Introduction to LATEX 2
Or LATEX 2 in 157 minutes
by Tobias Oetiker
Hubert Partl, Irene Hyna and Elisabeth Schlegl
LATEX [1] is a typesetting system that is very suitable for producing scientific
and mathematical documents of high typographical quality. It is also suitable
for producing all sorts of other documents, from simple letters to complete
books. LATEX uses TEX [2] as its formatting engine.
This short introduction describes LATEX 2 and should be sufficient for
most applications of LATEX. Refer to [1, 3] for a complete description of the
LATEX system.
Chapter 1 tells you about the basic structure of LATEX 2 documents. You
will also learn a bit about the history of LATEX. After reading this
chapter, you should have a rough understanding how LATEX works.
Chapter 5 shows how to use LATEX for creating graphics. Instead of drawing
a picture with some graphics program, saving it to a file and then
including it into LATEX, you describe the picture and have LATEX draw
it for you.
It is important to read the chapters in orderthe book is not that big, after
all. Be sure to carefully read the examples, because a lot of the information
is in the examples placed throughout the book.
LATEX is available for most computers, from the PC and Mac to large UNIX
and VMS systems. On many university computer clusters you will find that
a LATEX installation is available, ready to use. Information on how to access
the local LATEX installation should be provided in the Local Guide [5]. If you
have problems getting started, ask the person who gave you this booklet.
The scope of this document is not to tell you how to install and set up a
LATEX system, but to teach you how to write your documents so that they
can be processed by LATEX.
If you need to get hold of any LATEX related material, have a look at one of
the Comprehensive TEX Archive Network (CTAN) sites. The homepage is
You will find other references to CTAN throughout the book, especially
pointers to software and documents you might want to download. Instead of
writing down complete urls, I just wrote CTAN: followed by whatever location
within the CTAN tree you should go to.
If you want to run LATEX on your own computer, take a look at what is
available from CTAN://systems.
Aarweg 15
4600 Olten
Preface v
2 Typesetting Text 17
2.1 The Structure of Text and Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.2 Line Breaking and Page Breaking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.2.1 Justified Paragraphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.2.2 Hyphenation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.3 Ready-Made Strings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.4 Special Characters and Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
4 Specialities 83
4.1 Including Encapsulated PostScript . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
4.2 Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
4.3 Indexing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
4.4 Fancy Headers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
4.5 The Verbatim Package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
4.6 Installing Extra Packages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
4.7 Working with pdfLATEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
4.7.1 PDF Documents for the Web . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
4.7.2 The Fonts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
4.7.3 Using Graphics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
4.7.4 Hypertext Links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
4.7.5 Problems with Links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
4.7.6 Problems with Bookmarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
4.7.7 Source Compatibility Between LATEX and pdfLATEX . . 97
4.8 Working with XELATEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
4.8.1 The Fonts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
4.8.2 Compatibility Between XELATEX and pdfLATEX . . . . 100
4.9 Creating Presentations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Bibliography 141
Index 144
List of Figures
The first part of this chapter presents a short overview of the philosophy and
history of LATEX 2 . The second part focuses on the basic structures of a LATEX
document. After reading this chapter, you should have a rough knowledge of
how LATEX works, which you will need to understand the rest of this book.
1.1.2 LATEX
LATEX enables authors to typeset and print their work at the highest typo-
graphical quality, using a predefined, professional layout. LATEX was originally
written by Leslie Lamport [1]. It uses the TEX formatter as its typesetting
engine. These days LATEX is maintained by Frank Mittelbach.
LATEX is pronounced Lay-tech or Lah-tech. If you refer to LATEX in
an ASCII environment, you type LaTeX. LATEX 2 is pronounced Lay-tech
two e and typed LaTeX2e.
1.2 Basics
1.2.1 Author, Book Designer, and Typesetter
To publish something, authors give their typed manuscript to a publishing
company. One of their book designers then decides the layout of the document
(column width, fonts, space before and after headings, . . . ). The book designer
writes his instructions into the manuscript and then gives it to a typesetter,
who typesets the book according to these instructions.
A human book designer tries to find out what the author had in mind
while writing the manuscript. He decides on chapter headings, citations,
examples, formulae, etc. based on his professional knowledge and from the
contents of the manuscript.
In a LATEX environment, LATEX takes the role of the book designer and
uses TEX as its typesetter. But LATEX is only a program and therefore
needs more guidance. The author has to provide additional information to
describe the logical structure of his work. This information is written into
the text as LATEX commands.
This is quite different from the WYSIWYG2 approach that most modern
word processors, such as MS Word or LibreOffice, take. With these applica-
tions, authors specify the document layout interactively while typing text
into the computer. They can see on the screen how the final work will look
when it is printed.
When using LATEX it is not normally possible to see the final output while
typing the text, but the final output can be previewed on the screen after
processing the file with LATEX. Then corrections can be made before actually
sending the document to the printer.
The font size and the numbering of headings have to be chosen to make
the structure of chapters and sections clear to the reader.
The line length has to be short enough not to strain the eyes of the
reader, while long enough to fill the page beautifully.
Free add-on packages exist for many typographical tasks not directly
supported by basic LATEX. For example, packages are available to
include PostScript graphics or to typeset bibliographies conforming
to exact standards. Many of these add-on packages are described in
The LATEX Companion [3].
LATEX also has some disadvantages, and I guess its a bit difficult for me to
find any sensible ones, though I am sure other people can tell you hundreds
LATEX does not work well for people who have sold their souls . . .
1.3.1 Spaces
Whitespace characters, such as blank or tab, are treated uniformly as
space by LATEX. Several consecutive whitespace characters are treated as
one space. Whitespace at the start of a line is generally ignored, and a
single line break is treated as whitespace.
An empty line between two lines of text defines the end of a paragraph.
Several empty lines are treated the same as one empty line. The text below
is an example. On the left hand side is the text from the input file, and on
the right hand side is the formatted output.
Rumour says that this is one of the key elements that will be addressed in the upcoming
EX3 system.
1.3 LATEX Input Files 5
The other symbols and many more can be printed with special commands
in mathematical formulae or as accents. The backslash character \ can not
be entered by adding another backslash in front of it (\\); this sequence is
used for line breaking. Use the \textbackslash command instead.
LATEX ignores whitespace after commands. If you want to get a space after
a command, you have to put either an empty parameter {} and a blank or a
special spacing command after the command name. The empty parameter
{} stops LATEX from eating up all the white space after the command name.
\command[optional parameter]{parameter}
The next examples use some LATEX commands. Dont worry about them;
they will be explained later.
When LATEX encounters a % character while processing an input file, it ignores
the rest of the present line, the line break, and all whitespace at the beginning
of the next line.
This can be used to write notes into the input file, which will not show
up in the printed version.
This is an % stupid
% Better: instructive <----
This is an example: Supercalifragilisticex-
example: Supercal%
The % character can also be used to split long input lines where no
whitespace or line breaks are allowed.
For longer comments you could use the comment environment provided by
the verbatim package. Add the line \usepackage{verbatim} to the preamble
of your document as explained below to use this command.
This is another
rather stupid,
This is another example for embedding
but helpful
comments in your document.
example for embedding
comments in your document.
Note that this wont work inside complex environments, like math for
1.4 Input File Structure 7
This specifies what sort of document you intend to write. After that, add
commands to influence the style of the whole document, or load packages
that add new features to the LATEX system. To load such a package you use
the command
When all the setup work is done,4 you start the body of the text with
the command
Now you enter the text mixed with some useful LATEX commands. At
the end of the document you add the
command, which tells LATEX to call it a day. Anything that follows this
command will be ignored by LATEX.
Figure 1.1 shows the contents of a minimal LATEX 2 file. A slightly more
complicated input file is given in Figure 1.2.
Small is beautiful.
some typing involved, so here is how to coax LATEX into compiling your input
file on a text based system. Please note: this description assumes that a
working LATEX installation already sits on your computer.5
1. Edit/Create your LATEX input file. This file must be plain ASCII text.
On Unix all the editors will create just that. On Windows you might
want to make sure that you save the file in ASCII or Plain Text format.
When picking a name for your file, make sure it bears the extension
2. Open a shell or cmd window, cd to the directory where your input file
is located and run LATEX on your input file. If successful you will end
up with a .dvi file. It may be necessary to run LATEX several times to
get the table of contents and all internal references right. When your
input file has a bug LATEX will tell you about it and stop processing
your input file. Type ctrl-D to get back to the command line.
latex foo.tex
3. Now you may view the DVI file. There are several ways to do that.
This is the case with most well groomed Unix Systems, and . . . Real Men use Unix,
so . . . ;-)
% define the title
% generates the title
% insert the table of contents
\section{Some Interesting Words}
Well, and here begins my lovely article.
\section{Good Bye World}
\ldots{} and here it ends.
Figure 1.2: Example of a Realistic Journal Article. Note that all the
commands you see in this example will be explained later in the introduction.
1.6 The Layout of the Document 9
This only works on Unix with X11. If you are on Windows you might
want to try yap (yet another previewer).
Convert the dvi file to PostScript for printing or viewing with
If you are lucky your LATEX system even comes with the dvipdf tool,
which allows you to convert your .dvi files straight into pdf.
dvipdf foo.dvi
Here class specifies the type of document to be created. Table 1.1 lists the
document classes explained in this introduction. The LATEX 2 distribution
provides additional classes for other documents, including letters and slides.
The options parameter customises the behaviour of the document class. The
options have to be separated by commas. The most common options for the
standard document classes are listed in Table 1.2.
Example: An input file for a LATEX document could start with the line
1.6.2 Packages
While writing your document, you will probably find that there are some
areas where basic LATEX cannot solve your problem. If you want to include
graphics, coloured text or source code from a file into your document, you
need to enhance the capabilities of LATEX. Such enhancements are called
packages. Packages are activated with the
command, where package is the name of the package and options is a list
of keywords that trigger special features in the package. The \usepackage
command goes into the preamble of the document. See section 1.4 for details.
Some packages come with the LATEX 2 base distribution (See Table 1.3).
Others are provided separately. You may find more information on the
packages installed at your site in your Local Guide [5]. The prime source for
information about LATEX packages is The LATEX Companion [3]. It contains
descriptions on hundreds of packages, along with information of how to write
your own extensions to LATEX 2 .
Modern TEX distributions come with a large number of packages prein-
stalled. If you are working on a Unix system, use the command texdoc for
accessing package documentation.
minimal is as small as it can get. It only sets a page size and a base font. It
is mainly used for debugging purposes.
report for longer reports containing several chapters, small books, PhD
theses, . . .
slides for slides. The class uses big sans serif letters. You might want to
consider using the Beamer class instead.
1.6 The Layout of the Document 11
10pt, 11pt, 12pt Sets the size of the main font in the document. If no
option is specified, 10pt is assumed.
leqno Places the numbering of formulae on the left hand side instead of
the right.
latexsym To access the LATEX symbol font, you should use the latexsym
package. Described in latexsym.dtx and in The LATEX Companion [3].
This file should be installed on your system, and you should be able to get a dvi file
by typing latex doc.dtx in any directory where you have write permission. The same is
true for all the other files mentioned in this table.
1.7 Files You Might Encounter 13
command defines which one to use. Table 1.4 lists the predefined page styles.
plain prints the page numbers on the bottom of the page, in the middle of
the footer. This is the default page style.
headings prints the current chapter heading and the page number in the
header on each page, while the footer remains empty. (This is the style
used in this document)
It is possible to change the page style of the current page with the
A description how to create your own headers and footers can be found
in The LATEX Companion [3] and in section 4.4 on page 87.
.sty LATEX Macro package. Load this into your LATEX document using the
\usepackage command.
.dtx Documented TEX. This is the main distribution format for LATEX style
files. If you process a .dtx file you get documented macro code of the
LATEX package contained in the .dtx file.
14 Things You Need to Know
.ins The installer for the files contained in the matching .dtx file. If you
download a LATEX package from the net, you will normally get a .dtx
and a .ins file. Run LATEX on the .ins file to unpack the .dtx file.
.cls Class files define what your document looks like. They are selected
with the \documentclass command.
The following files are generated when you run LATEX on your input file:
.dvi Device Independent File. This is the main result of a LATEX compile
run. Look at its content with a DVI previewer program or send it to a
printer with dvips or a similar application.
.log Gives a detailed account of what happened during the last compiler
.toc Stores all your section headers. It gets read in for the next compiler
run and is used to produce the table of contents.
.aux Another file that transports information from one compiler run to the
next. Among other things, the .aux file is used to store information
associated with cross-references.
.idx If your document contains an index. LATEX stores all the words that
go into the index in this file. Process this file with makeindex. Refer
to section 4.3 on page 86 for more information on indexing.
.ind The processed .idx file, ready for inclusion into your document on the
next compile cycle.
Use this command in the document body to insert the contents of another file
named filename.tex. Note that LATEX will start a new page before processing
the material input from filename.tex.
1.8 Big Projects 15
\includeonly{filename,filename,. . . }
When you want to produce pages, just comment out the second line (by
adding a percent sign).
Chapter 2
Typesetting Text
After reading the previous chapter, you should know about the basic stuff of
which a LATEX 2 document is made. In this chapter I will fill in the remaining
structure you will need to know in order to produce real world material.
sometimes empty lines (paragraph breaks) are used before and after the
equation, and sometimes not. (If you dont yet understand all commands
well enough to understand these examples, please read this and the following
chapter, and then read this section again.)
% Example 1
\ldots when Einstein introduced his formula
e = m \cdot c^2 \; ,
which is at the same time the most widely known
and the least well understood physical formula.
% Example 2
\ldots from which follows Kirchhoffs current law:
\sum_{k=1}^{n} I_k = 0 \; .
% Example 3
\ldots which has several advantages.
I_D = I_F - I_R
is the core of a very different transistor model. \ldots
\\ or \newline
suggest places where a break may (or may not) happen. They enable the
author to influence their actions with the optional argument n, which can
be set to a number between zero and four. By setting n to a value below
4, you leave LATEX the option of ignoring your command if the result would
look very bad. Do not confuse these break commands with the new
commands. Even when you give a break command, LATEX still tries to even
out the right border of the line and the total length of the page, as described
in the next section; this can lead to unpleasant gaps in your text. If you
really want to start a new line or a new page, then use the corresponding
command. Guess their names!
20 Typesetting Text
LATEX always tries to produce the best line breaks possible. If it cannot
find a way to break the lines in a manner that meets its high standards, it
lets one line stick out on the right of the paragraph. LATEX then complains
(overfull hbox) while processing the input file. This happens most often
when LATEX cannot find a suitable place to hyphenate a word.1 Instruct
LATEX to lower its standards a little by giving the \sloppy command. It
prevents such over-long lines by increasing the inter-word spacingeven if
the final output is not optimal. In this case a warning (underfull hbox) is
given to the user. In most such cases the result doesnt look very good. The
command \fussy brings LATEX back to its default behaviour.
2.2.2 Hyphenation
LATEX hyphenates words whenever necessary. If the hyphenation algorithm
does not find the correct hyphenation points, remedy the situation by using
the following commands to tell TEX about the exception.
The command
\hyphenation{word list}
causes the words listed in the argument to be hyphenated only at the points
marked by -. The argument of the command should only contain words
built from normal letters, or rather signs that are considered to be normal
letters by LATEX. The hyphenation hints are stored for the language that
is active when the hyphenation command occurs. This means that if you
place a hyphenation command into the preamble of your document it will
influence the English language hyphenation. If you place the command
after the \begin{document} and you are using some package for national
language support like babel, then the hyphenation hints will be active in the
language activated through babel.
The example below will allow hyphenation to be hyphenated as well as
Hyphenation, and it prevents FORTRAN, Fortran and fortran from
being hyphenated at all. No special characters or symbols are allowed in the
\hyphenation{FORTRAN Hy-phen-a-tion}
Several words can be kept together on one line with the command
Yes I know the rendering is not ideal, its really a back-tick or grave
accent (`) for opening quotes and vertical quote (') for closing, despite what
the font chosen might suggest.
2.4.3 Tilde ()
A character often seen in web addresses is the tilde. To generate this in
LATEX use \~{} but the result () is not really what you want. Try this
instead:\~{}bush \\$\sim$demo
Its $-30\,^{\circ}\mathrm{C}$.
I will soon start to Its 30 C. I will soon start to super-
super-conduct. conduct.
2.4 Special Characters and Symbols 23
The textcomp package makes the degree symbol also available as \textdegree
or in combination with the C by using the \textcelsius.
30 \textcelsius{} is
86 \textdegree{}F. 30 is 86 F.
to access it.
If your font does not provide its own Euro symbol or if you do not like
the fonts Euro symbol, you have two more choices:
First the eurosym package. It provides the official Euro symbol:
If you prefer a Euro symbol that matches your font, use the option gen
in place of the official option.
LM+textcomp \texteuro
eurosym \euro e e e
[gen]eurosym \euro A
2.4.7 Ellipsis (. . . )
On a typewriter, a comma or a period takes the same amount of space as
any other letter. In book printing, these characters occupy only a little space
and are set very close to the preceding letter. Therefore, entering ellipsis
24 Typesetting Text
by just typing three dots would produce the wrong result. Instead, there is
a special command for these dots. It is called
Not like this ... but like this:\\ Not like this ... but like this:
New York, Tokyo, Budapest, \ldots New York, Tokyo, Budapest, . . .
2.4.8 Ligatures
Some letter combinations are typeset not just by setting the different letters
one after the other, but by actually using special symbols.
2. LATEX needs to know the hyphenation rules for the new language.
Getting hyphenation rules into LATEX is a bit more tricky. It means
rebuilding the format file with different hyphenation patterns enabled.
Your Local Guide [5] should give more information on this.
after the \documentclass command. A list of the languages built into your
LATEX system will be displayed every time the compiler is started. Babel will
automatically activate the appropriate hyphenation rules for the language
you choose. If your LATEX format does not support hyphenation in the
language of your choice, babel will still work but will disable hyphenation,
which has quite a negative effect on the appearance of the typeset document.
Babel also specifies new commands for some languages, which simplify
the input of special characters. The German language, for example, contains
a lot of umlauts (). With babel loaded, enter an by typing "o instead
of \"o.
Table of Contents, List of Figures, . . .
\o \o \^o \~o
o \=o o \.o \"o \c c
o \u o o \v o \H o o \c o
o. \d o o \b o oo
\t oo
\oe \OE \ae \AE
\aa \AA
\o \O \l \L
\i \j ! ?
26 Typesetting Text
then the last language in the option list will be active (i.e. languageB). Use
the command
When using this package, you should consider that other people might
not be able to display your input files on their computer, because they use a
different encoding. For example, the German umlaut on OS/2 is encoded
as 132, on Unix systems using ISO-LATIN 1 it is encoded as 228, while
in Cyrillic encoding cp1251 for Windows this letter does not exist at all;
therefore you should use this feature with care. The following encodings may
come in handy, depending on the type of system you are working on3
Operating encodings
system western Latin Cyrillic
Mac applemac macukr
Unix latin1 koi8-ru
Windows ansinew cp1251
DOS, OS/2 cp850 cp866nav
will enable you to create LATEX input files in utf8, a multi-byte encoding in
which each character can be encoded in as little as one byte and as many as
four bytes.
Since the turn of the Century most Operating Systems are based on
Unicode (Windows XP, MacOS X). Therefore it is recommended to use utf8
for any new project. The utf8 encoding used by inputenc only defines the
To learn more about supported input encodings for Latin-based and Cyrillic-based
languages, read the documentation for inputenc.dtx and cyinpenc.dtx respectively.
Section 4.6 tells how to produce package documentation.
2.5 International Language Support 27
characters that are actually provided by the fonts used. If you need more
(non-latin) characters have a look at XELATEX in section 4.8 a Unicode based
Font encoding is a different matter. It defines at which position inside a
TEX-font each letter is stored. Multiple input encodings could be mapped
into one font encoding, which reduces the number of required font sets. Font
encodings are handled through fontenc package:
To enable hyphenation and change all automatic text to Portuguese, use the
Some hints for those creating French documents with LATEX: load French
language support with the following command:
"a "s
" "
"< or \flqq "> or \frqq
\flq \frq
\dq "
book would look like this. In the German speaking part of Switzerland,
typesetters use guillemets the same way the French do.
A major problem arises from the use of commands like \flq: If you use
the OT1 font (which is the default font) the guillemets will look like the math
symbol , which turns a typesetters stomach. T1 encoded fonts, on the
other hand, do contain the required symbols. So if you are using this type of
quote, make sure you use the T1 encoding. (\usepackage[T1]{fontenc})
processing. For lexicographical sorting of the Korean index items, you can
use index style provided by ko.TEX as follows:
You can also use xindy for index generation as the Korean module for
xindy is included in TEX Live.
There is another Korean/Hangul typesetting package called CJK. As
the name of the package suggests, it has facilities for typesetting Chinese,
Japanese, and Korean characters. It supports multiple encodings of the CJK
characters. The following is a simple example of typesetting UTF-8 encoded
Hangul using CJK package. It is useful when you submit a manuscript
to some academic journals that allow typesetting author names in native
See table 2.6 for the preamble you need to write in the Greek language. This
preamble enables hyphenation and changes all automatic text to Greek.10
A set of new commands also becomes available, which allows you to
write Greek input files more easily. In order to temporarily switch to
English and vice versa, one can use the commands \textlatin{english text}
and \textgreek{greek text} that both take one argument which is then
typeset using the requested font encoding. Otherwise use the command
\selectlanguage{...} described in a previous section. Check out table 2.7
for some Greek punctuation characters. Use \euro for the Euro symbol.
If you select the utf8x option for the package inputenc, LATEX will understand Greek
and polytonic Greek Unicode characters.
32 Typesetting Text
; ? ;
(( ))
Version 3.7h of babel includes support for the T2* encodings and for typeset-
ting Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian texts using Cyrillic letters.
Support for Cyrillic is based on standard LATEX mechanisms plus the
fontenc and inputenc packages. But, if you are going to use Cyrillics in math
mode, you need to load mathtext package before fontenc:11
Generally, babel will automatically choose the default font encoding, for
the above three languages this is T2A. However, documents are not restricted
to a single font encoding. For multi-lingual documents using Cyrillic and
Latin-based languages it makes sense to include Latin font encoding explicitly.
babel will take care of switching to the appropriate font encoding when a
different language is selected within the document.
In addition to enabling hyphenations, translating automatically gener-
ated text strings, and activating some language specific typographic rules
(like \frenchspacing), babel provides some commands allowing typesetting
according to the standards of Bulgarian, Russian, or Ukrainian languages.
For all three languages, language specific punctuation is provided: The
Cyrillic dash for the text (it is little narrower than Latin dash and surrounded
by tiny spaces), a dash for direct speech, quotes, and commands to facilitate
hyphenation, see Table 2.8.
The Russian and Ukrainian options of babel define the commands \Asbuk
and \asbuk, which act like \Alph and \alph12 , but produce capital and
small letters of Russian or Ukrainian alphabets (whichever is the active
language of the document). The Bulgarian option of babel provides the
commands \enumBul and \enumLat (\enumEng), which make \Alph and
If you use AMS-LATEX packages, load them before fontenc and babel as well.
the commands for turning counters into a, b, c, . . .
2.5 International Language Support 33
Table 2.8: The extra definitions made by Bulgarian, Russian, and Ukrainian
options of babel
"| disable ligature at this position.
"- an explicit hyphen sign, allowing hyphenation in the rest of the word.
"--- Cyrillic emdash in plain text.
"--~ Cyrillic emdash in compound names (surnames).
"--* Cyrillic emdash for denoting direct speech.
"" like "-, but producing no hyphen sign (for compound words with
hyphen, e.g. x-""y or some other signs as disable/enable).
"~ for a compound word mark without a breakpoint.
"= for a compound word mark with a breakpoint, allowing hyphenation
in the composing words.
", thinspace for initials with a breakpoint in following surname.
" for German left double quotes (looks like ,,).
" for German right double quotes (looks like ).
"< for French left double quotes (looks like <<).
"> for French right double quotes (looks like >>).
To use LATEX for typesetting Mongolian you have a choice between two
packages: Multilingual Babel and MonTEX by Oliver Corff.
MonTEX includes support for both Cyrillic and traditional Mongolian
Script. In order to access the commands of MonTEX, add:
where mn is the cp1251 input encoding. For a more modern approach invoke
utf8 instead.
XETEX was developed for MacOS X but is now available for all architectures.
It was first included into TexLive 2007.
LuaTEX is the successor of pdfTEX. It was first included into TexLive 2008.
To convert an existing LATEX file to XELATEX the following needs to be done:
2. Remove
3. Change
4. Add
to the preamble.
Its all to me
So far there has been no advantage to using a Unicode TEX engine. This
changes when we leave the Latin script and move to a more interesting
language like Greek or Russian. With a Unicode based system, you can
simply13 enter the characters in your editor and TEX will understand them.
For small values of simple.
36 Typesetting Text
English text.
Deutscher Text.
More English text.
If you just need a word in a foreign language you can use the \textlanguage
This may look unnecessary since the only advantage is a correct hyphen-
ation, but when the second language is a little bit more exotic it will be
worth the effort.
Sometimes the font used in the main document does not contain glyphs
that are required in the second language14 . The solution is to define a font
that will be used for that language. Whenever a new language is activated,
polyglossia will first check whether a font has been defined for that language.
which is usually the last package. (Since polyglossia loads bidi this means
that polyglossia should be the last package loaded.)
The package xepersian[24] offers support for the Persian language. It
supplies Persian LATEX-commands that allows you to enter commands like
\section in Persian, which makes this really attractive to native speakers.
xepersian is the only package that supports kashida with XELATEX. A package
for Syriac which uses a similar algorithm is under development.
The IranNastaliq font provided by the SCICT16 is available at their
The arabxetex[20] package supports several languages with an Arabic
arab (Arabic)
ottoman (turk)
malay (jawi)
It offers a font mapping that enables XELATEX to process input using the
ArabTEX ASCII transcription.
Fonts that support several Arabic laguages are offered by the IRMUG17
There is no package available for Hebrew because none is needed. The
Hebrew support in polyglossia should be sufficient. But you do need a
suitable font with real Unicode Hebrew. SBL Hebrew is free for non-
commercial use and available at
biblicalfonts.aspx. Another font available under the Open Font License
is Ezra SIL, available at
Supreme Council of Information and Communication Technology
Iranian Mac User Group
38 Typesetting Text
\newfontfamily\hebrewfont[Script=Hebrew]{SBL Hebrew}
\newfontfamily\hebrewfont[Script=Hebrew]{Ezra SIL}
Mr.~Smith was happy to see her\\ Mr. Smith was happy to see her
cf.~Fig.~5\\ cf. Fig. 5
I like BASIC\@. What about you? I like BASIC. What about you?
The additional space after periods can be disabled with the command
which tells LATEX not to insert more space after a period than after an
ordinary character. This is very common in non-English languages, except
bibliographies. If you use \frenchspacing, the command \@ is not necessary.
If you want to split your document into parts without influencing the
section or chapter numbering use
When you work with the report or book class, an additional top-level
sectioning command becomes available
As the article class does not know about chapters, it is quite easy
to add articles as chapters to a book. The spacing between sections, the
numbering and the font size of the titles will be set automatically by LATEX.
Two of the sectioning commands are a bit special:
LATEX creates a table of contents by taking the section headings and page
numbers from the last compile cycle of the document. The command
\frontmatter should be the very first command after the start of the
document body (\begin{document}). It will switch page numbering
to Roman numerals and sections will be non-enumerated as if you were
using the starred sectioning commands (eg \chapter*{Preface}) but
the sections will still show up in the table of contents.
\mainmatter comes right before the first chapter of the book. It turns on
Arabic page numbering and restarts the page counter.
\appendix marks the start of additional material in your book. After this
command chapters will be numbered with letters.
\backmatter should be inserted before the very last items in your book,
such as the bibliography and the index. In the standard document
classes, this has no visual effect.
2.8 Cross References 41
2.9 Footnotes
With the command
\footnote{footnote text}
a footnote is printed at the foot of the current page. Footnotes should always
be put20 after the word or sentence they refer to. Footnotes referring to a
sentence or part of it should therefore be put after the comma or period.21
Note that these commands are not aware of what they refer to. \label just saves the
last automatically generated number.
put is one of the most common English words.
Note that footnotes distract the reader from the main body of your document. After
all, everybody reads the footnoteswe are a curious species, so why not just integrate
everything you want to say into the body of the document?22
A guidepost doesnt necessarily go where its pointing to :-).
42 Typesetting Text
to emphasize text. What the command actually does with its argument
depends on the context:
If you want control over font and font size, section 6.2 on page 123 might
provide some inspiration.
2.11 Environments
\item You can nest the list
environments to your taste: 1. You can nest the list environments
\begin{itemize} to your taste:
\item But it might start to
But it might start to look
look silly.
\item[-] With a dash.
\end{itemize} - With a dash.
\item Therefore remember: 2. Therefore remember:
\item[Stupid] things will not Stupid things will not become
become smart because they are smart because they are in a
in a list. list.
\item[Smart] things, though, Smart things, though, can be
can be presented beautifully presented beautifully in a list.
in a list.
This text is\\ left-aligned. This text is
\LaTeX{} is not trying to make left-aligned. LATEX is not trying to make
each line the same length. each line the same length.
This text is right-\\aligned. This text is right-
\LaTeX{} is not trying to make aligned. LATEX is not trying to make each
each line the same length. line the same length.
At the centre
At the centre\\of the earth
of the earth
44 Typesetting Text
There are two similar environments: the quotation and the verse envi-
ronments. The quotation environment is useful for longer quotes going over
several paragraphs, because it indents the first line of each paragraph. The
verse environment is useful for poems where the line breaks are important.
The lines are separated by issuing a \\ at the end of a line and an empty
line after each verse.
2.11.4 Abstract
In scientific publications it is customary to start with an abstract which gives
the reader a quick overview of what to expect. LATEX provides the abstract
environment for this purpose. Normally abstract is used in documents
typeset with the article document class.
The abstract abstract. The abstract abstract.
2.11 Environments 45
the starred version of thestarredversionof
the verbatim theverbatim
environment emphasizes environmentemphasizes
the spaces in the text thespacesinthetext
The verbatim environment and the \verb command may not be used
within parameters of other commands.
2.11.6 Tabular
The tabular environment can be used to typeset beautiful tables with
optional horizontal and vertical lines. LATEX determines the width of the
columns automatically.
The table spec argument of the
\begin{tabular}[pos]{table spec}
command defines the format of the table. Use an l for a column of left-
aligned text, r for right-aligned text, and c for centred text; p{width }
46 Typesetting Text
for a column containing justified text with line breaks, and | for a vertical
If the text in a column is too wide for the page, LATEX wont automatically
wrap it. Using p{width } you can define a special type of column which
will wrap-around the text as in a normal paragraph.
The pos argument specifies the vertical position of the table relative to
the baseline of the surrounding text. Use one of the letters t , b and c to
specify table alignment at the top, bottom or centre.
Within a tabular environment, & jumps to the next column, \\ starts
a new line and \hline inserts a horizontal line. Add partial lines by using
\cline{i-j}, where i and j are the column numbers the line should extend
7C0 & hexadecimal \\ 7C0 hexadecimal
3700 & octal \\ \cline{2-2} 3700 octal
11111000000 & binary \\ 11111000000 binary
\hline \hline
1984 decimal
1984 & decimal \\
Welcome to Boxys paragraph. Welcome to Boxys paragraph.
We sincerely hope youll We sincerely hope youll all en-
all enjoy the show.\\ joy the show.
The column separator can be specified with the @{...} construct. This
command kills the inter-column space and replaces it with whatever is
between the curly braces. One common use for this command is explained
below in the decimal alignment problem. Another possible application is to
suppress leading space in a table with @{} .
\begin{tabular}{@{} l @{}}
no leading space\\ no leading space
2.11 Environments 47
leading space left and right\\ leading space left and right
\begin{tabular}{c r @{.} l}
Pi expression &
\multicolumn{2}{c}{Value} \\ Pi expression Value
\hline 3.1416
$\pi$ & 3&1416 \\ 36.46
$\pi^{\pi}$ & 36&46 \\ ( ) 80662.7
$(\pi^{\pi})^{\pi}$ & 80662&7 \\
\multicolumn{2}{|c|}{Ene} \\
Mene Muh!
Mene & Muh! \\
If the tools bundle is installed on your system, have a look at the dcolumn package.
48 Typesetting Text
These lines\\\hline
are tight\\\hline
\end{tabular} These lines
are tight
\renewcommand{\tabcolsep}{0.2cm} less cramped
table layout
less cramped\\\hline
table layout\\\hline
If you just want to grow the height of a single row in your table add an
invisible vertical bar24 . Use a zero width \rule to implement this trick.
\rule{1pt}{4ex}Pitprop \ldots\\
Pitprop . . .
\rule{0pt}{4ex}Strut\\ Strut
The pt and ex in the example above are TEX units. Read more on units
in table 6.5 on page 130.
A number of extra commands, enhancing the tabular environment are
available in the booktabs package. It makes the creation of professional
looking tables with proper spacing quite a bit simpler.
Lets first have a look at the commands LATEX supplies for floats:
Any material enclosed in a figure or table environment will be treated
as floating matter. Both float environments support an optional parameter
called the placement specifier. This parameter is used to tell LATEX about the
locations to which the float is allowed to be moved. A placement specifier is
constructed by building a string of float-placing permissions. See Table 2.9.
For example, a table could be started with the following line
The placement specifier [!hbp] allows LATEX to place the table right here
(h) or at the bottom (b) of some page or on a special floats page (p), and all
this even if it does not look that good (!). If no placement specifier is given,
the standard classes assume [tbp].
LATEX will place every float it encounters according to the placement
specifier supplied by the author. If a float cannot be placed on the current
page it is deferred either to the figures queue or the tables queue.25 When
a new page is started, LATEX first checks if it is possible to fill a special
float page with floats from the queues. If this is not possible, the first float
on each queue is treated as if it had just occurred in the text: LATEX tries
again to place it according to its respective placement specifiers (except h,
which is no longer possible). Any new floats occurring in the text get placed
into the appropriate queues. LATEX strictly maintains the original order of
appearance for each type of float. Thats why a figure that cannot be placed
pushes all further figures to the end of the document. Therefore:
These are FIFOfirst in first outqueues!
Having explained the difficult bit, there are some more things to mention
about the table and figure environments. Use the
\caption{caption text}
command to define a caption for the float. A running number and the string
Figure or Table will be added by LATEX.
The two commands
Use \label and \ref to create a reference to a float within your text.
Note that the \label command must come after the \caption command
since you want it to reference the number of the caption.
The following example draws a square and inserts it into the document.
You could use this if you wanted to reserve space for images you are going
to paste into the finished document.
In the example above, LATEX will try really hard (!) to place the figure right
here (h).26 If this is not possible, it tries to place the figure at the bottom (b)
of the page. Failing to place the figure on the current page, it determines
assuming the figure queue is empty.
2.13 Protecting Fragile Commands 51
whether it is possible to create a float page containing this figure and maybe
some tables from the tables queue. If there is not enough material for a
special float page, LATEX starts a new page, and once more treats the figure
as if it had just occurred in the text.
Under certain circumstances it might be necessary to use the
\section{I am considerate
\protect\footnote{and protect my footnotes}}
Chapter 3
Typesetting Mathematical
Now you are ready! In this chapter, we will attack the main strength of TEX:
mathematical typesetting. But be warned, this chapter only scratches the surface.
While the things explained here are sufficient for many people, dont despair
if you cant find a solution to your mathematical typesetting needs here. It is
highly likely that your problem is addressed in AMS-LATEX.
If you want your larger equations to be set apart from the rest of the
paragraph, it is preferable to display them rather than to break the para-
graph apart. To do this, you enclose them between \begin{equation} and
\end{equation}.2 You can then \label an equation number and refer to it
somewhere else in the text by using the \eqref command. If you want to
name the equation something specific, you \tag it instead.
If you dont want LATEX to number the equations, use the starred version of
equation using an asterisk, equation*, or even easier, enclose the equation
in \[ and \]:3
This is an amsmath command. If you dont have access to the package for some obscure
reason, you can use LATEXs own displaymath environment instead.
This is again from amsmath. Standard LATEXs has only the equation environment
without the star.
3.2 Single Equations 55
While \[ is short and sweet, it does not allow switching between numbered
and not numbered style as easily as equation and equation*.
Note the difference in typesetting style between text style and display
style equations:
A $d_{e_{e_p}}$ mathematical
expression followed by a A deep mathematical expression followed
$h^{i^{g^h}}$ expression. As gh
opposed to a smashed by a hi expression. As opposed to ha
\smash{$d_{e_{e_p}}$} expression smashed deep expression followed by a hi
followed by a expression.
\smash{$h^{i^{g^h}}$} expression.
1. Most spaces and line breaks do not have any significance, as all spaces
are either derived logically from the mathematical expressions, or have
to be specified with special commands such as \,, \quad or \qquad
(well get back to that later, see section 3.7).
56 Typesetting Mathematical Formulae
2. Empty lines are not allowed. Only one paragraph per formula.
Mathematicians can be very fussy about which symbols are used: it would
be conventional here to use the blackboard bold font, which is obtained
using \mathbb from the package amssymb.4 The last example becomes
See Table 3.14 on page 79 and Table 6.4 on page 125 for more math fonts.
, , , , , , ,
$p^3_{ij} \qquad
m_\text{Knuth}\qquad P3
p3ij mKnuth k=1 k
\sum_{k=1}^3 k \\[5pt] 2
a^x+y \neq a^{x+y}\qquad ax + y 6= ax+y ex 6= ex 2
e^{x^2} \neq {e^x}^2$
The square root is entered as \sqrt; the nth root is generated with
\sqrt[n]. The size of the root sign is determined automatically by LATEX.
If just the sign is needed, use \surd.
See various kinds of arrows like , and
on Table 3.6 on page 77.
6 7
$\underbrace{\overbrace{a+b+c}^6 z }| { z }| {
\cdot \overbrace{d+e+f}^7} a + b + c d + e + f = 42
| {z }
_\text{meaning of life} = 42$ meaning of life
hats and tildes covering several characters are generated with \widetilde
and \widehat. Notice the difference between \hat and \widehat and the
placement of \bar for a variable with subscript. The apostrophe mark
gives a prime:
Vectors are often specified by adding small arrow symbols on the tops
of variables. This is done with the \vec command. The two commands
\overrightarrow and \overleftarrow are useful to denote the vector from
A to B:
$\vec{a} \qquad
\vec{AB} \qquad ~
~a AB AB
Names of functions are often typeset in an upright font, and not in italics
as variables are, so LATEX supplies the following commands to typeset the
most common function names:
\arccos \cos \csc \exp \ker \limsup
\arcsin \cosh \deg \gcd \lg \ln
\arctan \cot \det \hom \lim \log
\arg \coth \dim \inf \liminf \max
\sinh \sup \tan \tanh \min \Pr
\sec \sin
\lim_{x \rightarrow 0} sin x
\frac{\sin x}{x}=1 lim =1
x0 x
\begin{equation*} 3 argh = 2 Nut
3\argh = 2\nut_{x=1}
For the modulo function, there are two commands: \bmod for the binary
operator a mod b and \pmod for expressions such as x a (mod b):
3.3 Building Blocks of a Mathematical Formula 59
$a\bmod b \\ a mod b
x\equiv a \pmod{b}$ x a (mod b)
In display style:
\begin{equation*} In display style:
3/8 \qquad \frac{3}{8} 3 3
\qquad \tfrac{3}{8} 3/8 8
In text style:
$1\frac{1}{2}$~hours \qquad In text style: 1 21 hours 1 hours
$1\dfrac{1}{2}$~hours 2
\sqrt{\frac{x^2}{k+1}}\qquad r
x^\frac{2}{k+1}\qquad x2 2 2f
\frac{\partial^2f} x k+1
k+1 x2
{\partial x^2}
Pascals rule is
\begin{equation*} Pascals rule is
\binom{n}{k} =\binom{n-1}{k}
n n1
+ \binom{n-1}{k-1} = +
k k k1
For binary relations it may be useful to stack symbols over each other.
\stackrel{#1}{#2} puts the symbol given in #1 in superscript-like size over
#2 which is set in its usual position.
f_n(x) \stackrel{*}{\approx} 1 fn (x) 1
60 Typesetting Mathematical Formulae
The integral operator is generated with \int, the sum operator with
\sum, and the product operator with \prod. The upper and lower limits
are specified with ^ and _ like superscripts and subscripts:
\sum_{i=1}^n \qquad n
2 Y
\int_0^{\frac{\pi}{2}} \qquad
\prod_\epsilon i=1 0
\sum^n_{\substack{0<i<n \\ X
j\subseteq i}} P (i, j) = Q(i, j)
P(i,j) = Q(i,j) ji
LATEX provides all sorts of symbols for bracketing and other delim-
iters (e.g. [ h k l). Round and square brackets can be entered with the
corresponding keys and curly braces with \{, but all other delimiters are
generated with special commands (e.g. \updownarrow).
{a,b,c} \neq \{a,b,c\} a, b, c 6= {a, b, c}
1 + \left(\frac{1}{1-x^{2}} 3
\right)^3 \qquad 1+
\left. \ddagger \frac{~}{~}\right) 1 x2
$\Big((x+1)(x-1)\Big)^{2}$\\ 2
$\big( \Big( \bigg( \Bigg( \quad (x + 1)(x 1)
\big\} \Big\} \bigg\} \Bigg\} \quad )
ww ww
\big\| \Big\| \bigg\| \Bigg\| \quad
\big\Downarrow \Big\Downarrow
\bigg\Downarrow \Bigg\Downarrow$
3.4 Single Equations that are Too Long: multline 61
For a list of all delimiters available, see Table 3.8 on page 78.
The easiest way to achieve such a wrapping is the use of the multline
a + b + c + d + e + f
+ g + h + i
a+b+c+d+e+f +g+h+i
= j + k + l + m + n =j+k+l+m+n (3.4)
a = b + c + d + e + f
+ g + h + i + j
+ k + l + m + n + o + p a = b+c+d+e+f +g+h+i+j+k+l+m+n+o+p
\label{eq:equation_too_long} (3.5)
Here it is actually the RHS that is too long to fit on one line. The multline
environment creates the following output:
The multline-environment is from amsmath.
62 Typesetting Mathematical Formulae
a = b + c + d + e + f
+ g + h + i + j \\ a=b+c+d+e+f +g+h+i+j
+ k + l + m + n + o + p +k+l+m+n+o+p (3.6)
This is better than (3.5), but it has the disadvantage that the equality
sign loses its natural greater importance with respect to the plus operator in
front of k. The better solution is provided by the IEEEeqnarray environment
that will be discussed in detail in Section 3.5.
a & = b + c \\
a=b+c (3.7)
& = d + e
\end{align} =d+e (3.8)
a & = b + c \\
& = d + e + f + g + h + i a=b+c (3.9)
+ j + k + l \nonumber \\ =d+e+f +g+h+i+j+k+l
& + m + n + o \\ +m+n+o (3.10)
& = p + q + r + s
=p+q+r+s (3.11)
Here + m should be below d and not below the equality sign. A TEXpert
will point out that \mathrel{\phantom{=}} \negmedspace {}, would add
the necessary space in front of +m+n+o, but since most users lack that kind
of imagination, a simpler solution would be nice.
The align-environment can also be used to group several blocks of equations beside
each other. Another excellent use case for the IEEEeqnarray environment. Try an argument
like {rCl+rCl}.
3.5 Multiple Equations 63
This is the moment where the eqnarray environment bursts onto the
a & = & b + c \\
& = & d + e + f + g + h + i a = b+c (3.12)
+ j + k + l \nonumber \\ = d+e+f +g+h+i+j+k+l
&& +\: m + n + o \\ +m+n+o (3.13)
& = & p + q + r + s
= p+q+r+s (3.14)
It better but still not optimal. The spaces around the equality signs
are too big. Particularly, they are not the same as in the multline and
equation environments:
a & = & a = a
\end{eqnarray} a = a=a (3.15)
. . . and the expression sometimes overlaps with the equation number even
though there would be enough room on the left:
a & = & b + c
& = & d + e + f + g + h^2 a = b+c (3.16)
+ i^2 + j 2 2
= d + e + f + g + h + i +(3.17)
While the environment offers a command \lefteqn that can be used when
the LHS is too long:
\lefteqn{a + b + c + d
+ e + f + g + h}\nonumber\\ a+b+c+d+e+f +g+h
& = & i + j + k + l + m
\\ = i+j+k+l+m (3.18)
& = & n + o + p + q + r + s = n + o + p + q + r + s (3.19)
This is not optimal either as the RHS is too short and the array is not
properly centered:
64 Typesetting Mathematical Formulae
\lefteqn{a + b + c + d
+ e + f + g + h}
a+b+c+d+e+f +g+h
\nonumber \\
& = & i + j = i+j (3.20)
Having badmouthed the competition sufficiently, I can now steer you gently
towards the glorious . . .
a & = & b + c
& = & d + e + f + g + h a=b+c (3.21)
+ i + j + k \nonumber\\ =d+e+f +g+h+i+j+k
&& \negmedspace {} + l + m + n + o +l+m+n+o (3.22)
=p+q+r+s (3.23)
& = & p + q + r + s
Any number of columns can be specified: {c} will give only one column
with all entries centered, or {rCll} would add a fourth, left-justified column
to use for comments. Moreover, beside l, c, r, L, C, R for math mode
entries there are also s, t, u for left, centered, and right text mode entries.
Additional space can be added with . and / and ? in increasing order.10
Note the spaces around the equality signs in contrast to the space produced
by the eqnarray environment.
The official manual is called CTAN://macros/latex/contrib/IEEEtran/IEEEtran_
HOWTO.pdf. The part about IEEEeqnarray can be found in Appendix F.
The IEEEtrantools package may not be included in your setup, it can be found on
For more spacing types refer to Section 3.9.1.
3.5 Multiple Equations 65
can be used: it has to be added in the corresponding line and makes sure
that the whole equation array is shifted by the size of the equation numbers
(the shift depends on the size of the number!): instead of
a & = & b + c
& = & d + e + f + g + h a=b+c (3.24)
+ i + j + k = d + e + f + g + h + i + j + (3.25)
\\ =l+m+n (3.26)
& = & l + m + n
we get
a & = & b + c
& = & d + e + f + g + h a=b+c (3.27)
+ i + j + k = d + e + f + g + h + i + j + k (3.28)
\IEEEeqnarraynumspace\\ = l + m + n. (3.29)
& = & l + m + n.
If the LHS is too long, as a replacement for the faulty \lefteqn command,
IEEEeqnarray offers the \IEEEeqnarraymulticol command which works
in all situations:
a + b + c + d + e + f
+ g + h a+b+c+d+e+f +g+h
}\nonumber\\ \quad
& = & i + j =i+j (3.30)
\\ =k+l+m (3.31)
& = & k + l + m
Note that by inserting \quad commands one can easily adapt the depth
of the equation signs,11 e.g.,
a + b + c + d + e + f
+ g + h a+b+c+d+e+f +g+h
}\nonumber\\ \qquad\qquad
& = & i + j =i+j (3.32)
\\ =k+l+m (3.33)
& = & k + l + m
If an equation is split into two or more lines, LATEX interprets the first
+ or as a sign instead of operator. Therefore, it is necessary to add an
empty group {} before the operator: instead of
a & = & b + c
& = & d + e + f + g + h a=b+c (3.34)
+ i + j + k \nonumber\\ =d+e+f +g+h+i+j+k
&& + l + m + n + o +l + m + n + o (3.35)
=p+q+r+s (3.36)
& = & p + q + r + s
we should write
a & = & b + c
& = & d + e + f + g + h a=b+c (3.37)
+ i + j + k \nonumber\\ =d+e+f +g+h+i+j+k
&& \negmedspace {} + l + m + n + o +l+m+n+o (3.38)
=p+q+r+s (3.39)
& = & p + q + r + s
equation number that is not suppressed. Place the labels right before the
line-break \\ or the next to the equation it belongs to. Apart from improving
the readability of the source code this prevents a compilation error when a
\IEEEmulticol command follows the label-definition.
There also exists a *-version where all equation numbers are suppressed.
In this case an equation number can be made to appear using the command
a & = & b + c \\ a=b+c
& = & d + e \IEEEyesnumber\\
& = & f + g =d+e (3.40)
\end{IEEEeqnarray*} =f +g
a & = & b + c
& = & d + e a=b+c (3.40a)
\nonumber\\ =d+e
& = & f + g =f +g (3.40b)
\mathbf{X} = \left(
x1 x2 ...
x_1 & x_2 & \ldots \\ x3 x4 ...
x_3 & x_4 & \ldots \\ .. .. ..
\vdots & \vdots & \ddots . . .
\end{array} \right)
|x| = \left\{
-x & \text{if } x < 0,\\ x if x < 0,
|x| = 0 if x = 0,
0 & \text{if } x = 0,\\
x if x > 0.
x & \text{if } x > 0.
\end{array} \right.
|x| =
-x & \text{if } x < 0,\\ x if x < 0,
|x| = 0 if x = 0,
0 & \text{if } x = 0,\\
x if x > 0.
x & \text{if } x > 0.
1 & 2 \\
3 & 4
\end{matrix} \qquad
p_{11} & p_{12} & \ldots
p11 p12 ... p1n
& p_{1n} \\ p21 p22 ... p2n
1 2
p_{21} & p_{22} & \ldots .. .. .. ..
3 4 . . . .
& p_{2n} \\
\vdots & \vdots & \ddots pm1 pm2 ... pmn
& \vdots \\
p_{m1} & p_{m2} & \ldots
& p_{mn}
3.7 Spacing in Math Mode 69
\int_1^2 \ln x \mathrm{d}x Z 2 Z 2
\qquad ln xdx ln x dx
\int_1^2 \ln x \,\mathrm{d}x 1 1
Z b
\begin{equation*} f (x) dx
\int_a^b f(x)\ud x a
If you want to typeset multiple integrals, youll discover that the spacing
between the integrals is too wide. You can correct it using \!, but amsmath
provides an easier way for fine-tuning the spacing, namely the \iint, \iiint,
\iiiint, and \idotsint commands.
\begin{IEEEeqnarray*}{c} f (x)g(y) dx dy
\int\int f(x)g(y) ZZ
\ud x \ud y \\
f (x)g(y) dx dy
\int\!\!\!\int ZZ
f(x)g(y) \ud x \ud y \\
f (x)g(y) dx dy
\iint f(x)g(y) \ud x \ud y
3.7.1 Phantoms
When vertically aligning text using ^ and _ LATEX is sometimes just a little too
helpful. Using the \phantom command you can reserve space for characters
that do not show up in the final output. The easiest way to understand this
is to look at an example:
\qquad \text{versus} \qquad 14 14
6 C versus 6C
$\Re \qquad
\mathcal{R} \qquad
\mathfrak{R} \qquad < R R R
\mathbb{R} \qquad $
P = \frac{\displaystyle{
\sum_{i=1}^n (x_i- x) n
(y_i- y)}} (xi x)(yi y)
{\displaystyle{\left[ i=1
P =" #1/2
\sum_{i=1}^n(x_i-x)^2 Xn n
\sum_{i=1}^n(y_i- y)^2 (xi x)2 (yi y)2
\right]^{1/2}}} i=1 i=1
Changing styles generally affects the way big operators and limits are
3.9 Theorems, Lemmas, . . . 71
$\mu, M \qquad
\mathbf{\mu}, \mathbf{M}$ , M , M , M
\qquad \boldmath{$\mu, M$}
$\mu, M \qquad
, M , M
\boldsymbol{\mu}, \boldsymbol{M}$
This is my interesting theorem
from three predefined styles: definition (fat title, roman body), plain (fat
title, italic body) or remark (italic title, roman body).
This should be enough theory. The following examples should remove
any remaining doubt, and make it clear that the \newtheorem environment
is way too complex to understand.
First define the theorems:
\theoremstyle{definition} \newtheorem{law}{Law}
\theoremstyle{plain} \newtheorem{jury}[law]{Jury}
\theoremstyle{remark} \newtheorem*{marg}{Margaret}
\begin{law} \label{law:box}
Dont hide in the witness box
Law 1. Dont hide in the witness box
\begin{jury}[The Twelve] Jury 2 (The Twelve). It could be you! So
It could be you! So beware and beware and see law 1.
see law~\ref{law:box}.\end{jury}
\begin{jury} Jury 3. You will disregard the last state-
You will disregard the last ment.
\begin{marg}No, No, No\end{marg} Margaret. No, No, No
\begin{marg}Denis!\end{marg} Margaret. Denis!
The Jury theorem uses the same counter as the Law theorem, so it
gets a number that is in sequence with the other Laws. The argument in
square brackets is used to specify a title or something similar for the theorem.
\begin{mur} If there are two or Murphy 3.9.1. If there are two or more
more ways to do something, and ways to do something, and one of those
one of those ways can result in ways can result in a catastrophe, then
a catastrophe, then someone someone will do it.
will do it.\end{mur}
Trivial, use Proof. Trivial, use
E=mc^2. E = mc2 .
With the command \qedhere you can move the end of proof symbol
around for situations where it would end up alone on a line.
Trivial, use
\begin{equation*} Proof. Trivial, use
E=mc^2. \qedhere
E = mc2 .
This is a proof that ends
Proof. This is a proof that ends with an
with an equation array:
equation array:
a & = & b + c \\ a=b+c
& = & d + e. \qedhere
\end{IEEEeqnarray*} = d + e.
This is a proof that ends
Proof. This is a proof that ends with an
with an equation array:
equation array:
a & = & b + c \\ a=b+c
& = & d + e. & \qedhere
\end{IEEEeqnarray*} = d + e.
Note that the + in {+rCl+x*} denotes stretchable spaces, one on the left
of the equations (which, if not specified, will be done automatically by
IEEEeqnarray!) and one on the right of the equations. But now on the
74 Typesetting Mathematical Formulae
right, after the stretching column, we add an empty column x. This column
will only be needed on the last line if the \qedhere command is put there.
Finally, we specify a *. This is a null-space that prevents IEEEeqnarray
from adding another unwanted +-space!
In the case of equation numbering, there is a similar problem. Comparing
This is a proof that ends Proof. This is a proof that ends with a
with a numbered equation: numbered equation:
a = b + c. a = b + c. (3.41)
This is a proof that ends Proof. This is a proof that ends with a
with a numbered equation: numbered equation:
a = b + c. \qedhere a = b + c. (3.42)
you notice that in the (correct) second version the 2 is much closer to the
equation than in the first version.
Similarly, the correct way of putting the QED-symbol at the end of an
equation array is as follows:
This is a proof that ends
Proof. This is a proof that ends with an
with an equation array:
equation array:
a & = & b + c \\ a=b+c (3.43)
& = & d + e. \\
= d + e. (3.44)
&&& \qedhere\nonumber
This is a proof that ends Proof. This is a proof that ends with an
with an equation array: equation array:
a=b+c (3.45)
a & = & b + c \\
& = & d + e. = d + e. (3.46)
3.10 List of Mathematical Symbols 75
There is no uppercase of some of the letters like \Alpha, \Beta and so on,
because they look the same as normal roman letters: A, B. . .
The tables were derived from symbols.tex by David Carlisle and subsequently changed
extensively as suggested by Josef Tkadlec.
76 Typesetting Mathematical Formulae
You can negate the following symbols by prefixing them with a \not com-
< < > > = =
\leq or \le \geq or \ge \equiv
\ll \gg = \doteq
\prec \succ \sim
\preceq \succeq ' \simeq
\subset \supset \approx
\subseteq \supseteq
= \cong
@ \sqsubset a A \sqsupset a 1 \Join a
v \sqsubseteq w \sqsupseteq ./ \bowtie
\in 3 \ni , \owns \propto
` \vdash a \dashv |= \models
| \mid k \parallel \perp
^ \smile _ \frown \asymp
: :
/ \notin 6= \neq or \ne
Use the latexsym package to access this symbol
+ + -
\pm \mp / \triangleleft
\cdot \div . \triangleright
\times \ \setminus ? \star
\cup \cap \ast
t \sqcup u \sqcap \circ
\vee , \lor \wedge , \land \bullet
\oplus \ominus \diamond
\odot \oslash ] \uplus
\bigcirc q \amalg
4 \bigtriangleup 5 \bigtriangledown \dagger
\lhd a \rhd a \ddagger
\unlhd a \unrhd a o \wr
3.10 List of Mathematical Symbols 77
u \dotplus \centerdot
n \ltimes o \rtimes > \divideontimes
d \doublecup e \doublecap r \smallsetminus
Y \veebar Z \barwedge [ \doublebarwedge
\boxplus \boxminus \circleddash
\boxtimes \boxdot } \circledcirc
| \intercal ~ \circledast i \rightthreetimes
g \curlyvee f \curlywedge h \leftthreetimes
80 Typesetting Mathematical Formulae
When putting together a large document, LATEX will help with some special
features like index generation, bibliography management, and other things. A
much more complete description of specialities and enhancements possible with
LATEX can be found in the LATEX Manual [1] and The LATEX Companion [3].
2. Load the graphicx package in the preamble of the input file with
\includegraphics[key=value, . . . ]{file}
If your software cannot export into EPS format, you can try to install a PostScript
printer driver (such as an Apple LaserWriter, for example) and then print to a file with
this driver. With some luck this file will be in EPS format. Note that an EPS must not
contain more than one page. Some printer drivers can be explicitly configured to produce
EPS format.
4.2 Bibliography 85
4.2 Bibliography
Produce a bibliography with the thebibliography environment. Each entry
starts with
The marker is then used to cite the book, article or paper within the
If you do not use the label option, the entries will get enumerated auto-
matically. The parameter after the \begin{thebibliography} command
defines how much space to reserve for the number of labels. In the example
below, {99} tells LATEX to expect that none of the bibliography item numbers
will be wider than the number 99.
Partl~\cite{pa} has
proposed that \ldots
\bibitem{pa} H.~Partl:
\emph{German \TeX},
TUGboat Volume~9, Issue~1 (1988)
For larger projects, you might want to check out the BibTEX program.
BibTEX is included with most TEX distributions. It allows you to maintain
a bibliographic database and then extract the references relevant to things
you cited in your paper. The visual presentation of BibTEX-generated
bibliographies is based on a style-sheets concept that allows you to create
bibliographies following a wide range of established designs.
4.3 Indexing
A very useful feature of many books is their index. With LATEX and the
support program makeindex,5 an index can be generated quite easily. This
introduction will only explain the basic index generation commands. For a
more in-depth view, please refer to The LATEX Companion [3].
To enable their indexing feature of LATEX, the makeidx package must be
loaded in the preamble with
commands, where formatted_entry will appear in the index and key will be
used for sorting. The formatted_entry is optional. If it is missing the key
will be used. You enter the index commands at the points in the text that
you want the final index entries to point to. Table 4.2 explains the syntax
with several examples.
When the input file is processed with LATEX, each \index command
writes an appropriate index entry, together with the current page number,
to a special file. The file has the same name as the LATEX input file, but a
different extension (.idx). This .idx file can then be processed with the
makeindex program:
makeindex filename
The makeindex program generates a sorted index with the same base file
name, but this time with the extension .ind. If now the LATEX input file is
On systems not necessarily supporting filenames longer than 8 characters, the program
may be called makeidx.
4.4 Fancy Headers 87
processed again, this sorted index gets included into the document at the
point where LATEX finds
The showidx package that comes with LATEX 2 prints out all index entries
in the left margin of the text. This is quite useful for proofreading a document
and verifying the index.
Note that the \index command can affect your layout if not used carefully.
% with this we ensure that the chapter and section
% headings are in lowercase.
\markright{\thesection\ #1}}
\fancyhf{} % delete current header and footer
\addtolength{\headheight}{0.5pt} % space for the rule
\fancyhead{} % get rid of headers on plain pages
\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt} % and the line
and chapter heading, respectively. The values of these two commands are
overwritten whenever a chapter or section command is processed.
For ultimate flexibility, the \chapter command and its friends do not
redefine \rightmark and \leftmark themselves. They call yet another
command (\chaptermark, \sectionmark, or \subsectionmark) that is re-
sponsible for redefining \rightmark and \leftmark.
If you want to change the look of the chapter name in the header line,
you need only renew the \chaptermark command.
Figure 4.1 shows a possible setup for the fancyhdr package that makes
the headers look about the same as they look in this booklet. In any case, I
suggest you fetch the documentation for the package at the address mentioned
in the footnote.
command, which allows you to include raw ASCII text into your document
as if it were inside a verbatim environment.
As the verbatim package is part of the tools bundle, you should find it
pre-installed on most systems. If you want to know more about this package,
make sure to read [10].
about the new style package and (b) gives you the documentation. Heres
how you do the first part:
1. Run LATEX on the .ins file. This will extract a .sty file.
2. Move the .sty file to a place where your distribution can find it. Usually
this is in your .../localtexmf /tex/latex subdirectory (Windows or
OS/2 users should feel free to change the direction of the slashes).
1. Run LATEX on the .dtx file. This will generate a .dvi file. Note that you
may have to run LATEX several times before it gets the cross-references
2. Check to see if LATEX has produced a .idx file among the various files
you now have. If you do not see this file, then the documentation has
no index. Continue with step 5.
5. Last but not least, make a .ps or .pdf file to increase your reading
Sometimes you will see that a .glo (glossary) file has been produced.
Run the following command between step 4 and 5:
makeindex -s -o name.gls name.glo
Be sure to run LATEX on the .dtx one last time before moving on to step 5.
Most web pages you find today are written in HTML (HyperText Markup
Language). This format has two significant disadvantages when writing
scientific documents:
1. Including mathematical formulae into HTML documents is not gener-
ally supported. While there is a standard for it, most browsers used
today do not support it, or lack the required fonts.
to do this manually by putting the following lines into the preamble of the
The following section will go into more detail regarding the differences
between normal LATEX and pdfLATEX. The main differences concern three
areas: the fonts to use, the format of images to include, and the manual
configuration of hyperlinks.
to the preamble of your document and you are all set for creating excellent
PDF output with full support for the full Latin character set. If you are
working with a stripped down setup, you may have to add the lm fonts
For the Russian language you may want to use C1 virtual fonts, available
at These fonts com-
bine the standard CM type 1 fonts from Bluesky collection and CMCYR
type 1 fonts from the Paradissa and BaKoMa collection, all available on
CTAN. Because Paradissa fonts contain only Russian letters, C1 fonts are
missing other Cyrillic glyphs.
Another solution is to switch to other PostScript type 1 fonts. Actually,
some of them are even included with every copy of Acrobat Reader. Because
these fonts have different character sizes, the text layout on your pages will
change. Generally these other fonts will use more space than the CM fonts,
which are very space-efficient. Also, the overall visual coherence of your
document will suffer because Times, Helvetica and Courier (the primary
candidates for such a replacement job) have not been designed to work in
harmony in a single document.
4.7 Working with pdf LATEX 93
Two ready-made font sets are available for this purpose: pxfonts, which is
based on Palatino as its main text body font, and the txfonts package, which
is based on Times. To use them it is sufficient to put the following lines into
the preamble of your document:
in the .log file after compiling your input file. They mean that some font
used in the document has not been found. Make sure you identify and fix
the offending parts of your document, as the resulting PDF document may
not display the pages with the missing characters at all.
In the sample above I have included the color package, as using color in
documents displayed on the web comes quite naturally.
So much for the good news. The bad news is that graphics in Encapsulated
PostScript format do not work with pdfLATEX. If you dont define a file
extension in the \includegraphics command, graphicx will go looking for a
suitable file on its own, depending on the setting of the driver option. For
pdftex this is formats .png, .pdf, .jpg and .mps (METAPOST)but not
The simple way out of this problem is to just convert your EPS files into
PDF format using the epstopdf utility found on many systems. For vector
graphics (drawings) this is a great solution. For bitmaps (photos, scans) this
is not ideal, because the PDF format natively supports the inclusion of PNG
and JPEG images. PNG is good for screenshots and other images with few
colours. JPEG is great for photos, as it is very space-efficient.
It may even be desirable not to draw certain geometric figures, but rather
describe the figure with a specialized command language, such as META-
POST, which can be found in most TEX distributions, and comes with its
own extensive manual.
The only required option is pdftex; the others are optional and allow
you to change the default behaviour of hyperref.8 In the following list the
default values are written in an upright font.
pdftitle (={text}) define the title that gets displayed in the Document
Info window of Acrobat
To have the bookmark list open and links in colour (the =true values
are optional):
When creating PDFs destined for printing, coloured links are not a good
thing as they end up in gray in the final output, making it difficult to read.
Use colour frames, which are not printed:
When you just want to provide information for the Document Info
section of the PDF file:
\usepackage[pdfauthor={Pierre Desproges},%
pdftitle={Des femmes qui tombent},%
The code
produces the output CTAN; a click on the word CTAN will take you to
the CTAN website.
If the destination of the link is not a URL but a local file, use the \href
command without the http:// bit:
which produces the text The complete document is here. A click on the
word here will open the file manual.pdf. (The filename is relative to the
location of the current document).
The author of an article might want her readers to easily send email
messages by using the \href command inside the \author command on the
title page of the document:
Note that I have put the link so that my email address appears not only in
the link but also on the page itself. I did this because the link
\href{mailto:[email protected]}{Mary Oetiker}
would work well within Acrobat, but once the page is printed the email
address would not be visible anymore.
appear when a counter gets reinitialized, for example by using the command
\mainmatter provided by the book document class. It resets the page number
counter to 1 prior to the first chapter of the book. But as the preface of the
book also has a page number 1 all links to page 1 would not be unique
anymore, hence the notice that duplicate has been ignored.
The counter measure consists of putting plainpages=false into the
hyperref options. This unfortunately only helps with the page counter. An
even more radical solution is to use the option
hypertexnames=false, but this will cause the page links in the index to
stop working.
Work around this problem by providing a text string for the bookmarks,
which replaces the offending text:
{E = mc ** 2}}
In the example above I have included the hyperref package even in the
non-PDF version. The effect of this is to make the \href command work in
all cases, which saves me from wrapping every occurrence into a conditional
Note that in recent TEX distributions (like TEXLive, MacTEX and
MiKTEX), the normal TEX program is actually pdfTEX and it will au-
tomatically switch between producing pdf and dvi according to the name it
is called with: use the pdflatex command to get pdf output and latex for
normal dvi output.
Most of the things said about pdfLATEX are valid for XELATEX as well.
There is a Wiki at that collects
information relevant to XETEX and XELATEX.
\setmainfont[Ligatures=TeX]{Linux Libertine}
in the preamble. This will normally detect the italic and bold versions as
well, so \textit and \textbf will work as usual. When the font is using
OpenType technology you have access to many features which required
switching to a separate font or using virtual fonts in the past. The main
feature is the extended character set; a font may contain Latin, Greek and
Cyrillic characters and the corresponding ligatures.
Many fonts contain at least two kinds of numerals, the normal lining
numerals and so called old style (or lower case) numerals, which partly extend
below the baseline. They may contain proportional numerals (the 1 takes
less space than the 0) or monospaced numerals which are suitable for
4.8 Working with XELATEX 99
Almost all OpenType fonts contain the standard ligatures (fl fi ffi) but
there are also some rare or historical ligatures like st, ct and tz. You may
not want to use them in a technical report but they are fine for a novel. To
enable these ligatures use either of the following lines:
Not every font contains both sets of ligature, consult the font documen-
tation or just try it out. Sometimes these ligatures are language dependent;
for example a ligature used in Polish (fk) is not used in English. You have
to add
The microtype packages does not work with XELATEX yet, support for
character protrusion is already under development.
You can present the results of your scientific work on a blackboard, with
transparencies, or directly from your laptop using some presentation software.
pdfLATEX combined with the beamer class allows you to create presenta-
tions in PDF, looking much like something you might be able to generate
with LibreOffice or PowerPoint if you had a very good day, but much more
portable because PDF readers are available on many more systems.
The beamer class uses graphicx, color and hyperref with options adapted
to screen presentations.
When you compile the code presented in figure 4.2 with pdfLATEX you
get a PDF file with a title page and a second page showing several items
that will be revealed one at a time as you step though your presentation.
One of the advantages of the beamer class is that it produces a PDF
file that is directly usable without first going through a PostScript stage
like prosper or requiring additional post processing like presentations created
with the ppower4 package.
4.9 Creating Presentations 101
\title{Simple Presentation}
\author[D. Flipo]{Daniel Flipo}
\institute{U.S.T.L. \& GUTenberg}
\section{An Example}
\frametitle{Things to do on a Sunday Afternoon}
\begin{block}{One could \ldots}
\item walk the dog\dots \pause
\item read a book\pause
\item confuse a cat\pause
and many other things
With the beamer class you can produce several versions (modes) of your
document from the same input file. The input file may contain special
instructions for the different modes in angular brackets. The following modes
are available:
beamer for the presentation PDF discussed above.
trans for transparencies.
handout for the printed version.
The default mode is beamer, change it by setting a different mode as a
global option, like \documentclass[10pt,handout]{beamer} to print the
handouts for example.
The look of the screen presentation depends on the theme you choose.
Pick one of the themes shipped with the beamer class or create your own.
See the beamer class documentation in beameruserguide.pdf for more
information on this.
Lets have a closer look at the code in figure 4.2.
For the screen version of the presentation \mode<beamer> we have chosen
the Goettingen theme to show a navigation panel integrated into the table
of contents. The options allow us to choose the size of the panel (22 mm in
this case) and its position (on the right side of the body text). The option
hideothersubsections, shows the chapter titles, but only the subsections of
the present chapter. There are no special settings for \mode<trans> and
\mode<handout>. They appear in their standard layout.
The commands \title{}, \author{}, \institute{}, and
\titlegraphic{} set the content of the title page. The optional arguments
of \title[]{} and \author[]{} let you specify a special version of the title
and the author name to be displayed on the panel of the Goettingen theme.
The titles and subtitles in the panel are created with normal \section{}
and \subsection{} commands that you place outside the frame environ-
The tiny navigation icons at the bottom of the screen also allow to
navigate the document. Their presence is not dependent on the theme you
The contents of each slide or screen has to be placed inside a frame
environment. There is an optional argument in angular brackets (< and
>), it allows us to suppress a particular frame in one of the versions of the
presentation. In the example the first page would not be shown in the
handout version due to the <handout:0> argument.
It is highly recommended to set a title for each slide apart from the
title slide. This is done with the command \frametitle{}. If a subtitle is
necessary use the block environment as shown in the example. Note that
the sectioning commands \section{} and \subsection{} do not produce
output on the slide proper.
4.9 Creating Presentations 103
The command \pause in the itemize environment lets you reveal the
items one by one. For other presentation effects check out the commands
\only, \uncover, \alt and \temporal. In many place it is possible to use
angular brackets to further customize the presentation.
In any case make sure to read through the beamer class documentation
beameruserguide.pdf to get a complete picture of what is in store for you.
This package is being actively developed, check out their website to get the
latest information. (
Chapter 5
Producing Mathematical
Most people use LATEX for typesetting their text. And since the structure oriented
approach to authoring is so convenient, LATEX also offers a, if somewhat restricted,
means for producing graphical output from textual descriptions. Furthermore,
quite a number of LATEX extensions have been created in order to overcome
these restrictions. In this section, you will learn about a few of them.
5.1 Overview
Creating graphical output with LATEX has a long tradition. It started out
with the picture environment which allows you to create graphics by cleverly
placing predefined elements onto the canvas. A complete description can
be found in the LATEX Manual [1]. The picture environment of LATEX 2
brings with it the \qbezier command, q meaning quadratic. Many
frequently used curves such as circles, ellipses, or catenaries can be satisfac-
torily approximated by quadratic Bzier curves, although this may require
some mathematical toil. If, in addition, a programming language is used
to generate \qbezier blocks of LATEX input files, the picture environment
becomes quite powerful.
Although programming pictures directly in LATEX is severely restricted,
and often rather tiresome, there are still reasons for doing so. The documents
thus produced are small with respect to bytes, and there are no additional
graphics files to be dragged along.
This has been the state of things until a few years ago when Till Tantau
of beamer fame came up with the Portable Graphics Format pgf and its
companion package TikZ (tikz). This system lets you create high quality
vector graphics with all current TEX systems including full support for pdf.
Building on these basics, numerous packages have been written for specific
106 Producing Mathematical Graphics
The default value of \unitlength is 1pt. The first pair, (x, y), effects the
reservation, within the document, of rectangular space for the picture. The
optional second pair, (x0 , y0 ), assigns arbitrary coordinates to the bottom
left corner of the reserved rectangle.
Believe it or not, the picture environment works out of the box, with standard LATEX 2
no package loading necessary.
5.2 The picture Environment 107
\put(x, y){object}
Bzier curves are an exception. They are drawn with the command
% ,
% ,
% ,
% #
, "
% ," "
% # ,
# "
% ,
" !
" !!
% ,
# "!!
" !!
% ,
" !
" !
" !
( (
( (
( ( ( (((
\put(0,0){\line(4,5){.8}} ,
108 Producing Mathematical Graphics
2. a length.
The components of the direction vector are restricted to the integers
6, 5, . . . , 5, 6,
and they have to be coprime (no common divisor except 1). The figure
illustrates all 25 possible slope values in the first quadrant. The length is
relative to \unitlength. The length argument is the vertical coordinate in
the case of a vertical line segment, the horizontal coordinate in all other
5.2.3 Arrows
\put(30,20){\vector(3,1){25}} *
\put(30,20){\vector(1,2){10}} XXXC
For arrows, the components of the direction vector are even more narrowly
restricted than for line segments, namely to the integers
4, 3, . . . , 3, 4.
Components also have to be coprime (no common divisor except 1). Notice
the effect of the \thicklines command on the two arrows pointing to the
upper left.
5.2 The picture Environment 109
5.2.4 Circles
\begin{picture}(60, 40)
\put(40,30){\circle{2}} '$ '$
\put(40,30){\circle{4}} j
be m
\put(40,30){\circle{6}} &% &%
\put(40,30){\circle{9}} r u x z}
The command
\put(x, y){\circle{diameter}}
draws a circle with center (x, y) and diameter (not radius) diameter. The
picture environment only admits diameters up to approximately 14 mm,
and even below this limit, not all diameters are possible. The \circle*
command produces disks (filled circles).
As in the case of line segments, one may have to resort to additional
packages, such as eepic or pstricks. For a thorough description of these
packages, see The LATEX Graphics Companion [4].
There is also a possibility within the picture environment. If one is not
afraid of doing the necessary calculations (or leaving them to a program),
arbitrary circles and ellipses can be patched together from quadratic Bzier
curves. See Graphics in LATEX 2 [17] for examples and Java source files.
110 Producing Mathematical Graphics
As this example shows, text and formulas can be written into a picture
environment with the \put command in the usual way.
The command
has 4 arguments: the starting point, the translation vector from one object
5.2 The picture Environment 111
to the next, the number of objects, and the object to be drawn. The
\linethickness command applies to horizontal and vertical line segments,
but neither to oblique line segments, nor to circles. It does, however, apply
to quadratic Bzier curves!
5.2.7 Ovals
{\line(1,0){6}} #
\put(2,3){\oval(3,1.8)} "
# ! !
" !
\thicklines " !
The command
produces an oval centered at (x, y) and having width w and height h. The
optional position arguments b, t, l, r refer to top, bottom, left, right,
and can be combined, as the example illustrates.
Line thickness can be controlled by two kinds of commands:
\linethickness{length} on the one hand, \thinlines and \thicklines
on the other. While \linethickness{length} applies only to horizontal and
vertical lines (and quadratic Bzier curves), \thinlines and \thicklines
apply to oblique line segments as well as to circles and ovals.
112 Producing Mathematical Graphics
(40,32)[bl]{% definition
(40,32)[l]{% definition
then defined by
\put(x, y){\usebox{name}}
The optional position parameter has the effect of defining the anchor
point of the savebox. In the example it is set to bl which puts the anchor
point into the bottom left corner of the savebox. The other position specifiers
are top and right.
5.2 The picture Environment 113
5.2.10 Catenary
\linethickness{.075mm} y
\multiput(-2,0)(1,0){5} 6
\put( .3,.12763){\line(1,0){.4}}
\put(-.7,.12763){\line(1,0){.4}} -x
its lower left corner (marked by the black disk) is assigned the coordinates
(2.5, 0.25).
5.3 The PGF and TikZ Graphics Packages 115
\multiput(-2.5,1)(0.4,0){13} = v/c = tanh
{\line(1,0){0.2}} 6
{\line(1,0){0.2}} -
(2,0.9640) t
The control points of the two Bzier curves were calculated with formulas
(5.1). The positive branch is determined by P1 = (0, 0), m1 = 1 and P2 =
(2, tanh 2), m2 = 1/ cosh2 2. Again, the picture is defined in mathematically
convenient coordinates, and the lower left corner is assigned the mathematical
coordinates (3, 2) (black disk).
Today every LATEX output generation system can create nice vector graphics,
its just the interfaces that are rather diverse. The pgf package provides an
abstraction layer over these interface. The pgf package comes with a large
manual/tutorial of its own [18]. So we are only going to scratch the surface
of the package with this little section.
The pgf package comes with a high level access language provided by the
tikz package. TikZ provides highly efficient commands to draw graphics right
from inside your document. Use the tikzpicture environment to wrap your
TikZ commands.
As mentioned above, there is an excellent manual for pgf and friends.
So instead of actually explaining how it works, I will just show you a few
examples so that you can get a first impression of how this tool works.
First a simple nonsense diagram.
116 Producing Mathematical Graphics
\clip (-0.1,-0.2)
rectangle (1.8,1.2);
\draw[step=.25cm,gray,very thin]
(-1.4,-1.4) grid (3.4,3.4);
\draw (-1.5,0) -- (2.5,0);
\draw (0,-1.5) -- (0,1.5);
\draw (0,0) circle (1cm);
(0,0) -- (3mm,0mm)
arc (0:30:3mm) -- cycle;
minimum size=3cm, economics psychology
at (0,0) {};
minimum size=3cm,
at (1,0) {};
\node (i) at (0.5,-1) {};
\node at (0.6,-2.5)
{behavioral economics}
behavioral economics
out=60,in=-60] (i);
If you are using tikz in connection with babel some of the characters used
in the TikZ language may get modified by babel, leading to odd errors. To
counteract this, add the \shorthandoff command to your code.
\tikzstyle{v}=[circle, minimum size=2mm,inner sep=0pt,draw]
\foreach \i in {1,...,8}
\foreach \j in {1,...,3}
(G-\i-\j) at (\i,\j) {};
\foreach \i in {1,...,8}
\foreach \j/\o in {1/2,2/3}
(G-\i-\j) -- (G-\i-\o);
\foreach \i/\n in
\foreach \j/\o in {1/2,2/3} {
\draw[->] (G-\i-\j) -- (G-\n-\o);
\draw[->] (G-\n-\j) -- (G-\i-\o);
\draw [decorate,fill=lightgray]
(0,0) rectangle (5.5,4);
(A) at (.5,.5) {A};
(B) at (5,3.5) {B};
\draw[->,decorate] (A) -- (B); A
\draw[->,decorate] (B) -- (A);
118 Producing Mathematical Graphics
minimum size=1mm,draw,thick]
\node[v] (a) {$1$};
\node[v] (b) [right=of a] {$2$}; 1 2
\node[v] (c) [below=of a] {$2$};
\node[v] (d) [below=of b] {$1$};
2 1
(a) to node {} (c);
(a) to node {} (d);
(b) to node {} (d);
You can even draw syntax diagrams that look as if they came straight
from a book on Pascal programming. The code is a bit more daunting than
the example above, so I will just show you the result. If you have a look at
the pgf documentation you will find a detailed tutorial on drawing this exact
And there is more, if you have to draw plots of numerical data or functions,
you should have a closer look at the pgfplot package. It provides everything
you need to draw plots. It can even call the external gnuplot command to
evaluate actual functions you wrote into the graph.
For more inspiration make sure to visit Kjell Magne Fauskes excellent it contains an ever expanding store of
beautiful graphs and other LATEX code. On you will also find
a list of tools to work with PGF/TikZ so that you do not have to write all
that code by hand.
Chapter 6
Customising LATEX
Documents produced with the commands you have learned up to this point will
look acceptable to a large audience. While they are not fancy-looking, they obey
all the established rules of good typesetting, which will make them easy to read
and pleasant to look at.
However, there are situations where LATEX does not provide a command or
environment that matches your needs, or the output produced by some existing
command may not meet your requirements.
In this chapter, I will try to give some hints on how to teach LATEX new tricks
and how to make it produce output that looks different from what is provided
by default.
If I ever decide that I do not like having the commands typeset in a box
any more, I can simply change the definition of the lscommand environment
to create a new look. This is much easier than going through the whole
document to hunt down all the places where I have used some generic LATEX
commands to draw a box around some word.
\newcommand{\tnss}{The not
so Short Introduction to This is The not so Short Introduction to
\LaTeXe} LATEX 2 . . . The not so Short Introduc-
This is \tnss \ldots{} tion to LATEX 2
The next example illustrates how to define a new command that takes
one argument. The #1 tag gets replaced by the argument you specify. If you
wanted to use more than one argument, use #2 and so on.
{This is the \emph{#1}
#2 Introduction to \LaTeXe} This is the not so short Introduction
% in the document body: to LATEX 2
\begin{itemize} This is the very long Introduction
\item \txsit{not so}{short} to LATEX 2
\item \txsit{very}{long}
LATEX will not allow you to create a new command that would overwrite
an existing one. But there is a special command in case you explicitly
want this: \renewcommand. It uses the same syntax as the \newcommand
6.1 New Commands, Environments and Packages 121
In certain cases you might also want to use the \providecommand com-
mand. It works like \newcommand, but if the command is already defined,
LATEX 2 will silently ignore it.
There are some points to note about whitespace following LATEX com-
mands. See page 5 for more information.
\rule{1ex}{1ex}} My humble subjects . . .
My humble subjects \ldots
The num argument is used the same way as in the \newcommand command.
LAT EX makes sure that you do not define an environment that already exists.
If you ever want to change an existing command, use the \renewenvironment
command. It uses the same syntax as the \newenvironment command.
The commands used in this example will be explained later. For the \rule
command see page 135, for \stretch go to page 129, and more information
on \hspace can be found on page 129.
the begin block. The end block is a bit more tricky as special processing
occurs at the end of an environment. With the \ignorespacesafterend
LATEX will issue an \ignorespaces after the special end processing has
{\par\noindent} See the space
to the left.
\begin{simple} Same
See the space\\to the left. here.
{\par\noindent% No space
\ignorespacesafterend} to the left.
\begin{correct} Same
No space\\to the left. here.
% "black and white" mode; do something..
% "color" mode; do something different..
latex \newcommand{\blackandwhite}{true}\input{test.tex}
First the command \blackandwhite gets defined and then the actual
file is read with input. By setting \blackandwhite to false the color version
of the document would be produced.
6.2 Fonts and Sizes 123
\ProvidesPackage{package name}
for use at the very beginning of your package file. \ProvidesPackage tells
LATEX the name of the package and will allow it to issue a sensible error
message when you try to include a package twice. Figure 6.1 shows a small
example package that contains the commands defined in the examples above.
One important feature of LATEX 2 is that the font attributes are inde-
pendent. This means that issuing size or even font changing commands, and
still keep bold or slant attributes set earlier.
In math mode use the font changing commands to temporarily exit math
mode and enter some normal text. If you want to switch to another font
for math typesetting you need another special set of commands; refer to
Table 6.4.
In connection with the font size commands, curly braces play a significant
role. They are used to build groups. Groups limit the scope of most LATEX
{\Large This is not true either. This is not true either. But
But remember I am a liar.}\par remember I am a liar.
This is not true.
But then again, what is these This is not true. But then
days \ldots again, what is these days . . .
Do not enter this room, its occupied by
Do not \oops{enter} this room,
machines of unknown origin and purpose.
its occupied by \oops{machines}
of unknown origin and purpose.
This approach has the advantage that you can decide at some later
stage that you want to use a visual representation of danger other than
\textbf, without having to wade through your document, identifying all the
occurrences of \textbf and then figuring out for each one whether it was
used for pointing out danger or for some other reason.
Please note the difference between telling LATEX to emphasize something
and telling it to use a different font. The \emph command is context aware,
while the font commands are absolute.
6.3 Spacing 127
6.2.3 Advice
To conclude this journey into the land of fonts and font sizes, here is a little
word of advice:
Remember The MO RE fonts youuse in a document, the
6.3 Spacing
If you want to use larger inter-line spacing in a document, change its value
by putting the
This paragraph is typeset with the base-
This paragraph is typeset with
the baseline skip set to 1.5 of line skip set to 1.5 of what it was before.
what it was before. Note the par
Note the par command at the end of the
command at the end of the
paragraph.\par} paragraph.
This paragraph has a clear purpose, it
This paragraph has a clear
shows that after the curly brace has been
purpose, it shows that after the
closed, everything is back to normal.
curly brace has been closed,
everything is back to normal.
\setlength{\parskip}{1ex plus 0.5ex minus 0.2ex}
in the preamble of the input file, you can change the layout of paragraphs.
These two commands increase the space between two paragraphs while setting
the paragraph indent to zero.
The plus and minus parts of the length above tell TEX that it can
compress and expand the inter-paragraph skip by the amount specified, if
this is necessary to properly fit the paragraphs onto the page.
In continental Europe, paragraphs are often separated by some space and
not indented. But beware, this also has its effect on the table of contents.
Its lines get spaced more loosely now as well. To avoid this, you might
want to move the two commands from the preamble into your document to
some place below the command \tableofcontents or to not use them at
all, because youll find that most professional books use indenting and not
spacing to separate paragraphs.
6.3 Spacing 129
at the beginning of the paragraph.2 Obviously, this will only have an effect
when \parindent is not set to zero.
To create a non-indented paragraph, use
as the first command of the paragraph. This might come in handy when you
start a document with body text and not with a sectioning command.
If such a space should be kept even if it falls at the end or the start of
a line, use \hspace* instead of \hspace. The length in the simplest case is
just a number plus a unit. The most important units are listed in Table 6.5.
The command
generates a special rubber space. It stretches until all the remaining space
on a line is filled up. If multiple \hspace{\stretch{n}} commands are
issued on the same line, they occupy all available space in proportion of their
respective stretch factors.
x x x
When using horizontal space together with text, it may make sense to
make the space adjust its size relative to the size of the current font. This
can be done by using the text-relative units em and ex:
To indent the first paragraph after each section head, use the indentfirst package in
the tools bundle.
Table 6.5: TEX Units.
{\Large{}big\hspace{1em}y}\\ big y
{\tiny{}tin\hspace{1em}y} tin y
This command should normally be used between two empty lines. If the
space should be preserved at the top or at the bottom of a page, use the
starred version of the command, \vspace*, instead of \vspace.
The \stretch command, in connection with \pagebreak, can be used
to typeset text on the last line of a page, or to centre text vertically on a
This goes onto the last line of the page.\pagebreak
With \bigskip and \smallskip you can skip a predefined amount of
vertical space without having to worry about exact numbers.
6.4 Page Layout 131
4 i
5 i
6 i
? ?
6 ?Header
6 6
Body i
- 9i
i -
3 i
8 i -
? ?
1i- Footer
Figure 6.2: Layout parameters for this book. Try the layouts package to
print the layout of your own document.
6.5 More Fun With Lengths 133
\settowidth{\parindent}{#1:\ }
\makebox[0pt][r]{#1:\ }}{}
\begin{displaymath} a2 + b2 = c2
\end{displaymath} Where: a, b are adjacent to the right
angle of a right-angled triangle.
$b$ -- are adjacent to the right c is the hypotenuse of the
angle of a right-angled triangle. triangle and feels lonely.
d finally does not show up here
$c$ -- is the hypotenuse of at all. Isnt that puzzling?
the triangle and feels lonely.
6.6 Boxes
LATEX builds up its pages by pushing around boxes. At first, each letter is
a little box, which is then glued to other letters to form words. These are
again glued to other words, but with special glue, which is elastic so that a
series of words can be squeezed or stretched as to exactly fill a line on the
I admit, this is a very simplistic version of what really happens, but the
point is that TEX operates on glue and boxes. Letters are not the only things
that can be boxes. You can put virtually everything into a box, including
134 Customising LATEX
other boxes. Each box will then be handled by LATEX as if it were a single
In earlier chapters you encountered some boxes, although I did not tell
you. The tabular environment and the \includegraphics, for example,
both produce a box. This means that you can easily arrange two tables or
images side by side. You just have to make sure that their combined width
is not larger than the textwidth.
You can also pack a paragraph of your choice into a box with either the
command or the
width defines the width of the resulting box as seen from the outside.5
Besides the length expressions, you can also use \width, \height, \depth,
and \totalheight in the width parameter. They are set from values obtained
by measuring the typeset text. The pos parameter takes a one letter value:
center, flushleft, flushright, or spread the text to fill the box.
The command \framebox works exactly the same as \makebox, but it
draws a box around the text.
The following example shows you some things you could do with the
\makebox and \framebox commands.
This means it can be smaller than the material inside the box. You can even set
the width to 0pt so that the text inside the box will be typeset without influencing the
surrounding boxes.
6.7 Rules 135
c e n t r a l}\par
\makebox[\textwidth][s]{% central
s p r e a d}\par s p r e a d
\framebox[1.1\width]{Guess Im
framed now!} \par Guess Im framed now!
\framebox[0.8\width][r]{Bummer, Bummer, I am too wide
I am too wide} \par
\framebox[1cm][l]{never never mind,
Can you
so am
readI this?
mind, so am I}
Can you read this?
Now that we control the horizontal, the obvious next step is to go for the
vertical.6 No problem for LATEX. The
command lets you define the vertical properties of a box. You can use \width,
\height, \depth, and \totalheight in the first three parameters, in order
to act upon the size of the box inside the text argument.
\raisebox{-1.2ex}{r}% Aaaaaaa she shouted, but not
\raisebox{-2.2ex}{g}% rg in line noticed that some-
even the next one
\raisebox{-4.5ex}{h}}} thing terrible hadhhappened to her.
she shouted, but not even the next
one in line noticed that something
terrible had happened to her.
6.7 Rules
A few pages back you may have noticed the command
Total control is only to be obtained by controlling both the horizontal and the vertical
136 Customising LATEX
This is useful for drawing vertical and horizontal lines. The line on the title
page, for example, has been created with a \rule command.
The End.
Appendix A
Installing LATEX
Knuth published the source to TEX back in a time when nobody knew about
OpenSource and/or Free Software. The License that comes with TEX lets you
do whatever you want with the source, but you can only call the result of your
work TEX if the program passes a set of tests Knuth has also provided. This has
lead to a situation where we have free TEX implementations for almost every
Operating System under the sun. This chapter will give some hints on what to
install on Linux, Mac OS X and Windows, to get a working TEX setup.
Over the past few years I have come to like Texmaker quite a lot. Apart
from being very a useful editor with integrated pdf-preview and syntax high-
lighting, it has the advantage of running on Windows, Mac and Unix/Linux
equally well. See for further infor-
mation. There is also a forked version of Texmaker called TeXstudio on It also seems well maintained and
is also available for all three major platforms.
You will find some platform specific editor suggestions in the OS sections
If you are looking for a more windows like graphical editing environment,
check out Texmaker. See section A.2.
Most Linux distros insist on splitting up their TEX environments into a
large number of optional packages, so if something is missing after your first
install, go check again.
[4] Michel Goossens, Sebastian Rahtz and Frank Mittelbach. The LATEX
Graphics Companion. Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 1997,
ISBN 0-201-85469-4.
[5] Each LATEX installation should provide a so-called LATEX Local Guide,
which explains the things that are special to the local system. It should
be contained in a file called local.tex. Unfortunately, some lazy sysops
do not provide such a document. In this case, go and ask your local
LATEX guru for help.
[6] LATEX3 Project Team. LATEX 2 for authors. Comes with the LATEX 2
distribution as usrguide.tex.
[7] LATEX3 Project Team. LATEX 2 for Class and Package writers. Comes
with the LATEX 2 distribution as clsguide.tex.
[8] LATEX3 Project Team. LATEX 2 Font selection. Comes with the LATEX 2
distribution as fntguide.tex.
[11] Vladimir Volovich, Werner Lemberg and LATEX3 Project Team. Cyrillic
languages support in LATEX. Comes with the LATEX 2 distribution as
[16] Alan Hoenig. TEX Unbound. Oxford University Press, 1998, ISBN
0-19-509685-1; 0-19-509686-X (pbk.)
[17] Urs Oswald. Graphics in LATEX 2 , containing some Java source files for
generating arbitrary circles and ellipses within the picture environment,
and METAPOST - A Tutorial. Both downloadable from http://www.
[21] Will Robertson and Khaled Hosny. The fontspec package. Comes with
the TEXLive distribution as fontspec.pdf. (Type texdoc fontspec
on the command line.)
[22] Apostolos Syropoulos. The xgreek package. Comes with the TEXLive
distribution as xgreek.pdf. (Type texdoc xgreek on the command
[23] Vafa Khalighi. The bidi package. Comes with the TEXLive distribution
as bidi.pdf. (Type texdoc bidi on the command line.
[24] Vafa Khalighi. The XePersian package. Comes with the TEXLive
distribution as xepersian-doc.pdf. (Type texdoc xepersian on the
command line.
[25] Wenchang Sun. The xeCJK package. Comes with the TEXLive distribu-
tion as xeCJK.pdf. (Type texdoc xecjk on the command line.
backslash, 5 Chinese, 38
\bar, 58 \ci, 119
base font size, 11 \circle, 109
beamer, 100102, 105 \circle*, 109
\begin, 42, 106, 114 \cite, 85
\Beta, 75 \cleardoublepage, 51
\bibitem, 85 \clearpage, 51
bibliography, 85 \cline, 46
bicig, 33 color, 100
bidi, 36, 37 coloured text, 10
\Big, 60 comma, 23
\big, 60 commands, 5
\Bigg, 60 \!, 69
\bigg, 60 \,, 55, 69
\bigskip, 130 \-, 20
binary relations, 59 \:, 69
\binom, 59 \;, 69
binomial coefficient, 59 \@, 38
blackboard bold, 56 \[, 54, 55
block, 102 \\, 19, 43, 44, 46, 130
bm, 71 \\*, 19
Bmatrix, 68 \], 54
bmatrix, 68 \addtolength, 131
\bmod, 58 \Alph, 32, 33
bold face, 124 \alph, 32, 33
bold symbols, 56, 71 \Alpha, 75
\boldmath, 71 \and, 40
\boldsymbol, 71 \appendix, 39, 40
book class, 10 \arccos, 58
booktabs, 48 \arcsin, 58
brace \arctan, 58
horizontal, 57 \arg, 58
bracketing, 60 \arraystretch, 47
brazilian, 27 \Asbuk, 32
\asbuk, 32
C \author, 40, 96
calc, 131 \backmatter, 40
\caption, 50, 51 \bar, 58
cases, 68 \begin, 42, 106, 114
\cdot, 57 \Beta, 75
\cdots, 57 \bibitem, 85
center, 43 \Big, 60
\chapter, 39 \big, 60
\chaptermark, 89 \Bigg, 60
\bigg, 60 \flqq, 29
\bigskip, 130 \foldera, 113
\binom, 59 \folderb, 113
\bmod, 58 \footnote, 41, 51
\boldmath, 71 \footskip, 132
\boldsymbol, 71 \frac, 59
\caption, 50, 51 \framebox, 134
\cdot, 57 \frenchspacing, 32, 38
\cdots, 57 \frontmatter, 40
\chapter, 39 \frq, 29
\chaptermark, 89 \frqq, 29
\ci, 119 \fussy, 20
\circle, 109 \gcd, 58
\circle*, 109 \hat, 58
\cite, 85 \headheight, 132
\cleardoublepage, 51 \headsep, 132
\clearpage, 51 \height, 134, 135
\cline, 46 \hline, 46
\cos, 58 \hom, 58
\cosh, 58 \href, 95, 96, 98
\cot, 58 \hspace, 121, 129
\coth, 58 \hyphenation, 20
\csc, 58 \idotsint, 69
\date, 40 \IEEEeqnarraymulticol, 65
\ddots, 57 \IEEEmulticol, 67
\DeclareMathOperator, 58 \IEEEnonumber, 66
\deg, 58 \IEEEyesnumber, 67
\depth, 134, 135 \IEEEyessubnumber, 67
\det, 58 \ifpdf, 97
\dfrac, 59 \ignorespaces, 121, 122
\dim, 58 \ignorespacesafterend, 122
\displaystyle, 70 \iiiint, 69
\documentclass, 9, 14, 20 \iiint, 69
\dq, 29 \iint, 69
\dum, 119 \include, 14, 15
\emph, 42, 124, 126 \includegraphics, 84, 93, 97,
\end, 42, 106 134
\enumBul, 32 \includeonly, 15
\enumEng, 32 \indent, 129
\enumLat, 32 \index, 86, 87
\eqref, 54 \inf, 58
\exp, 58 \input, 15
\fbox, 21 \int, 60
\flq, 29 \item, 42
\ker, 58 \nonumber, 66
\label, 41, 50, 54 \nopagebreak, 19
\LaTeX, 21 \not, 76
\LaTeXe, 21 \oddsidemargin, 132
\ldots, 24, 57 \oval, 111, 113
\left, 60 \overbrace, 57
\lefteqn, 63, 65 \overleftarrow, 58
\leftmark, 87, 89 \overline, 57
\lg, 58 \overrightarrow, 58
\lim, 58 \pagebreak, 19
\liminf, 58 \pageref, 41, 90
\limsup, 58 \pagestyle, 13
\line, 108, 113 \paperheight, 132
\linebreak, 19 \paperwidth, 132
\linespread, 127 \par, 124
\linethickness, 110, 111, 113 \paragraph, 39
\listoffigures, 50 \parbox, 134
\listoftables, 50 \parindent, 128
\ln, 58 \parskip, 128
\log, 58 \part, 39
\mainmatter, 40, 96 \partial, 59
\makebox, 134 \phantom, 51, 70
\makeindex, 86 \pmod, 58
\maketitle, 40 \Pr, 58
\marginparpush, 132 \printindex, 87
\marginparsep, 132 \prod, 60
\marginparwidth, 132 \protect, 51
\mathbb, 56 \providecommand, 121
\max, 58 \ProvidesPackage, 123
\mbox, 21, 24, 134 \put, 107112
\min, 58 \qbezier, 105, 107, 113
\multicolumn, 47 \qedhere, 73, 74
\multicolumns, 65 \qquad, 55, 69
\multiput, 107, 110 \quad, 55, 66, 69
\negmedspace, 66 \raisebox, 135
\newcommand, 69, 120, 121 \ref, 41, 50, 90
\newenvironment, 121 \renewcommand, 120
\newline, 19 \renewenvironment, 121
\newpage, 19 \right, 60, 67
\newsavebox, 112 \right., 60
\newtheorem, 71 \rightmark, 87, 89
\noindent, 129 \rule, 48, 121, 135, 136
\nolinebreak, 19 \savebox, 112
\nombre, 28 \scriptscriptstyle, 70
\scriptstyle, 70 \thispagestyle, 13
\sec, 58 \title, 40
\section, 39, 51 \tnss, 120
\sectionmark, 89 \today, 21
\selectlanguage, 26 \topmargin, 132
\setlength, 106, 128, 131 \totalheight, 134, 135
\settodepth, 133 \ud, 69
\settoheight, 133 \underbrace, 57
\settowidth, 133 \underline, 42, 57
\shorthandoff, 116 \unitlength, 106, 108
\sin, 58 \usebox, 112
\sinh, 58 \usepackage, 10, 13, 23, 2527,
\slash, 22 33, 123
\sloppy, 20 \usetikzlibrary, 117
\smallskip, 130 \vdots, 57
\smash, 55 \vec, 58
\sqrt, 57 \vector, 108
\stackrel, 59 \verb, 45
\stretch, 121, 129 \verbatiminput, 89
\subparagraph, 39 \vspace, 130
\subsection, 39 \widehat, 58
\subsectionmark, 89 \widetilde, 58
\substack, 60 \width, 134, 135
\subsubsection, 39 comment, 6
\sum, 60 comments, 6
\sup, 58 \cos, 58
\tabcolsep, 47 \cosh, 58
\tableofcontents, 39 \cot, 58
\tag, 54 \coth, 58
\tan, 58 cp1251, 26, 34
\tanh, 58 cp850, 26
\TeX, 21 cp866nav, 26
\texorpdfstring, 97 cross-references, 41
\textbackslash, 5 \csc, 58
\textcelsius, 23 curly braces, 5, 124
\textdegree, 23 Cyrillic, 36
\texteuro, 23
\textheight, 132 D
\textstyle, 70 dash, 22
\textwidth, 132 \date, 40
\tfrac, 59 dcolumn, 47
\theoremstyle, 71 \ddots, 57
\thicklines, 108, 111, 113 decimal alignment, 47
\thinlines, 111, 113 \DeclareMathOperator, 58
\deg, 58 T2C, 27
degree symbol, 22 X2, 27
delimiters, 60 input
\depth, 134, 135 ansinew, 26
description, 42 applemac, 26
\det, 58 cp1251, 26, 34
Deutsch, 29 cp850, 26
\dfrac, 59 cp866nav, 26
diagonal dots, 57 koi8-ru, 26, 32
\dim, 58 latin1, 26
dimensions, 129 macukr, 26
display style, 53, 55 mn, 34
displaymath, 54 utf8, 26, 34
\displaystyle, 70 \end, 42, 106
doc, 12 \enumBul, 32
document font size, 11 \enumEng, 32
document title, 11 enumerate, 42
\documentclass, 9, 14, 20 \enumLat, 32
dot, 57 environments
dotless and , 25 Bmatrix, 68
dots, 57 IEEEeqnarray, 61, 62, 64
three, 57 Vmatrix, 68
double line spacing, 127 abstract, 44
double sided, 11 align, 62
\dq, 29 array, 67, 68
\dum, 119 block, 102
bmatrix, 68
E cases, 68
eepic, 109 center, 43
ellipsis, 23 comment, 6
em-dash, 22 description, 42
\emph, 42, 124, 126 displaymath, 54
empty, 13 enumerate, 42
en-dash, 22 eqnarray, 63
Encapsulated PostScript, 83, 93, equation*, 54, 55, 61
139 equation, 54, 55, 61, 63
encodings figure, 49, 50
font flushleft, 43
LGR, 27 flushright, 43
OT1, 27 frame, 102
T1, 27, 32 itemize, 42
T2*, 32 lscommand, 119
T2A, 27, 32 matrix, 68
T2B, 27 minipage, 134
multline*, 61 .toc, 14
multline, 61, 63
parbox, 134 F
picture, 105, 106, 109, 110 fancyhdr, 8789
pmatrix, 68 \fbox, 21
proof, 72 figure, 49, 50
quotation, 44 file types, 13
quote, 44 floating bodies, 48
table, 49, 50 \flq, 29
tabular, 45, 134 \flqq, 29
thebibliography, 85 flushleft, 43
tikzpicture, 115 flushright, 43
verbatim, 45, 89 \foldera, 113
verse, 44 \folderb, 113
vmatrix, 68 font, 123
eqnarray, 63 \footnotesize, 124
\eqref, 54 \Huge, 124
equation, 53 \huge, 124
LATEX, 54 \LARGE, 124
amsmath, 54 \Large, 124
multiple, 62 \large, 124
equation, 54, 55, 61, 63 \mathbf, 125
equation*, 54, 55, 61 \mathcal, 125
eurosym, 23 \mathit, 125
executive paper, 11 \mathnormal, 125
\exp, 58 \mathrm, 125
exponent, 56 \mathsf, 125
exscale, 12 \mathtt, 125
extension, 13 \normalsize, 124
.aux, 14 \scriptsize, 124
.cls, 14 \small, 124
.dtx, 13 \textbf, 124
.dvi, 14, 84 \textit, 124
.eps, 84 \textmd, 124
.fd, 14 \textnormal, 124
.idx, 14, 86 \textrm, 124
.ilg, 14 \textsc, 124
.ind, 14, 86 \textsf, 124
.ins, 14 \textsl, 124
.lof, 14 \texttt, 124
.log, 14 \textup, 124
.lot, 14 \tiny, 124
.sty, 13, 90 font encoding, 12
.tex, 8, 13 font encodings, 27
LGR, 27 header, 13
OT1, 27 \headheight, 132
T1, 27, 32 textttheadings, 13
T2*, 32 \headsep, 132
T2A, 27, 32 Hebrew, 37
T2B, 27 \height, 134, 135
T2C, 27 \hline, 46
X2, 27 \hom, 58
font size, 123, 124 horizontal
fontenc, 12, 27, 32 brace, 57
fontspec, 35, 99 dots, 57
footer, 13 line, 57
\footnote, 41, 51 space, 129
\footnotesize, 124 \href, 95, 96, 98
\footskip, 132 \hspace, 121, 129
\frac, 59 \Huge, 124
fraction, 59 \huge, 124
fragile commands, 51 hyperref, 36, 91, 93, 94, 97, 98, 100
frame, 102 hypertext, 90
\framebox, 134 hyphen, 22
French, 28 hyphenat, 89
frenchb, 28 \hyphenation, 20
\frenchspacing, 32, 38
\frontmatter, 40 I
\frq, 29 \idotsint, 69
\frqq, 29 IEEEeqnarray, 61, 62, 64
\fussy, 20 \IEEEeqnarraymulticol, 65
\IEEEmulticol, 67
G \IEEEnonumber, 66
\gcd, 58 IEEEtrantools, 64
geometry, 89 \IEEEyesnumber, 67
German, 25, 29 \IEEEyessubnumber, 67
GhostScript, 9, 83, 139 ifpdf, 97
GhostView, 139 \ifpdf, 97
Gimp, 139 ifthen, 12
graphics, 10, 83 \ignorespaces, 121, 122
graphicx, 83, 93, 100 \ignorespacesafterend, 122
grave, 25 \iiiint, 69
Greek, 31, 36 \iiint, 69
Greek letters, 56 \iint, 69
grouping, 124 \include, 14, 15
\includegraphics, 84, 93, 97, 134
H \includeonly, 15
\hat, 58 \indent, 129
period, 23 R
Persian, 37 \raisebox, 135
pgf, 105, 115, 118 \ref, 41, 50, 90
pgfplot, 118 \renewcommand, 120
\phantom, 51, 70 \renewenvironment, 121
picture, 105, 106, 109, 110 report class, 10
piecewise function, 67 reserved characters, 5
placement specifier, 49 \right, 60, 67
plain, 13 right-aligned, 43
pmatrix, 68 \right., 60
\pmod, 58 \rightmark, 87, 89
polyglossia, 3537 roman, 124
\rule, 48, 121, 135, 136
Portugus, 27
Russian, 36
Portuguese, 27
PostScript, 3, 9, 51, 83, 84, 92, 97, S
100, 106, 137, 140 sans serif, 124
Encapsulated, 83, 93, 139 \savebox, 112
ppower4, 100 Scandinavian letters, 25
\Pr, 58 \scriptscriptstyle, 70
preamble, 7 \scriptsize, 124
prime, 58 \scriptstyle, 70
\printindex, 87 \sec, 58
proc class, 10 \section, 39, 51
\prod, 60 \sectionmark, 89
product operator, 60 \selectlanguage, 26
proof, 72 \setlength, 106, 128, 131
prosper, 100 \settodepth, 133
\protect, 51 \settoheight, 133
\providecommand, 121 \settowidth, 133
\ProvidesPackage, 123 \shorthandoff, 116
pstricks, 109 showidx, 87
\put, 107112 \sin, 58
pxfonts, 93 Sindhi, 37
single sided, 11
\sinh, 58
Q slanted, 124
\qbezier, 105, 107, 113 Slash, 22
\qedhere, 73, 74 \slash, 22
\qquad, 55, 69 slides class, 10
\quad, 55, 66, 69 \sloppy, 20
quotation, 44 \small, 124
quotation marks, 21 Small Caps, 124
quote, 44 \smallskip, 130
\vdots, 57
\vec, 58
\vector, 108
vectors, 58
\verb, 45
verbatim, 6, 89
verbatim, 45, 89
\verbatiminput, 89
verse, 44
dots, 57
vertical space, 130
Vmatrix, 68
vmatrix, 68
\vspace, 130
whitespace, 4
after commands, 5
at the start of a line, 4
\widehat, 58
\widetilde, 58
\width, 134, 135
Word, 87
X2, 27
xalx, 33
xeCJK, 38
xepersian, 37