What Are Chakras PDF
What Are Chakras PDF
What Are Chakras PDF
points for the reception and transmission of energies. Seven major chakras or energy
centres (also understood as wheels of light) are generally believed to exist, located
within the subtle body. Practitioners of Hinduism and New Age Spirituality believe the
chakras interact with the body's ductless endocrine glands and lymphatic system by
feeding in good bio-energies and disposing of unwanted bio-energies.
Flower like:
Or wheel like:
Although it is widely known we have seven main chakras we also have many more
throughout our body. However the 7 main chakras are connected to our being on
several different levels, Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual. On the physical level
the chakras govern a specific main organ or gland.
Each chakra also has its own colour which is connected to the same vibrational
frequency. For example the heart chakra which is the colour green governs the thymus
gland which is involved with the heart, lungs, lymph glands, bronchia system, immune
system, as well as the hands and arms. Heart Chakra is also often portrayed in pink.
To help balance our chakras either on an emotional, spiritual or physical level we need
to uses the correct colour vibration, which resonates at the same frequency.
When any of our chakras get blocked or are out of balance this is then felt on both on
an emotional and physical level.
Our main source of heat and energy is sunlight. Sunlight consists of energies in the form
of electromagnetic waves and part of these rays include cosmic rays, gamma rays, x-
rays, visible light rays, infrared rays, micro waves and short and long waves. We do of
course use these energies in our day to day lives. We do not seem however to put much
emphasis on the visible light rays. The reason why they are referred to as visible light
rays is due to the fact that we can see them. You can break down the spectrum of light
rays into seven different beams of colour by holding a prism toward the sun. Light
consists of the seven colour energies which are RED, YELLOW, GREEN, BLUE,
Each of these colours has a different wavelength and vibrational frequency, which is
why a trained colour therapist will use these energies when healing with colour. Red for
instance has the longest wavelength and the slowest vibrational frequency which is why
we recognize instinctively this as warm and stimulating colour. Violet has the shortest
wavelength and the fastest frequency and this is recognised as a cool and calming
energy. Many of our body functions can be either stimulated or retarded by light and the
various colours which in turn affect our chakra system. Science has proved that certain
colour will stimulate or calm mental activity. We need light energy to nourish our brains,
also to help balance our emotions and our physical body. Light enters through our skin
and breath. We receive colour energy through a balance of various coloured foods,
herbs, vitamins, minerals, dcor, aromatherapy, clothing etc.
We are now starting to become more aware about the human psyche and its intricate
systems. Medical science has now proved that toxins and other impurities can influence
our body. For example Negative thoughts and chemical enhancements in our food and
feeling stressed can all affect us both physically and mentally.
Pollution can cause chakra imbalances to manifest and again this can lead to an effect
on a physical level. This is why alternative healers are now more and more in demand.
We all have the ability to heal ourselves, and learning how to balance and cleanse your
chakra system on a daily or weekly basis can and will improve your state of health and
The benefits of learning and understanding about your own chakra system will enable
you to gain balance in both mind, body and spirit and bring all into harmony. When all of
your 7 chakra centres are communicating equally and working in alliance with each
other you will have more physical energy, not suffer stress and will feel strong and alert.
Learning the practice of colour, aromatherapy, Reiki, Crystal healing and also using
controlled breathing exercises and rhythmic exercise routines, Reiki healing and
directed meditation with the use of audio even crystals and gemstones are but some of
the ways we learn to influence the process of interaction of our bodys energy points.
Chakra System
We shall now delve deeper into each individual chakra and how it effects our physical
and spiritual development. Each chakra relates to its own colour and vibration as
discussed earlier. By understanding each individual chakra you will soon learn how to
spot if either or any of your chakras are not in balance and what adverse effects they
may cause. This is where the Reiki Chakra Cards will come in handy, to balance and
clear the chakras.
Physical health
Physically, it is responsible for the proper functioning of the legs, feet, bladder, kidney
and of course, spine. The position of each chakra is in correspondence to our endocrine
glands that are responsible for the release of hormones in our body, keeping them in
balance and controlling major nerve functions. It keeps us nourished and healthy.
An imbalanced root chakra can cause several problems such as fatigue, hemorrhoids,
arthritis, constipation, lower back pain, weight issues and diarrhea. It can also cause
sleep disorders and feeling cold due to poor circulation.
Increased confidence
When the root chakra is balanced, you feel more secure and gain more confidence.
You will perform all tasks in life with increased confidence and enthusiasm.
When it is imbalanced you will feel tired, overly cautious and afraid of change. You will
feel insecure and you will trust yourself and others less. You will not respect yourself
and others and you will be
frequently clumsy and lethargic.
When the chakra is blocked you feel overly cautious. Also it will cause insecurity and
violent behavior, aggressiveness. You'll be angry at everything and prone to do
reckless things.
Feeling grounded
This chakra is related to the basic needs in life such as food, shelter, warmth and
comfort. If balanced, it will keep you on track to get these needs met.
However, if the balance is lost, any task seems difficult. Money problems arise, you lose
confidence, resort to violence, become selfish and cannot find happiness. You get
"stiff", uptight. You turn greedy and materialistic. You become more sexually
manipulative, impulsive and also domineering.
Think red
The root chakra is related to the color red so envisioning a red flame glowing brightly at
the base of your spine can help clear the root chakra. You can start with a meditation
visualizing the red flame at the
base of your tailbone and picture the light extending down to your legs and feet and
grounding you to the earth.
The Root Chakra
Go for a walk
Going for a walk with your mind into each and every step you make while grounding
with the earth will also help clear the root chakra.
Hug a tree
And of course, you can hug a tree to get grounded :).
During healing hands are placed on the affected areas that need to be cured. Reiki
has been known to be one of the most effective methods of curing the root chakra.
Even though the root chakra is at the base of the spine, hands are placed at
somewhere near the location of the spine.
Gemstones can also be used for healing. As the root chakra is concerned with the
color red, rubies, garnets and red jasper can be used to clear the root chakra.
1. Lie down and relax. Make sure you are comfortable and do not cross your
arms and legs.
2. Enable the flow of Reiki
3. Place both of your hands with your palms down on your lower abdomen.
4. Visualize a river of energy passing down from the palm of your hands turning into
a fast turning bright red ball. Direct your thoughts towards this energy ball
and the energy that is being sent.
5. You might feel some warmth spreading through your body as the chakra gets
6.Choose a Reiki Chakra Card from the Root Chakra set and place on your chakra
so the energy of that symbol enters into your root chakra.
Healing of the Root Chakra with Reiki brings back all the comforts in our life; it
brings calm and tranquility, and leads a healthy and happy life.
It deals with feelings of sexuality that allow expression of emotions when the chakra is
open without being overly emotional or overactive. Emotions are kept in balance and
you become more passionate and lively. When the sacral chakra is balanced, you will
have no issues dealing with sexuality.
The sacral chakra is situated in the lower abdomen about 1-2 inches below the navel.
It controls your sexual organs and reproductive system including ovaries or testes. It
also controls the bladder and the kidneys.
Physical health
While this chakra is responsible for the proper functioning of the reproductive system,
its organs and hormones, the energy of the sacral chakra is also responsible for the
administration of the lymphatic and circulatory system and the urinary trac. As the
sacral chakra mainly deals with purification, the chakra plays a role in removing
toxins out of the the body. Some say that the sacral chakra is represented by the
spleen in men and uterus in women.
An imbalance in the sacral chakra can cause many physical issues such as urinary
problems, kidney stones, lower back pain, gynecological problem and prostate
problems. It is therefore important to keep this chakra in balance to maintain a healthy
physical health and stay away from such problems.
The sacral chakra being the seat of emotions it's mainly responsible for producing
joy, ambition, love for yourself, healthy relationships and creativity. When this chakra
is in balance, you are more comfortable with expressing your emotions and you do not
get suppressed by other peoples power. However, if this chakra is blocked or
dysfunctional then you will become shy, helpless, and weak.
Since the sacral chakra governs the reproductive system, it also deals with the
stimulation of the production of various sexual hormones or hormones that develop
pleasure, joy and other emotions.
Basically, your chakra is in balance when you sexual energy and sex drive, and are
comfortable with having a sexual relationship with someone and you feel no negative
emotions while having sex. You can express your power easily and sex is done for a
fair exchange and it's not weighted on one side only.
You have a blocked sacral chakra when you do not have any sexual desires and try to
avoid having sex as much as possible, hence reducing its importance in your life. You
do not feel sexual sensations normally and these sexual sensations are often weak and
Also, when this chakra is balanced, there is no neediness, no feeling clingy, and
therefore no jealousy.
1.Relax comfortably
2.Enable the flow of Reiki
3 Place your hands by your sacrum.
4.Unblock the chakra by rotating to the right for females, and for males, the rotate to
the left. This can be done on the front or the back of the person. This not only
unblocks the area, but is also known to help with reproductive problems and prostate
5 Choose a Reiki Chakra Card from the Sacral Chakra set and place on your chakra
so the energy of that symbol enters into your Sacral chakra.
Some practitioners will associate the blockage with mantras. The first is often the vam
sound. Others
prefer aroma therapy to clear this chakra such as the usage of sandalwood or ylang
ylang oil.
Gemstones can be used as well to purify the chakra such as carnelian and moonstones.
When the Reiki healing is finished, you will feel that the aura surrounding this chakra will
glow orange in its pure state. Many people often tend to sleep for more than eight hours
when the chakra is cleared in
a fetal position. You may also envision moonlight and clear water after or sometimes
even during the process of Reiki.
The chakra opens to universal energies and once it is unblocked you will feel the
freedom of expressing your emotions without any discomfort or displeasure. By
healing your chakra, you will not only heal your physical self which includes your
reproductive system and other organs, you will also have cleared your emotional
and sexual blockages.
The solar plexus chakra is also responsible for cellular respiration. Every system or
organ in the bodythat can be visualized with fire to fuel them or simply, those that
produce energy, cause purification and those that function or create movements
utilizing this energy are all administered by this chakra. Even the eyes are governed
by the solar plexus chakra.
Issues with the digestive system, arthritis, diabetes and hypoglycemia are some
diseases and physical problems connected to the imbalance of this chakra.
Fiery emotions or raw emotions are controlled by this chakra. Thus these
emotions include anger, zeal, courage, confidence and frustration. Also warm
feelings such as joy, cheerfulness, and spontaneity are controlled by manipura.
Gut feelings or intuitions are also connected to this chakra.
Inability to deal with chaos is related to this chakra's imbalance - as it cannot restore
Resolving conflicts
Peacefully resolving a conflict comes under this chakras domain. It is the capability
of bringing two
groups to a solution without hurting anyone and leaving everybody satisfied.
Self respect
A balanced solar plexus chakra gives you a feeling that you are as important as
any other in your society. Thus allowing you to create or negotiate boundaries for
yourself and stand upright to those boundaries without changing them. You will be
able to judge what is good and what is bad for yourself and avoid actions that have
negative consequences. You feel independent.
An imbalanced manipura will make you easily controlled by others; you'll lose
self respect, do what others want you to but uncomfortable with it and
constantly worrying about what others think.
1. Relax comfortably
2. Enable the flow of Reiki
3. Place your hands above the navel to trigger the energy center
4. Start sending Reiki energy
5. For females, rotate to the left and males, rotate to the right
6. Choose a Reiki Chakra Card from the Solar Plexus Chakra set and
place on your chakra so the energy of that symbol enters into your Solar Plexus
Mantras can also be used which in this case is the tone of E for the mantra ram.
The vibrations caused
during the delivery of this mantra will cause the negative energies to flow out of the
Aromatherapy can also be used with lavender, rosemary and bergamot to unblock
the chakra.
If you're into gemstones, use as amber, yellow topaz, tigers eye, and citrine.
While going through the healing process, you may see visions of sunlight and
sunflower :).
The Heart Chakra (Green/Pink)
The heart chakra, or Anahata, is the fourth of the seven main chakras. It is the
center of unconditional love.
Many emotions, such as love, hatred, grief, joy, jealousy, fear of betrayal,
feelings of isolation and loneliness and the ability to make ourselves feel
better are all centered in the heart chakra.
Physical health
The heart chakra governs the lungs, heart, blood circulation - it controls the
essential life forces that are vital for the human life. The heart chakra is also
associated with the thymus gland which plays a role in producing T-cells that are
essential for a healthy immune system.
When the heart chakra is blocked, you will face health issues such as breathing
difficulties, high blood pressure, lung diseases, breast cancer, etc.
Remember the Reiki percept that says "I'm grateful for my many blessings."
The heart chakra is associated with the color green/pink . Enjoy and appreciate
The Heart
Chakra Symbol
Visualize a strong green flame or light engulfing your heart towards its center.
While inhaling, imagine a soft green light filling up your heart and your body.
Visualize that you are removing negative energy out of your body while exhaling.
Do not put too much effort while exhaling, stay focused on inhaling.
In order to maintain a balanced heart chakra, it is always a good idea to practice
yoga. If your heart chakra is blocked, it's likely that your throat chakra is blocked
too. The camel pose works well for both chakras to balance them up. To execute
the camel chakra focus on extending your lower back while concentrating on
stretching and opening your upper back. Your yoga teacher can give you more
information and guidance.
Also, the Sedona Method is a very efficient way to learn to let go.
Exercise is good for a healthy heart. If you think vigorous exercising routines are
too difficult for you or if you feel that you do not have time for exercise then it will
help to set up small goals like taking the stairs or walking to the market nearby
instead of taking a ride.
Essential oils
Rose oil is an excellent heart healer and is commonly used to fight against
depression. Using rose oil can develop positive thoughts and can fill you up with
spirit. You will be more optimistic and happy.
Clary sage is also good at combating depression. It is also a nerve tonic and is
extremely relaxing to have an aromatherapy with Clary sage.
1. Relax comfortably
2. Place your hands lightly on your chest in the heart area
3. Welcome the flow of energy into your heart, and be open to healing, for
the highest good
4. Let your intuition guide you and use the symbols to fine-tune the energy
5. Visualize green or pink light
6. Choose a Reiki Chakra Card from the Heart Chakra set and place on
your chakra so the
energy of that symbol enters into your Heart chakra.
According to Hindu tradition, the throat chakra also known as Vishuddha
meaning purification, is the fifth primary chakra out of all seven chakras in the
human body.
The throat chakra is situated in the neck region near the spine with its superficial
activation point in the depression of the throat.
It is related to the ears and mouth due to its association with hearing and speaking
Physical health
Physically, this chakra is associated with the thyroid gland and the human
endocrine system which is responsible for the release of hormones. The thyroid
gland plays a role in releasing hormones that are important for growth and
development. Also it regulates the bodys metabolic system, and is responsible
for the proper functioning of the larynx, trachea, ears, nose, teeth, mouth, throat
and the carotid arteries.
When the throat chakra is blocked, you may suffer from many diseases and
physical defects such as laryngitis, chronic throat defects, hypothyroidism,
autoimmune thyroiditis, lack of motivation, fatigue, hoarse voice, cold sores, jaw
pains, gum defects, headaches and obstruction in speech. Also you may resort
to lying, gossiping and you will not be able to hear or deliver speech properly.
Effective communication
The throat chakra is connected to self-expression, creativity, writing, listening to
words and music, smell and taste. When this chakra is balanced, we speak and
listen to people and what they have to say. After listening, we constructively
respond with words and emotions.
Communication is harmed when the chakra is blocked. In this case, some people
overindulge in eating and drinking in order to keep the throat busy and thus avoid
communication. Self esteem is also hurt, and dominant feelings might be those of
anger and aggression, hate and bitterness.
Dream state
The throat chakra is also associated with the subconscious state of mind or the
dream state. The chakra gains access to your dream state and allows you to see
dreams clearly.
Spiritual lessons
When balanced, the throat chakra allows you to take responsibility for your
actions, to be strong, courageous, and self confident.
An imbalance in this chakra can make you feel that the world around you is
hostile and you will expect aggression and violence from others. You will feel
humiliated instead of feeling loved and nourished.
It might sound odd, but crying is a form of purification that can unblock your
throat chakra. Often you feel a lump in your throat and it might even cause you
some pain, it is an indication that your throat chakra is blocked and you have to
cry to clear it. Next time when you are sad, cry it all out. You will surely feel much
Singing is very effective at cleaning your throat chakra so always sing your favorite
song if you feel that it is blocked. Amazing Grace is a great song.
Get creative
When you create something your work always reflects your intentions and
thoughts so when you create, you communicate. Painting is a very good
example of being creative.
Get a massage
If you get a good neck and shoulder massage your throat chakra will surely open
The mantra 'ham' can be used to assist in clearing the throat chakra. It creates a
vibration to alter the energy flow in the communication center.
Some people prefer gemstones to clear their chakras. The throat chakra is
associated with the color blue therefore, gemstones such as aquamarine,
chalcedony or turquoise can be used.
Aromatherapy can also be used where sage and eucalyptus are best to
clear the blockages in this chakra.
Once the throat chakra is balanced, you will be able to express your emotions
with words at ease and you will communicate better.
It is the seat of psychic vision and has been known as Ajna by Hindu practitioners
for thousands of years. Physically, it is located between the two eyebrows and is
Hormones are responsible for the bodys functions. They are associated with
many aspects of our body which includes physical aspects and mental or
emotional aspects as well. Modern day practitioners like to relate chakras with the
endocrine system of the body which is responsible for the release of hormones
that regulate many functions including growth and maturation, metabolism, tissue
function and also mood.
Physical Health
The third eye chakra governs the pineal gland, nose, eyes, ears and also the
skeletal system. It is related to the senses of sight and hearing, and to your ability
to perceive and form your own opinions about what you see and how you live.
This chakra plays an important role in making you see things clearly, not
only physically, but also morally, and even intuitively.
Formation of dreams
The pineal gland's main function is to secrete a hormone called melatonin which
plays a role in regulating your sleep cycle, regulating growth, slowing down aging
and also maintaining a stable mind. The pineal gland is light-sensitive, therefore
scientists have determined that the eyes stimulate the pineal gland into releasing
melatonin. Many scientists have also revealed that the earths electromagnetic
field is responsible for stimulating the gland.
As it governs your eyes, the function of physical vision and is related to this
chakra, as well as psychic and intuitive abilities.
Meditating near large bodies of water such as an ocean or a lake can help you
enhance your intuition and develop your third eye chakra. Indigo blue is
associated with this chakra so visualize large pools of water if it is too difficult for
you to physically get to a body of water. You can also look at the sky at night.
Help yourself with your own perception and expand your level of
understanding. Allow others to understand your true nature.
1. Relax comfortably
2. Enable the flow of Reiki
3. Place your hands above your eyes and forehead.
4. Move in a circular motion. Some recommend clockwise circulation for
females and
Anticlockwise for males - but let your intuition guide you and see what
works best for you.
5. Choose a Reiki Chakra Card from the Third Eye Chakra set and place
on your chakra so the
energy of that symbol enters into your Third Eye chakra.
Several other methods can be used as well. For mantra healing, Ksham is
effective. The vibration developed by this sound will open up energies in
your chakra.
Aromatherapy can also be used with aromas of mint and jasmine to clear the
For gemstone healing, indigo sapphire and azurite, as well as other indigo stones,
can be used.
The crown chakra is situated at the top of the head and moves upwards and
outwards past the structure of your body. The crown chakra is the point where the
physical body and the soul overlap. Many relate the crown chakra as the part of the
soul that is the purest.
It is symbolized by, and often also called, the lotus with one thousand petals.
The crown chakra governs the part of the consciousness which is concerned with
opinions of unity and separation. It represents the connection with God and the
Physical health
The crown chakra governs many organs, glands and systems of the body such as
the brain, the nervous system, and the pituitary gland.
The crown chakra directs the energy of a certain part of yourself which is
commonly called the Higher Self and embraces you within its protective light
making you feel secure and healthy. You will be open to accepting love and
wisdom from your higher self and you will be filled with the energy of the divine
spirit. The spirit will guide you and inspire you with all the things you should do. A
balanced crown
chakra will keep you spiritually connected with the spirit.
An imbalance in your crown chakra can cause many problems such as spiritual
cynicism and rigid belief system.
The crown chakra increases your ability to form perceptions, analyze and absorb
information into your system. You become more intelligent and aware. A
balanced crown chakra allows you to be open minded, able to question and gives
you a broad understanding of everything including the spirit.
An imbalanced crown chakra can cause learning difficulties and apathy. Also
withheld information, education that does not encourage curiosity, invalidation
of your belief, forced religiosity and blind obedience are all related to a blocked
crown chakra.
Personality building
A balanced crown chakra causes the highest level of responsibility, empowerment
and vitality in people. The possibilities expand to infinity and you become more
joyous with the bliss of your own spirit. You become one with the source which
makes you complete.
Imbalance in the chakra causes you to become materialistic, greedy, selfish and
As meditation connects you to your higher self and higher power, it is very
effective at clearing your crown chakra. While meditating, envision a bright
golden light illuminating the entire crown of your head. This soft light
reconnects you with the world around you, yourself and the spirit.
The Crown
Chakra Symbol
Do not be egotistic
Self confidence and egotism are two different things. Self confidence comes
from acceptance of knowledge; however, egotism is often triggered by
insecurity. Learning to let go of your ego can help clear your crown chakra.
Choose love
Love yourself and others around you. If you choose to love yourself for your
deeds, you will not only open your crown chakra, you will open your other
chakras as well.
It does not have to be formal or foreign. Just let your inner self speak up in a form
of a prayer like in your yoga practice.
Using Reiki to Unblock the Crown Chakra
While healing the crown chakra, a Reiki practitioner will relate it to the color violet
or white. As with any chakra, Reiki practitioners each have their own way of
working with this chakra. Below is just one method.
1. Relax comfortably
2. Draw the Power Symbol
3. Intend for the crown chakra to expand, for the highest good
4. Draw the Emotional Symbol
5. Relax and feel the tranquility
6. Follow your intuition on what symbols to use next, if any - or just
continue to relax, envisioning your crown chakra opening up and
7. Choose a Reiki Chakra Card from the Crown Chakra set and place on
your chakra so the
energy of that symbol enters into your Crown chakra.
If you use mantra healing, you will use the mantra of ohm to clear your crown
chakra. This allows the
mind to relax which then allows the mind to get awaken.
Gemstones can also be used for healing. Amethyst and rock crystal work well for
awakening the crown chakra.
Aromatherapy is also good for chakra healing and aromas of lotus and olihanum
are used for clearing the crown chakra.