Systems Science, ¿Is It Necessary
Systems Science, ¿Is It Necessary
Systems Science, ¿Is It Necessary
Around twenty years ago apparently due to the proliferation of diverse systems approaches, which
had been conceived during the assumed evolvement of a generalized systems movement, it was
considered necessary to organize the emergence of Systems Science. The proliferation of various
basic conceptual hypothesis, mathematical techniques, computational procedures, logic-al networks
among several other tools together with the diversity of aims, types of systems and organizations
was considered normal, necessary and useful. It was accepted de facto that every approach was
related to a particular perspective needed for grasping better certain aspects of the reality.
However, until today it has been disregarded that the systems movement emerged from holistic
realms, analytical concerns and technocratic advances; three domains whose aims and procedures
must be purposely and harmoniously integrated as basic elements of whatever might become the
assumed Systems Science. It is a huge puzzle to deal with, and it is also an unavoidable challenge
that may and even should encourage systems researchers and practitioners to confirm their
Systems Thinking
The systems movement emerged explicitly in the 1950s from two different courses of theoretical
assumptions and practical experiences related to the concept of system as a physical or biological
entity or as an intellectual arrangement of human labor & actions and man-made facilities. Each
system being maintained as a whole, thanks to the way its parts are interrelated. These systemic
streams were the analytical one - the culmination of the traditional scientific approach derived
from the metodo resolutivo, successfully introduced by Galileo Galilei (seventeenth century) - and
the holistic one derived from the self-organizing features inherent to the open system. A conceptual
tool that Ludwig von Bertalanffy used in his research on biological subjects (in the 1930s) and
consolidated afterwards in his psychological and social studies.
The analytical approach aims at identifying first the elements that presumably may or will or
should constitute an intended system. The holistic approach aims at recognizing first the system as
a particular wholeness and at identifying its elements afterwards.
The analytical avenue necessarily emerged for replacing ancient holistic assumptions that were
considered secret and practically inaccessible to human mind. There were beliefs that had
originated in metaphysical and mystical interpretations of what seemed to be the organizing forces
of the universe. But, what humans, along millennia, could only see as a mysterious organization
was replaced by simplified sets of mechanized arrangements, which could not be at all regrettable
because it was a necessary change conceived more than 5 centuries ago. In those years that
replacement was a further step given in the right direction, which some humans keep always
searching, though not consciously enough.
It happened during the first half of the twentieth century when several and certainly new holistic
views inevitably emerged in the mind of numerous scientists and philosophers: Alfred North
Whitehead, Jan Smuts, A. Angyal, R. Buckminster Fuller among other. However, it was the
thinking of Ludwig von Bertalanffy (1950) what consolidated the objective basis of the holistic
approach needed for scientific research when he related it conceptually to the functional features of
the living organism seen as an open system. It was an approach that unavoidably emerged in
agreement with gestalt psychology, which has helped to discover alternative ways of creating the
Gestalten properties that must characterize the organization of every societal system. It was
altogether the recognition that humans perceive patterns of configurations rather than sums of
However, soon since the very beginning, a third course, the technocratic one, was incorporated in
the systems movement; certainly because it was an activity concerned with the operation of
devices integrated with parts connected among them or the result of processes purposely organized.
These devices were composed by set of parts and sequences of actions that altogether in each case
could be identified as one or another system designed for accomplishing better a particular human
task. It has been a stream engendered and maintained by the enormous fascination that in many
human minds provokes the results of technological work and methodological efforts. Work and
efforts that have aimed since the second half of nineteenth century at increasing the speed of
transportation, telecommunications and later also of the kind of data processing which has
impelled the development of a generalized automation, supported by a charming artificial
intelligence. Many innovations have been carried out for making more efficient these three
approaches when dealing scientifically and technologically with such a kind of concerns.
The use of cybernetics since the 1940s, helping to introduce self-regulatory possibilities in the
operation of technological devices, definitely consolidate the incorporation and acceptance of the
technocratic course in the systems movement. Unfortunately many technological and
methodological innovations have been badly deviated to activities exclusively organized for the
sake of making business more profitable.
In practice, since the 1950s (after the constitution of the Society for the Advancement of General
Systems Theory in December 1954, which three years later, changed its name to Society for
General Systems Research) each one of these courses has been independently developed. Scientists,
researchers, technologists, engineers, managers, psychologists and economists who have accepted
that system is a useful concept when dealing with specific questions related to quite different
human concerns, have been sharing a common vocabulary. However in practice the meaning of
some basic words, statements and explanatory arguments is different and sometimes even
contradictory, but many practitioners and even researchers are only partially aware of this
difficulty. Systems thinking, as a conceptual domain, is one expression of such a kind. It seems not
only convenient but necessary to examine again and again why and how conflicting interpretations
arise and to examine how to eliminate them. This paper is a modest contribution.
This course arose from the scientific method that has been used during the last centuries for
organizing the industrialization of more and more human concerns. It became an essential factor in
the systems movement as a result of advances attained through the application of operational
research techniques (linear and dynamic programming, queuing theory,...) that were invented
during the 2nd World War for increasing the efficiency of actions carried out by systems. Due to
their success in reaching goals delineated in advanced these systems were designed and built for the
operation of factories and the administration of activities in all kind of enterprises and public
services. Each of these systems is composed by workers employed for dealing with specific tasks
that must be carried out according to certain order and sequence determined in advance - in order
to assure the proper organization, arrangement and even manipulation of well identified concerns.
To attain results previously conceived as feasible ones is a task that cannot be optimally organized.
Many difficulties arise, due mainly to the unexpected consequences that may provoke the
spontaneity of every individual involved. Every human cannot avoid to be culturally biased
according to familiar, communal, local, ethnical and national circumstances. The individual
interests and motivations become the source of numerous discrepancies.
In recent years it has become more usual to create systems that aim at taking advantage quicker and
more effectively of the resources available, using more efficiently the labor carried out by persons
exclusively performing as human resources. These systems also aim at providing goods or services
to other humans who must exclusively behave as buyers, consumers, customers or patients. Needs
of most people involved are usually not even identified, as the goal is to assure the successful
operation of every system. The social and economic impact of several successful systems cannot
automatically altogether contribute to effectively push ahead the development of human species.
Under the influence of engineers experience the systems thinking needed for this kind of concerns,
has rather paradoxically evolved as if it were one or another specialized discipline. Systems
Engineering has been strongly and diversely supported by all kinds of analytical (traditional)
procedures in order to increase the number of technological facilities in every society. Systems
Analysis has widely and wildly determined the successful acceptance of Systems Management,
which seems to be employed diversely, though in fact it is almost always restricted to selfish aims,
against or simply disregarding and even ignoring values, needs and motivations of the vast majority
of people. The main goal of these systems is to assure the successful manifestation of business for
the sake of monetary profits and financial benefits, which are systematically announced as the
unique way towards the progress of every human society. Along the last decades very few
analysts, managers and engineers have recognized that these systems should not disrupt
inconveniently the biosphere, neither disturbed the ecosphere .
However, the undeniable advances (?) in systems analysis have definitely determined the kind of
education and training needed for the formation of human resources. In fact these two actions are
systematically restructured and continuously reorganized for determining how to civilize every
human being - for helping everyone to identify as best as possible his or her role in every society.
The main result of this kind of civilizing process is regrettable. A certain number of apparently
lucky people, after being civilized, will know what they should do in order to become efficient
human resources; for being employed from time to time as workers or employees who are placed in
one of the constituted hierarchical levels. Many highly educated humans, who belong de facto to
these resources, are in charge of scientific and technological research needed for continuously
improving the civilizing trends, though they are clearly questionable.
At the same time the masses are induced, persuaded, influenced, impelled, compelled,... to become
buyers of all kinds of things produced by the industrial apparatus constituted by systematically
modernized systems needed for further exploitation of natural and human resources. The things
produced are finally sold by means of clever marketing procedures. The situation at present, all
over the world, is nearly catastrophic, though the taste of the near crisis is different in the rich but
unfairly exploited developing countries inhabited by poor people than it is in the G8 countries.
Meanwhile many systems analysts and systems engineers continue arguing, louder or quietly, that
this is the unique civilized option.
Altogether this situation is the outcome of economic policies that are continuously redesigned for
maintaining billions of people subordinated to the decision making conceived and instrumented in
accordance with the lites interpretation of what civilization ought to be. Systems management and
systems engineering are based on the Bottom ==> Up growing effort (It is described and
commented below) that aims at increasing the availability of all kinds of assumed resources for
maintaining the trends of civilization. This endeavor comprises the continuous and systematized:
search of new ways of making available hidden resources.
exploitation of all resources available.
As a whole this endeavor demagogically aims at organizing the growth and expansion of industrial
and financial interests carried out by larger and more complex systems in the name of progress for
the human society.
This course has been consolidated by the insertion of Technological Cybernetics in multifarious
industrial, economic, and administrative areas where it was considered indispensable to create,
build, and maintain automatic devices and processes for increasing their efficiency and
effectiveness. These technological advances have also been employed for supervising and
controlling the performance of workers and even for reducing the number of workers in order to
reduce the production costs. In recent years, many more technological innovations and particular
advancements in Information and Communication Technology (ICT), in the delight of Artificial
Intelligence (AI) and in other subjects supported by increasing interactions between software
methodology and hardware engineering have become the stimulating engine of post-
modernization. It aims at modernizing everything and is announced as the only way humans may
progress. But day after day wealthy people become wealthier while poor people have no other
choice than a miserable way of life if they are lucky enough.
In fact one of the main drives of this engine is the increasing fascination - in the mind of many
researchers, experts, scholars, consultants, and also practitioners (engineers, economists,
sociologists); and in the brain of most users as well - caused by the unbelievable operation of recent
technological advances. However, what is really the main drive of an ultra modernization of
societal systems is the voracious eagerness of those few humans the decision-makers - who
manage the affairs of every big corporation for increasing ad infinitum monetary profits and
financial benefits needed for further investments.
Unfortunately, willingly or not, what today deteriorates very quickly the perspective of the human
society are those attitudes of the same decision-makers who disregard the need of creating societal
circumstances for helping and encouraging billions of human brains to creatively develop their
intelligent capabilities. Instead of being recognized the need of increasing the responsible
potentiality of individuals in every community more humans are continuously put aside from every
set up societal system. Evidently their work is: less efficient, barely reliable and poorly effective;
when it is compared to the operation of new machines that have been designed for a generalized
automation. Besides workers and employees are always asking for higher wages and salaries, lesser
working days and a shorter working day. Machines instead never complain when they are
substituted while unemployed people always protest refusing to comprehend that there are times
when more jobs cannot be created.
Therefore what is urgently necessary for making happy the human society is to create the needed
circumstances that may help to properly maintain the dynamics of new features of the homosphere
peopled today by more than 6 billion humans. The radical suggestions proposed are: to accelerate
the upgrading of every technological possibility and to maintain under control by means of
behavioral engineering the people employed and also those who unfortunately but necessarily
must accept to be put aside.
Bertalanffy denounced that the growing robotomorphism and zoomorphism would cause the
decerebralization of human minds and the dehumanization of human beings. Instead of being
worried about these facts, it would be better to create soon the circumstances needed to put into
practice the final anthropic principle, which is based in the "strong artificial intelligence in
intelligent, non-carbon-based, self-reproducing entities".[Rohman, 1999] that will populated the
planet after the death of the sun.
This course is derived from the Bertalanffys Systems Thinking (BST), which is the approach
that may reveal the Gestalten properties that characterize the higher levels of organization, the so-
called living systems. These properties are common to all living matter from bacteria to human
societies. Living systems, whether individuals or populations, have to be analyzed as open
systems: open to matter-energy exchanges with an environment.
BST is basically a way of dealing with the numerous variables related with the various factors
involved in the manifestation of a particular open system. It is used for tackling one or several
aspects of the problem that unavoidably arises as soon as the system cannot maintain its steady
state when exchanging matter, energy and/or information with other systems located in its
surroundings. BST helps to search out what the causality of the disruption could be and to find out
how the disrupted system may become functional again, reducing or eliminating what caused the
disruption. BST is the ideological framework needed for organizing an indispensable research
about the way of reestablishing the flow equilibrium in every disrupted system.
Today it is urgently needed first of all to recognize the validity of suggestions and warnings
expressed by Bertalanffy more than three decades ago. It is also necessary to examine how his
ideological thinking may be developed for facing properly, at present, the effects of the dynamics
of the whole civilizing venture. Knowing that the number of people continue increasing while the
terrestrial nature continue being unilaterally reduced by means of generalized exploitation, makes
indeed indispensable to create societal systems that may encourage a growing cooperation among
people, and also between people and all the other living beings.
Bertalanffy in the 1960s made a call for a universal declaration of interdependence and advocated a
new global morality: "an ethos which does not center on individual good and individual value
alone, but on the adaptation of mankind as a global system, to his new environment".
In 1968 he wrote: "The image of man is not only a theoretical question, it is a question of the
preservation of man as human." He believed humanity faces a clear and present danger of being
dehumanized even destroyed, by debasing self-images.
He feared that "a self-image portraying the human being as just another animal would tend to make
us indifferent to social inequities and to make us fatalistic about the recurrence of war. He was
concerned that the mechanistic image of man would encourage people in all walks of life to treat
their fellow human being as assembly-line object to be manipulated rather than as a unique
individual to be treated with respect."
In 1969 F. E. Emery recognized that biological and social phenomena should not any longer be
examined by means of the traditional scientific analysis. It is indeed disastrous that this practice is
what prevails in 2002.
The civilization at the dawn of the 3rd millennium has become an efficient source of the worst crisis
ever faced by humankind, which has become an endangered species due to intelligent performances
supported by narrow minded and shortsighted attitudes. It is quite contradictory and increasingly
dangerous to continue discovering and encouraging administrative talent and producing
technological innovations for improving the functionality of administrative, economic, industrial
systems and the operation of technological systems designed as recipes for making sustainable the
unsustainable civilizing trends.
May still the systems movement contribute to overcome this crisis? Yes, indeed if and only if
researchers, scholars & experts accept to develop the Bertalanffys suggestion:
"All the world over and at all times there have been practical men, absorbed in irreducible and
stubborn facts. All the world over and at all times there have been men of philosophic
temperament who have been absorbed in the weaving of general principles. It is this union of
passionate interest in the detailed facts with equal devotion to abstract generalization, which forms
the novelty in our present society. Previously it had appeared sporadically and as if by chance. This
balance of mind has now become part of the tradition, which infects cultivated thought. It is the salt
which keeps life sweet. The main business of universities is to transmit this tradition as a
widespread inheritance from generation to generation" (Whitehead 1925)
Bertalanffys work is an example of such a balance of mind. Every human must search ways to
systematically improve his or her respective individual performance engaged in grasping what the
order of Nature is and how this order could be maintained in flow equilibrium knowing that this
order is continuously disrupted by greater human demands. However, everybody must recognize
that everyone will judge differently every disruption because he or she has always a very personal
view about the way of restoring the order.
In the 1920s Ludwig von Bertalanffy started to write Modern Theories of Development, based on
his knowledge of facts unavoidably happening in living beings. His intellectual efforts were based
on an extensive use of open system (#), as an essential concept in the theoretical generalization that
helps to comprehend how stubborn facts are ordered and how new facts can be created in order to
harmoniously modify the required order. This generalization culminated in the Bertalanffian
Systems Thinking: TOP ==> DOWN approach as a holistic endeavor that emerged as a
methodological concern and evolved as General Systems Theory.
This BST aims at identifying the forest in order to search and deal consistently afterwards with
one tree or another, while learning to be increasingly aware of what the survival needs of the
forest - seen as an open system would be.
This holistic approach must later be confronted to grasp how the interactions among the town, the
forest and the lake evolve altogether. Subsequently another holistic endeavor would aim at
searching options to ameliorate the urban perspective, bearing in mind the need of maintaining
suitable interrelations among the factors involved. What is needed is to assure the maintenance of a
steady state of the whole set of dynamical features that characterize the peculiar manifestation of
natural circumstances and the particular social conditions that had been previously conceived and
The use of a holistic endeavor for dealing with most human concerns does not certainly need to take
into account the situation of the whole cosmos. Most human affairs can be properly attended
through holistic views of the familiar and/or communal surroundings
Human mind, after many millennia of hard development, still seems to maintain its inherent
capabilities; those that allow any human to determine the boundaries of the questions he or she
desires to deal with. Every individual can determine on his or her own inevitably in accordance
with personal motivations and specific interests - the holistic endeavor needed for dealing
consistently with any particular leaf, flower or fruit of that tree. It is always conventional the
wholeness whose self-organizing possibilities should be preserved, in order to assure that it may
function properly for maintaining the steady state of the same whole. Such possibilities allow
every individual either to be open-minded, broadminded or high-minded or to become a bloody-
minded or a narrow-minded or a simple-minded fellow who restricts purposefully his or her
performance. Nowadays it is frankly paradoxical that many human interests remain restricted,
despite the globalizing perspective that technological advances have made feasible. Human
concerns seem to be more and more conditioned by an immediate utilitarianism, a myopic
opportunism, a blind selfishness, a rapacious voracity that aims, in each case, at unilaterally taking
advantage of everything, being comprised the members of most living species and also the labor
and situation of most humans.
Similarly, it is the way a human manages to grasp the information that arrives to his or her brain
what may motivate him or her to be humanely concerned when performing, while learning on his
or her own necessarily under the influence of various interpretations - to enlighten himself or
herself. In this context to enlighten someone would mean to find out how to contribute to maintain
in flow-equilibrium the planetary conditions that have made and continue making possible the
presence of life on Earth. Humans must indeed recognize that some evolutionary forces (though
several of them will remain unknown forever) contribute significantly to increase the survival
chances of the human species.
The TOP ==> DOWN holistic endeavor is the conceptual possibility that has been exerted very
diversely by humans who searched how to survive while learning:
To hunt and gather better and better during their nomadic life;
To organize their concerns in increasingly urbanized (civilized ?) environments.
It is this kind of holistic endeavor what may help the human mind to be conscious enough about the
factors that may and should be taken into account when pushing ahead the development of human
potentiality. It is a question that humans may learn through practical experiences supported by
theoretical assumptions till finding out gradually how to consistently develop it, bearing in mind
that the natural circumstances (all along many millennia) did not motivate neither allow the
nomadic humans to be more than locally minded.
Slowly, during several millennia, since around 10,000 years ago, and extremely quick during the
last centuries some more humans found possible and considered necessary to be regionally minded,
terrestrially minded, globally minded, cosmically minded and universally minded. It has happened
in this way, though most humans until today do not realize that the behavior of any particular
human is intrinsically holistic because every individual performs necessarily as if he or she would
really be the center of the Universe. Gradually everybody must unavoidably recognize that many
other centers of the same Universe are trying to learn how to similarly perform, though very often
However, any conceptual concern Systems Thinking cannot be excluded can be also
maneuvered in the opposed sense. It is the kind of systems thinking that has emerged in the mind
of humans who have believed that it can be based on a BOTTOM ==> UP growing (integrative)
effort applied to one or another fragmented situation.
Very often it is assumed that the BOTTOM ==> UP growing effort will assure the emergence of an
assumed wholeness constituted by new circumstances, those generated by the various actions that
were accomplished.
It may aim at determining what to do with trees, leaves, flowers and fruits found here and there,
very often unexpectedly, while assuming that what essentially matters is to efficiently do
everything. Until today to do something efficiently often motivates a person or even a company to
carry out activities no matter whether it is obtained a useless or inconvenient or unfair result. It
happens also that a pretended efficiency causes undesirable side-effects which appear because the
traditional fragmentation carried out for organizing the scientific analysis does not help to prevent
the emergence of this kind of effects.
During the last decades an increasing number of projects and actions dealing officially with systems
have been and continue being, conceived, designed and implemented by means of BOTTOM ==>
UP approaches that cause numerous side-effects which are seen as if they were evil sources. An
increasing number of more complex regional and global problems are inevitably reaching crisis
point, because those humans who are performing as decision makers refuse to recognize how the
terrestrial conditions are nearly to be overwhelmed by the impact of human activities.
The whole situation is already seriously dangerous, but it worsens day after day because more and
more professionals, until today, are educated de facto in accordance with a generalized
reductionism. It obliges them to become de facto systems analysts and to perform without
making any effort to comprehend the wholeness of the set of subjects they are or might be
interested to deal with. Instead of learning to think and perform holistically, many professionals
keep assuming that the features of a desirable system will emerge from idealized and scarcely
interrelated concepts through simplified efforts of individuals
Very intelligent systems analysts and cleverer systems engineers tend to use the word system as if
it were very powerful on its own, perhaps assuming that it has magical possibilities. Others dare to
imagine that the conceptual fragmentation of every aspect of the reality will be necessarily
overcome by an invented self-organized integration, without being able to recognize that a
congruous search of the steady state of the wholeness that has been arbitrarily fragmented is an
impossible task. It has been also claimed that every problem on the Earth will be solved by means
of a generalized love or through individual actions that aim at building harmony with fragments of
various wholes that were abruptly disrupted. In fact the evolvement of this process makes
impossible to identify what the wholeness could be.
Optimistic Summing up
From now onward, the TOP ==> DOWN holistic endeavor must overcome the consequences
generated by the BOTTOM ==> UP growing efforts that have been used, quite extensively and
diversely, by systems researchers: those who dogmatically believe exclusively in systems analysis
applied to fragmented aspects of the whole reality. They simply refuse to recognize that any human
being has inherent capabilities that allow every individual to grasp patterns and configurations.
Instead, everyone should prepare himself or herself to identify and recognize consistently how the
various factors involved are interacting among themselves.
Besides, based on arguments expressed by Bertalanffy about the need of nurturing individual
creativity against the mystical belief in the group, team or committee brainstorming, it can be
that only inside one or another particular human mind it is possible the emergence,
presence and evolvement of one or another (open) system as a functional concept;
that only one or another human being can identify, through his or her mind, why an open
system is an assumed whole composed by parts and their interactions plus the
exchange of matter and energy;
that only human beings can identify, through their minds, the need of behaving humanely;
that only human beings can make evident, through gradual rumination, the responsible
role that every human being must play during his or her relatively short individual
After all, any human willing to grasp what might be a particular wholeness, must learn to identify
and handle the information that characterize the parts and their interactions that constitute what
was first perceived as a whole. Every individual soon may become conscious enough about the
need of learning to be globally minded and humanely concerned and act accordingly while
providing an answer to the very fundamental question:
"We are dealing with emergent realities; no longer with isolated groups of men, but with a
systematically interdependent global community. It is this level of [reality] which we must keep
before our eyes if we are able to inspire large-scale action designed to assure our collective and
hence our individual survival." (Bertalanffy)
Ludwig von Bertalanffy in the 1960s expressed that it was necessary to explicitly build a science
for effectively improving the situation of human beings on Earth. "...this is a question not just of
abstract theory and specialties in the Ivory Tower of academic science. Rather, it is part of a
far wider question: that science, and a science of and for man in particular, has become
deeply problematic in our days" I dare to assume that Systems Science may help if and only if....
the Systems Community accept such a huge, respectable and beautiful challenge.
[Bertalanffy, 1968] Ludwig von Bertalanffy Robots, Men and Mind. Braziller
[Davidson, 1983] Mark Davidson. Uncommon Sense. The Life and Thought of Ludwig von
Bertalanffy. J. P. Tarcher, Inc. Los Angeles
[Whitehead, 1925] Alfred North Whitehead. Science and the Modern World. A Mentor Book.
(#) Open system: An entity that continuously exchanges matter/energy and/or information with its
environment. It can be a living organism receiving nutrients from its surroundings at a rate
proportional to its surface and destroying wastes at a rate proportional to its volume. The living
system grows as a result of these two processes, till a limit - determined by internal interactions
among the constitutive parts - is reached. It can be a social organization receiving information from
its environment and providing the processed information that justifies the functionality of the same