Audit Checklist
Audit Checklist
Audit Checklist
Refs Compl
Requirements What to look for and how Auditor notes and evidence
4.1 Are outsourced processes adequately How are outsourced processes controlled? Are
controlled? outputs of outsourced processes verified? Are
subcontractors and suppliers required to operate
and maintain quality management systems (ISO
9001, for example)?
Additional Notes:
Confidential and propriety information for training purposes only
PW_MC_Audit_Management_2011_v8_r8 2
Issued by: QA Date: 00-00-00 Revision: A QF-82-02-3
Refs Compl
Requirements What to look for and how Auditor notes and evidence
Additional Notes:
Confidential and propriety information for training purposes only
PW_MC_Audit_Management_2011_v8_r8 3
Issued by: QA Date: 00-00-00 Revision: A QF-82-02-3
Refs Compl
Requirements What to look for and how Auditor notes and evidence
Additional Notes:
Confidential and propriety information for training purposes only
PW_MC_Audit_Management_2011_v8_r8 4
Issued by: QA Date: 00-00-00 Revision: A QF-82-02-3
Refs Compl
Requirements What to look for and how Auditor notes and evidence
4.2.3 Is the period for retention of obsolete Is a retention period defined for each type of
controlled documents defined? controlled documents? How is this period
determined? Is the retention period at least equal
to the lifetime of the device? Is it coordinated with
the retention period for corresponding records?
Are regulatory requirements considered?
Additional Notes:
Confidential and propriety information for training purposes only
PW_MC_Audit_Management_2011_v8_r8 5
Issued by: QA Date: 00-00-00 Revision: A QF-82-02-3
Refs Compl
Requirements What to look for and how Auditor notes and evidence
4.2.3 Are document changes reviewed and Is there a clearly stated requirement that changes
820.40(b) approved by the same function that to documents must be reviewed and approved by
performed the original review and the same function that issued the original
document, or by another, explicitly designated
approval (unless specifically designated
function? Is it implemented?
Are changes in documents (mostly product and
Are change records maintained, including process specifications) backed by design change
description of the change, identification and/or process change records, such as
of the affected documents, approval engineering change notices? How is it
signatures and date, and when the defined/documented when document changes
change becomes effective? become effective?
4.2.4 Are retention periods for records Is a retention period defined for each type of
820.180(b) defined? record? How is this period determined? Is the
retention period at least two years or equivalent to
Are records retained for at least the the lifetime of the device, whichever is greater? Are
period of time equivalent to the regulatory requirements considered?
Additional Notes:
Confidential and propriety information for training purposes only
PW_MC_Audit_Management_2011_v8_r8 6
Issued by: QA Date: 00-00-00 Revision: A QF-82-02-3
Refs Compl
Requirements What to look for and how Auditor notes and evidence
4.2.4 Are records organized and maintained to Are records stored in dry, clean locations to
820.180 ensure that they remain legible, readily minimize deterioration? Is there a system for
identifiable and retrievable, and to organizing the records? Are boxes, drawers,
binders holding records properly identified? Are
prevent deterioration and loss?
records easily retrievable (test by asking for
Are records accessible to the regulatory retrieval of specific records)?
inspections? Are records kept in a location that is accessible to
Are electronic records backed up? regulatory inspections?
Are electronic records backed up? Are there
specific schedules, instructions, etc. for backing up
data? Where are the back-up media (tapes, disks,
etc.) kept?
4.2.4 For each type of device, is there a Device How is the DMR organized? Is it a file containing
820.181 Master Record (DMR) including, or the actual specifications documents, or is it a list
referring to appropriate device referring to these documents and their locations?
Is the DMR complete, e.g., includes all required
specifications, production process
categories of documents? Who decides, and how,
specifications, quality assurance
which documents are included in the DMR? Are all
procedures, packaging and labeling documents included in the DMR correctly
specifications, and installation, identified, reviewed, approved and otherwise
maintenance and servicing procedures controlled? Are the DMR documents the same (and
Additional Notes:
Confidential and propriety information for training purposes only
PW_MC_Audit_Management_2011_v8_r8 7
Issued by: QA Date: 00-00-00 Revision: A QF-82-02-3
Refs Compl
Requirements What to look for and how Auditor notes and evidence
4.2.4 Are Device History Records (DHR) Are DHR records properly identified to specific
820.184 maintained for each manufactured batches, lots or units; and are the records easily
batch, lot or unit? (Refer also to ISO retrievable? (For other questions refer to 7.5.1)
13485 Clause 7.5.1 and 820.184)
4.2.4 Are Quality System Records (QSR) How is it determined and documented what quality
820.186 maintained, including current and system records are maintained (in QMS Manual
obsolete quality system manuals and and lists of procedures and quality forms, and in
operational procedures and work instructions)? Are
procedures, and records of quality
retention periods specified for obsolete quality
system activities such as management
system documentation and for quality system
reviews, corrective and preventive records?
actions, internal audits, etc.?
4.2.4 Are sufficient records maintained to Is there a list (or other documented specification)
provide evidence of conformity and of quality system records that are maintained by
effectiveness of the quality management the company? Are the records sufficient to
demonstrate product and process conformity, and
the conformity and effectiveness of the quality
management system and its implementation?
5 Management Responsibility
5.1 Management Commitment
Additional Notes:
Confidential and propriety information for training purposes only
PW_MC_Audit_Management_2011_v8_r8 8
Issued by: QA Date: 00-00-00 Revision: A QF-82-02-3
Refs Compl
Requirements What to look for and how Auditor notes and evidence
5.1 Is the top management How is importance of meeting customer and other
communicating to the organization the requirements communicated? Do employees
importance of meeting customer and understand the consequences of failing to meet
requirements? Is there a quality policy? Are quality
other applicable requirements,
objectives defined? Are management reviews
establishing the quality policy,
being conducted regularly? Are adequate resources
establishing quality objectives, necessary for the quality system provided?
conducting management reviews, and
ensuring availability of resources?
Additional Notes:
Confidential and propriety information for training purposes only
PW_MC_Audit_Management_2011_v8_r8 9
Issued by: QA Date: 00-00-00 Revision: A QF-82-02-3
Refs Compl
Requirements What to look for and how Auditor notes and evidence
Does it provide a framework for policy? Do employees know the meaning of the
establishing the quality objectives? quality policy and understand how they can
Is it communicated and understood contribute to achieving the policy? Is the quality
policy periodically reviewed by management
throughout the organization?
reviews? Has the policy ever been modified since it
Is it periodically reviewed for
was initially formulated?
continuing suitability?
Additional Notes:
Confidential and propriety information for training purposes only
PW_MC_Audit_Management_2011_v8_r8 10
GMP Audit Checklist
Additional Notes:
FAX #:
1. Due Diligence
2. Non-GMP
3. Post-Approval
4. Pre-Approval
5. Problem Instigated Audit
(for cause)
6. Prospective
Source/Qualifying Audit
7. Routine Audit/General GMP
Additional Notes:
Additional Notes:
F Quality System 12
Annual product reviews
Application submissions (original, supplements, annual reports, etc.)
Auditing program
Change control
Master records
NDA Field Alerts
Personnel (e.g., attire, health, hygienic, job descriptions, qualifications, training, staffing [supervisor to
employee ratios], consultants, etc.)
Product recalls
Record retention
Reserve samples
Returned Goods
Sampling of materials/products
Sampling plans
SOP System
Additional Notes:
Supplier histories
Training program
Vendor approval /qualification/ disqualification
G Components Worksheet 15
H Packing Materials Worksheet 18
I In-Process, Sub-Assemblies, Bulk and Final Product Worksheet 21
J Equipment Qualification and Maintenance Worksheet 23
Additional Notes:
Additional Notes:
Additional Notes:
C. Material System
1. Is access to stockrooms and 211.12
material storage areas restricted 2
to authorized personnel?
2. Are materials handled, identified, 211.80
and stored in a manner that will
prevent damage, contamination,
mix-up, or loss?
3. Are accountability records kept to 211.18
permit traceability of usage? 4
4. Are stocks re-inspected and tested 211.87
at regular intervals?
5. Are stocks rotated according to 211.86
6. System in place for handling non- 211.12
conforming materials? 5
7. Are there materials, storage, and 211.14
handling procedures? 2
8. Are there effective controls to 1307.7
guard against theft or diversion of 1
controlled substances?
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proper intervals?
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Additional Notes:
m. production environmental
n. quality assurance procedures?
o. quality assurance
p. quality assurance checks
q. expected yields?
r. quality assurance apparatus 211.18
used? 6
s. packaging and labeling
t. packaging and labeling
u. packaging and labeling
v. full information on
components, vendors, and
w. copies of critical component
vendor agreements?
Additional Notes:
Additional Notes:
Additional Notes:
Additional Notes:
Specifications Test Sampling Sampling Vendor(s) Storage Stability
Method Plans Methods Condition
Comments: -
Additional Notes:
Additional Notes:
4. Sampling Methods
a. Have formal methods for the 211.80
obtainment of the sample been 211.84
derived? Have safety
precautions been taken into
5. Vendors
a. Has at least one vendor been 211.84
qualified and approved by
QA/QC for each item?
b. Have the shipping requirements 211.84
been specified; such as drum,
bags, and quantity per pallet?
7. Stability
a. Are the material and source the 211.66
same as that qualified by R & D?
If not, have studies been
performed to qualify the
material to assure that it will not
have a negative impact on
product stability?
Use Components Worksheet page 15
Additional Notes:
Specificatio Test/ Sampling Sampling Vendor(s) Storage Stabilit
ns Inspection Plans Methods Condition / y
Method Material
Comments: -
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Additional Notes:
Additional Notes:
Additional Notes:
Specifications Validation Manufacturing Maintenance Maintenance
Procedure Procedure Schedule
1. Specifications
a. Has a file of equipment 211.100
specifications been derived and
maintained for future reference.
2. Qualifications
a. Have all necessary and 211.63
appropriate qualifications 211.67
pertinent to the equipment 211.68
been performed? 211.113
3. Procedures
a. Have specific manufacturing 211.100
operating procedures been
written for each piece of
equipment and each
manufacturing process?
b. Have personnel been properly 211.25
trained in performing
manufacturing and maintenance
4. Schedules
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Additional Notes: