5G User Equipment
5G User Equipment
5G User Equipment
August 8, 2017.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2727550
ABSTRACT Research and development on the next generation wireless systems, namely 5G, has
experienced explosive growth in recent years. In the physical layer, the massive multiple-input-multiple-
output (MIMO) technique and the use of high GHz frequency bands are two promising trends for adoption.
Millimeter-wave (mmWave) bands, such as 28, 38, 64, and 71 GHz, which were previously considered not
suitable for commercial cellular networks, will play an important role in 5G. Currently, most 5G research
deals with the algorithms and implementations of modulation and coding schemes, new spatial signal
processing technologies, new spectrum opportunities, channel modeling, 5G proof of concept systems, and
other system-level enabling technologies. In this paper, we first investigate the contemporary wireless user
equipment (UE) hardware design, and unveil the critical 5G UE hardware design constraints on circuits and
systems. On top of the said investigation and design tradeoff analysis, a new, highly reconfigurable system
architecture for 5G cellular user equipment, namely distributed phased arrays based MIMO (DPA-MIMO)
is proposed. Finally, the link budget calculation and data throughput numerical results are presented for the
evaluation of the proposed architecture.
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Y. Huo et al.: 5G Cellular User Equipment: From Theory to Practical Hardware Design
PA Power Amplifier maximum 100 MHz bandwidth (BW) that a mobile network
PAPR Peak-to-Average Power Ratio operator currently can support through enabling 5 CCs. If the
PCB Printed-Circuit Board RF bandwidth is fixed, such high SE requirement leads to
PDLT Peak Downlink Throughput using either higher order modulation scheme, more layers
PMU Power Management Unit of SM, or both. The PDLT is given by
PULT Peak Uplink Throughput
QAM Quadrature Amplitude Modulation PDLT (BRF NQAM NCA NMIMO ) (1)
QoE Quality of Experience where BRF is the RF bandwidth for one single carrier,
QoS Quality of Service NQAM represents the modulation order, NCA is the number
RF Radio Frequency of aggregated carriers, and NMIMO stands for the number of
RSSI Received Signal Strength Indicator MIMO spatial multiplexing layer. Therefore, the SE can be
RX Receiver expressed as
SAR Specific Absorption Rate
SE Spectral Efficiency SE (NQAM NCA NMIMO ). (2)
SiGe Silicon-Germanium Nevertheless, from the implementation point of view, high
SM Spatial Multiplexing modulation order and wide RF bandwidth unavoidably
SNR Signal-to-Noise Ratio require power-hungry, complicated and high-performance RF
SoC System-on-Chip and baseband circuits. On the other hand, high order of
SPDT Single Port Double Throw MIMO is confronted with the limitation of antennas physical
TDD Time Division Duplex dimension, spacing, and radiation efficiency (RE). Based
TSSI Transmitted Signal Strength Indicator on emerging UE design techniques, a mobile phone hand-
TX Transmitter set can accommodate at most 4 4 MIMO antennas with
UE User Equipment 256-QAM modulation [5], which theoretically boosts PDLT
UMa Urban Macrocell up to approximately 1960 Mbps when using 5 CCs. On the
UMi Urban Microcell other hand, such UE design already reaches the maximum
VGA Variable Gain Amplifier spatial multiplexing gain due to the limited hardware area for
embedding MIMO antennas of low GHz frequency bands.
I. INTRODUCTION As a result, at the UE end, the highest achievable SE is around
In the cellular world, tremendous efforts have been devoted 20 bits/s/Hz. With the said SE, achieving 10 Gbps PDLT
to delivering higher quality of service (QoS) and quality would require at least 500 MHz bandwidth, which is currently
of experience (QoE) since the very first cell phone call not possible in terms of the limited spectrum holdings of
was made in 1973. In the Third Generation Partnership service providers.
Project (3GPP) roadmap, several representative techniques Meanwhile, Wi-Fi technologies have been advancing
have marked the milestones to further accelerate such trend, rapidly. The cutting-edge off-the-shelf IEEE 802.11ac com-
namely: device-to-device (D2D) communication for boost- patible wireless products can support a 4 4 multi-user
ing geographic spectrum reusability [1]; heterogeneous and MIMO (MU-MIMO) for downlink. By using unlicensed
small-cell network (HetSNet) targeting at deploying small 60 GHz millimeter-wave (mmWave) frequency bands, wire-
cells in addition to macrocells at the same or different carrier less gigabit alliance (WiGig) IEEE 802.11ad products deliver
frequencies [2]; carrier aggregation (CA) for larger radio even higher data rate for short-range communications [5]. The
frequency (RF) bandwidths; new carrier type (NCT) for yet to be released IEEE 802.11ax and 802.11ay standards
increasing spectral efficiency and spectrum flexibility, and that are deemed as the successors of 802.11ac and 802.11ad
reducing interference and power consumption [3]; higher respectively, are expected to provide improved QoS such as
order modulation schemes and more layers of spatial mul- better communication coverage and reduced latency. Besides
tiplexing (SM) for higher spectral efficiency (SE). In 3GPP WiFi, Bluetooth, near-field communication (NFC) and global
release 12, 8 8 multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) navigation satellite system (GNSS) are also integrated in
for downlink, 4 4 MIMO for uplink, 5 carrier com- mobile handset terminals. These wireless technologies will
ponents (CCs) and 256 quadrature amplitude modula- compete with cellular for hardware resources and design
tion (QAM) are supported to satisfy the increasing wireless budget on an already highly compact, multi-functional, multi-
capacity needs. standard wireless handset terminal. For example, a huge chal-
As part of the QoS requirement of 5G networks, the lenge is to integrate antenna systems for different wireless
5G peak downlink throughput (PDLT) is expected to achieve technologies that occupy a very wide range of frequency
10 Gbps in the dense urban environments [4]. Delivering (from 700 MHz to almost 6 GHz), and implementing high
such high speed data to end-users is an essential prerequi- order MIMO can make it even more serious considering the
site for a satisfying QoE which is perceived subjectively. limited dimension of a mobile handset device.
Furthermore, this high PDLT can be translated into a very In light of these challenging issues in sub-6 GHz, the high
high SE requirement of at least 100 bits/s/Hz based on the GHz frequency bands used to be considered unsuitable for
the power budget and hardware area allocation, one more design trade-offs must be considered for a high-performance
critical technical challenge originates from the interference 5G UE. By taking the cellular standard as an example, the
among different components. For example, the display screen figure-of-merit (FOM) of a cellular UE can be formulated as
can cause the RF sensitivity degradation. Therefore, a sheet
of metallic microwave (MW) shield is normally put between Pn,max PDLTBand,n
Pm,max PDLTBands
n=1 Beff,n Pn + m=2 Beff,m Pm
the display unit and hardware part to enhance the isolation as FOMCellular,UE =
shown in Fig. 3 which briefly depicts a cell phone opened VUE MUE
from middle. Moreover, this MW shield can minimize the (6)
SAR in the common use cases when the screen side is held
close to the head of a smartphone user, as illustrated in Fig. 4. where PDLTBand,n
non-CA is the PDLT of the 3GPP band n when
carrier aggregation is not enabled (non-CA). Beff,n and Pn
stand for the effective bandwidth and power consumption
respectively, when the wireless UE works in the non-CA
mode. Moreover, the effective bandwidth is the bandwidth of
the used band which has excluded the guard band. Accord-
ingly, PDLTBands
CC,m represents the PDLT of the carrier aggrega-
tion of m CCs, and the superscript m, max is the maximum
number of CCs, defined to be up to 5 in 3GPP Release 13.
Thus, the first and second terms of the numerator add up
the energy-spectral efficiency of both non-CA and CA cases
for all cellular bands and CA combinations supported by the
wireless UE, then we divide the result by the volume VUE and
weight MUE of the wireless UE. The denominator reflects the
score of electrical-mechanical co-design and the portability
of the wireless UE. Therefore, the unit of FOMCellular,UE is
bit/Hz/Joule/mm3 /gram. It is obvious that more bands and
CCs, higher SE, smaller volume and weight, can result in a
FIGURE 3. Disassembly of a smartphone to front and back parts.
higher FOM of wireless UE, which means a better compre-
hensive design. It is worth mentioning that the material cost
of the UE is not taken into consideration in the equation for
well-defined comparison.
Apart from the path loss and atmospheric or rain attenua- multiplexing are quite different. It is not feasible and practical
tion loss, the building penetration loss depends on different to make an MN-element antenna array which is designed
materials. Particularly for the concrete wall, the penetration and optimized for beamforming to be perfectly used as MN
loss significantly increases with frequency [18], and it can be MIMO antennas and vice versa.
as high as 117 dB for 28 GHz. In light of these challenges, Consequently, at the UE end, a new system architecture
beamforming is mandatory at both the BS and UE end. needs to be proposed to enable the functionality including
both beamforming and spatial multiplexing, for different
B. NOVEL DISTRIBUTED PHASED ARRAY application scenarios.
BASED MIMO ARCHITECTURE Assuming the appearance of 5G mobile phone is similar to
Implementing mmWave beamforming at the UE end is more the emerging 4G ones, for example, the anticipated volume is
difficult than at the BS end since it is largely constrained by
high energy efficiency requirement, limitations in battery life
and hardware dimension which are key FOM contributors.
The conventional concept of BF is a method to increase the
signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) and reduce channel interference
of a single data stream, but does not provide spatial multi-
plexing gain by delivering multiple streams.
For the antenna array design of a BF module, the spacing
between antenna elements is critically important because
it is directly relevant to the grating lobe when the array
operates the beam steering. A grating lobe, or side lobe is
undesired in the antenna array because it degrades the gain
and radiation efficiency of an array [22]. Furthermore, for a
given maximum amount of beam steering max , the spacing d
between two neighboring antenna elements has to be main-
tained as [22]
d 1
, (7)
0 1 + cosmax
where 0 is the free space wavelength. Furthermore, a maxi-
mum spacing of 0 /2 is normally used to avoid grating lobes.
On the other hand, in a MIMO system, enough separation
between two antenna elements needs to be maintained so
that a good spatial multiplexing gain can be obtained. The
adjacent element spacing depends on the specific antenna
array design and use case. In order to avoid significant capac-
ity degradation, adjacent element spacing should be larger
than 1.50 for the uniform square array (USA) [23].
Therefore, the design principles for antenna arrays used
FIGURE 5. Proposed DPA-MIMO architecture in mobile phone handset
for beamforming and MIMO antennas used for spatial from back side transparent view.
around 160808 mm, and the SIM card slot is removed due 4) Based on the design methodologies and consideration
to the use of embedded subscriber identity module (eSIM) discussed above, placing BF modules at top two cor-
or virtual SIM that can be integrated into a chipset. To be ners, bottom two corners, and the central part of the
more specific, eSIM is designed and implemented by the UE mobile device is mandatory in order to overcome the
manufacturer, and it removes the need of physical SIM card human body (hand) blockage issue. Therefore, NBF is
while easing the process of switching service provider [21]. flexible but has to be more than 5 as long as it satisfies
It makes the UE device neat and user-friendly by getting rid the minimum isolation spacing. It is worth mentioning
of the physical SIM card tray, which is critical to not only the that, efficient adaptive beam tracking algorithms need
5G UE but also the internet of things devices such as wearable to be employed for both BS and UE ends so that the
devices. two beams from BS and UE can be precisely aligned
A proposed 5G prototyping hardware design is illustrated with acceptable latency.
in Fig. 5 where eight identical 8-element phased array based 5) From the wireless hardware design perspective, the
BF modules are distributed and placed in the back hous- distributed phased arrays based architecture can
ing of a mobile handset. This new architecture is referred help heat dissipation which is largely contributed
to as the distributed phased arrays based MIMO (DPA- by the PAs. In the state-of-the-art PA design for
MIMO) architecture, several advantages can be observed as 5G phased arrays, the power added efficiency (PAE) is
follows. below 20% [27]. Therefore the majority of the
1) Each BF module, embedding one RF transceiver DC power will be converted into the thermal energy
chain, realizes an active phased array of NANT (=8 in which increases the inner temperature of a mobile
this example) antenna elements. Now we can use handset and potentially leads to a critical failure of
an example to estimate the effective isotropic radi- the entire system. This issue is more pronounced when
ated power (EIRP). Assume that a PA has an output multiple mmWave PAs are integrated in the BF mod-
power of PPA , and the output power is split into NANT ules and the handset is operated at cell edge or with
equal parts and fed into a NANT -element phased array. heavy traffic load. By arranging the mmWave BF mod-
At the phased array output, we can obtain an EIRP ules in a distributed manner, it can largely mitigate
which is 10log10 (NANT ) (=9) dB higher than PPA . this self-heating issue. Otherwise a cooling device is
Furthermore, if we remove that PA and place one PA required [28], however it is difficult to implement in a
in the front-end path of each antenna element, and the compact mobile handset.
output power of all PAs is maintained at PPA (not scaled
down with the increased number of front-ends [6]), the C. BEAMFORMING MODULE HARDWARE DESIGN
EIRP can be boosted to be 20log10 (NANT ) (=18) dB The details of a BF module design are given in Fig. 7.
higher than PPA . Therefore, in this scenario, First, the antenna array top-down view is shown in Fig. 7(a).
NPA (= NANT ) PAs contribute the extra 10log10 (NANT ) Second, the layer on which the chipsets are mounted is
(=9) dB gain on top of the first EIRP, but at the cost of shown in Fig. 7(b). A type of material with low dielectric
higher power consumption. constant and small loss tangent is desired. As a matter of fact,
2) A total number of NBF (=8 in this example) there are several suitable integration technology candidates
BF modules, with enough spacing and isolation, can such as low temperature co-fired ceramics (LTCC), hybrid
also cooperate as 8 MIMO antennas to process a maxi- LTCC [29], multi-layer organics (MLO) [30], liquid crystal
mum number of 8 streams. Thus, the spatial multiplex- polymer (LCP) [31], etc. Considering the cost, mass produc-
ing gain can be obtained to further increase the link tion and industrial maturity [32], an MLO-like structure is
throughput by multiple times. adopted as it has shown profound value on commercial mass
3) The DPA-MIMO topology provides a solution to production in IEEE 802.11ad products [6].
human body blockage which could lead to severe In the cross section view of the BF module in Fig. 7(c),
attenuation at mmWave frequencies [24]. For example, Rogers RO4003C material is used for both antenna and
the attenuation can be as high as 30 to 40 dB for PCB substrate because it has a low loss tangent and a suitable
the 73 GHz band as given in [25]. According to the dielectric constant at the high GHz frequency. Accordingly,
study of mobile phone user habits [26], the mobile the effective wavelength e for the 28 GHz carrier can be cal-
handset is usually held in several popular positions as culated using (3)-(5). Moreover, the spacing among antenna
depicted in Fig. 6. In position (i) and (ii), thanks to the elements is set to 0 /2, thus W and L of the BF module
DPA-MIMO architecture, BF modules 1 and 2 can still are calculated as 25 and 18 mm, respectively, with some
work normally, either independently or cooperatively dimension margin.
in a 2 2 MIMO SM mode; in case (iii), BF modules Each BF module is connected with the MLB by coaxial
3-6 can work either independently or cooperatively in cables and coaxial connectors on PCBs, and BF modules
a 4 4 MIMO SM mode. Finally, in position (iv), all are arranged in the back housing of the mobile devices.
BF modules can work simultaneously and support a There are several critical factors in BF module arrangements.
8 8 MIMO SM mode. First, the spacing among BF modules, dISOL , should be kept
FIGURE 7. (a) Top-down view of the BF module. (b) Chipsets layer of the BF module. (c) Layout and cross-section view of the
BF module stack-up.
sufficiently large ( 1.50 , or 16 mm). Second, as long A 5G BF module accommodates multiple PAs in a very
as a good spacing is guaranteed, more BF modules can be small space. Therefore, a poor thermal design may cause its
embedded on the back housing of the mobile device thus temperature to rise to a threshold value which results in a
higher order MIMO can be obtained. However, this involves total failure of the BF module. Moreover, an overheated BF
trade-offs between wireless performance and limited hard- module can cause the entire UE system malfunction, and in
ware area or resource on mobile devices. These constraints some extreme cases, it can even compromise the users safety.
are much alleviated on tablet computers. The mmWave front Normally, more than one IC process is used to implement
end, control and calibration circuits can be designed and the mmWave RF transceiver chipsets, and therefore, more
fabricated using various conventional IC processes according than one die is used and shown in Fig. 7(c). With the current
to different design specifications and features. Connection mainstream IC processes, based on the emerging commercial
between the PAs, LNAs and antenna elements is built by products and the existing IC design experience, the total area
the stud bumps and the antenna feed lines routed inside the of chipsets can be well managed below 1010 mm according
package. The through package vias (TPVs) route the signals to mmWave IC designs in [6], [30] and [33]. Moreover, the
between the dies and the PCB, and they also dissipate the thickness of the BF module can be briefly calculated using
heat which is mainly generated from the PA dies in the BF the equation as below
module. The thermal design and TPVs design are very critical
because they are directly relevant to the cooling performance.
HBF = HANT + Hbump + Hdie + HPCB + Hconnector (8)
where HANT is the thickness of the mmWave patch antenna than the FR-4 laminate widely used for the MLB design
with an estimated thickness of 0.4 mm, Hbump is the stand in contemporary smartphones. Therefore, separating
bump thickness with a typical value of 50m, the die thick- BF modules and MLB design leads to cost effective
ness Hdie is usually 254m, the thickness of PCB, HPCB , is manufacturing for mass production.
less than 0.4 mm, and the flat coaxial connector (widely used Third, converting the mmWave frequency to the
in commercial products) has a thickness of only 0.4 mm. IF frequency directly and immediately on a BF module
Therefore, the total thickness including the surface mounted minimizes the front-end insertion loss. Moreover, better
coaxial connector can be made below 1.5 mm, and conse- signal integrity can be achieved since the connection
quently, a good form factor of 5G UE can be well maintained. is through coaxial cables instead of routing traces on
Moreover, the patch antenna design can be flexible and the MLB.
tailored to specific requirement. For example, it can be a Fourth, it offers the flexibility to handle various applica-
rectangular/circular microstrip patch, slot loop, Yagi-Uda, tions and scenarios without the need to reconfigure the
planar inverted-F, substrate integrated waveguide, etc. entire wireless system design. For example, the place-
As long as they fit into the BF module to construct a phased ment and number of BF modules in the handset can be
array, they can be used in our DPA-MIMO architecture. adjusted according to different system specifications and
The frequency band can be 28, 37, or 39 GHz for licensed use cases, which makes it cost-effective.
5G cellular networks. Last, the low GHz IF radio is less challenging to imple-
ment than its mmWave counterpart, and therefore, it
D. RF CIRCUIT DESIGN OF 5G CELLULAR UE can be designed and manufactured in the same IC pro-
Another important feature in the proposed RF circuit design cesses and SoCs, for legacy cellular standards such as
is a split-IF architecture whose block diagram is depicted in 3G and 4G. In addition, it can facilitate the test in
Fig. 8. The BF module not only integrates the active antenna mass production for both BF modules and IF radio plus
array to realize beamforming, but also enables frequency baseband modules [6].
conversion for both uplink and downlink. As shown in Fig. 8 Furthermore, a frequency plan is proposed as follows. Take
the BF module down-converts a high GHz 5G band signal to the 28 GHz frequency band as an example. As shown in
a low GHz intermediate frequency (IF) signal in the downlink Fig. 9, the IF frequency is set to 4.4 GHz, the radio control
path, and up-converts an IF signal to a 5G band signal in the signal is at 600 MHz, the reference clock signal is set to
uplink path. The local oscillator (LO) signal fLO1 can be tuned below 100 MHz, and power supply is a DC signal. These
and realize the frequency conversion for a 28 GHz frequency signals are all supplied over the coaxial cable, and separated
band 5G TDD signal. Furthermore, this RF architecture can or combined using quadplexers on both the BF modules
apply to 37 GHz, 39 GHz, and other 5G frequency bands and IF radio ends. The IF frequency is chosen at 4.4 GHz
after changing the LO frequency and corresponding hardware due to several reasons. First, it does not fall in any LTE
characteristics. band of 3GPP Rel. 14, neither any WiFi/GNSS frequency
The motivation and benefits of utilizing this RF architec- so that the desense issue of LTE/WiFi can be mitigated;
ture lie in several aspects: second, when conducting frequency up-conversion, its image
First, the challenging requirement for the slim form frequency can be easily filtered out since the image frequency
factor of a contemporary handset design strictly limits is separated from the desired frequency by 8.8 GHz; third,
the hardware dimension, and therefore it is not feasible the IF frequency is in the low GHz range and therefore using
to embed all BF modules on a larger MLB. cost-effective coaxial cables can satisfy the performance
Second, the high-performance mmWave circuits design requirement.
necessitates mmWave-enabled PCB such as Rogers In addition, the control signal is chosen to be operated
RO4003C which is more costly but electrically less lossy at 600 MHz. As shown in Fig. 9, the harmonics of the
FIGURE 12. 8 8 MIMO, BW=200 MHz, Nue = 8 8, peak downlink throughput versus various
deployment scenarios.
NANT NBF ), is set to 8 8 (=64). The bandwidth is set glass presented in [18] are also added into the propagation
to 200 MHz, and the UE is configured in MIMO with a loss models for analysis. Note that, the results under UMi
maximum of NBF (equals 8 in Fig. 12) layers. The penetration scenarios are not drawn because they are all above 10 Gbps
loss models of regular glass and infrared reflective (IRR) or around it. As can be observed, IRR glass that is widely
FIGURE 14. 28 GHz, 8 8 MIMO, BW=200 MHz, peak uplink throughput versus various deployment scenarios.
FIGURE 15. Regular glass, UMa NLOS, 8 8 MIMO, BW=200 MHz, peak data throughput versus distance for
various number of antenna elements on BS and UE ends.
Fig. 13 illustrates the communication between the and different numbers of antenna units on the BS end.
DPA-MIMO architecture based UE and the BS in 88 MIMO It shows that, a large number of receiver antenna elements
to deliver 8 streams simultaneously. When Narray is 256 and in the antenna array need to be enabled at the BS to com-
the carrier frequency is 28 GHz, the dimension of the 256- pensate for the large propagation loss. Again, the IRR glass
antenna elements array is approximately 100100 mm. In the induced attenuation largely degrades the uplink performance,
given example, there are totally 8 such BS units. It is feasible and therefore more antenna elements should be used at the
to embed 8 or even more groups of such mmWave antenna base station to enable stronger beamforming gain. Also, at the
arrays for practical hardware design of microcells and macro- mobile station, a maximum output of 43 dBm EIRP will limit
cells. As a matter of fact, the antenna array dimension can be the maximum output power of one single PA in the phased
further expanded to 200 200 mm so as to embed a 1024- array, and the relation can be expressed in the equation below:
antenna elements array, thereby increasing the SNR by an
EIRPUE,max = PPA,out + 20log10 (NANT ) (11)
additional 6 dB.
Furthermore, Fig. 14 plots the peak uplink throughput where PPA,out is the output power of one single PA, and NANT
(PULT) versus distance for various deployment scenarios stands for the number of antenna elements in the BF module.
FIGURE 16. IRR glass, UMa NLOS, 8 8 MIMO, BW=200 MHz, peak data throughput versus distance for
various number of antenna elements on BS and UE ends.
One of the major challenges lies in the stringent signal in recent years. We can observe that most of the previ-
bandwidth requirement of the ET modulator, because the ous works have used conventional beamforming, MIMO,
supply generally tracks the signal envelope continuously, Massive-MIMO, and MU-MIMO as the air interface tech-
which can be many times the bandwidth of the I/Q signal nology. According to the numerical analysis, the novel
components [54]. With respect to the new 5G mmWave band DPA-MIMO architecture not only provides the highest down-
occupying hundreds of MHz bandwidth, this challenge can link throughput at long distances, but also is able to address
be more pronounced. Nevertheless, some recently published the human body blockage issue which is not mentioned or
work [55] has shown a 70% efficient envelope modulator for dealt with in the previous 5G state-of-the-art research works.
an X-band PA with 100-MHz signal bandwidth, which can be
considered as a candidate ET technique for 5G applications. V. CONCLUSION
Finally, in the system-level design, the choice of NANT and In this paper, a system architecture and method for next
NBF can be very flexible according to the practical speci- generation wireless user equipment, or 5G cellular user
fication, performance target, and design constraints so that equipment design has been provided. By analyzing the chal-
the user equipment can handle different environments and lenges of contemporary wireless UE designs and emerging
situations. For example, in Fig. 5 and Fig. 11, NANT is 8 5G mmWave techniques, a novel DPA-MIMO architecture
and 16 respectively while NBF is fixed as 8, and the resulted and design method has been presented to overcome the lim-
wireless performance is summarized in Table 3. On the other itations of conventional MIMO structures. This work has
hand, for a specific UE design case where longer battery life provided a solution to the technical constraints and challenges
and more space are available, such as in a tablet computer as of the mobile handset design, such as human blockage, high
illustrated in Fig. 17, both NANT and NBF can be increased path loss, self-heating issues, which are more pronounced for
(to 16 in Fig. 17) to enable better wireless performance. future 5G cellular user equipment but cannot be solved using
the existing system architectures and methods. Moreover,
through numerical analysis, the proposed architecture has
D. PERFORMANCE COMPARISON been shown to increase the wireless link budget and enhance
WITH STATE-OF-THE-ART the data throughput under different use cases and various
Table 5 summarizes and compares the performance of BS deployment scenarios with highly flexible reconfigura-
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circuits, antennas and systems. As a result, this architecture cellular: It will work! IEEE Access, vol. 1, pp. 335349, 2013.
[20] Q. Zhao and J. Li, Rain attenuation in millimeter wave ranges, in Proc.
can facilitate a peak throughput of more than 10 Gb/s while Int. Symp. Antennas, Propag. EM Theory, Oct. 2006, pp. 14.
maintaining a slim form factor of mobile terminal devices. [21] L. Li, A. G. Mathias, and B. Juang, Provisioning an embedded subscriber
identity module, WO Patent 2 013 169 484 A1, Nov. 14, 2013.
[22] T. S. Rappaport, R. W. Heath. Jr., R. C. Daniels, and J. N. Murdock,
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Millimeter Wave Wireless Communications. Upper Saddle River, NJ, USA:
The authors would like to acknowledge Natural Sciences and Prentice-Hall, 2014.
[23] F. Rusek et al., Scaling up MIMO: Opportunities and challenges with
Engineering Research Council of Canada, and National Nat- very large arrays, IEEE Signal Process. Mag., vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 4060,
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[24] K. Zhao, J. Helander, D. Sjoberg, Sa. He, T. Bolin, and Z. Ying, User
Dr. Song Hu from Georgia Institute of Technology and body effect on phased array in user equipment for the 5G mmWave
Dr. Adrian Tang from NASA JPL for valuable discussions. communication system, IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag. Lett., vol. 16,
pp. 864867, 2017.
[25] G. R. MacCartney, S. Deng, S. Sun, and T. S. Rappaport, Millimeter-wave
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