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bodhi.zazen September 14th, 2008, 06:49 AM

Ubuntu Intrusion Detection


Quote :

Paranoia will get you through times of no enemies better than enemies will get you through times of no paranoia

~ Pete Granger

C ontents

Introduction ~ post #1
Install Snort ~ post #2 (http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=5786055&postcount=2)
C onfigure snort ~ post #3 (http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=5786252&postcount=3)
Install base ~ post #4 (http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=5786356&postcount=4)
Using snort / base ~ post #5 (http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=5786477&postcount=5)
Install ossec-hids ~ post #6 (http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=5786503&postcount=6)
Install ossec-hids web interface ~ post #7 (http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=5786522&postcount=7)
Using ossec-hids ~ post #8 (http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=5786575&postcount=8)


This how to was written as an extension to Ubuntu Security (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=510812) and

is intended as an introduction to intrusion detection, Ubuntu Style.

This post is quite long, and for what I hope is greater readability, I have broken it into separate posts.

Here is a very nice link that reviews IDS :

Security Focus ~ An Introduction to Intrusion Detection Systems (http://www.securityfocus.com/infocus/1520)

And for the impatient, the readers digest version :

There are two "arms" of intrusion detection: HIDS and NIDS.

HIDS = Host-based Intrusion Detection System.

NIDS = Network-based Intrusion Detection System.

In a nut-shell, HIDS monitors you system files for unauthorized changes. Examples of this type of monitoring
methodology might include techniques such as scanning for viruses, tripwire
(http://sourceforge.net/projects/tripwire/), Tiger (http://www.nongnu.org/tiger/), rkhunter
(http://rkhunter.sourceforge.net/), and chkrootkit (http://www.chkrootkit.org/).

Similarly, NIDS monitors your network traffic for DOS attacks, port scans, or other suspicious network activity.
Examples include watching your firewall in Windows for alerts, snort (http://www.snort.org/), or Wireshark

Although there are other options, both for applications and configuration, in this tutorial I will show you how to install
ossec-hids and snort:

NIDS = snort (http://www.snort.org/)

HIDS = ossec (http://www.ossec.net/)

Snort :

Snort will monitor your network traffic by checking packets against "rules". We will configure snort to log "alerts" to a
mysql database. We will then use base to display this information in a web browser (Firefox). Although seemingly
foreign at first, base is a very nice web based gui front end for snort. Base is basically point and click and contains
numerous links to help interpret alerts.

SNORT is an open source network intrusion prevention and detection system utilizing a rule-driven language, which
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combines the benefits of signature, protocol and anomaly based inspection methods. With millions of downloads to
date, Snort is the most widely deployed intrusion detection and prevention technology worldwide and has become the
de facto standard for the industry.

Note : Snort will not work with wireless interfaces, you need to use airsnort (http://airsnort.shmoo.com/) instead.


OSSEC -HIDS will monitor your log files, monitor the integrity of system files, check for root kits, and perform active
response. Active response means ossec will blacklist (block connections) from potential crackers "automagically".

OSSEC is an Open Source Host-based Intrusion Detection System. It performs log analysis, integrity checking,
Windows registry monitoring, rootkit detection, real-time alerting and active response.OSSEC will, amongst other
things, monitor snort and blacklist offending ip addresses.

Note : There are of course other options for HIDS, NIDS, as well as alternate configuration options for both snort and

You should be familiar with :

1. Installing from source (don't worry I will walk you through it).

2. Your ip address, both on your private LAN and public IP address.

3. Your netmask (http://www.unixwiz.net/techtips/netmask-ref.html)

You can show your netmask with

sudo ifconfig | grep --color=always -e Mask -e 255

4. If you wish to access base and the OSSEC web interface outside your LAN you will need to know how to configure
your router (you do have a router don't you?). In addition be sure to understand the security implications of running
LAMP. In addition you may wish to use ,htaccess (http://www.javascriptkit.com/howto/htaccess.shtml) or ssl

Reference: community/ApacheMySQLPHP

5. Installing and configuring snort will take some time, give yourself a few hours.

We will be running all commands in this tutorial as root

So either add "sudo" in front of these commands or open a terminal and obtain a root shell:
sudo -i

bodhi.zazen September 14th, 2008, 06:57 AM

How to install snort + mysql + base
As has been pointed out by Sarmacid (http://ubuntuforums.org/member.php?u=597914) you can install snort from
the Ubuntu repositories. In the repos snort is on version 2.7 where from source we are on snort 2.8. To use the repos
use "sudo apt-get install snort-mysql".

See post 20 & 21 for (brief) discussion.

You will need to download a set of rules for snort. The downloads page is here :


1. prep ~ Install the various tools and dependencies for Snort and OSSEC .

You wee need the Universe repository enabled.

If you need assistance enabling your repositories, see : /community/Repositories/Ubuntu

apt-get -y install build-essential libpcap0.8-dev libmysqlclient15-dev mysql-client-5.0 mysql-server-5.0 bison flex

apache2 libapache2-mod-php5 php5-gd php5-mysql libphp-adodb php-pear libc6-dev g++ gcc pcregrep libpcre3-
devNote: This will install mysql and apache. Please be sure you understand the implications of this.

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For reference : /community/Repositories/ApacheMySQLPHP

During the installation of these applications, make note of (write down) your mysql root password.

2. Obtain snort source code ~ be sure to check the snort home page (http://www.snort.org/) for updated versions of

Although snort is in the repositories you will need to compile snort yourself. This is because the binary in Ubuntu does
not have support for snort logging to a mysql database enabled.

This procedure has been tested (and is working) on both 32 bit 64 bit arch.

cd /usr/src
wget http://www.snort.org/dl/current/snort-2.8.3.tar.gz
tar zxvf snort-2.8.3.tar.gz3. Obtain a set of rules. Snort uses rules to examine packets and report suspicious activity
to your logs and mysql.

In order to get a set of rules you have a set of options listed on the snort rules page (http://www.snort.org/pub-

The "C ommunity Rules", at the bottom of the page, are available without any further registration. For a more "up to
date" set of rules you must either register or subscribe.

(continuing in the /usr/src directory)

wget http://www.snort.org/the_rules_you_wish_to_use
cd snort-2.8.3
tar zxvf ../snortrules*In addition you may be interested in obtaining a copy of "bleeding" rules from here :
Bleeding Edge Threats (http://www.bleedingthreats.net/)

The snort rule sets are here : http://doc.bleedingthreats.net/bin/view/Main/AllRulesets

I downloaded the bleeding-all.rules (http://www.bleedingthreats.net/rules/bleeding-all.rules)

You may also be interested in : http://www.emergingthreats.net

You can keep your rules up to date with oinkmaster (http://oinkmaster.sourceforge.net/features.shtml). Oinkmaster
is in the reops.

If you use oinkmaster, be sure to READ THE DOC UMENTATION.

cd /usr/src/snort-2.8.3/rules
wget http://www.bleedingthreats.net/rules/bleeding-all.rules4. C ompile snort :

cd /usr/src/snort-2.8.3
./configure -enable-dynamicplugin --with-mysql
make installSnort *should* compile and install without errors.

If, however, you do get errors when compiling snort, see This thread (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?

5. You can remove snort with :

make uninstallBack to top (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=919472)

bodhi.zazen September 14th, 2008, 03:55 PM

C onfigure snort

C onfigure mysql

Next we need to configure a mysql database for snort to use for alerts.

mysql -u root -pEnter your mysql password for root (you did write it down didn't you ?)

You will get a mysql prompt "mysql>". I will use this prompt to indicate commands entered in mysql (as opposed to
the command line) you do not need to enter the "mysql >".

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mysql> create database snort;

mysql> grant all privileges on snort.* to 'snort'@'localhost' identified by 'snort_password';
mysql> exit

C onsider changing the name of the database to something other than "snort".
C onsider changing the name of mysql user to something other then "snort" (in 'snort'@'localhost').
C hange the password to something other then "snort_password".

Now, back at the command line, import the snort database scheme

mysql -D snort -u snort -p < /usr/src/snort-2.8.3/schemas/create_mysqlC onfigure snort

We need to configure snort and write a start script, and add a cron job.

If things are too quiet, and snort goes a few hours without logging an alert to mysql, snort loses the connection with
mysql. You then need to restart snort to re-establish a connection with the mysql database.

First lets create a user for snort. Again change the user name if you wish.

adduser snortEnter a password (it does not matter, we will be locking the account anyways)

chsh snortEnter a shell of "/bin/true" (without quotes).

Last, lock the account.

passwd snort -lNext configure snort :

cd /usr/src/snort-2.8.3
mkdir -p /etc/snort/rules /var/log/snort
chown -R root.snort /var/log/snort
chmod -R 770 /var/log/snort
cp etc/* /etc/snort/
cp rules/* /etc/snort/rulesWe next need to make a few edits to /etc/snort/snort.conf :

Using any editor, open /etc/snort/snort.conf and make the following changes :

In nano you can search using ctrl-W

In vim you can search using /
Search for "HOME_NET" , "EXTERNAL_NET", then mysql (without quotes).

C hange "var HOME_NET any" to "var HOME_NET" (use your netmask here).
C hange "var EXTERNAL_NET any" to "var EXTERNAL_NET !$HOME_NET". This sets the external variable to everything
other then your network.
C hange "var RULE_PATH ../rules" to "var RULE_PATH /etc/snort/rules". This tells snort where to find the rule set.
Search for "mysql" or scroll down the list to the section with "# output database: log, mysql, user= ...", remove the
"#" at the front of this line and change the syntax to :
output database: log, mysql, user=snort password=snort_password dbname=snort host=localhost

Write a script to start snort :

The only "problem" with installing snort from source is that we now need a script to start snort. The other issue is that
if there are no alerts, snort will lose it's connection with the mysql database.

To solve this, I wrote a script to start / restart snort.

The script is attached to this post and is called "ubuntu.snort.init.txt"

C opy this file to your computer and copy/move it to /etc/init.d/snort

Now lets look at the code. You need to look at two lines.

The first is your interface. The default is eth0. If you wish to use snort on an alternate interface, such as eth1, you will
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need to edit the line IFAC E="eth0" and change "eth0" to "eth1"

Note : Snort will not work with wireless interfaces, you need to use airsnort (http://airsnort.shmoo.com/) instead.

The second option is to whitelist ip addresses. I advise you do this with caution, but you *may* wish to white IP
addresses such as your router and your public ip address.

To white list an IP , add it to the line WHITELIST='' (note that is two single quotes, ' ' and not a double quote " ) , one
ip at a time, separated by a space, like this :


Now that you are done editing the file, set ownership and permissions :

chown root.root /etc/init.d/snort

chmod 500 /etc/init.d/snortStarting snort on boot

My script has a 20 second sleep built in (sometimes when you start snort it will fail after a 10-15 second delay). To
avoid adding a 20 second longer boot time, use the "boot" option.

With this factoid in mind, edit /etc/rc.local and add :

exec /etc/init.d/snort bootAdd this single line above "exit 0" if your have an exit 0 in the file

Restarting snort with a cron job

Did I mention, Snort may lose the connection to the mysql data base if no alerts are received for several hours
(which can happen once we eliminate false positives and install OSSEC -HIDS)? In addition if you clear your data in
base you may need to re-start snort.

To restart snort with my script :

/etc/init.d/snort restartThe script will use zenity (a gui interface) if you have it installed (zenity is included in a default
Ubuntu or Xubuntu desktop installation, but you will need to add it if you are running Kubuntu). On servers, without X,
the script will run without zenity (the script runs either with or without X). In addition, if you run the script as a user
you will need to be in the admin group and will be prompted for your password (unless you are in the 15 minute grace
period for sudo/gksu).

To restart snort every 6 hours, use crontab (http://www.adminschoice.com/docs/crontab.htm) (as root)

crontab -eAdd a line for snort :

0 0,6,12,18 * * * /etc/init.d/snort restart >/dev/null 2>&1C ongratulations !! Snort is now configured.

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bodhi.zazen September 14th, 2008, 04:25 PM

Install base

Base is a web interface for snort and the snort alerts. See the "using base" section for a brief introduction.

wget http://easynews.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/secureideas/base-1.3.9.tar.gzNote : Later versions of base do
not work (with Ubuntu at least).

cd /var/www
tar zvxf ~/base-1.3.9.tar.gz
mv base-1.3.9 base
cd base
cp -R /usr/src/snort-2.8.3/doc/signatures .
cd ..

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chown -R www-data.www-data baseInstall a few Pear modules:

pear install Image_C olor Image_C anvas-alpha Image_Graph-alphaC onfigure apache to use php5, use any editor

nano /etc/apache2/apache2.confAt the very bottom of the file add :

DirectoryIndex index.html index.cgi index.pl index.php index.xhtmlSave your changes and re-start apache:

/etc/init.d/apache2 restartOpen a web browser and navigate to http://your_ip_address/base

You must accept cookies from base

C lick continue on the first page.

Step 1 of 5: Enter the path to ADODB.

This is /usr/share/php/adodb.

Sometimes when setting up base , after this first step I get a white page, just repeat step 1

Step 2 of 5:
Database type = MySQL, Database name = snort, Database Host = localhost, Database username = snort, Database
Password = snort_password

leave default port blank.

Step 3 of 5: If you want to use authentication (used to log into the web interface) enter a username and password
here and check the box.

Step 4 of 5: C lick on C reate BASE AG.

Step 5 of 5: once step 4 is done at the bottom click on Now continue to step 5 and log in.

C ongratulations ! You should now see something that looks like this :

http://bodhizazen.net/img/IDS/base_1_sm.JPG (http://bodhizazen.net/img/IDS/base_1.JPG)

C lick to enlarge pictureYou can password protect the base directory with .htaccess
(http://www.javascriptkit.com/howto/htaccess.shtml) and/or use ssl (http://blog.offbytwo.com/2008/01/22/apache2-

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bodhi.zazen September 14th, 2008, 04:48 PM

Using snort / base

Although seemingly foreign, everything in base is point and click. C lick on your alerts for example and they will be
listed. C lick on various links and you will be brought to web pages(s) where the alert is explained in more detail.

For example, here is a screen shot showing us some alerts.

http://bodhizazen.net/img/IDS/base_1_sm.JPG (http://bodhizazen.net/img/IDS/base_1.JPG)
C lick to enlarge pictureC lilck on the blue "19" by "Total Number of Alerts" and base will show you ...

http://bodhizazen.net/img/IDS/base_2_sm.JPG (http://bodhizazen.net/img/IDS/base_2.JPG)
C lick to enlarge pictureAlerts :

#0-(72-1) [nessus] [local] [snort] WEB-MISC robots.txt access 2008-09-07 08:38:48 TC Pclick on the [nessus] (http://www.nessus.org/plugins/index.php?view=single&id=10302), [local],
or [snort] (http://www.snort.org/pub-bin/sigs.cgi?sid=1:1852) takes you to a web page explaining the alert.

click on the ip address ( to take you to a page where you can select a link to look up the offending ip.

http://bodhizazen.net/img/IDS/base_3_sm.JPG (http://bodhizazen.net/img/IDS/base_3.JPG)

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On this second page, click on ARIN (http://ws.arin.net/whois/?queryinput= (or any other) which will take
us to a page where we can see this ip address belongs to Yahoo.com


Another example, from a local port scan :

#18-(72-19) [snort] (http_inspect) NON-RFC DEFINED C HAR 2008-09-11 16:49:57
TC PHere we only have the option [snort] which takes us to :


This alert was generated by my portscan to show the active response of ossec (see below).

Basic alert management

First, when you first install snort, you will likely get a large number of alerts. Most of these are legitimate traffic (false


For "false positives, once you have confirmed an alert is indeed either a false positive or legitimate traffic, either
modify or comment out the rule (writing snort rules is beyond this tutorial, see How to snort rules

For the example here, robots.txt :

Note: There are better ways of managing robots.txt, see the snort links and apache documentation, I am using this
only as an example of editing snort rules.

grep is our friend here, so find the alert with :

grep robots.txt /etc/snort/rules/*returns :

/etc/snort/rules/web-misc.rules:# NOTES: this signature looks for someone accessing the file "robots.txt" via
/etc/snort/rules/web-misc.rules:# engines) more efficient. robots.txt is often used to inform a web spider
/etc/snort/rules/web-misc.rules:# Verify that the robots.txt does not include any sensitive information.
/etc/snort/rules/web-misc.rules:alert tcp $EXTERNAL_NET any -> $HTTP_SERVERS $HTTP_PORTS (msg:"WEB-MISC
robots.txt access"; flow:to_server,established; uricontent:"/robots.txt"; nocase; metadata:service http;
reference:nessus,10302; classtype:web-application-activity; sid:1852; rev:4;)so now open /etc/snort/rules/web-misc
and comment out the line:

sudo nano -w /etc/snort/rules/web-misc.rulesHit C trl-W to search, search for "robots.txt" (without quotes). Keep
hitting C rtl-W to go to the next robots.txt.

When you find the appropriate line (the one that starts with a "alert"), add a # to the front of the line.

Re-start snort.

Once you have managed the false positives, watch for repeat offenders. If I see an IP address persistently triggering
snort, I black list it in iptables.

If you do not know how to do this, see here : Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw

Specifically : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw#Advanced%20Blocking%20R ules

Hint: EDIT /etc/ufw/before.rules

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bodhi.zazen September 14th, 2008, 04:53 PM


OSSEC -HIDS is much easier to install. Basically it is downloading and then running a script.

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Go to the ossec download page and download the most recent version :


wget http://www.ossec.net/files/ossec-hids-1.6.tar.gz
tar xzvf ossec-hids-1.6.tar.gzNow run the installation script :

cd ossec-hids-1.6
./install.shYou will be asked a series of questions. Basically select your language, use a "local" installation, and enter
an e-mail address. Otherwise go with the defaults.

When you get to the question :

- Do you want to add more IPs to the white list? (y/n)? [n]: Answer y and add additional IP if you wish to white list

There is a very nice post on the Ubuntu forums here :

Howto setup OSSEC -HIDS on your ubuntu box (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=213445)

~ Thanks RShadow (http://ubuntuforums.org/member.php?u=130519)

The only "problem" is that the post is a little outdated. The information about running the install script is accurate, but
you DO NOT need to write an init script. ossec 1.6 will install a script for you into /etc/init.d/ossec

Start / Stop OSSEC with :

sudo /etc/init.d/ossec start|stop

C onfigure OSSEC

Not much needs to be done. HOWEVER I would caution you that OSSEC has an active response to threats. If OSSEC
detects a bad ip address, it will block that ip address using iptables. This means that if your snort rules are giving you
false alerts legitimate traffic to your server will be blocked.

This also means you can lose access to your server as well.

Fortunately this is a temporary ban. It is more than sufficient to deter the script kiddies and if your access is blocked,
access is restored in a few minutes.

This means , however, you need to monitor snort (base) and fine tune your rules so you are not blocking legitimate

Again, if there are repeat offending IP addresses, black list them in iptables (See the using snort/base post for how to
do this).

Additional configuration of OSSEC is is done by editing /var/ossec/etc/ossec.conf

This configuration file is well commented and you will see a white list section where you may white list additional ip
addresses if needed.

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bodhi.zazen September 14th, 2008, 04:56 PM

Web access to ossec

Download the web interface from http://www.ossec.net/main/downloads/

wget http://www.ossec.net/files/ui/ossec-wui-0.3.tar.gz
cd /var/www
tar xzvf ~/ossec-wui-0.3.tar.gz
mv ossec-wui* ossec

cd ossec
./setup.shDuring the setup you will be asked for a user name and password. You will use this user name and
password to access the web interface.

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When the script is finished running, change ownership of the directory and add www-data to the ossec group

cd /var/www
chown -R www-data.www-data ossec
usermod -G ossec -a www-dataRestart apache

/etc/init.d/apache2 restartLog in at http://your_ip_address/ossec

From the web interface you can see any changes to system files and alerts.

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bodhi.zazen September 14th, 2008, 05:05 PM

Using ossec :

Once you log into the web interface you will have a number of tabs.

Main ~ This is where you will see alerts.

Integrity checking ~ Will show you recent changes to system files.

http://bodhizazen.net/img/IDS/OSSEC _1_sm.JPG (http://bodhizazen.net/img/IDS/OSSEC _1.JPG)

Understanding and modifying rules

Listing of rules (it is incomplete): http://www.ossec.net/wiki/index.php/Rule

Modifying rules : http://www.ossec.net/wiki/index.php/Know_How:Ignore_Rules

I did find this wiki page on integrating base + ossec, but I have not tried it.

ossec + base : http://www.ossec.net/wiki/index.php/OSSEC _&_BASE

Example of ossec active response :

# Start by pinging the server:

PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.378 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.377 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.359 ms

--- ping statistics ---

3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2005ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.359/0.371/0.378/0.018 ms

Portscan the server :

root@hardy:~#nmap -sS -sV -O -PI -PT

Starting Nmap 4.53 ( http://insecure.org ) at 2008-09-11 17:27 MDT

<-- Notice how Nmap hangs ? -->

# Now ping the server again:

PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

<-- Notice how your pings are blocked ? -->

--- ping statistics ---

4 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 2999msBack to top

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Rocket2DMn September 14th, 2008, 06:32 PM

The Ubuntu Guru strikes again! Thanks bodhi, this thread is great, I think it's your best so far.

Now for a short little addendum to the main guide, for those interested in low system impact.

Intrusion Detection using a Virtual Machine

If you would like to take this guide for a run without heavily messing with their current system configuration, you can
still get the full effect by setting up Ubuntu in a Virtual Machine (VM) and following the guide from there. The concepts
here apply to whatever virtualization software you prefer, I just use vbox as an example since that is what I used.

The only work that needs to be done on your host machine (not the VM) is to setup a network bridge so that your VM
will have an IP assigned by your network's DHC P server (in a home network, this is usually the central router). You
can also opt set a static IP that is recognized by the rest of the network. With this network IP, you can then actually
see what is happening on the network, unlike with the default private IP that VMs normally get assigned.

Normal Private IP:

Network IP:
(Note: Yes, yes, 192.168.xxx.yyy is also in the private IP range, but this is what is generally seen on a home
network, and I therefore refer to as the network IP.)

General Directions for using VirtualBox:

Setup your virtual machine with an Ubuntu installation - there are many guides out there on how to do this (ex:
community/VirtualBox). Don't forget to install LAMP (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP) and the
build-essential metapackage which are needed for the above tutorial.

Now create a network bridge on your host machine by following the directions at community/VirtualBox#Networking.
Our guru, bodhi.zazen, also suggested the following link which will also work for vbox - community/KVM#C reating a
network bridge on the host. I found it helps to first set your host to DHC P temporarily if you are using a static IP so
that you can easily configure the bridge. Then you can setup your static IP after your bridge is successfully created
and tested. The VM won't know the difference, other than it will get an IP immediately compatible with your network.
Also, don't forget to create the scripts to bring the bridge up and down as described in the VirtualBox wiki link.
Here is my /etc/network/interfaces file, with static IP on the host, for your reference (yours will vary). I have edited
out my username, and I am using a Linksys WRT54G router:

# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system

# and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet manual

auto br0
iface br0 inet static
bridge_ports eth0

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

auto tap1
iface tap1 inet manual
up ifconfig $iface up
down ifconfig $iface down
tunctl_user username

where username is your username which is used in /etc/vbox/interfaces (see the Network portion of vbox guide
linked above).

If you're in to using static IPs, you can now set a static IP on your VM as well. This makes it convenient to access the
web service interfaces for BASE and OSSEC from another system (like the host).


Vivaldi Gloria September 14th, 2008, 06:48 PM

Thanks mate. This thread is indeed great.

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Oldsoldier2003 September 15th, 2008, 04:36 AM

The Ubuntu Guru strikes again!

Thanks bodhi, this thread is great, I think it's your best so far. I look forward to putting it to good use very soon.

+1 You've outdone yourself this time:)

The Tronyx September 15th, 2008, 06:04 AM

I endorse this thread.

Uchiha_madara September 15th, 2008, 01:13 PM

thanks a lot man

you have done a huge effort you are very nice ,,,,,,

Drezard September 18th, 2008, 09:54 AM

You are an absolute genious of security.

Thanks so much.


etusha September 21st, 2008, 08:25 PM

can i install both
without create any conflict ?

if install both do they need a lot off C PU recourse ?

bodhi.zazen September 22nd, 2008, 12:28 AM

can i install both
without create any conflict ?

if install both do they need a lot off C PU recourse ?

snort and ossec perform different tasks and are complementary. See :

Security Focus ~ An Introduction to Intrusion Detection Systems (http://www.securityfocus.com/infocus/1520)

Yes you can run them together. "lot of C PU" is subjective and means different things to different people. In general
snort and ossec do not slow down your web server and if they do, IMO, your server is probably underpowered.

henke54 October 1st, 2008, 11:43 AM

C ode-based Intrusion Detection for Linux by Ohad Ben-C ohen and Avishai Wool :

RRFarFar October 2nd, 2008, 11:35 AM

Just a newbie question:
Does that info have any use for desktop version of Ubuntu?
I do have ufw enabled and ports closed, but I want to monitor internet connections and other things. C an I use snort
and the other thing for that???
Sorry, I know I do look like an incompetent person now, but... I really am)))
Thanks very much for this post

bodhi.zazen October 2nd, 2008, 09:06 PM

Just a newbie question:
Does that info have any use for desktop version of Ubuntu?
I do have ufw enabled and ports closed, but I want to monitor internet connections and other things. C an I use snort
and the other thing for that???
Sorry, I know I do look like an incompetent person now, but... I really am)))
Thanks very much for this post
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No problem, ask away.

You are asking the right questions, but you will get a range of answers depending on who you ask.

Rather then turn this thread into a meandering debate re: firewalls and security I would prefer to keep it on topic, ie
intrusion detection.

My best advice is that you start by asking yourself what it is you are trying to accomplish and determine your own
level of "paranoia". Next read through some of the links I provided and determine the right tool for the job.

ossec == HIDS
snort == NIDS

As most people come from a Windows background, the HIDS systems are most familiar. These are tools to monitor
your host (desktop) for changes in system files. For example on Windows one scans for viruses or other malware
(adblock software is often HIDS).

You are asking about NIDS, ie monitoring network traffic. Snort captures or monitors all network activity (packets)
going to and coming from your Desktop (or server). You will likely recieve several thousand packets in short order,
Snort filters through these thousands of packets by checking each packet against a set of "rules" and logs sustpcious
activity to a database (mysql). You then use Base to generate a "report" you can view on any web browser. From
there you will need to research any "alerts". How you manage alterts then is also a matter of style.

There are other tools for each of these tasks including wireshark (which will keep the contents of all packets, not just
alerts) , barnyard (as an alternate to mysql) etc.

Sarmacid October 23rd, 2008, 02:01 PM

Although snort is in the repositories you will need to compile snort yourself. This is because the binary in Ubuntu does
not have support for snort logging to a mysql database enabled.
Just wanted to point out that there is a package with mysql logging support, I did it as indicated in the guide by
djhedges (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=483488&highlight=oinkmaster) and works great.

apt-get install snort-mysql

bodhi.zazen October 23rd, 2008, 10:04 PM

Just wanted to point out that there is a package with mysql logging support, I did it as indicated in the guide by
djhedges (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=483488&highlight=oinkmaster) and works great.

OK, I will add that information in to the original post.

The version in the repos is 2.7, and snort is on 2.8.3.

IMO, as we are talking about security, in this case it is better to compile form source (and compiling snort is quite
easy (as well as downloading a more up-to-date rule set).

One advantage of installing from the repos, it will include an init script for snort.

Sarmacid October 24th, 2008, 04:35 PM

I agree that in security you should be the most up to date you can be, however, getting snort through synaptic has its
advantages. It's easier and it gets updated, and really, the most important thing to keep up to date are the rules
themselves, and that, as you mention in the guide is done with oinkmaster. Don't wanna start up a discussion, but I
think for the users that use snort at home getting it from the repos should be enough.

Girya November 2nd, 2008, 03:32 PM

Thanks for the tutorial. I've wanted to install snort and now this tutorial will get me there.

One thing might need to be updated, when I pasted the download for snort I found the address didn't work on my
computer. So I went over to snort's website and copied the link and pasted that onto my command line.

The command that worked for me is:

wget http://www.snort.org/dl/snort- && tar -zxvf snort-

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devoda November 5th, 2008, 06:21 PM

Thank you bodhi.zazen. I am a 4th year student for a information security systems and computer science degree and
found your post informative and interesting. The majority of classes that deal with intrusion detection, network
fortification, and common security practices apply the aforementioned concepts to Windows Server. This of course is
useful for someone looking for a job because there are a fair amount of Windows Servers. But for the rest of us who
would like to secure a Linux server and get paid to do so, they do not inform quite as well. Thank you for this post.
The use of NIDS is much more interesting on an open system.

Etlaesium November 15th, 2008, 12:22 AM

I had run into a problem which resulted in the following error on "make":

attribute error: open with O_C REAT in second argument needs 3 arguments

This seems to be a programmatic error. I fixed this by doing the following.

You must be root to perform the following procedure. You may also open the file below and save it in your home
folder, then copy it (as root) to its original directory (../snort2.8.*/src/preprocessors/flow/portscan/).

After "./configure --with-mysql --enable-dynamicplugin", locate the file "server_stats.c" in "../snort-

2.8.*/src/preprocessors/flow/portscan/" and open it in a text editor or IDE. Identify the following section:

int server_stats_save(SERVER_STATS *ssp, char *filename)

In this section, identify the line:

fd = open(filename, O_C REAT|O_TRUNC |O_SYNC |O_WRONLY);

and change it to:

fd = open(filename, O_C REAT|O_TRUNC |O_SYNC |O_WRONLY, 0600);

Then you may run "make && make install".

This resulted in other problems related to MySQL using Snort-2.8.3. I then attempted to use the current Snort-
and it compiled and installed beautifully on my Intrepid server.

aquadawg November 16th, 2008, 05:21 AM

I'm having a problem downloading the init script via wget command line on my server installation. C an someone
please detail instructions on the procedure to get the file via C LI?


Write a script to start snort :

The only "problem" with installing snort from source is that we now need a script to start snort. The other issue is that
if there are no alerts, snort will lose it's connection with the mysql database.

To solve this, I wrote a script to start / restart snort.

The script is attached to this post and is called "ubuntu.snort.init.txt"

C opy this file to your computer and copy/move it to /etc/init.d/snort

Now lets look at the code. You need to look at two lines.

1. The first is your interface. The default is eth0. If you wish to use snort on an alternate interface, such as eth1, you
will need to edit the line IFAC E="eth0" and change "eth0" to "eth1"
* Note : Snort will not work with wireless interfaces, you need to use airsnort instead.
2. The second option is to whitelist ip addresses. I advise you do this with caution, but you *may* wish to white IP
addresses such as your router and your public ip address.

To white list an IP , add it to the line WHITELIST='' (note that is two single quotes, ' ' and not a double quote " ) , one
ip at a time, separated by a space, like this :

C ode:


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Now that you are done editing the file, set ownership and permissions :

C ode:

chown root.root /etc/init.d/snort

chmod 500 /etc/init.d/snort

Starting snort on boot

My script has a 20 second sleep built in (sometimes when you start snort it will fail after a 10-15 second delay). To
avoid adding a 20 second longer boot time, use the "boot" option.

With this factoid in mind, edit /etc/rc.local and add :

C ode:

exec /etc/init.d/snort boot

Add this single line above "exit 0" if your have an exit 0 in the file

bodhi.zazen November 16th, 2008, 06:51 AM

yes, you can not wget directly from the forums.

Try this :

wget http://bodhizazen.net/ubuntu.snort.init.txt

MaindotC November 17th, 2008, 02:29 AM

I had run into a problem which resulted in the following error on "make":

attribute error: open with O_C REAT in second argument needs 3 arguments

I ran into the same issue. I didn't have any problems following the Howto Forge
(http://www.howtoforge.com/intrusion-detection-with-snort-mysql-apache2-on-ubuntu-7.10-updated) for 7.10 on an
8.04 machine. I thought maybe some of the packages in the Howto Forge tutorial may been outdated or whatever and
I wanted to try an 8.10 tutorial. I'm not a developer - I'm a user - so I don't know the affect of what appears to be
adding one more argument of value 0600 to the fd function, which I believe is a kernel function, has to do with this
but I guess that type of uncertainty is one of the downfalls of not learning and understanding the operating system
and how it is created.

In any event, I did this and followed the rest of the tutorial without any problems. OP, you may want to change this

tar zxvf ../snrotrules*

tar zxvf ./snortrules*

bodhi.zazen November 17th, 2008, 04:13 AM

Thanks, fixed the typo. using .. vs . depends on what directory you are in and where you saved the archive. I *think*
if you are following my directions steep-by-step it is indeed a double dot (..)

MaindotC November 18th, 2008, 12:45 AM

I'm sorry - I wasn't really pinpointing the use of the dot versus double dot and I didn't even notice that I used a single
instead of a double. I meant to point out the misspelling of snortrules which I see you corrected :) Thanks again for
the tutorial.

ray33 November 20th, 2008, 11:58 PM

Thank you for this information. Being a novice, it all sounds a bit complicated, but at least I now have the guide to
follow when my particular paranoia peaks.

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scribbles November 24th, 2008, 06:29 AM

cp -R /usr/src/snort-2.8.3/doc/signatures . Using snort- there is not a /signatures and am not sure where to
point it. I have browsed the dirs and do not see anything relative...

lapio November 25th, 2008, 10:59 AM

cp -R /usr/src/snort-2.8.3/doc/signatures . Using snort- there is not a /signatures and am not sure where to
point it. I have browsed the dirs and do not see anything relative...

cp -R /usr/src/snort- .

lapio November 25th, 2008, 11:09 AM

thank you very much for this great article.

i have a question though. i did the nmap portscan (from to and snort blocked my
further pings as expected. however, i then wasn't able to refresh the base and ossec web interfaces for a small period
- even though i have whitelisted in /etc/init.d/snort. base web interface doesn't show any info on this,
have i misinterpreted the guide at some point?

thank you

bodhi.zazen November 25th, 2008, 04:45 PM

thank you very much for this great article.

i have a question though. i did the nmap portscan (from to and snort blocked my
further pings as expected. however, i then wasn't able to refresh the base and ossec web interfaces for a small period
- even though i have whitelisted in /etc/init.d/snort. base web interface doesn't show any info on this,
have i misinterpreted the guide at some point?

thank you

Snort does not block access, OSSEC does.

So you would need to whitelist your IP address in OSSEC (it is in the config file).

Try this: Disable (stop) ossec and re-scan. You *should* also see more alerts in snort.

sudo /etc/init.d/ossec stop

scan ...

Notice your IP is not blocked

restart ossec

sudo /etc/init.d/ossec start

scan again

Your IP is now blocked, and you may not see as many alerts in snort :twisted:

Sarmacid December 3rd, 2008, 04:10 PM

I have a script for updating the rules automatically with oinkmaster running on cron. Do I have to restart snort every
time it gets updated for the new rules to work or can I just leave it running?

bodhi.zazen December 3rd, 2008, 06:47 PM

I have a script for updating the rules automatically with oinkmaster running on cron. Do I have to restart snort every
time it gets updated for the new rules to work or can I just leave it running?

I am not sure, but I would restart snort.

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Orange Luna December 4th, 2008, 07:57 PM

bodhi, just a quick bit on rules.

Rules can be commented out though there is a better way to do this. C ommentating rules is problematic because
rules by an admin get updated periodically (hopefully everyone is using oinkmaster). When these new rules are put
into /etc/snort/rules they erase the previous commented out versions.

If people are using oinkmaster this can be done very easily. In /etc/oinkmaster.conf look at the section for SIDs
down toward the bottom. Each rule has a unique SID (Snort ID) enter in the SID's:

disablesid 8427,8428,8426 # cipher overflow for older openssl

and oinkmaster will comment the section on update.

more can be read here (http://oinkmaster.sourceforge.net/avoiding_snort_alerts.txt)

Nice guide bodhi, thank you.

bodhi.zazen December 4th, 2008, 11:04 PM

Thank you for the information Orange Luna

I was going to make a post on oinkmaster, but this was already too long.

And you did a better, much more succinct tutorial then I would have written :twisted:

peterhof December 5th, 2008, 09:43 PM

First of all thank you very much for this great post,after spending two weeks trying to install snort finally got it done
with this post.

Now for the question, when I fire up BASE I see no activity whatsoever, yet I know there are things happening
because if I type snort -v I get screenfulls of activity.

If anyone has any ideas that would be great.

Last but not least first time in Ubuntu and revisiting *nix after 10 years of not having used it.

bodhi.zazen December 5th, 2008, 10:15 PM

Snort is a packet sniffer, so each packet you receive will be analyzed or tested against the snort rules. If a packet
triggers a rule you will have an alert on BASE.

So when you start BASE, do you see your senor ?

The other problem I have seen is that if there is no activity they mysql database loses it's connection. In that case
you need to restart snort.

Try performing a port scan (or similar) from a remote box.

peterhof December 5th, 2008, 10:46 PM

Yes I do see my sensor. Now to go and find a port scanning tool.

Kinstonian December 5th, 2008, 10:54 PM

Sometimes a port scan won't fire an alert when I'm testing Snort for some reason so I add a rule to local.rules similar
to this:

alert icmp any any -> any any (msg: "IC MP Test Rule";sid: 1000005;)

Then stop and restart snort, and start pinging a computer. If you want to get even simpler, just go to:

peterhof December 5th, 2008, 11:02 PM

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Ok, found a portscan tool and yes!!! I now get something displaying in BASE.

Thanks for the rule tip, will have to investigate some more on the rules section as there is more work to be done
there, in addition I am behind a firewall which most likely stops 98% of stuff but I would like to find out what is getting

Thanks to both for the help, really appreciate it.

newbux January 5th, 2009, 03:29 AM

hello and thanks for the great help with security on linux. i am new to linux. i installed snort as directed by post 20
and 21 but now how do i use snort? i dont know how to launch it?

bodhi.zazen January 5th, 2009, 05:17 AM

hello and thanks for the great help with security on linux. i am new to linux. i installed snort as directed by post 20
and 21 but now how do i use snort? i dont know how to launch it?

If you installed snort from the repos it will start automatically.

You can start / stop it manually with :

Start :

sudo /etc/init.d/snort start

Stop :

sudo /etc/init.d/snort stop

Snort is confusing at first. Network activity is broken into packets of information. Snort analyzes each packet and if
there is a violation of the snort rules then an alert is generated.

If you followed my how to you also installed mysql (a database) and base (a front end for the data). If not I am not
sure where and how snort (from the repos) will send alerts.

Try looking at this post (It is a little technical)


MaindotC January 5th, 2009, 09:48 AM

hello and thanks for the great help with security on linux. i am new to linux. i installed snort as directed by post 20
and 21 but now how do i use snort? i dont know how to launch it?

Snort will gather data for you and store it in the mysql database you installed. This data is usually "who scanned me"
and "what type of scan was it" by default. I think what you want to know is HOW to view this information. I took a
security class and I had this very same question - I installed Snort but I didn't know what snort was doing or how to
view what it detects. The common way of viewing this data is to install apache and a customized view of the Snort
data called BASE. BASE will put the data in a nice graphical format, fully customizable, so you can see this
information. I just typed "snort base" in google images and here's the first picture returned. Let me know if that
makes sense. http://homepage.mac.com/duling/halfdozen/resources/snort-base1.png There are also some tricks to
installing BASE that aren't mentioned - a couple php-pear modules you need to install that aren't installed by default
(or at least weren't when I installed snort/mysql/apache/base).

What I'd really like is some type of auditory alarm like we did in the windows-portion of the Snort lab. With base, you
have to keep looking at /localhost/base-php4 and hitting refresh to catch someone attacking.

newbux January 6th, 2009, 12:57 AM

hello could you supply me with the all the terminal commands you use to install base and apache and also the pear
modules that is if thats all you have to do to install if other instructions needed please feel free to tell me those too. i
dont know any terminal commands on my own yet also if you can install the mysql database from terminal can you
tell me how to do that too still reading up on that and if you could it would save me alot of time. that is if its not too
much trouble for you so far commands that i have seen have been pretty short thank you

bodhi.zazen January 6th, 2009, 01:19 AM

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hello could you supply me with the all the terminal commands you use to install base and apache and also the pear
modules that is if thats all you have to do to install if other instructions needed please feel free to tell me those too. i
dont know any terminal commands on my own yet also if you can install the mysql database from terminal can you
tell me how to do that too still reading up on that and if you could it would save me alot of time. that is if its not too
much trouble for you so far commands that i have seen have been pretty short thank you


See the first few posts in this thread as well as the link I gave in my last post.

newbux January 6th, 2009, 04:12 AM


MaindotC January 6th, 2009, 10:10 AM

hello could you supply me with the all the terminal commands you use to install base and apache and also the pear

This guide (http://howtoforge.net/intrusion-detection-with-snort-mysql-apache2-on-ubuntu-7.10-updated) is the one I

used to install snort - it's not much different than the OP. The comment on the bottom by Angry shows which perl
commands to execute in order for BASE to work properly.

newbux January 12th, 2009, 06:59 AM

thanks for the link i tried but i guess it didnt work because i have intrepid or something. so i went and tried to do the
OP again but got an error when i tried to compile snort i think i did everything as described in the post i don't know
why i received the error message can you help me out.

terminal code in OP:

cd /usr/src/snort-2.8.3
./configure -enable-dynamicplugin --with-mysql
make install


In function open,
inlined from server_stats_save at server_stats.c:349:
/usr/include/bits/fcntl2.h:51: error: call to __open_missing_mode declared with attribute error: open with O_C REAT
in second argument needs 3 arguments
make[4]: *** [server_stats.o] Error 1
make[4]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/snort-'
make[3]: *** [install-recursive] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/snort-'
make[2]: *** [install-recursive] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/snort-'
make[1]: *** [install-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/snort-'
make: *** [install-recursive] Error 1

MaindotC January 12th, 2009, 04:49 PM

Anything dealing with libraries or source code is a little over my head. I know how to use Ubuntu, but I don't know
anything about development. Try dev section or devs on irc?

topimiring January 12th, 2009, 05:59 PM

is it possible to deploy snort as distributed IDS ?

bodhi.zazen January 12th, 2009, 06:44 PM

is it possible to deploy snort as distributed IDS ?




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topimiring January 14th, 2009, 06:18 PM

@bodhi.zazen : THANKS bro .. :)

bodhi.zazen January 14th, 2009, 10:24 PM

@bodhi.zazen : THANKS bro .. :)

You are most welcome.

newbux January 14th, 2009, 11:58 PM

i decided to try and finish the tutorial even though i received a error when compiling snort and when i was editing
/etc/snort/snort.conf i couldnt save the changes because i didnt have the permissions. im logged in as administrator
do you know why maybe thats why the errors are thier when i try to compile it thanks

bodhi.zazen January 15th, 2009, 12:53 AM

i decided to try and finish the tutorial even though i received a error when compiling snort and when i was editing
/etc/snort/snort.conf i couldnt save the changes because i didnt have the permissions. im logged in as administrator
do you know why maybe thats why the errors are thier when i try to compile it thanks

You have to run the commands in this tutorial as root.

Either prefix every command with sudo

sudo command

or obtain a root shell with

sudo -i

newbux January 15th, 2009, 05:37 AM

the directions in the tutorial i was working on were

Open /etc/snort/snort.conf with your favorite text editor (nano, vi, vim, etc.).

when i made the changes i tried to save them and close the document but a pop box said that i did not have the
correct permissions.

so i did not use the terminal to edit it how come i dont have permissions even if im logged in as administrator.thanks

topimiring January 15th, 2009, 09:43 AM

is there any way to integrate snort and sms gateway ? just in case I want to send all the alerts via sms.
Thanks b4 :)

bodhi.zazen January 15th, 2009, 04:42 PM

the directions in the tutorial i was working on were

Open /etc/snort/snort.conf with your favorite text editor (nano, vi, vim, etc.).

when i made the changes i tried to save them and close the document but a pop box said that i did not have the
correct permissions.

so i did not use the terminal to edit it how come i dont have permissions even if im logged in as administrator.thanks

The administrator account on Linux (Ubuntu) is called root. If you are and administrator that means you can access
root via sudo.


In a terminal either use

sudo nano /file/to/edit #you can use emacs, nano, vim, ....

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To use grapgical applications, such as gedit, use gksu

gksu gedit /file/to/edit

I would caution you against using word processors such as OpenOffice or Abiword to edit config files as config files
are text files and we want to keep them that way (not convert them to OOO or Abiword formated documents).

bodhi.zazen January 15th, 2009, 04:45 PM

is there any way to integrate snort and sms gateway ? just in case I want to send all the alerts via sms.
Thanks b4 :)

Yes you can. I have not done this so I can give you some links :



topimiring January 17th, 2009, 01:53 PM

Yes you can. I have not done this so I can give you some links :



Thx for this......... :guitar:

newbux January 20th, 2009, 08:28 AM

i went to development/compiling forum and nobody was able to help me. so i thought i'd post here again in case thier
is anybody who knows what is wrong when i compile snort as i posted above. it's really confusing youd think that
someone wouldve have posted this problem before.

but when i try to compile snort like the OP said above i get errors like:

terminal code in tutorial:

cd /usr/src/snort-2.8.3
./configure -enable-dynamicplugin --with-mysql
make install


In function open,
inlined from server_stats_save at server_stats.c:349:
/usr/include/bits/fcntl2.h:51: error: call to __open_missing_mode declared with attribute error: open with O_C REAT
in second argument needs 3 arguments
make[4]: *** [server_stats.o] Error 1
make[4]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/snort-'
make[3]: *** [install-recursive] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/snort-'
make[2]: *** [install-recursive] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/snort-'
make[1]: *** [install-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/snort-'
make: *** [install-recursive] Error 1

some compiling goes on but at the end thier are the errors above. also i have ubuntu 8.10 i was thinking that maybe
its because i have the new version and some people have the old one?


Francesco67 January 27th, 2009, 09:59 PM

Hi all,
many thanks to bodhi.zazen.
Followed this tutorial, snort+base+mysql up & working in about 3hrs, on a stand alone box. Tested by enabling a p2p
rule, with Azureus running, also tested with http://testmyids.com/. Excellent tutorial. Next: binary output & barnyard;
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refine config; then OSSEC .

Best regards

bmwman January 29th, 2009, 04:42 PM

Question: If I install in a virtual machine, I'm using VMware, amd set up the intrusion detection in it, would that detect
attacs agains the Host or just the Virtual machine? Having the network bridged gives two separate IPs so I'm not sure
if this would only protect the VMware?


The Tronyx January 29th, 2009, 06:17 PM

Question: If I install in a virtual machine, I'm using VMware, amd set up the intrusion detection in it, would that detect
attacs agains the Host or just the Virtual machine? Having the network bridged gives two separate IPs so I'm not sure
if this would only protect the VMware?


C ool question bmwman! A lot of it is going to have to deal with how it is bridged. I just woke up but I will do my best
to try and explain this clearly but please forgive me if I fall short in doing so.

When you set up snort, there is a config file. In this config file you declare the IP(s), range, or block that you want
snort to listen on. Obviously, in order for snort to listen on these IPs, they generally need to be bound to the box on
which Snort is snorting ;)

I understand that when you bridge the IP, you get two separate IPs but how is traffic treated? If I have read your
question properly, there may be 2 separate IPs but the host IP and the virtual machine IP are bridged and as such,
traffic should be able to move freely. This means that any traffic directed to the host/main computer should hit the
virtual machine as well. And since the virtual machine is listening on the IPs declared in the var HOME_NET it should
log alerts.

If you wanted to test this easily, I would recommend doing:

sudo apt-get install nikto
nikto -h

If that doesn't give you the information you were looking for, try directing hostile traffic to the host machine from
another machine on the network.

bmwman January 29th, 2009, 07:09 PM

Thanks for the answer. So I can specify the two IPs in the config file and I'm good. I asked this because it would be
great if I just set up a VM and use it home and at work, rather then installing/configuring everything twice.. I'll give it
a shot. BTW, somebody was trying to hack into my PC couple of days ago so I'm all pumped up about it :). Also what
kind of information is caputered in case of attack attemp? Is there a way to set up some kinda of a trap so this person
can be caught or at least I can get back on him?

I would really apreciate any input. Thank you.

bodhi.zazen January 29th, 2009, 08:18 PM

Thanks for the answer. So I can specify the two IPs in the config file and I'm good. I asked this because it would be
great if I just set up a VM and use it home and at work, rather then installing/configuring everything twice.. I'll give it
a shot. BTW, somebody was trying to hack into my PC couple of days ago so I'm all pumped up about it :). Also what
kind of information is caputered in case of attack attemp? Is there a way to set up some kinda of a trap so this person
can be caught or at least I can get back on him?

I would really apreciate any input. Thank you.

Well, if an IP is giving you problems, just black list the IP.

I do not advise you retaliate as that will get you into trouble. Search the IP (look up) and report it to the IP provider.

bmwman January 29th, 2009, 08:28 PM

I would report him, but it's an ISP in Mexico.

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bodhi.zazen January 29th, 2009, 08:52 PM

I would report him, but it's an ISP in Mexico.


Well, that is what black listing is for ;)

tnnn January 30th, 2009, 10:34 AM

Since I'm not a big fan of adding several resource hungry services (apache, mysql) when they are not essential, I
decided to go for the sqlless snort + ossec. I used the "snort" ubuntu package from repository which installed and
started flawlessly (it detected my own nmap scans, and even some random port scans from internet). However, when
Ubuntu is booting, I can see that snort starting script has "failed" and snort doesn't start. But if I run "/etc/conf.d/snort
start" from console it starts without any issues. I've tried running it with both original and bodhi.zazens scripts but the
result is always the same - snort fails during boot, but starts and works perfectly when started from console...
Executing from rc.local changes nothing. I've tried "snort -T -c /etc/snort/snort.conf" but it doesn't report any errors.

Any ideas why is it happening? Or at least how to find out what is failing during boot?

topimiring January 31st, 2009, 10:34 AM

I'm sorry for asking such a noob question ,
Is there any way to translate honeypot captured data into a SNORT signature ?
I'd like to deploy self-learning IDS with snort based on data caputred by honeypot softwares.
THank you

KEE February 10th, 2009, 09:08 AM

wondering if this is for me. i think i get hacked almost on a daily bases. everytime i install any ubuntu 7.10 to 8.10 (i
give up on 8.04 and 8.10 since i get systems 32 file along the installation process) . that same day my drive becomes
"read only" and cannot save or anything. its either that or malicious software. going to reinstall sometime soon so
wondering if i should install this before updates or after? i seem tobe getting hacked or getting malicious software
during installation. i need to try something. please help

bodhi.zazen February 10th, 2009, 04:37 PM

wondering if this is for me. i think i get hacked almost on a daily bases. everytime i install any ubuntu 7.10 to 8.10 (i
give up on 8.04 and 8.10 since i get systems 32 file along the installation process) . that same day my drive becomes
"read only" and cannot save or anything. its either that or malicious software. going to reinstall sometime soon so
wondering if i should install this before updates or after? i seem tobe getting hacked or getting malicious software
during installation. i need to try something. please help

Sounds like a hard ware problem to me, my guess is your hard drive is old and/or failing. When there are disk errors
they are remounted read only.

catolh February 11th, 2009, 11:41 AM

For some reason the ossec webui doesnt ask for a password when i access the site. Even though i set a username
and password when i installed ossec.

Is this a known issue? (when i installed apache i only did apt-get apache2 and php modules).

bodhi.zazen February 11th, 2009, 05:54 PM

For some reason the ossec webui doesnt ask for a password when i access the site. Even though i set a username
and password when i installed ossec.

Is this a known issue? (when i installed apache i only did apt-get apache2 and php modules).

I use https / .htaccess for the webui

catolh February 12th, 2009, 11:59 AM

I use https / .htaccess for the webui
Ah, i figured there was something about .htaccess. But how do i go about and make it require https ?

bodhi.zazen February 12th, 2009, 05:18 PM

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Ah, i figured there was something about .htaccess. But how do i go about and make it require https ?

You have to install / configure ssl and apache :


catolh February 13th, 2009, 09:03 AM

You have to install / configure ssl and apache :

Thanks alot :)

topimiring February 21st, 2009, 01:17 PM

is there any way to automatically import honeycomb signatures to snort ?

menschtx February 21st, 2009, 04:06 PM

I tried to follow your tutorial for protection, but for some reason the security level set from I believe compliance to
enforce has blocked firefox 3. Is there a way to reverse this? Or clear the process and go back to the beginning?

bodhi.zazen February 22nd, 2009, 12:15 AM

I tried to follow your tutorial for protection, but for some reason the security level set from I believe compliance to
enforce has blocked firefox 3. Is there a way to reverse this? Or clear the process and go back to the beginning?

Are you asking about apparmor ?

bodhi.zazen March 7th, 2009, 02:56 PM

I tried to follow your tutorial for protection, but for some reason the security level set from I believe compliance to
enforce has blocked firefox 3. Is there a way to reverse this? Or clear the process and go back to the beginning?

Are you asking about apparmor ?

If so see the sticky on apparmor.

sudo aa-complain firefox

rodney757 April 1st, 2009, 06:16 AM

I was just reading this tutorial and it says to use airsnort if you use wireless. When I go to the airsnort site it says that
the project is dead. Is there an alternitive I should use? Thanks

shahin April 1st, 2009, 11:13 AM

Is there any way to verify that my database if being populated with data? I run snort -v, and I see it capturing data. I
have also set up the database, and I see the tables in it. How do I run snort to push data to the database, and then
what command do I run in the database to see the data just collected please? Oh btw, the bleeding rules url does not
work. Does anyone have another link where these rules can be downloaded for snort2.8.3.2?

bodhi.zazen April 1st, 2009, 04:21 PM

Is there any way to verify that my database if being populated with data? I run snort -v, and I see it capturing data. I
have also set up the database, and I see the tables in it. How do I run snort to push data to the database, and then
what command do I run in the database to see the data just collected please? Oh btw, the bleeding rules url does not
work. Does anyone have another link where these rules can be downloaded for snort2.8.3.2?

I use base to look at alerts generated by snort. You can look at mysql directly or what ever you wish.

If you want to test it, hit your box (snort) with a port scanner.

Snort does not, buy default, capture all packets. To do that use wireshark.

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shahin April 4th, 2009, 05:31 PM

Thanks bodhi. Something else is puzzling me now. I am trying to download rules. So I right clicked on the "download"
link for the rule, and selected "copy link location", then I move to xterm window, and pasted the clipboard content in
front of wget and pressed return. All I get is a 10K file. I seem to be able to download the same file fine using the
browser. Any idea?

shahin April 4th, 2009, 06:42 PM

I downloaded your script, and put it in the right directory, but when I run it I see the following error from snort:

Uh, you need to tell me to do something...

Fatal Error, Quitting..

Here is where the script is:

@thunder:/etc/init.d$ ls -al snort

-r-x------ 1 root root 4077 2009-04-04 13:14 snort

I think the permissions and everything else is as you stated. I am not sure why I get this error.

shahin April 5th, 2009, 07:37 PM

I am running into some problems trying to activate snort. I seem to be able to run it fine from my Ubuntu's
/usr/src/snort/snort- and /etc/snort directory, but when I try to run it from /usr/local/bin, I get the fullowing
error message:

@thunder:/usr/local/bin$ snort -v
Running in packet dump mode

--== Initializing Snort ==--

Initializing Output Plugins!
Verifying Preprocessor C onfigurations!
ERROR: Failed to lookup for interface: no suitable device found. Please specify one with -i switch
Fatal Error, Quitting..

Here is what it looks like when I run it successfully:

root@thunder:/etc/snort# snort -v
Running in packet dump mode

--== Initializing Snort ==--

Initializing Output Plugins!
Verifying Preprocessor C onfigurations!
*** interface device lookup found: eth0

Initializing Network Interface eth0

Decoding Ethernet on interface eth0

--== Initialization C omplete ==--

,,_ -*> Snort! <*-

o" )~ Version (Build 22)
'''' By Martin Roesch & The Snort Team: http://www.snort.org/team.html
(C ) C opyright 1998-2008 Sourcefire Inc., et al.
Using PC RE version: 7.8 2008-09-05


TheRoot April 8th, 2009, 01:20 AM


Thank you very much for the tutorial it was more than great.
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I have a strange issue, after I installed everything with no problems at all, and Snort + BASE + OSSEC are all
working and I can access BASE + OSSEC from a browser, I don't see any activity in the BASE page !!!

Isn't that strange?

I even disabled my firewall to make sure that the sensor of snort is not being blocked (if I'm correct) and still nothing

What do you think is the problem?

bodhi.zazen April 8th, 2009, 06:27 AM

This is a common question. Most likely you are not getting much traffic which violates the snort rules.

If snort does not log an alert to mysql, the connection times out. I am not sure how long it takes, but I re-start snort
every 6 hours.

Hit your machine with a port scanner to test snort. And yes, iptables and ossec will block traffic so turn them off when
you test snort.

TheRoot April 8th, 2009, 01:06 PM

This is a common question. Most likely you are not getting much traffic which violates the snort rules.

If snort does not log an alert to mysql, the connection times out. I am not sure how long it takes, but I re-start snort
every 6 hours.

Hit your machine with a port scanner to test snort. And yes, iptables and ossec will block traffic so turn them off when
you test snort.

Thank you very much for your reply. I do the same as you do "restart snort every 6 hours" using the cron jobs you
explained in your tutorial.

It seems that my network is cleaner than I imagined, today I got my first ALERT :)

BTW: what are the best tutorials, papers or useful information to go beyond what is displayed here? (Ex: advance
config, writing rules, howto know which rule raised the alert, etc). I only asked because I see you have great
experience in SNORT.

Thank you in advance for your help and support.

wmmccoy April 8th, 2009, 11:19 PM

Thank you ever so much for such a well written and complete tutorial! I went through seven others before discovering
I am having one problem though and forgive me in advance if it turns up being a semi-noob error.

After following your instructions and placing commands in the proper startup files, snort never starts as a daemon; it
doesn't start at all. The thing is I can run snort from a command line with no problems.

I'll be grateful for anything you can do to set me in the right direction.

Very best regards,

Mike McC oy

bodhi.zazen April 8th, 2009, 11:21 PM

Yes, you need to start snort manually. Once you start it it will run in the background (if you use the commands in my

I re-start snort every 6 hours with a cron script.

I would just add the command to start snort in /etc/rc.local , then it will start on boot.

wmmccoy April 8th, 2009, 11:37 PM

I am trying to start snort from local.rc, thats why I'm perplexed.

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wmmccoy April 8th, 2009, 11:39 PM

I am starting from rc,local rather...

wmmccoy April 9th, 2009, 12:37 AM

I am so sorry for being dense, but I configured my rc.local file per your instructions in your tutorial and snort doesn't
start. I edited my cron file to match yours as well. I don't have to start manually every time I restart do I?

Truly a noob

TheRoot April 9th, 2009, 02:46 AM

BTW: bodhi.zazen

I think the current setup shall only monitor the traffic going into the IDS system, or going out of the IDS system, if we
are in a switched network. If we want to monitor the whole network? then we need a TAP, or a switch with monitoring
ports enabled.

If the network is built on HUBs then there is no problem, everything shall be monitored weather destined to the
system holding the IDS or not.

Q: Does the white list mean: don't monitor these systems? IF yes? then I think it is wrong to assign such an IP,
because SNORT shall not monitor it.

bodhi.zazen April 9th, 2009, 02:52 AM

I am so sorry for being dense, but I configured my rc.local file per your instructions in your tutorial and snort doesn't
start. I edited my cron file to match yours as well. I don't have to start manually every time I restart do I?

Truly a noob

Perhaps it would help if you were to provide a more detailed description of the problem.

For example the command you start snort is .....

you have what in rc.local .....

you have what as a cron job ....

what makes you think snort is not running ? what is the output of

ps aux | grep snort

simply stating that it is not working does not seem to be an effective means of communication.

bodhi.zazen April 9th, 2009, 02:56 AM

BTW: bodhi.zazen

I think the current setup shall only monitor the traffic going into the IDS system, or going out of the IDS system, if we
are in a switched network. If we want to monitor the whole network? then we need a TAP, or a switch with monitoring
ports enabled.

If the network is built on HUBs then there is no problem, everything shall be monitored weather destined to the
system holding the IDS or not.

yes, easiest way is to use a switch with a monitoring port.

Q: Does the white list mean: don't monitor these systems? IF yes? then I think it is wrong to assign such an IP,
because SNORT shall not monitor it.

yes a white list , as with other white lists, basically means do not monitor traffic from ip address. White lists have their
uses ;)

In terms of your previous question re: snort info : Either buy a book on snort or google.

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After you run snort for a while though you should be good to go.

john.soper April 9th, 2009, 02:57 AM

ps aux | grep snort

Is "ps aux" equivalent to "ps -ef"?


bodhi.zazen April 9th, 2009, 03:22 AM

yes. man ps goes into some gory details :twisted:

wmmccoy April 9th, 2009, 04:07 AM

Perhaps it would help if you were to provide a more detailed description of the problem.

For example the command you start snort is ..... snort -c /etc/snort/snort.conf

you have what in rc.local ..... /etc/init.d//snort boot

you have what as a cron job /etc/init.d/snor....t restart

what makes you think snort is not running ? what is the output of

ps aux | grep snort this command returns nothing

simply stating that it is not working does not seem to be an effective means of communication. I thought I was a little
clearer than that, but my apologies for making things hard for you.

wmmccoy April 9th, 2009, 04:10 AM

In my haste to get a message to you, I noticed a couple of things that are obvious typos - please ignore them...


bodhi.zazen April 9th, 2009, 06:39 AM

In my haste to get a message to you, I noticed a couple of things that are obvious typos - please ignore them...


No problem . Did you get it working ?

KEE April 9th, 2009, 08:48 PM

can someone help me how to remove snort and all it's little bugs...i cant install anything or update linux intrepid
anymore =(
E: snort: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1
details here -->
Setting up snort (2.7.0-19ubuntu)...
update-rc.d: warning: /erc/init.d/snort missing LSB style header
invoke-rc.d: initscript snort, action stop failed.
Dpkg: error processing snort (--configure):
subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1
Setting uplibsdl-net1.2.7-2)...

KEE April 9th, 2009, 09:08 PM

can someone help me how to remove snort and all it's little bugs...i cant install anything or update linux intrepid
anymore =(
E: snort: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1
details here -->
Setting up snort (2.7.0-19ubuntu)...
update-rc.d: warning: /erc/init.d/snort missing LSB style header
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invoke-rc.d: initscript snort, action stop failed.
Dpkg: error processing snort (--configure):
subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1
Setting uplibsdl-net1.2.7-2)...

i think i got it, i have to try to install something to see if works =D

$sudo -i
$cd /usr/src/snort-
$make uninstall

KEE April 9th, 2009, 09:28 PM

i think i got it, i have to try to install something to see if works =D
$sudo -i
$cd /usr/src/snort-
$make uninstall

well heck i cant remove it xD cant remove it in the repositories ?!?! is this malicious software!?!?!

shahin April 11th, 2009, 10:41 PM

Hi Bodhi,
I seem to be able to run snort using the command you used in the script ie. when I do this:

/usr/local/bin/snort -c /etc/snort/snort.conf -u snort -g snort -D

I get this:

root@thunder:/usr/share/doc# ps aux | grep snort

root 25753 0.0 0.0 3220 844 pts/1 S+ 17:35 0:00 more snort
root 25759 0.0 0.0 2076 540 pts/2 R+ 17:36 0:00 grep snort
root 30336 0.0 0.1 6464 2552 pts/0 S+ 12:50 0:00 mysql -u snort -p snort

But when I issue the two commands that run the script, nothing happens:

@thunder:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/snort restart

@thunder:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/snort boot
@thunder:~$ ps -ef | grep snort
root 30336 30272 0 12:50 pts/0 00:00:00 mysql -u snort -p snort
31127 30529 0 12:56 pts/1 00:00:00 grep snort
@thunder:~$ cd /etc/init.d/
@thunder:/etc/init.d$ ls

shahin April 11th, 2009, 10:44 PM

My mistake. It runs when I use snort -v command

root@thunder:/usr/share/doc# snort -v
Running in packet dump mode

--== Initializing Snort ==--

Initializing Output Plugins!
Verifying Preprocessor C onfigurations!
*** interface device lookup found: eth0

Initializing Network Interface eth0

Decoding Ethernet on interface eth0

--== Initialization C omplete ==--

,,_ -*> Snort! <*-

o" )~ Version (Build 22)
'''' By Martin Roesch & The Snort Team: http://www.snort.org/team.html
(C ) C opyright 1998-2008 Sourcefire Inc., et al.
Using PC RE version: 7.8 2008-09-05
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04/11-17:43:07.562835 ->
UDP TTL:64 TOS:0x0 ID:20024 IpLen:20 DgmLen:628
Len: 600
=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+

04/11-17:43:09.511187 ARP reply is-at 0:15:9A:FA:F3:B (0:15:9A:D3:3A:D9)

04/11-17:43:10.781693 ->

TC P TTL:251 TOS:0x0 ID:61537 IpLen:20 DgmLen:68
***AP*** Seq: 0x13472EBF Ack: 0x5D0D2F63 Win: 0x37DC TcpLen: 20
=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+

04/11-17:43:10.781742 ->

TC P TTL:64 TOS:0x0 ID:51708 IpLen:20 DgmLen:40 DF
***A**** Seq: 0x5D0D2F63 Ack: 0x13472EDB Win: 0x6FB8 TcpLen: 20
=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+

^C *** C aught Int-Signal

Run time prior to being shutdown was 5.798422 seconds
Packet Wire Totals:
Received: 7
Analyzed: 7 (100.000%)
Dropped: 0 (0.000%)
Outstanding: 0 (0.000%)
Breakdown by protocol (includes rebuilt packets):
ETH: 7 (100.000%)
ETHdisc: 0 (0.000%)
VLAN: 0 (0.000%)
IPV6: 0 (0.000%)
IP6 EXT: 0 (0.000%)
IP6opts: 0 (0.000%)
IP6disc: 0 (0.000%)
IP4: 3 (42.857%)
IP4disc: 0 (0.000%)
TC P 6: 0 (0.000%)
UDP 6: 0 (0.000%)
IC MP6: 0 (0.000%)
IC MP-IP: 0 (0.000%)
TC P: 2 (28.571%)
UDP: 1 (14.286%)
IC MP: 0 (0.000%)
TC Pdisc: 0 (0.000%)
UDPdisc: 0 (0.000%)
IC MPdis: 0 (0.000%)
FRAG: 0 (0.000%)
FRAG 6: 0 (0.000%)
ARP: 1 (14.286%)
EAPOL: 0 (0.000%)
ETHLOOP: 0 (0.000%)
IPX: 0 (0.000%)
OTHER: 3 (42.857%)
DISC ARD: 0 (0.000%)
InvC hkSum: 0 (0.000%)
S5 G 1: 0 (0.000%)
S5 G 2: 0 (0.000%)
Total: 7
Action Stats:
Snort exiting

shahin April 11th, 2009, 11:16 PM

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Please ignore the previous post, I am geting closer. Now I see this when I run snort with -c option pointing the the
snort.conf file:

Initializing Network Interface eth0

Decoding Ethernet on interface eth0
database: compiled support for ( )
database: configured to use mysql
database: 'mysql' support is not compiled into this build of snort

ERROR: If this build of snort was obtained as a binary distribution (e.g., rpm,
or Windows), then check for alternate builds that contains the necessary
'mysql' support.

If this build of snort was compiled by you, then re-run the

the ./configure script using the '--with-mysql' switch.
For non-standard installations of a database, the '--with-mysql=DIR'
syntax may need to be used to specify the base directory of the DB install.

See the database documentation for cursory details (doc/README.database).

and the URL to the most recent database plugin documentation.
Fatal Error, Quitting..

I am going to recompile. I know for sure I used the -mysql option during the compilation.

shahin April 12th, 2009, 12:04 AM

Seems my install is working, but I am not sure. I see the following:

root@thunder:/etc/snort# ps aux | grep snort

snort 14473 7.1 7.1 144468 110520 ? Ss 18:52 0:05 snort -c /etc/snort/snort.conf -u snort -g snort -D
root 30336 0.0 0.1 6464 2564 pts/0 S+ 12:50 0:00 mysql -u snort -p snort

I downloaded nmap, and issued nmap x.x.x.x ( ip of my snort machine ). But I do not see any alerts in /var/log/snort

root@thunder:/var/log/snort# more snort.log.1239490353

root@thunder:/var/log/snort# more alert

I also do not see anything collecting my my snort database:

mysql> select * from event;

Empty set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from data;

Empty set (0.00 sec)

Help please.

Oh the machine that is doing the nmap scan is connected through a wireless, and going through a hub/router with
firewall functionality. I also have firewall turned on at the host that runs the snort. I use fireStarter to manage the
Ubuntu firewall. Should I disable it to test?

wmmccoy April 12th, 2009, 01:50 AM

No problem . Did you get it working ?

I haven't had any success yet. As I stated earlier, I am able to start snort from the command line, but when I attempt
to start when I boot (from rc.local), it does not start (no PID). I have backtracked my work, and it looks like I have
mirrored your tutorial step by step. (The best by far anywhere) I am continuing to investigate. Are there any
environmental situations that could cause my problem (like a mis-configured network, etc.)?

Thanks for your time and assistance!

Best regards,
Mike McC oy

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over_my_head April 13th, 2009, 04:45 PM

thanks for writing the tutorial - i haven't tried it yet but it looks very detailed.
I intended to go ahead and try it out, using airsnort since i'm on a wireless connection. i went to the airsnort page, it
says: "This software is old. It is no longer maintained or supported. Besides, there are much better tools out there.
You really should be trying something like aircrack-ng."
aircrack-ng seems to be some way of cracking wireless network encryption keys... and then it says it can "audit"
wireless networks...
i'm very confused now.

gyterpena April 17th, 2009, 12:44 PM

Install base

C ode:

wget http://easynews.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/secureideas/base-1.3.9.tar.gz

Note : Later versions of base do not work (with Ubuntu at least).

Open a web browser and navigate to http://your_ip_address/base

Back to top (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=919472)

Great tutorial

I have it running with base 1.4.1

setup is done from http://your_ip_address/base/setup

you also need to install pear Mail Mail_Mime Net_SMTP

Reference (http://www.snort.org/archive-1-6544.html)

bodhi.zazen April 19th, 2009, 04:16 AM

Thanks for the information gyterpena (http://ubuntuforums.org/member.php?u=125304)

I shall try it and update my post ;)

shahin April 19th, 2009, 06:01 PM

Hi Bodhi,
I see alerts in my alerts file in /var/logs/snort directory, but I do not see them in base page. Here is what I have in
the alerts files:

[**] [1:382:7] IC MP PING Windows [**]

[C lassification: Misc activity] [Priority: 3]
04/19-09:43:20.987089 ->
IC MP TTL:128 TOS:0x0 ID:24149 IpLen:20 DgmLen:60
Type:8 C ode:0 ID:512 Seq:16128 EC HO
[Xref => http://www.whitehats.com/info/IDS169]

[**] [1:384:5] IC MP PING [**]

[C lassification: Misc activity] [Priority: 3]

but base page is blank. Any idea?

tronnix75 April 20th, 2009, 01:41 AM

need help getting the rules downloaded, i use your commands i get a permission denied i typed in this"

wget http://www.snort.org/pub-bin/downloads.cgi/snortrules-snapshot-2.8.tar.gz:(

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bodhi.zazen April 20th, 2009, 02:56 AM

Hi Bodhi,
I see alerts in my alerts file in /var/logs/snort directory, but I do not see them in base page. Here is what I have in
the alerts files:

[**] [1:382:7] IC MP PING Windows [**]

[C lassification: Misc activity] [Priority: 3]
04/19-09:43:20.987089 ->
IC MP TTL:128 TOS:0x0 ID:24149 IpLen:20 DgmLen:60
Type:8 C ode:0 ID:512 Seq:16128 EC HO
[Xref => http://www.whitehats.com/info/IDS169]

[**] [1:384:5] IC MP PING [**]

[C lassification: Misc activity] [Priority: 3]
but base page is blank. Any idea?

No idea ;)

snort logs according to rules. So I am guessing a problems with mysql.

need help getting the rules downloaded, i use your commands i get a permission denied i typed in this"

wget http://www.snort.org/pub-bin/downloads.cgi/snortrules-snapshot-2.8.tar.gz:( (http://www.snort.org/pub-


tronnix : You need to register with snort before you can download rules.

tronnix75 April 20th, 2009, 02:58 AM

I am registered with snort and logged in.

bodhi.zazen April 20th, 2009, 03:07 AM

Well then download the rules :)

Notice, they limit how often you can download, I think there is a 10 or 15 minute time out.


tronnix75 April 20th, 2009, 03:09 AM

i will try again. is your guide pretty up to date? i am using ubuntu 8.04 right now and trying to learn more!!

shahin April 20th, 2009, 03:12 AM

I had a lot of trouble using wget. So I just downloaded the file to my desktop using Firefox, then copied the file to the
directory that I wanted like /usr/src/snort or /etc/snort/ .

Good luck

shahin April 20th, 2009, 03:15 AM

Hi Bodhi,
My problem is not mysql. I see alerts there:

mysql> show tables;

| Tables_in_snort |
| acid_ag |
| acid_ag_alert |
| acid_event |
| acid_ip_cache |
| base_roles |
| base_users |

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| data |
| detail |
| encoding |
| event |
| icmphdr |
| iphdr |
| opt |
| reference |
| reference_system |
| schema |
| sensor |
| sig_class |
| sig_reference |
| signature |
| tcphdr |
| udphdr |
22 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from event;

| sid | cid | signature | timestamp |
| 1 | 2 | 1 | 2009-04-12 15:24:20 |
| 1 | 3 | 1 | 2009-04-12 15:24:20 |

I just do not see them in BASE. I also do not see a sensor. BTW, I did not see anything about us having to install
AC ID. Did I miss a step? Other procedures I have seen about this, involves installing AC ID.

tronnix75 April 20th, 2009, 03:18 AM

this part is confusing:
I mostly copy and pasting but the URL i copy are not correct.

wget http://www.snort.org/the_rules_you_wish_to_use

shahin April 20th, 2009, 03:49 AM

If you downloaded snort 2.8.x ( x = whatever revision ), then you want this url:


Bodhi just wrote it that way, meaning you need to select which version or rules matches your snort file.

shahin April 20th, 2009, 03:53 AM

I think I have an issue with the way I set up the permissions. I see a couple of other posts regarding missing sensor
id in mysql, which causes BASE not to show anything. How can I get more information about this and troubleshoot it

tronnix75 April 20th, 2009, 03:56 AM

thanks for the URL that worked now i went to the next command
cd snort2.8.3 what does this mean there is no directory for that

I downloaded that latest snort 2.8.4

tronnix75 April 20th, 2009, 04:03 AM

ok i tared the snort 2.8.4 and then changed directory but now what is with this command:

tar zxvf ../snortrules* i need step by step like baby steps thank you in advance.

tronnix75 April 20th, 2009, 05:47 PM

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I did exactly what you said to do with that URL it downloads really quick then i try to use the tar command does not
work errors out what am i doing wrong?

MarnickV April 21st, 2009, 12:56 PM

Some minor problems here:

in your guide:

cp -R /usr/src/snort-2.8.3/doc/signatures .

I am using snort 2.8.4 and there is no such directory (doc/signatures). What should I do here?

Another thing: I only downloaded the community rules so if I issue:

snort -c /etc/snort/snort.conf

I get errors stating that I don't have the appropriate rules (local.rules, icmp.rules, ...). I commented out the includes
of those files in snort.conf, and inserted includes for all the community rules. Maybe it would be helpfull to also
incorporate that in your guide.

Another small thing: the machine I am installing on is my gateway, so it only has 2 NIC s. C urrently I configured snort
to run on eth1 which is my internet interface, but I guess since snort puts eth1 in promiscuous mode, it would kill
performance (however it's only my home network so not too much traffic)... Is it possible to deploy snort on this
machine or should I buy an extra NIC ; or worse: should I have an inline machine in front of my gateway?

I tried snort on the internet interface and started snort via:

/etc/init.d/snort start

This resulted in:

Snort failed to start ...

My entry in /var/log/messages:

Apr 21 14:43:32 artoo kernel: [158473.114012] device eth1 entered promiscuous mode
Apr 21 14:43:32 artoo kernel: [158473.114040] audit(1240317812.170:22): dev=eth1 prom=256 old_prom=0
Apr 21 14:43:32 artoo kernel: [158473.143981] device eth1 left promiscuous mode
Apr 21 14:43:32 artoo kernel: [158473.143999] audit(1240317812.200:23): dev=eth1 prom=0 old_prom=256
Apr 21 14:43:32 artoo kernel: [158473.174009] device eth1 entered promiscuous mode
Apr 21 14:43:32 artoo kernel: [158473.174041] audit(1240317812.230:24): dev=eth1 prom=256 old_prom=0
Apr 21 14:43:32 artoo kernel: [158473.204105] device eth1 left promiscuous mode
Apr 21 14:43:32 artoo kernel: [158473.204138] audit(1240317812.260:25): dev=eth1 prom=0 old_prom=256

Why isn't this working?

Then I tried:

snort -v &

I let this run for a couple minutes and my packet wire totals were:

Packet Wire Totals:
Received: 11
Analyzed: 10 (90.909%)
Dropped: 0 (0.000%)
Outstanding: 1 (9.091%)
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Breakdown by protocol (includes rebuilt packets):
ETH: 6 (100.000%)
ETHdisc: 0 (0.000%)
VLAN: 0 (0.000%)
IPV6: 6 (100.000%)

All the rest was 0%. I find this weird, since I pinged from another machine and since I am remotely logged in on my
machine through SSH and I was surfing the web. Isn't this weird since the amount of packets from SSH/web traffic
coming through for example? On top of that, nothing logged in BASE (mysql).

Thanks in advance & kudos for your guide mate.

polecat409 April 21st, 2009, 03:57 PM

I think I have an issue with the way I set up the permissions. I see a couple of other posts regarding missing sensor
id in mysql, which causes BASE not to show anything. How can I get more information about this and troubleshoot it

I am having the same problems. I followed the snort/base instructions exactly on a fresh install of Hardy server.

Does anyone have any suggestions? I've been trying to troubleshoot this for a week, and I'm about ready to install
the package from the repos (but I don't want to!)...

bodhi.zazen April 21st, 2009, 04:04 PM

The community rules are very very old and IMO outdated.

You really should register with snort so that you may download a more updated set of rules.

The community rules do not have signatures, so you will have to live without them if you use the community rules.
Signatures are nothing more then an explanation of alerts, and the same information is available on line if you wish.
You will see links in Base when you look at an alert. "Local" == signatures.

As far as configuration, I am not sure you will need to look at your config file. Snort places your network card in
promiscuous mode (snort is a packet sniffer after all, lol), which is fine with modern switches.

polecat409 April 21st, 2009, 05:10 PM

I am having the same problems. I followed the snort/base instructions exactly on a fresh install of Hardy server.

Does anyone have any suggestions? I've been trying to troubleshoot this for a week, and I'm about ready to install
the package from the repos (but I don't want to!)...

Just to clarify, snort is running, I've made another database and also installed base 1.4.1 (which works fine!), but I
still get a big-fat-zero for sensors in base:

Sensors/Total: 0 / 0
Unique Alerts: 0
C ategories: 0
Total Number of Alerts: 0

I have snort set to run as a daemon (which it is), but I'll try 'snort -v' anyway, and run 'nmap -v -A
my_snort_machine's_ip' from my windows machine, and here's what I get:

root@guinness:~# snort -v

04/21-05:49:02.911991 ->

TC P TTL:64 TOS:0x10 ID:64889 IpLen:20 DgmLen:444 DF
***AP*** Seq: 0x83C 77398 Ack: 0x8D825380 Win: 0x2180 TcpLen: 20
=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+

*** C aught Term-Signal

Run time prior to being shutdown was 451.369952 seconds
Packet Wire Totals:
Received: 3095040
Analyzed: 2606794 (84.225%)
Dropped: 488103 (15.770%)
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Outstanding: 143 (0.005%)
Breakdown by protocol (includes rebuilt packets):
ETH: 2606794 (100.000%)
ETHdisc: 0 (0.000%)
VLAN: 0 (0.000%)
IPV6: 24 (0.001%)
IP6 EXT: 0 (0.000%)
IP6opts: 0 (0.000%)
IP6disc: 0 (0.000%)
IP4: 2604165 (99.899%)
IP4disc: 62835 (2.410%)
TC P 6: 0 (0.000%)
UDP 6: 0 (0.000%)
IC MP6: 0 (0.000%)
IC MP-IP: 0 (0.000%)
TC P: 2539817 (97.431%)
UDP: 1448 (0.056%)
IC MP: 65 (0.002%)
TC Pdisc: 0 (0.000%)
UDPdisc: 0 (0.000%)
IC MPdis: 0 (0.000%)
FRAG: 0 (0.000%)
FRAG 6: 0 (0.000%)
ARP: 2204 (0.085%)
EAPOL: 0 (0.000%)
ETHLOOP: 0 (0.000%)
IPX: 0 (0.000%)
OTHER: 401 (0.015%)
DISC ARD: 62835 (2.410%)
InvC hkSum: 0 (0.000%)
S5 G 1: 0 (0.000%)
S5 G 2: 0 (0.000%)
Total: 2606794
Action Stats:
Snort exiting

bodhi.zazen April 21st, 2009, 07:03 PM

I you do not see any sensors in base, than base is not working.

Possibilities are :

1. mysql is not set up properly.

2. snort lost it's connection with mysql. To test this, clear the database in base (from the admin panel) even though it
reads "0", then restart snort. You should now see 1 sensor in base.

3. Base is not working, ie base is not connecting to the mysql database.

MarnickV April 21st, 2009, 08:53 PM

I managed to get my snort working with your script bodhi.zazen, my /var/log/daemon.log showed that snort didn't
have the right permissons for /var/log/snort/alert. So after I changed that, everything started like it should.

However, I too have problems in BASE seeing the sensor. I believe BASE _can_ connect to mysql, since I can log in
(I have enabled authentication on BASE, table base_users in database snort).

I connected to mysql and I checked some tables:


Both have one row (the latter has a timestamp from just moments ago).
However, table "sensor" does not have any rows.

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Number 2 of your list does not work at my setup, I cleared data tables (from the C ache & Status menu) and then
restarted snort. Still no sensor.

Any advice?

shahin April 22nd, 2009, 03:23 AM

ok i tared the snort 2.8.4 and then changed directory but now what is with this command:

tar zxvf ../snortrules* i need step by step like baby steps thank you in advance.

Hi Tronnix
.. refers to a directory above where you are currently. Bodhi wants you to unpack all the tar files that start with
snortrules from the parent directory, into the directory you are in. So if you downloaded a couple (I just downloaded
one, but there is different ones like bleeding edge, current etc. - I say for now just download one. ) of tar files
containing the rules into:
/usr/src/snort2.8.4, then I believe the procedures call for creating a directory called /usr/src/snort2.8.4/rules. So
from the rules directory the command tar zxvf ../snortrules* would unpack all the rules and place them in the rules
directory. I hope I got all the directory names right; I am trying to do it from memory. Good luck.

sw34963 April 22nd, 2009, 06:24 AM

Great Tutorial, thanks its much appreciated someone going into such detail other than just 'sudo apt-get install snort'


JK3mp April 24th, 2009, 12:59 AM

Don't get too dependent on step by step. It'll be very difficult for once you have airsnort /aircrack-ng running to find a
step by step tutorial. You'll have the commands and what they do and its up to you most of the time to figure out the
best way to put them together to come to the solution/conclusion you want.

MarnickV April 27th, 2009, 08:29 AM

Yet another small problem here ;)

Snort ran fine for a couple of days, including the restart in the cron job. Now snort doesn't start anymore because of

Apr 27 09:25:55 blob snort[16022]: Snort exiting

Apr 27 09:25:55 blob snort[16022]: C ould not remove pid file /var/run//snort_eth1.pid: Permission denied

I changed the ownership to "snort.snort" on the pid files (includign pid.lck) but it seems this file gets deleted and
remade, thus giving the new file root ownership (as the start command is ran by root).

Any suggestions? Or should I just start snort through its own user?

jcostom April 27th, 2009, 02:31 PM

Anyone deployed snort on their external network at home using a passive tap?

I've been working on this configuration, and it works, but I'm surprised that it doesn't seem to be as popular..

I had a really old Intrusion PDS that I pulled the HDD out of, and loaded up Hardy on it. Before returning it to the
system, I configured a serial console port. After returning the HDD to the box and hooking up to the console, I fiddled
with the 3 onboard 10/100 ethernets, so that eth0 and eth1 are hooked up to the tap, bonded together using the
bonding module, so that snort can see full-duplex traffic, with eth2 used to connect back to the internal network for
logging, etc. C heck out the diagrams attached for the tap construction as well as the deployment scenario..

My /etc/network/interfaces looks like this:

auto bond0
iface bond0 inet manual
up ifconfig $IFAC E up

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down ifconfig $IFAC E down
post-up ifenslave bond0 eth0 eth1
pre-down ifenslave -d bond0 eth0 eth1

auto eth2
iface eth2 inet static
address x.y.z.100
gateway x.y.z.1

Of course, snort is sniffing on bond0. Logging is done to a mysql db on an internal server on the x.y.z.0/24 network,
which is running BASE to put a somewhat prettier face on things..

Regarding the construction of the tap, the Snort docs have a nice bit on the wiring diagram for a passive tap
(http://www.snort.org/docs/tap/), which is where that wiring diagram came from. I grabbed a 14 cu inch electric box
(blue plastic type) from home depot (get the "old work" kind and remove the anchor flaps), and 4 C at 5e jacks (2
white colored, 2 blue colored). I used the white jacks for the "Host" jacks, and the blue ones for the "Tap" jacks, as
shown in the diagram.

caseinpoint May 6th, 2009, 12:42 AM


I changed the default username to idsuser and now I'm having problems with line 85 of the startup script that reads:

SNORT='/usr/local/bin/snort -c /etc/snort/snort.conf -u snort -g snort -D'

I know the problem is now with my group because I've changed the username. How do I check for the proper group
name? I've attempted the following with no luck:


I know this has got to be something simple. Is it looking to use the username/group from mysql or from the host
itself? Please help =)

caseinpoint May 6th, 2009, 12:57 AM

I'm having the same problem you are. Did you ever get this resolved?

bodhi.zazen May 6th, 2009, 01:16 AM

The syntax is -u user -g group

both user and group must exist on the system, so from your post I am guessing :

SNORT='/usr/local/bin/snort -c /etc/snort/snort.conf -u idsuser -g idsuser -D'

Edit the script to make those changes.

MarnickV May 6th, 2009, 10:19 AM


Do you have any idea how I can fix my previously mentioned problem (http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?

I guess the problem still is that that the /var/run/snort_eth*.pid file gets made by root, but snort tries to delete it,
thus failing because of permissions. Is there any way I can let the snort user make the pid file, or another


bodhi.zazen May 6th, 2009, 04:32 PM

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Snort sometimes leaves a stale file if it terminates abnormally. Simply stop snort and delete the file.

It should work again.

MarnickV May 7th, 2009, 08:30 AM

bodhi.zazen: I've tried that, but still the same error + /var/run//snort_eth1.pid could not be deleted (root:root while
snort runs as 'snort').

I start snort with: sudo /etc/init.d/snort start (your startup script). Maybe it's because of the "sudo" that root makes
the file and then delegates the rest to snort? I'm just thinking wild here..

pheonixace_7 June 11th, 2009, 09:31 PM

For starters I would like to thank you, Bodhi for all of your help so far in my other thread. After carefully reading
through your guide in this thread I have gotten much further. I still have a couple of problems though.

BASE will not pull any of the sensors (like many other people here), but I feel like my problem may be on the snort
side. If I try and run "/etc/init.d/snort start" I get "Snort failed to start". But if I run "snort -v" it starts up just fine. I
have a feeling there is some piece of the puzzle i'm missing, but i'm not sure what diagnostics I can do to find it.

You mentioned:
ossibilities are :

1. mysql is not set up properly.

2. snort lost it's connection with mysql. To test this, clear the database in base (from the admin panel) even though it
reads "0", then restart snort. You should now see 1 sensor in base.

3. Base is not working, ie base is not connecting to the mysql database.

I'm reasonably sure mysql is setup correctly due to the amount of time I spent quintuple checking everything. I tried
clearing the db in BASE and restarting it, but it still did not find a sensor. Number three is possible and I'm not entirely
sure how to test that.

I still just can't get past the /etc/init.d/snort commands though. I copied over your script and did not make any
changes (the default eth0 is fine and I didn't bother with a whitelist until i can at least get it up and running), but still
cannot get it to launch. Anybody have any ideas? If you need any more info please just let me know.

bodhi.zazen June 11th, 2009, 10:42 PM

From your post I am guessing snort is not properly configured.

How did you install snort ?

/etc/init.d/snort would be a start script to start snort (obviously), but that script is part of the ubuntu package and not
part of snort . So if you installed snort from source you can not use that init script to start snort.

So, if you installed snort from source, start it manually :

/usr/local/bin/snort -c /etc/snort/snort.confIf snort now starts, go to base and you will see it register as a senor.

If that works go the next step :

/usr/local/bin/snort -c /etc/snort/snort.conf -u snort -g snort -DWith a cron job to restart it every 6-12 hours.

If that fails, post the error message.

pheonixace_7 June 12th, 2009, 01:48 AM

I installed word for word from the guide at the beginning of this thread with one exception. I installed snort-
instead of the version listed. I was using the /etc/init.d/snort commands because I had installed your script.It finally
dawned on me that installing a different version probably made that script invalid.

I did however try and start it manually as you recommended. It did not work, but here are the errors:

Tagged Packet Limit: 256

Loading dynamic engine /usr/local/lib/snort_dynamicengine/libsf_engine.so... done
Loading dynamic detection library /usr/local/lib/snort_dynamicrules/bad-traffic.so... ERROR: Failed to load
/usr/local/lib/snort_dynamicrules/bad-traffic.so: /usr/local/lib/snort_dynamicrules/bad-traffic.so: cannot open shared
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object file: No such file or directory
Fatal Error, Quitting..

The more I think about it the more I wonder if I shouldn't try and find the exact version you had in your guide. I know
some other people mentioned they were using, but they also mentioned they were having problems too :-/.

Edit: I am actually running this on two different networks (one at work and one at home). I'm doing this mostly just
so I can really learn it, but it is providing a good practice in action consistency. They are both acting in the same

Cyked June 17th, 2009, 04:19 PM

So I'm stuck on setting this up, and not sure what I am doing wrong...

When I get to the part below, this is where I get hung up.... Is this correct, to copy the txt file to /etc/init.d/snort,
since its not really a dir?

Write a script to start snort :

The only "problem" with installing snort from source is that we now need a script to start snort. The other issue is that
if there are no alerts, snort will lose it's connection with the mysql database.

To solve this, I wrote a script to start / restart snort.

The script is attached to this post and is called "ubuntu.snort.init.txt"

C opy this file to your computer and copy/move it to /etc/init.d/snort

Now lets look at the code. You need to look at two lines.

1. The first is your interface. The default is eth0. If you wish to use snort on an alternate interface, such as eth1, you
will need to edit the line IFAC E="eth0" and change "eth0" to "eth1"
* Note : Snort will not work with wireless interfaces, you need to use airsnort instead.
2. The second option is to whitelist ip addresses. I advise you do this with caution, but you *may* wish to white IP
addresses such as your router and your public ip address.

To white list an IP , add it to the line WHITELIST='' (note that is two single quotes, ' ' and not a double quote " ) , one
ip at a time, separated by a space, like this :

At any rate, I followed the instructions through to the part where you do a restart on snort and i get an error snort
failed to start.

Please let me know what I need to post or where I should be looking for specific errors. Maybe its unable to use the
rules file when its starting?

bodhi.zazen June 17th, 2009, 05:38 PM

You need to post at least your snort error.

The command to start snort would help as well.

Cyked June 17th, 2009, 05:58 PM

You need to post at least your snort error.

The command to start snort would help as well.

The error I get is just snort failed to start. Is there an error log in /var/log/snort I'm assuming. Sorry, I'm a little slow
this morning, haven't had enough coffee. Perhaps this may have something to do with it. When I went to go into the
/log/snort directory I'm getting permission denied.

I'm starting snort with sudo /etc/init.d/snort restart

bodhi.zazen June 17th, 2009, 06:16 PM

did you compile from source or install from the ubutnu repositories ?

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where did you get the init.d script ?

open the init.d script with any editor, find the line that actually starts snort, start snort from the command line

sudo /usr/local/bin/snort -c /etc/snort/snort.conf

Cyked June 17th, 2009, 06:28 PM

did you compile from source or install from the ubutnu repositories ?

where did you get the init.d script ?

open the init.d script with any editor, find the line that actually starts snort, start snort from the command line

sudo /usr/local/bin/snort -c /etc/snort/snort.conf

From source, which was fine from what I could tell.

the init.d script? Are you referring to the .txt file on the first page?

I have this line in the .txt file....

# Declair variables
SNORT='/usr/local/bin/snort -c /etc/snort/snort.conf -u snort -g snort -D'

bodhi.zazen June 17th, 2009, 06:50 PM

Open a terminal.

Enter that snort command :

sudo /usr/local/bin/snort -c /etc/snort/snort.conf -u snort -g snort

post any error messages.

Cyked June 17th, 2009, 07:05 PM

Open a terminal.

Enter that snort command :

sudo /usr/local/bin/snort -c /etc/snort/snort.conf -u snort -g snort

post any error messages.

Perhaps I screwed this part up:

cd /usr/src/snort-2.8.3
mkdir -p /etc/snort/rules /var/log/snort
chown -R root.snort /var/log/snort
chmod -R 770 /var/log/snort
cp etc/* /etc/snort/
cp rules/* /etc/snort/rules

Because I am getting this.....

Running in IDS mode

--== Initializing Snort ==--

Initializing Output Plugins!
Initializing Preprocessors!
Initializing Plug-ins!
Parsing Rules file /etc/snort/snort.conf
PortVar 'HTTP_PORTS' defined : [ 80 ]
PortVar 'SHELLC ODE_PORTS' defined : [ 0:79 81:65535 ]
PortVar 'ORAC LE_PORTS' defined : [ 1521 ]
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Frag3 global config:
Max frags: 65536
Fragment memory cap: 4194304 bytes
Frag3 engine config:
Target-based policy: FIRST
Fragment timeout: 60 seconds
Fragment min_ttl: 1
Fragment ttl_limit (not used): 5
Fragment Problems: 1
Stream5 global config:
Track TC P sessions: AC TIVE
Max TC P sessions: 8192
Memcap (for reassembly packet storage): 8388608
Track UDP sessions: INAC TIVE
Track IC MP sessions: INAC TIVE
Log info if session memory consumption exceeds 1048576
Stream5 TC P Policy config:
Reassembly Policy: FIRST
Timeout: 30 seconds
Min ttl: 1
Maximum number of bytes to queue per session: 1048576
Maximum number of segs to queue per session: 2621
Static Flushpoint Sizes: YES
Reassembly Ports:
21 client (Footprint)
23 client (Footprint)
25 client (Footprint)
42 client (Footprint)
53 client (Footprint)
80 client (Footprint)
110 client (Footprint)
111 client (Footprint)
135 client (Footprint)
136 client (Footprint)
137 client (Footprint)
139 client (Footprint)
143 client (Footprint)
445 client (Footprint)
513 client (Footprint)
514 client (Footprint)
1433 client (Footprint)
1521 client (Footprint)
2401 client (Footprint)
3306 client (Footprint)
HttpInspect C onfig:
Max Pipeline Requests: 0
Inspection Type: STATELESS
Detect Proxy Usage: NO
IIS Unicode Map Filename: /etc/snort/unicode.map
IIS Unicode Map C odepage: 1252
Server profile: All
Ports: 80 8080 8180
Server Flow Depth: 300
C lient Flow Depth: 300
Max C hunk Length: 500000
Max Header Field Length: 0
Max Number Header Fields: 0
Inspect Pipeline Requests: YES
URI Discovery Strict Mode: NO
Allow Proxy Usage: NO
Disable Alerting: NO
Oversize Dir Length: 500
Only inspect URI: NO
Normalize HTTP Headers: NO
Normalize HTTP C ookies: NO
Ascii: YES alert: NO
Double Decoding: YES alert: YES
%U Encoding: YES alert: YES
Bare Byte: YES alert: YES
Base36: OFF
IIS Unicode: YES alert: YES
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Multiple Slash: YES alert: NO
IIS Backslash: YES alert: NO
Directory Traversal: YES alert: NO
Web Root Traversal: YES alert: YES
Apache WhiteSpace: YES alert: NO
IIS Delimiter: YES alert: NO
Non-RFC C ompliant C haracters: NONE
Whitespace C haracters: 0x09 0x0b 0x0c 0x0d
rpc_decode arguments:
Ports to decode RPC on: 111 32771
alert_fragments: INAC TIVE
alert_large_fragments: AC TIVE
alert_incomplete: AC TIVE
alert_multiple_requests: AC TIVE
Portscan Detection C onfig:
Detect Protocols: TC P UDP IC MP IP
Detect Scan Type: portscan portsweep decoy_portscan distributed_portscan
Sensitivity Level: Low
Memcap (in bytes): 10000000
Number of Nodes: 36900

ERROR: Unable to open rules file: /etc/snort/rules/local.rules or /etc/snort//et c/snort/rules/local.rules

Fatal Error, Quitting..

Not sure why everything ended up in /etc/snort. its running now after moving the files to the right place... will see
what happens. Right now its sitting at "Not using PC AP_FRAMES"

Cyked June 17th, 2009, 09:13 PM

I finished installing base. I can get to localhost/base and go through the setup. when I click on continue at step 5 I get
this error in red text:

C an't write base_conf.php file!

Please copy the below info into your base_conf.php file

And then lists what appears to be the same info in base_conf.php.dist

If I do create the base_conf.php myself I get this error when trying to get to localhost/base

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ';' in /var/www/base/base_conf.php on line 37

Here is the first part of what is currently in base_conf.php

/************************************************** *****************************
** Basic Analysis and Security Engine (BASE)
** C opyright (C ) 2004 BASE Project Team
** C opyright (C ) 2000 C arnegie Mellon University
** (see the file "base_main.php" for license details)
** Project Leads: Kevin Johnson <[email protected]>
** Sean Muller <[email protected]>
** Built upon work by Roman Danyliw <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>
** Purpose: Vanilla C onfig file
************************************************** ******************************
** Authors:
************************************************** ******************************
** Kevin Johnson <[email protected]
************************************************** ******************************
$BASE_VERSION = '1.3.9 (anne)';

Set the below to the language you would like people to use while viewing

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your install of BASE.
$BASE_Language = '';

Set the $Use_Auth_System variable to 1 if you would like to force users to
authenticate to use the system. Only turn this off if the system is not
accessible to the public or the network at large. i.e. a home user testing it

$Use_Auth_System = ;

Set the below to 0 to remove the links from the display of alerts.
$BASE_display_sig_links = 1;

Set the base_urlpath to the url location that is the root of your BASE install.
This must be set for BASE to function! Do not include a trailing slash!
But also put the preceding slash. e.g. Your URL is
set this to /base

$BASE_urlpath = '/base';

savedlatin23 June 22nd, 2009, 04:36 PM

Let me first say thank you for the great tutorial. I am hoping some one can help me with a problem I am having
installing the ossec wui. My problem occurs when i try to
cd /var/www
I get a "No such file or directory" error. Any suggestions would be deeply appreciated to this ubuntu newbie.


Cyked June 22nd, 2009, 04:45 PM

Let me first say thank you for the great tutorial. I am hoping some one can help me with a problem I am having
installing the ossec wui. My problem occurs when i try to
cd /var/www
I get a "No such file or directory" error. Any suggestions would be deeply appreciated to this ubuntu newbie.


Sounds like you do not have apache installed. Try this.

cd /etc/init.d

and then


See if you have apache or apache2 in the list.

savedlatin23 June 22nd, 2009, 06:30 PM

Thank you I am missing apache, now when i'm having trouble installing that. Before I get told that google is my friend
I've tried:
sudo apt-get install apache2 and I get
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: C ouldn't find package apache2
Once again all help is deeply appreciated.

Edit: Google was my friend http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?


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Cyked June 22nd, 2009, 07:55 PM

C an you post the contents of your /etc/apt/sources.list?

savedlatin23 June 22nd, 2009, 08:34 PM

I would If I could, I was getting system errors and couldn't connect to http://myip/ossec so I just barely started from
scratch. Hopefully third time is the charm.

Cyked June 23rd, 2009, 12:28 AM

bodhi.zazen, any insite regarding what I have posted with the issue I am having?


bodhi.zazen June 23rd, 2009, 01:56 AM

Is your version of apache trying to download php instead of running it as a script ?

What version of base ?

Cyked June 23rd, 2009, 04:21 PM

Not sure what you are referring to initially, or what to check. Sorry.

I'm using base-1.3.9.

bodhi.zazen June 23rd, 2009, 05:49 PM

When you go to your base directory with your browser


does your browser try to download the file ? Or does it display a page with an error message ?

If the browser can not write the file, that is a permissions problem.

C hange the ownership and permissions of the base directory so www-data can rw the files.

sudo chown -R www-data.www-data /var/www/base

sudo chmod -R 660 /var/www/base

Cyked June 23rd, 2009, 06:05 PM

Back on the previous page.....

I was getting

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ';' in /var/www/base/base_conf.php on line 37

Now I am getting 403 forbidden afer changing permissions when access /base. Both these errors are from accessing
externally with IP/base.

If I use links via putty and go to /base I get the same thing.

Cyked June 25th, 2009, 07:18 PM

This is what I am seeing in access.log

[25/Jun/2009:11:17:44 -0700] "GET /base HTTP/1.1" 403 268 "-" "Mozilla/5.0

bodhi.zazen June 25th, 2009, 08:20 PM

Where did you put base ?

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Cyked June 25th, 2009, 08:27 PM


bodhi.zazen June 25th, 2009, 09:01 PM

And what then are the permissions of /base ?

Cyked June 25th, 2009, 09:20 PM

You asked me to do this previously....

sudo chown -R www-data.www-data /var/www/base

sudo chmod -R 660 /var/www/base

This what you are looking to find....?

drw-rw---- 13 www-data www-data 4096 2009-06-17 14:05 base

bodhi.zazen June 25th, 2009, 09:26 PM

The directory and files in it should be owned by www-data

The directory itself needs permissions of 770 and files in the directory permissions of 660.

Cyked June 25th, 2009, 09:31 PM

I don't think file permissions are the issue. I suspect if the permissions are correct I will still get the below error I
reported earlier....

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ';' in /var/www/base/base_conf.php on line 37

This is the original line

$Use_Auth_System = ;

If I change the value to 1 I get this...

bodhi.zazen June 25th, 2009, 09:38 PM

I do not know what is causing those errors in base.

subhaikav June 26th, 2009, 10:44 AM

It is a great post.Thanks for sharing.

Cyked June 26th, 2009, 11:29 PM

So I'm starting over and have a dumb question. I've gone through the removed a lot of things and am wondering, at
what point is snort installed, now that I have started over? More specifically when is /etc/init.d/snort created)? I'm at
that point where I am supposed to cp the .txt file there and I don't have it.... after going through everything again and
reading all output to make sure I'm not missing errors. Not sure why /etc/init.d/snort isn't there. I'm also kinda
confused on copying the .txt file there when its not a directory.

I uninstalled snort and a lot of other things when starting over....

Cyked June 30th, 2009, 04:06 PM

Any thoughts?

bodhi.zazen June 30th, 2009, 06:37 PM

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It depends on how you install snort. If you install snort form source there is no init.d script included and you need to
either write your own or use my script or write your own script.

If you install snort from the Ubuntu repositories an init script is included (and there is some additiona automation as

You can not use the snort init script from the repositories with snort installed from source. You would need to modify it
/ re-write it.

Cyked June 30th, 2009, 09:48 PM

Is it obvious where I went wrong? I installed from source and followed the howto. I managed to get this part right the
first time. Don't know what I missed the second time around.

Cyked July 2nd, 2009, 07:19 PM

So something new occurred. I don't know for sure what got me to this point, but my syslog blew up the other day with
mysl errors (see below).

Obviously I'm in over my head, and I think having a better understanding of how logging works in general, how I can
tweak it, etc. would go a long way. I've been toying with iptables logging, where things go, adding an entry to
syslog.conf to have iptables logs go there. So I guess I will see where I ended up.

Jul 1 10:54:54 tux snort[19444]: database: Problem inserting a new signature '(portscan) Open Port': INSERT INTO
signature (sig_name,sig_priority,sig_sid,sig_gid) VALUES ('(portscan) Open Port',3,27,122)
Jul 1 10:54:54 tux snort[19444]: database: mysql_error: C an't connect to local MySQL server through socket
'/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) SQL=INSERT INTO event (sid,cid,signature,timestamp) VALUES (2, 46196, 0,
'2009-07-01 10:54:54')
Jul 1 10:54:54 tux snort[19444]: database: mysql_error: C an't connect to local MySQL server through socket
'/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) SQL=ROLLBAC K
Jul 1 10:54:54 tux snort[19444]: database: mysql_error: C an't connect to local MySQL server through socket
'/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) SQL=BEGIN
Jul 1 10:54:54 tux snort[19444]: database: mysql_error: C an't connect to local MySQL server through socket
'/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)
Jul 1 10:54:54 tux snort[19444]: database: mysql_error: C an't connect to local MySQL server through socket
'/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) SQL=INSERT INTO signature (sig_name,sig_priority,sig_sid,sig_gid) VALUES
('(portscan) Open Port',3,27,122)
Jul 1 10:54:54 tux snort[19444]: database: mysql_error: C an't connect to local MySQL server through socket
'/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)
Jul 1 10:54:54 tux snort[19444]: database: Problem inserting a new signature '(portscan) Open Port': INSERT INTO
signature (sig_name,sig_priority,sig_sid,sig_gid) VALUES ('(portscan) Open Port',3,27,122)
Jul 1 10:54:54 tux snort[19444]: database: mysql_error: C an't connect to local MySQL server through socket
'/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) SQL=INSERT INTO event (sid,cid,signature,timestamp) VALUES (2, 46197, 0,
'2009-07-01 10:54:54')
Jul 1 10:54:54 tux snort[19444]: database: mysql_error: C an't connect to local MySQL server through socket
'/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) SQL=ROLLBAC K
Jul 1 10:54:57 tux snort[19444]: database: mysql_error: C an't connect to local MySQL server through socket
'/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) SQL=BEGIN
Jul 1 10:54:57 tux snort[19444]: database: mysql_error: C an't connect to local MySQL server through socket
'/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)
Jul 1 10:54:57 tux snort[19444]: database: mysql_error: C an't connect to local MySQL server through socket
'/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) SQL=INSERT INTO signature (sig_name,sig_priority,sig_sid,sig_gid) VALUES
('(portscan) Open Port',3,27,122)
Jul 1 10:54:57 tux snort[19444]: database: mysql_error: C an't connect to local MySQL server through socket
'/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)
Jul 1 10:54:57 tux snort[19444]: database: Problem inserting a new signature '(portscan) Open Port': INSERT INTO
signature (sig_name,sig_priority,sig_sid,sig_gid) VALUES ('(portscan) Open Port',3,27,122)
Jul 1 10:54:57 tux snort[19444]: database: mysql_error: C an't connect to local MySQL server through socket
'/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) SQL=INSERT INTO event (sid,cid,signature,timestamp) VALUES (2, 46198, 0,
'2009-07-01 10:54:57')
Jul 1 10:54:57 tux snort[19444]: database: mysql_error: C an't connect to local MySQL server through socket
'/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) SQL=ROLLBAC K
Jul 1 10:54:58 tux snort[19444]: database: mysql_error: C an't connect to local MySQL server through socket
'/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) SQL=BEGIN
Jul 1 10:54:58 tux snort[19444]: database: mysql_error: C an't connect to local MySQL server through socket
'/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)

So I ended up stopping mysql and snort.

iTrascurato July 7th, 2009, 04:55 PM

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I'd like to add in a few things.

a) In your configuration of snort, you have a typo. It should be $HOME_NET not !$HOME_NET, as it is lower in the
configuration file multiple times.

b) I have a question: Why is my Firefox trying to download a file instead of going to the page that should be
displayed? I went through the snort setup just fine from my laptop, however afterwards the computer I set snort up
on is still not going to /base correctly. EDIT: Now I can't access /base from any machine. What is wrong?

S4L4Z July 8th, 2009, 07:33 AM

Hello there,

i have problem in this command. the 'signature' is not exist. do i have to create it?

root@salax-laptop:/var/www/base# cp -R /usr/src/snort- .
cp: cannot stat `/usr/src/snort-': No such file or directory

iTrascurato July 8th, 2009, 01:01 PM

Hello there,

i have problem in this command. the 'signature' is not exist. do i have to create it?

root@salax-laptop:/var/www/base# cp -R /usr/src/snort- .
cp: cannot stat `/usr/src/snort-': No such file or directory

Same issue here, had to leave that part out.

Cyked July 8th, 2009, 11:32 PM

So I've been playing around with this, and have no issues, until again, I get to the snort script, making it bootable,
and then restarting... I'm still getting this.

/etc/init.d/snort restart
/etc/init.d/snort: line 39: syntax error near unexpected token `then'
/etc/init.d/snort: line 39: ` D="z" fi uid=$(/usr/bin/id -u) if [ ! "$uid" = "0" ];then'

Any ideas?

zahidraf July 10th, 2009, 08:34 AM

very useful discussion .and helpful as well.

glbrtsoms July 17th, 2009, 06:54 PM

This gives us new idea thanks for sharing this post I've something new here..

grayn0de July 17th, 2009, 10:25 PM

So I've been playing around with this, and have no issues, until again, I get to the snort script, making it bootable,
and then restarting... I'm still getting this.

/etc/init.d/snort restart
/etc/init.d/snort: line 39: syntax error near unexpected token `then'
/etc/init.d/snort: line 39: ` D="z" fi uid=$(/usr/bin/id -u) if [ ! "$uid" = "0" ];then'
Any ideas?

Just a shot in the dark here, but have you tried moving 'then' to another line and removing the ';'?

Semicolons act as a terminator, thus the if statement ends after the conditions.

Cyked July 19th, 2009, 05:28 AM

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Just a shot in the dark here, but have you tried moving 'then' to another line and removing the ';'?

Semicolons act as a terminator, thus the if statement ends after the conditions.

I'll play around some more with the code. I had went through it when I posted here. I had moved around some ; and
{} I belive in several places to get rid of errors, only to get to the last few lines in the file and get errors I have no
clue.... Like I said, I'll go through it again and post my results.

Cyked July 21st, 2009, 08:00 PM

I just get this...

/etc/init.d/snort: line 40: syntax error near unexpected token `then'

/etc/init.d/snort: line 40: ` D="z#" fi uid=$(/usr/bin/id -u) if [ ! "$uid" = "0" ];then'

When I do the same on line 40 I get...

/etc/init.d/snort: line 41: syntax error near unexpected token `then'

/etc/init.d/snort: line 41: `then'

When I get all the way end after "fixing" the above (probably incorrectly), I get this...

/etc/init.d/snort: line 156: syntax error near unexpected token `exit'

/etc/init.d/snort: line 156: ` ;; esac exit 0'

reds098 August 4th, 2009, 10:35 PM

Thanx buddy,
Very lucid explanation of the steps to secure with snort.
good job done.........

abrrymnvette August 27th, 2009, 04:50 AM

This is a great tutorial. I'm going to have to install this tomorrow on one of my VM's. I work with Snort on a daily
basis and just learning to write snort rules now. It's kinda fun and pretty simple once you get past the fear of doing it.
Although we're on a later release than the free/public version. Snort is an amazing IDS tool.

abrrymnvette August 28th, 2009, 05:30 PM

I have an issue. I'm running Ubuntu 9.04 in a VM in C itrix Xen. I'm trying to run the command

mysql> grant all privileges on snort.* to 'snort'@'localhost' identified by 'snort_password';

and I keep getting the following error.

ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MYSQL
server version for the right syntax to use near '?snort'@'localhost' identified by 'snort_password' at line 1

I'm thinking it has to do with the fact that I have to hit ' twice before it'll show up on the screen in the VM terminal? I
initially didn't set a password when I did the install of mysql, so I thought that was the reason. So, I then used the
mysqladmin -u root password NEWPASSWORD

command to change the password.

Any suggestions?

unutbu August 28th, 2009, 05:36 PM

Are you by chance, cutting and pasting? The question mark in the error message
may be indicating there is a hidden control character sneaking into the command:
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use near '?snort'@'localhost'

Perhaps try typing the command manually. Otherwise, the syntax is correct...

abrrymnvette August 28th, 2009, 05:46 PM

Are you by chance, cutting and pasting? The question mark in the error message
may be indicating there is a hidden control character sneaking into the command:

Perhaps try typing the command manually. Otherwise, the syntax is correct...

That's what I thought too, but I'm not cutting pasting. I'm figuring it has something to do with the fact that it's a VM in
C itrix and I'm using the C itrix console.

Here's a screenshot of my screen.

abrrymnvette August 28th, 2009, 05:59 PM

I got it. It dawned on me to open up openoffice write and try the ' in that. It works by only hitting it once. So, I typed
the command in write then copy/paste and it worked. So, it's something to do with my terminal not taking the ' on the
first time. I have to hit it twice for some reason.

Now I'm having another issue. Seems to be the user doesn't have permissions. Didn't I just grant him all the

unutbu August 28th, 2009, 07:20 PM

It might have to do with not running

mysql> flush privileges;

Maybe go back into mysql

sudo mysql -u root -p

and running

mysql> flush privileges;

mysql> quit;

Then try the

mysql -D snort -u snort -p < ...

command again.

If that does not work, try running

sudo /etc/init.d/mysql restart

abrrymnvette August 28th, 2009, 07:37 PM

no dice. If I use the user of root instead of -u snort, it works and says 0 rows affected.

unutbu August 28th, 2009, 07:42 PM


% mysql -u root -p
mysql> use mysql
mysql> select user,host,password from user where user='snort';

Do you see something like this?

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| user | host | password |

abrrymnvette August 28th, 2009, 07:46 PM


% mysql -u root -p
mysql> use mysql
mysql> select user,host,password from user where user='snort';
Do you see something like this?

| user | host | password |

Error 1146 (42S02): Table 'mysql.usr' doesn't exist

unutbu August 28th, 2009, 07:55 PM

C hange usr to user.

select user,host,password from user where user='snort';

abrrymnvette August 28th, 2009, 07:57 PM

C hange usr to user.

select user,host,password from user where user='snort';

Rebooted and the user showed up. But I still get the access denied for user 'snort'@'localhost'

unutbu August 28th, 2009, 08:19 PM

Okay, you have a snort user on localhost, and it has a password.
I'm guessing the saved password is not the intended password. Perhaps an
invisible control character slipped in there too?

Try typing

grant all privileges on snort.* to 'snort'@'localhost' identified by 'snort_password';

in gedit, rather than openoffice. Maybe it is just my superstition, but I think gedit is more of a plain text editor, while
openoffice is more of a "fancy" text editor.

When you copy and paste into the gnome-terminal, make sure your quotation marks look like
the one circled in green, rather than the one in red.

abrrymnvette August 28th, 2009, 08:24 PM

Okay, you have a snort user on localhost, and it has a password.
I'm guessing the saved password is not the intended password. Perhaps an
invisible control character slipped in there too?

Try typing

grant all privileges on snort.* to 'snort'@'localhost' identified by 'snort_password'; in gedit, rather than openoffice.
Maybe it is just my superstition, but I think gedit is more of a plain text editor, while openoffice is more of a "fancy"

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text editor.

When you copy and paste into the gnome-terminal, make sure your quotation marks look like
the one circled in green, rather than the one in red.

That's actually what I did this time. But, I "think" I may have gotten it. I just used a different user instead of snort.
So, wherever else it says snort, I used the other user name. I've got snort running according to ps and am logged
into Base. Now it's time to test.

bodhi.zazen August 28th, 2009, 09:28 PM

Thank you unutbu (http://ubuntuforums.org/member.php?u=518895)

abrrymnvette August 31st, 2009, 05:30 PM

So, I have snort running somewhat. When I do a "ps -wef | grep 'snort' " I get the snort process, but it increments
every second, like it's starting and immediately dying and restarting. But when I look at /var/log/messages or syslog
there are no errors like snort is dying. Am I looking in the wrong spot?

-_- Joseph -_- September 10th, 2009, 12:25 AM

Thanks alot this was a really helpful thread. Keep up the good work :)

Aetixintro September 14th, 2009, 11:39 PM

Excuse me for interrupting, but I have just been having issues with ./configure of snort-2.8.4. To this I have made the
blunder to report it as a bug in the make project. Now I've just running make again and it seems to have run
smoothly. I've been having great use of this thread! Thanks a lot to the author. Warning: There may be issues in
compiling snort!

plutonium45 October 6th, 2009, 07:03 PM

very good tutorial :)

Thanks !

JohnWesleyMethodist October 7th, 2009, 03:32 AM

When I punch these two commands in (installing Ossec-Hids versions 2.2 and 0.3 GUI) on Ubuntu Jaunty, I get error

chown -R www-data.www-data ossec

usermod -G ossec -a www-data

How come?

Also with this tutorial, for Ossec the command to add an agent is missing, so when you start Ossec the first time, it
tries to start the 0:0:0:0 80 ip address which doesn't work. So I found additional instructions on the Ossec-Hids
website which I can't get to work either. That question is in another thread of mine here:


I also get this message when I try to use the Ossec-GUI command which is my ip address/ossec:

Not Found

The requested URL /ossec was not found on this server.

Apache/2.2.11 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80

abrrymnvette October 8th, 2009, 06:06 PM

I'm using this tutorial but I'm installing Snort 2.8.5, the latest version. Newer snort versions use dynamic engines and
dynamic preprocessors. So, this is what I've done so far that I think might want to be updated in the tut.

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1. C reated a symlink in /usr/local/lib with the command ln -s /usr/src/snort-2.8.5/so_rules/precompiled/Ubuntu-
6.01.1/i386/ snort_dynamicrules

This symlinks the .so rules to the snort_dynamicrules that snort looks in when it starts up.

Then I was getting and error when I tried start snort of: FATAL ERROR: /etc/snort/rules/exploit.rules(23): C ouldn't
resolve hostname HOME_NET

So, I looked in the snort.conf file and saw I had my EXTERNAL_NET set at

When it should be set to var EXTERNAL_NET !$HOME_NET

Then when I tried to start snort, it actually started.

All the error logging is done to /var/log/syslog for those who don't know.

I'm going to start testing it now with 2.8.5 and see what I can find. But, I have to get back to my real job of testing
Snort 2.8.5 on our equipment. :)

eXPeri3nc3 November 11th, 2009, 04:39 AM

Hi, I'm new to this.

I am confused on where you download this base file to.

wget http://easynews.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/secureideas/base-1.3.9.tar.gz

Is it to /var/www?

As I get an error when I tried to do this command at /var/www:

tar zvxf ~/base-1.3.9.tar.gz

Saying that:

root@alex-laptop:/etc/init.d/snort# cd /var/www
root@alex-laptop:/var/www# ls
base-1.3.9.tar.gz index.html
root@alex-laptop:/var/www# tar zvxf ~/base-1.3.9.tar.gz
tar: /root/base-1.3.9.tar.gz: C annot open: No such file or directory
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
tar: C hild returned status 2
tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors

Anyone please help? Thanks. C lueless.

abrrymnvette November 11th, 2009, 05:00 AM

Hi, I'm new to this.

I am confused on where you download this base file to.

wget http://easynews.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/secureideas/base-1.3.9.tar.gzIs it to /var/www?

As I get an error when I tried to do this command at /var/www:

tar zvxf ~/base-1.3.9.tar.gz

Saying that:

root@alex-laptop:/etc/init.d/snort# cd /var/www
root@alex-laptop:/var/www# ls
base-1.3.9.tar.gz index.html

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root@alex-laptop:/var/www# tar zvxf ~/base-1.3.9.tar.gz
tar: /root/base-1.3.9.tar.gz: C annot open: No such file or directory
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
tar: C hild returned status 2
tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
Anyone please help? Thanks. C lueless.

The error is telling you the exact problem. You are trying to untar it from the /root/ but it isn't there. You need to put
the path to where the file is located. Leaving out the ~/ would do it, but I don't remember (without looking) where you
want to untar it to.

eXPeri3nc3 November 11th, 2009, 05:11 AM

The error is telling you the exact problem. You are trying to untar it from the /root/ but it isn't there. You need to put
the path to where the file is located. Leaving out the ~/ would do it, but I don't remember (without looking) where you
want to untar it to.

Hi abrrymnvette,

I see. Then I shall assume that it should be extracted to /var/www and work on from there.


guimaster November 21st, 2009, 02:34 AM

When the script is finished running, change ownership of the directory and add www-data to the ossec group

cd /var/www
chown -R www-data.www-data ossec
usermod -G ossec -a www-dataRestart apache

/etc/init.d/apache2 restartLog in at http://your_ip_address/ossec

From the web interface you can see any changes to system files and alerts.

Back to top (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=919472)

Hey all,

Everything has worked perfectly in this tutorial up until this point:

root@xyzpc:/var/www# chown -R www-data.www-data ossec

chown: cannot access `ossec': No such file or directory
I also type my ip addy/ossec and get this error:

Not Found
The requested URL /ossec was not found on this server.

I have apache installed. Is there anything I am missing?

Thanks (running 8.04 Hardy)

cariboo November 21st, 2009, 05:09 AM

Do you have anything in /var/www called ossec?

BigCityCat December 24th, 2009, 09:34 PM

never mind

Hopping_Ubu December 29th, 2009, 02:00 AM


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This was a most enlightened post. I learned a lot about running Snort on Ubuntu. Your directions throughout this
thread helped me with clearing my final hurdles.

bodhi.zazen December 29th, 2009, 08:55 AM


This was a most enlightened post. I learned a lot about running Snort on Ubuntu. Your directions throughout this
thread helped me with clearing my final hurdles.

Awesome , glad it worked for you.

oceania68 January 4th, 2010, 05:58 AM

Hey Bodhi

Ok i am not the best cow in the paddock but I could not get this working on KK (Ubuntu 9:10) I am not that fluent and
I was following the instructions.. but for some reason I kept getting "C an't access mysql" blah blah blah...

So instead of going moo I decided to remove it and wait for someone with better knowledge to get me step by step
guide... tho I found your instructions quiet easy, I just didnt understand Y or what was happening.. C heers Bodhi...
and thanks for the instructions...


bodhi.zazen January 4th, 2010, 07:28 AM

Hey Bodhi

Ok i am not the best cow in the paddock but I could not get this working on KK (Ubuntu 9:10) I am not that fluent and
I was following the instructions.. but for some reason I kept getting "C an't access mysql" blah blah blah...

So instead of going moo I decided to remove it and wait for someone with better knowledge to get me step by step
guide... tho I found your instructions quiet easy, I just didnt understand Y or what was happening.. C heers Bodhi...
and thanks for the instructions...


Sorry 8it did not work out for you. Sounds as if you were unable to set up mysql.

mocha January 5th, 2010, 09:16 AM

This guide is a great reference, thanks.

I did not read though all 23 pages of posts to this thread, so I'm not sure if my question has been addressed.

I'm looking for something very simple to monitor connections to a few specific ports. Snort seems very heavy for my
purposes. Is there some easier application(s) that can send messages to a log whenever network activity occurs on
some user-specified ports?

I installed and tinkered with snort, but it just seems a bit overwhelming. Is there a way to tell it I simply want a log
entry when any type of connection is attempted or successful to ports 890, 45000, and 61289 (for example). I don't
want to log any of the other large ruleset packs that come with it. Thanks.

Hackuin January 5th, 2010, 12:06 PM

This guide is a great reference, thanks.

I did not read though all 23 pages of posts to this thread, so I'm not sure if my question has been addressed.

I'm looking for something very simple to monitor connections to a few specific ports. Snort seems very heavy for my
purposes. Is there some easier application(s) that can send messages to a log whenever network activity occurs on
some user-specified ports?

I installed and tinkered with snort, but it just seems a bit overwhelming. Is there a way to tell it I simply want a log
entry when any type of connection is attempted or successful to ports 890, 45000, and 61289 (for example). I don't

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want to log any of the other large ruleset packs that come with it. Thanks.
I guess, you could use IPTables for that.

bodhi.zazen January 5th, 2010, 03:04 PM

This guide is a great reference, thanks.

I did not read though all 23 pages of posts to this thread, so I'm not sure if my question has been addressed.

I'm looking for something very simple to monitor connections to a few specific ports. Snort seems very heavy for my
purposes. Is there some easier application(s) that can send messages to a log whenever network activity occurs on
some user-specified ports?

I installed and tinkered with snort, but it just seems a bit overwhelming. Is there a way to tell it I simply want a log
entry when any type of connection is attempted or successful to ports 890, 45000, and 61289 (for example). I don't
want to log any of the other large ruleset packs that come with it. Thanks.

Snort is about as simple as it gets.

You can do what you are asking with ufw/GUFW/iptables , but then you are going to be looking through logs. And what
will you look for ? simply blocked connections ? you can get this information with a portscanner. How are you going to
recognize problematic traffic ?

Snort monitors network traffic and, using a set of rules, "alerts" you of worrisome traffic. This is in fact exactly what
you want in NIDS.

If you wish to "lighten up", and not run base, you can look at barnyard.

running_rabbit07 January 5th, 2010, 06:25 PM

This is an awesome thread. I am prepping for a Network Security class that I am taking for the Spring semester and I
am sure this thread will be helpful for researching the topic. My text for the class uses Unix in most of the examples,
which will be helpful.

If I learn anything in my class not covered here, which is doubtful, I will let you know. I will also point my classmates
in this direction, so they can take advantage of your expertise.


Hackuin January 5th, 2010, 06:31 PM

Snort is about as simple as it gets.

You can do what you are asking with ufw/GUFW/iptables , but then you are going to be looking through logs. And what
will you look for ? simply blocked connections ? you can get this information with a portscanner. How are you going to
recognize problematic traffic ?

Snort monitors network traffic and, using a set of rules, "alerts" you of worrisome traffic. This is in fact exactly what
you want in NIDS.

If you wish to "lighten up", and not run base, you can look at barnyard.
Hello Bodhi.
I agree with you completely, and I guess, he just seems to view/log the attempted connections to specific ports
[blocked/permitted/dropped], I am not sure why is he just up-to it? because I don't see much performance/somekind
of issue with snort/ossec, and what he is looking for is obviously, easily done by OSSEC .
I totally agree firewalls will not be total replacement for IDS/IPS, but for certain scenarios, I did see "fwsnort" being

@mocha, if interest you, you could take a look at simple "fwsnort" [ http://cipherdyne.org/fwsnort/ ].

mocha January 6th, 2010, 12:06 AM

Thanks for the info. I guess snort is what I really need now that I think about it, because just simply setting up
iptables log only rules doesn't tell me what kind of traffic was occurring.

I guess my new question therefore is, how do you restrict snort to only monitor specifc ports? When I had it installed
it kept filling the alert log with messages about port 80 traffic for webpages I was viewing. I also need to filter out
anything to do with my lan IP.

bodhi.zazen January 6th, 2010, 12:17 AM

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If you look at this post : http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=5786252&postcount=3

you will see how to white list your ip address =)

you can use the script in that post or (easily) modify it.

oldmankit January 6th, 2010, 06:10 AM

Using ossec :

Once you log into the web interface you will have a number of tabs.

Main ~ This is where you will see alerts.

Integrity checking ~ Will show you recent changes to system files.

http://bodhizazen.net/img/IDS/OSSEC _1_sm.JPG (http://bodhizazen.net/img/IDS/OSSEC _1.JPG)

Understanding and modifying rules

Listing of rules (it is incomplete): http://www.ossec.net/wiki/index.php/Rule

Modifying rules : http://www.ossec.net/wiki/index.php/Know_How:Ignore_Rules

I did find this wiki page on integrating base + ossec, but I have not tried it.

ossec + base : http://www.ossec.net/wiki/index.php/OSSEC _&_BASE

Example of ossec active response :

Back to top (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=919472)

# Start by pinging the server:

PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.378 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.377 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.359 ms

--- ping statistics ---

3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2005ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.359/0.371/0.378/0.018 ms

Portscan the server :

root@hardy:~#nmap -sS -sV -O -PI -PT

Starting Nmap 4.53 ( http://insecure.org (http://insecure.org/) ) at 2008-09-11 17:27 MDT

<-- Notice how Nmap hangs ? -->

# Now ping the server again:

PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

<-- Notice how your pings are blocked ? -->

--- ping statistics ---

4 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 2999ms

Here's my situation: running a laptop in a university network littered with security problems. Viruses fly around
everywhere (one reason I switched from windows), and basically I want to feel secure using my email, internet
banking, etc. I don't want people putting root kits or trojans on this happy ubuntu installation. I want to be safe from
crackers trying to steal my information.

I think a very important step was to install no-script in firefox. The other one is of course ensuring ufw or something
is operating and denying everything! Finally, I have avg anti-virus installed, purely to clean flash drives which get
infected when I use them in university computers, and to help friends clean theirs. I'm in Thailand, and viruses and
trojans are found at every step.

Do I actually need ossec? I'm not running any servers. I'm not paranoid, I just want to be safe.
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I got ossec up-and-running thanks to the great instructions, though I still can't get email notifications. Perhaps that's a
problem with my email provider. Anyway, how do I actually test that it's working? As in the original post, I tried
ping, but it was denied in the first place, without going to the next step.

If I actually need ossec (and if I don't, it would save me some time learning about it!), I would like to know what it is
doing, what it is blocking, how to understand logs and alerts.

Many thanks.

bodhi.zazen January 6th, 2010, 06:40 AM

If you are not running any servers, you should be just fine without ossec.

oldmankit January 6th, 2010, 08:08 AM

If you are not running any servers, you should be just fine without ossec.

Thank you Bodhi Zazen. You have the uncommon gift of real clarity!

Do I need to bother with periodic checks such as rkhunter or chkrootkit? Are they only for people running servers,

mocha January 6th, 2010, 05:23 PM

I think I have something setup incorrectly.

When I make an SSH connection from an outside IP to my machine running snort (, I get this in the alert

[**] [1:100000160:2] C OMMUNITY SIP TC P/IP message flooding directed to SIP proxy [**]
[C lassification: Attempted Denial of Service] [Priority: 2]
01/06-08:16:01.301279 XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:2369 ->
TC P TTL:115 TOS:0x0 ID:54614 IpLen:20 DgmLen:92 DF
***AP*** Seq: 0x5D48F098 Ack: 0x5B19DC 73 Win: 0xFD5C TcpLen: 20

Attempted denial of service? Simply for making an authenticated SSH connection?

Similarly, I see a log of messages like this simply when browsing websites:

[**] [1:100000160:2] C OMMUNITY SIP TC P/IP message flooding directed to SIP proxy [**]
[C lassification: Attempted Denial of Service] [Priority: 2]
01/06-06:51:03.411603 XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:80 ->
TC P TTL:57 TOS:0x0 ID:7101 IpLen:20 DgmLen:1440 DF
***A**** Seq: 0xA55381E0 Ack: 0xC 513FA5F Win: 0x237E TcpLen: 32
TC P Options (3) => NOP NOP TS: 574475743 29379010

These alerts are useless. What am I doing wrong? Thanks.

bodhi.zazen January 6th, 2010, 09:51 PM

Thank you Bodhi Zazen. You have the uncommon gift of real clarity!

Do I need to bother with periodic checks such as rkhunter or chkrootkit? Are they only for people running servers,

Depends on how paranoid you are. I know coming from windows you feel the need to check these things, but, root kit
checkers and antivirus give so many warnings and false positives they just do not help that much.

As I see you are interested in security I suggest you look at the big security sticky and work you way though it.

Then go ahead and run tiger (see security stick for info on tiger) and the root kit checks, and antivirus on a FRESH
INSTALL OR LIVE C D, then on your desktop, if nothing else to get a sense of how these tools work, what a "normal
system" looks like, what the reports from these tools look like.

Then decide for yourself if you wish to use them long term.

My experience was, in the absence of running a server, relax and enjoy Linux.

For your situation, I advise you look at :

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ufw, noscript, and apparmor, those will give you more bang for you time then rk hunters, tiger, or antivirus.

ufw, noscript, and apparmor prevent the damage in the first place, the other tools detect the problem (if you are
lucky) after it is too late. Anyone with more experience then a "script kiddie" will evade the rk hunters anyway, and
the logs I have seen from compromised systems were:

1. not discovered by a rk hunter or antivirus. The were detected by somebody who knows their system, what
"normal" is, and that "something" was different.

2. The actions of the crackers would not trip a rk hunter.

In order to detect a modern intruder you need to be able to read the logs, read bash_history, identify who is logged
in, or recognize that those files have been altered.

Learn these commands :

ps aux #(or variants)
topLearn to read the logs !!!

bodhi.zazen January 6th, 2010, 10:01 PM

These alerts are useless. What am I doing wrong? Thanks.

You are not doing anything "wrong"

Alerts are generated by rule sets, and in general are designed to err on the side of false positives rather then false
negatives. Only you can determine how you use your box and what activity is normal. You need to

1. Understand the rule sets are generic, some are even for windows boxes. Not at first this may seem useless, but,
someone performing recon on yoru server may start with Windows vulnerabilities (especially script kiddies) and this
may be an early warning.

2. Learn how the rules work and fine tune them to your use. Understand the risk / benefit of inactivating a rule.

3. Give feed back to those who write the rules (notify them of a false positive so they can modify the rule set).

4. Decide what to do. Are you going to blacklist an ip because of one ssh attempt ? two ? ten ?

I find most traffic is from script kiddies and they go away or change IP fast, so I ignore them.

I am more concerned with a successful attempt then a blocked one.

I block ip with persistent, prolonged, or diverse alerts (ones that start with a port scan, then they try ssh, then a few
mysql injections ... ). Again usually script kiddies, but at least determined ones or crackers that like to make a lot of

You can also deploy strategies to make these people "waste their time" or you can crack the crackers (honey pots).

See, security is fun =)

oldmankit January 7th, 2010, 06:00 AM

Depends on how paranoid you are. I know coming from windows you feel the need to check these things, but, root kit
checkers and antivirus give so many warnings and false positives they just do not help that much.

As I see you are interested in security I suggest you look at the big security sticky and work you way though it.

Then go ahead and run tiger (see security stick for info on tiger) and the root kit checks, and antivirus on a FRESH
INSTALL OR LIVE C D, then on your desktop, if nothing else to get a sense of how these tools work, what a "normal
system" looks like, what the reports from these tools look like.

Then decide for yourself if you wish to use them long term.

My experience was, in the absence of running a server, relax and enjoy Linux.

For your situation, I advise you look at :

ufw, noscript, and apparmor, those will give you more bang for you time then rk hunters, tiger, or antivirus.

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ufw, noscript, and apparmor prevent the damage in the first place, the other tools detect the problem (if you are
lucky) after it is too late. Anyone with more experience then a "script kiddie" will evade the rk hunters anyway, and
the logs I have seen from compromised systems were:

1. not discovered by a rk hunter or antivirus. The were detected by somebody who knows their system, what
"normal" is, and that "something" was different.

2. The actions of the crackers would not trip a rk hunter.

In order to detect a modern intruder you need to be able to read the logs, read bash_history, identify who is logged
in, or recognize that those files have been altered.

Learn these commands :

ps aux #(or variants)
topLearn to read the logs !!!

Many thanks. I will do just that.

mocha January 7th, 2010, 08:48 AM

Thanks for the feedback. This is going to require further research on my part.

ubuchignome January 12th, 2010, 11:55 AM

Thanks much for the post. How do you remove ossec if needed?

bodhi.zazen January 12th, 2010, 09:13 PM

Thanks much for the post. How do you remove ossec if needed?

You can deactivate it

sudo /etc/init.d/osssec stop

use update-rc.d to stop it from running on boot.

In terms of removal, I do not recall if they include a removal script or option in the install script, look in the extracted
filed for an uninstall.sh.

If not, they you wil need to search for all ossec files and manually delete them.

ubuchignome January 17th, 2010, 03:48 PM

Would these programs be server specific, or would you recommend installing on a desktop machine ?


bodhi.zazen January 17th, 2010, 04:56 PM

Would these programs be server specific, or would you recommend installing on a desktop machine ?


You may install them on a desktop if you wish, but it would almost certainly be over kill to install snort on a desktop.

ubuchignome January 17th, 2010, 05:39 PM

Thanks much for your time and experience.


user2010 January 18th, 2010, 02:28 PM

hi! Thank you very much for that topic and your explanations.
I am a very beginner in Ubuntu and Snort as well.
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C ould you tell me, please, what does mean tar zxvf ../snortrules* in this context:
wget http://www.snort.org/the_rules_you_wish_to_use
cd snort-2.8.3
tar zxvf ../snortrules*
I've downloaded rules and have now a zip-package snortrules-snapshot-C URRENT.tar.gz

What do I have to do now with this rules - unpack them in snort-x.x.x.x directory? Under which name?

bodhi.zazen January 18th, 2010, 06:39 PM

hi! Thank you very much for that topic and your explanations.
I am a very beginner in Ubuntu and Snort as well.

C ould you tell me, please, what does mean tar zxvf ../snortrules* in this context:
wget http://www.snort.org/the_rules_you_wish_to_use
cd snort-2.8.3
tar zxvf ../snortrules*
I've downloaded rules and have now a zip-package snortrules-snapshot-C URRENT.tar.gz

What do I have to do now with this rules - unpack them in snort-x.x.x.x directory? Under which name?

Rules for snort are obtained from the web site and there are several options depending on if you wish to register or
pay or not. Basically ther are 3 sets

free, no registration required.

free, registration required.

Paid rule set.

You downloaded a tar , not a zip.

Extract the rules (it is like unziping a zip archive) and move them into place.

In the commands . = current directory, .. = one directory up.

user2010 January 19th, 2010, 12:16 AM

Thank you. The last line is what I didn't understand before.. Now it's clear.

Next problem :)

No, I didn't write my mysql password. Did the system give it to me or ..? My root-password (of course) doesn't match.
Should I uninstall snort and start from the beginning? :(

bodhi.zazen January 19th, 2010, 01:02 AM

No, just re-set your mysql password.


fetanyl January 25th, 2010, 02:56 AM


abrrymnvette February 3rd, 2010, 06:57 PM

I would like to add that the way this tutorial has you configure snort is outdated and doesn't allow the use of the
preprocessor or decoder or so rules.

When compiling, I'd suggest using

./configure --enable-dynamicplugin --with-mysql --enable-decoder-preprocessor-rules --enable-gre-ipv6

Then you have to copy the decoder, preprocessor, and so rules to the $RULE_PATH you specify to get the most out of
the rule set.

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