Cap 3-8
Cap 3-8
Cap 3-8
The field of rock blasting and analysis of the fragments has always been an area of great interest to the mining
engineers. Aided by the advent of new technologies like digital image processing, and while drill-parameter
measurement with monitoring systems, it is now possible to combine the different facets of mining into one entity that
leads to overall optimisation. The traditional view of separating the mining process into various unit-operations such as
drilling, blasting and comminution; and ultimately transportation into independent unit operations with equal weight to
all the unit operations does not any longer hold good. Now it is being increasingly realised that processes such as
blasting can have tremendous impact on processes such as crushing and grinding which come after blasting. The
places where the present study can be applied are to determine crusher performance, design a better blast model
and investigate the effect of explosive energy on rock fragments during primary crushing; and the overall study can
be used to determine the cost effectiveness of the total process. The various rock properties such as strength, nature
of deformation, size distribution and fragment shape have great effect on the performance of the primary crusher.
Using drill parameters such as SE and digital image analysis data in blasting models may lead to more accurate
Shape and size determination of fragment rocks are increasingly becoming important issues in the mining,
comminution, materials handling, and construction industries. And size distribution of rock fragments obtained from
blasting and crushing in the mining industry has to be monitored for optimal control of a variety of processes before
reaching the final grinding, milling and the froth flotation processes. Whenever feasible, mechanical sieving is the
routine procedure to determine the cumulative rock weight distribution. This process is tedious and very time
consuming. The present work is related to segmentation of the fragment rocks using different watershed based
algorithms and also their comparisons. We also compare the fragment rock size distributions obtained from computer
based technique with mechanical sieving results. All the process has been implemented in laboratory scale using
256X256 gray level rock images and high level programming language.
Keywords: Image Segmentation and Thresholding, Morphological Image Processing, Rock Fragmentation, Particle
Size Distribution.
3. IMAGE ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES Figure 1: The pixel is hit by a raindrop. The raindrop
follows the steepest path toward a local minimum (upper
3.1. Basic Concept diagram). Afterwards, the basin is flooded with water
Assuming that image objects are connected regions of little coming up out of the reached minimum (lower diagram).
grey level variations, one should be able to extract these
regions by using some neighborhood properties. Indeed, a
high grey scale variation between two adjacent pixels may
indicate that these two pixels belong to different objects. This
assumption does not hold directly for textured objects
because grey level variations within a textured object may be
higher than those occurring at the object boundaries.
However, local texture measurements can be performed so
as to obtain similar values for pixels belonging to similar
textures and therefore high variations between two neighbor
pixels belonging to two different textured regions.
In the case of region growing, homogeneous regions are
first located. The growth of these regions is based on
similarity measurements combining spatial and spectral Figure 2: The watershed lines and catchment basins.
attributes. It proceeds until all pixels of the image are
assigned to a region. Region boundaries are created when Before going to the definition of watershed transformation
two growing regions meet. it is necessary to understand some basic fundamental
Edge detection techniques proceed the opposite way. As concepts.
the image objects are assumed to show little grey level
variations, their edges are characterized by high grey level 3.3. Graphs
variations in their neighborhood. The task of edge detection is A graph G = (V, E) consists of a set V of vertices (or
to enhance and detect these variations. Local grey level nodes) and a set E VxV of pairs of vertices. In a
intensity variations are enhanced by a gradient operator. The (un)directed graph the set E consists of (un)ordered pairs
gradient image is then used to determine an edge map. A (v,w). Instead of directed graph we will also write digraph.
basic approach consists in thresholding the gradient image An unordered pair (v,w) is called an edge, an ordered pair
for all values greater than a given threshold level. (v,w) an arc. If e = (v,w) is an edge (arc), e is said to be
Unfortunately, the resulting edges are seldom connected. An incident with its vertices v and w; conversely, v and w are
additional processing is then required to obtain closed called incident with e. We also call v and w neighbors. The
contours corresponding to object boundaries. set of vertices, which are neighbors of, v is denoted by
The morphological approach to image segmentation NG(v). A path of length l in a graph G=(V,E) from vertex p
combines region growing and edge detection techniques: to vertex q is a sequence of vertices (p0, p1,........, pl-1,pl)
it groups the image pixels around the regional minima of the such that p0=p1,=q, and (pi, pi-1,) E, (0,l). The length
image and the boundaries of adjacent grouping are of a path is denoted by length(). A path is called simple
precisely located along the crest lines of the gradient if all its vertices are distinct. If there exists a path from a
image. This is achieved by a transformation called the vertex p to a vertex q, then we say that q is reachable from
watershed transformation. p, denoted as p q.
An undirected graph is connected if every vertex is
3.2. The watershed transformation reachable from every other vertex. A graph G=(V,E) is
Let us consider the topographic representation of a grey called a subgraph of G=(V,E) if V V, E E, and the
level tone image. Now, let a drop of water fall on such a elements of E are incident with vertices from V only. A
topographic surface. According to the law of gravitation, it connected component of a graph is a maximal connected
Table 1:
The effect of different blasting parameters on n
Figure 4: Mechanical size measurement (sieving using a
particular mesh size). Serial Parameter n increases as
No the Parameter
Sorting can be expressed by various statistical
methods. The simplest of these is the measurement of 1. Burden/hole diameter Decreases
the central tendency of which there are three commonly 2. Drilling accuracy Increases
used parameters: the median, the mode, and the mean. 3. Charge length/bench height Increases
The median grain size is that which separates 50% of 4. Spacing/burden Increases
the sample from the other; the median is the 50