Aridity and Drought

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Chapter 2

Aridity and Drought

2.1 Definition of Aridity

Aridity is a term that most people conceptually understand, and it evokes images
of dry, desert lands with sparse natural surface-water bodies and rainfall, and
commonly only scant vegetation, which is adapted to a paucity of water. Aridity
has a wide variety of landscape manifestations (Fig. 2.1) including barren rock
hills and plains, sand dune fields, and vegetation dominated by cacti and other
xerophytic plants. Despite their usual parched appearance, deserts can become
remarkably verdant when rain does fall (Fig. 2.1d). The primary focus of this book
is largely on arid and semiarid lands with warm climates in which water scarcity is
more severe because of greater populations and associated water use. However,
aridity also occurs in regions with cold climates in which precipitation falls mainly
as snow. Much of Antarctica and the Arctic slope of Alaska are considered to be
polar deserts because they receive little net precipitation each year (Smiley and
Zumberge 1971).
Non-technical dictionaries typically define the word arid with respect to climate
in terms such as barren, parched, dry or without moisture, or as having insufficient
water, rainfall or precipitation to support vegetation or agriculture. However, it is
difficult to define arid precisely and delineate the boundary between different
degrees or levels of aridity or its opposite, humidity. For example, what is the
threshold for an area to be considered arid instead of semiarid and what are the
specific landscape and water resources manifestations of an arid versus semiarid
Numerous climatic and biological classifications have been proposed for arid
lands (McGinnies 1988). Aridity, as defined by the shortage of moisture, is
essentially a climatic phenomenon that is based on average climatic conditions
over a region (Agnew and Anderson 1992). A fundamental distinction exists
between aridity, which is a long-term climatic phenomenon and droughts, which
are a temporary phenomenon (water deficit). Thornthwaite (1948) recognized that

R. Maliva and T. Missimer, Arid Lands Water Evaluation and Management, 21

Environmental Science and Engineering, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-29104-3_2,
 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
22 2 Aridity and Drought

Fig. 2.1 Desert landscapes. a Rocky desert in southwestern Jordan (photo by Weixing Guo).
b Sand dune field in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. c East coast of Aruba, near Noord.
d Sonoran Desert near Phoenix, Arizona, USA, after rains

whether a climate is moist or dry is dependent upon both the amount of precipi-
tation and whether or not the precipitation is greater or less than the water needed
to offset evaporation and plant transpiration, which are collectively termed
evapotranspiration (ET). In other words, aridity is a function of both precipitation
and the potential evapotranspiration rate (ETp). An additional factor effecting
aridity is temperature and the annual timing of precipitation. Rainfall during cold
seasons is more effective in areas with a sufficiently high temperature for plant
growth, because less water is lost to direct evapotranspiration during cold periods
than in the hot season (Walton 1969).
Potential evapotranspiration is the amount of transfer of water to the atmo-
sphere that would be possible under ideal conditions of soil moisture and vege-
tation (Thornthwaite 1948). Penman (1948, 1956) more precisely defined potential
evapotranspiration as the amount of water transpired in a given time by a short
green crop, completely shading the ground, of uniform height and with adequate
water status in the soil profile. A critical issue for arid region water resources is
the difference between ETp and the actual rate of evapotranspiration (ETa).
Potential evaporation rates in some arid regions (e.g., Arabian Peninsula) may
exceed 4 m (13.1 ft) per year. However, the actual rate of evapotranspiration in
land areas depends upon the amount of moisture available. A characteristic feature
of warm arid land areas is that ETa rates are actually very low because of the
2.1 Definition of Aridity 23

paucity of water that is available for transfer to the atmosphere. On the contrary,
the ETa rates of surface water bodies in arid lands are very high, approaching ETp
values. The high ETa rates results in a loss of water and the concentration of salts.

2.2 Aridity Indices

Numerous numerical indices have been proposed to quantify the degree of dryness
of a climate at a given location, and thus define climatic zones. Aridity indices
were reviewed by Walton (1969) and Stadler (2005). There is a lack of agreement
over the approaches used to delineate the exact boundaries between lands having
different levels of aridity, although there is an agreement over the general location
of arid regions (Agnew and Anderson 1992). Aridity indices inherently include an
element of circularity in that they are calibrated against known aridity patterns. For
example, the Atacama Desert of northern Chile is widely recognized to be the
driest desert in the world. Hence, the numerical thresholds for the extremely arid
or hyperaridity category for aridity indices are based on the values of the indices
for the Atacama Desert and similar areas.
Several commonly used aridity indices are discussed herein to illustrate basic
concepts. From a practical water management perspective, aridity indices do not
have much relevance. It is typically self-evident that an arid region under inves-
tigation is indeed arid. Nor is there a strong reason to prefer one index to another
with respect to water management. Aridity indices have greater value for the
tracking the effects of climate change on local water resources, if sufficiently
accurate data are available for mapping local changes in the values of the indices
over time.
The simplest aridity index is based solely on precipitation. A commonly used
rainfall-based definition is that an arid region receives less than 10-in or 250 mm of
precipitation per year. This criterion for aridity was used by the Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC 2007). Semiarid regions are commonly defined by
annual rainfalls between 10 and 20-in (250 and 500 mm).
The UNESCO (1979) aridity index (AI) is based on the ratio of annual pre-
cipitation (P) and potential evapotranspiration rates as follows:
AI 2:1
ET p
where, ETp is calculated using the Penman (1948) formula. The UNESCO system
is attractive in that it is conceptually and operationally simple and is based solely
on the two main parameters that define aridity. Warm arid regions have low P and
high ETp rates and thus very low AI values. UNESCO (1979) proposed a classi-
fication of climate zones based on AI index, in which arid regions are defined by
an index of less than 0.20 (Table 2.1). Alternative versions of the classification use
an AI value for 0.05 for the boundary between hyperarid and arid regions.
24 2 Aridity and Drought

Table 2.1 UNESCO (1979) Classification Aridity index

Aridity classification
Hyperarid AI \ 0.03
Arid 0.03 \ AI \ 0.20
Semi-arid 0.20 \ AI \ 0.50
Dry subhumid 0.50 \ AI \ 0.65

Data on local ETp rates may not be available, which constrains the use of the
UNESCO index. The De Martonne (1926) aridity index (Am) instead uses tem-
perature as a proxy for ETp as follows:
Am 2:2
T 10
where, P (cm) is the annual precipitation and T (C) the annual mean temperature.
The equation is appropriate for temperatures greater than 9.9C. The De
Martonne aridity index decreases (approaches zero) with increasing aridity.
The Thornthwaite (1948) classification scheme, and variations thereof, is also
commonly used to map the distribution of non-polar dry lands. Meigs (1953)
prepared a map of the distribution of non-polar arid regions for UNESCO based on
the Thornthwaite classification, which still widely cited (Fig. 2.2). Thornthwaite
(1948) defined indices of humidity (Ih) and aridity (Ia) as follows:
100 s
Ih 2:3
100 d
Ia 2:4
s = surplus water, which is defined as the sum of the monthly difference between
precipitation (P) and ETp for those months when P exceeds ETP (cm)
d = water deficiency, which is defined as the sum of the monthly difference between
ETP and precipitation (P) and for those months when ETp exceeds P (cm)
n = water need, which is the sum of monthly values of potential evapotranspiration
for the surplus or deficiency months (cm).
Thornthwaite (1948) then defined the moisture index (Im) as follows:
100 s  60 d
Im Ih  0:6Ia or 2:5
Thornthwaite (1948) considered the semiarid climate type to have a moisture
index between 20 and 40 and the arid climate type to have a moisture index
between 40 and 60.
It must be emphasized that the exact numerical cut-offs between the different
climate classes are arbitrary lines drawn in a climatic continuum and that they do
not represent a fundamental climatic change. For example, the climatic different
2.2 Aridity Indices 25

Sonoran Lut
30 Taklimakan
Sahara Arabian Thar

0o Somali-Chalbi

Hyperarid 30
Arid Kalahari Great Sandy
Semiarid Simpson
0 2000 km Patagonian

Fig. 2.2 Map of distribution of non-polar arid lands (after Meigs 1953). Source http://pubs.usgs.

between areas with UNESCO aridity indices of 0.19 and 0.21 would not be sig-
nificant yet they would be assigned to different classifications (arid and semiarid,

2.3 Causes of Aridity

Rainfall occurs when moist air is cooled through either the process of ascent,
mixing, radiation cooling, or contact cooling. The processes leading to aridity tend
to prevent such cooling through maintaining air stability, creating temperature
inversions, or through warming of the atmosphere. Descending air tends to get
warmer, which decreases its relative humidity and increases its dryness. Most
arid lands lie in the tropics and therefore, receive substantial inputs of solar
radiation energy, which can be expended on heating the environment, wind gen-
eration, or be utilized for evaporation (Walton 1969; Agnew and Anderson 1992).
There are four main causes of regional aridity (Thompson 1975; Agnew and
Anderson 1992):
(1) High pressure: Air heated at the equator rises, moves towards the poles, and
then descends in the subtropics at around 20 to 30 north and south latitude
(Fig. 2.3a). Compression and warming of the descending air mass leads to dry
and stable atmospheric conditions (e.g., Sahara Desert). This atmospheric
circulation pattern is referred to as the Hadley cell.
(2) Continental winds: Winds blowing across continental interiors have a reduced
opportunity to absorb moisture and are fairly stable with low humidity (e.g.,
SW Asia, Middle East). It is not the absolute distance from oceans that is
important, but rather the distance from the ocean along the moist airstream
flow paths (Walton 1969).
26 2 Aridity and Drought


Horse latitudes (30 N)

Trade winds Hadley


Trade winds Hadley

Horse latitudes (30 S)

Prevailing wind direction
Rain shadow
Descending air warms and picks up
Rising air cools and available moisture

Fig. 2.3 Cause of aridity. a Hadley cell circulation. Air is warmed and rises to the top of
troposphere near the equator. The cooled air descends in the subtropics, creating a zone of dry
and stable high-pressure conditions. b Rain shadow effect. Rising air at the windward slope of
mountain ranges cools and loses moisture. Descending air on the leeward sides of mountains
warms during descent, decreasing its relative humidity

(3) Rain shadow effect: The cooling of air forced aloft by mountain ranges causes
precipitation and a loss of moisture. The descending air on the leeward side of
the ranges is warmer at a given altitude compared to the windward side
because of the greater adiabatic lapse rates (rate of temperature change with
elevation) of dry air compared to moist or saturated air. The windward sides of
mountain ranges may have high rates of precipitation, while the leeward sides
(a relatively short geographic distance away) may have semiarid or arid
conditions (e.g., northern Rocky Mountains USA) (Fig. 2.3b).
(4) Cold ocean currents: Cold ocean currents near land can cool the lower
atmospheric, but warmer air aloft creates a temperature inversion that prevents
the ascent of air and thus precipitation. As the cool air moves inland it is
warmed and as a result its humidity decreases (e.g., coastal Peru, Oman, and
Aridity is mainly the result of large-scale, persistent, atmospheric and oceanic
circulations patterns or regional geography and topography. The cause of aridity is
2.3 Causes of Aridity 27

not generally germane to local groundwater management. Aridity, and associated

water scarcity, is a long-term, hydrologic and climatic condition with which local
populations must adapt irrespective of its cause. However, the cause of aridity is
significant within the context of global climate change, which may impact global
atmospheric and oceanic circulation patterns (Chap. 39). For example, global
warming may result in an expansion or shift of the Hadley cells, which could
increase the extent and change the positions of the subtropical dry zones.

2.4 Droughts

2.4.1 Definition of Droughts

Drought is a concept that is generally understood on a basic level, but is difficult to

quantify. Palmer (1965, p. 2) defined a drought as a meteorological phenomenon
that is characterized by prolonged and abnormal moisture deficiency, and more
specifically (p. 3) as
An interval of time, generally on the order of months or years in duration, during which
the actual moisture supply at a given place rather consistently falls short of climatically
expected or climatically appropriate moisture supply.

A drought can alternatively be broadly defined as a temporary, recurring

reduction in the precipitation in an area. Key words are temporary, reduction
and recurring. The term reduction implies that water levels are less than what
are considered normal. The term recurring signifies that droughts are a normal
part of the climatic cycle. Droughts are thus not abnormal events, but are rather
low-end extremes in the normal variation in the overall water supply.
Aridity and drought are not synonymous. Aridity is a measure of long-term
average climatic conditions. Both humid and arid regions experience droughts.
However, the inter-year variation in precipitation is greater in arid regions and
there is a greater probability of below average precipitation in any particular year
(Smakhtim and Schipper 2008). Arid regions are thus more prone to droughts and
may experience more severe impacts from droughts.
The definition of drought has real world consequences. The misidentification of
recurring temporary dry spells as droughts, which implies an extreme abnormal
situation, can result in societies becoming maladapted and increasingly vulnerable
because of unnecessary asset depletion or inappropriate mitigation measures
(Smakhtin and Schipper 2008). As noted by Smatkhtin and Schipper (2008, p. 137)
If people, agriculture and industries are adversely affected by normal climatic fluctuations,
the problem is not really related to drought. Instead, this points to a high vulnerability of
the population and/or economic sectors to already existing climatic variability.

Frequent droughts at a specific location suggest that a problem with the

quantitative definition of a drought is likely (Smakhtin and Schipper 2008).
28 2 Aridity and Drought

Frequent droughts in a region could be a temporary statistical anomaly (i.e.,

chance occurrence of multiple rare events within a short time period), an unrec-
ognized cycle rooted in global climate variation (e.g., a dry phase of a multi-
decadal climatic cycle), a manifestation of a longer-term change in local climate to
more arid conditions, or perhaps reflect a poor characterization of local climate
conditions. Insufficient monitoring data may be available to properly statistically
characterize the true natural variations in rainfall. Apparent frequent droughts may
occur if the historic climatic record for a station coincides with a wetter than
normal period, and current rainfall patterns are close to the drier norm.
Persistence of drought conditions may indicate the onset of drier conditions due
to climate change, requiring the reevaluation of what is normal (Agnew and
Anderson 1992), at least on a water management time scale. Cyclicity in climatic
conditions occurs on multiple-time scales, ranging upwards to the 10,000s of
years for the Earth orbital-driven (Milankovitch) glacial cycles (Hays et al. 1976;
Muller and MacDonald 1997; Roe 2006). Shorter-term climatic variations, such as
the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) and Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation
(AMO), appear to have a major influence on multidecadal drought frequency in
some areas (e.g., United States; McCabe et al. 2004).
The definition of droughts needs to consider (Dracup et al. 1980):
nature of the water deficit that is being considered (e.g., precipitation, stream
flow, soil moisture)
averaging period (e.g., days, months, years)
selection of the truncation level (cut off) to separate droughts from the
remainder of the time and
regional aspects.
A drought is a period of less than normal water supply, which needs to be
considered within the context of the temporal pattern of local uses of water and
how they can be altered or redistributed to temporarily meet the demands. The
nature of the water deficit that is considered should be that which has the greatest
impact on mans activities in the affected area (Dracup et al. 1980). For example, if
an area is dependent on hydroelectric power, streamflow may be the water-supply
parameter of primary interest. On the contrary, soil moisture will be a critical
parameter in areas that practice dryland agriculture. However, water-supply
shortages ultimately stem from meteorological conditions.
Climatic data are typical evaluated using smoothing techniques to reduce the
affects of random fluctuations and to evaluate and clarify long-term trends in a
time-series of data (e.g., daily rainfall readings). A common technique is moving
average smoothing, which is either the sum or average value over a specific
averaging period. For example, the trailing moving six-month total rainfall for a
given time period is the sum of daily rainfall values over the 6 month period
immediately preceding the established starting date. Increasing the averaging
period tends to reduce the variance of the data and smooth out fluctuations.
The selection of the averaging period for a particular water-supply investigation
is dependent almost entirely on the purpose of the study (Dracup et al. 1980) and
2.4 Droughts 29

the sensitivity of the system to water deficits of varying durations and magnitudes.
Shorter averaging periods will result in a greater number of calculated drought
(extreme) events. Shorter averaging periods will also result in increased serial
correlation in which conditions during a given time period are affected by previous
conditions (i.e., time periods are not independent events). For example, single
months in which the total monthly rainfall is 20% below normal (i.e., long-term
mean) will occur more frequently than months in which the trailing 12 month total
rainfall total was 20 % below normal.
The deficit period used to define a drought needs to consider the sensitivity of
local populations to water deficits of different durations. Using the above example,
a rainfall deficiency over a single month may not have significant adverse impacts
and thus would not qualify as a drought. However, a 20 % deficiency in rainfall
over a 12-month period may over-tax available water storage and supply infra-
structure and, therefore, have serious societal impacts.
A critical issue for identifying and quantifying droughts is the local historic
rainfall distribution (i.e., what is normal?). The size of the historical water
supply data is important in determining the type and accuracy of the analysis that
may be performed. The sample size must be large enough to guarantee that sample
statistics are reasonable approximations of the corresponding population param-
eters (Dracup et al. 1980). The frequency of rare statistical events (e.g., 100-year
drought) inherently has large uncertainties if there are limited historical data.
For a region to receive its long-term average annual precipitation in a year is a
rare event. Most years will be either wetter or drier than the mean or median. The
key issue concerning the definition of drought is when does a deficiency in pre-
cipitation (or stream flow or soil moisture) reach a threshold (truncation level) so
that a region is experiencing a true drought as opposed to just a drier than normal
year (i.e., temporary dry spell). In addition to intensity (i.e., magnitude of the
precipitation deficiency), droughts must also be defined in terms of duration. The
severity of a drought is the product of the magnitude of the water supply deficit
and its duration. It is generally understood that a drought is a prolonged water
shortage relative to the climatic norm at a location, but the necessary length of
time for a dry period to become a drought is not universally defined and may
ultimately depend upon local circumstances and impacts.
Droughts have a relatively strong spatial component in arid regions because of
the spatial variability of rainfall (S
en 2008). Nearby areas, thus, may have different
exposures to a drought depending upon where infrequent rainfalls occurred. Local
areas may also be impacted by droughts caused by deficits in rainfall elsewhere in
a watershed. Downstream communities dependent on river flows for water supply,
for example, can be impacted by rainfall deficits in the upper basin of rivers.
Although droughts are ultimately a meteorological phenomenon, from a water
management perspective, they are usually defined in terms of their impacts, par-
ticularly on human activities. A myriad of definitions of droughts have been
proposed in the technical literature, which involves consideration of the magnitude
of the reduction in water supply, the normal variation in water supply, the impacts
of the reductions, and ideally a quantitative criterion (or criteria) for when the
30 2 Aridity and Drought

reduction in water supply reaches the drought threshold. Smakhtin and Schipper
(2008) cautioned that because of the difference in drought manifestations, there
cannot and probably should not be a universal quantitative definition of a drought.
Several different general types of droughts have been recognized, which were
proposed by Subrahmanyam (1967), Matthai (1979) and Wilhite and Glantz
(1985), and subsequently discussed in numerous papers and reports (e.g., Agnew
and Anderson 1992; Williams-Sether et al. 1994; National Drought Mitigation
Center 2006). The main drought types are:
meteorological drought, which is defined only in terms of precipitation defi-
ciencies, in absolute amounts, for a given period
climatological drought, which is defined in terms of precipitation deficiencies, in
percentages of normal values
atmospheric drought, which is defined not only in terms of precipitation defi-
ciencies but also in terms of temperature, humidity, or wind speed
agricultural drought, which is defined principally in terms of soil moisture and
plant behavior
hydrologic drought, which is defined in terms of reduction of streamflow,
reduction in lake or reservoir storage, and lowering of ground-water levels
socioeconomic drought, which occurs when the demand for an economic good
exceeds supply as a result of a weather-related shortfall in water supply
water-management drought, which characterize water-supply shortages caused by
the failure of water-management practices or facilities, such as an integrated water-
supply system and surface or subsurface storage, to bridge normal or abnormal dry
periods and equalize the water supply throughout the year (Matthai 1979).
Regulatory droughts may be added to this list, whereby water may be physically
available, but its use is precluded by regulatory policy. For example, groundwater
or surface water abstractions may be limited at times in order to maintain envi-
ronmental flows in streams or wetland water levels. However, every type of
drought is always ultimately a meteorological drought (Smakhtin and Schipper
2008). An important distinction is between drought and drought impacts. As can
be observed in the listed definitions, the term drought is frequently used to refer
to the adverse impacts of the deficiency in rainfall, rather than to the deficiency of
rainfall as a meteorological event (Smakhtin and Schipper 2008). The local
societal impacts of droughts (i.e., water deficiencies), depend upon the adaptive
capacity of the affected societies. Societies vary greatly in their capacity to cope
with temporary water scarcity.

2.4.2 Impacts of Drought

In economic terms, droughts are the most costly natural disaster to strike the
United States (Cook et al. 2007) and many other countries. The primary impact of
droughts is on food production, as agriculture is by far the largest water user.
2.4 Droughts 31

Droughts may also have severe environmental, economic, and social impacts. The
environmental and socioeconomic impacts of droughts are controlled to a large
degree by the duration of droughts, rather than their severity, because recovery
from the cumulative damage of consecutive drought years is more difficult (Cook
et al. 2007). The impacts of drought also depend upon human and ecosystem
demand for water, available water-resources management capabilities and prac-
tices, as well as the meteorological and hydrological characteristics of the drought
(Loucks and Gladwell 1999).
Vulnerability to droughts depends in part on the gap between average water use
and the safe yield of a system (Frederick and Schwarz 2000), and the adaptive
capacity of the water system and society as a whole. The greatest vulnerability
occurs when water supplies are already stretched to meet demands during normal
hydrologic conditions. Many regions simply do not have the food, water, and
economic resources to overcome multiple-year droughts, particularly in water-
stressed regions where resources even during normal years may be barely adequate
(or inadequate) to meet local needs (e.g., Ethiopia and some other African coun-
tries). Vulnerability to droughts is also related to whether the primary water source
is groundwater or surface water. Areas dependent on surface water tend to be more
vulnerable to droughts because the impacts of reduced precipitation are felt quicker.
On the contrary, urban areas that are supplied water primarily by desalination (e.g.,
many major coastal cities the Middle East), have a very low vulnerability to
droughts. The impact of droughts also depends upon the degree of societal devel-
opment, its per capita GDP, and the density of the rural population (Le Hourou
1996). Droughts have also had severe impacts on some ancient cultures, and may
have contributed to, or were the primary cause of the cultural collapse (Chap. 21).
The human and economic impacts of droughts have a strong spatial component.
To local communities facing the brunt of drought conditions, the impacts can be
catastrophic, including loss of income, malnutrition, starvation, and migration.
However, the impacts of drought decrease at greater geographic and political
scales, and some regions or economic groups may actually benefit from droughts.
For example, unaffected farmers may benefit from higher prices for their crops
(Frederick and Schwarz 2000).
Planning for and adapting to drought conditions are complicated by droughts
usually lacking a clearly defined beginning and often a clearly defined end (Loucks
and Gladwell 1999). Droughts have a slow initiation and they are usually only
recognized when the drought is already well established. The slow initiation and
undefined end of a drought makes it very difficult to take defensive actions (Pereira
et al. 2002). A period of drier than normal conditions could be either a dry spell
that is about to end, the onset of longer-term drought that will have severe impacts
on water users, the beginning of an unrecognized natural climatic fluctuation, or
the beginning of a climatic change to increasing aridity. Megadroughts lasting for
decades or centuries have been documented in the paleoclimatic record (Sect. 21.8).
Similarly, a period of rainfall during a drought may represent either the breaking of
the drought condition or just a temporary, short-term event in a continuing
32 2 Aridity and Drought

drought. An important challenge is the development of prediction and early

warning skills to provide lead time to implement policies and measures to mitigate
the effects of droughts (Pereira et al. 2002).

2.4.3 Drought Indices

A variety of drought indices have been developed to quantify whether or not a

region is experiencing a drought and to categorize the seriousness of the drought.
Water resources need to be managed on a continuous basis, so whether or not water
shortages cross a specified numerical threshold does not have great operational
significance. Drought indices are useful for mapping regional water supply trends,
both temporal and spatial. Drought indices are also used to define disaster condi-
tions that qualify for government assistance and where and when emergency water
restrictions may be required. Drought indices were reviewed by Hayes (2007). Percentage of Normal Precipitation

The percentage of normal precipitation is the actual precipitation divided by

the local normal precipitation (e.g., 30-year mean) and multiplied by 100%. The
percentage of normal precipitation is calculated for a variety of time scales. The
limitation of percentage of normal precipitation is that rainfall is not normally
distributed and in arid regions the mean rainfall may be substantially greater than
the median rainfall because data are skewed by infrequent major wet events. The
advantage of the method is its simplicity and understandability. Palmer Drought Severity Index

The Palmer Drought Severity Index (Palmer 1965) is a soil moisture balance
method in which the primary inputs are precipitation, evapotranspiration, and
the soil available water capacity (AWC). Evapotranspiration is calculated using the
Thornthwaite (1948) formula. The PDSI is widely used in the United States and was
derived so that a given index value has the same climatological meaning regardless
of location. The limitations of the method were described by Alley (1984), which
included its complexity. Application of the PDSI is difficult in many parts of the
world due to the absence of the data required for its application (S
en 2008). Standardized Precipitation Index

Standardized precipitation is defined as the difference from the mean for a specified
time period divided by the standard deviation, where the mean and standard
deviation are determined from past records (McKee et al. 1993). SPI values are
2.4 Droughts 33

calculated for various time scales. The long-term precipitation data are fitted to a
probability distribution, which are transformed to a normal distribution so the mean
SPI for the location and time period is zero. Drought occurs when the SPI
continuously reaches an intensity of 1.0 or less and ends when the SPI becomes
positive. The SPI is the most widely used drought index and has the advantage that
it is based only on precipitation and, thus, has a lesser data requirement than the

2.5 Deserts and Desertification

The term desert is usually loosely defined as an area receiving little rainfall.
Deserts are often described in terms of the manifestations of their water scarcity,
such as the absence of permanent surface water bodies (with the exception of
rivers originating outside of the desert), an often sparse flora that is adapted to dry
conditions (xerophytes), and a sandy or rocky land cover. The term desert is
widely used synonymously with arid and hyperarid regions. The US Geological
Survey defines desert as a region receiving less than 10 inches (25 cm) of rainfall
per year.
Desertification is the defined by the United Nations Convention to Combat
Desertification (UNCCD) to mean land degradation in arid, semiarid, and dry
sub-humid areas resulting from various factors including climatic variations and
human activities. Land degradation is in turn defined as the reduction or loss of the
biological or economic productivity of land (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
2005). The UNCCD definition is, in some respects, unsatisfactory in that it
includes both natural and anthropogenic causes, which is an important distinction.
Mitigation options are available for anthropogenic desertification, which includes
discontinuing or modifying the activities responsible for land degradation, which
may not be a practical alternative to cope with natural desertification. Natural
desertification is a normal process resulting from climatic change. For example,
the Sahara Desert has alternated between wet (savanna) and desert conditions
during Pleistocene and Holocene time in response to natural global climate
changes (Haynes 2001; White and Mattingly 2006).
Desertification is recognized as being one of the greatest threats to global food
security. It is common in dry lands, but is by no means restricted to these areas
(Le Hourou 1996). The term desertification is not applied to natural deserts.
Desertification has been occurring for more than a thousand years, but it was not
until the 20th century that it was considered to be a serious problem because the
option had earlier been available to move on to new lands (Dregne 1986).
Desertification is a process, and there is no firm agreement as to what the
threshold is for land to be considered desertified. It is recognized that there is a
continuum in the degree of desertification. Dregne and Nan-Ting (1992) categorize
degrees of desertification, ranging from slight to very severe, based on the declines
in agricultural productivity. Very severely desertified land was considered by
34 2 Aridity and Drought

Dregne and Nan-Ting (1992) to have decreases in productivity of 50 % or more.

The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (2005) suggested a broader, but more
difficult to measure, criterion of a decrease to the capacity of ecosystems to supply

2.5.1 Great Plains Dust Bowl of the 1930s

Perhaps the best known example of desertification is the Dust Bowl, which
impacted the Great Plains of the Western United States in the 1930s. The Dust
Bowl was one of greatest environmental catastrophes ever. It affected approxi-
mately 400,000 km2 (100,000,000 acres) of land that was centered in parts of the
states of Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Colorado, and Kansas (Worster 1979).
The name Dust Bowl refers to the enormous dust storms, which in some instances
reached the eastern coast of the United States. Drought conditions and dust storms
destroyed crops, covered lands with sand dunes, suffocated animals, caused
respiratory illnesses in humans, damaged and covered structures, carried away
huge quantities of valuable top soil, and resulted in enormous economic losses
(Fig. 2.4). Hundreds of thousands of people were forced to migrate from the
region. Numerous technical books and articles have been written on the causes
and agricultural, economic, and social impacts of the Dust Bowl. The Dust Bowl
also had profound cultural impacts, which are reflected in novels, movies, and
Droughts are a frequent occurrence in the Great Plains, but dust bowl condi-
tions are not. The ultimate cause of the dust bowl was environmentally mal-
adapted agricultural practices (Worster 1979). The native grasses (sod) in the
Great Plains protect the soil from erosion and also minimized surface water
runoff. In order to maximize wheat production, the land was stripped of its native
vegetation to such an extent that there was no protection against the wind. The
farmers as a matter of pride were at that time referred to as sodbusters.
Agricultural operations expanded greatly in the 1920s due to a combination of
wetter than average conditions and mechanizations, which allowed for larger
farms to be developed.
Worster (1979) discussed the deeper socio-economic causes of the dust bowl.
First was an economic drive for greater prosperity, which drove farmers to plant
more and more wheat, and thus bust more of the native sod. An additional
important factor was a belief that farmers could overcome any deficiencies in the
land and climate. For example, there was at that time what would be considered
now an absurd belief that the rains would follow the plow. Agriculture was
viewed as being autonomous with respect to the environment.
The Dust Bowl revealed the need for improved agricultural practices in the
Great Plains, such as terracing and planting trees to form shelter belts. As the rains
returned and grain prices increased in the 1940s, there was a renewal in the
maladapted agricultural practices that caused the Dust Bowl (Worster 1979).
2.5 Deserts and Desertification 35

Fig. 2.4 Images of the

extreme land degradation
during the Dust Bowl of
American Great Plains in the
1930s. Formerly productive
farm lands were devastated.
(Cimarron County,
Oklahoma, April, 1936,
Arthur Rothstein,
photographer. Source U.S.
Library of Congress

Lessons of the Dust Bowl were quickly forgotten or ignored. The area impacted by
the Dust Bowl has recovered and the Great Plains are called the bread basket of
world for its winter wheat harvest. However, current agriculture is now largely
supported by unsustainable groundwater pumping.
36 2 Aridity and Drought

2.5.2 Causes and Management of Desertification

Desertification in drylands is ultimately the result of long-term failures to balance

demand for and supply of ecosystem services (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
2005). The direct causes of desertification stem largely from drastic reduction or
destruction of the perennial plant cover and a simplification of the vegetation
structure, which results in declines in the structure of soils. Soils become subject to
erosion by wind and water, salinization by evaporation, trampling by animals, and
water logging in topographic depressions (Le Hourou 1996). Anthropogenic
factors that can result in desertification include over-exploitation, over-grazing,
bad irrigation practices, illegal and excessive logging, bush and forest fires, and
deforestation due to population increases (Le Hourou 1996; Holtz 2008).
Desertification and land degradation are not sudden, spectacular events, but rather
gradual processes usually resulting from continued poor land management
Land areas differ in their susceptibility to degradation depending upon their
characteristics and climate (Eswaran et al. 2001). However, it has been observed
that lands that are kept free from human and livestock interference (e.g., unin-
habited areas, parks, and preserves) usually do not undergo any kind of degra-
dation or desertification even under drought conditions (Dregne 1986; Le Hourou
1996). Native plant and animal communities are typically adapted to survive
droughts and recover once drought conditions ease. Adverse climatic conditions
may not be the primary cause of desertification, but may trigger or accelerate the
process (Le Hourou 1996). The deadly combination is land abuse during good
periods and its continuation during periods of deficient rainfall (Dregne 1986).
Desertification is having profound impacts on many societies as it results in
reduced land productivity, and thus the food supply, causing or aggravating
famine, malnutrition, poverty, and migratory movements (Holtz 2008). It is a long-
lasting process that can have irreversible consequences for the production potential
of the land and the local environment. Many areas that are particularly vulnerable
to desertification, such as semiarid to weakly arid regions of Africa and Asia,
cannot afford losses in agricultural productivity (Eswaran et al. 2001). As lands
can no longer sustain their current populations, people are forced to migrate to
other lands (increasing their population) or to urban slums (Le Hourou 1996).
Increases in population due to the influx of migrants can, in turn, exacerbate
local desertification. Over 1 billion people in over 100 countries are directly
affected by desertification or are at risk (Holtz 2008) and an estimated 250 million
people in developing countries have already been affected by severe land degra-
dation (Reynolds et al. 2007).
Desertified land can be restored. Indeed, when money is of no concern, virtually
any land can be restored to something approximating its original productivity
(Dregne and Nan-Ting 1992). Restoration of desertified lands is cost-effective if
the income generated as a result of restoration exceeds the costs of the restoration.
Economic analyses of land restoration are complicated, particularly in developing
2.5 Deserts and Desertification 37

countries, because of the difficulty in quantifying local crop values and labor costs
for what is considered to be subsistence farming. Nevertheless, Dregne and Nan-
Ting (1992) calculated that 1,860 billon hectares (7.2 million mi2) of desertified
land could be repaired at a cost-benefit ratio of about 1:2.5. Although, the numbers
will be different under present-day land and economic conditions, there is little
doubt that restoration of other than very severely desertified land can be very cost
There is a huge amount of literature on all aspects of desertification and land
use practices, including numerous dedicated books and many hundreds of journal
articles and conference proceedings papers. Desertification is largely a land
management rather than water management issue, and hence, is not a major focus
of this book. The discussion of desertification herein is thus necessarily superficial.
Nevertheless, it is important to recognize that desertification is intertwined with
water management on many levels. Increased integration of land and water
management and a proactive strategy are key methods for desertification pre-
vention (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment 2005).
A key issue is that dryland human-environmental systems are coupled,
dynamic, and co-adapting, and are the product of complex interactions between
biophysical and human subsystems that are constantly changing in response to
both external and internal drivers (Reynolds et al. 2007). On a large-scale level,
vulnerability to desertification is generally inversely related to water availability.
However, increasing the availability of water can have negative local impacts on
the land. For example, overgrazing was inadvertently made worse in parts of the
Sahel by the drilling of additional wells that provided year-long drinking water for
livestock, which resulted in the concentration of grazing around the wells, thereby
causing desertification (Dregne 1986).
Poor land management and irrigation practices are also often associated. For
example, land degradation caused by salinization and water-logging is often
related largely to local irrigation water management practices, particularly inad-
equate drainage. Declines in soil structure associated with desertification can
adversely impact the water holding capacity and infiltration rates through soils. As
more water runs off the land surface, less is retained in the soil and available for
local recharge. Countries, communities, and individuals not having the resources
(physical, technical, human, governance, and economic) to sustainably manage
soil resources face similar challenges with respect to water resources.


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