Project Work
Project Work
Project Work
Louis Ng
Wei Jian
Lee Hwee
Bryan Teo
5) Survey questions
We believe that teenage sex is a major problem in our society nowadays and that
is why we have decided to choose teenage sex as our topic for project work.
1) Brief information on topic
Although our main focus of this project work is unwanted pregnancy, its root
The dictionary meaning of teenage sex is, a teenager whose age ranges from 13-
we found out that the magnitude of this act is much worse than what a mere
There are many reasons why teenagers engage in sexual activities, such as
curiosity. A study conducted in 2006 also found that adolescents who were more
exposed to sexuality in the media were also more likely to engage in sexual
A report by Save the Children found that, annually, 13 million children are born to
women under age 20 worldwide. More than 90% of these births occur to women
has all but disappeared, and, although the occurrence of sexual intercourse
before marriage has risen, rates of adolescent childbearing are low at 4 to 8 per
1000. Although this is good news, we still aim to quell this rising trend.
2) Area of focus and information (Teenage pregnancies)
The reason why we chose teenage pregnancies out of all the other possible sub-
topics is because we believe it holds the most important decision that a pregnant
teenager can make. The decision would not only affect the female and the male,
but also the unborn baby’s life. We felt that not even giving the child a chance to
live in a stable background was not fair for the child, even more so if the couple
ages of 13–19) becoming pregnant. The term in everyday speech usually refers
to women who have not reached legal adulthood, which varies across the world,
intercourse and lack of contraceptive use may be factors in teen pregnancy. Most
teenage birthrate (per thousand women 15-19) is 6 for Singapore, which are
among the lowest in the world, however we must not take comfort in that but
The lack of education on safe sex, whether it’s from parents, schools, or
about methods of birth control and how to deal with peers who pressure them into
having sex before they are ready. Many pregnant teenagers do not have any
cognition of the central facts of sexuality. Some teens have said to be pressured
into having sex with their boyfriend when the teen was young and yet no one had
taught these teens how to deal with this pressure or to say "no". That is why our
3) Work allocation to the team members
In our project work, we have five members, all of which were capable in their own
way. Therefore, we decided to split the work and allocate the jobs to the group
Lee Hwee and Ze Bin were allocated to do our two forms of presentation, “Prezi”
and “Glogster”.
Louis and Wei Jian were to gather background information and come out with
Meanwhile, Bryan was allocated to handle the reports, organize dates to meet up
4) How our survey was conducted
Our survey questions were mainly divided into four sections for four different
groups of people. We have the general questions, questions for adults, teenage
boys and teenage girls. Our group discussed among us and decided to print out
copies of survey questions to be given out, completed and then collected back.
For the survey questions for adults, we decided to survey the teachers in our
school. A total of 25 copies of survey questions were given out to the teachers by
us. Before every morning assembly in the school plaza, we would walk around
giving out the questions to teachers and at the end of the day, we would collect
For the survey questions for teenage boys, we had decided to survey our very
of our level. Unfortunately not all the copies were returned and at the end we only
For the survey questions for teenage girls, we station ourselves at Junction 8
5) Survey questions and results
General questions:
- 12-14
- 14-16
- 16-18
- 18 and above
3. Do you agree that teenage sex is a growing problem? If so, what do you
1. What would you do if you found out that your teenage son/daughter is sexually
1. Have you ever had the thought of having sex with girls despite being underage?
2. What would you do if you realized that the girl you had sex with was pregnant?
1. Would you agree to your boy-friends suggestion of having sex with him?
15 Adults
12 to 14 14 to 16 16 to 18 18 and
These results were actually quite shocking because that the appropriate age to have sex
was 18 and above, and yet, there are quite a handful of people who have chosen between
the ranges of 12-18. This therefore, shows that we should create more awareness amongst
the public.
8) Suggestions for creating awareness among the community
As our group brainstormed for some suggestions to face this problem, we came out with
a few possible ways to deal with this rising trend
One of the ways to increase awareness among the community is to make use of sexuality
education during school assembly sessions, to educate the teenagers about these growing
problems. Also, apart from that, they should state the reason why it is a growing problem
and the effects of it.
Another way that our group came up with to face this problem was to make a short video
clip to show the teenagers. Also we will give suggestions on how to avoid getting
unwanted pregnancies during their teenage life.
Firstly, it is illegal and therefore, they should not get into trouble, due to their curiosity,
etc. but instead, focus on other important aspects on life, likes studies so as to get a better
job and future.
Secondly, if the girl gets unwanted pregnancy due to their curiosity, the boy would have
to take up responsibility for them, and majority of the teenage boys would not be so
matured to take up the full responsibility in the case of such events. It would be hard both
physically and mentally for the couple. For examples, the couple would have to find the
financial support for themselves and the baby. Therefore there are a lot of factors to
consider before engaging in teenage sex, as in might cause teenage pregnancy. As they
are in their teens they should not be having a family yet instead they should be studying
and focus in their studies.
10) Problems faced
We faced quite a few problems as we attempted the project. Some of our members had
quite busy schedules and therefore we could not meet up as a group to do the project. We
tried to get around this problem by meeting up in smaller groups, as this would provide
lesser distractions and we would be able to focus more.
Another problem that we faced was that none of our group members took the initiative to
start work; instead we all waited for our leader to give out instructions unfortunately he
did not give out much instruction and therefore we lagged a little behind the schedule.
However, we as the team members were also to be blamed. We were not properly
motivated as we were focused more on our studies. We later realized that we were
running short of time and re-prioritized our schedule so that we would have enough time
to complete our project properly, instead of giving a slip-shot piece of assignment.