EEMs
ii) electric m otors dr iving a v ariable l oad operating at l ess t han 50 % o f
capacity more than 20 % of their operating time and operating for more than
2000 ho urs a y ear s hould be c onsidered for equipping w ith v ariable s peed

Degree of consensus
A high degree of consensus was achieved. No split view was recorded.

Research and technical development

The EC is launching and supporting, through its RTD programmes, a series of projects dealing
with clean technologies, e merging effluent treatment a nd r ecycling technologies a nd
management strategies. Potentially these projects could provide a useful contribution to future
BREF re views. Readers are t herefore invited t o in form t he E IPPCB o f any re search results
which are relevant to the scope of this document (see also the preface of this document).

x Energy Efficiency

1. Status of this document

Unless otherwise s tated, references to the Directive i n this doc ument means the C ouncil
Directive 20 08/1/EC on integrated pollution prevention a nd control. As the D irective a pplies
without prejudice to Community provisions on health and safety at the workplace, so does this

This d ocument forms pa rt of a series p resenting t he r esults o f an e xchange of i nformation

between E U Member S tates a nd industries c oncerned on best a vailable techniques (BAT),
associated monitoring, and developments in them. It is published by the European Commission
pursuant t o A rticle 17( 2) of t he I PPC Directive, a nd must t herefore be taken i nto account i n
accordance with Annex IV to the Directive when determining best available techniques.

2. Mandate of the work

This document w as s pecifically m andated by a special r equest from t he C ommission

Communication on the implementation of t he European Climate C hange P rogramme
(COM(2001)580 f inal) E CCP concerning e nergy e fficiency in i ndustrial installations. The
ECCP a sked t hat effective implementation o f the energy efficiency p rovisions o f the IPPC
Directive a re p romoted a nd t hat a special horizontal BREF (BAT r eference doc ument)
addressing generic energy efficiency techniques should be prepared.

3. Relevant legal obligations of the IPPC Directive and the definition of BAT

In order to help the reader understand the legal context in which this document has been drafted,
some o f t he m ost r elevant provisions o f t he I PPC Directive are d escribed in this P reface,
including t he de finition of the term best a vailable techniques. This description i s inevitably
incomplete and is given for information only. It has no legal value and does not in any way alter
or prejudice the actual provisions of the Directive.

The purpose of the Directive is to achieve integrated prevention and control of pollution arising
from the activities listed in its Annex I, leading to a high level of protection of the environment
as a whole including energy efficiency and the prudent management of natural resources. The
legal basis of the Directive relates to environmental protection. Its implementation should also
take a ccount of other Community obj ectives such a s the competitiveness of the Communitys
industry a nd the decoupling of growth f rom e nergy c onsumption thereby c ontributing t o
sustainable de velopment. The Scope g ives further i nformation on the legal b asis of e nergy
efficiency in the Directive.

More specifically, t he D irective p rovides for a p ermitting s ystem f or certain ca tegories o f

industrial installations requiring both operators and regulators to take an integrated, overall view
of the potential of the installation to consume and pollute. The overall aim of such an integrated
approach m ust be to i mprove t he design, construction, m anagement a nd c ontrol of industrial
processes so as to ensure a high level of protection for the environment as a whole. Central to
this approach is the general principle given in Article 3 that operators should take all appropriate
preventative measures a gainst pollution, i n particular through t he application of best available
techniques, e nabling t hem to i mprove t heir environmental p erformance i ncluding energy

Energy Efficiency xi

The term best available techniques i s defined in Article 2(12) of the Directive as t he most
effective a nd a dvanced s tage i n t he de velopment of activities a nd their methods of ope ration
which indicate t he p ractical s uitability of pa rticular techniques for p roviding i n pr inciple the
basis for emission limit values designed to prevent and, where that is not practicable, generally
to reduce emissions a nd t he i mpact on t he environment as a whole. Article 2(12) goes on t o
clarify further this definition as follows:

techniques i ncludes both t he t echnology used a nd the w ay i n w hich the installation i s

designed, built, maintained, operated and decommissioned;

available t echniques a re t hose de veloped on a scale w hich a llows implementation in the

relevant i ndustrial sector, under economically a nd t echnically v iable conditions, t aking into
consideration the c osts a nd a dvantages, w hether o r not the t echniques a re us ed or pr oduced
inside the Member State in question, as long as they are reasonably accessible to the operator;

best means most effective in achieving a h igh general level of protection of the environment
as a whole.

Furthermore, Annex I V t o t he D irective c ontains a list of considerations t o be taken i nto

account g enerally o r i n sp ecific cases w hen determining b est av ailable techniques b earing i n
mind the likely costs and benefits of a measure and the principles of precaution and prevention.
These considerations include the information published by the Commission pursuant to Article

Competent authorities responsible for issuing permits are required to take account of the general
principles set out in Article 3 w hen determining the conditions of the permit. These conditions
must include emission limit values, supplemented or replaced where appropriate by equivalent
parameters or technical measures. According to Article 9(4) of the Directive:

(without prejudice to compliance with environmental quality standards), the emission limit
values, equivalent parameters and technical measures shall be based on the best available
techniques, without prescribing the use of any technique or specific technology, but taking into
account the technical characteristics of the installation concerned, its geographical location
and the local environmental conditions. In all circumstances, the conditions of the permit shall
include provisions on the minimisation of long-distance or transboundary pollution and must
ensure a high level of protection for the environment as a whole.

Member S tates have t he o bligation, according t o Article 11 of t he D irective, to e nsure t hat

competent authorities follow or are informed of developments in best available techniques.

4. Objective of this document

This document gives general advice how to implement the requirements of the Directive set out
in (3) above.

Article 17(2) of the Directive requires the Commission to organise an exchange of information
between M ember S tates and the industries concerned o n best a vailable techniques, a ssociated
monitoring and developments in them, and to publish the results of the exchange.

The purpose of the information exchange is given in recital 27 of the Directive, which states that
the d evelopment a nd e xchange of i nformation a t C ommunity level a bout be st a vailable
techniques w ill h elp to r edress the technological imbalances in th e C ommunity, will promote
the worldwide di ssemination of l imit v alues a nd techniques us ed i n t he Community a nd w ill
help the Member States in the efficient implementation of this Directive.

xii Energy Efficiency


The Commission (Environment DG) established an information exchange forum (IEF) to assist
the work under Article 17(2) and a number of technical working groups have been established
under the um brella of the I EF. B oth IEF a nd the technical working groups include
representation from Member States and industry as required in Article 17(2).

The aim of this series of documents is to reflect accurately the exchange of information which
has taken pl ace a s required by A rticle 17 (2) a nd t o pr ovide r eference i nformation f or the
permitting a uthority t o t ake into a ccount w hen de termining pe rmit c onditions. By pr oviding
relevant i nformation c oncerning best available t echniques, these do cuments should act as
valuable tools to drive environmental performance including energy efficiency.

5. Information sources

This do cument r epresents a s ummary of i nformation c ollected from a num ber of s ources, i n
particular, through the expertise of the groups established to assist the Commission in its work,
and verified by the Commission services. The work of the contributors and the expert groups is
gratefully acknowledged.

6. How to understand and use this document

The information provided i n t his document i s i ntended to be u sed as an i nput t o the

determination o f B AT for e nergy e fficiency in s pecific cases. W hen d etermining BAT a nd
setting B AT-based permit conditions, account s hould a lways be t aken o f the overall g oal t o
achieve a high level of protection for the environment as a whole including energy efficiency.

The rest of this section describes the type of information that is provided in each chapter of this

Chapter 1 pr ovides a n i ntroduction t o terms a nd c oncepts i n e nergy a nd t hermodynamics. It

describes definitions of energy efficiency for industry, how to develop and define indicators to
monitor e nergy e fficiency, a nd the i mportance of d efining boundaries for installations, and
component systems and/or units.

Chapters 2 and 3 describe in more detail the energy efficiency techniques that are found in more
than one industry sector and that are considered to be most relevant for determining BAT and
BAT-based permit conditions:

Chapter 2 describes techniques to be considered at the level of the entire installation

Chapter 3 describes techniques to be considered for specific systems, processes, activities
and equipment that use significant energy and are commonly found within installations.

This information includes some idea of the energy efficiency that can be achieved, the costs and
the cross-media i ssues associated with t he technique, and the extent to which the technique is
applicable to the range of installations requiring IPPC permits, for example new, existing, large
or small installations.

Chapter 4 p resents the techniques that are considered to be compatible with BAT in a general
sense. The purpose is to provide general indications about energy efficiency techniques that can
be c onsidered a s a n a ppropriate r eference p oint to assist in the de termination of B AT-based
permit conditions or for the establishment of general binding rules under Article 9(8). It should
be stressed, however, that this document does not propose energy efficiency values for permits.
The d etermination o f a ppropriate p ermit c onditions will involve t aking account of l ocal, site-
specific f actors such as t he t echnical characteristics of t he i nstallation concerned, its
geographical l ocation a nd the local e nvironmental conditions. I n t he c ase of e xisting
installations, the economic and technical viability of upgrading them also needs to be taken into

Energy Efficiency xiii


account. Even the single objective of ensuring a high level of protection for the environment as
a whole w ill of ten i nvolve making t rade-off judgements be tween di fferent types o f
environmental impact, and these judgements will often be influenced by local considerations.

Although an attempt is made to address some of these issues, it is not possible for them to be
considered fully in t his do cument. The t echniques p resented i n C hapter 4 w ill therefore not
necessarily be appropriate for all installations. On the other hand, the obligation to ensure a high
level of environmental protection including the minimisation of long-distance or transboundary
pollution implies that permit conditions cannot be set on the basis of purely local considerations.
It is therefore of the utmost importance that the information contained in this document is fully
taken into account by permitting authorities

Since the best available techniques c hange over time, t his doc ument w ill b e r eviewed a nd
updated as appropriate. A ll comments a nd suggestions should be made to the European IPPC
Bureau at the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies at the following address:

Edificio Expo, c/Inca Garcilaso 3, E-41092 Sevilla, Spain

Telephone: +34 95 4488 284
Fax: +34 95 4488 426
e-mail: [email protected]
Internet: http://eippcb.jrc.ec.europa.eu/

xiv Energy Efficiency

Best Available Techniques Reference Document on
Energy Efficiency

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.........................................................................................................................I
SCOPE ................................................................................................................................................. XXV
1 INTRODUCTION AND DEFINITIONS......................................................................................... 1
1.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 1
1.1.1 Energy in the EU industrial sector ................................................................................... 1
1.1.2 The impacts of energy usage............................................................................................ 2
1.1.3 The contribution of energy efficiency to reducing global warming impacts and to
improving sustainability................................................................................................... 3
1.1.4 Energy efficiency and the IPPC Directive ....................................................................... 4
1.1.5 Energy efficiency in integrated pollution prevention and control.................................... 5
1.1.6 Economic and cross-media issues .................................................................................... 6
1.2 Energy and the laws of thermodynamics ................................................................................... 7
1.2.1 Energy, heat, power and work.......................................................................................... 8
1.2.2 Laws of thermodynamics ............................................................................................... 10 The first law of thermodynamics: the conversion of energy .................................. 10 The second law of thermodynamics: entropy increases ......................................... 11 Exergy balance: combination of first and second laws .......................................... 13 Property diagrams .................................................................................................. 14 Further information ................................................................................................ 16 Identification of irreversibilities............................................................................. 16
1.3 Definitions of indicators for energy efficiency and energy efficiency improvement ............... 17
1.3.1 Energy efficiency and its measurement in the IPPC Directive ...................................... 17
1.3.2 The efficient and inefficient use of energy..................................................................... 18
1.3.3 Energy efficiency indicators .......................................................................................... 18
1.3.4 Introduction to the use of indicators............................................................................... 21
1.3.5 The importance of systems and system boundaries ....................................................... 22
1.3.6 Other important related terms ........................................................................................ 23 Primary energy, secondary energy and final energy .............................................. 23 Fuel heating values and efficiency ......................................................................... 26 Supply side and demand side management ............................................................ 27
1.4 Energy efficiency indicators in industry .................................................................................. 27
1.4.1 Introduction: defining indicators and other parameters.................................................. 27
1.4.2 Energy efficiency in production units ............................................................................ 28 Example 1. Simple case ......................................................................................... 28 Example 2. Typical case......................................................................................... 30
1.4.3 Energy efficiency of a site.............................................................................................. 33
1.5 Issues to be considered when defining energy efficiency indicators........................................ 34
1.5.1 Defining the system boundary ....................................................................................... 35 Conclusions on systems and system boundaries .................................................... 39
1.5.2 Other important issues to be considered at installation level ......................................... 40 Recording the reporting practices used .................................................................. 40 Internal production and use of energy .................................................................... 40 Waste and flare recovery........................................................................................ 40 Load factor (reduction of SEC with increasing production) .................................. 42 Changes in production techniques and product development ................................ 42 Energy integration.................................................................................................. 44 Inefficient use of energy contributing to sustainability and/or overall site efficiency
................................................................................................................................ 44 Heating and cooling of premises ............................................................................ 45 Regional factors ..................................................................................................... 45 Sensible heat .......................................................................................................... 46 Further examples.................................................................................................... 46
INSTALLATION LEVEL .............................................................................................................. 47

Energy Efficiency xv
2.1 Energy efficiency management systems (ENEMS)..................................................................48
2.2 Planning and establishing objectives and targets......................................................................56
2.2.1 Continuing environmental improvement and cross-media issues...................................56
2.2.2 A systems approach to energy management...................................................................59
2.3 Energy efficient design (EED)..................................................................................................60
2.3.1 Selection of process technology .....................................................................................66
2.4 Increased process integration....................................................................................................68
2.5 Maintaining the impetus of energy efficiency initiatives..........................................................69
2.6 Maintaining expertise human resources.................................................................................71
2.7 Communication ........................................................................................................................73
2.7.1 Sankey diagrams.............................................................................................................75
2.8 Effective control of processes...................................................................................................76
2.8.1 Process control systems ..................................................................................................76
2.8.2 Quality management (control, assurance) systems .........................................................79
2.9 Maintenance..............................................................................................................................82
2.10 Monitoring and measurement ...................................................................................................83
2.10.1 Indirect measurement techniques ...................................................................................84
2.10.2 Estimates and calculation ...............................................................................................84
2.10.3 Metering and advanced metering systems ......................................................................86
2.10.4 Low pressure drop flow measurement in pipework........................................................87
2.11 Energy audits and energy diagnosis..........................................................................................89
2.12 Pinch methodology ...................................................................................................................94
2.13 Enthalpy and exergy analysis .................................................................................................100
2.14 Thermoeconomics...................................................................................................................102
2.15 Energy models ........................................................................................................................104
2.15.1 Energy models, databases and balances .......................................................................104
2.15.2 Optimisation and management of utilities using models ..............................................107
2.16 Benchmarking.........................................................................................................................110
2.17 Other tools ..............................................................................................................................113
USING SYSTEMS, PROCESSES, OR ACTIVITIES ................................................................115
3.1 Combustion.............................................................................................................................116
3.1.1 Reduction of the flue-gas temperature..........................................................................122 Installing an air or water preheater .......................................................................123
3.1.2 Recuperative and regenerative burners.........................................................................126
3.1.3 Reducing the mass flow of the flue-gases by reducing the excess air ..........................128
3.1.4 Burner regulation and control.......................................................................................129
3.1.5 Fuel choice....................................................................................................................130
3.1.6 Oxy-firing (oxyfuel) .....................................................................................................131
3.1.7 Reducing heat losses by insulation ...............................................................................132
3.1.8 Reducing losses through furnace openings...................................................................133
3.2 Steam systems.........................................................................................................................134
3.2.1 General features of steam .............................................................................................134
3.2.2 Overview of measures to improve steam system performance.....................................137
3.2.3 Throttling devices and the use of backpressure turbines ..............................................139
3.2.4 Operating and control techniques .................................................................................141
3.2.5 Preheating feed-water (including the use of economisers) ...........................................143
3.2.6 Prevention and removal of scale deposits on heat transfer surfaces .............................145
3.2.7 Minimising blowdown from the boiler.........................................................................147
3.2.8 Optimising deaerator vent rate......................................................................................149
3.2.9 Minimising boiler short cycle losses ............................................................................150
3.2.10 Optimising steam distribution systems .........................................................................151
3.2.11 Insulation on steam pipes and condensate return pipes ................................................152 Installation of removable insulating pads or valves and fittings...........................153
3.2.12 Implementing a control and repair programme for steam traps....................................155
3.2.13 Collecting and returning condensate to the boiler for re-use ........................................158
3.2.14 Re-use of flash steam....................................................................................................159
3.2.15 Recovering energy from boiler blowdown ...................................................................162
3.3 Heat recovery and cooling ......................................................................................................163
3.3.1 Heat exchangers............................................................................................................164 Monitoring and maintenance of heat exchangers .................................................167
3.3.2 Heat pumps (including mechanical vapour recompression, MVR) ..............................167

xvi Energy Efficiency

3.3.3 Chillers and cooling systems........................................................................................ 174
3.4 Cogeneration .......................................................................................................................... 176
3.4.1 Different types of cogeneration.................................................................................... 176
3.4.2 Trigeneration................................................................................................................ 184
3.4.3 District cooling............................................................................................................. 187
3.5 Electrical power supply.......................................................................................................... 190
3.5.1 Power factor correction................................................................................................ 190
3.5.2 Harmonics .................................................................................................................... 192
3.5.3 Optimising supply ........................................................................................................ 193
3.5.4 Energy efficient management of transformers ............................................................. 194
3.6 Electric motor driven sub-systems ......................................................................................... 196
3.6.1 Energy efficient motors (EEMs) .................................................................................. 200
3.6.2 Proper motor sizing...................................................................................................... 201
3.6.3 Variable speed drives ................................................................................................... 202
3.6.4 Transmission losses...................................................................................................... 203
3.6.5 Motor repair ................................................................................................................. 203
3.6.6 Rewinding .................................................................................................................... 203
3.6.7 Achieved environmental benefits, Cross media effects, Applicability, and other
considerations for electric motor ENE techniques ....................................................... 204
3.7 Compressed air systems (CAS).............................................................................................. 206
3.7.1 System design .............................................................................................................. 212
3.7.2 Variable speed drives (VSD) ....................................................................................... 214
3.7.3 High efficiency motors (HEM) .................................................................................... 216
3.7.4 CAS master control systems ........................................................................................ 216
3.7.5 Heat recovery ............................................................................................................... 220
3.7.6 Reducing compressed air system leaks ........................................................................ 221
3.7.7 Filter maintenance........................................................................................................ 223
3.7.8 Feeding the compressor(s) with cool outside air.......................................................... 224
3.7.9 Optimising the pressure level....................................................................................... 226
3.7.10 Storage of compressed air near high-fluctuating uses.................................................. 228
3.8 Pumping systems.................................................................................................................... 228
3.8.1 Inventory and assessment of pumping systems............................................................ 229
3.8.2 Pump selection ............................................................................................................. 230
3.8.3 Pipework system .......................................................................................................... 232
3.8.4 Maintenance ................................................................................................................. 232
3.8.5 Pumping system control and regulation ....................................................................... 233
3.8.6 Motor and transmission................................................................................................ 234
3.8.7 Achieved environmental, Cross media effects, Applicability and other considerations
for ENE techniques in pumping systems ..................................................................... 234
3.9 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems................................................... 235
3.9.1 Space heating and cooling............................................................................................ 236
3.9.2 Ventilation.................................................................................................................... 238 Design optimisation of a new or upgraded ventilation system............................. 239 Improving an existing ventilation system within an installation .......................... 242
3.9.3 Free cooling ................................................................................................................. 244
3.10 Lighting.................................................................................................................................. 246
3.11 Drying, separation and concentration processes .................................................................... 250
3.11.1 Selecting the optimum technology or combination of technologies ............................ 251
3.11.2 Mechanical processes................................................................................................... 254
3.11.3 Thermal drying techniques........................................................................................... 255 Calculation of energy requirements and efficiency.............................................. 255 Direct heating ....................................................................................................... 257 Indirect heating..................................................................................................... 258 Superheated steam................................................................................................ 259 Heat recovery in drying processes........................................................................ 260 Mechanical vapour recompression or heat pumps with evaporation.................... 261 Optimisation of the insulation of the drying system ............................................ 262
3.11.4 Radiant energies........................................................................................................... 263
3.11.5 Computer-aided process control/process automation in thermal drying processes...... 265
4 BEST AVAILABLE TECHNIQUES ........................................................................................... 267
4.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 267
4.2 Best available techniques for achieving energy efficiency at an installation level................. 273

Energy Efficiency xvii

4.2.1 Energy efficiency management ....................................................................................273
4.2.2 Planning and establishing objectives and targets..........................................................274 Continuous environmental improvement..............................................................274 Identification of energy efficiency aspects of an installation and opportunities for
energy savings ......................................................................................................275 A systems approach to energy management .........................................................276 Establishing and reviewing energy efficiency objectives and indicators..............277 Benchmarking.......................................................................................................278
4.2.3 Energy efficient design (EED)......................................................................................278
4.2.4 Increased process integration........................................................................................279
4.2.5 Maintaining the impetus of energy efficiency initiatives .............................................279
4.2.6 Maintaining expertise ...................................................................................................280
4.2.7 Effective control of processes.......................................................................................280
4.2.8 Maintenance .................................................................................................................281
4.2.9 Monitoring and measurement .......................................................................................281
4.3 Best available techniques for achieving energy efficiency in energy-using systems, processes,
activities or equipment............................................................................................................282
4.3.1 Combustion ..................................................................................................................282
3.1.3 Reducing the mass flow of the flue-gases by reducing the excess air .....................................283
4.3.2 Steam systems ..............................................................................................................285
4.3.3 Heat recovery................................................................................................................287
4.3.4 Cogeneration.................................................................................................................288
4.3.5 Electrical power supply ................................................................................................288
4.3.6 Electric motor driven sub-systems................................................................................289
4.3.7 Compressed air systems (CAS) ....................................................................................291
4.3.8 Pumping systems ..........................................................................................................291
4.3.9 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems .........................................293
4.3.10 Lighting ........................................................................................................................295
4.3.11 Drying, separation and concentration processes...........................................................295
5 EMERGING TECHNIQUES FOR ENERGY EFFICIENCY...................................................297
5.1 Flameless combustion (flameless oxidation) ..........................................................................297
5.2 Compressed air energy storage ...............................................................................................301
6 CONCLUDING REMARKS.........................................................................................................303
6.1 Timing and progress of the work............................................................................................303
6.2 Sources of information ...........................................................................................................303
6.3 Degree of consensus ...............................................................................................................304
6.4 Gaps and overlaps in knowledge and recommendations for future information gathering and
6.4.1 Gaps and overlaps in data .............................................................................................305
6.4.2 Specific operational data ..............................................................................................307
6.4.3 Research issues and further work .................................................................................307
6.5 Review of this document ........................................................................................................308
REFERENCES .......................................................................................................................................309
GLOSSARY ............................................................................................................................................319
7 ANNEXES.......................................................................................................................................329
7.1 Energy and the laws of thermodynamics ................................................................................329
7.1.1 General principles.........................................................................................................329 Characterisation of systems and processes ...........................................................329 Forms of energy storage and transfer....................................................................330 Energy storage ..............................................................................................330 Energy transfer..............................................................................................330
7.1.2 First and second law of thermodynamics .....................................................................331 The first law of thermodynamics: energy balance ................................................331 Energy balance for a closed system ..............................................................331 Energy balance for open systems..................................................................332 First law efficiencies: thermal efficiency and coefficient of performance....332 The second law of thermodynamics: entropy .......................................................333 Entropy .........................................................................................................333 Entropy balance for closed systems ..............................................................333 Entropy balance for an open system .....................................................................334

xviii Energy Efficiency Exergy analysis .................................................................................................... 334 Exergy .......................................................................................................... 334 Exergy balances............................................................................................ 335 Second law efficiency: Exergetic efficiency ................................................ 335
7.1.3 Property diagrams, tables, databanks and computer programs .................................... 336 Property diagrams ................................................................................................ 336 Property tables, databanks and simulation programs ........................................... 336 Identification of inefficiencies ............................................................................. 337
7.1.4 Nomenclature ............................................................................................................... 337 Bibliography......................................................................................................... 338
7.2 Case studies of thermodynamic irreversibilities..................................................................... 339
7.2.1 Case 1. Throttling devices............................................................................................ 339
7.2.2 Case 2. Heat exchangers .............................................................................................. 341
7.2.3 Case 3. Mixing processes............................................................................................. 343
7.3 Example of the application of energy efficiency.................................................................... 347
7.3.1 Ethylene cracker........................................................................................................... 347
7.3.2 Vinyl acetate monomer (VAM) production ................................................................. 348
7.3.3 A hot rolling mill in a steel works................................................................................ 349
7.4 Examples of implementation of energy efficiency management systems .............................. 352
7.5 Example of energy efficient core processes ........................................................................... 354
7.6 Example of maintaining the impetus of energy efficiency initiatives: operational excellence
................................................................................................................................................ 357
7.7 Monitoring and metering........................................................................................................ 358
7.7.1 Quantitative measurements metering ........................................................................ 358
7.7.2 Model-based utilities optimisation and management................................................ 358
7.7.3 Energy models, databases and balances ....................................................................... 359
7.8 Other tools used for auditing tools and supporting other techniques used at a site level ....... 363
7.8.1 Auditing and energy management tools....................................................................... 363
7.8.2 Measurement and verification protocol........................................................................ 364
7.9 Benchmarking ........................................................................................................................ 364
7.9.1 Mineral oil refineries.................................................................................................... 364
7.9.2 Austrian Energy Agency .............................................................................................. 366
7.9.3 Scheme for SMEs in Norway....................................................................................... 366
7.9.4 Benchmarking covenants in the Netherlands ............................................................... 366
7.9.5 Glass industry benchmarking....................................................................................... 367
7.9.6 Allocation of energy/CO2 emissions between different products in a complex process
with successive steps.................................................................................................... 368
7.10 Chapter 3 examples ................................................................................................................ 369
7.10.1 Steam ........................................................................................................................... 369
7.10.2 Waste heat recovery ..................................................................................................... 376
7.10.3 Cogeneration ................................................................................................................ 380
7.10.4 Trigeneration................................................................................................................ 381
7.11 Demand management............................................................................................................. 382
7.12 Energy Service Company (ESCO) ......................................................................................... 383
7.12.1 Technical facilities management.................................................................................. 385
7.12.2 Final energy supply services (also referred to as installation contracting)................... 386
7.13 European Commission website and Member State National Energy Efficiency Actions Plans
(NEEAPs)............................................................................................................................... 387
7.14 EU Emissions trading scheme (ETS) ..................................................................................... 388
7.15 Transport systems optimisation.............................................................................................. 390
7.15.1 Energy audit for transport chains ................................................................................. 390
7.15.2 Road transport energy management............................................................................. 391
7.15.3 Improving packaging to optimise transport use ........................................................... 395
7.16 European energy mix ............................................................................................................. 396
7.17 Electrical power factor correction .......................................................................................... 398

Energy Efficiency xix

List of figures
Figure 1.1: Percentage of EU primary energy demand used by process industries ......................................1
Figure 1.2: Increasing atmospheric GHG concentrations since 1750 as ppm CO2 equivalents showing
various scenarios ....................................................................................................................2
Figure 1.3: Chemical industry energy usage 1975 2003............................................................................3
Figure 1.4: Thermodynamic system ...........................................................................................................10
Figure 1.5: Pressure temperature (phase) diagram...................................................................................15
Figure 1.6: Definition of primary, secondary and final energies ................................................................23
Figure 1.7: Energy vectors in a simple production unit ..............................................................................28
Figure 1.8: Energy vectors in a production unit..........................................................................................30
Figure 1.9: Inputs and outputs of a site.......................................................................................................33
Figure 1.10: System boundary old electric motor....................................................................................35
Figure 1.11: System boundary new electric motor ..................................................................................36
Figure 1.12: System boundary new electric motor and old pump ...........................................................36
Figure 1.13: System boundary new electric motor and new pump ..........................................................37
Figure 1.14: New electric motor and new pump with constant output .......................................................37
Figure 1.15: New electric motor, new pump and old heat exchanger.........................................................38
Figure 1.16: New electric motor, new pump and two heat exchangers ......................................................39
Figure 1.17: Energy consumption depending on outdoor temperature.......................................................45
Figure 2.1: Continuous improvement of an energy efficiency management system ..................................48
Figure 2.2: Example of possible variation of energy use over time............................................................57
Figure 2.3: Examples of total costs of ownership for typical industrial equipment (over 10 year lifetime)
Figure 2.4: Saving potentials and investments in design phase as compared to operational phase ............60
Figure 2.5: Areas to be addressed in the design phase rather than the operational phase ...........................61
Figure 2.6: Recommended organisation including an energy expert in the planning and design of new
facilities ................................................................................................................................64
Figure 2.7: Sankey diagram: fuel and losses in a typical factory................................................................75
Figure 2.8: Structure of an advanced metering system ...............................................................................86
Figure 2.9: The properties of energy audit models .....................................................................................89
Figure 2.10: Scheme for a comprehensive-type energy audit.....................................................................94
Figure 2.11: Two hot streams .....................................................................................................................95
Figure 2.12: Hot composite curve...............................................................................................................95
Figure 2.13: Composite curves showing the pinch and energy targets .......................................................96
Figure 2.14: Schematic representation of the systems above and below the pinch ....................................96
Figure 2.15: Heat transfer across the pinch from heat sink to heat source..................................................97
Figure 2.16: Energy savings identified by pinch methodology ..................................................................99
Figure 2.17:Power factor of a device depending on the load factor..........................................................105
Figure 3.1: Energy balance of a combustion installation..........................................................................120
Figure 3.2.: Scheme of a combustion system with an air preheater..........................................................124
Figure 3.3. Working principle for regenerative burners ...........................................................................127
Figure 3.4: Different regions of combustion.............................................................................................127
Figure 3.5: Typical steam generation and distribution system .................................................................136
Figure 3.6: Modern control system optimising boiler usage.....................................................................142
Figure 3.7: Feed-water preheating ............................................................................................................143
Figure 3.8: Diagram of a compression heat pump ....................................................................................168
Figure 3.9: Diagram of an absorption heat pump .....................................................................................170
Figure 3.10: Simple MVR installation......................................................................................................171
Figure 3.11: COP versus temperature lift for a typical MVR system .......................................................171
Figure 3.12: Backpressure plant ...............................................................................................................177
Figure 3.13: Extraction condensing plant .................................................................................................178
Figure 3.14: Gas turbine heat recovery boiler...........................................................................................178
Figure 3.15: Combined cycle power plant ................................................................................................179
Figure 3.16: Internal combustion or reciprocating engine ........................................................................180
Figure 3.17: Comparison between efficiency of a condensing power and a combined heat and power plant
Figure 3.18: Trigeneration compared to separate energy production for a major airport .........................185
Figure 3.19: Trigeneration enables optimised plant operation throughout the year..................................186
Figure 3.20: District cooling in the winter by free cooling technology ....................................................188
Figure 3.21: District cooling by absorption technology in the summer....................................................188

xx Energy Efficiency
Figure 3.22: Reactive and apparent power ............................................................................................... 191
Figure 3.23: Diagram of a transformer..................................................................................................... 194
Figure 3.24: Relationship between losses in iron, in copper, in efficiency, and in load factor ................ 195
Figure 3.25: Conventional and energy efficient pumping system schemes ............................................. 197
Figure 3.26: A compressor motor with a rated output of 24 MW ............................................................ 199
Figure 3.27: Energy efficiency of three phase AC induction motors ....................................................... 201
Figure 3.28: Efficiency vs. load for an electric motor.............................................................................. 202
Figure 3.29: Cost of a new motor compared with rewinding ................................................................... 204
Figure 3.30: Lifetime costs of an electric motor ...................................................................................... 205
Figure 3.31: Typical components of a compressed air system (CAS)...................................................... 209
Figure 3.32: Types of compressors .......................................................................................................... 210
Figure 3.33: Different demand profiles .................................................................................................... 211
Figure 3.34: Different kinds of compressor control ................................................................................. 226
Figure 3.35: Peak efficiency flow vs. head, power and efficiency........................................................... 230
Figure 3.36: Pump capacity vs. head........................................................................................................ 231
Figure 3.37: Pump head versus flowrate .................................................................................................. 232
Figure 3.38: Example of energy consumption for two pumping regulation systems for a rotodynamic
pump .................................................................................................................................. 234
Figure 3.39: Typical life cycle costs for a medium sized industrial pump ............................................... 235
Figure 3.40: Scheme of an HVAC system ............................................................................................... 236
Figure 3.41: Ventilation system ............................................................................................................... 238
Figure 3.42: Flow diagram to optimise energy use in ventilation systems............................................... 239
Figure 3.43: Possible scheme for the implementation of free cooling ..................................................... 244
Figure 3.44: Energy consumption of some separation processes ............................................................. 253
Figure 3.45: Bandwidths for the specific secondary energy consumption of different types of dryer when
vaporising water ................................................................................................................ 256
Figure 4.1: Relationships between BAT for Energy efficiency ............................................................... 272
Figure 5.1: Working principle for regenerative burners........................................................................... 297
Figure 5.2: The net heat output results according to test furnaces of both conventional and HiTAC burners
........................................................................................................................................... 298
Figure 5.3: Flameless combustion conditions .......................................................................................... 299
Figure 7.1: Temperature-entropy diagram ............................................................................................... 336
Figure 7.2: Steam throttling process......................................................................................................... 339
Figure 7.3: T-S and h-S diagrams for the steam throttling process of the example ................................. 340
Figure 7.4: Counterflow heat exchanger .................................................................................................. 341
Figure 7.5: Reheating process of a steam flow......................................................................................... 342
Figure 7.6: T-s and h-s diagrams for the steam reheating process of the example................................... 342
Figure 7.7: Ii/RT0 versus molar fraction of one component in the mixture .............................................. 344
Figure 7.8: Mixing chamber of two flows................................................................................................ 345
Figure 7.9: T-s diagram for the mixing process of the example............................................................... 346
Figure 7.10: Inputs and outputs for a vinyl acetate monomer (VAM) plant ............................................ 348
Figure 7.11: Flow chart of a rolling mill .................................................................................................. 349
Figure 7.12: Specific energy consumption in a rolling mill ..................................................................... 350
Figure 7.13: Changes in specific energy consumption in a rolling mill ................................................... 351
Figure 7.14: Process scheme of Eurallumina alumina refinery................................................................ 376
Figure 7.15: Operative cycle of heaters.................................................................................................... 377
Figure 7.16: Heat recovery system connected to the district heating system ........................................... 379
Figure 7.17: Reactive and apparent power explanation ........................................................................... 398

Energy Efficiency xxi

List of tables
Table 1.1: Indicative low and high heating values for various fuels...........................................................27
Table 2.1: The information breakdown for systems and techniques described in Chapters 2 and 3...........47
Table 2.2: Example of activities during the energy efficient design of a new industrial site......................62
Table 2.3: Achieved savings and investments in five pilot projects for EED.............................................63
Table 2.4: EUREM pilot project: savings per participant...........................................................................73
Table 2.5: Examples of pressure drop caused by different metering systems.............................................88
Table 2.6: Pinch methodology: some examples of applications and savings .............................................99
Table 2.7: Business process drivers for using a utilities optimiser ...........................................................109
Table 3.1: The information breakdown for systems and techniques described in Chapters 2 and 3.........115
Table 3.2: Overview of combustion techniques contributing to energy efficiency in LCP and ENE BREFs
Table 3.3: Calculation of the Siegert coefficient for different types of fuel .............................................125
Table 3.4: Possible savings in combustion air preheating ........................................................................126
Table 3.5: Energy used to generate steam in several industries................................................................134
Table 3.6: Common energy efficiency techniques for industrial steam systems ......................................139
Table 3.7: Based on natural gas fuel, 15 % excess air and a final stack temperature of 120 C Adapted
from [123, US_DOE] .........................................................................................................145
Table 3.8: Differences in heat transfer......................................................................................................146
Table 3.9: Energy content of blowdown...................................................................................................148
Table 3.10: Heat loss per 30 m of uninsulated steam line ........................................................................153
Table 3.11: Approximate energy savings in Watts from installing removable insulated valve covers.....154
Table 3.12: Leaking steam trap discharge rate .........................................................................................155
Table 3.13: Various operating phases of steam traps................................................................................156
Table 3.14: Operating factors for steam losses in steam traps ..................................................................156
Table 3.15: Load factor for steam losses ..................................................................................................157
Table 3.16: Percentage of total energy present in the condensate at atmospheric pressure and in the flash
steam ..................................................................................................................................160
Table 3.17: Recovered energy from blowdown losses .............................................................................162
Table 3.18: Examples of process requirements and BAT in the ICS BREF.............................................175
Table 3.19: Examples of site characteristics and BAT in the ICS BREF .................................................175
Table 3.20: List of cogeneration technologies and default power to heat ratios.......................................176
Table 3.21: Estimated industry electricity consumption in the EU-25 in 2002 ........................................191
Table 3.22: motor driven sub-system power energy saving measures......................................................204
Table 3.23: Energy savings measures in CASs.........................................................................................208
Table 3.24: Typical components in a CAS ...............................................................................................209
Table 3.25: Example of cost savings ........................................................................................................221
Table 3.26: Savings obtained by feeding the compressor with cool outside air .......................................225
Table 3.27: Characteristics and efficiency of different light types ...........................................................248
Table 3.28: Savings achievable from lighting systems .............................................................................249
Table 3.29: Evaporator types and specific consumptions .........................................................................261
Table 4.1: Combustion system techniques to improve energy efficiency.................................................285
Table 4.2: Steam system techniques to improve energy efficiency ..........................................................287
Table 4.3: Electrical power factor correction techniques to improve energy efficiency...........................289
Table 4.4: Electrical power supply techniques to improve energy efficiency ..........................................289
Table 4.5: Electric motor techniques to improve energy efficiency .........................................................290
Table 4.6: Compressed air system techniques to improve energy efficiency ...........................................291
Table 4.7: Pumping system techniques to improve energy efficiency......................................................292
Table 4.8: Heating, ventilation and air conditioning system techniques to improve energy efficiency....294
Table 4.9: Lighting system techniques to improve energy efficiency ......................................................295
Table 4.10: Drying, separation and concentration system techniques to improve energy efficiency .......296
Table 7.1: Some values of the derivatives ................................................................................................344
Table 7.2: Maximum values for mixtures.................................................................................................344
Table 7.3: Worldwide acrylamide production capacity 105 tonnes/year...................................................355
Table 7.4: Comparison of acrylamide processes ......................................................................................355
Table 7.5: Comparison of energy consumption as MJ/kg acrylamide ......................................................355
Table 7.6: Comparison of CO2 production kg CO2/kg acrylamide...........................................................355
Table 7.7: Energy savings made from an electron beam ink system ........................................................356
Table 7.8: A simple electric model...........................................................................................................359
Table 7.9: Data in a thermal energy model (generators side) ...................................................................361

xxii Energy Efficiency

Table 7.10: Data in a thermal energy model (users side) ......................................................................... 362
Table 7.11: Operating factors for steam losses in steam traps ................................................................. 373
Table 7.12: Load factor for steam losses.................................................................................................. 373
Table 7.13: Energy recovery potential of a vent condenser for several steam velocities and pipe diameters
........................................................................................................................................... 374
Table 7.14: Percentage of steam obtained per mass of condensate as a function of both condensate and
steam pressures .................................................................................................................. 375
Table 7.15: Technical data for the Barajas Airport's trigeneration plant.................................................. 381
Table 7.16: Advantages and disadvantages of renting CAS equipment................................................... 385
Table 7.17: Advantages and disadvantages of suppling a CAS via an ESCO.......................................... 386
Table 7.18: Advantages and disadvantages of energy via an ESCO ........................................................ 387
Table 7.19: Average emission factors associated with generating electrical power................................. 396
Table 7.20: Average emission factors for steam generation .................................................................... 397

Energy Efficiency xxiii


This document together with other BREFs in the series (see list on the reverse of the title page),
are intended to cover the energy efficiency issues under the IPPC Directive. Energy efficiency
(ENE) i s no t r estricted t o any one i ndustry s ector m entioned in Annex 1 t o the D irective as
such, but i s a horizontal issue w hich is r equired t o be taken into a ccount in a ll cases (as
described below). In the Directive there are direct and indirect references to energy and energy
efficiency in the following recitals and articles (in the order they appear in the Directive):

(Recital) 2. W hereas the obj ectives a nd pr inciples of the C ommunity's e nvironment

policy, a s s et ou t i n A rticle 130 r of the Treaty, c onsist i n pa rticular of p reventing,
reducing and as far as possible eliminating pollution by giving priority to intervention at
source a nd ensuring prudent management of natural resources, in c ompliance with
the polluter pa ys principle and t he principle of po llution pr evention; (generally, most
energy in Europe is derived from non-renewable natural resources)

(Recital) 3. Whereas the Fifth Environmental Action Programme, in the resolution of 1

February 1993 on a C ommunity pr ogramme of pol icy a nd a ction i n r elation t o t he
environment a nd s ustainable development (4), accords priority to integrated pollution
control as an important part of the move towards a more sustainable balance
between human activity and socio-economic development, on the one hand, and the
resources and regenerative capacity of nature, on the other

Article 2(2): 'pollution' shall mean the direct or indirect introduction ofvibrations, heat
or noi se which m ay be ha rmful t o hum an he alth o r the qu ality of t he e nvironment
(vibration, heat and noise are all manifestations of energy)

Article 3: Member States shall take the necessary measures to provide that the competent
authorities ensure that installations are operated in such a way that:
(d ) energy is used efficiently

Article 6.1: Member States shall take the necessary measures to ensure that an application
to the competent authority for a permit includes a description of:
the raw a nd a uxiliary m aterials, ot her s ubstances and the energy used in, or
generated by, the installation

Article 9.1: Member States shall ensure t hat the permit i ncludes all measures necessary
for compliance w ith the requirements o f Articles 3 a nd 10 (which includes energy
efficiency, see Article 3 above)

Annex I V ( item 9) . One of the issues to be taken into account in de termining B AT

generally or specifically is the consumption and nature of raw materials (including water)
used in the process and their energy efficiency.

The IPPC D irective ha s been a mended by C ouncil D irective 2003/87/EC of 13 October 2003
establishing a scheme f or greenhouse g as emission a llowance t rading within t he C ommunity
(the ETS Directive):

Article 9(3): For activities listed in Annex 1 to Directive 2003/87/EC Member States may
choose not to impose requirements relating to energy efficiency in re spect of
combustion units or other units emitting carbon dioxide on the site.

Energy Efficiency xxv


Energy efficiency i s a priority i ssue w ithin t he E uropean U nion and this document on e nergy
efficiency has links to other Commission policy and legal instruments. The key examples are:

Policy instruments:

the Berlin Declaration March 2007

the Energy Efficiency Action Plan October 2007 COM(2006)545 FINAL
the Green Paper on Energy Efficiency COM(2005)265 final of 22 June 2005
Commission C ommunication on t he i mplementation of the European C limate C hange
Programme ( COM(2001)580 final) E CCP concerning e nergy e fficiency in industrial
installations (specifically mandating this document, see Preface)
the G reen Paper Towards a E uropean strategy for t he s ecurity o f energy supply
(COM(2000) 769 final) of 29 November 2000.

Legal instruments:

Council D irective 2004 /8/EC of 11 February 2004 on the promotion of cogeneration

based on a u seful he at de mand i n t he i nternal e nergy market a nd a mending Directive
Council Directive 2006/32/EC of 5 A pril 2006 on energy end-use efficiency and energy
services and repealing Council Directive 93/76/EEC
the framework D irective f or the s etting of e co-design requirements for energy using
products, EuP (2005/32/EC)

Other tools for policy implementation:

action plan for sustainable industrial policy

an E nergy E fficiency T oolkit for S MEs de veloped in t he f ramework of t he E MAS
studies and pr ojects under t he umbrella Intelligent E nergy E urope and S AVE, w hich
deal with energy efficiency in buildings and industry.

This document also interfaces with the BREFs for specific industry sectors (vertical BREFs),
in particular the BREF for Large Combustion Plants (LCP), where energy efficiency is a major
topic). It also interfaces with the BREFs for industrial cooling systems (ICS) and common waste
water and waste gas treatment/management systems in the chemical sector (CWW) (horizontal
BREFs, applicable to more than one sector).

Energy efficiency in this document

The policy statements place e nergy policy ( including r eduction of use) and climate pr otection
(specifically, reducing the impact of combustion gases) among the top priorities of the European

The IPPC Directive has been amended to take account of the Emission Trading Scheme (ETS)
Directive1 (and to include amendments to take account of the Aarhus convention). However, the
efficient use of energy remains one of its general principles. In summary, for activities listed in
Annex I to D irective 200 3/87/EC, M ember S tates may onl y c hoose no t to impose e nergy
efficiency requirements i n respect of combustion units or o ther u nits directly e mitting c arbon
dioxide. This flexibility does not apply to units not directly emitting carbon dioxide within the
same installation.

This document therefore contains guidance on energy efficiency for all IPPC installations (and
their component units).

Directive 2003/87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 October 2003 establishing a scheme for greenhouse
gas emission trading within the Community and amending Council Directive 2008/1/EC. See Annex 7.14

xxvi Energy Efficiency


This g uidance in this do cument may also be useful to ope rators a nd industries not w ithin the
scope of IPPC.

The I PPC D irective is c oncerned w ith t he activities de fined in its ow n Annex 1, and those
directly associated activities w ith technical connections. I t i s not c oncerned with pr oducts.
Energy efficiency in this context therefore excludes any consideration of the energy efficiency
of products, including where the increased use of energy in the installation may contribute to a
more e nergy efficient pr oduct. (For e xample, where e xtra energy i s used t o make a higher
strength s teel, w hich m ay enable less s teel to b e u sed i n ca r c onstruction and result i n f uel
savings). Some good practice measures that can be applied by the operator but are outside of the
scope of IPPC permitting are discussed in the annexes (e.g. transport, see Annex 7.15).

The e fficient u se o f e nergy a nd t he de coupling of energy us e f rom g rowth i s a k ey a im of

sustainability policies. The IPPC Directive considers energy as a resource and requires it to be
used efficiently, without specifying the source of the energy. This document therefore discusses
energy efficiency in terms of all energy sources and their use within the installation to provide
products or services. It does not consider the replacement of primary fuels by secondary fuels or
renewable e nergy s ources as a n improvement i n e nergy efficiency. The r eplacement of fossil
fuels by other options is an important issue, with benefits such as the net decrease in CO2 and
other greenhouse gas e missions, i mproved s ustainability and s ecurity of energy s upply, but is
dealt with elsewhere. Some specific sector BREFs discuss the use of secondary fuels and wastes
as energy sources.

Some references use the term 'energy efficiency management' and others 'energy management'.
In this document, (unless stated otherwise) both terms are taken to mean the achievement of the
efficient use of phy sical e nergy. B oth t erms c an also m ean the m anagement of e nergy c osts:
normally, r educing t he ph ysical qua ntity of e nergy used r esults i n r educing costs. H owever,
there are techniques for managing the use of energy (particularly reducing the peak demands) to
stay w ithin the lower ba nds of t he s uppliers tariff structure, a nd reduce costs, w ithout
necessarily reducing the overall energy consumption. These techniques are not considered part
of energy efficiency as defined in the IPPC Directive.

This d ocument h as b een e laborated a fter the first e dition o f a ll other B REFs. It is th erefore
intended that it will serve as a reference on energy efficiency for the revision of the BREFs.

Energy efficiency issues covered by this document

Chapter Issues
1 Introduction and definitions
Introduction to energy efficiency in the EU and this document.
Economics and cross-media issues (which are covered in more detail in the ECM BREF)
Terms used in energy efficiency, e.g. energy, work, power and an introduction to the laws of
Energy efficiency indicators and their use
1.3 The importance of defining units, systems and boundaries
Other related terms, e.g. primary and secondary energies, heating values, etc.
Using energy efficiency indicators in industry from a top-down, whole site approach and the
problems encountered
Energy efficiency from a bottom-up approach and the problems encountered
1.5 The importance of a systems approach to improving energy efficiency
Important issues related to defining energy efficiency
Techniques to consider in achieving energy efficiency at an installation level
2 The importance of taking a strategic view of the whole site, setting targets and planning actions
before investing (further) resources in energy-saving activities
2.1 Energy efficiency management through specific or existing management systems
Planning and establishing objectives and targets through:
2.2 continuous environmental improvement
consideration of the installation in total and as its component systems

Energy Efficiency xxvii


Chapter Issues
Considering energy efficiency at the design stage for new or upgraded plant including:
selecting energy efficient process technologies
Increasing process integration between processes, systems and plants to increase efficient use of
energy and raw materials
2.5 Maintaining the impetus of energy efficiency initiatives over long time periods
Maintaining sufficient expertise at all levels to deliver energy efficient systems, not just in energy
management, but in expert knowledge of the processes and systems
Communicating energy efficiency initiatives and results, including:
the use of Sankey diagrams
Effective control of processes: ensuring that processes are run as efficiently as possible, for greater
energy efficiency, minimising off-specification products, etc. using both:
process control systems
quality (statistical) management systems
The importance of planned maintenance and prompt attention to unscheduled repairs, which waste
energy, such as steam and compressed air leaks
Monitoring and measuring are essential issues, including:
qualitative techniques
quantitative measurements, using direct metering and advanced metering systems
applying new generation flow-metering devices
using energy models, databases and balances
optimising utilities using advanced metering and software controls
Energy auditing is an essential technique to identify areas of energy usage, possibilities for energy
saving, and checking the results of actions taken
Pinch technology is a useful tool where heating and cooling streams exist in a site, to establish the
possibilities of integrating energy exchange
Exergy and enthalpy analysis are useful tools to assess the possibility of saving energy and whether
the surplus energy can be used
Thermoeconomics combines thermodynamic and economic analyses to understand where energy
and raw material savings can be made
Energy models include:
2.15 the use of models, databases and balances
the use of sophisticated modelling to optimise the management of utilities including energy
Benchmarking is a vital tool in assessing the performance of an installation, process or system, by
verifying against external or internal energy usage levels or energy efficient methods
Techniques to consider in achieving energy efficiency at a system level, and at a component parts
3 level. This discusses the techniques to consider when optimising systems, and techniques for
equipment that has not been optimised as part of a system review
The main combustion techniques are discussed in the LCP BREF. When combustion is an
important part of an IPPC process (such as melting furnaces), the techniques used are discussed in
the appropriate vertical BREFs. In this document, key techniques are highlighted, and additional
techniques and detail are discussed
3.2 S team systems
Heat recovery by using heat exchangers and heat pumps
Note: Cooling systems are discussed in the ICS BREF
The main types of cogeneration are explained, as well as trigeneration and the use of trigeneration
in district heating and cooling
The way electrical power is used in an installation can result in energy inefficiencies in the internal
and external supply systems
Electric motor driven sub-systems are discussed in general, although specific systems are discussed
in more detail (see Sections 3.7 and 3.8)
3.7 The use and optimisation of compressed air systems (CAS)
3.8 Pumping systems and their optimisation
3.9 Heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC)
3.10 L ighting and its optimisation
3.11 Drying separation and concentration processes and their optimisation
4 BAT conclusions for energy efficiency techniques
Annexes Additional data and more detailed examples

xxviii Energy Efficiency


The boundary of this document with other BREFs

This document gives:

horizontal guidance and conclusions on what is considered to be BAT for energy

efficiency in a general sense for all the activities in Annex 1 to the IPPC Directive
references to BREFs where particular techniques for energy efficiency have already been
discussed in detail, and can be applied to other sectors. For example:
the LCP BREF discusses energy efficiency r elating t o combustion and points out
that t hese t echniques may be applied to combustion plants with a capacity below
50 MW
more information on techniques that can be found in other BREFs, where this is thought
to be helpful (e.g. the OFC and SIC BREFs already include pinch Methodology).

This document does not:

include information that is specific to sectors covered by other BREFs. For example:
energy efficiency o f sp ecific l arge v olume i norganic ch emical p rocesses a re
discussed in the LVIC-S and LVIC-AAF BREFs
the energy efficiency of electroplating solutions is discussed in the STM BREF
derive sector-specific BAT.

However, a summary of sector-specific BAT from other BREFs are included in [283, EIPPCB]
for information.

This document provides general guidance, and therefore may also provide information useful to
other industries not covered by the IPPC Directive.

How to use this document in conjunction with vertical sector BREFs

The following s teps ne ed t o be considered in or der t o ensure t hat the best us e is m ade o f
information on (best available) techniques on issues w hich a re covered by bot h v ertical a nd
horizontal BREFs (see Figure 1). Examples are given in relation to ENE:

Step 1: consult information from the relevant vertical sector BREF

Identify a ppropriate techniques and B AT i n the v ertical s ector B REF, s uch as f or e nergy
efficiency. If there are sufficient data, use the BAT and supporting data in preparing the permit.

Step 2: i dentify, c onsult and add information f rom other relevant vertical BREFs fo r
associated activities on the site

Other vertical B REFs m ay contain techniques to c onsider a nd B AT o n activities w ithin a n

installation which are not covered by the vertical sector BREF.

In pa rticular, for energy e fficiency, t he L CP (Large C ombustion P lant) B REF pr ovides

information and BAT on combustion and the raising and use of steam.

The expert information on techniques in vertical BREFs may be applied in other sectors, such as
where a s ector i s covered by more t han o ne BREF (e.g. chemicals, s urface treatment), or the
operator wishes to seek additional information and techniques.

Energy Efficiency xxix


Step 3: identify, consult and add information from relevant horizontal BREFs

To ensure ex pert g eneric data are u sed to a ssist the i mplementation o f B AT i n t he s pecific
vertical s ector, c onsult also th e h orizontal B REFs2. The installation m ay ha ve s ystems or
activities not discussed in the vertical BREF.

For example, the Energy Efficiency BREF contains BAT and techniques to consider for:

energy management, s uch a s m anagement s ystems, a udit, training, monitoring, c ontrol

and maintenance
the m ain energy-using s ystems i n m any i nstallations, s uch a s s team, he at recovery,
cogeneration, electrical power supply, electric motor driven sub-systems, compressed air
systems ( CAS), pum ping s ystems, HVAC ( heating, v entilation and a ir c onditioning),
lighting, and drying, separation and concentration systems.

Figure 1: Using vertical sector BREFs with horizontal BREFs

The s o-called h orizontal BREFs ar e: e nergy efficiency ( ENE), c ooling (ICS) common w aste water/waste g as
treatment/management ( CWW), ec onomics an d cross-media ef fects ( ECM), m onitoring ( MON), an d em issions f rom s torage

xxx Energy Efficiency

Chapter 1


[3, FEAD and Industry, 2005] [97, Kreith, 1997]
http://columbia.thefreedictionary.com/energy][TWG [127, TWG, , 145, EC, 2000]

1.1 Introduction
1.1.1 Energy in the EU industrial sector

'We intend jointly to lead the way in energy policy and climate protection and make our
contribution to averting the global threat of climate change.' B erlin D eclaration (2 5 March

In 2004, i ndustrial e nergy use i n the E U-25 w as 319 M toe ( million t onnes of oil equivalent,
11 004 P J) o r a bout 28 % of t he a nnual E U f inal energy us e, and 30 % of primary energy

27 % of primary fuels are used in public thermal (electricity) power stations. The next two most
energy intensive users are the iron and steel and chemical industries which consume 19 % and
18 % of industrial energy us e r espectively. T his i s f ollowed by glass, po ttery and bui lding
materials at 13 %, and paper and printing at 11 %. Around 25 % of electricity used by industry
is produced by industry itself. Recent figures do not show significant variation year on year (i.e.
between 2000 and 2004). Other figures on IPPC industries are given in Figure 1.1.

According to t he EPER, t he main IPPC emitters account for about 40 % of all European CO2
emissions, about 70 % o f all S Ox emissions a nd about 25 % of all N Ox emissions [ 145, E C,
2000, 152, EC, 2003] [251, Eurostat].

Figure 1.1: Percentage of EU primary energy demand used by process industries

[145, EC, 2000]

See Section for a discussion of primary, secondary and final energies

Energy Efficiency 1
Chapter 1

1.1.2 The impacts of energy usage

Global warming
Certain gases contribute to warming in the atmosphere by the absorption of radiation from the
Earth's su rface, an d re-emitting r adiation a t longer w avelengths. The part of this radiation re-
emitted to t he a tmosphere a nd t he E arth's s urface is t ermed the 'greenhouse effect', due i ts
warming effect. The major greenhouse gases (GHGs) are water vapour, carbon dioxide (CO2),
methane ( CH4) and oz one ( O3), a nd, a mong ot hers, ni trous di oxide ( N2O). T his w arming
process is natural and crucial to the maintenance of the Earth's ecosystem.

However, t he a tmospheric c oncentration of c arbon di oxide, the m ain ( anthropogenic)

greenhouse gas, has increased by 34 % compared with pre-industrial levels as a result of human
activities, with a n accelerated r ise s ince 1950. Other greenhouse gas c oncentrations ha ve a lso
risen as a result of human a ctivities. The main so urces a re C O2 and nitrogen oxides from t he
combustion o f f ossil fuels i n i ndustry ( including e lectricity g eneration), ho useholds a nd
transport. (Others are the changes in land uses and agriculture releasing CO2 and CH4), and the
emission of other man-made GHGs from specific processes and uses).

The c urrent c oncentrations of C O2 and C H4 have not be en e xceeded du ring the past 420 00 0
years an d the present N 2O concentration du ring a t least the p ast 1 000 years. I PCC (2001)
baseline pr ojections show that greenhouse gas concentrations are likely t o exceed t he level of
550 ppm CO2-equivalent in t he next f ew de cades ( before 205 0), see Figure 1.2 [ 252, E EA,
2005]. I n a 2006 baseline s cenario, C O2 emissions will be a lmost t wo and a half t imes t he
current level by 2050 [259, IEA, 2006].

Figure 1.2: Increasing atmospheric GHG concentrations since 1750 as ppm CO2 equivalents
showing various scenarios
[252, EEA, 2005]

The effects of the increasing concentration of GHGs and the consequential global warming are
now widely acknowledged (various IPCC reports et al) [262, UK_Treasury]. For the EU, whilst
detailed information i s still l imited, pr ojected c hanges in c limate a re expected t o ha ve w ide
ranging impacts and economic ef fects. The o verall n et eco nomic ef fects are s till largely
uncertain, how ever, t here i s a strong distributional pattern, with more a dverse e ffects i n t he
Mediterranean and south eastern Europe [252, EEA, 2005].
Dependency on fossil fuels and security of supply

2 Energy Efficiency
Chapter 1

In 2001, the energy structure of the EU remained heavily dependent on fossil fuels (79 % of the
gross inland consumption), including a significant proportion of imported oil and gas. The EU
imports over 50 % of its energy supplies, and this is expected to rise to more than 70 % in the
next 20 30 years [145, EC, 2000].

1.1.3 The contribution of energy efficiency to reducing global

warming impacts and to improving sustainability

According to numerous studies in 2000 [145, EC, 2000], the EU could save at least 20 % of its
present energy consumption in a cost-effective manner, equivalent to EUR 60 0 00 million per
year, or the combined energy consumption of Germany and Finland in 2000 [ 140, EC, 2005].
This paper also points out that energy savings are without doubt the quickest, most effective and
most cost-effective way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, as well as improving air quality.
Energy e fficiency is a lso a n important factor in the management of n atural resources (in t his
case, energy s ources) and sustainable de velopment, and pl ays a n i mportant r ole i n reducing
European de pendence on these r esources. Such an efficiency i nitiative, although r equiring
considerable investments, w ould make a major c ontribution t o t he Lisbon obj ectives, by
creating a s m any a s a m illion new jobs a nd i ncreasing competitiveness [ 145, EC, 2000, 152,
EC, 2003]. Accordingly, the EU has announced an Energy Efficiency Action Plan to save up to
20 % of e nergy t hroughout t he U nion (about 39 Mtoe), a nd 27 % of e nergy i n manufacturing
industries by 2020. This would reduce direct costs in the EU by EUR 100 000 million annually
by 2020 and save around 780 million tonnes of CO2 per year [142, EC, 2007].

Many sectors have considerably improved energy efficiency over the past 20 years. Dominant
market dr ivers are pr oductivity, pr oduct q uality a nd ne w m arkets. E U e nergy e fficiency
legislation is recent (see t he P reface), although legislation h as e xisted for a longer pe riod in
certain Member S tates. The s teps w hich i ndustry h as taken h ave l argely b een v oluntary an d
usually driven by cost, but are also in conjunction with EU and MS initiatives (see Preface and
Annex 7.13). For example, the EU chemical industry is one of the biggest gas consumers among
EU m anufacturing i ndustries, a nd e nergy r epresents up to 6 0 % of t he p roduction costs.
However, the chemical industrys specific energy consumption has reduced by 55 % from 1975
to 2003.

Figure 1.3: Chemical industry energy usage 1975 2003

Energy Efficiency 3
Chapter 1

However, t he n eed to s ustain e nergy e fficiency i mprovements i s v ital. P rojections show that
energy-related CO2 emissions can be returned to their 2006 levels by 2050 and the growth of oil
demand c an be m oderated, ba sed on existing t echnologies, p rimarily on i mproved e nergy
efficiency (the others are a shift from fossil fuels for electricity supply and transport). Energy
efficiency g ains a re a first priority fo r a m ore s ustainable energy future, and are often the
cheapest, f astest an d m ost environmentally friendly way t o r educe em issions an d change
increasing energy de mands. In scenarios projected in 2006, i mproved energy efficiency i n the
buildings, industry and transport sectors leads to between 17 and 33 % lower energy use than in
the baseline scenario by 2050. Energy efficiency accounts for between 45 and 53 % of the total
CO2 emissions r eduction r elative t o t he ba seline by 2050, depending on the scenario. I n a
scenario in which global efficiency gains relative to the baseline are only 20 % by 2050, global
CO2 emissions increase by more than 20 % compared to the other scenarios [259, IEA, 2006].

1.1.4 Energy efficiency and the IPPC Directive

The legal background to energy efficiency and this document is set out fully in the Preface and
the S cope. The pe rmit w riter and op erator s hould b e a ware of w hat us ing e nergy e fficiently
means, how it can be achieved, measured or assessed and therefore how it may be considered in
a permit.

The industrial activities covered by IPPC are listed in Annex 1 to the IPPC Directive. Examples
of IPPC production processes/units/sites are:

a gas powered electricity plant takes in gas as its feedstock (input) and the product of this
production process is electricity. The energy used is the energy available within the gas.
Low grade heat energy is also generated (as well as the electricity), and this is usually lost
in cooling. If it can be used ( e.g. i n a district heating scheme), t hen t he specific energy
efficiency is improved
a refinery takes in crude oil and transforms this into petrol, diesel, fuel oil and a number
of other products. A part of the hydrocarbon processed in the refinery is burned internally
to provide the necessary energy for the conversion process. Usually, some electricity also
needs to be imported, unless a cogeneration plant is installed within the refinery, in which
case the refinery may become a net exporter of electricity
a steam cr acker takes in liquid and gaseous feeds f rom a r efinery and converts these to
ethylene and propylene, plus a number of by-products. A part of the energy consumed is
generated internally in the process, supplemented by imports of steam, electricity and fuel
the feeding t o the rolling m ill i n a steelworks c onsists o f a pproximately 2 d ecimetres
thick f lat s teel p lates t hat a re t o b e r olled out into c oil with a thickness o f a few
millimetres. The rolling mill c onsists o f furnaces, ro lling m ill equipment, cooling
equipment and support systems
a waste i ncinerator (in northern Europe) t akes 1 50 000 t o f w aste l eft a fter material
recycling a nd b iological recovery f rom a popu lation of 50 0 000. The i ncinerator c an
generate 60 000 M Wh of electricity a y ear, a nd of this, 15 000 M Wh/yr are us ed
internally a nd 45 000 MWh/yr are e xported to the g rid. This w ill supply t he d omestic
electrical consumption of 60 000 inhabitants. Where there is also a demand for heat, the
incinerator can ope rate in cogeneration m ode ( i.e. a s a combined h eat and power plan,
CHP): the high pr essure s team is us ed to g enerate e lectricity a nd the remaining low o r
medium pressure steam is used for district heating or cooling, or by industry. It is more
efficient to generate heat, and when the heat is used outside the installation, the electricity
generated is less. If there is sufficient heat demand, the plant can be constructed to supply
heat only. The supply and balance of electricity generated and heat produced depend on
there being a use for the heat and other contract conditions
an i ntensive poul try ( broiler) rearing i nstallation ha s pl aces f or 40 000 bi rds, and r ears
chicks to the required slaughter weight (in five to eight weeks). The units use energy in
feeding a nd watering systems, lighting, m oving manure a nd bedding a nd
ventilation/heating/cooling. The manure is usually spread on l and, but may be used as a

4 Energy Efficiency
Chapter 1

feedstock in a biogas generation plant on- or off-site. The biogas may be used to heat the
livestock units
a publication g ravure pr inting i nstallation ha s five pr inting presses with 40 i nk uni ts,
producing high quality magazines and catalogues. It uses electrical energy for the motors
driving the p resses, i n c ompressed air a nd hydraulic s ystems us ed in the pr inting
processes, natural gas for drying and steam for regenerating its toluene recovery system
(using solvent absorption in the waste treatment system).

All IPPC installations have associated activities and supporting facilities using energy, such as
systems f or hy draulics, l ubricating, c ompressed air, v entilation, h eating, c ooling a nd t he
constituent pumps, fans, motors, etc. There are also maintenance workshops, staff areas, offices,
changing rooms, store areas, etc. which will require heating or cooling, hot water, lighting etc.

1.1.5 Energy efficiency in integrated pollution prevention and control

Energy ef ficiency techniques are av ailable from a wide v ariety of so urces, and in m any
languages. T his d ocument considers k ey concepts a nd t echniques in t he pe rspective o f
integrated pollution prevention and control for t he w hole i nstallation. T he in formation
exchange showed that while individual techniques can be applied and may save energy, it is by
considering the whole site and its component systems strategically that major energy efficiency
improvements can be m ade. F or e xample, c hanging t he e lectric m otors in a c ompressed a ir
system may save about 2 % of the energy input, whereas a complete review of the whole system
could save up to 37 % (see Section 3.7). Indeed, concentrating on techniques at the constituent
(component) pa rt l evel m ay be too prescriptive. In s ome c ases, this m ay pr event or delay
decisions which have a greater environmental benefit, by utilising financial and other resources
for investments that have not been optimised for energy efficiency.

Equally, in some cases, applying energy efficiency techniques at a component or system level
may a lso m aintain or increase cross-media effects ( environmental disbenefits). A n e xample
would b e an i nstallation using organic solvents in s urface t reatment ( coating). Individual
components ( e.g. m otors) may be c hanged f or m ore energy e fficient on es, e ven t he s olvent
extraction an d the w aste g as treatment (WGT) sy stem may b e o ptimised to m inimise energy
usage, but a major environmental gain would be to change part or all of the process to be low
solvent or solvent-free (where this is technically applicable). In this case, the actual process may
use more energy than the original coating process in drying or curing, but major energy savings
would result from no l onger requiring an extraction and WGT system. In addition, the overall
solvent emissions from the site could be reduced (see Section 2.2.1 and the STS BREF).

Detail of document layout

The details of how this document is laid out are set out in the Scope.

The explanations and terms given in this chapter and other chapters are an introduction to the
issues, and relate t o IPPC an d o ther i ndustries g enerally a t a n on-energy e xpert level. More
extensive sc ientific i nformation an d ex planations ( as w ell as t he m athematical f ormulae an d
derivations) c an be f ound i n Annex 7.1 a nd s tandard textbooks or references on

Energy Efficiency 5
Chapter 1

1.1.6 Economic and cross-media issues

Energy is the same as other valuable raw material resources required to run a business and is
not merely an overhead and part of business maintenance. Energy has costs and environmental
impacts and n eeds to be managed w ell in o rder to increase the bus iness p rofitability a nd
competitiveness, as well as to mitigate the seriousness of these impacts.

Energy efficiency is given a high degree of importance in EU policy (in statements such as the
Berlin D eclaration, where i t i s the only e nvironmental i ssue r aised [ 141, EU, 2007]). I n
considering the economics and cross-media effects of implementing BAT within an installation,
the importance of energy e fficiency s hould b e taken i nto a ccount w hen c onsidering t he
requirements of Art 9 (4), i.e. the permit ELVs and equivalent parameters.

The C ommission h as indicated t hat i t c an b e ex pected t hat p rocess-integrated m easures w ill

generally have a positive or more or less neutral impact on the profitability of enterprises4. It is
inevitable that some BAT will not have a payback, but their societal benefits outweigh the costs
incurred, in keeping with the polluter pays principle.

The determination of BAT involves an assessment of the estimated net costs of implementing a
technique in relation to the environmental benefits achieved. A second economic test relates to
whether t he technique c an be i ntroduced in t he r elevant s ector under e conomically v iable
conditions. This affordability t est can only be l egitimately applied at a European sector l evel5
[152, EC, 2003].

Energy efficiency has the advantage that measures to reduce the environmental impact usually
have a financial payback. Where data have been included in the information exchange, costs are
given for i ndividual techniques in t he f ollowing chapters ( or are given i n t he relevant vertical
sector BREFs). The i ssue o ften a rises o f co st-benefit, an d t he economic ef ficiency o f an y
technique c an p rovide information for assessing the cost-benefits. I n t he case o f e xisting
installations, the economic a nd technical viability o f upg rading t hem ne eds t o be taken into
account. Even the single objective of ensuring a high level of protection for the environment as
a whole w ill of ten i nvolve making t rade-off judgements be tween di fferent types o f
environmental impact, and these judgements will often be influenced by local considerations (as
noted i n t he P reface). F or e xample, i n s ome c ases e nergy consumption may be i ncreased t o
reduce other environmental impacts as a result of implementing IPPC (for instance, using waste
gas treatment to reduce emissions to air).

Economic and cross-media issues are discussed in detail in the ECM BREF, including options
for assessing cr oss-media effects, an d f or c alculating co st-benefits. The f ollowing p ractical
examples have been identified in the information exchange and may be helpful:

in several Member States, a technique is considered to have a viable cost-benefit if it has

a return o n i nvestment (R OI) o f 5 to 7 y ears, or about 15 % R OI (different figures a re
used in different MS or regions) [249, TWG, 2007]
for energy e fficiency, m any t echniques c an be a ssessed for t heir e conomic be nefit o n
their l ifetime c ost. F or instance, of t he l ifetime c ost of e lectrical m otors, 2.5 % i s the
purchase cost, 1.5 % is for maintenance and 96 % is the cost of energy used
one Member S tate h as p ublished a n internationally a cclaimed r eport o n t he economic
importance o f m itigating cl imate ch ange. In see king t o assess t he p otential costs of
damage from climate change, the MS uses the figure of GBP 70/t (EUR 100/t) carbon for
2000, p lus GBP 1/ t/yr (EUR 1.436/t/yr) a nnual inflation ( GBP 1 9/t (EUR 27.28 /t) C O2

COM(2003) 354 f inal s tates: End-of-pipe measures o ften h ave a ne gative s hort t erm i mpact on pr ofitability. H owever, n o
end-of-pipe measures exist for energy efficiency; the nearest analogy is easy bolt-in replacements, such as motors. These may
not achieve the best environmental and/or economic returns. See Section 1.5.1
Sector should be understood as a relatively high level of disaggregation, e.g. the sector producing chlorine and caustic soda
rather than the whole chemical sector.

6 Energy Efficiency
Chapter 1

plus GBP 0.27/t (EUR 0.39/t) annual inflation). (At a conversion rate of 1GBP = 1.436
EUR, 1 st April 2006) . This figure m ay be us ed when c omparing t he e xternalities or
societal costs of the cross-media effects [262, UK_Treasury, 2006]

a recent in ternational report showed that C O2 levels could be r eturned t o/maintained a t

current l evels us ing existing t echnologies i ncluding improved e nergy e fficiency. T his
target was given a price of USD 25 (EUR 20.68) per tonne of CO2 which would add about
USD 0.02 ( EUR 0.017 ) per k Wh to t he c ost of coal-fired electricity and a bout U SD
0.07/litre (EUR 0.058/litre, USD 0.28/gallon) to the cost of petrol. The average cost per
tonne CO2 emissions reduction for the whole technology portfolio, once all technologies
are fully commercialised, is less than USD 25 (EUR 20.68). This was less than the level
of trading per tonne CO2 in the opening periods of the EU emissions trading scheme (At a
conversion rate of 1USD = 0.827 EUR, April 2006) [259, IEA, 2006]

Calculators used to calculate cost savings

Various software c alculators have been d eveloped. They can b e u seful in assisting w ith
calculations, but t hey ha ve s ome disadvantages which m ust be taken i nto a ccount if they a re

they a re often ba sed on c hanging individual pieces of e quipment, e .g. motors, pum ps,
lights, without considering the whole system in which the equipment works. This can lead
to a failure to gain the maximum energy efficiencies for the system and the installation
(see Sections 1.3.5 and
some are produced by i ndependent sources, such as government agencies, but some a re
commercial and may not be wholly independent.

Examples of calculating tools can be found in Section 2.17 and in sites such as:



1.2 Energy and the laws of thermodynamics

[2, Valero-Capilla, 2005, 3, FEAD and Industry, 2005, 97, Kreith, 1997, 154,
Columbia_Encyclopedia, , 227, TWG]

Energy is a primary e ntity a nd i s d ifficult t o de fine easily, as i t is m ost c orrectly de fined in

mathematical terms. Colloquially, it is seen as the ability or capacity to do work (this could also
be de scribed a s pr oducing c hange or available energy). T hermodynamics i s t he study of
energy and its transformations and there are key concepts, or laws, of thermodynamics. Some
knowledge of the principles of thermodynamics is essential in understanding energy and energy
efficiency. T his s ection endeavours t o g ive a r elatively simple e xplanation with m inimum
reference to the mathematics involved. It is consequently scientifically inaccurate, and a more
detailed and m ore accurate e xplanation is g iven i n A nnex 7.1 [269, V alero, 2007 ]. M ore
information can also be found in standard textbooks (see Annex for examples).

Energy Efficiency 7
Chapter 1

1.2.1 Energy, heat, power and work

Energy is measured in terms of this change of a system from one state to another, measured in
the SI system in joules. Energy can take a wide variety of forms and is named after the action
(or work achieved by) a specific f orce. There are six main f orms o f energy generally u sed i n

(i) Chemical energy is the energy that bonds atoms or ions together. In industrial activities, it is
stored in carbon-based fuels, and released by a chemical reaction (in this case oxidation, usually
by c ombustion, releasing c arbon d ioxide). The energy r eleased i s us ually c onverted to m ore
usable forms, such as to mechanical energy (e.g. combustion engines), or to thermal energy (e.g.
direct process heating).

(ii) Mechanical energy is associated w ith m otion (such a s the expansion in the c ylinders of
internal c ombustion engines), and can be used directly t o dr ive machines, e.g. e lectrical
generators, c ars, lorries, etc. I t i s a lso w idely us ed t o pow er g enerators to p roduce electrical
energy. Mechanical energy includes wave and tidal energy.

(iii) Thermal energy is the internal motion of particles of matter. It can be regarded as either
the thermodynamic energy (or internal energy), or as a synonym for heat. However, heat is in
reality the a ction of transferring t he thermal e nergy f rom one s ystem ( or ob ject) to a nother.
Thermal energy c an be released by c hemical r eactions such a s bu rning, nuc lear r eactions,
resistance to electric energy (as in electric stoves), or mechanical dissipation (such as friction).

(iv) Electric energy is t he a bility of e lectric f orces t o do w ork dur ing r earrangements of
positions o f ch arges (e.g. when e lectric ch arge f lows i n a c ircuit). I t i s cl osely r elated t o
magnetic energy w hich is a f orm o f en ergy p resent i n a ny el ectric f ield or m agnetic f ield
(volume c ontaining e lectromagnetic radiation), and is of ten a ssociated w ith m ovement of an
electric charge. Electromagnetic radiation includes light energies.

(v) Gravitational energy is the work done by gravity. While this can be seen in industry, e.g. in
the moving of materials down chutes, i ts r ole in e nergy efficiency i s l imited to s ome e nergy
calculations. Lifting and pumping, etc. are carried out by machines using electrical energy.

(vi) Nuclear energy i s t he e nergy i n t he nuclei of atoms, which can be released by fission or
fusion of the nuclei. Electricity generating stations using nuclear energy are not within the scope
of IPPC and nuclear energy is not dealt with in this document. However, electricity generated
by nuclear power forms part of the energy mix of Europe, see Annex 7.16.

Potential and kinetic energy

All of the energies listed above are potential energies, where the energy is stored in some way,
e.g. in the chemical bonds of a stable substance, in radioactive material. Gravitational potential
energy i s t hat energy stored due t o the position of a n ob jective r elative to other ob jects, e .g.
water stored behind a dam. Kinetic energy is energy due to the movement of a body or particles.
The c lassical example is a pe ndulum, w here the m aximum pot ential e nergy i s s tored in the
pendulum at the top of its arc, and the maximum kinetic energy is when it is moving at the base
of the a rc. A s c an be s een f rom t his basic e xample, t he e nergies c hange f rom one form t o
another. Most of the fundamental interactions of nature can be linked to some kind of potential
energy, although some energies cannot be easily classified on this basis, such as light.

Heat, heat transfer and work

Heat (Q) can be defined as energy in transit from one mass to another because of a temperature
difference between the two. It accounts for the amount of energy transferred to a closed system
during a process by a means other than work. The transfer of energy occurs only in the direction
of decreasing temperature. Heat can be transferred in three different ways:

8 Energy Efficiency
Chapter 1

(i) conduction is the transfer of energy from the more energetic particles of a substance to the
adjacent pa rticles that a re less energetic due t o interactions between the particles. C onduction
can take place in solids, liquids and gases
(ii) convection i s the energy transfer between a solid surface at a certain t emperature and a n
adjacent moving gas or liquid at another temperature
(iii) thermal radiation is emitted b y m atter a s a r esult of changes in the e lectronic
configurations of the atoms or molecules within it. The energy is transported by electromagnetic
waves and it requires no intervening medium to propagate and can even take place in vacuum.

In thermodynamics, work (W) is defined as the quantity of energy transferred to (or from) one
system from (or to) its surroundings. This is mechanical work (the amount of energy transferred
by a force), historically expressed as the raising of a weight to a certain height.

Energy and power

In English texts (US and UK), the terms energy and power are frequently confused and used
interchangeably. In physics a nd e ngineering, energy and power h ave di fferent meanings.
Power is energy per unit time (the rate of energy transfer to work). The SI unit of power (and
radiant flux) is the watt (W), the SI unit of energy, work and quantity of heat is the joule (J): one
watt is therefore one joule per second.

The phrases flow of power and to consume a quantity of electric power are both i ncorrect
and should be flow of energy and to consume a quantity of electrical energy.

The joule is not a very large unit for practical measurement, and therefore units commonly used
when discussing the energy production or consumption of equipment, systems and installations
(and therefore, industrial energy efficiency) are: kilojoules (kJ), megajoules (MJ) or gigajoules

Power consumption and output are expressed in terms of watts and again, as this is too small to
be used in most industrial practice thay are sometimes also expressed in terms of its multiples
such the kilowatt (kW), megawatt (MW) and GW (GW)6.

It does not generally make sense to discuss the power rating (usage) of a device at '100 watts per
hour' since a watt is already a rate of doing work, or a use of energy, of 1 joule of energy per
second. As a rate itself, a watt does not need to be followed by a time designation (unless it is to
discuss a change in power over time, analogous t o an acceleration). The SI derived uni t watt-
hour (i.e. watt x hour) is also used as a quantity of energy. As the watt and joule are small units
not readily usable in industrial energy applications, multiples such as the kilowatt-hour (kWh),
megawatt-hour (MWh) a nd g igawatt-hour ( GWh)7 are f requently u sed a s u nits of en ergy,
particularly by energy supply c ompanies a nd e nergy us ers. A kilowatt-hour i s the a mount of
energy equivalent to a power of 1 kilowatt used f or 1 hour a nd 1 kWh = 3.6 MJ. The us e of
kWh rather MJ is probably historic, and particular to the sector and application8.

A Pentium 4 C PU c onsumes a bout 82 W . A pe rson working h ard p hysically pr oduces a bout 5 00 W . T ypical c ars p roduce
between 40 to 200 kW mechnical power. A modern diesel-electric locomotive produces about 3MW mechnical power output.
The gigawatt-hour (GWh), which is 106 times larger than kilowatt-hour, is used for measuring the energy output of large power
plants, or the energy consumption of large installations. (MWh is often too small unit for that)
A kilowatt-hour is the amount of energy equivalent to a power of one kilowatt running for one hour.
1 kWh = 1000 W * 3600 seconds = 3 600 000 W-seconds = 3 600 000 J = 3.6 MJ
The usual unit used to measure electrical energy is a watt-hour, which is the amount of energy drawn by a one watt load (e.g. a
tiny light bulb) in one hour. The kilowatt hour (kWh), which is 1000 times larger than a watt-hour (equates to a single element
electric fire), is a useful size for measuring the energy use of households and small businesses and also for the production of
energy b y s mall p ower pl ants. A t ypical house u ses s everal h undred k ilowatt-hours per m onth. T he m egawatt-hour ( MWh),
which is 1000 times larger than the kilowatt-hour, is used for measuring the energy output of large power plants, or the energy
consumption of large installations.

Energy Efficiency 9
Chapter 1

Other terms that are used are megawatt electrical (MWe), which refers to electrical power, and
megawatt thermal (MWt), which refers to thermal power, and are used to differentiate between
the t wo. T hese a re non-standard SI terms and theoretically not ne cessary (the International
Bureau of Weights a nd Measures, BIPM, r egards t hem as i ncorrect), but are used i n pr actice,
especially w here both t ypes of energy a re u sed a nd/or p roduced, such a s i n e lectrical power
generation and chemical production.

1.2.2 Laws of thermodynamics

As can be seen from Section 1.2.1, one form of energy can be transformed into another with the
help of a machine or a device, and the machine can be made to do work (see Annex 7.1.1).

The relationships and concepts of these various energies are defined mathematically according
to whether they are 'closed' or 'open' systems. 'Closed' systems allow no e xchange of particles
with the surroundings, but r emain in c ontact w ith the surroundings. Heat a nd w ork c an be
exchanged across the boundary (see Figure 1.4).

In reality, industrial systems are 'open'. The properties of the system must also be defined, such
as t he temperature, pr essure a nd c oncentration of c hemical components, a nd t he changes and
rates of change of any of these.



Figure 1.4: Thermodynamic system The first law of thermodynamics: the conversion of energy

This law states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. It c an onl y be transformed.
This m eans t hat t he t otal f low of e nergy i n a s teady-state pr ocess9 of a de fined system must
equal the total flow outwards from the system.

Unfortunately, t he t erms, 'energy production' or 'energy generation' (a lthough te chnically

incorrect) are widely used, and appear in this document (as the term energy transformation is
not widely used in industrial applications and appear unusual to some readers). The term 'energy
use' is widely us ed, as it implies ne ither c reation no r de struction o f energy. These terms a re
generally taken to mean the transformation of one form of energy into other forms of energy or

A steady state process is when the recently observed behaviour of a system does not change, e.g. when the flow of electricity or
material in a network is constant (with the same physical parameters such as voltage, pressure, etc).

10 Energy Efficiency
Chapter 1

For a closed system, the first law implies that the change in system energy equals the net energy
transfer to the system by means of heat and work. That is:

WU = U2 U1 = Q W (In SI units, this is in joules)

Where: U1 = the internal energy before change

U2 = the internal energy after change
Q = heat: Q>0 when received by the system
W = work: W>0 when produced by the system

The theory of relativity combines e nergy a nd mass, t herefore, bo th e nergy a nd matter a re

conserved, and the flows of energy and matter into and out of a defined system must balance.
As mass is only changed into energy in nuclear fusion and fission reactions, this enables energy
(and m ass) balances to be c alculated for r eactions a nd processes. T his i s the basis of e nergy
audits and balances, see Section 2.11.

Net energy efficiency according to the first law is given by (for the thermal efficiency for a heat
engine) the fraction of the heat input converted to net work output:

Wnet ,out
Where: Y = efficiency
W = work
Q = heat

It can also be described as:

efficiency Y = energy output = work (W)

energy input energy (E)

In SI units, both useful work (W) done by the process and the energy (E) are in joules, so the
ratio is dimensionless, be tween 0 and 1, or as a percentage. ( Note this does n ot a pply w here
steam, heat and electrical power have been expressed in equivalents, as in the WI BREF (or the
WFD revision draft) [254, EIPPCB, 2005, 255, EC, et al., 2005]. The second law of thermodynamics: entropy increases

The second law states that the entropy (see below) of a thermodynamically isolated system tends
to increase over time.

For a reversible process of a closed system, the entropy can be defined as:

S 2 S1 =
123 T (in SI units = J/K)
1 23


S = entropy Q = heat T = temperature

Energy Efficiency 11
Chapter 1

This law describes the quality of a particular amount of energy, and the direction of the universe
and al l p rocesses. The m athematical t erm entropy c an be e xplained in different w ays, which
may help the understanding of this concept:

energy that is dispersed, 'useless', or broken down into 'irretrievable heat' (dispersed into
molecular movements or vibrations)
a measure of the partial loss of the ability of a system to perform work due to the effects
of irreversibility
quantifies the amount of disorder (randomness) between t he i nitial a nd final states of a
system ( e.g. the w ays t he m olecules are ar ranged): i.e. this i ncreases w ith time. A s a
consequence, pressure and chemical concentration also flow from the systems of higher
pressure or concentration to lower ones, until the systems are at equilibrium.

There a re v arious c onsequences of t his l aw, some of w hich m ay a lso he lp to e xplain t his

in any process or activity, there is an inherent tendency towards the loss (or dissipation)
of useful energy or work (e.g. through friction)
heat moves in predictable ways, e.g. flowing from a warmer object to a cooler one
it is im possible t o t ransfer h eat f rom a c old to a h ot s ystem w ithout a t the s ame t ime
converting a certain amount of energy to heat
work can be totally converted into heat, but not vice versa
it i s impossible f or a d evice working i n a cycle t o r eceive h eat from a single r eservoir
(isolated source) and produce a net amount of work: it can only get useful work out of the
heat if the heat is, at the same time, transferred from a hot to a cold reservoir (it is not
possible t o g et s omething out of a system f or no thing). This m eans t hat a p erpetual
motion machine cannot exist.

In pr actical t erms, i t m eans no e nergy t ransformation can b e 100 % e fficient ( note t he

explanation of lower heat value, below, and see Section However, it also means that a
reduction in the increase of entropy in a specified process, such as a chemical reaction, means
that it is energetically more efficient.

A system's en ergy ca n t herefore b e se en a s the sum o f the 'useful' en ergy an d the ' useless'

The enthalpy (H) i s the u seful h eat (h eat e nergy) content o f a system a nd i s re lated to th e
internal energy (U), pressure (P) and volume (V):

H = U + PV (in SI units, this is in joules)

U is associated with microscopic forms of energy in atoms and molecules.

As a system changes from one state to another, the enthalpy change ZH is equal to the enthalpy
of the products minus the enthalpy of the reactants:

H=Hfinal-Hinitial (in SI units, this is in joules)

The final ZH will be negative if heat is given out (exothermic), and positive if heat is taken in
from i ts s urroundings (endothermic). F or a r eaction in which a c ompound i s formed from i ts
composite elements, the enthalpy change is called the heat of formation (or specific enthalpy
change) of the compound. There are specific enthalpy changes for combustion, hydrogenation,
formation, etc.

There are other corollaries of this law, such as the universe is relentlessly becoming more disordered with time.

12 Energy Efficiency
Chapter 1

Physical changes of state, or phase, of matter are also accompanied by enthalpy changes, called
latent heats or heats of transformation. The change associated with the solid-liquid transition
is called the heat of fusion and the change associated with the liquid-gas transition is called the
heat of vaporisation.

A systems en ergy ch ange can therefore b e see n as t he s um o f t he useful en ergy a nd t he

useless energy. To obtain work, the interaction of two systems is necessary. Exergy (B) is the
maximum useful work obtained if the system is brought into equilibrium with the environment
(e.g. the same temperature, pressure, chemical composition, see Section

The ratio of exergy to e nergy i n a s ubstance c an be considered a measure o f energy qua lity.
Forms of energy such as kinetic energy, electrical energy and Gibbs free energy (G) are 100 %
recoverable as w ork, and t herefore ha ve a n e xergy e qual t o t heir energy. However, f orms of
energy such as radiation and thermal energy cannot be converted completely to work, and have
an exergy content less than their energy content. The exact proportion of exergy in a substance
depends on the amount of entropy relative to the surrounding environment as determined by the
second law of thermodynamics.

Exergy ne eds t he s ystem pa rameters to be defined (temperature, pressure, chemical

composition, entropy, enthalpy) and can be expressed according to which parameters are being
held constant. Specific flow exergy (E) of a given stream is calculated as:

E = H-H0 T0 (s-s0), where the subscript 0 means reference conditions

As a practical illustration of 'useful energy': 300 kg of steam at 400 C at 40 bar and 6 tonnes of
water at 40 C contains the same amount of energy (assuming the same reference temperature),
i.e. 1 G J. The steam at 40 bar can achieve useful work (such as generating electricity, moving
mechanical equipment, heating, etc.) but there is limited use for water at 40 C. The exergy of
the low t emperature stream can be r aised bu t t his requires the e xpenditure o f energy. F or
example, heat pumps can be used to increase exergy, but consume energy as work. Exergy balance: combination of first and second laws

The first and second laws can be combined into a form that is useful for conducting analyses of
exergy, work pot ential and second law efficiencies a mong ot hers. This f orm a lso pr ovides
additional insight into systems, their operation and optimisation, see Section 2.13.

Exergy balance for an open system

The exergy rate balance at constant volume is equal to:

dEcv T0 . . dVcv . . .
= 1Q j W cv P0 + m i ei m e ee {I
{dt j Tj dt i e Rate
Rate 1444444444 424444444444 3 of
of Rate exergy
exergy of destruction
change exergy


Ecv = exergy at constant volume

T = temperature
t = time

Energy Efficiency 13
Chapter 1

The terms miei and meee = the rates of exergy transfer into and out of the system accompanying
mass flow m (mi to me)

Qj = the time rate of heat transfer at the location on the boundary where the instantaneous
temperature is Tj
I = rate of exergy destruction, or irreversibility
P = pressure
V = volume
Wcv = work at constant volume

For a steady flow system, the balance obtained is:

T0 . . . . .
0= 1 Q j W cv + m i ei me ee I
j Tj i e

Industrial applications
The application of exergy to unit operations in chemical plants was partially responsible for the
huge g rowth of t he chemical industry dur ing t he twentieth c entury. D uring t his t ime i t w as
usually called 'available work'.

One goal of energy and exergy methods in engineering is to compute balances between inputs
and outputs in several possible designs before a unit or process is built. After the balances are
completed, the engineer will often want to select the most efficient process. However, this is not
straightforward (see Section 2.13):

an e nergy e fficiency or f irst law efficiency will determine t he m ost efficient process
based on losing as little energy as possible relative to energy inputs
an exergy e fficiency o r second law ef ficiency w ill determine t he most efficient p rocess
based on losing and destroying as little available work as possible from a given input of
available work.

A higher exergy e fficiency i nvolves building a more expensive pl ant, and a balance between
capital investment and operating efficiency must be determined. Property diagrams

If t he pr operties of a system a re measured (e.g. t emperature T , pressure P, concentration, etc)

and the system shows no further tendency to change its properties with time, the system can be
said to have reached a state of equilibrium. The condition of a system i n equilibrium can be
reproduced in other (similar) systems and can be defined by a set of properties, which are the
functions of state: this principle is therefore known as the state postulate. This implies that the
state of a system of one pure substance can be represented in a diagram with two independent
properties. The five basic properties of a substance that are usually shown on property diagrams
are: pr essure (P), t emperature (T), s pecific v olume (V), specific e nthalpy (H), a nd specific
entropy ( S). Q uality (X) i s shown i f a m ixture of two ( or more) substances is involved. The
most commonly e ncountered pr operty di agrams: pressure-temperature (P-T), pr essure-specific
volume (P-V), temperature-specific volume (T-V), temperature-entropy (T-S); enthalpy-entropy
(H-S); a nd temperature-enthalpy pl ots ( T-H), which are u sed in pinch m ethodology (see
Section 2.12): These diagrams are very useful in plotting processes. Additionally, the first three
diagrams are helpful for explaining the relationships between the three phases of matter.

14 Energy Efficiency
Chapter 1

Pressure-temperature (phase) diagrams

Phase diagrams show the equilibrium c onditions be tween ph ases t hat a re thermodynamically

The P -T di agram ( Figure 1.5) f or a pur e s ubstance s hows a reas r epresenting single phase
regions (solid, liquid, g aseous ph ases), where t he ph ase of the substance is fixed by both t he
temperature and pressure conditions.

The lines (called phase boundaries) represent the regions (or conditions, which are, in this case
P and T) where two phases exist in equilibrium. In these areas, pressure and temperature are not
independent and only one intensive property (P or T) is required to fix the state of the substance.
The sublimation line separates the solid and vapour regions, the vaporisation line separates the
liquid and vapour regions and the melting or fusion line separates the solid and liquid regions.

All t hree lines m eet at the triple point, where al l t he p hases coexist si multaneously i n
equilibrium. In t his c ase, t here a re no i ndependent i ntensive pr operties: there is on ly one
pressure and one temperature for a substance at its triple point.

The critical point i s found at the end o f the vaporisation l ine. At p ressures a nd t emperatures
above t he c ritical point, the substance is s aid to be a t a s upercritical state, where no c lear
distinction can be made between liquid and vapour phases. This reflects that, at extremely high
pressures and temperatures, the liquid and gaseous phases become indistinguishable. For water,
this i s a bout 647 K ( 374 C) a nd 22.06 4 M Pa. A t t his point, a s ubstance on the left of the
vaporisation line is said to be at the state of a sub-cooled or compressed liquid; on the right of
the same line, the substance is in a superheated-vapour state.

Figure 1.5: Pressure temperature (phase) diagram

[153, Wikipedia]

Energy Efficiency 15
Chapter 1 Further information

Further i nformation can be f ound i n s tandard t ext books on thermodynamics, physical

chemistry, etc.

A wide range of literature and databases provide information and tables containing the values of
the t hermodynamic properties of various s ubstances a nd diagrams of their i nter-relationships.
These are derived f rom e xperimental data. The most f requently listed properties i n t ables are:
specific volume, internal energy, specific enthalpy, specific entropy and specific heat. Property
tables can be found in thermodynamic books, on the internet, etc.

As two intensive properties must be known to fix the state in single phase regions, the properties
V, U , H an d S a re listed versus temperature at selected p ressures for su perheated vapour and
compressed l iquid. I f t here a re no a vailable d ata f or a c ompressed l iquid, a r easonable
approximation is to treat compressed liquid as saturated liquid at the given temperature. This is
because the compressed liquid properties depend on temperature more strongly than they do on

The so-called saturation tables are used for saturated liquid and saturated vapour states. Since
in t wo-phase regions, pr essure and temperature a re not independent, o ne o f t he pr operties is
enough to fix the state. Therefore, in saturation tables, the properties V, U, H and S for saturated
liquid and s aturated v apour ar e l isted either v ersus temperature or p ressure. I n the case o f a
saturated liquid-vapour mixture, an additional property called quality must be defined. Quality
is defined as the vapour mass fraction in a saturated liquid-vapour mixture.

Details of databanks and thermodynamic simulation programs can be found in Annex Identification of irreversibilities

In t hermodynamics, a reversible process is theoretical ( to d erive co ncepts) a nd i n practice all

real systems are irreversible. This means they cannot be reversed spontaneously; but only by the
application of energy (a consequence of the second law). The mechanical, thermal and chemical
equilibrium conditions of a thermodynamic system also imply three causes of disequilibrium or
irreversibilities ( these m ay be seen as thermodynamic i nefficiencies i n p ractice). C hanges are
caused by dr iving f orces such a s t emperature; pressure, c oncentration, etc., a s dictated by the
second law o f t hermodynamics. The s maller the dr iving f orces, the l arger the r equired
equipment size, f or instance, heat e xhange s urface i ncreases w hen LMTD (the log m ean
temperature difference) decreases. The Carnot cycle, which represents the highest efficiency at
which heat c an be converted i n p ower, is ba sed i n principle on z ero d riving forces a nd in
practice, the efficiencies of the Carnot cycle cannot be achieved in real operations. For a further
explanation of the Carnot cycle, see the LCP BREF [125, EIPPCB]or a standard textbook.

Mechanical irreversibilities a ppear in processes that i nvolve friction and commonly c ause
pressure changes.

Thermal irreversibilities appear when there is a finite temperature change within t he system
as, f or instance, i n e very he at exchanger. The he at passes f rom a w arm body t o a cold on e
spontaneously, thereby losing e xergy. A gain, t he l arger the temperature change, t he larger the
loss of exergy and the more irreversible the process.

Chemical irreversibilities are due to a chemical di sequilibrium, oc curring in m ixtures,

solutions and chemical reactions. For example, when water and salt are mixed, the exergy of the
system i s de creased. This e xergy l oss c an b e v isualised a s the a mount o f work that w as
previously needed to purify water in order to obtain the salt, e.g. by distillation, ion exchange,
membrane f iltration, o r drying. A ll a tmospheric and water po llution i nvolves c hemical
irreversibilities. It is very easy to contaminate (mix) but a lot of exergy is needed to clean up.

16 Energy Efficiency
Chapter 1

The thermodynamic a nalysis of irreversible pr ocesses r eveals that, in or der to obtain a good
efficiency and save energy, it is necessary to control and minimise all the mechanical, thermal
and chemical irreversibilities appearing in the plant.

Examples of each of these irreversibilities are given in Annex 7.2.

The greater the irreversibilities, the greater the scope for improving the efficiency of an energy
system. The causes of poor energy design result from (significant) finite pressure, temperature
and/or chemical potential differences, and from decoupling supply and demand. Time also plays
an i mportant r ole i n energy efficient systems. E nergy s ystems sp ontaneously d ecrease their
pressure, temperature and chemical potentials to reach equilibrium with their surroundings. To
avoid this, t here a re t wo strategies. O ne is to couple energy donor s with e nergy a cceptors
immediately ( see, for example, Section 3.3). Another is storage, by enclosing a system within
rigid w alls for p ressure, adiabatic w alls for t emperature, and/or c onfine the chemical sy stems
into metastable s tates. In ot her w ords, confine t he systems i nto reservoirs that m aintain their
intensive properties constant with time.

Thermodynamics has a role t o p lay i n ac hieving t he best attainable en ergy ef ficiency, and is
practically applied through:

energy efficient design, see Section 2.3

analytical tools such as pinch, exergy and enthalpy analyses, see Sections 2.12 and 2.13
thermoeconomics, w hich combines thermodynamic a nalysis with e conomics, s ee
Section 2.14.

1.3 Definitions of indicators for energy efficiency and energy

efficiency improvement
1.3.1 Energy efficiency and its measurement in the IPPC Directive
[4, Cefic, 2005, 92, Motiva Oy, 2005] [5, Hardell and Fors, 2005]

'Energy efficiency' is a term that is widely used qualitatively as the means to address different
objectives, s uch a s pol icy a t na tional a nd i nternational level, a s w ell a s bu siness ob jects,
principally (as can be seen in the Preface)11:

reduction of carbon emissions (climate protection)

enhancement of the security of energy supplies (through sustainable production)
reduction of costs (improvement in the competitiveness of business).

Initially 'energy e fficiency' a ppears to b e s imple t o unde rstand. H owever, i t is no t us ually

defined where it is used, so 'energy efficiency can mean different things at different times and in
different places or circumstances'. This l ack of c larity ha s be en de scribed as 'elusive and
variable', leading to 'inconsistency and muddle' and where energy savings need to be presented
in qua ntitative t erms, t he l ack of a dequate d efinitions i s 'embarrassing, especially when
comparisons are made between major industries or between industry sectors. There i s no
definition o f energy e fficiency i n t he IPPC D irective, a nd t his sec tion discusses t he issues
relating to its definition in the context of an installation and a permit [62, UK_House_of_Lords,
2005, 63, UK_House_of_Lords, 2005].

The other major energy efficiency policy is the reduction of fuel poverty (e.g. households that cannot afford to keep warm in
winter). This is a societal issue, and is not directly related to industrial energy efficiency and IPPC.

Energy Efficiency 17
Chapter 1

As the IPPC Directive deals with production processes within an installation, the focus of this
document i s the phy sical energy e fficiency a t an installation level. Although relevant when
considering resources, the life cycles of products or raw materials are therefore not considered
(this is addressed in product policies, see Scope).

Economic efficiency is also discussed in this document, where there are data and/or it is relevant
(such a s in i ndividual techniques, and see Section 1.5.1). Thermodynamic e fficiencies are
discussed above, and as relevant in individual techniques.

Energy efficiency may be r educed by m easures to i mprove t he e nvironmental i mpacts o f

products or by-products, etc. (see Section This is outside of the scope of this document.

1.3.2 The efficient and inefficient use of energy

[227, TWG]

Energy efficiency (and conversely, inefficiency) in installations can be considered in two ways,
which can be identified as12:

1. T he output r eturned for the energy input. T his can never be 100 % be cause of t he laws of
thermodynamics, see Section 1.2. Thermodynamic irreversibilities (see Section are the
basis of inefficiencies, a nd include transferring e nergy by c onduction, convection or radiation
(thermal irreversibilities). For example, heat transfer does not occur just in the desired direction,
i.e. to the process, but also out through reactor or furnace walls, etc. However, the losses can be
reduced by various techniques, many of w hich a re discussed l ater in this do cument, e .g. t he
reduction of radiant heat losses from combustion processes.

2. The careful (or effective) use of energy, as and when it is required in the optimum quantities.
Inefficiency (or ineffective use) results from the poor matching of energy supply and demand,
including poor design, operation and maintenance; running equipment when not needed, such as
lighting; r unning pr ocesses at a hi gher t emperature than necessary; the lack of a n a ppropriate
storage of energy, etc.

1.3.3 Energy efficiency indicators

[5, Hardell and Fors, 2005]

Energy efficiency is defined in the EuP Directive13 [148, EC, 2005] as:

'a ratio between an output of performance, service, goods or energy, and an input of energy'.

This is t he amount of e nergy consumed pe r unit of product/output, referred t o as t he 'specific

energy consumption' (SEC), and is the definition most commonly used by industry. (Note: the
definition below is widely used in the petrochemical and chemical industries, but is called the
'energy intensity factor' (EIF) or 'energy efficiency indicator' (EEI) see below, and Annex 7.9.1).

In its simplest form, the SEC can be defined as:

energy used (energy imported energy exported)

SEC = = Equation 1.1
products produced products or outputs produced

In E nglish, o nly o ne t erm exists, i .e. energy efficiency, and t he c onverse, i nefficiency, which can ca use co nfusion. O ther
languages h ave t wo s eparate t erms, f or ef ficiency/losses, s uch as i n F rench: ' rendements/pertes n ergtiques' a nd f or
careful/careless use: 'efficacits/inefficacits nergtiques '.
EuP Directive, known as the Energy-using Products Directive 2005/32/EC

18 Energy Efficiency
Chapter 1

SEC i s a num ber w ith d imensions ( GJ/tonne) and can be us ed for un its p roducing pr oducts
which are measured i n mass uni ts. F or energy-generating industries ( electrical pow er
generation, waste i ncineration) i t m ay b e more sensible to define an en ergy ef ficiency factor
defined as equal to energy produced (GJ)/energy imported (GJ). SECs can be expressed as other
ratios, such as energy/m2 (e.g. in coil coating, car production), energy/employee, etc.

The term 'energy i ntensity f actor' ( EIF) i s a lso u sed (see a lso the no te a bove, on i ts us e i n
petrochemical industries). Note that economists usually understand the EIF to be the ratio of the
energy used to a financial value, such as business turnover, value added, GDP, etc. e.g.:

energy used
EIF = = GJ/EUR turnover
turnover of installation Equation 1.2

However, a s the cost of outputs us ually rises ov er time, t he E IF c an de crease w ithout a ny

increase i n p hysical en ergy ef ficiency (unless c alculated b ack to a reference price). The term
should therefore be avoided in assessing the physical energy efficiency of an installation.

EIF is also used at the macro level (e.g. European and national) and is expressed as, e.g. GJ per
unit of GDP (gross domestic product), which can then be used to measure the energy efficiency
of a nation's economy (see the note on economists use of the term, above).

The units us ed therefore need to be clarified, especially when comparing i ndustries or sectors
[158, Szabo, 2007].

It i s i mportant t o n ote the d ifference b etween p rimary en ergies ( such a s f ossil fuels) and
secondary energies (or final energies) such as electricity and steam, see Section Ideally,
secondary e nergy s hould be c onverted to t he pr imary e nergy c ontent, a nd this term then
becomes the s pecific c onsumption of pr imary e nergy. It c an be expressed a s, e.g. primary
energy pe r t onne of product in M J/tonne or G J/tonne [91, C EFIC, 2005] . However, there a re
advantages and disadvantages to this, which are discussed further in Section

Denominator in specific energy consumption and the energy efficiency index

In the simplest case, the production unit will produce one main product, which can then be used
as t he divisor in t he S EC f ormula ( Equation 1.1 ). In many cases t he s ituation may be more
complex, such as where there may be multiple products in refineries or large chemical plants,
where the product mix varies with time, or where there is no obvious product, and the output is
a service e .g. i n w aste management f acilities. In ca ses su ch a s those discussed in Section 1.4
below, other production criteria can be used, such as where:

1. T here a re a num ber of e qually i mportant pr oducts or a num ber of i mportant c o-products.
Where appropriate, the sum of these products can be used as the divisor. Otherwise, meaningful
process boundaries have to be decided between the energy balance and the products balance:

energy used (energy imported energy exp orted )

SEC = =
products produced products produced

2. T here are several product streams and t he number of r aw materials ( feedstock) st reams are
low, the denominator may be the raw material. This is recommended if the energy consumption
is de termined mainly by t he amount of r aw material a nd less by t he pr oducts ( which may
happen when the product quality depends on t he feedstock). However, using raw material as a
denominator does not reflect the loss of (decrease in) energy efficiency when raw material and
energy consumption remain the same but production quantities decrease

energy used (energy imported energy exp orted)

SEC = =
raw material imput raw material imput

Energy Efficiency 19
Chapter 1

3. T here a re s everal pr oducts (or one product w ith different s pecifications) m anufactured i n
batches or campaigns. A n e xample is a polymer pl ant pr oducing di fferent grades of pol ymer,
each one manufactured in turn, and for differing periods, according to market needs. Each grade
will have its own energy consumption, usually higher quality grades require more energy input.
It may be useful to define a reference energy efficiency for each grade (based on t he average
energy consumption for that g iven g rade). The relevant s pecific energy c onsumption ov er a
specific period could then be defined as:

Xi * SECref ,i
i A,B ,C
Energy used in production unit over period considered
Sum of products of A, B and C manufactured during period


Xi = the fraction of grade i on total product produced over the given period
SECref,i = t he reference e nergy e fficiency f actor for grade i (calculated, for i nstance, by
averaging t he e nergy e fficiency i ndicator ov er a r eference pe riod w hen onl y grade i was

4. There is no obvious product, and the output is service e.g. in waste management facilities. In
this case, the production criterium related to the energy used is the waste input:

SEC = (energy imported to support the incineration process - energy exported)

(tonnes of waste processed)

Where t he w aste is predominantly c ombustible (such a s m unicipal s olid w aste, M SW), this
indicator will be negative as part of the lower heating value (LHV) of the waste incinerated is
recovered as energy exported, which will typically be larger than energy imported (if any).

5. Other cases where the energy-to-end-product ratio (or main throughout) is too variable to be
useful. Examples are printing installations, where the amount of printed paper input/output does
not always r elate to the energy us e. This is because t he amount of pr inting a nd dr ying varies
with the amount of ink coverage and the processes used, see the STS BREF.

Defining improvement in energy efficiency

The EuP D irective [ 147, EC, 2006] de fines e nergy efficiency improvement a s an i ncrease i n
energy e nd-use e fficiency as a r esult of technological, be havioural a nd/or e conomic c hanges.
The types of change that meet these criteria are discussed in Section 1.5 and generic techniques
are described in Chapters 2 and 3.

The efficiency improvement can therefore be expressed as [5, Hardell and Fors]:

obtaining an unchanged output value at a reduced energy consumption level, or

obtaining an increased output value with unchanged energy consumption, or
obtaining a n out put v alue t hat, i n relative t erms, s urpasses t he i ncrease i n e nergy

20 Energy Efficiency
Chapter 1

The main purpose of the energy efficiency indicators is to be able to monitor the progress of the
energy efficiency of a given production unit and a given production rate over time and to see the
impact of energy efficiency improvement measures and projects on the energy performance of
the pr oduction process/unit. T he SEC shows how much energy i s used f or a given out put but
one single value is of limited use without other reference data. The energy efficiency indicator
(EEI) can be used to show the change in the given time period and is more useful in monitoring
the energy efficiency of a system, process or installation. This is defined by dividing a reference
SEC ( SECref) by the S EC of t he un it or process be ing c onsidered. SECref may ei ther b e a
reference num ber w hich is g enerally a ccepted by t he i ndustry sector to which t he pr oduction
process belongs, or it may be the SEC of the production process at a given reference year:

SEC ref
EEI = Equation 1.3

The energy efficiency index is a dimensionless number.


SEC i s a number that decreases w ith i ncreasing en ergy ef ficiency whereas EEI is a
number that increases. Energy management therefore targets the lowest possible SEC and
the highest possible EEI
identifying the real energy efficiency in the indicator may require correction of the energy

An appropriate timeframe should be selected (see Section 2.16 and the MON REF). If taken on
an hou rly basis, the energy e fficiency i ndicator m ay s how l arge f luctuations f or a c ontinuous
process and would not be appropriate for a batch process. These fluctuations are smoothed out
on longer period bases, such as years or months. However, it should be noted that the variations
in a smaller timeframe should be accounted for, as they may identify opportunities for energy

In addition to the two main indicators dealt with here, there are also other indicators and sub-
indicators, see Sections 2.10. and 2.16.

1.3.4 Introduction to the use of indicators

In i ndustry, t he specific e nergy c onsumption (SEC) f or a given out put ( or input) i s the most
widely us ed i ndicator, and w ill be us ed w idely i n t his do cument. The de finition looks
deceptively s imple. H owever, e xperience i n trying t o qua ntify t he c oncept for m onitoring
processes sh ows that a framework i s r equired to better define an d measure energy e fficiency.
There are several complicating factors, such as:

energy is not always counted in the same way or using the same parameters by different
operators or staff
it i s often ne cessary to l ook at t he energy efficiency of a pr oduction pr ocess within the
energy efficiency of a production site involving several production processes
the de finition doe s not pr ovide i nformation on w hether e nergy i s us ed or pr oduced

To b e i nformative a nd u seful, e nergy efficiency m ust be comparable, e .g. t o a nother un it or

installation, or over time and for comparison there must be rules or conventions. In the case of
comparing energy efficiency, it is especially important to define system boundaries to ensure all
users are considered equally.

Energy Efficiency 21
Chapter 1

At i ts s implest, t he d efinition ne ither takes a view on how efficiently e nergy i s produced nor
how waste e nergy is us ed out side the s ystem bounda ry. T hese a nd ot her issues s hould b e
transparent so that it is possible to evaluate improvements in energy efficiency. These issues are
discussed in Sections 1.4 and 1.5.

For IPPC, energy efficiency is considered either from the perspective of:

an installation level, when permitting an i nstallation, where the energy of t he following

may be considered:
the whole installation
individual production processes/units and/or systems
a European level, for an industrial sector or activity when setting ENE values associated
with BAT (benchmarks), e.g. in a sectorial BREF.

The specific energy consumption and energy efficiency index (see Section 1.3.3) are examples
of e nergy e fficiency i ndicators. The suitability of d ifferent e nergy e fficiency m ethods a nd
indicators needs to be considered on a sector and process basis, and may need to be considered
on a s ite-by-site ba sis (see d iscussion in B enchmarking, S ection 2.16). All i ndustrial
installations have their individual characteristics. There are differences between raw materials,
process technologies, quality of products, mix of products, monitoring methods, etc. The age of
the unit can also have a g reat effect on energy efficiency: new installations usually have better
energy efficiency than the old ones [156, Beerkens, 2004, 157, Beerkens R.G.C. , 2006]. Taking
into account the range o f v ariables a ffecting t he energy e fficiency, c omparison between
different installations by energy efficiency indicators can lead to wrong conclusions, especially
when it is difficult (or even impossible) in practice to take into account all the variables in an
appropriate manner [127, TWG].

To evaluate energy efficiency it may be helpful to [4, Cefic, 2005]:

assess the site to establish if a sp ecific energy indicator (SEI) can be established for the
whole site
split the site in production/utility units, if a site SEI cannot be established, or it is helpful
in the energy efficiency analysis
define indicators for each production process and for the site or part of it
quantify s pecific e nergy i ndicators, record how these a re de fined, and m aintain t hese,
noting any changes over time (such as in products, equipment).

1.3.5 The importance of systems and system boundaries

The best e nergy e fficiency for a site i s no t a lways e qual to the sum of the opt imum e nergy
efficiency o f the component p arts, w here they ar e a ll o ptimised separately. Indeed, i f every
process would be optimised independent of the other processes on the site, there is a risk that
e.g. excess steam will be produced on the site, which will have to be vented. By looking at the
integration of units, s team c an be balanced a nd opportunities f or using heat s ources from one
process f or he ating i n a nother p rocess c an r esult i n l ower ov erall s ite e nergy consumptions.
Synergies can therefore be gained from considering (in the following order):

1. The w hole s ite, a nd how t he various un its a nd/or s ystems interrelate (e.g. compressors
and heating). This may include considering de-optimising the energy efficiency of one or
more production processes/units to achieve the optimum energy efficiency of the whole
site. The efficient use of processes, units, utilities or associated activities, or even if they
are appropriate in their current forms needs to be assessed.
2. Subsequently, optimising t he v arious u nits and/or systems ( e.g. C AS, c ooling s ystem,
steam system).
3. Finally, optimising the remaining constituent parts (e.g. electric motors, pumps, valves).

22 Energy Efficiency
Chapter 1

To understand t he importance o f considering the role of systems i n energy e fficiency, i t i s

crucial t o und erstand how the de finition of a s ystem a nd i ts bou ndary will in fluence the
achievement of energy efficiency. This is discussed in Section 1.5.1 and Section 2.2.2.

Furthermore, by e xtending bounda ries outside a c ompanys activities a nd by i ntegrating

industrial energy production and consumption with the needs of the community outside the site,
the total e nergy e fficiency c ould be i ncreased further, e .g. by pr oviding l ow value energy for
heating purposes in the neighbourhood, e.g. in cogeneration, see Section 3.4

1.3.6 Other important related terms

Other terms used may be found in the Glossary, Annex 7.1 or in standard texts. Primary energy, secondary energy and final energy

Primary e nergy is the e nergy c ontained in raw fu els ( i.e. n atural resources prior to any
processing), including combustible wastes and any other forms of energy received by a system
as input t o the system. The concept is used especially i n energy st atistics in t he course of the
compilation of energy balances.

Primary energies are transformed in energy conversion processes to more convenient forms of
energy, such as electrical energy, steam and cleaner fuels. In energy statistics, these subsequent
forms of energy are called secondary energy. Final energy is the energy as it is received by the
users, a nd m ay b e b oth the p rimary an d secondary energies (e.g. n atural g as as the p rimary
energy a nd e lectricity a s the secondary e nergy used in an i nstallation). The r elationship is
explained in Figure 1.6.

Losses in Losses in
transformation final use

Process heat

Direct heat
Primary energy
Useful energy


Motive force
Final energy



Figure 1.6: Definition of primary, secondary and final energies

[260, TWG, 2008]

Energy Efficiency 23
Chapter 1

The use o f primary a nd secondary energies is illustrated in S ection W hen comparing
different energy v ectors ( e.g. s team a nd/or he at g enerated i n the i nstallation f rom r aw f uels
compared with electricity produced externally and supplied via a national grid), it is important
to take account of the inefficiencies in the external energy vector(s). If not, as in the example in
Section, the external vector can appear significantly more efficient.

Examples of energy vectors that may be supplied from outside the unit or installation are:

electricity: t he e fficiency v aries according t o fuel an d t echnology, see [ 125, EIPPCB].

For conventional steam pl ants, the e fficiency of pr oducing e lectricity f rom the pr imary
fuel v aries be tween 36 a nd 46 %. F or combined c ycle t echnology, t he e fficiency i s
between 55 a nd 58 %. With c ogeneration (combined h eat a nd power, C HP, s ee
Section 3.4) a t otal e fficiency f or e lectricity and he at can r each 85 % o r more. The
efficiency for nuclear electricity and renewables is calculated on a different basis

hs hw
steam: the energetic value of steam may be defined as

where: h =s enthalpy of steam

hw = enthalpy of boiler feed-water (after deaeration)
Yb = thermal efficiency of the boiler.

However, this assessment is too restricted. In principle, the following energy inputs should also
be included when defining the energy value of steam:

Steam system, e.g:

heat added to boiler feed-water to bring it to the temperature of the deaerator
steam sparged in the deaerator to remove oxygen from the boiler feed-water

Auxiliaries, e.g.
energy required to pump boiler feed-water to the operating pressure of the boiler
energy consumed by the air fan providing forced draft to the boiler.

There are other factors to be taken into account such as commodites, etc. The way to define how
the primary energy of steam is defined should be clearly described in the calculation procedure
of energy efficiency indicators and in energy benchmarks. It is important that everyone uses the
same basis for calculating the primary energy of steam, see Section 3.2.1, where standards are
given for calculating boiler efficiencies [249, TWG, 2007, 260, TWG, 2008].

There are other utilities to be considered in a similar way, such as:

compressed air: see Section 3.7

hot water
cooling water: see Section 3.4.3.

24 Energy Efficiency
Chapter 1

Other inputs may not be considered as utilities in the conventional sense. However, they may
be produced on- or off-site, and/or the use they are put to and the consequent effect on e nergy
usage may be considerable. For example:

nitrogen: see Section 3.7 on compressed air and the generation of low quality N2
oxygen: w hen us ed i n c ombustion, i t m ay be claimed t o i ncrease t he combustion
efficiency. However, if the energy used in producing the oxygen is considered, oxy-firing
may use the same or more energy than is saved in the combustion process, depending on
the f urnace, a lthough i t h as t he s ignificant be nefit of r educing N OX, see S ection 3.1.6
[156, Beerkens, 2004, 157, Beerkens R.G.C. , 2006].

However, c alculating e nergies a s pr imary e nergy r equires time ( although t his can b e readily
automated on a s preadsheet f or r epeat c alculations in a de fined s ituation) a nd is no t f ree o f
interpretation problems. For example, a new installation equipped with the most energy efficient
technologies may be ope rating i n a country w hose e lectricity generation and di stribution
systems a re out-of-date. If t he l ow e fficiency of t he dom estic e lectric production a nd
distribution systems are taken i nto a ccount, the e nergy e fficiency indicator o f the installation
compared to s imilar installations in o ther countries m ay be poor [127, TWG]. Also, d ifferent
sources of electricity have different efficiencies of generation, and the mix of generation sources
vary according to the country. This problem can be overcome by using standard values, such as
the E uropean energy mix, s ee A nnex 7. 16. However, other indicators s uch as carbon balance
may be us ed, t o take a ccount of the production of the secondary energy vector and t he c ross-
media effects, depending on local circumstances.

From J uly 1 200 4, D irective 2003/ 54/EC14 e stablished f uel m ix d isclosure b y th e e lectricity
providers. The exact presentation of the data provided are at the discretion of the EU Member
States: http://europa.eu/eur-lex/pri/en/oj/dat/2003/l_176/l_17620030715en00370055.pdf

The E uropean C ommission's not e on implementation c an be f ound a t:


The Directive on the promotion of cogeneration [146, EC, 2004] and the guidelines related to it,
explain r eference values of e lectricity a nd s team production, i ncluding correction f actors
depending on t he g eographical location. The D irective also explains t he m ethodology f or
determining the efficiency of the cogeneration process.

There a re various o ther sources of data, s uch as national fuel m ixes:


An alternative to returning a ll e nergies to p rimary energy is to c alculate the S EC a s the k ey

energy vectors, e.g. Section, page 338, of the pulp and paper BREF [125, EIPPCB], the
total demand for e nergy ( consumption) i n t he form o f heat ( steam) a nd e lectricity f or a non-
integrated fine paper mill was reported [276, Agency, 1997] to consume:

process heat: 8 GJ/t (\ 2222 kWh/t)

electricity: 674 kWh/t.

This m eans t hat a bout 3 M Wh e lectricity a nd s team/tonne p roduct i s c onsumed. W hen

considering the primary e nergy de mand for c onverting fossil f uels i nto pow er a t otal amount
of 4 MWh/t of paper is needed. This assumed a primary energy yield of the electricity generator
of 36.75 %. In t his c ase, an electricity consumption of 674 kWh/t corresponds to 1852 k Wh/t
primary energy (e.g. coal).

Directive 2 003/54/EC, 2 6 J une 2 003, c oncerning the c ommon r ules f or th e in ternal m arket in e lectricity, r epeals D irective

Energy Efficiency 25
Chapter 1

In general, primary energy can be used:

for comparison with other units, systems, sites within sectors, etc.
when a uditing to op timise e nergy e fficiency a nd c omparing different energy vectors to
specific units or installations (see Sections 1.4.1 and 1.4.2).

Primary energy c alculated on a l ocal ( or national) b asis can b e us ed for s ite-specific

comparisons, e.g.:

when seeking to understand local (or national) effects, such as comparing installations in
different locations within a sector or a company
when a uditing to op timise e nergy e fficiency a nd c omparing different energy vectors to
specific units or i nstallations ( see S ections 1.4.1 and 1.4.2 ). F or e xample, w hen
considering c hanging f rom a s team turbine to an electric motor, i t w ould be optimal t o
use the actual electricity efficiency production factor of the country.

Primary energy calculated on a regional basis (e.g. the EU energy mix) for:

monitoring activities, units, or installations on a regional basis, e.g. industry sector.

Secondary or final energy can be used:

for monitoring an ongoing defined situation

calculated on an energy vector basis, for monitoring site and industry sector efficiencies.

In Section 1.4.1, the final (or secondary) energy can be used to compare installations in different
countries, and this is the basis for specific energy requirements given in some vertical BREFs
(e.g. s ee the PP B REF). Conversely, primary e nergy c ould be us ed t o e xpress t he ov erall
efficiencies a t national level (e.g. to a ssess the d ifferent efficiencies o f industry se ctors in
different countries.

Note t hat the C ommission (in DG-JRC I PTS E nergy) and t he I ntergovernmental P anel on
Climate C hange (IPCC) q uote both p rimary a nd secondary v alues in th eir re ports fo r c larity
[158, Szabo, 2007]. Fuel heating values and efficiency

In Europe, the usable energy content of fuel is typically calculated using the lower heating value
(LHV), l ower calorific value ( LCV) or net c alorific v alue (NCV) of that fuel, i.e. t he he at
obtained by fuel combustion (oxidation), measured so that the water vapour produced remains
gaseous, a nd i s not c ondensed to liquid w ater. This is du e t o t he real conditions of a bo iler,
where water vapour does not cool below its dew point, and the latent heat is not available for
making steam.

In the US and elsewhere, the higher heating value (HHV), higher calorific value (HCV) or gross
calorific value (GCV) is used, which includes the latent heat for condensing the water vapour,
and thus, when using HCVs, the thermodynamic maximum of 100 % cannot be exceeded. The
HCVdry is the HCV for a fuel containing no water or water vapour, and the HCVwet is where the
fuel contains water moisture.

However, using the LCV (NCV) instead of the HCV as the reference value, a condensing boiler
can appear to achieve a heating efficiency of greater than 100 %, which would break the first
law of thermodynamics.

26 Energy Efficiency
Chapter 1

It is important to take this into account when comparing data using heating values from the US
and Europe. However, where these values are used in ratios such as EEI, the difference may be
in both nominator and denominator and will be cancelled out. Some indicative HCVs and LCVs
are g iven i n Table 1.1, and t he r atio of L CVwet to HCVwet c an be s een to vary f rom 0.968 t o
0.767. Note that HCVs/LCVs vary according to source, time, etc.

Moisture Ratio of
content HCVdry HCVwet LCVdry LCVwet LCVwet/
Fuel content
(% wet (MJ/kg) (MJ/kg) (MJ/kg) (MJ/kg) HCVwet
basis) (dimensionless)
2 4.7 29.6 29.0 28 .7 2 8.1 0.968
Natural gas 1
0 54.6 5 4.6 49.2 49 .2 0.901
(Uregnoi, Russia)
Natural gas 2
0 47.3 5 4.6 42.7 42 .7 0.903
(Kansas, US)
Heavy fuel oil 0.3 10.1 43.1 43 .0 4 0.9 40.8 0.949
Light fuel oil 0.01 13.7 46.0 46 .0 4 3.0 43.0 0.935
Pine bark
60 5. 9 21.3 8.5 20 6.5 0.767
Pine bark
30 5.9 21.3 14.9 2 0 13 .3 0.890
Natural gas 1: CH4 (97.1vol- %), C2H6 (0.8 %), C3H8 (0.2 %), C4H10 (0.1 %), N2 (0.9 %), CO2 (0.1 %)
Natural gas 2: CH4 (84.1vol- %), C2H6 (6.7 %), C3H8 (0.3 %), C4H10 (0.0 %), N2 (8.3 %), CO2 (0.7 %)

Table 1.1: Indicative low and high heating values for various fuels
[153, Wikipedia] Supply side and demand side management

Supply s ide refers t o t he supply of energy, its transmission and distribution. The s trategy a nd
management of t he s upply of energy outside of t he i nstallation is ou tside o f the scope of the
IPPC D irective ( although the activity of electricity g eneration is covered a s defined in the
Directive Annex 1(1.1)). Note that in an installation where electricity or heat is generated in a
utility or a ssociated pr ocess, the s upply of t his e nergy t o a nother uni t or p rocess w ithin t he
installation may be also referred to as supply side.

Demand side management means managing the energy demand of a site, and a large amount of
the literature r elating t o e nergy e fficiency techniques r efers t o t his issue. H owever, it is
important to note that this has two components: the cost of the energy per unit and the amount
of e nergy uni ts used. I t i s important to identify t he d ifference be tween improving t he e nergy
efficiency in economic terms and in physical energy terms (this is explained in more detail in
Annex 7.11.

1.4 Energy efficiency indicators in industry

1.4.1 Introduction: defining indicators and other parameters

The m ain aim of t he indicators i s t o assist self-analysis and m onitoring, a nd to a ssist in

comparing t he e nergy e fficiency of units, a ctivities or i nstallations. While E quation 1.1 a nd
Equation 1.5 appear simple, there are related issues which must be defined and decided before
using the indicators, especially when comparing one production process with another. Issues to
define a re, f or e xample, p rocess bound aries, s ystem bounda ries, e nergy vectors and how t o
compare di fferent f uels a nd f uel sources ( and w hether they a re internal or external s ources).
Once these f actors have b een d efined f or a specific plant or for an inter-site b enchmark, they
must be adhered to.

Energy Efficiency 27
Chapter 1

This section discusses how t o de fine energy efficiency a nd indicators for individual industrial
production p rocesses/units/sites. It explains w hat the relevant issues are and h ow t o co nsider
them in order to measure and evaluate the changes in energy efficiency.

There are problems ensuring that the data from separate units or sites are truly comparable, and
if s o, w hether c onclusions m ay be dr awn a bout t he e conomics of a s ite, t hat a ffect
confidentiality and competition. T hese i ssues a nd t he use of t hese i ndicators i s discussed in
Section 2.16, Benchmarking.

Section 1.3.3 points out that indicators can be based on the most appropriate ratios, according to
the p rocess e .g. G J/tonne, G J/units p roduced, energy pr oduced/energy i mported ( for e nergy-
generating industries), energy/m2 (e.g. in coil coating, car production), energy/employees, etc.

1.4.2 Energy efficiency in production units

The following t wo examples illustrate t he c oncepts of SEC a nd E EI, a nd highlight k ey

interpretation issues. Example 1. Simple case

Figure 1.7 shows an example of a simple production unit15. For simplicity, the process is shown
without energy exports a nd with onl y one f eedstock and one pr oduct. The pr oduction pr ocess
makes use of steam, electricity and fuel.

Feed Main product

Steam Electricity Fuel

Es,in Ee,in import

Figure 1.7: Energy vectors in a simple production unit

The SEC of this process is given by:

E s,in + E e,in + E f ,in

SEC = Equation 1.4


Es,in = energy supplied to the process via steam to produce an amount of product P
Ee,in = energy supplied to the process via electricity to produce an amount of product P
Ef,in = energy supplied to the process via fuel to produce an amount of product P
P = amount of product P

28 Energy Efficiency
Chapter 1

In Equation 1.5, it is essential that the various energy vectors (energy f lows) are expressed as
primary energy and on the same basis (see Section For instance, 1 MWh of electricity
requires more energy to be produced than 1 MWh of steam, as electricity is typically generated
with an efficiency of 35 - 58 % and steam with an efficiency of 85 - 95 %. The energy use of the
different energy vectors in Equation 1.5 therefore needs to be expressed in primary energy. This
includes the efficiency to produce that energy vector.

An example of a calculation of energy efficiency: assume that to produce 1 tonne of product P1,
the following energy vectors have to be used:

0.01 tonne of fuel

10 kWh of electricity
0.1 tonne of steam.

Assuming the following15:

lower calorific value of fuel = 50 GJ/tonne

efficiency of electricity production = 40 %
steam is generated from water at 25 C and the difference between the enthalpy of steam
and the enthalpy of water at 25 C = 2.8 GJ/tonne
steam is generated with an efficiency of 85 %.

To produce 1 tonne of product P1, the energy consumption is (converting to GJ):

Ef,in = 0.01 tonne fuel x 50 GJ/tonne = 0.50 GJ

Ee,in = 10 kWh x 0.0036 GJ/kWh x 100/40 = 0.09 GJ (where 1 kWh = 0.0036 GJ)
Es,in = 0.1 tonne steam x 2.8 GJ/tonne x 1/0.85 = 0.33 GJ.

The SEC of this process is then given by:

SEC = (0.50 + 0.09 + 0.33) GJ/tonne = 0.92 GJ/tonne.

To determine the EEI, assume that this is the reference SEC. Now assume that the plant carries
out a number of energy efficiency i mprovement pr ojects, s o t hat a year later t he e nergy
consumption of the production process has become:

0.01 tonne of fuel

15 kWh of electricity
0.05 tonne of steam.

As a result of these energy efficiency improvement projects, the new SEC of the process is:

SEC = (0.5 + 0.135 + 0.165) GJ/tonne = 0.8.

The EEI of this process is then:

EEI = 0.92/0.8 = 1.15.

This indicates that the energy efficiency of the production process has increased by 15 %.

The figures are illustrative only, and not intended to be exact. No pressure is given for steam, but it can be assumed to be the
same in both parts of the example. An exergy analysis would be more useful, but is beyond this simple example.

Energy Efficiency 29
Chapter 1

It i s i mportant t o note t hat the inefficiencies of the production of e lectricity i n t his case have
been internalised (by using the primary energy: these inefficiencies are actually external to the
site). I f t his is not t aken account, t he electrical e nergy i nput w ould appear to be 50 % m ore
efficient than it is:

(0.09 0.036)
= 1.5; i.e. 150%

Ignoring the primary energy may lead to, for example, decisions to switch other energy inputs to
electricity. However, it would need more complex analysis beyond the scope of this example to
determine the amount of useful energy available in the application of sources, such as an exergy

This example shows it is therefore important to know on w hat basis the SEC and the EEI are

It is also important to note the same logic applies to other utilities that may be brought into the
unit/process/installation from outside the boundary (rather than produced within the boundary),
such as steam, compressed air, N2, etc (see primary energy, Section Example 2. Typical case

Figure 1.8 deals with a more complicated case, where there is both export of energy and internal
recycling o f f uel o r en ergy. T his cas e i llustrates p rinciples that ar e a pplicable to m any
industries, with appropriate adjustments.

Steam Electricity Other

Es,out Ee,out Eo,out

Main products P1
Feed F1
Other products P2
Waste/losses W
Production unit
Feed Fn (incineration/flare/effluent
to environment)
Recycled fuel Pf

Recycled fuel Ef,rec

Steam Electricity Other Fuel import
Es,in Ee,in Eo,in Ef,in

Figure 1.8: Energy vectors in a production unit

(E s ,in + E e,in + (E f ,in + E f ,rec ) + E o ,in ) (E s ,out + E e,out + E o ,out )

SEC = Equation 1.5

This generic formula can be applied to each production process/unit/installation, but its various
components have to be adapted t o e ach specific pr oduction process/unit/site. The unit of t his
indicator i s ( unit o f energy)/(unit of m ass) us ually G J/t product or MWh/t product. However,
there may be multiple products, or one main product and significant by-products.

30 Energy Efficiency
Chapter 1

Some considerations to be taken into account when applying Equation 1.5 a re described in the
six following points (some are also applicable to Equation 1.5):

1. Feed/product flows (F1-n, P1)

In F igure 1.8, the m ass-flow of t he r aw m aterials and pr oducts is s hown i n the hor izontal
direction. The f eeds F 1 to F n (F1-n) are t he d ifferent raw m aterials u sed to produce t he main
products P1 and the by-products. These by-products are split into two fractions: a fraction which
is recycled as fuel (Pf) and the remaining by-products (P2).

Examples of this situation are:

the ethylene steam crackers in the petrochemical industry, where energy consumption can
be expressed in GJ per tonne ethylene, in GJ per tonne olefins (ethylene + propylene) or
in GJ per tonne of high value chemicals (olefins + butadiene + benzene + pure hydrogen)
in the chlor-alkali sector where energy consumptions are usually related to the tonnes of
Cl2 produced (the main product), and where H2 and NaOH are by-products.

2. Energy vectors (energy flows) (Ein)

The energy vectors show the different types of energy flows into and out of the unit. The energy
imported and the energy which is exported for use elsewhere are shown in the vertical plane in
Figure 2.2. The following energy vectors are considered:

Es = steam and/or hot water

Ee = electricity to the process
Ef = fuel (gas, liquid, solid). A split is made between the externally purchased fuel Ef and
the fuel which is internally recycled in the process Ef,rec. Note, if a fuel is produced as a
product for use outside the site, it will be considered as P1 or P2 (not as Ef, out), see point 5,
Eo = other: this covers any utility which requires energy to be produced. Examples are hot
oil, c ooling water, c ompressed air and N2 (when pr ocessed on-site). T his cooling water
requires energy to produce it (energy is required to operate the pumps circulating cooling
water and the fans on the cooling towers).

It is important that, on the output side, only those energy vectors which are beneficially used in
a process or unit i n a nother pr ocess are counted. In particular, t he energy a ssociated with t he
cooling of the process by cooling water or air should never be included as the energy out in
Equation 1.5. The energy used in supplying different utilities and other associated systems must
also be considered: for example, for cooling water (operation of pumps and fans), compressed
air, N 2 production, steam tracing, s team t o t urbines. Other h eat l osses t o the air s hould a lso
never be c ounted as us eful e nergy out puts. The a ppropriate sections in Chapter 3 on t hese
ancillary systems give more data on their efficiencies and losses.

3. Different steam levels (Es) (and hot water levels)

A production pl ant could be us ing more t han one type of steam (different p ressures and/or
temperatures). Each level of steam or water may have to produce its own efficiency factor. Each
of t hese s team l evels needs to be i ncluded i n t he t erm E s by summing up t heir exergies [127,
TWG]. See steam, in Section 3.2.

Hot w ater, i f used ( or produced a nd used by a nother p roduction p lant), s hould b e t reated

Energy Efficiency 31
Chapter 1

4. Waste material flows (W) and energy losses

Each p rocess will also g enerate an amount of w aste products and e nergy l osses. T hese w aste
products can be solids, liquids or gaseous and may be:

disposed of to landfill (solids only)

incinerated with or without energy recovery
used as fuel (Pf)

The relevance of this waste stream will be discussed in more detail in Section

Examples of energy losses found in combustion plants are:

chimney flue gas

radiation heat losses through the instalation walls
heat in slag and fly ash
heat and unoxidised carbon in unburnt materials

5. Fuel or product or waste (E0, Pf)

In Figure 1.8, fuel is not shown as an exported energy vector. The reason for this is that fuel (P1
or P2, or it could be considered as Ef) is considered as a product rather than an energy carrier and
that t he fuel value, which would be attributed t o t he fuel, is already accounted for in the feed
going t o t he pr oduction u nit. This c onvention is s tandard w ithin refineries a nd t he c hemical

Other i ndustries may apply different practices. For instance, in t he chlor-alkali industry, some
operators c ount t he H2 (a by- product of the Cl2 and NaOH pr oduced) as an e nergy v ector,
independent of whether this H 2 is subsequently used as a chemical or as a fuel (the H2 flared is
not counted).

It is therefore important to establish the rules for defining energy efficiency specific to a given
industrial sector such as feeds, products, energy carriers imported and energy carriers exported.
See also waste and flare recovery, Section

6. Measured or estimated
Equation 1.5 a ssumes t hat t he different energy vectors t o t he pr oduction pr ocess are k nown.
However, f or a t ypical production pr ocess, s ome pa rameters, e .g. t he d ifferent utility
consumptions (e.g. cooling water, nitrogen, steam tracing, steam to a turbine, electricity) are not
always m easured. O ften, only t he m ajor i ndividual ut ility c onsumptions o f t he pr oduction
process are measured in order to control the process (e.g. steam to a reboiler, fuel to a furnace).
The total energy consumption is then the sum of many individual contributors, of which some
are measured and some are estimated. Rules for estimation must be defined and documented
in a transparent way. See Sections 1.5 and 2.10

32 Energy Efficiency
Chapter 1

1.4.3 Energy efficiency of a site

Complex production sites operate more than one production process/units. To define the energy
efficiency of a whole site it has to be divided into smaller units, which contain process units and
utility units. The energy vectors around a production site can be schematically represented as in
Figure 1.9.

Energy exported

Unit Unit
Feeds in Products out

Unit Utilities

Energy imported

Figure 1.9: Inputs and outputs of a site

A production site may make di fferent types of products, each having i ts own energy i ntensity
factor. It is therefore not always easy t o define a meaningful energy efficiency i ndicator for a
site. The indicator may be expressed as:

Pi, j * SEC refj

i units
Energy used by the site over period concerned

Where: Pi,j = the sum of the products from the units

SECrefj = the reference SEC for the products, j

This is the same formula as mentioned in Section 1.3.3, point (3). The only difference is that in
Section 1.3.2, t he formula concerned different products made on one product l ine, whereas in
here (in Section 1.4.3), it concerns different products made on different product lines.

When dividing t he pr oduction sites i nto production units ( see S ection 2.2.2), the ut ility c entre
should be c onsidered i n a n a ccountable manner. W hen t he ut ility c entre produces ut ilities f or
more t han one production unit it is us ually considered a s a s eparate ( standalone) pr oduction
unit. Equally, the utility may be supplied by another operator, e.g. see ESCOs, Section 7.12.

The utility section in itself may be divided into several sections: for instance, a part related to
the storage and loading/unloading area, a part related to hot utilities (e.g. steam, hot water) and a
part r elated t o c old u tilities ( cooling w ater, N 2, compressed a ir). S ection 1.5 di scusses the
calculation of energy vectors from utilities, in the discussion of primary and secondary energy.

Energy Efficiency 33
Chapter 1

The following equation should always be tested:

Energy use by the site = SECi 1 * Pi + energy used by the utility section
i =units

SECi = the sum of the SECs for i units
i =units

Different aggregation of units in different sites

An e xample is t he c ase of pe trol hydrotreaters in a steam c racker. P etrol is a co-product of a
steam cracker (hence is counted in P2 rather than P1 in Figure 1.8). Before it can be added to the
petrol pr oducts, i t ne eds, how ever, t o be hydrotreated to s aturate t he ol efins a nd diolefins
present a nd to remove t he sulphur c omponents. Most operators would t reat t he pe trol
hydrotreater as a s eparate u nit o f t he s team c racker. H owever, i n so me s ites t he petrol
hydrotreater is integrated to the cracker so that, for simplicity purposes, it is sometimes included
within the cracker system boundary. Not surprisingly, those crackers, which include the petrol
hydrotreater in their system boundary, will tend to have higher energy consumptions than those
which do not. This, of course, does not imply that their energy efficiency is lower.

It can therefore be seen that for the implementation of energy management within the site, it is
essential to:

divide t he s ite i nto i ts p roduction un its, i ncluding t he e xact s ystem bounda ry of t hese
production uni ts ( see a lso S ection 1.5, b elow). T he br eak-up of a s ite i nto p roduction
units will depend on the complexity of the production site and should be decided in each
case by the operator responsible
clearly define the energy flows in and out of the site and between the different production
units (unit boxes in Figure 1.9)
maintain t hese defined boundaries un less c hanges a re required or a re driven, e.g. b y
changes t o pr oduction a nd/or u tilities; o r, by moving t o a di fferent b asis a greed a t
installation, company or sector level.

This then clearly defines the way in which the energy efficiency of a given production process is

1.5 Issues to be considered when defining energy efficiency

Section 1.3 d iscusses h ow to define e nergy efficiency a nd highlights important related issues,
such as primary a nd s econdary e nergy. T his section also i ntroduced the concept of e nergy
efficiency f or utilities and/or s ystems. Sections 1.4.2 and 1.4.3 discuss how to develop energy
efficiency indicators for a production unit and for a site from a top-down perspective, and both
discuss the problems encountered.

34 Energy Efficiency
Chapter 1

In the current section:

Section 1.5.1 discusses the i mportance o f setting t he r ight s ystem bounda ries w hen
optimising energy efficiency. It considers the relative impacts of the energy efficiency of
the component parts and systems by taking a bottom-up approach
Section 1.5.2 d iscusses further i mportant i ssues that can b e c onsidered by t he operator
and which s hould be t aken i nto a ccount in t he d efinition o f e nergy e fficiency a nd

1.5.1 Defining the system boundary

[5, Hardell and Fors, 2005]

The following e xamples c onsider s ingle components, s ub-systems a nd s ystems, a nd examine

how the improvement in energy efficiency can be assessed. The examples are based on a typical
company energy efficiency assessment. The examples show the effect of considering a sy stem
for a required utility at too low a level (at the component/constituent part or at the sub-system).

The physical energy efficiency16 is given in Section and Annex 7.1.1:

energy output
Energy efficiency = (usually exp ressed as %)
energy input

work (W) = the amount of useful work done by the component, system or process (in joules)
energy (E) = t he qua ntity of e nergy (in joules) us ed by t he c omponent, system, pr ocess o r

change in energy used

Im provement (change) in energy efficiency =
original energy usage

Example: System 1. Electric motor

Old electric motor

A company c arried out a survey of e xisting motor drives. A n ol d m otor w as f ound with a n
electrical power input of 100 kW. The efficiency of the motor was 90 % and, accordingly, the
mechanical output power was 90 kW (see Figure 1.10).

Old electric motor

Electric power 100 kW

power (90 kW)

System boundary

Power input (100 kW) Output value (90 kW) Efficiency (90 %)

Figure 1.10: System boundary old electric motor

In E nglish, energy efficiency here m eans t he en ergy efficiency o f a p iece o f eq uipment o r p rocess ( not i ts careless u se). In
French, this is 'rendements nergtiques'

Energy Efficiency 35
Chapter 1

New electric motor

To improve the efficiency, t he motor was r eplaced by a hi gh efficiency motor. T he effects of
this c hange are shown i n F igure 1.11. The e lectric power ne eded t o pr oduce the s ame out put
power, 90 k W, i s now 96 kW due t o t he h igher e fficiency of the new m otor. T he e nergy
efficiency improvement is thus 4 kW, or:

energy improvement = 4/100 = 4 %

New electric motor

Electric power 96 kW

power (90 kW)
(93.7 %)
System boundary

Power input (96 kW) Output value (90 kW) Efficiency improvement (4 kW)

Figure 1.11: System boundary new electric motor

Example: System 2: Electric motor and pump

As shown in Figure 1.12 an electric motor is used to operate a pump that provides cooling water
for a cooling system. The combination of motor and pump is regarded here as one sub-system.

New electric motor and old pump

The output value of t his sub-system i s t he hydraulic power i n the form of cooling water flow
and pressure. Due to the low efficiency of the pump, the output value is limited to 45 kW.

New electric motor and old pump

Electric power 96 kW
Hydraulic power (45 kW)

(50 %)

(93.7 %)

System boundary Cooling water

Power input (96 kW) Output value (45 kW) Efficiency (47 %)

Figure 1.12: System boundary new electric motor and old pump

36 Energy Efficiency
Chapter 1

New electric motor and new pump

The o ld pum p i s r eplaced by a ne w one , thereby i ncreasing the pum p e fficiency f rom
50 to 80 %. The result of the replacement is shown in Figure 1.13.

New electric motor and new pump

Electric power 90 kW
Hydraulic power (67 kW)

(80 %)

(93.7 %)

System boundary

Power input (90 kW) Output value (67 kW) Efficiency (75 %)

Figure 1.13: System boundary new electric motor and new pump

The e fficiency of t he ne w sub-system i s much hi gher t han the pr evious one . The hy draulic
power has increased from 45 to 67 kW. The increase in energy efficiency can be shown as (see
Section 1.3.1):

EEF = efficiency = 75 = 1.60 (i.e. 60 % improvement in energy efficiency)

reference efficiency 47

Example: System 3. New electric motor and new pump with constant output value
As was indicated in F igure 1.12, the cooling s ystem w orked s atisfactorily even a t a hydraulic
power of 45 kW. T he benefit of an i ncrease of t he hydraulic power by 50 % to 67 k W is not
clear, and the pumping losses may now have been transferred to a control valve and the piping
system. This w as no t the i ntended aim of replacing t he c omponents by more energy e fficient

A comprehensive study of the cooling system may have shown that a hydraulic power of 45 kW
was sufficient, and in this case, the shaft power can be estimated at 45/0.8 = 56 kW. The electric
power needed to drive the motor would then be about 56/0.937 = 60 kW.

New electric motor and new pump with constant output value

Electric power 60 kW
Hydraulic power
(45 kW)

(80 %)

(93.7 %)

Power input (60 kW) Output value (45 kW) Efficiency (75 %)

Figure 1.14: New electric motor and new pump with constant output

Energy Efficiency 37
Chapter 1

In t his c ase, t he power i nput w as 4 0 k W lower t han be fore, s ee F igure 1.10. The e fficiency
remains at 75 %, but t he power c onsumption f rom S ystem 1 ( old motor a nd, presumably, ol d
pump) is reduced by 40 %, and from System 2 (new motor, new pump) reduced by 33 %.
The assessment could have investigated whether it was possible to reduce the size of both the
motor and the pump without harmful effects on the cooling, or to reduce the required hydraulic
power to, e.g. 20 k W. This may have reduced the capital money spent on equipment, and also
shown an energy efficiency improvement.

Example: System 4. System 3 coupled with an heat exchanger

In Figure 1.15, the system boundary has been extended and the sub-system now includes a new
motor, a n ew pum p a nd an old heat exchanger for the c ooling pr ocess. The process cooling
power is 13 000 kWth (th = thermal).

New electric motor, new pump and old heat exchanger

Control valve
Electric power 90 kW

Heat from process

(80 %) (13000 kWth)

System boundary 13000 kWth

power (67 kW)

Power input (90 kW) Output value 1: Process cooling 13000 kWth
Output value 2: Hydraulic power 67 kW

Figure 1.15: New electric motor, new pump and old heat exchanger

The output values are the removal of process heat and hydraulic power due to increased water
flow and pressure.

However, in terms of defining t his utility s ystem (see Sections 1.3.1 and 1.4.1), t he u tility
service p rovided is c ooling. T he s ystem i s de signed to de liver cooling of 13 000 k Wth to a
process (or processes). The process h eat i n this s ystem pl ays no p art, a nd the out put he at is
wasted. The efficiency remains as 75 %, as in System 3, i f measured on a n input/output basis.
However, it could be measured on an SEC basis, and the energy required to deliver a specified
amount of cooling (see Section 1.3.1):

energy used (energy imported energy exp orted) energy used in cooling system
SEC = = = =
products produced products / outputs produced service delivered
90 67 kW
= = 0.00177 kW / kWth cooling = 1.77 W / kWth cooling
13 000 kWth cooling

If t he cooling ne eds are reduced, e.g. caused by a cutback i n production to 8000 kW cooling,
then the SEC becomes 2.88 W/kWth. As stated in Section 1.3.1, this is an increase in SEC, and
therefore a loss in energy efficiency, i.e. a loss of:

(2.88 1.77) = 62 %

38 Energy Efficiency
Chapter 1

Note: this doe s no t a ddress t he e fficiency of t he c ooling of t he pr ocess, onl y t he e nergy

efficiency of the cooling system.

Example: System 5: System 4 with recovery of heat

Due to environmental concerns, a decision was taken by the company to reduce the emissions of
carbon and nitrogen dioxides by recovering heat from t he cooling water, thereby r educing the
use of oil in the heating plant (see Figure 1.16):

New electric motor, new pump and additional heat

exchanger for heat recovery

Electric power 90 kW

(80 %) Heat from process,

8000 kWth

8000 kWth
System boundary
water Heat recovered, replacing fuel oil
for heating of premises: 4000 kWth

Power input 90 kW
Output value 1: Process cooling 8000 kWth Hydraulic power,
Output value 2: Recovered heat 4000kWth 67 kW
Output value 3: Hydraulic power 67 kWth unused heat
4000 kW th

Figure 1.16: New electric motor, new pump and two heat exchangers

A calculation strictly on inputs and outputs to the cooling system shows:

energy used in cooling system = 90 67 kW

service delivered 4000 kW cooling

= 0.00575 kW/kWth cooling = 5.75 W/kWth cooling.

Compared w ith c alculations on S ystem 4, this is a decrease in e fficiency, w hile t he o il-fired

heating plant will show an increase in efficiency.

It is evident that the heat recovery arrangement represents an increase in energy efficiency. To
estimate the value of the heat recovery in more detail, the oil-fired heating plant also needs to be
considered. The value of the reduction of the oil consumption and the decreasing heat recovery
from hot flue-gases from the heating plant need to be taken into account.

In t his c ase, l ike i n m ost others, t he s ub-systems a re i nterconnected, w hich m eans t hat the
energy efficiency of one sub-system often has an influence on the efficiency of another. Conclusions on systems and system boundaries

It i s i mportant to c onsider a n installation in terms of i ts component un its/systems. T he

maximum return on investment m ay be g ained from c onsidering a w hole s ite and its i nter-
connected units/systems (for example, in the STS BREF, see the general BAT 13 a nd 14, and
BAT 81 f or t he coating of c ars). O therwise, ( as s een i n S ystems 1 and 2 a bove) c hanging
individual components may lead to investment in incorrectly sized equipment and missing the
most effective efficiency savings.

Energy Efficiency 39
Chapter 1

Investigations should be carried out into the need for a given existing system or sub-system, or
whether the r equired service ( e.g. c ooling, he ating) can be achieved i n a m odified o r t otally
different way to improve energy efficiency.
The units/systems must be:

defined in terms of boundaries and interactions at the appropriate level

seen to deliver an identifiable, needed service or product
assessed i n terms of the current or planned need for that product or service (i.e. not for
past plans.

The maximum energy efficiency for an installation may mean that the energy efficiency of one
or more systems may be de-optimised to achieve the overall maximum efficiency. (This may be
in mathematical terms, as ef ficiencies are gained elsewhere, or other changes may change the
factors in the ca lculations f or a n individual system. I t m ay not r esult i n m ore energy u sage

1.5.2 Other important issues to be considered at installation level Recording the reporting practices used

At i nstallation l evel, one practice ( or s et of c onventions) f or reporting s hould be adopted a nd

maintained. The bo undaries for energy e fficiency calculations a nd any changes i n bound aries
and ope rational practices should b e i dentified in t he internal and e xternal historical da tabase.
This will help maintain the interpretation and comparability between different years. Internal production and use of energy

In several processes (e.g. refineries, black liquor in pulp and paper plants) fuel that is produced
in t he process is consumed internally. It is e ssential t hat the e nergy i n t his fuel i s taken i nto
account when looking at the energy efficiency of a process. Indeed, as shown in Section 2.2.2,
refineries would have very low energy consumptions, as about 4 to 8 % of the crude oil input is
used i nternally a s l iquid and gaseous f uels. I n a ddition, r efineries m ay a lso i mport e nergy
resources s uch as electricity, st eam an d ( occasionally) n atural g as. The refinery m ay b e
equipped with a cogeneration f acility, a nd may export electricity while increasing t he i nternal
fuel c onsumption. A ccording to E quation 1.1 a nd E quation 1 .3, a r efinery e quipped with a
cogeneration facility could appear as a net energy producer, as it may become a net electricity

Clearly this does not reflect reality, as refineries consume significant amounts of energy. While
system b oundaries a nd energy v ectors c an b e ch osen to r eflect the ci rcumstances at a n
installation, once defined for a specific plant, these should be adhered to. Waste and flare recovery

Any process generates a quantity of solid, liquid and/or gaseous waste. These wastes may have
an energy value w hich m ay be r ecovered internally or externally. The solid and liquid w aste
may be e xported to an external incineration company, t he waste gases m ay b e f lared. S ee
Section 3.1.5.

40 Energy Efficiency
Chapter 1

Example: A w aste h as p reviously be en exported t o a n e xternal i ncinerator c ompany. T he
production site finds a way to use this waste internally, e.g. as fuel for its boilers or its furnaces
and needs to determine whether this improves the energy efficiency of the production unit/site,
given that:

the internal use of this waste r educes the need f or external f uels, but the overall e nergy
consumption still stays the same
on the other hand, the incinerator company may have an installation where the fuel value
of that waste is recovered via the production of steam. In this case, the rerouting of the
waste stream for use as an internal fuel rather than sending it to an incinerator company
may not result in any overall improvement of the energy efficiency when looking at the
total picture of the producer plus incinerator company.

Note: the s witch f rom e xternal incineration to i nternal u se m ay be dr iven by c ommercial

conditions and not energy efficiency.

See Overall, below for conclusions.

Flare are primarily a safety device for industry and are used to safely vent waste gases on plants
such a s mineral oil refineries, tanks f arms, chemical plants an d landfills. T heir u se as as a
disposal route for waste gases is usually only a secondary function17. Well maintained, operated
and designed sites will have, under normal operating conditions, a small to negligible flow t o
flare. Most sites will, however, have a constant small flow to the flare due to, e.g. leaking relief
valves and venting due to loading/unloading operations of storage tanks.

Any gas s ent to f lare i s burnt w ithout r ecovery of t he e nergy contained i n the flare g as. It i s
possible to install a flare gas recovery system, which recovers this small flow and recycles it to
the site fuel gas system.

Example: T he ope rator of a pr oduction process w hich previously di d not ha ve a f lare gas
recovery system, decides to install one. This will reduce the external consumption of fuel gas,
whereas the overall fuel gas consumption of the process remains the same. The operator needs
to determine how this fuel gas recovery system is considered in terms of energy efficiency. This
is more important if one production process recovers not only its own flare losses but also the
losses to flare of other production processes on the site.
See Overall, below for conclusions.

According to Equation 1.5 in Section, no credit is shown directly for recovering waste as
fuel. H owever, w here i t i s r ecycled i nternally, it may be us ed to reduce the v alue o f the fuel
import (Ef, in). Where the energy is recovered at the external incinerator, the case is analogous to
the c alculation of primary e nergy (see Section 1.3.1) a nd may be a llowed for i n t he same
manner. A nother possibility i s to de fine, for a given process, the reference p ractice on the
amount of w aste g enerated a nd t o w hat e xtent it i s recycled, and to g ive an e nergy c redit to
those operators who are able to use the waste in a more efficient way than in the reference case.
However, the picture may become unrealistically complex, unless significant amounts of wastes
containing energy are produced within the installation (proportionate to the energy input of the

An exception may be the drilling of oil, where a flare is indeed used to dispose of the gas which accompanies the oil which is
pumped up. For all other industries, especially if there are toxic gases, an incinerator is considered more appropriate than a flare
for waste gas treatment. The main advantage of a flare, however, is a much higher turndown ratio than an incinerator.

Energy Efficiency 41
Chapter 1

From t he a bove c onsiderations, it should be clear t hat i t i s important to a gree on the rules of
how to deal with waste when setting up the framework to define the SEC/EEI of a process/unit.
Different industrial sectors may have different practices and valorise the internal use of waste in
their energy efficiency. It is important that each industrial sector and/or company clearly defines
the standard practice applied.

Each i ndustry should a lso de fine clearly how to deal with wastes, t o allow a f air c omparison
between competing production processes. At installation level, one practice for reporting should
be adopted and maintained. Changes should be identified in the internal and external historical
database to maintain the comparability between different years. Load factor (reduction of SEC with increasing production)

The r eduction of the specific energy c onsumption with an increasing production r ate is qu ite
normal and is caused by two factors:

the production equipment will be operating for longer periods when the production rate is
high. T his m eans that the idle pe riods become shorter. S ome t ypes of e quipment r un
continuously, e ven during non- production times. This period w ill b e r educed w hen the
non-production time gets shorter
there is a base energy consumption that does not depend on t he utilisation of production
capacity. This consumption is related to the starting up a nd the maintaining temperature
of e quipment ( without a ny pr oduction, s ee s ensible he at, S ection, the us e of
lighting, f ans f or v entilation, office m achines, e tc. The he ating of the pr emises is a lso
independent of the production rate but rather on the outdoor temperature, as is shown in
Figure 1.17. A t higher production rates, t hese c onsumptions w ill be spread over m ore
(tonnes of) products.

To eliminate the influence of t he load factor on the real energy efficiency of the site/unit, the
operator m ay u se sect or/site/unit-specific c orrection f actors. E qually, t he b aseload o f t he
site/unit m ay be measured, calculated o r e stimated ( e.g. by e xtrapolating from di fferent
production rates). This situation is analogous to financial accounting, and the energy efficiency
balances can be qualified in specific cases [127, TWG].

The o perator s hould upd ate t he i nternal and external hi storical da tabase t o maintain t he
comparability between different years. Changes in production techniques and product development

Changes i n pr oduction t echniques may be i mplemented, e.g. a s a r esult of t echnical

development, or be cause of new components or t echnical s ystems be ing a vailable on the
market. Obsolete technical systems may need to be replaced and new control systems may need
to be i ntroduced to i mprove t he pr oduction e fficiency. T he i ntroduction of s uch c hanges o f
production t echniques m ay a lso l ead t o i mprovements o f e nergy e fficiency. C hanges i n
production t echniques l eading to more e fficient e nergy us e will be r egarded as measures for
energy efficiency improvements. See Sections 2.3 and 2.3.1.

In s ome c ases, ne w units may need t o be a dded to a production pr ocess to m eet t he m arket
demand, t o c omply w ith ne w pr oduct s pecifications or t o comply w ith environmental
requirements. In these cases, t he S EC m ay deteriorate a fter t he n ew u nit h as been p ut into
operation, because the new unit requires additional energy. This does not mean that the site is
failing in its management of energy.

The o perator s hould upd ate t he i nternal and external hi storical da tabase t o maintain t he
comparability between different years.

42 Energy Efficiency
Chapter 1


new fuel specifications (for low sulphur diesel and petrol set by the EURO IV regulation)
required the adaptation of mineral oil refineries during the years 2000 - 2005. This led to
an increase of energy consumption at the refineries
in the pulp a nd pa per i ndustry, i mprovements t o the fibres used in t he pr ocess led t o a
reduction o f energy us e. A t a l ater date, the quality of t he finished product was a lso
improved, w hich r equired i ncreased grinding. A fter these two s teps in technical
development, the end result was an increase in the total energy use
a steel c ompany c an i mprove t he s trength of the delivered steel products; however, t he
new pr ocesses increase energy c onsumption. T he c ustomers can r educe the steel
thicknesses in their products by several tens of percentage points. There may be energy
gains from the decreased weight of the products e.g. in cars. The energy savings are part
of the life cycle assessment of the products, and does not figure in the energy efficiency
calculations for an installation (as the IPPC Directive does not include LCA of products).

Changes in the production layout

Changes in the production layout may mean e.g. that unprofitable production lines will be shut
down, utility s upport s ystems will be c hanged, and similar lines of b usiness w ill be merged.
Changes in production layout may also be made to achieve energy efficiency improvements.

This m ay i mpact on t he S EC de nominator, a nd t he ope rator should upda te their i nternal a nd

external historical database to maintain the comparability between different years.

Ceasing the manufacturing of a product with high energy input

A company may cease to manufacture a product that requires a high energy input. Both the total
and the specific energy consumption will be reduced. This may be claimed to be a m easure to
improve the energy efficiency although no other measures have been taken.

Again, t he operator s hould update t he internal and external historical database to maintain the
comparability between different years.

The supply of a utility is sourced out side of the installation, e.g. the generation and supply of
compressed air ( see S ection 3.7). The e nergy c onsumption would b e reduced by buy ing
compressed air from an external source. The energy use of the supplier of compressed air will
be increased. The change should be dealt with as described in primary energy as discussed in

Contracting out of process steps

An operator m ay c onsider contracting out a process that i s e nergy i ntensive, such a s heat
treatment of metal components. As the operation still has to be carried out, it cannot be regarded
as an action for energy efficiency improvements, and should be included in calculations, unless
the change i s no ted in r ecords a nd t he S EC a nd E EI a re amended a ccordingly. N ote: a sub-
contractor running such a process may be more energy efficient, as there may be more expert
knowledge of t he process ( enabling be tter pr ocess optimisation) a nd there m ay be higher
throughput, reducing the load factor.

Example: A n ope rator of an i nstallation for t he serial c onstruction of cars de cides t o increase
their purchase of components instead of manufacturing such components themselves. The result
will be that the total and the specific energy consumption will decrease. This must be taken into
account in the updating of energy efficiency indicators and records.

Energy Efficiency 43
Chapter 1 Energy integration

Internal power production

Internal pow er production (electricity or s team) without increasing t he u se of p rimary e nergy
sources i s a r ecognised way of i mproving e nergy e fficiency. T his c an be optimised by the
exchange o f energy with adjacent units o r installations (or no n-industrial u sers); s ee
Sections 2.4, 2.12, 2.13 and 3.3. System boundaries need to be defined and possible ambiguities
settled. The s etting of bounda ries i s discussed i n S ections 1.4 a nd 1.5 above, and calculating
primary energies in Section

Use of oxygen in a combustion plant

Oxygen may be used as in a combustion plant to increase combustion efficiency and reduce fuel
inputs. It also has a beneficial effect on t he energy efficiency by reducing the air mass flow in
the flue-gases, and reduced NOX emissions. However, energy is also used in the production of
O2, either on-site or off-site, and this should be accounted for. This is discussed under primary
energy (Section, in Section 3.1.6 and in Annex 7.9.5.

Process integration and company disaggregation

Over the last few decades, two trends can be observed:

the integration of processes

the disaggregation of companies, especially in the chemicals sector.

The de velopment o f s ites w ith a hi gh d egree of integration of fers considerable e conomic

advantages. I n ot her c ases, t he m arket s trategy ha s be en to br eak c ompanies i nto t heir
component production entities. In both cases, this results in complex sites with many operators
present and with the utilities being generated either by one of these operators or even by a third
party. It may also result in complex energy flows between the different operators.

In general, these large integrated complexes offer a high potential for an efficient use of energy
through integration. Inefficient use of energy contributing to sustainability and/or

overall site efficiency

As noted in Sections 1.4 and 1.5, special care is required when defining the system boundaries
for e nergy e fficiency f or complex s ites, such a s t hose de scribed in S ection, e tc. I t i s
emphasised that in the specific examination of individual production processes, certain energy
uses might seem inefficient even though they constitute a highly efficient approach within the
integrated system of the site. Individual unit, process or system operators not able to operate at
the best efficiency may be commercially compensated in order to achieve the most competitive
environment for the integrated site as a whole.

Some examples are:

the use of steam in a drying process appears to be less energy efficient than the direct use
of n atural g as. H owever, the l ow pressure s team c omes f rom a C HP p rocess combined
with highly efficient electricity generation (see Sections 3.4 and
cogeneration plants located at the production site are not always owned by the production
site, but may be a joint venture with the local electricity generation company. The steam
is owned by the site operator and the electricity is owned by the electricity company. Care
should therefore be taken as to how these facilities are accounted for
electricity i s generated an d co nsumed at the sam e site; h owever, f ewer t ransmission
losses are achieved
within a highly integrated system, residues containing energy from production processes
are returned into the energy cycle. Examples are the return of waste heat steam into the

44 Energy Efficiency
Chapter 1

steam network and the use of hydrogen from the electrolysis process as a fuel substitute
gas in the heat and/or electricity generation process or as a chemical (e.g. raw material in
hydrogen pe roxide production). Other e xamples a re the i ncineration of production
residues in plant boilers, and waste gases burnt as fuels, w hich h ave a lower efficiency
than u sing e .g. natural g as (in hy drocarbon g ases i n a refinery or C O i n non-ferrous
metals processing). See Section 3.1.6.

Although no t w ithin t he s cope o f this document ( see S cope), renewable/sustainable e nergy

sources a nd/or fuels c an r educe the ov erall carbon dioxide emissions to t he atmosphere. This
can be accounted for by using a carbon balance, see Section and Annex 7.9.6. Heating and cooling of premises

The heating and cooling of premises is an energy use that is strongly dependent on the outdoor
temperature, as is shown in Figure 1.17.

Energy consumption for

heating, MWh/week
Reduction of energy consumption
due to energy saving measures

Weekly average outdoor

temperature (C)
-20 0

Figure 1.17: Energy consumption depending on outdoor temperature

If measures such as heat recovery from the outlet of ventilation air or improvement of building
insulation are taken, the line in Figure 1.17 will move downwards.

The heating and cooling requirements are therefore independent of production throughput and
form part of the load factor, see Section Regional factors

Heating a nd c ooling ( Section, a bove) a re r egional f actors, generally w ith he ating
requirements being greater in northern Europe, and cooling greater in southern Europe. This can
affect the production processes, e.g. the need to keep waste at a treatable temperature in waste
treatment i nstallations in Finland in winter, and the ne ed to k eep f ood products fresh w ill
require more cooling in southern Europe, etc.

Regional and local climatic v ariations a lso h ave o ther r estrictions o n e nergy e fficiency: the
efficiency of coal b oilers in nor thern E urope i s generally about 38 % bu t in southern Europe
35 %, the e fficiency of w et c ooling systems i s affected by the a mbient t emperature and dew
point, etc.

Energy Efficiency 45
Chapter 1 Sensible heat

Heat that results in a temperature change is said to be 'sensible' (i.e. that are apparent or can be
'sensed', a lthough t his t erm i s f alling out o f us e), see S ection 3.1. F or example, the h eating
requirement to bring all plant input from ambient temperature to 104.4 C in a refinery is called
the sensible heat. Further examples

Annex 7.3 lists further examples of processes:

example 1: ethylene cracker

example 2: vinyl acetate monomer (VAM) production
example 3: hot rolling mill in a steel works

These processes illustrate the following issues:

varied and complex sites

complex energy flows
multiple products with fuel values
electrical energy efficiency varying with production
specific industry-wide E EI ( energy e fficiency indicator) for refineries, the Solomon
Energy Benchmark, in Annex 7.9.1

46 Energy Efficiency
Chapter 2


[9, Bolder, 2003, 89, European Commission, 2004, 91, CEFIC, 2005, 92, Motiva Oy, 2005, 96,
Honskus, 2006, 108, Intelligent Energy - Europe, 2005, 127, TWG]

A hierarchical approach has been used for Chapters 2 and 3:

Chapter 2 describes techniques to be considered at the level of a entire installation with

the potential to achieve optimum energy efficiency
Chapter 3 sets out techniques to be considered at a level below installation: primarily the
level of energy-using systems (e.g. compressed air, steam) or activities (e.g. combustion),
and subsequently at the lower level for some energy-using component parts or equipment
(e.g. motors).

Management sy stems, p rocess-integrated t echniques an d specific technical m easures are

included i n the two c hapters, b ut they ov erlap completely when s eeking the optimum results.
Many examples of an integrated approach demonstrate all three types of measures. This makes
the separation of techniques for description somewhat difficult and arbitrary.

Neither t his c hapter nor Chapter 3 g ives an e xhaustive l ist of t echniques and t ools, a nd other
techniques m ay e xist or b e developed w hich m ay b e e qually v alid w ithin the f ramework of
IPPC a nd B AT. Techniques from t his c hapter a nd f rom C hapter 3 m ay be used s ingly or as
combinations and are supported by information in Chapter 1 to achieve the objectives of IPPC.

Where pos sible, a s tandard s tructure i s used t o out line e ach t echnique i n t his chapter a nd i n
Chapter 3, a s shown in Table 2.1. Note that this structure is also used to describe the systems
under consideration, s uch as ( at i nstallation l evel) e nergy management, a nd ( at a l ower l evel)
compressed air, combustion, etc.

Type of information
Type of information included
Short descriptions of energy efficiency techniques presented with figures,
pictures, flow sheets, etc. that demonstrate the techniques
The main environmental benefits supported by the appropriate measured
emission and consumption data. In this document, specifically the
increase of energy efficiency, but including any information on reduction
of other pollutants and consumption levels
Any side-effects and disadvantages affecting the environment caused by
implementation of the technique. Details on the environmental problems
of the technique in comparison with others
Performance data on energy and other consumptions (raw materials and
water) and on emissions/wastes. Any other useful information on how to
Operational data
operate, maintain and control the technique, including safety aspects,
operational constraints of the technique, output quality, etc.
Consideration of the factors involved in applying and retrofitting the
Applicability technique (e.g. space availability, process specific, other constraints or
disadvantages of the technique)
Information on costs (investment and operation) and related energy
savings, EUR kWh (thermal and/or electricity) and other possible savings
(e.g. reduced raw material consumption, waste charges) also as related to
the capacity of the technique
Driving force for Reasons (other than the IPPC Directive) for implementation of the
implementation technique (e.g. legislation, voluntary commitments, economic reasons)
Reference to at least one situation where the technique is reported to be
Reference Information that was used in writing the section and that contains more
information details
Table 2.1: The information breakdown for systems and techniques described in Chapters 2 and 3

Energy Efficiency 47
Chapter 2

2.1 Energy efficiency management systems (ENEMS)

All industrial companies can s ave energy by applying t he same sound management pr inciples
and t echniques they use e lsewhere in t he bus iness for k ey r esources s uch a s finance, r aw
material a nd l abour as well a s for e nvironment a nd health and safety. T hese m anagement
practices i nclude full managerial a ccountability f or energy us e. The m anagement of energy
consumption and costs eliminates waste and brings cumulative savings over time.

Note t hat some en ergy management techniques that s ecure f inancial savings do n ot reduce
energy usage (see Section 7.11).

The b est e nvironmental performance i s us ually a chieved by t he i nstallation of t he b est

technology and its operation in the most effective and efficient manner. This is recognised by
the IPPC Directive definition of techniques as 'both the technology used and the way in which
the installation is designed, built, maintained, operated and decommissioned'.

For IPPC installations, an environmental management system (EMS) is a tool that operators can
use to address these design, construction, maintenance, operation and decommissioning issues
in a s ystematic, de monstrable w ay. A n E MS i ncludes the o rganisational structure,
responsibilities, pr actices, pr ocedures, processes a nd r esources f or developing, implementing,
maintaining, r eviewing a nd monitoring t he environmental po licy. E nvironmental management
systems ar e m ost effective and e fficient w here t hey form an inherent p art of t he o verall
management and operation of an installation.

Management to achieve energy efficiency similarly requires structured attention to energy with
the ob jective of c ontinuously r educing e nergy c onsumption and improving efficiency i n
production a nd ut ilities, and sustaining the achieved i mprovements at bot h c ompany and s ite
level. It provides a structure and a basis for the determination of the current energy efficiency,
defining pos sibilities f or i mprovement a nd e nsuring c ontinuous i mprovement. A ll e ffective
energy efficiency (and environmental) management standards, programmes and guides contain
the notion of c ontinuous i mprovement meaning t hat e nergy management is a process, not a
project which eventually comes to an end.

There a re v arious process designs, bu t m ost management s ystems a re ba sed on t he pl an-do-

check-act approach (which is widely used in other company management contexts). The cycle is
a reiterative dynamic model, where the completion of one cycle flows into the beginning of the
next, see Figure 2.1.

5. Management review (improve = 1. Energy policy

ACT) (commitment)
Management reporting Legislation
Deviation reports Targets, CO2 or energy
Review of Targets efficiency
4. Control and corrective actions Targets and plan of action
(monitor = CHECK) ENEMS, standards, design
Control of deviations + corrective
Internal and external system audit 3. Implementation and operation
Benchmarking (= DO)
Organisation and
Motivating, awards, training
Plan > Do > Check > Act approach Energy monitoring and
Energy purchase, reporting

Figure 2.1: Continuous improvement of an energy efficiency management system

[92, Motiva Oy, 2005]

48 Energy Efficiency
Chapter 2

The best pe rformance ha s been associated with e nergy management systems t hat show t he
following: (from Energy management matrix, [107, Good Practice Guide, 2004])

energy policy energy policy, action plans and regular reviews have the commitments of
top management as part of an environmental strategy
organising energy management f ully i ntegrated i nto m anagement structure. Clear
delegation of responsibility for energy consumption
motivation formal and informal channels of communication regularly used by energy
managers and energy staff at all levels
information systems a c omprehensive s ystem sets t argets, monitors consumptions,
identifies faults, quantifies savings and provides budget tracking
marketing m arketing t he value o f en ergy e fficiency an d t he p erformance o f en ergy
management both within and outside the organisation
investment po sitive d iscrimination in favour of 'green' schemes w ith detailed
investment appraisal of all new-build and refurbishment opportunities.

From these sources, it can be seen that an energy efficiency management system (ENEMS) for
an IPPC installation should contain the following components:

a. commitment of top management

b. definition of an energy efficiency policy
c. planning and establishing objectives and targets
d. implementation and operation of procedures
e. benchmarking
f. checking and corrective action
g. management review
h. preparation of a regular energy efficiency statement
i. validation by certification body or external ENEMS verifier
j. design considerations for end-of-life plant decommissioning
k. development of energy efficient technologies.

These features are explained in greater detail below. Detailed information on components (a) to
(k), is given in the Reference information, below. Examples are given in Annex 7.4.

a. Commitment of top management

The commitment of t op management i s the p recondition for successful energy e fficiency

management. Top management should:

place e nergy e fficiency h igh on t he c ompany a genda, m ake i t v isible and give i t
identify one t op manager with r esponsibility for energy efficiency ( this need not be t he
person responsible for energy, by analogy to quality management systems)
help cr eate an energy e fficiency c ulture and c reate t he n ecessary d riving f orces f or
define a strategy (long te rm visions) t o a chieve e nergy efficiency w ithin integrated
pollution prevention and control objectives
set company t argets to a chieve t hese e nergy ef ficiency o bjectives w ith the IPPC
define short and medium term concrete actions to achieve the long term vision
provide the platform to integrate decision-making in order to achieve integrated pollution
prevention including energy savings, particularly for when planning new installations or
significant upgrading
guide the company to make investment and purchasing decisions that achieve integrated
pollution pr evention c oupled w ith e nergy s avings on a c ontinuing basis. I ntegrated
pollution prevention a nd control i s a chieved t hrough i ntegrated decision-making a nd

Energy Efficiency 49
Chapter 2

actions, including the buying of utilities and capital equipment, planning, production, and
maintenance as well as environmental management
define an energy efficiency policy, see (b) below.

b. Definition of an energy efficiency policy

Top management are responsible for defining an energy efficiency policy for an installation and
ensuring that it:

is appropriate to the nature (including local conditions, such as climate), scale and energy
use of the activities carried out at the installation
includes a commitment to energy efficiency
includes a commitment to comply with all relevant legislation and regulations applicable
to energy efficiency, and with other requirements (including energy agreements) to which
the organisation subscribes
provides the framework for setting and reviewing energy efficiency objectives and targets
is documented and communicated to all employees
may be made available to the public and all interested parties.

c. Planning and establishing objectives and targets (see Section 2.2)

procedures t o identify the energy efficiency aspects of the installation and t o keep t his
information up-to-date
procedures t o e valuate pr oposals for n ew pr ocesses, uni ts and e quipment, u pgrades,
rebuilds a nd r eplacements in or der t o identify t he energy efficiency aspects a nd t o
influence the planning and purchasing to optimise energy efficiency and IPPC
procedures to i dentify and have access t o l egal and other requirements to which t he
organisation subscribes and t hat a re a pplicable to t he e nergy e fficiency a spects of i ts
establishing an d reviewing d ocumented en ergy efficiency o bjectives and targets, taking
into consideration the legal and other requirements and the views of interested parties
establishing an d regularly updating an en ergy ef ficiency m anagement programme,
including de signation of responsibility for a chieving obj ectives a nd t argets at e ach
relevant function and level as well as the means and timeframe by which they are to be

d. Implementation and operation of procedures

It i s i mportant to ha ve s ystems i n pl ace to e nsure that pr ocedures a re known, understood a nd

complied with, therefore effective energy management includes:

(i) structure and responsibility:

defining, do cumenting, r eporting a nd communicating r oles, responsibilities a nd
authorities, which includes m andating one specific management r epresentative ( in
addition to a top manager (see (a) above)
providing r esources essential to t he i mplementation a nd control of the e nergy
management s ystem, i ncluding hum an r esources a nd s pecialised skills, technology a nd
financial resources

(ii) training, awareness and competence:

identifying t raining ne eds t o e nsure t hat all pe rsonnel whose work may s ignificantly
affect the e nergy ef ficiency o f t he ac tivity h ave r eceived ap propriate t raining ( see
Section 2.6)

50 Energy Efficiency
Chapter 2

(iii) communication:
establishing and maintaining procedures for internal communication between the various
levels and functions of the installation. It is particularly important that all individuals and
teams t hat have a r ole i n e nergy e fficiency s hould ha ve e stablished p rocedures for
maintaining contact, especially those buying energy-using utilities and capital equipment,
as well as those responsible for production, maintenance and planning
establishing p rocedures t hat foster a dialogue with ex ternal i nterested p arties and
procedures for r eceiving, doc umenting a nd, w here r easonable, responding t o r elevant
communication from external interested parties (see Section 2.7)

(iv) employee involvement:

involving employees in the process aimed at achieving a h igh level of energy efficiency
by a pplying a ppropriate f orms of participation such as t he s uggestion-book s ystem,
project-based group works or environmental committees (see Section 2.7)

(v) documentation:
establishing a nd m aintaining up -to-date i nformation, i n pa per or e lectronic form, t o
describe the core elements of the management system and their interaction and to provide
references to related documentation

(vi) effective control of processes (see Section 2.8):

adequate c ontrol o f processes under a ll modes of operation, i .e. p reparation, start-up,
routine operation, shutdown and abnormal conditions.
identifying t he k ey performance indicators for energy e fficiency and m ethods f or
measuring a nd c ontrolling t hese pa rameters (e.g. f low, pr essure, temperature,
composition and quantity)
optimising these parameters for energy efficient operation
documenting and analysing abnormal operating conditions to identify the root causes and
then addressing these to ensure that events do not recur (this can be facilitated by a no-
blame c ulture where t he identification of causes is more i mportant t han apportioning
blame to individuals)

(vii) maintenance (see Section 2.9):

establishing a s tructured programme f or maintenance based on technical descriptions of
the equipment, norms etc. as well as any equipment failures and consequences
supporting t he maintenance programme by a ppropriate r ecord keeping s ystems a nd
diagnostic testing
identifying from r outine maintenance, breakdowns a nd/or a bnormalities, possible l osses
in energy efficiency, or where energy efficiency could be improved
clearly allocating responsibility for the planning and execution of maintenance

(viii) emergency preparedness and response:

consider energy usage when recovering or reworking raw materials or products affected
by emergency situations.

e. Benchmarking, i.e.:

carrying out systematic and r egular comparisons with sector, n ational o r regional
benchmarks (see Section 2.16 for further details).

f. Checking and corrective action, i.e. (see also benchmarking (e) above:

(i) monitoring and measurement (see Section 2.10)

establishing a nd maintaining doc umented pr ocedures t o monitor a nd measure, on a
regular basis, the k ey c haracteristics of o perations a nd activities t hat c an have a
significant impact on energy efficiency, i ncluding t he r ecording of information f or

Energy Efficiency 51
Chapter 2

tracking pe rformance, r elevant op erational c ontrols a nd conformance w ith the

installation's energy efficiency objectives and targets
establishing a nd maintaining a doc umented p rocedure for periodically e valuating
compliance w ith relevant energy e fficiency l egislation, regulations and agreements
(where such agreements exist)

(ii) corrective and preventive action

establishing a nd m aintaining pr ocedures f or de fining r esponsibility a nd a uthority f or
handling a nd i nvestigating non -conformance w ith pe rmit conditions, ot her l egal
requirements and commitments as well as objectives and targets, taking action to mitigate
any impacts caused and for initiating and completing corrective and preventive action that
are a ppropriate t o t he magnitude of the problem a nd c ommensurate with the energy
efficiency impact encountered

(iii) records and reporting

establishing a nd m aintaining pr ocedures f or the i dentification, m aintenance a nd
disposition o f l egible, i dentifiable a nd t raceable energy e fficiency r ecords, i ncluding
training records and the results of audits and reviews
establishing r egular reporting t o the i dentified pe rson(s) on pr ogress towards e nergy
efficiency targets

(iv) energy audit and energy diagnosis (see Section 2.11)

establishing a nd m aintaining ( a) p rogramme(s) a nd pr ocedures f or pe riodic e nergy
efficiency management system audits that include discussions with personnel, inspection
of operating conditions and equipment and reviewing of records and documentation and
that results in a written report, to be carried out impartially and objectively by employees
(internal audits) or external parties (external audits), covering the audit scope, frequency
and methodologies, as well as the responsibilities and requirements for conducting audits
and reporting r esults, i n order to de termine w hether o r no t t he e nergy efficiency
management s ystem c onforms to pl anned a rrangements a nd ha s b een properly
implemented and maintained
completing t he audit or audit cycle, as a ppropriate, d epending on t he na ture, scale and
complexity o f the activities and the a udit, t he significance of energy us e, associated
environmental impacts, the importance and urgency of the problems detected by previous
audits and the history of any energy inefficiency or problems more complex activities
with a more significant environmental impact are audited more frequently
having appropriate mechanisms in place to ensure that the audit results are followed up

(v) periodic evaluation of compliance with legalisation and agreements, etc.

reviewing compliance with the applicable energy efficiency legislation, the conditions of
the environmental permit(s) he ld by the i nstallation, and any e nergy e fficiency
documentation of the evaluation.

g. Management review, i.e.:

reviewing, by top m anagement, a t i ntervals that i t determines, t he e nergy efficiency

management system, to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness (see
Section 2.5)
ensuring that the necessary information is collected to allow management to carry out this
documentation of the review.

52 Energy Efficiency
Chapter 2

h. Preparation of a regular energy efficiency statement:

preparing an en ergy e fficiency st atement that p ays p articular a ttention t o t he r esults

achieved b y the installation against i ts e nergy e fficiency objectives and targets. I t i s
regularly produced from once a year to less frequently depending on the significance of
energy use, etc. It considers the information needs of relevant interested parties and it is
publicly a vailable ( e.g. in e lectronic publ ications, l ibraries, e tc.), according t o
Applicability (below).

When p roducing a s tatement, t he operator m ay use relevant existing e nergy e fficiency

performance indicators, making sure that the indicators chosen:

give an accurate appraisal of the installations performance

are understandable and unambiguous
allow for y ear on year c omparison to assess the de velopment of the energy e fficiency
performance of the installation
allow for comparison with sector, national or regional benchmarks as appropriate
allow for comparison with regulatory requirements as appropriate.

i. Validation by certification body or external ENEMS verifier:

having the energy efficiency management system, audit procedure and policy statement
examined and validated by an accredited certification body or an external verifier can, if
carried out properly, enhance the credibility of the system (see Applicability, below).

j. Design considerations for end-of-life plant decommissioning

giving consideration to the environmental impact from the eventual decommissioning of

the un it at the s tage of d esigning a ne w plant, as f orethought makes decommissioning
easier, cleaner and cheaper
decommissioning pos es environmental r isks f or the c ontamination o f l and ( and
groundwater) and often generates l arge qu antities of solid w aste. Preventive techniques
are p rocess-specific but general c onsiderations, when sel ecting e nergy efficient
techniques, may include:
avoiding underground structures
incorporating features that facilitate dismantling
choosing surface finishes that are easily decontaminated
using an equipment configuration that minimises trapped chemicals and facilitates
drain-down or washing
designing flexible, self-contained units that enable phased closure
using biodegradable and recyclable materials where possible
avoiding t he use of ha zardous substances, e.g. w here s ubstitutes e xist (such a s in
heat exchanging or i nsulating fluids). Where hazardous m aterials a re us ed,
managing appropriately the risks in use, maintence and decommissioning.

k. Development of energy efficient technologies:

energy ef ficiency should b e an inherent f eature o f an y process design act ivities carried
out by the operator, since techniques incorporated at the earliest possible design stage are
both m ore effective a nd c heaper ( see S ection 2.3). G iving consideration t o t he
development of e nergy e fficient technologies can for instance o ccur through R &D
activities or studies. As an alternative to internal activities, arrangements can be made to
keep a breast w ith and where appropriate commission w ork by ot her op erators or
research institutes active in the relevant field.

Energy Efficiency 53
Chapter 2

Achieved environmental benefits

Implementation of a nd a dherence t o an ENEMS focuses t he attention of the o perator on the
energy efficiency pe rformance of the installation. In pa rticular, the m aintenance of a nd
compliance w ith clear operating procedures f or both nor mal a nd a bnormal situations and the
associated l ines o f responsibility s hould e nsure t hat t he installations permit conditions and
other energy efficiency targets and objectives are met at all times.

Energy efficiency m anagement s ystems t ypically e nsure the c ontinuous improvement of t he

energy efficiency performance o f the installation. The poo rer t he starting poi nt i s, the m ore
significant s hort-term i mprovements can be e xpected. I f t he i nstallation a lready ha s a g ood
overall energy e fficiency pe rformance, t he s ystem he lps the op erator t o m aintain t he h igh
performance level.

Cross-media effects
Energy e fficiency management t echniques s hould be de signed to i ntegrate with ot her
environmental ob jectives a nd c onsider t he ov erall e nvironmental impact, w hich is c onsistent
with the integrated approach of the IPPC Directive. However, energy efficiency is likely to be
one of several ob jectives to m eet, and others (such as t he saving of r aw m aterials, improved
product q uality, reduction of emissions t o the environment which m ay i ncrease energy
consumption). This is discussed f urther i n the ECM REF ( Reference document on E conomics
and Cross-media Effects).

Operational data
No specific information reported. See Examples, below.

1. C omponents
The components described above can typically be applied to all IPPC i nstallations. The scope
(e.g. l evel of d etail) a nd nature of the E NEMS ( e.g. standardised or n on-standardised) will
generally be related to the nature, scale and complexity of the installation, and the energy usage,
as well as the range of other environmental impacts it may have. For example:

in s mall installations, t he t op m anager in Section 2.1(a) and 2.1 (d)(i) m ay be t he s ame

the e nergy pol icy 2.1( b) may be made publ ic a s p art of a s tatement of environmental
policy or via a corporate social responsibility report
other factors such as legislation relating to competition and confidentiality must be taken
into account (see section 2.1(h)). E nergy e fficiency may be made publ ic by t he us e of
indices (e.g. Y % reduction where energy use in year X is 100 %), aggregating the figures
of installations on the same site or in the same company (see Section 1.3 and examples in
Annex 7.4).

2. Standardised and non-standardised EMSs and/or ENEMSs

Within the European U nion, m any or ganisations have decided on a v oluntary basis to
implement energy management systems. These may be:

adding s pecific r equirements for e nergy e fficiency t o a n e xisting m anagement s ystem,

usually ( but not exclusively) a n EMS ( note t hat ENEMSs described in the bullet below
are designed t o to be consistent w ith an e xisting E MS). A n E MS may be ba sed on E N
ISO 14001:1996 or the EU Eco-management and audit scheme EMAS. EMAS includes
the management system requirements of EN ISO 14001, but places additional emphasis
on l egal compliance, e nvironmental pe rformance a nd e mployee i nvolvement; i t a lso
requires e xternal verification of the management s ystem and v alidation of a public
environmental s tatement. In EN ISO 14001 s elf-declaration is an alternative t o external
verification. T here are a lso many organisations t hat ha ve decided t o put in place non-
standardised EMSs

54 Energy Efficiency
Chapter 2

using separate energy efficiency management systems (ENEMSs). These may be:
energy management based on national standards (such as the Danish DS 2403, the
Irish I S 393, the S wedish SS627750, the G erman VDI Richtlinie No. 46 E nergy
Management, the Finnish guideline or other guidelines (international standards or
guidelines on energy management). A European (CEN) standard is in preparation
energy management system on a n on-standardised basis and adapted to meet their
own needs and management structures.

A review of benchmarking and energy management schemes has found [165, BESS_EIS]:

advantages of a standardised system (e.g. Denmark DS 2403):

structured a pproach, concentrates on energy, easily a chieved i f I SO or another
management system is already in place
structure and terminology parallel to ISO 14001 and ISO 9001
proved energy savings in Denmark 10 to 15 %
energy efficiency becomes an organisational requirement by top management
certification issued after approval
large companies prefer certified or structured management systems
the certification process is valuable, challenging and detailed
covers a ll t opics of energy supply, transformation, us e, be haviour, technology,
well-documented (ISO 9001 based)
can be used in any energy agreements
in itself, only guarantees a minimum energy management level
the degree to which companies implement, e.g. DS 2403 varies
the focus for the companies is to satisfy the system, not to implement best practice
in energy management
if no f ormal documented management system is in place, it will require additional
resources and expertise to implement.

Implementation a nd adherence to an internationally a ccepted standardised s ystem such a s E N

ISO 14001:1996 can give higher credibility to the EMS, especially when subject to a properly
performed e xternal v erification. E MAS provides additional c redibility due t o the interaction
with the public through the environmental statement and the mechanism to ensure compliance
with the a pplicable e nvironmental legislation. H owever, non- standardised systems c an i n
principle be equally effective provided that they are properly designed and implemented.

3. External verification
Depending on t he c hosen system, the ope rator may opt (or not) t o ha ve e xternal verification
and/or a public energy statement.

4. Making a n energy efficiency pol icy public ( see (h), a bove) m ay be restricted by
confidentiality a nd c ompetition r easons. While it may act as a dr iver, i t does not i n i tself
increase ENE. The general policy for energy efficiency can be made available to the public in a
Corporate S ocial R esponsibility Report, and/or da ta c an be r eported a s i ndices, e .g. s ee
Examples, and Annex 7.4.

It i s difficult t o accurately de termine t he c osts and e conomic be nefits of introducing a nd
maintaining a good E NEMS. H owever, i t should be remembered that s avings ( net) c ontribute
directly to gross profit.

See Examples, below.

Energy Efficiency 55
Chapter 2

Driving forces for implementation

Energy efficiency management systems can provide a number of advantages, for example:

improved insight into the energy efficiency aspects of the company

improved en ergy ef ficiency p erformance an d compliance w ith energy efficiency
measures (voluntary or regulatory)
improved competitiveness, in particular against a trend of increasing energy prices
additional opportunities for operational cost reduction and product quality improvement
improved basis for decision-making
improved motivation of personnel
improved company image
increased attractiveness for employees, customers and investors
increased trust of regulators, which could lead to reduced regulatory oversight
facilitates the u se o f l iberalised en ergy markets, e merging en ergy ser vices, en ergy
agreements, and energy efficiency incentives (See, e.g. Annexes 7.4, 7.11, 7.12, 7.13 and

Examples (see Annex 7.4)

Outokumpu, Tornio works, Finland [160, Aguado, 2007]
Aughinish Alumina (AAL), Ireland [161, SEI, 2006]
Dow Chemical Company [163, Dow, 2005]. Dow achieved the targeted 20 % reduction
in energy intensity, down from 13 849 kJ/kg of product to 11 079 kJ/kg, measured as kg
of total Dow product mix
Proved energy savings in Denmark [165, BESS_EIS].

Reference information
[160, Aguado, 2007, 161, SEI, 2006, 163, Dow, 2005]

1. Key environmental standards

(Regulation ( EC) N o 76 1/2001 of t he E uropean p arliament and o f the c ouncil a llowing
voluntary pa rticipation by or ganisations in a C ommunity e co-management a nd a udit s cheme
(EMAS), OJ L 114, 24/4/2001, http://europa.eu.int/comm/environment/emas/index_en.htm)

(EN I SO 14001: 1996, http://www.iso.ch/iso/en/iso9000-14000/iso14000/iso14000index.html;


2. Energy efficiency standards

IS 393:2005 Energy management systems (Ireland)
DS2403 Energy management systems (Denmark)
SS627750 Energy management systems (Sweden).

2.2 Planning and establishing objectives and targets

2.2.1 Continuing environmental improvement and cross-media issues

An i mportant e lement of an e nvironmental m anagement s ystem ( EMS, w hich i s B AT in a ll
IPPC sectors) is maintaining overall environmental improvement. It is essential that the operator
understands what happens to the inputs including energy (understanding the process), and how
their consumption leads to emissions. It is equally important, when controlling significant inputs
and ou tputs, to maintain the correct balance b etween e missions reduction and c ross-media
effects, s uch as energy, water an d r aw m aterials co nsumption. This reduces the o verall
environmental impact of the installation.

56 Energy Efficiency
Chapter 2

In or der t o a chieve a n integrated a pproach t o pol lution c ontrol, i t is important to include

continuing environmental improvement as a f ocus i n the business planning for an i nstallation.
This includes short, m edium and long t erm pl anning and a ll t he c omponent processes a nd/or
systems of the installation. It should be noted that 'continuing' in this context means the aim of
environmental i mprovement i s continuous, a nd that planning a nd t he consequent a ctions a re
repeated over time to achieve this.

All s ignificant consumptions (including e nergy) and emissions s hould be managed i n a co-
ordinated manner for the short, medium and long term, in conjunction with financial planning
and investment c ycles, i.e. a dapting s hort t erm e nd-of-pipe s olutions to e missions may t ie the
operator t o l ong term hi gher energy consumption, a nd pos tpone i nvestment i n m ore
environmentally be neficial s olutions ( see E xamples, be low). This w ill require s ome
consideration of the cross-media issues, and guidance on these and the costing and cost-benefits
issues is given in Section 1.1.6 and in more detail in the ECM REF [167, EIPPCB, 2006], and in
energy efficient design and other sections (Section 2.2.2, etc.).

The environmental benefits may not be linear, e.g. it may not be possible to achieve 2 % energy
savings e very y ear f or 1 0 years. B enefits a re likely to b e i rregular a nd stepwise, reflecting
investment i n E NE p rojects, etc. E qually, t here may be c ross-media e ffects from ot her
environmental improvements: for example it may be necessary to increase energy consumption
to abate an air pollutant. Figure 2.2 shows how energy use may:

decrease following a first energy audit and subsequent actions

rise when additional emissions abatement equipment is installed
decrease again following further actions and investment
the ov erall trend f or e nergy us e i s dow nwards ov er time, a s t he r esult o f l onger t erm
planning and investments.

Increase due to
addition of pollution
abatement equipment

Result of X year plan

Results of first
energy audit
Energy use
s ion

X year plan
on pt
is sum
em on

Figure 2.2: Example of possible variation of energy use over time

[256, Tempany, 2007]

Energy efficiency is given a high degree of importance in EU policy (in statements such as the
Berlin D eclaration, w here i t i s t he on ly e nvironmental i ssue r aised [ 141, E U, 2007] ). W hen
considering the economics and cross-media effects of implementing BAT within an installation,
the importance of energy e fficiency s hould b e taken i nto a ccount w hen c onsidering t he
requirements of Art 9 (4), i.e. the permit ELVs and equivalent parameters.

Energy Efficiency 57
Chapter 2

Achieved environmental benefits

Long term reduction in consumptions of energy, water and raw materials, and emissions can be
achieved. Environmental impacts can never be reduced to zero, and there will be points in time
where there is l ittle or no c ost-benefit to further actions. However, over a l onger period, with
changing technology and costs (e.g. energy prices), the viability may also change.

Cross-media effects
A part of the operations consumptions or emissions may be higher proportionately for a certain
period of time until longer term investment is realised.

Operational data
A study in the 1990s has shown that many companies ignore apparently very good returns on
energy investments. The conclusion was that most companies made a clear distinction between
core a nd non-core bus iness w ith little m anagement e ffort d evoted t o the l atter, unl ess
opportunities s urvived very hi gh hurdles, such as p ayback pe riods of 18 2 4 months. F or
businesses w hich a re no t e nergy i ntensive, energy c osts were e ither r egarded a s fixed
overheads or ignored as falling below a threshold share of costs. Also, companies with more
significant energy c osts di d not a ppear to e xploit t he a vailable opportunities for no r egrets
investment [166, DEFRA, 2003].

Applicable to all IPPC installations. The extent of this exercise will depend on t he installation
size, and the number of the variables (also, see Achieved environmental benefits, above). A full
cross-media study is carried out rarely.

Enabling capital investment to be made in an informed manner for the reduction of the overall
environmental benefit and the best value for money.

Driving forces for implementation

Cost reduction in the short, medium and long term.

An example of c onsidering t he c ross-media e ffects is g iven i n the E CM REF [167, E IPPCB,

A theoretical example is a vehicle manufacturer seeking to reduce solvent emissions further. A

large step change can be achieved, but this requires replacement of the entire paintshop, which
has a n ope rating l ife of 2 5 y ears a nd a c apital cost of a bout E UR 500 million. T he e nergy
consumption of the paintshop is about 38 52 % of the entire energy consumption of the plant
and i n t he o rder of 160 000 240 000 M Wh ( of which 60 % i s g as). The a mount of raw
material used, the application efficiency and the amount of solvents lost may also be affected by
the de gree of automation. The following require a c onsideration of t he operating a nd c apital
costs, as well as the consumptions and emissions, over the payback period of the investment:

the selection of which type of paint and application system

the amount of automation
the amount of waste gas treatment and paint that the system requires
the operating life of the existing paintshop.

Reference information
[127, TWG, , 141, E U, 20 07, 152, E C, 2003, 159, E IPPCB, 2006, 166, D EFRA, 2003, 167,
EIPPCB, 2006, 256, Tempany, 2007]

58 Energy Efficiency
Chapter 2

2.2.2 A systems approach to energy management

Work i n the S AVE18 pr ogramme has s hown that, while there a re s avings to be gained by
optimising individual components (such as motors, pumps or heat exchangers, etc.), the biggest
energy e fficiency gains are to be made by t aking a systems a pproach, starting w ith t he
installation, considering the component units and systems and optimising (a) how these interact,
and (b) optimising the system. Only then should any remaining devices be optimised.

This i s important f or ut ility s ystems. H istorically, ope rators ha ve t ended t o f ocus on

improvements in e nergy-using pr ocesses a nd ot her equipment: de mand s ide e nergy
management. However, the amount of energy used on a site can also be reduced by the way the
energy i s s ourced and supplied: s upply s ide e nergy management (or ut ilities management),
where there are options, see Section 2.15.2.

Sections 1.3.5 a nd 1.5.1 d iscuss the i mportance of considering t he energy efficiency of whole
ystems an d d emonstrate h ow a systems ap proach ca n ach ieve h igher energy efficiency g ains
(this could be considered as a top-down approach).

Achieved environmental benefits

Higher energy savings are achieved at a component level (bottom-up approach). See Examples,
below. A systems approach may also reduce waste and waste waters, other emissions, process
losses, etc.

Cross-media effects

Operational data
Details are given in the relevant sections, such as:

Section 2.15.2: Model-based utilities optimisation and management

Chapter 3 deals predominantly with individual systems.

All installations.

See relevant sections.

Driving force for implementation

increased efficiency
reduced capital investment.

See relevant sections. For example: A new motor in a CAS or pumping system may save 2 % of
the e nergy i nput: optimising t he w hole s ystem may s ave 30 % or more (depending on the
condition of system). See Sections 3.6 and 3.7.

Reference information
[168, PNEUROP, 2007, 169, EC, 1993, 170, EC, 2003, 171, de Smedt P. Petela E., 2006]

SAVE is an EC energy efficiency programme

Energy Efficiency 59
Chapter 2

2.3 Energy efficient design (EED)

In t he pl anning pha se of a ne w pl ant or installation (or one undergoing major refurbishment),
lifetime e nergy co sts o f p rocesses, eq uipment a nd u tility sy stems sh ould b e as sessed.
Frequently, energy costs can then be seen to be t he major part of the total costs of ownership
(TCO), o r lifetime costs fo r that p lant or i nstallation, as i llustrated for typical industrial
equipment in Figure 2.3 below.

Drying cabin Cooling plant Pump

Investment Maintenance Investment Maintenance Investment Maintenance

25 % 10 % 30 % 15 % 17 % 3%

Energy 65 % Energy 55 % Energy 80 %

Figure 2.3: Examples of total costs of ownership for typical industrial equipment (over 10 year

Experience shows that, if energy efficiency is considered during the planning and design phases
of a new plant, saving potentials are higher and the necessary investments to achieve the savings
are much lower, compared with optimising a plant in commercial operation. This is illustrated
in Figure 2.4 below.

Figure 2.4: Saving potentials and investments in design phase as compared to operational phase

60 Energy Efficiency
Chapter 2

Energy e fficient d esign u ses the s ame technical k nowledge a nd the sam e ac tivities a nd
methodologies as c arrying out energy a udits a t existing s ites. The major difference oc curs
because areas s uch as b asic d esign p arameters, s election o f the process t o b e u sed (see
Section 2.3.1) and m ajor process e quipment, etc., c an be a ddressed i n t he design pha se a s
illustrated in F igure 2.5 below. This a llows t he selection o f t he m ost e nergy e fficient
technologies to b e s elected. T hese areas a re o ften i mpossible or a t l east very ex pensive to
address in a plant in commercial operation.

Figure 2.5: Areas to be addressed in the design phase rather than the operational phase

Typical areas where energy services and the real need for energy can be addressed and analysed
are the determination of:

the a irflow requirement in pl anned H VAC installations (heating, v entilation a nd a ir

conditioning): what can be done to reduce the airflow in the central HVAC systems? (see
Section 3.9)
the low temperature requirement of brine in a cooling system: which processes should be
changed or optimised to reduce the cooling load and to raise the brine temperature?
the heat load in a drying process: which process parameters and plant principles can be
changed in order to minimise the heat load? (see Section 3.11)
the ne ed f or s team i n a pr ocess pl ant. C ould hot w ater be us ed s o waste he at can be
utilised for heating purposes? (see Section 3.2)
the pressure needed for compressed air: Can the pressure be reduced, or the system split
into high and medium pressure systems? (see Section 3.7).

These questions appear simple to answer, but a number of issues must be addressed to clarify
savings potentials.

Experience shows that the greatest savings are achieved in new builds and significant upgrades;
however, this s hould not prevent t he t echnique be ing a pplied to t he pl anning a nd de sign of a
retrofit, upgrade or major refurbishment. Pinch methodology can be used to provide answers to
some of these questions, where there are both hot and cold streams in a unit or installation (see
Section 2.12).

Energy Efficiency 61
Chapter 2

Experience a gain shows that the p lanning a nd d esign pr ocess s chedules are demanding a nd
frequently r un to tight s chedules, often t o a point where no time ( or r esource) is available f or
further a nalysis o f savings pot entials. Consequently, the w ork pr ocess of e nergy e fficiency
design (EED) should closely follow the planning and design activities as illustrated for a typical
construction process in Table 2.2 below.

Construction phase EED activity

enforced data collection regarding energy usage for new facilities
assessment of the real energy needs
assessment of lifetime energy costs
Basic design/ review of basic design parameters influencing energy consumption
conceptual design identification of key persons and parties influencing energy
efficiency for new facilities
minimisation of energy services
introduction of best available technology
design of optimal process plants and utility systems
assessment of needs for control and instrumentation
process integration/heat recovery systems (pinch methodology)
Detailed design minimisation of pressure losses, temperature losses, etc.
selection of efficient motors, drives, pumps, etc.
supplementary specifications to tendering material regarding energy
ask tenders and manufacturers for more energy efficient solutions
Tendering process
quality control of plant designs and specifications in tenders
Construction quality control of specifications for installed equipment as compared
and erection to equipment specified in tenders
Commissioning optimisation of processes and utilities according to specifications
energy audits
Operational phase
energy management
Table 2.2: Example of activities during the energy efficient design of a new industrial site

The 'assessment of real energy needs' is fundamental to EED work and is central to identifying
the most attractive areas to address during the later stages of the planning and design process. In
theory, this sequence of activities can be used for both the design of complex process plants and
in the procurement of simple machines and installations. Major investments being planned and
budgeted for should be identified, for example, in a yearly management review, and the need for
specific attention for energy efficiency identified.

Achieved environmental benefits

The EED methodology t argets the maximum energy savings pot ential i n industry and enables
application of energy efficient solutions that may not be feasible in retrofit studies. Implemented
savings of 20 30 % o f t otal e nergy c onsumption h ave be en a chieved in a l arge num ber of
projects. S uch savings a re s ignificantly m ore t han achieved i n e nergy a udits f or p lants in

Cross-media effects
None anticipated from an integrated design approach.

Operational data
Some e xamples of results f rom E ED i n di fferent industrial sectors are shown in Table 2.3

62 Energy Efficiency
Chapter 2

Savings Saving Investments Payback

(EUR/year) (%) (EUR) (years)
Food ingredients:
new cooling concepts
change of fermentation process
130000 30 115000 0.8
reduced HVAC in packaging areas
heat recovery from fermentors
new lighting principles
improved control of drying process
optimise cooling circuit
65000 20 50000 0.7
reduced infrared drying of products
reduced compressed air pressure
cheaper heat source (district heating)
Ready meals:
change of heat source for ovens
new freezing technology
740000 30 1500000 2.1
new heat recovery concept
optimised NH3 cooling plant
optimised heat exchangers
new cooling concept (natural
130000 20 410000 3.2
heat recovery for building heating
reduced pressure compressed air
reduced HVAC systems
comprehensive heat recovery
optimised cleaning processes
reduced freezing and cooling load 2000000 30 5000000 2.5
improved control of cooling
use of tallow for heating premises

Table 2.3: Achieved savings and investments in five pilot projects for EED

Compared to traditional e nergy a udits, t he total socio-economic c ost-benefit r atio for t he

implemented savings from EED are 3 4 times higher.

It is recommended that EED work is carried out in a number of project phases, for example:

Assessment of energy consumption data and focus areas

Minimisation of energy service and application of BAT
Provision of input for plant design, control and instrumentation
Quality assurance of tenders

Each project phase should deliver specific outputs so that the operator can decide which further
investigations should be carried out.

Energy Efficiency 63
Chapter 2

In order to a chieve the best possible result of t he E DD w ork, t he following criteria are

even t hough the p lanned investments are not w ell defined in the early stages of the
conceptual design/basic design phase, the EED should be initiated at this stage to achieve
maximum savings and not to delay the design process
all energy consumption data and lifetime costs should be calculated or made available in
the early s tage of the conceptual design/basic design phase. It i s very i mportant t hat all
energy consumption da ta are a ssessed by t he pe rson responsible for the EED. O ften,
suppliers and manufacturers cannot (or will not) supply data at this stage, so if these data
are not available, they must be assessed by other means. Data collection may need to be
carried out, as part of the design project or separately
the E ED w ork s hould be carried out by an energy expert i ndependent from the de sign
organisation a s i llustrated i n F igure 2.6 below, i n particular f or non-energy intensive
industries (see Applicability)



Consulting engineer

Architect etc.

Energy expert

Figure 2.6: Recommended organisation including an energy expert in the planning and design of
new facilities

in a ddition t o e nd-use c onsumption, the initial m apping of energy c onsumption s hould

also a ddress w hich parties in th e p roject o rganisations i nfluence th e future e nergy
consumption. A s a n example, the s taff (e.g. operational and technical s taff) in the
(existing) fa ctory a re o ften re sponsible for s pecification o f t he m ost important d esign
parameter(s) to optimise a reduction of the energy efficiency of the future plant
a risk assessment of tenders and other data should clarify which manufacturers will not
benefit from optimising energy efficiency of their delivered products for the project. For
example, s trong pr ice competition of ten necessitates t hat manufacturers of p lants us e
cheap components, minimise heat exchangers, etc. which will result in increased lifetime
operating costs of the plant
on the ot her hand, identifying energy efficiency as a key f actor i n t he tendering process
for ne w p lants a nd installations, o r f or rebuilds, ( and w eighting i t a ccordingly) w ill
promote the the most energy efficient options(s).

It is important to stress that the EED work is often multi-disciplinary and that the energy expert
(independent or internal) s hould not on ly be technically capable but s hould ha ve s ignificant
experience in working with complex organisations and with complex technical problems.

64 Energy Efficiency
Chapter 2

The application of energy efficient design (EED) has proved to be one of the most cost-efficient
and attractive ways t o improve energy efficiency i n i ndustry as well as i n other major energy
consuming s ectors. E ED h as been applied s uccessfully i n m ost industrial s ectors and savings
have been introduced at installation level, in process units and utility systems.

An i mportant barrier against success is that m anufacturers (particularly t hose in non- energy
intensive i ndustries) a re of ten c onservative or unw illing t o c hange a w ell-proven s tandard
design a nd/or to update pr oduct guarantees, etc. O n the ot her ha nd, i t is of ten impossible t o
determine a ll the c onsequences of c hange, such as t o qua lity a nd t hroughput. C ertain
management s ystems, such a s TQM (total qu ality management) pr event the m anufacturer
making changes which may affect product quality.

It is important that the EED work is initiated in the early stages of the conceptual design work
and is organised well in order to avoid time delays in the planning and design process.

Even t hough E ED ba sically w ill f ocus o n w ell-known t echnologies a nd p rinciples, ne w

technology or more complex solutions are often introduced. This must be considered as a risk
seen from the client's perspective.

The energy intensive industries (such as chemicals, refineries, waste incineration, steel making)
made the following points regarding the use of an energy efficiency design expert independent
to the design organistion:

energy intensive industries have in-house staff experts in energy efficient design. A major
reason for this is competition and the need for confidentiality of the designs and therefore
this restricts the use of external experts
energy efficiency can form part of the tender specifications for equipment manufacturers
and suppliers (ENE should form part of the tendering specifications, see risk assessment
of tenders, in O perational da ta, above). M anufacturers m ay t herefore be s ensitive t o
energy efficiency and regularly benchmark their products
in t endering processes f or complex pl ants a nd systems where energy us e or pr oduction
are critical, the tenders are usually assessed by energy experts on the customer side.

The f ee for an independent energy expert may be of the magnitude 0.2 t o 1 % of the planned
investment, depending on the magnitude and character of the energy consumption. It is difficult
to assess the cost where EED is carried out by a manufacturer of a process plant installation or
by an in-house team.

In many cases, in addition to energy savings, the EED process results in lower investments, as
fundamental energy services can be minimised (such as cooling, heating, CAS, etc.).

It has been demonstrated that a well-designed process plant often has a higher capacity than a
traditionally designed plant as key equipment, such as heat exchangers, etc. have more capacity
in order to minimise energy losses.

Driving force for implementation

The primary drivers for EED are:

lower operational costs

application of new technology (an opportunity to implement BAT)
well-designed plants due to better design practice and data.

There may a lso be be nefits in i ncreased throughput, reduced waste, improved pr oduct qua lity
(see Section 2.3.1).

Energy Efficiency 65
Chapter 2

A number (10) of official Danish pilot projects have been reported, for example:

a new a battoir at Danish C rown, H orsens, D enmark ( www.danishcrown.com). T his

abattoir is the largest i n the E U-25, a nd t he ope rator had e xtensive expertise in e nergy
management, a s this w as a significant operating c ost. H owever, subjecting the initial
project design to an external energy efficient design process identified additional lifetime
energy savings of over 30 %
a new ready meal factory at Danpo, Farre, Denmark (www.danpo.dk)
a new ingredients plant at Chr. Hansen, Avedre Holme, Denmark (www.chrhansen.com)

Official r eports (in D anish) on these pr ojects a re a vailable f rom t he D anish E nergy A gency

Animal housing de sign i s included in the BAT for energy efficiency i n the IRPP BREF [ 173,
EIPPCB, 2003].

a new potato starch plant, Karup Kartoffelmelfabrik, Denmark (an EU LIFE project).

An EED pr oject carried out e xternally f or a p harmaceutical c ompany i n I reland identified

lifetime energy savings of 64 %. Unfortunately, the EED process was started too late to include
all the measures, although about half the potential savings were realised.

Reference information
The Organisation of Consulting Engineers ( FRI) ha s c arried out a c omprehensive study t o
develop methodologies and guidelines in the area of energy efficient design. This material (in
Danish) can be ordered from www.frinet.dk.

The Danish Agreements Scheme has described a n umber of cases as well as m ethodologies to
be followed by major energy consuming industries (in Danish), see www.end.dk.
[172, Maage Petersen, 2006]

IRPP BREF, Sections 5.2.4 and Section 5.3.4.

Potato starch project reference: LIFE04ENV/DK/67 [174, EC, 2007]

2.3.1 Selection of process technology

The selection of an energy efficient process technology is a key part of energy efficiency design
which m erits hi ghlighting, a s the s election of a process t echnology c an us ually onl y be
considered for a new build or major upgrade. In many cases, this may be the only opportunity to
implement t he m ost effective energy s avings opt ions. It i s g ood practice t o c onsider
technological developments in the process concerned (see Section 2.1(k)).

It is difficult to generalise about the selection of process technologies across the range of IPPC
sectors, so four diverse industries are illustrated below, in Examples.

Broadly, there are various options for changing process technology:

change the process science

change the process equipment
changing both equipment and science.

66 Energy Efficiency
Chapter 2

There may be more than one process step using different technologies, e.g. intermediates may
be created which are then subsequently processed further. One or more of these steps may be
changed when building a new plant or significantly upgrading. Best results are usually achieved
when the whole process is replaced, enabling new routes to the end product to be considered.

Achieved environmental benefits

Dependent on the process: changing the process can deliver significant energy savings, and may
also reduce w astes an d/or d ecrease the h azardous c ontent, r educe o ther emissions such a s
solvents, etc. See Examples.

Cross-media effects
Dependent on the process. See Examples.

Operational data
Dependent on the process. See Examples.

Dependent on the installation. See Examples.

Dependent on the process. See Examples.

Driving force for implementation

Dependent on the process: this may include cost reduction, higher yields, higher product quality
(e.g. stereospecificity), fewer by-products, lower toxicity of wastes, etc.

For catalysts:

the need for selectivity of products in some cases

some reactions cannot occur without a catalyst (although a reaction may be feasible from
thermodynamic calculations).

Examples in Annex 7.5 are:

1. The use of catalysis in chemical reactions. Catalysts may lower the activation energy and,
depending on t he r eaction, may r educe the he at e nergy i nput r equired. C atalysts ha ve
been used for many years, but research is still active in all areas. Currently, there is major
interest in b iotechnological a pproaches (such as biocatalysis), and i ts role i n t he
production of or ganic chemicals, pharmaceuticals, biofuels, etc. Annex 7.5, Example 1:
The enzymatic production of acrylamide (Mitsubishi Rayon, Japan).
2. The us e of r adiation cured i nk or paint systems i n place of c onventional solvent-based
systems Annex 7.5, Example 2
3. The use of heat recovery with under floor heating systems for housing livestock farming
Annex 7.5, Example 3.

A further e xample i s a n ew p otato starch p lant, K arup K artoffelmelfabrik, Denmark (a n E U

LIFE project).

Reference information
[164, OECD, 2001, 173, EIPPCB, 2003, 175, Saunders_R., 2006]
Potato starch project reference: LIFE04ENV/DK/67 [174, EC, 2007];
[257, Clark, 2006]

Energy Efficiency 67
Chapter 2

2.4 Increased process integration

Intensifying the use of energy and raw materials by optimising their use between more than one
process or system.

This is site- and process-specific, but is illustrated in Examples (below).

Achieved environmental benefits

These are one or more of the following:

improved energy efficiency

improved material efficiency including raw materials, water (such as cooling water and
demineralised water) and other utilities
reduced emissions to air, soil (e.g. landfill) and water.

Other benefits are site-dependent.

Cross-media effects
None believed to be likely.

Operational data
No information provided.

Generally a pplicable, especially applicable w here processes a re a lready interdependent.
However, the options for improvement will depend on the particular case.

On an integrated site, it has to be considered that changes in one plant might affect the operating
parameters of other plants. This applies also to changes with environmental driving forces.

Driving force for implementation

cost benefits
other benefits are site-dependent.

Cost benefits from savings in energy and other raw materials will be case dependent.

1. G rande P aroisse, R ouen, F rance a chieved sav ings i n o perational co sts of m ore than E UR
1000 000/year. In the example plant (see the LVIC-AAF BREF, Section 1.4.1), the integration
of t he ni tric a cid a nd AN pl ants ha s be en i ncreased (AN: ammonium ni trate ( NH4NO3)). T he
following measures have been realised:

gaseous ( superheated) NH3 is a c ommon r aw m aterial. Both plants can s hare o ne NH3
vapouriser. Operated with process steam from the AN plant
low pr essure steam available i n the A N pl ant can be used t o he at t he boi ler f eed-water
(BFW) from 43 to about 100 C through two heat exchangers
the hot BFW can then also be used to preheat the tail gas of the nitric acid plant
process condensate from the AN plant is recycled to the absorption column of the nitric
acid plant.

68 Energy Efficiency
Chapter 2

This resulted in:

improved energy efficiency

less consumption of demineralised water
lower investment by using a common ammonia vaporiser.

2. New potato starch plant, Karup Kartoffelmelfabrik, Denmark (an EU LIFE project).

Reference information
[154, Columbia_Encyclopedia] [221, Yang W., 25 May 2005,]
Potato starch project reference: LIFE04ENV/DK/67 [174, EC, 2007];

2.5 Maintaining the impetus of energy efficiency initiatives

Several problems with maintaining the impetus and delivery of energy efficiency programmes
have b een i dentified. There is a n eed to see w hether savings i n en ergy ef ficiency d ue to
adoption of a ne w technology or technique a re sustained ov er time. N o account is taken of
'slippage' through inefficient operation or maintenance of equipment, etc.

Problems identified include (some of the techniques to overcome these problems are described
in other sections, noted below):

the evolution of strategies can be seen in terms of a l ife cycle, where strategies mature.
They need t o b e r eviewed (after su fficient time has p assed to enable t he efficiency of
strategies t o b e a ssessed: t his m ay b e af ter s everal y ears) to ensure they r emain
appropriate in terms of the target audience and the intervention method
energy e fficiency i ndicators m ay still be unde r development in s ome a reas ( see
Section 1.3.3 for details of the difficulties)
energy efficiency management and promotion is difficult where no proper metering tools
while t he E NE of e quipment a nd un its can be m onitored r easonably w ell, e xact E NE
indicators for integrated systems are a problem: many factors contribute the measurement
simultaneously and di fficulties exist in de fining t he bounda ry f or m easurement ( see
Sections 1.4 and 1.5)
energy e fficency i s of ten s een a s a f ixed c ost o r ove rhead, a nd of ten w ith a di fferent
budget line (or budget centre) to production
there is a need for maintenance activity within the strategy to ensure the appropriateness
and content of communications, by updating information and monitoring the impact. This
can include the use of interactive methods of communication, etc. (see Section 2.7)
sustaining ENE savings and the maintenance of good practice to the extent of embedding
it in the culture (of an installation)
staleness f rom a management p erspective a ffects the en thusiasm w ith w hich
dissemination occurs (see also Sections 2.6 and 2.7)
training and continuing development at all staff levels (see also Section 2.6)
technological developments (see Sections 2.2.1, 2.2.2, 2.3, etc.).

Techniques that may add impetus to energy efficiency programmes are:

implementing a specific energy efficiency management system (see Section 2.1)

accounting f or e nergy us age based on r eal (metered) values a nd not estimates or f ixed
parts of whole site us age. This places both the onus and credit for energy efficiency on
the user/bill payer (see Sections 2.10.3 and 2.15.2)

Energy Efficiency 69
Chapter 2

creating energy efficiency as a profit centre in the company (as a team or budget centre),
so that investments and energy savings (or energy cost reduction) are in the same budget
and pe ople r esponsible f or energy e fficiency c an de monstrate to t op management t hat
they create profits to the company. Energy efficiency investments can be demonstrated as
equivalent to additional sales of the goods produced (see Examples, below)
having a fresh look at existing systems, such as using 'operational excellence' (described
in Examples, below)
rewarding the results of the application of best practices or BAT
using c hange management t echniques (also a feature o f 'operational e xcellence'). It is a
natural hum an trait to resist c hange unl ess a be nefit c an be s hown to the pe rson
implementing the c hange. C alculating t he be nefits of opt ions (online or off-line, e .g.
what-if s cenarios) that c an be demonstrated to be reliable, and c ommunicating t hem
effectively can contribute to motivating the necessary change(s). For an example of data
provision, see Section 2.15.2.

Achieved environmental benefits

Operational excellence: maintained or improved impetus to energy efficiency programmes. As it
is holistic, it also improves the application of other environmental measures.

Cross-media effects

Operational data
See Description and Examples.

The t echniques t o be c onsidered a re d ependent on the t ype a nd s ize of the installation. F or

an ENEMS is suitable i n a ll cases (see Section 2.1) a lthough, again, t he c omplexity is

proportional to the size and type of site
suitable training can be found for all types of installation (see Section 2.6)
the cost of i ndependent advice on E NE pr ogrammes, pa rticularly f or SMEs, may be
subsidised by public authorities in MSs (see Section 2.6)
operational excellence has been used successfully in large, multi-site companies
the principles of ENEMS and operational excellence are widely applicable.

Targeting energy efficiency on too narrow a scale may be in conflict with the site efficiency and
resulting in sub-optimisation (such as in the techniques listed above, direct metering on a user

see Examples. For ENEMS, see Section 2.1.
for operational excellence, low capital investment, realising significant returns.

Driving force for implementation

Cost s aving. A s i t is ho listic, it also improves t he a pplication o f other p roduction control
measures, resulting in reduced waste, and reduced cycle times, etc.

70 Energy Efficiency
Chapter 2

Operational Excellence
Operational e xcellence (also k nown as O pX), i s a holistic approach to t he systematic
management of s afety, he alth, e nvironment, r eliability a nd efficiency. It i ntegrates operations
management methodologies such as lean manufacturing and six sigma with change management
to optimise how p eople, equipment a nd pr ocesses function t ogether. I t i s associated w ith
statements such as 'the state or condition of superiority in operations and execution of business
processes', and 'to achieve world class performance'.

It is the continual refinement of critical operation processes, and focuses on reducing waste and
cycle t ime t hrough a m ixture of t echniques, s uch as 5 -S methodology, E rror-proofing, QFD,
SPD, etc.

The steps taken are those identified in ENEMS (see Section 2.1), with an emphasis on:

determining best practice (the goals that operations teams are striving for in performing a
particular process at a level of excellence)
detailed de scriptions of e ach op erational best practice ( including c hanges a nd
identifying the metrics required to measure operation performance levels
the key skills operational personnel must be able to perform the process.

Key features are making use of in-house expertise, including that from other units (or associated
companies), forming ad hoc teams to identify best working practices, work with staff in other
non-optimised units, etc.

Examples for ENEMS are given in Annex 7.4.

Creating a budget or profit centre for energy efficiency

An example of de monstrating e nergy e fficiency as a pr ofit centre i n a c ompany s howed that
adding a variable speed driver (VSD) to a large pump was equal to expanding sales by 11 %.

Reference information
[176, Boden_M., 2007, 177, Beacock, 2007, 227, TWG]

2.6 Maintaining expertise human resources

This factor is identified in Sections 2.1(d)(i) and (ii). The levels of skilled staff in virtually all
European installations have been reduced over recent decades. Existing staff may be required to
multi-task and cover a range of tasks and equipment. While this may cover normal operations
and retain expertise in some areas, over time it may reduce specialist knowledge of individual
systems (e.g. CAS) or specialities, such as energy management, and reduce the staff resource to
carry out non-routine work, such as energy audits and follow-up investigations.

Training activity has been identified as an important factor in implementing energy efficiency
programmes and embedding energy efficiency in the organisational culture and includes:

higher and professional education curricula

training oppor tunities a ssociated w ith s pecific s kills and v ocational a reas, a nd ad hoc
training possibilities across professional, managerial, administrative and technical areas
continuing development in the energy management area: all managerial staff should have
an awareness of energy efficiency, not just the co-opted energy managers.

Energy Efficiency 71
Chapter 2

'Staleness' f rom a management pe rspective a lso i nfluences the e nthusiasm w ith w hich energy
efficiency dissemination occurs and human resource mechanisms can achieve positive changes.
These might include rotation, secondments, further training, etc.

In o rder to d eliver energy sav ings, o perators m ay n eed additional resources i n both staff
numbers and skills.

This can be achieved through one or more of several options, such as:

recruitment and/or training of permanent staff

taking s taff o ff-line p eriodically t o p erform f ixed term/specific investigations ( in their
original installation or in others, see Examples below and Section 2.5)
sharing in-house resources between sites (see Examples below and Section 2.5)
use of appropriately skilled consultants for fixed term investigations
outsourcing specialist systems and/or functions (see Section 7.12).

Training can be delivered by in-house staff, by external experts, by formal courses or by self-
study or -development (an individual maintaining and developing their own professional skills).
A large a mount of in formation is a vailable in M Ss at national and l ocal levels, a s w ell a s
through t he internet (for e xample, s ee l inks a nd references in this document, a nd E -learning,
below). Data are also provided to various sectors and relevant trade organisations, professional
organisations o r ot her MS or ganisations, e.g. f or E NE i n i ntensive l ivestock f arming,
information may be obtainable from the agricultural ministry.

E-learning for energy management and energy ef ficiency i ssues in the i ndustrial sector is still
developing. There are a few existing and operational sites throughout the world which offer a
comprehensive guide on matters like energy management, en ergy ef ficiency, b est p ractices,
energy audits, energy benchmarking and checklists. The sites may usually offer training in one
or m ore of t hese t opics, or m ay be a imed a t non- industrial us ers (e.g. c ommerce, S MEs,
householders). Often data can be found on specific topic areas (e.g. steam, LVAC, intensive pig
rearing), r ather t han s earching f or generic guidance or l earning material on e nergy s avings or

A training course leading to the EUREM qualification (European Energy Manager, Production)
is a pr oject realised i n t he f ramework of t he SAVE programme, a nd after a successful pilot
project, the project has been extended.

Achieved environmental benefits

Enables the delivery of energy efficiency.

Cross-media effects
None identified.

Operational data
No data submitted.

Applicable at all sites. The amount and type of training will depend on the type of industry and
the size and complexity of the installation, and there are options suitable for small installations.
It is worth noting that even sites achieving high levels of energy efficiency have benefited from
additional resources (see Section 2.5).

Cost o f ad ditional staff or consultants. S ome MSs h ave en ergy s avings initiatives where
independent energy e fficiency a dvice a nd/or investigations are s ubsidised ( see Annex 7.13 ),
particularly for SMEs. See EUREM, in Examples, below.

72 Energy Efficiency
Chapter 2

Driving force for implementation

Unrealised cost savings, even in efficient organisations.

There are many examples where outside experts are brought in to supplement internal resources,
see Reference i nformation, su ch as A trium H ospital. H eerleen, N L, H oneywell ( see
Annex 7.7.2)

The EUREM pilot project trained 54 participants in four countries (DE, AT, UK, and PT). The
course comprised about 140 hours of lessons, plus about 60 hours of self-study via the internet
and a feasibility study. In Germany (Nuremberg) the course was 6 months tuition (Fridays and
Saturdays every 2 or 3 weeks), and 3 to 4 m onths project work. Costs depend on t he country
and f acilities a vailable: a bout E UR 2100 in Germany and EUR 2300 in A ustria. ( Data g iven
specific to 2005 2006). The achievements in ENE from this project are shown in Table 2.4.

Achievement Planned Achieved

Energy savings per participant 400 MWh/year 1280 MWh/year
Cost savings per participant EUR 16000/yr EUR 73286/yr
Average payback period
- 3.8 years
(on investment required)
Average payback 33 times training cost
(of direct cost of course, based on 230 work days/yr) (7 working days)
Table 2.4: EUREM pilot project: savings per participant

Some free examples are:

US EPA and DOE joint programme:

UK resource:

Others are fee-paying and may be part-funded by national agencies, e.g:


Reference information
[161, S EI, 2006, 176, Boden_M., 2007, 179, S tijns, 2005, 180, A nkirchner, 2007, 188 ,
Carbon_Trust_(UK), 2005, 227, T WG] [261, C arbon_Trust_UK, 2005] , a t

2.7 Communication
Communication is an important tool in achieving motivation that modern companies can use to
assist implementation of many kinds of i ssues. It i s i mportant t o inform s taff a bout e nergy
efficiency a nd systematically s upport, encourage a nd m otivate them to c ontribute t o energy
efficiency by conserving energy, preventing unnecessary consumption, working efficiently (see
Sections 2.5 a nd 2.6 ). G ood pr actices ensure efficient two-way internal c ommunication about
the efforts to achieve energy efficiency and should enable staff to make recommendations and
observations, etc. to assist in achieving ENE.

Energy Efficiency 73
Chapter 2

Communication should provide feedback to staff about company (and/or their individual unit)
performance and s hould be used positively to show r ecognition of achievers. W ell s tructured
communication de livers the f low of o f goal/commitment information as w ell as t he achieved

There are various possible means of communication, such as newsletters, newspapers, bulletins,
posters, t eam br iefings, s pecific energy meetings, etc. These m ay include using existing
company c ommunication channels t o c arry energy efficiency da ta. T he da ta should i nclude
specific energy c onsumption numbers ( daily, w eekly, monthly, a nd/or yearly) over t ime or i n
correlation w ith relevant i mportant p arameters, e .g. pr oduction rate, w eather conditions ( see
Sections 1.4 and 1.51). These may be c ombined with s uccess stories in periodically published
reports. Graphics are an excellent way to provide information, including various types of charts,
giving ENE a chievements ov er t ime, or by comparing v arious un its w ithin the c ompany or
between sites, etc (e.g. see Section 2.2.1).

Communication i s i mportant not only be tween m anagement ( seeking t o a chieve t argets) a nd

staff who work to achieve them, but also horizontally between different groups of professionals
within a company, e .g. those responsible f or energy management, f or de sign, ope ration,
planning and finance (see Section 2.2.1). Section 2.7.1 gives an example of a useful technique
for demonstrating energy flows.

Communication is also used to encourage the exchange of information with other companies,to
swap best practice ideas, and to pass success stories from one company to another, etc.

Communication and motivation may include:

involving all staff in an individual company

involving s everal c ompanies from t he s ame s ector in a w orking g roup ( energy
networking) t o exchange experiences ha s proven to be useful ( or within different uni ts
within the same c ompany). T he c ompanies should all be a t the same l evel of e nergy
management i mplementation. Networking i s e specially us eful f or solving t ypical
difficulties such as de fining a n e nergy efficiency i ndicator or s etting up an e nergy
monitoring system. Networking may also introduce an element of competition in energy
efficiency a nd pr ovide a pl atform f or ne gotiation w ith pot ential e nergy e fficient
equipment or service suppliers
making positive effects clearly visible, for example by making awards for best practices,
innovation and best achievements.

Achieved environmental benefits

Contributes to energy efficiency.

Cross-media effects
None thought to be likely.

Operational data
In many organisations, there is a large information flow from many different areas, e.g. health
and safety, pr oduction efficiency, operating pr actices, f inancial p erformance. Many s taff
complain of 'information overload'. C ommunication therefore n eeds to be e ffective a nd fresh.
Communication techniques may need changing periodically, and data (such as posters) need to
be kept up to date.

Communication is applicable to all installations. The type and complexity will vary according to
the site, e.g. in a small installation, face-to-face briefings presenting data may be suitable; large
organisations often produce in-house newspapers.

74 Energy Efficiency
Chapter 2

Depends on sophistication of approach and existing channels. Can be cheap, and ensuring staff
assist in implementing ENE may ensure significant paybacks.

Driving force for implementation

Helps to communicate energy efficiency data and secure cost savings, etc.

Widely used.

Reference information
[249, TWG, 2007]

2.7.1 Sankey diagrams

Sankey diagrams are a specific type of flow diagram, in which the width of the arrows shown
are pr oportional to t he f low qua ntity. T hey a re a graphical representation of f lows s uch as
energy or material transfers in process systems or between processes.

They visually explain energy and mass flow data (and can be used to show financial flow data),
and are particularly useful for communicating data rapidly, especially between staff of different
professional backgrounds.

Sankey di agrams a ssist w ith communication and motivation of staff ( see S ection 2.1) a nd
maintain the impetus of energy efficiency initiatives (Section 2.5).

Inexpensive software can assist with manipulating data into diagram format from sources such
as spreadsheets.

Electricity current


508.10 (GWh)


3070.0 (GWh)

2296.0 (GWh)


266.0 (GWh)

Figure 2.7: Sankey diagram: fuel and losses in a typical factory

[186, UBA_AT]

Achieved environmental benefits

Improves communication of ENE issues.

Energy Efficiency 75
Chapter 2

Cross-media effects
None known.

Operational data
See Description.

All installations which need to demonstrate energy flows.

Low cost.

Driving force for implementation

Helps to communicate energy efficiency data.

Widely used.

Reference information
A free t ool to cr eate S ankey d iagrams f rom MS E xcel is available a t:
[127, TWG, , 153, Wikipedia, , 186, UBA_AT]

2.8 Effective control of processes

2.8.1 Process control systems

For good energy management, a proper process control and utility control system is essential. A
control system is part of the overall monitoring (see Sections 2.10 and 2.15).

Automation of a m anufacturing f acility i nvolves the design a nd c onstruction of a control

system, r equiring sensors, instruments, c omputers and the application of data processing. It i s
widely recognised that automation of manufacturing processes is important not only to improve
product quality and workplace safety, but also to increase the efficiency of the process itself and
contribute to energy efficiency.

Efficient process control includes:

adequate c ontrol o f processes under a ll modes of operation, i .e. p reparation, start-up,

routine operation, shutdown and abnormal conditions
identifying t he k ey pe rformance i ndicators and m ethods for m easuring a nd c ontrolling
these parameters (e.g. flow, pressure, temperature, composition and quantity)
documenting and analysing abnormal operating conditions to identify the root causes and
then addressing these to ensure that events do not recur (this can be facilitated by a no-
blame c ulture where t he identification of causes is more i mportant t han apportioning
blame to individuals).

There are several f actors that ar e co nsidered in the d esign o f a co ntrol system. A n i nitial
analysis of the particular process system may reveal existing restrictions to the effectiveness of
the process, as well as alternative approaches that may achieve similar or better results.

Furthermore, i t i s ne cessary t o identify t he levels of performance i n terms of pr oduct quality,

regulatory r equirements and s afety i n t he workplace. The control system must be r eliable and
user-friendly, i.e. easy to operate and maintain.

76 Energy Efficiency
Chapter 2

Data management and data processing are also factors that must be considered in the design of
the control system.

The control system should balance the need for accuracy, consistency and flexibility required to
increase the overall efficiency of the manufacturing process against the need to control the costs
of production.

If t he c ontrol s ystem i s s pecified sensibly, the pr oduction line w ill run smoothly. U nder-
specification or over-specification will inevitably lead to higher operating costs and/or delays in

To optimise the performance of a process system:

the s pecifications provided for the control s ystem at each s tep i n the process should be
accurate and complete, with attention paid to realistic input tolerances
the engineer responsible for the design of the control system should be familiar with the
total process and able to communicate with the equipment manufacturer
a balance must be established, i.e. ask whether it is necessary to implement sophisticated
process control technology or whether a simple solution will suffice.

Modern process control systems refer to a set of techniques that can be used to improve process
performance, including energy efficiency. The techniques include:

conventional and advanced controls

optimising, scheduling and performance management techniques.

Integrated in the conventional controls are:

proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control

dead-time compensation and
cascade control.

Integrated in the advanced controls are:

model-based predictive controls (MBPC)

adaptive controls
fuzzy controls.

Integrated in the performance management techniques are (see Section 2.8):

monitoring and targeting

statistical process controls
expert systems.

The performance m onitoring techniques can b e us ed to de monstrate i mproved pe rformance,

achievement of targets and compliance with environmental regulations, including IPPC permits.

The programmable logic c ontroller ( PLC) is the b rain o f the control s ystem. It is a small,
industrialised computer t hat ope rates reliably in t he e nvironment of a m anufacturing facility.
Building bl ocks of a c ontrol s ystem are a variety of sensors, intelligent valves, programmable
logic controllers and central supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems.

Energy Efficiency 77
Chapter 2

These c omponents are then linked to a m anufacturing pr ocess system w hich a llows e ach
function of that s ystem to operate w ith a high degree of accuracy. Automation the
incorporation of the control s ystem i nto a p rocess system effectively r educes the labour
involved i n the operation of t his complex e quipment and p rovides a r eliable and consistent

The PLC l ooks at di gital a nd analogue sensors and switches (the i nputs), r eads the c ontrol
program, makes mathematical c alculations a nd, a s a r esult, c ontrols v arious h ardware ( the
outputs) such as valves, lights relays and servo-motors, all in a time frame of milliseconds.

The PLC is capable of exchanging information with operator interfaces such as human machine
interfaces (HMI) and SCADA systems on the factory floor. Data exchange at the business level
of the facility (the information services, accounting and scheduling) usually requires interaction
with a separate SCADA package.

Data treatment
The operational data are collected and treated by an infrastructure which usually integrates the
sensors and i nstrumentation on the plant, as well as final control elements such as valves and
also includes programmable l ogic controllers, SCADA a nd di stributed c ontrol systems. A ll
together these systems can provide timely and usable data to other computing systems as well as
to operators/engineers.

Supervisory control and data acquisition systems enable the design engineer to implement data
collection and archiving capabilities in a given control system. In addition, the SCADA system
allows m ore c omplex f orms of c ontrol to be introduced, e .g. s tatistical pr ocesses (see
Section 2.8.2).

SCADA has been an integral part of the design of a control system, providing the user with a
real time window into the process. A SCADA system can also be designed to provide a user at
a remote location with the same access to the particular process as an operator literally standing
in front of the equipment.

Achieved environmental benefits

Reduced energy costs and environmental impact.

Cross-media effects
Small amounts of chemicals used in cleaning; possible loss of pressure in measurement devices
(see Section 2.10.4).

Operational data
See Description, above.

Cleaning of measuring devices

The importance of the controls (and their accuracy) which are extensively used in the processing
industries a nd incorporated into p rocess systems cannot be ov erstated. There a re a v ariety of
instruments a nd m easuring de vices or sensors, e.g. r esistors that are dependent upon
temperature, pH probes, c onductivity m eters, f lowmeters, t imers, level s ensors and alarms,
which are i n c ontact w ith f luids (liquid a nd gases) used in t he p rocess, a nd r equire regular
cleaning t o w ork e ffectively a nd a ccurately. T his m ay be done m anually, on a m aintenance
schedule, or as automated clean-in-place (CIP) systems.

A fully automated control system must provide variable times for rinse and drain cycles and for
the recirculation of the different cleaning solutions. The system must also have the capability of
changing the temperature, flowrates, composition and concentration of the cleaning solutions.

78 Energy Efficiency
Chapter 2

The main control unit is usually based upon PLC equipment, often as multiple panels to service
operator stations and for valve and on/off termination. The process control system is critical to
controlling or minimising hydraulic shock, a c ommon pr oblem i n CIP uni ts t hat can limit the
useful life of the unit.

Correct sequencing or pulsing is required to clean the valves, lip seals, o-rings and valve seats
in the process equipment.

Process c ontrol s ystems are a pplicable in a ll I PPC i ndustries. They m ay r ange f rom t imers,
temperators c ontrols, raw material feed controls (e.g i n s mall i ntensive f arming uni ts) to
complex systems in, e.g. food, chemicals, mining and paper.

Case studies have demonstrated that benefits can be achieved cost effectively. Payback periods
of one year or less are typical especially where a modern control and monitoring infrastructure,
i.e. d istributed control s ystem (DCS) or s upervisory c ontrol and da ta acquisition (SCADA)
system is already in place. In some cases, payback periods of months or even weeks have been

Driving force for implementation

Increased t hroughput, i mproved s afety, reduced m aintenance/longer plant life, higher, m ore
consistent quality and reduced manpower requirements.

The reduction o f p rocess c osts a nd the rapid r eturn of investments (as m entioned a bove)
achieved in several plants contributed significantly to the implementation of these processes in
other plants.

Example plants
Widely applied, efor example in the industries listed below:

food, drink and milk: British Sugar, Joshua Tetley, Ipswich, UK

chemicals: BP Chemicals, Hull, UK; ICI Chemicals and Polymers, Middlesborough, UK
ferrous metals: Corus, Port Talbot, UK
cement and lime: Blue Circle, Westbury, UK
paper industry: Stora Enso Langerbrugge N.V., Gent, BE; SCA Hygiene Products GmbH,
Mannheim, DE; SCA Hygiene Products GmbH, Pernitz, AT
fluidised bed combustion: Rovaniemi E nergy, Rovaniemi a nd A lholmens K raft,
Pietarsaari, Finland; E.ON Kemsley, UK.

Reference information
[36, ADENE, 2005] [261, Carbon_Trust_UK, 2005]

2.8.2 Quality management (control, assurance) systems

When a product is scrapped or reworked, the energy used in the original production process is
wasted (as w ell a s raw materials, l abour a nd p roduction c apacity a nd ot her r esources).
Reworking may use di sproportionately m ore e nergy ( and o ther r esources) than the o riginal
production p rocess. E ffective process c ontrol increases the a mount o f p roduct(s) m eeting
production/customers' specifications and reduces the amount of energy wasted.

IPPC i nstallations usually i nvolve l arge s cale production a nd/or hi gh v olumes of t hroughput.
Usually the products have to meet specifications for subsequent use. Quality assurance systems
(QA) have been developed to ensure this, and are usually based on the PDCS (plan-do-check-
act) approach (see Section 2.1).

Energy Efficiency 79
Chapter 2

Originally t his w as b ased on testing p roducts, a nd accepting or rejecting, reworking a nd

scrapping pr oducts t hat h ave a lready be en t hrough the whole production p rocess. S tatistical
methods were developed (during the 1940s onwards) to set sampling and testing on a statistical
basis to ensure a certain level of compliance with standards, e.g. 95 %, 3.4 failures per million
in six sigma.

It was realised t hat a manufactured pr oduct has variation and t his variation i s a ffected by
various p rocess p arameters. Statistical p rocess co ntrol ( SPC) was developed, and ap plied to
control each parameter, and the final result tends to be a more controlled product. SPC can be
very cost efficient, as it usually requires collection and charting data already available, assessing
deviation o f t he process, and a pplying c orrective a ction to m aintain the process w ithin
predetermined c ontrol pa rameters ( such a s t emperature, pr essure, c hemical concentration,
colour, etc.).

At t he same t ime, c ompany-wide qua lity a pproaches w ere developed ( quality m anagement
systems, QMS). These can be defined as a set of policies, processes and procedures required for
planning a nd e xecution ( production/development/service) i n the c ore bus iness area of a n
organisation. QMS integrates the various internal processes within the organisation and intends
to provide a process approach for project execution. QMS enables the organisations to identify,
measure, c ontrol and improve t he various c ore bus iness p rocesses t hat will ultimately l ead to
improved business performance. The models for q uality a ssurance a re now defined by t he
international s tandards contained in the ISO 9000 series and the de fined specifications f or
quality sy stems. E nvironmental m anagement an d energy management systems h ave b een
developed from the same systems approaches (see Section 2.1).

Achieved environmental benefits

Reduction i n rejects and/or r eworking which i s a waste of t he or iginal energy i nput, and may
require greater energy input for reworking (or decreased output from the batch).

Cross-media effects
None known.

Operational data
See Description, above.

Consultants and/or contractors are often u sed w hen i ntroducing ne w qua lity pr actices a nd
methodologies as, in some instances, the relevant skill-set and experience might not be available
within the or ganisation. I n a ddition, w hen n ew i nitiatives and improvements are r equired t o
bolster the current quality system, or perhaps improve upon the current manufacturing systems,
the use of temporary consultants is an option when allocating resources.

The following arguments have been made for and against management systems:

the parameters measured have to be relevant to achieving the required process or product
quality, rather than just parameters that can easily be measured
statistical methods s uch as s ix s igma a re e ffective in what it i s intended for, but are
narrowly designed to fix an existing process and do not help in developing new products
or disruptive technologies. The six sigma definition is also based on arbitrary standards,
(it a pproximates t o 3.4 de fects pe r m illion i tems), w hich m ight w ork w ell f or c ertain
products/processes, but it might not be suitable for others
the application of these approaches gain popularity in management c ircles, t hen l ose i t,
with a life cycle in the form of a Gaussian distribution (e.g. see quality circles discussed
in Examples, below)
the term total quality management ( TQM) c reated a positive ut ility, r egardless of what
managers meant b y it. However, i t lost this p ositive a spect an d sometimes gained
negative ass ociations. D espite t his, m anagement co ncepts su ch as TQM an d r e-

80 Energy Efficiency
Chapter 2

engineering leave their traces, without explicit use of their names, as the core ideas can be
the loss o f interest/perceived failure o f such sy stems c ould b e b ecause sy stems su ch as
ISO 9000 promote s pecification, control, a nd pr ocedures r ather than understanding a nd
improvement, and can mislead companies into thinking certification means better quality.
This may undermine the need for an organisation to set its own quality standards. Total,
blind reliance on the specifications of ISO 9000 doe s not guarantee a successful quality
system. T he s tandard m ay be m ore pr one to f ailure w hen a c ompany i s i nterested i n
certification before quality. This creates the risk of creating a p aper system that does not
influence the organisation for the better
certification by a n i ndependent auditor is of ten s een a s a pr oblem a rea a nd has be en
criticised as a vehicle to increase consulting services. ISO itself advises that ISO 9000 can
be implemented without certification, simply for the quality benefits that can be achieved.

Quality management is applicable to all IPPC process industries. The type of system and level
of c omplexity of the a pplied quality m anagement s ystems w ill depend on t he i ndividual
operation, and may be a customer requirement.

A common criticism of formal s ystems such a s ISO 9000 is the amount of money, t ime a nd
paperwork r equired for registration. O pponents c laim t hat it i s on ly f or documentation.
Proponents believe that if a company has already documented its quality systems, then most of
the paperwork has already been completed.

Driving force for implementation

Proper quality management has been widely acknowledged to improve business, often having a
positive effect on investment, market share, sales growth, sales margins, competitive advantage,
and avoidance of litigation.

See Annex 7.4.

Process control engineering (Prozessleittechnik, Bayer AG, Germany, 1980) was developed as a
working t itle covering t he m easurement, c ontrol, and e lectrical e ngineering gr oups. I t i s a
statistics a nd engineering di scipline that deals w ith architectures, mechanisms, a nd algorithms
for controlling the output of a specific process.

More recent developments include:

right first time

six s igma: w here t he likelihood of a n une xpected failure is confined to six s tandard
deviations (where sigma is the standard deviation and equates to 3.4 defects per million)
measurement systems analysis (MSA)
failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA)
advance product quality planning (APQP)
total quality management (TQM).

Other tools us ed in SPC i nclude cause a nd e ffect di agrams, c heck s heets, control c harts,
histograms, pareto charts, chatter diagrams, and stratification.

Another approach (which may be combined with the above) are quality circles. These are small
groups of e mployees from the s ame w ork a rea w ho voluntarily m eet a t regular intervals t o
identify, analyse, and r esolve w ork r elated p roblems. Q uality c ircles have the a dvantage o f
continuity; the circle remains intact from project to project. These have been used in Japan and
innovative companies in Scandinavian countries, although they are reported to no longer be in

Energy Efficiency 81
Chapter 2

Reference information
[163, Dow, 2005, 181, Wikipedia, , 182, Wikipedia, , 227, TWG, , 249, TWG, 2007]

Wikipedia gives many references discussing the positive and negative aspects of QA systems.
Further information: e.g. American Society for Quality: www.asq.org

2.9 Maintenance
Maintenance o f a ll plants a nd eq uipment i s e ssential and f orms p art o f an ENEMS ( see
Section 2.1(d) (vii).

It i s i mportant to keep a maintenance s chedule a nd record of all i nspections and maintenance

activities. Maintenance activities are given in the individual sections.

Modern pr eventative m aintainance a ims t o k eep the pr oduction a nd r elated p rocesses u sable
during their whole operating life. The preventative maintenance programmes were traditionally
kept on a card or planning boards, but are now readily managed using computer software. By
flagging-up planned m aintenance o n a daily ba sis u ntil it is c ompleted, preventative
maintenance software can help to ensure that no maintenance jobs are forgotten.

It i s i mportant that the software database and e quipment f ile c ards with technical data c an be
easily interfaced w ith ot her maintenance (and control) p rogrammes. Such i ndicators a s
'Maintenance in P rocess I ndustry' s tandards a re o ften used for classifying and r eporting work
and producing supporting reports. The requirements of the ISO 9000 standards for maintenance
can assist in specifying software.

Using software f acilitates recording pr oblems a nd pr oducing statistical f ailure data, and their
frequency of occurrence. Simulation t ools can h elp w ith failure pr ediction a nd design o f

Process ope rators s hould carry out local good housekeeping m easures a nd help t o f ocus
unscheduled maintenance, such as:

cleaning fouled surfaces and pipes

ensuring that adjustable equipment is optimised (e.g. in printing presses)
switching off equipment when not in use or not needed
identifying and reporting leaks (e.g compressed air, steam), broken equipment, fractured
pipes, etc.
requesting timely replacement of worn bearings.

Achieved environmental benefits

Energy savings. Reduction in noise (e.g. from worn bearings, escaping steam).

Cross-media effects
None envisaged.

Operational data
Preventative m aintenance programmes a re installation de pendent. L eaks, br oken equipment,
worn bearings, etc. that affect or control energy usage, should be identified and rectified at the
earliest opportunity.

Generally applied.

82 Energy Efficiency
Chapter 2

Carrying out r epairs p romptly ha s to be b alanced ( where applicable) w ith m aintaining t he

product quality and process stability and the health and safety issues of carrying out repairs on
the operating plant (which may contain moving equipment, be hot, etc.).

Installation dependent.

Good hous ekeeping measures a re low c ost a ctivities typically paid for f rom ye arly r evenue
budgets of managers and do not require capital investments.

Driving forces for implementation

Generally a ccepted to i ncrease p lant r eliability, reduce br eakdown t ime, i ncrease t hroughput,
assist with higher quality.

Widely applied in all sectors.

Reference information
Several BREFs, [125, EIPPCB, , 159, EIPPCB, 2006, 254, EIPPCB, 2005, 267, EIPPCB, 2006].

2.10 Monitoring and measurement

Monitoring an d m easurement a re an e ssential p art o f checking i n a n ENEMS ( see
Section 2.1(f)(i)), a s t hey a re in every plan-do-check-act management system. T his
section discusses some possible t echniques to measure, c alculate a nd m onitor k ey
characteristics of o peration and a ctivities t hat ca n h ave a significant impact o n energy
efficiency. Section 2.15.1 also discusses the collection of data, databases and automation of the
control systems a nd e quipment, particularly s everal interconnected s ystems, to optimise their
use of energy.

Measurement and monitoring are likely to form part of process control (see Section 2.8) as well
as auditing (see S ection 2.11). M easurement is important to be able t o acquire r eliable and
traceable information o n the i ssues w hich influence e nergy e fficiency, bot h in t erms of the
amounts (MWh, kg steam, etc.) but also the qualities (temperature, pressure, etc.), according to
the v ector (steam, hot w ater, c ooling, etc.). F or s ome vectors, it may be e qually important t o
know the parameters of the energy vector in the return circuits or waste discharges (e.g. waste
gases, cooling water discharges) to enable energy analyses and balances t o be made, et c. (see
Examples in Section 2.12).

A key aspect of monitoring and measurement is to enable cost accounting to be based on real
energy consumptions, and not on arbitrary or estimated values (which may be out of date). This
provides the impetus to change for the improvement of energy efficiency. However, in existing
plants it can be difficult to implement new monitoring devices e.g. it may be difficult to find the
required l ong pi pe runs to pr ovide l ow non- turbulence a reas f or f low m easurement. In s uch
cases, or where the energy consumptions of the equipment or activity are proportionately small
(relative to the la rger system or in stallation they are contained w ithin), estimations or
calculations may still be used.

This section does not discuss documentation o r o ther p rocedures required by a ny e nergy
efficiency management system.

In addition, material flows are often measured for process control, and these data can be used to
establish energy efficiency indicators, etc. (see Section 1.4).

Energy Efficiency 83
Chapter 2

2.10.1 Indirect measurement techniques

Infrared scanning of he avy machinery provides pho tographic pr oof of ho t s pots that c ause
energy drains and unnecessary stress on moving parts. This may be used as part of an audit.

Critical equipment affecting energy usage, e.g. bearings, capacitors (see Section 3.5.1) and other
equipment may have the operating temperature monitored continuously or at regular intervals:
when the bearing or capacitance starts to breakdown, the temperature of the casing rises.

Other m easurements can b e made o f o ther changes i n en ergy l osses, such a s a n i ncrease i n
noise, etc.

Achieved environmental benefits

Energy saving.

Cross-media effects
None known.

Operational data
See Description, above.
Widely used.

Case dependent.

Driving force for implementation

As part of preventative maintenance:

avoids unexpected plant shutdown

enables planned replacement
extends life of equipment, etc.

Widely used, e.g. Aughinish Alumina (AAL), Ireland.
See Sections 3.2, 3.7, etc.

Reference information
[161, S EI, 2006, 183, Bovankovich, 2007] [ 55, B est p ractice programme, 1998, 56, B est
practice programme, 1996, 98, Sitny, 2006]

2.10.2 Estimates and calculation

Estimations and calculations of e nergy consumption can be made f or equipment and systems,
usually based on manufacturers' or designers' specifications. Often, calculations are based on an
easily measured parameter, such as hours-run meters on motors and pumps. However, in such
cases, other parameters, such as the load or head and rpm will need to be known (or calculated),
as this has a direct effect on the energy consumption. The equipment manufacturer will usually
supply this information.

A wide variety of c alculators are a vailable on the i nternet (see Reference information, below,
and in specific sections in this documents). These are usually aimed at assessing energy savings
for various equipment.

84 Energy Efficiency
Chapter 2

Achieved environmental benefits

Assists in identifying and achieving energy savings.

Cross-media effects
None known.

Operational data
See Description, above.

Widely used. The a pplication o f calculators should be c onsidered against t he pos sible cost
savings of more accurate measuring or metering, even on a temporary basis.

Care should be taken with online calculators:

their function may be to compare the cost of utilities from different suppliers
the advice in Section 2.2.2 is important: the whole system the equipment is used in must
be considered first, rather than an an individual piece of equipment
the online calculators may be too simplistic, and not take account of loading, head, etc.
(see Desription, above).

A problem w ith e stimates and c alculations is t hat they may be used r epeatedly, year-on-year,
and the original ba sis may become l ost, void o r unknown. This m ay l ead t o e xpensive e rrors
(See Examples in Annex 7.7.1). The basis of calculations should be reviewed regularly.

Requires no investment in equipment; however, staff time i n performing accurate calculations
should be considered, as should the cost-risk from errors.

Driving force for implementation

Cost saving.

Widely used. For examples of calculators online, see Reference informtation, below.

Reference information
[270, Tempany, 2008]

The following were found with an internet search for 'industrial energy efficiency, calculators'
and have not been validated (note: these sites may change over time or cease to exist):

calculators online centre. A large list of energy calculators:


the f ollowing s ite is de signed a s a guide for p lant managers of small t o m edium sized
manufacturing plants to estimate the potential energy and monetary savings of an energy
conservation measure:
energy calculators and benchmarking tools:

general business, lighting, equipment, office equipment:


VSD calculators: fans, pumps, hot/chilled water, cooling tower fan:


Energy Efficiency 85
Chapter 2


boilers, HVAC, lighting, VSD:


gigajoule and energy intensity calculator:


boiler efficiency:

heat losses, industrial buildings:


2.10.3 Metering and advanced metering systems

Traditional utility meters simply measure the amount of an energy vector used in an installation,
activity, or s ystem. T hey a re u sed to g enerate e nergy bi lls f or industrial i nstallations, a nd
generally are read manually. However, modern technological advances result in cheaper meters,
which can be i nstalled without i nterrupting the energy supply (when installed w ith s plit-core
current sensors) and require far less space than older meters.

Advanced metering infrastructure ( AMI) or a dvanced metering management ( AMM) refers t o

systems t hat m easure, collect a nd analyse energy usage, from a dvanced d evices such a s
electricity meters, gas meters, and/or water meters, through to various communication media on
request o r on a pr e-defined schedule. This i nfrastructure includes hardware and s oftware, for
communications, customer associated systems and meter data management.

Energy account c entres are t he uni ts at the site w here e nergy usage c an be related t o a
production v ariable such as t hroughput ( see S ection 1.4). A n e xample of a structure of a n
advanced metering system is shown in Figure 2.8.

An ad vanced m etering sy stem i s e ssential to a utomated energy management sy stems, se e

Sections 2.15 and 2.15.2.

Level 1

Unit Unit
Level 2 Level 2

Process/system Process/system Process/system Process/system

Level 3 Level 3 Level 3 Level 3


Figure 2.8: Structure of an advanced metering system

[98, Sitny, 2006]

86 Energy Efficiency
Chapter 2

Achieved environmental benefits

Better control of energy usage.

Cross-media effects

Operational data
Enables accurate measurement e nergy u sage to e nergy ac count centres, w ithin an i nstallation,
with specific units and systems.

Where there are more than one unit system using energy.

Several studies show a major reason for energy efficiency techniques not being implemented is
that individual unit managers are not able to identify and control their own energy costs. They
therefore do not benefit from any actions they implement.

Allocation of costs on a usage basis.

Driving force for implementation

See Economics.

See Annex 7.7.1.

Reference information
[183, B ovankovich, 2007] S chott glass: [127, T WG] A trium H ospital, H eerleen, NL [ 179,
Stijns, 2005]

2.10.4 Low pressure drop flow measurement in pipework

Flow m easurement i s us ed i n f luids s uch a s l iquid a nd g aseous raw m aterials and pr oducts,
water (raw water, boiler and process waters, etc), steam, etc. Flows are usually measured by an
artificially i nduced pressure dr op a cross an orifice plate, a venturi o r pi tot tube, or by a n
inductive f low meter. T raditionally, this results in a pe rmanent pr essure drop, pa rticularly for
orifice plates and venture, i.e. loss in energy in the system.

A new g eneration o f flow measurement de vices r educe the pressure losses significantly, w ith
increased accuracy.

Ultrasonic m etering c an b e us ed f or l iquids t hat a re ul trasonically c onductive a nd ha ve a

reasonably well-formed flow (not turbulent). They can be permanent or clamp onto pipework.
The latter function i s us eful to c heck e xisting f low meters, check a nd c alibrate pum ping
systems, etc. As they are non-intrusive, they have no pressure drop. Ultrasonic meters may have
an accuracy of 1 - 3 % of a measured value of 0.5 %, with process calibration depending on the

Achieved environmental benefits

New generation flow meters and pitot tubes have very high accuracy and reduction potential of
pressure losses, with 1 +/- 2 % of the energy loss of a traditional orifice plate, and about 8 % of
a traditional pitot tube.

Cross-media effects

Energy Efficiency 87
Chapter 2

Operational data

Power plant with Waste incineration with

Base data
high pressure steam super-heated steam
Q max ( t/h) 200 45
T (C) 545 400
P (bar abs) 255 40
Pipe ID (mm) 157 130.7
Differential pressures in mbar (approximate):
Orifice plates 2580 1850
Pitot tubes hitherto 1770 595
Pitot tubes new generation 1288 444
Permanent pressure drop in mbar and per measuring
system in mbar (approximate):
Orifice plates 993 914
Pitot tubes hitherto 237 99
Pitot tubes new generation 19.3 7.3
Kinematic energy loss per measuring system in kWh/h
(with 100 mbar M 67.8 kWh/h) (approximate):
Orifice plate 673 620
Pitot tubes hitherto 161 67
Pitot tubes new generation 13 5
Table 2.5: Examples of pressure drop caused by different metering systems

New installations or significant upgrades.

Care is needed with ultrasonic measurements, to ensure there is minimum turbulence and other
effects in the liquid (such as interference from suspended particulates) being measured.

The c ost of a n ew generation m easuring device, including installation is a bout EUR 10 000.
This may vary with numbers installed. Return on investment (ROI) is usually less than one year.

Driving force for implementation

Cost savings. Data accuracy for process control and optimisation potential (see Section 2.6).

see Operational data, above
widely used in all sectors
other examples are ultrasonic meters (no Operation data supplied) and Poetter sensors.

Reference information

88 Energy Efficiency
Chapter 2

2.11 Energy audits and energy diagnosis

In general, a n a udit is an evaluation of a person, or ganisation, s ystem, process, pr oject o r
product. Audits are performed to ascertain the validity and reliability of information, and also to
provide an assessment o f a systems i nternal control. Traditionally, audits were m ainly
concerned with assessing financial systems and records. However, auditing is now used to gain
other information about the system, including environmental audits [182, Wikipedia]. An audit
is based on sampling, and is not an assurance that audit statements are free from error. However,
the goal is to minimise any error, hence making information valid and reliable.

The term 'energy audit' is commonly used, and is taken to mean a systematic inspection, survey
and a nalysis of energy f lows in a bui lding, pr ocess or s ystem w ith t he ob jective of
understanding t he energy dynamics of t he system under s tudy. T ypically, a n e nergy audit i s
conducted t o s eek opportunities t o reduce the amount of energy i nput i nto the system without
negatively impacting the output(s).

An e nergy diagnosis may be a t horough i nitial a udit, or may go wider, a nd a gree a r eference
frame for the audit: a set methodology, independence and transparancy of the audit, the quality
and professionalism of the audit, etc. See below [250, ADEME, 2006]

In practice, there are wide ranges of types and complexities of energy audits. Different types of
audits may be used in different phases of energy management, and/or differing complexities of
situations. Differing scopes, degrees of thoroughness and aims are illustrated in Figure 2.9:

Specific system/area NARROW WIDE Every system/all sites

General potential Detailed potential
assessment assessment

General energy Specific energy
saving areas saving measures

Figure 2.9: The properties of energy audit models

[7, Lytras, 2005]

Some tools that may be used to assist or standardise energy auditing are listed in Annex 7.8.

The different energy audit models can be divided into two main types according to their scope:

1. The scanning audit models.

2. The analytical models.

Within t hese t wo types, there are d ifferent models which may be s pecified according to their
scope and thoroughness. In reality, the audit can be specified to meet the needs of the situation.

Energy Efficiency 89
Chapter 2

Some standards e xist, usually w ithin a uditing c ompanies or e nergy s aving schemes. The f irst
national s tandard f or energy a udits ha ve been c reated. T his s tandard i s a n e nergy di agnosis
reference frame which:

proposes a method to realise an energy diagnosis

sets out the g eneral pr inciples and ob jectives of such a m ission a s o bjectivity,
independance, transparency
expresses recommendations that are essential to reach a first class service.

For t he o perator, t he advantages o f the r eference f rame ar e t he description o f a consensual

method, a base faciliting dialogue, a time saving tool, examples of outputs (lists of equipment,
balances, unfolding of a monitoring campaign, etc).

A specific type of audit is the investment graded audit, i.e. audits geared to assess the options
for investment in energy efficiency. In investment graded audits, one of the key characteristics
is the assessment of the error in the energy saving prediction: if a company proposes to invest
EUR 1 million i n e nergy efficiency, it s hould know t he r isks a ssociated w ith t he pr edicted
savings, and how to minimise those risks (e.g. the uncertainity of error in the calculations, and
the uncertainity of the investment).

Similarly to financial a udits, energy a udits m ay be carried ou t by internal o r external s taff,

depending on the aims of the audit, the complexity of the site and the resources available. Some
SMEs m ay not ha ve s ufficient in-house e xperience a nd s taff a nd us e e xternal c onsultants
(particularly i f t his is m ade av ailable a s p art o f an i nitiative, see A nnex 7 .12). L arge en ergy
users may ha ve s taff a llocated t o t his w ork, but may also us e either external consultants f or
additional o r o ne-off au dits, or cr eate a t emporary team from other d epartments o r sites (see
Sections 2.5 and 2.6).

1. The scanning models

The main a im of scanning e nergy a udit m odels i s to po int out a reas where energy s aving
possibilities e xist (or may exist) a nd a lso t o poi nt out t he most obvious s aving measures.
Scanning audits do not go deeply into the profitability of the areas pointed out or into the details
of t he s uggested m easures. B efore a ny a ction c an be t aken, t he areas po inted o ut ne ed to be
analysed further.

A scanning audit model is a good choice if large audit volumes need to be achieved in a short
time. These types of audits are usually cheap and quick to carry out. A scanning audit may not
bring the expected r esults f or a n operator, be cause i t doe s not necessarily br ing a ctual s aving
measures ready for implementation but usually suggests further analysis of key areas. There are
two main examples of scanning model, described below:

walk-through energy audits

preliminary energy audits

Walk-through energy audit

A walk-through e nergy audit is suitable for s mall and m edium s ized i ndustrial sites i f t he
production processes a re n ot v ery c omplicated in the s ense of primary a nd s econdary e nergy
flows, interconnected processes, opportunities for re-using lower levels of heat, etc.

A walk-through energy audit gives an overview of the energy use of the site, points out the most
obvious savings and also points out the needs for the next steps (supplementary second-phase

90 Energy Efficiency
Chapter 2

Preliminary energy audit

The s canning e nergy a udit model for l arge sites is o ften called the preliminary e nergy a udit.
Audits of this type a re t ypically us ed in the pr ocess industry. Although t he m ain aim of t he
preliminary energy audit is in line with the walk-through energy audit, the size and type of the
site requires a different approach.

Most of the work in the preliminary energy audit is in establishing a clear picture of the current
total e nergy c onsumption, defining the areas of significant e nergy c onsumption a nd of ten t he
probable energy saving measures. The reporting also identifies the areas where supplementary
second-phase audits are needed and how they should be targeted.

The preliminary energy audit normally needs to be carried out by a team of experts.

Expertise is needed both on the auditing procedure itself as well as on the production process.
The preliminary e nergy a udit a lways r equires c ommitted pa rticipation f rom t he technical
personnel of the site.

2. The analytical models

The analytical energy audit models produce detailed specifications for energy saving measures,
providing t he audited client with enough i nformation for decision-making. Audits of this type
are m ore e xpensive, r equire m ore w ork a nd a l onger t ime s chedule but bring c oncrete
suggestions on how to save energy. The operator can see the savings potential and no additional
surveys are needed.

The analytical models can be divided into two main types:

selective energy audits, where the auditor is allowed to choose the main areas of interest
targeted e nergy audits, where the o perator defines the main a reas of interest. These are
system-specific energy audits
comprehensive energy audits.

Selective energy audit

The selective energy audit looks mainly for major savings and does not pay attention to minor
saving measures. This audit model is very cost effective when used by experienced auditors but
may, i n t he w orst c ase, be cream s kimming. T here i s a lways t he risk t hat w hen a f ew
significant saving measures are found, the rest will be ignored.

Targeted energy audit

The c ontent of w ork i n t he t argeted e nergy audit i s specified by detailed g uidelines from t he
operator and this means that most of the systems to be covered by the targeted energy audit are
known i n a dvance. The g uidelines, set by the operator, m ay deliberately exclude some a reas.
The reason for excluding c ertain areas m ay be t hat they a re k nown t o be normally non- cost
relevant (or more easily dealt with).

The t argeted energy a udit us ually pr oduces a c onsumption br eakdown a nd includes de tailed
calculations on e nergy savings a nd investments. I f the g uidelines a re a dequate, the audit
produces a standard report.

From the operators perspective, there is always a risk if the quality control of a targeted energy
audit is neglected: the au ditors m ay b e tempted to slowly m ove t owards the selective e nergy
audit, because this model always includes less work.

System-specific energy audit

An ex ample o f t he t argeted e nergy au dit at t he si mplest an d sm allest is t he s ystem sp ecific
energy audit. This type of audit has a tightly limited target (one system, device or process), but
the thoroughness of the work is usually very high. The benefit of this audit model is that it is

Energy Efficiency 91
Chapter 2

possible to specify t he e xpertise for t he w ork, which m ay be better than a m ore generalist
auditor can provide.

The system-specific energy audit produces a detailed description of the system and identifies all
savings m easures, w ith o ptions c oncerning t he specific s ystem, a nd m ay pr ovide t he c ost-
benefits of the identified options.

A good opt ion is to c ombine t his t ype of a udit w ith some more c omprehensive audit models,
e.g. carry out a preliminary energy audit, and subsequently, specific audit(s) of systems where a
significant energy savings possibility has been identified.

System-specific e nergy audits give hi gh s avings pot entials compared to t he e nergy us e of the
system. T he p roblem i s that w hen looking a t only one part of the site, the bigger pi cture is
missing and a risk of partial optimisation exists. For example, when studying only t he energy
efficiency of compressed a ir or cooling systems, heat r ecovery oppor tunities cannot b e
evaluated because t here is no knowledge a s t o where heat could be used in the most efficient
way. Energy systems are usually interrelated and seldom independent.

Comprehensive energy audit

A comprehensive en ergy a udit is a targeted energy a udit at the widest end of t he scale ( see
Figure 2.10). It covers all energy usage of the site, including mechanical and electrical systems,
process supply systems, all energy using processes, etc. Some minor systems may be excluded,
where t hey have little relevance i n pr oportion to t he total energy consumption ( for e xample,
doors powered by electric motors).

The d ifference be tween a comprehensive e nergy audit and a targeted energy a udit is that the
targeted energy audit deliberately ignores some areas that are known and specified in advance
and the comprehensive energy audit covers virtually all significant energy consumption.

The starting poi nt i n a c omprehensive e nergy a udit i s a lways a n a nalysis o n t he de tailed

breakdown of the total consumption. This type of audit comments on a ll systems using energy
specified at the beginning, regardless of savings being found. It points out all potential saving
measures and includes detailed calculations on energy savings and investment costs.

This model a lso c reates a basis f or a very s tandard and detailed r eporting w hich brings s ome
advantages to the operator especially in quality control and monitoring.

Achieved environmental benefits

As a n e nergy a udit i dentifies t he m ain a reas, operations a nd t ypes of e nergy used in a un it,
process o r site, the r eported findings can be u sed to identify a nd prioritise the cost e ffective
energy savings opportunities.

Cross-media effects

Operational data
See Description, above.

See Description, above.

The type of e nergy a udit and the frequency of i mplementation a re pl ant specific. A w alk-
through energy audit is usually be suitable for small installations.

92 Energy Efficiency
Chapter 2

An e nergy a udit c ould be c arried o ut t o i nitially a ssess the s tate of energy e fficiency i n a n
installation or system. S ubsequently, audits could be c arried out a fter m ajor c hanges i n t he
installation that could modify energy production and/or consumption, significant changes in the
operation pa rameters, etc. This approach pr esumes t hat a ll e nergy a udits a re c omprehensive.
However, even after periods of no apparent significant change, audits should be carried out from
time to time to ensure there is no drift from energy efficient operation.

Alternatively, a pr eliminary a udit could be carried out to i dentify areas for more i ntensive
auditing, w hich are s cheduled a ccording t o f actors s uch a s e ase of a pplication of E NE
techniques, capital r equirements, etc. ( see S ection 2.2.1). A n i ndividual s ystem may t herefore
only be fully audited infrequently, but a udits m ay be c arried ou t regularly w ithin the
installation, on differing systems.

See Description, above.

Driving force for implementation

cost savings
adherence to energy saving agreements, etc.

Widely us ed. A comprehensive-type e nergy a udit for a g iven o rganisation can be carried ou t
according to Figure 2.10.

French n ational s tandard: The energy di agnosis r eference frame f or industry. AFNOR B P X
30 120.

Reference information
[7, L ytras, 2005, 31, D espretz, , 40, A DENE, 2005, 92, Motiva Oy, 2005, 165, B ESS_EIS, ,
227, TWG, , 250, ADEME, 2006]

Energy Efficiency 93
Chapter 2

4) Energy invoices 5) Production data

1) Process analysis collection collection

2) Drawing up of
energy models

3) Theoretical energy 6) Effective energy

indicators indicators

7) Are
NO indicators
8) Reference energy


9) Are
10) Detecting energy NO indicators
saving actions comparable?

11) Cost-benefit

12) Priority for

economically viable 13) End of audit
actions only

Figure 2.10: Scheme for a comprehensive-type energy audit

[11, Franco, 2005]

2.12 Pinch methodology

Pinch methodology is the application of pinch technology. It is a methodology for minimising
energy consumption in processes by calculating thermodynamically feasible energy targets and
achieving them by opt imising he at r ecovery s ystems, e nergy s upply methods a nd pr ocess
operating conditions. A lthough it is also k nown a s process integration or energy integration,
these are the outcomes of applying the results of the pinch methodology (e.g. see Section 2.4).

All pr ocesses c onsist o f h ot a nd c old s treams. A ho t s tream i s de fined a s one that r equires
cooling, a nd a c old stream as one that r equires he ating. F or a ny pr ocess, a s ingle line c an be
drawn on a temperature-enthalpy plot which represents either all the hot streams or all the cold
streams o f t he p rocess. A si ngle line either representing a ll the hot streams o r a ll the cold
streams i s ca lled t he h ot co mposite c urve o r t he co ld co mposite cu rve, r espectively. The
construction of a composite curve is illustrated in Figure 2.11 where two hot streams are shown
on a temperature-enthalpy diagram.

94 Energy Efficiency
Chapter 2



Temperature in


100 200 300

Heat content in kW

Figure 2.11: Two hot streams

Stream 1 is cooled from 200 to 100 C. It has a CP (i.e. mass flowrate x specific heat capacity)
of 1; therefore, it loses 100 kW of heat. Stream 2 is cooled from 150 to 50 C. It has a CP of 2;
therefore, it loses 200 kW of heat.

The hot composite curve is produced by the simple addition of heat contents over temperature

between 200 and 150 C, only one stream exists and it has a CP of 1. Therefore, the heat
loss across that temperature range is 50 kW
between 150 and 100 C, two hot streams exist, with a total CP of 3. The total heat loss
from 150 to 100 C is 150 kW. Since the total CP from 150 to 100 C is greater than the
CP f rom 200 t o 150 C, t hat portion of t he hot c omposite curve becomes flatter i n the
second temperature range from 150 to 100 C
between 100 and 50 C, only one stream exists, with a CP of 2. Therefore, the total heat
loss is 100 kW.

Figure 2.12 shows the hot composite curve.


Temperature in



100 200 300

Heat content in kW

Figure 2.12: Hot composite curve

The cold composite curve is constructed in the same way. In practical applications, the number
of streams is generally much greater, but these streams are constructed in exactly the same way.

Energy Efficiency 95
Chapter 2

Figure 2.13 shows the hot and cold composite curves plotted on the same temperature-enthalpy
diagram. The diagram represents the total heating and cooling requirements of the process.





Figure 2.13: Composite curves showing the pinch and energy targets

Along the enthalpy axis, the curves overlap. The hot composite curve can be used to heat up the
cold composite curve by process-to-process heat exchange. However, at either end an overhang
exists such that the top of the cold composite curve needs an external heat source (QH,min) and
the bottom of the hot composite curve needs external cooling (QC,min). These are known as the
hot and cold utility targets.

The point at which the curves come closest to touching is known as the pinch. At the pinch, the
curves are separated by the minimum approach temperature WTmin. For that value of WTmin, the
region of ov erlap s hows t he maximum possible amount o f p rocess-to-process he at-exchange.
Furthermore, QH,min and QC,min are the minimum utility requirements.

Once the pinch and utility targets of a process have been identified, the three 'golden rules' of
the pinch methodology can be applied. The process can be considered as two separate systems
(see Figure 2.14), a system above the pinch and a system below the pinch. The system above the
pinch needs a positive amount of heat from an external source, so it is a heat sink, whereas the
system below the pinch has heat to reject to an external sink and is, therefore, a heat source.

Heat sink



Heat source


Figure 2.14: Schematic representation of the systems above and below the pinch

96 Energy Efficiency
Chapter 2

The three rules are as follows:

heat must not be transferred across the pinch

there must be no outside cooling above the pinch
there must be no outside heating below the pinch.

If the amount of heat travelling across the pinch is b, then an extra amount (b) of hot utility must
be supplied and an extra amount of cold utility b is required (see Figure 2.15). Similarly, any
outside cooling of the heat sink and any outside heating of the heat source increases the energy

QH,min +


Heat sink

Heat source

QC,min +

Figure 2.15: Heat transfer across the pinch from heat sink to heat source

T=A Equation 2.1


T = target energy consumption

A = actual energy consumption
= cross-pinch heat flow.

To achieve the energy targets, cross-pinch heat flows must be eliminated.

Achieved environmental benefits

Optimisation of the energy balance on a production site.

Cross-media effects
None believed likely.

Operational data
The key to applying the pinch methodology in non-continuous processes is the data extraction.
There a re n o s hortcuts; d etailed m easurements an d t imings o f al l the p rocess st reams a re
essential if cost savings (= energy savings) opportunities are to be found.

Energy Efficiency 97
Chapter 2

Pinch m ethodology can be a pplied t o a w ide variety of i ndustries w ith pr ocess streams at
different temperature levels. It is used in the design of new plants or units, significant upgrades
or detailed investigations of a plant's performance, such as:

energy analysis of process units

utility plus heat and electrical power system analysis
heat exchanger network design and analysis
total site analysis to optimise process and utility integration
hydrogen and water system analysis.

The e arly applications of pinch methodology w ere i n oi l refining, petrochemical, and bu lk

chemical p lants, w here it s howed energy and c apital savings. However, recently t he
methodology ha s been pr oved a cross a wide r ange of p rocesses a nd industries, i ncluding
cogeneration, ph armaceuticals, pu lp and pa per, c ement, food, dr ink and m ilk (e.g. br ewing,
coffee making, ice-cream and dairy products), see Examples, below.

Pinch m ethodology ha s a lso be en used i n v arious k inds of pr ocesses i ncluding ba tch, s emi-
continuous, a nd c ontinuous operations incorporating v arious o perating parameters, s uch a s
different f eedstocks, seasonal demand fluctuations, m ultiple ut ilities, qua lity constraints, and
environmental constraints.

See payback times in Table 2.6.

The p inch m ethodology i s of ten t hought t o be e xpensive a nd di fficult. H owever, f or s imple

problems c alculations c an be m ade manually, or by using software tools ( some a re available
free of charge). Projects can start from about EUR 5000. The data requirements to perform an
analysis ar e v ery sm all, an d p inch an alysis is a b asic el ement i n industrial en gineering

For more complex situations, an experienced team will be needed to cover the pinch analysis,
process simulation, cost estimation and plant operation.

Driving force for implementation

Operating and capital cost savings.

When it has been used in existing operations, there have frequently been process benefits, such
as improved plant flexibility, debottlenecking, increased capacity and reduced effects of fouling.

98 Energy Efficiency
Chapter 2


Savings from some applications of pinch methodology1 (Costs: USD2, reported Ullman's, 2000)
Process description Savings
Crude oil unit Savings of c. USD 1.75 106 with 1.6 year payback
Large petrochemical complex
Savings of over USD 7.00 106 with paybacks from 12
manufacturing ethylene, butadiene,
to 20 months
HDPE, LDPE, and polypropylene
Tailor-made chemicals, batch process Savings of c. USD 0.45 106 with paybacks of 3 months
with 30 reactors and over 300 products to 3 years
Sulphur-based speciality chemicals, 30 % savings to total site energy bill (worth c. USD
batch and continuous 0.18 106 with paybacks of 9 16 months
Savings of 70 % of process energy equivalent to c. USD
Edible oil refinery, batch operation, wide
0.79 106 with paybacks from 12 to 18 months and
range of feedstocks
debottlenecking equivalent to 15 % increased capacity
Batch processing of dairy products and Savings of 30 % (equivalent to c. USD 0.20 106) with
dried beverages paybacks of less than 1 year
Savings from 12 to 25 % of energy costs with paybacks
from 9 months to 2 years
Significant debottlenecking and savings of c. USD
State-of-the-art whisky distillery
0.35 106 with paybacks from 18 months to 2 years
Savings of 8 20 % of energy bill with paybacks from 1
Paper mill
to 3 years
Continuous cellulose acetate processing Savings of c. USD 0.28 106with 1 year payback
Continuous dry cement process Large energy savings
Savings mentioned above ar e concerned p rimarily with energy co sts. T he majority o f the co mpanies al so
benefited f rom increased t hroughout and i mproved process f lexibility a nd operability; t he economic value of
these benefits is not included in the table above.
No exchange rate is given as the exact dates of the data and applications are unknown

Table 2.6: Pinch methodology: some examples of applications and savings

[266, Ullmann's, 2000]

Hot Utility Saving
Cold Utility Saving


27.3% 26.1% 23.5%

17.5% 20.5%
16.3% 16.5%
11.6% 13%
3.9% 0.8%
2.9% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%0% 0%0% 0% 0.6%
























Figure 2.16: Energy savings identified by pinch methodology

Note: acronyms refer to polymer and organic chemical process stages
[51, Pini, 2005]

Energy Efficiency 99
Chapter 2

Reference information
[117, L innhoff March], [118, K BC], [ 12, Pini, 2005, 51, P ini, 20 05, 67, M arttila, 20 05, 119,
Neste Jacobs Oy]

Free pinch software: Pinch2.0 from Fraunhofer ISI/Peter Radgen.

It is also a technique considered in other BREFs: OFC, SIC, LVIC-S, REF, etc.

2.13 Enthalpy and exergy analysis

Energy (or enthalpy) analysis and exergy analysis are techniques based on the determination of
energy or e xergy of the f lows of t he t hermal system s tudied and of the e nergy or e xergy
balances of the components connected by those flows.

To perform these analyses, the following steps have to be followed:

1. The boundary of the system analysed (the whole plant or a part of it) has to be precisely
2. The w hole s ystem has to be disaggregated into several pa rts, c onnected by matter a nd
energy flows. T he detail of this disaggregation depends on t he de pth of the a nalysis
required and on available information.
3. Thermodynamic pr operties defining t he f lows ha ve t o be determined: m ass flow,
pressure, temperature, composition, shaft power, heat flow, etc. When an actual system is
analysed, this information is obtained by measurements. However, when t he analysis is
performed for an installation to be built, simulation is used.
4. Once all the flows defined have been completely characterised, it is possible to determine
their enthalpy and exergy (see Section 1.2.2 and Annex 7.1).
5. The enthalpies and exergies can be used t o de termine ot her parameters s uch as e nergy
losses in the components, irreversibility, efficiencies, and can be demonstrated, e.g. using
Sankey (energy) or Grassmann (exergy) diagrams.
6. These b alances and a nalyses c an be done in real time a t v arious t ime intervals a nd the
information a bout the ' exergy c osts', e .g. t he amount o f e xergy r esources n eeded to
produce a given flow, may be used to diagnose the deviations of the plant's performance
from an agreed reference state.
7. Finally, t he r elationship be tween t hermodynamics a nd e conomics c an be r eadily
determined, as the cost of any malfunction or inefficiency of a subsystem in the plant has
two components: first, the amount of material resources and second, the money expended
to compensate it. The theory explaining t he fundamentals of such a technique is named
thermoeconomics (see Section 2.14).

As can be seen, energy and exergy analyses can be performed in parallel, and are measured in
the same units. However, exergy analysis, although less used and more complex, is more useful
because it points directly to where energy can be saved.

Energy i s a c onservative p roperty: i t is neither c reated nor destroyed, so energy a nalysis c an

only t ake i nto a ccount e nergy l ost t hrough the system bounda ry ( heat losses, gases t o s tack,
etc.). H owever, e very e nergy t ransformation leads to a r eduction in energy qua lity: energy i s
conserved but its u tility al ways decreases. I n this framework, ex ergy i s a measure defined t o
take into account the quality of energy. Electricity or mechanical work are forms of the highest
quality energy, so that their energy and exergy are exactly the same. On the other hand, a mass
of w ater he ated 20 de grees above a mbient t emperature ha s e nergy, but i ts e xergy c ontent i s
negligible. The e xergy content measures exactly t he maximum convertibility (in energy uni ts)
of a given flow into other forms of energy. Exergy is therefore not a conservative property. In
every steady state process the exergy of entering flows is always higher than exergy of exiting
flows. This di fference i s c alled i rreversibility, a nd i ts qua ntification t hrough e xergy a nalysis

100 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 2

allows one to detect where energy quality is lost (in other words, where energy can be saved).
(These issues are explained in more detail in Annex 7.1).

As an example, consider a boiler used to produce low pressure steam for a given process. If an
energy analysis is performed, this boiler can have an energy efficiency as high as 85 %, and it
appears to be an efficient device. However, the quality of the energy contained in the steam is
low, so that the exergy efficiency of the boiler can be about 25 %. This low figure indicates that
there i s a big potential of energy s avings i f the boiler i s substituted by, for example, t he heat
recovery steam generator of a cogeneration system, in which the input hot gases have been used
to dr ive a t urbine w hich c aptures the h igh qua lity e nergy. C ounter-intuitively, t he lower the
quality of the output, the higher t he energy e fficiency of t he boiler t hat can be i ndustrially
achieved; however the exergy efficiency indicator follows the common sense trend.

Achieved environmental benefits

These a nalyses e nable t he de termination of w here e nergy a nd e xergy i s l ost, and where t he
points are with hi ghest pot ential t o s ave energy. A s e xergy i s de pendent on a ll the properties
defining a given flow, it can also be used to follow where pollutants are produced in the plant,
along with the quantities.

Cross-media effects
None believed likely.

Operational data
A key poi nt i n the application of these techniques is t he a vailability of information about t he
flows of the energy system. This information is obtained by measurements in operating plants
and by simulation at the design stage. The depth of the analysis is limited by this circumstance.

The concept of exergy is used in many situations to locate where natural resources are lost (see
the Reference information, below).

The techniques can be applied to any thermal system. A main advantage is that they allows the
direct c omparision of different plants. F urthermore, e xergy a nalysis provides an absolute
reference: the ideal system which is one without irreversibilities.

The analyse c an be us ed t o de termine the s tate o f a n op erating pl ant, by us ing a vailable

measurements, and to c ompare these w ith design v alues. B esides, it is u seful to a nalyse
alternatives and the possibility of improvements at the design stage.

However, the use of exergy in companies is still limited. For example, in the Netherlands, the
concept of exergy is us ed by t he engineering de partments of the large companies, like S hell,
Dow Chemical, Unilever, DSM, AKZO NOBEL, etc. and a number of large engineering firms.
Several studies have been performed. These studies lead to the conclusion that exergy analyses
give valuable information, but that the analyses take too much time and that there is not enough
data w ith w hich t o co mpare results. F or ex ample, benchmarking o n t he b asis o f exergetic
efficiencies i s not e asy, be cause of the l ack of data for c omparison. To f acilitate the e xergy
analyses, a commercial program for calculating exergy has been developed. With this program,
the exergy of flows can be calculated in proprietory flowsheets, significantly reducing the time
to perform exergy analyses. However, the flowsheets are expensive and only a limited number
of companies have sufficient use to justify the cost.

Most small and medium sized companies do not use this type of software, because of the high
cost, the lack of trained staff and the level of accuracy required for data input to those programs.
For these companies, a new method has been devised, and is being developed further.

Energy Efficiency 101

Chapter 2

Exergy analysis has the reputation of being difficult and expensive. However, if information on
flow properties is available (which is a common situation), enthalpy and exergy analyse can be
done at low cost. A limited number of tools are available to perform the analyse in connection
with a f lowsheet pa ckage. In t his way, t he analyse can be performed f ast and efficiently. The
exergy losses pinpoint the locations where the biggest savings could be achieved (in materials,
energy, and therefore money). The cost of an exergy analysis starts at EUR 5000.

Furthermore, for smaller projects the analyse can be done manually. Here, the use of an exergy
analyse i s v ery l imited. A ne w m ethod c alled e xergy s can i s unde r de velopment i n or der t o
provide a useful tool.

Driving force for implementation

It is a low cost technique which can give value to plant measurements. It also points out clearly
the components where energy c an pot entially be saved. Information obtained i n these analyse
can be used by other tools such as Sankey diagrams (see Section 2.7.1).

Energy (or enthalpy) analysis i s w idely us ed in the analysis of t hermal system i n both design
and operation. The use of exergy is not so extensive, although this is increasing. As mentioned
above, i t has been used by c ompanies s uch as: Shell, Dow Chemical, Unilever, DSM, AKZO
NOBEL, etc. and large engineering firms.

Reference information
[227, TWG]
Information and e xamples of enthalpy a nalysis and also exergy) analysis can be f ound i n any
graduate level book on thermodynamics. For more details on exergy analysis see:

T. J. KOTAS. Krieger, The Exergy Method of Thermal Plant Analysis, Florida, 1996
Kotas, T.J., The Exergy Method of thermal and chemical processes, Krieger Publishing
Company, Melbourne, USA, 1999
Szargut J ., Morris D .R., S teward F.R., Exergy A nalysis of Thermal, C hemical a nd
Metallurgical Processes, Hemisphere, New York, 1988
Cornelissen, R .L., 1997, Thermodynamics a nd sustainable development, The us e of
exergy analysis a nd the reduction o f irreversibility, P h.D. thesis, U niversity of Twente,
Cornelissen, R .L., and B oerema C . 2001, Exergy Scan the ne w method f or cost
effective fuel saving, Proceedings of ECOS 2001, p.p. 725-731, Istanbul.


exergy calculator: http://www.exergoecology.com/excalc

exerCom and exergy scan: more information on both at at www.exergie.nl

2.14 Thermoeconomics
Thermoeconomic a nalysis techniques c ombine t he f irst a nd s econd l aws of thermodynamics
with c ost information conducted at t he s ystem level. These t echniques help to understand t he
cost formation pr ocess, minimise t he overall p roduct costs and assign c osts t o more t han on e
product produced by the same process.

102 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 2

As noted in Section 1.2, energy is not consumed in processes, but useful energy is degraded to
less useful forms. Highly irreversible processes, such as combustion, heat transfer, throttling etc.
can only be analysed by an e xergy a nalysis ( see Section 2.13). E xergy is a n ob jective a nd
universal m easure o f c hange a nd c an be considered the b ridge be tween thermodynamics a nd
cost accounting methodologies b ecause i t r elates t o i ntensive p roperties su ch a s p ressure,
temperature, energy, etc., which can be measured. An economic analysis can calculate the cost
of fuel, investment, operation and maintenance for the installation.

Thus, t hermoeconomics assesses the c ost o f co nsumed r esources, m oney an d sy stem

irreversibilities in terms of the overall production process. Thermoeconomics helps to point out
how resources m ay be used m ore e ffectively in order t o s ave them. M oney c osts express t he
economic effect of inefficiencies and are used to improve the cost effectiveness of production
processes. Assessing the cost of the flow streams and processes in a plant helps to understand
the process of cost formation, from the input resources to the final products.

Achieved environmental benefits

Principally s avings i n e nergy, but also reductions i n m aterial usage and wasted o r emitted

Cross-media effects
None anticipated from a calculation technique.

Operational data
These analyses can solve problems related to complex energy systems that could not be solved
by us ing conventional energy analyses. Among other applications, t hermoeconomics a re us ed

rational price assessments of plant products based on physical criteria

optimisation of s pecific pr ocess un it v ariables t o minimise t he f inal pr oduct c ost, i .e.
global and local optimisation.
detection of i nefficiencies and calculation of their economic effects i n operating plants,
i.e. plant operation thermoeconomic diagnosis
evaluation of v arious design alternatives o r operation de cisions a nd profitability
energy audits.

No data supplied.

Case dependent.

Driving force for implementation

Cost and materials savings.

Various e lectrical power plants (including g asification-combined cy cle), refineries, chemical
plants, s ugar processing plants, c ombined power a nd desalination plants, di strict heating
systems, etc.

Reference information
[258, Tsatsaronis and Valero, 1989] [284, Valero, , 285, Valero, 1989]

More information on sites such as: [286, Frangopoulos]

Energy Efficiency 103

Chapter 2

2.15 Energy models

2.15.1 Energy models, databases and balances

Energy models, databases and balances, a re us eful t ools t o carry out a complete a nd i n-depth
energy analysis an d are likely t o b e p art o f an a nalytical o r comprehensive energy audit ( see
Section 2.11). A model is a plan or description designed to show where and how energy is used
in a n i nstallation, un it or system ( e.g. a da tabase). T he m odel t herefore seeks t o r ecord t he
technical information about an installation, unit or system. It will record the type of equipment,
energy consumption and operating data such as running time. It should be complete enough for
the task ( but no t excessively s o), e asily accessible to v arious users in departments s uch as
operations, energy management, maintenance, purchasing, accounts, etc. It may usefully be part
of, or linked to a maintenance system, t o facilitate record updating, such as motor rewinding,
calibration dates, etc. (see Section 2.9).

Where an energy model, database o r ba lance is used, i t may be bui lt up ba sed on system
boundaries, (see Section 1.5.1), e.g.:

units (department, production line, etc.)

individual equipment (pumps, motors, etc.)
utility systems (e.g. compressed air, pumping, vacuum, external lighting, etc.)
individual equipment (pumps, motors, etc.).

The auditor (or data gatherer) must take care to ensure the efficiency recorded is the real system
efficiency (as described in Section 1.5.1).

As an e nergy model o r d atabase i s a strategic tool to c arry out a n energy au dit, i t i s g ood
practice to validate it before use by performing a balance. The first step is to compare the total
amount of energy consumed, as derived from calculations, with the amount consumed as shown
by the metered energy supplies. Where the installation is complex, this can be carried out at a
unit or system level (see system boundaries, Section 1.5.1 and metering, Section 2.10.3). If the
balance between the calculated and the metered consumptions is not achieved, then the data in
the model should be rechecked, in particular any estimations, such as load factors and working
hours. Where necessary, these should be e stablished with greater a ccuracy. A nother c ause o f
errors is not identifying all the equipment using energy.

Achieved environmental benefits

Enables planning on the basis of knowing where energy is consumed.

Cross-media effects
None thought likely.

Operational data
Electrical energy
For a n electric m odel, database or balance, the following da ta can b e gathered f or e ach
electrically powered device, such as motors and drives, pumps, compressors, electric furnaces,

rated power
rated efficiency
load factor
working hours per year.

104 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 2

Whereas power a nd e fficiency a re easy t o de tect as they are normally labelled on t he device
itself, the load factor and the hours per year are estimated.

Examples of data gathered for a simple electrical energy model are given in Annex 7.7.3.

When t he load f actor i s estimated to be greater t han 50 %, t hen t he l oad factor i tself i s
approximately equal to:

P( eff ) x
LF =
P( rated )


LF is the load factor

P(eff) is the estimated average electric power effectively absorbed by the device during its
working hours (kW)
P(rated) is the rated power (kW)
e is the rated efficiency of the device (at full load).

If necessary, Peff can be measured using electric power meters.

It must be pointed out that the efficiency and the power factor of a device depend on t he load
factor according to Figure 2.17, drawn, in this case, for a generic motor.

80% Power factor

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Load factor (%)

Figure 2.17:Power factor of a device depending on the load factor

[11, Franco, 2005]

Thermal energy
The dr awing up of a t hermal e nergy model, database or balance is m ore c omplex than a n
electric model. To have a complete picture of the thermal consumption, two kinds of models (or
databases or balances) are compiled: first level and second level.

To compile the first level energy model, it is necessary to take a census of all users of any kind
of fuel. For any consumer of fuel (e.g. boilers, furnaces), the following data should be recorded:

type of fuel supplied in a specific time period, usually in a year

kind of thermal carrier entering the boiler (e.g. pressurised water): flowrate, temperature,
condensate: percentage of recovery, temperature, pressure

Energy Efficiency 105

Chapter 2

boiler body : manufacturer, m odel, installation y ear, thermal pow er, rated efficiency,
exchange s urface area, n umber of w orking hour s in a year, body temperature, a verage
load factor
burner: manufacturer, model, installation year, thermal power
exhaust: flowrate, temperature, average carbon dioxide content
kind of thermal carrier leaving the boiler (e.g. steam): temperature, pressure.

Though all such data s hould be collected, i n the first l evel thermal model ( generators side)
only t he major us ers of e nergy ne ed to be t aken i nto account (see Table 7.9). It i s g enerally
helpful to convert all energies into primary energy or specific energy types used in the industry,
for later comparisons (see Section

Second level models (users side) are also made by taking a census of all machineries needing
thermal energy in any form (hot water, steam, hot air, etc.) except fuel (taken into account in the
first level model). For every item of equipment using thermal energy, the following data should
be collected:

type of thermal carrier used

hours/year of thermal demand
load factor at which thermal energy is used
rated thermal power.

An example of how data can be arranged is given in Annex 7.7.3, Table 7.9.

The second level model (users side) is useful to verify the match between the heat supplied by
the utilities (boilers, heat generators, etc.) and the heat requested by the users.

If this difference is acceptable, then the two models can be considered as validated. If this is not
the case, then some recalculation or further investigation is needed.

If t he di fference be tween the two a mounts i s l arge, this is likely t o b e due to a high level o f
losses in the production-distribution-use for different carriers (e.g. steam, hot water, etc.). In this
case, actions to improve the energy efficiencies should be taken.

The type of model and the detail of information gathered depend on the installation.

An analysis of every piece of energy-consuming equipment i s often not feasible or necessary.

Electrical e nergy m odels are suitable for sm aller i nstallations. P rocess a nalysis i ncluding
detailed electrical and thermal power consumption is more appropriate in larger installations.

Priorities can be set to maximise the cost-benefit of the data-gathering, e.g. data on e quipment
exceeding a certain p ower c onsumption, or g uidelines s uch as i nitially collecting da ta on the
20 % of equipment that uses 80 % of the power (e.g. steam, electricity), etc. It should be noted
that as the model i s used, and as ENE is gained, t hen t he remaining equipment can be added,
again in a planned manner.

Site dependent.

Driving force for implementation

Cost savings.

Examples of energy data sheets and balance calculations are given in Annex 7.7.3.

106 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 2

Reference information
[127, TWG] [11, Franco, 2005]

2.15.2 Optimisation and management of utilities using models

This b rings t ogether techniques s uch a s t hose de scribed i n S ections 2.10.3 to 2.15 a nd a dds
software modelling and/or control systems.

For s imple i nstallations, t he a vailability of c heaper a nd e asier monitoring, e lectronic data

capture and control, make it easier for operators to gather data, assess process energy needs, and
to c ontrol pr ocesses. This c an start w ith simple t iming, on -off s witching, t emperature and
pressure c ontrols, d ata l oggers, e tc. a nd i s f acilitated by us ing s oftware m odels for more
sophisticated control.

At the more complex levels, a large installation will have an information management system
(manufacturing and execution systems), logging and controlling all the process conditions.

A specific application i s i n managing t he w ay e nergy i s s ourced a nd s upplied ( supply s ide

energy management, di stribution m anagement or u tilities management), s ee A pplicability,
below. This uses a software model linked to control systems to optimise and manage the energy
utilities (electricity, steam, cooling, etc.).

Achieved environmental benefits

Reduction in energy use and associated emissions. See Examples, below.

Cross-media effects
Usually efficiencies are additive, but in some cases, if the supply/utility distribution side is not
considered, t hen t he benefits i n reducing demand are not r ealised, e.g. when steam savings i n
one process unit simply lead to venting elsewhere if the steam system is not rebalanced.

Operational data
With increasing complexity, optimum and energy efficient operation can be achieved by using
the r ight t ools, ranging f rom s imple s preadsheet ba sed s imulation t ools, or di stributed c ontrol
systems ( DCS) programming t o more pow erful model-based ut ilities m anagement and
optimisation systems (a utilities optimiser) which might be integrated with other manufacturing
and execution systems on site.

A utilities opt imisation s ystem w ill be accessed by s taff w ith a v ariety of ba ckgrounds a nd
objectives (e.g. engineers, operators, plant managers, buyers, accounts staff). The following are
important general requirements:

ease of use: the different users need to access the system and t he system needs to have
different user interfaces as da ta integration with o ther i nformation s ystems t o a void r e-
entering data, e.g. such as enterprise resource planning (ERP), production planning, data
robust: needs to show consistent and reliable advice to be accepted by users
close to reality: needs to represent plant reality (costs, equipment, start-up times) without
introducing an unmanageable level of detail
flexible: needs to be flexible so that adjustments in the changing plant environment (e.g.
temporary restraints, updating costs) can be done with little effort.

A utilities optimiser s hould be able to reliably calculate t he benefits of options (online or off-
line, e .g. 'what-if' s cenarios) a nd contribute t o motivating t he necessary c hange(s) (see
Section 2.5).

Energy Efficiency 107

Chapter 2

The key requirements for a model-based utilities optimiser are:

a model of the fuel, steam and electricity generation processes and distribution system. At
a minimum, the model must accurately represent:
the properties of all fuels, including the lower heating value and composition
the thermodynamic properties of all water and steam streams on the facility
the performance of all utility equipment over their normal range of operation
a model of all buy-and-sell contracts that apply to the utilities system
mixed integer optimisation capability, which enables utility equipment on/off decisions as
well as discontinuities in the contract model and/or utilities process model
online data validation and gross error detection
open loop
online optimisation
the possibility to carry out 'what-if' studies for off-line studies (study impact of projects,
study impact of different types of contracts for, e.g. electricity and fuel).

Simple control systems are applicable even in small installations. The complexity of the system
will increase in proportion to the complexity of the process and the site.

Utilities optimisation and management is applicable on sites where there are multiple types of
energy usage ( steam, c ooling, e tc.), and v arious op tions f or sourcing e nergy, be tween these
energy carriers and/or including in-house generation (including cogeneration and trigeneration,
see Section 3.4).

The key requirements for a model-based utilities optimiser are a model of the fuel, steam and
power generation processes and distribution system. As a minimum, the model must accurately
represent the properties o f all f uels, i ncluding the l ower heating v alue a nd composition. This
may be di fficult w ith v aried a nd c omplex f uels s uch as m unicipal w aste, w hich r educes the
possibilities of optimising the energy export.

See Examples.

Driving force for implementation

Cost is a m ain driver. The cost savings from a r eduction in energy use is complicated by (see
Section 7.11) t he c omplexity of tariffs in i ncreasingly de regulated ut ilities markets, electricity
and f uel t rading, a nd e missions monitoring, m anagement a nd t rading. T able 2.7 s ets ou t the
main business process drivers.

108 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 2

Main driver
(where marked with +)
Business process Energy
Demand forecasting: knowledge of the current and predicted future utility
demands over given time periods (days, weeks, months, years, depending on
process and market variations). Helps minimise:
the use of hot standby (e.g. boilers)
the venting of excess steam
the loss of supply due to insufficient standby or control
Utilities production planning: takes demand profiles and develops an
optimised production plan based on the availability of utilities. Can be tactical + +
(24 hrs) or strategic (when to start-up or shut down equipment for maintenance)
Optimal plant operation (online optimisation): while a plan may be
developed in advance (e.g. for every 24 hrs) operations can vary and invalidate
+ +
this. A utilities optimiser can provide real time advice to operations staff on how
to operate the system at the lowest cost based on current demands and prices
Performance monitoring (utilities equipment): a utilities optimiser can track
the performance of individual items and systems. This can be used to optimise +
maintenance and cleaning schedules, and warn of operating problems
Investment planning: a utilities optimiser can be used to evaluate design
options for new equipment and changes to existing equipment in both process
systems and the utilities systems, e.g.
deaerating feed-water heating using process heat
choice of drive (motor or steam turbine) or possibly dual process drives to
give greater flexibility to balance the steam system
+ +
improving condensate return
changing en ergy s upply (e.g. u se o f low p ressure s team t o r educe m edium
pressure steam use)
use of steam to preheat combustion air to furnaces
integration with existing steam network in the case of a new unit being built
on the site or modification of an existing network where units are closed
Emissions monitoring, management and trading: certain gaseous emissions
(SOX and CO2) can be directly related to fuels burnt (where the fuel composition
and variation are accurately known). NOX requires predictive models, as its
formation depends on fuel, flame temperature, equipment, etc. A utilities
+ +
optimiser can include emissions prediction and reporting, where the permit
requires this (e.g. for ELV compliance). The optimiser can also support
decision-making for emissions management and trading by predicting demands
and corresponding emissions
Contract management: (see Section 7.11): an optimiser provides an operator
(+) +
with data to minimise and move peak demands
Tariff evaluation: utilities deregulation has led to a bewildering array of tariff
options. Manual calculation and choice is not sufficiently accurate and rapid, +
and this is automated for large users
Electricity and fuel trading: process industries are increasingly investing in co-
and trigeneration, with the ability to export energy. This complicates tariff +
evaluation and an optimiser supports efficient energy trading
Cost accounting: a utilities optimiser provides accurate cost allocation in real
time and also provides true marginal costs. This can support decision making in +
varying energy sources
Table 2.7: Business process drivers for using a utilities optimiser

1. Schott AG, DE. See Annex 7.7.1

software: about EUR 50 000

hardware: about EUR 500/measuring point.

Energy Efficiency 109

Chapter 2

Savings per year:

peak load lowering at delivery of electricity: about 3 to 5 %

payback period: about 0.9 to 2 years (dependent on project).

2. Atrium Hospital, Heerleen, NL. See Annex 7.7.2

A real-time utilities management system was installed, with an internal ROI of 49 % (at about
EUR 75 000 95 000/yr on a variable energy cost of about EUR 1.2 million.

Valero Energy Corporation, Refinery, Houston, Texas, US

A utilities optimiser for a petroleum system was installed in 2002. First year benefits have been
identified of EUR 3.06 million, including reduced imports of NG and electricity.

DSM, chemical plant, Geleen, NL

Benefits have been identified as an ROI of>25 %, with 3 to 4 % saving in total site energy costs,
resulting from both energy savings and more favourable contract arrangements with suppliers.

Reference information
general information, Valero and DSM examples: [171, de Smedt P. Petela E., 2006]
Schott glass:[127, TWG]
Atrium hospital [179, Stijns, 2005].

2.16 Benchmarking
At its simplest, a benchmark is a reference point. In business, benchmarking is the process used
by a n or ganisation t o e valuate v arious a spects of their p rocesses i n r elation t o be st pr actice,
usually within their own sector. The process has been described as:

benchmarking is about making comparisons with other companies and then learning the
lessons w hich t hose companies e ach show up ( The E uropean B enchmarking C ode of
benchmarking i s t he practice of be ing hum ble enough t o a dmit that s omeone else is
better at something, and being wise enough to learn how to be as good as them and even
better (American Productivity and Quality Center).

Benchmarking i s a powerful t ool to he lp ov ercome 'paradigm bl indness' (which c an b e

expressed as: 'the way we do it is best, because we've always done it this way'). It can therefore
be used to assist continuous improvement and maintaining impetus (see Sections 2.2.1 and 2.5).

Energy benchmarking takes data that have been collected and analysed (see measurement and
monitoring a nd e rngy audit, in S ections 2.10 and 2.11). E nergy e fficiency i ndicators are t hen
established t hat enable t he ope rator to assess t he performance of t he i nstallation over t ime, or
with others i n the s ame sector. S ections 1.3, 1.4 a nd 1.5 discuss the i ssues relating t o
establishing and using indicators.

It is important to note that the criteria used in the data collection are traceable, and kept up t o

Data confidentiality may be important in certain cases (e.g. where energy is a significant part of
the c ost of production). Therefore, i t i s e ssential to t ake into a ccount t he views of t he
participating companies and sector associations to safeguard the confidentiality of company data
and to ensure the user-friendliness of the instruments. Confidentiality can be protected by:

110 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 2

presenting da ta in a w ay that pr otects the confidential d ata (e.g. pr esenting data a nd
targets aggregated for several installations or products)
having data collated by a trusted third party (e.g. trade organisation, government agency).

Benchmarking may a lso apply t o pr ocesses and working methods ( see a lso O perational
excellence, Section 2.5, and Examples below).

Energy data g athering s hould be u ndertaken carefully. D ata s hould be c omparable. I n s ome
cases, t he da ta may ne ed c orrection f actors ( normalisation). F or i nstance, to t ake a ccount of
feedstock, age of equipment, etc. (see glass industry benchmarking, below), and these should be
agreed at the appropriate level (e.g. nationally, internationally). Key examples are to ensure that
energy is compared on a suitable basis, such as prime energy, on lower calorific values, etc. see
Sections 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5.

Assessment can be made on a time-series basis. This:

illustrates the benefit of a measure (or group of measures) for overall energy consumption
(either in-house or to a sector, region, etc.)
is a s imple method w hich can be ap plied i nternally i f t he r equired r eference data a re
available, and where it is difficult to establish external benchmarks.

The main disadvantage of the time-series comparison is that the underlying conditions must stay
the same to enable an assessment of the energy efficiency.

Assessment can also b e made ag ainst the t heoretical e nergy or en thalpy demand (see g lass
industry be nchmarking i n t he E xamples, be low). These are c alculated from t he thermal
energies, melting energies, kinetic or potential energies, for a process. They:

are a good approach for initial estimates

should be relatively easy to use with relevant experience
should s how the distance between actual energy us age a nd the t heoretical demand (this
may be coupled t o a time-series comparison to help establish the cost-benefit of further

The main disadvantage is that the calculation can never take all the specific characteristics of an
operation into account.

Achieved environmental benefits

A powerful tool to assist implementation of energy efficiency measures on an ongoing basis.

Cross-media effects
None known.

Operational data
See Description.

Benchmarking can be readily used by any installation, group of companies, installations or trade
association. It m ay a lso be us eful or ne cessary t o b enchmark individual units, pr ocesses o r
utilities, such as those discussed in Chapter 3 (see also Sections 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5).

Validated data includes those in vertical sector BREFs, or those verified by a third party.

The pe riod be tween benchmarkings i s s ector-specific and usually l ong ( i.e. y ears), a s
benchmark data rarely change rapidly or significantly in a short time period.

Energy Efficiency 111

Chapter 2

There are competitiveness issues to be addressed, so confidentiality of the data may need to be
addressed. For instance, the results of benchmarking may remain confidential, or it may not be
possible t o be nchmark, e.g. where only one or a small num ber of plants i n the EU or i n t he
world make the same product.

The main cost may be in the data gathering. However, further costs are incurred in establishing
data on a wider basis, and collecting the modelling normalisation data.

Driving force for implementation

Cost savings.

Details of these benchmarking activities are given in Annex 7.9.

Austrian Energy Agency

The Austrian E nergy A gencys (AEA) report Energy benchmarking at t he c ompany l evel,
company report diary gives benchmarking factors other than specific energy consumption.

Scheme for SMEs in Norway

Norway has a web-based benchmarking scheme for SMEs.

Benchmarking covenants
In t he N etherlands, long-term a greements (covenants) b etween the g overnment and large
companies (consuming over 0.5 PJ/year) are based on benchmarking. A similar scheme operates
in Flanders Province, Belgium.

Glass industry benchmarking

The glass industry is investigating several methods to identify the most energy efficient glass-
melting operations; and some results have been published:

best practice methods and applications of energy balances

determination of the theoretical energy or enthalpy demand and the lowest practical level
of energy consumption
benchmarking of specific consumptions of industrial glass furnaces
development of new melting and fining techniques.

Allocation o f energy/CO2 emissions b etween di fferent p roducts in a c omplex process w ith

successive steps, France
The F rench s tarch i ndustry, w ith c onsultancy s upport, has d eveloped a m ethodology of
assessment/allocations of the e nergy in the s tarch a nd de rivates production process. This
methodology has been used:

to allocate energy uses at different processing steps and for different kinds of products
to allocate CO2 emissions at different processing steps and for different kinds of products
to measure improvements in energy use

It can therefore be used as a benchmarking tool.

Reference information
[10, L ayer, 1999, 13, Dijkstra, , 1 08, Intelligent E nergy - Europe, 2005, 1 27, TWG, , 156 ,
Beerkens, 2004, 157, Beerkens R.G.C. , 2006, 163, Dow, 2005, 227, TWG]

112 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 2

2.17 Other tools

Some other tools that may be used at a site level for audit and energy management are listed in
Annex 7.8

Energy Efficiency 113

Chapter 3


A hierarchical approach has been used for Chapters 2 and 3:

Chapter 2 describes techniques to be considered at the level of a entire installation with

the potential to achieve optimum energy efficiency
Chapter 3 sets out techniques to be considered at a level below installation: primarily the
level of energy-using systems (e.g. compressed air, steam) or activities (e.g. combustion),
and subsequently at the lower level for some energy-using component parts or equipment
(e.g. motors).

Management sy stems, p rocess-integrated t echniques an d specific technical m easures are

included i n t he two c hapters, b ut these three m easures ov erlap completely w hen s eeking t he
optimum r esults. M any e xamples of an integrated approach de monstrate a ll t hree types of
measures. T his makes the separation of t echniques for description so mewhat difficult an d

Neither t his c hapter nor Chapter 2 g ives an e xhaustive l ist of t echniques and t ools, a nd other
techniques m ay e xist or b e developed w hich m ay b e e qually v alid w ithin the f ramework of
IPPC and BAT. Techniques may be used singly or as combinations (both from this chapter and
from Chapter 2) and are supported by information given in Chapter 1 to achieve the objectives
of IPPC.

Where pos sible, a s tandard s tructure i s used t o out line e ach t echnique i n t his chapter a nd i n
Chapter 2 as s hown in Table 3.1. Note t hat this structure i s also used to describe t he systems
under consideration, s uch as ( at i nstallation l evel) e nergy management, a nd ( at a l ower l evel)
compressed air, combustion, etc.

Type of
Type of information
Short descriptions of energy efficiency techniques presented with figures, pictures,
flow sheets, etc. that demonstrate the techniques
The main environmental benefits supported by the appropriate measured emission
and consumption data. In this document, specifically the increase of energy
efficiency, but including any information on reduction of other pollutants and
consumption levels
Any environmental side-effects and disadvantages caused by implementation of
Cross-media effects the technique. Details on the environmental problems of the technique in
comparison with others
Performance data on energy and other consumptions (raw materials and water) and
on emissions/wastes. Any other useful information on how to operate, maintain
Operational data
and control the technique, including safety aspects, operational constraints of the
technique, output quality, etc.
Consideration of the factors involved in applying and retrofitting the technique
Applicability (e.g. space availability, process specific, other constraints or disadvantages of the
Information on costs (investment and operation) and related energy savings, EUR
kWh (thermal and/or electricity) and other possible savings (e.g. reduced raw
material consumption, waste charges) also as related to the capacity of the
Driving force for Reasons (other than the IPPC Directive) for implementation of the technique (e.g.
implementation legislation, voluntary commitments, economic reasons)
Examples Reference to at least one situation where the technique is reported to be used
Reference Sources of information used in writing the section and/or containing more details
Table 3.1: The information breakdown for systems and techniques described in Chapters 2 and 3

Energy Efficiency 115

Chapter 3

3.1 Combustion
Combustion or burning is a complex sequence of exothermic chemical reactions between a fuel
and a n ox idant accompanied by t he p roduction o f h eat or both heat a nd l ight in the form of
either a glow or flames.

In a c omplete combustion r eaction, a c ompound r eacts with an ox idising element, and the
products are compounds of e ach e lement in the fuel w ith the ox idising e lement. I n reality,
combustion p rocesses a re never perfect or complete. In f lue-gases f rom t he c ombustion of
carbon ( coal c ombustion) or c arbon c ompounds (hydrocarbons, w ood, e tc.), bot h unbur nt
carbon (as soot) and carbon compounds (CO and others) will be present. Also, when air is the
oxidant, some ni trogen will be oxidised t o various nitrogen oxi des (NOx) with impacts on t he
environment [122, Wikipedia_Combustion, 2007].

Combustion installations
The combustion installations discussed in this section are heating devices or installations using
the combustion of a fuel (including wastes) to generate and transfer heat to a given process. This
includes the following applications:

boilers to produce steam or hot water (see also Section 3.2)

process h eaters, for example to heat up crude oil in distillation un its, to a chieve s team
cracking in petrochemical plants, or steam reforming for the production of hydrogen
furnaces or units where materials are heated at elevated temperatures to induce a chemical
transformation, for example, cement kilns and furnaces for producing metals.

In a ll of t hese a pplications, e nergy c an be managed by c ontrol of t he pr ocess pa rameters a nd

control on the combustion side. Energy management strategies relative to the process depend on
the process itself and are considered in relevant sector BREFs.

Losses in a combustion process

The heat energy resulting from the combustion of fuels is transferred to the working medium.
The heat losses can be categorised as [125, EIPPCB]:

losses v ia t he of f-gas. T hese de pend on the flue-gas t emperature, a ir mix, f uel

composition and the level of fouling of the boiler
losses through unbu rnt fuel, the c hemical energy of t hat w hich is no t c onverted.
Incomplete combustion causes CO and hydrocarbons to occur in the flue-gas
losses through conduction and radiation. In steam generation, these mainly depend on the
quality of insulation of the steam generator and steam pipes
losses t hrough unbu rnt m aterial in the residues, i ncluding l osses c oming f rom unbur nt
carbon via the bottom and fly ash from a dry bottom boiler (DBB) and the slag and fly
ash from a wet bottom boiler (WBB)
losses through blowdown in boilers for steam generation.

In a ddition t o t he h eat losses, the e nergy c onsumption ne eded for t he o peration of a uxiliary
machinery (fuel transport equipment, coal mills, pumps and fans, ash removal systems, cleaning
of the heating surfaces, etc.) also has to be taken into consideration.

Choice of combustion techniques

Common techniques for energy generation in large combustion plants (>50 MW thermal power)
and with different fuels (e.g. biomass and peat, liquid or gaseous fuels) are discussed in detail in
the L CP B REF. The L CP BREF states that the information p rovided is also valid for s maller
plants (as a plant of>50 MW thermal power may consist of more than one smaller units).

116 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

To assist the reader, an overview of the techniques both in this document and the LCP BREF19
which contribute to e nergy e fficiency in combustion is s hown in Table 3.2. I n or der t o avoid
duplicating information, the combustion techniques already covered in the LCP BREF have not
been dealt with in this document. The reader's attention is therefore directed to the LCP BREF
for f urther de tails on those techniques. However, in some cases a dditional information about
techniques already c overed by LCP B REF ha s been i ncluded in t his do cument. Note t hat the
LCP BREF classifies the combustion techniques to be considered for the determination of BAT
according to the t ype of f uel used. The applicability of techniques may vary a ccording t o the

When combustion is a n i mportant p art of an I PPC pr ocess (such as m elting f urnaces), the
techniques used are discussed in the appropriate vertical BREFs.

Techniques for sectors and associated activities where

combustion is not covered by a vertical BREF
Techniques in the LCP BREF Techniques in this
July 2006 by fuel type and section document by section
Coal and Biomass Liquid Gaseous
lignite and peat fuels fuels
Lignite pre-drying 4.4.2
Coal gasification,
4.4.2 and
Fuel drying 5.1.2,
Biomass gasification 5.4.2
Bark pressing 5.4.2
Expansion turbine to 7.1.1,
recover the energy 7.1.2,
content of 7.4.1
pressurised gases 7.5.1
Cogeneration 4. 5.5, 5.3.3 4.5.5, 7.1.6, 3.4 Cogeneration
6.1.8 5.5.4 6.1.8 7.5.2
Advanced 4.2.1, 5.5.3 6. 2.1, 7.4.2
computerised control, 7.5.2
of combustion 4.4.3 6.4.2
conditions for 4.5.4
emission reduction
and boiler
Use of the heat 4.4.3
content of the flue-
gas for district
Low excess air 4.4.3 5.4.7 6 .4.2 7.4.3 3.1.3 Reducing the mass flow of
4.4.6 6.4.5 the flue-gases by reducing the
excess air

Reference relates to LCP BREF July 2006 edition

Energy Efficiency 117

Chapter 3

Techniques for sectors and associated activities where

combustion is not covered by a vertical BREF
Techniques in the LCP BREF Techniques in this
July 2006 by fuel type and section document by section
Coal and Biomass Liquid Gaseous
lignite and peat fuels fuels
Lowering of exhaust 4.4.3 6.4.2 3.1.1:Reducing the flue-gas
gas temperatures temperature by
dimensioning f or the
maximum pe rformance pl us a
calculated s afety factor for
increasing heat transfer t o t he
process b y i ncreasing ei ther
the h eat t ransfer r ate, o r
increasing or i mproving t he
heat transfer surfaces
heat recovery by combining an
additional pr ocess ( for
example, s team g eneration by
using economisers,) to recover
the waste heat in the flue-gases
installing a n a ir o r water
preheater ( see 3 .1.1.1) o r
preheating t he f uel b y
exchanging he at with f lue-
gases (see 3.1.1). Note that the
process c an r equire a ir
preheating when a high f lame
temperature i s n eeded ( glass,
cement, etc.)
cleaning o f heat transfer
surfaces t hat are p rogressively
covered b ya shes o r
carbonaceous p articulates, i n
order to m aintain high heat
transfer e fficiency. Soot
blowers ope rating periodically
may ke ep t he convection
zones cl ean. C leaning of t he
heat t ransfer surfaces in t he
combustion z one i s generally
made du ring i nspection a nd
maintenance s hutdown, but
online cleaning can be applied
in s ome c ases ( e.g. refinery
Low CO 4.4.3 6.4.2
concentration in the
Heat accumulation 6.4.2 7.4.2
Cooling tower 4.4.3 6.4.2
Various techniques 4.4.3 6.4.2
for the cooling
system (see the ICS

118 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

Techniques for sectors and associated activities where

combustion is not covered by a vertical BREF
Techniques in the LCP BREF Techniques in this
July 2006 by fuel type and section document by section
Coal and Biomass Liquid Gaseous
lignite and peat fuels fuels
Preheating of fuel 7.4.2 3.1.1 Reduction of flue-gas
gas by using waste temperature,
heat preheating the f uel b y
exchanging heat with flue-gases
(see S ection 3.1.1). Note t hat
the process ca n r equire air
preheating when a hi gh f lame
temperature i s needed (glass,
cement, etc.)
Preheating of 7.4.2 3.1.1Reduction of flue-gas
combustion air temperature
installing a n a ir p reheater b y
exchanging he at with f lue-
gases ( see Section
Note t hat the p rocess can
require ai r p reheating when a
high f lame t emperature is
needed (glass, cement, etc.)
Recuperative and 3.1.2
regenerative burners
Burner regulation 3.1.4
and control
Fuel choice 3.1.5
Oxy-firing (oxyfuel) 3.1.6
Reducing heat losses 3.1.7
by insulation
Reducing losses 3.1.8
through furnace
Fluidised bed 5. 2.3
Table 3.2: Overview of combustion techniques contributing to energy efficiency in LCP and ENE
[236, Fernndez-Ramos, 2007]

Steam s ide issues are f ully di scussed i n S ection 3.2 a lthough a partial ov erlap w ith this
Section cannot be avoided.

General energy balance

The following i nformation is r elevant f or bot h f lame c ombustion (using a bur ner) a nd
combustion i n a fluidised bed. It a ddresses energy management on t he combustion side on ly,
from the fuel and air inlets to the flue-gases exhaust at the stack.

The general energy balance of a combustion installation when process temperatures are low, is
given in Figure 1.1.

Energy Efficiency 119

Chapter 3

Heat flow
Heat flow transferred to
through the process, Hp
the walls, Hw

Potential heat
present in the fuel, Hf
Sensible heat
Combustion flow of the
installation flue-gases, Hg
Heat available
as preheated air, Ha
Other heat
losses, SHl
(Heat recovery)
(From external

Figure 3.1: Energy balance of a combustion installation

[91, CEFIC, 2005]

Explanation of the different energy flows

The potential heat present in the fuel Hf is based on its mass flowrate and its calorific value (the
amount of energy that is liberated by the combustion of a specific mass of fuel). The calorific
value is expressed as MJ/kg. The higher or gross heating value (HHV, or higher calorific value
HCV) of a fuel is the t otal heat developed after the products of combustion are cooled t o the
original f uel temperature. T he lower heating v alue (LHV) i s the total h eat pr oduced on
combustion less t he e nergy i n t he unc ooled pr oducts of c ombustion, including unc ondensed
water v apour. The L CV of a f uel is t ypically 5 10 % less than the H CV. ( For a f urther
explanation and some typical values, see Section

The heat transferred to the process H p is the energy released by the combustion process of the
combustion s ystem. It is made o f sensible h eat ( increase o f t emperature), latent h eat of
vaporisation (if the heated fluid is partially or completely vaporised), and chemical heat (if an
endothermic chemical reaction occurs).

The w aste h eat flow of the f lue-gases H g is r eleased t o the air a nd lost. I t i s based on the
flowrate of the flue-gases, its heat capacity, the latent heat of the water formed by combustion
and present in the flue-gases and its temperature. The flowrate of flue-gases can be divided into
two parts:

the stoichiometric flow o f C O2 and H 2O which results from t he c ombustion reactions

and its associated nitrogen (this stoichiometric flow is proportional to Hf) and
the flow of e xcess a ir, w hich i s the a mount of air introduced i n e xcess over t he
stoichiometric one in order to ach ieve complete co mbustion. T here i s a direct r elation
between air excess and the concentration of oxygen in the flue-gases.

The heat f low t hrough the w alls H W is the energy t hat is l ost t o the surrounding a ir by he at
transfer from th e furnace/boiler outer surface to the ambient air. Other heat losses a re termed
altogether as Hl and include:

unoxidised or partially oxidised residues, such as carbon, CO, etc.

heat content of the solid residues (ashes).

Basically, the conservation of energy gives:

Hf + Ha = Hp + Hg + Hw + Hl Equation 3.1

120 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

This is a generic balance, which can be adapted case by case by Ha and Hl:

depending on the c onfiguration, o ther e nergy flows may ha ve to be i ncluded i n t he

balance. This is t he c ase if ot her materials a re a dded t o or lost from t he furnace, for
hot ashes in coal combustion
water injected into the combustion chamber to control emissions
the energy content of the combustion air
this balance assumes t hat combustion is complete: t his is reasonable as l ong as unbur nt
components like carbon monoxide or carbonaceous particulates are in small quantities in
the flue-gases, which is the case when the installation matches the emission limits20.

The energy efficiency of a combustion installation

Basically, the energy efficiency of a combustion installation is the ratio of the energy released
by the combustion process to the energy input by the fuel:

= Equation 3.2

Or combining with Equation 3.1:

Hg + Hw
=1 Equation 3.3

Both formulas can be used, but it is generally more practical to use Equation 3.3 which shows
the amount of lost energies where savings can be obtained. Strategies towards energy efficiency
are based on reducing heat flows lost through the walls or in the flue-gases.

An i mprovement in t he e nergy e fficiency of a c ombustion installation ha s a benefit in C O2

emissions if it results in a reduction of the fuel consumption. In this case, the CO2 is reduced in
proportion to the carbon content of the fuel saved. However, the improvement of efficiency may
also be used to increase the energy released by the combustion process while keeping the same
fuel flowrate (higher Hp for the same H f in Equation 3.2). This may increase the capacity of the
production uni t w hile i mproving t he e nergy e fficiency. In t his c ase, t here i s a C O2 specific
emissions reduction ( referred t o t he production l evel) bu t no C O2 emissions r eduction in
absolute value (see Section 1.4.1).

Energy e fficiency v alues and c alculations f or v arious c ombustion pr ocesses c an be f ound in

sector B REFs a nd o ther s ources. F or e xample, E N 12952-15 on c alculating t he e nergy
efficiency of w ater-tube steam boi lers a nd a uxiliary i nstallations, or E N 1295 3-11 on s hell

In a pulverised coal power plant, the unburnt carbon in fly ash, under normal current conditions, is below 5 %.

Energy Efficiency 121

Chapter 3

3.1.1 Reduction of the flue-gas temperature

One op tion t o r educe po ssible h eat l osses in a combustion process consists of reducing the
temperature of the flue-gases leaving the stack. This can be achieved by:

dimensioning for the maximum performance plus a calculated safety factor for surcharges
increasing h eat t ransfer to t he p rocess b y i ncreasing either t he h eat transfer r ate,
(installing turbulators or s ome ot her devices w hich pr omote the turbulence of f luids
exchanging heat), or increasing or improving the heat transfer surfaces
heat recovery by combining a n additional p rocess (for example, steam g eneration by
using economisers, see Section 3.2.5) to recover the waste heat in the flue-gases
installing an air (or water) preheater or preheating the fuel by exchanging heat with flue-
gases ( see S ection N ote that the manufacturing process can require a ir
preheating when a high flame temperature is needed (glass, cement, etc.). Preheated water
can be used as boiler feed or in hot water systems (such as district schemes)
cleaning of heat transfer surfaces that are progressively covered by ashes or carbonaceous
particulates, in o rder to m aintain h igh h eat t ransfer efficiency. S oot b lowers o perating
periodically may keep the convection zones clean. Cleaning of the heat transfer surfaces
in the combustion zone is generally made during inspection and maintenance shutdown,
but online cleaning can be applied in some cases (e.g. refinery heaters)
ensuring c ombustion output matches (and doe s not exceed) the heat requirements. This
can be controlled by lowering the thermal power of the burner by decreasing the flowrate
of fuel, e.g. by installing a l ess pow erful n ozzle f or l iquid f uels, o r reducing t he feed
pressure for gaseous fuels.

Achieved environmental benefits

Energy savings.

Cross-media effects
Reducing flue-gas temperatures may be in conflict with air quality in some cases, e.g:

preheating combustion air leads to a higher flame temperature, with a consequence of an

increase of NOx formation that may lead to levels that are higher than the emissions limit
value. Retrofitting an existing combustion installation to preheat the air may be difficult
to justify due to space requirements, the installation of extra fans, and the addition of a
NOx removal process if NOx emissions exceed emission limit values. It should be noted
that a NOx removal pr ocess based on a mmonia or ur ea injection induces a po tential o f
ammonia slippage i n t he f lue-gases, which can only be controlled by a costly ammonia
sensor a nd a c ontrol l oop, a nd, in c ase o f l arge l oad v ariations, a dding a c omplicated
injection system (for example, with two injection ramps at different levels) to inject the
NOx reducing agent in the right temperature zone
gas cleaning systems, like NOx or SOx removal systems, only work in a given temperature
range. When they have to be installed to meet the emission limit values, the arrangement
of gas cleaning and heat recovery systems becomes more complicated and can be difficult
to justify from an economic point of view
in some cases, the local authorities require a minimum temperature at the stack to ensure
proper dispersion of the flue-gases and to prevent plume formation. This practice is often
carried out to maintain a good public image. A plume from a plant's stack may suggest to
the g eneral public t hat the pl ant is c ausing pol lution. The a bsence of a plume suggests
clean ope ration a nd und er c ertain w eather c onditions s ome pl ants ( e.g. in t he c ase of
waste i ncinerators) r eheat the flue-gases with n atural gas before t hey are released from
the stack. This is a waste of energy.

122 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

Operational data
The lower t he f lue-gas t emperature, t he b etter t he energy ef ficiency. N evertheless, c ertain
drawbacks c an e merge when t he flue-gas t emperatures a re l owered b elow c ertain l evels. I n
particular, when running below the acid dew point (a temperature below which the condensation
of water and sulphuric acid occurs, typically from 110 to 170 C, depending essentially on the
fuels sulphur content), d amage of m etallic s urfaces m ay be i nduced. M aterials w hich a re
resistant to corrosion can be used and are available for oil, waste and gas fired units although the
acid condensate may require collection and treatment.

The strategies a bove apart the periodic cleaning require additional investment and are best
applied a t the d esign and construction of t he i nstallation. H owever, r etrofitting an existing
installation is possible (if space is available).

Some applications may be limited by the difference between the process inlet temperature and
the flue-gas e xhaust t emperature. The quantitative v alue of the difference is the r esult of a
compromise between the energy recovery and cost of equipment.

Recovery of heat is always dependent on there being a suitable use (see Section 3.3).

See the potential for pollutant formation, in Cross-media effects, above.

Payback t ime c an be f rom unde r five y ears to a s long a s t o f ifty y ears de pending on m any
parameters, such as the size of the installation, and the temperatures of the flue gases.

Driving force for implementation

Increased process efficiency where there is direct heating (e.g. glass, cement).

Widely used.

Reference information
[17, sbland, 2005, 26, Neisecke, 2003, 122, Wikipedia_Combustion, 2007, 125, EIPPCB] Installing an air or water preheater

Besides an e conomiser ( Section 3.2.5), an a ir p reheater (air-air he at e xchanger) c an also b e
installed. The a ir preheater or APH he ats t he air which f lows t o the burner. This means flue-
gases c an be cooled down even more, as t he air is often at ambient temperature. A hi gher air
temperature i mproves c ombustion, and the g eneral e fficiency of the boiler w ill i ncrease. I n
general for every decrease of 20 C in flue-gas temperature, a 1 % increase in efficiency can be
achieved. A scheme of a combustion system with an air preheater is shown in Figure 3.2.

Energy Efficiency 123

Chapter 3

Air from boilerhouse roof

Air preheater

Energy carrier

Figure 3.2.: Scheme of a combustion system with an air preheater

[28, Berger, 2005]

A less efficient but simpler way of preheating might be to install the air intake of the burner on
the ceiling of the boilerhouse. Generally, the air here is often 10 to 20 C warmer compared to
the outdoor temperature. This might compensate in part for efficiency losses.

Another solution is to draw air for the burner via a double walled exhaust pipe. Flue-gases exit
the boiler room via the inner pipe, and air for the burner is drawn via the second layer. This can
preheat the air via losses from the flue-gases.

Alternatively, an air-water heat exchanger can be installed

Achieved environmental benefits

In practice, an APH can raise efficiency by 3 to 5 %.

Other benefits of an APH might be:

that the hot air can be used to dry fuel. This is especially applicable for coal or organic
that a smaller boiler can be used when taking into account an APH at the design stage
used to preheat raw materials.

Cross-media effects
There are, however, also some pr actical disadvantages r elated t o an APH, which of ten inhibit

the APH is a gas-gas heat exchanger, and thus takes up a lot of space. The heat exchange
is also not as efficient as a gas-water exchange
a higher drop pressure of the flue-gases means the ventilator of the burner has to provide
higher pressure
the burner must ensure that the system is fed with preheated air. Heated air uses up more
volume. This also poses a bigger problem for flame stability
there may be higher emissions of NOx due to higher flame temperatures.

Operational data
Feeding the burner with heated air has an impact on the amount of flue-gas losses in the boiler.

124 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

The percentage of flue-gas losses is generally determined using the Siegert formula:

Hg Tgas Tair
WL = =c Equation 3.4
Hf %CO 2


WL = the flue-gas losses, in % of the burning value (%)

c = the Siegert coefficient
Tgas = the flue-gas temperature measured (C)
Tair = supply air temperature (C)
% CO2 = measured C O2 concentration i n t he f lue-gases ex pressed as a

The Siegert coefficient depends on the flue-gas temperature, the CO2 concentration and the type
of fuel. The various values can be found in Table 3.3 below:

Type of fuel Siegert coefficient

Anthracite 0.6459 + 0.0000220 x tgas + 0.00473 x CO2
Heavy fuel 0.5374 + 0.0000181 x tgas + 0.00717 x CO2
Petrol 0.5076 + 0.0000171 x tgas + 0.00774 x CO2
Natural gas (LCV) 0.385+ 0.00870 x CO2
Natural gas (HCV) 0.390+ 0.00860 x CO2
Table 3.3: Calculation of the Siegert coefficient for different types of fuel
[29, Maes, 2005]

Example: a steam boiler fired with high quality natural gas has the following flue-gas data: tgas =
240 C a nd CO2 = 9.8 %. The air supply is modified and the hotter air near the ceiling of the
boiler house is taken in. Previously the air was taken in at outdoor temperature.

The a verage out door t emperature i s 10 C, w hile t he a nnual a verage t emperature ne ar t he

ceiling of the boiler house is 30 C.

The Siegert coefficient in this case is: 0.390 + 0.00860 x 9.8 = 0.4743.

Prior to the intervention, the flue-gas loss was:

240 10
WR = 0.4743 = 11.1 %
9 .8

After the intervention this becomes:

240 30
WR = 0.4743 = 10.2 %
9 .8

This amounts to an increase in efficiency of 0.9 % where this can be achieved simply, e.g. by
repositioning air intake.

The installation of an air preheater is cost effective for a new boiler. The change in air supply or
the installation of the APH often is limited due to technical reasons or fire safety. The fitting of
an APH in an existing boiler is often too complex and has a limited efficiency.

Energy Efficiency 125

Chapter 3

Air preheaters are gas-gas heat exchangers, whose designs depend on the range of temperatures.
Air preheating is not possible for natural draught burners.

Preheated water can be used as boiler feed or in hot water systems (such as district schemes).

In practice, the possible savings from combustion air preheating amount to several per cent of
the steam volume generated, as shown in Table 3.4. Therefore, the energy savings even in small
boilers can be in the range of several GWh per year. For example, with a 15 MW boiler, savings
of roughly 2 GWh/yr, some EUR 30 000/yr and about 400 t CO2/yr can be attained.

Unit Value
Energy savings MWh/yr Several thousand
CO2 reduction t/yr S everal hundred
Savings in EUR EUR/yr Tens of thousands
Annual operating hours h/yr 8700
Table 3.4: Possible savings in combustion air preheating
[28, Berger, 2005]

Driving force for implementation

Increased energy efficiency of processes.

Widely used.

Reference information
[29, Maes, 2005], [16, CIPEC, 2002]

3.1.2 Recuperative and regenerative burners

One major p roblem f or industrial f urnace he ating processes is t he e nergy losses. With
conventional technology about 70 % of the heat input is lost though flue-gases at temperatures
of a round 1300 C. E nergy s avings measures t herefore p lay a n important r ole especially f or
high temperature processes (temperatures from 400 to 1600 C).

Recuperative and regenerative burners have thus been developed for direct waste heat recovery
through combustion air preheating. A recuperator is a heat exchanger that extracts heat from the
furnace w aste g ases to preheat the incoming c ombustion air. C ompared with cold a ir
combustion systems, r ecuperators can be e xpected to achieve energy savings of around 30 %.
They will, however, normally only preheat the air to a maximum of 550 600 C. Recuperative
burners can be used in high temperature processes (700 1100 C).

Regenerative burners operate in pairs and work on the principle of short term heat storage using
ceramic heat regenerators, see Figure 3.3. They recover between 85 90 % of the heat from the
furnace w aste gases; t herefore, t he i ncoming c ombustion air can be preheated to very hi gh
temperatures of up to 10 0 150 C be low the furnace o perating t emperature. A pplication
temperatures range from 800 up to 1500 C. Fuel consumption can be reduced by up to 60 %.

126 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

Figure 3.3. Working principle for regenerative burners

[17, sbland, 2005]

Recuperative and regenerative bur ners (HiTAC technology) are being i mplemented i n a novel
combustion m ode w ith homogeneous flame temperature ( flameless c ombustion, see
Section 5.1), without the temperature peaks of a conventional flame, in a substantially extended
combustion z one. F igure 3.4 s hows t he di fferent regions o f combustion a t v arying ox ygen
concentrations and air temperature.

New combustion area

(High temperature air
High temperature combustion)
flame area
(High temperature
Air temperature (C)

1000 combustion)


Normal flame area

(Normal combustion)

21 10.5 3

Oxygen concentration (%)

Figure 3.4: Different regions of combustion

[17, sbland, 2005]

Energy Efficiency 127

Chapter 3

Achieved environmental benefits

Energy savings.

Cross-media effects
The i mportant c onstraint of s tate-of-the-art recuperative/regenerative burner technology i s the
conflict between technologies designed to reduce emissions and to focus on energy efficiency.
The N Ox formation, f or f uels n ot c ontaining ni trogen, is b asically a f unction o f temperature,
oxygen c oncentration, a nd residence t ime. D ue to hi gh t emperatures of the preheated a ir, a nd
the residence t ime, c onventional f lames ha ve h igh p eak t emperature w hich leads t o s trongly
increase NOx emissions.

Operational data
In the industrial furnace, the combustion air can be obtained at temperatures of 800 1350 C
using a high performance heat exchanger. For example, a modern regenerative heat exchanger
switched to the high cycle can recover as much as 90 % of the waste heat. Thus, a large energy
saving is achieved.

Widely used.

A drawback with these burners is the investment cost. The decreased costs for energy can rather
seldom alone c ompensate t he higher investment cost. Therefore, higher p roductivity i n t he
furnace and lower emissions of nitrogen oxides are important factors to be included in the cost
benefit analysis.

Driving force for implementation

Higher productivity in the furnace and lower emissions of nitrogen oxides are important factors.

Example plants
Widely used.

Reference information
[220, B lasiak W ., 2004 , 221, Y ang W., 25 M ay 2005,, 222, Y ang W., 2005, 2 23, Rafidi N .,
2005, 224, Mrtberg M., 2005, 225, Rafidi N., June 2005, 226, CADDET, 2003, March]

3.1.3 Reducing the mass flow of the flue-gases by reducing the

excess air

Excess air can be minimised by adjusting the air flowrate in proportion to the fuel flowrate. This
is g reatly assi sted b y the automated m easurement o f o xygen content i n the flue-gases.
Depending on how fast the heat demand of the process fluctuates, excess air can be manually set
or automatically controlled. Too low an air level causes extinction of the flame, then re-ignition
and ba ckfire c ausing da mage t o the installation. F or s afety r easons, there s hould t herefore
always be some excess air present (typically 1 2 % for gas and 10 % for liquid fuels).

Achieved environmental benefits

Energy savings.

Cross-media effects
As excess air is reduced, unburnt components like carbonaceous particulates, carbon monoxide
and hydrocarbons are formed and may exceed emission limit values. This limits the possibility
of en ergy ef ficiency g ain by r educing excess air. In practice, excess a ir is ad justed to v alues
where emissions are below the limit value.

128 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

Operational data
Reduction of excess air is limited due to the related increase of raw gas temperature; extremely
high temperatures can damage the whole system.

The minimum excess air that is reachable to maintain emissions within the limit depends on the
burner and the process.

Note that the excess air will increase when burning solid wastes. However, waste incinerators
are constructed to provide the service of waste combustion, and are optimised to waste as fuel.

The choice of fuels i s often based on c ost a nd m ay a lso be i nfluenced by legislation a nd

Driving force for implementation

Achieves a higher process temperature, especially when direct firing.

Some cement and lime and waste-to-energy plants.

Reference information
[91, CEFIC, 2005, 125, EIPPCB]][126, EIPPCB]

3.1.4 Burner regulation and control

Automatic burner regulation and control can be used to control combustion by monitoring and
controlling fuel flow, a ir f low, oxy gen levels in the flue-gas a nd h eat de mand. S ee also
Sections 2.10, 2.15.2 and 3.1.3.

Achieved environmental benefits

This achieves energy savings by reducing excess air flow and optimising fuel usage to optimise
burnout and to supply only the heat required for a process.

It can be used to minimise NOx formation in the combustion process.

Cross-media effects
None foreseen.

Operational data
There will be an initial set-up stage, with periodic recalibration of the automatic controls.

Widely applied.

Cost effective, and the payback period is site-specific.

Driving force for implementation

Cost savings on fuel use.

No data submitted.

Energy Efficiency 129

Chapter 3

Reference information
[227, TWG]

3.1.5 Fuel choice

The type of fuel chosen for the combustion process affects the amount of heat energy supplied
per unit of fuel used (see Introduction to Section 3.1 and Section The required excess
air ratio (see S ection 3.1.3) is dependent o n t he f uel u sed, an d t his d ependence i ncreases for
solids. The choice of fuel is therefore an option for reducing excess air and increasing energy
efficiency in the combustion process. Generally, the higher the heat value of the fuel, the more
efficient the combustion process.

Achieved environmental benefits

This achieves energy savings by reducing excess air flow and optimising fuel usage. Some fuels
produce less pollutants during combustion, depending on source (e.g. natural gas contains very
little sulphur to oxidise to SOx, no metals). There is information on these emissions and benefits
in v arious v ertical s ector BREFs w here fuel ch oice is k nown to h ave a significant effect on

The choice of using a fuel with a lower heat value may be influenced by other environmental
factors, such as (see Section 1.1.3):

fuel from a sustainable source

recovery of thermal energy from waste gases, waste liquids or solids used as fuels
the minimisation of other environmental impacts, e.g. transport.

Cross-media effects
Various em issions a re associated w ith certain fuels, e .g. p articulates, S Ox, and m etals ar e
associated w ith co als. There is i nformation on t hese effects in various v ertical sector B REFs
where fuel choice is known to have a significant effect on emissions.

Operational data
None given.

Widely applied during the selection of a design for a new or upgraded plant.

For existing plants, the choice of fuels will be limited by the combustion plant design (i.e. a coal
fire plant may not be readily converted to burn natural gas). It may also be restricted by the core
business of the installation, e.g. for a waste incinerator.

The fuel choice m ay a lso be influenced by l egislation and regulations, i ncluding local a nd
transboundary environmental requirements.

Fuel selection is predominately cost-based.

Driving force for implementation

combustion process efficiency
reduction of other pollutants emitted.

130 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

wastes b urnt as a s ervice i n w aste-to-energy p lants (waste incinerators w ith heat
wastes burnt in cement kilns
waste g ases burnt, e.g. hydr ocarbon g ases i n a refinery or CO in non-ferrous metals
biomass heat and/or electrical power plants.

Reference information
[227, TWG]

3.1.6 Oxy-firing (oxyfuel)

Oxygen i s us ed instead of a mbient a ir and is e ither e xtracted f rom a ir on the s ite, or m ore
usually, bought in bulk.

Achieved environmental benefits

Its use has various benefits:

an i ncreased oxy gen c ontent results in a rise in c ombustion temperature, i ncreasing

energy transfer to the process, which helps to reduce the amount of unburnt fuel, thereby
increasing energy efficiency while reducing NOx emissions
as air is about 80 % nitrogen, the mass flow of gases is reduced accordingly, and hence a
reduction in the flue-gas mass flow
this also r esults i n r educed N Ox emissions, as n itrogen l evels at t he burners a re
considerably reduced
the r eduction in flue gas m ass flows may also r esult i n sm aller waste gas t reatment
systems and consequent energy demands, e.g. for NOx where still required, particulates,
where o xygen i s produced on site, t he ni trogen separated may be used, e .g. i n s tirring
and/or providing an inert atmosphere in furnaces where reactions can occur in oxidising
conditions (such as pyrophoric reactions in non-ferrous metals industries)
a future benefit m ay be t he r educed quantity of gases ( and high concentration of CO2)
which would make the capture and sequestration of CO2 easier, and possibly less energy-

Cross-media effects
The energy requirement to concentrate oxygen from the air is considerable, and this should be
included in any energy calculations (see Section

Within t he glass industry, t here is a large diversity i n g lass melt production capacities, g lass
types a nd a pplied glass f urnace t ypes. F or s everal c ases, a c onversion to oxy gen f iring ( e.g.
compared to recuperative furnaces, for relatively small furnaces and for special glass) very often
improves t he ov erall e nergy efficiency ( taking i nto a ccount t he primary e nergy equivalent
required to produce the oxygen). However, for other cases the energy consumption for oxygen
generation is a s high or e ven hi gher t han the saved e nergy. T his i s e specially t he case when
comparing ov erall energy e fficiency of oxygen-fired g lass furnaces w ith end-port f ired
regenerative glass furnaces for large scale container glass production. However, it is expected
that further developments in oxygen-fired glass furnaces will improve their energy efficiency in
the near future. Energy savings do not always offset the costs of the oxygen to be purchased.

Energy Efficiency 131

Chapter 3

Operational data
Special safety requirements have to be taken into account for handling oxygen due to the higher
risk of explosion with pure oxygen streams than with air streams.

Extra s afety pr ecautions m ay be needed when h andling oxyg en, a s t he oxygen pi pelines may
operate at very low temperatures.

Not widely used in all sectors. In the glass sector, producers try to control temperatures in the
glass f urnace co mbustion space t o l evels acceptable f or t he a pplied r efractory m aterials an d
necessary to melt glass of the required quality. A conversion to oxygen firing generally does not
mean increased furnace temperatures (refractory or glass temperatures), but may improve heat
transfer. In the case of oxygen firing, furnace temperatures need to be more tightly controlled,
but are not higher than those in air-fired furnaces (only temperatures of the cores of the flames
may be higher).

The pr ice f or b ought-in oxyg en i s high or i f s elf-produced ha s a h igh demand on electrical
power. The i nvestment i n an a ir s eparation unit is s ubstantial and w ill s trongly de termine the
cost effectiveness of firing with oxygen.

Driving force for implementation

Reduced waste gas flows will result in the requirement for smaller waste gas treatment systems,
e.g. deNOx. However, this only applies in new builds, or to places where waste treatment plants
are to be installed or replaced.

Used in the glass and metal refining industries (in Poland, together with the use of nitrogen).

Reference information
[157, Beerkens R.G.C. , 2006]

3.1.7 Reducing heat losses by insulation

The heat losses through the walls of the combustion system are determined by the diameter of
the p ipe and the thickness of t he i nsulation. A n optimum i nsulation thickness which r elates
energy consumption with economics should be found in every particular case.

Efficient thermal i nsulation t o k eep he at losses t hrough t he w alls at a m inimum i s nor mally
achieved at the commissioning s tage o f t he i nstallation. H owever, insulating m aterial m ay
progressively deteriorate, a nd m ust be r eplaced after i nspection following maintenance
programmes. S ome techniques u sing infrared imaging a re convenient t o i dentify t he zones o f
damaged i nsulation from outside w hile the combustion i nstallation is i n op eration in or der to
plan repairs during shutdown.

Achieved environmental benefits

Energy savings.

Cross-media effects
Use of insulation material.

Operational data
Regular maintenance and periodical control is important to check the absence of hidden leaks in
the system (below the insulations). In negative pressure systems, leakage can cause an increase
of the amount of gas in the system and a subsequent demand of electrical power at the fans.

132 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

In addition, uninsulated parts of the system may cause injuries to operators where:

there is a risk of contact

temperatures exceed 50 C.

All cases.

Low cost, especially if carried out at shutdown times. Insulation repair can be carried out during

Driving force for implementation

Maintaining process temperature.
Insulation repair is carried out during campaigns in steel and glass industries.

Reference information
[91, CEFIC, 2005]

3.1.8 Reducing losses through furnace openings

Heat l osses by radiation c an oc cur v ia f urnace openings f or loading/unloading. T his i s
especially s ignificant in f urnaces operating above 500 C. Openings i nclude f urnace flues a nd
stacks, peepholes used to visually check the process, doors left partially open to accommodate
oversized work, loading and unloading materials and/or fuels, etc.

Achieved environmental benefits

No data submitted.

Cross-media effects
No data submitted.

Operational data
Losses are very ap parent when m aking scans w ith infrared c ameras. By i mproving d esign,
losses via doors and peepholes can be minimised.

No data submitted.

No data submitted.

Driving force for implementation

No data submitted.

No data submitted.

Reference information
[127, TWG, , 271, US_DOE, 2004]

Energy Efficiency 133

Chapter 3

3.2 Steam systems

3.2.1 General features of steam

Steam i s o ne of t he p ossible en ergy c arriers i n fluid-based heating sy stems. Other c ommon
energy carriers are water and thermal oil. Water can be used where the required temperature(s)
do not e xceed 100 C, and pressurised w ater ( to a void boi ling) c an b e us ed for t emperatures
above 100 C, in some cases even over 180 C. Thermal oils have a higher boiling point (and
have be en de veloped to have longer lifetimes). However, t hey t ypically have lower heat
capacities an d heat transfer co efficients than steam. S team has v arious a dvantages w hich a re
described below, including its use in many direct contact applications.

These advantages include low t oxicity, s afety i n u se w ith flammable or e xplosive m aterials,
ease of transportability, high efficiency, high heat capacity, and low cost with respect to thermal
oils. Steam holds a significant amount of energy on a unit mass basis (2300 2900 kJ/kg) that
can be extracted as mechanical work through a turbine or as heat for process use. Since most of
the heat content of the steam is stored as latent heat, large quantities of heat can be transferred
efficiently a t a co nstant t emperature, w hich is a u seful attribute in m any p rocess h eating
applications (see Section Steam is also discussed in detail in the LCP BREF.

The transition f rom w ater t o steam conditions r equires a l arge qua ntity of e nergy, w hich i s
stored in latent form. This makes it possible to achieve a sizeable heat transfer in a small surface
area when using steam in comparison with other heating fluids:

water 4000 W/m2 C

oil 1500 W/m2 C
steam > 10000 W/m2 C.

In the two-phase boundary for the water liquid-gas system represented by a straight line in the
phase diagram (see Figure 1.5), steam pr essure is directly related to temperature. Temperature
can be adapted easily by modifying the pressure. Working at high or low pressure has different
effects on the installation (see Operational data, below). The steam pressure of the installation
thus needs to be carefully considered in order to achieve an optimisation between reliability and
energy efficiency.

The many advantages t hat are a vailable from st eam are reflected in t he si gnificant amount o f
this type of energy that industry uses to generate it. For example, in 1994, industry in the EU-15
used about 5988 PJ of steam energy, which represented about 34 % of the total energy used in
industrial applications for product output. Some examples of the energy used to generate steam
in different industries is shown in Table 3.5.

Percentage of the total energy

Industry Energy to generate steam (PJ)
used by this industry
Pulp and paper 2318 83 %
Chemicals 1957 57 %
Petroleum refining 1449 42 %
Table 3.5: Energy used to generate steam in several industries

Achieved environmental benefits

Steam itself is non-toxic.

134 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

Cross-media effects
generation of steam has the usual emissions from combustion
where b oiler w ater i s t reated, t here a re em issions o f ch emicals, from t he t reatment o r
waste steam or hot condensate can raise temperatures in receiving sewers or waters.

Operational data
A steam s ystem is made up of f our distinct components: t he generation pl ant (the boi ler), t he
distribution system (steam network, i.e. steam and condensate return), the consumer or end user
(i.e. pl ant/process using t he s team/heat) and t he condensate recovery s ystem. E fficient heat
production, distribution, operation and maintenance contribute significantly to the reduction of
heat losses, as described below:

generation ( see C ombustion, S ection 3.1): s team is g enerated i n a boi ler or a h eat
recovery system generator by t ransferring t he heat of combustion gases to water. When
water a bsorbs e nough he at, i t c hanges ph ase f rom l iquid to s team. I n s ome boilers, a
superheater further increases the energy content of the steam. Under pressure, the steam
then flows from the boiler or steam generator and into the distribution system

distribution: the distribution s ystem carries s team f rom t he boi ler or g enerator to t he
points o f end-use. M any d istribution systems h ave s everal take-off l ines t hat operate at
different pressures. These distribution lines a re s eparated by various types o f i solation
valves, pressure-regulation v alves, a nd s ometimes b ackpressure turbines. Effective
distribution system pe rformance r equires a p roper steam pr essure balance, g ood
condensate drainage, adequate insulation and effective pressure regulation.

Higher pressure steam has the following advantages:

the saturated steam has a higher temperature

the volume is smaller, which means the distribution pipes required are smaller
it is p ossible to distribute the steam at h igh p ressure and t o reduce its p ressure prior t o
application. The steam thus becomes dryer and reliability is higher
a higher pressure enables a more stable boiling process in the boiler.

Lower pressure systems have the advantages:

there is less loss of energy at boiler level and in the distribution system
the a mount of r emaining energy i n t he c ondensate i s relatively s maller ( see
Sections 3.2.14 and 3.2.15)
leakage losses in the pipe system are lower
there is a decrease in scale build-up.

Due t o t he h igh operating pressure v alues in s team s ystems, s afety i s an extremely important
aspect i n st eam p rocesses. In a ddition, a steam sy stem i s o ften subject t o water h ammer o r
various types of corrosion. As a result, the reliability and lifespan of the different components
also strongly depend on the design, the set-up and the maintenance of the installation.

end-use: there are many different end uses of steam, e.g.:

mechanical drive: turbines, pumps, compressors, etc. This is usually for large scale
equipment, such as power generation, large compressors, etc.
heating: process heating, drying all types of paper products
use i n c hemical r eactions: m oderation of c hemical r eactions, fractionation of
hydrocarbon components and as a source of hydrogen in steam methane reforming.

Energy Efficiency 135

Chapter 3

Common steam s ystem e nd-use equipment includes he at exchangers, t urbines, f ractionating

towers, strippers and chemical reaction vessels.

Power generation is d iscussed in t he LCP B REF, co- a nd t rigeneration a re di scussed i n

Section 3.4 and 3.4.2 of this document respectively.

In process heating, the steam transfers its latent heat to a process fluid in a heat exchanger. The
steam is held in the heat exchanger by a steam trap until it condenses, at which point the trap
passes the condensate into the condensate return system. In a turbine, the steam transforms its
energy t o mechanical work t o dr ive r otating or reciprocating m achinery such a s pum ps,
compressors or electrical generators. In fractionating towers, steam facilitates the separation of
various c omponents o f a process fluid. In stripping a pplications, s team i s us ed t o extract
contaminants from a process fluid. Steam is also used as a source of water for certain chemical

recovery of condensate: when s team t ransfers its l atent he at to an application, w ater

condenses in the s team s ystem a nd i s returned t o the boi ler v ia the condensate r eturn
system. First, the condensate is returned to a collection tank from where it is pumped to
the de aerator, w hich s trips out oxy gen a nd non -condensable g ases. M akeup w ater and
chemicals can be added either in the collection tank or in the deaerator. The boiler feed
pumps i ncrease t he feed-water pr essure t o a bove b oiler pressure and inject it i nto the
boiler to complete the cycle
calculation of efficient s team boi lers: t he pa n-European consensus on calculating the
efficiency of certain boilers are given in CEN EN 12952-15:2003 (water tube boilers and
auxiliary i nstallations: a cceptance tests) and CEN EN 12953- 11:2003 (shell boi lers:
acceptance tests)



Isolation valve

Combustion air Forced End-use

preheater draft
fan Process

Shell and tube

Economiser heat exchanger
Process heater trap

Fuel Condensate
Feed Condensate pump receiver tank
Combustion air pump

Figure 3.5: Typical steam generation and distribution system

[123, US_DOE]

Widely used.

136 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

The c ost of s team g eneration i s d irectly influenced by the pr ice of the fuel us ed; a price
advantage in f avour o f a particular fu el m ay w ell outweigh a relatively s maller thermal
efficiency penalty a ssociated with t hat fuel. Nonetheless, f or any pa rticular fuel, s ignificant
savings can be achieved by improving thermal efficiency (see Combustion, Section 3.1).

Eliminating avoidable e nergy l osses a ssociated w ith steam g eneration a nd i ts di stribution

(including the return of condensate) can significantly reduce the steam cost at the point of use.

Potential energy s avings for t he individual sites may r ange f rom l ess than 1 to 35 %, w ith a n
average saving of 7 %.

Driving force for implementation

the reduction of energy costs, emissions and the rapid return of investment
use of steam: ease and flexibility of use, low toxicity, high heat delivery for system size.

Widely used in many IPPC sectors, such a s: power generation, all chemical sectors, pulp a nd
paper, food, drink and milk.

Reference information
[32, A DENE, 2005, 33, ADENE, 2005, 123, U S_DOE, , 125, EIPPCB, , 236, F ernndez-
Ramos, 2007]

3.2.2 Overview of measures to improve steam system performance

Steam sy stems ar e d escribed i n d etail in t he L CP B REF. T o ass ist t he r eader, r eference t o

techniques both i n the L CP B REF21 a re g iven, a s w ell as to t he techniques de scribed here.
Common pe rformance opp ortunities for t he g eneration, di stribution and recovery areas of the
system are listed in Table 3.6.

Reference relate to LCP BREF 2006 edition

Energy Efficiency 137

Chapter 3

Techniques for sectors and associated activities where steam systems

are not covered by a vertical BREF
Techniques by section in the ENE BREF
Benefits Section
Energy efficient design and installation of Optimises energy savings
steam distribution pipework
Throttling devices and the use of Provides a more efficient method of
backpressure turbines. (Utilise backpressure reducing steam pressure for low pressure 3.2.3
turbines instead of PRVs) services
Improve operating procedures and boiler Optimises energy savings
Use sequential boiler controls (apply only to Optimises energy savings
sites with more than one boiler)
Install flue-gas isolation dampers Optimises energy savings
(applicable only to sites with more than one 3.2.4
Preheating feed-water by using: Recovers available heat from exhaust gases 3.2.5
waste heat, e.g. from a process and transfers it back into the system by 3.1.1
economisers using combustion air preheating feed-water
deaerated feed-water to heat condensate
condensing t he s team used f or stripping
and h eating the f eed-water t o t he
deaerator via a heat exchanger
Prevention and removal of scale deposits on Promotes effective heat transfer from the 3.2.6
heat transfer surfaces. (Clean boiler heat combustion gases to the steam
transfer surfaces)
Minimise boiler blowdown by improving Reduces the amount of total dissolved solids 3.2.7
water treatment. Installing automatic total in the boiler water, which allows less
dissolved solids control blowdown and therefore less energy loss
Add/restore boiler refractory Reduces heat loss from the boiler and 2.10.1
restores boiler efficiency 2.9
Optimise deaerator vent rate Minimises avoidable loss of steam 3.2.8
Minimise boiler short cycling losses Optimises energy savings 3.2.9
Carrying out boiler maintenance 2.9
Optimise steam distribution system 2. 9,
(especially to cover the issues below) 3.2.10
Isolate steam from unused lines Minimises avoidable loss of steam and 3.2.10
reduces energy loss from piping and
equipment surfaces
Insulation on steam pipes and condensate Reduces energy loss from piping and 3.2.11
return pipes. (Ensure that steam system equipment surfaces
piping, valves, fittings and vessels are well
Implement a control and repair programme Reduces passage of live steam into the 3.2.12
for steam traps condensate system and promotes efficient
operation of end-use heat transfer
equipment. Minimises avoidable loss of
Collect and return condensate to the boiler Recovers the thermal energy in the 3.2.13
for re-use. (Optimise condensate recovery) condensate and reduces the amount of
makeup water added to the system, saving
energy and chemicals treatment
Re-use of flash steam. (Use high pressure Exploits the available energy in the 3.2.14
condensate to make low pressure steam) returning condensate
Recover energy from boiler blowdown Transfers the available energy in a 3.2.15
blowdown stream back into the system,
thereby reducing energy loss

138 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

Techniques for sectors and associated activities where steam systems

are not covered by a vertical BREF
Techniques by section in the ENE BREF
Benefits Section
Techniques by fuel type and by Section in the LCP BREF July 2006
Coal and Biomass Liquid Gaseous
lignite and peat fuels fuels
Expansion turbine to recover the energy 7.4.1,
content of pressurised gases 7.5.1
Change turbine blades 4.4.3 5.4.4 6.4.2
Use advanced materials to reach high steam
4.4.3 6.4.2 7.4.2
Supercritical steam parameters 4.4.3, 4.5.5 6.4.2 7.1.4
Double reheat 7.1.4,
4.4.3, 4.5.5 7.4.2,
Regenerative feed-water 4.2.3, 4.4.3 5.4.4 6.4.2 7.4.2
Use of heat content of the flue-gas for
district heating
Heat accumulation 6.4.2 7.4.2
Advanced computerised control of the gas
turbine and subsequent recovery boilers
Table 3.6: Common energy efficiency techniques for industrial steam systems
Adapted and combined from [123, US_DOE]

In most cases, s team i s generated i n an industrial i nstallation by means of a c ombustion

reaction, so s ome overlap of energy e fficiency c omprehensive measures applicable t o bo th
combustion and steam sections cannot be avoided: these are noted in Table 3.6. The techniques
specific to steam are discussed in this section.

To implement any of these measures, it is crucial to have relevant, quantified information and
knowledge of f uel usage, steam g eneration a nd t he steam ne twork. Metering a nd m onitoring
steam contributes to the understanding of the process operation, together with a knowledge of
how f ar t he ope rating pa rameters c an be m odified and is t hus e ssential to the s uccessful
integration of, e.g. heat recovery into a process (see Section 2.10).

3.2.3 Throttling devices and the use of backpressure turbines

Throttling devices are very c ommon in i ndustry a nd are u sed to control a nd r educe p ressure
mainly t hrough v alves. S ince the throttling pr ocess is i senthalpic ( where the e nthalpy up and
down flows are equal) no energy i s lost and according t o the first l aw of t hermodynamics, i ts
efficiency i s opt imal. H owever, t his ha s a n i nherent t ypical m echanical i rreversibility w hich
reduces pr essure a nd i ncreases the entropy of the f luid w ithout g iving any additional be nefit.
Consequently, exergy is lost and the fluid (after the pressure drop) is less capable of producing
energy, e.g. in a subsequent turbine expansion process.

Therefore, i f t he aim i s t o r educe the p ressure of a f luid, it is d esirable to use i sentropic

expansions a nd pr ovide us eful w ork in addition through t urbines. I f t his i s no t pos sible, the
working pressure should always be a s low a s possible, to a void large pressure c hanges, w ith
associated exergy l osses through v alves, m easuring devices (see S ection 2.10.4) or by us ing
compressors or pumps to input additional energy.

A regular practice in industrial installations is to keep the pressure at the inlet of a turbine at the
design conditions. This usually implies the use (and abuse) of inlet valves to control the turbine.

Energy Efficiency 139

Chapter 3

According t o the second law of t hermodynamics, it is be tter to ha ve variation of t he pressure

specifications (sliding pressure) and to keep the admission valves completely open.

As a general r ecommendation, v alves s hould be sized a s l arge as pos sible. A s atisfactory

throttling process can be achieved with a pressure drop of 5 10 % at maximum flow, instead
of 25 50 % as has be en past practice with valves of t oo small a size. The pump driving the
fluid must be also sized to take account of the variable conditions.

However, a better a lternative i s to use a b ackpressure t urbine, w hich a lmost retains t he

isentropic conditions a nd is c ompletely r eversible ( in t hermodynamic t erms). The turbine i s
used to generate electricity.

Achieved environmental benefits

Reduces exergy losses.

Cross-media effects
Increases fuel consumption.

Operational data
See examples in Annex 7.2.

Applicable i n ne w o r s ignificantly r efurbished s ystems, a ccording t o t he e conomics a nd t he
following factors:

the turbine i s u sed to g enerate electricity or to p rovide m echanical p ower to a m otor;

compressor or fan. Whereas backpressure turbines are the most attractive from a point of
view of e nergy e fficiency, t he quantity of s team passing t hrough t he ba ckpressure
turbines s hould fit w ith the ov erall s team balance of t he w hole site. U se o f e xcessive
numbers of ba ckpressure turbines w ill result i n m ore steam being g enerated a t l ow
pressure l evels than can b e consumed by t he pl ant/site. This e xcess s team w ould then
have to be vented, which is not energy efficient. The steam flow from the backpressure
turbine also needs to be available for a large percentage of the time, and in a p redicable
way. A n unpr edictable o r discontinuous s ource c annot be used r eliably ( unless, r arely,
peaks in supply and demand can be matched)
backpressure turbines are not useful when the two pressure l evels are close together, as
the turbines need a high flow a nd pressure differential. In the steel industry i n the blast
furnace pr ocess, pressure dr op t urbines a re used be cause of the hug e number of g ases
which flow through the blast furnace.

Turbines a re s everal orders of magnitude m ore e xpensive than control v alves. T he minimum
size to be effective and to be considered before substituting therefore has to be considered with
the steam balance. In the case of low mass flows, turbines are not reasonable from an economic
point of view. To be economic, the r ecovered energy should be sufficiently r eliable, available
for a large percentage of production time and match demand.

Driving force for implementation

Where they can be used, cost savings in the steam supply.

See Annex 7.2.

Reference information
[6, Cefic, 2005, 123, US_DOE]

140 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

3.2.4 Operating and control techniques

Improving operating procedures and boiler controls
A modern c ontrol system optimising boi ler usage i s shown in F igure 3.6 below. T his type of
control is discussed further in Section 2.15.2.

Using sequential boiler controls

Where a s ite ha s more t han one boiler, the steam de mand s hould be a nalysed and the boilers
used to optimise energy usage, by reducing short cycling, etc.

Installing flue-gas isolation dampers (applies only to systems where there is two or more boilers
with a common chimney).

Achieved environmental benefits

Energy savings.

Cross-media effects
No data submitted.

Operational data
No data submitted.

The installation of more than one boiler may be considered to cope with varying demands over
the working cycle. The boilers may be of different types, depending on the demand curve, cycle
times, etc.

The use of se quential b oilers m ay b e limited w hen h igh st eam av ailability g uarantees a re

No data submitted.

Driving force for implementation

No data submitted.

No data submitted.

Reference information
[123, US_DOE, , 134, Amalfi, 2006, 179, Stijns, 2005]

Energy Efficiency 141

Chapter 3

Figure 3.6: Modern control system optimising boiler usage

142 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

3.2.5 Preheating feed-water (including the use of economisers)

The w ater from t he d eaerator be ing r eturned t o t he boi ler g enerally ha s a t emperature of
approximately 105 C. T he water in the boiler at a higher pressure is at a hi gher t emperature.
The s team boi ler is fed w ith water t o r eplace system l osses a nd r ecycle c ondensate, etc. Heat
recovery i s pos sible by pr eheating t he feed-water, t hus reducing t he steam boiler f uel

The preheating can be done in four ways:

using w aste h eat (e.g. f rom a p rocess): feed-water can be p reheated b y available w aste
heat, e.g. using water/water heat exchangers
using economisers: an economiser ((1) in Figure 3.7) is a heat exchanger which reduces
steam boi ler f uel r equirements by t ransferring he at from the f lue-gas t o t he i ncoming
using deaerated feed-water: in addition, the condensate can be preheated with deaerated
feed-water before reaching the feed-water container ((2) in Figure 3.7)). The feed-water
from the condensate tank ((3) in Figure 3.7)) has a lower temperature than the deaerated
feed-water from the feed-water container ((2) Figure 3.7)). Through a heat exchanger, the
deaerated f eed-water i s co oled d own further ( the h eat i s t ransmitted t o t he f eed-water
from the condensate t ank). A s a r esult, t he deaerated f eed-water forwarded t hrough the
feed-water pump i s cooler w hen it runs t hrough the economiser ( (1) i n Figure 3.7)). It
thus increases its e fficiency due to t he l arger difference i n temperature and r educes t he
flue-gas temperature and flue-gas losses. Overall, this saves live steam, as the feed-water
in t he feed-water container i s warmer and therefore l ess live s team is necessary f or its


Economiser (1)


feed water
Heat consumer

Live steam


Feed-water Condensate
container(2) tank (3)

De-aerated Feed-water preheating

feed water with waste heat

Figure 3.7: Feed-water preheating

[28, Berger, 2005]

installing a heat exchanger in the feed-water stream entering the deaerator and preheating
this feed-water by condensing the steam used for stripping (see Section 3.2.8 for details
of deaeration).

Energy Efficiency 143

Chapter 3

The overall efficiency can be increased through these measures, that is, less fuel energy input is
required for a certain steam output.

Achieved environmental benefits

The e nergy recovery which c an be a chieved depends on t he temperature of the flue-gases ( or
that of the main process), the choice of surface and, to a large extent, on the steam pressure.

It is widely accepted that an economiser can increase steam production efficiency by 4 %. The
water supply needs to be controlled in order to achieve a continuous use of the economiser.

Cross-media effects
Possible disadvantages o f these four possibilities a re t hat more sp ace i s required and t heir
availability for industrial facilities decreases with rising complexity.

Operational data
According to the manufacturer's sp ecifications, e conomisers a re c ommonly available w ith a
rated output of 0.5 M W. Economisers designed with ribbed tubes are used for rated outputs of
up to 2 MW, and equipped with finned tubes for outputs of over 2 M W. In the case of outputs
over 2 MW, around 80 % o f the l arge w ater t ube bo ilers de livered are equipped w ith
economisers, a s they ar e e ven economical w hen operated in single shifts ( at system l oads o f
60 - 70 %).

The exhaust gas temperature typically exceeds the saturated steam temperature by around 70 C.
The exhaust g as t emperature f or a s tandard i ndustrial s team g enerator i s about 180 C. T he
lower limit o f t he f lue-gas t emperature i s t he flue-gases ac id d ewpoint. The t emperature
depends on the fuel used and/or the fuels sulphur content (and is around 160 C for heavy fuel
oil, 130 C for light fuel oil, 100 C for natural gas and 110 C for solid waste). In boilers using
heating oil, corrosion will occur more easily and part of the economiser has to be designed to be
replaced. I f t he t emperature o f t he e xhaust g as d rops significantly be low the d ewpoint,
economisers might lead to corrosion, which usually occurs when there is a significant sulphur
content in the fuel.

Unless special steps are t aken, s oot builds up i n stacks be low t his temperature. A s a
consequence, e conomisers a re f requently equipped with a bypass controller. This controller
diverts a proportion of the exhaust gases around the economiser if the temperature of the gases
in the stack drops too low.

Working on the principle that a 20 C reduction in the temperature of the exhaust gas increases
efficiency by a round 1 %, t his m eans that, depending on t he s team t emperature a nd dr op in
temperature c aused by the he at e xchanger, e fficiency c an improve by up t o 6 7 %. T he
temperature of the feed-water to be heated in the economiser is typically increased from 103 to
around 140 C.

In some existing plants, feed-water preheating systems can only be integrated with difficulty. In
practice, feed-water preheating with deaerated feed-water is applied only rarely.

In high output plants, feed-water preheating through an economiser is standard. In this context,
however, it is possible to improve the efficiency of the economiser by up t o 1 % by increasing
the temperature difference. U sing waste he at from other pr ocesses i s also feasible in m ost
installations. There is also potential to use it in lower output plants.

The amount of e nergy s avings pot ential by i mplementing e conomiser feed-water pr eheating
depends on several conditions such as local system requirements, condition of the stack or flue-
gas quality. The payback for a particular steam distribution system will depend on the operating
hours, the actual fuel price and the location.

144 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

In pr actice, the possible s avings f rom feed-water preheating amount to several per cent of the
steam volume generated. Therefore, even in small boilers the energy savings can be in the range
of several G Wh per y ear. For e xample, w ith a 15 M W boiler, savings of roughly 5 GWh/yr,
some E UR 60000/yr and about 10 00 tonnes C O2/yr c an be attained. The s avings are
proportional to the size of the plant, which means that larger plants will see higher savings.

Boiler f lue-gases a re often rejected t o t he s tack a t temperatures of m ore t han 1 00 t o 150 C

higher than t he temperature of t he g enerated steam. G enerally, boi ler e fficiency c an b e
increased by 1 % for every 40 C r eduction i n the flue-gas temperature. B y recovering w aste
heat, an economiser can often reduce fuel requirements by 5 t o 10 % and pay for itself in less
than 2 years. Table 3.7 shows examples of the potential for heat recovery.

Approximate recoverable heat from boiler flue-gases

Recoverable heat, (kW)
Initial stack gas
Temperature, C Boiler thermal output (kW)
7322 14640 29290 58550
205 381 762 1552 3105
260 674 1347 2694 5389
315 967 1904 3807 7644
Table 3.7: Based on natural gas fuel, 15 % excess air and a final stack temperature of 120 C
Adapted from [123, US_DOE]

Driving force for implementation

Reduction of energy costs and minimisation of CO2 emissions.

Widely used.

Reference information
[16, CIPEC, 2002, 26, Neisecke, 2003, 28, Berger, 2005, 29, Maes, 2005, 123, US_DOE]

3.2.6 Prevention and removal of scale deposits on heat transfer


On g enerating boi lers a s w ell as i n heat e xchange tubes, a s cale deposit might oc cur on he at
transfer surfaces. This deposit occurs when soluble matter reacts in the boiler water to form a
layer of material on the waterside of the boiler exchange tubes.

Scale creates a problem because it typically possesses a t hermal conductivity with an order of
magnitude l ess t han t he c orresponding value for b are steel. W hen a deposit of a certain
thickness a nd given c omposition is f ormed on the heat exchange s urface, t he heat transfer
through surfaces is reduced as a function of the scale thickness. Even small deposits might thus
serve a s a n e ffective heat insulator and consequently r educe he at transfer. The r esult is
overheating of boiler tube metal, t ube failures and l oss of energy efficiency. By r emoving the
deposit, operators can easily save on energy use and on the annual operating costs.

Fuel w aste du e to bo iler scale m ay be 2 % for w ater-tube boi lers and u p to 5 % in fire-tube

At boiler level, a regular removal of this scale deposit can produce substantial energy savings.

Achieved environmental benefits

Reduced energy losses.

Energy Efficiency 145

Chapter 3

Table 3.8 shows t he loss in heat transfer when a scale deposit is f ormed on the heat changing

Scale thickness (mm) Difference in heat transfer22 (%)

0.1 1. 0
0.3 2. 9
0.5 4. 7
1 9.0
Table 3.8: Differences in heat transfer
[29, Maes, 2005]

Cross-media effects
By treating feed-water to prevent scale deposits, the use of chemicals may increase.

Operational data
Removing the deposit will require the boiler to be out of use.

There are different ways of removing and preventing deposit formation:

if pressure is reduced, the temperature will also reduce, which curtails scale deposits. This
is one reason why steam pressure should be kept as low as possible (see Section 3.2.1)
the deposit can be removed during maintenance, both mechanically as well as with acid
if scale formation returns too rapidly, the treatment of feed-water needs to be reviewed. A
better purification or extra additives may be required.

An indirect indicator of s cale o r deposit f ormation i s flue-gas t emperature. I f the f lue-gas

temperature rises (with boiler load and excess air held constant), the effect is likely to be due to
the presence of scale.

Whether scale de posits ne ed t o be r emoved c an be ascertained by a s imple visual inspection
during maintenance. As a rule of thumb, maintenance several times per year may be effective
for a ppliances a t hi gh pr essure ( 50 ba r). F or a ppliances a t l ow pr essure ( 2 bar) a nnual
maintenance is recommended.

It is possible to avoid deposits by improving the water quality (e.g. by switching to soft water or
demineralised w ater). A n acid treatment f or d eposit r emoval h as t o b e carefully as sessed,
particularly for high pressure steam boilers.

Depends on the method used, and other factors, such as raw feed-water chemistry, boiler type,
etc. Payback in fuel savings, increased reliability of the steam system and increased operating
life of the b oiler system ( giving s avings on l ost pr oduction time and c apital c osts) are all

See examples, in Annex 7.10.1.

Driving force for implementation

Increased reliability of the steam system and increased operating life of the boiler system.

Widely used.
These values were determined for heat transfer in a boiler with steel tubes. The heat transfer is reviewed starting form the flue-
gases up to the feed-water. Calculations assume that the composition of the deposit is always the same.

146 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

Reference information
[16, CIPEC, 2002, 29, Maes, 2005, 123, US_DOE]

3.2.7 Minimising blowdown from the boiler

Minimising the blowdown rate can substantially reduce energy losses as the temperature of the
blowdown is directly related to that of the steam generated in the boiler.

As water vaporises in the boiler during steam generation, dissolved solids are left behind in the
water, w hich in t urn raises the concentration of di ssolved s olids i n the bo iler. The s uspended
solids m ay f orm s ediments, which degrade he at transfer ( see S ection 3.2.6). D issolved solids
promote foaming and carryover of boiler water into the steam.

In order to reduce the levels of suspended and total dissolved solids (TDS) to acceptable limits,
two procedures are used, automatically or manually in either case:

bottom bl owdown i s c arried ou t t o a llow a good thermal e xchange i n t he bo iler. I t i s

usually a manual procedure done for a few seconds every several hours
surface or skimming bl owdown i s d esigned t o remove t he d issolved s olids that
concentrate near the liquid surface and it is often a continuous process.

The blowdown of s alt residues to dr ain causes further l osses accounting f or between one a nd
three p er cent o f the steam employed. On t op of this, further costs m ay a lso be i ncurred for
cooling the blowdown residue to the temperature prescribed by regulatory authorities.

In order to reduce the required amount of blowdown, there are several possibilities:

the r ecovery of c ondensate ( see Sections 3.2.13 and 3.2.15). This condensate i s already
purified and thus does not contain any impurities, which will be concentrated inside the
boiler. If half of the condensate can be recovered, the blowdown can be reduced by 50 %
depending on the quality of the feed-water, softeners, decarbonation and demineralisation
might be required. Additionally, deaeration of the water and the addition of conditioning
products a re n ecessary. T he level o f b lowdown i s linked w ith the level of the m ore
concentrated component present or added to the feed-water. In case of direct feed of the
boiler, blowdown rates of 7 to 8 % are possible; this can be reduced to 3 % or less when
water is pretreated
the installation of automated blowdown control systems can also be considered, usually
by monitoring c onductivity. This can lead to a n op timisation between r eliability a nd
energy loss. The blowdown rate will be controlled by the most concentrated component
knowing t he maximum concentration possible in t he boiler (TAC max. of t he boiler 38
C; silica 130 mg/l; chloride <600 mg/l). For more details, see EN 12953 10
flashing the blowdown at medium or low pressure is another way to valorise the energy
which i s av ailable i n t he blowdown. This technique ap plies w hen the s ite h as a steam
network with pressures lower than the pressure at which steam is generated. This solution
can be exergetically more favourable than just exchanging the heat in the blowdown via a
heat exchanger (see Sections 3.2.14 and 3.2.15).

Pressure degasification caused by vaporisation also results in further losses of between one and
three per cent. CO2 and oxygen are removed from the fresh water in the process (by applying
slight excess pressure a t a t emperature of 10 3 C). This c an be m inimised by opt imising t he
deaerator vent rate (see Section 3.2.8).

Energy Efficiency 147

Chapter 3

Achieved environmental benefits

The amount of e nergy de pends on the pressure i n t he bo iler. The e nergy content of the
blowdown is represented in Table 3.9 below. The blowdown rate is expressed as a percentage of
the total feed-water required. Thus, a 5 % bl owdown r ate m eans t hat 5 % o f the boiler f eed-
water is lost through bl owdown and the remaining 95 % is c onverted to s team. T his
immediately indicates that savings can be achieved by reducing blowdown frequency.

Energy content of blowdown in kJ/kg of steam produced

Blowdown rate Boiler operating pressure
(% of boiler output) 2 barg 5 barg 10 barg 20 barg 50 barg
1 4.8 5. 9 7.0 8.4 10.8
2 9.6 11. 7 14.0 16.7 21.5
4 19.1 23. 5 27.9 33.5 43.1
6 28.7 35. 2 41.9 50.2 64.6
8 38.3 47. 0 55.8 66.9 86.1
10 47.8 58.7 69.8 83.6 107.7
Table 3.9: Energy content of blowdown
[29, Maes, 2005]

The amount of waste water will also be reduced if blowdown frequency is reduced. The energy
or cooling water used for any cooling of this waste water will also be saved.

Cross-media effects
Discharges of treatment chemicals, chemicals used in deioniser regeneration, etc.

Operational data
The optimum blowdown rate is determined by various factors including the quality of the feed-
water a nd t he associated water t reatment, the proportion o f condensates r e-used, t he type of
boiler and t he operating conditions (flowrate, working pr essure, type of fuel, etc.). Blowdown
rates typically range between 4 and 8 % of the amount of fresh water, but this can be as high as
10 % if makeup water has a high content of solids. Blowdown rates for optimised boiler houses
should be lower than 4 %. B lowdown r ates s hould be driven by t he a ntifoaming a nd oxy gen
scavenger additives in the treated water rather than by dissolved salts.

If blowdown is reduced below a critical level, the problems of foaming and scaling may return.
The other measures in the description (recovery of condensate, water pre-treatment) may also be
used to lower this critical value.

Insufficient blowdown may lead to a degradation of the installation. Excessive blowdown will
result in a waste of energy.

A condensate r eturn i s u sually s tandard i n a ll c ases e xcept w here s team i s i njected into t he
process. In this case, a reduction of blowdown by condensate return is not feasible.

Significant s avings i n e nergy, chemicals, feed-water and c ooling c an be a chieved, a nd makes
this viable in all cases, see examples detailed in Annex 7.10.1.

Driving force for implementation

plant reliability.

Widely used.

148 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

Reference information
[29, Maes, 2005], [16, CIPEC, 2002] [123, US_DOE, , 133, AENOR, 2004]

3.2.8 Optimising deaerator vent rate

Deaerators a re mechanical d evices that r emove dissolved g ases from boiler f eed-water.
Deaeration protects the steam system from the effects of corrosive gases. It accomplishes this by
reducing the concentration of dissolved oxygen and carbon dioxide to a level where corrosion is
minimised. A dissolved oxygen level of 5 parts per billion (ppb) or lower is needed to prevent
corrosion i n m ost hi gh pressure ( >13.79 barg) boi lers. W hile oxy gen c oncentrations of up to
43 ppb may be tolerated in low pressure boilers, equipment life is extended at little or no cost by
limiting the oxygen concentration to 5 ppb. Dissolved carbon dioxide is essentially completely
removed by the deaerator.

The design of an effective deaeration system depends upon the amount of gases to be removed
and the final gas (O2) concentration desired. This in turn depends upon the ratio of boiler feed-
water makeup to returned condensate and the operating pressure of the deaerator.

Deaerators us e steam t o heat t he water to t he full s aturation temperature corresponding t o the

steam p ressure in t he d eaerator an d to scrub out an d carry away d issolved gases. S team f low
may be pa rallel, c ross, or c ounter t o the w ater flow. T he deaerator c onsists of a deaeration
section, a storage tank, and a vent. In the deaeration section, steam bubbles through the water,
both h eating a nd agitating i t. Steam i s c ooled by i ncoming w ater and condensed a t t he v ent
condenser. Non-condensable gases and some steam are released through the vent. However, this
should be opt imised t o provide s atisfactory s tripping, w ith m inimised steam l oss ( see
Operational data, below).

Sudden increases in free or 'flash' steam can cause a spike in deaerator vessel pressure, resulting
in re-oxygenation of the feed-water. A dedicated pressure regulating valve should be provided
to maintain the deaerator at a constant pressure.

Achieved environmental benefits

Savings of unnecessary energy loss in steam venting.

Cross-media effects
None reported.

Operational data
Steam pr ovided t o t he de aerator p rovides phy sical s tripping a ction a nd he ats t he m ixture o f
returned condensate and boiler feed-water makeup to saturation temperature. Most of the steam
will c ondense, bu t a s mall f raction ( usually 5 t o 14 %) m ust be vented t o accommodate t he
stripping re quirements. N ormal d esign practice is to calculate the steam re quired for h eating,
and then make sure that the flow is sufficient for stripping as well. If the condensate return rate
is hi gh ( >80 %) a nd t he condensate pressure i s hi gh compared t o the deaerator pr essure, then
very little steam is needed for heating, and provisions may be made for condensing the surplus
flash steam.

The e nergy i n t he s team u sed f or s tripping m ay be r ecovered by c ondensing t his s team a nd

feeding i t through a he at e xchanger in t he f eed water stream e ntering t he de aerator ( see
Section 3.2.5).

Deaerator s team requirements should be r e-examined f ollowing t he retrofit of any steam

distribution system, condensate return, or heat recovery energy conservation measures.

Energy Efficiency 149

Chapter 3

Continuous dissolved oxygen monitoring devices can be installed to aid in identifying operating
practices that result in poor oxygen removal.

The deaerator is designed to remove oxygen that is dissolved in the entering water, not in the
entrained air. Sources of 'free air' include loose piping connections on the suction side of pumps
and improper pump packing.

Applicable t o a ll sites with d eaerators on s team s ystems. Optimisation i s a n ong oing
maintenance measure.

No data submitted.

Driving force for implementation

Cost savings in unnecessary venting of steam.

Widely used.

Reference information
[123, US_DOE]

3.2.9 Minimising boiler short cycle losses

Losses during short cycles occur every time a boiler is switched off for a short period of time.
The boiler cycle consists of a purge period, a post-purge, an idle period, a pre-purge and a return
to firing. Part of the losses during the purge periods and idle period can be low in modern, well
isolated boilers, but can increase rapidly in older boilers with inferior insulation.

Losses due to short term cycles for steam boilers can be magnified if the boilers can generate
the required capacity in a very short period of time. This is the case if the installed capacity of
the boiler is considerably larger than that generally needed. The steam demand for the process
can c hange ov er t ime a nd s hould b e r eassessed pe riodically ( see Section 2.2.2). T otal steam
demand m ay ha ve be en r educed through e nergy s avings m easures. A lternatively, boilers may
have been installed with a view to a later expansion, which was never realised.

A first point for attention is the type of boiler in the design phase of the installation. Fire tube
boilers have co nsiderably l arge thermal inertia, and c onsiderable w ater co ntent. They are
equipped to deal with continuous steam demand and to meet large peak loads. Steam generators
or w ater t ube b oilers i n c ontrast c an also d eliver st eam i n l arger ca pacities. T heir relatively
lower w ater content makes w ater p ipe boilers m ore s uitable fo r installations w ith s trongly
varying loads.

Short c ycling can be a voided by i nstalling multiple boi lers w ith a s maller capacity i nstead of
one bo iler with a large c apacity. A s a result, both flexibility a nd reliability are increased. A n
automated control of the generation efficiency and of the marginal costs for steam generation in
each boiler can direct a boiler management system. Thus, additional steam demand is provided
by the boiler with the lowest marginal cost.

Another option is possible where there is a standby boiler. In this case, the boiler can be kept to
temperature by circulating water from the other boiler directly through the standby boiler. This
minimises the flue-gas losses for standby. The standby boiler should be well insulated and with
a correct air valve for the burner.

150 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

Energy savings can be obtained by boiler isolation or boiler replacement.

Achieved environmental benefits

No data submitted.

Cross-media effects
None known.

Operational data
Maintaining a boiler on standby at the right temperature will need a continuous supply of energy
throughout the year, which coincides with approximately 8 % of the total capacity of the boiler.
The benefits of reliability and energy savings measures have to be determined.

The negative impact of short cycling becomes clear when there is low usage of available boiler
capacity for instance, l ess than 25 %. I n such c ases, it is g ood practice t o r eview w hether t o
replace the boiler system.

See examples in Annex 7.10.1.

Driving force for implementation

cost savings
better system performance.

No data submitted.

Reference information
[29, Maes, 2005], [123, US_DOE]

3.2.10 Optimising steam distribution systems

The di stribution system t ransports steam f rom the boiler to the v arious end-uses. A lthough
distribution systems may appear to be passive, in reality, these systems regulate the delivery of
steam a nd respond to changing t emperatures and pressure requirements. Consequently, pr oper
performance o f the distribution s ystem requires careful d esign practices and effective
maintenance. The p iping s hould be properly sized, s upported, insulated, a nd c onfigured w ith
adequate f lexibility. Pressure-regulating d evices s uch as p ressure-reducing v alves an d
backpressure turbines s hould be c onfigured t o p rovide a pr oper s team ba lance a mong t he
different s team he aders. A dditionally, t he di stribution s ystem s hould be c onfigured t o a llow
adequate condensate drainage, which requires adequate drip leg capacity and proper steam trap

Maintenance of the system is important, especially:

to ensure that traps operate correctly (see Section 3.2.12)

that insulation is installed and maintained (see Section 3.2.11)
that l eaks are detected and dealt with sy stematically by planned maintenance. T his i s
assisted by leaks being reported by operators and dealt with promptly. Leaks include air
leaks on the suction side of pumps
checking for and eliminating unused steam lines.

Achieved environmental benefits

Savings in energy from unnecessary losses.

Energy Efficiency 151

Chapter 3

Cross-media effects
No data submitted.

Operational data
Steam piping transports steam from the boiler to the end-uses. Important characteristics of well-
designed steam system piping are that i t is a dequately sized, configured, a nd s upported. T he
installation of larger pipe diameters may be more expensive, but can create less pressure drop
for a given flowrate. Additionally, larger pipe diameters help to reduce the noise associated with
steam flow. As s uch, consideration s hould be g iven to t he type of e nvironment i n w hich t he
steam pi ping will be located when s electing t he pi pe diameter. Important configuration issues
are flexibility a nd d rainage. With respect to flexibility, the p iping (especially a t e quipment
connections) needs to a ccommodate t hermal reactions during system s tartups and s hutdowns.
Additionally, piping should be e quipped with a s ufficient num ber of appropriately s ized dr ip
legs t o pr omote e ffective c ondensate dr ainage. Additionally, t he p iping s hould be p itched
properly t o pr omote the drainage of c ondensate to these d rip l ines. Typically, these drainage
points e xperience two di fferent operating conditions, normal ope ration and s tartup; both l oad
conditions should be considered at the initial design stage.

All steam systems. Adequate sizing of pipework, minimising the number of tight bends, etc. can
best be dealt with at the design and installation stages (including significant repairs, changes and

proper sizing at the design stage has a good payback within the lifetime of the system
maintenance measures (such as minimising leaks) also exhibit rapid payback.

Driving force for implementation

cost savings
health and safety.

Widely used.

Reference information
[123, US_DOE]

3.2.11 Insulation on steam pipes and condensate return pipes

Steam pipes and condensate return pipes that are not insulated are a constant source of heat loss
which is e asy t o remedy. Insulating al l h eat surfaces i s, in m ost cases, an easy measure to
implement. In addition, localised damage to insulation can be readily repaired. Insulation might
have been removed or n ot replaced du ring operation m aintenance or repairs. R emovable
insulation covers for valves or other installations may be absent.

Wet or hardened insulation needs to be replaced. The cause of wet insulation can often be found
in leaking pipes or tubes. The leaks should be repaired before the insulation is replaced.

152 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

Achieved environmental benefits

Table 3.10 shows heat losses from uninsulated steam lines at different steam pressures.

Approximate heat loss per 30 m of

Distribution line uninsulated steam line (GJ/yr)
diameter (mm) Steam pressure (barg)
1 10 20 40
25 148 301 396 522
50 248 50 6 665 886
100 438 897 1182 1583
200 781 1625 2142 2875
300 1113 2321 3070 4136
Table 3.10: Heat loss per 30 m of uninsulated steam line
Adapted from [123, US_DOE]

A reduction of energy losses through better insulation can also lead to a reduction in the use of
water and the related savings on water treatment.

Cross-media effects
Increased use of insulating materials.

Operational data
No data submitted.

As a baseline, a ll piping ope rating a t temperatures a bove 200 C a nd di ameters of more than
200 m m s hould be i nsulated a nd g ood c ondition o f t his i nsulation should be c hecked on a
periodic ba sis ( e.g. pr ior to t urnarounds v ia I R s cans of piping s ystems). In a ddition, a ny
surfaces t hat r each temperatures o f h igher than 5 0 C w here there is a r isk of st aff co ntact,
should be insulated.

It can give rapid payback, but time depends on energy price, energy losses and insulation costs.

Driving force for implementation

Easy to achieve compared to other techniques. Health and safety.

Widely applied.

Reference information
[29, Maes, 2005], [16, CIPEC, 2002] Installation of removable insulating pads or valves and fittings

During m aintenance op erations, the i nsulation that c overs p ipes, v alves, and fittings i s o ften
damaged or removed and not replaced.

The insulation of the different components in an installation often varies. In a modern boiler, the
boiler itself is generally w ell insulated. On t he o ther h and, the fittings, v alves a nd other
connections a re us ually not as w ell i nsulated. Re-usable and removable i nsulating pads a re
available for surfaces that emit heat.

Energy Efficiency 153

Chapter 3

Achieved environmental benefits

The efficiency of this technique depends on the specific application, but the heat loss as a result
of frequent breaches in insulation is often underestimated.

Table 3.11 summarises energy savings due to the use of insulating valve covers for a r ange of
valve sizes and operating temperatures. These values were calculated using a computer program
that meets the requirements of ASTM C 1680 heat loss and surface temperature calculations.
The en ergy s avings are d efined as the energy l oss b etween the uninsulated valve and t he
insulated valve operating at the same temperature.

Approximate energy savings* in Watts from installing

removable insulated valve covers (W)
Valve size (mm)
Operating temperature C
75 100 150 200 255 305
95 230 315 450 640 840 955
150 495 670 970 1405 1815 2110
205 840 985 1700 2430 3165 3660
260 1305 1800 2635 3805 4950 5770
315 1945 2640 3895 5625 7380 8580
* Based on insulation of a 25 mm thick insulating pad on an ANSI 150-pound class
flanged valve with an ambient temperature of 20 C

Table 3.11: Approximate energy savings in Watts from installing removable insulated valve covers
[123, US_DOE]

Proper installation of insulating covers may also reduce the noise.

Cross-media effects
None known.

Operational data
Re-usable i nsulating pads a re c ommonly used i n industrial facilities for insulating f langes,
valves, e xpansion joints, heat exchangers, pumps, t urbines, tanks a nd other irregular s urfaces.
The pads are flexible and vibration resistant and can be used with equipment that is horizontally
or vertically mounted or equipment that is difficult to access.

Applicable for any high temperature piping or equipment that should be insulated to reduce heat
loss, r educe e missions, a nd improve s afety. As a g eneral rule, any s urface t hat r eaches
temperatures of greater than 50 C where there is a risk of human contact should be insulated to
protect pe rsonnel ( see I nsulation, S ection 3.2.11). I nsulating pads can be easily r emoved f or
periodic inspection or m aintenance, a nd replaced a s needed. I nsulating pads c an a lso c ontain
material to act as acoustic barriers to help control noise.

Special care must be taken when insulating steam traps. Different types of steam traps can only
operate correctly if limited quantities of steam can condense or if a defined quantity of heat can
be emitted (for instance, certain thermostatic and thermodynamic steam traps).

If t hese s team traps are over-insulated, t his m ight i mpede their op eration. It i s therefore
necessary to consult with the manufacturer or other expert before insulating.

It can give rapid payback, but time depends on energy, price and area to be insulated.

Driving force for implementation

cost saving
health and safety.

154 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

Widely used.

Reference information
[29, Maes, 2005], [16, CIPEC, 2002, 123, US_DOE]

3.2.12 Implementing a control and repair programme for steam traps

Leaking s team traps l ose s ignificant qua ntities of s team, which result i n l arge energy losses.
Proper maintenance can reduce these losses in an efficient manner. In steam systems where the
steam traps have not been inspected in the last three to five years, up to about 30 % of them may
have f ailed al lowing st eam t o esc ape. I n s ystems with a r egularly sch eduled maintenance
programme, less than 5 % of the total number of traps should be leaking.

There are m any different types o f steam t raps and each t ype h as i ts own c haracteristics and
preconditions. Checks for escaping steam are based on acoustic, visual, electrical conductivity
or thermal checks.

When replacing s team t raps, changing t o orifice venturi steam traps can be considered. Some
studies suggest that under specific conditions, these traps result in lower steam losses and longer
lifespans. However, the opinion between experts on the utilisation of orifice venturi steam traps
is divided. In any case, this type of steam trap is a continuous leak, so it should only be used for
very specific services (e.g. on reboilers, which always operate at a minimum 50 70 % of their
design duty).

Achieved environmental benefits

Table 3.12 shows the approximate steam losses caused by leaks of several diameters.

Approximate steam
Approximate trap loss (kg/h)
orifice diameter Approximate steam
(mm) pressure (barg)
1 7 10 20
1 0.38 1. 5 2.1 -
2 1.5 6. 0 8. 6 16.4
3 6.2 24 34.4 65.8
4 13.9 54 77 148
6 24.8 96 137 263
8 55.8 215 309 591
Table 3.12: Leaking steam trap discharge rate
[123, US_DOE]

Energy Efficiency 155

Chapter 3

Operational data
An a nnual s urvey c hecks a ll steam t raps. The different f uncyion categories are shown in
Table 3.13.

Abbreviation Description Definition

OK All right Works as it should
Steam is e scaping from t his steam tr ap, with maximum steam
BT Blow through
losses. Needs to be replaced
Steam l eaks f rom t his s team t rap. It n eeds t o be repaired o r
LK Leaks
The cycle of this thermodynamic steam trap is too fast. Must be
RC Rapid cycle
repaired or replaced
The steam trap i s closed. N o condensate can f low t hrough it.
PL Plugged
To be replaced
This steam trap can no longer deal with the flow of condensate.
FL Flooded
To be replaced with a trap of the right size
OS Out of service This line of out of order
NT Not tested The steam trap cannot be reached and was therefore not tested
Table 3.13: Various operating phases of steam traps
[29, Maes, 2005]

The amount of steam lost can be estimated for a steam trap as follows:

Lt,y = x FTt , y x FSt , y x CVt , y x h t , y x P 2in , t P 2 out , t Equation 3.5


Lt,y = the amount of steam that steam trap t is losing in period y (tonne)
FTt,y = the operating factor of steam trap t during period y
FSt,y = the load factor of steam trap t during period y
CVt,y = the flow coefficient of steam trap t during period y
ht,y = the amount of operating hours of steam trap t during period y
Pin,t = the ingoing pressure of steam trap t (atm)
Pout,t = the outgoing pressure of steam trap t (atm).

The operating factor FTt,y follows from Table 3.14:

Type FT
BT Blow through 1
LK Leaks 0. 25
RC Rapid cycle 0.20
Table 3.14: Operating factors for steam losses in steam traps
[29, Maes, 2005]

The load factor takes i nto a ccount t he i nteraction b etween steam a nd c ondensate. The m ore
condensate that flows through the steam trap, the less space there is to let steam through. The
amount of condensate depends on the application as shown in Table 3.15 below:

156 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

Application Load factor

Standard process application 0.9
Drip and tracer steam traps 1.4
Steam flow (no condensate) 2.1
Table 3.15: Load factor for steam losses
[29, Maes, 2005]

Finally the size of the pipe also determines the flow coefficient:

CV = 3.43 D
where D = the radius of the opening (cm).

An example calculation is:

FTt,yr = 0.25
FSt,yr = 0.9 be cause t he amount of steam t hat passed through t he trap is condensed, but
correct in comparison with the capacity of the steam trap (see Table 3.15 above)
CVt,yr = 7.72
D = 1.5 cm
ht,yr = 6000 hours per year
Pin,t = 16 atm
Pout,t = 1 atm.

The steam trap thus loses up to 1110 tonnes of steam per year.

If t his oc curs i n an i nstallation w here s team c osts E UR 15/ tonne, t hen t he f inal l oss w ould
amount to: EUR 16 650 per year.

If the steam totally escapes, rather than just by leaking, costs might rise to up to EUR 66 570 per

These losses rapidly justify the setting up of an effective management and control system for all
the steam traps in an installation.

A programme to track down leaking steam traps and to determine whether steam traps need to
be r eplaced i s r equired f or e very st eam s ystem. S team t raps o ften h ave a r elatively s hort

The frequency by which steam traps are checked depends on the size of the site, the rate of the
steam flow, the operating pressure(s), the number and size of traps, and the age and condition of
the s ystem a nd t he traps, as w ell a s any existing pl anned m aintenance. The cost be nefit of
undertaking m ajor i nspections a nd c hanging pr ogrammes ne eds to be b alanced a ccording t o
these factors. (Some sites may have 50 traps or fewer, all easily accessible, where others may
have 10 000 traps.)

Some sources indicate that equipment with large steam traps (e.g. with steam flows of about 1
tonne o f s team a n hour or m ore), e specially ope rating a t hi gh pr essure, m ay be c hecked
annually, and less critical ones on a rolling programme of 25 % of traps every year (i.e. every
trap is checked at least once every 4 years). This is comparable to LDAR (leak detection and
repair) programmes which are now being required in such installations by many governments.
In one e xample, w here trap m aintenance w as ha phazard, up to 2 0 % of traps were de fective.
With a nnual f ollow-up, l eaks c an be reduced to 4 5 % o f t raps. I f a ll traps were c hecked
annually, there will be a slow decrease to about 3 % after 5 years (as older traps are replaced by
newer models).

Energy Efficiency 157

Chapter 3

In all cases, when checking steam traps, it is good practice to also check by-pass valves. These
are so metimes opened t o a void o ver-pressure in lines a nd damage ( especially in t racer lines),
where the steam trap is not able to evacuate all the condensate, and for operational reasons. It is
generally more effective to rectify the original problem, make proper repairs, etc. (which may
entail capital expenditure) than operate with poor energy efficiency in the system.

An automated control mechanism can be installed on each type of steam trap. Automatic steam
trap controls are particularly applicable for:

traps with high operating pressures, so any leakage rapidly accrues high energy losses
traps whose operation is critical to operations and whose blockage will result in damage
or production loss.

The costs for replacement are generally considerably less than the losses as a result of defective
operation. Rapid payback, depending on the scale of the leakage. See example above.

Driving force for implementation

improved steam system efficiency.

Widely used.

Reference information
[29, Maes, 2005], [16, CIPEC, 2002]

3.2.13 Collecting and returning condensate to the boiler for re-use

Where heat is applied to a process via a h eat exchanger, the steam surrenders energy as latent
heat as it condenses to hot water. This water is lost, or (usually) collected and returned to the
boiler. Re-using condensate has four objectives:

re-using the energy contained in the hot condensate

saving the cost of the (raw) top-up water
saving the cost of boiler water treatment (the condensate has to be treated)
saving the cost of waste water discharge (where applicable).

Condensate is collected at a tmospheric a nd negative pr essures. T he c ondensate may originate

from steam in appliances at a much higher pressure.

Achieved environmental benefits

Where this condensate is returned to atmospheric pressure, flash steam is spontaneously created.
This can also be recovered (see Section 3.2.14).

The re-use of c ondensate also results i n a reduction i n c hemicals for w ater t reatment. The
quantity of water used and discharged is also reduced.

Cross-media effects
No data submitted.

Operational data
Deaeration is necessary in the case of negative pressure systems.

158 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

The technique i s not a pplicable in cases w here t he r ecovered condensate i s polluted or if the
condensate is not recoverable because the steam has been injected into a process.

With r espect t o ne w de signs, a g ood practice i s to segregate the condensates i nto pot entially
polluted a nd clean c ondensate s treams. C lean c ondensates are those c oming f rom s ources
which, i n pr inciple, will n ever be pol luted ( for instance, coming f rom r eboilers where steam
pressure is higher than process pressure, so that in the case of leaking tubes, steam goes into the
process rather than pr ocess c omponents into t he steam s ide). P otentially po lluted condensates
are condensates which could be polluted in the case of an incident (e.g. tube rupture on reboilers
where p rocess-side p ressure i s higher t han s team-side p ressure). C lean c ondensates ca n b e
recovered without further precautions. Potentially polluted condensates can be recovered except
in the case of pollution (e.g. leak from a reboiler) which is detected by online monitoring, e.g.
TOC meter.

The recovery of condensate has significant benefits and should be considered in all applicable
cases ( see A pplicability, a bove), e xcept w here t he a mount of c ondensate i s l ow ( e.g. w here
steam is added into the process).

Driving force for implementation

No data submitted.

Generally applied.

Reference information
[29, Maes, 2005], [16, CIPEC, 2002]

3.2.14 Re-use of flash steam

Flash steam is formed when the condensate at high pressure is expanded. Once the condensate
is at a l ower pressure, part of the condensate will vaporise again and f orm flash s team. F lash
steam c ontains both the p urified water and a large p art o f the available e nergy, w hich is s till
present in the condensate.

Energy recovery can be achieved through heat exchange with make-up water. If the blowdown
water is brought to a lower pressure in a flash tank beforehand, then steam will be formed at a
lower pressure. This flash steam can be moved directly to the degasser and can thus be mixed
with t he f resh m ake-up w ater. The flash steam d oes n ot co ntain an y d issolved sa lts an d the
steam represents a large portion of the energy in the blowdown.

Flash s team doe s, how ever, occupy a much l arger volume t han c ondensate. T he r eturn pipes
must be able to deal with this without pressure increases. Otherwise, the resulting backpressure
may hamper the proper functioning of steam traps and other components upstream.

In the boilerhouse, the flash steam, like the condensate, can be used to heat the fresh feed-water
in the degasser. Other possibilities include the use of the flash steam for air heating.

Outside t he boilerhouse, f lash steam can be us ed to he at components to un der 100 C. In

practice, there are steam u ses at t he pressure of 1 barg. F lash steam can thus be i njected into
these pipes. Flash steam can also be used to preheat air, etc.

Energy Efficiency 159

Chapter 3

Low pressure process steam requirements are usually met by throttling high pressure steam, but
a portion of the process r equirements c an b e a chieved a t low cost by f lashing high pr essure
condensate. Flashing is particularly attractive when it is not economically feasible to return the
high pressure condensate to the boiler.

Achieved environmental benefits

The benefits are case dependent.

At a pressure of 1 bar the condensate has a temperature of 100 C and an enthalpy of 419 kJ/kg.
If t he f lash s team or the steam pos t evaporation i s recovered, then t he total e nergy c ontent
depends on t he w orkload of t he installation. The e nergy c omponent w hich leaves t he s team
systems v ia t he c ondensate is s hown in Table 3.16, w hich also shows the r elative quantity of
energy in the condensate and in the flash s team. At higher pressures, the flash steam contains
the majority of the energy.

In condensate + Relative share

In condensate at
Absolute steam post of the energy which
pressure evaporation at can be recovered in
(bar) boiler pressure flash steam
(%) (%)
1 13.6 13. 6 0.0
2 13.4 16. 7 19.9
3 13.3 18. 7 28.9
5 13.2 21. 5 38.6
8 13.1 24. 3 46.2
10 13. 0 25.8 49.4
15 13. 0 28.7 54.7
20 12. 9 30.9 58.2
25 12. 9 32.8 60.6
40 12. 9 37.4 65.4
Note: T he f eed-water f or t he i nstallation o ften has an an nual av erage t emperature o f
approximately 1 5 C. These figures were cal culated b ased o n a s ituation whereby t he
supply of water to the installation occurs at 15 C, or with an enthalpy of 63 kJ/kg
Table 3.16: Percentage of total energy present in the condensate at atmospheric pressure and in the
flash steam
[29, Maes, 2005]

Cross-media effects
Where f lash steam i s pr oduced from pr essurised c ondensate, t he t emperature ( and e nergy
content) of the condensate returning to the boiler is lowered. Where an economiser is fitted, this
has the potential advantage that the economiser can then recover more energy from the exhaust
stack into the return/feed-water stream, and the boiler efficiency will improve. This is the most
energy e fficient c ombination. H owever, there m ust be a us e for t he low pressure ( LP) steam
from flashing, taking into account that LP steam (from all sources) can only be moved limited
distances. I n m any cases (such a s in r efineries and chemical p lants) there i s a surplus o f LP
steam, and there is often no use for the steam from flashing. In such cases, the best option is to
return the condensate to the deaerator, as flashing steam to the atmosphere is a waste of energy.
To avoid condensate problems, condensate can be collected locally in a specific unit or activity
and pumped back to the deaerator.

The installation of either option depends on the cost-benefit of installing the necessary pipework
and other equipment (see Section 1.1.6).

160 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

Operational data
The re-use of flash steam is possible in many cases, often for heating to under 100 C. There are
a number of possibilities.
Collection of the flash steam in the condensate pipes. D uring t he lifespan of the i nstallation,
various components m ay be a dded into t he s ame l ines, a nd the condensate return pi pe m ay
become too small for the quantity of condensate to be recovered. In most cases, this condensate
is r ecovered a t a tmospheric pr essure, therefore the major part of t he pipe is filled w ith flash
steam. If t here is an increase i n condensate d ischarge, t he p ressure in t hese p ipes may r ise t o
over 1 barg. This can lead to problems upstream and may hamper the proper functioning of the
steam traps, etc.

Flash steam can be discharged to a flash tank installed at a suitable point in the return pipe
run. The flash steam can then be used for local preheating or heating at less than 100 C. At the
same t ime, t he pressure i n the condensate return pipe will be reduced to normal, avoiding t he
upgrading of the condensate return network.

When reviewing an existing network, an option to be considered is to return the condensate at a

lower pressure. This will generate more flash steam and t he temperature will also decrease to
under 100 C.

When u sing s team, f or example f or heating a t l ess than 100 C, i t i s possible t hat t he real
pressure in the heating coil, following adjustment, decreases to under 1 bar. This may result in
suction o f t he c ondensate into the coil, a nd flooding i t. This can be a voided by r ecovering
condensate at low pressure. More flash steam is generated as a result of t he l ow pressure and
more energy is r ecovered f rom t he c ondensate. The c omponents w orking at these lower
temperatures can be switched to an individual network. However, additional pumps need to be
installed to maintain t his low pr essure and to r emove a ny a ir l eaking i nto the pipes from the

This technique applies when the site has a steam network with pressures lower than the pressure
at w hich steam is generated. Then, re-using f lash steam can be e xergetically m ore f avourable
than just exchanging the heat in the blowdown via a heat exchanger.

In theory, any energy use at a lower temperature can be a possible use for flash steam instead of
fresh steam and there will be a range of opportunities on investigation, although implementation
is not always easy. It is widely applicable in the petrochemical industry.

The r ecovery of flash steam saves on f resh top-up w ater a nd i ts treatment, a lthough t he main
cost savings are in e nergy. T he r ecovery o f flash steam leads to much greater energy savings
than with the simple collection of liquid condensate.

See Examples in Annex 7.10.1.

Driving force for implementation

cost saving
use of low pressure steam.

No data submitted.

Reference information
[29, Maes, 2005, 123, US_DOE]

Energy Efficiency 161

Chapter 3

3.2.15 Recovering energy from boiler blowdown

Energy c an be r ecovered f rom boiler blowdown by using a he at e xchanger to preheat boiler
make-up water. A ny bo iler w ith c ontinuous blowdown e xceeding 4 % o f the steam rate is a
good c andidate for the i ntroduction of b lowdown w aste heat r ecovery. L arger e nergy s avings
occur with high pressure boilers.

Alternatively, flashing the blowdown at medium or low pressure is another way to valorise the
energy which is available (see Section 3.2.14).

Achieved environmental benefits

The po tential energy gains f rom t he r ecovery of he at f rom t he bl owdown i s s hown i n
Table 3.17:

Recovered energy from blowdown losses, in MJ/h 23

Blowdown rate Operating pressure of the boiler
% of boiler output 2 barg 5 barg 10 barg 20 barg 50 barg
1 42 52 61 74 95
2 84 103 123 147 190
4 168 207 246 294 379
6 252 310 368 442 569
8 337 413 491 589 758
10 421 516 614 736 948
Table 3.17: Recovered energy from blowdown losses
[29, Maes, 2005]

By r educing t he blowdown temperature, it is easier to comply with environmental regulations

requiring waste water to be discharged below a certain temperature.

Cross-media effects
None known.

Operational data
See examples, in Annex 7.10.1.

See Economics, below.

The efficiency of such a technique usually results in costs recovery within a few years.

Driving force for implementation

Cost savings.

See examples, in Annex 7.10.1.

Reference information
[29, Maes, 2005], [ 16, CIPEC, 2002] [ 123, US_DOE] CEN EN 12952 -15:2003 and CEN EN

These quantities have been determined based on a boiler output of 10 t/h, an average temperature of the boiler water of 20 C,
and a recovery efficiency of 88 % of the heat from blowdown.

162 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

3.3 Heat recovery and cooling

[16, CIPEC, 2002, 26, Neisecke, 2003, 34, ADENE, 2005, 97, Kreith, 1997]

Heat n aturally fl ows f rom the h igher temperature (heat s ource) t o a lower temperature (heat
sink) (see Section, second law of thermodynamics). Heat flows from an activity, process
or system may be seen by analogy to other emissions to the environment as two types:

1. Fugitive s ources, e.g. r adiation through furnace op enings, hot areas w ith p oor or no
insulation, heat dissipated from bearings.
2. Specific flows, e.g:
hot flue-gases
exhaust air
cooling fluids from cooling systems (e.g. gases, cooling water, thermal oil)
hot or cold product or waste product
hot or cold water drained to a sewer
superheat and condenser heat rejected from refrigeration.

These heat losses are often called 'waste heat', although the term should be 'surplus heat', as heat
may be recovered from the specific heat flows for use in another process or system. To assist the
reader, the term 'waste/surplus heat' is used in this section.

There are two levels of heat flow exergy (heat 'quality'; see Section

1. Heat from hot streams such as hot flue-gases.

2. Heat from relatively cold streams (such as <80 C). These are more difficult to valorise,
and the exergy of the heat may need to be upgraded.

In simple cases, these can be addressed directly, using techniques described in this section. In
the more complex installations with more than one heat source and/or heat sink, heat recovery is
best investigated at a s ite or pr ocess l evel, for e xample by us ing t ools s uch a s pinch
methodology, and applying pr ocess-process he at exchange or process integration, ( see
Sections 2.3, 2.4 and 2.12).

Heat recovery technologies

The most commonly used heat recovery techniques are the following:

direct usage: heat exchangers make use of heat as it is in the surplus stream (e.g. hot flue-
gases, see Section 3.2.5)
heat pumps upgrade the heat in relatively cold streams so that it can perform more useful
work t han c ould b e achieved a t i ts p resent t emperature (i.e. an i nput of high qua lity
energy raises the energy quality of the waste/surplus heat)
multistage operations such as multi-effect evaporation, steam flashing and combinations
of the approaches already mentioned (see Section

Before i nvestigating t he possibilities of he at recovery, it important that the relevant pr ocesses

are opt imised. O ptimisation a fter i ntroducing he at r ecovery may a dversely affect the he at
recovery, the recovery system may found to be oversized, and the cost-benefit will be adversely

Subsequently, it is essential to evaluate the quality and quantity of waste/surplus heat, and then
to identify possible uses. Heat recovery is often limited by the quality of the waste heat and the
possibilities for use.

Energy Efficiency 163

Chapter 3

It is crucial to have relevant, quantified information and knowledge of the processes from which
the heat a rises a nd i nto which the he at recovery i s to be incorporated. The pr ime r eason f or
difficulty and failure of waste heat recovery is lack of understanding. Errors and omissions are
likely to have a more profound effect than, for example, an ill-judged choice of the type of heat
exchanger. Apart from thermodynamic errors, it is the physical properties of a waste heat source
which can lead to problems with whichever heat exchanger is chosen, if not fully investigated at
the outset.

In-depth unde rstanding of t he process op eration, t ogether w ith k nowledge of how f ar t he

operating parameters can be modified, is essential to the successful integration of heat recovery
into a process. Detailed measuring a nd recording of operating data pr ovides an excellent start
for planning. This also helps the process engineer to identify savings possible through low cost

The options are:

using the heat in the process from where it originates (i.e. recirculation, often using heat
exchangers, e.g. economisers, see Section 3.2.5)
using the heat within another system or unit (this option may arise because the waste heat
is at an insufficiently high enough temperature). This is of two types:
within the installation, in another unit or process
in a nother installation ( such a s i n i ntegrated chemical facilities), or in t he wider
community, such as district heating; see Cogeneration, Section 3.4.

If the waste heat does not have a sufficiently high enough exergy, this can be raised using heat
pumps, or a low energy use can be found, such as hot water or space heating in HVAC.

This section therefore discusses cooling (as a significant opportunity for heat recovery), and the
two main techniques mentioned: heat exchangers and heat pumps.

3.3.1 Heat exchangers

Direct heat recovery is carried out by heat exchangers. A heat exchanger is a device in which
energy is transferred from one fluid or gas to another across a solid surface. They are used to
either heat up or cool down processes or systems. Heat transfer happens by both convection and

Discharge heat at r elatively low temperatures such a s 70 C, but can be up to 500 C c an be

found in many industrial sectors such as:

chemicals including polymers

food and drink
paper and board
textiles and fabrics.

In this range of temperatures, the following heat recovery equipment (heat exchangers) can be
used depending on t he t ype of f luids involved ( i.e. gas-gas, g as-liquid, liquid-liquid) a nd t he
specific application:

rotating regenerator (adiabatic wheel)

heat pipe/thermosyphon heat exchanger
tubular recuperator

164 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

condensing economiser
spray condenser (fluid-heat exchanger)
shell and tube heat exchanger
plate heat exchanger
plate and shell heat exchanger.

At hi gher temperatures ( above 400 C), in process industries s uch a s i n iron, iron and s teel,
copper, aluminium, glass a nd c eramics, t he f ollowing methods a re available f or recovering
waste heat from gases:

plate exchangers
shell and tube heat exchangers
radiation tubes with recuperators
convection tubes with recuperators
recuperative burner systems and self-recuperative burners
static regenerators
rotary regenerators
compact ceramic regenerators
impulse-fired regenerative burners
radial plate recuperative burners
integral bed regenerative burners. Fluidised beds are used for severe working conditions,
fouling, e.g. in pulp and paper mills
energy optimising furnace.

Dynamic or scrapped surface heat exchangers are used mainly for heating or cooling with high
viscosity products, crystallisation processes, evaporation, and high fouling applications.

One of the widest uses of heat exchangers is for air conditioning, see Section 3.9. These systems
use coils (referring to their serpentine internal tubing).

Heat e xchangers are designed for s pecific energy optimised applications. The s ubsequent
operation of he at e xchangers under d ifferent or v ariable op erating conditions is onl y pos sible
within c ertain limits. This w ill result i n c hanges t o the transferred e nergy, t he heat transfer
coefficient (U-value) and the pressure drop of the medium.

The he at transfer coefficient a nd he nce transferred power are influenced by t he thermal

conductivity as well as the surface condition and thickness of the heat transfer material. Suitable
mechanical design an d ch oice o f materials can increase the e fficiency o f t he h eat exchanger.
Costs a nd m echanical st resses a lso p lay a m ajor role in the c hoice of material an d structural

The power transferred through the heat exchanger is heavily dependent on t he heat exchanger
surface. The h eat e xchanger su rface a rea may b e i ncreased u sing r ibs ( e.g. r ibbed t ube h eat
exchangers, l amella heat exchangers). This i s particularly useful i n attaining l ow heat transfer
coefficients (e.g. gas heat exchangers).

The a ccumulation o f d irt on t he he at e xchanger surface w ill diminish t he h eat t ransfer. D irt
levels may be reduced by using appropriate materials (very smooth surfaces), structured shapes
(e.g. s piral heat e xchangers) o r changing t he operating conditions ( e.g. hi gh f luid speeds).
Furthermore, h eat e xchangers m ay be cl eaned o r fitted w ith automatic cleaning systems
(dynamic or scrapped surface).

Energy Efficiency 165

Chapter 3

Higher flowrates will i ncrease the heat transfer coefficient. However, increased flowrates will
also r esult in higher pressure d rops. H igh levels of flow t urbulence improve he at transfer but
result in an increased pressure dr op. T urbulence m ay be g enerated by us ing s tamped heat
exchanger plates or by fitting diverters.

The transferred power is also dependent on the physical state of the fluid (e.g. temperature and
pressure). If air is used as the primary medium, it may be humidified prior to entering the heat
exchanger. This improves the heat transfer.

Achieved environmental benefits

Energy savings are made by using secondary energy flows.

Cross-media effects
No data submitted.

Heat recovery systems are widely used with good results in many industrial sectors and systems,
see Description, above. See also Section 3.2.

It is being applied for an increasing number of cases, and many of these can be found outside of
the installation, see Cogeneration, Section 3.4, and Annexes 7.10.3 and 7.10.4. Heat recovery is
not applicable where there is no demand that matches the production curve.

Payback time may be as short as six months or as long as 50 years or more. In the Austrian pulp
and paper industry, the payback time of the complex and different systems was between one and
about three years.

The cost-benefits and p ayback (amortisation) pe riods c an be c alculated, e .g. a s s hown in the

In some cases, particularly where the heat is used outside the installation, it may be possible to
use funding from policy initiatives, see Annex 7.13.

Driving force for implementation

reduction o f e nergy c osts, r eduction of e missions a nd t he of ten r apid r eturn o f
improved process operation, e.g. reduction of surface contamination (in scrapped surface
systems), i mprovement of existing e quipment/flows, reduction i n s ystem pr essure dr op
(which increases the potential maximum plant throughput)
savings in effluent charges.

industries c ited in the Description, a bove: chemicals, f ood and drink, pa per and boa rd,
textile and fabrics
in the Austrian pulp and paper industry
Tait Paper at Inverure, Aberdeenshire, UK.

Reference information
[16, CIPEC, 2002], [26, Neisecke, 2003], [34, ADENE, 2005] [97, Kreith, 1997] [127, TWG]

166 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3 Monitoring and maintenance of heat exchangers

Condition monitoring of heat exchanger tubes may be carried out using eddy current inspection.
This is often simulated through computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Infrared photography (see
Section 2.10.1) m ay also be us ed on the e xterior of heat exchanges, t o r eveal significant
temperature variations or hot spots.

Fouling can be a serious problem. Often, cooling waters from rivers, estuaries or a sea is used,
and biological debris c an e nter a nd build layers. A nother problem i s scale, w hich i s c hemical
deposit l ayers, s uch as c alcium c arbonate or m agnesium carbonate (see S ection 3.2.6). The
process being cooled can also deposit s cale, su ch as s ilica scale in a lumina r efineries. See
Examples, below).

Achieved environmental benefits

Improved heat exchange for heat recovery.

Cross-media effects
Use of chemicals for removing scale.

Operational data
plate heat exchangers need to be cleaned periodically, by disassembling, cleaning and re-
tube h eat exchangers can be c leaned by acid c leaning, bullet cleaning or hy drodrillling
(the last two may be proprietary techniques)
the operation and cooling of cooling systems is discussed in the ICS BREF.

applicable to all heat exchanges
specific techniques are selected on a case-by-case basis.

Maintaning the heat exchangers to their design specifications optimises payback.

Driving force for implementation

Maintaining production capacity.

Acid cleaning: Eurallumina, Portovecompany, Italy. See Annex 7.10.2.

Reference information
Infra red: [162, SEI, 2006]

3.3.2 Heat pumps (including mechanical vapour recompression, MVR)

The main purpose for heat pumps i s t o transform energy f rom a l ower temperature level (low
exergy) to a higher level. Heat pumps can transfer heat (not generate heat) from man-made heat
sources su ch as i ndustrial p rocesses, o r f rom n atural o r ar tificial h eat sources i n the
surroundings, s uch a s the air, g round or w ater, f or use i n dom estic, commercial or industrial
applications. However, the most common use of heat pumps is in cooling systems, refrigerators,
etc. Heat is then transferred in the opposite direction, from the application that is cooled, to the
surroundings. Sometimes t he e xcess he at from c ooling i s us ed t o m eet a simultaneous he at
demand elsewhere. Heat pumps are used in co- and trigeneration, these are systems that provide
both cooling and heating simultaneously, and with varying seasonal demands (see Sections 3.4
and 3.4.2).

Energy Efficiency 167

Chapter 3

In order to transport heat from a heat source to a location where heat is required, external energy
is ne eded t o d rive t he he at pum p. T he dr ive c an b e a ny type, s uch a s a n electric m otor, a
combustion engine, a turbine or a heat source for adsorption heat pumps.

Compression heat pumps (closed cycle)

The most widely us ed heat pump i s pr obably t he compressor driven pump. It is, f or i nstance,
installed in refrigerators, air conditioners, chillers, dehumidifiers, heat pumps for heating with
energy from rock, soil, water and air. It is normally driven by an electrical motor but for large
installations, steam turbine driven compressors can be used.

Compression heat pumps use a counterclockwise Carnot process (cold steam process) consisting
of the phases of evaporation, compression, condensation and expansion in a closed cycle.

Figure 3.8 shows the principle of a c ompression he at pump. In the evaporator, the circulating
working fluid evaporates under low p ressure and low temperature, e .g. due to w aste h eat.
Subsequently, the c ompressor increases the p ressure a nd t emperature. The w orking f luid is
liquefied in a condenser and releases the usable heat in this process. The fluid is then forced to
expand to a low pr essure and as i t e vaporates, it absorbs heat from t he he at source. Thus t he
energy at low temperature in the heat source (e.g. waste water, flue-gas) has been transformed to
a higher temperature level to be used in another process or system.

Figure 3.8: Diagram of a compression heat pump

[28, Berger, 2005]

In a c ompression he at pump, t he de gree o f efficiency i s indicated as the coefficient of

performance (COP), which indicates the ratio of heat output to energy input, such as electricity
to the compressor motor. The necessary energy input is effected in the form of electrical energy
input to the compression motor.

168 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

The COP of the compression heat pump can be expressed as:

CO Pr = Equation 3.6
Qh Qc

COPhp = Equation 3.7
Qh Qc


COPr and COPhp are the coefficients of performance for refrigeration systems and heat pumps,
and the Qc and Qh are the heat exchanged with the cold and the hot system.

The Carnot efficiency can be regarded as a constant for moderate variations of the temperatures.

Compression heat pumps can reach a COP of up to 6, meaning that a heat output of 6 kWh can
be generated from an input of 1 kWh of electrical energy in the compressor. In waste to energy
(W-t-E) installations, the ratio between output heat and compressor power (heat to power ratio)
can be about 5.

However, COP is only valid for one single steady-state condition. Therefore, this coefficient is
not always adequate to rate the efficiency of a heat pump since a steady-state condition cannot
be representative f or long pe riods o f time. I n pr actice, o nly the seasonal overall e fficiency
(SOE) can properly describe the efficiency of a heat pump. Further, auxiliary energy applied to
gain energy from the he at source m ust be c onsidered w hen de scribing a he at pump's energy

For a good seasonal overall efficiency, the following requirements should be met:

good quality of the heat pump itself

high and constant heat source temperature (surplus heat is better than surrounding air)
low heat sink (output) temperature
integration of all c omponents ( i.e. he at pump, he at source, heat sink, c ontrol, heat
distribution) to a whole, optimised system.

Absorption heat pumps

The absorption heat pump is not as widely used, particularly in industrial applications. Like the
compressor type it was originally developed for cooling. Commercial heat pumps operate with
water in a c losed l oop t hrough a generator, condenser, evaporator a nd absorber. I nstead of
compression, the circulation i s m aintained by w ater a bsorption i n a s alt s olution, no rmally
lithium bromide or ammonia, in the absorber.

Figure 3.9 s hows t he principle of an a bsorption he at pum p: i n a n absorption h eat pum p, t he

gaseous w orking fluid (cooling a gent) c oming from t he evaporator is absorbed by a l iquid
solvent, and heat is generated in the process. This enriched solution is conveyed to the ejector
via a pum p w ith a n i ncrease in pressure, after which the w orking fluid (cooling agent) is
extracted f rom the two s ubstance m ixture using a n external heat s upply ( e.g. a natural g as
burner, l iquid pe troleum ga s ( LPG), o r w aste he at). The absorber/ejector c ombination h as a
pressure increasing ef fect (thermal compressor). The gaseous w orking su bstance exits t he
ejector at a higher pressure and enters the condenser, where it is liquefied and releases usable
heat to the process.

The energy i nput ne cessary to ope rate a solvent pu mp i s l ow c ompared t o that ne cessary t o
operate the compressor of a compression heat pump (the energy necessary to pump a liquid is
lower than that necessary to compress and transport gas).

Energy Efficiency 169

Chapter 3

Condenser QC

Refrigeration QH

agent valve
Solution valve

QO Absorber QA

QC = Delivered heat output

QH = Primary energy input
QO = Waste heat input
QA = Delivered heat output

Figure 3.9: Diagram of an absorption heat pump

[28, Berger, 2005]

In absorption pumps, the degree of efficiency is indicated as the heat efficiency coefficient. It is
defined as the ratio of heat output to fuel energy input. If waste heat is used as a heat source in
the ejector, the thermal coefficient is used instead of heat efficiency. The thermal coefficient is
defined as the ratio of heat output to waste heat input. Modern absorption heat pumps can reach
heat efficiency c oefficients of up to 1.5. The ratio between output heat and absorber power is
normally a bout 1.6. Current systems w ith a water/lithium bromide s olution a s the working
substance mixture achieve an output temperature of 100 C and a temperature lift of 65 C. The
new generation of s ystems will ha ve hi gher output temperatures ( of up to 260 C) and higher
temperature lifts.

Mechanical vapour recompression (MVR)

MVR is a n op en or semi-open he at pump ( referring t o t he heat pump s ystem). Low pr essure
vapour exhaust from industrial processes, such as boilers, evaporators or cookers, is compressed
and subsequently condensed giving off heat at a higher temperature, and thereby replacing live
steam or other primary energy. The energy to drive the compressor is typically only 5 to 10 %
of the heat delivered. A simplified flow sheet for a MVR installation is shown in Figure 3.10.

If t he vapour is clean it can be us ed di rectly, but with c ontaminated vapours, an i ntermediate

heat exchanger (reboiler) is necessary. This is a semi-open system.

170 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

Heat sink


Heat source

Figure 3.10: Simple MVR installation

[18, sbland, 2005]

In MVR, as one or two heat exchangers are eliminated (the evaporator and/or condenser in other
heat p umps) e fficiency is g enerally hi gh. T he efficiency is a gain expressed as coefficient of
performance (COP). It i s de fined a s t he r atio of he at de livered a nd s haft w ork to t he
compressor. I n Figure 3.11, t ypical COP v alues for M VR i nstallations a re plotted v ersus
temperature lift. Normal COP values for MVR installations are in the range 10 30.






0 10 20 30 40 50

MT (C)

Figure 3.11: COP versus temperature lift for a typical MVR system
[18, sbland, 2005]

The COP for an MVR installation is given by Equation 3.8

Ypower plant Ydistribution Equation 3.8

In Equation 3.8:

Yboiler is the boiler efficiency in the plant/industry

Ypower plant is the efficiency of the power plant generating electricity for the national grid
Ydistribution accounts for distribution losses in the electric network.

Thus the COP must be larger than, say, 3 to be energy efficient if the electricity is produced in a
condensing power pl ant. I n practice, all MVR installations w ill ha ve C OP v alues w ell a bove

Energy Efficiency 171

Chapter 3

Achieved environmental benefits

Heat p umps e nable the recovery of l ow grade he at, with pr imary e nergy consumption l ower
than the energy output (depending on t he COP, and i f t he r equirements for a n good seasonal
overall efficiency are fulfilled). This enables the use of l ow grade heat i n useful a pplications,
such as heating inside in the installation, or in the adjacent community. This results in reducing
the us e of p rimary e nergy a nd r elated g as emissions, such a s c arbon dioxide ( CO2), s ulphur
dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) in the specific applications.

The efficiency of any heat pump system is strongly dependent on the required temperature lift
from source to sink.

Cross-media effects
Use of refrigerant with environmental impacts (greenhouse gas effect in particular) from leaks
or decommissioning compression or absorption heat pumps.

Operational data
See Descriptions of heat pumps above.

Compressor systems: typically used working fluids limit the output temperature to 120 C.

Absorption s ystems: a w ater/lithium br omide w orking f luid pa ir can achieve a n ou tput o f

100 C a nd a t emperature lift o f 65 C. N ew g eneration systems ha ve higher output
temperatures (up to 260 C) and higher temperature lifts.

Current MVR systems work with heat source temperatures of 70 80 C and delivery heat of
110 150 C, and in some cases, up to 200 C. The most common vapour compressed is steam
although other process vapours are also used, notably in the petrochemical industry.

The situation in an industry with combined heat and power production is more complicated. For
example, with backpressure turbines, the lost work from the turbines must also be considered.

Heat pumps a re us ed in cooling e quipment and s ystems (where t he heat removed i s of ten
dispersed, s ee S ection 3.9). H owever, this de monstrates t he t echnologies are r obust a nd w ell
developed. The technology is capable of a much wider application for heat recovery.

space heating
heating and cooling of process flows
water heating for washing, sanitation and cleaning
steam production
concentration (dehydration).

They are also used in co- and trigeneration systems.

The m ost c ommon w aste heat s treams i n i ndustry a re c ooling f luid, e ffluent, c ondensate,
moisture, and condenser heat from refrigeration plants. Because of the fluctuation in waste heat
supply, it may be necessary to use large (insulated) storage tanks to ensure stable operation of
the heat pump.

Adsorption heat pumps are applicable for cooling systems in sites where there is a large amount
of waste heat.

172 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

Most MVR installations are in unit operations such as distillation, evaporation, and drying, but
steam production to a steam distribution network is also common.

Relatively few heat pumps are installed in industry for heat recovery and usually realised in the
course of planning new facilities and plants, or significant upgrades (see Section 2.3).

Heat pumps are more cost-effective when fuel costs are high. Systems tend to be more complex
than fossil fuel fired systems, although the technology is robust.

The economy de pends strongly on t he l ocal s ituation. The amortisation pe riod i n industry i s
2 years at best. This can be explained on the one hand by the low energy costs, which minimise
savings t hrough t he use of he at p umps a nd on the other hand by t he high i nvestment c osts

The pr ofitability f or an MVR installation, besides f uel a nd electricity pr ices, depends on

installation costs. The installation cost for an installation at Nymlla in Sweden (see Examples
below), was about EUR 4.5 million. The Swedish Energy Agency contributed a grant of nearly
EUR 1.0 million. A t t he t ime of i nstallation, the a nnual s avings a mounted t o a bout
EUR 1.0 million per year.

Driving force for implementation

savings of operational energy costs
an installation could provide the means to increase production without investing in a new
boiler if the boiler capacity is a limiting factor.

Dvamyren, Ume, Sweden: compressor driven heat pump in waste to energy plant
Renova Gteborg, Sweden: absorption driven heat pump
Borlnge, Halmstad and Tekniska Verken, Linkping, Sweden, W-t-E plants, and biofuel
burners, Sweden: MVR heat pumps
at the StoraEnso sulphite mill in Nymlla, Sweden, a mechanical recompression system
was installed in 1999. The heat source is exhaust steam from the pre-evaporation of black
liquor. This c ontaminated s team, a t 84 C, i s first condensed in a s team/steam he at
exchanger (reboiler) to produce clean steam at a temperature of approximately 5 C lower
and at 0.45 barg pressure. The two-stage compressor raises the pressure to about 1.7 barg
and the steam f low from t he c ompressor, a fter d esuperheating w ith w ater injection,
amounts to 21 t/h. The steam is distributed in a low pressure steam system and used for
pre-evaporation, f eed-water he ating, and di strict heating. T he mechanical c ompressor i s
driven by a ba ckpressure t urbine. The s haft pow er is a bout 2 MW. T he operating
experience has, after some initial problems, been very good. The MVR reduces the fuel
oil consumption in the boilers by about 7000 7500 tonnes per year
MVR has been adapted to small scale installations, where the compressor can be run by a
simple electric motor.

Reference information
[21, R VF, 2002 ], [26, N eisecke, 2003] , [28, B erger, 2005] [ 18, sblad, 2005 ], [ 114, Caddet
Analysis S eries N o. 28, 2 001], [115, C addet Analysis S eries N o. 23], [116, I EA H eat Pump

Energy Efficiency 173

Chapter 3

3.3.3 Chillers and cooling systems

Chillers or cooling systems are widely described in the ICS BREF. These terms are confined to
systems to remove waste heat from any medium, using heat exchange with water and/or air to
bring down the temperature of that medium towards ambient levels. Some chillers utilise ice or
snow as refrigerants. The ICS BREF discusses only part of refrigeration systems, but does not
discuss the issue of refrigerants such as ammonia, CO2, F-gases, CFCs and HCFCs24, etc. Also,
direct contact cooling and barometric condensers are not assessed as they are considered to be
too process specific.

The following industrial cooling systems or configurations are covered in ICS BREF:

once-through cooling systems (with or without cooling tower)

open recirculating cooling systems (wet cooling towers)
closed circuit cooling systems
air-cooled cooling systems
closed circuit wet cooling systems
combined wet/dry (hybrid) cooling systems
open hybrid cooling towers
closed circuit hybrid towers.

The variety of a pplications of c ooling s ystems, the t echniques a nd ope rational p ractices is
enormous, a s well as the di fferent t hermodynamic characteristics of i ndividual p rocesses.
However, the ICS BREF concludes that:

"First, a primary BAT approach is given to the process to be cooled. Cooling of industrial
processes can be considered as heat management and is part of the total energy management
within a plant. A preventive approach should start with the industrial process requiring heat
dissipation and aims to reduce the need for heat discharge in the first place. In fact, discharge
of heat is wasting energy and as such is not BAT. Re-use of heat within the process should
always be a first step in the evaluation of cooling needs.

Second, the design and the construction of a cooling system are an essential second step, in
particular for new installations. So, once the level and amount of waste heat generated by the
process is established and no further reduction of waste heat can be achieved, an initial
selection of a cooling system can be made in the light of the process requirements". Table 3.18
extracted from t he I CS BREF shows so me examples of p rocess characteristics and t heir
corresponding primary BAT approach.

HCFCs are ozone-depleting substances, in addition to CFCs. Both are being phased out, and alternatives are ammonia, CO2, F-
gases, etc.

174 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

Process Primary BAT Reference in

Criteria Remark
characteristics approach ICS BREF
Reduce use of water Energy efficiency
Level of dissipated and chemicals and (Pre) cooling and size of cooling
Section 1.1/1.3
heat high (>60 C) improve overall with dry air system are limiting
energy efficiency factors
Level of dissipated
Improve overall
heat medium Not evident Site-specific Section 1.1/1.3
energy efficiency
(25 60C)
Level of dissipated Improve overall
Water cooling Site selection Section 1.1/1.3
heat low (<25 C) energy efficiency
Optimum overall Dry cooling less
Low and medium energy efficiency suitable due to
Wet and hybrid
heat level and with water savings required space and Section 1.4
cooling system
capacity and visible plume loss of overall energy
reduction efficiency
Hazardous substances
to be cooled involving Reduction of risk Indirect cooling Accept an increase in Section 1.4 and
high environmental of leakage system approach Annex VI
Table 3.18: Examples of process requirements and BAT in the ICS BREF

Besides process characteristics, the site itself may impose some limits applicable particularly to
new installations as it is presented in Table 3.19.

Characteristics Primary BAT Reference

Criteria Remarks
of site approach in ICS BREF
With high dry bulb
temperature, dry air
Required design Assess variation in wet
Climate cooling generally has Section 1.4.3
temperature and dry bulb temperature
lower energy
Limits to size and
Restricted surface (Pre-assembled) roof type
Space weight of the cooling Section 1.4.2
on-site constructions
Surface water Restricted Wet, dry or hybrid Section 2.3 and
Recirculating systems
availability availability feasible 3.3
optimise level of heat
Sensitivity of re-use
Meet capacity to
receiving water use r ecirculating
accommodate Section 1.1
body for systems
thermal load
thermal loads site s election (new
cooling system)
Restricted Air cooling if no adequate
Minimisation of
availability of alternative water source is Accept energy penalty Section 3.3
groundwater use
groundwater available
Avoid mixing of local
thermal plume near
intake point, e.g. by Sections 1.2.1
Large capacity
Coastal area Once-through systems deep water extraction and 3.2, Annex
>10 MWth
below mixing zone XI.3
using temperature
In cases of
obligation for
Specific site Apply hybrid25 cooling
plume reduction Accept energy penalty Chapter 2
requirements system
and reduced tower
Table 3.19: Examples of site characteristics and BAT in the ICS BREF
Hybrid c ooling s ystems a re s pecial mechanical t ower designs w hich a llow wet a nd dry o peration t o r educe v isible p lume
formation. With the option of operating the systems (in particular small cell-type units) as dry systems during periods of low
ambient air temperatures, a reduction in annual water consumption and visible plume formation can be achieved.

Energy Efficiency 175

Chapter 3

The optimisation of a cooling system to reduce its environmental impact is a complex exercise
and not an exact mathematical comparison. In other words, combining techniques selected from
the BAT tables does not lead to a BAT cooling system. The final BAT solution will be a site-
specific solution. However, it is believed that, based on experience in industry, conclusions can
be drawn on BAT, in quantified terms where possible.

Reference information
[237, Fernndez-Ramos, 2007]

3.4 Cogeneration
[65, Nuutila, 2005], [97, Kreith, 1997].

The D irective 200 4/8/EC on the promotion o f cogeneration, defines cogeneration a s the
simultaneous generation in one process of thermal energy and electrical and/or mechanical
energy. It is also known as combined heat and power (CHP). There is significant interest in
cogeneration, supported at European Community level by the adoption of Directive 2003/96/EC
on e nergy t axation, w hich s ets out a favourable c ontext f or c ogeneration (CHP). The G reen
Paper on e nergy efficiency highlights losses in electricity generation and transmission, and the
recovery of the heat and localised cogeneration as ways of overcoming this.

This section deals w ith different c ogeneration a pplications d escribing t heir suitability i n
different cases. Applications are now possible which are cost efficient on a small scale.

3.4.1 Different types of cogeneration

Cogeneration plants are those producing combined heat and power. Table 3.20 shows different
cogeneration technologies and their default power to heat ratio.

Default power to
Cogeneration technology
heat ratio, C
Combined cycle gas turbines, (gas turbines combined with waste heat
recovery boilers and one of the steam turbines mentioned below)
Steam turbine plants (backpressure) 0.45
Steam condensing extraction turbine (backpressure, uncontrolled
extraction condensing turbines and extraction condensing turbines)
Gas turbines with heat recovery boilers 0.55
Internal c ombustion e ngines (Otto o r d iesel ( reciprocating) engines
with heat utilisation)
Stirling engines
Fuel cells (with heat utilisation)
Steam engines
Organic Rankin cycles
Other types
Table 3.20: List of cogeneration technologies and default power to heat ratios
[146, EC, 2004]

The amount o f electricity pr oduced i s compared t o t he amount of heat pr oduced a nd us ually

expressed as the power to heat ratio. This is under 1 if the amount of electricity produced is less
than the amount of heat produced. The power to heat ratio should be based on actual data.

The annual load versus time curve can be used to determine the selection and size of a CHP.
Waste-to-energy plants (W-t-E)

176 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

For waste-to-energy plants, both the WI BREF and WFD26 contain equivalent factors and values
which can be used for:

the c alculation o f e nergy re covery e fficiency (u tilisation) coefficients and/or p lant

efficiency factors
if different qualities of energy have to be summarised, e.g. for benchmarking.

In this way, different kinds of energy can be evaluated and summarised as an energy mix output
of, e.g. heat, steam and electricity. These conversion factors, therefore, allow the comparison of
self-produced energy with energy generated externally to W-t-E plants. This assumes an overall
European average of 38 % conversion efficiency (see also Annex 7.10.3) for external electrical
energy generation in power plants and 91 % in external heating plants. For the use of energy,
e.g. i n a f uel or a s steam, t he pos sible ut ilisation rate i s 100 %. The comparison of di fferent
energy measurement units, i.e. MWh, MWhe, MWhh can be taken into account.

The simplest cogeneration power plant is the so-called 'backpressure power plant', where CHP
electricity and heat is generated in a steam turbine (see Figure 3.12). The electrical capacity of
steam turbine p lants w orking on t he ba ckpressure pr ocess is us ually a few dozen megawatts.
The power to heat ratio is normally about 0.3 - 0.5. The power capacity of gas turbine plants is
usually s lightly s maller t han t hat of s team t urbine plants, but t he pow er to heat ratio is often
close to 0.5.

The amount of industrial backpressure power depends on the heat consumption of a process and
on t he p roperties of high pr essure, medium pr essure and backpressure s team. The major
determining factor of the backpressure steam production is the power to heat ratio.

In a district heating power plant, the steam is condensed in the heat exchangers below the steam
turbine and circulated to c onsumers as ho t w ater. In i ndustrial p lants, the s team from a
backpressure power p lant a gain i s f ed to t he factory w here it s urrenders i ts h eat. T he
backpressure i s lower in a di strict h eating power p lant than in industrial ba ckpressure pl ants.
This explains why the power to heat ratio of industrial backpressure power plants is lower than
that of district heating power plants.


Air Steam
turbine G Generator

Fuel Heat
District heat


Figure 3.12: Backpressure plant

[65, Nuutila, 2005]

Waste Frame Directive

Energy Efficiency 177

Chapter 3

Extraction condensing
A condensing power plant only generates electricity whereas in an extraction condensing power
plant s ome of the steam i s e xtracted from t he turbine t o generate heat ( see F igure 3.13). The
steam supply is explained in Section 3.2.


Air Steam
reduction turbine G Generator

Flue-gas station
Fuel Process heat


Feed-water tank

Figure 3.13: Extraction condensing plant

[65, Nuutila, 2005]

Gas turbine heat recovery boiler

In gas turbine heat recovery boiler power plants, heat is generated with the hot flue-gases of the
turbine (see F igure 3.14). The fuel us ed in most cases i s natural gas, oil, or a c ombination of
these. Gas turbines can also be fired with gasified solid or liquid fuels.

Exhaust gas

District heat or
process steam
Heat recovery

Fuel Supplementary
Air firing


G Generator

Gas turbine

Figure 3.14: Gas turbine heat recovery boiler

[65, Nuutila, 2005]

178 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

Combined cycle power plant

A combined cycle power plant consists of one or more gas turbines connected to one or more
steam turbines (see Figure 3.15). A combined cycle power plant is often used for combined heat
and power production. The heat from the exhaust gases of a gas turbine process is recovered for
the steam turbine process. The recovered heat is, in many cases, subsequently converted to more
electricity, instead of being used for heating purposes. The benefit of the system is a high power
to he at r atio and a hi gh e fficiency. The l atest de velopment i n combustion technology, the
gasification o f s olid f uel, has a lso been l inked w ith combined c ycle pl ants a nd cogeneration.
The gasification technique will reduce the sulphur and nitric oxide emissions to a considerably
lower level than conventional combustion techniques by means of the gas treatment operations
downstream of gasification and upstream of the gas turbine combined cycle.

Exhaust Exhaust
gas gas

Feed-water pump

Heat Heat
recovery recovery
boiler boiler

Fuel Fuel
Air Air
Electricity Electricity

Gas G turbine
G Gas G
trubine trubine
Generator Generator Generator
District heat

Figure 3.15: Combined cycle power plant

[65, Nuutila, 2005]

Internal combustion engines (reciprocating engines)

In a n i nternal c ombustion or r eciprocating e ngine, heat c an b e r ecovered from l ubrication oil
and engine cooling water as well as from exhaust gases as shown in Figure 3.16.

Internal combustion engines convert chemically bou nd energy i n f uel to thermal e nergy by
combustion. Thermal expansion of flue-gas takes place in a cylinder, forcing the movement of a
piston. The mechanical energy from the piston movement is transferred to the flywheel by the
crankshaft and f urther t ransformed i nto e lectricity by an a lternator connected t o the flywheel.
This direct c onversion of the high t emperature thermal expansion i nto mechanical energy a nd
further i nto electrical energy gives i nternal combustion e ngines t he hi ghest thermal e fficiency
(produced electric e nergy per used f uel un it) a mong s ingle c ycle p rime m overs, i.e. also the
lowest specific CO2 emissions.

Low speed (<300 rpm) two stroke engines are available up to 80 MWe unit sizes. Medium speed
(300 <n <1500 rpm) four stroke engines are available up to 20 M We unit sizes. Medium speed
engines a re usually s elected for continuous p ower g eneration a pplications. H igh s peed
(>1500 rpm) f our stroke e ngines a vailable up to a round 3 M We are mostly us ed in pe ak l oad

Energy Efficiency 179

Chapter 3

The most used engine types can further be divided into diesel, spark/micro pilot ignited and dual
fuel e ngines. C overing a wide r ange of fuel a lternatives from na tural, a ssociated, landfill,
mining (coal bed), bio and even pyrolysis gases and liquid biofuels, diesel oil, crude oil, heavy
fuel oil, fuel emulsions to refinery residuals.



Electricity District
Air heat
G Generator


Engine water Lubrication oil

cooler cooler

Figure 3.16: Internal combustion or reciprocating engine

[65, Nuutila, 2005]

Stationary e ngine plants ( i.e. no t m obile g enerators) c ommonly have s everal engine dr iven
generator sets working in parallel. Multiple engine installations in combination with the ability
of e ngines t o m aintain high e fficiency when ope rated a t pa rt load, gives operation flexibility
with optimal matching of different load demands and excellent availability. Cold start up time is
short c ompared to c oal-, oi l- or g as-fired boiler s team t urbine p lants o r c ombined c ycle gas
turbine plant. A running engine has a quick response capability to network and can therefore be
utilised to stabilise the grid quickly.

Closed radiator cooling systems are suitable for this technology, keeping the water consumption
of stationary engine plants very low.

Their c ompact de sign m akes engine pl ants suitable f or di stributed c ombined h eat and power
(CHP) production, close to electricity and heat consumers in urban and industrial areas. Thus,
associated energy losses in transformers an d t ransmission l ines an d h eat transfer pipes are
reduced. Typical transmission losses a ssociated with central electricity production account, on
the a verage, f or 5 to 8 % of t he g enerated electricity, c orrespondingly he at e nergy l osses in
municipal district heating networks may be less than 10 %. It should be borne in mind that the
highest transmission l osses g enerally oc cur i n l ow v oltage g rids a nd in-house s erving
connections. On the other hand, electricity production in bigger plants is usually more effective.

180 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

The h igh single c ycle efficiency of internal c ombustion engines together w ith relatively high
exhaust gas a nd cooling w ater temperatures m akes them i deal f or C HP solutions. Typically,
about 30 % of the energy released in the combustion of the fuel can be found in the exhaust gas
and a bout 20 % in t he c ooling w ater s treams. E xhaust gas e nergy c an be recovered by
connecting a boi ler dow nstream of the e ngine, pr oducing steam, hot w ater or hot oil. Hot
exhaust gas can also be used directly or indirectly via heat exchangers, e.g. in drying processes.
Cooling water streams can be divided into low and high temperature circuits and the degree of
recovery potential is related to the lowest temperature that can be utilised by the heat customer.
The whole cooling water energy potential can be recovered in district heating networks with low
return temperatures. Engine cooling heat sources in connection with an exhaust gas boiler and
an economiser can then result i n a fuel (electricity + he at r ecovery) utilisation of up to 85 %
with liquid, and up to 90 % in gas fuel applications.

Heat energy c an be delivered to e nd us ers a s steam ( typically up to 20 ba r superheated), hot

water o r hot oil de pending on the need o f the e nd us er. The h eat can a lso be utilised by an
absorption chiller process to produce chilled water.

It is a lso possible t o use a bsorption heat pum ps t o t ransfer energy from t he e ngine l ow
temperature cooling c ircuit to a h igher t emperature th at c an b e utilised in d istrict heating
networks with high return temperatures. See Section 3.4.3.

Hot a nd c hilled w ater a ccumulators can be u sed to stabilise an imbalance b etween e lectricity
and heating/cooling demands over shorter periods.

Internal combustion or reciprocating engines typically have fuel efficiencies in the range of 40
48 % when producing electricity and fuel efficiencies may come up to 85 90 % in combined
heat and power cycles when the heat can be effectively used. Flexibility in trigeneration can be
improved by us ing ho t w ater and c hilled w ater s torage, a nd by us ing t he topping-up c ontrol
capacity offered by compressor chillers or direct-fired auxiliary boilers.

Achieved environmental benefits

There are s ignificant e conomic a nd e nvironmental a dvantages to b e g ained f rom C HP
production. Combined c ycle pl ants make t he maximum use of t he fuels energy by pr oducing
both electricity and heat with minimum energy wastage. The plants achieve a fuel efficiency of
80 - 90 %, w hile, f or the conventional s team c ondensing pl ants, t he e fficiencies remain a t
35 - 45 % and even for the combined cycle plants below 58 %.

The h igh efficiency o f C HP p rocesses d elivers substantial e nergy an d emissions sav ings.
Figure 3.17 s hows typical values of a c oal-fired C HP plant compared to the pr ocess in a n
individual he at-only boi ler and a c oal-fired e lectricity pl ant, but s imilar results c an a lso be
obtained w ith other fuels. The numbers i n F igure 3.17 are expressed i n d imensionless e nergy
units. I n this e xample, s eparate and CHP uni ts produce the same amount o f useful ou tput.
However, separate production implies an overall loss of 98 energy units, compared to only 33 in
CHP. The fuel efficiency in the separate production is 55 %, while in the case of combined heat
and pow er pr oduction, 78 % f uel efficiency i s a chieved. C HP pr oduction thus ne eds a round
30 % less fuel input to produce the same amount of useful energy. CHP can, therefore, reduce
atmospheric emissions by an equivalent amount. However, this will depend on the local energy
mix for electricity and/or heat (steam production).

Energy Efficiency 181

Chapter 3

Normal condensing boiler

power generation Cogeneration


Fuel input to
separate Useful Useful
heating units heat heat 35
output Output
76 76
Fuel input to
Losses heat and
Fuel input to 74 Losses power plant
electricity-only 117 33
power plants Electricity Electricity
output output
43 43

Figure 3.17: Comparison between efficiency of a condensing power and a combined heat and power
[65, Nuutila, 2005]

As with electricity generation, a wide variety of fuels can be used for cogeneration, e.g. waste,
renewable sources such as biomass, and fossil fuels such as coal oil and gas.

Cross-media effects
The electricity production may decrease where a plant is optimised for heat recovery (e.g in W-
t-E plants, see the WI BREF). F or example, (using e quivalent f actors a ccording t o W I B REF
and W FD) i t c an be shown t hat a W -t-E pl ant w ith, e .g. 18 % e lectricity pr oduction ( WFD
equivalent 0.468) is congruent with a W-t-E pl ant with, e.g. 42.5 % ut ilisation of di strict heat
(WFD equivalent 0.468 ) o r a pl ant w ith 42.5 % (WFD e quivalent 0.468) c ommercial use of

Operational data
See Descriptions of different cogeneration techniques above.

The choice o f CHP c oncept i s based on a num ber of f actors and e ven w ith similar energy
requirements, no two sites are the same. The initial selection of a CHP plant is often dictated by
the following factors:

the c ritical factor i s t hat there is sufficient d emand f or heat, i n terms of qua ntity,
temperature, etc. that can be met using heat from the CHP plant
the base-load e lectrical demand of t he site, i.e. t he level below which the s ite electrical
demand seldom falls
the demands for heat and power are concurrent
a convenient fuel price in ratio to the price of electricity
high annual operation time (preferably more than 4 000 5 000 full load hours).

In general, CHP units are applicable to plants having significant heat demands at temperatures
within the range of medium or low pressure steam. The evaluation of the cogeneration potential
at a site should ensure that no significant heat demand r eductions can be expected. Otherwise
the cogeneration setup would be designed for a too large heat demand, and the cogeneration unit
would operate inefficiently.

182 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

In 2 007, r elatively sm all scal e C HP can be ec onomically f easible ( see t he Atrium h ospital,
Annex 7.7 E xample 2) . The following pa ragraphs explain which types of CHP a re u sually
suitable in different cases. However, the limiting figures are exemplary only and may depend on
local c onditions. U sually the e lectricity c an b e sold to t he national grid as the s ite demand
varies. Utilities modelling, see Section 2.15.2, assists the optimisation of the generation and heat
recovery systems, as well as managing the selling and buying of surplus energy.

Choice of CHP type

Steam turbines may be the appropriate choice for sites where:

the electrical base load is over 3 5 MWe

there is a l ow value process s team r equirement; an d the power t o h eat d emand ratio i s
greater than 1:4
cheap, low premium fuel is available
adequate plot space is available
high grade process waste heat is available (e.g. from furnaces or incinerators)
the existing boiler plant is in need of replacement
the power to heat ratio is to be minimised. In CHP plants, the backpressure level must be
minimised and the high pressure level must be maximised in order to maximise the power
to heat ratio, especially when renewable fuels are used.

Gas turbines may be suitable if:

the power to heat ratio is planned to be maximised

the power demand is continuous, and is over 3 MWe (smaller gas turbines are at the time
of writing just starting to penetrate the market)
natural gas is available (although this is not a limiting factor)
there i s a high de mand for m edium/high pr essure steam or hot w ater, particularly at
temperatures higher than 500 C
demand exists for hot g ases at 450 C or above the e xhaust g as can be d iluted w ith
ambient air to cool i t, or put through an air h eat exchanger. (Also consider u sing i n a
combined cycle with a steam turbine).

Internal combustion or reciprocating engines may be suitable for sites where:

power or processes are cyclical or not continuous

low pressure steam or medium or low temperature hot water is required
there is a high power to heat demand ratio
natural gas is available gas powered internal combustion engines are preferred
natural gas is not available fuel oil or LPG powered diesel engines may be suitable
the electrical load i s l ess than 1 M We spark ignition ( units a vailable from
0.003 to 10 MWe)
the el ectrical load i s greater than 1 MWe compression ignition (units f rom 3 t o
20 MWe).

the economics depend on the ratio between fuel and electricity price, the price of heat, the
load factor and the efficiency
the economics depend strongly on the long term delivery of heat and electricity
policy support and market mechanisms have a significant impact, such as the beneficial
energy taxation regime, and liberalisation of the energy markets.

Driving force for implementation

Policy support and marketmechanisms (see Economics, above).

Energy Efficiency 183

Chapter 3

nekoski CHP power plant, Finland
Rauhalahti CHP power plant, Finland
used in soda ash plants, see the LVIC-S BREF
Bindewald Kupfermhle, DE:
flour mill: 100000 t wheat and rye/yr
malthouse: 35000 t malt/yr
Dava KVV, Umea CHP W-t-E plant, Sweden
Sysav, Malm CHP W-t-E plant, Sweden.

Reference information
[65, Nuutila, 2005], [97, Kreith, 1997] [127, TWG, , 128, EIPPCB, , 140, E C, 2005, 146, E C,

3.4.2 Trigeneration

Trigeneration is generally understood to mean the simultaneous conversion of a fuel into three
useful energy products: electricity, hot water or steam and chilled water. A trigeneration system
is actually a cogeneration system (Section 3.4) with an absorption chiller that uses some of the
heat to produce chilled water (see Figure 3.18).

Figure 3.18 c ompares t wo concepts of c hilled water production: compressor c hillers us ing
electricity a nd t rigeneration using r ecovered he at i n a l ithium br omide absorption c hiller. A s
shown, he at is r ecovered from both t he exhaust gas and t he e ngine high t emperature c ooling
circuit. Flexibility in trigeneration can be improved by using topping-up control capacity offered
by compressor chillers or direct-fired auxiliary boilers.

184 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

Figure 3.18: Trigeneration compared to separate energy production for a major airport
[64, Linde, 2005]

Single-stage lithium bromide absorption chillers are able to use hot water with temperatures as
low as 90 C a s the e nergy s ource, w hile t wo-stage l ithium br omide absorption chillers need
about 170 C, which means that they are normally steam-fired. A single-stage lithium bromide
absorption chiller producing water at 6 8 C has a coefficient of performance (COP) of about
0.7 a nd a two-stage c hiller ha s a C OP of about 1.2. This m eans they can pr oduce a c hilling
capacity corresponding to 0.7 or 1.2 times the heat source capacity.

For an engine-driven CHP plant, single- and two-stage systems can be applied. However, as the
engine has residual heat split in exhaust gas and engine cooling, the single stage is more suitable
because more heat can be recovered and transferred to the absorption chiller.

Achieved environmental benefits

The main a dvantage of trigeneration i s the achievement of t he same out put with c onsiderably
less fuel input than with separate power and heat generation.

Energy Efficiency 185

Chapter 3

The flexibility of using t he r ecovered heat for heating during one season (winter) and cooling
during another season (summer) provides an efficient way of maximising the running hours at
high total plant efficiency, benefiting both the owner and the environment see Figure 3.19.

Figure 3.19: Trigeneration enables optimised plant operation throughout the year
[64, Linde, 2005]

The running phi losophy a nd c ontrol strategy a re of i mportance a nd s hould be pr operly

evaluated. The op timal s olution i s seldom based on a s olution w here t he e ntire chilled w ater
capacity i s pr oduced by a bsorption c hillers. F or a ir c onditioning, f or instance, most of t he
annual cooling needs can be met with 70 % of the peak cooling capacity, while the remaining
30 % can be topped up with compressor chillers.

In this way, the total investment cost for the chillers can be minimised.

Cross-media effects

Operational data
No data submitted.

Trigeneration and distributed power generation
Since i t i s m ore di fficult and c ostly t o d istribute hot o r c hilled w ater than electricity,
trigeneration a utomatically leads to distributed pow er production s ince t he t rigeneration plant
needs to be located close to the hot or chilled water consumers.

In order to maximise the fuel efficiency of the plant, the concept is based on the joint need for
hot and chilled water. A power plant located close to the hot and chilled water consumer also
has lower electricity distribution losses. Trigeneration is cogeneration taken one step further by
including a c hiller. Clearly t here i s n o a dvantage t o m aking t hat extra investment i f all the
recovered heat can be used effectively during all the plants running hours.

186 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

However, the extra investment starts to pay off if there are periods when not all the heat can be
used, or when no he at de mand e xists but there is a use f or c hilled w ater or air. F or e xample,
trigeneration i s often us ed f or air conditioning i n b uildings, f or he ating dur ing w inter a nd
cooling during summer, or for heating in one area and cooling in another area.

Many i ndustrial facilities and pub lic bu ildings a lso have s uch a s uitable m ix of he ating a nd
cooling needs, four examples being breweries, shopping malls, airports and hospitals.

No data submitted.

Driving force for implementation

Cost savings.

Madrid Barajas Airport, ES (see Annex 7.10.4)
Atrium Hospital, NL (see Annex 7.7).

Reference information
[64, Linde, 2005, 93, Tolonen, 2005]

3.4.3 District cooling

District co oling i s an other asp ect of c ogeneration: w here co generation p rovides cen tralised
production of heat, which dr ives on a bsorption c hillers, a nd the electricity i s s old to the grid.
Cogeneration c an a lso de liver di strict cooling ( DC) by means of c entralised p roduction a nd
distribution o f c ooling e nergy. C ooling energy i s de livered t o customers v ia c hilled w ater
transferred in a separate distribution network.

District c ooling c an be pr oduced i n di fferent w ays de pending on t he s eason a nd t he out side

temperature. In the winter, at least in Nordic countries, cooling can be carried out by cold water
from t he s ea (see Figure 3.20). In t he summer, district cooling can be produced by absorption
technology (see Figure 3.21 and Section 3.3.2). District cooling is used for air conditioning, for
cooling of office and commercial buildings, and for residential buildings.

Energy Efficiency 187

Chapter 3

Figure 3.20: District cooling in the winter by free cooling technology

[93, Tolonen, 2005]

Figure 3.21: District cooling by absorption technology in the summer

[93, Tolonen, 2005]

188 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

Achieved environmental benefits

Improving t he e co-efficiency of di strict he ating ( DH) a nd di strict c ooling ( DC) i n H elsinki,
Finland, has achieved many sustainability goals as shown below:

greenhouse gas a nd o ther e missions, such a s nitrogen oxi des, s ulphur dioxide a nd
particles, have been greatly reduced
the drop in electricity consumption will also cut down the electricity consumption peaks
that building-specific cooling units cause on warm days
from October until May, all DC energy is renewable, obtained from cold seawater. This
represents 30 % of yearly DC consumption
in t he w armer s eason, a bsorption c hillers us e t he excess he at of C HP p lants w hich
otherwise would be led to the sea. Although the fuel consumption in the CHP plant may
increase, t he t otal fuel c onsumption c ompared t o the situation with s eparate cooling
systems in buildings will decrease
in DC, harmful noise and the vibration of cooling equipment has been removed
the space reserved for cooling equipment in buildings is freed for other purposes
the problem of microbial growth in the water of condensing towers is also avoided
contrary to the cooling a gents us ed in building-specific compressor cooling, no harmful
substances (e.g. CFC and HCFC compounds) evaporate in the processes of DC
DC i mproves t he a esthetics o f c ityscape: t he p roduction u nits and p ipelines a re no t
visible. T he bi g c ondensers on t he roofs of bui ldings a nd m ultiple coolers in windows
will no longer be needed
the l ife cycle of the DH and D C s ystems is much l onger t han that of bui lding-specific
units, e.g. t he service l ife of a cooling pl ant is doubl e c ompared to s eparate un its. The
technical service life of the main pipelines of DH and DC systems extends over a century.

Cross-media effects
Impacts of installing a distribution system.

Operational data

This technique could have wide application. However, this depends on local circumstances.

Large investments are required for the distribution systems.

Driving force for implementation

No data submitted.

Helsinki Energy, Finland
In Amsterdam, the Netherlands, deep lakes close to facilities provide district cooling.

Reference information
[93, Tolonen, 2005], [120, Helsinki Energy, 2004]

Energy Efficiency 189

Chapter 3

3.5 Electrical power supply

Public electrical power is supplied via high voltage grids where the voltage and current vary in
sine wave cycles at 50 Hz (in Europe) in three phases at 120 intervals. The voltage is high to
minimise c urrent losses in t ransmission. D epending on t he e quipment us ed, t he v oltage i s
stepped down on entering the site, or close to specific equipment, usually to 440 V for industrial
use, and 240 V for offices, etc.

Various factors affect the delivery and the use of energy, including the resistance in the delivery
systems, a nd the effects some e quipment and us es have on t he supply. S table v oltages a nd
undistorted waveforms are highly desirable in power systems.

The consumption o f e lectrical e nergy i n t he EU-25 i n 2002, c omprised 2 641 TWh pl us 195
TWh ne twork losses. The largest c onsumer s ector was industry w ith 1168 TWh (44 %),
followed by households with 717 TWh (27 %), and services with 620 TWh (23 %). These three
sectors together accounted for around 94 % of consumption.

3.5.1 Power factor correction

Many electrical devices have inductive loads, such as:

AC single-phase and 3-phase motors (see Section 3.6)

variable speed drives (see Section 3.6.3)
transformers (see Section 3.5.4)
high intensity discharge lighting (see Section 3.10).

These all require both active electrical power and reactive electrical power. The active electrical
power is converted into useful mechanical power, while the reactive electrical power is used to
maintain the devices magnetic fields. This reactive electrical power is transferred periodically
in bot h di rections be tween t he generator and the load (at t he s ame f requency as the s upply).
Capacitor banks and buried cables also take reactive energy.

Vector addition of the real (active) electrical power and the reactive electrical power gives the
apparent pow er. P ower g eneration u tilities a nd n etwork operators m ust m ake t his a pparent
power a vailable and transmit i t. This m eans that g enerators, transformers, p ower lines,
switchgear, et c. m ust b e si zed for g reater p ower ratings than i f t he l oad only d rew act ive
electrical power.

Power supply utilities (both on-site and off-site) are faced with extra expenditure for equipment
and additional power losses. External suppliers, therefore, make additional charges for reactive
power i f t his ex ceeds a certain t hreshold. U sually, a cer tain target p ower f actor o f co s of
between 1.0 and 0.9 ( lagging) is s pecified, at w hich point t he reactive energy requirement i s
significantly reduced. A simple explanation is given in Annex 7.17.

(Electrical) power factor = Real power

Apparent power

For example, using the power triangle illustrated in Figure 3.22 below, if:

real power = 100 kW and apparent power = 142 kVAr

then the power factor = 100/142 = 0.70.

190 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

This indicates that only 70 % of the c urrent provided by t he e lectrical utility i s being us ed to
produce useful work (for a further explanation, see Annex 7.17).

Real power = 100 kW

power =
power =
100 kVAr
142 kVA

Figure 3.22: Reactive and apparent power

If the power factor is corrected, for example by installing a capacitor at the load, this totally or
partially e liminates the reactive pow er d raw at the power s upply c ompany. P ower f actor
correction is at its most effective when it is physically near to the load and uses state-of-the-art

The power factor can change over time so needs to be checked periodically (depending on site
and usage, and these checks can be anything from 3 to 10 years apart), as the type of equipment
and the supplies listed (above) change over time. Also, as capacitors used to correct the power
factor deteriorate w ith t ime, th ese a lso re quire periodic testing (m ost easily carried out b y
checking if the capacitors are getting warm in operation).

Other measures to take are:

to minimise operation of idling or lightly loaded motors (see Section 3.6)

to avoid operation of equipment above its rated voltage
to replace standard motors as they burn out with energy efficient motors (see Section 3.6)
even with energy efficient motors, however, the power factor is significantly affected by
variations in load. A motor must be operated near its rated capacity to realise the benefits
of a high power factor design (see Section 3.6).

Achieved environmental benefits

Energy savings to both the supply side and the consumer.

Table 3.21 below s hows t he e ffects of a power factor of 0.95 ( lagging) being achieved i n EU
industry as a whole.

EU-25 industry Active energy Reactive energy Apparent energy

power factor TWh Cos TVArh TVAh
Estimated power factor 1168 0.70 1192 1669
Targeted power factor 1168 0.95 384 1229
Table 3.21: Estimated industry electricity consumption in the EU-25 in 2002
[131, ZVEI, , 140, EC, 2005]

Across the EU as a whole, i t has been estimated that if a power correction f actor for i ndustry
was applied, t hen 31 TWh power c ould b e s aved, although pa rt of this pot ential has be en
exploited. This is c alculated on t he ba sis that t he EU-25's t otal electricity c onsumption for
industry and service sectors in 2002 was 1788 TWh, from which industry used 65 %)27.
31 TWh corresponds to over 8 million households, about 2600 wind power generators, about 10 gas-fired power stations, and
2 3 nuclear power stations. It also corresponds to more than 12 Mt of CO2.

Energy Efficiency 191

Chapter 3

In a n installation, i t i s e stimated t hat if a n ope rator w ith a pow er c orrection factor of 0.7 3
corrected the factor to 0.95, they would save 0.6 % of their power usage (0.73 is the estimated
figure for industry and services).

Cross-media effects
None reported.

Operational data
An unc orrected pow er s upply w ill c ause pow er l osses i n a n installations distribution s ystem.
Voltage drops may occur as power losses increase. Excessive drops can cause overheating and
premature failure of motors and other inductive equipment.

All sites.

External su ppliers may make a dditional charges for e xcessive reactive e lectrical p ower if the
correction factor in the installation is less than 0.95 (see Annex 7.11).

The c ost of pow er c orrection is l ow. S ome new e quipment ( e.g. hi gh e fficiency motors)
addresses power correction.

Driving force for implementation

power savings both inside the installation and in the external supply grid (where used)
increase in internal electrical supply system capacity
improved equipment reliability and reduced downtimes.

Widely applied.

Reference information
Further information can be found in Annex 7.17)
[130, US_DOE_PowerFactor, , 131, ZVEI]

3.5.2 Harmonics

Certain electrical equipment with non-linear loads causes harmonics in the supply (the addition
of the distortions in the sine wave). Examples of non-linear loads are rectifiers, some forms of
electric l ighting, e lectric a rc f urnaces, w elding e quipment, s witched m ode pow er s upplies,
computers, etc.

Filters can be applied to reduce or eliminate harmonics. The EU has set limits on harmonics as a
method of improving the power factor, and there are standards such as EN 61000-3-2 and EN
61000-3-12, requiring switched power supplies to have harmonics filters.

Achieved environmental benefits

Power savings.

Cross-media effects
None reported.

192 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

Operational data
Harmonics can cause:

nuisance tripping of circuit breakers

malfunctioning of UPS systems and generator systems
metering problems
computer malfunctions
overvoltage problems.

Harmonics cannot be detected by standard ammeters, only by using 'true RMS' meters.

All sites should check for equipment causing harmonics.

Losses due to equipment malfunction.

Driving force for implementation

improved reliability of equipment
reduced losses in downtimes
with harmonics, reduced current in earths
the safety issues of design grounding being exceeded if harmonics are present.

Widely used.

Reference information
[132, Wikipedia_Harmonics, , 135, EUROELECTRICS, , 136, CDA]

3.5.3 Optimising supply

Resistive l osses o ccur in c abling. E quipment w ith a l arge power us age s hould, t herefore, b e
supplied from a high v oltage supply a s c lose a s po ssible, e .g. the corresponding t ransformer
should be as close as possible.

Cables to equipment should be oversized to prevent unnecessary resistance and losses as heat.
The power supply can be optimised by using high efficiency equipment such as transformers.

Other h igh efficiency e quipment s uch as m otors, i s covered in Section 3.6, c ompressors in
Section 3.7, and pumps in Section 3.8.

Achieved environmental benefits

No data submitted.

Cross-media effects
No data submitted.

Operational data
all large equipment using power should be planned to be adjacent to supply transformers
cabling should be checked on all sites and oversized where necessary.

Energy Efficiency 193

Chapter 3

improved reliability of equipment
reduced losses in downtimes
consider the costs on an operating lifetime basis.

Savings in equipment downtime and power consumption.

Driving force for implementation


Widely used.

Reference information
[135, EUROELECTRICS, , 230, Association, 2007]

3.5.4 Energy efficient management of transformers

Transformers are devices able to transform the voltage of an electrical supply from one level to
another. This i s necessary because v oltage i s n ormally distributed at a l evel h igher t han that
used by machinery in industry: higher voltages used in the distribution system reduces energy
losses in the distribution lines.

Transformers a re s tatic m achines m ade up of a core c omprising a num ber of f erromagnetic

plates, with the primary and secondary coils wound around the opposite sides of the core. The
transformation rate of the voltages is given by the ratio V2/V1 (see Figure 3.23).

V1 V2

Primary coil Secondary coil

Figure 3.23: Diagram of a transformer

[245, Di Franco, 2008]

If P1 is the electrical power entering the transformer, P2 the power exiting and PL the losses, then
the power balance is:

P1 = P2 + PL Equation 3.9

and the transformer efficiency can be written as:

P2 P1 PL
= = Equation 3.10
P1 P1

194 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

The l osses are of t wo m ain types: l osses in the i ron components a nd l osses in c opper
components. Losses in iron are caused by hysteresis and eddy currents inside ferromagnetic core
plates; such losses are proportional to V2 and are from about 0.2 to 0.5 % of nominal power Pn
(= P 2). L osses i n c opper a re c aused by the J oule effect in copper coil; such l osses a re
proportional to I2, and are estimated roughly from 1 t o 3 % of nominal power P n (at 100 % of
the load).

Since a transformer works on average with a load factor x lower than 100 %, (Peffective = x Pn), it
can be de monstrated t hat the r elationship be tween the t ransforming e fficiency and t he load
factor follows the curve in F igure 3.24 (for a 2 50 k VA t ransformer). In t his c ase, the
transformer has a maximum point at a value of about 40 % of the load factor.

9000 0.994
Losses - W

7000 0.992
5000 0.99
3000 Pcc 0.988
1000 P0 0.986
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Load factor %

Figure 3.24: Relationship between losses in iron, in copper, in efficiency, and in load factor
[245, Di Franco, 2008]

Whatever t he power of t he transformer is, t he r elationship between efficiency and load factor
always shows a maximum, set normally on average at around 45 % of the nominal load.

Due to this distinctive behaviour, it is possible to evaluate the following options in an electrical
power (transformer) substation:

if the global electric load is lower than 40 - 50 % Pn, it is energy saving to disconnect one
or more transformers to load the others closer to the optimal factor
in the opposite situation (global electric load higher than 75 % Pn), only the installation of
additional capacity can be considered
when repowering or updating the transformer substation, installing low loss transformers,
that show a reduction of losses from 20 to 60 % is preferred

Achieved environmental benefits

Less consumption of secondary energy resources.

Cross-media effects
None known.

Operational data
Normally in transformer substations there is a surplus of electrical power supply installed, and
therefore the average load factor is generally low. Historically, utilities managers maintain this
surplus to ensure a continuing pow er supply i n the c ase of f ailure of one or m ore of the

Energy Efficiency 195

Chapter 3

The opt imisation criteria are a pplicable to all transformer rooms. O ptimising t he loading i s
estimated to be applicable in 25 % of cases.

The number of new transformer power installed/repowered every year in industry is estimated
to be 5 % and low loss transformers can be considered in these new/repowered cases.

In t he c ase o f th e in stallation o f lo w lo ss t ransformers with respect t o normal s eries
transformers, or i n s ubstitution of l ow e fficiency t ransformers ope rating a t pr esent, p ayback
times are normally short, considering that transformers operate for a high number of hours/year.

Driving force for implementation

Energy and money savings are the driving force for implementation.

For t he refurbishment o f a t ransformer r oom, f oreseeing t he installation of f our ne w
transformers whose electric power is 200, 315, 500 and 1250 kVA, a payback time of 1.1 years
has been estimated.

Reference information
[228, Petrecca, 1992, 229, Di Franco]

3.6 Electric motor driven sub-systems28

The energy efficiency in motor driven systems can be assessed by studying the demands of the
(production) pr ocess a nd how t he dr iven m achine s hould be operated. This i s as a s ystems
approach and y ields the highest energy efficiency g ains (see S ections 1.3.5 a nd 1.5.1) and is
discussed in the relevant sections in this chapter. Savings achieved by a sy stems approach as a
minimum w ill be those a chieved by considering i ndividual c omponents, a nd can be 30 % or
higher (see Section 1.5.1, and, e.g. compressed air systems in Section 3.7).

An e lectric m otor d riven s ub-system c onverts electric pow er into mechanical p ower. In most
industrial applications, the mechanical work i s transferred t o the dr iven machine a s r otational
mechanical pow er (via a r otating shaft). E lectric motors are the p rime m overs be hind m ost
industrial machinery: pumps, fans, compressors, mixers, conveyors, debarking drums, grinders,
saws, extruders, centrifuges, presses, rolling mills, etc.

Electrical motors are one of the main energy consumption sources in Europe. Estimates are that
motors account for:

about 68 % of the electricity consumed in industry which amounted to 707 TWh in 1997
1/3 of the tertiary electrical consumption.

In this document, 'system' is used to refer to a set of connected items or devices which operate together for a specific purpose,
e.g. HVAC, CAS. See the discussion on system boundaries. These systems usually include motor sub-systems (or component

196 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

Electric motor driven sub-system

This is a sub-system or a train of components consisting of:

an installation power supply

a control device, e.g. AC drive (see electric motor below)
an electric motor, usually an induction motor
a mechanical transmission coupling
a driven machine, e.g. centrifugal pump.

Figure 3.25 shows schemes of a conventional and an energy efficient pumping system.

Figure 3.25: Conventional and energy efficient pumping system schemes

[246, ISPRA, 2008]

Driven machine
Also referred to as a load machine, this is the machine that carries out a value-added task related
to the ultimate purpose of the industrial plant. The tasks performed can be divided into two main
categories as the driven machine can either:

alter properties in some ways: altering pressure (compressing, pumping), altering physical
shape (crushing, wire drawing, r olling metals, etc.). It i s the pressure-changing function
that is used in larger systems that are described in more detail in this document:
pumps (20 %), see Section 3.8
fans (18 %), see Section 3.9
air compressors (17 %), see Section 3.7
cooling compressors (11 %), see Section 3.4.2.

move or transport material/objects (conveyors, cranes, hoists, winches, etc.):

conveyors (4 %) and other uses (30 %).

(where % refers to motor energy used in the EU-15 by system type)

Energy Efficiency 197

Chapter 3

The electricity consumption of motor systems is influenced by many factors such as:

motor efficiency
proper sizing
motor controls: stop/start and speed control
power supply quality
mechanical transmission system
maintenance practices
the efficiency of end-use device.

In or der t o be nefit f rom the a vailable savings pot ential, the users s hould aim to optimise the
whole s ystem t hat the motor s ub-system i s part of , before considering t he m otor section (see
Sections 1.4.2 and 1.5.1, and the individual systems sections in this chapter).

Mechanical transmission
Mechanical t ransmission connects t he driven machine and the motor t ogether m echanically.
This may be a simple, rigid coupling that connects the shaft ends of the machine and a motor, a
gearbox, a chain or belt drive, or a hydraulic coupling. All these types incur additional power
losses in the drive system.

Electric motor
Electric motors can be divided into two main groups, DC motors (direct current) and AC motors
(alternating current). Both types exist in industry, but the technology trend during the last few
decades has strongly been towards AC motors.

The strengths of AC motors are:

robustness, simple design, low maintenance requirement

a high efficiency level (especially high power motors)
relatively cheap in price.

AC induction motors are widely used because of these strengths. However, they operate only at
one rotating speed. If t he load i s not stable, there is a need to change the speed and it can be
done most energy efficiently by installing a drive before the motor.

Singly-fed electric motors a re t he m ost c ommon t ype of industrial e lectric motors. They
incorporate a single multiphase winding set that actively participates in the energy conversion
process (i.e. singly-fed). Singly-fed electric machines operate under either:

induction (asynchronous) motors which exhibit a start-up torque (although inefficiently)

and can operate as standalone machines. The induction motor technology is well suited to
motors of up to several megawatts in power
synchronous m otors which a re fundamentally s ingle s peed machines. These do not
produce us eful start-up t orques and must ha ve a n auxiliary m eans for s tart-up a nd
practical operation, s uch as a n electronic controller. Synchronous motors are often built
for high power applications, such as compressors in the petrochemical industry.

A DC technology is the permanent magnet (PM), or brushless, synchronous motor, which is

suitable for applications that require lower rotating speeds than what is typically achieved using
an i nduction m otor. I n t hese slower-speed a pplications (220 600 rpm), such a s so-called
sectional drives of paper or board machines, a mechanical transmission (gearbox) can often be
eliminated using PM motors, which improves the total efficiency of the system.

198 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

Figure 3.26: A compressor motor with a rated output of 24 MW

[95, Savolainen, 2005]

The strengths of DC motors have traditionally been ease of electrical control of speed. Also the
starting torque is high, which is beneficial in some applications. However, the fast development
of pow er electronic components a nd c ontrol algorithms ha s i mproved t he po sition o f A C
technology s o t hat t here i s no r eal pe rformance s uperiority of D C t echnology ov er A C a ny
more. Modern A C motors and drives outperform t heir D C c ounterparts i n m any r espects. In
other words; even the most demanding applications, such as controlling the speed and torque of
paper machine winders, can be realised with AC motors and drives nowadays.

Control device
In its simplest form, this is a switch or a contactor to connect and disconnect the motor from the
mains. This can be ope rated m anually or remotely us ing a control v oltage. M otor pr otection
functions may ha ve been incorporated into t hese devices, and a motor starter i s a switch with
safety functions built-in.

A more advanced method t o c onnect a m otor t o the mains i s a soft s tarter (aka: s tar-delta
starter). This device enables moderated start-up of an AC motor, reducing the so-called inrush
current during starting, thus protecting mechanics and fuses. Without a soft start feature, an AC
motor starts up and accelerates vigorously to its rated speed. However, a soft starter is NOT an
energy saving device, even though there are some misconceptions and sources claiming this.

The on ly way t he de vices a bove can contribute to energy e fficiency i s that motors c an b e
switched off when not needed.

Real m otor c ontrol devices a re a ble to regulate the output (speed a nd torque) o f e lectric
motors. The operation principle of an AC drive is to convert the frequency of the grid electricity
(50 Hz in Europe) to another frequency for the motor in order to be able to change its rotating
speed. The control device for AC motors is called the following:

Energy Efficiency 199

Chapter 3

a frequency converter
a variable speed drive (VSD)
an adjustable frequency drive (AFD)
a combination of them (ASD, VFD) are frequently used to describe the same devices
motor inverter or just inverter is used by the actual users within industry.

Motor dr iven s ystems consume a bout 65 % of industrial energy i n t he E uropean U nion. The
energy savings pot ential i n t he E U-15 i ndustries using A C dr ives is 43 TWh/yr and f or
improving the efficiency of electric motors themselves, 15 TWh/yr according to EU-15 SAVE

There are at least two d ifferent w ays t o ap proach the co ncept o f en ergy ef ficiency in m otor
driven systems. One is to look at individual components and their efficiencies, and ensure that
only hi gh e fficiency e quipment is employed. The ot her i s t o t ake a s ystems a pproach, a s
described in the introduction to this section, where overall systems savings may be significantly

3.6.1 Energy efficient motors (EEMs)

Description and operational data

(The information on Achieved e nvironmental b enefits, Cross-media e ffects, A pplicability,
Economics, Driving forces for implementation, Examples, and Reference information for ENE
techniques for electric motors is given in Section 3.6.7).

Energy efficient m otors (EEMs) and h igh efficiency motors (H EMs) o ffer g reater energy
efficiency. The additional initial purchase cost may be 20 - 30 % or higher for motors of greater
than 20 kW, and may be 50 - 100 % higher for motors under 15 k W, depending on the energy
savings c ategory (and therefore the amount of additional steel a nd copper use) e tc. H owever,
energy savings of 2 - 8 % can be achieved for motors of 1 - 15 kW.

As the reduced losses result in a lower temperature rise in the motor, the lifetime of the motor
winding insulation, and of the bearings, increases. Therefore, in many cases:

reliability increases
downtime and maintenance costs are reduced
tolerance to thermal stresses increases
ability to handle overload conditions improves
resistance t o abnormal operating c onditions under and ov ervoltage, ph ase unbalance,
poorer voltage and current wave shapes (e.g. harmonics), etc. improves
power factor improves
noise is reduced.

A European-wide agreement between the European Committee of Manufacturers of Electrical

Machines and P ower E lectronics ( CEMEP) and t he E uropean Commission ensures that the
efficiency l evels o f m ost electric motors m anufactured i n E urope a re c learly d isplayed. The
European m otor c lassification scheme i s a pplicable t o m otors < 100 k W a nd ba sically
establishes three efficiency classes, giving motor manufacturers an incentive to introduce higher
efficiency models:

EFF1 (high efficiency motors)

EFF2 (standard efficiency motors)
EFF3 (poor efficiency motors).

200 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

These e fficiency l evels a pply t o 2 a nd 4 pole three phase AC squirrel c age induction motors,
rated for 400 V, 50 Hz, with S1 duty class, with an output of 1.1 to 90 k W, which account for
the largest s ales v olume on t he market. F igure 3.27 shows t he e nergy e fficiency of t he three
types of motors as a function of their output.

Figure 3.27: Energy efficiency of three phase AC induction motors

The Eco Design (EuP) Directive is likely to eliminate motors in class EFF 3 and EFF 2 by 2011.
The I nternational Electrotechnical Comission ( IEC) is, a t t he time of w riting, w orking on the
introduction of a new international classification scheme, where the EFF2 and EFF# motors are
together at the bottom, and above EFF1 there will be a new premium class.

An a ppropriate motor c hoice c an be g reatly aided through t he use of adequate c omputer

software, such as Motor Master Plus29 and EuroDEEM30 proposed by the EU-SAVE PROMOT

Appropriate m otor solutions m ay be selected by us ing the E uroDEEM database31, which

collates the efficiency of more than 3500 types of motors from 24 manufacturers.

3.6.2 Proper motor sizing

Description and Operational data

(The information on Achieved e nvironmental b enefits, Cross-media e ffects, A pplicability,
Economics, Driving forces for implementation, Examples, and Reference information for ENE
techniques for electric motors is given in Section 3.6.7).

Sponsored by US Department of Energy
Promoted by the European Commission DG TREN
Published by the European Commission

Energy Efficiency 201

Chapter 3

Electrical m otors are v ery o ften o versized fo r t he real load t hey have to ru n. Motors rarely
operate a t their full-load p oint. I n t he E uropean U nion, f ield tests i ndicate that, on a verage,
motors operate at around 60 % of their rated load.

The m aximum e fficiency i s obt ained for t he m otors of be tween 60 to 100 % f ull l oad. The
induction motor efficiency typically peaks near 75 % full load and is relatively flat down to the
50 % l oad poi nt. Under 40 % full load, a n electrical motor does not work at optimised
conditions and t he efficiency falls v ery quickly. Mo tors i n t he larger size r anges can o perate
with reasonably high efficiencies at loads down to 30 % of rated load.

Proper sizing:

improves energy efficiency, by allowing motors to operate at peak efficiency

may reduce line losses due to low power factors
may slightly reduce the operating speed, and thus power consumption, of fans and pumps.


Efficiency (%)




0 20 40 60 80 100

Load (%)

Figure 3.28: Efficiency vs. load for an electric motor

3.6.3 Variable speed drives

Description and Operational data

(The information on Achieved e nvironmental b enefits, Cross-media e ffects, A pplicability,
Economics, Driving forces for implementation, Examples, and Reference information for ENE
techniques for electric motors is given in Section 3.6.7).

The adjustment of the motor speed through the use of variable speed drives (VSDs) can lead to
significant energy sav ings associated t o b etter process c ontrol, less wear in the m echanical
equipment and less ac oustical n oise. W hen l oads v ary, V SDs c an reduce e lectrical en ergy
consumption particularly in centrifugal pumps, compressors and fan applications typically in
the range of -4 50 %. Materials processing applications like centrifugal machines, mills and
machine t ools, a s w ell a s materials ha ndling a pplications s uch a s w inders, c onveyors a nd
elevators, can also b enefit bo th in terms of energy c onsumption a nd ov erall p erformance
through the use of VSDs.

The use of VSDs can also lead to other benefits including:

extending the useful operating range of the driven equipment

isolating motors from the line, which can reduce motor stress and inefficiency
accurately synchronising multiple motors
improving the speed and reliability of response to changing operating conditions.

202 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

VSDs are not applicable for all applications, in particular where the load is constant (e.g. fluid
bed air input fans, oxidation air compressors, etc.), as the VSD will lose 3 - 4 % of the energy
input (rectifying and adjusting the current phase).

3.6.4 Transmission losses

Description and Operational data

(The information on Achieved e nvironmental b enefits, Cross-media e ffects, A pplicability,
Economics, Driving forces for implementation, Examples, and Reference information for ENE
techniques for electric motors is given in Section 3.6.7).

Transmission equipment i ncluding shafts, belts, chains, and gears s hould be properly installed
and maintained. The transmission system from the motor to the load is a source of losses. These
losses can vary significantly, from 0 to 45 %. When possible, use synchronous belts in place of
V-belts. Cogged V -belts are more e fficient t han c onventional V-belts. Helical gears are much
more efficient than worm g ears. Direct c oupling ha s to be t he be st possible option (where
technically feasible), and V-belts avoided.

3.6.5 Motor repair

Description and Operational data

(The information on Achieved e nvironmental b enefits, Cross-media e ffects, A pplicability,
Economics, Driving forces for implementation, Examples, and Reference information for ENE
techniques for electric motors is given in Section 3.6.7).

Motors above 5 kW can f ail a nd a re o ften repaired s everal t imes during their lifetime.
Laboratory testing studies confirm that poor motor repair practices reduce motor efficiency of
typically between 0.5 and 1 %, and sometimes up to 4 % or even more for old motors.

To c hoose between r epair a nd r eplacement, e lectricity c ost/kWh, motor pow er, a verage l oad
factors and the number of operating hours per year will all have to be taken into account. Proper
attention m ust be g iven t o the r epair process a nd to the repair c ompany, which should be
recognised by the original manufacturer (an energy efficient motor repairer, EEMR).

Typically, r eplacement of a failed m otor through the pur chase o f a new EEM can be a g ood
option i n m otors w ith a large num ber of operating hour s. F or e xample, in a f acility w ith
4000 hours per year of operation, an electricity cost of EUR 0.06/kWh, for motors of between
20 and 130 kW, replacement with an EEM will have a payback time of less than 3 years.

3.6.6 Rewinding

Description and Operational data

(The information on Achieved e nvironmental b enefits, Cross-media e ffects, A pplicability,
Economics, Driving forces for implementation, Examples, and Reference information for ENE
techniques for electric motors is given in Section 3.6.7).

Rewinding a motor i s w idely c arried out in industry. It i s cheaper and m ay be qui cker than
buying a ne w m otor. H owever, rewinding a m otor c an pe rmanently r educe its e fficiency by
more than 1 %. Proper attention must be given to the repair process and to the repair company,
which should be recognised by t he or iginal m anufacturer ( an e nergy e fficient motor repairer,
EEMR). The e xtra cost o f a new m otor can be quickly compensated by i ts better e nergy
efficiency, so rewinding may not be economic when considering the life-time cost.
The c osts o f a ne w motor compared w ith rewinding as a function of t he power a re shown in
Figure 3.29.

Energy Efficiency 203

Chapter 3

900 Rewinding
800 New motor
Cost (EUR HT)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Power (kW)

Figure 3.29: Cost of a new motor compared with rewinding

3.6.7 Achieved environmental benefits, Cross media effects,

Applicability, and other considerations for electric motor ENE

Achieved environmental benefits

Table 3.22 shows potentially significant energy savings measures which might be applicable to
a motor driven sub-system. Although the values in the table are typical, the applicability of the
measures will depend on the specific characteristics of the installation.

Motor driven sub-system energy savings measure savings range
System installation or renewal
Energy efficient motors (EEM) 2-8
Correct sizing 1-3
Energy efficient motor repair (EEMR) 0.5 - 2
Variable speed drives (VSD) -4 - 50
High efficiency transmission/reducers 2 - 10
Power quality control 0.5 - 3
System operation and maintenance
Lubrication, adjustments, tuning 1-5
Table 3.22: motor driven sub-system power energy saving measures

Cross-media effects
Harmonics cau sed b y sp eed c ontrollers, e tc. c ause losses i n m otors a nd t ransformers ( see
Section 3.5.2). An EEM takes more natural resources (copper and steel) for its production.

Electric motor drives exist in practically all industrial plants, where electricity is available.

The a pplicability o f pa rticular m easures, a nd the extent to w hich they m ight s ave m oney,
depend upon the size and specific nature of the installation. An assessment of the needs of the
entire installation and of the system within it can determine which measures are both applicable
and profitable. This should be done by a qualified drive system service provider or by qualified
in-house engineering staff. In particular, this is important for VSDs and EEMs, where there is a
risk of using more energy, r ather than s avings. It i s necessary t o treat new dr ive a pplication

204 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

designs f rom parts replacement in ex isting ap plications. The a ssessment co nclusions w ill
identify t he m easures which a re applicable to a system, a nd will include a n e stimate of t he
savings, the cost of the measure, as well as the payback time.

For instance, EEMs include more material (copper and steel) than motors of a lower efficiency.
As a r esult, a n EEM has a higher efficiency but also a l ower slip f requency ( which results in
more rpm) and a hi gher s tarting c urrent from t he power supply t han a m otor of s tandard
efficiency. The following e xamples s how cases w here u sing a n E EM i s not t he opt imum

when a HVAC system is working under full load conditions, the replacement of an EEM
increases t he speed of t he ventilators ( because of t he l ower slip) a nd s ubsequently
increases t he t orque load. Using an E EM in t his case b rings about h igher en ergy
consumption than by using a motor of standard efficiency. The design should aim not to
increase the final rpm
if t he application r uns l ess than 1000 2000 hours per y ear (i ntermittent drives), the
EEM may not produce a significant effect on energy savings (see Economics, below)
if the application has to start and stop frequently, the savings may be lost because of the
higher starting current of the EEM
if the application runs mainly with a partial load (e.g. pumps) but for long running times,
the savings by using EEM are negligible and a VSD will increase the energy savings.

The p rice of a n E EM m otor i s a bout 20 % hi gher than t hat of a c onvetional one . Over i ts
lifetime, approximate costs associated with operating a motor are shown in Figure 3.30:

The cost of using a motor throughout its

lifetime is divided as:

1.50% 2.50%



Figure 3.30: Lifetime costs of an electric motor

When buying or repairing a motor, it is really important to consider the energy consumption and
to minimise it as follows:

payback period can be as short as 1 year or less with AC drives

high efficiency motors need a longer payback on energy savings.

Calculating the payback f or t his e nergy efficient technique, e .g. buy ing a higher e fficiency
motor compared to rewinding a failed standard motor:

Cost HEM Cost old

Payback (in years) = 1 1 Equation 3.11

kW H Cost electricity
rewinded HEM

Energy Efficiency 205

Chapter 3


costHEM = cost of the new high efficiency motor

costold = cost of rewinding the old motor
= cost of electricity
kW = average power drawn by motor when running.

Driving forces for implementation

AC drives are often installed in order to improve the machine control
other factors are important in the selection of motors: e.g. safety, quality and reliability,
reactive power, maintenance interval.

LKAB ( Sweden) this mining company c onsumes 1 700 gigawatt hour s of electricity a
year, 90 pe r c ent o f which i s us ed t o p ower 15 000 motors. B y s witching to hi gh
efficiency motors, LKAB cuts its annual energy bill by several hundred thousand dollars
(no date)
Heinz f ood pr ocessing factory (UK) a new energy centre w ill be 14 % more efficient
due to combustion air f ans c ontrolled by AC dr ives. The energy centre has f our boi lers
and has replaced the existing boiler plant.

Reference information
[137, EC, , 139, US_DOE, , 231, The motor challenge programme, , 232, 60034-30]

3.7 Compressed air systems (CAS)

Compressed a ir i s a ir t hat is stored a nd us ed at a pr essure hi gher than atmospheric pressure.
Compressed air systems take a given mass of air, which occupies a given volume of space, and
compress it into a smaller space.

Compressed air accounts for as much as 10 % of industrial consumption of electricity, or over

80 TWh per year in the EU-15.

Compressed air is used in two ways:

as an integral component in industrial processes, e.g.

providing low purity nitrogen to provide an inert process atmosphere
providing low purity oxygen in oxidation processes, e.g. waste water treatment
for clean rooms, protection against contaminants, etc.
stirring in high temperature processes, e.g. steel and glass
blowing glass fibres and glass containers
plastics moulding
pneumatic sorting

as an energy medium, e.g.

driving compressed air tools
driving pneumatic actuators (e.g. cylinders).

The predominant us e of compressed a ir in I PPC a pplications i s as a n integral c omponent i n

industrial pr ocesses. The pressure, t he c ompressed air p urity a nd t he de mand profile a re
predetermined by the process itself.

206 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

Compressed air is intrinsically clean and safe, due to its low risk of ignition or explosion either
directly or from pa rts retaining he at, a nd i t i s therefore widely used in hazardous areas in
chemical and related industries. Contrary to electricity, it does not require a 'return' pipe/cable
and when us ed f or driving t ools, provides a hi gh power de nsity a nd in t he case of positive
displacement to ols constant torque a t constant pressure e ven a t l ow rotational s peeds. This
represents an ad vantage compared t o e lectrical tools i n m any ap plications. It i s a lso easy t o
adapt to c hanging production r equirements (often in high volume pr oduction s ituations), a nd
can be used with its own pneumatic logic controls. It can be readily installed (although these are
being superseded as cheaper electronic controls become available).

Pneumatic m echanical d evices are o ften u sed for short, fast, l ow f orce linear movements o r
create high forces at low speed, such as driving assembly tools and processes (either manual or
automated). Electric devices used for the same purpose are available: there are stroke magnets
for short, fast m ovements a nd m otors w ith threaded-rod-drives f or high f orces. H owever,
pneumatic tools are convenient due to their low weight-to-power ratio which make them useful
for long periods of time without overheating and with low maintenance costs.

However, when there are no other driving forces, alternatives to using compressed air should be

The c ompressed a ir s upply of ten r epresents a n integral pa rt of the plant de sign a nd ha s t o be

analysed in pa rallel w ith the ov erall compressed a ir r equirements o f t he facility. In IPPC
applications, the CAS is an important energy user and the share of the total energy used in the
facilities may vary between 5 and 25 %. Due to the interest in energy efficiency, manufacturers
of c ompressors a nd r elated equipment ha ve de veloped t echnologies a nd t ools f or the
optimisation of existing CASs and for design of new and more efficient alternatives

Nowadays i nvestment is gov erned by lifecycle cost analyses, especially w ith t he s upply of a
new CAS. Energy efficiency is considered a major parameter in CAS design, and there is still
potential in the optimisation of existing CASs. The lifetime of a large compressor is estimated at
15 to 20 y ears. I n this time, t he demand pr ofile in a facility c an change a nd may ne ed t o be
reassessed, a nd i n a ddition t o t his, ne w t echnologies a re be coming a vailable t o i mprove t he
energy efficiency of existing systems.

In general, the choice of a n e nergy medium ( e.g. CAS) de pends o n many pa rameters o f t he
application and has to be analysed case by case.

Energy efficiency in CASs

In most major process industry uses, compressed air is an integral component in the industrial
process. In t he m ajority of such a pplications, it is the only readily a vailable technology t o
perform the process as it is, i.e. without a major redesign. In such situations energy efficiency in
CASs i s pr imarily or exclusively determined by the efficiency of c ompressed a ir production,
treatment and distribution.

The energy efficiency of compressed air production, treatment and distribution is predetermined
by the quality of planning, manufacturing and maintenance of the system. The aim of an expert
design i s t o pr ovide c ompressed air s uitable f or the ne eds o f the a pplication. A pr oper
understanding of the application and the compressed air demand must be identified before the
implementation of one or more of the energy efficiency techniques. It is sensible to embed these
techniques in an energy management system w here a reliable compressed a ir system au dit is
supported by a good quality database (see Sections 2.1 and 2.15.1).

In 2000, a study was carried out under the European SAVE programme to analyse the energy
efficiency po tentials i n a CAS. E ven t hough i t c overs all a pplications, and CAS i n I PPC
facilities are typically larger than the average CAS in industry, it provides a good overview on
the relevant measures for improving the energy efficiency of a CAS.

Energy Efficiency 207

Chapter 3

A summary is given in Table 3.23:

Energy savings % gains % potential

% applicability (1) Comments
measure (2) contribution (3)
System installation or renewal
Improvement of Most cost effective in
drives (high 25 2 0.5 small (<10 kW)
efficiency motors) systems
Improvement of Applicable to variable
drives (speed load systems. In multi-
control) machine installations,
only one machine
should be fitted with a
25 15 3.8 variable speed drive.
The estimated gain is
for overall
improvement of
systems, be they mono
or multi-machine.
Upgrading of
30 7 2.1
Use of
sophisticated 20 12 2.4
control systems
Recovering waste Note that the gain is in
heat for use in terms of energy, not of
other functions electricity
20 20 80 4.0
consumption, since
electricity is converted
to useful heat
Improved cooling, This does not include
drying and more frequent filter
10 5 0.5
filtering replacement (see
Overall system
design, including
50 9 4.5
frictional pressure
losses (for
50 3 1.5
example by
increasing pipe
Optimising certain
5 40 2.0
end use devices
System operation and maintenance
Reducing air leaks 80 20 16.0 Largest potential gain
More frequent
40 2 0.8
filter replacement
TOTAL 32.9
Table legend:
(1) % of CASs where this measure is applicable and cost effective
(2) % reduction in annual energy consumption
(3) Potential contribution = applicability * reduction
Table 3.23: Energy savings measures in CASs
[168, PNEUROP, 2007]

When using compressed air f or driving t ools, it should be taken into account that 'mechanical
efficiency' i s de fined as 'shaft pow er of the tool d ivided by t he t otal electrical input pow er
needed to produce the compressed air consumed by the tool' and is typically in the range of 10
15 %.

208 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

Achieved environmental benefits

The aim of most t echniques us ed to design or to modify a CAS is to i mprove of t he e nergy
efficiency of that system. Consequential benefits of improving energy efficiency of a CAS may
include the reduction of noise emissions and the use of cooling water. Life expectancy of CASs
and compressors is relatively high, t herefore the use of materials in r eplacement equipment is

Cross-media effects
Emissions are limited to noise and oil mist. Other environmental impacts of a CAS are minor in
relation to the use of energy.

In most facilities, the CAS is an independent sub-system. Most of the possible modifications in
these systems do not influence other systems or processes. Energy usage for a CAS should be
accounted for when used in other processes, see Section 1.3

Operational Data
Components of a CAS
A CAS is a combination of four sub-systems independent of the application:

compressed air generation

compressed air storage
compressed air treatment
compressed air distribution.

In addition to this, there are auxiliary systems such as heat recovery or condensate treatment.

Typical components of the sub-systems are shown in Table 3.24:

Generation Storage Treatment Distribution Auxiliary systems

Compressor R eceiver Dryer Piping Heat recovery
Controller Filter Valves Condensate drains
Table 3.24: Typical components in a CAS
[168, PNEUROP, 2007]

A scheme of the typical components of a compressed air system is shown in Figure 3.31.

Figure 3.31: Typical components of a compressed air system (CAS)

[168, PNEUROP, 2007]

Energy Efficiency 209

Chapter 3

The majority of facilities have a multi-compressor station with central compressed air treatment
and a l arge distribution s ystem. In addition t o t his, machines such a s looms or glass
manufacturing devices often have an integrated, dedicated compressed air system. There is no
standard system design for specific applications. Depending on the process and the parameters,
there is the need to select the right components and to manage their interaction.

Types of compressors
Efficiency v aries with the type of the c ompressor and w ith de sign. Efficiency, and t herefore,
running costs are key factors in the selection of a compressor, but the choice may be determined
by the required quality and quantity of the compressed air.

Air compressor technology i ncludes t wo basic g roups, po sitive d isplacement a nd dy namic

compressors. These a re further s egmented i nto s everal c ompressor types a s s hown in
Figure 3.32 and text below:

Figure 3.32: Types of compressors

[168, PNEUROP, 2007]

positive displacement compressors i ncrease t he pressure of a given quantity of air by

reducing the space occupied by the air at the original pressure. This type of compressor is
available in two basic styles, reciprocating and rotary. Both of these basic styles is then
further segmented by different technologies:
reciprocating compressors ut ilise a piston m oving w ithin a c ylinder t o c ompress
low pressure a ir to high pressure. They are available in single-acting and double-
acting configurations
rotary screw compressors are the most widely applied industrial compressors in the
40 (30 kW) to 500 hp ( 373 kW) range. They are available in both lubricated and
oil-free configurations. The popularity of rotary compressors is due to the relatively
simple design, ease of installation, low routine maintenance requirements, ease of
maintenance, long operating life and affordable cost

dynamic compressors are rotary continuous-flow machines in which the rapidly rotating
element accelerates the air as it passes through the element, converting the velocity head
into pressure, pa rtially i n the r otating element a nd partially i n s tationary diffusers o r
blades. The capacity of a dy namic compressor varies c onsiderably w ith t he working

210 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

Each CAS is a complex application that requires expertise in its design and the application of
particular techniques. The design depends on many parameters such as:

demand profile (including peak demand)

compressed air quality needed
spatial constraints imposed by the building and/or plant.

As an e xample, ISO 8573- 1 classifies compressed air quality f or three types of contaminants.
There are several classes which show the wide spread of purity needed for any contaminant in
different applications:

solid particle 8 classes

humidity and liquid water 10 classes
total oil content 5 classes.

In addition to this, it is not possible to evaluate the application of energy efficiency techniques
for c ompletely different s ystems. This can be i llustrated by two de mand profiles as s hown i n
Figure 3.33.

Air demand profile no 1


100 Monday
Capacity in l/s


60 Friday


0:15 2:00 3:45 5:30 7:15 9:00 10:45 12:30 14:15 16:00 17:45 19:30 21:15 23:00


Air demand profile no 2


Capacity in l/s

80 Thursday
60 Saturday



0:15 2:00 3:45 5:30 7:15 9:00 10:4512:3014:1516:0017:4519:3021:1523:00


Figure 3.33: Different demand profiles

[168, PNEUROP, 2007]

Energy Efficiency 211

Chapter 3

The description of the following techniques (see Section 3.7.1 to 3.7.10) gives an brief overview
of the possibilities. An expert system and demand analysis are the precondition for a new design
or the optimisation of a CAS.

As described in Chapter 2, modifications in complex systems have to be evaluated case by case.

The price of compressed air is very variable in Europe from one company to another, from EUR
0.006 to 0. 097 p er N m3 (considering t hat in 2 006 the pr ice of t he electricity va ried b etween
EUR 0.052/kWh in Finland and was EUR 0.1714/kWh in Denmark: NUS consulting study on
the electricity price). It is estimated that 75 % of this goes on energy compared to only 13 % on
investment and 12 % on m aintenance (based on us age of 6000 hou rs/year for five years). The
variation i n its cost is m ainly due t o the d ifference be tween an optimised i nstallation a nd a n
installation t hat has not b een o ptimised. I t is e ssential to t ake th is k ey parameter into
consideration both when designing an installation and in the running of an existing installation.

The energy cost of compressed air is expressed in terms of specific energy consumption (SEC)
in Wh/Nm3. For a correctly dimensioned and well managed installation, operating at a nominal
flow a nd a t a pressure o f 7 bars, t he f ollowing c an be taken as a r eference ( it t akes d ifferent
compressor technologies into account):

85 Wh/Nm3 <SEC <130 Wh/Nm3 [194, ADEME, 2007]

This ra tio represents the quality of t he d esign a nd t he m anagement of t he compressed a ir

installation. It is important to know and monitor it (see Benchmarking in Section 2.16), because
it can quickly deteriorate, leading to a large rise in the price of the air.

Initiatives ha ve a lready be en t aken by M ember S tate organisations a nd m anufacturers in t he

area of energy efficiency improvement. Such programmes have shown that the implementation
of the described techniques have a good return of investment.

Driving force for implementation

The improvement of e nergy e fficiency i n c ombination with short amortisation periods is the
relevant motivation for the implementation of the described techniques (normal market forces).

Widely used.

Reference information
[190, Druckluft, , 191, Druckluft, , 193, Druckluft] [168, PNEUROP, 2007, 169, EC, 1993, 194,
ADEME, 2007] [189, Radgen&Blaustein, 2001, 196, Wikipedia]

3.7.1 System design

Nowadays many e xisting CASs lack a n upda ted overall d esign. T he i mplementation o f
additional compressors and various applications in several stages along the installation lifetime
without a parallel r edesign f rom the or iginal system ha ve f requently r esulted in a s uboptimal
performance of a CAS.

One f undamental pa rameter i n a CAS is t he pressure v alue. A number of pressure d emands,

depending on the application, usually sets up a trade-off between low pressures giving a higher
energy ef ficiency an d h igh pressures where smaller an d ch eaper d evices can be used. The
majority of consumers use a pressure of about 6 bar(g), but there are requirements for pressures
of up t o 13 ba r(g). Often the pressure is chosen to meet the maximum pressure needed for all

212 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

It is important to consider that too low a pressure will cause malfunctioning of some machines,
while a pressure higher than necessary will not, but will result in reduced efficiency. In many
cases, there is an 8 o r 10 bar(g) system pressure, but most of the air is throttled to 6 bar(g) by
pressure reducing valves.

It i s st ate-of-the-art t o ch oose a p ressure w hich satisfies 95 % o f a ll needs an d u ses a small

pressure-increasing device for the rest. Operators try to eliminate the devices needing more than
6 bar(g), or having two systems with different pressures, one with a higher pressure and one for
6.5 bar(g).

Another ba sic pa rameter i s t he c hoice of the s torage volume. A s c ompressed a ir de mand

typically c omes from many different d evices, m ostly w orking in termittently, there a re
fluctuations in air demand. A storage volume helps to reduce the pressure demand fluctuations
and to fill short-timing peak demands (see Section 3.7.10).

Smoothed demand allows a steadier running of smaller compressors, with less idling time and
thus less electric energy is needed. Systems may have more than one air receiver. Strategically
locating air receivers near sources of high short-timing demands can also be effective, meeting
peak demand of devices and making it possible to lower system pressures.

A third fundamental design issue for a compressed air system is dimensioning the pipework and
positioning the compressors. Any type of obstruction, restriction or roughness in the system will
cause resistance to the airflow and will cause the pressure to drop, as will long pipe runs. In the
distribution system, the highest pressure drops are usually found at the points of use, including
undersized hoses, tubes, push-fit connectors, filters, regulators and lubricators. Also, the use of
welded pipework may reduce frictional losses.

Sometimes the air demand has grown 'organically' over the years and a former side branch of
the pipework w ith a s mall diameter h as to t ransfer a h igher v olume f low, resulting in
pressure l oss. In s ome c ases, p lant e quipment i s no longer us ed. The a irflow to t his unused
equipment should be stopped as far back in the distribution system as possible without affecting
operating equipment.

A properly designed system should have a pressure loss of less than 10 % of the compressors
discharge pressure to the point of use. This can be reached by: regular pressure loss monitoring,
selecting dryers, filters, hoses and push-fit connectors having a low pressure drop for the rated
conditions, reducing the di stance the air t ravels through t he di stribution s ystem a nd
recalculating the pipe diameters if there are new air demands.

What is often summed up under the point 'overall system design' is actually the design function
of t he u se o f compressed air. This can lead to inappropriate us e, for example, ov er-
pressurisation followed by expansion to reach the proper pressure, but these situations are rare.
In industry nowadays, most people are aware of compressed air as a significant cost factor.

Achieved environmental benefits

Keeping up a co mpressed air system design as a st ate-of-the-art system as t his lowers electric
energy consumption.

Cross-media effects
No data submitted.

Operational data
Better efficiency may require more and better equipment (more and bigger tubes, filters, etc.).

Energy Efficiency 213

Chapter 3

There a re m any co mpressed air s ystems, with estimates as high as 5 0 % o f a ll sy stems, that
could be improved by a r evision of t heir overall design, w ith a g ain of 9 % by lowering t he
pressure and with better tank dimensioning (in 50 % of systems) and 3 % by lowering pipework
pressure losses (in 50 % of systems) resulting in 6 % = 0.5 x (0.09 + 0.03) energy savings.

System design may also include the optimisation of certain end use devices, typically in 5 % of
all systems it is possible to lower the demand by some 40 %, resulting in 2 % (i.e. 0.05 x 0.4)
energy savings.

Economics and driving force for implementation

The costs of revising a c ompressed a ir system w ith c onsequent readjustment o f pressure and
renewing pipework is not easy to calculate and depends very much on the circumstances of the
particular plant. The savings in a medium size system of 50 kW can be estimated to be:

50 kW x 3000 h/yr x EUR 0.08/kW x 10 % = EUR 1200/yr

The costs for a major revision in such a system, adding a 90 litre tank near a critical consumer
and a shut-off valve for a sparsely used branch, replacing 20 metres of pipework, 10 hoses and
disconnectors i s about E UR 2000, s o t he payback pe riod is a pr ofitable 1.7 y ears. O ften t he
costs are lower, when only some pressure readjustment needs to be done, but in every case there
has to be thorough considerations about the lowest tolerable pressure meeting the needs.

Economics are a driving force to revise compressed air systems. A major obstacle is a lack of
knowledge and/or of skilled staff responsible for compressed air systems. Technical staff may
be aware that the compressed air is expensive, but the inefficiencies are not readily obvious, and
the operator may lack staff with sufficient in-depth experience.

Initiatives i n m any c ountries of the E U f or spreading c ompressed air knowledge s trongly

promoted the implementation, creating a 'win-win-win' situation: the owner of the compressed
air systems wins lower overall costs, the supplier of compressors and other devices wins higher
revenues and the environment wins lower power station emissions.

No data submitted.

Reference information
[168, PNEUROP, 2007, 194, ADEME, 2007]

3.7.2 Variable speed drives (VSD)

Variable speed drives (VSD, see Section 3.6.3) for compressors find applications mainly when
the process air requirements of the users fluctuate, over times of the day and days of the week.
Conventional compressor control systems such as load/unload, modulation, capacity control and
others, try to follow this change in the air demand. If this leads to high switching frequencies
and h igh idle t ime, a co nsequential r eduction in t he en ergy efficiency t akes place. In VSD
compressors, the speed of the electric motor is varied in relation to the compressed air demands,
resulting in a high level of energy savings.

Studies show that a majority of compressed air applications have moderate to large fluctuations
in air demand and hence there is great potential for energy savings by the application of variable
speed driven compressors.

Achieved environmental benefits

Savings in energy.

214 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

Cross-media effects

Operational data
Tests carried out by a n independent laboratory ha ve demonstrated high e nergy s avings, w hen
running against typical air demand patterns. Variable speed drives on compressors, apart from
energy savings, also yield some additional benefits:

pressure i s v ery stable a nd t his benefits o perational process stability i n some s ensitive
power factors are m uch hi gher t han for c onventional drives. This keeps r eactive power
starting c urrents n ever exceed the full load c urrents o f the motor. U sers can, as a
consequence, reduce t he r atings of electrical c omponents. A lso where a pplicable, the
users can avoid power penalties from utility companies by avoiding current peaks during
start-up. Peak savings occur automatically
VSD technology provides a smooth start-up at low speeds eliminating current and torque
peaks, t hus reducing m echanical w ear and electrical stress and extending t he operating
lifetime of the compressor
the noise level is reduced as the compressor runs only when necessary.

Variable speed drive compressors are appropriate for a number of operations in a wide range of
industries, including metal, food, textile, pharmaceutical, chemical plants, etc. where there is a
highly fluctuating d emand pattern f or co mpressed a ir. N o r eal b enefit can b e achieved i f t he
compressor operates continuously at its full capacity or close to it (see Examples, below).

VSD c ompressors m ay be a pplied i nto a n e xisting c ompressed a ir i nstallation. On t he ot her

hand, VSD controllers c ould b e integrated i nto e xisting f ixed s peed c ompressors; however,
better p erformances a re o btained w hen the VSD c ontroller a nd t he m otor a re s upplied i n
conjunction since they are matched to give the highest efficiency within the speed range. VSD
applications s hould be limited to m ore up- to-date compressors d ue to possible problems w ith
older compressors. The manufacturer or CAS expert should be consulted if in doubt.

Many C ASs already h ave a v ariable sp eed driven c ompressor so the a pplicability a cross
industry f or a dditional v ariable s peed compressors is s ome 25 %. The savings can be up t o
30 %, although the average gain in a CAS, where one compressor with a variable speed drive is
added, is about 15 %. It is likely that more CASs can employ variable speed driven compressors
to their advantage.

Energy typically constitutes about 80 % of the life cycle costs of the compressor, the balance of
20 % comprises investments and maintenance. An installation, where (conservatively estimated)
15 % energy is saved owing to using variable speed drives, saves 12 % life cycle costs, whereas
the additional investment for the variable speed compressor (instead of a traditional one) adds
only some 2 to 5 % to the life cycle costs.

Driving force for implementation

Economics and environmental concerns are the primary drivers.

Capacity tests to BS1571 were undertaken on an 18-month old screw compressor at Norwegian
Talc Ltd. Hartlepool, UK. Energy savings of 9.4 kW (or 9 % of full-load power) at 50 % rated
delivery w ere p ossible, an d g reater savings w ere p ossible if r unning a t an even l ighter load.
However, at full-load the energy consumption would be 4 % higher due to the power losses with
the inverter. Therefore, a VSD should not be used with compressors running for long periods at

Energy Efficiency 215

Chapter 3

Reference information
[168, PNEUROP, 2007, 194, ADEME, 2007, 195, DETR]

3.7.3 High efficiency motors (HEM)

Although a formal definition for a high efficiency motor does not exist, these components are
generally classified as motors where losses have been reduced to the absolute minimum. High
efficiency motors minimise electrical and mechanical losses to provide energy savings. Various
classifications exist worldwide to differentiate high efficiency motors from others. Examples are
EFF1, NEMA premium, etc. (see Section 3.6.1).

Achieved environmental benefit

Savings in energy.

Cross-media effects
current drawn is lower
heat generated is lower.

Operational data
No data submitted.

Motor losses are independent of where and what for the motor is used for. This means that high
efficiency m otors can b e used a lmost a nywhere. H igh efficiency m otors a re a lready us ed in
most large applications (75 %); the majority of the remaining 25 % are smaller systems.

A seemingly small efficiency gain of even 1 2 % contributes to proportional savings during
the entire lifetime of the motor. Cumulative savings will be substantial.

Driving force for implementation

Cost savings.

No data submitted.

Reference information
[168, PNEUROP, 2007, 194, ADEME, 2007, 195, DETR]

3.7.4 CAS master control systems

In t he majority o f IPPC applications, CASs ar e m ulti-compressor i nstallations. The en ergy
efficiency of such multi-compressor installations can be significantly improved by CAS master
controls, which exchange operational data with the compressors and partly or fully control the
operational modes of the individual compressors.

The efficiency of s uch m aster c ontrols strongly depends on the c apabilities of the
communication l ink, w hich c an r ange f rom s imple f loating r elay c ontacts t o n etworks us ing
automation pr otocols. A n i ncrease in communication c apabilities offers m ore d egrees of
freedom to retrieve operational data from the compressor, to control the operational mode of the
individual compressors and to optimise the overall energy consumption of a CAS.

216 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

The c ontrol strategy of t he m aster c ontrol ha s t o take i nto a ccount t he characteristics of t he

individual compressors, in pa rticular their control m ode. S ome remarks on c ontrol modes of
common compressor types are given to illustrate this. The most commonly used control modes
of individual compressors are:

switching between load, idle and stop, and

frequency control.

The m ain features of s ophisticated c ompressor and master controls c an be s ummarised a s


advanced communication features (e.g. based on automation protocols)

comprehensive access of the C AS m aster control to ope rational data o f individual
comprehensive control of all compressor operation modes by the CAS master control
self-learning opt imisation of m aster control s trategy, i ncluding r ecognition of C AS
determination and activation of highly energy efficient combinations of loaded, idling and
stopped compressors and transitions between these states to match total free air delivery
(FAD) demand
effective control of variable frequency compressors to compensate short term fluctuations
in FAD demand avoiding inefficient long term operation at constant speed, in particular
at low frequencies
minimisation of switching frequencies and idle operation of fixed speed compressors
sophisticated prediction methods and models for total FAD demand including recognition
of cyclic demand patterns (daily or weekly shift and workspace patterns, etc.)
additional functions like remote monitoring, plant data collection, maintenance planning,
teleservice and/or supply of preprocessed operational data via web servers
control of other CAS components in addition to compressors.

Achieved environmental benefit

improved energy efficiency
current drawn and heat generated are lower.

Cross-media effects

Operational data
in single compressor installations: the optimal operating conditions in a CAS take place
when t he c ompressor w orks c ontinuously a t a f ixed s peed at op timum efficiency.
However, if the air demand is not continuous, stopping/idling the compressor during long
idle periods may be a more efficient solution:
compressors without frequency control a re s witched be tween load, i dle and s top t o
operate at a fixed speed and provide 100 % (FAD) during load and 0 % FAD during idle
or stop. Sometimes, operating the compressor in idle mode instead of stopping it may be
necessary, if the pressure regulation requires more frequent changes between 100 % FAD
and 0 % FAD t han the permissible starting f requency of t he electric drive motor would
allow for.

The pow er c onsumption d uring i dle ope ration i s t ypically 20 25 % o f t he f ull l oad va lue.
Additional losses result from venting t he compressor after switching t o stop and f rom electric
starting l osses of the drive m otor. In single compressor i nstallations t he r equired switching
frequency d irectly d epends o n t he load p rofile, the re ceiver (s torage) size, t he a dmissible
pressure band and the FAD of the compressor.

Energy Efficiency 217

Chapter 3

If t hese c ontrol p arameters a re ch osen inappropriately, t he av erage ef ficiency o f f ixed sp eed

compressors ope rating in di scontinuous mode c an be significantly reduced c ompared to t hose
operating a t f ull speed in c ontinuous m ode. In s uch cases, the use o f sophisticated master
controls to optimise t he process pa rameters o f the c ompressor w orking di scontinuously is an
effective tool to improve the efficiency of the CAS. Complex master controls are designed and
programmed t o minimise i dle operation and s witching frequencies using various s trategies by
directly stopping compressors whenever the motor temperature (measured or estimated) allows
for a p ossible i mmediate r estart, w here n ecessary. F ixed sp eed compressors are v ery en ergy
efficient if minimisation of idle periods is achieved

in compressors with frequency controls the operating speed of the compressor element
is c ontinuously v aried b etween m aximum a nd minimum s peed. N ormally t he c ontrols
range between maximum and minimum speed which is approx. 4:1 to 5:1 and the FAD of
displacement c ompressors ( e.g. screw c ompressors) is r oughly proportional t o t he
operating speed. Due to inherent losses in frequency converters and induced losses in the
asynchronous drive motors, the efficiency of the drive system itself is reduced compared
to f ixed s peed d rives ( 3 4 % reduction a t f ull load, and e ven m ore a t pa rt l oad). I n
addition, the e fficiency rate of di splacement compressors ( e.g. oi l-injected a nd dr y
running screw compressors) significantly decreases at low operating speeds compared to
operation at the design point.

In single compressor installations, these negative effects can be compensated by the appropriate
regulation properties of the variable frequency compressor when eliminating the idling, venting
and/or starting losses that fixed speed compressors would have in the same application. Due to
the limited c ontrol r ange (see above), even variable f requency c ompressors have s ome i dling,
stopping and/or starting losses at low FAD demands.

multi-compressor installations: For multi-compressor installations the above reasoning is

too simplistic b ecause t he varying ov erall FAD de mand w ill be matched by t he m aster
control through complex combinations of, and transitions between, the operation modes
of several c ompressors. This a lso includes controlling t he operating speed of a variable
frequency compressor, w here t here are a ny, i n or der t o s ignificantly minimise the idle
operation and switching frequencies of the fixed speed compressors.

The integration of a v ariable f requency compressor in a m ulti-compressor i nstallation can be

very successful in a CAS with a relatively low storage capacity, strongly and/or rapidly varying
FAD de mand, few c ompressors a nd/or i nsufficiently s taged compressor s izes. A C AS with
reasonably s taged c ompressor s izes, on the other hand, e nables m aster controls to p recisely
adjust pr oduced FAD to F AD demand by activating a multitude of di fferent compressor
combinations with low switching frequencies and low idle time.

Master controls t ypically ope rate multiple compressors on a common pr essure band t o keep a
defined m inimum pr essure a t a n a ppropriate m easurement poi nt. T his p rovides c lear e nergy
savings compared to cascade schemes. Sophisticated master controls use strategies which allow
narrowing of the pressure band without increasing the switching frequencies and the idle time of
the c ompressors. A narrow p ressure band further lowers t he average b ackpressure a nd h ence
reduces the s pecific energy requirement o f t he loaded compressors an d artificial d ownstream

According to the SAVE study, the retrofit of sophisticated control systems is applicable to, and
cost effective for, 20 % of e xisting CASs. F or typically l arge C ASs in IPPC i nstallations, the
use of sophisticated master controls should be regarded as state-of-the-art.

218 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

The highest e nergy s avings c an be a chieved if the i mplementation of sophisticated master

controls is p lanned in the phase of system de sign ph ase together w ith the i nitial compressor
selection or in combination with major component (compressors) replacements. In these cases,
attention s hould be pa id to t he s election o f m aster and compressor c ontrols with a dvanced,
comprehensive and compatible communication capabilities.

Due t o t he l ong lifetime of a CAS, t his opt imum scenario is no t always within reach, b ut
retrofitting a n existing C AS with s ophisticated m aster c ontrols and if there is no m ore
progressive alternative even connecting old compressors to it via floating relay contacts, can
provide significant energy savings.

The cost effectiveness for integrating master control systems in a newly designed CAS depends
on c ircumstances l ike de mand pr ofiles, c able lengths a nd c ompressor t ypes. T he r esulting
average en ergy sav ings i s estimated to be 1 2 %. I n t he case o f r etrofitting, a master control
system in a n e xisting CAS, t he i ntegration of ol der c ompressors a nd t he a vailability of pl ans
gives another uncertainty, but a payback time of less than one year is typical.

Driving force for implementation

The primary driving force for implementation is the reduction of energy costs, but some others
are w orth m entioning. I f s ophisticated m aster a nd c ompressor c ontrols p rovide a dvanced
communication c apabilities, i t becomes pos sible t o c ollect comprehensive ope rational data in
the m aster c ontrol. I n c ombination w ith o ther features, this p rovides a ba sis f or p lanned o r
condition-based maintenance, teleservice, remote-monitoring, plant data collection, compressed
air co sting an d si milar services, w hich co ntribute to a r eduction o f m aintenance c osts, an
increase of operational availability and a higher awareness of compressed air production costs.

The i nstallation of a c omputerised c ompressor c ontrol system ha s r educed c ompressed a ir
generation costs by 18.5 % at Ford Motor Company (formerly Land Rover) Solihull, UK. The
system was installed and has been operated with no disruption to production. The overall costs
for the system pr oduced a pa yback pe riod of 1 6 m onths w hich c ould be replicated on m ost
compressed air systems utilising three or more compressors. This presents a simple and reliable
opportunity for large compressed air users to reduce their electrical costs as shown below:

potential users: any compressor house containing three or more compressors

investment costs: total system-related costs were EUR 44900, of which EUR 28300 were
capital costs (1991 prices)
savings achieved: 600000 kWh (2100 GJ/year, worth EUR 34000/year (1991 prices)
payback pe riod: 1.3 years ( direct be nefit from controller); e ight m onths (taking i nto
account consequent leakage reduction).

(GBP 1 = EUR 1.415489, 1 January 1991)

The r equired investment c osts have f allen significantly now adays, thus t he capital cost would
have r educed f rom EUR 28300 t o 5060 i n 1998 resulting i n a pa yback of l ess than 3 months
despite the lower cost of electricity to Land Rover in 1998.

Reference information
[113, Best practice programme, 1996]

Energy Efficiency 219

Chapter 3

3.7.5 Heat recovery

Most of the electrical energy used by an industrial air compressor is converted into heat and has
to be conducted outwards. In many cases, a properly designed heat recovery unit can recover a
high pe rcentage of t his a vailable t hermal e nergy a nd put t o us eful work heating e ither air or
water when there is a demand.

Achieved environmental benefits

Energy savings.

Cross-media effects

Operational data
Two different recovery systems are available:

heating ai r: ai r-cooled p ackaged co mpressors are s uitable t o h eat r ecovery f or sp ace

heating, i ndustrial drying, preheating aspirated a ir f or oil burners or any ot her
applications r equiring w arm a ir. A mbient a tmospheric a ir i s pa ssed t hrough t he
compressor coolers where it extracts the heat from the compressed air process.

Since p ackaged co mpressors are t ypically en closed in cab inets an d a lready i nclude heat
exchangers a nd fans, the only s ystem modifications ne eded are the a ddition of duc ting a nd
another f an t o h andle t he duc t loading and t o e liminate a ny back-pressure on the c ompressor
cooling f an. These h eat r ecovery sy stems c an b e modulated w ith a si mple thermostatically-
controlled hinged vent.

Heat recovery for space heating is less efficient for water-cooled compressors because an extra
stage o f heat e xchange is required a nd the temperature of t he av ailable h eat is l ower. S ince
many water-cooled co mpressors a re q uite large, h eat recovery for sp ace h eating can b e an
attractive opportunity

heating water: it is also possible to use a heat exchanger to extract waste heat from the
lubricant coolers f ound in packaged air- a nd w ater-cooled compressors to p roduce ho t
water. Depending on design, heat exchangers can produce non-potable or potable water.
When hot water is not required, the lubricant is routed to the standard lubricant cooler.

Hot water can be used in central heating or boiler systems, shower systems, industrial cleaning
processes, plating operations, heat pumps, laundries or any other application where hot water is

Heat recovery systems are available for most compressors on the market as optional equipment,
either integrated in the compressor p ackage or a s a n external s olution. A n existing C AS c an
generally be retrofitted very easily and economically. Heat recovery systems are applicable for
both air- and water-cooled compressors.

As much as 80 - 95 % of the electrical energy used by an industrial air compressor is converted
into thermal energy. In many cases, a pr operly d esigned heat recovery un it can recover
approximately 50 - 90 % of this available thermal energy and put it into useful work heating air
or water.

The potential e nergy s avings a re de pendent on the compressed a ir system, on t he op erating

conditions and on the utilisation.

220 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

Recoverable heat from a c ompressed air system is normally insufficient to be used to produce
steam directly.

Typical air temperatures of 25 t o 40 C a bove the cooling a ir inlet temperature and w ater
temperatures of 50 to 75 C can be obtained.

An e xample for an energy s avings calculation of an oil-injected screw compressor is given i n

Table 3.25 below:

Recoverable heat Annual fuel oil saving

Nominal power Annual cost saving
(approx. 80 % of at 4000 running
compressor @ EUR 0.50/l fuel oil
nominal power) hours/yr
kW k W Litres/yr EUR/yr
90 72 36330 18165
Table 3.25: Example of cost savings
[168, PNEUROP, 2007]

nominal power compressor (kW) x 0.8 x running hours/yr x fuel oil costs (EUR/l)
Annual cost saving (EUR/yr) =
gross calorific value fuel oil (kWh/l) x heating oil efficiency factor

Equation 3.12

gross caloric value fuel oil = 10.57 (kWh/l)
efficiency factor oil heating = 75 %.

Driving force for implementation

Cost savings.

No data submitted.

Reference information
[121, Caddet Energy Efficiency, 1999, 168, PNEUROP, 2007]

3.7.6 Reducing compressed air system leaks

The r eduction of c ompressed air system ( CAS) leaks has by far the highest po tential g ain on
energy. Leakage is directly proportional to the system pressure (gauge). Leakages are present in
every CAS and they are effective 24 hours a day, not only during production.

The pe rcentage of compressor capacity lost to leakage s hould be l ess than 10 % i n a well
maintained large system. For small systems, l eakage r ates of less than 5 % are recommended.
The amount of leakage in a poorly maintained 'historically grown' CAS can be up to 25 %.

Preventive maintenance programmes for compressed air systems should therefore include leak
prevention measures and periodic leak tests. Once the leaks are found and repaired, the system
should be re-evaluated. Tests should include the following:

estimating the amount of leakage: all methods of estimating the amount of leakage in a
CAS require no demands on the system, which means that all devices consuming air are
turned off and therefore all air consumption is only due to leakage:

Energy Efficiency 221

Chapter 3

direct measurement is possible if a c ompressed air consumption measurement device is

in a CAS with c ompressors t hat use start/stop controls, t he estimation of the amount of
leakage is possible by determination of the running time (on-load time) of the compressor
in relation to the total time of the measurement. In order to get a representative value, the
measurement time should include at l east f ive starts of t he c ompressor. L eakage
expressed as a percentage of the compressor capacity is then calculated as follows:

Leakage (%) = 100 x running time/measurement time

in a C AS w ith other control s trategies, l eakage c an be e stimated if a valve is installed

between the c ompressor and the system. A n estimation of t he total s ystem v olume
downstream of that valve and a pressure gauge downstream of the valve are also required
the system is then brought to operating pressure (P1), the compressor is switched off and
the valve shut. The time (t) it takes for the system to drop from P1 to a lower pressure P2
is measured. P2 should be about 50 % of the operating pressure (P1). The leakage flow
can then be calculated as follows:
Leakage (m /min) = s ystem volume ( m) x (P 1 (b ar) P2 ( bar)) x 1.2 5/t
The 1.25 m ultiplier i s a correction for t he r educed l eakage w ith falling
system pressure
Leakage ex pressed as a percentage o f t he compressor c apacity is then
calculated as follows:

Leakage (%) = 100 x leakage (m/min)/compressor inlet volume flow (m/min)

reducing the l eakage: s topping l eaks c an b e a s simple a s tightening a connection or as

complex a s replacing f aulty e quipment s uch as couplings, fittings, pipe sections, hos es,
joints, drains, and traps. In many cases, leaks are caused by badly or improperly applied
thread sealant. E quipment or w hole p arts of the s ystem no l onger i n us e should b e
isolated from the active part of the CAS.

An a dditional w ay to reduce leakage i s to lower the ope rating pr essure of t he s ystem. W ith
lower differential pressure across a leak, the leakage flowrate is reduced.

Achieved environmental benefits

Energy savings.

In a ddition to b eing a source o f w asted e nergy, l eaks c an also c ontribute to o ther op erating
losses. Leaks cause a drop in system pressure, which can make air tools function less efficiently,
which decreases productivity. In addition, by f orcing the equipment t o cycle more f requently,
leaks shorten the life of almost all system equipment (including the compressor package itself).
Increased running t ime ca n al so lead t o ad ditional maintenance requirements and increased
unscheduled downtime. Finally, air leaks can lead to adding unnecessary compressor capacity.

Cross-media effects
None reported.

Operational data
Leaks ar e a si gnificant s ource o f w asted e nergy i n a n i ndustrial compressed air sy stem,
sometimes wasting 20 30 % of a compressors output. A typical plant that has not been well
maintained w ill l ikely ha ve a l eak r ate e qual to 20 % o f total compressed air pr oduction

On the other hand, proactive leak detection and repair can reduce leakage to less than 10 % of
compressor output, even in a larger CAS.

222 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

Several methods exist for leak detection:

searching for audible noise caused by larger leaks

applying soapy water with a paint brush to suspect areas
using an ultrasonic acoustic detector
tracing gas leaks using, e.g. hydrogen or helium.

While leakage can occur in any part of the system, the most common problem areas are:

couplings, hoses, tubes, and fittings

pressure regulators
open condensate traps and shut-off valves
pipe joints, disconnections, and thread sealants
compressed air tools.

Generally applicable to all CASs (see Table 3.23).

The costs of leak detection and repair depend on the individual CAS and on the expertise of the
maintenance crew of the plant. Typical savings in a medium size CAS of 50 kW are:

50 kW x 3000 h/yr x EUR 0.08/kWh x 20 % = EUR 2400/yr

The typical costs for regular leakage detection and repair is EUR 1000/yr.

As l eakage r eduction is widely applicable (80 %) and gives the hi ghest gains (20 %), it is the
most important measure for reducing CAS energy consumption.

Driving force for implementation

No data submitted.

Examples plant
Based on 1994 data, Van Leer (UK) Ltd used 179 kWh to produce 1000 m3 of compressed air,
at a c ost o f EUR 7.53/1000 m3. The leakage r eduction e xercise resulted i n a nnual e nergy
savings of 189200 k Wh worth EUR 7641/year. This represented a 25 % saving on t he cost of
providing compressed air. T he leakage s urvey cost EUR 2235 a nd a f urther E UR 2874
(including r eplacement pa rts a nd l abour) w as spent o n r emedial work. W ith s avings of EUR
7641/year, t he leakage r eduction p rogramme a chieved a payback pe riod o f ni ne m onths
(GBP 1 = EUR 1.314547, 1 January 1994).

Reference information
[168, PNEUROP, 2007]

3.7.7 Filter maintenance

Pressure losses can be caused by badly maintained filters, either through inadequate cleaning or
disposable filters not being replaced frequently enough.

Achieved environmental benefits

energy savings
reduced emissions of oil mist and/or particles.

Energy Efficiency 223

Chapter 3

Cross-media effects
Increased use of filters, and discarding as waste.

Operational data
No data submitted.

All CASs.

See Table 3.23.

Driving force for implementation

No data submitted.

No data submitted.

Reference information

3.7.8 Feeding the compressor(s) with cool outside air

Often the main compressor station is placed near the main loads demanding compressed air, to
decrease the pressure drops along the lines. It is not uncommon to find the main station placed
underground, or in inner rooms inside the installation. In such cases, there is normally a lack of
fresh a ir t o f eed t he c ompressors, and the motors a re c ompelled to c ompress the ambient air,
which is generally at a temperature higher than the outside air temperature. For thermodynamic
reasons, the compression of warm air requires more energy than the compression of cool air. In
technical literature, i t i s found that e ach i ncrease of 5 C of inlet air t emperature at the
compressor ca uses an i ncrease of ab out 2 % of the power needed. This energy can b e saved
simply by feeding the compressed air station with outside air, especially in cold seasons, when
the difference between outside and inside temperatures can be several times greater than 5 C,
depending on the location. A duct can be installed connecting the outside and the intake of the
compressor, or to t he e ntire compressed air s tation. A f an may be r equired, depending on the
length o f t he duct, and this e nergy s hould be considered during planning. T he outside intake
should be placed on the north side, or at least in the shade for most of the time.

Achieved environmental benefits

Less co nsumption of p rimary energy r esources. N ormally co mpressors ar e d riven by el ectric

Cross-media effects
None known.

Operational data
Due t o t he p resence of a large a mount of he at r eleased by t he compressor, w hether it is
recovered or not, t he room temperature i n CA s tations i s always hi gh. It i s not uncommon t o
find room temperatures of 30 35 C, even in winter. Obviously, the greater the difference of
outside-inside temperatures, the greater the power savings achievable; it has to be borne in mind
that s uch s avings are t o be multiplied f or t he r unning hour s of compressors normally i n

224 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

Reducing the compressors inlet air temperature by feeding cool air from the outside is always
possible. Sometimes it i s sufficient t o open a c ircular hole in a wall, and i nstall a duct
connecting the outside intake with the compressor intake. When the CA station is located in a
situation where access to the outside is difficult, the ventilation of the room should be improved.
It is estimated to be applicable in 50 % of cases.

The reduction o f t he a ir temperature en tering t he co mpressor i nvolves eco nomic ad vantages
such as: the cold air feed is free; the reduction of running use of compressors (savings of kWh);
the reduction of electric power supply (savings of kW).

Table 3.26 gives an evaluation of the savings that may be achieved by using this technique. This
example is taken from an actual energy diagnosis.

Description Value Unit Formula Comment

Present compression installed
A 135 k W -
B Working hours/year at full load 2000 h/yr -
C Energy needed 270000 kWh AxB
Decrease of feeding air
D 5 C - Estimate
temperature achieved
E Savings per cent 2.00 % - From tech. literature
F Annual electric energy savings 5400 kWh CxE
G Cost of kWh 0.1328 EUR/kWh - Average datum
H Annual economic savings 717 EUR/year FxG
Estimate for duct and
I Investment 5000 EUR -
Internal rate of return (IRR) From cost-benefit
L 6.7 % -
before taxes analysis (*)
From cost-benefit
M Net positive value 536 EUR -
analysis (*)
From cost-benefit
N Payback 7 .0 years -
analysis (*)
(*) For a lifetime of 10 years and an Interest rate of 5 %

Table 3.26: Savings obtained by feeding the compressor with cool outside air

Driving force for implementation

simplicity of installation
energy and money savings.

A semi-conductor mill in Italy.

Reference information
[229, Di Franco, , 231, The motor challenge programme, , 233, Petrecca, 1992]

Energy Efficiency 225

Chapter 3

3.7.9 Optimising the pressure level

The lower the p ressure level of t he co mpressed a ir g enerated, the m ore co st ef fective t he
production. H owever, i t is n ecessary t o e nsure t hat all active co nsumers are supplied w ith
sufficient compressed air at all times. Improved control systems make it possible to reduce peak
pressure. In principle, there are several ways to narrow the pressure ranges, thus reducing the
pressure of the compressed air generated. These possibilities are listed below and illustrated in
Figure 3.35:

direct r eadjustment v ia m echanical s witches o n t he c ompressors. The c heapest way t o

adjust the pressure range of a c ompressor is to use mechanical pressure switches. Since
the setting sometimes changes by itself, these control switches have to be readjusted from
time to time
intelligent control u sing a frequency c onverter c ompressor or o ptimal compressor s ize.
The p ressure range is r eadjusted b y means of a f requency converter c ompressor
functioning a s a pe ak load compressor a nd a dapting its speed d rives to specific
compressed air needs, or by means of a master control which switches to a compressor of
the most appropriate size
reduction o f t he p ressure r ange r ight to the limit (optimised i ntelligent c ontrol). The
intelligent c ontrol s ystem r educes t he pr essure r ange t o t he po int w hich allows t he
compressor network to operate j ust a bove t he l imit of under supply. Figure 3.34 shows
different efficiencies of those control systems.

Pressure (bar)

Current Optimised Intelligent Optimised

system mechanical control intelligent
control control

Figure 3.34: Different kinds of compressor control

[28, Berger, 2005]

226 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

Figure 3.34 is described below:

horizontal red lines in the different control systems in indicate the average pressure of the
compressed air generated
diagonally filled yellow bars f or c urrent systems sh ow that t he a verage p ressure o f the
compressed air is 8.2 bar
vertically filled green bars show that the mechanical pressure switches can only be set to
a difference of 0.4 bar (the difference between the predefined lower and upper limit) due
to occurring tolerance margins, thus generating compressed air at 7.8 ba r. This is based
on the assumption that the point at which the first peak load compressor is switched on
remains unchanged at 7.6 bar
an in telligent control system blue s potted bars can narrow t he p ressure r ange of the
entire compressor s tation down t o 0 .2 ba r. This control s ystem responds t o the r ate o f
pressure changes. Provided that the po int a t w hich t he f irst pe ak l oad c ompressor i s
switched on, a lso remains the lower predefined pressure limit in t he f uture, the average
pressure here is 7.7 bar.

A pressure of 7 .7 ba r i s s till quite high c ompared t o ot her c omparable c ompressor s tations.

Since the p ressure l imit for s witching on the second peak load compressor (= c onsecutive
compressor) is 6.8 bar, this is regarded as the lower limit for the compressed air. This pressure
corresponds to that of similar compressor stations. The average pressure in this case is 6.9 bar.

Achieved environmental benefits

In practice, it has been shown that reducing pressure by 1 bar results in energy savings of 6 to
8 %. The pressure reduction also brings about a reduction in the leakages.

Cross-media effects
No data submitted.

Operational data
No data submitted.

The V SD-based control o f a c ompressor which can be used i n intelligent and op timised
intelligent control systems usually proves t o b e co st ef fective only in the c ase o f a n ew
purchase, because the subsequent installation of a frequency converter in an existing compressor
is not recommended by manufacturers.

With optimised intelligent control, the pressure of the compressed air can thus be reduced from
an a verage of 8. 2 t o 6 .9 b ar, w hich c orresponds to energy s avings of 9.1 %. O ptimising t he
control i nvolves only m inor costs a nd can g enerate savings i n t he r ange o f s everal h undred
MWh/yr, that is, tens of thousands of euros (e.g. with an installed compressor performance of
500 k W, savings of about 400 MWh/yr c an b e a chieved a nd a bout E UR 20 000/yr c an b e
achieved in the case of 8700 operational hours/year).

Driving force for implementation

Cost savings.

Example plants
The i nstallation of a c omputerised c ompressor c ontrol system ha s r educed c ompressed a ir
generation costs by 18.5 % a t Land R over (UK). The overall c osts for the system pr oduced a
payback period of 16 months. F urther s avings of 20 % w ere a lso ob tained by r epairing
compressed air leaks.

Reference information
[227, TWG, , 244, Best practice programme]

Energy Efficiency 227

Chapter 3

3.7.10 Storage of compressed air near high-fluctuating uses

Tanks storing compressed air can be situated near parts of the CAS with highly fluctating usage.

Achieved environmental benefits

Smooths out peaks in demand. By reducing peak demand, the system requires less compressor
capacity. The l oads are m ore ev enly sp read, and co mpressors can run at their m ost efficient

Cross-media effects
No data submitted.

Operational data
No data submitted.

consider in all cases with areas of highly fluctuating demand
widely used.

Reduced capital and running costs.

Driving force for implementation

No data submitted.

Example plants
No data submitted.

Reference information
No data submitted.

3.8 Pumping systems

Pumping s ystems account for nearly 20 % of the w orlds electrical e nergy demand a nd range
from 25 to 50 % of the energy usage in certain industrial plant operations. Pumping systems are
used widely in different sectors:

industrial services, e.g.

food processing
commercial and agricultural services
municipal water/waste water services
domestic applications.

Pumps f all i nto two m ajor g roups de scribed by t he method f or m oving a f luid: rotodynamic
pumps and positive displacement pumps. In industry, the majority are driven by electric motors
but they can be driven by steam turbines in large industrial applications (or even by standalone
reciprocating engines).

228 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

Rotodynamic pumps (usually centrifugal) are based on bladed impellors which rotate within the
fluid to impart a tangential acceleration to the fluid and a consequent increase in the energy of
the fluid. The purpose of the pump is to convert this energy into pressure energy of the fluid to
be used in the associated piping system. After motors, centrifugal pumps are arguably the most
common machine in the world, and they are a significant user of energy.

Positive displacement pumps c ause a liquid t o move by t rapping a fixed amount o f fluid and
then forcing ( displacing) that t rapped v olume i nto the di scharge pi pe. Positive di splacement
pumps can be further classified as either:

a rotary t ype ( e.g. t he r otary v ane pu mp). C ommon us es of v ane pum ps i nclude hi gh
pressure hy draulic pum ps, a nd in l ow v acuum a pplications, i ncluding e vacuating
refrigerant lines in air conditioners
a reciprocating type (e.g. the diaphragm pump). Diaphragm pumps have good suction lift
characteristics, some are l ow pressure pumps w ith l ow flowrates. T hey ha ve good dr y
running c haracteristics and a re l ow s hear pum ps ( i.e. do no t b reak up s olid pa rticles).
They can handle high solid content liquids, such as sludges and slurries even with a high
grit content. Diaphragm pumps with teflon diaphragms, ball check valves, and hydraulic
actuators are used to deliver precise volumes of chemical solutions at high pressures (as
much as 350 bar) into industrial boilers or process vessels. Diaphragm pumps can be used
to provide oil-free air for medical, pharmaceutical and food-related purposes.

The energy a nd materials used by a pumping s ystem de pend on the de sign of the pump, the
design of the installation and the way the system is operated. Centrifugal pumps are generally
the cheapest option. Pumps m ay be us ed as single-stage, or multi-stage, e .g. t o a chieve
higher/lower pressures. They are often paired as duty and standby pumps in critical applications.

3.8.1 Inventory and assessment of pumping systems

Description and Operational data

(The information on Achieved e nvironmental b enefits, Cross-media e ffects, A pplicability,
Economics, Driving forces for implementation, Examples, and Reference information for ENE
techniques for pumping systems is given in Section 3.8.7)

The first step towards identifying applicable energy savings measures and optimising a pumping
system i s to e stablish an inventory of the pum ping s ystems i n the installation w ith t he k ey
operating characteristics. The inventory can be established in two phases (see Section 2.15.1 and
Annex 7.7.3):

basic s ystem de scription: t his consists of c onsulting c ompany r ecords o r carrying out
simple measurements, in order to assemble the following data:
list of, e.g. the 50 largest pumps consuming energy (by total pump power rating): size and
function of each pumps
power consumption of each of these pumps
demand profile: estimated variation during day/week
type of control system
operating hours/year, and hence annual energy consumption
problems or maintenance issues specific to the pump.

Energy Efficiency 229

Chapter 3

In many organisations, most or all of these data could be assembled by in-house staff.

documentation a nd m easurement of the s ystem's ope rating pa rameters: documenting or

measuring t he f ollowing elements is desirable for all pumping s ystems, a nd i s essential
for large systems (over 100 kW). Collection of these data will require a significant level
of technical expertise, either from in-house engineering staff or from a third party.

Because o f t he large variety o f p umping systems, i t i s n ot p ossible to give a d efinitive l ist of

points to look for in the assessment, but Sections 3.8.2 to 3.8.6 detail a useful list of key issues
to address.

3.8.2 Pump selection

Description and Operational data

(The information on Achieved e nvironmental b enefits, Cross-media e ffects, A pplicability,
Economics, Driving forces for implementation, Examples, and Reference information for ENE
techniques for pumping systems is given in Section 3.8.7)

The pump i s t he heart of the pumping s ystem. Its choice is driven by t he need of the pr ocess
which could be, first of all, a static head and a flowrate. The choice also depends on the system,
the liquid, the characteristic of the atmosphere, etc.

In order to obtain an efficient pumping system, the choice of the pump has to be done so as to
have a n operating poi nt as close as p ossible to the be st e fficiency poi nt as indicated in
Figure 3.35.

Figure 3.35: Peak efficiency flow vs. head, power and efficiency
[199, TWG]

Figure 3.36 shows the ranges of total head as a function of the pump capacity for a given speed
in different types of pumps.

230 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

Figure 3.36: Pump capacity vs. head

[199, TWG]

It i s e stimated t hat 75 % of pum ping s ystems are ov ersized, m any by more t han 20 %.
Oversized pumps represent the largest single source of wasted pump energy.

When choosing a pump, oversizing is neither cost nor energy efficient as:

the capital cost is high

the energy cost is high because more flow is pumped at a higher pressure than required.
Energy i s w asted f rom e xcessive t hrottling, l arge by passed f lows, or ope ration of
unnecessary pumps.

Where oversized pumps are identified, their replacement must be evaluated in relation to other
possible m ethods t o reduce capacity, s uch as trimming or c hanging i mpellers and/or using
variable s peed controls. Trimming c entrifugal pump i mpellers i s t he l owest c ost method t o
correct oversized pumps. The head can be reduced 10 to 50 pe r cent by trimming or changing
the pump impeller diameter within the vendors recommended size limits for the pump casing.

The energy requirements of the overall system can be reduced by the use of a booster pump to
provide the h igh pr essure flow to a selected user a nd a llow t he r emainder of the system t o
operate a lower pressure and reduced power.

The European Procurement Lines for water pumps provides a simple methodology for selecting
a highly efficient pump with a high efficiency for the requested duty point. This methodology
can be downloaded from:

Energy Efficiency 231

Chapter 3

3.8.3 Pipework system

Description and Operational data

(The information on Achieved e nvironmental b enefits, Cross-media e ffects, A pplicability,
Economics, Driving forces for implementation, Examples, and Reference information for ENE
techniques for pumping systems is given in Section 3.8.7)

The pipework system determines the choice of the pump performance. Indeed, its characteristics
have t o be c ombined w ith t hose o f t he pum ps t o obt ain t he r equired pe rformance of t he
pumping installation as shown in the Figure 3.37 below.

Figure 3.37: Pump head versus flowrate

The e nergy consumption di rectly c onnected t o the piping s ystem i s t he c onsequence of the
friction loss on the liquid being m oved, i n pi pes, v alves, a nd other equipment i n the system.
This loss is proportional to the square of the flowrate. Friction loss can be minimised by means
such as:

avoiding the use of too many valves

avoiding the use of too many bends (especially tight bends) in the piping system
ensuring the pipework diameter is not too small.

3.8.4 Maintenance

Description and Operational data

(The information on Achieved e nvironmental b enefits, Cross-media e ffects, A pplicability,
Economics, Driving forces for implementation, Examples, and Reference information for ENE
techniques for pumping systems is given in Section 3.8.7)

Excessive pump maintenance can indicate:

pumps are cavitating

badly worn pumps
pumps that are not suitable for the operation.

Pumps throttled at a constant head and flow indicate excess capacity. The pressure drop across a
control valve represents wasted energy, which is proportional to the pressure drop and flow.

232 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

A noisy pump generally indicates cavitation from heavy throttling or excess flow. Noisy control
valves or bypass valves usually mean a high pressure drop with a correspondingly high energy

Pump pe rformance a nd e fficiency de teriorates over time. Pump c apacity and efficiency are
reduced as internal leakage increases d ue to ex cessive cl earances between w orn p ump
components: backplate; impeller; throat bushings; rings; sleeve bearings. A monitoring test can
detect this condition a nd h elp s ize a smaller impeller, either ne w, or by m achining t he i nitial
one, t o achieve a hug e r eduction i n e nergy. Internal clearances s hould be r estored if
performance changes significantly.

Applying coatings to the pump, will reduce friction losses.

3.8.5 Pumping system control and regulation

Description and Operational data

(The information on Achieved e nvironmental b enefits, Cross-media e ffects, A pplicability,
Economics, Driving forces for implementation, Examples, and Reference information for ENE
techniques for pumping systems is given in Section 3.8.7)

A pump application might need to cover several duty points, of which the largest flow and/or
head will determine the rated duty for the pump. A control and regulation system is important in
a pumping system so as to optimise the duty working conditions for the head pressure and the
flow. It provides:

process control
better system reliability
energy savings.

For any pump with large flow or pressure variations, when normal flows or pressures are less
than 75 % of their maximum, energy is probably being wasted from excessive throttling, large
bypassed flows (either from a c ontrol system or deadhead protection orifices), or operation of
unnecessary pumps.

The following control techniques may be used:

shut down unnecessary pumps. This obvious but f requently overlooked measure c an be
carried out after a significant reduction in the plants use of water or other pumped fluid
(hence the need to assess the whole system)
variable s peed dr ives ( on the e lectric m otor) y ield t he m aximum s avings i n matching
pump output to varying system requirements, but they do have a higher investment cost
compared to t he other m ethods of capacity c ontrol. T hey a re not a pplicable in a ll
situations, e.g. where loads are constant (see Section 3.6.3)
multiple pumps of fer a n a lternative t o v ariable s peed, by pass, or throttle control. The
savings result because one or more pumps can be shut down when the flow of the system
is low, while the other pumps operate at high efficiency. Multiple small pumps should be
considered w hen t he pum ping l oad i s l ess t han ha lf t he m aximum s ingle c apacity. In
multiple pum ping s ystems, energy i s commonly l ost from bypassing excess capacity,
running unne cessary pum ps, maintaining excess p ressure, or ha ving a l arge flow
increment between pumps
controlling a c entrifugal pump by t hrottling t he pump di scharge (using a valve) w astes
energy. Throttle control is, however, generally less energy wasteful than two other widely
used alternatives: no control a nd by pass control. T hrottles c an, t herefore, represent a
means to save pump energy, although this is not the optimum choice.

Energy Efficiency 233

Chapter 3


Throttling valve

Rated power (kW)




Variation speed drive

450 600 750 900 1050 1200 1350 1500

Flow (m3/h)

Figure 3.38: Example of energy consumption for two pumping regulation systems for a
rotodynamic pump

3.8.6 Motor and transmission

See Electrical motor driven sub-systems, Section 3.6. Note that it is important to match the right
pump for the task (see Section 3.8.2) to the correct size of motor for the pumping requirements
(pumping duty), see Section 3.6.2.

3.8.7 Achieved environmental, Cross media effects, Applicability and

other considerations for ENE techniques in pumping systems

Achieved environmental benefits

Some studies have shown that 30 to 50 % of the energy consumed by pumping systems could be
saved through equipment or control system changes.

Cross-media effects
None reported.

The applicability of particular measures, and the extent of cost savings depend upon the size and
specific na ture of the i nstallation a nd s ystem. O nly an a ssessment of a system and t he
installation needs can determine which measures provide the correct cost-benefit. This could be
done by a qualified pumping system service provider or by qualified in-house engineering staff.

The assessment conclusions will identify the measures that are applicable to a system, and will
include an estimate of the savings, the cost of the measure, as well as the payback time.

Pumping s ystems of ten have a l ifespan of 15 t o 20 y ears, so a consideration of lifetime c osts
against initial (purchase) costs are important.

Pumps are typically purchased as individual components, although they provide a service only
when operating as part of the system, so a consideration of the system is important to enable a
proper assessment of the cost-benefit.

234 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

Initial costs

Energy costs

Other costs

Figure 3.39: Typical life cycle costs for a medium sized industrial pump
[200, TWG]

Driving force for implementation

Energy and cost savings.

The optimisation techniques are widely used.

Reference information
[170, EC, 2003, 199, TWG, , 200, TWG]

3.9 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems

A typical H VAC system c omprises the heating or cooling e quipment ( for boilers, see
Section 3.2; heat pumps, Section 3.3.2, etc.), pumps (Section 3.8) and/or fans, piping networks,
chillers (Section 3.3.3) and heat exchangers (Section 3.3.1) transferring or absorbing heat from a
space or a process. A scheme of an HVAC system is shown in Figure 3.40.

Studies ha ve shown that a bout 60 % of t he e nergy i n an HVAC s ystem i s consumed by the

chiller/heat pump and the remaining 40 % by peripheral machinery.

Energy Efficiency 235

Chapter 3


(Section 3.3)

(Section 3.3.3)
(Section 3.8)
Heat exchangers
(Section 3.3.1)

(Section 3.9.2)
- Air handling units
- Fan coils
- Ducts

Figure 3.40: Scheme of an HVAC system

3.9.1 Space heating and cooling

In IPPC i nstallations there are a w ide range o f sp ace h eating an d c ooling a ctivities. The
application and use depend on the sector and the location in Europe, and are used:

to maintain satisfactory working conditions

to maintain product quality (e.g. cold rooms)
to m aintain input m aterial qua lity and handling c haracteristics, e .g. e nclosed waste
storage areas in Scandinavia, prevention of corrosion on components treatment in surface
treatment metal industries.

The systems ca n b e localised ( e.g. IR space h eaters for equipment in s torage ar eas) or
centralised (e.g. air conditioning systems in offices).

The consumption of energy in space heating/cooling is considerable. For instance, in France it is

about 30 TWh, representing nearly 10 % f uel c onsumption. It is qui te common t o ha ve hi gh
heating t emperatures i n industrial bu ildings t hat c ould be e asily r educed b y 1 or 2 C;
conversely, w hen cooling, it is c ommon t o ha ve t emperatures that could be increased by 1 or
2 C without degrading the comfort. These measures imply a change for the employees and they
should be implemented with an information campaign.

236 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

Energy savings can be achieved in two ways:

reducing the heating/cooling needs by:

building insulation
efficient glazing
air infiltration reduction
automatic closure of doors
lower temperature settings during non-production periods (programmable regulation)
reducing set point
improving the efficiency of heating systems through:
recovery or use of waste heat (see Section 3.3)
heat pumps
radiative and local heating systems coupled with reduced temperatures in the unoccupied
areas of the buildings.

Achieved environmental benefits

No data submitted.

Cross-media effects
No data submitted.

Operational data
To lower the temperature set point of 1C for heating, and raising it by 1C for air conditioning
can r educe energy consumption a bout 5 10 %, depending on the a verage temperature
difference between indoors and outdoors. Generally, raising air conditioning temperatures saves
more, a s t he temperature differentials a re g enerally hi gher. These are g eneralisations, and the
actual savings will vary according to climate, on a regional basis.

Limiting he ating/cooling dur ing non- production pe riods c an s ave 40 % of e lectrical

consumption for a plant working on an 8 hours per day basis. Limiting heating coupled with a
permanent r educed t emperature i n uno ccupied a reas a nd l ocal r adiative he ating i n oc cupied
areas, can generate nearly 80 % energy savings depending on the percentage of occupied areas.

Temperatures m ay be s et by ot her c riteria, e .g. r egulatory minimum t emperatures for s taff,
maximum temperatures to maintain product quality for food.

No data submitted.

Driving force for implementation

No data submitted.

No data submitted.

Reference information
[278, ADEME], [234, PROMOT, , 260, TWG, 2008]

Energy Efficiency 237

Chapter 3

3.9.2 Ventilation

A ventilation system is essential for many industrial installations to function well. It:

protects staff from pollutant and heat emissions within premises

maintains a clean working atmosphere to protect product quality.

A ventilation pl ant is a system c onsisting of many i nteracting parts (see F igure 3.41). For

the air system (intake, distributor, transport network)

the fans (fans, motors, transmission systems)
the v entilation c ontrol and r egulation s ystems (flow v ariation, c entralised technical
management (CTM), etc.)
energy recovery devices
air cleaners
and t he different t ypes of ventilation s ystem chosen ( general ventilation, specific
ventilation, with or without air conditioning, etc.).

Figure 3.41: Ventilation system

238 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3 Design optimisation of a new or upgraded ventilation system

Having a clear idea of the requirements for a ventilation system helps to make the right choices
and to decide on the right design. These may be:

clean air intake

maintenance of environmental conditions ( temperature, p ressure, humidity, e tc.), for
either improving comfort and health within working areas or for product protection
transportation of materials
extraction of smoke, dust, humidity and/or hazardous products.

The flow di agram shown i n F igure 3.42 can assist i n de termining the most s uitable energy
efficiency options for a particular situation:

Do I need to remove pollutants?

pollutant emissions from processes NO
heat from processes No need for vertilation
presence of personnel in a
confined/enclosed space


Are the sources of pollution/heat localised or widespread?

Localised Widespread

Installation of Installation of an efficient

specific ventilation systems general ventilation system

Does the air need to be conditioned

Choice between a
centralised or decentralised
air treatment system

Installation of an
energy recovery device

Can I recycle the pollutants NO

from my workspace?


Installation of an Design of an efficient system

air cleaner (low pressure loss, airtight,
balanced, etc.)

Installation of manual Installation of an efficient

YES Do I have intermittent,
or automatic system ventilation system
variable needs?
controls (high efficiency motor and fan,
optimised transmission, etc.)

Installation performance
Figure 3.42: Flow diagram to optimise energy use in ventilation systems

Energy Efficiency 239

Chapter 3

Interactions and their relative effects, particularly between the fan and the air duct system, can
account f or a high pe rcentage of t he losses i n a g iven c ircuit. A c oherent a pproach m ust
therefore be u sed to d esign a system t hat meets bot h f unctional s pecifications a nd opt imal
energy efficiency requirements.

The following types of ventilation system can be used, see Figure 3.41:

general ventilation: t hese systems are u sed t o ch ange t he a ir i n l arge volume w orking
areas. S everal t ypes o f c lean air v entilation s ystems a re possible, depending on the
premises to be ventilated, the pollution, and whether or not air conditioning is required.
Airflow is a major element influencing energy consumption.The lower the flowrate, the
lower the energy consumption

specific ventilation: these ventilation systems are designed to remove emissions as close
as possible to the source. Unlike general ventilation systems, they are directed at localised
pollutant emissions. These systems have the advantage of capturing pollutants as soon as
they are e mitted, us ing specific intakes, a nd pr eventing them f rom be ing propagated
throughout the work area. They have the following advantages:

preventing any contact with their operators

avoiding the renewal of all the air in the work area.

In both cases, extracted air may require treatment prior to discharge to the atmosphere (see the

Achieved environmetal benefits

It is estimated that 10 % of the electricity consumption in companies is by ventilation systems.
Where there is also air conditioning, ventilation and air conditioning can take up an even larger
share of the corporate energy budget.

Cross-media effects
None reported.

Operational data

fans: fans are t he pr incipal s ource of electricity c onsumption i n t he installation. T heir

type, size and controls are major factors from the point of view of energy. Note: choosing
a high efficiency fan of the correct size may mean that a s maller fan can be chosen and
savings on t he pur chase price c an be o btained. When d esigning or m odifying a n
installation, key issues are:

a fan w ith a h igh e fficiency ra ting: t he maximum e fficiency o f fans i s generally

between 60 and 85 % depending on t he type of fan. Manufacturers are developing
ranges of even more efficient fans
a fan designed to operate as close as possible to its optimal rate: with a single fan,
efficiency can vary according to its operating rate. It is therefore essential to choose
the correct size of fan for the installation, so that it operates as close as possible to
maximum efficiency

the air system: the de sign of a n air system m ust meet c ertain c onditions in or der to be
energy efficient:

ducts m ust b e sufficiently l arge in d iameter (a 10 % in crease in diameter c an

produce a 72 % reduction in the power absorbed)
circular ducts, which offer less pressure loss, are better than rectangular ducts of an
equal section
avoid long runs and obstacles (bends, narrower sections, etc.)

240 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

check that the system is airtight, particularly at joints

check that t he sy stem is balanced at the d esign s tage, t o m ake sure a ll 'users'
receive t he necessary ventilation. B alancing the system after it h as b een i nstalled
means that single leaf dampers have to be installed in some ducts, increasing losses
in pressure and energy

electric motors (and coupling with fans): choose the correct type and size of motor (see
electric motor driven sub-systems in Section 3.6)

managing airflow: airflow is a basic parameter when it comes to energy consumption by

ventilation s ystems. For e xample: f or a 20 % r eduction in f low, 50 % less p ower i s
consumed by the fan. Most ventilation installations do not have to operate constantly at
their m aximum r ate. S o i t is i mportant t o be able to adjust t he fan ope rating s peed in
accordance with, e.g:

production (quantity, product type, machine on/off, etc.)

period (year, month, day, etc.)
human occupation of the work area

It i s essential to an alyse needs u sing p resence d etectors, a clock, a nd process-driven controls,

and to design a controlled ventilation installation.

'Dual f low' ventilation, which c ombines blowing ( the i ntake of fresh a ir) w ith extraction ( the
removal of polluted air), provides better airflow control and is more easily controlled, e.g. by a
process air conditioning and energy recovery management system. Installing automatic controls
can pr ovide a m ethod of controlling the ventilation s ystem using various ( measured, de fined,
etc.) parameters and optimising its operation at all times.

There are many techniques for varying airflow in line with demand, but they are not all equally
energy efficient:

electronic s peed c ontrols can b e u sed t o a dapt the r ate of operation o f fans w hilst
optimising energy consumption by the motor, producing significant energy savings
changing the blade angle of propeller fans also provides substantial energy savings

energy recovery system: when ventilated premises have a n a ir c onditioning system, t he

renewed air needs to be reconditioned, which consumes large amounts of energy. Energy
recovery systems (exchangers) can be used to recover some of the energy contained in the
polluted a ir e xpelled from t he w ork a rea. W hen c hoosing a n e nergy r ecovery system,
check the following three parameters:

thermal efficiency
pressure loss
behaviour when fouled

air filtering: an air filter allows the air in the ventilated premises to be re-used. The flow
of air t o be renewed and reconditioned i s t hereby r educed, providing significant e nergy
savings. Opting for an air filter when the ventilation installation is designed is advisable
because the extra cost at that stage will be relatively small compared with its installation
at a later stage. It is e ssential to check t hat the p ollutants that r emain c an b e recycled.
Where this solution is possible, it is important to know the following parameters:

recycling efficiency
pressure loss
behaviour when filter is fouled

To improve the operation of an existing installation; see Section

Energy Efficiency 241

Chapter 3

Applicable to all new systems or when upgrading.

In most audited installations, potential energy savings of up to 30 % of consumption have been
detected. There are many possible actions giving a return on investment often within 3 years.

Driving force for implementation

health and safety conditions at work
cost savings
product quality.

Widely used.

Reference information
[202, IFTS_CMI, 1999] Improving an existing ventilation system within an installation

Note that improving ventilation system efficiency sometimes also brings improvements in:

the comfort and safety of personnel

product quality.

An existing ventilation system can be improved at three levels:

optimising the operation of the installation

introducing a maintenance and monitoring plan for the installation
investment in more efficient technical solutions.

Achieved environmental benefits

Energy saved af ter optimising all the parameters of t he v entilation sy stem w ill produce, on
average, a reduction in the order of 30 % of the energy bill associated with its operation.

Cross-media effects
None reported.

Operational data
Energy diagnosis (comprehensive audit)
Knowing the installation is an essential precursor to improving its performance. A diagnosis of
the installation enables the following:

evaluation of the performance of the ventilation system

determination of the costs involved in producing compressed air
detection of any malfunctions
selection of a new installation of the correct size.

Installation maintenance and monitoring

The energy consumption of a ventilation system increases over time for an identical service. To
maintain its efficiency, it is necessary t o m onitor t he system a nd when necessary c arry ou t
maintenance operations, w hich w ill pr oduce s ubstantial e nergy s avings whilst i ncreasing t he
lifetime of the system. These operations may consist of:

242 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

conducting leak detection and repair campaigns on the air duct system
changing filters regularly, particularly in the air cleaning devices, because:
loss of pressure increases very rapidly with a worn out filter
the filter's efficiency at removing particles deteriorates over time
checking compliance with health and safety standards associated with pollutant removal
measuring a nd r ecording r egularly t he k ey v alues f or t he i nstallation (electricity
consumption and pressure loss in devices, airflow).

immediate action:
stop or reduce ventilation where possible. The energy consumption of a ventilation
installation is directly linked to rate of airflow. Airflow is determined by:
the presence of operators
the number of sources of pollution and types of pollutants
the rate and distribution of each source of pollution
replace clogged filters
fix leaks in the air system
if the air is conditioned, check settings and ensure they suit specific needs

simple, effective action:

equip workstations with appropriate specific intakes

optimise the number, shape and size of the pollutant intakes to reduce (as much as
possible) the airflow necessary for removing pollutants (see the STM BREF)
consider regulating ventilation flow automatically according to actual need. There
are many possible ways of controlling this regulation:
having ventilation automatically controlled by a machine when it stops and
starts (most of the time this function is provided by machine tools or welding
torches fitted with a vacuum)
having ventilation a utomatically t riggered by pol lution e missions. F or
example, put ting a pa rt into a treatment ba th c hanges the rate o f pollution
emissions. Ventilation ca n, i n t his ca se, be accelerated w hen parts are
immersed and reduced the rest of the time
closing ba ths or t anks w hen not i n use, manually or automatically (see the

Note that w here flow i s regulated, i t w ill be necessary t o c heck t hat the he alth conditions are
still correct in all conditions of operation.

air d uct systems must be balanced to pr event ov er-ventilation a t certain po ints.

Balancing can be carried out by a specialist company

cost-effective action:

fit fans where there is a variable flow with an electronic speed control (ESC)
install high efficiency fans
install fans w ith a n optimum ope rating r ate t hat s uits the specific needs of t he
install high efficiency motors (e.g. labelled EFF1)
integrate t he management o f the ventilation system i nto a c entralised technical
management system (CTM)
introduce measurement instrumentation (flow meters, electricity meters) to monitor
the operation of the installation
investigate the p ossibility of integrating a ir f ilters into the air duct system a nd
energy recovery devices to avoid large energy losses when expelling polluted air
investigate the possibility of modifying the whole ventilation system and breaking
it down into general ventilation, specific ventilation and process ventilation.

Energy Efficiency 243

Chapter 3

Applicable to all existing systems.

In most audited installations, pot ential energy s avings of up t o 30 % consumption ha ve be en
detected. There are many possible actions giving a return on investment often within two years.

Driving force for implementation

health and safety conditions at work
cost savings
product quality.

Widely used.

Reference information
[202, IFTS_CMI, 1999]

3.9.3 Free cooling

Cooling, both for industrial processes and/or air conditioning, can be enhanced from an energy
efficiency point of view by adopting free cooling techniques. Free cooling takes place when the
external ambient air enthalpy is less than the indoor air enthalpy. It is free because it makes use
of ambient air.

This free c ontribution can be t ransferred to the s ystem ne eding c ooling e ither di rectly o r
indirectly. N ormally i ndirect m ethods a re used i n practice. They c onsist, in g eneral, o f
extraction-recirculation a ir s ystems ( see F igure 3.43). The r egulation i s don e by a utomatic
modulating v alves: w hen cool outside air is a vailable (i.e. when the ou tside w et b ulb
temperature drops below the required chilled water set point), valves automatically increase the
intake of t he c ool a ir, r educing a t the s ame t ime t he i nternal recirculation to a minimum t o
maximise the use of the free cooling. By using techniques such as this, refrigeration equipment
is pa rtially avoided in certain seasons of the year a nd/or during the ni ght. There a re v arious
technical possibilities to take advantage of free cooling. In Figure 3.43, a possible simple plant
adopting free cooling is shown.

Cool outside air, T2 ( C)

Automatic modulating
3-way valve

Free cooler
From thermal load, T1 ( C)
(heat exchanger)
To thermal load

Warm exhaust air

Figure 3.43: Possible scheme for the implementation of free cooling

244 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

The water returning from the thermal load, and directed to the chiller, is automatically diverted
by the 3-way valve to the free cooler. Here, the water is precooled, and this reduces the thermal
load on the chiller a nd t he e nergy c onsumed by t he compressors. The m ore t he a mbient
temperature drops under the return water temperature, the greater the free cooling effect and the
greater the energy savings.

Achieved environmental benefits

Normally chillers are driven by electric motors, and sometimes by endothermic drives, so there
is less consumption of primary energy resources.

Cross-media effects
None known.

Operational data
Free cooling i s best considered w hen the ambient temperature is a t l east 1 C be low t he
temperature of water coming f rom the t hermal load, i.e. entering the chiller. F or e xample, i n
Figure 3.43, if T1 (temperature of water returning from the thermal load) is 11 C, free cooling
can be activated when T2 (outside air temperature) drops under 10 C.

Free cooling i s applicable in s pecific c ircumstances: f or indirect transferring, ambient air
temperature must be below the temperature of refrigerant fluid returning to the chiller; for direct
uses, the outside air temperature must be below or equal the required temperature. Possible extra
space for the equipment must also be taken into account.

It is estimated that it is applicable in 25 % of cases.

Free cooling exchangers can be retrofitted to existing chilled water systems and/or incorporated
into new ones.

Adoption of free c ooling t echniques involves a series of economic a dvantages, s uch a s: the
source of cold is f ree, a r eduction of r unning time of compressors w ith consequential e nergy
savings i n t erms of k Wh no l onger u sed f rom t he electrical n etwork, a reduction o f electric
power supply cost.

It is usually better to investigate the use of free cooling during the project planning for a new or
upgraded system. P ayback for a ne w system c ould be as l ittle as 12 m onths; pa yback for
retrofitting units is up to 3 years.

Driving force for implementation

simplicity of installation
energy and money savings.

Widely used.

Reference information
[240, Hardy, , 241, Coolmation]

Energy Efficiency 245

Chapter 3

3.10 Lighting
Artificial lighting accounts for a significant part of all electrical energy consumed worldwide. In
offices, from 20 t o 50 pe r c ent of the total e nergy consumed i s due t o l ighting. M ost
importantly, f or some bui ldings ov er 90 p er cent of l ighting e nergy c onsumed c an be a n
unnecessary expense through over-illumination. Thus, lighting represents a critical component
of e nergy us e today, especially i n l arge of fice bu ildings and for ot her l arge scale us es w here
there are many alternatives for energy utilisation in lighting.

There are several techniques available to minimise energy requirements in any building:

a) identification of lighting requirements for each area

This is the basic concept of deciding how much lighting is required for a given task. Lighting
types a re classified by their intended u se a s general, l ocalised, or task l ighting, depending
largely on t he di stribution of t he light produced by t he f ixture. Clearly, much l ess light i s
required f or illuminating a w alkway c ompared t o t hat needed f or a c omputer w orkstation.
Generally s peaking, the e nergy expended is proportional to t he de sign illumination level. F or
example, a lighting level of 800 lux m ight be chosen for a w ork e nvironment e ncompassing
meeting a nd conference rooms, w hereas a l evel o f 400 lux could b e s elected f or building

general lighting is intended for the general illumination of an area. Indoors, this would be
a basic lamp on a table or floor, or a fixture on the ceiling. Outdoors, general lighting for
a parking ar ea m ay b e as l ow as 10 20 lux since pe destrians a nd m otorists a lready
accustomed to the dark will need little light for crossing the area

task lighting is mainly functional and is usually the most concentrated, for purposes such
as r eading or i nspection of m aterials. For example, reading poo r quality pr int products
may r equire t ask l ighting l evels up t o 1500 lux, a nd some inspection tasks or s urgical
procedures require even higher levels.

b) analysis of lighting quality and design

the integration of s pace planning with interior de sign ( including c hoice of interior
surfaces and room geometries) to optimise the use of natural light. Not only will greater
reliance on na tural light reduce energy c onsumption, but w ill favourably i mpact on
human health and performance
planning activities to optimise the use of natural light
consideration of the spectral content required for any activities needing artificial light
selection of f ixtures an d l amp types that r eflect b est av ailable t echniques for en ergy

Types of electric lighting include:

incandescent light bulbs: an e lectrical current passes through a t hin filament, heating it
and causing it to become excited, releasing light in the process. The enclosing glass bulb
prevents t he oxy gen i n air from de stroying t he hot filament. A n advantage of
incandescent bulbs is that they can be produced for a wide range of voltages, from just a
few v olts u p to several h undred. B ecause o f their relatively poor l uminous efficacy,
incandescent light bulbs are gradually being replaced in many applications by fluorescent
lights, high intensity discharge lamps, light-emitting diodes (LEDs), and other devices

246 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

arc lamps or gas discharge lamps: an arc lamp is the general term for a class of lamps
that produce light by an electric arc (or voltaic arc). The lamp consists of two electrodes
typically m ade of t ungsten which a re separated by a g as. T ypically, s uch l amps us e a
noble gas ( argon, ne on, k rypton or xe non) or a m ixture of t hese gases. M ost l amps
contain additional materials, such as mercury, sodium, and/or metal halides. The common
fluorescent lamp is actually a low pressure mercury arc lamp where the inside of the bulb
is c oated with a light e mitting phos phor. High intensity di scharge l amps ope rate a t a
higher current than the fluorescent lamps, and come in many varieties depending on t he
material used. Lightning could be thought of as a type of natural arc lamp, or at least a
flash lamp. The type of lamp is often named by the gas contained in the bulb including
neon, argon, xenon, krypton, sodium, metal halide, and mercury. The most common arc
or gas discharge lamps are:
fluorescent lamps
metal halide lamps
high pressure sodium lamps
low pressure sodium lamps.

The electric arc in an arc or gas discharge lamp consists of gas which is initially ionised by a
voltage and is therefore electrically conductive. To start an arc lamp, usually a very high voltage
is n eeded to 'ignite' or ' strike' the ar c. This r equires an electrical c ircuit so metimes cal led a n
'igniter', which is pa rt of a l arger c ircuit c alled t he 'ballast'. T he ba llast supplies a s uitable
voltage a nd current to t he l amp as i ts el ectrical c haracteristics ch ange w ith t emperature an d
time. The ballast is typically designed to maintain safe operating conditions and a constant light
output over the life of the lamp. The temperature of the arc can reach several thousand degrees
Celsius. An arc or gas discharge lamp offers a long life and a high light efficiency, but is more
complicated to manufacture, and requires electronics to provide the correct current flow through
the gas

sulphur lamps: the sulphur lamp is a highly efficient full spectrum electrodeless lighting
system whose light is generated by sulphur plasma t hat has been excited by microwave
radiation. With the exception of fluorescent lamps, the warm-up time of the sulphur lamp
is notably shorter than for other gas discharge lamps, even at low ambient temperatures. It
reaches 80 % of its final luminous flux within twenty seconds (video), and the lamp can
be restarted approximately five minutes after a power cut

light emitting diodes, including organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs): a light emitting
diode (LED) is a semiconductor diode that emits incoherent narrow spectrum light. One
of t he k ey ad vantages of L ED-based l ighting i s its high efficiency, as measured b y i ts
light output per unit of power input. If the emitting layer material of an LED is an organic
compound, i t i s k nown a s a n or ganic light emitting di ode (OLED). C ompared w ith
regular LEDs, OLEDs are lighter, and polymer LEDs can have the added benefit of being
flexible. Commercial application of both types has begun, but applications at an industrial
level are still limited.

Different types of lights have vastly differing efficiencies as shown in Table 3.27 below.

Energy Efficiency 247

Chapter 3

(Mean time
Nominal Colour Colour
Optical between
Name efficiency temperature(2) Colour rendering
spectrum failures,
(lm/W)(1) (kelvin) index(4)
Incandescent Warm white
Continuous 12 - 17 1000 - 2500 2700 100
light bulb (yellowish)
Halogen lamp Warm white
Continuous 16 - 23 3000 - 6000 3200 100
Fluorescent Mercury
White (with a
lamp line + 52 - 100 8000 - 20000 2700 - 5000 15 - 85
tinge of green)
Metal halide Quasi-
50 - 115 6000 - 20000 3000 - 4500 Cold white 65 - 93
lamp continuous
High pressure
Broadband 55 - 140 10000 - 40000 1800 - 2200(3) Pinkish orange 0 - 70
Low pressure Yellow,
sodium Narrow virtually no
100 - 200 18000 - 20000 1800(3) 0
line colour
Sulphur lamp Continuous 80 - 110 15000 - 20000 6000 Pale green 79
Light emitting (Amber and
20 - 40
diodes red light)
100000 (Blue and
10 - 20
green light)
10 - 12 (W hite)
(1) 1 lm = 1 cdsr = 1 lxm2. (2) Colour temperature is defined as the temperature of a black body emitting a similar spectrum. (3)
these spectra are quite different from those of black bodies. (4) The colour rendering index (CRI) is a measure of the ability of a light
source to reproduce the colours of various objects being lit by the source.

Table 3.27: Characteristics and efficiency of different light types

The m ost e fficient s ource of e lectric light is the low pr essure sodium l amp. I t pr oduces an
almost monochromatic orange light, which severely distorts colour perception. For this reason,
it is generally reserved for outdoor public lighting usages. Low pressure sodium lights generate
light pollution that can be easily filtered, contrary to broadband or continuous spectra.

Data on options, such as types of lighting, are available via the Green Light Programme. This is
a voluntary prevention initiative encouraging non-residential electricity consumers (public and
private), referred t o as ' Partners', t o c ommit t o the European C ommission to install energy
efficient lighting technologies in their facilities when (1) it is profitable, and (2) lighting quality
is maintained or improved.

c) management of lighting

emphasise the use of lighting management control systems including occupancy sensors,
timers, etc. aiming at reducing lighting consumption
training of building occupants to utilise lighting equipment in the most efficient manner
maintenance of lighting systems to minimise energy wastage.

Achieved environmental benefits

Energy savings.

Cross-media effects
Certain types of lamps, e .g. mercury v apour, f luorescent, c ontain toxic c hemicals s uch a s
mercury or lead. At the end of their useful life, lamps must be recycled or disposed of correctly.

248 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

Operational data
It i s v aluable t o p rovide the correct l ight i ntensity a nd c olour spectrum for e ach task o r
environment. If this is not the case, energy could not only be wasted but over-illumination could
lead to adverse health and ps ychological e ffects s uch as he adache frequency, s tress, and
increased b lood pressure. In a ddition, g lare or excess light c an de crease worker e fficiency.
Artificial nightlighting has been associated with irregular menstrual cycles.

To assess ef fectiveness, baseline an d p ost-installation m odels ca n b e c onstructed u sing t he

methods associated with measurement and verification (M&V) options A, B, C and D described
in Table 3.28.

How savings are

M&V option Cost
Option A: Focuses on physical Engineering calculations Dependent on number of
assessment of equipment changes using spot or short term measurement points. Approx.
to ensure the installation is to measurements, computer 1 5 % of project
specification. Key performance simulations, and/or construction cost
factors (e.g. lighting wattage) are historical data
determined with spot or short term
measurements and operational
factors (e.g. lighting operating
hours) are stipulated based on the
analysis of historical data or
spot/short term measurements.
Performance factors and proper
operation are measured or checked
Option B: Savings are determined Engineering calculations Dependent on number and
after project completion by short using metered data type of systems measured and
term or continuous measurements the term of analysis/metering.
taken throughout the term of the Typically 3 - 10 % of project
contract at device or system level. construction cost
Both performance and operations
factors are monitored
Option C: After project Analysis of utility meter Dependent on number and
completion, savings are (or sub-meter) data using complexity of parameters in
determined at whole building or techniques from simple analysis. Typically 1 - 10 % of
facility level using the current year comparison to project construction cost
and historical utility meter or sub- multivariate (hourly or
meter data monthly) regression
Option D: Savings are determined Calibrated energy Dependent on number and
through simulation of facility simulation/modelling; complexity of systems
components and/or the whole calibrated with hourly or evaluated. Typically 3 10 %
facility monthly utility billing of project construction cost
data and/or end-use
Table 3.28: Savings achievable from lighting systems

The only section of the protocol which is relevant to lighting is reproduced in this section. For
more information, the entire protocol can be downloaded from http://www.evo-world.org/.

Techniques such a s t he i dentification of illumination requirements for each gi ven us e a rea,
planning activities to optimise t he us e of na tural light, s election of fixture a nd l amp t ypes
according to s pecific r equirements for t he i ntended us e, a nd m anagement of l ighting are
applicable to a ll I PPC installations. O ther m easurements su ch a s the integration o f space
planning t o o ptimise the us e of na tural light a re onl y a pplicable to new or upgraded

Energy Efficiency 249

Chapter 3

The G reen L ight investments use proven t echnology, pr oducts and services w hich can reduce
lighting energy use from between 30 and 50 %, earning rates of return of between 20 and 50 %.

Payback can be calculated using techniques in the ECM REF.

Driving force for implementation

health and safety at work
energy savings.

Widely used.

Reference information
[209, Wikipedia, , 210, EC, 2000] [210, EC, 2000, 238, Hawken, 2000, 242, DiLouie, 2006]
[211, A DEME, 1997, 212, BRE_UK, 1995, 213, E C, , 214, E C, 1996, 215, I nitiatives, 1993,
216, Initiatives, 1995, 217, Piemonte, 2001, 218, Association, 1997, 219, IDAE]

3.11 Drying, separation and concentration processes

Drying i s an energy i ntensive process. It i s considered here with separation and concentration
techniques, as the use of different techniques or combinations offer energy savings.

Heat m ay be t ransferred by c onvection (direct d ryers), by c onduction ( contact o r i ndirect

dryers), by thermal r adiation s uch a s i nfrared, m icrowave or hi gh f requency e lectromagnetic
field ( radiative dr yers) or by a c ombination of t he t hese. Most i ndustrial d ryers a re of the
convective type with hot air or direct combustion gases as the drying medium.

Separation is a p rocess which transforms a m ixture into at least two s treams ( which m ay b e
product-product or product-waste streams) w hich a re different i n composition. The s eparation
technology consists, therefore, in partitioning and isolating the wanted products from a mixture
containing either d ifferent su bstances o r a p ure substance in s everal p hases or sizes.
Alternatively, it may be used to separate waste streams, see the CWW BREF).

The separation process takes place in a separation device with a separation gradient applied by a
separating agent. In t his s ection, t he s eparation methods have been classified according t o the
different principles of separation and separating agents used.

The pur pose of this section is n ot to d escribe e xhaustively e very s eparation technique, bu t to
focus m ainly on t hose i ssues w hich have a hi gher potential for e nergy savings. F or further
details of a particular method, see the Reference information.

Classification of the separation methods:

input of energy into the system:

detailed classification for these techniques can be structured considering the different types
of energy provided to the system as listed below:
heat (vaporisation, sublimation, drying)
pressure (mechanical vapour recompression)
electricity (electrofiltration of gases, electrodialysis)
magnetism (use of m agnets) ( see f errous and non- ferrous m etals, E FS for no n-
kinetic (centrifugal separation) or potential energy (decantation)

250 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

withdrawal of energy out of the system:

cooling or freezing (condensation, precipitation, crystallisation, etc.)

mechanical barriers:
filters or membranes (nano, ultra or microfiltration, gas permeation, sieving)

physico-chemical interactions ( solution/precipitation, a dsorption, f lotation,
chemical reactions)
differences i n ot her phy sical or c hemical pr operties of t he s ubstances s uch a s
density, polarity, etc.

Combination of the previously mentioned principles of separation or separating agents may be

used in several processes leading to hybrid separating techniques. Examples are:

distillation (vaporisation and condensation)

pervaporation (vaporisation and membrane)
electrodialysis (electric field and ion-exchange membrane)
cyclonic separation (kinetic energy and potential energy).

3.11.1 Selecting the optimum technology or combination of


Selecting a separation technology often has more than one solution. The choice depends on the
characteristics of t he feed and t he r equired out puts and other constraints l inked to the type of
plant and sector. The separation process also has its own constraints. Technologies can be used
in stages, e.g. two or stages of the same technology or combinations of different technologies.

Achieved environmental benefits

Minimising energy usage. A significant amount of energy can be saved where it is possible to
use two or more separation stages or pretreatments (see Examples, below).

Cross-media effects
None reported.

Operational data
Some factors related to either the feed material, the final product or the process which should be
considered before selecting a separation technique, are:

feed material:
type, shape:
granular, powdery
already in shape
mechanical fragility
moisture content
flowrate/quantity to be treated
if applicable:
shape and size

Energy Efficiency 251

Chapter 3

size of droplets

final product specifications:

moisture content
shape and size

heat sources:
fossil fuels (natural gas, fuel, coal, etc.)
renewable (solar, wood, etc.)
heat transfer through:
convection (hot air, superheated steam)
thermal radiation (radiant energies: infrared, microwaves, high frequency)
maximum temperature
residence time
mechanical action on the product.

A feasibility s tudy i s ne cessary t o de fine t he be st solution(s) f rom a t echnical, e conomic,

energy, and environmental point of view. Requirements should be precisely defined:

feed and product pa rameters ( mass a nd f low characteristics), e specially t he moisture

content of the product: the last moisture percentages are usually the more difficult to dry
and so are the most energy consuming
list o f a ll t he u tilities a vailable (e lectricity, re frigeration, c ompressed a ir, s team, other
cold or hot sources) and their characteristics
available possible space
possible pretreatment
waste heat recovery potential of the process
high e nergy e fficiency ut ilities e quipment a nd s ources ( high e fficiency motors, us e of
waste heat, etc.).

A comparative analysis of the proposals has to be made on a technical, economic, energy, and
environmental basis:

within the same boundaries, including utilities, effluent treatment, etc.

taking into account each environmental impact (air, water, waste, etc.)
taking into account maintenance and security
quantifing the time and cost of training of the operators.

The energy consumption of some separation processes indicated for several sizes of species is
shown in Figure 3.44.

252 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

1000 Evaporation, distillation Drying

Evaporation, distillation Drying
(without assistance)
(without assistance)
Reverse (with assistance:
osmosis MVC, vacuum)
Centrifugal separation
Ultra- Centrifugal
Energy consumption (kWh/m)

10 Micro-
1 permeation
Filtration Cyclone
of liquids

Filtration Flotation
0.1 of
of gases

Electrofiltration sieving
of gases decantation
0.1nm 1nm 10nm 0.1Qm 1Qm 10Qm 100Qm 1mm 10mm

Size of species to be separated

Figure 3.44: Energy consumption of some separation processes

[248, ADEME, 2007]

Identification of t he appropriate t echnologies is applicable i n a ll cases. Installation o f new
equipment i s us ually c arried ou t on a cost-benefit basis a nd/or f or pr oduction quality or
throughput reasons.

No data submitted.

Driving force for implementation

cost reduction
product quality
process throughput capacity.

When drying l iquids (e.g. spray dryng), t he p retreatment c an b e m embrane filtration (reverse
osmosis, n anofiltration, ultrafiltration or m icrofiltration). Membrane f iltration has an energy
consumption of 1 - 3 orders of magnitude lower than evaporative drying, and can be used as a
first pretreatment stage. For example, in the drying industry, milk can be concentrated to 76 %
moisture content before spray drying.

Energy Efficiency 253

Chapter 3

Reference information
[201, Dresch_ADEME, 2006]

3.11.2 Mechanical processes

The e nergy c onsumption for mechanical processes can be s everal orders of magnitude lower
compared to thermal drying processes, see Figure 3.44.

As long as the material to be dried lets it, it is recommendable to use predominantly mechanical
primary s eparation pr ocesses t o r educe t he a mount of e nergy us ed f or t he entire p rocess.
Generally s peaking, t he majority of p roducts can be m echanically pr etreated t o average
moisture content levels (the ratio between the liquid mass of the liquid to be removed and the
mass of dry substance) of between 40 a nd 70 per cent. In practice, the use of t he mechanical
process is limited by the permissible material loads and/or economic draining times.

Sometimes m echanical p rocesses a re a lso recommendable p rior to t hermal treatment. When

drying solutions or suspensions (spray drying, for instance), the pretreatment can be membrane
filtration (reverse osmosis, nanofiltration, ultrafiltration or microfiltration). For example, in the
dairy industry, milk can be concentrated to 76 % moisture content before spray drying.

Achieved environmental benefits

No data submitted.

Cross-media effects
No data submitted.

Operational data
No data submitted.

No data submitted.

No data submitted.

Driving force for implementation

No data submitted.

No data submitted.

Reference information
[202, IFTS_CMI, 1999]

254 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

3.11.3 Thermal drying techniques Calculation of energy requirements and efficiency

Drying is a commonly used method in many industrial sectors. In a dryer system, first of all the
damp material is heated to the vaporisation temperature of water, then the water is evaporated at
a constant temperature.

Qth = (cGmG + cWmW) ZT + mDZHV Equation 3.13


Qth = useful output in kWh/h

mG, mW = mass flows of dry matter and proportion of water in the material in kg/s
ZT = heating temperature change in Kelvin
mD = quantity of water evaporated per unit of time in kg/s
c G, cW = specific he at capacities o f dr y matter a nd p roportion of w ater in t he
material in kJ/(kg K)
ZHV = vapourisation he at of water a t t he respective e vaporation t emperature
(approx. 2300 kJ/kg at 100 C).

The v aporised w ater v olume is generally r emoved using air f rom t he dr ying c hamber. T he
power d emand Qpd required t o h eat t he v olume of input a ir (excluding the useful he at output
Qth) can be calculated as shown in Equation 3.14.

Qpd = VCpdZTpd Equation 3.14


Qpd = power demand required to heat the input air in kWh/h (thermal exhaust
V = flowrate of the input air in m3/h
cpd = the airs specific heat capacity (approx. 1.2 kJ/m3 K) at 20 C and 1013
ZTpd = difference between the temperature of the fresh air and the exhaust air
in Kelvin.

The plants heat losses (such as surface loss) must also be covered above and beyond this power
demand. T hese s ystem l osses correspond to the ho lding pow er Q hp ( power de mand of t he
system when unloaded, at working temperature, and in recirculating air mode only). The entire
heat requirement is shown in Equation 3.15.

QI = Qth + Qpd + Qhp Equation 3.15


QI = power output required

Qhp = power demand for unloaded systems.

The thermal e fficiency of t he f iring m ust be t aken i nto a ccount, d epending on t he firing
equipment. This produces a consequent output Qtotal shown in Equation 3.16.

Qtotal = QI/Yfuel Equation 3.16

Energy Efficiency 255

Chapter 3


Qtotal = total power output

Yfuel = thermal efficiency.

Figure 3.45 de monstrates the ba ndwidths for t he s pecific secondary energy c onsumption p er
kilogram of e vaporated w ater a t m aximum load and w ith maximum possible e vaporation
performance for various types of dryers. For the purposes of comparison, it has been assumed
that the convection dryers use electrical resistance heating.
Specific energy consumption


continuous dryers
chamber dryers

chamber dryers

radiation dryers

radiation dryers
Medium wave

Long wave


Short wave


Figure 3.45: Bandwidths for the specific secondary energy consumption of different types of dryer
when vaporising water
[26, Neisecke, 2003]

Achieved environmental benefits

No data submitted.

Cross-media effects
No data submitted.

Operational data
As indicated in S ection 3.11.1, c onsidering t he u se of mechanical s eparation processes as a
possible pretreatment be fore d rying c ould, i n many c ases, reduce significantly t he e nergy

The op timisation of a ir hum idity i n dr yers i s of v ital i mportance t o r educe t he e nergy

consumption to a minimum in drying processes.

No data submitted.

No data submitted.

Driving force for implementation

No data submitted.

256 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

No data submitted.

Reference information
[26, Neisecke, 2003, 203, ADEME, 2000] Direct heating

Direct heating is achieved primarily by convection. A warm or hot gas, usually air (which may
be m ixed with the combustion g ases of the f uel) o r steam ( see S ection is passed
through, over or around t he material(s) to be dried, which may be in e.g. a r otating drum, on
racks or jigs.

Typical direct drying systems are:

with a flowing gas:

e.g. rotating drum, drying oven or kiln, tunnel dryers, spiral belt dryers, tray dryers
with aerated solids:
e.g. through circulator, batch dryers, stationary rack dryers
with large scale agitation of solids:
e.g fluidised bed, spin flash drying.

Achieved environmental benefits

Direct heating, in particular with hot air warmed by direct combustion, avoids many of the heat
losses in indirect systems, boilers and steam pipe lines, etc.

Cross-media effects
None identified.

Operational data
The m aterials be ing dr ied and t he l iquids b eing r emoved must be compatible a nd safe to us e
with the system, e.g. not flammable if direct heating is by burning natural gas.

Widely used.

None provided.

Driving force for implementation

cost reduction
simplicity (e.g. air drying reduces the need for steam).

Widely us ed i n m any i ndustries, s uch a s i n revolving dr ums dr ying or ganic chemicals,
fertilisers, food products a nd s and. It i s a lso used in t he surface t reatment of metals, a nd t he
drying components on jigs. The dryer is the last stage in the jig line, and is a tank, with a size
compatible w ith the preceding tanks c ontaining treatment solutions a nd rinses. The jigs a re
lowered and raised into the dryer, as they are into the treatment tanks. The dryer may be fitted
with an automically opening lid.

Reference information
[263, Tempany, 2008, 266, Ullmann's, 2000]

Energy Efficiency 257

Chapter 3 Indirect heating

Direct heating is achieved by conduction. The heat is transferred to the material to be dried by a
heated surface. The material may be stationary or continually transferred from one hot surface
to another.

Typical indirect drying systems are:

flat a nd strip m aterials, such a s textiles, pa per or board u se d rum driers. The m oist
material is wrapped around rotating horizontal cyclinders heated internally, usually with
low viscosity materials such as solutions of organic or inorganic material, a roller drier is
usually used. The material flows onto heated rollers as a thin layer, and the dreid solid is
removed with a scaper blade as a film, flakes or powder
pasty matrials are dried by:
grooved roller drier (which produces short segments for further drying),
hollow s crew drier which use one or t wo hollow Archimedes screws turning in a
trough. The screws are heated with hot water, saturated steam, or hot oils, etc.
all phase drier which is a contact drier with stirrer and kneeder. The housing, lid,
hollow main roller and its disc elements are heated with steam, hot water or hot oil
Granular materials are dried by:
rotary driers, either with heated pipes within the drum or the material to be dried in
whitn tubes i n t he he ated drum. T hese h ave low a ir velocity, w hich is us eful for
dusty materials
screw conveyor driers with paddles which turn in a heated container
cone w orm dr ier with a c one-shaped s tirrer r otating i n a heated funnel shaped
tray driers, with heated trays
spiral tube driers, in which t he material is onl y br iefly i n contact with the heated
surface of the tube and is transported pneumatically. It can be sealed and may be
used for organic solvent removal, with solvent recovery.

Achieved environmental benefits

None submitted.

Cross-media effects
Likely t o us e m ore e nergy t han di rect he ating, due t o l osses i n t he transfer of he at, a s t his
process has two stages: heating the surface then heating the material.

Operational data
See Description.

These driers have can have specific applications, such as when organic solvents are removed.

None provided.

Driving force for implementation

Applications such as where direct heating cannot be applied, or there are other constraints.

Widely used.

Reference information
[264, Tempany, 2008, 266, Ullmann's, 2000]

258 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3 Superheated steam

Superheated steam is steam heated to a temperature higher than the boiling point of water at a
given pressure. It cannot exist in contact with water, nor contain water, and resembles a perfect
gas; it is also called surcharged steam, anhydrous steam, and steam gas. Superheated steam can
be used as a heating fluid instead of hot air in any direct dryers (where the heating fluid is in
direct contact with the product); for example, in spray drying, in a fluidised bed, in a spouted
bed, in drums, etc.

Achieved environmental benefits

The a dvantage i s that t he limiting phenomenon i s only heat t ransfer and not m ass (water)
transfer. The drying kinetic is thus better. Dryers are smaller and so are heat losses. Moreover,
the energy (latent heat) of the water coming from the product can easily be recycled in the dryer
via mechanical vapour recompression (MVR) or used in another process, increasing the energy

Dealing w ith volatile o rganic compounds (VOCs) is easier be cause o f the limited v olume of
exhaust gases. These compounds may be easily recovered.

Cross-media effects
Thermosensitive products can be damaged by the high temperature.

Operational data
Energy consumption is about 6 70 k Wh/t e vaporated w ater without he at r ecovery a nd
170 to 340 kWh/t with heat recovery (MVR, for example).

Process control i s easier b ecause the final moisture of the product a nd dr ying kinetic c an be
controlled through steam temperature. The elimination of air r educes t he r isks of f ire a nd

Any di rect dr yers c an be r etrofitted w ith s uperheated s team. T ests s hould be c onducted to
guarantee the product quality, and economic calculations have to be made.

The investment is generally higher, especially when MVR is used.

Driving force for implementation

Energy savings s hould be t he f irst driving f orce for implementation. B etter product quality i s
often reported, especially in the agro-food industry (better colour, absence of oxidation, etc.).

Sucrerie Lesaffre (Nangis, France): drying of beet pulp using superheated steam
applications: s ludge, b eet pulp, a lfalfa, de tergent, technical ceramics, wood-based f uel,

Reference information
[208, Ali, 1996]

Energy Efficiency 259

Chapter 3 Heat recovery in drying processes

Drying is often a high temperature process and waste heat may be recovered:

either directly, when the drying process is a direct one using hot air as the heating fluid:
mix the exhaust air with fresh air directly before the burner
if the exhaust air is contaminated too much (dust, moisture, etc.), recycle heat from
exhaust air via an heat exchanger (see Section 3.3.1.) to preheat the product to be
dried or the drying air
or indirectly, us ing mechanical v apour r ecompression ( MVR) to c ompress t he e xhaust
vapour ( see S ection 3.3.2), esp ecially when t he heating f luid is su perheated s team ( see

Only 'direct' recycling is considered here.

Achieved environmental benefits

Minimise energy usage.

Cross-media effects
Preheating t he air be fore the bu rner v ia h eat r ecovery m ay di sturb t he d rying pr ocess by
influencing the temperature-moisture content. Possible contaminants may appear when there is
no heat exchanger. Regulation may be needed to correctly control the drying temperature.

Operational data
energy savings are always greater when ambient air is cold (in winter, for example)
at least 5 % energy savings are expected.

This technique can be used for almost any continuous hot air convective dryers (tunnel, oven,
drum, etc.). Attention is to be paid to burner adjustment and sizing of the different items: fan,
pipe diameter, regulation valve and heat exchanger if applicable. Stainless steel is required for
the h eat e xchanger. When the d ryer burner w orks with f uel, e xhaust a ir c ontains sulphur and
SO2 and may damage the heat exchanger if condensation occurs.

Payback time may be very variable, depending on t he energy cost, the evaporating capacity of
the dryer and the number of running hours. Never forget to make a simulation with hypotheses
on the rise of energy prices.

Driving force for implementation

Saving money through energy savings.

Example plants
Beet pulp drying (Cambrai, France): heat recovery on exhaust gases.

Information Reference
[203, ADEME, 2000]

260 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3 Mechanical vapour recompression or heat pumps with evaporation

Concentration by evaporation coupled with MVR (mechanical vapour recompression) or a heat

pump, i s a hi ghly e fficient t echnique f or w aste w ater t reatment. I n pa rticular, t his t echnique
makes it possible to significantly reduce waste water volumes sent to treatment at a low cost, as
well as allowing water recycling.

To evaporate one tonne of water, 700 t o 800 k Wh/t energy power is required. It is possible to
reduce t he e nergy ne eds by us ing he at r ecovery s olutions, s uch as he at pu mps, i ncluding
mechanical v apour r ecompression ( MVR) ( see S ection 3.3.2), or multiple e ffect e vaporators
with thermo-compression.

Cross-media effects
The concentration of waste w ater streams m ay r equire different m anagement a nd t reatment
techniques (i.e. may no longer be suitable for waste water discharge).

Operational data
Several types of evaporators and their specific consumptions are shown together in Table 3.29.

Evaporator type Specific consumptions 1, 2, 3

kg steam/twe1 (kWh) kWh of electricity/twe1
1 stage 1200 (960) 10
2 stage 650 (520) 5
1 stage with thermocompression 450 550 (400) 5
3 stage 350 450 (320) 5
6 stage with thermocompression 115 140 (100) 5
1 stage with MVR 0 20 (8) 15 30
2 stage with MVR 0 20 (8) 10 20
Heat pump
1. twe: tonne of water evaporated
2. Average values for different concentration of product
3. Last column corresponds to auxiliaries consumptions (pump, refrigerating towers, etc.)

Table 3.29: Evaporator types and specific consumptions

The choice of technology depends on the nature of the product and the concentrate. Feasability
tests can be necessary.

Determined on a case by case basis.

Driving force for implementation

cost savings
increase in production throughput and/or product quality.

ZF L emforder Mecacentre m anufactures d ifferent pieces for the c ar industry (suspension o r
steering ba lls, steering columns, etc.). I n 1998, during t he process of o btaining ISO 14001
certification, t he c ompany installed a n M VR evaporator to c oncentrate w ash w ater from
cleaning workpieces. The equipment installed concentrates up t o 120 l itres of w astewater per
hour w ith a power of 7.2 kWh and a llows t he r ecycling of 20 t o 25 m 3 of purified w ater per
month in t he pr oduction s ystem. T he r esidual c oncentrated liquid w aste is s ent t o a s uitable
waste management treatment installation:

Energy Efficiency 261

Chapter 3

investment cost: EUR 91 469

annual saving obtained: EUR 76 224
return on investment time: 14 months.

Reference information
[26, Neisecke, 2003, 197, Wikipedia, , 201, Dresch_ADEME, 2006] [243, R&D, 2002] Optimisation of the insulation of the drying system

As with all heated equipment, heat losses can be reduced by insulating the drying system, such
as ovens and steam pipes and condensate pipes (see also Section 3.2.11). The type of insulation
used and the thickness required d epends on t he operating t emperature of t he s ystem, the
materials being dried and if liquids other than water are being removed, or if the water vapour
may be contaminated (e.g. with acid vapour).

The insulation ne eds t o be m aintained, a s i t c an s uffer de terioration w ith t ime due t o

embrittlement, mechanical damage, action of damp (e.g. from condensing water vapour, steam
leaks) or contact with chemicals. Damaged insulation can be identified by visual inspection or
by infrared scanning, see Section 2.10.1.

Achieved environmental benefits

Energy savings.

Cross-media effects
None identified.

Operational data
Where the h ot surfaces may be i n co ntact with p ersonnel, a maximum su rface t emperature of
50 C is recommended.

Insulation can cover leaks and/or corrosion, a nd periodic c hecks need t o be made t o i dentify

When insulating a large drying system or refurbishing a plant.

These can be calculated on a project basis.

Driving force for implementation

Cost savings and health and safety.

Widely used.

Reference information
[265, Tempany, 2008, 268, Whittaker, 2003]

262 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

3.11.4 Radiant energies

In radiant energies such as infrared (IR), high frequency (HF) and microwaves (MW), energy is
transferred b y t hermal radiation. N ote that there is a difference b etween d rying and cu ring:
drying requires the raising of the solvent molecules to or above the latent heat of evaporation,
whereas c uring t echniques pr ovide the e nergy f or cross-linking ( polymerisation) or ot her
reactions. The drying and curing of coatings are discussed in the STS BREF.

These technologies are applied in industrial production processes to heat products and thus, can
be applied in drying pr ocesses. R adiant energies can be us ed a lone or in combination w ith
conduction or convection.

Achieved environmental benefits

Radiant energies have specific characteristics allowing energy savings in these processes:

direct transfer of energy. Radiant energies allow direct transfer of energy from source to
product, without using intermediate media. The heat transfer is thus optimum, especially
by avoiding energy loss through ventilation systems. This can achieve significant energy
savings. For example, for paint drying processes, about 80 % of energy is extracted with
the waste gases
high pow er de nsity. S urface ( IR) or volume ( HF, M W) pow er densities a re higher for
radiant energies compared to conventional technologies such as hot air convection. This
leads t o a hi gher p roduction velocity and a llows treatment of high s pecific energy
products such as some paints
energy focusing. Energy can easily be focused on the required part of the product
control flexibility. Thermal inertia is low with radiant energies and power variations are
large. F lexible control c an be us ed, which leads to energy savings a nd g ood quality
manufactured products.

Cross-media effects
None reported.

Operational data
Exhaust a irflow i s g enerally f ar lower be cause a ir i s not t he i ntermediate medium f or he at
transfer but is just us ed to extract s team or ot her solvents. T reatment of exhaust gases, i f
applicable, is thus easier and less expensive.

Other achieved benefits specific for IR:

direct heating: r eduction o f hot air e xhaust, thus e nergy s aving; f ew or no hot f luids
reduction of equipment size
easier regulation
retrofitting of plants.

Other achieved benefits specific for HF and MW:

direct heating: r eduction o f hot air e xhaust, thus e nergy s aving; f ew or no hot f luids
volume heating leads to rapid drying and less losses
selective heating, water is heated preferentially
homogeneous heating if the size of the products is compatible with wavelength
efficient heat transfer.

Differential heating of heterogeneous products can occur and lead to poor quality products.

Energy Efficiency 263

Chapter 3

Some disadvantages for IR:

larger investment (20 - 30 %)

essentially for flat or simple-shaped products
often not the priority choice of constructors.

Some disadvantages for HF and MW:

larger investment (20 - 30 %)

often not a priority choice of constructors.

Radiant energies, in p articular I R, c an be used i n r etrofitting of installations o r t o boo st the
production line, coupled with convection or conduction.

In spite of their advantages (speed of action, quality of final products, energy savings), the use
of r adiant e nergies i s not common i n industrial a pplications, t oday known a s having a great
energy savings potential.

IR can be used in:

curing of paint, ink and varnish

drying of paper, paperboard, pre-drying of textiles
drying powder in the chemical and plastics industries.

HF can be used in the drying of:

massive (monolithic) products: textiles (reels of wire), ceramics

powder in the chemical industry.

MW can be used in the drying of:

massive (monolithic) products (wood, agro-industry) or flat products

chemical and pharmaceutical products (under vacuum).

Investment is generally more expensive (20 30 %) than conventional techniques.

Driving force for implementation

Radiant energies lead t o c ompact sy stems. L ack o f s pace availability can be a driving f orce.
They can be used to boost existing production lines, especially IR.

Biotex is a French plant producing latex pillows. Pillows are very difficult to dry and must have
a moisture content of <1 % to avoid problems during usage. The convective tunnel (impinging
jet) w as no t s ufficient for a g ood p roduction qu ality a nd c onsumed a l ot o f e nergy. The
implementation of an H F system a t t he out put of the tunnel met t he requirements i n terms of
quality and reduced the specific energy consumption per pillow by 41 % (primary energy) with
an eight fold reduction of production time. The convector tunnel leaves pillows with 19 to 45 %
moisture, HF achieves 1 %. Payback time was 4 years.

Reference information
[204, CETIAT, 2002, 205, ADEME, , 206, ADEME, 2002]

264 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 3

3.11.5 Computer-aided process control/process automation in thermal

drying processes

In t he v ast majority of applications w ith t hermal dr ying pr ocesses, dryers a re no rmally
controlled using target value s pecifications a nd/or p redominantly e mpirical v alues (operator
experience). The r etention time, t hroughput s peed, starting m oisture content, t emperature and
product quality a re a ll used a s control parameters. Moisture sensors with linear characteristics
and l ow interferences, w hile s till offering high service lives, a re required to determine t he
moisture content. A computer can calculate these measurements in real time and compare them
with target values calculated from the mathematical model of the drying process. This requires
an e xact k nowledge of t he dr ying pr ocess a nd s uitable s oftware. The c ontroller c hanges t he
corresponding control variable by comparing the target and actual values.

Examples from di fferent plants show t hat savings of be tween 5 a nd 1 0 % can be a chieved
compared with using traditional empirical controllers.

Achieved environmental benefits

No data submitted.

Cross-media effects
No data submitted.

Operational data
No data submitted.

No data submitted.

No data submitted.

Driving force for implementation

No data submitted.

No data submitted.

Reference information
[207, ADEME, 2000]

Energy Efficiency 265

Chapter 4


4.1 Introduction
In understanding this chapter and its contents, the attention of the reader is drawn back to the
preface of this document and in particular to the text quoted below:

From Section 3 of the Preface, 'Relevant legal obligations of the IPPC Directive and the
definition of BAT':

The purpose of the IPPC Directive is to achieve integrated prevention and control of pollution
arising f rom t he a ctivities l isted i n i ts A nnex I, l eading t o a high l evel o f pr otection o f t he
environment as a whole including energy efficiency. The legal basis of the Directive relates to
environmental pr otection. Its i mplementation s hould a lso take account of other Community
objectives s uch a s t he c ompetitiveness o f the C ommunitys i ndustry t hereby c ontributing t o
sustainable de velopment. The Scope g ives further i nformation on the legal b asis of e nergy
efficiency in the Directive.

More specifically, the IPPC Directive provides for a permitting system for certain categories of
industrial installations requiring both operators and regulators to take an integrated, overall view
of the potential of the installation to consume and pollute. The overall aim of such an integrated
approach m ust be to i mprove the design a nd bui ld, a nd the management a nd c ontrol o f
industrial processes so as to ensure a high level of protection for the environment as a whole.
Central to this approach is the general principle given in Article 3 that operators should take all
appropriate preventative measures against p ollution, in pa rticular through t he a pplication of
'best available techniques', enabling t hem to i mprove t heir e nvironmental pe rformance
including energy efficiency.

The term 'best available techniques' is defined in Article 2(12) of the Directive.

Furthermore, A nnex IV t o t he D irective contains a l ist of ' considerations to be t aken i nto

account g enerally o r i n sp ecific cases w hen determining b est av ailable techniques b earing i n
mind the likely costs and benefits of a measure and the principles of precaution and prevention'.
These considerations include the information pub lished by t he C ommission to comply w ith
Article 17(2).

Competent authorities responsible for issuing permits are required to take account of the general
principles set out in Article 3 w hen determining the conditions of the permit. These conditions
must include emission limit values, supplemented or replaced where appropriate by equivalent
parameters or technical measures. According to Article 9(4) of the Directive:

(without prejudice to compliance with environmental quality standards), the emission limit
values, equivalent parameters and technical measures shall be based on the best available
techniques, without prescribing the use of any technique or specific technology, but taking into
account the technical characteristics of the installation concerned, its geographical location
and the local environmental conditions. In all circumstances, the conditions of the permit shall
include provisions on the minimisation of long-distance or transboundary pollution and ensure
a high level of protection for the environment as a whole.

Member S tates have t he o bligation, according t o Article 11 of t he D irective, to e nsure t hat

competent authorities follow or are informed of developments in best available techniques.

Energy Efficiency 267

Chapter 4

From Section 6 of the Preface, 'How to understand and use this document':

The information provided i n t his document i s i ntended to be u sed as an i nput t o the

determination o f B AT for e nergy e fficiency in s pecific cases. W hen d etermining BAT a nd
setting B AT-based permit conditions, account s hould a lways be t aken o f the overall g oal t o
achieve a high level of protection for the environment as a whole including energy efficiency.

This chapter (Chapter 4) presents the techniques that are considered to be compatible with BAT
in a g eneral s ense. The pur pose i s t o p rovide g eneral i ndications a bout e nergy e fficiency
techniques that can be considered as an appropriate reference point to assist in the determination
of BAT-based permit conditions or for the establishment of general binding rules under Article
9(8). I t s hould be stressed, how ever, t hat this doc ument doe s not pr opose energy e fficiency
values for pe rmits. The d etermination o f appropriate pe rmit c onditions will i nvolve taking
account of local, s ite-specific f actors s uch a s t he technical characteristics o f the i nstallation
concerned, its g eographical l ocation a nd t he l ocal e nvironmental conditions. In the cas e o f
existing installations, the economic and technical viability of upgrading them also needs to be
taken i nto a ccount. E ven t he s ingle ob jective of e nsuring a h igh l evel o f pr otection for the
environment as a whole will often involve making trade-off judgements between different types
of environmental impact, and these judgements will often be influenced by local considerations.

The best available techniques presented in this chapter will not necessarily be appropriate for all
installations. O n t he ot her ha nd, t he ob ligation t o e nsure a hi gh level of environmental
protection including t he minimisation of l ong-distance or transboundary pollution i mplies that
permit conditions cannot be set on the basis of purely local considerations. It is therefore of the
utmost importance that the information contained in this document is fully taken into account by
permitting authorities.

As a c onsequence of t he i ntegrated approach and the ne ed to b alance c ross-media effects (as

summarised above), energy efficiency ultimately should be considered for the installation as a
whole, i.e.:

it may not be possible to maximise the energy efficiencies of all activities and/or systems
in the installation at the same time
it may not be pos sible to both maximise the t otal e nergy efficiency a nd minimise other
consumptions and emissions (e.g. it may not be possible to reduce emissions such as those
to air without using energy)
the energy efficiency of one or more systems may be de-optimised to achieve the overall
maximum efficiency for an installation. See Sections 1.3.5 and
it is necessary t o k eep t he b alance b etween m aximising en ergy efficiency a nd o ther
factors, such as product quality and the stability of the process
the use of 'wasted' or s urplus he at and/or renewable energy sources m ay be m ore
sustainable than using primary fuels, even if the energy efficiency in use is lower.

Energy efficiency techniques are therefore proposed as 'optimising energy efficiency'.

The techniques pr esented i n t his c hapter ha ve be en a ssessed t hrough a n i terative pr ocess

involving the following steps:

identification of the key energy efficiency issues within the scope of the IPPC Directive
(see the Preface and Scope32)
examination of the techniques most relevant to address these key issues
identification of the best energy efficiencies achievable, on the basis of the available data
in the European Union and worldwide

Energy ef ficiency i n the IPPC D irective a nd the s cope o f t his do cument, as w ell as t he i nterface w ith o ther l egislation and
policy commitments is discussed in the Preface and Scope. It was concluded there that this document would not discuss such
issues as the use of renewable energy sources.

268 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 4

examination of the conditions under which these performance levels were achieved; such
as c osts, cross-media effects, a nd t he main dr iving f orces involved i n implementing t he
selection of the be st available t echniques ( BAT) i n a general sense according t o Article
2(12) and Annex IV to the Directive.

Expert judgement by the European I PPC Bureau a nd t he relevant T echnical Working G roup
(TWG) has played a key role in each of these steps and in the way in which the information is
presented here.

Where a vailable, da ta c oncerning costs ha ve be en g iven t ogether with the de scription of the
techniques p resented i n t he previous c hapters. These g ive a r ough i ndication a bout the
magnitude of the costs involved. However, the actual cost of applying a technique will depend
strongly on the specific situation regarding, for example, t axes, f ees, and t he t echnical
characteristics of t he i nstallation co ncerned. It i s not p ossible to evaluate s uch si te-specific
factors fully in this document. In the absence of data concerning costs, conclusions on economic
viability of techniques are drawn from observations on existing installations.

It is intended that the general BAT in this chapter are a reference point against which to judge
the current performance of an existing installation or to judge a proposal for a new installation.
In this way they will assist in the determination of appropriate 'BAT-based' conditions for the
installation or in t he e stablishment of general b inding rules unde r A rticle 9(8) of the I PPC
Directive. It is foreseen that new installations can be designed to perform at or even better than
the g eneral B AT p resented he re. It i s a lso c onsidered t hat e xisting i nstallations c ould m ove
towards the general BAT or do better, subject to the technical and economic applicability of the
techniques in each case.

While the BAT reference documents do not set legally binding standards, they are meant to give
information for the guidance of industry, Member States and the public on achievable emission
and consumption levels when using specified techniques (including energy efficiencies given in
vertical sector BREFs), or the equivalent parameters and technical measures (Article 9(4)). The
appropriate conditions for any specific case will need to be determined taking into account the
objectives of the IPPC Directive and the local considerations.

Identification of horizontal BAT

The hor izontal approach to e nergy e fficiency i n all I PPC sectors is based on the pr emise that
energy is used in all installations, and that common systems and equipment occur in many IPPC
sectors. Horizontal options for energy efficiency can therefore be identified independently of a
specific activity. On this basis, BAT can be derived that embrace the most effective measures to
achieve a high level of energy efficiency as a whole. Because this is a horizontal BREF, BAT
need to be determined more broadly than for a vertical BREF, such as to consider the interaction
of processes, units and systems within a site.

Process-specific BAT for energy efficiency and associated energy consumption levels are given
in t he a ppropriate vertical s ector B REFs. S ome of these ha ve be en br oadly s ummarised i n
[283, EIPPCB].

BAT for specific installations is, therefore, the combination of the specific BAT elements in the
relevant sector BREFs, specific BAT for associated activities that may be found in other vertical
BREFs, an d the generic B AT elements presented in this c hapter: t hose that are g eneral to a ll
installations c an be f ound in Section 4.2 and t he relevant BAT f or certain systems, pr ocesses,
activities or equipment are given in Section 4.3 (the relationship is shown in Figure 4.1).

Neither this c hapter, nor Chapters 2 an d 3 give ex haustive lists of t echniques which m ay b e
considered, a nd t herefore other t echniques m ay e xist or m ay be developed which m ay be
equally valid within the framework of IPPC and BAT.

Energy Efficiency 269

Chapter 4

Implementation of BAT
The implementation of BAT in new or significantly upgraded plants or processes is not usually
a problem. In most c ases, it makes e conomic sense t o opt imise e nergy efficiency. Within an
existing i nstallation, the implementation o f B AT is not g enerally s o e asy, b ecause of the
existing i nfrastructure a nd l ocal c ircumstances: the e conomic a nd technical v iability of
upgrading these installations ne eds to be t aken into account (see t he P reface and t he de tails
listed below). The ECM REF [167, EIPPCB, 2006] refers to the following factors:

for a new plant or major upgrade, the stage of commitment to a selection of techniques
(i.e. the point at which changes in design can no longer be cost-effectively made)
the age and design of the equipment
the position of the installation in its investment cycle
the complexity of processes and the actual selection of techniques used in the installation
the production capacity, volumes and the mix of products being produced
the type of treatments being applied and quality requirements
the space available
cost, availability and robustness of techniques in the timescale required by the operator
the time required to make changes to activities (including any structural changes) within
the installation and how this is optimised with production requirements
the cost-benefit of any ongoing environmental measures
new and emerging techniques
financial and cross-media costs.

Nevertheless, t his doc ument doe s not g enerally di stinguish be tween ne w and e xisting
installations. S uch a di stinction w ould not encourage t he operators of industrial s ites t o move
towards a dopting B AT. There i s generally a pa yback a ssociated w ith energy e fficiency
measures a nd due to the hi gh i mportance attached to energy e fficiency, m any pol icy
implementation m easures, i ncluding financial i ncentives, a re a vailable. I nformation on
European and MS action plans and regulations can be found in Annex 7.13.

Some of the techniques are applied continuously and others are applied periodically, in whole or
in part. For example, some maintenance tasks are carried out daily, while others are carried at
appropriate times, e.g. servicing equipment at shut down times.

Some techniques are very desirable, and often implemented, but may require the availability and
cooperation of a third party (e.g. cogeneration), which is not considered in the IPPC Directive.

Aids to understand this chapter

During the preparation of this document, it has become apparent that there is an order in which
it is helpful to consider the application of techniques and therefore BAT. This is reflected in the
order of the BAT sections, below, and in Figure 4.1.

The first priority is the selection and operation of core processes of the activities covered by the
processes. These are d iscussed in their v ertical s ector B REFs, w hich are t he f irst reference

In s ome c ases, techniques which c an be applied to a ssociated a ctivities in an installation are

discussed in a separate vertical sector BREF, e.g. in the LCP, WI or WT BREFs.

However, energy efficiency is a cross-cutting issue, and there are aspects that are not dealt with
in the vertical sector BREFs, or that need to be addressed uniformly across sectors. These are
addressed in this document.

270 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 4

The f irst step i s a n a ction pr ogramme ba sed on an Energy E fficiency M anagement S ystem
(ENEMS), referred to in Section 4.2.1. This may be dealt with (i) by an EMS referred to in the
vertical sector BREF, (ii) such an EMS can be amended or (iii) the EMS can be supplemented
by a separate ENEMS. Specific BAT apply when upgrading existing installations or developing
new ones.

Sections 4.2.2 t o 4.2.9 s upport t he i mplementation of c ertain s ections of the ENEMS. They
contain BAT providing more detail on techniques.

Section 4.3 c ontains BAT for c ertain c ommon sy stems, processes, ass ociated activities o r
equipment w hich ha ve a n i mpact on t he e nergy e fficiency of t he i nstallation a nd a re n ot
discussed in detail in vertical BREFs. These may be identified during the course of assessing an

In many c ases, a dditional information is s ummarised from t he di scussions in earlier c hapters,

under t he he ading 'Applicability'. This gives i nformation s uch as which i nstallations t he B AT
applies to, the frequency and complexity of applying the BAT, etc.

Energy Efficiency 271

Chapter 4

Figure 4.1: Relationships between BAT for Energy efficiency

272 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 4

4.2 Best available techniques for achieving energy efficiency

at an installation level
The key el ement to deliver en ergy ef ficiency at an installation l evel i s a f ormal management
approach, described in BAT 1. This is supported by the BAT in the following sections.

4.2.1 Energy efficiency management

A number of energy efficiency management techniques are determined as BAT. The scope (e.g.
level o f d etail) and nature o f t he e nergy ef ficiency management s ystem ( ENEMS) (e.g.
standardised or non-standardised) will generally be related to the nature, scale and complexity
of the installation, as w ell as the energy requirements of the component processes and systems
(see Section 2.1):

1. BAT is to implement and adhere to an energy efficiency management system

(ENEMS) that incorporates, as appropriate to the local circumstances, all of the
following features (see Section 2.1. The letters (a), (b), etc. below, correspond those in
Section 2.1):

a. commitment of top m anagement (commitment of t he t op m anagement is r egarded as a

precondition for the successful application of energy efficiency management)

b. definition of an energy efficiency policy for the installation by top management

c. planning and establishing objectives and targets (see BAT 2, 3 and 8)

d. implementation and operation of procedures paying particular attention to:

i) structure and responsibility
ii) training, awareness and competence (see BAT 13)
iii) communication
iv) employee involvement
v) documentation
vi) effective control of processes (see BAT 14)
vii) maintenance (see BAT 15)
viii) emergency preparedness and response
ix) safeguarding compliance with energy efficiency-related legislation and agreements
(where such agreements exist).

e. benchmarking: the identification and assessment of energy efficiency indicators over time
(see BAT 8), and the systematic and regular comparisons with sector, national or regional
benchmarks for energy efficiency, where verified data are available (see Sections 2.1(e),
2.16 and BAT 9)

f. checking performance and taking corrective action paying particular attention to:
i) monitoring and measurement (see BAT 16)
ii) corrective and preventive action
iii) maintenance of records
iv) independent (where practicable) internal auditing in order to determine whether or
not the e nergy e fficiency management system c onforms to planned arrangements
and has been properly implemented and maintained (see BAT 4 and 5)

g. review of t he E NEMS and i ts c ontinuing s uitability, adequacy and effectiveness by t op


Energy Efficiency 273

Chapter 4

For (h) and (i), see further features on an energy efficiency statement and external verification,

b. when de signing a ne w u nit, taking i nto a ccount t he e nvironmental i mpact from t he

eventual decommissioning of the unit

c. development of energy efficient technologies, a nd t o f ollow de velopments i n e nergy

efficiency techniques.

The ENEMS may be a chieved by ensuring t hese e lements f orm part o f existing management
systems ( such a s a n E MS) or b y i mplementing a sep arate e nergy ef ficiency management

Three further f eatures a re c onsidered a s supporting m easures. A lthough these features have
advantages, systems without them can be BAT. These three additional steps are:

(see S ection 2.1(h)) pr eparation a nd publication ( and pos sibly external v alidation) of a
regular energy efficiency statement describing all the significant environmental aspects of
the i nstallation, allowing f or year-by-year c omparison against environmental o bjectives
and targets as well as with sector benchmarks as appropriate
(see S ection 2.1(i)) ha ving t he m anagement s ystem and audit pr ocedure e xamined a nd
validated by an accredited certification body or an external ENEMS verifier
(see S ection 2.1, Applicability, 2) i mplementation and a dherence to a na tionally or
internationally accepted voluntary system such as:
DS2403, IS 393, SS627750, VDI Richtlinie No. 46, etc.
(when i ncluding energy efficiency m anagement i n a n E MS) E MAS and
EN ISO 14001:1996. This voluntary s tep could g ive hi gher c redibility t o the
ENEMS. H owever, non -standardised s ystems can be e qually effective pr ovided
that they are properly designed and implemented.

Applicability: All installations. The scope and nature (e.g. level of detail) of applying this
ENEMS will depend on the nature, scale and complexity of the installation, and the energy
requirements of the component processes and systems.

4.2.2 Planning and establishing objectives and targets Continuous environmental improvement

An i mportant aspect of e nvironmental m anagement systems is c ontinuing e nvironmental

improvement. This requires maintaining a balance for a n i nstallation between consumption of
energy, r aw materials and water, and the emissions ( see S ections 1.1.6 a nd 2.2.1). P lanned
continuous i mprovement c an a lso a chieve the b est cost-benefit f or a chieving e nergy s avings
(and other environmental benefits).

2. BAT is to continuously minimise the environmental impact of an installation by

planning actions and investments on an integrated basis and for the short, medium
and long term, considering the cost-benefits and cross-media effects.

Applicability: All installations.

Continuously means the actions are repeated over time, i.e. all planning and investment
decisions should consider the overall long term aim to reduce the environmental impacts of the
operation. This may mean avoiding short term actions to better use available investments over a
longer term, e.g. changes to the core process may require more investment and take longer to
implement, but may bring bigger reductions in energy use and emissions (see examples in
Section 2.2.1).

274 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 4

The environmental benefits may not be linear, e.g. 2 % energy savings every year for 10 years.
They may be stepwise, reflecting investment in ENE projects, etc. (see Section 2.2.1). Equally,
there may be cross-media effects: for example it may be necessary to increase energy
consumption to abate an air pollutant.

Environmental impacts can never be reduced to zero, and there will be points in time where
there is little or no cost-benefit to further actions. However, over a longer period, with changing
technology and costs (e.g. energy prices), the viability may also change. Identification of energy efficiency aspects of an installation and

opportunities for energy savings

In or der t o op timise e nergy e fficiency, the a spects of a n i nstallation that i nfluence e nergy
efficiency ne ed to be i dentified and quantified (see Section 2.11). Energy savings can t hen be
identified, e valuated, prioritised and implemented a ccording t o B AT 2 , above ( see
Section 2.1(c)).

3. BAT is to identify the aspects of an installation that influence energy efficiency by

carrying out an audit. It is important that an audit is coherent with a systems
approach (see BAT 7).

Applicability: All existing installations and prior to planning upgrades or rebuilds. An audit
may be internal or external.

The scope of the audit and nature (e.g. level of detail, the time between audits) will depend on
the nature, scale and complexity of the installation and the energy consumption of the
component processes and systems (see Section 2.8.), e.g.:

in large installations with many systems and individual energy-using components such as
motors, it will be necessary to prioritise data collection to necessary information and
significant uses
in smaller installations, a walk-through type audit may be sufficient.

The first energy audit for an installation may be called an energy diagnosis.

4. When carrying out an audit, BAT is to ensure that the audit identifies the following
aspects (see Section 2.11):

a. energy use and type in the installation and its component systems and processes

b. energy-using equipment, and the type and quantity of energy used in the installation

c. possibilities to minimise energy use, such as:

controlling/reducing op erating times, e .g. switching o ff when no t in use (e.g. s ee
Sections 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.11)
ensuring insulation is optimised, e.g. see Sections 3.1.7, 3.2.11 and
optimising utilities, associated systems, processes and equipment (see Chapter 3)

d. possibilities to use alternative sources or use of energy that is more efficient, in particular
energy surplus from other processes and/or systems, see Section 3.3

e. possibilities to apply energy surplus to other processes and/or systems, see Section 3.3

f. possibilities to upgrade heat quality (see Section 3.3.2).

Energy Efficiency 275

Chapter 4

Applicability: All installations. The scope of the audit and the nature (e.g. level of detail) will
depend on the nature, scale and complexity of the installation, and the energy consumption of
the component processes and systems.

Examples of some techniques for optimising systems and processes are given in the relevant
sections in Chapter 3.

5. BAT is to use appropriate tools or methodologies to assist with identifying and

quantifying energy optimisation, such as:

energy models, databases and balances (see Section 2.15)

a technique s uch a s p inch methodology ( see S ection 2.12) e xergy or e nthalpy
analysis (see Section 2.13), or thermoeconomics (see Section 2.14)
estimates and calculations (see Sections 1.5 and 2.10.2).

Applicability: Applicable to every sector. The choice of appropriate tool or tools will depend on
the sector, and the size, complexity and energy usage of the site. This will be site-specific, and is
discussed in the relevant sections.

6. BAT is to identify opportunities to optimise energy recovery within the installation,

between systems within the installation (see BAT 7) and/or with a third party (or
parties), such as those described in Sections 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4.

Applicability: The scope for energy recovery depends on the existence of a suitable use for the
heat at the type and quantity recovered (see Sections 3.3 and 3.4, and Annexes 7.10.2 and
7.10.3). A systems approach is set out in Section 2.2.2 and BAT 7). Opportunities may be
identified at various times, such as a result of audits or other investigations, when considering
upgrades or new plants, or when the local situation changes (such as a use for surplus heat is
identified in a nearby activity).

The cooperation and agreement of a third party may not be within the control of the operator,
and therefore may not be within the scope of an IPPC permit. In many cases, public authorities
have facilitated such arrangements or are the third party. A systems approach to energy management

The m ajor en ergy efficiency gains a re a chieved b y viewing the installation as a whole and
assessing t he n eeds an d uses o f t he v arious s ystems, t heir asso ciated en ergies and their
interactions (see Sections 1.3.5, 1.4.2 and 2.2.2).

7. BAT is to optimise energy efficiency by taking a systems approach to energy

management in the installation. Systems to be considered for optimising as a whole
are, for example:

process units (see sector BREFs)

heating systems such as:
steam (see Section 3.2)
hot water
cooling and vacuum (see the ICS BREF)
motor driven systems such as:
compressed air (see Section 3.7)
pumping (see Section 3.8)
lighting (see Section 3.10)
drying, separation and concentration (see Section 3.11).

276 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 4

Applicability: All installations. The scope and nature (e.g. level of detail, frequency of
optimisation, systems to be considered at any one time) of applying this technique will depend
on factors such as the nature, scale and complexity of the installation, the energy requirements
of the component processes and systems and the techniques considered for application. Establishing and reviewing energy efficiency objectives and


Quantifiable, r ecorded energy e fficiency ob jectives a re crucial for a chieving and m aintaining
energy efficiency. Areas for improvement are identified from an audit (see BAT 3). Indicators
need t o b e es tablished to assess the effectiveness of e nergy e fficiency measures. F or p rocess
industries, these are preferably indicators related to production or service throughput (e.g. GJ/t
product, see S ection 1.3), t ermed specific energy consumption ( SEC). Where a s ingle e nergy
objective ( such as S EC) cannot be s et, o r w here it i s he lpful, the e fficiency of individual
processes, u nits o r sy stems m ay b e ass essed. I ndicators f or p rocesses are o ften g iven i n t he
relevant sector BREFS (for an overview, see [283, EIPPCB])

Production parameters (such a s pr oduction r ate, product t ype) v ary a nd these may a ffect the
measured e nergy e fficiency a nd s hould be r ecorded t o e xplain v ariations a nd t o e nsure that
energy efficiency i s r ealised by t he t echniques applied ( see S ections 1.4 and 1.5). E nergy us e
and transfers may be complicated and the boundary of the installation or system being assessed
should be c arefully de fined on the ba sis of e ntire s ystems ( see S ections 1.3.5 a nd 1.4.2 a nd
BAT 7). Energy should be calculated on the basis of primary energy, or the energy uses shown
as s econdary e nergy for the d ifferent ut ilities (e.g. process heat a s s team us e i n GJ/t, s ee

8. BAT is to establish energy efficiency indicators by carrying out all of the following:

a. identifying suitable energy efficiency indicators for the installation, and where necessary,
individual processes, s ystems a nd/or uni ts, and measure their c hange over time or after
the implementation of energy efficiency measures (see Sections 1.3 and 1.3.4)

b. identifying a nd r ecording a ppropriate bound aries associated with the indicators (see
Sections 1.3.5 and 1.5.1)

c. identifying and recording factors that can cause variation in the energy efficiency of the
relevant process, systems and/or units (see Sections 1.3.6 and 1.5.2).

Applicability: All installations. The scope and nature (e.g. level of detail) of applying these
techniques will depend on the nature, scale and complexity of the installation, and the energy
consumption of the component processes and systems.

Secondary or final energies are usually used for monitoring ongoing situations. In some cases,
it may be most convenient to use more than one secondary or final energy indicator, for
example, in the pulp and paper industry, where both electricity and steam are given as joint
energy efficiency indicators. When deciding on the use (or change) of energy vectors and
utilities, the energy indicator used may also be the secondary or final energy. However, other
indicators such as primary energy or carbon balance may be used, to take account of the
production of any secondary energy vector and the cross-media effects, depending on local
circumstances (see Section

Energy Efficiency 277

Chapter 4 Benchmarking

Benchmarking is a powerful tool for assessing the performance of a plant and the effectiveness
of energy efficiency measures, as well as overcoming paradigm blindness33. Data may be found
in sector BREFs, trade association information, national guidance documents, theoretical energy
calculations for processes, etc. Data should be comparable and may need t o be corrected, e.g.
for type of feedstock. Data confidentiality may be important, such as where energy consumption
is a significant part of the cost of production, although it may be possible to protect data (see
Section 2.16). See also the establishment of energy indicators in BAT 8.

Benchmarking c an a lso be a pplied t o pr ocesses a nd working methods ( see S ections 2.5 a nd


9. BAT is to carry out systematic and regular comparisons with sector, national or
regional benchmarks, where validated data are available.

Applicability: All installations. The level of detail will depend on the nature, scale and
complexity of the installation, and the energy consumption of the component processes and
systems. Confidentiality issues may need to be addressed (see Section 2.16): for instance, the
results of benchmarking may remain confidential. Validated data include those in BREFs, or
those verified by a third party. The period between benchmarkings is sector-specific and usually
long (i.e. years), as benchmark data rarely change rapidly or significantly in a short time

4.2.3 Energy efficient design (EED)

The p lanning pha se of a new installation, unit or s ystem (or o ne undergoing m ajor
refurbishment) o ffers the oppor tunity t o c onsider the lifetime e nergy c osts of pr ocesses,
equipment and utility s ystems, and t o s elect t he m ost energy e fficient options, w ith t he be st
lifetime costs (see Section 2.1(c)).

10. BAT is to optimise energy efficiency when planning a new installation, unit or
system or a significant upgrade (see Section 2.3) by considering all of the following:

a. the energy efficient design (EED) should be initiated at the early stages of the conceptual
design/basic design phase, even though the planned investments may not be well-defined.
The EED should also be taken into account in the tendering process

b. the development and/or selection of energy efficient technologies (see Sections 2.1(k) and

c. additional d ata collection m ay ne ed t o be carried o ut a s pa rt o f t he d esign p roject or

separately to supplement existing data or fill gaps in knowledge

d. the EED work should be carried out by an energy expert

e. the i nitial mapping of e nergy c onsumption s hould a lso a ddress w hich pa rties i n t he
project organisations influence t he f uture e nergy consumption, a nd s hould opt imise the
energy e fficiency design of the future p lant with t hem. F or e xample, t he s taff in the
(existing) installation who may be responsible for specifying design parameters.

Paradigm bl indness is a t erm used t o describe the phenomenon that o ccurs when t he do minant paradigm pr events o ne f rom
seeing viable alternatives, i.e. 'the way we do it is best, because we've always done it this way'

278 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 4

Applicability: All new and significantly refurbished installations, major processes and systems.
Where relevant in-house expertise on ENE is not available (e.g. non-energy intensive
industries), external ENE expertise should be sought (see Section 2.3).

4.2.4 Increased process integration

There ar e a dditional b enefits to seeking p rocess integration, su ch a s optimising r aw m aterial


11. BAT is to seek to optimise the use of energy between more than one process or
system (see Section 2.4), within the installation or with a third party.

Applicability: All installations. The scope and nature (e.g. level of detail) of applying this
technique will depend on the nature, scale and complexity of the installation, and the energy
requirements of the component processes and systems.

The cooperation and agreement of a third party may not be within the control of the operator,
and therefore may not be within the scope of an IPPC permit. In many cases, public authorities
have facilitated such arrangements or are the third party.

4.2.5 Maintaining the impetus of energy efficiency initiatives

To s uccessfully a chieve ong oing e nergy e fficiency improvement over time, it is ne cessary t o
maintain the impetus of energy efficiency programmes (see Section 2.5).

12. BAT is to maintain the impetus of the energy efficiency programme by using a
variety of techniques, such as:

a. implementing a specific energy efficiency management system (see Section 2.1 and BAT

b. accounting for energy us age based o n r eal ( metered) values, w hich places both the
obligation and credit for energy efficiency on the user/bill payer (see Sections 2.5, 2.10.3
and 2.15.2)

c. the creation of financial profit centres for energy efficiency (see Section 2.5)

d. benchmarking (see Section 2.16 and BAT 9)

e. a fresh l ook at existing management s ystems, s uch as using operational e xcellence (see
Section 2.5)

f. using c hange management t echniques ( also a feature of operational e xcellence, s ee

Section 2.5).

Applicability: All installations. It may be appropriate to use one technique or several techniques
together. The scope and nature (e.g. level of detail) of applying these techniques will depend on
the nature, scale and complexity of the installation, and the energy consumption of the
component processes and systems. Techniques (a), (b) and (c) are applied and maintained
according to the relevant sections referred to. The frequency of application of techniques such
as (d), (e) and (f) should be far enough apart to enable the progress of the ENE programme to
be assessed, and is therefore likely to be several years.

Energy Efficiency 279

Chapter 4

4.2.6 Maintaining expertise

Human resources a re required for t he i mplementation and control o f e nergy e fficiency

management, a nd s taff whose w ork may a ffect e nergy should receive training ( see
Section 2.1(d)(i) and (ii), and Section 2.6).

13. BAT is to maintain expertise in energy efficiency and energy-using systems by using
techniques such as:

a. recruitment of skilled staff and/or training of staff. Training can be delivered by in-house
staff, by external experts, by formal c ourses or by self-study/development (see
Section 2.6)

b. taking s taff o ff-line p eriodically t o p erform f ixed term/specific investigations ( in their

original installation or in others, see Section 2.5)

c. sharing in-house resources between sites (see Section 2.5)

d. use of appropriately s killed c onsultants f or fixed t erm investigations ( e.g. see

Section 2.11)

e. outsourcing specialist systems and/or functions (e.g. see Annex 7.12)

Applicability: All installations. The scope and nature (e.g. level of detail) of applying these
techniques will depend on the nature, scale and complexity of the installation, and the energy
requirements of the component processes and systems.

4.2.7 Effective control of processes

14. BAT is to ensure that the effective control of processes is implemented by techniques
such as:

a. having systems in pl ace t o ensure that pr ocedures are known, understood and complied
with (see Sections 2.1(d)(vi) and 2.5)

b. ensuring t hat t he k ey pe rformance pa rameters a re i dentified, op timised for e nergy

efficiency and monitored (see Sections 2.8 and 2.10)

c. documenting or recording these parameters (see Sections 2.1(d)(vi), 2.5, 2.10 and 2.15).

Applicability: All installations. The scope and nature (e.g. level of detail) of applying these
techniques will depend on the sector, nature, scale and complexity of the installation, and the
energy requirements of the component processes and systems.

280 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 4

4.2.8 Maintenance

Structured maintenance and the repair of equipment that uses energy and/or controls energy use
at t he e arliest opportunity a re e ssential f or a chieving a nd maintaining e fficiency (see
Sections 2.1(d)(vii), 2.9 and BAT 1).

15. BAT is to carry out maintenance at installations to optimise energy efficiency by

applying all of the following:

a. clearly allocating responsibility for the planning and execution of maintenance

b. establishing a s tructured programme f or maintenance based on technical descriptions of

the equipment, n orms, e tc. a s well a s any e quipment f ailures and c onsequences. S ome
maintenance activities may be best scheduled for plant shutdown periods

c. supporting t he maintenance programme by a ppropriate r ecord keeping s ystems a nd

diagnostic testing

d. identifying from routine maintenance, breakdowns and/or abnormalities possible losses in

energy efficiency, or where energy efficiency could be improved

e. identifying l eaks, b roken equipment, worn be arings, e tc. that affect o r control energy
usage, and rectifying them at the earliest opportunity.

Applicability: All installations. The scope and nature (e.g. level of detail) of applying these
techniques will depend on the nature, scale and complexity of the installation, and the energy
requirements of the component processes and systems. Carrying out repairs promptly has to be
balanced (where applicable) with maintaining the product quality and process stability and the
health and safety issues of carrying out repairs on the operating plant (e.g. it may contain
moving and/or hot equipment, etc.).

4.2.9 Monitoring and measurement

Monitoring and measurement are an essential part of checking in a plan-do-check-act system,

such as in energy management (Section 2.1). It is also a part of the effective control of processes
(see BAT 14).

16. BAT is to establish and maintain documented procedures to monitor and measure,
on a regular basis, the key characteristics of operations and activities that can have
a significant impact on energy efficiency. Some suitable techniques are given in
Section 2.10.

Applicability: All installations. The scope and nature (e.g. level of detail) of applying this
technique will depend on the nature, scale and complexity of the installation, and the energy
requirements of the component processes and systems.

Energy Efficiency 281

Chapter 4

4.3 Best available techniques for achieving energy efficiency

in energy-using systems, processes, activities or
Section identifies the importance of seeing the installation as a whole, and assessing the
needs and purposes of the various systems, their associated energies and their interactions.
BAT 7 gives examples of systems commonly found in installations.

In S ection 4.2, t here are B AT that a re g enerally a pplicable t o all s ystems, p rocesses an d
associated activities. These include:

analysing and benchmarking the system and its performance (BAT 1, 3, 4, 8 and 9)
planning a ctions and investments to optimise e nergy e fficiency considering t he c ost-
benefits and cross-media effects (BAT 2)
for n ew systems, opt imising e nergy e fficiency in the de sign of the installation, unit o r
system and in the selection of processes (BAT 10)
for existing systems, optimising the energy efficiency of the system through its operation
and m anagement, i ncluding r egular m onitoring a nd maintenance ( see B AT 1 4, 15 a nd

The BAT presented in this section therefore assume that these general BAT in Section 4.2 are
also applied to the systems described below, as part of their optimisation.

4.3.1 Combustion

Combustion i s a widely used pr ocess for bo th di rect he ating (such as in c ement a nd l ime
manufacture, s teel m aking) a nd i ndirect heating ( such a s firing s team boiler systems a nd
electricity generation). Techniques for energy efficiency in combustion are therefore addressed
in the appropriate s ector BREFs. F or ot her cases, s uch as c ombustion i n associated activities,
the Scope of the LCP BREF states:

'smaller units can potentially be added to a plant to build one larger installation exceeding 50
MW. This means that all kinds of conventional power plants (e.g. utility boiler, combined heat
and power plants, district heating plants.) used for mechanical power and heat generation are
covered by this (LCP BREF) work.'

17. BAT is to optimise the energy efficiency of combustion by relevant techniques such

those specific to sectors given in vertical BREFs

those given in Table 4.1.

282 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 4

Techniques for sectors and associated activities where combustion

is not covered by a vertical BREF
Techniques in the LCP BREF Techniques in this document
July 2006 by fuel type and section (the ENE BREF) by section
Coal and Biomass Liquid Gaseous
lignite and peat fuels fuels
Lignite pre-drying 4.4.2
Coal gasification
Fuel drying 5.1.2,
Biomass gasification 5.4.2
Bark pressing 5.4.2
Expansion turbine to 7.1.1 7.1.2
recover the energy 7.4.1 7.5.1
content of pressurised
Cogeneration 4. 5.5 5.3.3 4.5.5 6.1.8 7.1.6 7.5.2 3.4 Cogeneration
6.1.8 5.5.4
Advanced 4.2.1 5.5.3 6 .2.1 7.4.2 7.5.2
computerised control of 6.4.2
combustion conditions 4.4.3
for emission reduction 4.5.4
and boiler performance
Use of the heat content 4.4.3
of the flue-gas for
district heating
Low excess air 4.4.3 5.4.7 6.4.2 6.4.5 7.4.3 3.1.3 Reducing the mass flow of
4.4.6 the flue-gases by reducing the
excess air

Energy Efficiency 283

Chapter 4

Techniques for sectors and associated activities where combustion

is not covered by a vertical BREF
Techniques in the LCP BREF Techniques in this document
July 2006 by fuel type and section (the ENE BREF) by section
Coal and Biomass Liquid Gaseous
lignite and peat fuels fuels
Lowering of exhaust 4.4.3 6.4.2 3.1.1 Reduction of the flue-gas
gas temperatures temperature by:
dimensioning for the
maximum performance
plus a calculated safety
factor for surcharges
increasing heat transfer to
the process by increasing
either the heat transfer
rate, or increasing or
improving the heat transfer
heat recovery by
combining an additional
process (for example,
steam generation by using
economisers,) to recover
the waste heat in the flue-
installing an air or water
preheater or preheating the
fuel by exchanging heat
with flue-gases (see 3.1.1
and Note that the
process can require air
preheating when a high
flame temperature is
needed (glass, cement,
cleaning of heat transfer
surfaces that are
progressively covered by
ashes or carbonaceous
particulates, in order to
maintain high heat transfer
efficiency. Soot blowers
operating periodically may
keep the convection zones
clean. Cleaning of the heat
transfer surfaces in the
combustion zone is
generally made during
inspection and
maintenance shutdown,
but online cleaning can be
applied in some cases (e.g.
refinery heaters)
Low CO concentration 4.4.3 6.4.2
in the flue-gas
Heat accumulation 6.4.2 7.4.2
Cooling tower 4.4.3 6.4.2
Different techniques for 4.4.3 6.4.2
the cooling system (see

284 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 4

Techniques for sectors and associated activities where combustion

is not covered by a vertical BREF
Techniques in the LCP BREF Techniques in this document
July 2006 by fuel type and section (the ENE BREF) by section
Coal and Biomass Liquid Gaseous
lignite and peat fuels fuels
Preheating of fuel gas 7.4.2 3.1.1 Reduction of the flue-gas
by using waste heat temperature:
preheating the fuel by
exchanging heat with flue-
gases (see 3.1.1). Note that
the process can require air
preheating when a high
flame temperature is
needed (glass, cement,
Preheating of 7.4.2 3.1.1 Reduction of the flue-gas
combustion air temperature:
installing an air preheater
by exchanging heat with
flue-gases (see
Note that the process can
require air preheating
when a high flame
temperature is needed
(glass, cement, etc.)
Recuperative and 3.1.2
regenerative burners
Burner regulation and 3.1.4
Fuel choice Note that the use of non-fossil
fuels may be more sustainable,
even if the ENE in use is lower
Oxy-firing (oxyfuel) 3.1.6
Reducing heat losses 3.1.7
by insulation
Reducing losses 3.1.8
through furnace doors
Fluidised bed 5 .2.3
Table 4.1: Combustion system techniques to improve energy efficiency

4.3.2 Steam systems

Steam is a widely used heat transport medium because of its non-toxic nature, stability, low cost
and high he at c apacity, and f lexibility in us e. S team ut ilisation e fficiency i s frequently
neglected, as it is as n ot a s ea sily m easured a s t he thermal e fficiency o f a b oiler. I t m ay b e
determined using tools such as those in BAT 5 in conjunction with appropriate monitoring (see
Section 2.10).

18. BAT for steam systems is to optimise the energy efficiency by using techniques such

those specific to sectors given in vertical BREFs

those given in Table 4.2

Energy Efficiency 285

Chapter 4

Techniques for sectors and associated activities where steam systems

are not covered by a vertical BREF
Techniques in the ENE BREF
Section in this
Energy efficient design and
installation of steam distribution Optimises energy savings 2.3
Throttling devices and the use of Provides a more efficient method of reducing
backpressure turbines: utilise steam pressure for low pressure services.
backpressure turbines instead of Applicable when size and economics justify
PRVs the use of a turbine
Improve operating procedures and
Optimises energy savings 3.2.4
boiler controls
Use sequential boiler controls (apply
only to sites with more than one Optimises energy savings 3.2.4
Install flue-gas isolation dampers
(applicable only to sites with more Optimises energy savings 3.2.4
than one boiler)
Preheat feed-water by using: Recovers available heat from exhaust gases
waste heat, e.g. from a process and transfers it back into the system by
economisers using combustion air preheating feed-water
deaerated f eed-water t o h eat 3.2.5
condensate 3.1.1
condensing t he s team us ed f or
stripping a nd heating t he f eed
water t o t he deaerator v ia a h eat
Prevention and removal of scale Promotes effective heat transfer from the
deposits on heat transfer surfaces. combustion gases to the steam 3.2.6
(Clean boiler heat transfer surfaces)
Minimise boiler blowdown by Reduces the amount of total dissolved solids
improving water treatment. Install in the boiler water, which allows less
automatic total dissolved solids blowdown and therefore less energy loss
Add/restore boiler refractory Reduces heat loss from the boiler and restores 3.1.7
boiler efficiency 2.9
Optimise deaerator vent rate Minimises avoidable loss of steam 3.2.8
Minimise boiler short cycling losses Optimises energy savings 3.2.9
Carrying out boiler maintenance 2.9
Optimise steam distribution systems
2.9 and 3.2.10
(especially to cover the issues below)
Isolate steam from unused lines Minimises avoidable loss of steam and
reduces energy loss from piping and 3.2.10
equipment surfaces
Insulation on steam pipes and Reduces energy loss from piping and
condensate return pipes. (Ensure that equipment surfaces 3.2.11 and
steam system piping, valves, fittings
and vessels are well insulated)
Implement a control and repair Reduces passage of live steam into the
programme for steam traps condensate system and promotes efficient
operation of end-use heat transfer equipment.
Minimises avoidable loss of steam

286 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 4

Techniques for sectors and associated activities where steam systems

are not covered by a vertical BREF
Recovers the thermal energy in the
Collect and return condensate to the
condensate and reduces the amount of
boiler for re-use. (Optimise 3.2.13
makeup water added to the system, saving
condensate recovery)
energy and chemicals treatment
Re-use of flash-steam. (Use high
Exploits the available energy in the returning
pressure condensate to make low 3.2.14
pressure steam)
Transfers the available energy in a blowdown
Recover energy from boiler
stream back into the system, thereby reducing 3.2.15
energy loss
Techniques in the LCP BREF July 2006 by fuel type and by section
Coal and Biomass and Liquid fuels Gaseous fuels
lignite peat
Expansion turbine to recover the 7.4.1 and 7.5.1
energy content of pressurised gases
Change turbine blades 4.4.3 5.4.4 6.4.2
Use advanced materials to reach high 4.4.3 6.4.2 7.4.2
steam parameters
Supercritical steam parameters 4.4.3, 4.5.5 6.4.2 7.1.4
Double reheat 4.4.3, 4.5.5 6.4.2, 7.1.4, 7.4.2,
Regenerative feed-water 4.2.3, 4.4.3 5.4.4 6.4.2 7.4.2
Use of heat content of the flue-gas for 4.4.3
district heating
Heat accumulation 6.4.2 7.4.2
Advanced computerised control of the 7.4.2
gas turbine and subsequent recovery
Table 4.2: Steam system techniques to improve energy efficiency

4.3.3 Heat recovery

The main types of heat recovery systems are described in Section 3.3:

heat exchangers (see Section 3.3.1)

heat pumps (see Section 3.3.2).

Heat ex change sy stems ar e w idely u sed with g ood r esults i n m any i ndustrial s ectors a nd
systems, a nd a re w idely us ed f or i mplementing B AT 5 a nd 11. H eat pum ps a re being
increasingly used.

The use of 'wasted' or surplus heat may be more sustainable than using primary fuels, even if the
energy efficiency in use is lower.

Heat recovery is n ot applicable w here there is no d emand t hat matches t he pr oduction curve.
However, it is being applied in an increasing number of cases, and many of these can be found
outside of the installation, see Section 3.4 and Annex 7.10.

Techniques for cooling a nd t he a ssociated B AT a re de scribed in the ICS BREF, i ncluding

techniques for the maintenance of heat exchangers.

Energy Efficiency 287

Chapter 4

19. BAT is to maintain the efficiency of heat exchangers by both:

a. monitoring the efficiency periodically, and

b. preventing or removing fouling

See Section

4.3.4 Cogeneration

There is s ignificant i nterest i n c ogeneration, s upported a t E uropean C ommunity l evel by t he

adoption of Directive 2004/8/EC on t he promotion of cogeneration, and Directive 2003/96/EC
on energy taxation, as well as by various national level policies and incentives. Relatively small
scale plants may now be economically feasible, and incentives may also be available. In many
cases, cogeneration has been successfully installed due to the assistance of local authorities. See
Section 3.4 and Annex 7.10.3 and 7.10.4.

Utilities modelling, described i n S ection 2.15.2, c an assist t he opt imisation of generation a nd

heat recovery systems, as well as managing the selling and buying of surplus energy.

20. BAT is to seek possibilities for cogeneration, inside and/or outside the installation
(with a third party).

Applicability: The cooperation and agreement of a third party may not be within the control of
the operator, and therefore may not be within the scope of an IPPC permit.

Cogeneration is as likely to depend as much on economic conditions as ENE optimisation.

Cogeneration opportunities should be sought on the identification of possibilities, on investment
either on the generator's side or potential customer's side, identification of potential partners or
by changes in economic circumstances (heat, fuel prices, etc.).

In general, cogeneration can be considered when:

the demands for heat and power are concurrent

the heat demand (on-site and/or off-site), in terms of quantity (operating times during
year), temperature, etc. can be met using heat from the CHP plant, and no significant
heat demand reductions can be expected.

Section 3.4 discusses the application of cogeneration, the different types of cogeneration (CHP)
plants and their applicability in individual cases.

Successful implementation may depend on a suitable fuel and/or heat price in relation to the
price of electricity. In many cases, public authorities (at local, regional or national level) have
facilitated such arrangements or are the third party.

4.3.5 Electrical power supply

Quality of the e lectrical pow er supply and the manner i n w hich the power i s used c an a ffect
energy efficiency, see Section 3.5. This may be difficult to understand and is often overlooked.
There are often energy losses as unproductive power inside the installation and in the external
supply grid. There can also be loss of capacity in the installation's electrical distribution system,
leading to voltage dr ops, c ausing ov erheating a nd pr emature f ailure of m otors and other
equipment. It may also lead to increased charges when buying in electricity.

288 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 4

21. BAT is to increase the power factor according to the requirements of the local
electricity distributor by using techniques such as those in Table 4.3, according to
applicability (see Section 3.5.1).

Technique Applicability
Installing capacitors in the AC circuits All cases. Low cost and long lasting,
to decrease the magnitude of reactive but requires skilled application
Minimising the operation of idling or All cases
lightly loaded motors
Avoiding the operation of equipment All cases
above its rated voltage
When replacing motors, using energy At time of replacement
efficient motors (see Section 3.6.1)
Table 4.3: Electrical power factor correction techniques to improve energy efficiency

22. BAT is to check the power supply for harmonics and apply filters if required (see
Section 3.5.2).

23. BAT is to optimise the power supply efficiency by using techniques such as those in
Table 4.4, according to applicability:

Technique Applicability Section in this document

Ensure power cables have the When the equipment is not in use,
correct dimensions for the e.g. at shutdown or when locating 3.5.3
power demand or relocating equipment
Keep online transformer(s) for existing plants: when the
operating at a load above present load factor is below
40 50 % of the rated power 40 %, and there is more than
one transformer 3.5.4
on replacement, use a low loss
transformer and with a loading
of 40 75 %
Use high efficiency/low loss At time of replacement, or where
transformers there is a lifetime cost benefit
Place equipment with a high When locating or relocating
current demand as close as equipment
possible to the power source
(e.g. transformer)
Table 4.4: Electrical power supply techniques to improve energy efficiency

4.3.6 Electric motor driven sub-systems34

Electric motors a re w idely us ed in i ndustry. R eplacement by e lectrically efficient m otors

(EEMs) a nd v ariable speed dr ives (VSDs) is on e of t he e asiest m easures when considering
energy efficiency. However, this should be done in the context of considering the whole system
the motor sits in, otherwise there are risks of:

losing the potential benefits of optimising the use and size of the systems, and
subsequently optimising the motor drive requirements
losing energy if a VSD is applied in the wrong context.

In this document 'system' is used to refer to a set of connected items or devices which operate together for a specific purpose,
e.g. ventilation, CAS. See the discussion on system boundaries in Sections 1.3.5 and 1.5.1. These systems usually include motor
sub-systems (or component systems).

Energy Efficiency 289

Chapter 4

The key systems using electric motors are:

compressed air (CAS, see Section 3.7)

pumping (see Section 3.8)
heating, ventilation and air conditioning (see Section 3.9)
cooling (see the ICS BREF).

24. BAT is to optimise electric motors in the following order (see Section 3.6):

1. optimise the entire system the motor(s) is part of (e.g. cooling system, see Section 1.5.1)
2. then o ptimise th e m otor(s) in t he s ystem according t o t he ne wly-determined l oad
requirements, by a pplying one or m ore of t he techniques i n Table 4.5, a ccording t o

Section in this
Driven system energy savings measure Applicability
Using energy efficient motors (EEM) Lifetime cost benefit 3.6.1
Proper motor sizing Lifetime cost benefit 3.6.2
Installing variable speed drives (VSD) Use of VSDs may be
limited by security and
safety requirements.
According to load. Note
in multi-machine systems 3.6.3
with variable load systems
(e.g. CAS) it may be
optimal to use only one
VSD motor
Installing high efficiency transmission/reducers Lifetime cost benefit
Use: All
direct coupling where possible
synchronous belts or cogged V-belts in place 3.6.4
of V belts
helical gears in place of worm gears
Energy efficient motor repair (EEMR) or At time of repair
replacement with an EEM 3.6.5

Rewinding: avoid rewinding and replace with an At time of repair

EEM, or use a certified rewinding contractor 3.6.6
Power quality control Lifetime cost benefit 3.5
Lubrication, adjustments, tuning All cases 2.9
Note1: Cross-media effects, Applicability and Economics are given in Section 3.6.7
Table 4.5: Electric motor techniques to improve energy efficiency

3. when the energy-using s ystems have been optimised, then optimise the remaining (non-
optimised) motors according to Table 4.5 and criteria such as:

i. prioritising the remaining m otors running m ore t han 2000 h rs pe r y ear for
replacement with EEMs
ii. electric motors driving a variable load operating at less than 50 % of capacity more
than 20 % of their operating time, and operating for more than 2000 hours a year
should be considered for equipping with variable speed drives.

290 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 4

4.3.7 Compressed air systems (CAS)

Compressed air is widely used as either part of a process or to provide mechanical energy. It is
widely us ed w here there i s r isk of e xplosion, i gnition, etc. I n many cases, i t i s used a s a n
integral part of the process (such as providing low quality nitrogen as an inert atmosphere, and
for blowing, moulding or mixing), and it is difficult to assess its mechanical efficiency. In some
cases, e.g. where driving small turbines such as assembly tools, it has a low overall efficiency,
and w here t here a re no he alth a nd s afety c onstraints, r eplacement w ith o ther dr ives may be
considered (see Section 3.7).

25. BAT is to optimise compressed air systems (CAS) using the techniques such as those
in Table 4.6, according to applicability:

Section in this
Technique Applicability
Overall system design, including New or significant upgrade
multi-pressure systems
Upgrade compressor New or significant upgrade 3.7.1
Improve cooling, drying and This does not include more frequent
filtering filter replacement (see below)
Reduce frictional pressure losses New or significant upgrade
(for example by increasing pipe 3.7.1
Improvement of drives (high Most cost effective in small 3.7.2, 3.7.3,
efficiency motors) (<10 kW) systems 3.6.4
Improvement of drives (speed Applicable to variable load
control) systems. In multi-machine
installations, only one machine 3.7.2
should be fitted with a variable
speed drive
Use of sophisticated control
Recover waste heat for use in Note that the gain is in terms of
other functions energy, not of electricity
consumption, since electricity is
converted to useful heat
Use external cool air as intake Where access exists 3.7.8
Storage of compressed air near All cases
highly-fluctuating uses
Optimise certain end use devices All cases 3.7.1
Reduce air leaks All cases. Largest potential gain 3.7.6
More frequent filter replacement Review in all cases 3.7.7
Optimise working pressure All cases 3.7.9
Table 4.6: Compressed air system techniques to improve energy efficiency

4.3.8 Pumping systems

Some 30 t o 50 % o f t he e nergy c onsumed by pum ping s ystems may be s aved t hrough

equipment or control system changes (see Section 3.8).

For electric motors used f or dr iving pum ps, s ee BAT 24. H owever, the use of V SDs ( a k ey
technique) is also mentioned in Table 4.7.

26. BAT is to optimise pumping systems by using the techniques in Table 4.7, according
to applicability (see Section 3.8):

Energy Efficiency 291

Chapter 4

Section in
Technique Applicability this
Avoid oversizing when For new pumps: all cases
Largest single
selecting pumps and For existing pumps: lifetime cost benefit 3.8.1
source of pump
replace oversized 3.8.2
energy wastage
Match the correct For new pumps: all cases
choice of pump to the For existing pumps: lifetime cost benefit 3.8.2
correct motor for the 3.8.6
Design of pipework
system (see Distribution 3.8.3
system, below)
Control and regulation All cases
Shut down unnecessary All cases
Use of variable speed Lifetime cost benefit. Not applicable See BAT 24, in
drives (VSDs) where flows are constant Section 4.3.6
Use of multiple pumps When the pumping flow is less than half
(staged cut in) the maximum single capacity 3.8.5

Regular maintenance. All cases. Repair or replace as necessary

Where unplanned
maintenance becomes
excessive, check for: 3.8.4
wrong type of pump
Minimise the number of All cases at design and installation
valves and bends (including changes). May need qualified
commensurate with technical advice
keeping ease of
operation and
Avoiding using too All cases at design and installation
many bends (especially (including changes). May need qualified 3.8.3
tight bends) technical advice
Ensuring the pipework All cases at design and installation
diameter is not too (including changes). May need qualified
small (correct pipework technical advice
Table 4.7: Pumping system techniques to improve energy efficiency

Note that throttle control is less energy wasteful than bypass control or no control. However, all
are wasteful of energy and should be considered for replacement according to size of the pump
and how frequently it is used.

292 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 4

4.3.9 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems

A typical HVAC s ystem c omprises t he e quipment providing s ome or all of the following

system heating (boilers, see Section 3.2; heat pumps, see Section 3.3.2, etc.)
cooling (see Section 3.3)
pumps (see Section 3.8)
heat e xchangers (see S ection 3.3.1) transferring or absorbing he at from a space o r a
space heating and cooling (Section 3.9.1)
ventilation by fans extracting or providing air through ducts, to or from heat exchangers
and/or the external air (see Section 3.9.2).

Studies ha ve shown that a bout 60 % of t he e nergy i n an HVAC s ystem i s consumed by the

chiller/heat pum p a nd t he r emaining 40 % by pe ripheral m achinery. A ir c onditioning i s
increasingly used across Europe, particularly in the south.

Ventilation is essential for many industrial installations to function. It:

protects staff from pollutant and heat emissions within premises

maintains a clean working atmosphere to protect product quality.

Requirements may be dictated by health, safety and process considerations (see Section 3.9).

27. BAT is to optimise heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems by using
techniques such as:

for v entilation, space heating a nd c ooling, t echniques in Table 4.8 according t o

for heating, see Sections 3.2 and 3.3.1, and BAT 18 and 19
for pumping, see Section 3.8 and BAT 26
for cooling, chilling and heat exchangers, see the ICS BREF, as well as Section 3.3 and
BAT 19 (in this document).

Energy Efficiency 293

Chapter 4

Section in this
Energy savings measure Applicability
Overall system design. Identify and equip New or significant upgrade. Consider for retrofit on
areas separately for: lifetime cost benefit
general ventilation
specific ventilation
process ventilation
Optimise the number, shape and size of New or upgrade
Use fans: Cost effective in all cases
of high efficiency
designed to operate at optimal rate
Manage airflow, including considering dual New or significant upgrade
flow ventilation
Air system design: New or significant upgrade
ducts are of a sufficient size
circular ducts
avoid long runs and obstacles such as
bends, narrow sections
Optimise electric motors, and consider All cases. Cost effective retrofit,
installing a VSD, 3.6,
3.6.3, 3.6.7
and BAT 24
Use automatic control systems. Integrate All new and significant upgrades. Cost effective and
with centralised technical management easy upgrade in all cases
Integration of air filters into air duct system New or significant upgrade. Consider for retrofit on
and heat recovery from exhaust air (heat lifetime cost benefit. The following issues need to be
exchangers) taken into account: the thermal efficiency, the
pressure loss, and the need for regular cleaning
Reduce heating/cooling needs by: Consider in all cases and implement according to
building insulation cost benefit
efficient glazing
air infiltration reduction
automatic closure of doors
destratification 3.9.1
lowering of temperature set point
during non-production period
(programmable regulation)
reduction of the set point for heating
and raising it for cooling
Improve the efficiency of heating systems Consider in all cases and implement according to
through: cost benefit
recovery or use of wasted heat
(Section 3.3.1)
heat pumps 3.9.1
radiative and local heating systems
coupled with reduced temperature set
points in the non occupied areas of
the buildings
Improve the efficiency of cooling systems Applicable in specific circumstances
through the use of free cooling
Stop or reduce ventilation where possible All cases
Ensure system is airtight, check joints All cases
Check system is balanced All cases
Manage airflow: optimise All cases
Air filtering, optimise: All cases
recycling efficiency
pressure loss
regular filter cleaning/replacement
regular cleaning of system
Table 4.8: Heating, ventilation and air conditioning system techniques to improve energy efficiency

294 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 4

4.3.10 Lighting

Health and safety at work is the priority criterion for lighting systems requirements. The energy
of l ighting s ystems c an be optimised a ccording t o t he specific use requirements, s ee
Section 3.10.

28. BAT is to optimise artificial lighting systems by using the techniques such as those in
Table 4.9 according to applicability (see Section 3.10):

Technique Applicability
Identify illumination requirements in terms of both All cases
intensity and spectral content required for the
intended task
Plan space and activities in order to optimise the use Where this can be achieved by
of natural light normal operational or
maintenance rearrangements,
consider in all cases. If
structural changes, e.g. building
work, is required, new or
upgraded installations
Selection of fixtures and lamps according to specific Cost benefit on lifetime basis
requirements for the intended use
Use of lighting management control systems All cases
including occupancy sensors, timers, etc.
Train building occupants to utilise lighting equipment All cases
in the most efficient manner
Table 4.9: Lighting system techniques to improve energy efficiency

4.3.11 Drying, separation and concentration processes

The separation of (usually) a solid from a liquid may be carried out by one or more stages. By
optimising t he pr ocess steps ne cessary to achieve t he r equired p roduct, s ubstantial e nergy
savings can be achieved. Energy efficiency may be optimised by using two or more techniques
in combination (see Section 3.11).

29. BAT is to optimise drying, separation and concentration processes by using

techniques such as those in Table 4.10 according to applicability, and to seek
opportunities to use mechanical separation in conjunction with thermal processes:

Energy Efficiency 295

Chapter 4

Section in
Technique Applicability Additional information this
Select the optimum All cases
separation technology or
combination of techniques 3.11.1
(below) to meet the specific
process equipments
Use of surplus heat from Depends on the availability of Drying is a good use for
other processes surplus heat in the installation (or surplus heat 3.11.1
from third party)
Use a combination of Consider in all cases May have production
techniques benefits, e.g. improved
product quality, increased
Mechanical processes, e.g. Process dependent. To achieve high Energy consumption can
filtration, membrane dryness at lowest energy be several orders of
filtration consumption, consider these in magnitude lower, but will
combination with other techniques not achieve high % dryness
Thermal processes, e.g. Widely used, but efficiency can be Convective (direct) heat 3.11.3
directly heated dryers improved by considering other dryers may be the option
indirectly heated dryers options in this table with the lowest energy
multiple effect efficiency

Direct drying See thermal and radiant techniques, Convective (direct) heat
and superheated steam dryers may be the option
with the lowest energy
Superheated steam Any direct dryers can be retrofitted Heat can be recovered
with superheated steam. High cost, from this process
needs lifetime cost benefit
assessment. High temperature may
damage product
Heat recovery (including Consider for almost any continuous 3. 11.1
MVR and heat pumps) hot air convective dryers
Optimise insulation of the Consider for all systems. Can be
drying system retrofitted
Radiation processes e.g. Can be easily retrofitted. More efficient heating.
infrared (IR) Direct application of energy to Can boost production
high frequency (HF) component to be dried. They are throughput coupled with
microwave (MW) compact and convection or conduction
Reduce the need for air extraction.
IR limited by substrate dimensions.
High cost, needs lifetime cost
benefit assessment
Process automation in All cases Savings of between 5 and
thermal drying processes 10 % can be achieved
compared with using 3.11.5
traditional empirical
Table 4.10: Drying, separation and concentration system techniques to improve energy efficiency

296 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 5


5.1 Flameless combustion (flameless oxidation)

Recuperative and regenerative burners are used in a novel combustion mode with homogeneous
flame te mperature (High te mperature a ir c ombustion (H iTAC) t echnology o r flameless
combustion), w ithout t he t emperature 'hot s pots' of a conventional flame, i n a substantially
extended combustion zone.

Flameless combustion corresponds to a combustion mode where the techniques of combustion

staggering and internal recirculation in the thermal chamber have been taken to an extreme. The
working principle for regenerative burners is shown in Figure 5.1.

Figure 5.1: Working principle for regenerative burners

[277, ADEME]

There are two types of HiTAC burners: one-flame burners and two-flame burners. A one-flame
HiTAC burner is characterised by a single flame created by one fuel nozzle surrounded by air
inlets a nd f lue-gas outlets. T his single flame de velops a long t he a xis of t he fuel-jet noz zle
during cooling and heat periods. Fuel is supplied continuously through the same nozzle and in
this w ay a single flame can be formed w ith a permanent pos ition. The po sition of t he f lame
remains almost unchanged between heating and cooling periods, as the regenerators are located
around the nozzle of the fuel jet.

In a two-flame HiTAC burner, there are two separated high-cycle regenerative burners. The two
burners are l ocated in t he walls of the f urnace a nd work in pairs. A s et o f v alves c hange the
direction of the air and flue-gases according to the required switching time. Normally there are
several pairs of burners working together. In this type of HiTAC, the flame is shifted from one
burner t o another in a ccordance w ith t he s witching t ime be tween t he heating a nd cooling
periods of the regenerator.

Energy Efficiency 297

Chapter 5

The a ir p reheated by t he c ombustion pr oducts (>1000 C) f eeds t he ov en (Figure 5.1). I n

traditional systems, s uch an air pr eheating w ould lead to very hi gh l ocal t emperatures in the
flame, a nd t herefore to high N Ox emission levels. In t he f lameless oxi dation systems, on the
contrary, the air inlet and the gas feeding inputs are carried out separately (extreme combustion
staggering) at high i njection s peeds. The burner and combustion chamber geometries, and t he
high speed of flow gases create the recirculation of the combustion products towards the burner.
This leads to a decrease in the O 2 local concentration and a thermal dilution of the flame (two
NOx formation sources).

The h igh a ir c ombustion t emperature ( >1000 C) pr eheated by t he he at r ecuperative

regenerative system initiates the ignition and sustainability of this combustion mode.

The combustion is therefore di stributed a round the whole volume of t he c hamber. The f lame
cannot be s een by t he naked e ye. T he r elative hom ogeneity i n t emperature a nd c omposition
inside the chamber is one of the main characteristics of the process.

The principle of a f lameless ox idation m ay a lso b e i mplemented w ith non- preheated a ir

combustion but at a high process temperature (800 C). In this case, the process needs initiation.

Achieved environmental benefits

According to tests, the HiTAC burner has reached 35 % higher efficiency than a conventional
jet burner. Besides the higher efficiency, the HiTAC burners large flame volume resulted in an
increased h eat transfer coefficient. The f uel u sed in the t est w as L PG (propane). The en ergy
balance for both the HiTAC and the conventional burner is shown in Figure 5.2.

Conventional burner HiTAC burner Load

2% Load 3% Stack losses
22% Stack losses Radiation losses
Radiation losses Unaccounted



Figure 5.2: The net heat output results according to test furnaces of both conventional and HiTAC
[17, sbland, 2005]

The flameless combustion t echnique pr ovides a l arge de crease o f NOx emissions t hanks t o a
strong r ecirculation of the combustion products ( <200 m g/Nm3 at 3 % O2). T his technique
avoids t emperature pe aks, a s s hown i n F igure 5.3. I n t his f igure, a c omparison between the
different combustion types as a function of combustive temperature and its O2 concentration is

298 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 5

High NOX emission levels

III: Flameless combustion Tair <800 C

Tair <600 C
(300 400 % recirculation)
Air Air
II: Hot flame

Gas Gas
I: Traditional
(20 % recirculation)

No combustion

Length Length

21% 10.5% 3%
% 02 in the combustive

Figure 5.3: Flameless combustion conditions

In t he f lameless ox idation m ode, due t o t he de creasing temperature pe aks, t he a verage

temperature level a t t he o ven c an be a ugmented, w ithout l ocal ov erheating ne ar t he bur ners
(with medium impact onto the refractory's oven). The heating transfer towards the product can
be considerably increased, while the noise is strongly reduced. These conditions lead to:

energy savings of between 9 and 40 %

NOx emission reduction of between 6 and 80 %.

Cross-media effects
No data submitted.

Operational data
A HiTAC furnace achieves:

high energy utilisation efficiency, or decreased CO2 emissions

a more uniform temperature profile
low NOx and CO emissions
lower combustion noise
no need for extra energy saving devices
smaller flue-gas tubes
even temperature distribution
enhanced heat transfer
increased product quality productivity
longer lifetime of furnace and tubes.

In HiTAC t echnology, the combustion air is preheated t o a very high t emperature before it i s
injected i nto t he f urnaces at high speed. Operating in the f lameless c ombustion mode a llows
fuel to burn completely at very low oxygen levels. This method makes the flame longer, slows
combustion speeds, and keeps combustion temperatures lower than those of conventional high
temperature combustion furnaces, thus effecting lower NOx emissions as well as more uniform
flame temperature distribution. The flame turns distinctively pale green during the process.

Energy Efficiency 299

Chapter 5

This combustion technique also utilises the concept of separated fuel and hot air injection into
the furnace. This gives better furnace performance and higher fuel savings.

For HiTACs industrial application, fuel nozzles and combustion air nozzles are arranged on the
burner at a certain distance from each other. Fuel and high temperature air are injected directly
into the f urnace a t h igh ve locity. T hereby t he g as i n t he zone ne ar the bur ner i s t horoughly
mixed a nd i ts partial pr essure of oxygen i s lowered. The combustion stability of fuel directly
injected into this zone with oxygen at low partial pressure is possible if the temperature in the
preheated air exceeds the auto ignition temperature of the fuel.

In the industrial furnace, the combustion air can be obtained at a temperature of 800 1350 C
using a high performance heat exchanger. For example, a modern regenerative heat exchanger
switched in the high cycle can recover as much as 90 % of the waste heat. Thus, a large energy
saving is achieved.

Heating furnaces, where regenerative burners using flameless combustion technology could be
applied, are widespread i n several s ectors t hroughout Europe; t hese s ectors i nclude iron a nd
steel, bricks and tiles, non-ferrous metals, foundries and at the time of writing potentially a few
applications in small glass furnaces. For instance, 5.7 % of the primary energy demanded in the
EU is used in the steel industry. Energy also accounts for a high proportion of production costs
in these industries.

This technique is not always applicable to existing process lines, because the furnaces need to
be designed so that the burners fit in. HiTAC burners also have quite high demands for purity of
the atmosphere: i f p rocess g as i s u tilised, there w ill be too m uch dus t i n the furnace t o use
HiTAC burners.

A drawback w ith t his t echnique i s the investment cost o f the bu rners. H owever, the payback
rates a re often below 3 t o 5 y ears. Therefore, higher p roductivity i n the furnace a nd low
emissions of nitrogen oxides are important factors to be included in the cost-benefit analysis.

Driving force for implementation

Higher productivity in the furnace and lower emissions of nitrogen oxides are important factors.

The s teel m anufacture S SAB T unnplt A B i n B orlnge, S weden h as installed one p air of
regenerative burners using HiTAC technology in a walking beam furnace. The furnace preheats
steel slabs with a total capacity of 300 t onnes/h. The fuel to the burners is heavy fuel oil. The
installation c onsists of two bur ners, w hich, in regenerative m ode, bur ns in a sequence of 60
seconds each interval (changing between burning fuel and suction of waste gas every minute.

The HiTAC burners are installed in the preheating zone of the furnace, where no burners were
previously installed. After the preheating zone there is a heating zone (zone 2). The capacity of
the ne w installation i s about 10 % of the capacity i n z one 2. Each H iTAC bur ner ha s the
capacity of approx. 2MW. The total number of burners in the furnace is 119.

This long time test of a pair of regenerative burners in a oil-fired furnace showed a very good
reliability and that the necessity of maintenance on the installation has been low.

A comparison w ith an or dinary r ecuperative burner s ystem shows a pproximately 12 % fuel

savings d ue t o t he h igher heat recovery r atio. The o ne p air of regenerative b urners h as b een
dimensioned t o i ncrease t he pr oductivity i n t he furnace by 2 %. The measurement of the NOx
contents i n the flue-gases in the v icinity of t he HiTAC bur ners a lso showed t hat the pa ir of
HiTAC burners did not add any extra contribution to the total amount of NOx concentrations of
approx. 150 ppm (4 % O2 content).

300 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 5

Reference information
[17, sbland, 2005], [26, Neisecke, 2003], [277, ADEME].

5.2 Compressed air energy storage

Compressed air energy storage ( CAES) i s a complex energy st orage technique in which air is
compressed by using energy ( usually e lectricity from t he power g rid a t off-peak t imes) a nd
utilises t hat energy later t o generate surplus e nergy as needed. T he co mpressed air i s often
stored in appropriate underground mines or caverns created inside salt rocks.

Achieved environmental benefits

It de pends on application. C ompressed a ir e nergy s torage m ay f acilitate the f eed-in of l arge
amounts of w ind energy i nto t he grid or t he number of s tarts a nd shutdowns of pow er plants
may be reduced.

Cross-media effects
If the cavern used to store air needs to be created, there may be environmental disadvantages.

Operational data
Excess power from the grid in the example plants below is used in an electric motor to drive a
compressor. The c ompressed a ir is c ooled, a nd used t o f ill a large c avern, h eated and then
supplied to a modified g as t urbine. The energy f rom t he c ompressed a ir, together w ith t hat
supplied from combustion pr ocesses d rives the turbine stage, and i s thus converted by a n
electrical generator and re-supplied to the grid.

There a re two pl ants i n operation. C ompressed a ir e nergy s torage i s rather a n energy
management t han a n e nergy e fficiency t echnique, a s i t i s u sed t o de couple t he t iming of
generation and c onsumption of electric e nergy. H owever, energy gets l ost as t he s torage
efficiency is less than 80 %.

The t echnique m ay b e s uitable w here there is a ccess t o suitable compressed a ir s torage an d

surplus off-peak energy to generate compressed air.

Three possible implementation scenarios economically viable are:

central device (300 MW, best prospects commercially)

decentralised device (50 MW)
remote island (30 MW).

Driving force for implementation

Strong requirement for energy storage to deliver the energy when needed.

Example plants
A 290 MW uni t built in Hundorf ( Germany) in 1978, and a 110 M W uni t bui lt i n M cIntosh,
Alabama (US) in 1991. A third commercial CAES plant (2700 MW) is planned for construction
in Norton, Ohio (US).

Reference Literature
[281, EWEC, 2004] [282, Association]

Energy Efficiency 301

Chapter 6


6.1 Timing and progress of the work

The kick-off meeting of the technical working group (TWG) was held in May 2005 and the first
draft was issued for c onsultation in A pril 2 006. The s econd dr aft, w ith proposals for be st
available techniques (BAT), was issued for consultation in July 2007. The final TWG meeting
was held in November 2007.

6.2 Sources of information

Energy is us ed i n many ways in modern s ociety and i ts industries. The importance of energy
efficiency w as recognised when t he first s team e ngines were developed in the i ndustrial
revolution. The study of energy a nd e nergy c onversion i s c alled t hermodynamics, and the
fundamental laws of thermodynamics r eferred t o briefly i n t his document date from this time.
More r ecently, t he i mpacts of c limate change f rom c ombustion (the m ajor route globally for
delivering various types of energy) and the cost and security of energy supply have become high
profile i ssues, c reating much interest a nd a large amount of published information. Most data
used from the information exchange has been taken from studies dated 2000 to 2007, but some
data from the 1990s are also included, as important key concepts have not changed.

The vast amount of data available on energy efficiency relates to a very wide range of topics,
not all related to IPPC. It is also usual to find the scope of horizontal BREFs can be very wide,
and both these issues added to the challenge of managing the information exchange. Therefore,
in developing this document, the focus has been to address energy efficiency as one of the key
considerations of the IPPC Directive, by providing information on the best available techniques
(BAT) to support the implementation of IPPC at a European and installation level.

The data are widely spread by information type, predominantly:

specific data mainly from energy-intensive industries, (e.g. glass, chemicals, metallurgy)
data on c ross-cutting t echnologies ( e.g. c ombustion, steam, m otor drives, pum ps,
compressed air)
general data produced on energy efficiency f or all industries a nd businesses not only
those of IPPC size.

Sources of information u sed w ere a lso w idespread, s uch a s E U-funded pr ojects, e nergy
efficiency p rogrammes i n Mem ber S tates and o ther co untries (mainly t he U S an d Japan),
industry papers and journals as well as text books. To make energy efficiency relevant to a wide
audience, many of these documents gave examples of one or (usually) more techniques used in
combination by installations or companies. This added to the challenge of presenting the data,
as it was therefore necessary to identify and describe the individual techniques according to the
BREF Outline and Guide. To help with the understanding of the techniques, and how they may
be used together, many of the examples are given in the annexes and are cross-referenced.

Good pr actice o r BAT g uides for energy efficiency were r eceived f rom the f ollowing MS:
Austria, G ermany, t he N etherlands a nd t he UK. While these g ave a g ood o verview, m ore
detailed da ta were m ade available in t echnology- or i ndustry-specific sources: for example,
France c ontributed ov er 100 doc uments on individual technologies, issues and e xamples, a nd
Finland c ontributed a f urther 11 documents. S pain pr ovided a r eview of the f undamentals o f
thermodynamics to support the scientific understanding of this work, which has been included
as an annex.

Energy Efficiency 303

Chapter 6

The data di rectly f rom i ndustry c ame f rom s ome of t he m ajor e nergy i ntensive i ndustries
(chemicals and p etro-chemicals, w aste incineration, i ron a nd s teel, electricity g eneration, a nd
glass), a s w ell a s t he m anufacturers of c ompressed air systems. D ata on ot her e nergy-using
systems, t echniques and e xamples in non- energy i ntensive i ndustries c ame f rom E U-funded
programmes and Member States.

A major s ource of data w ere t he c omments from the TWG to t he two d rafts, a nd t he
accompanying a dditional i nformation: a pproximately 2300 comments i n total. F urther
information ha s been sought and exchanged t o clarify and verify individual t echniques a nd
comments. Among many other s ources, t he onl ine encyclopaedia Wikipedia has be en used to
clarify certain terms and there are differing views on its usefulness. Some TWG members prefer
traditional sources and references that have been peer-reviewed, while others accepted its ease
of access compared with these traditional sources. Wikipedia definitions have not been used for
critical areas, such as the BAT conclusions.

There was little information on e nergy efficiencies achieved by individual techniques and only
limited da ta on g eneral i ndicative e nergy savings i n some c ross-cutting t echniques a nd
examples. It was therefore not possible to conclude on energy efficiency values for individual
techniques, although some indicative values are given with some of the techniques in Chapters 2
and 3, and in the examples in the annexes. These are thought to provide helpful information on
the varying magnitude of energy savings when selecting techniques at a site level.

Information a lso came f rom si te v isits a nd b ilateral m eetings i n Member S tates and w ith

Additional problems in assessing and using the data were that many documents (or approaches
taken by different sources) took different routes to the same end, and the same techniques were
often given unrelated names. This meant that data may not have been found in the anticipated
documents, or were not readily identified in electronic or manual searches. The sources were not
always directed at IPPC-type installations, and/or the subjects overlapped. For example, many
areas in an installation are heated, ventilated and/or cooled. In building technology, this subject
area is referred to as H VAC ( heating, v entilation and a ir conditioning). H owever, m ost da ta
seem to be derived for offices and commercial buildings, and it was not clear if this applies to
industrial s ituations, such as v entilation of fumes f rom i ndustrial p rocesses, or whether m ore
data need to be added.

6.3 Degree of consensus

At the final TWG meeting in November 2007, a high level of consensus was achieved on t he
format of the document and the techniques to be considered. Most importantly, there was also
complete consensus that t he c onclusions c ould be expressed a s horizontal B AT for a ll the
industries and installations within the scope of the IPPC Directive. No split view was recorded.

In t his horizontal document ( covering widely di ffering i ndustries and applications), it was not
possible t o identify data on energy efficiency values f or each technique. However, t wo poi nts
should be noted:

a key B AT agreed was that each installation sh ould ag ree i ts own ENE m arkers and
measure i ts o wn p erformance ag ainst t hese, u sing a selection o f energy ef ficiency
key energy efficiency techniques and data for the first round of 'vertical', process specific
BREFs are summarised in [283, EIPPCB].

304 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 6

6.4 Gaps and overlaps in knowledge and recommendations

for future information gathering and research
6.4.1 Gaps and overlaps in data

Data on techniques
There was a lack (or apparent lack) of data submitted or clarity on the following issues:

Energy e fficiency design (EED): the submitted d ata indicated that t here were e nergy
efficiency gains from t he use o f ex ternal energy ef ficiency specialists and t he
identification ( and di scarding) of t enders a nd/or m anufacturers w ho w ould not be nefit
from opt imising energy e fficiency ( e.g. w here the l owest initial c apital cost was
presented, r ather than the life t ime c ost). H owever, e nergy intensive i ndustries ha ve
significant internal expertise, and felt these issues are tackled sufficiently well internally,
and no c onclusion w as r eached on including t hese t echniques i n t he B AT. F urther
detailed information is needed on examples from applying these two techniques in energy
efficient design.

Effective control of processes: specific techniques and parameters f or control should be

investigated for vertical sectors when updating BREFs.

Monitoring and measuring are both vital to achieve energy efficiency. Although the data
received and used in S ection 2.10 a re us eful, t hey do not r eflect fully t he r ange of
possible techniques that can be used in all sectors. This may reflect the lack of attention
this ha s been g iven i n t he s ource do cuments. It w ould b e helpful f or v ertical s ector
BREFs t o describe a ppropriate techniques, either di rectly or referenced from t his
document. F urther information on m onitoring a nd m easuring i s a lso ne eded f or t he
revision of this document.

Combustion and s team: a large a mount of i nformation exists on t hese t opics. T hey a re
both dealt w ith a t length in the LCP B REF, which s tates that t he w ork of the L CP
information exchange c overed a ll kinds a nd s izes of c onventional power p lants (e.g.
utility boilers, combined heat a nd pow er p lants, d istrict he ating s ystems) u sed for
mechanical power and heat generation; above and below the 50 MW IPPC threshold for
LCP. H owever, many a dditional techniques not found in the L CP B REF were supplied
during t he information e xchange f or ENE. The conclusion was to list and refer t o the
techniques found in the LCP BREF in this document, and add the additional techniques.
Additional information is needed for:

techniques on combustion and/or steam systems not currently used in larger scale
installations. F or e xample, although F BC (fluidised bed c ombustion) is described
in the LCP BREF, it is used more widely, and an overview of its applicability in
other sectors and i ts a dvantages a nd d isadvantages w ould be he lpful in this
document. See also high temperature flameless combustion (Section 5.1).
steam: data are needed for identifying when steam is BAT for heating and process

Heat r ecovery: data are missing t o support the identification of the B AT for using he at
exchangers and heat pumps.

Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC): Section 3.9 is constructed around data
on v entilation systems. H owever, w hile r eferences are made to other c omponents for
HVAC systems (such as pumps and heat exchangers), data were not available on HVAC
as a coherent system (including from the EU website quoted). Additional data may also
be required on industrial extraction techniques from processes (analogous to that found in

Energy Efficiency 305

Chapter 6

the STM BREF): this c ould be g athered for u se in t his horizontal B REF, or for t he
vertical sector BREFs.

Chilling s ystems: i t was anticipated t hat these would be covered by t he HVAC section.
However, t he l arge s cale c hilling o f areas for s toring p erishable r aw m aterials a nd
products (in pa rticular f oodstuffs) consumes a s ignificant a mount of e nergy i n EU
industrial sectors, a nd further information is needed for t he review. U N E nvironmental
Programme ( UNEP) da ta on t he latest di scussions on t he M ontreal P rotocol w ere
received too late for inclusion in this document. An important technique appears to be the
use of the right refrigerants ( and t herefore the right e quipment s ystems) in i ndustrial
chillers. Important points appear to be:

that the refrigerants should not only have zero ozone-depleting potential, but also
low greenhouse warming potential and lower energy demand in use
equipment and ha ndling t echniques should be available to m anage the risk of
releases during operation, as well as during replacement or cessation of use.

More information is required.

Cooling systems: this topic is covered in the ICS BREF (industrial cooling systems). The
primary BAT conclusion for cooling in the ICS BREF is to use the surplus heat from one
source for meeting all or part of the heat demands of another system (which may be part
of the same process or installation, or external to the installation). This and other principle
BAT findings from the ICS BREF are summarised in this document to assist users.

Power correction for electrical power supplies: two sources gave 0.95 as the power factor
to be aimed for. However, correction to this factor cannot be economically achieved by
certain activities, such as arc furnaces. Other industries were not sure what power factors
would be appropriate to their activities, so no consensus could be agreed on w hat value
should be achieved, a nd whether t his w as i ndustry-specific. M ore data a re r equired on
this. Suitable industry-specific factors should be ascertained when updating vertical sector

Compressed a ir sy stems ( CAS): t here w as a l ack o f i nformation to e nable t he

identification of w hen the use of compressed a ir is BAT. I t is c lear that w here it i s
integrated i nto m ajor process activities (e.g. pr oducing low g rade n itrogen a s a process
gas, bl owing g lass), it c annot readily be replaced. However, f or some hor izontal
associated a ctivities, such as a transport medium, i n assembly t ools, etc., more data are
required to advise on when the use of a C AS is BAT. A good practice energy efficiency
benchmark was provided, but is too general to be used with the BAT. Further information
is needed to derive benchmarks by compressor type, etc.

Drying a nd s eparation techniques: these ha ve be en pl aced t ogether, as a key B AT

conclusion i s, where t echnically f easible, t o use m ore t han one stage when dr ying
products, e.g. to use mechanical separation followed by a heated drying stage. However,
there are still areas and techniques for drying and separation which are not described here.

No data were received on the following:

vacuum systems
building insulation: no data were supplied in a form that could readily be used
control of heat loss/gain at building ingress points, such as doors and windows
internal transport systems, s uch a s conveyors, pow der m ovement by compressed
air, etc.

306 Energy Efficiency

Chapter 6

The gaps identified above should be addressed with further information when this document is
reviewed, or when reviewing other related horizontal documents in the BREF series (such as the
ICS BREF and the CWW BREF, etc.).

Cost data
As with many BREFs, there was a lack of cost and cost benefit data for most techniques. This is
difficult t o address in a ho rizontal B REF, as the size and application d iffers from i ndustry t o
industry. In some cases, this is addressed by the examples given in the annexes.

6.4.2 Specific operational data

In preparing this document, energy efficiency data were sought that could be used for assessing
the v arious t echniques described in di fferent installation types. S ome i ndicative da ta a re
included, p articularly i n C hapter 3 a nd in t he examples in the a nnexes. H owever, it w as no t
possible to pr ovide m ore specific ope rarional data, because of the wide v ariety of pos sible
applications i n di fferent installations a nd p rocesses c overed by a horizontal BREF doc ument.
(See also Section 6.4.3, below).

Also, it w as of ten di fficult t o e stablish c osts data, s uch a s ranges of c ost f or equipment a nd

When reviewing t his document, a gain, a ny generic da ta on e nergy c onsumption and/or
efficiency should be sought, such as from equipment suppliers.

In the reviewing of the vertical BREFs, special attention should be paid to updating (or, where it
currently doe s n ot exist, providing) p rocess-specific energy da ta, to a ssist with assessing t he
energy efficiency of specific processes. The data should be provided as a meaningful measure to
the sector concerned (see the discussion in Section 1.4). Data should also distinguish between
new a nd existing plants, and w here applicable, o ther i nstallation and/or pr ocess di fferences,
regional differences, etc.

Also, generic data on the costs of applying the techniques described, including from the users,
manufacturers and suppliers of techniques, equipment and installations should be sought when
reviewing this document.

6.4.3 Research issues and further work

In general, a s ignificant a mount of r esearch i s unde r w ay on e nergy e fficiency, a nd no ne w

generic a reas w ere i dentified f or future r esearch. R esearch o n n ew p rocess t echnologies a re
more likely to be carried out on a sector- or product-specific basis than generically. However, it
is i mportant to not e t hat r esearch in c ertain a reas c an be s een to lead to de velopments that
improve energy efficiency. These may well have integrated benefits (such as increased product
yield and/or quality, and/or reduced emissions) for example:

core process technology (e.g. catalysis, biotechnological/biocatalysis approaches)

using specific r adiation wavelengths rather t han c onvection or conduction he ating (e.g.
microwaves to initiate reactions, using curing technologies in coating systems rather than
the use of heat r ecovery i n novel applications ( e.g. heat r ecovery i n intensive livestock
units, use of heat pumps)
process intensification.

Energy Efficiency 307

Chapter 6

A strong need has been identified for further work in two areas:

more data, such as for the areas identified in Section 6.4.1, above
more demonstration projects a nd pr ogrammes t o pr omote the us e of e xisting advanced
techniques, where:
data are lacking, and/or
those techniques are currently only us ed in one industry or h ave onl y a chieved
limited industrial uptake.

The r easons f or the lack o f upt ake of techniques novel to a sector w ere identified as the r isk
taken by one ope rator in changing, e .g. pr ocess c onditions o n a c ontinuous process, a nd the
potential loss of quality product/production throughput time.

A specific example is high temperature flameless combustion. This is applied commercially in

Japan in steel making. It is also used in the US and elsewhere in steel making, bricks and tiles,
non f errous m etals, f oundries, a nd pot entially i n s mall g lass furnaces. A pi lot project for a n
application in steel making has been concluded satisfactorily in the EU, but there is no k nown
commercial implementation, a lthough t he t echnique m ay s ave about 30 % of e nergy
consumption in the cases studied.

The EC is launching and supporting, through its RTD programmes, a series of projects dealing
with clean technologies, e merging effluent treatment a nd r ecycling technologies a nd
management strategies. Potentially these projects could provide a useful contribution to future
document reviews. Readers are therefore invited to inform the EIPPCB of any research results
which are relevant to the scope of this document (see also the preface to this document).

Current EU-funded energy efficiency-related projects in the CORDIS programme can be found
on the project database at http:/cordis.europa.eu.

This programme changes over time, and some current examples are:

rumpling protection:
development of thin ceramic coatings for protection against temperature and stress-
induced rumpling of the metal surface of turbine blades
scientific reference system on new energy technologies, energy end-use efficiency
and energy RTD
new and innovative processes for radical changes of the European pulp and paper
initiative for fossil energy technologies towards zero emissions power plants
various new and clean energy technology assessment systems.

6.5 Review of this document

The data on techniques for energy efficiency are largely recent (2000 to 2007), and unlikely to
change significantly in the near future. The document structure was significantly changed in the
second d raft, w hich dr ew much a dditional information a nd a llowed further g aps i n t his
document to b e i dentified ( see 6.4.1, a bove). Filling t hese g aps w ould be t o the be nefit o f
European i ndustries and a review for this may be c onsidered for 2013, c oncluding i n
approximately 2015.

308 Energy Efficiency


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Energy Efficiency 309


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65 Nuutila, M. (2005). "Energy Efficiency in Energy Production".

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91 CEFIC (2005). "Guidelines for Energy Efficiency in Combustion installation".

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93 Tolonen, R. (2005). "Improving the eco-efficiency in the ditrsict heating and district
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94 ADEME (2005). "Energy efficiency in transport".

95 Savolainen, A. (2005). "Electric motors and drives".

96 Honskus, P. (2006). "An approach to ENE BREF content".

97 Kreith, F. a. R. E. W. (1997). "CRC Handbook of Energy efficiency", 0-8493-2514-5.

98 Sitny, P., Dobes, V. (2006). "Monitoring and targeting".

107 Good Practice Guide (2004). "A strategic approach to energy and environmental

108 Intelligent Energy - Europe (2005). "Benchmarking and energy mangement schemes in
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113 Best practice programme (1996). "Developing an effective energy policy. Good practice
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115 Caddet Analysis Series No. 23 "Industrial Heat Pumps".

310 Energy Efficiency


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117 Linnhoff March "Pinch methodology", www.linnhoffmarch.com.

118 KBC "Pinch methodology", www.kbcat.com.

119 Neste Jacobs Oy "Pinch methodology", www.nestejacobs.com.

120 Helsinki Energy (2004). "What is District Cooling?"


121 Caddet Energy Efficiency (1999). "Pressured air production and distribution. Caddet
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122 W ikipedia_Combustion (2007). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combustion.

123 US_DOE "Improving steam system performance. A source book for industry." Best
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127 TWG "TWG comments D1", personal communication.


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131 ZVEI "Position Paper on the Green Paper on Energy Efficiency: Improving Energy
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139 US_DOE "Motor Master Plus",


140 EC (2005). "Green Paper on Energy Efficiency COM(2005)265 final of 22 June 2005".

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Energy Efficiency 311


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148 EC (2005). Framework Directive 2005/32/EC for the setting of eco-design

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153 Wikipedia "thermodynamics: laws, definitions, etc".

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157 Beerkens R.G.C. , v. L., H. (2006). "Analysis of Energy Consumption and Energy
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158 Szabo, L., Dr (2007). "Energy efficiency indicators", personal communication.

159 EIPPCB (2006). "STS BREF: Surface treatment using organic solvents".

160 Aguado, M. (2007). "Site visit, Outokumpo Tornio steel works, Finland", personal

161 SEI (2006). "Certified energy management systems".

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163 Dow (2005). "ENE TWG kick off meeting presentation".

164 OECD (2001). "The application of biotechnology to industrial sustainability:".

165 BESS_EIS "Energy savings in design".

166 DEFRA, U. (2003). "Delivering energy efficiency savings".

167 EIPPCB (2006). "Economics and cross-media BREF".

168 PNEUROP (2007). "Proposed new text for compressed air section (CAS)".

169 EC (1993). "SAVE programmes - set up to implement directive 93/76/EEC to limit

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optimisation and management".

172 Maage Petersen, P. (2006). "Energy Efficient Design".

312 Energy Efficiency


173 EIPPCB (2003). "Intensive livestock farming BREF".

174 EC (2007). "Novel potato process - LIFE project LIFE04ENV/DK/67", LIFE,


175 Saunders_R. (2006). Electron Beam: One Way to Mitigate Rising Energy Costs",
RADTECH report.

176 Boden_M. (2007). "Confirmation: EEFIN report results still valid", personal

177 Beacock, S. (2007). "EUREM project", personal communication.

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180 Ankirchner, T. (2007). "European energy manger training project", personal


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Consumption Guide.

189 Radgen&Blaustein (2001). "Compressed Air Systems in the European Union", LOG-X,

190 Druckluft "System optimisation in CAS", http://www.druckluft-effizient.de/e/facts/08-


191 Druckluft "Compressed Air Distribution", http://www.druckluft-effizient.de/e/facts/07-


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196 W ikipedia "Compressed Air".

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Energy Efficiency 313


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202 IFTS_CMI (1999). "Contribution l'laboration de la stratgie de l'ADEME pour la

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203 ADEME (2000). "Les procds de schage dans l'industrie".

204 CETIAT (2002). "Gains nergtiques induits par l'utilisation des nergies radiantes dans
l'industrie: bilans thermiques sur site et retours d'exprience".

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207 ADEME (2000). "Mesure de l'humidit des solides dans l'industrie".

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212 BRE_UK (1995). "Financial aspects of energy management in buildings - Good

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213 EC "Guide to Energy Efficiency Bankable Proposals".

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215 Initiatives, I. C. f. L. E. (1993). "Profitting from energy efficiency! A financing

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216 Initiatives, I. C. f. L. E. (1995). "Energy Smart Cities, Energy Efficiency Financing


217 Piemonte, R. (2001). "Gestione del servizio di illuminazione pubblica e realizzazione di

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218 Association, W. E. E. (1997). "Manual on financing energy efficiency projects".

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314 Energy Efficiency


222 Yang W., B. W. (2005). Flame Entrainments Induced by a Turbulent Reacting Jet
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223 Rafidi N., B. W. (2005). Thermal performance analysis on a two composite material
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224 Mrtberg M., B. W., Gupta A.K (2005). Combustion of Low Calorific Fuels in High
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225 Rafidi N., B. W., Jewartowski M., Szewczyk D. (June 2005). Increase of the Effective
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226 CADDET (2003, March). "High-performance Industrial Furnace Based on High-

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227 TWG Comments to Draft 2 ENE BREF".

228 Petrecca, G. (1992). "Industrial Energy Management".

229 Di Franco, N. Energy diagnose in semi-conductors mill".

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234 P ROMOT "PROMOT", http://promot.cres.gr/promot_plone.

236 Fernndez-Ramos, C. (2007). "Energy efficient techniques LCP BREF", personal


237 Fernndez-Ramos, C. (2007). "Cooling in CV BREF", personal communication.

238 Hawken, P. (2000). "Natural Capitalism", ISBN 0-316-35300-0.

240 Hardy, M. "A Practical Guide to Free Cooling, Alternative Cooling, Night Cooling and
Low Energy Systems," http://www.ambthair.com.

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Technology and Applications," ISBN 0-88173-510-8.

243 R&D, E. (2002). "Waste water concentration by mechanical vapour recompression

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Energy Efficiency 315


244 Best practice programme "Compressed air costs reduced by automatic control system",

245 Di Franco, N. (2008). "Energy efficient management of transformers".

246 ISPRA, D. J. I. (2008). "Figure-Comparison of energy efficient and conventional

pumping system", personal communication.

248 ADEME (2007). "Drying systems-Proposal for ENE BREF".

249 TWG (2007). TWG Final ENE BREF Meeting Nov 2007".

250 ADEME (2006). "Energy Diagnosis Reference Frame for Industry", personal

251 Eurostat (2007). "Panorama of Energy".

252 EEA (2005). "Atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations", CSI 013.

254 EIPPCB (2005). "Waste Incineration BREF", BREF.

255 EC; Waste, P. f. a. D. o. t. E. P. a. t. C. o. and COM_(2005)_667 (2005). "Proposal for a

Directive of the European Parliament and the Council on Waste COM (2005) 667".

256 Tempany, P. (2007). "Continuing environmental improvement", personal


257 Clark, J. H. (2006). Green Chemistry: today (and tomorrow)", Green Chemistry.

258 Tsatsaronis, G. and Valero, A. (1989). Thermodynamics meets economics -

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259 IEA (2006). "Scenarios and strategies to 2050".

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261 Carbon_Trust_UK (2005). "Energy use in Pig Farming".

262 UK_Treasury (2006). "(The Stern report): The economics of climate change".

263 Tempany, P. (2008). "Directly heated drying".

264 Tempany, P. (2008). "Indirectly heated drying".

265 Tempany, P. (2008). "Insulation and drying".

266 Ullmann's (2000). "Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry 6th edition

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267 EIPPCB (2006). "STM: Surface treatment of Metals and Plastics".

268 Whittaker, G. (2003). "Specifying for industrial Insulation Systems", Steam Digest
Volume 4.

269 Valero, A. (2007). "Introduction to Thermodynamics for the ENE BREF".

316 Energy Efficiency


270 Tempany, P. (2008). "Estimations and calculations", personal communication.

271 US_DOE (2004). "Waste Heat Reduction and recovery for improving furnace
effciency, productivity and emissions performance", DOE/GO-102004-1975.

272 Finland, M. O.-. (2007). "Energy audit for transport chains".

276 Agency, S. E. P. (1997). "Energy Conservation in the Pulp and Paper Industry", 4712/4.

277 ADEME "Rcuperation de chaleur par prchauffage de l'air".

278 ADEME "Space heating".

279 Czech_Republic (2006). "Energy Performance Contracting - The ESCO concept".

280 UBA_DE (2006). "Energy Services Company (ESCO) concept".

281 EWEC (2004). "Proceedings of the European Wind Energy Conference".

282 Association, E. S.,


283 EIPPCB "Summary on Energy Efficiency issues in the BREF series".

284 Valero, A., Torres, C "Thermoeconomic analysis".

285 Valero, A. (1989). "Thermoeconomics: A new chapter of physics".

286 F rangopoulos, http://www.eolss.net/E3-19-toc.aspx.

Energy Efficiency 317




m micrometre (1 m = 10-6 m)
~ around; more or less
C d egree Celsius
0 ambient conditions
ZT temperature difference (increase)
w exergetic efficiency
x entropy production J/K
e thermal efficiency
A amp (ampere). The SI symbol for electrical current
AC a lternating current
AEA Austrian Energy Agency, also AEA Technology (a UK consultancy)
aka also known as
AN a mmonium nitrate (NH4NO3)
APH A ir preheater
API American Petroleum Institute
APQP advanced product quality planning is a structured method of defining and
establishing the steps necessary to ensure that a product satisfies
customers. It facilitates communications with all actors involved to ensure
that all needed steps are completed on time
ASTM a large international standards organisation. Originally, the American
Society for Testing and Methods, now ASTM International
AT Au stria
atm atmosphere (1 atm = 101325 N/m2)
av a verage
B exergy
bar bar (1.013 bar = 1 atm)
bara ba r absolute
barg bar gauge which means the difference between atmospheric pressure and
the pressure of the gas. At sea level, the air pressure is 0 bar gauge, or
101325 bar absolute
BAT best available techniques
BOOS burner out of service
Bq B ecquerel (s-1) activity of a radionuclide
BREF B AT reference document
BTEX benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, xylene
C velocity m/s
C specific heat of an incompressible substance J/(kgK)
C4 stream a mixture of molecules all having four carbon atoms. Usually:
butadiene (C4H6)
butene-1, butene-2 and isobutylene (C4H8)
N-butanes and isobutene (C4H10)
CAES compressd air energy storage
CAS compressed air system

Energy Efficiency 319



cavitation when a volume of liquid is subjected to a sufficiently low pressure it may
rupture and form a cavity. This phenomenon is termed cavitation
inception and may occur behind the blade of a rapidly rotating impellor or
propeller or on any surface vibrating underwater (or in fluids generally)
with sufficient amplitude and acceleration. Cavitation is usually an
undesirable occurrence. In devices such as propellers and pumps,
cavitation causes a great deal of noise, damage to components, vibrations,
and a loss of efficiency. Although the collapse of cavities is a relatively
low energy event, it is highly localised and can even erode metals such as
steel. The pitting caused by the collapse of cavities produces great wear
on components and can dramatically shorten a propeller's or pump's
CC c ombined cycle
CCGT combined cycle gas turbine
CCP coal combustion products
CDM clean development mechanisms
CEM c ontinuous emission monitoring
CEMS c ontinuous emission monitoring system
CEN European Committee for Standardisation
CENELEC European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardisation
CFB c irculating fluidised bed
CFBC circulating fluidised bed combustion
CFC chlorofluorocarbon is a compound consisting of chlorine, fluorine, and
carbon. CFCs are very stable in the troposphere. They move to the
stratosphere and are broken down by strong ultraviolet light, where they
release chlorine atoms that then deplete the ozone layer
CHP combined heat and power (cogeneration)
CIP c lean-in-place system
cm c entimetre
COD chemical oxygen demand: the amount of potassium dichromate,
expressed as oxygen, required to chemically oxidise substances contained
in waste water (at approx. 150 C)
COP coefficient of performance (e.g. for heat pumps)
COPHP coefficient of performance of heat pump cycle
COPR coefficient of performance of refrigeration cycle
cp specific heat at constant pressure J/(kgK)
continual improvement a process of improving year by year the results of energy management,
increasing efficiency and avoiding unnecessary consumptions
CP mass flow rate multiplied by specific heat capacity
cross-media effects the calculation of the environmental impacts of water/air/soil emissions,
energy use, consumption of raw materials, noise and water extraction (i.e.
everything required by the IPPC Directive)
CTM c entralised technical management
cv specific heat at constant volume J/(kgK)
cv c ontrol volume
d day
DBB dry bottom boiler. The most common type of coal)burning furnace in the
electric utility industry is the dry, bottom pulverised coal boiler. When
pulverised coal is burned in a dry bottom boiler, about 80 per cent of the
unburned material or ash is entrained in the flue-gas and is captured and
recovered as fly ash. The remaining 20 per cent of the ash is dry bottom
ash, a dark grey, granular, porous, predominantly sand size material that
is collected in a water
DC d irect current
DC d istrict cooling
DCS distributed control systems
DDCC direct digital combustion control
DE G ermany

320 Energy Efficiency



DH d istrict heating
DK D enmark
E exergy J
E specific flow
e exergy per unit mass J/kg
EA e nergy audit
EAM energy audit model
EDTA ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid
EEI e nergy efficiency indicator
EFF motor efficiency classification scheme created by the European
Commission and the EU motor manufacturers (CEMEP). There are three
class levels of efficiency, known as EFF1 (high efficiency motors), EFF2
(standard efficiency motors) and EFF3 (poor efficiency motors), applying
to low voltage two- and four-pole motors with ratings of between 1.1 and
90 kW
EGR exhaust gas recirculation
EIF e nergy intensity factor
EII energy intensity index: Solomon Associate's benchmarking index for oil
EIPPCB European IPPC Bureau
ELV emission limit value. The mass, expressed in terms of certain specific
parameters, concentration and/or level of an emission, which may not be
exceeded during one or more periods of time
EMAS European community eco-management and audit scheme
emission the direct or indirect release of substances, vibrations, heat or noise from
individual or diffuse sources in the installation into the air, water or land
EMS environment management system
EN European Norm (standard)
ENE e nergy efficiency
ENEMS energy efficiency management system
energy audit the process of identification of the energy consumptions, the conservation
potentials and appropriate efficiency practices
energy performance the amount of energy consumed in relation with obtained results. The
lower the specific energy consumption, the higher the energy performance
EO e nergy output
EOP, EoP end-of-pipe
EPC energy performance contracting
EPER European pollutant emission register
ESCO/ESCo energy service company
ET total energy J
EU-15 15 Member States of the European Union
EU-25 25 Member States of the European Union
EVO The efficiency valuation organisation
f saturated liquid
FAD free air delivery
FBC fluidised bed combustion
FBCB fluidised bed combustion boiler
fg difference in property for saturated vapour and saturated liquid
FI Fi nland
FMEA failure mode and effects analysis. A systematic process for identifying
potential (design and) process failures before they occur, with the intent to
eliminate them or minimise the risk associated with them
FR Fr ance
g acceleration of gravity m/s2
g gram

Energy Efficiency 321



g saturated gas
G Gibbs free energy
G giga 109
GJ g igajoule
GMO g enetic modified organism
GPM g allons per minute
green certificate a market-based tool to increase use of renewables. Green certificates
represent the environmental value of renewable energy production. The
certificates can be traded separately from the energy produced
GT g as turbine
GTCC gas turbine combined cycle
GW g igawatt
GWh gi gawatt hours
GWhe gigawatt hours electrical
GWP g lobal warming potential
H enthalpy J
h specific enthalpy J/kg
h hour
hammer fluid hammer, see water hammer
harmonics a sine-shaped component of a periodic wave or quantity having a
frequency that is an integral multiple of a fundamental frequency. It is a
disturbance in clean power
HCV higher calorific value, higher combustion value
HCFC hydrochlorofluorocarbons. A class of haloalcanes where not all hydrogen
has been replaced by chlorine or fluorine.
HDPE h igh-density polyethylene
HF high frequency radiation. Electromagnetic radiation possessing radio
wave frequencies between 3 and 30 MHz
HFO h eavy fuel oil
HiTAC High temperature air combustion technology
HMI human machine interface
HP hi gh pressure
HPS high pressure steam. Steam with a pressure much greater than
HRSG heat recovery steam generator
HV high voltage. The International Electrotechnical Commission and its
national counterparts (IEE, IEEE, VDE, etc.) define high voltage circuits
as those with more than 1000 V for alternating current and at least 1500 V
for direct current, and distinguish it from low voltage (50 1000 V AC or
120 1500 V DC) and extra low voltage (<50 V AC or <120 V DC)
circuits. This is in the context of the safety of electrical apparatus.
HVAC heating, ventilation and air conditioning
hydrotreater hydrodesulphurisation (HDS) unit. These are widely used in the
petroleum refining industry and are also often also referred to as a
hydrotreater. It uses a catalytic chemical process to remove sulphur (S)
from natural gas and from refined petroleum products such as gasoline or
petrol, jet fuel, kerosene, diesel fuel, and fuel oils
Hz h erzt
ID in ternal diameter
IE Ire land
IEA International Energy Agency
IEC International Electrotechnical Comission
IEF Information Exchange Forum (informal consultation body in the
framework of the IPPC Directive)
IGCC integrated gasification combined cycle

322 Energy Efficiency



installation a stationary technical unit where one or more activities listed in Annex I
to the IPPC Directive are carried out, and any other directly associated
activities which have a technical connection with the activities carried out
on that site and which could have an effect on emissions and pollution
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
IPPC integrated pollution prevention and control
IR infrared radiation. Electromagnetic radiation whose wavelength is longer
than that of visible light but shorter than that of terahertz radiation and
microwaves, i.e. between 750 nm and 1mm.
IRR internal rate of return
ISO I nternational Standardisation Organisation
ISO 14001 International Organization for Standardization Environmental
Management Standard
IT It aly
J joule
JRC J oint Research Centre
K kelvin (0 oC = 273.15 K)
kcal kilocalorie (1 kcal = 4.19 kJ)
kg ki logram
kJ kilojoule (1 kJ = 0.24 jkcal)
KN kinetic energy J
kPa k ilopascal
kt k ilotonne
kWh kilowatt-hour (1 kWh = 3600 kJ = 3.6 MJ)
l litre
LCP large combustion plant
LCV lower calorific value, lower combustion value
lean, lean manufacturing a generic process management philosophy derived mostly from the
Toyota production system (TPS) but also from other sources. It is
renowned for its focus on reduction of the original Toyota 'seven wastes'
in order to improve overall customer value. Lean is often linked with six
sigma because of that methodology's emphasis on reduction of process
variation (or its converse smoothness)
LDPE l ow-density polyethylene
LFO light fuel oil (lighter than HFO)
LHV lower heating value
lm lumen: the SI unit of luminous flux. 1 lm = 1 cd 1sr = 1 lux m2
LP l ow pressure
LP steam low pressure steam: steam with a pressure less than, equal to, or not
greatly above, atmospheric
LPG liq uid petroleum gas
LPS low pressure steam
lux (symbol: lx) the SI unit of illuminance. It is used in photometry as a
measure of the intensity of light, with wavelengths weighted according to
the luminosity function, a standardised model of human brightness
perception. In English, "lux" is used in both singular and plural
LVOC large volume organic chemicals (BREF)
m mass
m metre
M mega 106
m/min me tres per minute
m2 square metre
m3 cubic metre
MBPC model-based predictive control
mg milligram (1 mg = 10-3 gram)

Energy Efficiency 323



MIMO m ulti-input, multi-output
MJ megajoule (1 MJ = 1000 kJ = 106 joule)
mm millimetre (1 mm = 10-3 m)
monitoring process intended to assess or to determine the actual value and the
variations of an emission or another parameter, based on procedures of
systematic, periodic or spot surveillance, inspection, sampling and
measurement or other assessment methods intended to provide
information about emitted quantities and/or trends for emitted pollutants
MP m edium pressure
MPS medium pressure steam
MRC medical research council
MS Me mber State
MSA measurement systems analysis. A method using experiments and
mathematics to determine how much the variation within the
measurement process contributes to overall process variability
Mt megatonne (1 Mt = 106 tonne)
MTBF mean time between failures
mV millivolt (mV), 10-3 volt, 1/1000 of a volt
MV megavolt (MV) 106volts, 1 000 000 volts
MVR mechanical vapour recompression system. A type of heat pump
M&V measurement and verification
MW microwave radiation. Electromagnetic radiation possessing wavelengths
ranging from 1mm to 1 m.
MWe megawatts electric (energy)
MWhe megawatts hour electric (power)
MWhh megawatts hour heat (power)
MWth megawatts thermal (energy)
N nozzle
n.a. not applicable OR not available (depending on the context)
n.d. n o data
ng nanogram (1 ng = 10-9 gram)
NG n atural gas
Nm3 normal cubic metre (101325 kPa, 273 K)
NMHC n on-methane hydrocarbons
NMVOC non-methane volatile organic compounds
NPSH net positive suction head. It shows the difference, in any cross-section of a
generic hydraulic circuit, between the pressure and the liquid vapour
pressure in that section. In pump operation, two aspects of this parameter
are called respectively NPSH (a) net positive suction head (available) and
NPSH (r) net positive suction head (required), where NPSH (a) is
computed at the pump inlet port, and NPSH (r) is the NPSH limit the
pump can withstand without cavitating. Retrieved from
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
OFA o verfire air
operator any natural or legal person who operates or controls the installation or,
where this is provided for in national legislation, to whom decisive
economic power over the technical functioning of the installation has
been delegated
R d egree Rankin
Otto cycle four stroke engine
P peta 1015
P, p pressure
Pa p ascal
PCB pol ychlorinated benzenes
PCDD pol ychlorinated-dibenzo-dioxins

324 Energy Efficiency



PCDF pol ychlorinated-dibenzo-furans
PDCA p lan-do-check-act cycle
PFBC pr essurised fluidised bed combustion
PI p rocess-integrated
PID proportional integral derivative control
PLC programmable logic controls
PM p ermanent magnet
pollutant individual substance or group of substances which can harm or affect the
ppb parts per billion
ppm parts per million (by weight)
ppmvd parts per million by volume for dry gases
PRV p ressure reducing valve
PT potential energy
Q heat J
Qy heat rate
QFD q uality function deployment
QMS q uality management system
R gas constant J/(gK)
R&D research and development
Ru universal gas constant J/(molK)
right first time a quality management system. A concept integral to total quality
management, where there is a commitment to customers not to make
mistakes. The approach requires employees at all levels to commit to, and
take responsibility for, achieving this goal. Quality circles are sometimes
used as a method to help in this process
ROI return on investment
S entropy J/K
s specific entropy J/(kgK)
s second
saturated steam steam at the temperature of the boiling point which corresponds to its
SAVE programme EC energy efficiency programme, now completed
SCADA supervisory control and data acquisition
SE Sweden
SEC specific energy consumption
SEI Sustainable energy Ireland. Organisation to promote and assist the
development of sustainable energy
sensible heat heat energy that is transported by a body that has a temperature higher
than its surroundings via conduction, convection, or both. Sensible heat is
the product of the body's mass, its specific heat capacity and its
temperature above (an inferred) reference temperature
SG s team generator
six sigma, 6 sigma, 6-x a quality system where the likelihood of an unexpected failure is confined
to six standard deviations (where sigma is the standard deviation, and 6-x
equates to 3.4 defects per million)
SME small to medium sized enterprise
SPC statistical process control
specific consumption consumption related to a reference basis, such as production capacity, or
actual production (e.g. mass per tonne or per unit produced)
SPOT steam plant optimisation tool
staleness having lost freshness as a consequence of over-work, boredom and/or age.
Unoriginality as a result of being dull and hackneyed
steady state situation in which all state variables are constant in spite of ongoing
processes that strive to change them

Energy Efficiency 325



superheated steam steam heated to a temperature higher than the boiling point corresponding
to its pressure. It cannot exist in contact with water, nor contain water,
and resembles a perfect gas; also called surcharged steam, anhydrous
steam, and steam gas
t time
t metric tonne (1000 kg or 106 gram)
T temperature
T tera 1012
t/yr t onne(s) per year
TAC total allowable concentration
TDS total dissolved solids
TEE abbreviation for white certificate in Italy, see white certificate
thyristor drive a motor and controller combination including the drive shaft, where AC
supply current is regulated by a thyristor phase control to provide variable
voltage to a DC motor
TOC total organic carbon
top management the person or group of people of the highest authority that direct the
company or part of it
TQM total quality management is a comprehensive and structured approach to
organisational management that seeks to improve the quality of products
and services through ongoing refinements in response to continuous
feedback. TQM processes are divided into four sequential categories:
plan, do, check, and act (the PDCA cycle)
TWG technical working group
U internal energy J
u internal energy per unit of mass J/kg
UHC unb urned hydrocarbons
UPS uninterruptible power supply. A device which maintains a continuous
supply of electric power to connected equipment by supplying power
from a separate source when utility power is not available
V volume
v specific volume m3/kg
V volt. The SI derived unit of electric potential difference or electromotive
VA volt-ampere: in electrical terms, means the amount of apparent power in
an alternating current circuit equal to a current of one ampere at an emf of
one volt. It is equivalent to watts for non-reactive circuits (in industry
usually found as kV: 10 kVA = 10 000 watts capability (where the SI
prefix k equals kilo); 10 MVA = 10 000 000 watts capability (where M
equals mega)
VAM v inyl acetate monomer
VOCs volatile organic compounds. Compounds that have high enough vapour
pressures to significantly vaporise under ambient conditions. Includes a
wide range of molecules such as aldehydes, ketones and hydrocarbons.
Commonly found in solvents for paint, printing inks, adhesives, some
fuels, etc. See the STS BREF
vol-% percentage by volume. (Also % v/v)
volute spiral casing housing the rotor in a centrifugal pump
W work J

326 Energy Efficiency



water hammer (or, more generally, fluid hammer) a pressure surge or wave caused by the
kinetic energy of a fluid in motion when it is forced to stop or change
direction suddenly. It depends on the fluid compressibility where there are
sudden changes in pressure. For example, if a valve is closed suddenly at
an end of a pipeline system, a water hammer wave propagates in the pipe.
Steam heating systems for buildings may also be vulnerable to water
hammer. In a steam system, water hammer most often occurs when some
of the steam condenses into water in a horizontal section of the steam
piping. Subsequently, steam picks up the water, forms a 'slug' and hurls it
at high velocity into a pipe elbow, creating a loud hammering noise and
greatly stressing the pipe. This condition is usually caused by a poor
condensate drainage strategy
wet steam steam which contains water held in suspension mechanically; also called
misty steam
WBB Wet bottom boiler. A boiler that contains a wet bottom furnace. It is a
kind of boiler used for pulverised fuel firing. In a wet bottom boiler, the
bottom ash is kept in a molten state and tapped off as a liquid. The ash
hopper in wet bottom furnaces contains quenching water. When the
molten slag comes in contact with the quenching water, it fractures
instantly, crystallises, and forms pellets. Wet bottom boilers are preferred
for low volatile coals that produce a lot of ash. However, it has higher
investment costs and higher maintenance costs, so it is built less often
white certificate a market-based tool to get energy savings for some category of operators
(distributors, consumers, etc.) coupled with a trading system for energy
efficiency measures resulting in energy savings. The savings would be
verified and certified by the so-called 'white' certificates
WI w aste incineration
wt-% percentage by weight. (Also % w/w)
W-t-E waste to energy
x molar fraction, quality
X quality
yr y ear
Z compressibility factor
z elevation, position m

Energy Efficiency 327



7.1 Energy and the laws of thermodynamics

[269, Valero, 2007]

Auditing processes f or energy di agnosis i n i ndustrial i nstallations a re crucial in order t o

understand w here e nergy is us ed, a nd t o e nsure i t i s us ed a nd controlled e fficiently. F or
auditing, mass, energy and exergy balances for the equipment and corresponding processes need
to be performed. Recommendations can then be made to improve efficiencies and/or minimise
resulting dissipated energies. The basic science that deals with energy and the various concepts
and laws describing the conservation of one form of energy to another, and the various systems
employed w ith s ystems i n equilibrium i s thermodynamics. T he b asic c oncepts of
thermodynamics are summarised here focusing on those areas that have special importance for
the optimisation of energy use and energy efficiency in industry. Detailed explanations can be
found in university degree books (see Bibliography in Section

7.1.1 General principles Characterisation of systems and processes

(Note: where symbols or formulae have dimensions, these are indicated in SI units)
A thermodynamic s ystem i s t he qu antity of m atter w ithin a p rescribed b oundary unde r
consideration; e verything external to the s ystem i s c alled s urroundings. S ystems m ay b e
considered as closed or open. A system can be considered as closed if there is no interchange of
matter between system and surroundings. If there is an interchange, the system is considered to
be open.

A very i mportant c lass of systems that i s f requently encountered by e ngineers is s teady-flow

systems. A s teady-flow system c an b e d efined a s a ny fixed region-of-space s ystem t hrough
which a fluid flows a nd the pr operties of t his fluid, e ither internal t o the system or at its
boundaries, do not c hange a s t ime pa sses. Typical e xamples i nclude a ir c ompressors, g as
turbines, steam t urbines, boilers, pum ps, he at exchangers, e tc. All these devices ha ve i n
common t hat each has on e or m ore f luid streams entering a nd leaving. D evices w ith these
characteristics are also k nown a s steady-state o r steady-flow sy stems, steady-flow c ontrol
volumes or flow systems.

Any ch aracteristic of a s ystem is cal led p roperty. T emperature, volume, pressure o r mass ar e
some of the m ost f amiliar e xamples. P roperties a re considered t o be i ntensive, if they a re
independent of the size of the system (temperature, pressure, density) or extensive if their values
depend on t he size or e xtent o f t he s ystem ( mass, volume, t otal energy). W hen a n e xtensive
property is divided by t he t otal m ass of a sy stem, the resulting property is c alled sp ecific
property. The state o f a s ystem is the condition of t he s ystem a s described by its p roperties.
Equation of state is any equation relating properties of a substance.

A system w hich i s i n e quilibrium e xperiences no c hanges w hen i t i s isolated from i ts

surroundings. Any change that the system may undergo is known as process. A system is said to
be at steady-state if none of its properties changes with time. If the system returns to its original
condition or state at the end of the process, then the system has undergone a cycle. Reversible
processes are those in which everything involved with the process (systems and surroundings)
can be returned t o its o riginal c ondition after the pr ocess h as b een e xecuted. A fter a n
irreversible process, this is not possible. No process involving friction or unbalanced potential
can b e reversible. E ven though all a ctual p rocesses are irreversible, the st udy of r eversible
processes are quite useful to understand the limits of behaviour of systems and processes.

Energy Efficiency 329

Annexes Forms of energy storage and transfer Energy storage

Energy can be s tored i n num erous f orms. T he most i mportant f orms e ncountered i n
thermodynamic a pplications are: internal, kinetic and potential energy. Other f orms of energy
such as magnetic, electric, and surface tension effects are si gnificant only i n some specialised
cases and will not be considered here. Energy is measured in joules (J) or in other units such as
kilowatt-hour (kWh).

The internal energy (U) is associated with the microscopic forms of energy, i.e. to the motion,
position and internal state of the atoms or molecules of the substance.

The energy associated to the motion of the system as a whole relative to some reference frame is
called kinetic energy KN. Kinetic energy is expressed as:

mC 2
KN = (J) Equation 7.1

Where: C= the velocity of the system relative to some fixed reference frame
m= the mass of the body in motion.

The change in gravitational potential energy, PT is associated with the position of the system as
a whole (elevation) in the Earths gravitational field and can be expressed as:

PT = mgz (J) Equation 7.2

Where: g= the gravitational acceleration and

z= the elevation o f t he centre of g ravity o f a s ystem r elative to s ome
arbitrarily selected reference plane.

The energy of a system that consists of the kinetic, potential and internal energies is expressed

mC 2
U K , P = U + KN + PT = U + + mgz (J) Equation 7.3
2 Energy transfer

The f orms o f energy discussed a bove which constitute t he total e nergy o f a sy stem are s tatic
forms of energy and can be stored in a system. However, energy can also be transformed from
one f orm t o a nother a nd transferred be tween s ystems. F or c losed s ystems, energy c an be
transferred t hrough w ork a nd heat t ransfer. H eat a nd w ork a re not p roperties be cause they
depend on the details of a process a nd not j ust the e nd states. The rate of energy transfer i s
expressed in watts (1 watt = 1 joule/1 second).

Heat (Q) can be defined as energy in transit from one mass to another because of a temperature
difference between the two. It accounts for the amount of energy transferred to a closed system
during a process by means other than work. The transfer of energy occurs only in the direction
of decreasing temperature.

330 Energy Efficiency


Heat c an be t ransferred i n t hree d ifferent w ays: c onduction, c onvection and r adiation.

Conduction is the transfer of e nergy f rom t he m ore e nergetic p articles of a substance to t he
adjacent pa rticles that a re less energetic due t o interactions between the particles. C onduction
can t ake pl ace i n solids, l iquids and gases. C onvection is the energy transfer b etween a s olid
surface a t a certain t emperature a nd an a djacent moving gas or liquid at a nother t emperature.
Thermal radiation is emitted by matter as a result of changes in the electronic configurations of
the atoms or molecules within i t. The e nergy is t ransported by e lectromagnetic w aves a nd it
requires no intervening medium to propagate and can even take place in vacuum.

The thermodynamic definition of work (W) is: work is done by a system on its surroundings if
the sole effect on everything external to the system could have been the raising of a weight. Like
heat, work is also energy in transit. The rate of energy transfer by work is called power and its
unit in the SI system is denoted by W.

7.1.2 First and second law of thermodynamics

The two fundamental and general laws of thermodynamics are: (1) energy is conserved and (2)
it is impossible to bring about any change or series of changes the sole net result of which is the
transfer of e nergy a s he at from a l ow t o a high t emperature. In other w ords, heat will not by
itself flow from low to high temperatures.

A process w ill no t o ccur un less it s atisfies bo th the first and the s econd laws o f
thermodynamics. The first law of thermodynamics: energy balance

The first law of thermodynamics is the general principle of physics and it states that energy is
conserved. Although the law has been stated in a variety of ways, all have essentially the same
meaning. The following are examples of typical statements:

whenever energy is transformed from one form to another, energy is always conserved
energy can neither be created nor destroyed
the total sum of all energies remains constant for a given system
the net energy in the form of heat added or removed to or from a system that operates in a
cyclic manner e quals t he net energy i n the f orm of w ork pr oduced or consumed by t he
the value of the net work done by or on a closed system undergoing an adiabatic process
between t wo given s tates depends solely on t he end states and not on the details of t he
adiabatic process. Energy balance for a closed system

For a closed system, the first law implies that the change in system energy equals the net energy
transfer to the system by means of heat and work. That is:

U 2 U 1 = Q W (J) Equation 7.4

In Equation 7.4, the usual convention on signs has been used: heat is positive when it is added
to the system, and work is positive when it is produced by the system.

Energy Efficiency 331

Annexes Energy balance for open systems

Most applications of engineering thermodynamics are conducted on a control volume basis. In

such cases, the conservation of mass principle must be applied. The time rate of accumulation of
mass within the control volume equals the difference between the total rates of mass flow in and
out across the boundary.

dm . .
= m1 m2 (kg/s) Equation 7.5
dt 1 2

The energy rate balance for such a system is:

dU . . . C12 . C 22
= Q W + m1 h1 + + gz1 m2 h2 + + gz 2 (in SI units, W) Equation 7.6
dt 2 2

In Equation 7.6, h is the specific enthalpy of the flows entering and exiting the system:

h = u + Pv (, J/kg) Equation 7.7

For steady-flow systems, the mass flow rates and the rates of energy transfer by heat and work
are constant with time.

. .
m1 = m2 (kg/s) Equation 7.8
1 2

Hence, at steady state, the first law of thermodynamics can be expressed as:

. . . C12 . C 22
Q W = m1 h1 + + gz1 m 2 h2 + + gz 2 (W) Equation 7.9
2 2 First law efficiencies: thermal efficiency and coefficient of performance

In general, the efficiency of a t hermal system indicates the relation between the useful energy
produced and the amount of energy used.

The thermal efficiency of a heat engine is the fraction of the heat input that is converted to net
work output:

Wnet ,out
= (dimensionless) Equation 7.10
Other efficiency indicators are the Coefficients of Performance COP of any refrigeration cycle,
COPR, and heat pump cycle, COPHP, given by:

COPR = (dimensionless) Equation 7.11
COPHP = (dimensionless) Equation 7.12

332 Energy Efficiency


Unlike the thermal efficiency, the value of COP can be greater than unity. This means, e.g. that
the amount of heat removed from the refrigerated space can be greater than the amount of work
input. The second law of thermodynamics: entropy

The s econd l aw of thermodynamics enables us t o know w hich types o f transformations are

possible or impossible and in which direction they occur. Like the first law, the second can be
postulated in many different ways and two of them are listed below:

it i s not po ssible to c onstruct a he at engine w hich pr oduces no o ther effect t han t he

exchange of heat from a single source initially in an equilibrium state and the production
of work. Heat engines must always reject heat to a thermal energy reservoir
no cyclical d evice ca n ca use heat t o t ransfer f rom thermal energy reservoirs at l ow
temperatures to reservoirs at high temperatures with no other effects.

To state the second law in a general and usable form, the concept of entropy is needed. Entropy

When t wo stable states of a system ar e connected by different i nternally r eversible processes,

we find that the integral of the heat interchanged over its temperature is not dependent on t he
process path. This means that a function exists which only depends on t he state properties (or
properties of the state) of the system: this function is called entropy. The change of entropy is
defined as follows:

S 2 S1 = (J/K)
123 T
Entropy Equation 7.13
change Entropy
rev. process

Entropy is an abstract property and can be viewed as a measure of disorder. By using entropy,
more forms of the second law can be introduced:

the total entropy of an engine and all of the surrounding components that interact with the
engine must increase when the heat engine is not completely reversible
the only processes that can occur are those for which the entropy of the isolated system
increases (this statement is known as the increase of entropy principle). Entropy balance for closed systems

Due t o the irreversible na ture of almost a ny a ctual pr ocess, entropy i s n ot a c onservative

property. The entropy balance for a closed system is expressed as:

S = S 2 S1 = + { (J/K)
123 T
Entropy 123 Entropy
Equation 7.14
change Entropy

Energy Efficiency 333


The first term on t he right side of Equation 7.14 is associated with heat transfer to or from the
system dur ing t he pr ocess and c an be interpreted a s t he e ntropy transfer a ccompanying he at
transfer. A positive value means that entropy is transferred into the system and a negative value
means that entropy is transferred out. The term is called entropy production and accounts for the
irreversibilities g enerated i n t he pr ocess. T he e ntropy pr oduction i s po sitive w henever
irreversibilities occur and zero in the ideal case where no irreversibilities take place.

From now on, the amount of irreversibilities through entropy production can be measured with a
simple e ntropy ba lance. I rreversibilities a re t he k ey for unde rstanding t he pr ocess of e nergy
degradation, and the so-called energy savings and conservation techniques. Whereas energy is
not destroyed but degraded, the key issue of any energy analyst is to pinpoint irreversibilies in
processes and propose solutions for avoiding them. Entropy balance for an open system

The entropy rate w ithin a control v olume during a p rocess is e qual t o t he sum of t he rate of
entropy transfer through the control volume boundary by he at transfer, the net rate of entropy
transfer into t he c ontrol volume by mass f low, a nd the rate o f e ntropy generation w ithin t he
boundaries of the control volume as a result of irreversibilities:

dS cv Qj . . .
= + m i si m e se + { (W/K)
{dt jT 14442444
i e
3 ofRate
Rate 123j
Rate Rate entropy Equation 7.15
of of
entropy of generation
entropy entropy
change transfer
with with
heat mass

The t erms misi and mese represent the r ates o f en tropy t ransfer i nto an d out o f the s ystem
accompanying m ass flow. Qj represents th e t ime rate o f h eat t ransfer a t the location on t he
boundary w here t he instantaneous temperature is Tj. The r atio Qj/Tj accounts f or t he
accompanying rate of entropy transfer. The term K denotes the time rate of entropy production
due to irreversibilities within the control volume. Exergy analysis Exergy

Exergy of a thermodynamic system i s the maximum t heoretical u seful w ork ( shaft w ork o r
electrical work) obtainable as the system is brought into complete thermodynamic equilibrium
with the thermodynamic environment while the system interacts with this environment only. A
system is s aid to be in the d ead state w hen it is in thermodynamic equilibrium w ith i ts
surroundings. At the dead state, a system is at the temperature and pressure of its surroundings;
it has no kinetic or potential energy and it does not interact with the surroundings. Exergy is a
measure of the departure of the state of a system from the environment. Once the environment is
specified, a value can be assigned to exergy in terms of property values for the system only and
exergy can be regarded as a property of the system. The value of exergy, as defined in Equation
7.16, c annot b e negative and i s n ot c onserved b ut d estroyed by irreversibilities. The specific
exergy on a unit mass basis is:

e = (u u 0 ) + P0 (v v 0 ) T0 ( s s 0 ) + C 2 / 2 + gz (J/kg) Equation 7.16

The subscript 0 denotes the dead state.

334 Energy Efficiency


When a mass f lows ac ross t he b oundaries o f a co ntrol v olume, t here i s a n e xergy transfer
accompanying the mass and work flows. This is named specific flow exergy or physical exergy
of a material stream, and is given by:

e = (h h0 ) T0 ( s s 0 ) + C 2 / 2 + gz (J/kg) Equation 7.17 Exergy balances

The exergy ba lance for a closed system is ob tained with the c ombination of the e nergy a nd
entropy ba lances. The e xergy c hange in a c losed system i s e qual to the sum of t he e xergy
transfer accompanying heat, the exergy t ransfer a ccompanying w ork minus the destruction o f
exergy. The final equation is:

Q [W P0 (V2 V1 )]
E = E 2 E1 = 1 T{
0 (J)
424 3 1 Tj 1442443
144244 3 Exergy
destruction Equation 7.18
Exergy accompanying
transfer work

T0 and P0 denote t he t emperature and p ressure a t a mbient c onditions. Tj is th e s urface

temperature where the heat transfer takes place. The rate of exergy change in open systems is
given by:

dE cv T0 . . dVcv . . .
= 1 Q j W cv P0 + m i ei m e ee {I (W)
{dt j Tj dt i e Rate
Rate 14444444444244444444443 of Equation 7.19
of Rate Exergy
exergy of destruction
change exergy
transfer Second law efficiency: Exergetic efficiency

The thermal e fficiency a nd c oefficient of p erformance a re ba sed onl y on t he f irst law o f

thermodynamics a nd m ake no reference to the best po ssible pe rformance. However, t he
exergetic efficiency or second law efficiency overcomes this deficiency and gives a measure of
approximation to reversible operation. Exergetic efficiencies are useful for distinguishing means
for utilising energy resources that are thermodynamically effective from those that are less so.
They ca n b e used t o evaluate the effectiveness o f engineering measures t aken to i mprove t he
performance of a thermal system. T he exergetic efficiency i s defined i n a generic f orm as the
ratio between the exergy recovered and the exergy supplied:

Erec overed
= (dimensionless) Equation 7.20

Exergetic efficiency ex pressions can t ake many d ifferent forms d epending on t he analysed
system. F or a he at e ngine, t he e xergy s upplied i s t he de crease i n t he e xergy of t he he at
transferred to the engine, which is the difference between the exergy of the heat supplied and
the exergy of the heat rejected. The net work output is the recovered exergy. For a refrigerator
or heat pump, the exergy supplied is the work input and the recovered exergy is the exergy of
the heat transferred to the high temperature medium for a heat pump and the exergy of the heat
transferred from the low temperature medium for a refrigerator.

Energy Efficiency 335


7.1.3 Property diagrams, tables, databanks and computer programs Property diagrams

According t o t he s tate postulate, i f a ny two s tate variables of a simple pur e substance a re

specified, the third is determined. This implies that the state of that substance can be represented
in a diagram with two independent properties. The five basic properties of a substance that are
usually s hown on p roperty di agrams a re: pr essure (P), t emperature ( T), s pecific v olume ( v),
specific enthalpy (h), specific entropy (s) and quality (x) if a mixture of two phases is involved.
The most commonly encountered property diagrams are: pressure-temperature (P-T), pressure-
specific volume (P-v), temperature-specific volume (T-v), temperature-(specific) entropy (T-s)
and ( specific) e nthalpy-(specific) en tropy ( h-s). T hese d iagrams are v ery u seful in p lotting
processes. A dditionally, t he f irst three diagrams are he lpful for explaining t he r elationships
between the three phases of matter.

For e xample, a T-s diagram i s shown i n F igure 7.1. T -s diagrams are widely used i n
thermodynamics, b ecause they a re v ery useful in v isualising i rreversibilities of p rocesses.
Constant-volume, c onstant-pressure a nd constant-enthalpy lines c an be s een i n T -s diagrams.
Vertical lines on T-s diagrams r epresent processes. unde rgoing i sentropic ( same e ntropy)
compression/expansion, while horizontal lines inside the dome mean isothermal phase changes

T p=const



Liquid Liquid-
Liquid- Vapor
Vapor Vapour

Figure 7.1: Temperature-entropy diagram Property tables, databanks and simulation programs

Tables in the real world are not enough, and it is necessary to have thermodynamic properties of
many s ubstances, b oth pure a nd m ixed. I n fact, complex t hermodynamic data b anks and
associated physical property models form the heart of any computer energy simulator. The need
is so important that inaccuracy o r u navailable d ata m ay l ead to reject attractive en ergy
conservation solutions. Fortunately, a considerable amount of databases and computer programs
may be found in literature and on the market. The problem arises in having judgement to select
with g ood criteria e ven if c ontradictory data are found. Quality, a ccurate and up- to-date
information is, in many cases, critical. This is a key issue when calculating mixture properties in
which departure f rom non- ideal behaviour is common. S ome major da ta compilations can b e
found in the American Petroleum Institute, API (US); Beilstein Institute of Organic Chemistry,
Beilstein; Design Institute for Physical Property Data, DIPPR of AIChE; Deutsche Gesellshaft

336 Energy Efficiency


fr C hemisches A pparatewesen, Chemische Technik und Biotechnologie e.V., D ECHEMA;

Physical P roperty D ata S ervice, P PDS i n t he U.; a nd others. F or i nstance, DIPPR ha s a
comprehensive pure component data compilation meanwhile a primary source of mixture data is
DECHEMA. C ommercial simulation programs w ith e xtensive c apabilities for c alculating
thermodynamic properties can be easily found. Three of the most widely-used programs are the
trademarked: ASPEN PLUS, HYSIM, and PRO/II. However, these computer packages may do
more than is needed by an analyst carrying out routine calculations to determine energy savings,
or conversely, t hey may p erform i n a less specialised way. T hese programs are costly both in
effort o f ha ndling and i n acquisition and m aintaining. Intermediate solutions t hat allow the
analyst to compose their own simulation solutions and include pure substance properties are, for
instance, EES, T hermoptim, and BBlocks. T herefore, it i s i mportant t hat t he a nalyst devotes
sufficient time to judging which i s worth a cquiring. Starting f rom s cratch is no t a dvisable in
most cases. Identification of inefficiencies

These are discussed in Section

7.1.4 Nomenclature

Symbol Meaning Unit

C Velocity m /s
E Exergy J
Exergy rate J/s
e Exergy per unit of mass J/kg
ET Total energy J
g Acceleration of gravity m/s2
H Enthalpy J
h Specific enthalpy J/kg
I, Irreversibility J
Irreversibility rate J/s
KN Kinetic energy J
m Mass kg
m Mass rate kg/s
P, p Pressure Pa
PT Potential energy J
Q Heat J
Q Heat rate J/s
S Entropy J /K
s Specific entropy J/(kgK)
t Time s
T Temperature K
U Internal energy, energy J
u Internal energy per unit of mass J/kg
V Volume m
v Specific volume m3/kg
W Work J
W Work rate J
z Elevation, position m

Energy Efficiency 337


Symbol Meaning Unit

Greek Letters
Thermal efficiency -
Exergetic efficiency -
Entropy production J/K
Rate of entropy production J/(kgK)
0 Ambient conditions
av Average of the considered property
C Compressor
cv Control volume Bibliography

Anderson, E. E. Thermodynamics. International Thomson Publishing. 1994

Avallone, E . A. M arks Standard H andbook for M echanical E ngineers. 9t h E dition.
McGraw Hill. 1978
Bejan, A .; Tsatsaronis, G . a nd M oran, M . T hermal Design a nd O ptimization. W iley
Interscience. 1996
engel, Y. A. and Boles, M. A. Thermodynamics: an engineering approach. International
Edition. Mc Graw Hill. 1994
Danner R.P.; S pencer C .F.; N agvekar M . Thermophysical P roperties f or Design
Simulations i n D evelopments in t he D esign of Thermal Systems, E d. B y R.F. B oehm,
Cambridge Univ. Press, 1997
Hering, E. and Modler, K. G rundwissen des Ingenieurs. Mnchen: C arl Hanser V erlag,
cop. 2002
Lozano, M. A. an d Valero, A . D eterminacin d e la exerga p ara s ustancias d e inters
industrial. Ingeniera qumica. Marzo 1986
Moran, M . J. and S hapiro, H. N . F undamentals of Engineering T hermodynamics. 4t h
Edition. John Wiley & Sons. 2000
Moran, M . J.; S hapiro, H .N.; M unson, a nd D ewitt. I ntroduction to t hermal systems
engineering. John Wiley & Sons. 2003
Moore, W.J. Physical Chemistry, 1974
Perry, R. H. and Green, D. Perrys chemical engineers handbook. Mc Graw Hill. 1984
The C RC Handbook of thermal e ngineering. K reith F . E ditor in chief. CRC P ress
Springer. 2000
Valero, A. and Lozano, M.A. Los balances de energa, entropa, exerga y energa libre.
Mtodos para el diagnstico de instalaciones industriales. Ingeniera qumica. Mayo 1987
Valero, A. and Lozano M.A. An Introduction of Thermoeconomics i n Developments i n
the Design of Thermal Systems, Ed. By R.F. Boehm, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1997
Valero-Capilla A . a nd V alero-Delgado A . F undamentals of e nergy thermodynamics,
Wark, K. Thermodynamics. Mc Graw Hill. 1983

338 Energy Efficiency


7.2 Case studies of thermodynamic irreversibilities

7.2.1 Case 1. Throttling devices

Throttling devices are very c ommon in i ndustry a nd are u sed to control a nd r educe p ressure
mainly t hrough v alves. S ince the throttling pr ocess is i senthalpic ( where the e nthalpy up and
down flows are equal) no energy i s lost and according t o the first l aw of t hermodynamics, i ts
efficiency is optimal.

However, t his is a typical mechanical i rreversibility w hich reduces pressure a nd increases the
entropy of the fluid, without giving any additional benefit. Consequently, exergy is lost and the
fluid is less capable of producing energy in a turbine expansion process, for instance.

Therefore, if t he point i s to reduce t he pressure of a fluid, i t i s desirable to tend to i sentropic

expansions providing useful work as an additional result through turbines. If this is not possible,
the working pressure should always be the highest possible because this will avoid the use of
compressors or pumps for fluid transportation (additional useful energy).

A very fre quent p ractice i n i ndustrial installations is t o k eep the p ressure a t t he in let o f th e
turbine at the design conditions. This usually implies the use and abuse of admission valves to
control t he t urbine. According t o the s econd law, it is better t o ha ve f lotation of t he p ressure
specifications (sliding pressure) and to keep the admission valves completely open.

As a general r ecommendation, v alves s hould be sized a s l arge as pos sible. A s atisfactory

throttling process can be achieved with a pressure drop of 5 10 % at maximum flow instead of
25 50 % a s h as happened i n t he p ast, w here v alves w ere small s ized. O f c ourse t he p ump
driving the fluid must be also sized according to the variable conditions.

Finally, it must be stressed that pipes also act as t hrottling devices, decreasing the pressure of
the fluid flowing through them. Therefore, a good design with good materials and few obstacles
such as unnecessary valves, elbows, bows, etc. will limit the exergy losses across the process.

In any case, it is clear that an exergy accounting that considers all the energy levels existing in
the plant must be performed, because from the first law point of view, irreversibilities are very
difficult or impossible to identify.

Numerical example
During a uni t c ommissioning i n a pow er p lant, a s team e xtraction c oming f rom t he h igh
pressure turbine (P = 40 kg/cm2, T = 350 C) is used in order to feed a turbopump.

Since the turbopump operates at an inlet pressure of 8 kg/cm2, the steam coming from the high
pressure t urbine must b e t hrottled (see Figure 7.2). I n t he following t hermodynamic example,
variables of the steam are evaluated at the inlet and outlet of the valve. The process is sketched
on the T-s and h-s diagrams (see Figure 7.3) and the exergy flow is obtained when the nominal
flow is 45 000 kg/h.

1 2

P1= 40 kg/cm2 P2= 8 kg/cm2

T1= 350 C

Figure 7.2: Steam throttling process

Energy Efficiency 339


The first law o f thermodynamics r eveals that the process is isenthalpic since n o w ork o r h eat
transfer is associated with the throttling process:

0 = m1(H2 H1) >H2 =H1 Equation 7.21

The specific enthalpy and entropy obtained through the property tables are:

at P1 and T1:
h1 = 3091.95 kJ/kg and S1 = 6.58 kJ/kg K
at P2 and h2 = h1
T2 = 319 C
S2 = 7.30 kJ/kg K

T h

1 2
h = 3091.95 kJ/kg
h1 = h2

s1 s2 S s1 s2 S

Figure 7.3: T-S and h-S diagrams for the steam throttling process of the example

The specific flow exergy is calculated as:

e = H T 0s Equation 7.22

Where T0 = 273 K and the potential and kinetic energy are considered negligible. Hence:

e1 = 3091.95 273 x 6.58 = 1295.61 kJ/kg


e2 = 3091.95 273 x 7.30 = 1099.05 kJ/kg

This process is completely irreversible (mechanical irreversibility). The exergy loss is obtained
through a n exergy ba lance t o t he s ystem. S ince there is no heat or work t ransfer, t he e xergy
balance reduces to:

I = m (e 1 e 2 ) = 45000kg / h s / h (1295.61 1099.05) = 2457 kW = 2.457 MW

340 Energy Efficiency


7.2.2 Case 2. Heat exchangers

Heat exchangers are devices where two streams exchange heat. Every heat transfer is the result
of a temperature difference a nd thus is always associated w ith entropy generation a nd exergy
destruction. Therefore, there is a contradiction between the ideas of minimum exergy loss and
maximum heat transfer efficiency.
In a counterflow heat exchanger like the one shown in Figure 7.4, where a hot fluid at T 1,in is
cooled down to T1,out, by releasing heat to a cold fluid that heats up from T 2,in to T2,out, therefore,
the exergy loss in the process is calculated as follows:

The change in kinetic and potential energy are usually negligible and no work interactions are
present. F or a first a pproximation, the p ressure drop c an a lso b e c onsidered n egligible. The
irreversibility created in the heat exchanger is given by:

I = (e1,in + e2,in) (e1,out + e2,out) = (h1,in + h2,in) (h1,out + h2,out)

T1,out T2,out
- T [(s1,in + s2,in) (s1,out + s2,out)] = T0 [m1Cp1 ln +m2Cp2 ln
T1,in T2,in Equation 7.23

It can be demonstrated from the equation above that I is always positive and increases with the
temperature differences a t the inlet a nd ou tlet of t he fluids i n the c ounterflow e xchanger and
between the top and bottom in a parallel-flow exchanger. In any case, a counterflow exchanger
is a lways be tter than a c oncurrent one ( parallel-flow) f rom the exergy poi nt of view, be cause
exergy is always being given off to a system at a similar temperature.

The irreversibilities taking place in heat exchangers are due to two factors: heat transfer caused
by the temperature difference and pressure loss associated with the fluid circulation. Both fluid
friction a nd i rreversible heat transfer c an be r educed de creasing t he fluid flow. H owever, i n
order t o obtain t he s ame ef fect of h eat exchange, a larger t ransfer area i s required, i.e. larger
heat exchangers must be designed.

The idea of e xtending the us e of c ounterflow heat e xchange t o t he w hole i nstallation, i .e.
extending i t t o all flows t o be he ated or c ooled i n the pl ant, so that the temperature change
through which he at must flow is reasonably l ow, leads t o t he energy integration of pr ocesses
and the use of energy cascades. This is the philosophy of the pinch methodology, developed for
the i ntegration of heat e xchanger ne tworks. The integration can also be e xtended to pow er
cycles, h eat pum ps a nd refrigeration c ycles in the most efficient w ay. In s ummary, t his
procedure a ssures the lowest steam consumption (or any a nother heat s ource) and the l owest
cooling water (or any other cold source) under the thermodynamic and technical conditions that
may be assessed.

Fluid T1,in

Fluid T2,out Fluid T2,in

Fluid T1,out

Figure 7.4: Counterflow heat exchanger

Energy Efficiency 341


Numerical example
In a boiler reheater (see Figure 7.5), 1 100 000 kg/h of steam is heated from 350 to 540 C at a
pressure of 40 k g/cm2. The h eat ab sorbed b y t he s team co mes f rom t he exhaust g ases o f a
combustion pr ocess. T he a verage temperature where the heat transfer occurs is 1000 C. In
Figure 7.6 the p rocess is s ketched on the T-s a nd h-s di agrams a nd t he heat absorbed by t he
steam and exergy losses is determined.

P1 = 40 kg/cm2 P2 = 40 kg/cm2
T1 = 350 C T2 = 540 C

Figure 7.5: Reheating process of a steam flow

The energy balance of the system considered in Figure 7.5 is:

m (h2 h1) = Q

The specific enthalpy and entropy obtained through the property tables is:

at P1 and T1:
h1 = 3091.95 kJ/kg and
s1 = 6.58 kJ/kg K
at P2 and T2:
h2 = 3530.85 kJ/kg and
s2 = 7.21 kJ/kg K.

Hence, the heat transfer obtained is:

Q = 11 100 000 x (3530.85 3091.95) = 438.9 kJ/kg = 482.7 x 106 kJ/h

T-s and h-s diagrams are shown in Figure 7.6:

T h
2 P = 40 kg/cm2
P = 40 kg/cm2
h2 1

s1 s2 s s1 s2 s

Figure 7.6: T-s and h-s diagrams for the steam reheating process of the example

342 Energy Efficiency


The specific flow exergy is calculated as:

e = h T0s

Where T0 = 273 K and the potential and kinetic energy are considered negligible. Hence:

e1 = 3091.95 273 x 6.58 = 1295.61 kJ/kg


e2 = 3530.85 273 x 7.21 = 1562.52 kJ/kg

The exergy loss generated is given by:

7.2.3 Case 3. Mixing processes

The m ixing of fluids w ith di fferent c ompositions or t emperatures is a nother pr ocess v ery
common in industry. This concept includes tempering processes for temperature control, mixing
processes for quality control, substance purifying processes, distillation, etc.

For example, an adiabatic mixture of two different ideal gases flow at the same temperature and
pressure and n 1 and n 2 equals the number of moles of each flow. The generation of entropy in
the m ixing pr ocess c orresponds t o the s um of t he e ntropy i ncrease o f e ach g as due t o their
expansions from P to their new partial pressure of the mixture. Hence:

1 P P2
= n1 R ln 1 n 2 R ln = R xi ln xi (J/K)
n1 + n 2 P P

Since Pi = xiPi and xi = the exergy loss is calculated as follows:

I = T0 = - RT0} xi ln xi (J)

This expression is always positive and symmetrical with respect to the value xi = 0.5. It tends to
zero when x i tends to zero (maximum purity). Figure 7.7 shows Ii/RT0 versus the molar fraction
of one c omponent i n the mixture x i. The maximum exergy i s r eached w hen x i = 0, but under
these c onditions, it i s r elatively e asy t o separate bot h c omponents. As t he m ixture i s be ing
purified, the exergy loss per mole of the separated component increases.

Energy Efficiency 343


0.8 Ix
= x iln x i




0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Mole fraction of one component, x

Figure 7.7: Ii/RT0 versus molar fraction of one component in the mixture

For the considered binary system, the irreversibility is equal to:

dI x
= RT0 ln
I = RT0 [x ln x + (1 x ) ln (1 x )] dx (1 x )

Some of the values of this derivative are presented in Table 7.1:

x I/RT0 (1/RT0) dI/dx

0.10 0. 325 2.20
0.01 0. 056 4.96
10 3 7.91 x 10 - 3 6.91
10 4 1.02 x 10 - 3 9.21
Table 7.1: Some values of the derivatives

This derivative indicates the work required to improve the purity of the product and the easiness
to po llute. I n ot her w ords, t he exergy value of the pr oduct is r elated with this d erivative.
Multicomponent m ixtures behave i n the same way. T he maximum v alue of t he f unction
-} xi ln xi that takes place for equimolar mixtures is shown in Table 7.2:

N - Vxilnxi N - Vxilnxi
2 0.693 5 1.609
3 1.099 7 1.946
4 1.386 10 2.302
Table 7.2: Maximum values for mixtures

344 Energy Efficiency


As t he number of m ixture c omponents increases, the i rreversibility effects become m ore

dramatic. These ideas lead to a set of recommendations for energy savings in mixing processes.
Firstly and m ost i mportantly, m ixing pr ocesses m ust b e avoided w henever it is pos sible.
Obtaining high quality steam or a very pure substance requires a great amount of exergy that is
mostly lost when mixed with a lower quality flow (even if the energy loss is zero). Secondly,
the quality specifications of a certain product must not be exceeded and above all, once they are
exceeded, they should never be mixed with lower quality flows.

This way, if a product with 0.1 % purity is mixed equimolarly with another of 1 % purity, the
final p roduct w ill h ave 0. 55 % p urity, bu t t he e xergy v alue of this p roduct will de crease
significantly with respect to the individual f lows, s ince t his is related with the derivative
and not with the mean composition value.

Some qua lity s pecifications of pr oducts s hould be reviewed a nd s hould be m ade softer i f
possible. This is something basic in the chemical industry, in which it is very common to find
partially refined matter mixed with over purified products or mixtures of products coming from
two parallel units for achieving an average purity.

Numerical example
A steam flow at a p ressure of 180 kg/cm2 and a temperature of 550 C is mixed with saturated
liquid a t 180 k g/cm2, in or der to r each the t emperature de sign s pecifications of c ertain
equipment (see Figure 7.8).

In Figure 7.9, the final temperature of the mixture and the exergy loss is determined when the
mass flow of steam is 1 100 000 kg/h and of the liquid 30 000 kg/h.

P1 = 180 kg/cm2 T1 = 550 C x=0

P3 = 180 kg/cm2
Hot stream (1)
Mixed stream (3)
Cold stream (2)

P2 = 180 kg/cm2 x=0

Figure 7.8: Mixing chamber of two flows

The mass balance of the system is:

m1 + m2 = m3

Since there is no work or heat transfer to the process and the kinetic and potential energy can be
assumed to be zero, the energy balance reduces to:

m1 h1 + m2 h2 = (m2 + m1) h3

At P 1 and T 1, the s pecific e nthalpy a nd entropy obt ained through the property t ables is:
h1 = 3414.2 kJ/kg and s 1 = 6.41 kJ/kg K respectively. For the saturated liquid at the cold stream

Energy Efficiency 345


(2), only one property (pressure in this case) is needed to fix the state: h 2 = 1717.06 kJ/kg and
s2 = 3.85 kJ/kg K. From the energy balance applied above:

At the mixed stream (3), with h3 and P3, T3 = 534 C and s3 = 6.35 kJ/kg K.
The c hange i n specific e nthalpy a nd entropy c an b e obt ained w ith the help o f t he property
tables. The specific flow exergy is calculated, where T0 = 273 K and the potential and kinetic
energy are considered negligible. Hence:

e1 = 1664.52 kJ/kg e2 = 666.67 kJ/kg and e3 = 1634.55 kJ/kg

The irreversibility is obtained through the exergy balance:

I = m1(e1 - e3) + m2 (e2 e3) =>

I = 1.1 x 106(1664.52 1634.55) + 30 x 103(666.67 1634.55) = 3.76 x 106 kJ/h = 1.04 MW

The T-s diagram is shown in Figure 7.9:

T1 1
P = 180 kg/cm2


s2 s3 s1 s

Figure 7.9: T-s diagram for the mixing process of the example

Remarks for all three case studies

Irreversibilities a re t he effects o f any improvable e nergy s ystem. Besides a voiding fi nite
pressure, t emperature and/or ch emical potential d ifferences, the causes o f poor en ergy d esign
come f rom decoupling supply a nd de mand. T ime pl ays an important r ole in e nergy efficient
systems. E nergy sy stems sp ontaneously d ecrease their p ressure, t emperature and c hemical
potential to reach equilibrium with their surroundings. To avoid this, there are two strategies:

to couple energy donors with energy acceptors immediately

storage: t o enclose a system w ithin rigid w alls for pressure, ad iabatic w alls f or
temperature, and/or to confine the chemical systems into metastable states.

In ot her w ords, c onfine t he s ystems i nto r eservoirs t hat maintain their intensive pr operties
constant with time.

346 Energy Efficiency


7.3 Example of the application of energy efficiency

7.3.1 Ethylene cracker

Ethylene crackers c onvert feedstock c oming from t he r efinery i nto ethylene and p ropylene
which form the main feedstock for the polymers industry. Ethylene crackers are highly energy
intensive. Energy costs represent more than 50 % of the operational costs of a unit.

Feedstocks ( Fi) typically a re na phtha, L PG a nd g asoil c oming f rom r efineries. T he m ain

products (P1) are ethylene and propylene. Within the industry however, it is the custom to add
three o ther h igh v alue pr oducts to the m ain pr oducts f or c omparison pu rposes: but adiene,
benzene and hydrogen. Butadiene and benzene do no t, in fact, come out as pure products in a
cracker. Butadiene is part of the C 4 stream and benzene of the cracker petrol stream. They are
usually extracted in dedicated extraction units which do not form part of the overall picture of
the ethylene crackers.

Usually the ratio of these high value products to ethylene varies in a narrow window (between
1.7 and 2.3) and will depend on cracking conditions and feedstock quality/type.

For plants where the economics are mostly driven by ethylene production, a more meaningful
energy indicator might be to divide energy use by ethylene production rather than by high value

Energy vectors

steam: a typical ethylene cracker would usually have several steam levels (a high pressure
level of approx. 100 barg, a medium pressure level of approx. 20 barg and low pressure
level of approx. 4 barg). Depending on the configuration, the cracker will import steam at
some levels and export at other levels
electricity: most crackers are net electricity consumers. Those equipped with cogeneration
may be ne t e xporters of electricity. W ithin t he industry, the convention is t o us e a
conversion f actor of 37.5 % t o c onvert e lectricity to pr imary e nergy w hen c omparing
different plants
hot water: most crackers produce relatively large amounts of hot water. However, in most
cases, the temperature of this hot w ater i s too l ow f or use by ot her pl ants but, in s ome
cases, integration with other plants or outside consumers is possible. In this case a credit
should be given for export of these calories. So, an improvement of energy efficiency is
determined by an external c ircumstance, independent of the intrinsic performance
characteristics of t he unit under examination t hat is the actual p ossibility o f u sing an
output s tream f or a dut y t hat o therwise s hould be s atisfied w ith a dditional primary
energy. A s a consequence, t wo u nits w ith t he same intrinsic pe rformance w ould be
rated differently if only one of them can find an energy use for one of its output streams
(heat integration)
fuel: most crackers produce a liquid fuel (pyrolysis fuel oil) and gaseous fuel (a methane
rich m ixture). M ost o f t he g aseous fuel is recycled t o f ire t he e thylene f urnaces.
Depending on t he configuration and mode of operation, t he gaseous fuel produced may
be self sufficient to fire all the furnaces and the rest of fuel gas is exported, or there may
still be a deficit so the import of an external fuel is required which is typically natural gas.
Only the f uel c onsumed i nternally by t he e thylene cracker i s taken i nto account i n t he
energy balance. All fuels exported are counted as products (this is logic as the fuel value
was already present in the feedstock)
cooling water: all crackers use cooling water. Sometimes cooling t owers are part of t he
ethylene c racker; however, t his c ooling w ater c omes from c ooling towers which also
supply c ooling w ater to ot her p roduction units. I n t his c ase, t he e nergy r elated to the
production of cooling water is often not reported when calculating the energy efficiency
of the process

Energy Efficiency 347


ethylene pr ocesses a lso u se ot her utilities s uch a s N 2 and c ompressed air. O ften t hese
utilities are produced centrally on the site or by a third party. The energy related to these
utilities is often not counted.

7.3.2 Vinyl acetate monomer (VAM) production

Some of the components of the proposed s ection to calculate the energy i ntensity f actor (EIF)
may not be applicable for each process. Therefore, it has to be modified to the prevailing needs.

As an example, a vinyl acetate monomer (VAM) plant is taken. Several components of a VAM
plant are not being measured or quantified (marked with ? in Figure 7.10) whereas others can
easily be named (marked with in Figure 7.10).

Input Output

Electrical power Recycled steam

Steam Condensate

Cooling water Cooling water return ?

Utilities Light ends ?

Catalyst inhibitor Heavy ends ?

Purge gas ?

Waste gas

Heat losses (isolation) ?


? Water
Acetic acid
VAM plant
Oxygen CO2 ?

Figure 7.10: Inputs and outputs for a vinyl acetate monomer (VAM) plant

Heat losses via cooling water r eturn and isolation should never be counted in the EIF or EEI.
Waste gas and purge gas should not be c ounted if it is incinerated without heat recovery. For
those t erms i t may, how ever, b e us eful to gain some insight into their o rder o f m agnitude t o
verify the economic potential needed to reduce these losses or waste streams.

In contrast, m ore reflection is r equired on t he o ther terms s uch as light and heavy e nds or if
waste and/or purge gas are valorised in other processes. In t he proposed model, t hese streams
were not included as it is assumed that the fuel content of these streams is already present in the
feedstock. However, i t i s the r esponsibility of t he operator to define how to account for these

348 Energy Efficiency


7.3.3 A hot rolling mill in a steel works

The feeding to a rolling mill consists of approximately 2 de cimetres thick, flat steel plates that
are to be rolled out to bands with a thickness of a few millimetres. The rolling mill consists of
furnaces, rolling mill equipment, cooling equipment and support systems including pumps, fans,
hydraulics and lubricating systems, lights, a mechanical workshop, staff space, changing rooms,

A flow chart of a rolling mill is shown in Figure 7.11.

Slabs (materials Liquefied

Electricity Cooling water Air
to be rolled) petroleum gas


Furnace Rolling equipment


Cooling bed

Hundreds of pumps and fans at different locations

Exhaust Air Scrap Cooling

Heat Rolled
gases (reject water
losses products

Figure 7.11: Flow chart of a rolling mill

In t his case, several different p rimary e nergy sources a re involved. H owever, t he f ollowing
discussion i s r estricted t o the us e of e lectric e nergy. T he num ber of electrically driven
components or sub-systems in a rolling mill can be estimated at more than one thousand.

The electric energy consumption can be registered easily with reliable electricity meters. Steel
production may either mean the weight of slabs entering the rolling mill or the weight of rolled
and approved final products. The difference corresponds to the weight of scraps that may fall at
different stages in the rolling mill.

An analysis of data taken from an existing rolling mill during a period of 11 weeks was made
and some of t he results are s hown in F igure 7.12. The energy c onsumption v aried be tween
around 80 and 120 kWh per tonne delivered products, dependent on how many tonnes that were
produced pe r w eek. T he a verage c onsumption w as thus 100 k Wh/tonne a nd the v ariation
20 %. No energy savings measures were taken during this period.

Energy Efficiency 349


Specific energy consumption in a rolling mill


kWh/tonne 100.0


10000 20000


Figure 7.12: Specific energy consumption in a rolling mill

The r eduction of the specific energy c onsumption with an increasing production r ate is qu ite
normal and is caused by two factors:

the production equipment will be operating for longer periods when the production rate is
high. T his m eans that t he idling periods become shorter. Some t ypes of e quipment run
continuously, even during non-production time. This type of energy consumption will be
reduced when the non-production time gets shorter
there is a base energy consumption that does not depend on t he utilisation of production
capacity. This c onsumption is related to t he us e of l ighting, fans f or ventilation, office
machines, e tc. At hi gher production r ates, the c onsumption w ill b e s pread o ver more
tonnes of products.

The de crease in t he specific e nergy consumption w ith a n increasing pr oduction r ate i s t hus
caused by fluctuations in market conditions which are beyond the companys control.

A programme to improve energy efficiency was then carried out at the rolling mill. A number of
measures were taken with the aim of decreasing the energy consumption and the results of these
measures a re i llustrated i n F igure 7.13. The results appeared t o be largely i ndependent of the
production r ate. As can be s een i n Figure 7.13, i t i s possible to separate t he r esults of energy
saving efforts and results caused by other factors, such as the utilisation of capacity

350 Energy Efficiency


Specific energy consumption in a rolling mill

140.0 Reduction of the energy

consumption as a result
of increased production

Energy efficiency
improvements as a
result of an energy
savings programme


10000 20000


Figure 7.13: Changes in specific energy consumption in a rolling mill

It is also obvious that interpretation difficulties will arise when comparing the specific energy
consumption month by month or year by year. The specific energy consumption may very well
increase from one period to t he next t hough a number of e nergy savings measures have been
taken. I n this case, the effect of such m easures is not l arge enough to compensate f or the
increase in energy consumption due to low production rates.

Energy Efficiency 351


7.4 Examples of implementation of energy efficiency

management systems
Example 1: Aughinish Alumina (AAL), Ireland [161, SEI, 2006]
Aughinish A lumina ( AAL) is E uropes largest a lumina r efinery, pr oducing more than 1.6
million tonnes of alumina yearly by treating bauxite ore, which is then exported to smelters for
processing into aluminium. The plant, located on t he island of Aughinish, Co Limerick, is one
of Irelands largest energy users and employs 400 staff. Alumina refining is an energy intensive
process, with energy accounting for about 30 % of the total cost.

The company responded to a suggestion by Sustainable Energy Oreland (SEI) to implement an

ENEMS. The system chosen was the Danish DS 2403 (the Irish IS 393 is based on this, and has
subsequently been issued). The company chose a standardised system to guarantee delivery of a
systematic and structured approach to improving energy and reducing energy-related costs. DS
2403 is very similar to ISO 14001, and this was of major benefit, as it required little more than
shaping the ENEMS to fit with the existing ISO 14001 procedures.

Danish consultants carried out a preliminary review and audit, and a gap analysis of what was
needed to meet t he s tandard. A f ull t ime energy manager w as appointed t o develop t he
necessary sy stems. AAL already h ad extensive metering i n p lace s o t he em phasis w as on
making better use of available data and instigating formal reviews and reporting procedures to
highlight problems and identify opportunities.

All engineers, maintenance, and purchasing personnel whose work was directly affected by the
requirements of the standard were g iven a one-day training c ourse on its operation. The
remaining 400 employees were given a one-hour 'energy awareness' presentation covering more
general points.

Examples of actions identified and undertaken:

Improved heat recovery

A series o f sh ell an d t ube heaters use regenerative st eam to heat boiler f eed-water to
120 C before it enters the deaerators. The performance of the heaters was poor for some
time, due to scaling in t he s team l ines. This led to non- conformances, which i n turn
initiated a more focused programme of troubleshooting to identify how best to resolve the
problem. Thermographic analysis and pressure surveys identified possible regions of high
pressure dr op in steam l ines. This information, coupled w ith de tailed calculations to
identify w hat pr essure dr ops w ere t olerable, i ndicated t hat A AL s hould m ake specific
modifications in one area during the annual plant shutdown. The analysis proved correct
and th e m odifications re sulted i n a s ignificant im provement i n e nergy e fficiency. T he
approach w as successfully a pplied i n a nother l ocation a nd f urther improvements are
expected when other areas are modified later in 2006.

Higher feed temperature for input stream

Lime s lurry must b e added to the digester to control extraction. The slurry te mperature
must b e as h igh a s p ossible, o therwise t he d igester will require m ore st eam f rom t he
boilers to achieve its target temperature. Operating problems early in 2005 resulted in low
slurry temperatures a nd non- conformances. The resulting investigation identified a
simple, l ow c ost m ethod of r esolving t he p roblem; i t i s unl ikely t hat this w ould ha ve
happened without the standard. Although the saving was small in the context of AALs
overall energy bill, it was nonetheless real and also improved operation of the lime slaker.

352 Energy Efficiency


Example 2: Outokumpu, Tornio works, Finland [160, Aguado, 2007]

Outokumpu is an international company and Tornio works is the world's largest integrated site
producing stainless steel, with a capacity of 1.65 M tonnes and employing 2300 staff. They are
integrating t heir e nergy e fficiency m anagement w ith t heir I SO 14001 E MS, a nd e nergy
consumption r eporting within this will be instigated at the site before 1 D ec 2007. They were
listed in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index in 2006, which charts corporate responsibility.

Other s ites: A vesta, D egerfors an d N yby su ccessfully c ertified their en ergy e fficiency MS
systems to SS 627750 in 2006. Avesta has a Dec 2007 target to reduce electricity consumption
by 3 % from 980 to 950 kWh/tonne, and f uel e fficiency ( LPG) by 2 % from 608 t o
596 kWh/tonne. Degerfors has the objective to reduce energy use for heating in the dispatching
area by 40 % f rom 2005. Sheffield ( melting s hop) i s t o introduce a n e nergy management
system, with an energy group and energy champion, and aims to reduce non-production energy
use by 10 %, against 2006 usage (again, by Dec 2007).

Example 3: The Dow Chemical Company [163, Dow, 2005]

The D ow Chemical C ompany is a n international company with s ix operating s egments, 28
businesses a nd m ore t han 3200 products with a nnual sales of E UR 29 400 million (1USD =
0.73416 E UR, 1 st January 2005). They employ 43 000 s taff on 20 8 manufacturing s ites i n 38
countries w orldwide. Their pow er consumption i s 3 500 M W, of w hich 54 % i s g enerated
internally and 74 % of this is cogeneration.

Dow us es t he management systems, work process and c ontinuous i mprovement t ools that a re
already in place.

Goals s et by t he G lobal M anagement B oard: 1995 2005, i mprovement i n energy e fficiency

2 % per y ear ( 20 % t otal with 1994 a s r eference y ear). 2005 2015 g oals were being s et in

Strategy: t o e nsure long term s ustainability, bus iness units i nclude e nergy e fficiency a nd
conservation goals and plans as part of their strategic planning and project implementation.

Dow's i mplementation of e nergy e fficiency a ddresses a ll t he r equirements as s et o ut in

Section 2.1 s uch as a d efined structure, communication, data m anagement, identification o f
opportunities and implementation. E nergy e fficiency i s pa rt o f ' most e ffective t echnology'
development and appropriately e valuated i n long t erm i nvestments. M arketing, brainstorming
and leveraging a re a lso us ed. T here is a global e nergy conservation leader, supporting a ll the
businesses in Dow. Each location has an energy efficiency focal point/leader to co-ordinate the
energy efficiency a ctivities in that location, with energy c onservation steering t eams a t m ajor
hub locations.

Staff a re en gaged b y p ublicised su ccess s tories, en ergy e fficiency t ools everyone can u se,
external links, savings contests, and other activities.

The structure is integrated, site energy steering teams comprise site and plant leadership, and an
'across t he b usiness en velope' ap proach. This en sures process p lant o bjectives really t ranslate
into actual savings at a company level, maximises integration and energy use synergies between
plants, s haring and leveraging of i deas and projects, as well as identifing opportunities a t s ite
level and planning.

Energy Efficiency 353


A key factor is the use of existing work processes and continuous improvement tools with:

a focus on engineering/most effective technology energy efficient solutions

a focus on maintenance/operations/energy teams
inclusion o f by- product fuels/alternative e nergy a nd i mprovements i n energy i ntensity
reporting (the use of by -product fuel m ight ha ve a ne gative e ffect o n overall fuel
efficiency, but could reduce CO2 emission by ot her fossil fuels, therefore should not be
penalised as a negative effect on energy efficiency)
six sigma i mplementation: this is a data d riven m ethodology t o ' reduce rework' a nd
'sustain t he g ains', a nd i nvolves s ystematic 'measure-analyse-improve-control'. It us es
(among others) c ustomer r equirement evaluation, s tatistical a nalyses a nd opp ortunity
prioritisation t ools. Improvement i mplementation focuses on c hange m anagement,
management commitment and communication.

Dow achieved the targeted 20 % reduction in specific energy consumption (referred to as energy
intensity by Dow and other chemical and petrochemical companies), down from 13 849 kJ/kg of
product to 11 079 kJ/kg, measured as kg of total DOW product mix.

Examples of specific improvements

Dow Central Germany (five locations):

optimisation of the Boehlen location steam and fuel gas balance resulted in a considerable
annual CO2 reduction, and (local) energy efficiency improvement
a hydrogen e nvelope i mprovement pr oject w as initiated be tween two l ocations ( 40 km
apart) t o minimise t he v ented/flared h ydrogen and maximise ch emical and fuel u sage
which r esulted i n a closed hy drogen ba lance ( minimised losses) a nd C O2 reduction

Freeport site, Texas, US:

initiation of a s ite-wide pr ogramme t o r educe e lectrical c onsumption o n m otor dr iven
systems. A tool w as developed t o allow operations personnel t o a ssess e nergy s avings
opportunities and to e ither de velop ope rating pr ocedures t o reduce energy use or t o
identify opportunities for engineering changes.

Terneuzen site, NL:

optimisation of t he steam ba lances be tween pow er a nd utilities a nd t he olefins c racker
production f acilities resulted i n l ess steam l osses a nd m ore efficient s team reduction
(turbine/reduction stations).

7.5 Example of energy efficient core processes

Example 1: The enzymatic production of acrylamide (Mitsubishi Rayon, Japan)
[164, OECD, 2001]

In the classic process, acrylonitrile was hydrolysed by the addition of stoichiometric amounts of
sulphuric acid in the presence of polymerisation inhibitors to prevent both starting materials and
products polymerising. I n the 1 970s, a heterogeneous c opper catalyst was developed w hich
eliminated the need for sulphuric acid. It had many advantages and was widely applied.

354 Energy Efficiency


However, t he development i n polymerisation technologies a nd polymer a pplications created a

new demand for a more highly purified acrylamide monomer. This revealed that the acrylamide
produced by t he c atalytic process, w hich ha d been recognised as hi gh quality, ne vertheless
contained minor by-products that affected the polymerisation reactions. The Medical Research
Council (MRC) t herefore started development of an enzymatic acrylamide pr oduction pr ocess
which reduced the l evel of by-products. T his was hydrolysis us ing a r ecoverable i mmobilised
whole cell catalyst.

Pilot s cale de velopment of the first-generation m icrobe took one a nd a ha lf y ears for pr ocess
development and quality assurance. For the second and third generations, about six months of
bench-scale tests w ere s ufficient to ensure t he p rocess a pplication and product qua lity. The
development of the Genetic modified organism (GMO) took about seven years to build up the
relevant technologies. The worldwide acrylamide production is shown in Table 7.3.

Worldwide acrylamide production capacity 105 tonnes/year

Process Japan Asia (excl. Japan) United States Europe
Catalytic 0. 9 0.75 1.35 1.15
Enzymatic (1998) 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.35
Enzymatic (2001, est.) n.a. 0.5 n.a. 0.45
Table 7.3: Worldwide acrylamide production capacity 105 tonnes/year
[164, OECD, 2001]

The f irst e nzymatic pr ocess required d ecolourisation a nd c oncentration steps, but t he n ew

process did not, see Table 7.4

Reaction process Catalytic (1971) Enzymatic (1985)

Reaction temperature 343K 273 288K
One-pass reaction yield 70 80 % ~ 100 %
Acrylamide concentration ~ 30 % 48 50 %
Concentration R equired Not required
Purification Catalyst removal Protein removal
Table 7.4: Comparison of acrylamide processes
[164, OECD, 2001]

Comparative s tudies have be en c arried out on t he environmental i mpacts of t he c atalytic

processes, the original enzymatic processes and the new enzymatic processes. The conclusions
are that the biotechnological approach has lower impacts than the catalytic process, particularly
for e nergy c onsumption and c arbon dioxide p roduction. The e nergy savings a re g iven in
Table 7.5 and Table 7.6.

Catalytic process Enzymatic (old process) Enzymatic (new process)

Steam 1. 6 2.8 0.3
Electric power 0.3 0.5 0.1
Raw materials 3.1 3.1 3.1
Table 7.5: Comparison of energy consumption as MJ/kg acrylamide
[164, OECD, 2001]

Catalytic Enzymatic (old) Enzymatic (new)

Steam 1. 25 2.0 0.2
Electric power 0.25 0.25 0.1
Raw materials 2.3 2.3 2.3
Table 7.6: Comparison of CO2 production kg CO2/kg acrylamide
[164, OECD, 2001]

Energy Efficiency 355


Example 2: Use of radiation cured inks or paint systems in place of conventional

solvent-based systems

54" he at set press ( \ 1.37 m). A t ypical pr int job i s 35 40 % coverage on a light 12-point
board stock. T he calculations a re ba sed on t hree shifts, 75 % a vailable hours running = 468 0
hours per year.

Conventional inks and drying system:

Solvent-based inks a nd coatings, 60 65 % s olids. The dryers use gas to he at a ir to approx.
150 C. The electricity to move the air is included in the calculation.

Often, the substrate is cooled over chill rollers after the ovens. The solvent-laden air (waste gas)
is usually treated (by oxidisers). The energy requirements for these two systems have not been
included in the calculation.

Electron beam (EB) system:

EB inks are 100 % solids. When exposed to high-energy electrons they polymerise or cure (melt
and then harden). Minimal heat is deposited into the substrate (temperature shift about 8 12 C
so no cooling is required. There are no waste gases containing solvent to treat. However, the EB
curing r equires an i nert ni trogen a tmosphere. N o da ta f or the e nergy us ed t o generate w ere
given, so the cost per unit volume of N2 has been assumed to be entirely electrical energy used
in its generation, and this has been added to the energy usage. The energy savings made from an
electron beam ink system are shown in Table 7.7.

GJ per year Conventional EB

Gas 4.67 x 104 -
Electric 384 5.31 x 103
4.7 x 104 5.31 x 10e3
Savings 4169 0 GJ/yr
89 %
Cost savings USD 649162 (2006, on combined NG and electricity cost)
Table 7.7: Energy savings made from an electron beam ink system
[175, Saunders_R., 2006]

Example 3. Heat recovery in broiler housing (intensive chicken farming)

Normally, the air in a broiler house is heated. In the 'combideck' system, the floor is heated. The
system consists of a heat pump, underground storage comprising tubes, and a layer of isolated
hollow strips below the floor. Broilers require heat until about day 21 ( about 28 C), which is
supplied by pum ping hot water through the unde rfloor s ystem. A fter a s hort pe riod o f
equilibrium, the growing process generates excess heat. This is now absorbed into water in the
underfloor system and is stored in the ground. The system has a better performance on broiler
production (reduction of mortality, higher meat price, better feed ratio) and a positive effect on
animal welfare (less heat stress, lower mortality, less veterinary services needed).

Investment c osts are E UR 2 per b roiler place with 20 broilers pe r m 2. Operational co sts
(depreciation, interest a nd m aintenance) a re E UR 0.20 per broiler pl ace per y ear. T he a nnual
increased yields reportedly outweighed the yearly operational costs by a factor of about 3. F or
instance, veterinarian costs were reduced by about 30 %. Energy costs were reduced by about
52 %. The payback time is about 4 6 years. [173, EIPPCB, 2003]

356 Energy Efficiency


7.6 Example of maintaining the impetus of energy efficiency

initiatives: operational excellence
Example 1: Shell Nederland Chemie, Moerdijk, the Netherlands (900 000 mt/year ethylene
This c ompany sought to reduce e nergy c osts and c arbon dioxide emissions. A project w as
implemented in p artnership w ith S hell G lobal S olutions us ing t he companys Energise

The plant staff were constantly searching for ways of saving energy, but had limited time, due
to the need to concentrate on maintaining production continuity and product quality. There was
doubt that significant savings could be made at the lower olefins plant, as it was already very
energy efficient. H owever, E nergise co nsultants w orked w ith p lant representatives t o d evise
operational improvements designed to reduce energy use.

Initially, the team identified 150 opportunities for improvement, and, after review, 23 o f these
were developed and implemented as formal projects. Work was carried out without a shutdown
and w hile t he plant w as ope rational. About 59 % of the total s avings w ere obt ained b y
modifying pr ocess control strategies, including configuring new c ontrol loops a nd opt imising
set points. The remainder of the savings came through procedural changes (23 % of the total)
and by i mproving m aintenance of p rocess equipment and instrumentation (18 %). The k ey
improvement areas were:

significant savings made by adjusting the pressure levels around the compressor systems,
and i nstalling ne w i nstruments t o f acilitate t he r unning of t he c ompressors a t opt imal
performance. Control modifications for the propylene refrigerant compressors cut power
demand by about 10 %, for example
operational v ariation w hich w as a lso significantly r educed over t he entire t hroughput
range, w hich de creases t he l ikelihood of c apacity restrictions, a nd m ay a void t he
occasional ne ed t o r educe overall plant throughput. I n particular, s ummertime capacity
bottlenecks have been significantly reduced
that m any o f t he en ergy savings cam e f rom ach ieving a b etter u nderstanding o f the
plants steam ba lance, fine-tuning of t he equipment, and investing i n instrumentation to
monitor equipment performance.

The focus w as on ope rational excellence, best practices and process c ontrol strategies, not
investment in new hardware. The series of small-scale projects had a capital investment of USD
100 000 (reported in 2006: about EUR 75 000) for engineering, procurement, and construction
of the additional electronic instrumentation.

Energy savings of USD 5 million/year (about EUR 3.6 million), or 3.5 % were achieved.

Example 2: Dow Corning, several installations

Operational excellence was implemented at all plants, by improving manufacturing assets with
heightened op erating discipline. The plants be came m ore r eliable and operated predictably,
yielding significant benefits in higher product quality and higher plant utilisation. This revealed
hidden capacities in all plants of generally 15 20 %, with minimal capital investment.

Energy Efficiency 357


7.7 Monitoring and metering

7.7.1 Quantitative measurements metering

Two corporate divisions ( operating units) shared one electricity utility meter. Costs were split
on a 60 /40 b asis. The un it pa ying 60 % had d isproportionately hi gh e nergy c osts, a nd as a
consequence of this a llocated f ixed cost, the closure and relocation of t he unit t o another s ite
was considered. An advanced metering system with automated meter reading was installed (see
Section 2.15.2). This s howed t hat the d ivision pa ying 60 % w as actually us ing <41 % of the
complexs electrical energy. It also identified a heat treating process that caused a 175 kW spike
once a week. T his was moved t o a t ime of day with a cheaper tariff (see Section 7.11). Total
savings were USD 324 000 (\ EUR 240 000) per year [183, Bovankovich, 2007] [227, TWG].

7.7.2 Model-based utilities optimisation and management

Example 1: Schott AG, DE

The c ompany pr oduces di fferent k inds of g lass p roducts a nd ha s s everal pr oduction s ites i n
Germany and elsewhere.

Energy c onsumption a nd related costs w ere historically a llocated t o v arious u nits w ithin t he
company on a fixed basis, and not on actual usage. The managers could therefore not influence
their energy costs, s o there w as little m otivation t o reduce consumption. The c ompany
introduced an automated energy monitoring system (ECS energy control system), with fully
electronic metering and software modelling:

electricity: 940 measuring points

water: 203 measuring points
gas: 49 measuring points
compressed air: 43 measuring points
fuel oil: 8 measuring points
N2, O2, NH3: 7 measuring points.

Achieved environmental benefits:

energy savings by raised cost consciousness

optimisation of energy use.

Operational benefits:

faster elimination of defects with less production losses

smoothing of energy delivery
transparency of energy flows.


software: about EUR 50 000

hardware: about EUR 500/measuring point
savings per year:
peak load lowering at delivery of electricity: about 3 to 5 %
payback period: about 0.9 to 2 years (dependent on project)

Schott glass: [127, TWG]

358 Energy Efficiency


Example 2: Atrium Hospital, Heerleen, NL

The ho spital ha d bu ilt a s tate-of-the-art trigeneration utility in t he late 199 0s, t o pr oduce a nd
deliver steam, heat, electricity and cooling to the hospital 24 hours a day, with 100 % reliability.
The u tility c omprises a ho t w ater boi ler, two s team boilers, e lectrical a nd a bsorption c hiller
units, he at exchangers, two g as e ngine b ased C HP uni ts a nd t wo emergency generators. The
complexity of t he pl ant a nd ut ility, a nd t he f uel costs m ade opt imum e conomic ope ration
impossible. A survey was carried out. As a r esult, a flue-gas condenser w as i nstalled, s aving
about 520 to 713 MWh per year: 5 % of the energy demand. A real-time utilities management
system w as i nstalled, w ith a n internal R OI of 49 % (at about EUR 75 000 95 000/yr on a
variable energy cost of about EUR 1.2 million [179, Stijns, 2005].

7.7.3 Energy models, databases and balances

Example 1: Electric energy models

The contact of a simple electric model is illustrated in Table 7.8.

Rated Working Energy
Rated Load
Departments Devices n. power hours per consumed %
efficiency factor
kW year kWh
Department 1 Device 1 10 55 0.92 500 1 298913
Device 2 20 4 0. 85 4000 0.8 301176
Device 3 15 10 0.9 4000 0.9 600000
Total Dept. 1 780 1200089 17.5

Department 2 Device 1 1 500 0. 85 3500 0.5 1029411

Device 2 20 15 0.9 4000 1 1333333
Device 3 5 7.5 0. 8 4500 0.9 189844
Device 4 10 2 0. 75 1500 0.8 32000
Device 5 3 150 0. 92 3000 0.95 1394022
Total Dept. 2 1307 3978611 58.1

Department #. Device.

TOTALS 3250 5425000 100.0

Table 7.8: A simple electric model

n. i n column A r epresents t he num ber of identical de vices (under both a t echnical and a n
operating point of view) present in that department.

The energy consumed in c olumn F is g iven by m ultiplying the number of devices x r ated
power x working hours x load factor and dividing by rated efficiency:

A* B * D * E
F= Equation 7.24

By adding all energies consumed in each department, the total energy consumed by the entire
plant can be calculated.

Energy Efficiency 359


If the context studied is not so broad or complex, this kind of model could be adequate to detect
the areas where energy saving possibilities are most likely to be found. It is sufficient to direct
attention to the distribution of electricity consumptions for each department, shown in column
G. It is very likely that a series of actions to improve energy efficiency will be found in those
departments where c onsumption o f energy is the h ighest, w hile departments w hose
consumption is low can be neglected or taken into account later.

When the context deserves it (because the cycle of production is extremely complex, or when
energy data have never been c ollected before) it would also be useful to collect t he f ollowing
data to identify energy saving actions, e.g.

for motors and drives:

kind of machinery driven by the motor (compressor, fan, pump, etc.)
identification code
manufacturer and model name
type of motor
installation year, or residual life
number of rewinds carried out so far
type of speed control if existing
type of mechanical transmission
possibility t o s hift the operation to d ifferent times (to e xploit m ore f avourable
electricity tariffs at specific times or on specific days)

for lighting apparatus:

type of lighting body
number of lamps in a body
number of lighting bodies
type of lamps
rated power of the lamp
efficiency of the lamp
kind of ballast (iron, copper or high frequency).

Example 2. Thermal energy models

Although all pr evious da ta should be c ollected, in the f irst l evel thermal model ( generators
side) only a few of them must be taken into account as in the drawing of an electric model (see
Table 7.9):

360 Energy Efficiency


Rated Working Energy
Rated Load
Process Device n. power hours consumed %
efficiency factor
kWth per year Nm3 CH4
Phase 1 Big kilns 4 800 0. 85 7700 0.8 2417000
(e.g. Small
burning) 5 600 0. 85 7700 0.8 2266000
Total phase 1 6200 4683000 76.5

Hot water
2 2500 0. 92 1000 0.5 283200
Phase 2
(e.g. heat 2 1000 0. 92 7000 0.5 793200
Hot water
2 1000 0. 92 1600 0.5 181200
Total phase 2 9000 1257600 20.5

1 400 0. 7 200 1 11900
Phase 3 Hot air
1 400 0. 85 1600 0.5 39200
(e.g. generator
Services) Small
37 30 0.8 1600 0.5 115700
Big heaters 2 60 0. 8 1600 0.5 12500 3.0
Total phase 3 2030 179300

TOTALS 3250 6119900 100.0

Table 7.9: Data in a thermal energy model (generators side)

In this case, to make the comparison easier, the energy consumed has been estimated as Nm3 of
natural gas. The amounts of natural gas consumed are given, in this case, by:

A x B x D x E x 3600
C x 34 500


3600 conversion factor from kWh to kJ

34 500 is the net heating value for natural gas (kJ/Nm3).

The first level thermal model (generators side) must be checked to see if the total amount of
energy demand is equal to the total energy reported in the invoices for natural gas supply. If so,
the model is reliable and useful to indicate the best areas in which to implement energy saving

When assessing the thermal use of energy, second level models (users side) are also required
to be built. To draw up s uch da ta sheets, it i s necessary t o t ake a census of all m achinery
needing t hermal energy i n a ny f orm ( hot w ater, s team, hot a ir, e tc.) e xcept f uel (taken into
account in the first level model).

Energy Efficiency 361


For every item of machinery, the following data should be collected:

kind of thermal carrier needed

hours/year of thermal demand
load factor at which thermal energy is used
rated thermal power.

Such data can be arranged in Table 7.10 as follows.

Thermal Working Energy
Thermal Load
Departments Devices n. power hours request %
carrier factor
kWth per year Nm3 CH4
Department 1 Device 1 2 Steam 500 1000 1 104200
Device 2 1 Steam 125 500 0.8 5200
5 75 5000 0.8 156400
Device 3 water
Total Dept. 1 265800 21 .8

Department 2 Device 1 1 Steam 75 2500 0.5 9800

Device 2 20 H ot air 10 3000 1 62500
Device 3 5 Steam 50 2500 0.8 52100
10 5 1500 0. 8 6300
Device 4 water
Device 5 3 Steam 25 3000 0.9 21100
Total Dept. 2 151800 12 .5

Department. Device.

TOTALS 1215700 10 0.0

Table 7.10: Data in a thermal energy model (users side)

The second level model (users side) is used to verify the match between the heat supplied by
the utilities (boilers, heat generators, etc.) and the heat requested by the users. In this case, the
amounts in column F are given by:

A x C x D x E x 3600
34 500

In Table 7.9, the calculation was as follows:

1 257 600 + 179 300 = 1 436 900 Nm3 of natural gas supplied.

In the second level model shown in Table 7.10 the calculation shows 1 215 700 Nm3 of natural
gas demand. The 15 % difference is due t o t he efficiencies at t he f ollowing steps: heat
generation, distribution piping and regulation, and final use.

If t his di fference i s a cceptable, then the t wo m odels c an be c onsidered a s certified; i n t he

opposite case some correction (normally to the number of working hours or the load factors) is
needed to reach convergence.

If t he d ifference be tween the two amounts is b ig, t his i s due to a high level of losses in the
production-distribution-use f or different carriers ( e.g. steam, hot w ater) In this case, d ifferent
actions a iming to improve t he e nergy e fficiencies, for e xample, i n t he f ield of i nsulations, o f
recovery of condensate, are likely to be possible.

362 Energy Efficiency


7.8 Other tools used for auditing tools and supporting other
techniques used at a site level
7.8.1 Auditing and energy management tools

Many t ools h ave be en d eveloped t o standardise contents a nd a pproaches of audits. U sually

external audit companies have their own tailor-made tools, such as checklists to use in auditing
procedures. O ther t ools a re pr oduced by t rade associations, g overnment bodi es, e tc. The list
below briefly reviews some of the types of tools used to assist audits and monitoring of energy
efficiency activities. Many of these tools may overlap and it is the responsibility of the auditor
or operator to determine what is necessary to use. The above-mentioned tools are general, and
not s pecific to a t arget sector o r an e nergy a udit m odel, but their us efulness frequently
corresponds to one or several phases of the audit survey:

audit guide or audit handbook, energy management handbook: this i s a core

component o f a n energy audit scheme, w hich is the basis o f training sessions a nd is
targeted essentially to auditors. It explains and describes how an audit is to be made, how
the c alculations are to be conducted, a nd the types and c ontents of the most f requently
proposed energy c onservation op tions ( ECOs). A lthough a uditors are assumed to ha ve
some background in thermodynamics (and also electrical engineering), these handbooks
frequently entail a section of reminders on these energy related topics
energy checks, checklists or walk-through guides: associated with energy audit models
of the scanning type, these supporting documents are developed in order to facilitate the
work of t he a uditor, a ssuring a t t he same t ime bot h t he qua lity a nd t he s peed of t he
survey. T hey a re pr imarily i ntended f or e nergy a uditors but c an also b e us ed a s s elf-
auditing tools for those energy managers in industrial premises who intend to start an in-
house energy management process before requesting external assistance. Checklists can
general (see maintenance, Section 2.9)
specific for some activities (see energy audits, Section 2.11)
specific for some technical systems (utilities and buildings)
specific for some industrial branches (production processes).

They m ay also be used t o i dentify c ompliance o r energy s avings oppor tunities with be st
practices in e nergy management or in t echnologies ( see Implementation and ope ration of
procedures in Section 2.1, and Operational excellence, Section 2.5).

calculation methods and software: a lso k nown a s energy models. These a re another
core component of energy audit schemes, and are associated with analytical energy audit
models. T heir primary obj ective is t o help the a uditor in t he qua ntitative a ssessment of
energy savings potentials and evaluation of investment costs and paybacks. The use (by
an auditor) of a recommended or certified calculation tool (provided it is used correctly)
assists with achieving quality results for the audited client
data collection form(s): generally a ssociated w ith t he c alculation t ool for w hich they
constitute the input data, this type of support document helps the auditor in collecting all
the necessary information for the survey. It will be part of the final report and will also
contribute to facilitating the follow-up of the site energy features and the interpretation of
the audit results and recommendations
report templates: as f or d ata co llection f orms, r eport templates ar e a lso f requently
associated with the calculation tool where output results are integrated in the report. As
the report i s t he d eliverable of t he a udit, us ing a template helps all the pa rticipants to
make the most profitable use of the audit service and produce good quality audit reports
checklist for quality control of audit reports: this checklist is a document which can be
used at both company level and at auditor level (self-check). It is a complement of, or an
alternative to, r eport t emplates an d a p ractical translation o f e nergy au dit m odels: t he
expected r esults specified i n the energy audit model should be in the r eport a nd the

Energy Efficiency 363


checklist is an easy way to verify that the work has therefore been done according to the
target values or benchmarking: ( see Section 2.16) t hese k ey figures c an be us ed t o
initiate the need for energy audits, they are also used by the auditors as technical data to
justify their recommendations in the case of simplified audits
databases on energy conservation options (ECOs): on e d ifficult p art o f the audit is
having de tailed i nformation on c osts and c onsequences of e nergy savings
recommendations. A database of ECOs encompassing this information will save a lot of
time and money for the auditor/operator and thus help lower the cost of the audits with a
maintained quality. Keeping the data up-to-date requires quite a lot of work. An example
default data: t hese c an c ontribute t o detailed a udits in checking c alculations or
replacing data difficult to meter or evaluate either way. They may be derived from
databases (see above), reference data or experience gained from another site, audit,

7.8.2 Measurement and verification protocol

The International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol (IPMVP) is an industry-

standard pr otocol for m easuring a nd v erifying e nergy s avings. It is a br oad framework t hat
outlines a f lexible a nd broad s et of m easurement a nd v erification approaches for evaluating
energy savings in buildings and building systems, e.g. lighting (but not process operations). This
allows building owners, energy service companies (ESCOs), and financiers of buildings energy
efficiency projects t o qua ntify t he performance and energy s avings from e nergy conservation
measures (ECMs).

Specific techniques are designed to match project costs and savings requirements with particular
efficiency m easures a nd technologies. E ach option is a pplicable to d ifferent programmes and
projects based on f actors s uch as t he c omplexity of the efficiency m easures un der evaluation
and t he risk e xpectations. A ccordingly, e ach op tion v aries in a ccuracy a nd c ost of
implementation, as well a s s trengths and limitations. One of the larger g oals of t his initiative
was t o he lp c reate a s econdary m arket f or e nergy efficiency i nvestments by de veloping a
consistent set of monitoring and verification (M&V) options that can be applied t o a range of
energy savings measures in a uniform manner resulting in reliable savings over the term of the

The p rotocol i s m anaged t hrough E VO ( the E fficiency V aluation Organisation) a nd m ore

information can be found on:

[92, Motiva Oy, 2005, 227, TWG, , 250, ADEME, 2006, 261, Carbon_Trust_UK, 2005]

7.9 Benchmarking
7.9.1 Mineral oil refineries

The refinery industry already considers energy efficiency issues seriously because energy costs
represent m ore t han 5 0 % of g lobal ope rating c osts. O n a s ingle refinery l evel, e nergy
performance can be followed by the energy intensity factor. In fact, it is simpler to use the ratio
between g lobally consumed energy on t he s ite t o t he a mount of treated crude, which i s
equivalent to the EIF. Following this ratio against time requires interpretation, in order to clarify
what comes from energy management and what comes from other factors. However, this ratio
cannot be used for the purpose of comparing the energetic performance of different refineries,
as all refineries are different in complexities, schemes, processed crudes and production mixes.
All these parameters affect the energy needs of the refineries.
364 Energy Efficiency

Oil refineries convert crude oil into marketable oil products and consume energy in the process.
Every refinery is a unique and complex combination of individual process units. Indicators that
attempt to capture this complexity have been developed to monitor the energy performance of a
given refinery over time and to assess the relative energy performance of different refineries. An
attempt t o c atch t his c omplexity i s the S olomon E nergy B enchmark f or r efineries. S olomon
Associates have introduced the concept of the energy intensity index (EII). Solomon Associates
carry out a worldwide benchmark study of refineries every two years. It covers all aspects such
as c apacity, maintenance costs, o perational e xpenditure, a nd e nergy performance. The energy
performance is measured via the EII indicator, which is defined as follows:

Total actual refinery energy consumed

EII = 100 x
(unit throughput x unit energy standard) + sensible heat + offsite energy

In this equation:

the numerator is the total actual refinery energy consumption (expressed in lower heating
value) and equals the t otal consumption o f f uel/electricity ( both i mport a nd i nternal
generation), but also takes into account any export of steam and/or electricity. Electricity
from the external grid is converted to primary energy using a standard efficiency factor of
37.5 %
the denominator is the standard energy consumption according to Solomon (called guide
energy) and consists of three main elements:
the sum of the guide energies for each of the production units: this guide energies
are calculated by multiplying the unit utilised capacity (normal throughput or feed
rate) with a unit specific energy standard factor provided by Solomon for each unit.
For s ome pr oduction units, t his energy f actor depends on feed quality (e.g. c rude
density)/operation severity (catalytic r eformers, cat alytic c rackers, etc.)/type of
production facility, etc. These guide energies per unit are summed to give the total
standard energy consumption for all of the refineries production facilities according
to Solomon
a sensible heat factor: this factor accounts for the energy required to raise the plant
input from ambient t emperature t o 104.4 C. The basis f or the plant input is a ll
gross ra w m aterial input s treams (a nd t heir r espective d ensities) that a re
processed in process units. Blend stocks are not taken into account
an of fsite e nergy f actor: t his factor a ccounts for t he e nergy c onsumed i n ut ility
distribution systems and ope ration of product bl ending, t ank f arms ( tank he ating,
heating of rundown lines, terminalling facilities) and environmental facilities. The
basis f or t he c alculation is t he r aw m aterial i nput t o p rocess u nits as w ell as t o
blending operations and a complexity factor of the refinery.

The E II i s di mensionless and, in contrast t o the d efinition o f E EI pr esented in S ection 1. 3,

decreases with increasing energy performance.

The EII a ttempts to benchmark t he e nergy e fficiencies o f refineries h aving d ifferent

complexities a nd different uni ts. S till this tool i s considered by t he refining industry a s an
imperfect tool for comparison purposes at best. Some refineries that have a poor EII have few
opportunities for improving energy performance, whereas others with a good EII sometimes still
have a large potential for improvement. Moreover, the EII does not give a good insight to the
areas/units that need i mprovement. The de tailed b reakdown of the s ite i nto m ain production
units c an b e of m ore he lp i n this respect to identify oppor tunities for improving e nergy
performance [227, TWG].

Energy Efficiency 365


7.9.2 Austrian Energy Agency

The Austrian E nergy A gencys (AEA) report Energy benchmarking at t he c ompany l evel,
company report diary gives benchmarking factors other than for specific energy consumption.
For example, scores for using certain energy saving technologies (see Chapter 3):

frequency of boiler checks (100 % of the plants reported frequent boiler checks)
frequency of compressed air line checks (25 % of the plants systematically removed dead
legs f rom s ystems w hen t he pr ocess is c hanged and 50 % of t hem oc casionally c heck
dead legs)
using energy saving technologies (variable speed drives, energy efficient motors (EEMs),
heat recovery, he at p umps a nd energy e fficient lighting, boi ler m aintenance a nd
compressed air).

However, this may drive a bottom-up approach (i.e. changing specific components) rather than
assessing whole systems.

7.9.3 Scheme for SMEs in Norway

Norway ha s a w eb-based benchmarking scheme f or SMEs. B enchmarking i s ba sed on

comparing t he s pecific consumptions (e.g. kWh/kg) of t he c ompanies. Specific c onsumptions
are calculated according to the total energy used and the total production of the site. To date, 43
different benchmark g roups ha ve been established among t he 800 pa rticipating c ompanies.
Because on e f actory us ually pr oduces d ifferent products w ith d ifferent energy intensities,
correction factors are used to normalise these differences.

7.9.4 Benchmarking covenants in the Netherlands

In t he N etherlands, long-term a greements (covenants) b etween the g overnment and large

companies (consuming over 0.5 PJ energy per year) are based on benchmarking. The covenants
provide a framework for CO2 emissions reduction.

A key example is the Dutch paper and board industry, with 26 manufacturing plants, and which
is a su bstantial en ergy consumer i n t he N etherlands. P articipating co mpanies commit
themselves t o t ake e nergy reduction measures t o bring t heir i nstallations within the world t op
installations i n their lines of industry. T he w orld top i n t his c ontext m eans t he t op 10 % o f
energy ef ficient i nstallations. T he national industry asso ciation p layed a v ital r ole i n the
management of t he benchmarking process a nd commissioned two consultants, one accounting
and one engineering with experience of the industry.

The covenant prescribes that e nergy e fficiency i s c alculated us ing t he l ower he ating value o f
primary f uels used f or all pur poses at a location (e.g. s team a nd power g eneration, di rect
heating, c ombustion e ngines). E lectricity dr awn f rom, or s upplied t o, t he na tional g rid, i s
converted at a standard yield of 40 %.

The c onsultants evaluated e nergy pe rformance i nformation of paper m ills all ov er t he w orld,
available in the public area as well as from their own databases. Since Dutch mills only operate
the downstream end of the papermaking process (without pulp manufacture) the evaluation was
confined to uni ts o f ope ration in that pa rt o f t he pr ocess. T he f ollowing g eneric un its w ere

366 Energy Efficiency


stock preparation
paper machine
final processing (winding, cutting, packing, etc.)
energy conversion
general utilities and auxiliaries.

Performance i nformation f rom di fferent uni ts was made c omparable by t he introduction of

correction factors. These were, f or i nstance, u sed f or a spects l ike r aw m aterial c omposition,
deinking, sizing, waste water treatment facilities and power configuration.

Best ENE pr actices us ed by t he w orld's t op 10 % w ere i dentified for six sub segments of the
industry, depending on the end-product:

printing and writing
container board
carton board and folding boxboard
small speciality paper mills.

(A similar scheme operates in Flanders Province, Belgium) [227, TWG].

7.9.5 Glass industry benchmarking

The g lass industry i s i nvestigating sev eral m ethods to i dentify t he m ost en ergy ef fect g lass-
melting operations:

best practice methods and application of energy balances

determination of the t heoretical energy or e nthalpy de mand a nd t he pr actically l owest
level of energy consumption
benchmarking of specific consumption of industrial glass furnaces
development of new melting and fining techniques.

Since 1999 , da ta on about 25 0 g lass furnaces h ave be en collected for the pu rpose o f
benchmarking for t he di fferent g lass industry s ectors. Unfortunately, i t was not pos sible to
obtain complete and reliable data worldwide; however, data have been obtained f rom Europe,
Japan, the US, Canada and Turkey.

Different ranking methods could be used:

from lowest specific energy consumption to the highest and defining the world's top 10 %
of furnaces
best in region, using the average of furnaces in a region as the benchmark
the lowest achievable energy consumption of a g lass furnace applying all best available
techniques (from literature, suppliers and the GLS BREF).

A theoretical energy demand has been calculated and thermodynamic models are available. At a
temperature of 1400 C, a t ypical soda-lime-silica batch demand i s about 0.52 MJ/kg of glass
for the chemical reactions and 1.75 MJ/kg for heating the glass melt.
Parameters determining energy efficiency were found to be:

cullet (waste glass) fractions in the batch

raw material selection
age and type of furnace
specific pull and total pull rate

Energy Efficiency 367


furnace age
electric boosting
batch preheating
other factors such as:
furnace design and insulation
excess air balance
type of burner and fuel.

The d ata w ere nor malised t o pr imary e nergy t o t ake a ccount of t he e lectricity us ed a nd t he
oxygen generation for the oxy-furnaces, and for the cullet level in feed. Other parameters could
arguably be normalised, e.g. t he f urnace could be n ormalised t o 0 y ears (i.e. new), bu t this
would then not take account of cold repairs during the campaign to improve energy efficiency.

As a r esult, the 10 % level w as i dentified at 4285 MJ/t o f molten glass, with a di fference
between the most energy efficient furnace and the middle ranking furnace (50 % ile) was 25 %.
The best practice for container and float glass was identified.

7.9.6 Allocation of energy/CO2 emissions between different products

in a complex process with successive steps

USIPA, the French starch producers association, with the help of PriceHousewaterCoopers, has
developed a m ethodology of assessment/allocations of t he energy in the s tarch a nd de rivates
production process. This methodology has been used:

to allocate energy uses at different processing step and to different kinds of products
to a llocate CO2 emissions a t t he di fferent pr ocessing s tep a nd t o d ifferent kinds o f
to realise improvements in energy use.

It can therefore be used as a benchmarking tool.

The starch industry is characterised by a wide range of products which are produced from a few
raw materials, with several successive process steps. The product from a step can be, either sold
to customers for specific uses or further processed in the starch plant to obtain other products.

These production s teps are well identified in specific process w ork a reas a nd/or s pecific
equipment; they are either continuous or batch process.

Raw material starch sugar products polyols

To simplify the approach, the products have been sorted in homogenous families (dried starches
- natural or modified), liquid sugars, dried sugars, liquid dextrose, dried dextrose, liquid polyols,
dried polyols, fermentation products.

Energy uses (which m ay be equated t o e missions of CO2), a re a llocated to t he di fferent

processing steps, and thus to quantities of sold products. Specific coefficients can be calculated
in relation to sold products. Because the water content may vary from one step to the other in
the process, all calculations are made in reference to products at 100 % dry solids.

For example, for CO2 emissions, the specific CO2 emission is allocated to each processing step,
in relation with the steam quantities used in the process step (through CO2 emissions related to
steam production on site) and with combustibles us ed i n dryers in t his process step. S pecific
emissions of C O2 can t hen be allocated to a pr oduct, by the addition of the s pecific CO2
emissions in each of the successive production steps.

368 Energy Efficiency


The methodology has no benefits in itself, but is a tool in understanding:

the contribution of each production step to energy use/intensity, and/or CO2 emissions
the c ontribution o f different pr oduct f amilies t o the energy consumption pattern of a

Implementation of t he t echniques requires desk w ork a nd access t o ope rating i nformation

(volume pr oduced, e nergy uses, e tc.) at w orkshop levels, f or e ach o f t he di fferent pr ocessing

CO2 emissions for French starch plants product specific emission factors.

This m ethodology has a lso be en used in a F rench starch c ompany f or setting up a voluntary
commitment for limitation of GHG emissions (AERES).

Reference information
USIPA PWC reports [227, TWG]

7.10 Chapter 3 examples

7.10.1 Steam

Example 1 Insulating valves

Insulating a single 100 mm valve controlling steam at 800 kPa (8 bar) (175 C) located indoors
would reduce heat losses by 0.6 k W. This would reduce boiler fuel costs by EUR 40/year and
give an energy saving of 5 MWh/year.

For Johnson Matthey Catalysts in Teesside, UK, the fitting of insulation jackets to valves and
flanges have resulted in:

annual energy savings of 590 MWh

carbon savings of 29 tonnes/year
payback period of 1.6 years.

Example 2 Preheating feed-water including using economisers (see Section 3.2.5)

An economiser might be used for a gas-fired boiler with a production capacity of 5 t/h steam at
20 barg.

The boiler produces steam with an output of 80 % and during 6500 hours per year. The gas will
be purchased at a cost of EUR 5/GJ.

The economiser will be used to pr eheat the fresh boiler water before it f lows t o t he degasser.
Half of the condensate will be recovered, the other half will be supplemented with fresh water.
This means the economiser can provide an improvement of 4.5 %.

The current use of the boiler is:

6500 h/yr x (2798.2 251.2) kJ/kg x 5 t/h x 5/GJ = EUR 517 359/yr
0.80 x 1000

The annual operational cost is reduced with the installation of the economiser to:

6500 h/yr x (2798.2 251.2) kJ/kg x 5 t/h x 5/GJ = EUR 489 808/yr
0.845 x 1000

Energy Efficiency 369


the savings thus amount to EUR 27 551/yr.

Example 3 Installing an economiser (see Section 3.2.5)

A boiler generates 20 400 kg/h of 1 barg steam by burning natural gas. Condensate is returned
to the boiler and mixed with makeup water to yield 47 C feed-water. The stack temperature is
measured a t 26 0 C. The boiler operates 8400 h/ year a t a n e nergy c ost of USD 4.27/ GJ. By
installing an economiser, the energy savings can be calculated as follows:

enthalpy values:

for 1 barg saturated steam = 2780 kJ/kg

for 47 C feed-water = 198 kJ/kg.

Boiler thermal output = 20 400 kg/h x (2781 198) kJ/kg = 52.693 million kJ/h =14 640 kW.

The recoverable he at corresponding t o a s tack t emperature o f 260 C and a na tural g as-fired

boiler load of 14 640 kW is read from Table 3.7, Section 3.2.5 as~1350 kW.

Annual savings = 1350 kJ/s x USD 4.27/106 kJ x 8400 h/year x 3600 s/h = USD 174 318/year =
EUR 197 800/year (USD 1 = EUR 1.1347, conversion date 1 January 2002).

Prevention and removal of scale deposits on heat transfer surfaces (see Section 3.2.6)

Example 1
A steam boiler uses 304 000 N m na tural g as y early a nd h as an average annual us e of 800 0
hours. If a scale of 0.3 mm thick is allowed to form on the heat changing surface, then the heat
transfer will be reduced by 2.9 %.

The increase in operating costs per year compared to the initial situation is:

304 000 Nm/year x 2.9 % x EUR 0.15/Nm = EUR 1322 per year.

Example 2
A boiler uses 474 80 0 GJ of fuel while operating for 8000 hours yearly at its rated capacity of
20 400 kg/h of 1 barg steam. If a scale of ~0.8 mm thick is allowed to form on the boiler tubes,
and the scale is of "normal" composition, a fuel loss of 2 % will occur The increase in operating
costs, assuming energy is priced at USD 2.844/GJ, is:

annual ope rating c ost increase = 474 800 GJ x USD 2.844/ GJ x 0.02 = U SD 27 000 = E UR
30 637 (USD 1 = EUR 1.1347, conversion date 1 January 2002).

Minimising blowdown (see Section 3.2.7)

Example 1
An a utomated blowdown control system is i nstalled on a f lame pi pe boiler, w hich g enerates
steam a t 25 bar f or 5500 hours a year. The bl owdown system w ill r educe the bl owdown r ate
from 8 to 6 %. The boiler provides 25 tonnes of steam per hour and its boiler efficiency amounts
to 82 %. The gas price is EUR 5/GJ.

The make-up water is supplied at 20 C, and costs EUR 1.3 pe r tonne (including purification).
The price for discharging waste water is EUR 0.1 per tonne.

370 Energy Efficiency


Assuming that the condensate does not return, the blowdown only needs to be determined based
on the flow of fresh water as return condensate does not contain any salts. The conductivity of
fresh w ater is 222 S/cm. This is a n i ndication of t he a mount of disolved s alts in the w ater.
Make-up water may have a maximum conductivity of 3000 4000 S/cm.

The blowdown rate (B) is thus calculated as follows:

quantity of salts in = quantity of salts out
(25 000 + B) x 222 = B x 3000

So the blowdown rate is: 1998 l/hr or 8 %.

The initial quantity of fresh make-up water is:

25 000 kg/h * (1 + 0.08) = 28000 l/h.

After installation of the blowdown control system this becomes:

25 000 kg/h * (1 + 0.06) = 26 500 l/h, the difference is 500 l/h.

the enthalpy of make-up water at 25 barg is: 972.1 kJ/kg
the enthalpy of feed-water at 20C at atmospheric pressure is: 83.9 kJ/kg
the difference thus is 888.2 kJ/kg.

Savings on fuel costs thus amount to:

500 l/h x 5500 h x 888.2 kJ/kg x EUR 5/GJ/0.82/1 000 000 = EUR 14 894/yr

Savings were also made on purification and blowdown costs.

The quantity of water saved amounts to: 500 l/h x 5500 h/yr = 2750 t/yr.

This represents an avoided cost of EUR 3850/yr.

The installation thus generates annual profits of EUR 18 744

[227, TWG]

Example 2
Assume that the installation of an automatic blowdown control system reduces your blowdown
rate f rom 8 to 6 %. This e xample assumes a c ontinuously operating natural gas f ire, 1 ba rg,
45 350 kg/h s team boi ler. Assume a makeup w ater t emperature of 16 C, bo iler e fficiency of
82 %, with fuel valued at USD 2.844/GJ, and the total water, sewage and treatment costs USD
0.001057 per kg. The total annual cost savings are:

boiler feed-water:
Initial = 45 350/(1-0.08) = 49 295 kg/h
Final = 45 350/(1-0.06) = 48 246 kg/h
makeup Water Savings = 49 295 48 244 = 1049 kg/h
enthalpy of boiler water = 787.4 kJ/kg; for make-up water at 16 C = 65.1 kJ/kg
thermal Energy savings = 787.4 -65.1 = 722.3 kJ/kg

annual f uel s avings = 104 9 kg /h x 8760 h/ year x 72 2.3 kJ/kg x 2.844 G J/0.82 x 10 6 = USD
23 064

annual water and chemical savings = 1049 kg/h x 8760 h/year x USD 0.001056/kg = USD 9714

total savings = U SD 23 064 + U SD 9714 = U SD 3 2778 = E UR 37 192.11 ( USD 1 = E UR

1.1347, conversion date 1 January 2002).

Energy Efficiency 371


Recovering heat from the boiler blowdown (see Section 3.2.15)

Example 1

A heat exchanger is i nstalled between the bl owdown pi pe of a boiler a nd the s upply of

freshmake-up water. The boiler works for 7600 h rs at a pressure of 10 ba rg yearly and has an
efficiency of 82 %. The boiler has a blowdown rate of 6 % and is natural gas fired at a cost of
EUR 4/GJ. The supply of fresh make-up water is at 5.3 t/h.

For every 10 t/h steam at a 6 % blowdown rate, an efficiency profit of 368 MJ/h is achieved (see
Table 3.17 in S ection 3.2. 15). To reach t his profit v alue, a supply of fresh m ake-up water of
5.3 t/h is needed. This leads to efficiency profits of 5.3/10 x 368 = 195 MJ/h.

This leads to the following savings:

7600 h x 195 MJ/h x EUR 4/GJ

= EUR 7229/yr
1000 x 0.82

Insulation on steam pipes and condensate return pipes (see Section 3.2.11)

In a plant where the value of steam is USD 4.265/GJ, a survey of the steam system identified 30
m of bare 25 mm diameter steam line and 53 m of bare 50-mm line both operating at 10 bar. An
additional 76 m of bare 100-mm diameter line operating at 10 bar was found. From Table 3.10
in Section 3.2.11, the quantity of heat lost per year is:

25 mm line: 342 m x 301 GJ/yr per 30 m = 102 942 GJ/yr

50-mm line: 53 m x 506 GJ/yr per 30 m = 26 818 GJ/yr
100-mm line: 76 m x 438 GJ/yr per 30 m = 33 288GJ/yr
total heat loss = (28 547 + 7 452 +9 234)/30 m = 163048 GJ/yr/30 m = 5435

The annual operating cost savings from installing 90 % efficient insulation is:

USD 0.90 x 4.265/GJ x 5435 GJ/yr. = USD 20 860 = EUR 23 670

(USD 1 = EUR 1.1347, conversion date 1 January 2002).

Installation of removable insulating pads on valves and fittings (see Section

Using Table 3.11 in Section, the annual fuel and cost savings from installing a 25 mm
thick insulating pad on a n uninsulated 150 m m gate valve in a 17.24 ba rg saturated steam line
(208 C) can be calculated. Assume continuous operation with natural gas at a boiler efficiency
of 80 % and a fuel price of USD 4.265/GJ:

annual fuel savings = 1751 W x 8760 h/year x 1/0.80 x 3600 s/h = 69.024 GJ/year

annual cost savings = 69.024 GJ/year x U SD 4.265/ GJ = USD 295 per 150 m m gate valve =
334.73 EUR (USD 1 = 1.1347 EUR, conversion date 1 January 2002).

372 Energy Efficiency


Implementing a control and repair programme for steam traps (see Section 3.2.12)

Example 1

The amount of steam lost can be estimated for a steam trap as follows:

Equation 7.25


Lt,y = the amount of steam that steam trap t is losing in period yr (tonne)
FTt,y = the operating factor of steam trap t during period yr
FSt,y = the load factor of steam trap t during period yr
CVt,y = the flow coefficient of steam trap t during period yr
ht,y = the amount of operating hours of steam trapt during period yr
Pin,t = the ingoing pressure of steam trap t (atm)
Pout,t = the outgoing pressure of steam trap t (atm).

The operating factor FTt,yr follows from Table 7.11.

Type FT
BT Blow through 1
LK Leaks 0. 25
RC Rapid cycle 0.20
Table 7.11: Operating factors for steam losses in steam traps

The load factor takes i nto a ccount t he i nteraction b etween steam a nd c ondensate. The m ore
condensate that flows through the steam trap, the less space there is to let through steam. The
amount of condensate depends on the application as shown in Table 7.12 below:

Application Load factor

Standard process application 0.9
Drip and tracer steam traps 1.4
Steam flow (no condensate) 2.1
Table 7.12: Load factor for steam losses

Finally the size of the pipe also determines the flow coefficient:

CV = 3.43 D
where D = the radius of the opening (cm).

An example calculation is:

FTt,yr = 0.25
FSt,yr = 0.9 be cause t he amount of steam t hat passed through t he trap is condensed, but
correct in comparison with the capacity of the steam trap
CVt,yr = 7.72
D = 1.5 cm
ht,y = 6000 hours per year
Pin,t = 16 atm
Pout,t = 1 atm.

Energy Efficiency 373


The steam trap thus loses up to 1110 tonnes of steam per year.

If this occurs in a company where steam costs EUR 15/tonne, then the final loss would amount
to: EUR 16 650 per year.

If steam is escaping fully rather than leaking, costs might rise to up to EUR 66 570 per year.

These losses rapidly justify the setting up of an effective management and control system for all
the steam traps in a company.

Example 2:
In a plant, the value of steam is USD 9.92/1000 kg. A trap on a 10 barg steam line is stuck open.
The trap orifice is 3 mm in diameter. Table 3.12 in Section 3.2.12 shows the estimated steam
loss as 34.4 kg/h. By repairing the failed trap, annual savings are:

savings = 34.4 kg/h x 8760 h/year x USD 9.92/1000 kg = USD 2988/year = EUR 3390.45
(USD 1 = EUR 1.1347, conversion rate 1 January 2002).

Re-use of flash steam (see Section 3.2.14)

Example 1:
A vent pipe has the following properties:

velocity of flash steam: 1.5 m/s

diameter of vent pipe: 102 mm
hours of operation: 8000 h/year
boiler efficiency: 82 %
cost of fuel: USD 4.265/GJ

A vent condenser could c ondense the flashed s team, t ransfer i ts t hermal energy t o i ncoming
make-up water, and then return it to the boiler. Energy is recovered in two forms: hotter make-
up water and clean, distilled condensate ready for use in the operation.

Energy recovery potential of a vent condenser

Energy content, GJ/year*
Pipe diameter
(mm) Steam velocity, m/s
1 1.5 2 2.5 3
50 95 148 195 243 295
102 390 586 781 976 1171
152 881 1319 1757 2200 2638
254 2442 3661 4885 6198 7327
*Assuming continuous operation, 21 C make-up water, and condensed steam at 38 C
Table 7.13: Energy recovery potential of a vent condenser for several steam velocities and pipe
Adapted from [123, US_DOE]

Referring to Table 7.15, the potential energy recovered from the flashed steam is 586 GJ, based
on 8670 hours of annual operation. The annual potential fuel cost savings are:

annual energy recovered = 586 GJ/year x 8000 h/year/8760 h/year x 1/0.82 = 652 GJ

annual potential fuel cost savings = 652 GJ x USD 4.265/GJ = USD 2781= EUR 3155.57
(USD 1 = EUR 1.1347, conversion date 1 January 2002).

374 Energy Efficiency


**Note that the annual fuel savings are per vent. Often, there are several such vents in a steam
facility, a nd the total s avings c an be a significantly l arger num ber. The additional he at
exchanger cost still needs to be considered, but available literature shows a quick payback for
the measure.

In T able 7.14, the qua ntity of s team obt ained p er p ound of c ondensate flashed is g iven a s a
function of both condensate and steam pressures.

High-pressure condensate flashing

High pressure Per cent of condensate flashed (kg steam/kg condensate)
condensate Low pressure steam (barg)
(barg) 3.4 2 1 0.34
15 10.4 12. 8 15.2 17. 3
10 7. 8 10.3 12.7 14.9
7 4.6 7. 1 9.6 11.8
5 2.5 5. 1 7.6 9. 9
Table 7.14: Percentage of steam obtained per mass of condensate as a function of both condensate
and steam pressures
Adapted from [123, US_DOE]

Example 2:

In a plant where the cost of steam is USD 4.265/GJ, saturated steam at 10 barg is generated, and
a portion of it is throttled to supply 2 barg steam. Assuming continuous operation, determine the
annual savings of producing low pressure steam by flashing 2268 k g/h of 10 ba rg condensate.
The average temperature of the boiler make-up water is 21 C.
From the table above, when 10 b arg condensate is flashed at 2 b arg, 10.3 % of the condensate

Low pressure steam produced = 2268 kg/h x 0.103 = 233.6 kg/h

From the ASME Steam Tables, the enthalpy values are:

for 2 barg saturated steam = 2725.8 kJ/kg

for 21 C make up water = 88.4 kJ/kg

annual savings are obtained as follows:

annual s avings = 233.6 k g/h x (2725.8 88.4) kJ/kg x 8760 h/ year x U SD 4.265/GJ =
USD 23 019 = EUR 26 119.37
(USD 1 = EUR 1.1347, conversion date 1 January 2002).

Minimising boiler short cycling losses (see Section 3.2.9)

Example 1:

A 745.7 W boiler with a cycle efficiency of 72.7 % (E1) is replaced with a 447.4 W boiler with a
cycle efficiency of 78.8 % (E2). The annual cost savings can be calculated as follows:

fractional fuel savings = (1 E1/E2) = 1 72.7/78.8) x 100 = 7.7 %

If the original boiler used 211 000 GJ of fuel yearly, the savings from switching to the smaller
boiler (given a fuel cost of USD 2.844/GJ) are:

Energy Efficiency 375


annual savings = 211 000 GJ x 0.077 x USD 2.844/GJ = USD 46 200 = EUR 52 422.56
(USD 1 = EUR 1.1347, conversion date 1 January 2002).

7.10.2 Waste heat recovery

Acid cleaning of heat exchangers

The plants adopting the known Bayer process to extract alumina from the raw material bauxite,
named a lso a lumina r efineries, ope rate t he c austic l eaching of t he or e a t h igh t emperatures,
which can be as high a s 2 50 C, like i n t he r eference I talian a lumina r efinery ( which w ill be
described i n t his s ection) and in m any ot hers, or a s low a s 140 C, l ike i n some w estern
Australian plants, depending on the bauxite type.

The reaction or digestion-phase is followed by a depressurising phase in which, in a number of

progressive flashing s tages, t he temperature and the pr essure of the liquor decrease unt il
atmospheric conditions are reached.

The flashed steam delivered in this phase is recovered by condensing it, shell side, into a series
of shell and tube condensers where tube-side flows the caustic liquor returning to the reaction
phase. The recovery efficiency of the flashed steam covers a very important role in the energy
efficiency o f the entire p rocess, as t he h igher the r ecovery i s, the l ower the r equest o f fresh
steam to the digesters, and consequently the lower the fuel oil consumption of the process.

Process scheme

Bauxite Bauxite Flash-tanks

Steam Pregnant liquor Clarification
+ residues


Grinding Spent liquor

Mud washing-filtration


Precipitation Classification Hydrate

Figure 7.14: Process scheme of Eurallumina alumina refinery

[48, Teodosi, 2005]

Description (of the energy efficiency technique)

The shell and tube heaters are subject to an acid cleaning routine, to renew the internal surface
of the tubes and restore the heat transfer efficiency. The tubes are in fact subject to silica scaling
precipitating from the process liquor, especially occurring at higher temperatures.

376 Energy Efficiency


Notwithstanding a desilication treatment normally adopted by refineries, the silica level in the
Bayer liquor is such that the scaling rate can seriously impact the recovery of the flashed steam
and the energy efficiency.

The frequency optimisation of the acid cleaning routine is the way to improve the average heat
transfer coefficient of the heaters a nd c onsequently reduce the f uel o il c onsumption of t he

Achieved environmental benefits (especially including improvements in energy efficiency)

The operating cycles of the heaters have been reduced from 15 to 10 days, and consequently the
frequency of the tube acid cleaning routine has increased. This operating change has permitted
the average h eat t ransfer coefficient to i ncrease, an d t he r ecovery o f t he flashed s team t o
improve. See Figure 7.15.
Heat transfer coefficient

(kcal/m2h C)



10 15 10 15

Operative days

Figure 7.15: Operative cycle of heaters

[48, Teodosi, 2005]

Cross-media effects
The only side-effect caused by the implementation of this technique can be represented by the
additional quantity of exhausted acid relevant to the increased frequency of acid cleaning, to be
finally di sposed of. I n t he case of the a lumina r efinery, however, t his doe s not create any
environmental pr oblems, a s t he e xhausted a cid resulting f rom t he ope ration is di sposed of
together with the process residues, or the exhausted bauxite, which are alkaline. The mix of the
two r esidues of fers in fact t he oppo rtunity f or a n eutralisation of t he p rocess wastes ( the s o
called red mud), before their disposal to the mud basin.

Operational data
The performance data are those regarding the energy and oil consumptions which have already
been mentioned. As far as emissions are concerned, the oil saved at the boilers turns out into a
corresponding reduction of e missions from the boiler s tack, e valuated a round
10 000 tonnes CO2/yr, and also 150 t onnes SO2/yr be fore the a doption of the desulphurisation
process, which took place in the refinery in 2000.

The technique of t he tube acid c leaning must be s upported by the p reparation of the acid
solution a t t he recommended concentration a nd w ith the addition of a n appropriate c orrosion
inhibitor to protect the metal surface. A useful technique to improve the protection against the
acid attack of t he metal, during t he acid circulation inside the tubes, i s to circulate some cold
water shell side, in order to avoid an uncontrolled temperature increase somewhere in the tubes.

Energy Efficiency 377


The high temperature heaters in the reference refinery have been equipped with stainless steel
tubes, in order to eliminate the phenomenon of tube leaks occurring. This choice was decided
due to the importance covered for the process continuity by the production of good condensate,
utilised as boiler feed-water. This factor also contributes in having long lasting heaters (for over
12 years) in spite of the frequent acid cleaning routine.

The costs associated with the ne w pr ocedure can be given b y minor i nvestment necessary f or
some facilities required by the increased cleaning frequency, as well as by the company to do
the ope ration. The process savings a re t hose reported in t erms of oil saving a nd e missions

The i mprovement ac hieved in t he en ergy efficiency of t he s ystem c an b e estimated in a

reduction o f the f uel o il consumption by a round 3 kg/tonne a lumina, which corresponds to
1.6 % of the process oil consumption. Given the production rate of the refinery which is around
1 Mtonne alumina/yr, the saving equates to 3000 tonnes of fuel oil per year.

Driving force for implementation

Economic reasons.

Eurallumina, Portovecompany, Italy.

Reference information
[48, Teodosi, 2005]

Surplus heat recovery at a board mill

Description (of the energy efficiency technique)

Co-operation be tween m unicipalities and industry i s s een as an important w ay t o increase
energy efficiency. One good example of such co-operation is the one in Lindesberg, Sweden, a
small m unicipality w ith a bout 23 000 inhabitants. A ssiDomn C artonboard in F rvi, Sweden
has delivered surplus heat to the district heating network since 1998. This network is operated
by L inde Energi AB ( the municipalitys energy c ompany). The deliveries c over over 90 % of
the demand in the district heating system. The heat is distributed through a 17 km long transit
pipe, with a forward and return pipe to Lindesberg.

The b oard m ill strives t o reduce i ts e nvironmental pollution and a s a r esult t he w ater
consumption ha s de creased c onsiderably in the l ast few decades. This ha s given the m ill t he
possibility t o produce a hot water s urplus with a temperature of approx. 75 C. The hot water
temperature is raised fu rther i n a flue-gas c ooler before delivering h eat to the district h eating
network, see Figure 7.16.

378 Energy Efficiency


Flue-gases from Steam

bark boiler
165 C
District heating
Gas 85 % Dump water, outlet
cooler condenser

Hot water from
Hot water Condensate
the mill
75 %

District heating
Warm water, inlet
water tank
40 %

Figure 7.16: Heat recovery system connected to the district heating system
[20, sbland, 2005]

With this arrangement of the heat r ecovery s ystem, t he e xcess heat f rom t he m ill, w hich has
been collected b y t he secondary h eat system, i s utilised. F urthermore, the heat in t he ex haust
gases which would otherwise be discharged to the environment is utilised. The use of these heat
sources does not normally increase the mills fuel consumption. However, at peak loads a dump
steam condenser is used in series, and this steam usage results in increased fuel consumption in
the mill (mainly bio-fuels).

Achieved environmental benefits (especially including improvements in energy efficiency)

Before the board mill w as c onnected to the district heating system, 65 % of t he he at d emand
was supplied fossil fuels (fuel oil and LPG) while the remainder was supplied by an electricity
driven groundwater heat pump ( 35 %). Today, the h eat d eliveries f rom t he bo ard m ill c over
more than 90 % of the district heating demand. The oil boilers at Linde Energi AB are used only
during t he c oldest w eather pe riods, i.e. a bout 2 weeks pe r y ear, and the he at pump i s

Compared to the situation before AssiDomn was connected to the district heating system, the
usage of fossil fuels has decreased by 4200 t onnes LPG and 200 m3 fuel oil per year. Further,
the electricity c onsumption ha s decreased by 11 000 MWh/year since the groundwater heat
pump was taken out of service.

Cross-media effects
Besides the obvious benefits of less usage of fossil fuels and electricity, decommissioning of the
heat pump has decreased the release of ozone depleting substances to the air.

Operational data
No data submitted.

This type of co-operation is not limited to industry and municipalities. In an industrial park, this
type of co-operation could be very fruitful. In fact it is one of the ideas behind the concept of
eco-industrial parks.

The total investment cost amounted to EUR 15 million. Linde Energi AB received a grant from
the Swedish government of EUR 2.3 million (15 % of total investment).

Energy Efficiency 379


Driving force for implementation

The driving force was both economical and environmental concerns from both the company and
the municipality. The timing was a lso right since the heat surplus i n t he mill was becoming a
problem (risk of thermal pollution) and the heat pump in the district heating system needed an
overhaul due to the mandatory out phasing of CFC-working fluids.


Sdra Cell Vr,Varberg

Shell refinery, Gteborg
Swedish Steel, Borlnge
SCA, Sundsvall.

Reference information:
[20, sblad, 2005]

7.10.3 Cogeneration

Internal combustion engines (reciprocating engines) example: Bindewald Kupfermhle

flour mill: 100 000 t wheat and rye/yr

malthouse: 35 000 t malt/yr

This is a C HP pl ant with a s tationary r eciprocating e ngine ( fuel s avings 12.5 M io. k Wh
compared to separated production with 12 Mio. kWhel and about 26 Mio. kWhth)

Technical data:

fuel power: 2* 2143 kfuel (natural gas)

electric power: 2*700 kWel
thermal power: 2* 1.200 kWth
power generation: about 10.2 Mio. kWhel/yr
heat production: about 17.5 Mio. kWhth/yr
full load hours: 7286 h/yr
power to heat ratio: 0.58.

Operating data:

start of operation: December 1991

degrees of efficiency:
electric efficiency: 33 %
thermal efficiency: 56 %
fuel efficiency: 89 %
amount of maintenance:
every thousand hours short maintenance
every 10 000 hours in depth maintenance
availability: about 90 %
cost effectiveness:
capital expenditures: EUR 1.2 million (including peripheral equipment)
payback period:
static: 5 years
dynamic: 7 years
benefit for the environment:
fuel saving: 12 000 MWhfuel/year
CO2 saving: 2 500 t/year.

380 Energy Efficiency


Reference information
[64, Linde, 2005]

7.10.4 Trigeneration

Example: Barajas Airport, Madrid, Spain

Barajas Airport buildings need of both heating and cooling is huge, the new airport terminal has
a floor a rea of 760 000 m (76 he ctares). A pplying the trigeneration c oncept, the e ngines are
generating el ectricity as a b aseload p lant at top overall efficiency, i nstead o f l ying i dle as
emergency generators without contributing to the investment payback.

The overriding pr iority w as t o d evelop a cost e fficient C HP pl ant t hat w ill be t echnically
advanced, e nvironmentally f riendly, a nd t hat w ill g uarantee t he extremely high l evel of
reliability necessary for this key facility in such an important location.

The solution was six Wrtsil 18V32DF dual-fuel engines burning natural gas as the main fuel
and light fuel oil (LFO) as the back-up fuel. However, the running hours in LFO are limited to a
maximum of 200 hours per year, due to local environmental restrictions.

The trigeneration plant generates a net electrical output of 33 MW and is connected to both the
airports internal grid and the public grid. The plant provides electricity on a continuous basis,
as w ell as heating for the ne w t erminals du ring t he w inter, a nd c ooling du ring t he s ummer.
Table 7.15 shows technical data for the CHP plant.

Technical parameters Data Units

Power at generator terminals 33.0 MWe
Heat rate in gas mode 8497/42.4 % kJ/kWhe
Gross thermal power 24.6 MWth
Total thermal power 30.9 MWth
Heat recovery circuit Water 120/80 C
Fuel efficiency of the CHP plant 74 %
Absorption chiller capacity 18.0 MWc
Total chiller capacity 37.4 MWc
Chilled water circuit 6.5/13.5 C
Normal fuel Gas
Back-up fuel Light fuel oil
HT back-up cooling Radiators
LT and chiller cooling Cooling tower
Table 7.15: Technical data for the Barajas Airport's trigeneration plant

Six single-stage absorption chillers are installed in the power plant building. The chilled water is
distributed t o t he c onsumers out i n t he new t erminal t hrough a s eparate pi ping s ystem. The
lithium bromide (LiBr) absorption chillers are powered by the 120 C heat recovery circuit and
cooled by the cooling towers.

The Madrid Barajas Airport's CHP plant has an oil-fired boiler for heating back-up/peaking and
electrically driven compressors as chilling back-up/peaking.

The plant will sell excess power to the grid and be continuously interconnected to the national
grid. The electric distribution system has high redundancy in order to cover all malfunctioning
of the plant and still be able to feed the airport. If the gas supply fails, the engines will still be
able to take full load running on oil.

Energy Efficiency 381


Reference information
[64, Linde, 2005]

7.11 Demand management

This usually refers to managing electricity demand. It is important to distinguish the cost saving
elements from the energy saving measures.

In most E U ( and m any ot her) countries, t here is a complex pricing s tructure for electricity,
depending on the peak quantity used, the time at which power is drawn from the grid and other
factors, such a s the possibility t o accept a cap on the qua ntity s upplied. P eak usage i n a n
installation may mean t hat pa rt of t he electricity units used will be charged at a pr emium r ate
and/or c ontract c ost p enalties m ay be i ncurred. C ontrol o f t his i s n ecessary, a nd m oving or
smoothing the peaks will result in cost savings. However, this may not decrease the total energy
units used, and there is no increase in physical energy efficiency.

Peaks in demand can be avoided or controlled for example, by:

converting connections from star to delta for low loadings, using automatic delta to star
converters, using soft-starters, etc., for equipment with large power demand, such as large
using control systems t o stagger the start up of equipment, e.g. a t he start of shifts (see
Section 2.15.2)
changing the time of day processes causing spikes in electrical usage are used.

Achieved environmental benefits

No data submitted.

Cross-media effects
May not achieve energy savings.

Operational data
Some examples of high instantaneous demands are:

on start up of equipment with significant power usage, e.g. large motors

start up of a shift, with several systems starting, e.g. pumps, heating
processes s uch as he at treatment, w ith high e nergy de mands, pa rticularly if not used

High instantaneous demands can also cause energy losses by distorting the even pattern of the
AC cycles of the phases and loss of useful energy. See Harmonics, Section 3.5.2.

Consider in all installations.

Control can be m anual (e.g. changing the t ime of d ay a pr ocess is us ed), s imple automatic
controls ( e.g. t imers), or l inked t o m ore sophisticated e nergy a nd/or pr ocess management
systems (see Section 2.15.2)

Unnecessary power consumption and peaks in power result in higher costs.

Driving force for implementation

Cost saving.

382 Energy Efficiency


Widely used.

Reference information
[183, Bovankovich, 2007]

7.12 Energy Service Company (ESCO)

Attention i n e nergy pol icy de bates i s f requently dr awn to t he un tapped po tential for e nergy
savings. The failure to leverage this potential is attributable not so much to economic factors as
to s tructural s hortcomings a nd a l ack of i nformation on t he pa rt of e nergy users. E nergy
performance co ntracting (EPC) via e nergy ser vice providers, o r energy ser vice co mpanies
(ESCOs or E SCos) c an a ssist i n l everaging energy savings. H owever, i t s hould be no ted that
there are other third party options and incentives.

The E SCo w ill i dentify and e valuate energy s aving oppor tunities and t hen recommend a
package of improvements to be paid for through savings. The ESCo will guarantee that savings
meet or exceed annual payments t o cover all project costs usually over a mid- to l ong term
contract of, e.g. seven to 10 years. If savings do not materialise, the ESCo pays the difference.

The importance of energy services i s underscored by t he EU Directive on e nergy e nd-use

efficiency and energy services of April 5, 2006 (2006/32/EC), which defines energy services as

'Energy service is the physical benefit, utility or good derived from a combination of energy
with energy efficient technology and/or with action, which may include the operations,
maintenance and control necessary to deliver the service, which is delivered on the basis of a
contract and in normal circumstances has proven to lead to verifiable and measurable or
estimable energy efficiency improvement and/or primary energy savings'

An energy service provider can supply, for example, the following types of energy, depending
upon the application involved:

thermal energy (building heating, steam, process heat, process water, hot water)
cooling (coolant water, district cooling)
electricity (light and power from cogeneration plants or photovoltaic installations
air (compressed air, ventilation, air conditioning).

Achieved environmental benefits

Energy savings. The savings to be achieved will be the subject of the EPC.

Cross-media effects
None reported.

Operational data
The ESCO may perform the following tasks (in chronological order):

identification of energy saving potential

feasibility study
determination of objectives and energy savings agreement signature
preparing the project for implementation
management of the construction and putting the finished work into operation

Energy Efficiency 383


evaluation of the environmental and economical parameters actually achieved.

It has been widely used in the US for 10 20 years. Increasingly used in the EU.

The basic contractual clause of the energy performance contract (EPC) concluded between the
enterprise and the ESCO consists in the obligation of ESCO to achieve, for the enterprise, both
the predefined reduction of e nvironmental l oad and contracted e conomical pa rameters of the
project. Such required parameters may be agreed upon on an individual basis and often include
the following:

the g uaranteed level o f a nnual savings on e nergy c osts a s c ompared to the e xisting
guaranteed return o n i nvestment resulting f rom t he f uture savings on energy costs and
other financial effects (including the sale of surplus emissions permits, income from the
sale of 'white certificates', savings on service and maintenance costs)
guaranteed level of reduced emissions
guaranteed reduced level of the consumption of primary fuels
other guaranteed parameters as agreed upon between the ESCO and the enterprise.

Driving force for implementation

The following drivers can be met by successful energy performance contracting (EPC) through
an ESCO:

provision of the necessary skills to respond to the following drivers (see Section 2.6)
the method and correct performance of the energy audit
proposed concept of changes comprising more options and a feasibility study
selection of the optimum option taking account of the expected future development of the
selection of the best performing energy savings technologies and processes
provision of necessary funds for the installation of energy efficient technologies
selection of the suppliers of particular components
correctness of the procedures used for the installation of energy efficient technologies.
achievement of the planned energy performance and economical efficiency.

Replacement of a malfunctioning compressor in a compressed air system
Company A uses c ompressed a ir to dr y semifinished pr oducts. H owever, a malfunctioning
compressor is preventing Company A from producing these at full capacity and the company is
beginning to fall behind on its orders.

Company A decides to remedy this situation by integrating a compressor into their production
line with comparable output that will be rented from a compressor provider or another supplier.
After Company As own compressor is repaired, the rented unit will be returned to its owner.

Table 7.16 shows t he advantages and drawbacks of renting equipment, from t he standpoint of
the energy user.

384 Energy Efficiency


Factors Advantages Level Disadvantages

Capital expenditure Low in the short term High in the long term
Level of expertise required
Relatively high
by the organisation
Personnel qualification level
Relatively high
Maintenance and repair
Relatively high
Dependence on outside Mo derate
Expenditures for co-
ordination and Moderate
Security of energy supply Relatively high
Scope of quality warranty Relatively broad Customer assumes
responsibility for
Cost transparency Relatively high
Term of contract Short
Incentive to save energy Relatively low
Table 7.16: Advantages and disadvantages of renting CAS equipment

Reference information
[279, Czech_Republic, 2006, 280, UBA_DE, 2006]

7.12.1 Technical facilities management

When an energy service provider (an ESCO) supplies technical facilities management services,
it assumes responsibility f or operation, m aintenance a nd operating cost op timisation of a
specific facility.

Technical f acilities m anagement generally improves the ef ficiency o f the f acility under
management since, in most cases, a smaller investment in measurement and control technology
is i nvolved. The f acility remains t he c ustomers p roperty, a nd t he only change i s t hat t he
technical services are outsourced.

The en ergy service p rovider c harges either for individual services o r is paid a lump su m fee.
The customer can also reduce its energy costs by sharing in the energy savings realised by the
energy service provider, thus providing an incentive to use energy efficiently and economically.

Technical facilities management is most commonly used when the customer needs trouble-free
and totally reliable operational performance and does not have a sufficient number of specialists
on his staff.

Table 7.17 s hows t he advantages a nd d rawbacks of technical f acilities m anagement f rom t he

standpoint of the energy user:

Energy Efficiency 385


Factors Advantages Level Disadvantages

Capital expenditure High
Expertise required by the organisation Low
Personnel qualification level required Low
Maintenance and repair expenditures Low
Dependence on outside providers High
Expenditures for co-ordination and M oderate
Security of energy supply Relatively
Scope of quality warranty Relatively Customer assumes
broad responsibility for
Cost transparency (applies to capital high
expenditures only and not to energy and
other costs)
Term of contract Short
Incentive to save energy Relatively low
Table 7.17: Advantages and disadvantages of suppling a CAS via an ESCO

Cogeneration plant financing
Company C ( a pr inting c ompany) has de cided to i ncrease its production capacity, w hich will
necessitate realisation of a new cogeneration facility. After Company C settles on a solution, an
energy service provider (which is also the facility manufacturer) obtains the financing, and does
the planning and building for the facility under a 15 year contract. Financing is provided by the
contractual c harges t hat C ompany C pays t he e nergy s ervice provider-cum-facility

7.12.2 Final energy supply services (also referred to as installation

In t his c ase, the energy service p rovider pl ans, f inances, builds a nd op erates the energy
installation under contracts whose terms generally vary from five to 20 years. During this time,
the installation remains the property of the energy service provider. The customer enters into an
energy services contract with the energy service provider for the purchase of a specific quality
of e nergy a t a specific pr ice. U nder this c ontract, the c ustomer ha s no say i n the financing,
operation or maintenance of the installation.

The e nergy service pr oviders c osts are included i n the overall price, w hich comprises a base
price (monthly or otherwise) and a variable price depending on c onsumption, e.g. x num ber of
euros per cubic metre of hot water. This arrangement provides the customer with an incentive to
make economical use of the energy services purchased.

If t he c ustomer a lso uses the e nergy s ervice pr oviders distribution n etwork, t his s hould b e
included in t he c ontract, which s hould also specify t he energy transfer point or points. In t his
case, t he energy s ervice p rovider assumes di rect r esponsibility f or providing h eated s pace and
can thus cut down on end-use energy by trying to find the most efficient ways to supply final

This e nergy services m odel i s well s uited f or n ew b uildings w hen en ergy ser vices are t o b e
outsourced; o r f or bu ildings w hose e nergy s ystems ne ed a top to bo ttom modernisation t hat
involves the replacement of old equipment, e.g. supplying heat from modernised boiler systems.
Final energy is s upplied in a pproximately 90 p er cent of all e nergy s ervices c ontracting

386 Energy Efficiency


Table 7.18 shows the advantages and drawbacks of final energy supply from the standpoint of
the energy user.

Factor Advantages Level Disadvantages

Capital expenditure Low
Expertise required by the company Low
Personnel qualification level required Low
Maintenance and repair expenditures Low
Dependence on outside providers High
Expenditures for co-ordination and
Security of energy supply High
Scope of quality warranty High
Cost transparency Relatively broad
Term of contract High
Incentive to save energy High
Table 7.18: Advantages and disadvantages of energy via an ESCO

7.13 European Commission website and Member State

National Energy Efficiency Actions Plans (NEEAPs)
The European Commission has a website dedicated to energy efficiency at:


As any l ist of policies, a ctions, tools and policy s upport measures will r apidly be come out of
date, this web page provides a useful source and has sections and links on the following issues:


End-use Efficiency & Energy Services

Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Eco-design of Energy-Using Products
Energy Labelling of Domestic Appliances
Energy Star Programme
Combined Heat and Power (Cogeneration) (with MS Reports)
Under discussion

National Energy Efficiency Action Plans (NEEAP)

A table gives access t o PDF files of all t he ENE plans and/or related communications for the
MSs, in the MS language(s) a nd/or in English (in some cases, only a summary i s provided i n
English. (Only Swedens input was missing in March 2008).

Examples of MS actions are:

tax deductions for energy saving investments

ecology grants towards the cost of ENE techniques
support for demonstration projects in energy technology
feasibility studies
energy diagnoses
cogeneration certificates (blue certificates)
energy planning regulation, where every environmental permit requires an accompanying
energy plan or study
benchmarking c ovenant, w here i ndustries u ndertake a f ormal ob ligation ( externally
verified) to perform well, e.g. to be among the world's top 10 % best in ENE

Energy Efficiency 387


audit c ovenant, w here i ndustries c ommit t o perform a c omplete energy a udit a nd

implement all economically feasible measures
energy saving certificates (white certificates), see EuroWhiteCert, below.
energy saving agreements

The EuroWhiteCert Project is described on this website, with links to the latest information.

Latest events, e.g. press release can be accessed.

As w ell a s t he o ther links described a bove, t he site links t o the E U EMEEES project, which
deals with the Evaluation and Monitoring for the EU Directive on Energy End-Use Efficiency
and Energy Services.

A Whats ne w link l ists v arious E uropean pub lished doc uments (reports, frequently a sked
questions, etc.), consultations and meetings.

The site map button gives access to:

policy papers
voluntary agreements, including:
European Motor Challenge Programme
GreenLight Programme
Green Building Programme
promotional activities, including:
project databases
publications and brochures
support programmes, including:
research and technology development (RTD) framework programmes (FP)
intelligent energy Europe and previous non-RTD support programmes
international relations.

For further information, contact TREN [email protected]

7.14 EU Emissions trading scheme (ETS)

Building on the i nnovative mechanisms s et up und er the K yoto P rotocol t o t he 1992 U nited
Nations F ramework C onvention on C limate C hange ( UNFCCC) Joint I mplementation, t he
Clean Development Mechanism and international emissions trading the EU has developed the
largest company-level scheme for trading in emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), making it the
world leader in this emerging market.

The E U Emissions T rading S cheme (ETS) is b ased on a recognition that c reating a price for
carbon through the e stablishment of a liquid m arket f or e mission reductions o ffers the m ost
cost-effective way for EU Member States to meet their Kyoto obligations and move towards the
low carbon economy of the future. The scheme should allow the EU to achieve its Kyoto target
at a cost of between EUR 2.9 billion and 3.7 billion annually. This is less than 0.1 % of the EU's
GDP. Without the scheme, compliance costs could reach up to EUR 6.8 billion a year.

388 Energy Efficiency


The E TS ha s been established t hrough bi nding l egislation pr oposed by the E uropean

Commission and approved by all EU Member States and the European Parliament. The scheme
is based on six fundamental principles:

it is a cap-and-trade system
its initial focus is on CO2 from big industrial emitters
implementation w ill t ake pl ace i n pha ses, w ith pe riodic r eviews a nd oppo rtunities f or
expansion to other gases and sectors
allocation plans for emission allowances are decided periodically
it includes a strong compliance framework
the market is EU-wide but taps emissions reduction opportunities in the rest of the world
through the use of clean development mechanisms (CDM) and JI, and provides for links
with compatible s chemes i n third c ountries ( for example i n R ussia and de veloping

The scheme i s based on a c ommon trading c ommodity of c arbon allowances: one a llowance
represents the right to discharge one tonne of CO2. The EC agrees MS national plans for carbon
allowances, which give each installation in the scheme the right to a number of allowances. The
decisions are made public. There are gains for EU based businesses:

due to mandatory monitoring a nd r eporting of e missions, c ompanies w ill establish C O2

budgets and carbon management systems for the first time
because CO2 will have a price, companies will engage the ingenuity of their engineers to
identify c ost-effective w ays t o r educe t heir e missions, bo th through improving c urrent
production processes and investing in new technologies.
a whole r ange of new bus inesses are e merging in E urope a s a result of t he E U carbon
market: carbon traders, carbon finance specialists, carbon management specialists, carbon
auditors a nd v erifiers. New financial pr oducts s uch as c arbon funds are e ntering the

What the scheme covers

While emissions trading has t he potential to involve many sectors of t he economy and all the
greenhouse g ases controlled by t he K yoto P rotocol ( CO2, methane, n itrous oxide,
hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons and sulphur hexafluoride), the scope of the ETS will be
intentionally limited during its initial phase while experience of emissions trading is built up.

Consequently, during t he first t rading pe riod, from 2005 to 20 07, the ETS c overed only C O2
emissions from large emitters in the power and heat generation industry and in selected energy-
intensive industrial sectors: combustion plants, oil refineries, coke ovens, iron and steel plants
and f actories m aking cement, g lass, l ime, bricks, ceramics, pul p a nd pa per. A size t hreshold
based on production capacity or output determines which plants in these sectors are included in
the scheme.

Even with t his l imited s cope, more t han 12 000 i nstallations in the 27 Member States will be
covered, a ccounting f or a round 45 % of the EUs total C O2 emissions or a bout 30 % of its
overall greenhouse gas emissions.

How will emissions trading benefit companies and the environment?

Theoretically, companies A and B both emit 100 000 t onnes of CO2 per year. In their national
allocation plans t heir governments give e ach of them e mission allowances f or 95 000 t onnes,
leaving them to find ways to cover the shortfall of 5000 allowances. This gives them a choice
between reducing their emissions by 5000 tonnes, purchasing 5000 allowances in the market or
taking a position somewhere in between. Before deciding which option to pursue they compare
the costs of each.

Energy Efficiency 389


In the market, the price of an allowance at that moment is EUR 10 per tonne of CO2. Company
A calculates that c utting i ts e missions w ill cost it E UR 5 pe r t onne, so i t d ecides to d o this
because it i s cheaper than buying the necessary allowances. Company A even decides t o take
the opportunity to reduce its emissions not by 5000 t onnes but by 10 000 t o ensure that it will
have no difficulty holding within its emission limit for the next few years.

Company B is in a different situation. Its reduction costs are EUR 15 per tonne, i.e. higher than
the market price, so it decides to buy allowances instead of reducing emissions.

Company A spends EUR 50 000 on cutting its emissions by 10 000 tonnes at a cost of EUR 5
per tonne, but then receives EUR 50 000 from selling the 5000 allowances it no longer needs at
the market price of E UR 10 e ach. This m eans it f ully of fsets its emission reduction costs by
selling allowances, whereas without the emissions trading scheme it would have had a net cost
of EUR 25 000 to bear (assuming that it cut emissions by only the 5000 tonnes necessary).

Company B spends EUR 50 000 on buying 5000 allowances at a price of EUR 10 each. In the
absence of t he flexibility pr ovided by the ETS, it would ha ve ha d t o c ut i ts e missions by
5000 tonnes at a cost of EUR 75 000.

Emissions trading thus brings a t otal c ost-saving of EUR 50 000 f or t he companies i n this
example. Since Company A chooses to cut its emissions (because this is the cheaper option in
its case), the a llowances t hat C ompany B buys r epresent a r eal emissions r eduction e ven i f
Company B did not reduce its own emissions.

Reference literature
EU Emissions t rading: A n O pen Scheme P romoting G lobal Innovation to Combat C limate
Change 2004, ISBN 92-894-8326-1 available at:

7.15 Transport systems optimisation

Depending on t he i ndustry sector, t ransport m ay be a s ignificant e nergy c onsumer i n a
company. Energy c onsumption of company t ransport can be reduced by good transport
management which is part of the overall management system of the company.

There a re also transport s ystems within the site, s uch a s by pipeline, pneumatic movement of
powders, conveyors, fork lift trucks, etc. However, no data has been supplied on these for this

The selection of the m ost environmentally effective t ransport system de pends on t he type of
product. Road transport is us ed w idely, but rail and s hip transport a re both used for bul k
materials, and pipelines are used for liquids and gases.

7.15.1 Energy audit for transport chains

Intensifying the operation of their transport chains allows companies to improve the logistics of
their transport a nd reduce transportation costs, c onsumption of e nergy, a nd carbon dioxide
emissions. The energy audit procedure for transport chains is a tool for identifying measures to
increase efficiency and for finding out savings potentials.

The energy audit procedure for transport chains aims to:

improve cost efficiency

reduce use of energy and production of CO2 emissions

390 Energy Efficiency


Contents of the energy audit:

all actual and potential means of transport

logistics, including:
packaging:,e.g. this can be changed to increase the utilisation of transport, so more
product is moved per load, and there are fewer vehicle movements
storage and handling
size and shape of vehicles used
haulage personnel.

Benefits of the energy audit:

reduced costs through the improved efficiency of transportation and energy conservation
individualisation and phasing of development areas
making good operational practices known within transport chains.

Examples are given in the Sections 7.15.2 and 7.15.3

[272, Finland, 2007].

7.15.2 Road transport energy management

Description of the energy efficiency technique

To m anage t he energy e fficiency of transport, g enerate long-term i mprovements i n f uel
performance, monitor and target successfully and measure the improvements from any initiative
it is necessary to collect and analyse data.

The following four steps are essential in a fuel management programme:

setting up a system of collecting data

making sure data are collected accurately
cleaning up data
analysing and interpreting the data.

The main options for data collection are to:

collect data manually and key into a spreadsheet or database

collect data from the fuel pump and upload electronically into a computer spreadsheet or
use fuel cards, and either use their reporting systems, or upload them electronically into a
computer spreadsheet or database
monitor the amount of fuel that actually goes through each vehicles engine by using an
onboard device. M any modern trucks with electronically c ontrolled e ngines c an b e
specified with an optional onboard data system that can capture this information
fit a separate fuel flow-meter and link this to a proprietary onboard computer to record the
fuel consumption.

Allied to the appropriate download methods and computer software, the two last options noted
in the bullet point list above should give good quality data about individual vehicle and driver
performance, and bo th ha ve t he advantage of m easuring f uel a ctually going into t he engine,
rather than b eing di spensed from t he s torage t ank. H owever, t his approach d oes ha ve s ome
limitations. It does not control bulk fuel stock, i.e. reconciling deliveries and the amount of fuel

Energy Efficiency 391


It is also ex pensive b ecause t he fuel measurement s ystem is r eplicated on each vehicle rather
than a single system monitoring the whole fleet. So it may be necessary to treat onboard devices
as an addition to the basic pump system rather than as a replacement for it.

It is important to retain raw data (i.e. fuel used and distance travelled) to avoid creating errors
by averaging f uel c onsumption f igures. In other w ords, when averaging t he fuel c onsumption
over any period, the totals of distance and volumes should be used.

Factors which influence fuel consumption

the v ehicle i s obv iously one of t he largest f actors i n determining t he fuel performance
(the m ake/model, t he specification, t he a ge o f the v ehicle, the c ondition of the vehicle,
operational details, equipment and products used, e.g. lubricants, aerodynamics, etc.)
the driver who drives the vehicle is considered to be the biggest single influence on f uel
consumption. I ssues concerning the dr iver s tart with r ecruitment a nd s election a nd
continue through training, motivation and involvement
the load being carried will naturally affect a vehicles fuel performance. Total weight is
the critical factor, and this often changes during the journey as deliveries are made
the optimisation of size, s hape a nd loading of the containers ho lding t he p roducts is
the weather a lso i nfluences fuel c onsumption. This ne eds to be remembered w hen
comparing data gathered during different weather conditions. Wind, rain, sleet, snow, etc.
can all have a great impact on performance
the type of r oad w ill p lay i ts part, w ith narrow winding roads g iving worse fuel
consumption t han s traight dual c arriageways. Slow a nd tortuous r outes t hrough hilly
terrain will drag down the fuel performance of even the best vehicles
fuel a cquisition. The two main pr operties of fuel a re t he amount of e nergy i t contains,
which is highly dependent on the density of the fuel, and the ease with which it combusts.

There are five key elements in monitoring:

1. Measure c onsumption r egularly this w ill g enerally i nvolve t he production of regular

(preferably weekly) records of the fuel consumption of each vehicle.

2. Relate consumption to output normally the distance travelled by the vehicle is related to
the fuel used (e.g. km per litre), but this can be further refined. Other measures include
fuel per tonne km (i.e. fuel used to carry one tonne of payload a distance of one km).

3. Identifying pr esent s tandards analyse fu el c onsumption fi gures for similar vehicles

undertaking s imilar types of w ork o ver a representative p eriod of t ime. Arrive a t an
approximate f uel c onsumption standard f or e ach v ehicle. This w ould not c onstitute a n
efficient standard but rather a base or actual figure.

4. Report p erformance t o t he i ndividuals r esponsible fuel c onsumption data s hould be

reported regularly to people who have some influence on fuel consumption. These would
normally include drivers, engineers and middle and top management.

5. Take a ction to r educe c onsumption taking a s ystematic o verview o f fu el use o ften

generates i deas for r educing consumption. Comparing the fuel efficiencies of different
vehicles is likely to reveal anomalies in their performance. Identifying the causes of these
anomalies should enable good practice to be distinguished from bad, and allow steps to be
taken to eliminate poor performance.

392 Energy Efficiency


Tightening up operating pr actices a nd vehicle maintenance in t his w ay of ten leads to s avings

even without the introduction of specific fuel saving measures.

Historical f uel information is crucial to plan a nd i mplement e nergy s aving measures. F uel
information for each vehicle at raw data level is kept throughout its life, in much the same way
as its servicing records.

The following standard reports are useful in fuel management:

bulk tank stock reconciliation

individual vehicle and driver fuel performance
exception reports.

Vehicle performance can then be grouped by type, such as:

gross vehicle weight
work done.

Driver performance can also be grouped, using categories such as shift, type of work and trained
or untrained. The usual periods for measurement are weekly, monthly and year to date.

Useful comparisons are against:

previous period(s) for the analysis of trends
same period last year
other depots, bearing in mind regional and operational differences
similar vehicles
industry averages, e.g. road test reports, published cost tables.

These data are used at least by the following people:

the top management (a concise overview, summaries and exception reports)

the transport m anager ( the f uel s aving i nitiatives, investigate sp ecifics an d c arry o ut
individual performance reviews)
the dr iver t rainer ( plan a f uel-related t raining pr ogramme and s et up di scussions w ith
drivers, who themselves need to start monitoring their own performance
engineering and maintenance staff (monitor and analyse the fuel figures).

There are many areas of fuel management which can be subject to key performance indicators
and targets. The easiest are where measurement is straightforward and unaffected by too many
outside factors. E xamples would i nclude bu lk t ank fuel losses w here the figures m ight b e
measured e ach w eek with a requirement to investigate and resolve a ny l osses o ver a target

More complicated measures are involved in the monitoring system of vehicle performance. The
simplest way is merely to take current performance and demand an improvement. However, this
takes into consideration only what has actually been achieved rather than what is achievable.

Energy Efficiency 393


Where the r outes, loads, e tc. are c onsistent, i t m ay be po ssible t o s et up standard t argets by
route, using your best driver to set the target for everyone else, although obviously, this will not
take i nto account seasonal a nd ot her such out side influences, a nd therefore will n eed to b e
interpreted very carefully.

A more s ophisticated approach is to use energy intensity as an indicator. For freight transport
this i s de fined a s fuel c onsumed/(tonnes carried x di stance travelled) and w ould normally be
measured as litres per tonne kilometre.

Achieved environmental benefits

The reduction of f uel consumption ha s a di rect c orrespondence to the e nvironmental effects.
Reducing c onsumption no t onl y represents avoided costs but also fewer t onnes of C O2 are

Cross-media effects
None reported.

Operational data
Driving in a fuel-efficient manner can improve safety and benefit the vehicles driveline, brakes
and t yres a s well. S o t here could w ell be a r eduction in the c osts of a ccidents, maintenance,
repairs and downtime.

Some ope rators ha ve e ven us ed t he i mprovement i n fuel economy a s a c ommercial t ool t o

emphasise the contribution they are making to the environment.

Thorough communication between drivers and management is part of a good fuel programme. If
handled well, there is a potential spin-off here, because it might lead to better understanding and
some barriers being broken down. Some organisations have used fuel efficiency as a means of
changing the driver culture.

This fuel management technique can be applied to industries that have road transport fleets.

The combination of t he crude oil price and f uel excise dut y has meant that fuel has generally
proved t o b e a f ast-rising ope rating c ost. This m eans t hat a ny investment i n g ood f uel
management now may well pay even greater dividends in the future.

The a chievement of fuel s avings i nvariably r equires an investment in t ime, e ffort o r

money and often all three. Financial expenditure on such things as fuel monitoring equipment
or be tter v ehicles i s easy t o qua ntify, but do not f orget hi dden c osts, s uch a s investment i n
management, clerical and operative time, which may be more difficult to pin down.

Driving force for implementation

Cost s avings not a ll e nergy c onservation measures a re e qually c ost e ffective. D ifferent
measures w ill be be tter s uited t o different t ypes of operation. H owever, it is important t hat
anyone wishing to reduce their fuel consumption should proceed in a systematic manner, rather
than i ntroduce new pr actices on a pi ecemeal ba sis. It i s practical t hat energy consumption of
transport is included in a generic energy management system/structure.

394 Energy Efficiency


7.15.3 Improving packaging to optimise transport use

Example plant
company: VICO SA located in Vic-sur-Aisne (France)
activity: production of potato crisps and other products derived from potatoes
quantity: 32 000 tonnes per year
turnover: EUR 114.4 million/year.

To deliver its products t o 2500 selling poi nts i n France, V ICO SA needed t o use 9000 t rucks
movements pe r y ear. T he products w ere packaged and placed on pa llets t o a he ight of 1. 8
metres. In t his manner, a s tandard truck (2.8 metres high) contained 38 pallets (on one level)
and t he f illing rate w as l imited to 70 %. Following a f easibility s tudy, the product packaging
was changed to allow the storage on pallets to 1.4 metres high and to be loaded on two levels.
This enabled t he num ber of truck m ovements t o be r educed by 10 % a nd t he k ilometres
travelled by 20 %:

investment required: EUR 76 224

payback time: 1.5 month
test period: 3 months
initial consumption: 686 030 l/year of gasoil (diesel)
consumption after implementation of the new packaging: 536 875 l/year of gasoil
reduction by 22 % of the gasoil (diesel) consumption
indirect c ost r eduction f or t he company (transport i s an e xternal a ctivity f or t his
company): EUR 610 000 per year.

Reference information
ADEME guide on good energy practices in industry (ref 3745)
[94, ADEME, 2005] [103, Best practice programme, 1996]

Energy Efficiency 395


7.16 European energy mix


To create 1 GJ of electrical power, the average fuel use and emissions released for the EU-25 are:
Electrical power GJ 1
Primary energy GJ 2.6
Oil kg 9.01
Gas m3 6.92 European Mix*
Coal kg 15.7 Oil 4.1 %
Brown coal kg 34.6 Gas 19.0 %
Hard coal 13.1 %
SO2 kg 0.10 Raw brown coal 23.8 %
CO2 kg *147 Coal in total 36.9 %
NO2 kg 0.16 Nuclear 30.9 %

IFEU Electricity from Electricity Hard Electricity Brown Electricity from Nuclear
Fuel oil Natural gas
Calculation oil firing from gas coal from coal coal brown coal power
Current GJ 1.00E+00 1.00E+00 1.00E+00 1.00E+00 1.00E+00

Primary energy GJ 3.69E+00 2.90E+00 2.38E+00 2.82E+00 3.35E+00

Oil kg 9.22E+01 7.88E+01 4.19E-01
Gas m3 7.14E+01 5.33E+01 3.74E-01
Coal kg 8.48E+01 8.19E+01 3.03E+00
Brown coal kg 3.19E+02 3.12E+02

SO2 kg 6.44E-02 2.43E-01 3.24E-03 2.88E-03 5.05E-02 1.48E-01 3.73E-03 2.22E-01 3.22E-02
CO2 kg 1.26E+01 2.47E+02 1.46E+01 1.32E+02 1.06E+01 2.17E+02 7.84E+00 3.16E+02 6.27E+00
NO2 kg 3.46E-02 3.68E-01 7.79E-02 1.51E-01 4.11E-02 1.10E-01 6.30E-03 6.14E-01 1.43E-02
These average emission factors associated with generating electrical power are derived from the ECOINVENT 1994 database.
# Data from the WFD revision. * data from IEA for EU-25 for 2004
Table 7.19: Average emission factors associated with generating electrical power

396 Energy Efficiency



To produce steam with energy value of 1 GJ, the average fuel use and emissions released for the
whole of Europe are:
Steam GJ 1

Primary energy GJ 1.32

Oil kg 12.96
Gas m3 10.46
Coal kg 14.22 European Mix
(estimated mix)
SO2 kg 0.54 Oil 40.0 %
CO2 kg 97.20 Gas 30.0 %
NO2 kg 0.18 Hard Coal 30.0 %

Heat from Heat Heat

Fuel oil Natural gas Hard coal
oil firing from gas from coal
Heat GJ 1.00E+00 1.00E+00 1.00E+00

Primary energy GJ 1.29E+00 1.41E+00 1.28E+00

Oil k g 3.24E+01 2.75E+01
Gas m 3.49E+01 2. 81E+01
Coal k g 4.74E+01 4.14E+01

SO2 kg 4. 01E-02 9.95E-01 1. 61E-02 5.75E-04 4.76E-02 3. 70E-01

CO2 kg 6. 51E+00 9.22E+01 7. 16E+00 6.48E+01 5.82E+00 1. 15E+02
NO2 kg 1. 77E-02 1.78E-01 3. 47E-02 4.47E-02 3.77E-02 2. 17E-01

Heat from Heat Heat

ECOINVENT Fuel oil Natural gas Hard coal
oil firing from gas from coal
Heat GJ 1.00E+00 1.00E+00 1.00E+00

Primary Energy GJ 1.22E+00 1.43E+00 1.36E+00

Oil k g 3.06E+01 2.60E+01
Gas m 3.53E+01 3. 00E+01
Coal k g 5.21E+01 4.17E+01

SO2 kg 1. 59E-02 1.41E+00 3. 06E-02 6.47E-04 6.98E-02 6. 29E-01

CO2 kg 4. 24E-01 9.16E+01 7. 29E+00 6.47E+01 6.36E+00 1. 16E+02
NO2 kg 8. 24E-04 1.88E-01 3. 18E-02 2.35E-02 5.50E-02 2. 50E-01

Heat from Heat Heat

GEMIS Fuel oil Natural gas Hard coal
oil firing from gas from coal
Heat GJ 1.00E+00 1.00E+00 1.00E+00

Primary Energy GJ 1.35E+00 1.39E+00 1.20E+00

Oil k g 3.42E+01 2.89E+01
Gas m 3.44E+01 2. 63E+01
Coal k g 4.27E+01 4.12E+01

SO2 kg 6. 44E-02 5.78E-01 1. 52E-03 5.03E-04 2.54E-02 1. 11E-01

CO2 kg 1. 26E+01 9.27E+01 7. 02E+00 6.49E+01 5.28E+00 1. 13E+02
NO2 kg 3. 46E-02 1.69E-01 3. 76E-02 6.59E-02 2.05E-02 1. 83E-01
These average emissions factors for steam generation are derived as averages from the ECOINVENT and
GEMIS databases.
Table 7.20: Average emission factors for steam generation

Energy Efficiency 397


7.17 Electrical power factor correction

Figure 7.17: Reactive and apparent power explanation

[123, US_DOE]

To u nderstand the electrical pow er factor, v isualise a horse pu lling a r ailway w agon a long a
track. Because the railway ties are uneven, the horse must pull the wagon from the side of the
track. T he horse is pu lling the wagon a t a n a ngle t o t he di rection of the w agons travel. The
power required to move the wagon down the track is the working (real or net) power. The effort
of the horse is the total (apparent) power. Because of the angle of the horses pull, not all of the
horses effort is used to move the wagon down the track. The wagon will not move sideways;
therefore, the sideways pull of the horse is wasted effort or nonworking (reactive) power.

The angle of the horses pull is related to the power factor, which is defined as the ratio of real
(working or net) power to apparent (total) power. If the horse is led closer to the centre of the
track, the angle of side pull decreases and the real power approaches the value of the apparent
power. Therefore, the ratio of real power to apparent power (the power factor) approaches 1. As
the power factor approaches 1, the reactive (nonworking) power approaches 0.

US DOE: Motor challenge programme, Fact sheet: Reducing Power Factor Cost

398 Energy Efficiency

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