Kerala PMT - Biology Chemistry & Physics-2015 PDF

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Paper-II Biology
1. Consider the following statements and choose the correct
option (C)
(A) The ovule is attached to the placenta by means of a (B)

Internal level
stalk called filament
(B) The ovule fuses with the stalk in the region called hilum (A)
(C) The two protective envelopes of ovule are called
(D) The small opening in the tip of ovule is called germ
pore External level
Of the above statements
(a) (A) Conformers (B) Regulators (C) Partial regulators
(a) (A) and (D) are correct
(b) (A) Regulators (B) Partial regulators(C) Conformers
(b) (A) and (C) are correct (c) (A) Partial regulators (B) Regulators (C) Conformers
(c) (B) and (D) are correct (d) (A) Partial regulators (B) Conformers (C) Regulators
(d) (B) and (C) are correct (e) (A) Conformers (B) Partial regulators (C) Regulators
(e) (C) and (D) are correct 6. Select the correct statement
2. Who proved that blends of polyblend (plastic waste) and (a) Phosphorus cycle is an example of gaseous nutrient
bitumen, when used to lay roads, enhanced the bitumen's cycle
water repellant properties and helped to increase road life? (b) The pyramid of biomass in sea is generally inverted
(a) Amrita Devi (b) Ramdeo Misra (c) By the process of humification, soluble inorganic
(c) W.H. Pearsall (d) Ramesh Chandra Dagan nutrients go down into the soil horizon
(d) A given organism may not occupy more than one
(e) Ahmed Khan
trophic level simultaneously
3. Match the following. (e) Pyramid of energy is always inverted, can never be
(A) Earthworm (1) Catabolism upright
(B) Bacterial and fungal (2) Breaks down detritus 7. The rate of biomass production and the rate of production
enzymes of organic matter during photosynthesis are called
into smaller particles respectively
(C) Accumulation of dark (3) Detritivores
(a) Total productivity, primary production
coloured amorphous (b) Gross primar y productivity, gross secon dary
substance productivity
(D) Fragmentation (4) Humus (c) Net primary productivity, secondary productivity
(d) Net productivity, gross secondary productivity
(a) (A) - (3), (B) - (2), (C) - (4), (D) - (1), (e) Productivity, gross primary productivity
(b) (A) - (3), (B) - (l), (C) - (4), (D) - (2), 8. Allen's rule applies to
(c) (A) - (2), (B) - (1), (C) - (4), (D) - (3), (a) Tribes living in high altitudes
(d) (A) - (2), (B) - (3), (C) - (4), (D) - (1), (b) Mammals from colder climates
(e) (A) - (3), (B) - (4), (C) - (2), (D) - (1), (c) Fish living in Antarctic waters
4. The first trophic level in an ecosystem consists of (d) Desert lizards
(e) Marine invertebrates
(a) Primary producers (b) Primary consumers
9. Pick out the correct option from (a) to (e)
(c) Secondary producers (d) Secondary consumers
(A) Primary succession begins in areas where natural
(e) Top carnivores
communities have been destroyed
5. The following figure given below is a diagrammatic (B) Hydrarch succession takes place in water
representation of organismic response to abiotic factors.
(C) The climax community is the community that is in near
What do (a), (b) and (c) represent respectively? equilibrium with the immediate environment
(D) In newly cooled lava secondary succession occurs
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(a) (A) and (B) are correct, (C) and (D) are incorrect 15. Match the following and choose the correct combination
(b) (B) and (C) are correct, (A) and (D) are incorrect from the options given.
(c) (A) and (D) are correct, (B) and (C) are incorrect
Column I Column II
(d) (B) only is correct, (A), (C) and (D) are incorrect
(A) Saprophytic protists (1) Trypanosoma
(e) (A) only is correct, (B), (C) and (D) are incorrect
(B) Golden algae (2) Plasmodium
10. Select the wrong statement
(C) Malarial parasite (3) Desmids
(a) The presence of chromogenic substrate gives blue
colour colonies, if the plasmid in the bacteria does not (D) Sleeping sickness is
(4) Slime moulds
have an insert caused by
(b) Retroviruses in animals have the ability to transform (a) (A) - (1), (B) - (2), (C) - (3), (D) - (4)
normal cells into cancerous cells (b) (A) - (2), (B) - (3), (C) - (4), (D) - (1)
(c) In microinjection, cells are bombarded with high (c) (A) - (4), (B) - (3), (C) - (2), (D) - (1)
velocity microparticles of gold or tungsten coated with (d) (A) - (3), (B) - (4), (C) - (2), (D) - (1)
DNA (e) (A) - (2), (B) - (4), (C) - (1), (D) - (3)
(d) Since DNA is a hydrophilic molecule it cannot pass 16. Of the following statements which are not relevant to
through cell membranes Archaebacteria?
(e) DNA is a negatively charged molecule (A) They live in some of the most harsh habitats
11. Which of the following organisms breeds only once in (B) They are present in the gut of several ruminant animals
lifetime? (C) They are characterized by the presence of a rigid
(a) Bamboo (b) Oysters cellulosic cell wall
(c) Pelagic fishes (d) Birds (D) They include mycoplasma
(e) Mammals (E) They are also referred to as blue-green algae
12. Select the wrong statement (a) (A), (B) and (C) (b) (A), (C) and (E)
(a) Human insulin is being commercially produced from a (c) (C), (D) and (E) (d) (A), (C) and (D)
transgenic species of Escherichia coli
(e) (B), (C) and (E)
(b) The genetically modified bacillus thuringiensis is used
17. Which of the following is wrongly matched?
as biopesticide on the commercial scale
(a) T. O. Diener Viroids are found to be a free
(c) Human protein, alpha-1 -antitrypsin is used to treat
(b) W. M. Stanley Crystallised proteins
(d) The first transgenic cow, Rosie, produced alpha
lactalbumin, enriched milk (c) M. W. Beijerinck Contagium vivum fluidum
(e) Bt toxin genes Cry 1 Ac control the corn borer (d) D. J. Iwanowsky Microbes smaller than bacteria
13. Choose the correct statement cause mosaic disease of tobacco
(a) Members of phycomycetes are facultative parasites (e) L. Pasteur Virus means venom (or)
on plants poisonous fluid
(b) Fusion of protoplasms between two motile or 18. Which one of the following is used extensively in
non-motile gametes is called plasmogamy biochemical and genetic work?
(c) Kingdom Plantae includes all eukaryotic chlorophyll (a) Saccharomyces
containing organisms and non-chlorophyll organisms (b) Aspergillus
called plants (c) Claviceps
(d) Trichoderma belongs to basidiomycetes (d) Penicillium
(e) Euglenoids include diatoms (e) Neurospora
14. Which of the following characters belong to the Kingdom 19. Match Column I with Column II and choose the right option.
Monera? I II
(a) Eukaryotic (A) Claviceps (1) Deuteromycetes
(b) Heterotrophic (B) Puccinia (2) Ascomycetes
(c) Multicellular (C) Trichoderma (3) Basidiomycetes
(d) Presence of cell walls made of cellulose (a) (A) - (3), (B) - (1), (C) - (2)
(e) Presence of nuclear membrane (b) (A) - (2), (B) - (3), (C) - (1)
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(c) (A) - (1), (B) - (3), (C) - (2) 26. Consider the following statements with respect to
(d) (A) - (3), (B) - (2), (C) - (l) angiosperms
(e) (A) - (2), (B) - (1), (C) - (3) (A) The male sex organ in a flower is the stamen
(B) The anthers following mitosis produce pollen grains
20. Which one of the following is a very good pollution
(C) In an embryosac, the primary endosperm nucleus (PEN)
is diploid
(a) Fungi (b) Slime moulds (D) After double fertilization the ovules develop into seeds
(c) Lichens (d) Euglenoids and ovaries develop into fruit.
(e) Protozoans Of the above statements
21. In one plant, underground stems are modified to store food (a) (C) and (D) are correct
and in another plant, the stem tendrils develop from axillary (b) (A) and (B) are correct
buds to help plants climb. They are (c) (A) and (C) are correct
(a) Ginger, Cucumber (d) (A) and (D) are correct
(b) Carrot, Jasmine (e) (B) and (C) are correct
(c) Sweet potato, Bougainvillea 27. Select the wrong statement
(d) Opuntia, Eichhornia (a) Indigofera is used as a dye
(b) Ashwagandha is a medicinal plant
(e) Sweet potato, Mint
(c) Seeds are non-endospermous in Fabaceae
22. Consider the following statements
(d) Leaves are alternate, simple and exstipulate in
(A) In leguminous plants, leaf base becomes swollen, called Solanaceae
pulvinus (e) Ovary superior, bicarpellary with ovules on axile
(B) The fleshy leaves of onion and garlic store food placentation in Liliaceae
(C) The buds in Australian Acacia tree become green and 28. Which of these is an example for a zygomorphic flower
synthesise food with diadelphous stamens and marginal placentation?
(D) In Alstonia, leaves show alternate phyllotaxy (a) Pea (b) Lemon
Of the above statements (c) Brinjal (d) Cucumber
(e) China rose
(a) (B) and (D) are correct
29. Select the wrongly matched pair
(b) (A) and (C) are correct
(a) Fibre - Sunhemp
(c) (A) and (B) are correct
(b) Spice - Belladonna
(d) (A) and (D) are correct (c) Edible oil - Groundnut
(e) (B) and (C) are correct (d) Fodder - Trifolium
23. Pick out the statement that does not apply to bryophytes (e) Fumigatory - Tobacco
(a) Includes the ferns and horsetails 30. Match the modification in Column I with the part modified
(b) Thallus is a gametophyte in Column II and choose the right option.
(c) Sporophyte shows foot, seta and capsule
Column I Column II
(d) Gemmae help in reproduction
(1) Pneumatophores in (A) Axillary buds
(e) Water is required for fertilization Rhizophora
24. Which one of the following is considered important in the (2) Tendrils in pea (B) Roots
development of seed habit?
(3) Thorns in Citrus (C) Leaves
(a) Homospory (b) Heterospory
(c) Dependent sporophyte (d) Free living gametophyte (a) (l) - (B), (2) - (A), (3) - (C)
(e) Haplontic life-cycle (b) (l) - (C), (2) - (A), (3) - (B)
25. Which of the following is a characteristic feature of (c) (l) - (C), (2) - (B), (3) - (A)
gymnosperms? (d) (l) - (B), (2) - (C), (3) - (A)
(e) (l) - (A), (2) - (B), (3) - (C)
(a) The gymnosperms are homosporous
31. Select the characters which are not applicable to the anatomy
(b) The male and female gametophytes do not have
of dicot roots?
independent free living existence
(A) Conjunctive tissue present
(c) The sporophyte is dependent on the gametophyte (B) Presence of protein compounds in the Casparian strips
(d) The ovules are enclosed by the ovary (C) Polyarch xylem bundles
(e) The pollen grain is released from the megasporangium (D) Presence of pericycle
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(a) (A) and (B) (b) (B) and (D) 37. Which of the following cell organelle is excluded from
(c) (C) and (D) (d) (A) and (D) endomembrane system?
(e) (B) and (C) (a) Endoplasmic reticulum
32. Lenticels are involved in (b) Mitochondria
(a) Photosynthesis (b) Food transport (c) Golgi complex
(c) Conduction of water (d) Transpiration (d) Lysosomes
(e) Gaseous exchange (e) Vacuoles
33. Match the following. 38. The given organic compound is a diagrammatic
(A) Collenchyma (1) Specialized epidermal representation of
(B) Subsidiary cells (2) Mechanical support for O
growing plants O
(C) Casparian strips (3) Mesophyll tissue of Adenine
dicot leaf HO P OCH2
(D) Spongy parenchyma (4) Suberin deposition in the OH
radial walls of endodermis
(a) (A) - (2), (B) - (1), (C) - (4), (D) - (3)
(b) (A) - (2), (B) - (3), (C) - (4), (D) - (1)
(c) (A) - (1), (B) - (2), (C) - (3), (D) - (4) OH OH
(d) (A) - (4), (B) - (1), (C) - (2), (D) - (3) (a) Lecithin (b) Adenosine
(e) (A) - (3), (B) - (4), (C) - (1), (D) - (2)
(c) Adenylic acid (d) Uridine
34. Pick out the wrong statement
(e) Cholesterol
(a) Gymnosperms lack vessels in their xylem
39. Which one of the following is the significance of mitosis?
(b) The cell wall of parenchyma is made up of pectin
(a) Restricted to haploid cells
(c) The first formed primary xylem elements are called
(b) Cell repair
(c) Increases the genetic variability
(d) Gymnosperms have albuminous cells and have sieve
cells in their phloem (d) Recombination of chromosomes
(e) Intercellular spaces are absent in collenchyma (e) Leads to evolution of new genotypes
35. i. They help in respiration 40. Which of the following statements about the structure of
ii. They help in cell wall formation proteins is true?
iii. They help in DNA replication (a) The sequence of amino acids in a protein represents
iv. They increase surface area of plasma membrane the secondary structure
Which of the following prokaryotic structures has all the (b) The helices of proteins are always left handed
above roles? (c) Adult human hemoglobin consists of two subunits
(a) Chromosome (b) Ribosome (d) The left end of a protein is called the C-terminal and
(c) Mesosome (d) Lysosome the right end is called the N-terminal
(e) Polysome (e) Proteins are heteropolymers containing strings of
36. Match the Column I with that of Column II and choose the amino acids
correct combination from the options given. 41. In a typical eukaryotic cell cycle, Gap 1, Synthesis and Gap
2 are the three phases included in the
(a) Prophase (b) Metaphase
Column I - Organelle Column II - Site for
(c) Anaphase (d) Interphase
(A) Rough ER (1) Synthesis of (e) Telophase
glycoproteins 42. Find out the correct statement
(B) Smooth ER (2) Aerobic respiration (a) During mitosis endoplasmic reticulum and nucleolus
(C) Mitochondria (3) Synthesis of lipid disappear completely at early prophase
(D) Golgi apparatus (4) Protein synthesis (b) Chromosomes are arranged along the equator during
prophase of mitosis
(a) (A) - (1), (B) - (2), (C) - (3), (D) - (4) (c) Chromosome is made up of two sister chromatids at
(b) (A) - (2), (B) - (3), (C) - (4), (D) - (1) anaphase of mitosis
(c) (A) - (3), (B) - (4), (C) - (2), (D) - (1) (d) A cell plate is laid down during interphase
(d) (A) - (4), (B) - (3), (C) - (2), (D) - (1) (e) Small disc shaped structures at the surface of the
(e) (A) - (4), (B) - (3), (C) - (1), (D) - (2) centromeres that appear during metaphase are
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43. Which of the following secondary metabolites belong to 49. Which of the following statements about plasmolysis is/
the group drugs? are true?
I. Morphine II. Curcumin III. Codeine IV . Vinblastine I . Plasmolysis occurs when water moves into the cell
V. Abrin II. Cells shrink in hypotonic solutions
(a) I and II only (b) I and V only III. If the external solution balances the osmotic pressure
(c) II and III only (d) II and IV only of the cytoplasm, it is said to be isotonic
(e) III and IV only (a) I only (b) II only
44. Which of the following statements about the mass flow (c) III only (d) I and II only
hypothesis is wrong? (e) II and III only
(a) It is the accepted mechanism for translocation of 50. FAD is electron acceptor in the citric acid cycle during the
sugars from source to sink oxidation of
(b) As glucose is prepared at source it is converted to (a) Malic acid to oxaloacetic acid
sucrose (b) Succinic acid to malic acid
(c) Sucrose is actively loaded into a sieve tube (c) Citric acid to alpha-ketoglutaric acid
(d) The process of loading at source produces a hypotonic (d) Alpha-ketoglutaric acid to succinic acid
condition in the phloem (e) Oxaloacetic acid to citric acid
(e) Water in the adjacent xylem moves into the phloem by 51. Maximum absorption of light by chlorophyll a occurs in
osmosis which regions of the absorption spectrum?
45. Pick out the wrong statement (A) blue (B) red
(A) Apoplast is the system of adjacent cell walls that is (C) green (D) yellow
continuous throughout the plant (a) (A) and (B) only (b) (B) and (C) only
(B) Endodermis is impervious to water molecules (c) (A) and (D) only (d) (B) and (D) only
(C) Pinus seeds germinate and establish without the (e) (C) and (D) only
presence of mycorrhizae 52. Match the Column I with that of Column II and choose the
(a) (A) and (B) (b) (B) and (C) correct combination from the options given
(c) (C) only (d) (B) only
(e) (A) only Column I - Essential Column II -
46. 3-phosphoglyceric acid (PGA) as the first CO2 fixation elements Deficiency causes
product in algal photosynthesis was discovered by (A) N, K, Mg, S, Fe, Mn, (1) Inhibit cell division
(a) Joseph Priestley (b) Jan Ingenhousz Zn, and Mo
(c) T.W. Engelmann (d) Julius von Sachs (B) N, K, S and Mo (2) Necrosis
(e) Melvin Calvin (C) Ca, Mg, Cu and K (3) Delay in flowering
47. Match the following. (D) N, S and Mo (4) Chlorosis
(A) Chlorophyll a (1) yellow
(B) Chlorophyll b (2) bright or blue green (a) (A) -(4), (B) - (3), (C) - (2), (D) - (1)
(C) Xanthophyll (3) yellow - yellow orange (b) (A) - (1), (B) - (2), (C) - (3), (D) - (4)
(D) Carotenoids (4) yellow green (c) (A) - (4), (B) - (1), (C) - (2), (D) - (3)
(a) (A) - (2), (B) - (4), (C) - (1), (D) - (3) (d) (A) - (2), (B) - (3), (C) - (4), (D) - (1)
(b) (A) - (3), (B) - (4), (C) - (2), (D) - (1) (e) (A) - (3), (B) - (4), (C) - (2), (D) - (1)
(c) (A) - (4), (B) - (3), (C) - (2), (D) - (1) 53. In which one of the following reactions of glycolysis,
oxidation takes place?
(d) (A) - (4), (B) - (2), (C) - (1), (D) - (3)
(a) Glucose 6-phosphate to fructose 6-phosphate
(e) (A) - (4), (B) - (1), (C) - (3), (D) - (2)
(b) Fructose 6-phosphate to fructose 1, 6-bisphosphate
48. Match the following and choose the correct option.
(c) 1, 3-bisphosphoglycerate to 3-phosphogyceric acid
(A) Water potential (i) It is usually positive
(d) 3-phosphoglyceraldehyde to 1, 3-bisphosphoglycerate
(B) Solute potential (ii) It is zero for pure water
(e) 2-phosphoglycerate to phosphoenol pyruvate
(C) Pressure potential (iii) It is always negative
54. Cyclic-photophosphorylation results in the formation of
(a) (A) - (ii), (B) - (iii), (C) - (i)
(a) NADPH + H+
(b) (A) - (i), (B) - (iii), (C) - (ii)
(b) ATP and NADPH + H+
(c) (A) - (iii), (B) - (ii), (C) - (i)
(c) ADP
(d) (A) - (ii), (B) - (i), (C) - (iii)
(d) ATP
(e) (A) - (iii), (B) - (i), (C) - (ii)
(e) ADP and NADP
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55. Select the correctly matched pair 61. Each secondary spermatocyte after second meiotic division
(a) C. Darwin and S.F. Darwin Gibberellic acid produces
(b) F.W. Went Auxin (a) four haploid spermatids
(c) E. Kurosawa Ethylene (b) only one haploid spermatid
(d) Skoog and Miller Abscisic acid (c) two haploid spermatids
(e) Cousins Cytokinin (d) two diploid spermatids
56. One hormone stimulates the closure of stomata and another (e) four diploid spermatids
one influences the swelling of the axis in dicot plants. They 62. The hormone releasing IUD is
are (a) LNG 20
(a) Gibberellins and ethylene (b) Lippes loop
(b) Abscisic acid and cytokinins (c) CuT
(c) Gibberellins and cytokinins (d) Multiload 375
(d) Auxin and cytokinins (e) Cu7
(e) Abscisic acid and ethylene 63. Read the statements regarding a stable community and
57. Which of the following statements regarding choose the correct option
photoperiodism is false? (1) must be resistant to occasional disturbances
(a) The response of plants to periods of light/day is (2) should show much variation in productivity from year
termed photoperiodism to year
(b) The shoot apices cannot perceive photoperiods (3) must be resistant to invasions by alien species
(c) In day neutral plants there is no correlation between (a) (1) and (2) are correct
exposure to light duration and induction of flowering (b) (1), (2) and (3) are correct
response (c) (1) only is correct
(d) Shoot apices modify themselves into flowering apices (d) (2) and (3) are correct
prior to flowering (e) (1) and (3) are correct
(e) The site of perception of the light/dark duration is the 64. Find the wrongly matched pair
flower (a) Endemism - species confined to a region and not found
58. The residual persistent nucellus in the seed of black pepper anywhere else
and beet is called (b) Hot spots - Western ghats
(a) Perisperm (b) Endosperm (c) Sacred groves - Jaintia hills of Rajasthan
(c) Pericarp (d) Scutellum (d) ex situ conservation - Zoological parks
(e) Apomixis (e) Alien species to India - Water hyacinth
59. Consider the following statements with respect to flowering 65. The cytokine barrier among these is
plants (a) Polymorphonuclear neutrophil
(A) The pollen grains represent the male gametes (b) Monocyte
(B) The functional megaspore developing into the embryo (c) NK cell
sac represent the female gamete (d) Interferon
(C) Transfer of pollen grains from anther to the stigma of (e) Macrophage
different plant is known as xenogamy 66. Ringworms are caused by
(D) Transfer of pollen grains from anther to the stigma of I. Wuchereria II. Microsporum
another flower of the same plant is known as III. Haemophilus IV. Epidermophyton
(a) I and II (b) II and III
Of the above statements
(c) II and IV (d) I and IV
(a) (A) and (B) alone are correct
(e) III and IV
(b) (A) and (C) alone are correct
67. Read the statements
(c) (A) and (D) alone are correct
(1) IgE antibodies are produced in an allergic reaction
(d) (B) and (C) alone are correct (2) B-lymphocytes mediate cell mediated immunity
(e) (C) and (D) alone are correct (3) The yellowish fluid colostrum has abundant IgE
60. Which of the following is false in angiosperms? antibodies
(a) Egg cell Haploid (4) Spleen is a secondary lymphoid organ
(b) Megaspore Diploid Of the above statements
(c) Pollen grain Haploid (a) (1) only is correct (b) (1) and (2) are correct
(d) Synergid Haploid (c) (2) and (3) are correct (d) (3) and (4) are correct
(e) Endosperm Triploid (e) (1) and (4) are correct
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68. The microbial biocontrol agent for butterfly caterpillar is
(a) Bacillus thuringiensis (b) Sacchromyces 75.
Organ Phylum Function
(c) Lactobacillus (d) Cyanobacteria Parapodia Annelida ?A
(e) Staphylococcus ?B Ctenophora Locomotion
69. The first human-like hominid was called
(a) Homo habilis (b) Homo erectus ?C Mollusca Rasping organ
(c) Homo sapiens (d) Dryopithecus
(e) Ramapithecus Malpighian tubules Arthropoda ?D
70. Oparin and Haldane proposed
Cnidoblasts Coelenterata ?E
(a) the theory of natural selection
(b) that migration affects genetic equilibrium
From the above table find out the missing organ or function
(c) that mutations caused speciation
A, B, C, D and E respectively
(d) that the first form of life could have come from pre-
(a) (A) swimming (B) comb plates
existing non-living organic molecules
(C) radula (D) excretion
(e) that evolution of life forms had been driven by use
and disuse of organs (E) defense
71. Choose the wrong pair (b) (A) defense (B) radula
(a) Divergent evolution Forelimbs of whales, (C) comb plates (D) excretion
bats, cheetah and human (E) swimming
(b) Convergent evolution Flippers of penguins and (c) (A) defense (B) radula
dolphins (C) comb plates (D) swimming
(c) Homologous structures Vertebrate hearts (E) excretion
(d) Analogous structures Tendrils of (d) (A) protection (B) parapodia
Bougainvillea (C) visceral mass (D) locomotion
and Cucurbita (E) excretion
(e) Adaptive radiation Darwin's finches
(e) (A) swimming (B) parapodia
72. Flame cells of flatworms help in
(C) comb plates (D) anchorage
(i) osmoregulation
(E) digestion
(ii) digestion
76. In the circulatory system of Pheretima, A, B, C and D
(iii) reproduction
(iv) excretion
(v) bioluminescence A
(a) (ii) only is correct B
(b) (i) and (iv) are correct
(c) (iii) only is correct
(d) (i) and (v) are correct C
(e) (iv) and (v) are correct D
73. Read the statements regarding echinoderms and choose
(a) (A) Lateral hearts
the correct option
(B) Sub neural vessel
(1) All are marine with organ system level of organisation
(2) Adults are bilaterally symmetrical (C) Commissural vessel
(3) They are dioecious (D) Lateral oesophageal vessel
(4) Fertilisation is internal and indirect development is (b) (A) Lateral hearts
observed (B) Lateral oesophageal vessel
(5) Triploblastic and acoelomate animals (C) Sub neural vessel
(a) (1) and (3) are correct (D) Commissural vessel
(b) (5) alone is correct (c) (A) Lateral hearts
(c) (1), (3) and (5) are correct (B) Commissural vessel
(d) (1) and (5) are correct (C) Sub neural vessel
(e) (1) and (2) are correct (D) Lateral oesophageal vessel
74. This class of animals are all ectoparasites on some fishes (d) (A) Commissural vessels
(a) Amphibia (b) Osteichthyes (B) Lateral hearts
(c) Reptilia (d) Cyclostomata (C) Lateral oesophageal vessel
(e) Chondrichthyes (D) Sub neural vessel
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(e) (A) Commissural vessel (a) Eye colour in Drosophila
(B) Lateral hearts (b) Seed shape and colour in pea plants
(C) Sub neural vessel (c) ABO blood group in man
(D) Lateral oesophageal vessel (d) Haemophilia in man
77. The structure in earthworm which serves as a wedge to (e) Baldness in man
force open cracks in the soil is 86. The nuclear structure observed by Henkings in 50% of the
(a) Peristomium (b) Setae insect sperm after spermatogenesis was
(c) Clitellum (d) Typhlosole (a) X body (b) Autosome
(e) Prostomium (c) Y chromosome (d) Nucleolus
78. Which among these is not involved in excretion in (e) Polar body
cockroaches? 87. Physical association of genes on a chromosome is called
(a) Malphigian tubules (b) Nephrocytes (a) Repulsion (b) Linkage
(c) Urecose glands (d) Maxillary palps (c) Aneuploidy (d) Duplication
(e) Fat body (e) Polyploidy
79. Frogs 88. In the double-helical structure of DNA, the pitch of the
(a) are uricotelic helix is
(a) 3.4 nm (b) 0.34 nm
(b) have olfactory lobes in the midbrain
(c) 6.6 nm (d) 34 nm
(c) do not have renal portal system 9
(e) 6.6 10 m
(d) have lymphatic system
89. In the ribose of RNA, unlike DNA, every nucleotide residue
(e) have gall bladder which secretes bile
has an additional
80. Most of the cartilages in vertebrate embryo are replaced in
(a) COOH group in the 2'position
adult by
(b) OH group in the 5' position
(a) Blood (b) Bones
(c) OH group in the 2'position
(c) Tendons (d) Ligaments
(d) Phosphate group in the 2' position
(e) Muscle
(e) Uracil in the 5' position
81. Which one is a specialized connective tissue among these?
90. What is a nucleosome?
(a) Adipose tissue (b) Bone
(a) A vesicle containing positively charged histones
(c) Areolar tissue (d) Fibroblasts within nucleolus
(e) Muscle (b) They are similar to endosomes
82. The moiety present at the 5' end of ribose sugar in a (c) A structure formed by wrapping of negatively charged
polynucleotide is DNA around positively charged histone octamer
(a) OH (b) CH2 (d) They are the transforming principles discovered by
(c) Phosphate (d) Adenine Griffith
(e) 5' methyluracil (e) Negatively charged histone octamers
1 1 91. Microsatellites are
83. TT : Tt : tt is the binomial expansion of (a) Repetitive DNA sequences
4 2 4
(b) ESTs
2 2 (c) YAC
1 1 1 1
(a) T + t (b) T + t (d) BAC
2 2 4 4
(e) UTR
1 1
1 1
2 92. Some amino acids are coded by more than one codon as the
(c) T + t (d) T + t code is
4 2 2 4
(a) unambiguous (b) specific
2 (c) universal (d) punctuated
(e) T + t (e) degenerate
93. DNA replicates semi-conservatively was first shown in
84. Three alleles namely IA, IB and i control the blood grouping (a) Vicia faba
in human beings. How many different genotypes are likely (b) E. coli
to be present in the human population? (c) Streptococcus pneumoniae
(a) 2 (b) 4 (d) Drosophila
(c) 5 (d) 6 (e) Caenorhabditis elegans
(e) 7 94. The enzyme that catalyses transcription of RNA in bacteria
85. An example for codominance
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(a) DNA dependent RNA polymerase (b) Ptyalin converts proteins into proteoses and peptones
(b) RNA polymerase I (c) Crypts of Lieberkuhn is seen between the bases of
(c) DNA polymerase villi in the intestine
(d) RNA polymerase II (d) Sphincter of Oddi is present at the junction of
(e) RNA polymerase III oesophagus and cardiac stomach
95. A molecule to act as a genetic material has the following (e) Goblet cells secrete hydrochloric acid in stomach
103. The body temperature regulatory centre in the brain is
(i) should be able to replicate
(ii) should be structurally more stable (a) cerebellum (b) corpus callosum
(iii) should be more reactive and labile (c) hypothalamus (d) hippocampus
(iv) should provide scope for slow changes (e) amygdala
Choose the correct option 104. Identify the correctly matched structure and its secretion
(a) (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct (a) Brunner's gland - Salivary amylase
(b) (iii) alone is correct (b) Intestinal mucosa - Insulin
(c) (iii) and (iv) are correct (c) Gall bladder - Bile
(d) (i), (ii) and (iv) are correct
(d) Salivary gland - Lysozyme
(e) (i) alone is correct
(e) Goblet cells - HCl
96. Choose the correct statement among the following
(a) Taylor and his colleagues used E.coli to prove 105. The entry of food into the larynx is prevented by
semi-conservative replication of DNA (a) Mitral valve (b) Diaphragm
(b) In Griffith's experiment the mice infected with R-strain (c) Epiglottis (d) Hyoid
of streptococcus pneumoniae died due to pneumonia (e) Frenulum
(c) Hershey and Chase proved the transforming principle 106. Incomplete double circulation is seen in
(a) Fish (b) Amphibians
(d) Meselson and Stahl grew staphylococcus in a medium
containing cesium chloride to prove DNA is the genetic (c) Birds (d) Mammals
material (e) Arthropods
(e) Semi-conservative replication was experimentally 107. Gliding joint is present between the
proved by Meselson and Stahl (a) Carpals
97. A nanometre is (b) Humerus and pectoral girdle
(a) 109m (b) 104m (c) Carpal and metacarpal of thumb
(c) 106m (d) 1012m
(d) Knee
(e) 109m
98. The precursor of eukaryotic mRNA is (e) Atlas and Axis
(a) 5srRNA (b) tRNA 108. Choose the correct statement among the following
(c) rRNA (d) snRNA (a) Atrio-ventricular node is the pace maker that generates
(e) hnRNA action potential and initiates the atrial systole
99. The disorder caused by point mutation is (b) During each cardiac cycle, the 'lub' sound is due to the
(a) Down's syndrome (b) Sickle cell anemia closure of semilunar valves
(c) Klinefelter's syndrome (d) Tetany (c) Stroke volume in each cardiac cycle is approximately
(e) Turner's syndrome 170 ml of blood
100. The secretions of the brush border cells of the intestinal (d) QRS complex in an ECG indicates depolarisation of
mucosa along with the secretion of goblet cells constitute ventricles
(e) The opening between right atrium and right ventricle
(a) succus entericus (b) chyme
is guarded by bicuspid valve
(c) gastric juice (d) chylomicrons
109. Choose the wrong statement regarding urine formation
(e) bolus
101. The volume of air that will remain in the lungs after a normal (a) Filtration is non-selective process performed by
expiration is called glomerulus
(a) vital capacity (b) The glomerular capillary blood pressure causes
(b) functional residual capacity filtration of blood through three layers
(c) residual volume (c) GFR in a healthy individual is approximately
(d) total lung capacity 125 ml/min
(e) inspiratory capacity (d) A fall in GFR activates the JG cells to release renin
102. Choose the correct statement among the following (e) The ascending limb of the Henle's loop is permeable to
(a) The Buyintestional
books : mucosal epithelium has oxynitic cells
water but allows transport of electrolytes actively or 117. The projecting ridge in ampulla of semi-circular canals in
passively ear is called
110. Vasa recta refers to (a) Succus entericus (b) Maccula
(a) rectum region of the insects (c) Otolith (d) Crista ampullaris
(b) blood capillaries in invertebrates (e) Cochlea
(c) a fine blood capillary network of afferent arteriole 118. The pars distalis region of pituitary does not produce these
(d) a fine capillary which runs parallel to Henle's loop hormones
(e) juxtaglomerular complex of nephrons I. Melanocyte stimulating hormone
111. Find the wrongly matched pair. II. Vasopressin
Animal Excretory organ/Structure III. Prolactin IV. Growth hormone
(a) Balanoglossus - Proboscis gland
(a) III only (b) I and IV
(b) Earthworm - Nephridia
(c) II and IV (d) II and III
(c) Grasshopper - Malpighian tubules
(d) Prawn - Flame cells (e) I and II
(e) Amphioxus - Protonephridia 119. Function of the somatostatin is to
112. The condition in which the kidneys fail to conserve water (a) stimulate pituitary synthesis and release
leading to water loss and dehydration due to impaired ADH gonadotropins
synthesis or release is (b) inhibit the release of gonadotropins from pituitary
(a) Grave's disease (c) stimulate pituitary and promotes the secretion of
(b) Addison's disease growth hormone
(c) Diabetes insipidus (d) inhibit the release of growth hormone from the pituitary
(d) Cretinism
(e) stimulate the secretion of thyrotropin from thyroid
(e) Acromegaly
120. Identify the wrongly labelled part
113. The lumbar region of the vertebral column in man is made
up of
(a) 1 fused vertebra (b) 7 vertebrae
(c) 12 vertebrae (d) 5 vertebrae
(e) 2 vertebrae
114. Muscles of the heart are
(a) striated and voluntary
(b) non-striated and voluntary
(c) striated, unbranched and involuntary
(d) non-striated and involuntary
(e) striated, branched and involuntary
115. The skeletal muscle fibre is a 'syncytium', which means it is
(a) made up of many fibres
(b) made up of many proteins
(a) Primary follicle (b) Ovum
(c) long and slender
(c) Graafian follicle (d) Corpus luteum
(d) swollen in the middle with tapered ends
(e) Tertiary follicle
(e) multinucleated
116. The anterior portion of the sclera is called
(a) Lens (b) Iris
(c) Pupil (d) Ciliary body
(e) Cornea

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Paper-II : Biology 10. (c) Bacteria can be transformed in the following ways
1. (d) Ovule is attached to placenta by a slender stalk known (i) By microinjections - where in DNA can be injected
as funicle. Small gap is left at the integuments at one directly into the nucleus of cells to be transformed
end of the ovule, called micropyle. by using a micropipette. This technique was
2. (e) 3. (b) originally used in animal cells but has subsequently
been applied to plant cells.
4. (a) Primary producers occupied first trophic level in an
ecosystem. The energy formed by the green plants (ii) Gene gun/biolistic guns - Microscopic particles of
(producers) then flows through different trophic levels gold or tungsten are coated with the DNA of
of ecosystem i.e., primary, secondary and tertiary interest & bombarded onto cells. This technique is
consumers. known as biolistics.
5. (c) (a) - Partial regulators 11. (a) Bamboo species flower only once in their life time,
(b) - Regulators generally after 50 - 100 years, produce large numbers
(c) - Conformers of fruits and die.
1. Conformers 12. (e) The proteins encoded by the genes cry I Ac and cry II
Majority of the animals (up to 99%) and nearly all plants, Ab control the cotton bollworms, that of cry I Ab
cannot maintain a constant internal environment. Their controls corn borer.
body temperature and osmotic concentration changes 13. (b)
according to the surrounding conditions . Such animal 14. (b) The vast majority of bacteria do not synthesise their
and plants are called Conformers. own food but depend on other organisms or on dead
2. Regulators organic matter for food. Hence, they are heterotrophs.
Some animals maintain their homeostasis by 15. (c)
physiological or behavioural means. All birds and 16. (c) Cellulosic cell wall is present only in plant cell. Blue
mammals (Homeothermic or Warm blooded) and a few green algae come under eubacteria.
lower vertebrates and invertebrates can maintain 17. (a) In 1971, T. O. Diener discovered a new infectious agent
constant body temperature and constant osmotic that was smaller than viruses.
concentration regardless of th e surroundin g
18. (e) 19. (b)
conditions. Such organisms are called Regulators.
20. (c) They do not grow in polluted areas.
3. Partial regulators
21. (a) Rhizome in ginger store food and cucumber develops
If the stressful condition are localized, the animals can
escape in place and migrate to nearby region, having stem tendrils from axillary buds.
better environmental conditions. If the unfavourable 22. (c) (a) and (b) are correct. Alstonia leaves show whorled
conditions are for a shorter duration then the animals phyllotaxy. In Australian Acacia, the leaves are small
can escape in time and avoid those conditions and short-lived. The petioles in these plants expand,
suspending their activities. Such organisms are partial become green and synthesise food.
regulators. 23. (a) Bryophytes include mosses and liver worts whereas
6. (b) Phosphorus cycle is an example of sedimentary cycle. the pteridophytes include horsetails and ferns.
Pyramid of biomass of aquatic ecosystem is inverted. 24. (b) Heterospory is considered an important step in the
If decomposition leads to the formation of colloidal development of seed habit.
organic matter (humus), the process is called 25. (b) The gymnosperms are heterosporous. The male and
humification. Simple food chains are very rare in nature. female gametophytes do not have independent free
This is because each organism may obtain food from living existance. Ovules are not enclosed by ovary, in
more than one trophic level. Pyramid of energy is gymnosperms. Pollengrains released from
always upright because during the flow of energy microsporangium. The diploid sporophyte is dominant.
from one trophic level to the next one. There always 26. (d) The anthers following meosis produces pollen grains.
occurs a loss of energy. In an embryosac, the primary endosperm nucleus (PEN)
7. (e) Productivity refers to the rate of biomass production is triploid.
i.e. the rate at which sunlight is captured by producers
27. (e) Ovary is tricarpellary in Liliaceae.
for the synthesis of energy rich organic compounds. 28. (a)
8. (b) Mammals from colder climate have shorter ears and 29. (b) Belladona is a medicinal plant.
limbs minimizing exposed surface area to minimize heat
30. (d)
9. (b) Hydrarch succession takes place in wetter areas like 31. (e) Suberin is present in casparian strips. Polyarch xylem
ponds, lakes etc. In newly cooled lava primary bundles are the features of monocot root.
succession occurs.
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32. (e) Lenticels permit the exchange of gases between the Frederick T Addicott and his co-workers - Abscisic
outer atmosphere and the internal tissue of the stem. acid
These occur in most woody trees. 56. (e) Abscisic acid stimulates closure of stomata and
33. (a) ethylene influences swelling of axis in dicot plants.
34. (b) Parenchyma cell walls are made up of cellulose. 57. (e) The site of perception of light / dark duration is the
35. (c) In some bacteria (e.g., Bacillus subtilis) the plasma leaf.
membrane from certain invaginations or infoldings are 58. (a) Perisperm is the persistent nucellus in seed of pepper
called mesosomes in the cytoplasm. The mesosomes and beet.
have various function, viz., respiratory, secretory etc. 59. (e)
36. (d) 37. (b) 60. (b) Megaspore mother cell is diploid. It undergoes meiosis
38. (c) The given figure represents nucleic acid adenylic acid. to produce 4 haploid megaspores.
39. (b) Mitosis usually results in the production of diploid 61. (c) A primary spermatocyte completes the first meiotic
daughter cells with identical genetic compliment. division (reduction division) leading to formation of
A very significant contribution of mitosis is cell repair. 2 equal, haploid cells called secondary spermatocytes
40. (e) The sequence of amino acids in a protein represents which have only 23 chromosomes each. Each secondary
the primary structure. In proteins, only right handed spermatocyte undergoes second meiotic division to
helices are observed. Adult human haemoglobin produce two haploid spermatids.
consists of four subunits. 62. (a) LNG - 20 and progestasert are the hormone producing
The left end of protein is N-terminal and right end of intra uterine Devices (IUDs).
protein is C - terminal. 63. (e)
Proteins are heteropolymers containing strings of 64. (c) Sacred grooves, Jaintia hills in Meghalaya.
amino acids. 65. (d) Cytokine barrier is interferon. Virus infected cells secrete
41. (d) Interphase consists of G1 S and G2. proteins called interferons which protect non-infected
Mitosis is divided into four stages :- Prophase, cells from further viral infection.
Metaphase Anaphase and Telophase. 66. (c) Ring worms are caused by fungi belonging to genera
42. (e) Microsporum, Trichophyton and Epidermophyton.
43. (d) Curcumin and Vinblastine are secondary metabolites 67. (e) B - lymphocytes mediates humoral immunity. Colostrum
belong to drugs. Morphine and codeine belong to has abundant lgA antibodies.
alkaloids and Abrin belongs to toxins. 68. (a) Bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is used as
44. (d) The process of loading at source produces a hypertonic microbial control agent in order to control butterfly
condition in phloem. caterpillars. It is sprayed on plants like Brassica and
fruit trees which are attacked by insect larvae. In the
45. (c) Pinus seeds cannot germinate without mycorrhiza.
gut of larvae, Bt release toxin and insect larvae are
46. (e) Melvin Calvin discovered PGA as first CO2 fixation killed. It kills only caterpillars, leaving all other insects
product in algal photosynthesis. unharmed.
47. (a) 48. (a) 69. (a) Homo habilis were first human - like being. The brain
49. (c) Plasmolysis occurs when water moves out of the cell. capacities were between 650 - 800 cc. They probably
Cells shrink in hypertonic solution. did not eat meat.
50. (b) FAD is an electron acceptor in TCA cycle during 70. (d) Oparin proposed the idea of chemical evolution in 1923
oxidation of succinic acid to malic acid. and a similar idea was independently proposed by
51. (a) Maximum absorption of light by chlorophyll-a at blue Haldane in 1928. The modern theory is, therefore, also
and red regions. known as oparin - Haldane theory.
52. (c) 71. (d) Tendrils of Bougainvillea and Cucurbita show
53. (d) In glycolysis oxidation takes place when 3-phospho- homologous structures.
glyceraldehyde is converted to 1, 3bisphosphoglycerate, 72. (b) Flame cells are specialized cells of platyhelminthes
where NAD is reduced to NADH (flatworms) for excretion and osmoregulation.
54. (d) Only ATP is produced durin g cyclic 73. (a) The adult echinoderms are radially symmetrical but
photophosphorylation but no NADPH + H+. Both ATP larvae are bilaterally symmetrical. They are triploblastic
and NADPH + H+ are synthesised in Non-cyclic and coelomate animals. Fertilization is usually external
photophosphorylation. and indirect development is observed.
55. (b) E. kurosawa - Gibberellin 74. (d) All living members of the class Cyclostomata are
Skoog and miller - Cytokinin ectoparasites on some fishes. They have a sucking
Cousins - Ethylene and circular mouth without jaws.
F.W. Went - Auxin 75. (a)

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76. (c) All the labelled options in (C) are correct for circulatory DNA with polarity 3' 5' acts as template strand and
system of Earthworm. the DNA strand with polarity 5' 3' acts as coding
77. (e) Prostomium is a wedge like structure to force open strand.
cracks in the soil, seen on the anterior end of earthworm. e.g. 3' ATGCATGCATGCATGC 5' template
78. (d) Maxillary palps are the part of cockroach mouth. strand.
79. (d) Frogs are ureotelic and have olfactory lobes in the fore 5' TACGTACGTACGTACG 3' coding strand.
brain. Liver secretes bile that is stored in the gall bladder. Transcription is carried out by DNA dependent RNA
They have both hepatic as well as renal portal system. polymerase.
80. (b) Most of the cartilages in vertebrate embryos are 95. (d) 96. (e) 97. (a)
replaced by bones in adults. 98. (e) The RNA polymerase II transcribes precursor of
81. (b) Bones and blood are the specialized connective mRNA,the heterogenous nuclear RNA (hnRNA).
tissues. 99. (b) Single gene mutation in DNA results change in mRNA
82. (c) In a nucleic acid a phosphate moiety links the 3' - carbon and cause sickle - cell anaemia.
of one sugar of one nucleotide to the 5' - carbon of the 100. (a)
sugar of the succeeding nucleotide. 101. (b) Functional Residual Capacity is the volume of air that
83. (a) The given binomial expansion is the F2 - generation of will remain in the lungs after a normal expiration. This
monohybrid cross. includes Expiratory Reserve Volume (ERV) and Residual
84. (d) Six genotypes and four phenotypes are there in ABO - Volume (RV).
blood group. 102. (c)
85. (c) In codominance, both the alleles of a gene are equally 103. (c) Hypothalamus controls body temperature, urge of
dominant i.e. the dominant character is not able to eating and drinking.
suppress the recessive character & thus both the 104. (b)
characters appear side by side in F 1 hybrids. F1 105. (c) Epiglottis is a cartilaginous flap of glottis.
generation resembles both the parents. E.g., ABO blood 106. (b) In amphibians and reptiles the left atrium receives
group. oxygenated blood from the gills/lungs/skin and the right
86. (a) Henking (1896), while working on Squash Bug atrium gets the deoxygenated blood from other body
(Pyrrocoris) and other insects traced a nuclear parts. However, they get mixed up in the single ventricle
structure all through the spermatogenesis and which pumps out mixed blood (incomplete blood
observed that 50% of the sperms received this structure circulation).
and other 50% did not. Henking called it X-body but 107. (a)
could not explain its significance. 108. (d) QRS complex initiates ventricular contraction.
87. (b) Linkage is an association of closed packed genes in a 109. (e) The ascending limb of Henle's loop is non-permeable
chromosome. to water.
88. (a) DNA strand coils right - handedly at a pitch (10 base 110. (d)
pairs or 1 complete turn) of 3.4 nm. (34 ) 111. (d) Prawns have green glands or antennal glands for
89. (c) OH group in 2' - position of ribose sugar gives reactive excretion.
nature of RNA. 112. (c) 113. (d)
90. (c) A structure formed by wrapping of negatively charged 114. (e) Muscles of the heart are striated, branched and
DNA around positively charged histone octamer. involuntary.
91. (a) Every individual organism is unique. DNA sequences 115. (e) Multinucleated animal cells are known as syncytium.
have some specific regions in DNA called repetitive 116. (e) Cornea is the anterior part of sclera.
DNA which are short, stretch and repeated many 117. (d) Crista ampullaris possess hair cells.
times. 118. (e) Pars intermedia secretes only one hormone called
These short nucleotide repeats vary in number from melanocyte stimulating hormone (MSH).
person to person and are called variable number of Neurohypophysis (pars nervosa) also known as
tandem repeat (VNTR). VNTR belongs to class of posterior pituitary, stores and releases two hormones
satellite DNA referred to as minisatellite. Size of VNTR called oxytocin and vasopressin which are actually
varies from 1 to 20 bp. synthesised by the hypothalamus and are transported
92. (e) axonally to neurohypophysis.
93. (b) Experimental evidences of DNA replication is carried 119. (d) Somatostatin from the hypothalamus inhibits the
in E.coli. release of growth hormone from the pituitary.
94. (a) Process of copying genetic information from DNA to 120. (d)
RNA is called transcription. At a time only one DNA
strand is being transcribed into RNA. The strand of

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