Advent Newsletter 2016

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Advent Edition 2016

Oaks News is a publication of Oaks of Righteousness, a Christian mission in Troy, NY

Give now to
minister with
Oaks in 2017!
Send checks payable to Oaks of
Righteousness, 580 Burton Road,
Greenwich, NY 12834. Or, donate
online at


1. For the Baptisms of 3 new
Pastor Christina celebrates the first Eucharist in the new Oaks building in
believers and 1 baby in 2016 November. See further details below!

2. For the first full year of the

Oaks Catechist Corps, with 13
adult disciplers and 12 youth
Oaks in 2017: Burrito
disciples participating Evangelism Strikes Back!
3. For a new home for Oaks and
fantastic progress on Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!
renovations through the It's been a terrific year at Oaks. We've seen new believers come to
labors of faithful volunteers faith. We've seen others deepen their walk with Christ through
the Oaks Catechist Corps and through adult Bible studies. God
Prayer Requests has moved us from a rented storefront of 4 years to a permanent
home down the street. The Lord has been gracious to us.
1. For the Lord to draw many
new children and adults to We wanted to give you a sneak preview of exciting new things
himself through re-established coming up in 2017 and an update on ongoing work at Oaks:
"Oaks Cafe" hours and Kabod
Underground 1.Burrito Evangelism: Oaks began its mission in North Troy
sharing food, fellowship, and stories about Jesus. We will -- in the
2. For God to call even more new year -- renew this mission by re-establishing "Oaks Cafe"
adults and children to join the hours after school where anyone can drop in, grab a snack, play a
Oaks Catechist Corps this year game, and ask questions about God. We plan to begin this eort
on Wednesday afternoons and invite all comers to stay for our
3. For protection and wisdom for
Oaks' ministers and volunteers
Advent Edition 2016

now-established Discipleship nights that start each Wednesday at

6 pm. We pray many more will come to know Jesus through this

2. Save the Date: Chapel Dedication: On Friday, March 17,

St. Patrick's Chapel will be dedicated in the new Oaks building.
The chapel will be named in honor of the great missionary to
Ireland, St. Patrick, and in solidarity with the Christian witness of
About Us the former St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Church in North Troy,
which our building once housed. The chapel will serve as Oaks'
Oaks of Righteousness is a first permanent worship space! Alleluia!
Christian ministry of the
Episcopal Diocese of Albany. 3. Evangelism through Art and Beauty: Oaks will continue
The Kabod Underground this year, a monthly outreach eort
We believe that Jesus Christ is started in October after Troy Night Out. The late night event
fulfilling this Scripture in the lives features Taize music, an open mic, and sung Compline. Together,
of the people of North Troy: we seek the face of Jesus in the good, the true, and the beautiful.

"The Spirit of the Lord God is 4. Works of Mercy: The work is almost done on our ministry
upon me, because the Lord has kitchen, and early in 2017 we plan to resume a free weekly brunch
anointed me to bring good news at Oaks in partnership with "My Plate Runneth Over," a local
outreach run by Christians from various churches.
to the poor...that they may be
called oaks of righteousness, the
Ways you can help Oaks:
planting of the Lord, that He may - You can pray!
be glorified" (Isaiah 61:1, 3b). -You can donate! Our budget is, again, $65,000 for the upcoming
year, which includes clergy, building, and program costs. Please
Contact Us consider making Oaks part of your monthly giving budget.
Clergy: -You can minister! Bring a church group to help with outreach
The Rev. Hannah Mudge events, join the Catechist Corps, bring a song or writing to share
The. Rev. Christina Hunter at Kabod Underground, or help serve food to the hungry.

Oaks of Righteousness
3027 Sixth Avenue
Troy, NY 12180

Phone: (518) 423-4891

Email: [email protected]


To support Oaks, visit the above
website and click the Donate
button. You can also send a check
to 580 Burton Road, Greenwich,
NY 12834. Volunteers and church members at Oaks join in ribbon cutting
for the' newly remodeled and painted basement in October.

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