Essay by Artist Mark Vallen - Why All Art Is Political
Essay by Artist Mark Vallen - Why All Art Is Political
Essay by Artist Mark Vallen - Why All Art Is Political
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Surely the great works of Ben Shahn, Diego Rivera, and Kthe Kollwitz
are masterpieces of subjective commentary and observation on the
state of the world. Are those works boring? Should the artists have
restricted themselves to painting non-controversial subjects and left
political concerns to the politicians? Would humanity be richer if that
had been the case?
When Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel ceiling for the Vatican,
was the process free of politics? When Europe's 19th century classical
artists created exotic "orientalist" paintings of Arabs during a period of
intense Western colonization of the region, were those images free of a
political viewpoint? When Nelson Rockefeller referred to modern
abstract expressionism as "free enterprise painting", was he not
offering a political definition of art? 1/2
22/08/2017 Essay by artist Mark Vallen - Why all art is political
reality. It is an ironclad fact that an artist must eat and pay rent, and
so it is also an irreducible fact that we are bound to political
arrangements. 2/2